M M odular odular E E arth arth S S ubmodel ubmodel Sy Sy stem (MESSy) stem (MESSy) http://www.messy-interface.org http://www.messy-interface.org Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving dynamical module (M7, GM7) thermodyn. aerosol composition module (EQSAM) aerosol sedimentation (SEDI) 14 CO / Radon (D14CO, DRADON) natural tracer, evaluation of tropospheric OH, STE / PBL transport Eulerian Transport Schemes (ADVECT) Lagrangian Transport Scheme (ATTILA, LGTMIX, STATATT) Gas-phase and Heterogeneous Chemistry (MECCA) based on MA-ECHAM4-CHEM, MATCH-NMHC8, MISTRA., using KPP Photolysis (PHOTO) fast on-line scheme Diagnostic and Output (TROPOP, SCOUT, VISO) (e.g., PBL and tropopause height) Scavenging (SCAV) below and in-cloud scavenging of gases and aerosols Dry Deposition (DRYDEP & EMDEP) dry deposition of gases and aerosols Convection & Convective Tracer Transport (CONVECT, CVTRANS) Stratospheric Water Vapor (H2O) Lightning NOx (LNOX) Tracers & Transport (TNUDGE, PTRAC, TFAMILY) nudging, passive tracer transport, and tracer-family transport MBL-Chemistry (MECCA-MBL) switchable from within MECCA Natural and Anthropogenic Emissions (EMIS, AEROEM, ONLEM, EMDEP) on-line biogenic surface emissions off-line anthropogenic emissions status 13.07.2004

Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

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Page 1: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

MModular odular EEarth arth SSubmodel ubmodel SySystem (MESSy)stem (MESSy)http://www.messy-interface.orghttp://www.messy-interface.org

Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC)micro-physics and sedimentation

Aerosol Physicssize-resolving dynamical module (M7, GM7)

thermodyn. aerosol composition module (EQSAM)aerosol sedimentation (SEDI)

14CO / Radon(D14CO, DRADON)

natural tracer, evaluation oftropospheric OH, STE / PBL transport

Eulerian Transport Schemes(ADVECT)

Lagrangian Transport Scheme(ATTILA, LGTMIX, STATATT)

Gas-phase and Heterogeneous Chemistry (MECCA) based on MA-ECHAM4-CHEM,


Photolysis (PHOTO)fast on-line scheme

Diagnostic and Output(TROPOP, SCOUT, VISO)

(e.g., PBL and tropopause height)

Scavenging (SCAV)below and in-cloud scavenging of

gases and aerosols

Dry Deposition (DRYDEP & EMDEP)dry deposition of gases and aerosols

Convection & Convective Tracer Transport


Stratospheric Water Vapor (H2O)

Lightning NOx (LNOX)

Tracers & Transport(TNUDGE, PTRAC, TFAMILY)nudging, passive tracer transport,

and tracer-family transport

MBL-Chemistry (MECCA-MBL)switchable from within MECCA

Natural and Anthropogenic Emissions (EMIS, AEROEM, ONLEM, EMDEP)on-line biogenic surface emissions off-line anthropogenic emissions

status 13.07.2004

Page 2: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

Available emission fields:

EDGAR32FT2000 (August 2005) gridded emissions (1° 1°): - Greenhouse gases: CO

2, CH

4, N

2O, HCFC's, PFCs, SF


- ozone precursor gases: CO, NOx, NMVOC, CH


- acidifying gases: NH3, NO

x, SO


- ship emissions (NOx, SO

2 ,Eyring et al.)

http://www.mnp.nl , http://edgar.jrc.it

added for current MESSy run:- air trafic 1995 (DLR)- LNO

x 5Tg/yr

- CH4 fixed


Page 3: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

EDGAR: For each country emission calculations by source category


Industry (B10 and F10)Power generation (B20 and F20)Other transformation sector (B30 and F30)Residential, commercial, other (B40 and F40)Road transport (F51)Non-road transport (F54)Air transport (F57)International shipping (F58)Coal production (F70)Oil production (F80)Gas production (F90)

Industrial processes

Iron and steel (I10)Non-Ferro (I20)Chemical industry (I30)Building materials (I40)Paper (I50)Food (I60)Solvents (I70)


Arable land (L10)Enteric fermentation (L20)Animal waste management (L30)

Biomass burning

Deforestation (L41)Savanna burning (L42)Agricultural waste burning (L43)Vegetation fires (L44)Post burn effects (L45)


Landfills (W10)Wastewater treatment (W20)Human wastewater disposal (W30)Waste incineration (W40)Misc. waste handling (W50)

courtesy J.v.Aardenne

Page 4: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

F10: Global gridded NOx emissions

courtesy J.v.Aardenne


Page 5: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

MESSy INITIALISTATION: Offline fields: NOx 2000, total sum January April

July October

Page 6: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

Emission heightsmissions height:Ground level sources

SO2 emisions in Delhi according to Gurjar et al. (in press), Olivier et al. (2002) and Streets et al. (2003)

Typical ground level sources

B30 charcoal productionB40/F40 residentialF51 road transportF54 nonroad transportF70 coal productionL10 agricultural landL20 AnimalsL30 Animal wasteW10 LandfillsW30 Human waste disposal

Not clear

B10/F10 small industriesF30 Other transformationF58 shippingF90 Gas productionI* industrial processesW50 Misc. waste handling

Typical elevated sources

B10/F10 large industriesB20/F20 Power plantsF57 air transportF80 oil production (flaring)L41 deforestationL42 savannah burningL44 vegetation fires

courtesy J.v.Aardenne

EDGARissions height:

Page 7: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving


January 2000, 6 different levels (z=40, 140, 240, 400, 600, 800m)

January, z = 45 m January, z = 140 m

January, z = 400 m January, z = 800 m

Page 8: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving


January/July 2000

January, z = 45 m January, z = 140 m

July, z = 45 m July, z = 140 m

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1995 aircraft NOx-emissions (column): cruise and climb



Page 10: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

Possible additional fields available from MESSy

Online calculated:- Isoprene- NO (soil)- Monoterpenes

can be provided from MESSy- temporal resolution: eg. monthly means- regridded to required spatial resolution

Page 11: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

Soil biogenic NO-emissions, daily variation19990816

MESSy: Online fields

T = 2.00 UTCT = 12.00 UTC

daily avg

Page 12: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

Isoprene-emissions 19990816

MESSy: Online fields: Isoprene, daily variability

T = 2.00 UTCT = 12.00 UTC

daily avg

Page 13: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving


MESSy: Online fields

T = 2.00 UTCT = 12.00 UTC

daily avg

Page 14: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

Settings for current impact runs:

resolution:- T42 (2.5 * 2.5), 90 levels (0-80 km)- start: (1.1.1998), focus on 2003- nudged meteo: operational ECMWF

- base input emission data: EDGAR32 FT2000- additionally: (updated) emissions from ship, road, aircraft- additional biogenic NO, Isoprene, Monoterpene (other?) from MPICHEM

- base run with all emissions- three runs with respective transport sources switched off

Page 15: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving


resolution:- T42 (2.5 * 2.5), pressure levels? 1km vertical spacing?- monthly means- daily, 4D for defined periods with maximum resolution (comparison with measurements !)

format: netcdf

output: key tracer: O3, CO, CH

4, CH



3, SO

2, OH

Page 16: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

F10: description

F10 Industry

- iron and steel (E.x.IND.y.IRO)- non-ferrous metals (E.x.IND.y.NFE)- pulp and paper (E.x.IND.y.PAP)- building materials (E.x.IND.y.NME)- food, beverages, tobacco (E.x.IND.y.FOO)- machinery (E.x.IND.y.MAC)- wood and wood products (E.x.IND.y.WOO)- transportation equipment (E.x.IND.y.TEQ)- construction (E.x.IND.y.CON)- textiles and leather (E.x.IND.y.TEX)- mining (E.x.IND.y.MIN)- non specified (E.x.IND.y.INO)


BC: Brown CoalCNF: Crude inputCP: Coal productsGAS: Gaseous fuelsHC: Hard coalTP1: Petroleum products (fuels)TP2: Petroleum products (non energy)

yBC: BRC (Lignite), PEA (Peat)CNF: ADD (Additives), CRU (Crude oil), NGL (Natural gas liquids), RFD (Refinery feedstocks)CP: BKB (Brown coal briquette), GCK (Gas Coke), OCK (Coke oven coke), PAT (Patent fuel)GAS: BGS (Blast furnace gas), GGS (Gasworks gas), LIF (Liquid fuel), MGS (Manufactured gases), NGS (Natural gas), NSC (Non specified combustable fuels), OGS (Coke oven gas), SGS (Oxygen steel furnace gas)HC: HDC (Hard coal, CKC, BTC and SBC)TP1: AVG (Aviation gasoline), DIE (Gasdiesel oil), ETH (Ethane), GJE (Gasoline type jet fuel), HFO (Residential fuel oil), JET (Jet fuel), LIQ (liquified petroleum gas), MOG (Motor gasoline), OKE (Other kerosene), RGS (Refinery gas)TP2: BIT (Bitumen), LUB (Lubricants), NAP (Naphta), OPR (Other petroleum), PCK (Petroleum coke), PWX (Paraffin waxes), WSP (White spirit)

courtesy J.v.Aardenne

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F51: NOx from road transport

courtesy J.v.Aardenne

Page 18: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

B40: Biofuel in residential sector

courtesy J.v.Aardenne

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Aircraft NOx-emissions (column)

Aircraft NOx (1995)


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INITIALISATION: Offline fields: NOx

July 2000, different levels

July, z = 45 m July, z = 140 m

July, z = 400 m July, z = 800 m

Page 21: Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)  Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) micro-physics and sedimentation Aerosol Physics size-resolving

Aircraft NOx-emissions (column), seasonal variation

Aircraft NOx (1995)

January April

July October

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Online fields

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Soil biogenic NO-emissions



Online fields

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Online fields: Isoprene: Seasonal variability

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240 Countries are defined in EDGAR