Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems A Program Plan May 2009

Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems€¦ · Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems Scientists and engineers have long used mathematical

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Page 1: Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems€¦ · Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems Scientists and engineers have long used mathematical

Modeling, Simulation and Analysis ofComplex Networked Systems

A Program Plan

May 2009

Page 2: Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems€¦ · Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems Scientists and engineers have long used mathematical

Authors:James M. BraseDavid L. BrownLawrence Livermore National Laboratory

May 2009

Front and back covers: Diagrams of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) internalrepresentation of a simple C++ program. The firework burst patterns arenamespaces and different parts of the internal classes, functions and code withinfunctions. The front cover shows the AST for source code, while the back covershows a similar AST used to represent the structure of binary executables foranalysis.

Source: Dan Quinlan, Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory

DisclaimerThis document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neitherthe United States government nor Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, nor any of their employees makes anywarranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, orusefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringeprivately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, orfavoring by the United States government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. The views and opinions ofauthors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or LawrenceLivermore National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.


This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoryunder Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

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Executive Summary

Many complex systems of importance to the U.S. Department of Energy consist ofnetworks of discrete components. Examples are cyber networks, such as theinternet and local area networks over which nearly all DOE scientific, technical andadministrative data must travel, the electric power grid, social networks whosebehavior can drive energy demand, and biological networks such as geneticregulatory networks and metabolic networks. In spite of the importance of thesecomplex networked systems to all aspects of DOE’s operations, the scientific basisfor understanding these systems lags seriously behind the strong foundations thatexist for the “physically-based” systems usually associated with DOE researchprograms that focus on such areas as climate modeling, fusion energy, high-energyand nuclear physics, nano-science, combustion, and astrophysics.

DOE has a clear opportunity to develop a similarly strong scientific basis forunderstanding the structure and dynamics of networked systems by supporting astrong basic research program in this area. Such knowledge will provide a broadbasis for, e.g., understanding and quantifying the efficacy of new securityapproaches for computer networks, improving the design of computer orcommunication networks to be more robust against failures or attacks, detectingpotential catastrophic failure on the power grid and preventing or mitigating itseffects, understanding how populations will respond to the availability of newenergy sources or changes in energy policy, and detecting subtle vulnerabilities inlarge software systems to intentional attack.

This white paper outlines plans for an aggressive new research program designed toaccelerate the advancement of the scientific basis for complex networked systems ofimportance to the DOE. It will focus principally on four research areas:

(1) understanding network structure,(2) understanding network dynamics,(3) predictive modeling and simulation for complex networked systems, and(4) design, situational awareness and control of complex networks.

The program elements consist of a group of Complex Networked Systems ResearchInstitutes (CNSRI), tightly coupled to an associated individual-investigator-basedComplex Networked Systems Basic Research (CNSBR) program. The CNSRI’s will beprincipally located at the DOE National Laboratories and are responsible foridentifying research priorities, developing and maintaining a networked systemsmodeling and simulation software infrastructure, operating summer schools,workshops and conferences and coordinating with the CNSBR individualinvestigators. The CNSBR individual investigator projects will focus on specificchallenges for networked systems. Relevancy of CNSBR research to DOE needs willbe assured through the strong coupling provided between the CNSBR grants and theCNSRI’s.

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Modeling, Simulation and Analysis ofComplex Networked Systems

Scientists and engineers have long used mathematical and computational models forthe analysis and design of physics-based systems, such as those describing theevolution of weather and climate, the behavior of complex physical processes incombustion devices, materials design, weapons systems and energy production.These models can often be described by systems of partial differential equations,and sophisticated methodologies have been developed to translate the physics intomathematical and computational models that can be analyzed and understood toprovide predictive understanding of their behavior. However, there are manycomplex systems of importance to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that areinstead described by networks of discrete components. Such systems are notnaturally modeled by systems of partial differential equations, and the requiredmathematics is both fundamentally different from what DOE has historicallypursued, and to a large extent is much less well-developed1,2,3.

Examples of networks closely tied to DOE’s most critical missions include theelectric power grid and the information networks associated with both large-scale“open science” research projects in the Office of Science and with the NationalNuclear Security Administration’s Stockpile Stewardship program4. Understandingand developing a capability to simulate the behavior of the nation’s power grid atscale is central to emerging efforts to expand and modernize its operations. Thedistributed, collaborative teams that perform open science research must be able toreliably and securely share significant amounts of information among institutionsand over networksaround the world inorder to enable andpromote scientificdiscovery for the DOEand the nation. Assuringthe safety and reliabilityof the nation’s nuclearstockpile isfundamentally aninformation enterprisethat depends on assuringthe underlying complexinformation networks.In addition to cybernetworks, such as theinternet and local areanetworks, other complex



Can we use understand and quantify the efficacy ofnew security approaches for computer networks?

Can we improve the design of computer orcommunication networks to be more robust againstpartial failures or intentional attacks?

Can we detect a potential catastrophic failure on thepower grid and prevent or mitigate its effects?

Can we understand how populations will respond to theavailability of new energy sources, or to changes inenergy policy?

Can we understand the behavior of large-scalesoftware systems at a level that allows us to detectsubtle vulnerabilities to attack?

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networks whose improved understanding will have significant impact on federalscientific missions and public policy include social networks, biological networks,networks describing the spread of disease and even networks or graphs thatdescribe the organization and execution of very complex scientific software.

The networks of interest to DOE are often very large, containing hundreds ofmillions of elements or more, and can range from relatively static in structure (e.g.the power grid), to rapidly changing and evolving (e.g. the internet, or wirelessnetworks). Often, as a practical matter, these networks cannot be studied directly.For example, it is not possible to directly test the effect of controlled shut-downprocedures for segments of the power grid, the spread of a computer virus, or thespread of a disease vector under different vaccination options without havingpotentially drastic economic, safety or health impacts. For infrastructure networks,replicating all or even part of the physical infrastructure may be prohibitivelyexpensive. In both these cases, computational modeling and simulation provides asafe and cost-effective alternative that can help enormously in developing neededunderstanding.

Practical questions that can be answered about complex networked systems:Mathematical analysis and models of complex networks can be used tocomputationally explore many practical questions about the performance andbehaviors of real systems:

What are the critical structures and connections in the network? Tounderstand a sudden change in the behavior of the electrical grid, subtlelinkages between apparently independent components may be veryimportant.

What are the important dynamics of the network? Understanding thespreading rate of a human or computer virus requires an understanding ofthe dynamics of the network components but also of the connections.

Computational models of complex network models can help to forecastbehaviors. For example, in large-scale computer networks small changes inprotocol timings may lead to unpredicted large-scale changes in behavior.

Ultimately these models will form the foundation for control and designoptimization of complex network systems. How should power transmissioncapacity be allocated to optimize real-time grid performance? Where shouldnetwork flow sensors be placed to minimize bandwidth requirements forreal-time activity monitoring?

DOE must continue the development of next-generation complex networkedsystems that are more secure, less brittle to unexpected events, and morecontrollable. For these emerging efforts to be successful, it is essential that a firmintellectual foundation be provided for understanding and simulating large-scalenetworks. Without a strong foundation, DOE will entertain a significant element ofrisk associated with the lack of essential knowledge for effectively improvingnetwork performance and understanding potential modes of failure. DOE has a clearopportunity to exploit its unique set of capabilities in computational and system

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science at massive scale towards this unique and timely opportunity to establish astrong mathematical and scientific basis to reduce risk associated with theseessential DOE systems and facilities.

Opportunities and Challenges

Many aspects of the DOE mission involve complex networked systems. TheDepartment’s most important information, whether for nuclear weaponsstewardship or for high-energy physics research, flows in large-scale networks. Asplans for new levels of cyberdefense move forward, fundamental understanding ofnetwork performance and effects of changes on performance will be needed. Thenation’s power grid is a complex network. Understanding of its performance andability to predict the effects of both intentional modifications and unforeseen eventsis limited5,6. Many of the most important challenges relate to the interactions ofmultiple networks. For example, in the modern power grid the flow of informationinteracts strongly with the flow of power. In addition, the interaction of evolvingsocial networks with other network classes is critical to understanding human–generated failure modes. Development of new mathematical and computationalapproaches, methods, and tools will play important roles in emerging DOEprograms in these and other areas.

Foundational mathematical and computational research questions:Addressing these and other issues involving complex networked systems willrequire new foundational mathematical and computational research that cananswer the following technical questions:

How can the structure of a complex network be reconstructedfrom necessarily limited observations? There are often critical but unknowninteractions among network elements that can create surprising oremergent behaviors. A fundamental understanding of observability andreconstructability of a network from limited and imperfect observations isneeded.

How do dynamic processes on the network evolve? Interactionsbetween network elements on multiple space and time scales can lead toemergent behaviors. Which interactions are important to understandinglarge-scale behavior? What model representations are best for networkdynamics at large scale?

What are the limits to prediction of complex network behavior?Given imperfect system models and limited computational resources canwell-understood bounds be placed on behaviors? How can these predictivemodels be validated in real systems?

For complex, interconnected systems, exhibited behavior that would not beexpected or predicted by inspection of the individual components is often referredto as “emergent”.

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Can simulation methods be scaled to performance levels allowingtheir use in design and control optimization for large-scale systems?Ensembles of simulations to explore classes of behavior as design andenvironmental parameters of the model are varied require efficient andscalable simulation tools.

Research Program Elements

Over the past decade, a significant amount of research has been aimed atunderstanding complex networks and their structural characteristics7,8,9,10. Byanalogy with the identification of invariant physical laws for physical systems, theresearch has focused primarily on the identification of important invariantproperties including degree distribution, clustering coefficient distributions,shortest-path distribution and connected components. Understanding the behaviorof real complex networks of interest to the DOE requires combining such theoreticalstudies with the examination of the actual networks themselves, or with accuratecomputational models of these networks whose structural properties can then beinvestigated experimentally11. Generating such network models can in itself be anenormous computational task. This is because of the need to potentially representthe networks in terms of very large graphs, and because the models may requiregeneration of extensive synthetic data to provide effective realism. In addition,these networks must be represented at different levels of fidelity. Some studiesmay require that the fundamental elements of the network be described in greatdetail, while others may need to exchange fidelity with execution speed. Lowerfidelity models that run quickly can be used to support real-time operational orcontrol capabilities for a network, or to make very large statistical studies ofnetwork behavior. A full multi-scale approach may also be needed, where someelements are modeled at very high fidelity while coupled to “reduced-order” modelsthat provide a representation of the wider environment.

The ultimate objective of a research program on mathematical modeling, simulationand analysis of complex networked systems is to develop capabilities forunderstanding, designing and control of those networked systems. To do thisrequires addressing four major elements: understanding network structure,understanding network dynamics, predictive modeling and simulation of dynamicnetworks, and situational awareness and control. Some of the emerging researchtopics in each of these four research areas are described below.

Research area 1: Understanding network structure

To understand network behavior, the underlying topology of the network must beunderstood. In general the network systems of interest are of sufficient scale andcomplexity that direct measurement of structure will be impossible. Insteadstatistical inference and machine learning methods will be used to infer the networkstructure indirectly.

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The fundamental problem isto infer the structure of acomplex network from alimited set of noisyobservations. Theobservations are often onlyindirectly connected to thebasic network structures andinterconnections. In manycases the network may bespatially distributed (e.g. theelectric grid or Internet) and the scale may be very large. Some of the specificmathematical and computational challenges include:

Machine learning on general graph structures – of particular importance arelearning with relational data, learning with limited or no training data,hierarchical structure models, and learning with noisy and missing data12;

Current research in complex network structures has mainly focused ongraphs with a single node and link type. To extend the models to morecomplex systems graphs with multiple types of nodes and multiple classes ofrelations must be considered. In this case many of the basic approaches tonetwork analysis, such as weighted random walks for similarity metrics,break down and new methods must be developed;

Development of an understanding of the fundamental limits of networkreconstruction will provide an important foundation for network models.Under what conditions of sampling and observation errors can networkstructures be reconstructed and how should confidence levels be assigned?

Many of these networks are very large. Methods for analyzing the networkstructure at varying levels of resolution such as scalable methods forevaluating eigenvalue spectra of large graphs are needed13;

Methods for analyzing measurements from large networks and evaluatingcompeting classes of models and inference methods will be required. Workto scale up statistical data analysis tools on high-performance parallelcomputer systems to multi-terabyte or petabyte-class data sets will provideneeded research tools.

Research area 2: Understanding network dynamics

In general the network structure discussed above serves as the substrate fordynamic processes that are the principal objects of interest. The objective is tounderstand behavior under varying conditions – at steady state and as the networkevolves, but particularly large-scale emergent behavior changes due to changes orevents in the system or its environment14,15.


Understanding network structure

Understanding network dynamics

Predictive modeling and simulation

Situational awareness, design and control ofcomplex networks

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Graph models are used extensively to model network structure. How canthese mathematical structures extend to incorporate dynamics? How canthey scale as the networks grow?

Modeling dynamic processes in complex networks will require machinelearning methods incorporating multivariate time-varying statistics16.Understanding the performance of these approaches in noisy, nonstationaryenvironments raises many open mathematical problems. The learningprocess itself becomes a dynamic system coupled to the system beingmodeled.

Emergent behavior is one of the hallmarks of complex network dynamics17.Capturing the nonlinear interactions that produce these effects is animportant component of the network model. Developing stability conditionsand understanding phase transitions will be required.

Understanding the foundations of network dynamics requires providingtheoretical bounds on reconstructability of network dynamics and estimatesof confidence in model structure and parameters.

Research area 3: Mathematical modeling and simulation

Given a mathematical or statistical model of a complex network, simulations can bedeveloped to realize the model structure and produce dynamic networkbehaviors18. Multiple levels of fidelity are needed – at the highest resolution levelsthe simulations can emulate the bits and instructions of real complex dynamicnetworked systems while at lower levels sophisticated mathematical models will berequired. Accurate and validated simulations of complex dynamic networks will beone of the most important deliverables for DOE programs focused on theapplications of complex networks. Areas of research focus include:

Multi-scale information system simulations that treat parts of the simulatedsystem at very high fidelity through emulation or virtualization approacheswhile simulating the larger parts at lower fidelity. Multiple time scales willalso be important for many types of networks, e.g. the Internet evolves muchmore quickly than the power grid;

Highly parallel discrete-event simulations that are the foundation of thesesimulation tools;

Performance optimization of large-scale simulations; Integration of models for human or social components with complex

network simulations; Analysis of stability, convergence properties and errors in complex network

simulations; Confidence measures and validation of simulations with ground truth in real

network systems.

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Research area 4: Situational awareness, design and control of complexnetworks

The ultimate goal of modeling and simulation research is to develop methods forunderstanding and controlling events and anomalies in complex network systems,which will depend upon progress in research areas 1-3 described above. When on-line measurements are used to build models and model predictions are, in turn,used to modify the network operation new dynamics are introduced into this newclosed-loop system. The final research area focuses on the specific researchrequired for on-line learning in complex networks and the use of control methods tomodify network behavior.

Real-time adaptive machine learning in networks expands the methodsdiscussed above to work in a real-time on-line environment. The learningmethods must adapt to a nonstationary environment and, in many cases,scale to very high speed performance.

Distributed situational awareness systems will use multiple sensorsthroughout a physically distributed network to build a model of the networkstructure and dynamics. Distributing the inputs, the model itself, and theanalysis agents that build it is the focus of this area.

Because of the huge volumes of streaming data often involved in complexnetworks, the data must be processed in real time, thus requiring analysismethods that maintain minimal state information. Mapping sophisticatedlearning methods into a streaming environment will be a major challenge.

Many of the problems that these models and simulations will address involveinteraction of the network with some type of adversary. Game-theoreticmodels of the adversary integrated into a simulation environment arerequired to understand and model these threats19.

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Program Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the proposed DOE Office of Science program incomplex networked systems is motivated by the need to rapidly develop thefundamental science required to make significant advances in our understanding ofthese systems. A program that can significantly accelerate the development oftheory, modeling and simulation capabilities can have substantial benefits for theDOE as it grapples with challenges associated with real complex networked systemssuch as the power grid, the internet, and the networks on which the various DOEenterprises depend. In addition to promoting rapid development of a strongscientific foundation for understanding complex networked systems, such aprogram will be required to develop a substantial base of simulation codes that canbe used to provide scientific understanding and discovery capabilities. Thisrequirement strongly supports the involvement of the DOE national laboratories,since collectively they provide substantial experience in the development andmaintenance of large simulation code infrastructures that support various DOEmission elements.

An effective program will have two main elements. One is the DOE ComplexNetworked Systems Research Institute (CNSRI) program, which will include severallarge research institutes whose charter is to advance theory, modeling, and softwareinfrastructure relevant to large-scale DOE networked systems and which willbecome long-term focal points for broad national research efforts in complexnetworked systems. The second component is a Complex Networked Systems BasicResearch (CNSBR) Program consisting largely of individual investigator researchprojects focused on specific challenges for networked systems. To assure the DOE-relevance of research projects supported by the CNSBR program, mechanisms willbe provided to strongly couple those projects with the CNSRI’s.

The charter of the CNSRI program element is to accelerate the development of thestrong scientific foundation for complex networked systems needed to support DOEneeds. As part of this charter, the CNSRI’s will have the responsibility to identifypriority research focus areas in complex networked systems, and will allocateresources to individual PI’s who may subcontract to the CNSRI, or who are residentfor some period of time at the CNSRI (e.g. academic faculty sabbaticals or summerresearch opportunities for faculty and students). These activities will be directed bythe CNSRI steering committee, consisting of the principal investigators of the CNSRI,representatives from the wider research community, and DOE Office of Scienceprogram management.

In addition to their oversight and direction roles, the CNSRI’s will be responsible forthe design, development and validation of the significant software infrastructuresupporting full-scale integrated system models of DOE-relevant complex networkedsystems. The unique value added by DOE to a research program of this type is theability to integrate deep research components into large-scale system applications –something that is well-beyond individual investigator driven research. The criticalimportance to DOE of developing these large-scale system applications supports the

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requirement that these Institutes be located at the DOE National Laboratories. EachCNSRI would focus on an end-to-end application area, for example, modeling andsimulating the dynamic behavior of the national power distribution grid at full scale.The focus areas for the CNSRI’s will demand computational, measurement, andanalytic facilities at a National Lab scale.

Figure 1: The DOE Complex Networked Systems program consists of two main elements, theNetworked Systems Research Institute (CNSRI) program, and the Networked Systems BasicResearch (CNSBR) program. The CNSRI' s are DOE Lab-directed institutes that coordinatelarge program sub-areas, while the CNSBR’s are individual investigator research efforts basedlargely in academia and industry. To assure DOE-relevance, each of the CNSBR’s is affiliatedwith one or more of the CNSRI’s.

The CNSRI’s will also run summer research programs, workshops and conferencesthat will bring PI’s from the CNSBR program, and other federal or internationalprograms, to promote exchange of ideas and to encourage the development ofcollaborative partnerships.

Complementing the integrative function of the DOE Laboratory-based CNSRI’s, thefiner-grained CNSBR program is an essential component of the complex networkresearch program. These projects will perform investigations in focused areas ofcomplex network research. Each project in the CNSBR program will be affiliatedwith one of the CNSRI’s whose responsibility it is to integrate the research effortinto the full-scale program.

This program structure also provides natural interfaces to other DOE programs inthe specific focus areas. For example a CNSRI on Information Network Simulationwould provide powerful tools and capabilities to DOE and NNSA cybersecurity andnetworking programs.

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The future of complex network theory research at DOE

DOE has a significant opportunity to develop next-generation complex networkedsystems that are more secure, less brittle to unexpected events, and morecontrollable. The establishment of a new and aggressive basic research program inmodeling, simulation and analysis of complex networked systems will be anessential enabler of these developments. The resulting strong intellectualfoundation will enable DOE to significantly reduce the risk associated with the lackof essential knowledge for effectively improving network performance andunderstanding potential modes of failure.

With sufficient federal support, a program that couples a group of ComplexNetworked Systems Research Institutes with a strong program of individual-investigator-based basic research projects can be developed over a very few yearsthat will meet these needs. This program will provide a strong foundation for rapidprogress in the development of understanding and simulation capabilities for large-scale complex networks. Research efforts in this program will advance ourunderstanding of network structure, network dynamics, develop predictivemodeling and simulation capabilities, and provide tools for the design and controloptimization of complex networks. The development of strong foundations in thesefour areas will be essential for, e.g., understanding and quantifying the efficacy ofnew security approaches for computer networks, improving the design of computeror communication networks to be more robust against failures or attacks, detectingpotential catastrophic failure on the power grid and preventing or mitigating itseffects, understanding how populations will respond to the availability of newenergy sources or changes in energy policy, and detecting subtle vulnerabilities inlarge software systems to intentional attack. Furthermore, it will provide a strongintellectual foundation that can lead to future breakthroughs in capabilities to buildand operate effective, secure, robust large-scale complex networks in support of theDOE mission.

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