Module 11 Financial Plan

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  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    MODULE 11


    ENT300: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan



    At the end of the session, students should beble to!

    • Understand the importance of preparing anancial plan

    • Understand the process of developing a nancial

    plan• Identify the components of a nancial plan• Analye the nancial position of the proposed


    "repare a nancial plan for a small !usiness

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan



    • A nancial plan incorporates all nancial data derivedfrom the operating !udgets i#e# the administration

    !udget$ mar%eting !udget and production &or

    operations' !udget#• Financial information from the operating !udgets is

    then translated or transformed into a nancial !udget#

    • (ased on the nancial data$ pro)ections are prepared

    via the follo*ing pro forma statements:1"  Csh #o$

    %"  In&o'e (o) *)o+t nd loss stte'ent

    -"  .ln&e sheet"

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan



    A nancial plan is crucial to the overall !usinessplan that is developed for a particular !usinessor pro)ect# Its importance can !e summarised

    as follo*s:

    +#  To determine the sie of investment

    ,#  To identify and propose the relevant sources of nance

    3#  To ensure that the initial capital is su-cient.#  To analyse the via!ility of the pro)ect !efore actual

    investment is committed

    /# To !e used as a guideline for pro)ect implementation

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan



     To develop a *or%a!le and meaningful nancialplan$ the entrepreneur has to follo* these steps:

      tep +: 1ather all nancial inputs  tep ,: 2etermine the pro)ect implementation cost

    tep 3: 2etermine the sources of nance

      tep .: "repare the pro forma cash o* statement

      tep /: "repare the pro forma income statement  tep 4: "repare the pro forma !alance sheets

      tep 5: "erform !asic nancial analysis

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 1!

    Gthe) the Finn&il In*ut•  The process of developing a nancial plan

    for a specic pro)ect !egins *ith theaccumulation of nancial information fromthe mar%eting$ operations andadministration plans#

    •  The nancial re6uirements for each plan arepresented in the form of !udgets %no*n asoperating budgets &i#e# mar%eting$operations and administration !udgets'

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 1!

    Gthe) the Finn&il In*ut

    • In addition$ the monthly or annual sales

    forecast derived earlier in the mar%etingplan is a very important input for thenancial plan#

    • After gathering all information the nancial

    plan is prepared in terms of nancial !udget#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* %!Dete)'ine the P)oe&t I'*le'enttion


    • A pro)ect implementation cost incorporates!oth long7term and short7term e8penditure

    needed to start a pro)ect#

    • Lon23te)' e4*enditu)e refers to suche8penditure as the procurement of plant$

    machinery$ e6uipment$ vehicles and other8ed assets needed !y the ne* !usiness#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* %!Dete)'ine the P)oe&t I'*le'enttion


    • Sho)t3te)' e4*enditu)e$ such as payments of utilities$salaries and *ages$ factory overheads$ purchase of ra*materials or inventories$ represent the amount of initial

    *or%ing capital re6uired to nance the daily operationuntil the !usiness gets its rst sale#

    • 9omponents of pro)ect implementation cost:

    Capital expenditure

    Working capital 

    Other expenditure

    Contingency cost 

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* -!Dete)'ine the Sou)&es of Finn&e

    • ources of nance refers to the sources*here funds to nance a particular pro)ectsimplementation costs can !e secured#

    •  These can !e categorised into internal ande8ternal sources#

    •  The inte)nl sou)&es mainly come in theform of e6uity contri!utions from theentrepreneurs# These contri!utions caneither !e in the form of cash or other assets#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* -!Dete)'ine the Sou)&es of Finn&e

    • E4te)nl sou)&es of nance are mainlyderived from commercial !an%s$ nancecompanies and government agencies# It maycome in the form of term loans$ hire purchaseor grants#

    •  The total amount of funds that has to be

    sourced should equal the total projectimplementation cost  calculated earlier# Thisis to ensure that the pro)ect is fully funded andto avoid the ris%s of under7nancing#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* -!Dete)'ine the Sou)&es of Finn&e

    • 9omponents of sources of nance:

    Internal sources

    E6uity contri!utions &cash and;or assets' E8ternal sources

     Term loan

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 5!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' Csh Flo$


    • P)o fo)' &sh #o$ stte'ent refers to the pro)ectedstatement of cash ino* and outo* throughout theplanned period#

    • Under normal circumstances$ the pro forma cash o*statement is prepared for three consecutive years$detailed !y month for the rst year and !y year for thesecond and third years#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 5!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' Csh Flo$


    •  The pro forma cash o* statement must !ea!le to sho* the follo*ing information:


    the pro)ected amount of cash o*ing into the!usiness#


    the pro)ected amount of cash o*ing out of the!usiness#

    CASH %&!ICI$

    O' S#'("#S 

    the di>erence !et*een cash ino*s and



    the !eginning and ending cash !alances for aparticular period#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 5!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' Csh Flo$


    Ele'ents of &sh in#o$s Ele'ents of &sh out#o$s

    E6uity contri!ution&cash'

     Term loan 9ash sales 9ollection of receiva!les =thers

    ?ar%eting e8penditure =perations e8penditure

    Administrativee8penditure  Term loan repayment

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    "ro Forma 9ash Flo* tatement

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    "ro Forma 9ash Flo* tatement

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 6!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' In&o'e Stte'ent

    •  The ne8t step in developing a nancial plan isto prepare the *)o fo)' in&o'estte'ent *hich sho*s the e8pected prot

    or loss for the planned period$ usually forthree consecutive years#

    •  The pro forma income statement consists of

    the follo*ing elements: Sles G)oss P)o+t7Loss

    Net P)o+t7Loss .efo)e T4

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    "ro Forma Income tatement

    E8ample: "ro Forma Income tatement

     @ear + @ear , @ear 3ales ,.0$000 ,54$000 3+5$.009ost of sales .$400 +03$00 +0B$.01ross prot +./$.00 +5,$+00 ,0B$.40

    Less: =perating E8penses?ar%eting e8penses +B$000 +B$00 +$B./Administrative e8penses 4$000 +00$B00 +0/$B.02epreciation charges 5$,00 5$,00 5$,00?iscellaneous ,$500 400 400

    +,3$00 +,5$/00 +33$.B/=perating income ,+$/00 ..$400 5.$5/

    Less: Financing e8penses:Interest on term loan .$/00 3$400 ,$500Interest on hire7purchase +$400 +$400 +$400

    4$+00 /$,00 .$300Net prot !efore ta8 +/$.00 3$.00 50$45/

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 8!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' .ln&e Sheet

    • Chile the pro forma income statement sho*sthe nancial performance of the !usiness forthe planned period$ the pro forma !alance

    sheet sho*s the nancial position of the!usiness at a specic point in time in termsof assets o*ned and ho* those assets arenanced#

    •  The pro forma !alance sheet is normallyprepared for a period of three years#

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    Ste* 8!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' .ln&e Sheet

    •  The pro forma !alance sheet consists of thefollo*ing elements:

    Assets =*ners e6uity


    •  The !alance sheet sho*s the follo*inge6uation:

    Assets 9 O$ne)s: e;uit< = Libilities

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 8!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' .ln&e Sheet

    • Assets are the economic resources of a !usiness thatare e8pected to !e of !enet in the future# Assetsreported in the !alance sheet are generally categoriedinto t*o categories: non3&u))ent nd &u))ent ssets#

    • Non3&u))ent ssets include 8ed assets and otherassets that are o*ned and usually held to produceproducts or services# These assets are not intended forsale in the short term# E8amples: property$ plant$

    machinery$ e6uipment$ vehicles$ ma)or renovations andlong7term investments# For 8ed assets$ the valuessho*n in the !alance sheet are the !oo% value i#e# theoriginal cost less the accumulated depreciation#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 8!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' .ln&e Sheet

    • Cu))ent ssets are short7term assets thatcan !e converted into cash *ithin a year#E8amples: cash$ inventories &ra* materials$

    *or%7in7process and;or nished goods'$receiva!les and other short7terminvestments#

    • O$ne)s: e;uit< refers to capitalcontri!utions from the o*ners orshareholders in terms of cash or assets plusthe accumulated amount of net income#

    ers a loss$ the

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 8!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' .ln&e Sheet

    • Libilities are the amounts o*ed !y the !usiness tooutsiders# They are categorised as non3&u))ent(lon23te)' nd &u))ent libilities"

    • Non3&u))ent or long7term lia!ilities refer to the long7term o!ligations of the !usiness that mature in aperiod of more than one year# They usually includelong7term loans as *ell as hire purchase#

    • Cu))ent libilities refer to the short7term o!ligationsof the !usiness that mature *ithin a period of lessthan a year# The most common forms of currentlia!ilities are accounts paya!le and accrued payments

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* 8!P)e*)e P)o Fo)' .ln&e Sheet

    E8ample: "ro Forma (alance heet

     @ear + @ear , @ear3Non3Cu))ent Assets (boo> ?lueDand !uilding ./$000 ./$000 ./$000?achinery e6uipment +B$.00 +3$B00 $,00Furniture 8tures /$400 .$,00 ,$B00enovation 3$,00 ,$.00 +$400Gehicles ,0$000 +/$000 +0$0002eposit B00 7 7

    3$000 B+$,00 4$.00Cu))ent AssetsInventory of ra* materials 3$000 3$/00 .$000Inventory of nished goods 3$000 .$000 /$0009ash .0$00 55$400 +./$/5/

      .4$00 B/$+00 +/.$/5/Totl Assets 1-@,@ 188,- %%-,@B6

    O$ne)s: E;uit<9apital 5,$/00 5,$/00 5,$/00Accumulated prot +/$.00 /.$B00 +,/$.5/

    B5$00 +,5$300 +5$5/Lon23te)' Libilities

     Term loan 34$000 ,5$000 +B$000

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* B!Pe)fo)' .si& Finn&il Anl

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* B!Pe)fo)' .si& Finn&il Anl

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* B!Pe)fo)' .si& Finn&il Anl

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    Ste* B!Pe)fo)' .si& Finn&il Anl

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    "iquidity 'atios

     The term li6uidity refers to the availa!ility ofli6uid assets to meet short7term o!ligations#

       Thus$ li6uidity ratios 'esu)e the bilit<

    of the business to *< its 'onthl< bills#

     The most *idely used li6uidity ratios are&u))ent )tio nd ;ui&> )tio"

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    "iquidity 'atios )Current 'atio*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Current assets RM53,500 RM114,350 RM256,645

    Curent liabilities RM 9,000 RM15,000 RM 21,600

    Current Ratio 5.94 7.62 11.88

    Current ratio can !e determined !y dividingtotal current assets !y total currentlia!ilities#

    1enerally$ this ratio sho*s the !usinessa!ility to generate cash to meet its short7term o!ligations#


    Cu))ent )tio 9 Totl &u))ent ssetsTotl &u))ent libilities

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    "iquidity 'atios )+uick 'atio*

    If the !usiness current ratio falls !elo* +$it means that the !usiness is in a seriousli6uidity situation# In most cases$ thecomforta!le current ratio for most!usinesses is J,#

    Quick ratio$ also %no*n as the acid testratio$ 'esu)es the e4tent to $hi&h&u))ent libilities )e &o?e)ed b<li;uid ssets"

     To determine 6uic% ratio$ the calculation ofli6uid assets does not ta%e into accountinventrories since it is sometimes di-cult

    to convert them into cash 6uic%ly#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    "iquidity 'atios )+uick 'atio*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Current assets RM53,500 RM114,350 RM256,645Inventories RM 7,000 RM 9,000 RM 12,000

    Current liabilities RM 9,000 RM15,000 RM 21,600

    Qui! Ratio 5.17 7.02 11.33

    ui&> )tio 9 Totl &u))ent ssets 3in?ento)ies Totl &u))ent libilities 

    In most cases, the comfortable quick ratio is ‘1’.

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    &,ciency 'atios

     The e-ciency ratios measure ho* e-cient the!usiness uses its assets to generate sales#

     The most *idely used e-ciency ratio for planningpurposes is inventory turnover ratio#

    Inentor! turnoer "or stock turnoer# measuresthe num!er of times inventories have !eenconverted into sales and indicates ho* li6uid the

    inventory is# All other things !eing e6ual$ thehigher the turnover gure$ the more li6uid the!usiness is#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


      &,ciency 'atios )In-entory $urno-er*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Cost o" sales RM227,000 RM254,600 RM278,460

     #vera$e inventor% RM 7,000 RM8,000 RM 10,500

    Inventor% turnover 32.42 ti&es 31.83 ti&es 26.5 ti&es

     This ratio divides the cost of sales &or cost ofgoods sold' !y the average value of inventory#

     The average value of inventory is derived !yadding the opening and closing !alance of and

    dividing the total !y t*o# 

    In?ento)< tu)no?e) 9 Cost of sles  A?e)2e in?ento)

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan



    (ro.tability 'atios

    "rota!ility ratios are important indicators ofthe !usiness nancial performance# Investors*ill particularly !e interested in these ratios

    since they measure the performance andgro*th potential of the !usiness#

    ome of the commonly used prota!ility ratios

    are gross prot margin$ net prot margin$ returnon assets and return on e6uity#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    $ross pro%t margin give a good indication ofnancial health of the !usiness# Cithout anade6uate gross margin$ the !usiness *ill !euna!le to pay its operating and other

    e8penses# 1ross prot margin is calculated !y dividing

    the !usiness gross income !y sales#

    G)oss *)o+t ')2in 9 G)oss *)o+t  Sles 

    (ro.tability 'atios )/ross (ro.t0argin*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    'ross (ro"it RM349,000 RM407,800 RM516,420

    )ales RM576,000 RM662,400 RM794,880

    'ross (ro"it &ar$in 60.59* 61.56* 64.97*

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    &et pro%t margin is an indication of ho*e>ective the !usiness is at cost control# Thehigher the net prot margin$ the more e>ectivethe !usiness is at converting sales into actual

    prot# Net prot margin is calculated !y dividing the

    !usiness net income !y sales#

    Net *)o+t ')2in 9 Net *)o+tSles

    (ro.tability 'atios )et (ro.t0argin*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    +et (ro"it RM 24,000 RM 58,850 RM139,695

    )ales RM576,000 RM662,400 RM794,880

    +et (ro"it &ar$in 4.16* 8.88* 17.57*

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    'eturn on assets measures the overall returnthat the !usiness is a!le to ma%e on its assets#

     This ratio is derived !y dividing the !usiness

    net prot !y total assets#

    Retu)n on ssets 9 Net *)o+tTotl ssets

    (ro.tability 'atios )'eturn onassets*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    +et (ro"it RM 24,000 RM 58,850 RM139,695

    otal assets RM270,000 RM302,350 RM415,645

    Return on assets 8.89* 19.46* 33.61*

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    'eturn on equit!  sho*s *hat the !usiness hasearned on its o*ners investment in the!usiness#

     This ratio is derived !y dividing the !usinessnet prot !y total e6uity#

    Retu)n on e;uit< 9 Net *)o+tTotl e;uit<

      (ro.tability 'atios )'eturn onequity*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    +et (ro"it RM 24,000 RM 58,850 RM139,695

    otal e-uit% RM129,500 RM188,350 RM328,045

    Return on e-uit% 18.53* 31.25* 42.58*

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


     This nal category of ratios is designed to helpthe entrepreneur measure the degree ofnancial ris% that his !usiness faces# (yreferring to this ratio$ the entrepreneur can

    assess his level of de!t and decide *hether it isappropriate for the !usiness#

     The most commonly used solvency ratios are

    total de!t &lia!ilities' to e6uity &also %no*n asleverage or gearing'$ total de!t to total assets$and times interest earned &also %no*n asinterest coverage'#

    Sol-ency 'atios

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    (he total debt to equit! ratio indicates *hatproportion of e6uity and de!t that thecompany is using to nance its assets#

     This ratio is calculated !y dividing the the totalde!t !y total e6uity#

    Debt to e;uit< )tio 9 Totl debt  Totl e;uit<

      Sol-ency 'atios )$he total debt to equity ratio  *

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    otal ebt RM141,000 RM114,000 RM 87,600

    otal e-uit% RM129,500 RM188,350 RM328,045

    /ebt to e-uit% ratio 1.09 1 0.61 1 0.27 1

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    (he debt to asset ratio measures thepercentage of the !usiness assets nanced !ycreditors relative to the percentage nanced!y the entrepreneur#

     This ratio is calculated !y dividing the totalde!ts !y total assets#

    Debt to e;uit< )tio 9 Totl debts  Totl ssets

      Sol-ency 'atios )$he debt toasset ratio  *

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    otal ebts RM141,000 RM114,000 RM87,600

    otal assets RM270,500 RM302,350 RM415,645

    /ebt to total assets ratio 52.13* 37.70* 21.08*

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


    (imes interest earned ratio measures thenum!er of times interest e8pense can !ecovered !y prot !efore interest and ta8#

     This ratio is calculated !y dividing totalinterest e8pense !y prot !efore interest andta8#

    Ti'e inte)est e)ned 9 P)o+t befo)einte)est t4 Inte)este4*ense

    Sol-ency 'atios )$imes interestearned ratio*

     Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    ro"it be"ore interest RM40,500 RM72,050 RM149,595

    Interest e(ense RM16,500 RM13,200 RM9,900

    i&e interest earne 2.45 ti&es 5.46 ti&es 15.11 ti&es

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan



     The nancial plan is an important part of the!usiness plan# It incorporates all nancial dataderived from the operating !udgets$ i#e# mar%eting$

    operations and administrative !udgets#

    (ased on this nancial data$ several nancialpro)ection tools are prepared to provide theentrepreneur *ith a clear picture of the amount of

    money needed to start a !usiness$ sources ofnance$ the amount of cash availa!le and thenancial performance and position of the !usiness#

  • 8/19/2019 Module 11 Financial Plan


     The output of a nancial plan covers pro)ectimplementation cost schedule$ sources ofnancing schedule$ pro forma cash o*statement$ pro forma income statement $ and

    pro forma !alance sheet#

     The !usiness nancial data gathered in thenancial statements are analysed in order to

    o!tain an overall nancial picture of the!usiness# The nancial ratios are used toanalyse the nancial performance of the!usiness#