Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization Sharan Vaswani 1 Branislav Kveton 2 Zheng Wen 2 Mohammad Ghavamzadeh 3 Laks V.S. Lakshmanan 1 Mark Schmidt 1 Abstract We consider influence maximization (IM) in so- cial networks, which is the problem of maximiz- ing the number of users that become aware of a product by selecting a set of “seed” users to ex- pose the product to. While prior work assumes a known model of information diffusion, we pro- pose a novel parametrization that not only makes our framework agnostic to the underlying diffu- sion model, but also statistically efficient to learn from data. We give a corresponding monotone, submodular surrogate function, and show that it is a good approximation to the original IM ob- jective. We also consider the case of a new mar- keter looking to exploit an existing social net- work, while simultaneously learning the factors governing information propagation. For this, we propose a pairwise-influence semi-bandit feed- back model and develop a LinUCB-based ban- dit algorithm. Our model-independent analysis shows that our regret bound has a better (as com- pared to previous work) dependence on the size of the network. Experimental evaluation sug- gests that our framework is robust to the under- lying diffusion model and can efficiently learn a near-optimal solution. 1. Introduction The aim of viral marketing is to spread awareness about a specific product via word-of-mouth information propa- gation over a social network. More precisely, marketers (agents) aim to select a fixed number of influential users (called seeds) and provide them with free products or dis- counts. They assume that these users will influence their neighbours and, transitively, other users in the social net- work to adopt the product. This will thus result in infor- mation propagating across the network as more users adopt or become aware of the product. The marketer has a bud- get on the number of free products and must choose seeds 1 University of British Columbia 2 Adobe Research 3 DeepMind (The work was done when the author was with Adobe Research). Correspondence to: Sharan Vaswani <[email protected]>. Proceedings of the 34 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Sydney, Australia, PMLR 70, 2017. Copyright 2017 by the author(s). in order to maximize the influence spread which is the ex- pected number of users that become aware of the product. This problem is referred to as influence maximization (IM). Existing solutions to the IM problem require as input, the underlying diffusion model which describes how informa- tion propagates through the network. The IM problem has been studied under various probabilistic diffusion models such as independent cascade (IC) and linear threshold (LT) models (Kempe et al., 2003). Under these common mod- els, there has been substantial work on developing efficient heuristics and approximation algorithms (Chen et al., 2009; Leskovec et al., 2007; Goyal et al., 2011b;a; Tang et al., 2014; 2015). Unfortunately, knowledge of the underlying diffusion model and its parameters is essential for the existing IM algorithms to perform well. For example, Du et al. (2014) empirically showed that misspecification of the diffusion model can lead to choosing bad seeds and consequently to a low spread. In practice, it is not clear how to choose from amongst the increasing number of plausible diffusion mod- els (Kempe et al., 2003; Gomez Rodriguez et al., 2012; Li et al., 2013). Even if we are able to choose a diffusion model according to some prior information, the number of parameters for these models scales with the size of the net- work (for example, it is equal to the number of edges for both the IC and LT models) and it is not clear how to set these. Goyal et al. (2011a) showed that even when assum- ing the IC or LT model, correct knowledge of the model parameters is critical to choosing good seeds that lead to a large spread. Some papers try to learn these parameters from past propagation data (Saito et al., 2008; Goyal et al., 2010; Netrapalli & Sanghavi, 2012). However in practice, such data is hard to obtain and the large number of param- eters makes this learning challenging. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a novel parametrization for the IM problem in terms of pairwise reachability probabilities (Section 2). This parametrization depends only on the state of the network after the informa- tion diffusion has taken place. Since it does not depend on how information diffuses, it is agnostic to the underlying diffusion model. To select seeds based on these reachabil- ity probabilities, we propose a monotone and submodular surrogate objective function based on the notion of maxi- mum reachability (Section 3). Our surrogate function can be optimized efficiently and is a a good approximation to

Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximizationproceedings.mlr.press/v70/vaswani17a/vaswani17a.pdfModel-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization Sharan

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Page 1: Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximizationproceedings.mlr.press/v70/vaswani17a/vaswani17a.pdfModel-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization Sharan

Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization

Sharan Vaswani 1 Branislav Kveton 2 Zheng Wen 2 Mohammad Ghavamzadeh 3 Laks V.S. Lakshmanan 1

Mark Schmidt 1


We consider influence maximization (IM) in so-cial networks, which is the problem of maximiz-ing the number of users that become aware of aproduct by selecting a set of “seed” users to ex-pose the product to. While prior work assumesa known model of information diffusion, we pro-pose a novel parametrization that not only makesour framework agnostic to the underlying diffu-sion model, but also statistically efficient to learnfrom data. We give a corresponding monotone,submodular surrogate function, and show that itis a good approximation to the original IM ob-jective. We also consider the case of a new mar-keter looking to exploit an existing social net-work, while simultaneously learning the factorsgoverning information propagation. For this, wepropose a pairwise-influence semi-bandit feed-back model and develop a LinUCB-based ban-dit algorithm. Our model-independent analysisshows that our regret bound has a better (as com-pared to previous work) dependence on the sizeof the network. Experimental evaluation sug-gests that our framework is robust to the under-lying diffusion model and can efficiently learn anear-optimal solution.

1. IntroductionThe aim of viral marketing is to spread awareness abouta specific product via word-of-mouth information propa-gation over a social network. More precisely, marketers(agents) aim to select a fixed number of influential users(called seeds) and provide them with free products or dis-counts. They assume that these users will influence theirneighbours and, transitively, other users in the social net-work to adopt the product. This will thus result in infor-mation propagating across the network as more users adoptor become aware of the product. The marketer has a bud-get on the number of free products and must choose seeds

1University of British Columbia 2Adobe Research 3DeepMind(The work was done when the author was with Adobe Research).Correspondence to: Sharan Vaswani <[email protected]>.

Proceedings of the 34 th International Conference on MachineLearning, Sydney, Australia, PMLR 70, 2017. Copyright 2017by the author(s).

in order to maximize the influence spread which is the ex-pected number of users that become aware of the product.This problem is referred to as influence maximization (IM).

Existing solutions to the IM problem require as input, theunderlying diffusion model which describes how informa-tion propagates through the network. The IM problem hasbeen studied under various probabilistic diffusion modelssuch as independent cascade (IC) and linear threshold (LT)models (Kempe et al., 2003). Under these common mod-els, there has been substantial work on developing efficientheuristics and approximation algorithms (Chen et al., 2009;Leskovec et al., 2007; Goyal et al., 2011b;a; Tang et al.,2014; 2015).

Unfortunately, knowledge of the underlying diffusionmodel and its parameters is essential for the existing IMalgorithms to perform well. For example, Du et al. (2014)empirically showed that misspecification of the diffusionmodel can lead to choosing bad seeds and consequently toa low spread. In practice, it is not clear how to choose fromamongst the increasing number of plausible diffusion mod-els (Kempe et al., 2003; Gomez Rodriguez et al., 2012; Liet al., 2013). Even if we are able to choose a diffusionmodel according to some prior information, the number ofparameters for these models scales with the size of the net-work (for example, it is equal to the number of edges forboth the IC and LT models) and it is not clear how to setthese. Goyal et al. (2011a) showed that even when assum-ing the IC or LT model, correct knowledge of the modelparameters is critical to choosing good seeds that lead toa large spread. Some papers try to learn these parametersfrom past propagation data (Saito et al., 2008; Goyal et al.,2010; Netrapalli & Sanghavi, 2012). However in practice,such data is hard to obtain and the large number of param-eters makes this learning challenging.

To overcome these difficulties, we propose a novelparametrization for the IM problem in terms of pairwisereachability probabilities (Section 2). This parametrizationdepends only on the state of the network after the informa-tion diffusion has taken place. Since it does not depend onhow information diffuses, it is agnostic to the underlyingdiffusion model. To select seeds based on these reachabil-ity probabilities, we propose a monotone and submodularsurrogate objective function based on the notion of maxi-mum reachability (Section 3). Our surrogate function canbe optimized efficiently and is a a good approximation to

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Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization

the IM objective. We theoretically bound the quality of thisapproximation. Our parametrization may be of indepen-dent interest to the IM community.

Next, we consider learning how to choose good seeds in anonline setting. Specifically, we focus on the case of a newmarketer looking to exploit an existing network to markettheir product. They need to choose a good seed set, whilesimultaneously learning the factors affecting informationpropagation. This motivates the learning framework of IMsemi-bandits (Vaswani et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016; Wenet al., 2017). In these works, the marketer performs IMover multiple “rounds” and learns about the factors gov-erning the diffusion on the fly. Each round correspondsto an IM attempt for the same or similar products. Eachattempt incurs a loss in the influence spread (measured interms of cumulative regret) because of the lack of knowl-edge about the diffusion process. The aim is to minimizethe cumulative regret incurred across multiple such rounds.This leads to the classic exploration-exploitation trade-offwhere the marketer must either choose seeds that either im-prove their knowledge about the diffusion process (“explo-ration”) or find a seed set that leads to a large expectedspread (“exploitation”). Note that all previous works onIM semi-bandits assume the IC model.

We propose a novel semi-bandit feedback model based onpairwise influence (Section 4). Our feedback model isweaker than the edge-level feedback proposed in (Chenet al., 2016; Wen et al., 2017). Under this feedback, we for-mulate IM semi-bandit as a linear bandit problem and pro-pose a scalable LinUCB-based algorithm (Section 5). Webound the cumulative regret of this algorithm (Section 6)and show that our regret bound has the optimal dependenceon the time horizon, is linear in the cardinality of the seedset, and as compared to the previous literature, has a bet-ter dependence on the size of the network. In Section 7,we describe how to construct features based on the graphLaplacian eigenbasis and describe a practical implementa-tion of our algorithm. Finally, in Section 8, we empiricallyevaluate our proposed algorithm on a real-world networkand show that it is statistically efficient and robust to theunderlying diffusion model.

2. Influence MaximizationThe IM problem is characterized by the triple (G, C,D),where G is a directed graph encoding the topology of thesocial network, C is the collection of feasible seed sets,and D is the underlying diffusion model. Specifically,G = (V, E), where V = {1, 2, . . . , n} and E are the nodeand edge sets of G, with cardinalities n = |V| and m = |E|,respectively. The collection of feasible seed sets C is de-termined by a cardinality constraint on the sets and pos-sibly some combinatorial constraints (e.g. matroid con-straints) that rule out some subsets of V . This implies thatC ✓ {S ✓ V : |S| K}, for some K n. The diffu-sion model D specifies the stochastic process under which

influence is propagated across the social network once aseed set S 2 C is selected. Without loss of generality, weassume that all stochasticity in D is encoded in a randomvector w, referred to as the diffusion random vector. Notethat throughout this paper, we denote vectors in bold case.We assume that each diffusion has a corresponding w sam-pled independently from an underlying probability distri-bution P specific to the diffusion model. For the widely-used models IC and LT, w is an m-dimensional binary vec-tor encoding edge activations for all the edges in E , and Pis parametrized by m influence probabilities, one for eachedge. Once w is sampled, we use D(w) to refer to the par-ticular realization of the diffusion model D. Note that bydefinition, D(w) is deterministic, conditioned on w.

Given the above definitions, an IM attempt can be de-scribed as: the marketer first chooses a seed set S 2 Cand then nature independently samples a diffusion randomvector w ⇠ P. Note that the influenced nodes in the dif-fusion are completely determined by S and D(w). We usethe indicator 1

�S, v,D(w)

� 2 {0, 1} to denote if the nodev is influenced under the seed set S and the particular real-ization D(w). For a given (G,D), once a seed set S ✓ C ischosen, for each node v 2 V , we use F (S, v) to denote theprobability that v is influenced under the seed set S , i.e.,

F (S, v) = E⇥1�S, v,D(w)

���S⇤ (1)

where the expectation is over all possible realizationsD(w). We denote by F (S) =

Pv2V F (S, v), the ex-

pected number of nodes that are influenced when the seedset S is chosen. The aim of the IM problem is to max-imize F (S) subject to the constraint S 2 C, i.e., to findS⇤ 2 argmaxS2C F (S). Although IM is an NP-hard prob-lem in general, under common diffusion models such as ICand LT, the objective function F (S) is monotone and sub-modular, and thus, a near-optimal solution can be computedin polynomial time using a greedy algorithm (Nemhauseret al., 1978). In this work, we assume that D is any diffu-sion model satisfying the following monotonicity assump-tion:

Assumption 1. For any v 2 V and any subsets S1 ✓ S2 ✓V , if F (S1, v) F (S2, v), then F (S, v) is monotone in S .Note that all progressive diffusion models (models whereonce the user is influenced, they can not change their state),including those in (Kempe et al., 2003; Gomez Rodriguezet al., 2012; Li et al., 2013) satisfy Assumption 1.

3. Surrogate ObjectiveWe now motivate and propose a surrogate objective forthe IM problem based on the notion of maximal pairwisereachability. We start by defining some useful notation.For any set S ✓ V and any set of “pairwise probabilities”p : V ⇥ V ! [0, 1], for all nodes v 2 V , we define

f(S, v, p) = max

u2S pu,v


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Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization

where pu,v

is the pairwise probability associated with theordered node pair (u, v). We further define f(S, p) =P

v2V f(S, v, p). Note that for all p, f(S, p) is alwaysmonotone and submodular in S (Krause & Golovin, 2012).

For any pair of nodes u, v 2 V , we define the pairwisereachability from u to v as p⇤


= F ({u}, v), i.e., the prob-ability that v will be influenced, if u is the only seed nodeunder graph G and diffusion model D. Throughout this pa-per, we use “source node” and “seed” interchangeably andrefer to the nodes not in the seed set S as “target” nodes.We define f(S, v, p⇤) = max

u2S p⇤u,v

as the maximal pair-wise reachability from the seed set S to the target node v.

Our proposed surrogate objective for the IM problem isf(S, p⇤) = P

v2V f(S, v, p⇤). Based on this objective, anapproximate solution eS to the IM problem can be obtainedby maximizing f(S, p⇤) under the constraint S 2 C,

eS 2 argmaxS2C f(S, p⇤) (3)

Recall that S⇤ is the optimal solution to the IM problem.To quantify the quality of the surrogate, we define the sur-rogate approximation factor as ⇢ = f( eS, p⇤)/F (S⇤

). Thefollowing theorem, (proved in Appendix A) states that wecan obtain the following upper and lower bounds on ⇢:

Theorem 1. For any graph G, seed set S 2 C, and diffusionmodel D satisfying Assumption 1,

1 f(S, p⇤) F (S),

2 If F (S) is submodular in S , then 1/K ⇢ 1.

The above theorem implies that for any progressive modelsatisfying Assumption 1, maximizing f(S, p⇤) is equiva-lent to maximizing a lower-bound on the true spread F (S).For both IC and LT models, F (S) is both monotone andsubmodular, and the approximation factor can be boundedfrom below by 1/K. In Section 8, we empirically showthat in cases of practical interest, f(S, p⇤) is a good ap-proximation to F (S) and that ⇢ is much larger than 1/K.

Finally, note that solving eS 2 argmaxS2C f(S, p⇤) ex-actly might be computationally intractable and thus weneed to compute a near-optimal solution based on an ap-proximation algorithm. In this paper, we refer to such ap-proximation algorithms as oracles to distinguish them fromlearning algorithms. Let ORACLE be a specific oracle andlet bS �

= ORACLE(G, C, p) be the seed set output by it. Forany ↵ 2 [0, 1], we say that ORACLE is an ↵-approximationalgorithm if for all p : V ⇥ V ! [0, 1], f( bS, p) �↵maxS2C f(S, p). For our particular case, since f(S, p⇤)is submodular, a valid oracle is the greedy algorithm whichgives an ↵ = 1 � 1/e approximation (Nemhauser et al.,1978). Hence, given the knowledge of p⇤, we can obtainan approcimate solution to the IM problem without know-ing the exact underlying diffusion model.

4. Influence Maximization Semi-BanditsWe now focus on the case of a new marketer trying to learnthe pairwise reachabilities by repeatedly interacting withthe network. We describe the observable feedback (Sec-tion 4.2) and the learning framework (Section 4.3).

4.1. Influence Maximization Semi-Bandits

In an influence maximization semi-bandit problem, theagent (marketer) knows both G and C, but does not knowthe diffusion model D. Specifically, the agent knows nei-ther the model of D, for instance whether D is the IC or LTmodel; nor its parameters, for instance the influence proba-bilities in the IC or LT model. Consider a scenario in whichthe agent interacts with the social network for T rounds. Ateach round t 2 {1, . . . , T}, the agent first chooses a seedset S


2 C based on its prior knowledge and past obser-vations and then nature independently samples a diffusionrandom vector w


⇠ P. Influence thus diffuses in the socialnetwork from S


according to D(wt

). The agent’s rewardat round t is the number of the influenced nodes



Pv2V 1


, v,D(wt



Recall that by definition, E [rt



)] = F (St

). Aftereach such IM attempt, the agent observes the pairwise in-fluence feedback (described next) and uses it to improve thesubsequent IM attempts. The agent’s objective is to maxi-mize the expected cumulative reward across the T rounds,i.e., to maximize E


t=1 rt

i. This is equivalent to mini-

mizing the cumulative regret defined subsequently.

4.2. Pairwise Influence Feedback Model

We propose a novel IM semi-bandit feedback model re-ferred to as pairwise influence feedback. Under this feed-back model, at the end of each round t, the agent observes1�{u}, v,D(w



�for all u 2 S


and all v 2 V . In otherwords, it observes whether or not v would be influenced, ifthe agent selects S = {u} as the seed set under the diffu-sion model D(w


). This form of semi-bandit feedback isplausible in most IM scenarios. For example, on sites likeFacebook, we can identify the user who influenced anotheruser to “share” or “like” an article, and thus, can transi-tively trace the propagation to the seed which started thediffusion. Note that our assumption is strictly weaker than(and implied by) edge level semi-bandit feedback (Chenet al., 2016; Wen et al., 2017): from edge level feedback,we can identify the edges along which the diffusion trav-elled, and thus, determine whether a particular source nodeis responsible for activating a target node. However, frompairwise feedback, it is impossible to infer a unique edgelevel feedback.4.3. Linear Generalization

Parametrizing the problem in terms of reachability prob-abilities results in O(n2

) parameters that need to be

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learned. Without any structural assumptions, this becomesintractable for large networks. To develop statistically effi-cient algorithms for large-scale IM semi-bandits, we makea linear generalization assumption similar to (Wen et al.,2015; 2017). Assume that each node v 2 V is associatedwith two vectors of dimension d, the seed (source) weight✓


2 <d and the target feature x


2 <d. We assume thatthe target feature x


is known, whereas ✓⇤v

is unknown andneeds to be learned. The linear generalization assumptionis stated as:

Assumption 2. For all u, v 2 V , p⇤u,v

can be “well ap-proximated” by the inner product of ✓⇤


and x


, i.e.,


⇡ h✓⇤u


i �= x



Note that for the tabular case (the case without generaliza-tion across p⇤


), we can always choose xv

= ev

2 <n and✓



⇥p⇤u,1, . . . , p


⇤T , where e


is an n-dimensional in-dicator vector with the v-th element equal to 1 and all otherelements equal to 0. However, in this case d = n, whichis not desirable. Constructing target features when d ⌧ nis non-trivial. We discuss a feature construction approachbased on the unweighted graph Laplacian in Section 7. Weuse matrix X 2 <d⇥n to encode the target features. Specif-ically, for v = 1, . . . , n, the v-th column of X is set as x


.Note that X = I 2 <n⇥n in the tabular case.

Finally, note that under Assumption 2, estimating thereachability probabilities becomes equivalent to estimatingn (one for each source) d-dimensional weight vectors. Thisimplies that Assumption 2 reduces the number of parame-ters to learn from O(n2

) to O(dn), and thus, is importantfor developing statistically efficient algorithms for large-scale IM semi-bandits.

4.4. Performance Metric

We benchmark the performance of an IM semi-bandit algo-rithm by comparing its spread against the attainable influ-ence assuming perfect knowledge of D. Since it is NP-hardto compute the optimal seed set even when with perfectknowledge, similar to (Wen et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2016),we measure the performance of an IM semi-bandit algo-rithm by scaled cumulative regret. Specifically, if S


is theseed set selected by the IM semi-bandit algorithm at roundt, for any 2 (0, 1), the -scaled cumulative regret R

(T )in the first T rounds is defined as


(T ) = T · F (S⇤)� 1



t=1 F (St


i. (4)

5. AlgorithmIn this section, we propose a LinUCB-based IM semi-bandit algorithm, called diffusion-independent LinUCB(DILinUCB), whose pseudocode is in Algorithm 1. As itsname suggests, DILinUCB is applicable to IM semi-bandits

Algorithm 1 Diffusion-Independent LinUCB (DILinUCB)1: Input: G = (V, E), C, oracle ORACLE, target feature

matrix X 2 Rd⇥n, algorithm parameters c,�,� > 0

2: Initialize ⌃

u,0 �Id

, bu,0 0, b✓

u,0 0 for allu 2 V , and UCB p


1 for all u, v 2 V3: for t = 1 to T do4: Choose S


ORACLE (G, C, p)5: for u 2 S


do6: Get pairwise influence feedback y


7: b



u,t�1 +Xy


8: ⌃


u,t�1 + ��2XXT

9: b✓






10: pu,v






i+ ckxv


i, 8v 2

V11: end for12: for u 62 S


do13: b


= b


14: ⌃


= ⌃


15: end for16: end for

with any diffusion model D satisfying Assumption ]refas-sum:monotone. The only requirement to apply DILinUCBis that the IM semi-bandit provides the pairwise influencefeedback described in Section 4.2.

The inputs to DILinUCB include the network topology G,the collection of the feasible sets C, the optimization algo-rithm ORACLE, the target feature matrix X , and three algo-rithm parameters c,�,� > 0. The parameter � is a regular-ization parameter whereas � is proportional to the noise inthe observations and hence controls the learning rate. Foreach source node u 2 V and time t, we define the Grammatrix ⌃


2 <d⇥d, and b


2 <d as the vector summa-rizing the past propagations from u. The vector ✓


is thesource weight estimate for node u at round t. The meanreachability probability from u to v is given by hb✓



i,whereas its variance is given as kx










.Note that ⌃


and b


are sufficient statistics for computingUCB estimates p


for all v 2 V . The parameter c tradesoff the mean and variance in the UCB estimates and thuscontrols the “degree of optimism” of the algorithm.

All the Gram matrices are initialized to �Id

, where Id

de-notes the d-dimensional identity matrix whereas the vectorsb

u,0 and ✓

u,0 are set to d-dimensional all-zeros vectors. Ateach round t, DILinUCB first uses the existing UCB esti-mates to compute the seed set S


based on the given ora-cle ORACLE (line 4 of Algorithm 1). Then, it observes thepairwise reachability vector y


for all the selected seedsin S


. The vector yu,t

is an n-dimensional column vectorsuch that y


(v) = 1 ({u}, v,D(wt

)) indicating whethernode v is reachable from the source u at round t. Finally,for each of the K selected seeds u 2 S


, DILinUCB up-

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dates the sufficient statistics (lines 7 and 8 of Algorithm 1)and the UCB estimates (line 10 of Algorithm 1). Here,Proj[0,1][·] projects a real number onto the [0, 1] interval.

6. Regret BoundIn this section, we derive a regret bound for DILinUCB,under (1) Assumption 1, (2) perfect linear generalizationi.e. p⇤


= h✓⇤u


i for all u, v 2 V , and (3) the assump-tion that ||x


||2 1 for all v 2 V . Notice that (2) is thestandard assumption for linear bandit analysis (Dani et al.,2008), and (3) can always be satisfied by rescaling the tar-get features. Our regret bound is stated below:Theorem 2. For any �,� > 0, any feature matrix X , any↵-approximation oracle ORACLE, and any c satisfying

c � 1


dn log

✓1 +


◆+ 2 log (n2T ) +





if we apply DILinUCB with input (ORACLE, X, c,�,�),then its ⇢↵-scaled cumulative regret is upper-bounded as

R⇢↵(T ) 2c



sdKT log

�1 +


� log

�1 +




⇢. (6)

For the tabular case X = I , we obtain a tighter bound

R⇢↵(T ) 2c



sKT log

�1 +


� log

�1 +




⇢. (7)

Recall that ⇢ specifies the quality of the surrogate ap-proximation. Notice that if we choose � = � = 1,and choose c s.t. Inequality 5 is tight, then our regretbound is eO(n2d

pKT/(↵⇢)) for general feature matrix X ,

and eO(n2.5pKT/(↵⇢)) in the tabular case. Here the eO

hides log factors. We now briefly discuss the tightnessof our regret bounds. First, note that the O(1/⇢) factoris due to the surrogate objective approximation discussedin Section 3, and the O(1/↵) factor is due to the factthat ORACLE is an ↵-approximation algorithm. Second,note that the eO(

pT )-dependence on time is near-optimal,

and the eO(

pK)-dependence on the cardinality of the seed

sets is standard in the combinatorial semi-bandit literature(Kveton et al., 2015). Third, for general X , notice that theeO(d)-dependence on feature dimension is standard in lin-ear bandit literature (Dani et al., 2008; Wen et al., 2015). Toexplain the eO(n2

) factor in this case, notice that one O(n)factor is due to the magnitude of the reward (the rewardis from 0 to n, rather than 0 to 1), whereas one eO(


factor is due to the statistical dependence of the pairwisereachabilities. Assuming statistical independence betweenthese reachabilities (similar to Chen et al. (2016)), we canshave off this eO(

pn) factor. However this assumption is

unrealistic in practice. Another eO(

pn) is due to the fact

that we learn one ✓


for each source node u (i.e. there isno generalization across the source nodes). Finally, for the

tabular case X = I , the dependence on d no longer exists,but there is another eO(

pn) factor due to the fact that there

is no generalization across target nodes.We conclude this section by sketching the proof for The-orem 2 (the detailed proof is available in Appendix B andAppendix C). We define the “good event” as

F = {|xTv (

b✓u,t�1 � ✓

⇤u)| ckxvk⌃�1

u,t�18u, v 2 V, t T},

and the “bad event” F as the complement of F . We thendecompose the ⇢↵-scaled regret R⇢↵

(T ) over F and F ,and obtain the following inequality:

R⇢↵(T ) 2c











P (F)


where P (F) is the probability of F . The regret boundsin Theorem 2 are derived based on worst-case boundson




Pv2V kxv


(Appendix B.2), and a

bound on P (F) based on the “self-normalized bound formatrix-valued martingales” developed in Theorem 3 (Ap-pendix C).

7. Practical ImplementationIn this section, we briefly discuss how to implement ourproposed algorithm, DILinUCB, in practical semi-banditIM problems. Specifically, we will discuss how to constructfeatures in Section 7.1, how to enhance the practical per-formance of DILinUCB based on Laplacian regularizationin Section 7.2, and how to implement DILinUCB computa-tionally efficiently in real-world problems in Section 7.3.

7.1. Target Feature Construction

Although DILinUCB is applicable with any target featurematrix X , in practice, its performance is highly dependenton the “quality” of X . In this subsection, we motivate andpropose a systematic feature construction approach basedon the unweighted Laplacian matrix of the network topol-ogy G. For all u 2 V , let p⇤


2 <n be the vector encodingthe reachabilities from the seed u to all the target nodesv 2 V . Intuitively, p⇤


tends to be a smooth graph functionin the sense that target nodes close to each other (e.g., in thesame community) tend to have similar reachabilities fromu. From (Belkin et al., 2006; Valko et al., 2014), we knowthat a smooth graph function (in this case, the reachabilityfrom a source) can be expressed as a linear combination ofeigenvectors of the weighted Laplacian of the network. Inour case, the edge weights correspond to influence prob-abilities and are unknown in the IM semi-bandit setting.However, we use the above intuition to construct target fea-tures based on the unweighted Laplacian of G. Specifically,for a given d = 1, 2, . . . , n, we set the feature matrix X tobe the bottom d eigenvectors (associated with d smallesteigenvalues) of the unweighted Laplacian of G. Other ap-proaches to construct target features include the neighbour-

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hood preserving node-level features as described in (Grover& Leskovec, 2016; Perozzi et al., 2014). We leave the in-vestigation of other feature construction approaches to fu-ture work.

7.2. Laplacian Regularization

One limitation of our proposed DILinUCB algorithm is thatit does not generalize across the seed nodes u. Specifi-cally, it needs to learn the source node feature ✓


for eachsource node u separately, which is inefficient for large-scale semi-bandit IM problems. Similar to target features,the source features also tend to be smooth in the sensethat k✓⇤

u1� ✓

⇤u2k2 is “small” if nodes u1 and u2 are adja-

cent. We use this idea to design a prior which ties togetherthe source features for different nodes, and hence transfersinformation between them. This idea of Laplacian regu-larization has been used in multi-task learning (Evgeniouet al., 2005) and for contextual-bandits in (Cesa-Bianchiet al., 2013; Vaswani et al., 2017). Specifically, at eachround t, we compute b


by minimizing the following ob-jective w.r.t ✓











2+ �2



||✓u1 � ✓

u2 ||22

where �2 � 0 is the regularization parameter. The imple-mentation details are provided in Appendix D.

7.3. Computational Complexity

We now characterize the computational complexity ofDILinUCB, and discuss how to implement it efficiently.Note that at each time t, DILinUCB needs to first com-pute a solution S


based on ORACLE, and then update theUCBs. Since ⌃


is positive semi-definite, the linear sys-tem in line 9 of Algorithm 1 can be solved using con-jugate gradient in O(d2) time. It is straightforward tosee the computational complexity to update the UCBs isO(Knd2). The computational complexity to compute S


is dependent on ORACLE. For the classical setting in whichC = {S ✓ V : |S| K} and ORACLE is the greedy algo-rithm, the computational complexity is O(Kn). To speedthis up, we use the idea of lazy evaluations for submodularmaximization proposed in (Minoux, 1978; Leskovec et al.,2007). It is known that this results in improved runningtime in practice.

8. Experiments8.1. Empirical Verification of Surrogate Objective

In this subsection, we empirically verify that the surrogatef(S, p⇤) proposed in Section 3 is a good approximation ofthe true IM objective F (S). We conduct our tests on ran-dom Kronecker graphs, which are known to capture manyproperties of real-world social networks (Leskovec et al.,2010). Specifically, we generate a social network instance

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35











F (S)f(S, p⋆)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35















F (S⋆g )

UBLBf(Sg, p



Figure 1. Experimental verification of surrogate objective.

(G,D) as follows: we randomly sample G as a Kroneckergraph with n = 256 and sparsity equal to 0.03 1 (Leskovecet al., 2005). We choose D as the IC model and sampleeach of its influence probabilities independently from theuniform distribution U(0, 0.1). Note that this range of in-fluence probabilities is guided by the empirical evidencein (Goyal et al., 2010; Barbieri et al., 2013). To weakenthe dependence on a particular instance, all the results inthis subsection are averaged over 10 randomly generatedinstances.

We first numerically estimate the pairwise reachabilities p⇤for all 10 instances based on social network simulation. In asimulation, we randomly sample a seed set S with cardinal-ity K between 1 and 35, and record the pairwise influenceindicator y


(v) from each source u 2 S to each target nodev in this simulation. The reachability p⇤


is estimated byaveraging the y


(v) values across 50k such simulations.

Based on the p⇤ so estimated, we compare f(S, p⇤) andF (S) as K, the seed set cardinality, varies from 2 to 35.For each K and each social network instance, we randomlysample 100 seed sets S with cardinality K. Then, we eval-uate f(S, p⇤) based on the estimated p⇤; and numericallyevaluate F (S) by averaging results of 500 influence sim-ulations (diffusions). For each K, we average both F (S)and f(S, p⇤) across the random seed sets in each instanceas well as across the 10 instances. We plot the averageF (S) and f(S, p⇤) as a function of K in Figure 1(a). Theplot shows that f(S) is a good lower bound on the trueexpected spread F (S), especially for low K.

Finally, we empirically quantify the surrogate approxima-tion factor ⇢. As before, we vary K from 2 to 35 and av-erage across 10 instances. Let ↵⇤

= 1 � e�1. For eachinstance and each K, we first use the estimated p⇤ and thegreedy algorithm to find an ↵⇤-approximation solution eS


to the surrogate problem maxS f(S, p⇤). We then use thestate-of-the-art IM algorithm (Tang et al., 2014) to com-pute an ↵⇤-approximation solution S⇤


to the IM problemmaxS F (S). Since F (S⇤


) � ↵F (S⇤) (Nemhauser et al.,

1978), UB

�= F (S⇤


)/↵⇤ is an upper bound on F (S⇤).

From Theorem 1, LB �= F (S⇤


)/K F (S⇤)/K is a lower

1Based on the sparsity of typical social networks.

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bound on f( eS, p⇤). We plot the average values (over 10 in-stances) of F (S⇤


), f( eSg

, p⇤), UB and LB against K in Fig-ure 1(b). We observe that the difference in spreads does notincrease rapidly with K. Although ⇢ is lower-bounded with1K

, in practice for all K 2 [2, 35], ⇢ � ↵

⇤f( eSg,p

⇤)F (S⇤

g )� 0.55.

This shows that in practice, our surrogate approximation isreasonable even for large K.

8.2. Performance of DILinUCB

We now demonstrate the performances of variants ofDILinUCB and compare them with the start of the art. Wechoose the social network topology G as a subgraph of theFacebook network available at (Leskovec & Krevl, 2014),which consists of n = 4k nodes and m = 88k edges. Sincetrue diffusion model is unavailable, we assume the diffu-sion model D is either an IC model or an LT model, andsample the edge influence probabilities independently fromthe uniform distribution U(0, 0.1). We also choose T = 5krounds.

We compare DILinUCB against the CUCB algorithm (Chenet al., 2016) in both the IC model and the LT model, withK = 10. CUCB (referred to as CUCB(K) in plots) assumesthe IC model, edge-level feedback and learns the influenceprobability for each edge independently. We demonstratethe performance of three variants of DILinUCB - the tabularcase with X = I , independent estimation for each sourcenode using target features (Algorithm 1) and Laplacianregularized estimation with target features (Appendix D).In the subsequent plots, to emphasize the dependence onK and d, these are referred to as TAB(K), I(K,d) andL(K,d) respectively. We construct features as described inSection 7.1. Similar to spectral clustering (Von Luxburg,2007), the gap in the eigenvalues of the unweighted Lapla-cian can be used to choose the number of eigenvectors d.In our case, we choose the bottom d = 50 eigenvectorsfor constructing target features and show the effect of vary-ing d in the next experiment. Similar to (Gentile et al.,2014), all hyper-parameters for our algorithm are set usingan initial validation set of 500 rounds. The best validationperformance was observed for � = 10

�4 and � = 1.

We now briefly discuss the performance metrics used inthis section. For all S ✓ V and all t = 1, 2 . . ., wedefine r


(S) =

Pv2V I (S, v,D(w


)), which is the re-alized reward at time t if S is chosen at that time. Oneperformance metric is the per-step reward. Specifically,in one simulation, the per-step reward at time t is definedas

Pts=1 rs


. Another performance metric is the cumula-tive regret. Since it is computationally intractable to de-rive S⇤, our regret is measured with respect to S⇤


, the ↵⇤-approximation solution discussed in Section 8.1. In onesimulation, the cumulative regret at time t is defined asR(t) =





)� rs



⇤. All the subsequent re-

sults are averaged across 5 independent simulations.

Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the cumulative regret when the

underlying diffusion model is IC and LT, respectively. Wehave the following observations: (i) As compared to CUCB,the cumulative regret increases at a slower rate for all vari-ants of DILinUCB, under both the IC and LT models, andfor both the tabular case and case with features. (ii) Ex-ploiting target features (linear generalization) in DILinUCBleads to a much smaller cumulative regret. (iii) CUCB is notrobust to model misspecification: it has a near linear cumu-lative regret under LT model. (iv) Laplacian regularizationhas little effect on the cumulative regret in these two cases.These observations clearly demonstrate the two main ad-vantages of DILinUCB: it is both statistically efficient androbust to diffusion model misspecification. To explain (iv),we argue that the current combination of T , K, d and nresults in sufficient feedback for independent estimation toperform well and hence it is difficult to observe any addi-tional benefit of Laplacian regularization. We provide ad-ditional evidence for this argument in the next experiment.

In Figure 3(a), we quantify the effect of varying d when theunderlying diffusion model is IC and make the followingobservations: (i) The cumulative regret for both d = 10

and d = 100 is higher than that for d = 50. (ii) Laplacianregularization leads to observably lower cumulative regretwhen d = 100. Observation (iii) implies that d = 10 doesnot provide enough expressive power for linear generaliza-tion across the nodes of the network, whereas it is relativelydifficult to estimate 100-dimensional ✓⇤


vectors within 5krounds. Observation (iv) implies that tying source node es-timates together imposes an additional bias which becomesimportant while learning higher dimensional coefficients.This shows the potential benefit of using Laplacian regu-larization for larger networks, where we will need higherd for linear generalization across nodes. We obtain similarresults under the LT model.

In Figures 3(b) and 3(c), we show the effect of varyingK on the per-step reward. We compare CUCB and the in-dependent version of our algorithm when the underlyingmodel is IC and LT. We make the following observations:(i) For both IC and LT, the per-step reward for all meth-ods increases with K. (ii) For the IC model, the per-step reward for our algorithm is higher than CUCB whenK = {5, 10, 20}, but the difference in the two spreads de-creases with K. For K = 50, CUCB outperforms our al-gorithm. (iii) For the LT model, the per-step reward of ouralgorithm is substantially higher than CUCB for all K. Ob-servation (i) is readily explained since both IC and LT areprogressive models, and satisfy Assumption 1. To explain(ii), note that CUCB is correctly specified for the IC model.As K becomes higher, more edges become active and CUCBobserves more feedback. It is thus able to learn more effi-ciently, leading to a higher per-step reward compared to ouralgorithm when K = 50. Observation (iii) again demon-strates that CUCB is not robust to diffusion model misspeci-fication, while DILinUCB is.

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0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000










18x 10


Number of rounds










(a) IC Model

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000








14x 10


Number of rounds










(b) LT Model

Figure 2. Comparing DILinUCB and CUCB on the Facebook subgraph with K = 10.

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000










18x 10


Number of rounds













(a) Effect of d in IC

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000












Number of rounds



p R









(b) Effect of K in IC

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000











Number of rounds



p R









(c) Effect of K in LT

Figure 3. Effects of varying d or K.

9. Related WorkIM semi-bandits have been studied in several recent pa-pers (Wen et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2016; Vaswani et al.,2015; Carpentier & Valko, 2016). Chen et al. (2016) stud-ied IM semi-bandit under edge-level feedback and the ICdiffusion model. They formulated it as a combinatorialmulti-armed bandit problem and proposed a UCB algo-rithm (CUCB). They only consider the tabular case, and de-rive an O(n3

) regret bound that also depends on the recip-rocal of the minimum observation probability p of an edge.This can be problematic in for example, a line graph withL edges where all edge weights are 0.5. Then 1/p is 2L�1,implying an exponentially large regret. Moreover, they as-sume that source nodes influence the target nodes indepen-dently, which is not true in most practical social networks.In contrast, both our algorithm and analysis are diffusionindependent, and our analysis does not require the “inde-pendent influence” assumption made in (Chen et al., 2016).Our regret bound is O(n2.5

) in the tabular case and O(n2d)in the general linear bandit case. Vaswani et al. (2015)use "-greedy and Thompson sampling algorithms for a dif-ferent and more challenging feedback model, where thelearning agent observes influenced nodes but not the edges.They do not give any theoretical guarantees. Concurrentto our work, Wen et al. (2017) consider a linear general-ization model across edges and prove regret bounds under

edge-level feedback. Note that all of the above papers as-sume the IC diffusion model.

Carpentier & Valko (2016); Fang & Tao (2014) considera simpler local model of influence, in which informationdoes not transitively diffuse across the network. Lei et al.(2015) consider the related, but different, problem of max-imizing the number of unique activated nodes across mul-tiple rounds. They do not provide any theoretical analysis.

10. ConclusionIn this paper, we described a novel model-independentparametrization and a corresponding surrogate objectivefunction for the IM problem. We used this parametriza-tion to propose DILinUCB, a diffusion-independent learn-ing algorithm for IM semi-bandits. We conjecture that withan appropriate generalization across source nodes, it maybe possible to get a more statistically efficient algorithmand get rid of an additional O(

pn) factor in the regret

bound. In the future, we hope to address alternate banditalgorithms such Thompson sampling, and feedback mod-els such as node-level in Vaswani et al. (2015).

Acknowledgements: This research was supported by theNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council ofCanada.

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