Modul 3b Pregatirea Proiectelor m Neagra v2

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Modul 3b Pregatirea Proiectelor m Neagra v2

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  • Common borders. Common solutions.

    Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013

    Tulcea, 17 September, Hotel Delta









    Welcoming remarks

    Outline and schedule of the event


    Session 1

    Guidelines for Grant Applicants




    To introduce the format of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants and what potential applicants/partners need to do to apply for projects under the open Call for Proposals


    Presentation of the format of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants for the current call

    Expected outputs/outcomes

    Awareness of the expected content of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants

    An understanding of CBC projects



    Session 2

    Grant Application Form

    (Annex A)




    To make the participants familiar with the structure of the Grant Application Form


    Presentation of the format of the Grant Application Form and the connection to upcoming sessions

    Expected outputs/outcomes

    Awareness of the Grant Application Form and understanding of its structure and logic



    Questions and Answers


    Questions and Answers



    Coffee break


    Session 3

    Developing project proposals

    (Annex C)



    Introduction of participants



    To clarify the key components of a project and how they should be presented on the application form including the Logical Framework and Groups of Activities

    An understanding of the benefits of using the Logical Framework and Group of Activities in planning, implementing and evaluating projects

  • Common borders. Common solutions.



    Content Description of the main components of a project outline, including:

    overall objective, specific objectives, expected results, activities,

    means, assumptions and risks

    Development of a Logical Framework and Group of Activities as tools for project preparation, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation

    Expected outputs/outcomes

    An understanding of the links between activities and specific project objectives and overall objective

    An understanding of the difference between specific project objectives and its overall objective i.e. the relevance of the project

    An understanding of the logic of project intervention

    Completed Logical Framework with objectives, activities, results and assumptions

    Completed Group of Activities




    Continuation of the previous session


    Session 4

    Preparing the project budget

    (Annex B)




    To help participants understand what are eligible costs, the required budget lines and their correlation with activities


    The rules for separate budget lines

    How to develop a project budget starting from the budget based on activities

    Expected outputs/outcomes

    An understanding of:

    o the separate budget lines

    o how to develop a budget starting from planned activities

    o eligible and non-eligible costs

    Completed Budget







    Questions and Answers

    Conclusions - Summary of what was covered

    Evaluation of the workshop

    Closing remarks

  • 1Application packageApplication package

    Guidelines for Grant Applicants Guidelines for Grant Applicants 1/31/3

    Sets out the rules for this Call for Proposals

    Documents to fill in:

    Annex A: Grant Application Form (Word format)

    Annex B: Budget (Excel format)

    Annex C: Logical Framework (Excel format)

    Annex D: Legal Entity Sheet (pdf format)

    Annex E*: Financial Identification Form (pdf format)

    Documents for information:

    Annex F*: Standard Grant Contract

    Annex G: Eligibility of Expenditure

    Annex H*: Standard Contribution Agreement

    Annex I*: Partnership Agreement

    Guidelines for Grant Applicants Guidelines for Grant Applicants 2/32/3

  • 2Eligibility of applicants and partners Eligibility of applicants and partners 1/21/2

    represent one of the following legal entities:

    a. national, regional or local public authority;

    b. body governed by public law;

    c. association formed by one or several national, regional or local

    public authorities or one or several bodies governed by public

    law, as defined under paragraphs a-b

    d. other non-profit organisation, other than legal entities

    defined under paragraph c;

    e. public undertaking operating in the water, energy and transport services sectors

    be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners, not acting as an intermediary and

    be located in the eligible area of the programme or

    be organizations whose headquarters are registered and located outside the programme area in actions implemented in the eligible area - but in one of the ten participating countries conditions:

    have local/regional subsidiary/branch offices established in the eligible area:

    i. in case of a subsidiary (legal personality) - subsidiary shall be Applicant;

    ii. in case of a branch (without legal personality) - central organization shall be Applicant;

    have no local/regional subsidiary/branch offices established in the eligible area, but:

    are located at central/national/regional level,

    have exclusive competences in a field of activity and/or geographical area and

    demonstrate that their areas of legal competences established by legal acts extend to the eligible area of the programme and

    the proposed Action is for the full benefit of the eligible area of the programme.

    Eligibility of applicants and partners Eligibility of applicants and partners 2/22/2

    public administrations and their institutions

    decentralised and/or local governmental public services

    development agencies

    public undertakings

    chambers of commerce

    agricultural, forestry and fishery authorities

    tourism public authorities

    urban and rural development institutions

    ports, rails and roads management authorities

    operators and service providers on electronic communication

    Potential applicants and partnersPotential applicants and partners environmental protection

    agencies and similar institutions

    waste, water and wastewater management bodies

    natural protected areas and reservations administrations

    emergency situations institutions

    protection against floods bodies

    cultural institutions and operators

    educational institutions,

    research and training institutions



  • 3Eligibility of partnershipsEligibility of partnerships

    one or several partners from EU Member States (BG, GR, RO) and

    one or several partners from Partner Countries (AM, AZ, GE, MD, RU, UA) and/or


    For Turkey - at least one partner from a MS and one partner from a PC.

    Recommended number of partners - between 3 and 10 partners.

    Priority to projects involving min. 3 partners from min. 3 different countries.

    ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities 1/3

    Beneficiary (Lead Partner): Applicant;

    Signs a Partnership Agreement with each partner - laying down arrangements for their relations - as a prior condition for concluding the Grant Contract with JMA;

    Signs the Grant Contract with JMA;

    Ensures coordination of the implementation of the Action;

    Transfers the ENPI contribution to project partners;

    Claims the reimbursement of expenses from JMA and transfer thesereimbursements to the partners;

    Ensures that the expenditure presented by project partners has been paid for the purpose of implementing the operation and corresponds to the activities agreed between the partners;

    Ensures the sound financial management of the whole project; it shall contract auditors or use the designated controllers for the verification of expenditure in accordance with programme procedures (PRAG);

    Organizes the recovery of amounts unduly spent;

    Provides the JMA with all data relevant for monitoring indicators;

    Records and store project documents.

    ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities 2/3

    Participation of Turkish partner (s) Turkish partners shall appoint an IPA Financial Lead Beneficiary (IPA FLB) among themselves

    IPA FLB shall cooperate closely with the ENPI

    Beneficiary for a successful implementation of the

    joint project and with the aim of ensuring single

    operational reporting of the project

    ENPI Grant Contract

    ENPI Beneficiary JMA

    IPA FLB CFCU in Turkey

    IPA Grant Contract

  • 4IPA LeadBeneficiary

    ENPI Beneficiary

    ENPI Partner 1

    IPA partner 1

    ENPIPartner 2


    IPA partner 1



    EC Delegation

    ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities 3/3

    Partners: Sign a Partnership Agreement with the Applicant as a prior

    condition for concluding the Grant Contract with JMA;

    Ensure the implementation of the project activities under their responsibility;

    Cooperate with the partners in the implementation of the project, reporting and monitoring;

    Provide financial and progress reports to the auditors/controllers for the verification of expenditure per each of the reporting periods and ensure full cooperation and assistance for the timely and accurate performance of verification;

    Assume responsibility in the event of any irregularity in the expenditure they have declared and repay the Beneficiary the amounts unduly received.

    Who else may be involved in Who else may be involved in

    implementing the projectimplementing the project

    Associates Do not meet the eligibility criteria

    Should be mentioned in the application form

    May not receive funding (except per diem and travel)

    May play a real role in the action

    Subcontractors For works, supplies, services

    Should not be mentioned in the application form (tendering procedure)

  • 5BeneficiaryBeneficiary capacitycapacity

    Beneficiary should have:

    Appropriate project management experience

    and track record

    Sufficient financial capacity

    Appropriate human resources

    Able to ensure that results are sustained and

    project records are kept

    Capacity of partnersCapacity of partners

    Partners should be able to:

    Receive and and properly use funds

    Finance activities

    Implement the required activities

    Provide required reports and keep required


    Tools for building partnershipsTools for building partnerships

    "Finding Partners" tools on RCBIs website onwww.rcbi.info Find partners in the Partner Countries

    Find Partners in EU Member States and Turkey

    Register to be included in the Partner Countries database

    "Partner Search" tool on www.blacksea-cbc.net Search for partners in all participating countries

    Register to be included in the database

    by country, by Priority and by Measure

    Submitting project ideas on www.blacksea-cbc.net only those project ideas explicitly mentioned as to be

    published will be posted in order to facilitate partnerships

  • 6Eligible actionsEligible actions

    Types of actions (projects): Integrated projects with different activities in several countries that

    jointly achieve a certain objective having a cross-border impact;

    Symmetrical projects with the similar activities in all countries participating in the project;

    Projects implemented mainly or entirely in a single participating-country but having a cross-border impact.

    Priority - integrated projects.

    Only 10% available for projects implemented mainly or entirely in a single participating-country, but having a cross-border impact.

    Cross-border impact: Joint development Joint implementation

    Joint staffing

    Joint financing

    Minimum requirement: 2 conditions out of 4.

    Indicative activities (1/3)Priority 1 Support to the promotion of traditional products from Black Sea agriculture

    on the international market;

    Development of cooperation networks aimed at promoting the use of information and communication technologies in local/regional economic initiatives;

    Pre-feasibility studies for small-scale transport infrastructures for a better integration of less developed areas and tourist destinations in the Basin;

    Common initiatives for promoting transit transportation infrastructures in the region aimed at increasing freight and passenger transportation efficiency.

    Creation of cross-border tourism products and common service standards(thematic routes, quality systems etc).

    Training for staff of local bodies and institutions supporting SMEs, especially for the improvement of capacity to operate in interregional initiatives (e.g. marketing plans, product development and small business management);

    Networks for the promotion of innovative urban and rural planning and management methodologies for urban development and rehabilitation;

    Establishment of a Black Sea Basin network for capacity building for local and regional administrators through the exchange of good practices and innovations for local development.

    Priority 2 Establishment or strengthening of networks for the development in

    partnership of methodologies and capabilities of the responsible rescue authorities in view of the response to oil spills on the coastal area and the mitigation of marine pollution;

    Support to the development in partnership of contingency plans in order to ensure the ability of the Black Sea coastal authorities to respond to pollution;

    Preparation/promotion or implementation of scientific studies in the fields of monitoring, control and protection of the maritime system and of rivers in the area.

    Development of concepts for coordination and cooperation in case of natural or man-made disasters

    The establishment or strengthening of networks for joint development of planning and management methodologies and the creation of databases for the natural protected areas of the Black Sea Basin;

    Support to information and educational activities, including awareness-raising campaigns, in the field of wastewater and solid waste management, water saving and waste recycling;

    Partnerships for innovation in waste management in regions with significant seasonal tourism flows that are concentrated in particular areas;

    Partnerships of authorities for the exchange of good practices and governance tools in the sectors of solid waste and wastewater management- based on EU approaches.

    Indicative activities (2/3)

  • 7Priority 3 Establishment of partnerships for the promotion of cultural heritage


    Establishing networks of cultural institutions in the Black Sea Basin for strengthening regional identity;

    The creation of networks of cultural centres, sharing cultural values from all regions

    The establishment of partnerships for the exchange of experiences with traditional popular culture through the promotion of common cultural events in the Black Sea Basin.

    Partnerships for the exchange of students and academics for the establishment of channels of cultural integration in the Black Sea Basin;

    Partnerships among universities, high schools and research centresaimed at the design and development of special educational programmesbased on topics of common interest in the Black Sea Basin;

    Networks for the exchange of experience in adapting education and vocational training systems to the needs of a market economy, based on common approaches.

    Indicative activities (3/3)

    Number of Number of

    applications and grants per Applicantapplications and grants per Applicant

    An Applicant may submit more than one application under this

    Call for Proposals.

    An Applicant may not be awarded more than three grants under

    this Call for Proposals, one grant per each priority.

    An Applicant may at the same time be partner in another


    Partners may take part in more than one application

    Eligibility of costsEligibility of costs

    Eligible direct costs

    Contingency reserve (max 2%)

    Eligible indirect costs (max 7% flat-rate)

    Contributions in kind - not eligible

    Ineligible costs

    Annex G: Eligibility of expenditure

  • 8Annexes and supporting documentsAnnexes and supporting documents

    Applicant / IPA FLB:

    1. Declaration by the Applicant (in Annex A)

    2. Legal Entity Sheet (Annex D)3. Financial Iden. Form (Annex E)4. Statutes or Art. of Association5. Registration Acts6. Latest accounts7. External Audit Report8. Certification9. Ad-hoc declaration


    1. Partnership Statement

    (in Annex A)

    2. Legal Entity Sheet (Annex D)

    4. Statutes or Art. of Association

    5. Registration Acts

    6. Latest accounts

    7. Certification

    8. Ad-hoc declaration

    Supporting documentsSupporting documents Statutes or Articles of Association

    all partners unofficial translations of relevant parts proving their eligibility not applying to public authorities

    Registration Acts all partners unofficial translations of extracts from national Registers of organizations not applying to public authorities

    Latest accounts all partners for the last financial year full unofficial translation not applying to public authorities

    External Audit Report Applicant and IPA FLB where the grant requested exceeds EUR 500,000 for the last financial year full unofficial translation not applying to public authorities and bodies governed by public law

    Certification proving payment of debts* all partners full unofficial translation before contract signature

    Ad-hoc declaration international organizations

    Where and how Where and how

    to send the applicationsto send the applications

    One original and 3 copies (A4 size) Also in electronic format (CD-Rom) in a unique file (pdf) In a sealed envelope by registered mail, private courier service

    or by hand-delivery

    Postal address Ministry of Regional Development and HousingGeneral Directorate for European Territorial CooperationDirectorate for International Territorial CooperationBulevardul Libertatii nr. 12, 040129 Bucuresti, sector 5, Romania

  • 9Useful informationUseful information

    Contact person:

    Ms. Sorina Canea, Programme Manager

    Directorate for International Territorial Cooperation

    Ministry of Regional Development and Housing

    [email protected]

    [email protected]


  • 1Grant Application FormGrant Application Form(Annex A)(Annex A)

    Grant Application FormGrant Application Form

    I. The Action Description of the Action

    Budget for the Action

    Experience of similar actionsII. Applicant


    IV. Partners of the ApplicantV. Associates

    VI. ChecklistVII. Declaration by the Aplicant

    VIII. Declaration by the IPA FLB

    IX. Indicators of the programme

    I.I. The Action The Action 1/5


    1.1. Title of the Action and acronym1.2. Locations of the Action

    1.3. Priority and Measure concerned

    1.4. Type of Action Type of project


    1.5. Cost of the Action and amount requested from JMA

    ,% (cannot be more than 90%)

    ,% (cannot be more than 90%)

    ENPI funds: EUR ......

    IPA partners: EUR ......

    Total grant: EUR ......

    ENPI partners: EUR .....

    IPA partners: EUR ......

    Total funds: EUR ......

    % of JMA co-financing / total eligible cost of the Action


    Amount requested

    from JMA (B)

    Total eligible cost of the Action


  • 2I.I. The Action The Action 2/5

    1.6. Summary

    1.7. Objectives

    1.8. Relevance of the Action Problems and their interrelations

    Target groups and final beneficiaries

    Specific problems and perceived needs and constraints of target groups

    Relevance to needs and constrains and how it will provide desired


    Relevance to the chosen objective and priority

    Demonstrate type of the project

    Demonstrate direct cross-border impact

    Integration of Community horizontal policies

    Links to policies and initiatives in the region

    Complementarity and synergies with other actions and avoidance of


    Building on results

    I.I. The Action The Action 3/5

    1.9. Description of the Action and its effectiveness

    Expected outputs and results

    Proposed activities and their effectiveness:

    Group of Activities 1

    Group of Activities 2

    Group of Activities 3 Visibility of the Action

    Group of Activities 4 Management and coordination of the


    I.I. The Action The Action 4/5

    1.10. Methodology Method of implementation and reasons

    Partners level of involvement and participation and reasons

    Organisational structure and team

    Main means

    Justification for participation of partners outside the programme area

    Attitudes of stakeholders and how it shall address them

    Procedures for follow-up and evaluation

    1.11. Duration and indicative action plan for implementing the Action

  • 3I.I. The Action The Action 5/5

    1.12. Sustainability Main preconditions and assumptions

    Risk analysis and possible contingency plans

    Secured sustainability:

    Financial sustainability

    Institutional level

    Policy level

    Environmental sustainability

    Springboard or multiplier effects

    1.13. Logical framework (Annex C)



    II.II. Applicant / Applicant / III.III. IPA FLBIPA FLB

    1. Identity2. Profile legal status

    3. Capacity to manage and implement actions

    3.1. Experience in project management

    3.2. Resources

    3.2.1. Financial data

    3.2.2. Financing sources

    3.2.3. Number of staff

    IV.IV. PartnersPartners

    1. Description2. Partnership StatementPartner/IPA FLB:

    Legal status

    Acceptance of obligations

    Sufficient capacity

    Partnership Agreement before Grant Contract

    Statement of financial commitment

    V.V. AssociatesAssociates

    1. Description

  • 4VII.VII. Declaration by ApplicantDeclaration by ApplicantLegal status

    Sources of financing and professional competence

    Bank account for the Action

    Acceptance of obligations foreseen in Partnership Statement

    Acceptance of contractual conditions

    VIII.VIII. Declaration by IPA FLBDeclaration by IPA FLBLegal status

    Sources of financing and professional competence

    Acceptance of obligations foreseen in Partnership Statement

    Acceptance of contractual conditions

    IX.IX. Indicators of the programmeIndicators of the programme

    Output indicators

    Result indicators

    VI.VI. ChecklistChecklist



    Evaluation and selectionEvaluation and selection


    Submission deadline has been respected

    Grant Application Form satisfies all the criteria specified in the


    STEP 2: VERIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY Declaration by the Applicant cross-checked with the annexes and

    supporting documents;

    Eligibility of Applicant, partners and Action verified according to



    Selection criteria

    Award criteria

    Additional criteria

  • 5Evaluation and selectionEvaluation and selection



    STEP 3: EVALUATION3.1 independent experts (assessors)- 2 experts per application

    3.2 Selection Committee- Chair: JMA- non voting member- Secretary: JTS- non voting member

    - 5 voting members - nominated by JMC- observers- nominated by JMC, EC

    List of proposed applications for selection

    JMC decision on selected applications

    65100Maximum total score

    -56. Priority for the programme

    Additional criteria

    -105. Budget and cost-effectiveness

    -154. Sustainability

    -253. Methodology

    20252. Relevance

    Award criteria

    12201. Technical, financial and operational capacity of the


    Selection criteria





    Evaluation GridEvaluation Grid-- for step 3for step 3

    Other annexes Other annexes 1/31/3

    Documents to fill in:

    Annex B: Budget (Excel format)

    Annex C: Logical Framework (Excel format)

    Annex D: Legal Entity Sheet (pdf format)

    Annex E*: Financial Identification Form (pdf format)

  • 6Documents for information (1/2):

    Annex F*: Standard Grant Contract

    Annex I: Description of the Action

    Annex II: General Conditions

    Annex III: Budget for the Action

    Annex IV: Contract-award procedures

    Annex V: Standard request for payment and financial identification form

    Annex VI: Model narrative (progress) and financial report

    Annex VII: Model report of factual findings and ToRs for expenditure verification

    Model report of factual findings and ToRs for a consolidated expenditure verification

    [Annex VIII: Model financial guarantee]

    Other annexesOther annexes 2/32/3

    Documents for information (2/2):

    Annex G: Eligibility of ExpenditureHuman resources


    Equipment and supplies


    Subcontracted services


    Contingency reserve (max 2%)

    Administrative costs (max 7% flat rate)

    Annex H*: Standard Contribution Agreement (IO)

    Annex I*: Partnership Agreement

    PA between ENPI Beneficiary and ENPI Partner

    PA between ENPI Beneficiary and IPA FLB

    Other annexesOther annexes 3/33/3

    Useful informationUseful information

    Contact person:

    Ms. Sorina Canea, Programme Manager

    Directorate for International Territorial Cooperation

    Ministry of Regional Development and Housing

    [email protected]

    [email protected]


  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Joint Operational ProgrammeBlack Sea 2007-2013

    Logical Framework(Annex C)

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-



    Main tool used in planning a project, that helps the creation of an intervention logic between activities, results, specific and general objective

    Allow to: Ask questions (who, when, how, how much) Identify the weaknesses Take the right decisions on time

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Structure 4 rows and 4 columns

    Vertical logic Identifies what project want to do Clarifies cause effect relation Specifies the presumptions and risks

    Horizontal logic Helps measuring the effects obtained therough the indicators

    (by using means and resources)

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Filing in
















    13 6




    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Intervention logicIF THEN relationship

    IF resources are provided, THEN activities can be undertaken;

    IF activities are undertaken, THEN results can be produced,

    IF results are produced, THEN specific objective will be obtained;

    IF the specific objective is achieved, THEN this will contribute to the general objective

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-














  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-



    Describe the general objective, specific objective (s) and results according to: Quantity (100 teachers teach in the high

    school) Quality (100 teachers teach in the high

    school geography) Time (100 teachers teach in the high school

    geography starting with 15 September 2006)

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Role of Indicators

    They answer to: How we will measure the contribution in

    order to reach the general objective

    How we will know that the specific objectives (aims) were fulfilled

    How we will know that results were achieved

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Types of Indicators

    Output indicators (of achievement the activities) Result indicators Impact indicators

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Output Indicators

    Relate to activity. They are often measured in physical or monetary units (e.g. number of km of a road built, number of firms having received financial support, number of training places provided etc.)

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Result Indicators

    Rpresent the direct and immediate effectsgenerated by a programme.

    They provide information on the changes that affect the behavior (or performance) of direct beneficiaries.

    These indicators may also be of a physical (reduction in journey time, number of successful trainees, number of roads accidents, etc.) or financial nature (induced investment by the private sector, decrease in transportation cost etc.).

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Impact Indicators

    Represent the consequences of the programme beyond the immediate effects on its direct beneficiaries.

    Two notions of impact may be defined, depending on whether these are effects occurring after a certain lapse of time (specificimpacts) but are directly linked to the action taken, or longer- term effects affecting a larger population (global impacts).

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    An indicator should be SMART Specific to the objective it is supposed to

    measure Measurable (either quantitatively or qualitatively) Available at an acceptable cost Relevant to the information needs of managers Time- bound so we know when we can expect

    the objective/target to be achieved

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Sources of Verification

    Respond to: HOW should information be collected; WHO collects and provides information WHEN and HOW OFTEN information have to

    be collected SoV will be specified with the indicators

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-



    To be avoided: Is the specific objective a CONSEQUENCE of

    the results and not merely a SUM of results? Are results DIFFERENT from activities? Are specific objectives DIFFERENT from

    results or activities? Are there RELEVANT assumptions set?

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Joint Operational ProgrammeBlack Sea 2007-2013

    Budget(Annex B)

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Compulsory components of the Budget

    sheet 1- Overall Budget sheet 2- Distribution per partners sheet 3- Distribution per activities sheet 4- Sources of funding

    Buget (xls) Justification made in the grant application form

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    General rules

    Budget should cover ALL eligible project costs, not just programme contribution

    UE funds cover a certain percentage of the total eligible costs and NOT a part of the action

    Budget should be realistic and cost-effective Actual costs should be supported by documentation

    (except for administrative costs - 7% flat rate) Project and implementing organisations cannot make a

    profit! Budget is set up in Euro Budget is an annex to the contract

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Eligible direct costs

    Only costs necessary for project implementation, and actually incurred during implementation

    1. Human resources

    2. Travel3. Equipment and supplies4. Offices5. Subcontracted services6. Other

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Ineligible costs Contribution in kind Debts and provisions for losses or debts Interest owed Items already financed in another framework Purchases of land or buildings (with exceptions) Currency exchange losses Taxes, including recoverable VAT Credits (loans) to third parties Fines and penalties

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    How to prepare the project budget?

    Take a look at your list of activities Develop your own separate excel sheet with a

    preliminary budget for each activity i.e. all costs, for each partner, of the preparation and implementation of the activity

    Enter the data from the preliminary budget into the Budget (Annex B)

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Overall budget 1

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Overall budget 22. Travel7

    2.1 Travel Per travel 0,00

    2.2 Per diem8 Per day 0,00

    2.3 Other travel expenditures Per day 0,00

    Subtotal Travel 0,00

    3. Equipment and supplies9

    3.1 Purchase of vehicles Per vehicle 0,00

    3.2 Rent of vehicles Per month 0,00

    3.3 Computer hardware/software Per item 0,00

    3.4 Machines, tools, spare parts/equipment (please specify) Per item 0,00

    3.5 Other (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need


    Subtotal Equipment and supplies 0,00

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Overall budget 34. Offices10

    4.1 Vehicle costs Per month 0,00

    4.2 Office rent Per month 0,00

    4.3 Furniture and office supplies Per month 0,00

    4.4 Other services (tel/fax, electricity/heating, maintenance)

    Per month 0,00

    Subtotal Offices 0,00

    5. Subcontracted services11

    5.1 External experts (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need

    Per expert 0,00

    5.2 Publications, study, research Per publication 0,00

    5.3 Costs for expenditure verification12 Per service 0,00

    5.4 Evaluation costs Per service 0,00

    5.5 Translation, interpreters Per page/Per day 0,00

    5.6 Financial services (bank guarantee costs etc.) Per service 0,00

    5.7 Costs of conferences/seminars Per seminar 0,00

    5.8 Visibility actions13 Per action 0,00

    5.9 Other (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need


    Subtotal Subcontracted services 0,00

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Overall budget 46. Other

    (please specify) 0,00

    (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need ` 0,00

    Subtotal Other 0,00

    7. Subtotal direct eligible costs of the Action (1-6) 0,00

    8. Provision for contingency reserve (maximum 2% of 7.Subtotal direct

    eligible costs of the Action)14 0,00

    9. Total direct eligible costs of the Action (7+8) 0,00

    10. Administrative costs (maximum 7% of 9. Total direct eligible costs

    of the Action)15 0,00

    11. Total eligible costs (9+10) 0,00

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Distribution per Partners

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-



    Applicant/ /IPA

    Financial LB

    Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 317 %

    1. Human resources 0,00

    2. Travel 0,00

    3. Equipment and supplies 0,00

    4. Offices 0,00

    5. Subcontracted services 0,00

    6. Other 0,00


    0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    8. Provision for contingency reserve (maximum 2% of 7. Subtotal direct eligible costs of the Action)



    0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    10. Administrative costs (maximum 7% of 9. Total direct eligible costs of the Action)



    0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Distribution per activities

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Annex B. Table 3 - Budget - Expected distribution per Group of Activities, partners18 and cost categories

    Partners 1 2 3 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11.

    GA 1

    Applicant/IPA Fin LB 0,00

    Partner 1 0,00

    Partner 2 0,00

    Partner 319 0,00

    GA 1 TOTAL 0,00

    GA 2

    Applicant/IPA Fin LB 0,00

    Partner 1 0,00

    Partner 2 0,00

    Partner 319 0,00

    GA 2 TOTAL 0,00

    GA 3

    Applicant/IPA Fin LB 0,00

    Partner 1 0,00

    Partner 2 0,00

    Partner 319 0,00

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Annex B. Budget for the Action1Expenses Unit # of units

    1. Human Resources1.1 Salaries (gross amounts, local staff)4 1.1.1 Technical 0

    Project co-ordinator Per month 10 1000 10 000Training manager Per month 9 800 7 200Lecturers (3 people X 6 months full time) Per month 18 1200 21 600

    1.1.2 Administrative/ support staffProject secretary (10 months X 50% of the time) Per month 5 500 2 500

    1.2 Salaries (gross amounts, expat/int. staff) 01.3 Per diems for missions/travel5 1.3.1 Abroad (staff assigned to the Action) Per diem 0 1.3.2 Local (staff assigned to the Action) Per diem 0 1.3.3 Seminar/conference participants Per diem 0

    Stipend (100 days X 90 participants) Per day 900 8 7 200Subtotal Human Resources 41 300

    2. Travel62.1. International travel Per flight2.2 Local transportation Local travel in the project area Per month 10 200 2 000Subtotal Travel 0

    3. Equipment and supplies73.1 Purchase or rent of vehicles Per vehicle 03.2 Furniture, computer equipment 0Computers unit 15 1300 19 5003.3 Spare parts/equipment for machines, tools 03.4 Other (please specify) 0Subtotal Equipment and supplies 19 500

    4. Local office/Action costs84.1 Vehicle costs Per month 04.2 Office rent Per month 04.3 Consumables - office supplies Per month 04.4 Other services (tel/fax, electricity/heating, maintenance) Per month 0Subtotal Local office/Action costs 0

    5. Other costs, services9

    5.1 Publications10 05.2 Studies, research10 05.3 Auditing costs 05.4 Evaluation costs 05.5 Translation, interpreters 05.6 Financial services (bank guarantee costs etc.) 05.7 Costs of conferences/seminars10 05.8 Visibility actionsSubtotal Other costs, services 0

    6. Other 0Subtotal Other 0

    7. Subtotal direct costs of the Action (1-6) 60 8008. Administrative costs (maximum 7% of 7, total direct eligible costs of the Action) 4 2569. Total eligible costs of the Action (7+ 8) 65 056

    Costs (in EUR)3

    Unit rate (in EUR)

    Budget for the action

    What are the project costs?

    Sources of funding

    Expected sources of funding Amount PercentageEUR of total


    Applicant's financial contribution 5 000 7.69%

    Commission contribution sought in this application 56 000 86.08%

    Contributions from other organisations:Name ConditionsTraining association 4 056 6.23%


    Direct revenue from the ActionOVERALL TOTAL 65 056 100.00%

    Contribution(s) from other European Institutions or EU Member StatesWho cover the


    Totals must be


    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    1. Human resourcesCategories:

    Technical staff responsible with the main activities of the projectproject manager, experts nedeed for specific activities

    Administrative / support staff hepls the technical staff in implementing the project secretary, accountant, etc

    If staff is not working full time, percentage will be provided Staff salaries must be almost equal with those currently applied by

    the beneficiary and partners Salaries include statutory deductions Check (National Authorities) whether salaries for civil servants are

    eligible costs: If civil servants salaries are eligible, they should be included here If civil servants salaries are not eligible, you may include them as your


    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Unit No. of units

    Unit rate(Euro)

    Cost (Euro)

    1. Human resources

    1.1 Technical staff

    Senior marketing expert (50% of the time) Per month

    4 900 3600

    Junior marketing expert (50% of the time) Per month

    8 450 3600

    Experts in the field Per month

    8 700 5600

    1.2 Administrative and support staffTechnical assistant Per

    month8 500 4000

    1. Human resources

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Travel per travelPer diem - per day Cover accommodation, meals, local travel and

    miscellaneous Are calculated Must not exceed the rates published by the European

    Commission at the time of signing the grant contract Be careful at national legislationOther travel expenditures - per day

    2. Travel

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    10015Per day 1500ex. Study Tour in Bulgaria (5 people x 3 days)

    2.2 Per diem

    20004005Per travelex. Bucharest Thessaloniki (5 people round trip)

    Unit rateNo. of units

    Unit Costs 2.1 Travel

    Subtotal Travel

    Per day2.3 Other travel expenditures

    2. Travel

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    3. Equipment and supplies

    Purchase (new) or rental (new or used): Computers hardware / software Furniture, office equipment Vehicles Tools, spare parts etc.

    Have to be justified, needed for the project implementation

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    4. Offices

    Directly allocated for premises rented esspeciallyfor implementing the project

    Vehicle costs Office rent Office supplies Other services (heating, electricity, maintenance,


    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    5. Subcontracted services If there is no necessary expertise, external expertise

    may be contracted - these costs should be included here(if the members of the team are directly employed -

    work contract or similar - these costs should be included in Human resources budget line)

    Organisations of meeting and events Information and publicity costs Expenditure verification costs Financial services

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    5.1 External experts

    Unit No. of units

    Unit rate(Euro)

    Cost (Euro)

    5. Subcontracted services

    5.2 Publications, studies, researchTouristic guide Per copy 500 2 1000Field research Per interview 100 10 1000

    5. Subcontracted services

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    6. Other costs

    Will be specified Costs needed for the project but not included in

    the previous headings

    Costs according the national legislation

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    7. Subtotal direct eligible costs

    Budget headings 1 6:

    1. Human resources

    2. Travel3. Equipment and supplies4. Offices5. Subcontracted services6. Other costs

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    8. Contingency reserve

    Maxim 2% of subtotal direct eligible costs (heading 7)

    May only be used with the prior writtenauthorisation of the Joint Managing Authority (for ENPI) and CFCU in Turkey (for IPA)

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    9. Total direct eligible costsBudget headings 1 8:

    1. Human resources

    2. Travel3. Equipment and supplies4. Offices5. Subcontracted services6. Other costs7. Subtotal direct eligible costs8. Contingency reserve

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    10. Administrative costsEligible indirect costs, overheads Incurred by the Beneficiary for the main office of the

    project Maxim 7% of Total direct eligible costs (Heading 9)

    Costs for renting and maintenance Postal / telephone services Heating, energy, water, electricity Other costs not included in the previous headings No documents needed, but method of calculation is


    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    11. Total eligible costsBudget headings 1 10:

    1. Human resources 2. Travel3. Equipment and supplies4. Offices5. Subcontracted services6. Other costs7. Subtotal direct eligible costs8. Contingency reserve9. Total direct eligible costs10. Administrative costs

  • Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Budget example

    9. Total direct eligible costs

    Expenses Costs1. Human Resources 603002. Travel 38003. Equipment and supplies 112504. Offices 05. Subcontractating services 63506. Other 40107. Subtotal direct eligible

    costs 857108. Contingency (2%) 100

    10. Administrative costs (7%) 428111. Total eligible costs 90091

    Administrative costs must be no more than 7% of total direct costs

    In this case less than5999,7 (85,710x0.07)

    Contingency reservemustnot exceed 2% of subtotal direct costs

    In this case less than1714,2 (85,710x0.02)

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Project financed under PHARE Economic and Social Cohesion sub-programme "Training at national and regional levels for enhancing the absorption capacity for the Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing", Romania / RO2006/018-


    Frequently errors

    Some activities are not budgeted (publications, transport)

    Some compulsory activities are not budgeted (audit, project visibility, publicity etc.)

    Some activities are budgeted under a wrong(sub)heading

    Consultant:Consortium in cooperation with Ecosfera, Archidata and Informest

    Amending the Budget

    Budget can not be increased during the implementation period

    Project Beneficiary may amend the budget during implementation: When transfer between items within the same main

    heading (except contingency and administrative costs) When transfer between headings

  • RO2006/018-

    ETC / ROP Training Project

    Black Sea


    Aim: 1. Developing project proposals: objectives, results, activities (Logical Framework and

    Groups of Activities) 2. Preparing the projects Budget

    Number of participants: 50

    Division into groups: 10 groups x 5 participants

    Allocated time: 120 min - for developing project proposals: objectives, results, activities (Logical Framework and Groups of Activities)

    90 min - for preparing the projects Budget

    Needed Materials:

    - Guidelines for Grant Applicants - Grant Application Form (Annex A) - Budget template (Annex B) - Logical Framework (Annex C) - Eligibility of Expenditure (Annex G)

    Method used:

    Participants will be asked to form 10 groups of 5 participants. The 10 groups will be divided on the 3 Priorities of the programme (socio-economic, environment, people to people). It is anticipated that there will be 3 groups on Priority 1, 3 groups on Priority 2 and 4 groups on Priority 3). Accordingly, each group will be invited to:

    fulfill the Logical Framework stating the general objective, specific objectives, results and activities of a proposed project;

    group the activities in Groups of Activities.

    Based on the proposed activities, participants will prepare the Budget of their project. Presentations, at least one project per PA, will be made by participants. Assistance will be given by facilitators from JMA and Ecosfera.

  • 2009 Page 1 of 43 090610 Guidelines for Grant Applicants

    Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Housing Directorate for International Territorial Cooperation

    Joint Managing Authority of the

    Joint Operational Programme BLACK SEA 2007-2013


    Reference: 1st Call for Proposals

    Deadline for submission of proposals: 12th of October 2009

    June 2009

    2009 Page 2 of 43 090610 Guidelines for Grant Applicants


    This is an open Call for Proposals, where all documents are submitted at one stage. Each application (Grant Application Form, requested annexes and supporting documents) will be evaluated by the Selection Committee. This Call for Proposals is launched under suspension clause linked to the signing of the Financing Agreements between the European Commission and participant countries.

    The actual award and signature of contracts following this Call for Proposals is therefore conditional to the conclusion of the Financing Agreements before 31st of December 2009. The selected applications including (a) partner(s) from (a) country(ies) which had not signed the Financing Agreement(s) with EC within the above mentioned deadline will be rejected.

  • 2009 Page 3 of 43 090610 Guidelines for Grant Applicants

    Table of contents


    1. JOINT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME "BLACK SEA 2007-2013" .......................... 5

    1.1 Background.....................................................................................................................5

    1.2 Legal framework............................................................................................................5

    1.3 Objectives of the programme and priority issues....................................................................6

    1.4 Financial allocation provided by the Joint Managing Authority ................................................ 10

    2. RULES FOR THIS CALL FOR PROPOSALS ................................................ 12

    2.1 Eligibility criteria ........................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Eligibility of Applicants and partners: who may apply .................................................. 12 2.1.2 Eligibility of partnerships..................................................................................... 19 2.1.3 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be submitted ................................ 21 2.1.4 Eligibility of costs: costs which may be taken into consideration for the grant.................... 26

    2.2 How to apply, and the procedures to follow ........................................................................ 29 2.2.1 Grant Application Form....................................................................................... 29 2.2.2 Annexes and supporting documents ........................................................................ 31 2.2.3 Where and how to send the applications .................................................................. 34 2.2.4 Deadline for submission of applications ................................................................... 34 2.2.5 Further information for the applications .................................................................. 35

    2.3 Evaluation and selection of applications ............................................................................. 36

    2.4 Notification of the Joint Monitoring Committees decision ..................................................... 41 2.4.1 Content of the decision ....................................................................................... 41 2.4.2 Indicative time table........................................................................................... 41

    2.5 Conditions applicable to implementation of the Action following JMC's decision to award a grant 42

    3. LIST OF ANNEXES........................................................................... 43

    2009 Page 4 of 43 090610 Guidelines for Grant Applicants


    CBC Cross-Border Cooperation

    CFCU Central Finance and Contracts Unit

    EC European Commission

    e.g. for example

    ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument

    EU European Union

    IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance

    JMA Joint Managing Authority

    JMC Joint Monitoring Committee

    JOP Joint Operational Programme

    NGO Non Governmental Organisation

    NUTS Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics

    OJ Official Journal of the European Union

    pdf Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat or PDF Creator softwares)

    PRAG Practical Guide to Contract procedures for EC external actions 2008

    SC Selection Committee

    TA Technical Assistance

    VAT Value Added Tax

    xls Microsoft Office Excel Format

  • 2009 Page 5 of 43 090610 Guidelines for Grant Applicants



    The Joint Operational Programme Black Sea 2007-2013 (hereafter JOP Black Sea or Programme) is one of three maritime basin programmes established in the framework of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Cross-Border Cooperation: Strategy Paper 2007-2013 (ENPI CBC Strategy Paper) and one of the most complex, even if with a limited financial allocation. The Programme eligible area occupies a territory of 834,719 sq. km. and includes a population of 74.2 million people. It involves ten countries, some of them including their whole national territory (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and R. Moldova), while some others including those regions closest to the Basin (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine). The ten countries include four states (Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan and R. Moldova) that are not physically on the coast of the Black Sea, but clearly integrated or connected to the Black Sea Basin in terms of historical, economic, cultural, social and environmental factors. The other six countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Georgia and Ukraine) have direct access to the Black Sea. According to the ENPI CBC Strategy Paper, joint ownership of the process, based on the awareness of shared values and common interests, is essential. The EU does not seek to impose priorities or conditions on its partners. Therefore a partnership for programming has been promoted, involving all participating countries, and with the support of the European Commission (EC) through Technical Assistance (TA) projects, for both EU Member States and partner countries in the programme partnership. Equal participation of each participating country has been promoted during the programming process and in the institutional architecture for programme implementation. The Joint Managing Authority (JMA) has been established in Romania within the Ministry for European Integration, subsequent Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing, now Ministry of Regional Development and Housing.

    1.2 Legal Framework

    European Union legislation

    Regulation (EC) No.1638/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 2006 laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI);

    Commission Regulation (EC) No.951/2007 of 9 August 2007 laying down implementing rules for cross-border co-operation programmes financed under Regulation (EC) No.1638/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI);

    Council Regulation (EC) No.1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA);

    2009 Page 6 of 43 090610 Guidelines for Grant Applicants

    Commission Regulation (EC) No.718/2007 of 12 June 2007 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No.1085/2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA);

    Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No.1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities;

    Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No.2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No.1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European communities;

    Commission Decision No.7406/2008 of 27th of November 2008 adopting the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea 2007-2013;

    Practical Guide to Contract procedures for EC external actions 2008 (PRAG)1.

    In carrying out their activities related to award of works, supply and service contracts, all Beneficiaries and partners will have to follow the rules for selection and award of contracts referred to in Annex IV of the Standard Grant Contract. Exceptionally, where a Beneficiary or a partner established in a Member State is a contracting authority and/or a contracting entity as defined by the Community Directives applicable to procurement procedures2, it must apply the relevant provisions of those texts, as transposed in its national legislation3.


    The global objective of the programme, also covered by this Call for Proposals, is to achieve stronger regional partnerships and cooperation. By doing so, the programme aims to contribute to its key wider objective: a stronger and more sustainable economic and social development of the regions of the Black Sea Basin. The programmes 3 specific objectives, also covered by this Call for Proposals, are:

    1. Promoting economic and social development in the Black Sea Basin areas 2. Working together to address common challenges 3. Promoting local, people-to-people type actions

    These three specific objectives will be pursued by means of 3 priorities, which together form the programmes approach to achieve these objectives:

    1 http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/implementation/grants/index_en.htm 2 Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2004:134:0114:0240:EN:PDF). 3 For Bulgaria: Public Procurement Law, published, SG No. 28/06.04.2004 with further amendments; Rules for the implementation of the Public Procurement Law; Ordinance for the Award of Small Public Contracts; Council of Ministers Decree No. 55/2007 laying down the provisions for the award of service, supply and works contracts by EU Structural Funds and PHARE Programme grant beneficiaries. For Greece: Law 3263/2004 Tendering of Public Works; Law 3316/2005 Public contracts for studies and services (infrastructure projects); Law 2286/1995 Public Procurement Law; Presidential Decree 118/2007 Public Procurement Regulation; Presidential Decree 60/2007 Adaptation of the Greek legislation to Directive 2004/18/EC (on public procurement for works, supplies and services); Presidential Decree 59/2007 Adaptation of the Greek legislation to Directive 2004/17/EC. For Romania: Governmental Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 regarding the award of the public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and services concession contracts, with further amendments.

  • 2009 Page 7 of 43 090610 Guidelines for Grant Applicants

    1. Supporting cross border partnerships for economic development based on combined resources

    2. Sharing resources and competencies for environmental protection and conservation 3. Supporting cultural and educational initiatives for the establishment of a common cultural

    environment in the Basin The three priorities will be implemented through a total of 7 measures at operational level, as described below.

    Objective 1 Promoting economic and social development in the border areas

    The key area of intervention for the promotion of economic development is the development of initiatives based on local resources, starting from those of rural development, tourism, traditional manufacturing, with a strong focus on the promotion of SMEs and the promotion of administrative capacity at local level. Priority 1 - Supporting cross border partnerships for economic and social development based on combined resources Objective 1 will be achieved through Priority 1, which concentrates action in those fields with the richest potential: promotion of SME development through the support to initiatives aiming at the creation of a stimulating business environment, rural development and tourism. The focus of the activities supported by this priority will be on the promotion of accessibility, innovation, entrepreneurial capacity and administrative capacity. The transnational partnerships will promote the transfer of good practice and the spread of innovations among similar entrepreneurial initiatives.

    Measure 1.1: Strengthening accessibility and connectivity for new intra regional information, communication, transport and trade links

    The measure aims at supporting local development through improving links and connections in various dimensions between the regions of the programme area. This includes trade links supporting the accessibility to other markets of local traditional products.

    The indicative list of activities is presented in Section 2.1.3.

    Measure 1.2: Creation of tourism networks in order to promote joint tourism development initiatives and traditional products

    This measure aims at promoting the development of common activities in the tourism sector, based on an integrated conservation and exploitation of Black Sea resources, in all partner regions. It targets the establishment of partnerships for exchange of experience and good practices in improving the standards of services in the area and for the development of common tourism products specific for the area. The indicative list of activities is presented in Section 2.1.3.

    Measure 1.3 Creation of administrative capacity for the design and implementation of local and regional development policies

    This measure aims to increase the institutional capacity to promote economic and social development through the establishment of international partnerships for the exchange of best practices and know how in this area. The creation of a favourable environment for business at local level is a critical factor for development. The integration and networking of local administration or agencies in the area will promote capacity building and the exchange of methodologies and approaches to common problems.

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    The indicative list of activities is presented in Section 2.1.3.

    Objective 2: Working together to address common challenges

    The challenges related to environmental protection and promotion appear to be the most relevant for the partner regions in the Black Sea Basin. International partnerships and networks, promoting integration of instruments, methodologies and activities in this field will particularly address the real cross-border nature of these environmental challenges. Priority 2: Sharing resources and competencies for environmental protection and conservation Objective 2 will be addressed by Priority 2. The central focus of this priority will be the environmental protection and conservation. The challenges related to the environment should be addressed by paying close attention to the technical and political instruments available to the programme and partners. The main areas of intervention are the protection of the maritime environment, the natural areas on the coasts and also the inland areas, and waste treatment technologies and management. This priority will promote innovation and exchange of good practices in the fields of scientific, technical and administrative competencies and capacities for environmental protection and conservation. In order to guarantee coherence with the DABLAS, projects aimed at supporting co-operation for the protection of water and water-related ecosystems in the Danube and Black Sea Region should indicate how synergy with DABLAS initiatives would be attained. The same goes for coherence with the BSEC (for environmental protection-related projects), as well as for coherence with the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution (for pollution-related projects). Under all three measures of this priority, networking activities play an important role for the exchange and implementation of appropriate solutions to environmental common challenges. The selection process of projects will take into account that programme support to networking should be used for long lasting and visible assistance projects. Networking needs to be firmly in the framework of existing environmental initiatives or the Black Sea Convention. In any case, the aim is not to create new institutions, but rather to strengthen and expand cooperation between existing institutions.

    Measure 2.1 Strengthening the joint knowledge and information base needed to address common challenges in the environmental protection of river and maritime systems

    This measure aims at the promotion of stronger integration and development of research, innovation, awareness and scientific partnerships in the fields of monitoring, control and protection of maritime systems and rivers in the Black Sea Basin. The indicative list of activities is presented in Section 2.1.3.

    Measure 2.2 Promoting research and innovation in the field of conservation and environmental protection of protected natural areas

    This measure focuses on the sustainable development of natural protected areas in the partner regions. The aim of the measure will be achieved through various activities in the fields of management, research and economic initiatives. The indicative list of activities is presented in Section 2.1.3.

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    Measure 2.3 Promotion of cooperation initiatives aimed at innovation in technologies and management of Waste and Wastewater Management systems

    This measure addresses one of the main challenges for all Black Sea partner regions: the management of waste, including both wastewater and solid waste. Current waste management has a high impact on public health, the quality of drinking water and the Black Sea environment. The indicative list of activities is presented in Section 2.1.3.

    Objective 3 Promoting local, people-to-people type actions

    The promotion of people-to-people initiatives in the Black Sea Basin is especially challenging because of the large number of countries the extremely large geographical area and the historical and geopolitical background of the region. The activities that will be pursued under this objective can also generate strong synergies with the activities promoted under the priorities of Objective 1 and 2, which are all connected to human resources development, governance capability and stronger integration of communities in the Basin.

    Priority 3: Supporting cultural and educational initiatives for the establishment of a common cultural environment in the Basin

    Objective 3 will be pursued by Priority 3. The main focus of the priority will be to promote the integration and networking in terms of the rich cultural heritage and current cultural life in the partner countries. The main areas of activity that could contribute to the objective are those involving young generation, cultural and educational institutions. Both areas are the most promising in the long term, not the least in terms of the impact on local development based on mobilization of local resources. The educational institutions and cultural associations will be the main instrument for this strategy. Networking among cultural institutions will be promoted especially through the exchange of experiences and the sharing of cultural heritage and traditions. This is aimed at the establishment of a common cultural environment for the Black Sea Basin community, which in turn will contribute to the reduction of the negative impact of borders on reciprocal understanding and friendship.

    Measure 3.1 Promoting cultural networking and educational exchange in the Black Sea Basin communities

    This measure aims to create stronger social and cultural relations among communities around the Black Sea Basin, in order to promote good relations between the communities and stronger and better-integrated educational institutions in the Black Sea Basin, in order to support social and economic development. It focuses on the promotion of mutual understanding between neighbours and respect for cultural diversity. The activities foreseen are various, involving cultural institutions and NGOs active in cultural and social promotion or inter-ethnic relations. The improvement of the connection of educational institutions in the Black Sea Basin will contribute to the reduction of gaps among regions in terms of education. The indicative list of activities is presented in Section 2.1.3.

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    The indicative amount made available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 3,311,369 (ENPI contribution). The Joint Monitoring Committee reserves the right not to award all available funds.

    Indicative allocation of ENPI funds by priority distribution:

    ENPI EC Funding National

    co-financing4 National

    co-financing rate Total funding (EC + national)

    Priority 1 1,169,318 116,932 10% 1,286,249 Priority 2 1,328,770 132,877 10% 1,461,647 Priority 3 813,281 81,328 10% 894,610 TOTAL 3,311,369 331,137 10% 3,642,506

    For actions (projects) involving also Turkish partners, the indicative amount made available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 1,339,401 (IPA contribution). The Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) in Turkey reserves the right not to award all available funds.

    Indicative allocation of IPA funds by priority distribution:

    IPA EC Funding National

    co-financing5 National

    co-financing rate Total funding (EC + national)

    Priority 1 472,972 52,552 10% 525,524 Priority 2 537,468 59,719 10% 597,187 Priority 3 328,961 36,551 10% 365,512 TOTAL 1,339,401 148,822 10% 1,488,223

    Adjustments to the joint operational programme financial table which merely involve the transfer from one priority to another of no more than 20 % of the Community funds initially allocated to each priority may be made directly by the Joint Managing Authority, with the prior approval of the Joint Monitoring Committee6. Co-financing

    No grant may exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the Action. See also Section 2.1.4.

    The rate of co-financing is 10% of the total eligible costs of the Action and it is requested for each approved proposal. Each participating country shall decide on its own co-financing system (from national or regional/local level or directly from the Beneficiary). Co-financing is to be provided by the Beneficiaries in order to demonstrate local commitment. No resources, which have been assisted by other EC contribution, may be taken into account as own contribution7.

    Furthermore, proposals financed by other EU sources can not be submitted. Contribution in kind is not allowed8.

    4 Calculated as 10% of EC funding, according with ENPI rules. 5 Calculated as 10% of Total funding (EC + national), according with IPA rules. 6 Regulation (EC) No 951/2007, art. 7.1. 7 Regulation (EC) No 951/2007, art.19(1). 8 Please see Section 2.1.4.

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    Size of grants

    Any EU grant contribution awarded under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

    Type of actions (projects) Minimum amount Maximum amount Priorities 1 & 2 EUR 100,000 EUR 700,000 Priority 3 EUR 50,000 EUR 250,000 Projects implemented mainly or entirely in a single participating-country but having a cross-border impact

    EUR 50,000

    EUR 250,000


    For actions with an implementation period not exceeding 12 months and where the financing is between Eur 50,000 and Eur 100,000, payments will take the form of pre-financing payment (80% of the grant) and forecast final payment (20% of the grant). For actions with an implementation period not exceeding 24 months and where the financing is over Eur 100,000 up to Eur 700,000, payments will take the form of first instalment of pre-financing (30% of the grant), forecast second instalment pre-financing (50% of the grant) and forecast final payment (20% of the grant). Forecast second instalment of pre-financing will be made only if the Beneficiary proves that 70% of the first instalment of pre-financing is spent9.

    Grants Duration

    of the actions (First instalment of)


    Forecast second instalment of pre-financing

    Forecast final payment

    Eur 50,000 up to Eur 100,000

    max 12 months 80 % - 20 %

    over Eur 100,000 up to Eur 700,000

    max 24 months 30 % 50 % 20 %

    9 As provided in Article 15(1) of the General Conditions of the Grant Contract (Annex F of these Guidelines).

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    These guidelines set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of actions (projects) financed under this Call for Proposals, in conformity with the provisions of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (PRAG), which is applicable to the present Call for Proposals (available on the Internet at this address: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/implementation/practical_guide/index_en.htm).


    There are three sets of eligibility criteria, relating to: Applicant(s)10 which may request a grant (2.1.1), and their partners (2.1.2), actions (projects) for which a grant may be awarded (2.1.3), types of cost which may be taken into account in setting the amount of the grant (2.1.4).

    2.1.1 Eligibility of Applicants and partners: who may apply

    (1) In order to be eligible for a grant, Applicants and partners must:

    represent one of the following legal entities11:

    a. national, regional or local public authority;

    b. body governed by public law12, other than legal entities