EATA Conference 2013 – Welcome! Modern TA Theory – a blueprint of facts and mysteries in organizations Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

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EATA Conference 2013 – Welcome!

Modern TA Theory –

a blueprint of facts and mysteries in organizations

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Our Goals, our Approach

Our mindset as organizational consultants:

� Analysing organizational concepts from a metaperspective instead of simply adopting offered constructs

� Developing rooms for awareness

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� Developing rooms for awareness

� Irritating familiar balances

� Giving impulses for new contours

� Accompanying change processes

� … on a basis of modern organizational TA

Providing an overview of systemic TA models and their implementation, inviting to reflection through questions

Arrival and Introduction

Questions to the plenum:

• Who is present? And why? What are you interested in?

• What theories do you use when approaching an organization?

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de

Organizational TA – a Modern Theoretical Blueprint

� TA – Identity in modern form (6 principles, Schmid, 1989; Mohr, 2011)

1. Based on transactions

2. Humanistic

3. Model constructing

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

3. Model constructing

4. Experimental

5. Context related

6. Pluralistic, integrative, international culture

� „Simple“ Identity: TA is what TA-trained people do and develop

The O-Field


� economic O-theory

� O-psychology

� O-sociology

� and a lot of methods (TA, systemic, eclectic,…)

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� and a lot of methods (TA, systemic, eclectic,…)

Current O-Theory:

� looking for „configurations“ (Fiss, 2007, AoMJ): combinations of variables, that are connected to the success of an organization

� „equifinality“: some ways lead to Rome

The Organization as Client I – The System and it's Dynamics

� Organizational Structure

� Organizational Processes



Roles Relations


Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� Organizational Processes

� Organizational Balances

� Organizational Pulsation



Inside Pulsation

Outside Pulsation

Problem Solving


The Organization as Client II

� 4-Zoom-Model (Mohr, 2010) and structured interventions (Steinert, 2006)

1. System dynamic - e.g. contracted fields

2. Intervention architecture - e.g. role monitoring

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

2. Intervention architecture - e.g. role monitoring

3. Form of Intervention - e.g. training

4. Intervention „Wording“ - e.g. cases

System StructureAttention

Roles Relations

1. Awareness= Fundamental control unit of the

mental and action-oriented potency of systems

– „one of the most essential resources of man“ (W. Schmid, 2007).

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de


2. In every system there are different roles, e.g. private roles and professional roles.

3. Specific relationscharacterise a system.

















Gemeinwesenwelt Konsumwelt

1a. Dynamics of AttentionAttention

Roles Relations

Attention is the basic unit of focusing the mental and action-oriented forces of people

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

It is a further development and specification of the idea of the frame of reference

(Schiff, 1976)

1b. Dynamics of AttentionAttention

Roles Relations

Holistic perspective (e.g. Berne, 1966; Mountain and Davidson 2005; Balling 2005; Mohr and Steinert 2006)

Health of an organization = Integration x Integrity

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

= Integration x Integrity

Integration: The organization covers all relevant aspects (e.g. strategic management, operative management)

Integrity: organization integrates human beings and creates meaning (e.g. ethical management)

(Schmid and Messmer, 2005)

2a. Dynamics of RolesAttention

Roles Relations

Roles emerge in the overlapping field of systems and individuals

Person Role System

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

E.G: The TOB Leadership model (Theorie organisationelle de Berne)

- Responsible leader = organisational structure role - Effective leader = actual decision-making role- Psychological leader - = psychological level- Euhemerus - = organizational script builder- Primal leader = currently relevant canon giver

2b. Dynamics of Roles – Five-Role-WorldAttention

Roles Relations

A role is a coherent system of attitudes, feelings, behaviour, perspective on reality and the accompanying relationships (Schmid, 2006, p.34).

Organizational World of



Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de


World of Profession

Consumer WorldCommunity and Citizen World






3a. Dynamics of RelationsAttention

Roles Relations

Dynamics of Relationships =

the characteristics of relationships in this organization

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

the characteristics of relationships in this organization

3b. Dynamics of RelationsAttention

Roles Relations

� Balling (2005): different types of organizational relations follow from a dominance of certain ego state patterns within the organization� The critical parent organization

� The nurturing parent organization

� The child organization

� Mohr (2006): the depth structure of an organization –what are the archetypes on a depth level? � Business-oriented/technical image,

� Family-oriented

� Sports-oriented

� War-oriented

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Exercise I

Think of an organization you know

� What are the actual issues people in this organization focus their attention on? organization focus their attention on?

� What is typical for the roles in that organization? Are they clear, precise, perceptible?

� How is the relationship style in that organization?

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

System ProcessesSuccess


Problem Solving

1. Especially changes are staged and shaped virtually and concretely

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

2. Systems usually have the central

function of problem solving

3. Success in the sense of producing results is life's essence

4. Dynamics of Communication

Dynamics of Communication – the patterns that characterize communication in an organization.

� E.g. Transactional Imago by Suriyaprakash and Mohanraj (2006):



Problem Solving

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Mohanraj (2006):

Each group member develops a certain imago of the dominant functional ego state of

- their co-workers and

- their own ego state.

Risk Patterns of Communication Success


Problem Solving

All too human ……

� Quicksand communication systems„Something that has been agreed upon gets covered with the quicksand of the daily grind und becomes lost“

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� Agitation systems„Incredibly long activity lists are composed that don't show priorities and just get longer and longer.“

� Authoritarian systems„Everybody leans on you all the time and threatens with a bad conscience.“

5. Dynamics of Problem Solving

Dynamics of Problem Solving – the patterns that characterize problem solving in an organization.

� e.g. Julie Hay: Working styles correspondent to drivers



Problem Solving

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de


1. Be perfect

2. Be strong

3. Try hard

4. Hurry up

5. Please me

Risk Patterns of Problem Solving Success


Problem Solving

� Symptom Stupefaction (Anestesia): „What can we do so that this doesn't attract attention ...?“

� Strategy of „More of the same“: „We just have to check and document even more!“

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� Problem Deferment: „Isn't it possible to lay the blame on somebody else?“

� Involuntary Adversary: „Although we really like the others we will have to get ready to defend ourselves if they try this again.“

� Dilemma Circle: „Whatever we do, it is always wrong.“

6. Dynamics of Success

Dynamics of Success - the patterns that characterize an organization in defining and dealing with success.

(„The mothers and fathers of an organization



Problem Solving

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

(„The mothers and fathers of an organization are the goals“)

� Berne – „Physis“ – Organizations are striving for survival and growth (quantitative? qualitative?)

Risk Patterns of Success

Point of Origin: Patterns of Failure

o Almost … “if this works tolerably, it should be enough”

o Only if/when … “……this gets noticed elsewhere” “….the boss says something”something”

o Always … “whenever I call attention to this, I get stuck with it for ever”

o Never “it never worked for us so far”

o After … “this will catch somebodys´ eyes only after we are gone”

o Open end “we have no plans any more”

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Exercise II

Take the next 10 minutes to discuss and reflect with both your neighbours:

� Which other TA- and Non -TA - Models do you experience as helpful to describe the dynamics of experience as helpful to describe the dynamics of

� communication,

� problem solving,

� success?

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

System Balances

� A tendency towards balance can be assume for every living system, following it's striving for self-preservation (“Principle of Homoeostasis”)



Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� This can even unite conflicting impulses, interests and goals (Simon, 2008, “Einführung in die systemische O-Theorie)

� Recursivity deals with the question of similar principles on different levels within systems (Beer, 1994)

7. Dynamics of Equilibriums

Motivational aspect (Berne, E. and English, F.)

� B1: The stimulus hunger

� B2: The stroke hunger

� B3: The structure hunger



Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� B4: The need for leadership

� E1: The survival drive

� E2: The expressive drive

� E3: The quiescence drive

Shouldering Responsibility – Together!

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

8. Dynamics of Recursivity

Dynamics of Recursivity - the extent of principles being similar within an organization in all departments

- Positive parallel process



Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

- Positive parallel process

- Principles may be defined as patterns (Taglieber, 2012):

New patterns can be constructed on top of old patterns (1. order solution) or with a new frame of reference (2. order solution)

8. Dynamics of Recursivity

How to work with perspective patterns (Taglieber

2012) as positive parallel processes of organizational




Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Identify dysfunctional patterns which are kind of a habit, define Positive Perspective Patterns and implement them

Basic lack of leadership

Example: Current Conditions of Process – and System-Quality

Bernd Taglieber, 2012

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Habits of Banal Hypothesizing – Endangered Solutions

� Constant Personality: This is just the way he/she is

E.g.: „He is a loner and needs his space.“

� Unswayable Environment: There is nothing we can do

E.g.: „Everything is so inflexible. We cannot change anything.“

� Unavoidable Causation: This simply had to happen, because ...

E.g.: “Whenever he is told to do something, he just digs in his heels.”

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

E.g.: “Whenever he is told to do something, he just digs in his heels.”

� Past-oriented: It has always been like that

E.g.: “In this unit there has never been a team that worked effectively.”

� Stability over time: This does apply at all times

E.g.: “This is never going to work.”

� Confirmed Habits: We are used to it/This is how we always do it

E.g. “Initiative is frowned upon here.”

Knowledge potency

Enough time for learning processes;

Ressources potency

Enough time to „fill in the gaps“

Leadership potency

decide, provide, accept responsibility

Example: Quality of Process and System – House of Perspective Patterns

Basis Basis

Enough time for learning processes; information that is actually received

Market potency

Criteria of capability?

Guidance potency

Provide structure, exemplify values

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Implementing Perspective Patterns

From risk patterns towards favoured patterns – perspective patterns

� Through careful, independent, skilful development of hypotheses

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

development of hypotheses

� Conant-Ashbey-Theorem of Managing: „Every good regulator of a system must be a model of the system“

Change-Conducive Formation of Hypotheses

� Inter-Personality – Everybody is included

E.g.: „It is possible that there is a difference in goals due to different concerns.“

� Future-oriented - Concentrating on areas that can be shaped

E.g.: „Are the fields of duty defined clearly? Let's take a look.“

� Flexibility of Behaviour – Nothing is forever and always

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� Flexibility of Behaviour – Nothing is forever and always

E.g.: Let's just supposed this as an experiment.”

� Looking at the Greater Context – There is a reason for everything

E.g.: “Maybe during his free-lance work earlier he couldn't gain experience with orientation on quality.”

� Offbeat Thinking – New perspectives lead to new ideas

E.g.: “Maybe playing a part in a amateur drama group would be a chance for him to learn to express himself.”

System Pulsation Inside Pulsation

Outside Pulsation

�Systems show pulsing movements at their inner and outer boundaries (Mohr 2006, SystOA)

�The dynamics called Pulsation

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

�The dynamics called Pulsationfurther advance the concept of boundaries (Berne 1979, Struktur und Dynamik)

�Pulsation applies to change movements at the outer boundaries of the system and between the sub-systems of an organization

9. Dynamics of Outside Pulsation Inside Pulsation

Outside Pulsation

Termination process

Decision for makingstaff cuts

Implementation ofstaff cuts

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

„Bonding“ 1

„Bonding“ 2Survivor-syndrome

Termination process


10. Dynamics of Inside Pulsation

E.g. Gender Subsystem

� Mountain, A. (2006):

Inside Pulsation

Outside Pulsation

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

� Mountain, A. (2006):

- From glass slippers to glass ceilings

(referring to Jongeward and Scott, 1987, Women as Winners)

Exercise III

Exercise: Personal experiences of crossing outer boundaries of an organization

Recall your experience of leaving an organization

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Have you ever been fired by an organization?

If so, what are your associations?

To what conclusions did you come?


Mohr, Günther: „Individual and Organisational TA for the 21st Century“, Pro Business 2011Mohr, Günther: „Workbook Coaching und Organisationsentwicklung“, EHP 2010Mohr, Günther: „Wirtschaftskrise und neue Orientierung“. Pro Business 2009Mohr, Günther: „Coaching und Selbstcoaching mit Transaktionsanalyse“. EHP

Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de

Mohr, Günther: „Coaching und Selbstcoaching mit Transaktionsanalyse“. EHP 2008Mohr, Günther: „Systemische Organisationsanalyse“, EHP 2006Mohr, Günther und Steinert, Thomas: „Growth and Change for Organizations“, ITAA, Pleasanton, 2006