MODERN APPRENTICESHIP A study exploring knowledge, understanding, perceptions & opinions towards Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland MODERN APPRENTICESHIP A study exploring knowledge, understanding, perceptions & opinions towards Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland Nicola Ashwood Careers Adviser 23 April 2013 SDS Academy Symposium

MODERN APPRENTICESHIP - Skills Development Scotland · 2015. 10. 8. · Skills Development Scotland . Foskett & Hemsley-Brown (cont) • I. mages young people have formed if any of

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Page 1: MODERN APPRENTICESHIP - Skills Development Scotland · 2015. 10. 8. · Skills Development Scotland . Foskett & Hemsley-Brown (cont) • I. mages young people have formed if any of


A study exploring knowledge, understanding, perceptions & opinions towards Modern

Apprenticeships in Scotland


A study exploring knowledge, understanding, perceptions & opinions towards Modern

Apprenticeships in Scotland

Nicola Ashwood Careers Adviser

23 April 2013

SDS Academy Symposium

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Skills Development Scotland

• Topic

• Context

• Previous Studies

• Quiz

• Results

• Recommendations

• Questions


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CASE STUDY Anecdotal Evidence

• Scott left school with few qualifications

• Bricklaying apprenticeship with uncle

• Four years on site training

• No formal training, or assessment, or accreditation

• Found himself unemployed – no certification to prove qualified

• Secured work with construction company however wages do not reflect his perceived status

• Reflects the importance of quality information, advice and guidance around formal routes into work

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• High Youth Unemployment

• Modern Apprenticeship Scottish Government Flagship Programme

• Target of 25,000 Modern Apprenticeships delivered yearly

• Opportunities for all (2012)

• Publically funded employer incentives to increase participation

• Part public part employer funded

• 3.9% Scottish Businesses taking part in MA programme – source: Scottish Government (2012)

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• Is there a generic lack of knowledge and understanding towards Modern Apprenticeships among Key Stakeholders?

• Does this act as a barrier to participation within MA ?

• If so what can be done to improve this? • Who are the Key Stakeholders?

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• Potential Modern Apprentices

• Parents of potential Modern Apprentices

• Guidance Teachers

• Employers


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• Small scale qualitative research

• Literature Review

• Questionnaires

• Semi-structured Focus Groups

• Telephone Interviews

• Survey Monkey

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• Ryan (2011) the term apprenticeship is often confusing, cosmetic and objectionable.

• Broadly defines as; denoting a programme of learning that combines part-time formal education with training and experience at the workplace, and results in an externally recognised vocational qualification.

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RYAN (2011)


• Functional Apprenticeship; traditional style programmes such as craft training in engineering apprenticeships with a combination of vocational education and work based training.

• Apprenticeship; described as other forms of vocational training that attract the label of apprenticeship such as retail & customer service occupations that tend to neglect formal education and offer minimal off the job training

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Scottish Executive Review of Modern Apprenticeships (2001)

Explored barriers to participation within the MA programme;

• Almost all who participated had positive views of MA

• Low levels of awareness & understanding among school pupils, teachers and employers

• Review was weighted towards those already participating

• Modern Apprenticeships were often perceived as the poor relation

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Canning & Lang (2004)

• Most successful Modern Apprenticeships; intermediate level job role, formal regulation, real employment potential & good quality training & learning.

• Full time educational opportunities such as FE & HE will tend to undermine MA

• Increased participation on the MA programme

• Due to supply-led interventions

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Modern Apprenticeship Summit (2009)

Aimed to explore how Scotland uses MA to support employment opportunities

1. Increased Transparency- Funding

2. A single more easily accessed point of information-remove overly bureaucratic processes

3. Focus on Marketing Modern Apprenticeship opportunities.

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Federation of Small Businesses (2009)

• Focused on Employers.

• Low levels of participation

• Lack of information-most reported barrier

• Cost of funding-age restrictions

• Supply of appropriate potential employees

• Time out of business for training

• Economic conditions

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Brophy et al 2009

Explored parents, young people & employers perceptions of work based learning.

• General positive perceptions around MA

• Negative perceptions; low status, male orientated, appropriate for manual labour.

• Employers question reliability and work readiness of young people

• Barriers to uptake of MA; lack of information, lack of diversity & lack of support

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ROE (2011)

• Roe (2011) undertook a review of Post-16 Vocational Education and Training System in Scotland.

• Acknowledged; a lack of transparency as an issue that affects the system at many levels

• Calls for; a system that can be easier understood and navigated

• Notes the benefits; of an effective system for individuals, employers and the nation.

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Career Academies UK & Financial Skills Partnership (2012)

Explored young peoples view on their routes to success.

• Young people reported a high level of

awareness around Modern Apprenticeships

• Knowledge around Modern Apprenticeships tended to be inaccurate and shallow

• Apprenticeships were for school drop outs..

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Previous studies since 2001 have consistently shown;

1. Lack of knowledge & understanding of Modern Apprenticeships among key stakeholders

2. Negative perceptions of Modern Apprenticeships among key stakeholders

3. Both were found to be a barrier to participation within Modern Apprenticeship programme.

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Foskett & Hemsley-Brown (2001)

Choosing Futures, Young people’s decision making in education, training and career markets

• Highlight extent of adult influence over occupational choice

• Perceptions of careers & routes into work are formed from a very early age-although do develop over time.

• Contractual Images – direct from personal experience-e.g. doctor, teacher, nursery nurse, social worker, police officer

• Delegated Images – perceptions transferred from adults to children-i.e. parents and teachers

• Derived images-translated via media-includes books etc

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Foskett & Hemsley-Brown (cont)

• Images young people have formed if any of Modern Apprenticeship are most likely to have come from delegated images conveyed by parents and teachers

• Modern Apprenticeship overall has limited visibility leading to an underdeveloped image as a route into work.

• FE & HE have much higher levels of visibility overall.

• Important to note that Careers Advisers and Guidance Teachers are entering the careers decision making process at a very late stage of developing perceptions.

• We can argue that parents & teachers are the most important target in terms of raising levels of awareness and changing attitudes.

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PPVote session

What is PPVote • An interactive voting kit which can be used to provide instant,

anonymous feedback

• Use to illustrate some of the key results from my research

• Predict and compare: your perceptions with guidance teachers’ and what you think guidance teachers said about modern apprenticeships

How to vote • In the following pages you will be presented with multiple choice

questions related to the research.

• When the voting starts, please cast your vote by pressing the appropriate number on the key-pad, corresponding to the number of the multiple choice option on the screen.

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1. 89%

2. 33%

3. 100%

4. 48%

What proportion of guidance teachers said they had some awareness of Modern Apprenticeships?






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• All guidance teachers aware to some extent

• 75% of Guidance Teachers were aware of MA however were unsure where to access information to support CIAG.

• 25% of Guidance Teachers were aware of MA and knew where to access information to support CIAG.

• Differing levels of awareness!!

• Therefore raising awareness strategies in terms of accessing quality information around MA’s with this group is important.


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QUESTION 2 What proportion of guidance teachers are asked about Modern Apprenticeships on a regular basis?

1. 89%

2. 28%

3. 63%

4. 92%






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• 63% of Guidance Teachers are asked regularly about Modern Apprenticeships.

• We know from previous results that 75% of Guidance Teachers are unsure where to access information

• Therefore there is room for improvement in the quality / level of information being provided

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QUESTION 3 What proportion of guidance teachers said they

were confident in providing quality information and advice on Modern Apprenticeships?

1. 0%

2. 88%

3. 47%

4. 10%






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• None of the Guidance Teachers in the Local Authority who took part in the survey said they were confident in providing advice/guidance about Modern Apprenticeships.

• Therefore we can argue that this provides evidence of a lack of knowledge and understanding about Modern Apprenticeships.

• What can we do to improve this??


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QUESTION 4 What proportion of guidance teachers said that Modern Apprenticeships are of equal value as a

route into work as college or university?

1. 40%

2. 62%

3. 100%

4. 75%






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• 75% of Guidance Teachers who took part in this survey believe Modern Apprenticeships are of equal value as a route into work as College/University.

• However on further probing;

• 25% most suitable for those in construction

• 25% most suitable for males

• 25% most suitable for those with few or no qualifications

• 25% no parity of esteem

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How many job types/occupations are available under the Modern Apprenticeship programme?

1. Less than 50

2. More than 50



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• The majority of Guidance Teachers who took part in this survey thought that there was less than 50 job types available on the Modern Apprenticeship Programme.

• There are hundreds of job types with around 60 occupational sectors e.g. Construction, Food & Drink, Hospitality & Energy that have various job types within them available on the Modern Apprenticeship Programme.

• This may reflect lack of awareness as to the extent of the Modern Apprenticeship Programme.


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• Significant evidence of lack of knowledge & understanding about Modern Apprenticeships.

• Significant evidence of negative perceptions of Modern Apprenticeships.

• The above themes act as barriers to participation within the Modern Apprenticeship Programme.

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• Single point of contact for accessing quality up to date information and opportunities around Modern Apprenticeships.

• Consider a UCAS style process.

• www.ourskillsforce.co.uk – Employers

• www.providercentral.org.uk –Learning Providers

• www.myworldofwork.co.uk – General Public

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• Parents consistently requested easier access to quality up to date reliable information about Modern Apprenticeships.

• Access to parents problematic

• Step by Step guide to Modern Apprenticeships-online-Information booklet

• School Newsletters

• Local Authority websites and magazines

• Modern Apprenticeship focused events

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• Continuous Professional Development opportunities with all teachers including primary, however Guidance Teachers priority.

• Careers Advisers in schools best placed to contribute on ongoing basis, however can target all teachers during in-service days.

• E-Learning for all teaching staff/students

• Curriculum for Excellence, Building the curriculum 4, Teaching staff have key responsibility up to senior phase for delivering Skills for Learning, Life & Work.

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• Prevent cases like Scott’s !!

• Highlights Target audiences.

• Highlight early Intervention.

• Inform key stakeholders.

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• Small scale study therefore generalisations can be difficult.

• Important platform to further explore the key themes identified within this study.

• Access to participants e.g. Intended a focus group with Guidance Teachers however access issues proved a survey monkey was best option.

• Could have considered Training Providers and Sector Skills Councils.

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• Choose a subject that matters to you.

• Easier to spend the enormous amount of time required if you are genuinely interested in the topic.

• Consider writing a research proposal-even for your own use- this is how you plan to conduct your research.

• It does not matter if something goes wrong, this is part of the process, learn from it and include in the research, this will evidence your work.

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• Nicola Ashwood

• Tel; 0141-849-5732

• Mob; 07899060088

• E-mail; [email protected]