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Sl No Content Pages

1 Covering Letter 3-4

2Part A - Guidelines on macro issues relatedto exercise of delegated powers


3 Part – B - Guidelines related to Schedulesof Powers


4 Part C – Cover 28

5 Annexure 1 – Reasons for Oversight Mechanism 29-32

6 Annexure 2 – Composition of Audit AdvisoryCommittee (ACC)


7 Annexure 3 – Risk Analysis Framework 35-36

8 Annexure 4 – APAR of IFA System 37

9 Annexure 5 – Guidelines for e-ProcurementModule of NIC


10 Annexure 6 – Guidelines for Benchmarking CostEstimates


11 Annexure 7 – Format for Annual Planmonitoring


12 Annexure 8 – Format for Physical progressmonitoring of procurement cases


13 Annexure 9 – Format for Financial progressmonitoring of procurement cases


14 Annexure 10 – Implementation Matrix 66

15 Part D - Cover 67











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Min of Def (Fin), New Delhi

CoordA-102 dated 20.04.2015

MoD Order

Delegation of Financial Powers to Defence Services – 2015


1. Financial powers to Defence Services were last notified in 2006. The

revised Financial powers are hereby notified vide this MoD Order, which

will come into effect from 1st May 2015. The service-specific Govt letters

issued in 2006, as amended from time to time, stand superseded from


2. All cases, in which RFPs have been issued before 1.5.2015, will continue

to be guided by powers vested vide Govt letters issued in 2006. However

all those cases, where Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) has been granted but

RFPs not been issued till 1.5.2015, will be withdrawn for fresh issue of

AoN and thereafter will be processed as per powers vested vide this MoD

Order. Cases, which have reached Expenditure Sanction stage, will be

governed by old powers of 2006. However, cases of Post-contract

management of on-going cases may be processed as per powers vested

vide this MoD Order.

3. This MoD Order is divided into 4 parts as under –

a. Part A – deals with macro issues, which are required to be implemented

as a necessary adjunct to revised financial powers.

b. Part B - mentions requisite instructions / guidelines for exercise of

financial powers as contained in Schedules.

c. Part C – contains Annexure as referred to in Part A.

d. Part D – contains Schedules of Financial Powers as under –

i. ASP-2015 – Army Schedules of Powers

ii. NSP-2015 – Navy Schedules of Powers

iii. AFSP-2015 – Air Force Schedules of Powers

iv. ISP-2015 – IDS Schedules of Powers

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v. MSP-2015 – Medical Schedules of Powers

Schedules are to be referred to as per abbreviations given above.

4. Keeping in view the Govt’s eco-friendly initiatives, a soft copy of this MoD

order is enclosed for easy distribution to concerned CFAs, IFAs, PCDAs,

CsDA, C&AG offices, etc.

5. For any clarifications related to interpretation of provisions contained in

this Govt Order, queries may be sent to MoD (Fin/CoordA) through

respective SHQs.

6. This issues with the concurrence of FA (DS) and approval of Raksha


(Rajnish Kumar)

JS & Additional FA (RK)


CGDA - 2 copies with 1 copy signed in ink DGADS

Office of Raksha Mantri Office of Raksha Rajya Mantri


Defence Secretary / Secretary (DP) / Secretary Defence (R&D) / Secretary (ESW)

/ Secretary Defence (Finance)/FA (DS)


All Additional Secretaries in MoD / MoD (Fin)

All Joint Secretaries in MoD All JS & Additional FAs in MoD (Fin)

Principal Advisor (Cost) Finance Managers / Advisors (Cost)

NIC cell, MoD - for hosting on MoD website

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Part A

Guidelines on Macro issues related to delegated powers

1. Oversight Mechanism –

1.1. Rationale - Decentralization of decision-making is one of the key

components of good governance, particularly in a large and complex

organization like Defence. Delegation of powers is one of the processes by

which decentralization is achieved. However delegation of powers does not

tantamount to relinquishment of authority or abdication and government

oversight and compliance have to be recalibrated to be a part of the

regulatory landscape. Therefore any effective system of decentralization

needs to necessarily have an appropriate oversight mechanism as an

integral element of the ecosystem based on the principle of “Reasonable

Assurance” to the executive at the highest level, in this case Raksha

Mantri. A brief background, indicating reasons for Oversight mechanism,

is given in Annexure-1.

1.2. Internal Audit – The functional paradigm of Internal Audit will

consist of following –

1.2.1. Assurance processes, effective risk management control and

governance processes.

1.2.2. Consultancy services, thematic reviews and improvements in

organizational operations.

1.3. Audit Advisory Committee (AAC) - With a view to make the internal audit

mechanism more effective and responsive and incorporate a risk

management framework which assists the MoD in oversight, an Audit

Advisory Committee (AAC) will be constituted in MoD. AAC will be a multi-

disciplinary body headed by Secretary (Defence Finance)/FA (DS) and will

have representation of all stakeholders in MoD and the Services

Headquarters. The composition of Committee and its charter of duties is

outlined at Annexure-2. Since the financial powers originally vest with

Raksha Mantri, the AAC will report to the RM through Defence Secretary.

The AAC will hold at least two meetings in a year.

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1.4. Annual Audit Plan – The AAC should finalize the Annual Audit Plan by

15th February every year and submit it for approval of Raksha Mantri so as

to be in place at the beginning of the new financial year i.e 1st April.

1.5. Risk Management - Based on the risk assessment of the vulnerable

areas under the delegated powers, a risk profile for Defence related

procurement is placed at Annexure-3. AAC may select one or more risk

areas for inclusion in the Audit Plan. AAC may carry out a periodic review of

this risk profile after every three years based on the experience gained over a


1.6. Methodology of Internal Audit - The internal audit process and

methodology can be guided by the provisions contained in the ‘Internal

Control and Evaluation Manual’ of C&AG and ‘Generic Internal Audit

Manual’ of CGA. For the purpose of internal audit, Service-wise Internal

Audit Teams (IAT) may be constituted by CGDA to undertake the

examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of

governance processes, risk management processes, internal controls

structure, and the quality of its performance in carrying out assigned

responsibilities. These activities will be carried out to provide reasonable

assurance to the Government and higher management that these processes

are functioning as intended to enable the organization to achieve its stated

goals and objectives. At the micro level, audit of sanctions by PCsDA /

CsDA under CGDA will be an effective tool to carry out risk analysis of

individual procurement proposals; and to provide assurance that all laid

down procedures have been followed.

1.7. Procedure of Internal Audit - The IATs will have a system of an ‘Entry

Conference’ with the concerned SHQ before starting audit processes.

Various paradigms of the given risk area, information required for risk

assessment and detection as well as the proposed methodology for audit

will be discussed in the ‘Entry Conference’. It would also provide an

opportunity for the audited entity to give their views and expectations on

the various paradigms of the given risk area. The findings of the internal

audit will be discussed with the executive authorities in a structured ‘Exit

Conference’ procedure, as followed by C&AG teams. Outcomes, Risk

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mitigation requirements and steps to be taken, System corrections could be

some of the issues which can be discussed. The finalized Internal Audit

Reports (IAR) of IATs, as approved by CGDA, would be submitted to the

AAC for onward transmission to RM through the Defence Secretary.

1.8. Access – Internal Audit Teams would have unfettered access to officials,

information, documents and files to discharge the internal audit


2. IFA System –

2.1. Mandate of IFA - The scheme of Integrated Financial Adviser (IFA) has

been implemented as per Ministry of Finance guidelines dated 1.6.2006. As

envisaged in the MoF charter for IFAs, their role is crucial for providing

inputs on the important parameter of 'Value for money' in successful

planning and implementation of various schemes and projects. At the same

time, IFAs are expected to give due attention to macro management issues

of the organizations, with a view to help them in achieving the outcomes /

targets set by them and treat those as goals for IFAs also. For this purpose,

IFAs are also expected to look at total picture of resources for the respective

services and render the requisite advice relating to their utilization. The IFA

system is intrinsic to an effective governance structure of decentralization.

The mandate of the IFA will be decided by the Ministry of Defence (Fin) in

the decentralized framework.

2.2. Strengthening of IFA system - The existing IFA structure will be

strengthened from the service availability and service delivery concept. The

service availability concept relates to ensuring adequate number of

personnel with professional expertise in the IFA set up. For this, there

should be mandatory orientation training for officials posted to IFA offices.

Also, augmentation of officials in IFA set-up needs to be given priority as

their involvement in various stages of procurement is a necessity for any

CFA to process their cases. At many lower formations, there has been no

provision/placement of dedicated IFAs, which is resulting in delays in

decision making, thus adversely affecting the intended objectives of defence

preparedness. At the Commands and Services HQrs level, the increasing

work load, complexity of procurement proposals and the associated risks

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necessitate deeper scrutiny of proposals. However, there is a shortage of

officers and staff at the Command and Services HQrs level PIFA/IFA offices

and that again is adversely affecting the IFA work, both quantitatively and

qualitatively. This is a potential risk area and needs urgent attention.

Further the workload in the IFAs is likely to increase after enhancement in

delegation of powers. Therefore CGDA needs to urgently provide additional

manpower from within their resources to augment these offices. The

support level staff in IFA offices can also be augmented by the Defence

services either by attaching their personnel or through outsourcing.

Following steps may be taken by CGDA –

2.2.1. Placement of appropriate levels / numbers of IFAs to designated

CFAs. Attempts be made to provide dedicated / co-located IFAs to all

CFAs to the maximum extent.

2.2.2. Placement of additional and experienced manpower to IFA offices

within the transfer policy framework of CGDA.

2.2.3. Continuous training to the officials posted in IFA set-up. Mandatory

one week orientation training to be conducted for all personnel posted

to the IFA offices.

2.3. Vertical Integration of IFAs - As IFA set up in Defence services is an

extension of MoD (Fin), there needs to be vertical integration of IFAs at

various levels and ultimately with MoD (Fin) on functional matters. This is

necessary in terms of coordinated target achievements and a clear

accountability framework vis-à-vis chain of CFAs. This will not only bring

more harmony in the information dissemination but will also result in

uniformity in the financial advice issues and processes in the entire chain

of CFAs from unit level to MoD. There will however be a clear distinction

that while the functional guidance to the IFAs will be provided by MoD

(Fin), the administrative support to IFAs will be the responsibility of CGDA.

All clarifications/guidelines/instructions pertaining to functional areas of

IFA set-up will be finalized by MoD (Fin) and instructions / clarifications to

CFAs/IFAs will be either issued by themselves or through CGDA. Set-up in

MoD (Fin) will be suitably augmented for performing this work. The role of

the CGDA would be focused on the administrative issues of IFAs like office

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contingency, transport, accommodation, manpower placement, inspection,

MIS, training, etc.

2.4. e-Concurrence - While placement of adequate number of IFAs to

field level units/CFAs is a critical requirement, development and

implementation of e-Concurrence system can take care of this urgency to

large extent. This would not only avoid movement of files from one place to

another, but would also address the service-availability issue particularly in

respect of units/CFAs at far flung areas and also with relatively lesser

work-load. Moreover e-Concurrence system will also address the issues of

transparency, speedier decision-making, audit trail, etc in established IFA

offices. Development of e-Concurrence module in Air Force may be used as

a starting point. CGDA will take necessary steps, in consultation with

Service Hqs, to finalize the e-concurrence module for all Defence services so

that MoD (Fin) can issue orders for its implementation during 2015-16.

2.5. Involvement in Budgeting and Planning - The service-delivery

concept aims at involvement of IFAs in the planning and monitoring

mechanism of Defence services. Involving the IFAs in various facets of

planning i.e. Provisioning Planning, Procurement Planning, Maintenance

Planning and Modernization Planning, etc will lead to better and informed

financial advice, that in turn will facilitate a comprehensive and effective

decision making process. Involvement of the IFAs in the planning process

as well as in the plan-review process will further ensure better integration

and target sharing, thus mitigating some risks in goal achievement. In

addition to these areas and activities, IFA's involvement in Budget

estimation and monitoring exercise is crucial. This will not only bridge the

existing and much felt gap in the role of a financial adviser, but will also lay

a strong foundation for comprehensive budget review, which may also

include, inter-alia, liability and expenditure management and programme

financing requirements and prioritization. To make a start in this direction,

Defence Services may set up an institutional framework at the Service HQrs

and Command Hqs level so as to ensure involvement of IFAs in various

Planning and Review Committee processes dealing with provisioning,

procurement, Modernizations and Maintenance activities and other related

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areas. This mechanism can be extended later at below Command Hqs level,

after the IFA set-up is suitably augmented at that level. While budget

formulation and prioritization will still remain the primary responsibilities

of the respective SHQs, IFAs’ involvement will be mainly for the budget

monitoring and review exercise with respect to the incurred expenditure,

committed liabilities, projects in the pipe-line and the proposed plans. IFAs’

role would also be in the scrutiny and vetting of the budget proposals of the

SHQs/Command Hqs before the same are forwarded to MoD (Fin) for their


2.6. Command and Control of IFAs - The Command and Control of IFAs needs

to be changed to ensure that the Chief executive of their organization (in

chain of CFAs) becomes the Reporting Authority, as is the norm being

followed everywhere. In addition, CGDA is also required to be associated

with reviewing performance of Service Hqs IFAs. A revised system of APAR

system of IFAs is placed at Annexure-4, which will be implemented from

APAR of 2014-15 onwards.

3. Strengthening of Procurement Activities –

3.1. e-Procurement –

3.1.1. In pursuance of the decision taken by Prime Minister's Committee

on National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), Ministry of Finance had issued

detailed instructions in March 2012 to commence e-procurement in

respect of all procurements with estimated value of Rs 10 lakhs or

more in a phased manner. Subsequently, Ministry of Finance vide

their OM 10/3/2012-PPC dated 9.1.2014 had directed that the RFP

value limit of Rs. 10 lakh set in respect of e-Procurement is to be

brought down to Rs. 5 lakh w.e.f 01.04.2015 and further down to Rs 2

lakh w.e.f 01.04.2016. MoF OMs may be seen in their official web site.

3.1.2. MoD was required to ensure and follow the limits in respect of

mandatory publishing of RFPs through e-Procurement mode.

Therefore, it has been decided that e-procurement would be mandated

for all procurement cases above Rs 5 lakhs under delegated powers so

as to bring about transparency, faster processing and efficiency in the

procurement related activities under delegated powers. Subsequently,

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the ceiling will be revised to Rs 2 lakhs after system stabilizes in

Defence set-up.

3.1.3. The e-procurement packages developed by NIC or by other sources

should be introduced in a time bound manner by all the Users in

Defence services as under - Phase-I - Service Headquarters, Command Headquarters and

units/offices located in Delhi – within 6 months i.e by end-Sep 2015. Phase-II - Units below Command Level headquarters – within 1

year i.e. by end-March 2016.

3.1.4. Defence users, using other than NIC e-Procurement solution, have

to ensure that details of all their RFPs, related corrigenda and details

of contracts awarded thereon through e-Procurement are

simultaneously published / mirrored on the CPP Portal using XML

facility of NIC.

3.1.5. Defence users, that have not yet appointed Nodal officers and have

not got User IDs and Passwords issued from NIC for accessing the

portal will ensure that the Nodal officers are appointed immediately.

Action may also be taken to start acquiring Digital Signatures from

NIC Certifying Authority or any other Certifying Authority, being an

essential requirement for e-procurement.

3.1.6. All Defence users may also tie up with NIC for training and support

where e-Procurement solution developed by NIC is adopted. NIC is

periodically organizing training programmes on their e-Procurement

Module. Action may be taken to nominate representatives to attend

the ongoing training programs as per schedule published on the CPP.

3.1.7. Detailed guidelines are given at Annexure-5 for guidance in the


3.1.8. A quarterly report from end-June 2015 may be rendered for

particular Service as a whole by Service Hqs (FP Branch) in soft copy

to MoD (Fin/Coord A) for consolidation and onward submission to

Ministry of Finance. The format is given below – Name of Service HQs Name of Service HQs

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12 Period of Report – Quarter ending on ____ Number of RFPs floated amounting to Rs 5 lakhs or more Number of RFPs processed through e-procurement (whether NIC or

using other solution) Number of RFPs exempted due to National security and strategic

considerations demanding confidentiality Cases of non-compliance with reasons

3.2. Costing guidelines - Detailed guidelines on ‘Benchmarking of Cost

Estimates’ are mentioned in Annexure-6 for guidance in costing techniques,

which may be used by Procurement Committees in procurement process.

3.3. Data-base management – A comprehensive computerized data-

base containing details of Potential Bidders, past Sellers, prices, details of

items procured, market intelligence, etc will be put in place by each SHQ.

There should be a system of sharing of this data-base with various

stakeholders viz. CFAs, IFAs, CGDA, Ministry, etc. Latest technology

available in areas of Data-Mining, Data-Analytics, ERP, Office Automation,

etc should be explored / used for meeting these objectives.

3.4. SOP / Checklists / IFA Manuals - SHQs and CGDA will jointly prepare

fresh SOPs / Checklists for the new schedules promulgated vide this MoD

Order. This exercise will be done under the guidance / supervision of MoD

(Fin). CGDA will also take action to update IFA Manuals.

3.5. Efficient and Effective Planning –

3.5.1. Annual Plans - The system of Annual Revenue Procurement Plan

(ARPP) will be put in practice by each Service Hqs. Each service

should prepare ARPP for each financial year. This plan should cover

both Revenue cases and those cases which follow 'Capital Booking

Revenue Procedure' (CBRP) route. It should incorporate physical and

financial milestones to be achieved during the year, clearly indicating

the number of AoNs and EAS to be given for the year, along with

details of interim stages of procurement process. Each activity should

have a quarterly target. The targets can be reviewed at suitable

intervals during the year for suitable additions/deletions. There also

needs to be a linkage between Budget allocations and ARPP. There

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could be a process of review of such ARPPs at the RE stage for making

suitable additions/deletions. ARPP for the forthcoming financial year

should be prepared by December-January of the previous year and be

approved by the appropriate authority, duly vetted by IFA, by

February-March so that it is effective from the beginning of new

financial year 2015-16. A format for its monitoring is given at Encl-7.

3.5.2. Monitoring by MoD - A quarterly progress report on the physical

milestones of the ARPP would be submitted Branch-wise by Service

Hqs to concerned JS in MoD. The concerned JS in DoD will do a

quarterly review of such physical progress of procurement cases,

branch-wise of respective Service HQs. Simultaneous review of MoD

cases will also be done and a consolidated summarized MIS will be

put up by JS concerned to RM through FADS / Defence Secretary. A

format for carrying out this physical progress review of procurement

cases is given at Annexure-8.

3.5.3. Long-Term Planning with preference to indigenization - Further, a

planned approach for equipment sustainment with 5 years equipment

support plans and long term agreements for major weapon

systems/platforms should be attempted by the Service Hqs. Keeping

in view the emphasis on 'Make in India' policy of Government, strong

emphasis needs to be given on indigenization of maintenance /

support structure for weapon systems / platforms and other systems.

The Services may identify some of the areas, which need to be

sustained over the entire life cycle and switchover to a five yearly

‘Long Term Equipment Support Plan’. The respective Services

Headquarters may initiate the process for ‘Long Term Agreement’ for

procurement of spares/repairs and maintenance of the weapon

systems platforms / other systems with due incorporation of

indigenization aspect.

4. Budget Monitoring –

4.1. Computerized Financial and Budgetary Management System - Real time

information on budget estimation, allocation, expenditure, payment etc.

and linkage of delegated powers with the budget holders should be achieved

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through an IT based network system. The Service Headquarters and CGDA

will implement such an IT-based Financial and Budgetary management

system in a time bound manner. This system will have an interface of

Defence users with the payment and compilation system of the CGDA and

their PCsDA/CsDA so as to bring synergy between them and thereby

achieve the objective of efficiency in management of financial resources. In

the long term. a fully networked e-Payment system linking Services HQs

with the respective PCsDA/CsDA should also be put in place by CGDA to

provide real time information on bill processing up to e-Payment stage.

4.2. Monitoring by MoD (Fin) - A quarterly budget monitoring and expenditure

control report would be submitted to the concerned Addl FA & JS in MoD

(Fin), indicating the financial milestones and expenditure status. The

concerned Addl FA & JS in MoD (Fin) will do a quarterly review of such

financial progress of procurement cases, branch-wise of respective Service

HQs. Simultaneous review of MoD cases will also be done and a

consolidated summarized MIS will be put up by Additional FA & JS

concerned to RM through FADS / Defence Secretary. A format for carrying

out financial progress review of procurement cases is given at Annexure-9.

5. Time frame for implementation – The revised financial powers of 2015 are

subject to implementation of macro issues mentioned above. A time frame for

implementation of all activities is placed at Annexure-10. The same may be

strictly complied by all concerned. Service Hqs and CGDA may furnish

Quarterly reports giving updated status of all these activities to MoD

(Fin/CoordA), who will put up the updated status to Raksha Mantri through

FA (DS) / Defence Secretary.

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Part - B

Guidelines related to Schedules of Financial Powers

1. The conceptual framework for Defence schedules of powers - 2015 has been

based on new principles and are in a new format. The powers are categorized

into various Schedules, which are in turn divided into different sub-

Schedules. A sub-Schedule is the basic unit for exercise of delegated powers,

which determines the CFA for a particular case.

2. New Structure of Schedules - The Schedules have been restructured to

facilitate linkages of expenditure with objectives and are in line with the

budgetary minor/subheads as appearing in the Classification Handbook

issued by CGDA. The Schedules of financial powers are arranged Minor

Head-wise / Sub head-wise, as per the classification in the Defence Services

Estimates, for ease of correlation between the budget provision for various

purposes and the sanction/ booking of expenditure under the appropriate

heads of account. Financial powers consist of three distinct categories -

Procurement powers, Works powers and Non-procurement powers. Except for

Schedules pertaining to Non-procurement and Works powers, all other

Schedules are related to Procurement powers.

3. Procurement powers –

3.1. The term ‘procurement’ will cover all categories of procurement i.e.

acquiring all types of items, goods (both scaled and non-scaled/NIV),

equipments, stores, spares, tools, calibration equipment, technical

literature / documentation, software etc, as well as all types of services,

including repair, modifications, transportation, insurance, delivery, special

services, leasing, technical assessment, consultancy, systems study,

software development, maintenance (AMC), updates, life extension,

refurbishment, stores for development of product improvement, packing,

unpacking, preservation, service contracts, etc related to particular case of

procurement. The procurement powers given for an item or group of items

in a particular schedule will cover all such activities pertaining to that item

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or group of items, unless specified otherwise in a particular sub-schedule.

It covers one-off cases of procurement or recurring contract / annual

contract / long-term procurement cases, depending upon the requirement

of the organization and nature of case.

3.2. Though procurement schedules are linked with Revenue budget heads,

they may also be used for processing cases under ‘Capital Booking Revenue

Procedure’ (CBRP) mechanism, as authorized by MoD (Fin) instructions on

the subject. Powers given in these Schedules may be used for processing all

CBRP cases. However, there will be a upper ceiling of Rs 150 cr on CBRP

cases, wherever ‘Full Powers’ have been delegated in a particular sub-


3.3. The procurement powers cover powers to accord Acceptance of Necessity

(AoN), Expenditure Angle Sanction (EAS) and Post-contract management


3.4. Powers of Central procurement and Local procurement have been given

separately in certain categories of schedules. Both types of procurements

cover the definition of Procurement given in para 3.1 above. They are to be

exercised as under –

3.4.1. Central Procurement (CP) is to be undertaken against those items,

which are required to be procured centrally. These could be requirements

resulting either as consolidation of demands by a Central agency as an

ad-hoc / special exercise (without adopting Provisioning Review route) or

through planned provisioning processes like the Provisioning Review,

Annual Provision Review, Refit Planning, Obsolescence Planning, Planned

Routines, etc. CP may cover the consolidated requirements of the item or

group of items for the duration of the provisioning period or as prescribed

in the connected Govt / Service instructions. Each Service Hqs will

promulgate Schedule-wise list of items / categories of items, which will

fall into the definition of Central Procurement.

3.4.2. Local Procurement (LP) is to be undertaken in the following

circumstances – To meet the short-term and urgent requirements of Command

Hqs/Formation Hqs/field units/establishments, when supplies are not

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available through the Central Provisioning/Procurement agency. Apart

from taking Non Availability Certificate (NAC) for CP items from Central

Provisioning/Procurement agency before undertaking LP, it should also

be ensured that intimation regarding such procurement is immediately

sent to the Central Provisioning/Procurement agency so that the latter

could take the quantities procured through LP into account before

finalizing their consolidated requirements for CP. To meet the normal requirements of local formations

Hqs/units/establishments for stores, which are not within the purview

of Central Provisioning/Procurement agency.

3.5. Unless specified otherwise in a particular schedule, procurement powers

are meant for both indigenous and foreign procurement in respect of

Service Hqs CFAs. Foreign procurements will generally be undertaken only

at Service Hqs unless Command Hqs and below have been specifically

authorized in a particular sub-schedule.

3.6. Provisioning powers for items will be the same as per the Procurement

powers given for those items in respect of CFAs, who are authorized to carry

out Provision Review as per their Service instructions.

3.7. Scaling powers will be exercised by the highest CFA in the respective

Service Hqs for a particular sub-schedule. Procurement powers indicated

against such Service Hqs CFAs will be their Scaling powers in that

particular sub-schedule for their Service as a whole. If in a particular sub-

schedule, the highest CFA is an authority below Service Hqs, then scaling

cases of such items will be sent to MoD for further processing. There will be

a cap of Rs 150 cr for Scaling cases wherever ‘Full Powers’ have been

delegated to the highest CFA of Service Hqs. Scaling cases will be processed

as per the existing instructions on the subject.

3.8. All CFAs are also authorized to act as Direct Demanding Officers for

placement of procurement orders against the Rate Contracts concluded by

central agencies like DGS&D, MoD, Service Hqs, Command Hqs, etc, to the

extent of their respective financial powers and in respect of the items for

which the financial powers have been delegated. Within the hierarchy, the

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lower echelon can place indent on RC of a higher echelon. Conclusion of

Rate Contracts will be done as per DPM provisions.

3.9. There will be no limitation of years for concluding AMC / Service contracts

cases and CFAs can approve such cases for any period, provided the total

value of case for proposed period of AMC / Service contracts falls within

their powers. If AMC / Service contracts are included in main procurement

proposal, then the total value of case (including AMC / Service contracts)

will determine CFA. CFAs can also approve extension of existing AMC /

Service contracts cases with same terms and conditions / price provided (a)

the combined value of original contract and extended contract falls within

their powers (b) it is certified that there is no downward trend in prices (c)

performance of existing Seller is satisfactory (d) it is administratively

convenient to do so.

3.10. There will be no cap to the period of DP extension any CFA can

approve, for cases falling within their powers.

4. Linkage with Mode of Bidding - The procurement powers given in

Schedules are meant for competitive bidding cases i.e. Open bidding and

Limited Bidding cases, unless specifically mentioned otherwise in a particular

sub-schedule. The powers for PAC bidding and Single Bidding cases will be

50% and 5% respectively of powers mentioned in each sub-schedule.

Wherever Full powers have been delegated, a cap of Rs 50 cr and Rs 5 cr will

be applicable to powers for PAC and Single bidding cases respectively in

those sub-schedules. Indents placed on OFB will not be treated as PAC /

Single Bidding cases but will be processed as per powers meant for

competitive bidding cases. Same principle will be applied for DPSU cases if

either of these conditions are met - (a) for procurement of items, when they

have developed / manufactured items specifically for Defence services with

Transfer of Technology or through Design and Development (b) for repairs

and overhauling cases, if facility for providing such services has been set up

by them exclusively for Defence services.

5. Collegiate mechanism –

5.1. There will be no Committee CFAs in the new schedules but only individual

CFAs to ensure accountability in exercise of delegated powers. However, It

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is essential that a collegiate-based mechanism be adopted in various stages

of all procurement cases to speed-up procurement-cycle. This will help in

avoiding delays in procurement and will also facilitate more informed

decision-making on various stages of procurement. A ‘Procurement

Committee’ (PC) will be formed by all CFAs within their domain. To the

extent possible, standing PCs can be formed for dealing with different kinds

of procurement. The role of existing CNC/PNC will get subsumed in PC.

5.2. Following activities will be performed by PCs in various stages of

procurement once AoN has been accorded by IFA and CFA –

5.2.1. Preparation / finalization of Request for Proposal (RFP)

5.2.2. Issue of RFP

5.2.3. Amendments to RFP

5.2.4. Extension of Bid opening date

5.2.5. Establishing bench-marking cost for Price bids

5.2.6. Opening of Price Bids

5.2.7. Preparation of Comparative Statement of Bids (CSB) and

Declaration of L-1 Bidder

5.2.8. Cost analysis of quoted rates and holding negotiations with L-1


5.2.9. Submission of Report containing final recommendations to IFA /


5.2.10. Preparation and finalization of draft Contract / Supply Order

5.3. The above mentioned activities will be performed by PC in collegiate

manner. No movement of files will be done within PC. Only in exceptional

circumstances, the issues may be processed on file by PC for taking

decision of IFA and CFA. These could be for reasons like differences of

opinion within the Committee on substantive issues or PC on its own

seeking guidance from IFA and / or CFA on important issues. Even in these

exceptional situations, this may be done preferably by holding meetings

with IFA / CFA and processing on file should be done, only if considered

essential. Otherwise, PC will be empowered to take decisions on above

mentioned activities on its own. The decisions taken by PC will be carefully

recorded in Minutes with detailed justification for purposes of record. ‘PC

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Report’ will contain their final recommendations for decision on

Expenditure sanction by IFA & CFA.

5.4. CFAs will have the discretion to be the chairperson of PC themselves or

nominate any official one level or one rank below in their organization. As

an illustration, in Army ordnance cases coming under MGO’s powers, MGO

can be the chairperson himself or nominate DGOS (one level below) or

ADGOS (one rank below) as chairperson. IFA / IFA rep will be the

compulsory Finance rep of PC. Other members could be Tech rep, User rep

or any other member as co-opted / nominated by CFA.

5.5. It will be desirable to constitute a Standing PC in the beginning of

financial year by each CFA, so that necessity of taking approval of IFA/CFA

for its constitution on each occasion is avoided. In case if it is not feasible

to do so, it should be ensured that proposal for constitution of PC is

included in AoN proposal as a sub-set, for taking approval of IFA for

nominating their rep and approval of CFA for constituting PC.

6. Definition of Single transaction –

6.1. The value indicated in the procurement powers are with reference to

Single transaction in a particular sub-schedule. This in turn is to be

directly co-related with estimated value of the case included in one RFP at

AoN stage and the subsequent total Expenditure sanction emerging out of

that RFP. This will determine the AoN powers of CFA in the initial stage, as

per powers given in that particular sub-schedule. This means that AoN

ought to be taken individual RFP-wise. Subsequently, CFA will be

determined with total value of Expenditure sanction emerging out of that

single RFP.

6.2. The above implies that financial powers contained in the Schedules are in

respect of each RFP (expenditure being incurred on each occasion) and may

cover procurement of one item or a number of items, based on the

requirements known at that point of time and for which Prospective

Bidder(s) is/are the same under the same Serial number in Schedule of

powers. The key words for interpretation of "Single transaction" in a

particular sub-schedule are “requirements known at a point of time” and

"same Prospective Bidder(s)". This in turn would get reflected in a

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particular RFP and that would fulfill the definition of "Single transaction".

Open bidding cases in a particular sub-schedule will qualify for “same

prospective bidders” criteria for group of items within that sub-schedule. In

Limited bidding, the registered potential bidders or pre-qualified prospective

bidders through Open RFI will be seen for determining “same prospective

bidders” criteria in a particular sub-schedule. The quantity and type of

items required at a particular time are to be determined by the inputs

available with the organization at that time.

6.3. There would be scenarios that while "requirements known at a time"

criteria will be fulfilled but "Same Prospective Bidder(s)" criteria will not be

the same and vice versa for different items within the same sub-schedule.

Such cases may not be combined and may be treated as separate

transactions. It is to be noted that both factors will have to be fulfilled for

deciding "Single transaction" in a particular sub-schedule. If the above

mentioned twin criteria are met and yet different RFPs are issued within

same sub-schedule, then such cases will be treated as irregularity under

the category of ‘splitting of sanction’.

6.4. If components of a system or sub-items of a bigger item can be bought

from same sources and requirements are known at a time, then they may

be combined and processed as a single transaction. The proposal should be

complete in all respects and it should be ensured that no essential add-ons,

accessories etc. have been left out only to bring down the cost of proposal

for sanctioning at lower level. Proposal should not be split to avoid the

necessity for obtaining the sanction of the higher CFA. It should be

remembered that splitting of sanction results in denial of ‘Economy of scale’

factor to Buyer, thereby causing loss to govt exchequer.

6.5. If an item or group of items within a particular sub-schedule is/are of a

recurring/repetitive nature and/or required throughout the year, then the

period of requirement should be assessed in a long-term manner (quarterly

and beyond) to avoid splitting of sanction. It will not be in order to keep

using powers to buy same items frequently in short intervals, as the

requirement ought to be determined for a reasonable future period, which

in turn will be determined also by factors like inventory-carrying cost,

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storage capacity, shelf-life, locking of funds, etc. A balance view will need to

be taken for determining the period to be mentioned in RFP. AoN will be

taken as per the estimated cost of proposal contained in that RFP.

6.6. Items should be combined in a single transaction within a particular sub-

schedule, if “Prospective Bidders” for buying these items are the same and

“Requirements are known at same time” in spite of these items serving

different purposes.

6.7. In respect of Provisioning Review (PR) based procurement proposals,

following principles may be followed –

6.7.1. Where one PR contains more than one item - A single PR may throw

a scenario in which individual RFPs will have to be issued since

Prospective bidders will be different for different items. Single Transaction

in such cases will not be determined by PR value but by the estimated

value of each case based on individual RFP emerging out of that PR. AoN

may be taken RFP-wise and not PR-wise. In addition, single transaction in

PR cases may also be determined by going equipment-wise as an

additional criterion.

6.7.2. Where one PR contains only one item – The date of generating PR for

a particular item will fulfill the criteria for “requirements known at a

time”. However, if several such PRs, containing single item each, have

“same prospective bidder / bidders” and are generated in almost similar

period, then such PRs may be combined in one RFP. Single Transaction

in such cases will be determined by combined value of one RFP and AoN

may be taken accordingly as per RFP value. As an exception to this,

procurements of Army Ordnance Stores from OFB / Defence PSUs may

be dealt by treating single PR as single transaction due to unique

peculiarities of such cases. AoN may be taken PR-wise and Indent be

placed PR-wise accordingly.

7. Splitting of sanction – The procurement orders shall not be split to bring

them within the delegated financial powers of a lower CFA in order to avoid

the necessity of obtaining the sanction of the higher authority or concurrence

of IFA required with reference to the total amount of the order. This implies

that a lower authority shall not sanction proposals in installments, which

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requires the sanction of a higher authority and/or concurrence of IFA as it

will be treated as “Irregular sanction” under the category of “Splitting of


8. Applicable provisions for Procurement powers – Subject to the provisions

contained in this MoD Order, the procedures laid down in the DPM will be

followed for procurement powers of Revenue cases, CBRP cases and Medical

Capital cases. Stipulations laid down in the ‘Note’ section in respective

Schedules will also be followed. The exercise of the procurement powers will

be further governed by current Govt orders / instructions on the subject, and

guidelines contained in the respective Service Codes/Canons/Instructions.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)/ Government Letters laying down the

specific guidelines for exercise of specific Powers, as prescribed and updated

from time to time, will also be followed. However, where any SOP/Service-

specific instructions / IFA Manuals conflict with the basic Government Rules

/ Orders / DPM / present MoD Order, the latter will prevail and immediate

action will be taken to amend the SOP/Service-specific instructions/IFA

Manual. As regarding applicability of Defence Financial Regulations in

procurement powers vis-à-vis DPM is concerned, the same will not be

applicable and only DPM provisions will be followed. Cases not covered by the

delegated financial powers will be referred to the Ministry of Defence for


9. Works powers – For processing Works cases, procedure mentioned in

Defence Works procedure, any subsidiary instructions of MoD on the subject

and para 12 below (for obtaining financial concurrence) may be followed.

10. Non-Procurement powers – There are few powers which do not strictly

fall into the definition of procurement powers though they may be indirectly

related to procurement process. These powers have been kept in a separate

Schedule titled ‘Non-procurement powers’ for each service. Existing Govt

instructions (MoF, DOP&T, etc) / MoD orders / SOP / existing practice may

be followed for exercise of these powers. In respect of Loss regularization

cases, a quarterly statement of write-off of losses under delegated powers will

be submitted by CFAs (approving the Loss’ regularization cases) to CGDA,

indicating the reasons for the loss, nature of loss and remedial measures

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taken to prevent the recurrence of that type of loss. If the CGDA finds that

the loss reveals some basic defect in the rule or procedure, the amendment of

which requires the attention of Ministry, then they will report the matter to

Ministry of Defence (Finance) for further necessary action.

11. Administrative powers – A separate review of Administrative powers will

be carried out by MoD for rationalization of these powers. These

administrative powers were issued separately under special Govt letters in

2001 and later in 2006 vide MoD/IC/1027/32/AS(J)/6864/2006 dated

1.9.2006, as amended from time to time. Few administrative powers were

also included in Financial powers’ schedules issued in 2006. All these powers

relate to personnel matters, legal issues, compensation / claims, cash

assignment / imprest, etc. Till the time revised orders are issued by MoD,

these administrative powers will continue to be operative as per existing


12. IFA concurrence–

12.1. All Procurement, Works and Non-Procurement Powers in Schedules

are required to be exercised with concurrence of concerned IFA, as

provided/notified to the concerned CFA. The IFA could be

PIFAs/IFAs/PCsDA/CsDA or any other official as notified by CGDA.

12.2. There will only be following exceptions to the rule of IFA

concurrence mentioned above –

12.2.1. In respect of ‘Loss regularization’ sub-schedules under Non-

procurement powers, cases upto Rs 1 lakh may be approved by all CFAs

on the basis of Audit Report from the PCDA/CDA. For cases above Rs 1

lakh, concurrence of IFA will be required, apart from getting the Audit

report of PCDA/CDA.

12.2.2. In respect of ‘Payment of Demurrage and Wharfage charges’ sub-

schedule under Non-procurement powers, payment will be made first by

unit / Emb Hqs to the concerned port / air / railway authorities without

taking concurrence/approval of IFA / CFA. The payment will be

regularized by sending the case to the appropriate IFA/CFA on a monthly

basis for according ex-post-facto concurrence/approval.

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12.2.3. In Emergency power schedules, the powers will be exercised by

CFAs as per guidelines given in Note below of these schedules. No

separate IFA’s concurrence will be required though IFA will be a member

of Committee as envisaged in Note given below these schedules.

12.2.4. In procurement powers, CFAs located at remote areas not having co-

located IFA, may approve cases upto Rs 1 lakh without referring it to their

notified IFA. Mobile units, ships and submarines will also fall into this

category. The definition of co-located IFA will mean the IFA being in the

‘same station’. As and when CGDA is able to provide co-located IFAs to

such CFAs, this dispensation upto Rs 1 lakh will automatically cease to

exist for such CFAs. CGDA will publish the list of IFAs currently provided

to various CFAs / Stations, which will be updated from time to time. All

efforts should be made by CGDA to provide co-located IFAs to all CFAs in

Defence services. While providing co-located IFAs to such CFAs, CGDA’s

notification order should specifically mention that the special

dispensation upto Rs 1 lakh would no longer be available to concerned

CFA. This point should be further seen by CGDA, while conducting audit

of sanctions pertaining to that CFA. All CFAs having co-located IFAs will

take concurrence of IFA for all procurement cases irrespective of its value.

12.2.5. In Medical schedule (MSP Sl 2.5), doctors at each hospital can

procure medical stores by placing indent/supply orders on Rate contract

/ Price Agreement Sellers without referring the matter to IFA in

emergency cases.

12.2.6. All CFAs can approve 'Minor Works' cases without taking IFA's


12.3. IFAs are accountable for the financial advice / concurrence given to

CFAs. To that extent, they share the responsibility with CFAs in the

decision-making process in regard to financial and procedural issues

pertaining to delegated powers.

12.4. At any stage of procurement, the CFA can overrule the advice of the

IFA by a written order giving reasons for overruling the IFA’s advice on file.

A copy of the order overruling IFA’s advice will be provided to IFA for

information. If such over-ruling of IFA is done at AoN stage or at an interim

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stage of procurement, action in procurement process will be taken as per

the decision of CFA and IFA will continue to participate in this process as

Finance member. At the time of Expenditure Sanction stage, IFA can either

concur the final proposal or record their dissent to the final proposal. CFA

can agree with IFA’s advice or overrule the advice of the IFA by a written

order giving reasons for overruling the IFA’s advice on file at Expenditure

Sanction stage. The sanction letter issued in latter cases will not contain

UO number of IFA but will clearly indicate that the advice of the IFA was

taken but the same was over-ruled by CFA and copy of relevant notings of

IFA & CFA will be endorsed along with the CFA sanction to CDA / PCDA for

purposes of internal audit and payment. A quarterly report will be

submitted by the IFAs through CGDA to MoD (Fin) on such overruling

cases. There will be no requirement for CFA to report the over-ruling cases

to next higher CFA/IFA.

13. Linkage with Budgetary allotments - The exercise of the financial

powers will also be subject to availability of funds in the sanctioned

budgetary allotment under the relevant Budget Head of the

Service/Department. Since new structure of Schedules is directly adapted

from Budgetary heads as prescribed in Classification Handbook, it should be

easy for CFA / IFA to ensure that budgetary ceilings are not exceeded while

processing procurement cases.

14. FFE release noting - In the case of import procurements under various

Schedules, no separate concurrence/sanction for release of FFE would be

required from IFA / CFA. The release of FFE will only be noted at the

Financial Planning Directorate/Cell in the respective Service/Command HQ,

after Expenditure Angle Sanction (EAS) for the Procurement has been

concurred by IFA and approved by CFA. Payments will be released as per the

terms and conditions of contract by the SHQ / contract executing authority

through PCDA / Bank.

15. Sub-delegation of powers– The delegated powers mentioned in the

Schedules cannot be sub-delegated by any CFA. However, CFAs can

authorize any subordinate official(s) to sign procurement and non-

procurement related documents like sanction letter, RFP, contract, supply

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order, etc on their behalf, after they have given the requisite approvals /

orders on file. The financial powers are vested in the post. Whenever the

regular incumbent is absent due to leave, training, temporary duty, etc, the

powers can be exercised by those who are officiating on that post. This will

not be treated as sub-delegation of powers.

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Reasons for Oversight Mechanism

a. As per standard international practices, every organization needs to have an

‘Internal Control and Risk Management’ framework which is a basic

conceptual structure used to address the risks faced by an organization.

The process of assessing, monitoring and responding to risks in order to

reduce their impact is achieved through the implementation of a risk

management framework which consists of risk identification; risk

prioritization; risk mitigation; implementation of mitigation plans; and

review and monitoring of mitigation plans.

b. Risks are associated with every activity and these can adversely affect the

target achievements in terms of quantitative and qualitative parameters. In

the MoD and Services Headquarters, a plethora of activities relate to

provisioning and procurement of a range of products to ensure serviceability

levels of the weapon systems and platforms and operational capabilities,

and that the modernization and maintenance plans are undertaken with

the aim of maintaining and enhancing the country’s defence capabilities.

Since risks in these activities are inherent, there is a need to implement an

appropriate and robust risk management framework. An effective way of

doing it is through formulation of an ‘Oversight and Internal Audit’

mechanism or a Committee framework.

c. The term oversight means the general process of review, monitoring,

evaluation, supervision, reporting and audit of the organization’s

programmes, activities, policy implementation and results. This is to ensure

organizational, financial, operational and ethical accountability,

effectiveness of internal controls and prevention of fraud and malpractice.

The purposes of the oversight policy are to ensure good governance, create

the necessary environment of accountability and transparency in the

organization and ensure that the operations are effectively carried out

through continuous improvement. The scope of the oversight policy is

shaped by the following principles of good governance –

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i. The activities of the organization are fully in accordance with its laid

down mandates;

ii. The funds provided to the organization are fully accounted for and in

full compliance with project/programme targets/goals;

iii. The activities of the organization are conducted in the most efficient

and effective manner, and duplication and inefficient use of resources

are avoided;

iv. The staff and all other officials of the organization adhere to the highest

standards of professionalism, integrity and ethics.

d. For an objective and effective risk-management framework, most developed

countries as well as modern business organisations follow the ‘Three Lines

of Defence’ Model, which is being adopted in India also as an internationally

accepted best practice for risk management in an organisation.The three

lines of defence model is used as the primary means to demonstrate and

structure roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for decision making,

risk and control to achieve effective governance risk management and

assurance. The first line of defence is the ‘Line Management’ of any

organisation, which is not only responsible to carry out the regular activities

but is also responsible for identifying risks and improvement actions, for

implementing controls and for reporting progress. The second line of defence

is the internal control mechanism/structure of the organisation which also

includes designing policies, setting direction, introducing best practice,

ensuring compliance and providing assurance oversight for the policy

makers/top management. The third line of defence entails independent

challenge, audit of key controls, formal reporting on assurance, and audit of

assurance providers’ and entity level controls assurance. This is achieved

through the system of internal audit, whose role is to maintain oversight

and to monitor the effectiveness of internal control and risk management

processes, as well as the internal audit activities.

e. The existing oversight framework in MoD can be discussed under two broad

categories – External and Internal. The external oversight framework

includes the Parliamentary oversight in terms of Standing Committee on

Defence, Public Accounts Committee and Budget Allocation and Control. It

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also includes test audit by the C&AG. The internal oversight framework

consists of the three lines structure as discussed above. The first line of

defence against risks is composed of the officers who directly work on

programmes, plans and proposals and provide compliance assurance to the

higher management. This would also include the IFAs and CFAs. The

second line of defence consists of the internal control structures including

various committees and forums where plans and programmes are discussed

and formalised, their progress assessed and future course correction, if any,

is decided and directed. This would also include the various Codes and

Manuals and Standard Operating Procedures which govern not only the

working of the organisation but also its control structures. The third line of

defence – an independent internal audit structure – is provided by the

CGDA, who are the internal auditors to the MoD and the SHQs. It may,

however, be pointed out that the present format of internal audit focuses

only on transaction audit based on a compliance framework and does not

look into the areas of risk management and systemic improvements in a

holistic manner. It also does not look into the efficacy or otherwise of the

internal control mechanisms put in place by the SHQs. In fact, the first and

second lines of defence also do not focus on risk identification, risk

assessment and risk mitigation issues. The focus is mainly on operational

aspects and progress thereof. Further, since management is primarily

responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of internal

controls, the organisation is always exposed to the danger of management

override of controls.

f. An oversight mechanism will be an integral element of the eco system based

on the principle of ‘Reasonable Assurance’. The concept is based on global

best practices that an internal control and risk management framework

serves as an effective governance model to assess and manage the risks

faced by an organization. The three lines of defence model is used as the

primary means to demonstrate and structure roles, responsibilities and

accountability for decision making, risk control with the objective of

achieving compliance of rules and procedures uniformity in application and

approach and risk mitigation to provide assurance. Thus there is a strong

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need for an independent third line of defence against risks in the form of an

‘Audit Advisory and Internal Audit’ mechanism in MoD.

A graphical representation of the three lines of defence model is indicated below

g. MoD’s Standing Audit Committee (SAC) monitors and reviews submission of

ATNs on C&AG’s Audit Paras and ATRs on PAC recommendations and take

appropriate remedial measures. However, it does not deal with risk

management and internal control structures in MoD and SHQs. There is,

thus, an obvious gap and a potential risk area. With a view to make the

internal audit mechanism more effective and responsive and incorporate a

risk management framework which assists the MoD in oversight,

constitution and implementation of a two-tier structure – an Audit Advisory

Committee (AAC) duly supported by Internal Audit mechanism of CGDA has

become imperative.








Management Controls


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Composition of Audit Advisory Committee (AAC)

Chairperson – Secretary Defence (Finance) / FADS

CGDA Member

Addl Secretary I, MoD Member

Addl Secretary II, MoD Member

Dy Chief / PSO, Army Member

Dy Chief / PSO, Navy Member

Dy Chief / PSO, Air Force Member

Dy CIDS Member

Additional CGDA Member Secretary

Any other person including technical experts, (for audit of areas

which involve complex technical issues), as co-opted by chairperson

Scope of work for AAC

1. Charter of duties of AAC

1.1. To evaluate the adequacy of the internal audit mechanism

encompassing the processes, procedures, operations and information

systems of activities covered under delegation of powers and to ensure

that they are carried correctly and to minimize the possibility of

management override of internal controls.

1.2. To provide “Reasonable Assurance” to all the stakeholders that the

activities being undertaken are efficient and effective and that an

accountability framework is in place.

1.3. To ensure that risk prevention and risk mitigation steps have been

embedded in the overall system.

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1.4. To finalise the Audit Plan on an annual basis, which will outline the

proposed focus area indicating the thematic Issues to be taken up, and

recommend it for approval of RM through the Defence Secretary.

1.5. To apprise the executive at the highest level i.e. the RM through the

Defence Secretary about the findings based on special audit reports and

regular internal audit reports of CGDA.

2. An illustrative list of some of the internal risk areas faced by Government

today as highlighted in Department of Administrative Reforms and Public

Grievances (DARPG) framework, some of which would be applicable to areas

under the delegated powers, are as follows -

2.1. Failure of Sellers or other agencies to provide services as required;

2.2. Project delays, cost overruns, and inadequate quality standards;

2.3. Delayed or failed introduction of new technology;

2.4. Loss or misappropriation of funds through fraud or impropriety;

2.5. Inadequate skills or resources to deliver services as required;

2.6. Disruption from industrial action, protest, or failure of transport or

IT infrastructure;

2.7. Inconsistent programme objectives resulting in unwanted outcomes;

2.8. Inadequate contingency plans to maintain continuity of service


2.9. Failure to evaluate pilot projects properly before a new service is

introduced may result in problems when the service becomes fully


2.10. Failure to innovate leading to sub-standard services;

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1.1 FORMULATION OF CASE1.1.1 Inclusion in Annual Procurement Plan1.1.2 Statement of Case (SOC)1.1.3 Costing assumptions in SOC1.1.4 Justification - Necessity angle1.1.5 Quantities1.1.6 Mode of Bidding1.1.7 RFI (Where applicable)1.1.8 Fund availability1.2 PROCUREMENT METHODS AND BIDDING PROCESS1.2.1 Potential Bidders' Registration and selection1.2.2 Finalization of RFP1.2.3. Time of bid submission including extension of time1.2.4 Validity period of offers1.2.5 Amendment of bids1.2.6 Receipt of bids1.2.7 Tender/RFP opening1.2.8 e-Procurement vrs Manual procurement method1.3 TECHNICAL EVALUATION (WHERE APPLICABLE)1.3.1 Compliance Report by TEC1.3.2 CFA Approval of TEC Report1.3.3 Revised Commercial Bids (if Obtained)1.3.4 CFA Approval of Revised Commercial Bid1.3.5 Resultant Single Bidder Parameters Compliance


1.4.1 Benchmarking1.4.2 CST and L1 determination1.4.3 Price Reasonability1.4.4 Variation between AON estimation, benchmark and L-1 price1.4.5 Finding Justifiable price1.4.6 Negotiation1.5 COMPLIANCE1.5.1 Deviations from Technical clauses1.5.2 Deviations from Commercial clauses1.5.3 Timeline adherence/overrun in complete procurement

process1.6 CONTRACT OUTCOMES1.6.1 Submission of bonds and guarantees by Seller1.6.2 Delivery as per contract milestones1.6.3 Extension of delivery period1.6.4 Quality1.6.5 Timely finalization of AMCs / Service contracts

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1.7 APPROVALS1.7.1 Authority according AON1.7.2 Authority according Expenditure Sanction1.7.3 Deviations approval / Re-tendering1.7.4 Issue of Government Sanction1.8 INTEGRITY1.8.1 Pre-Integrity clause1.8.2 Vigilance clearance1.8.3 Complaints management2. MONITORING2.1 OVERSIGHT2.1.1 Preparation of Annual Procurement Plans2.1.2 Periodic reporting / monitoring

of physical and financial milestones

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS2.2.1 MIS on outcome of Annual Plans and Impact on

Serviceability/Stock levels

3. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT3.1 BUDGET MONITORING3.1.1 Budgeting and Forecasting3.1.2 Committed Liabilities Projections3.1.3 Budget Utilization against allocations3.2 FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ACCOUNTING3.2.1 Expenditure Report and Expenditure Pattern3.2.2 Budget Code heads in Expenditure Sanction

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Reporting Review Acceptance

A. APAR system - IFAs at Command Hqs

Existing Addl CGDA C-in-C CGDA

Revised C-in-C CGDA FADS

B. APAR system - PIFAs at SHQs

Existing Vice Chief / CISC FADS Def Sec

Revised Vice Chief / CISC CGDA FADS

C. APAR system - IFAs at SHQs

Existing Concerned Head (CFA) FADS Def Sec

Revised Concerned Head (CFA) CGDA FADS


1. The revised APAR system will be applicable for APAR written for2014-15 and onwards.

2. Details of Reporting Authority at para C above for respective IFAs

Concerned Head (CFA) Respective IFA




DG AFMS IFA (Medical)


VCOAS IFA (Capital/Army)

VCNS IFA (Capital/Navy)

DCAS IFA (Capital/Airforce)

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Annexure - 5


1. As per the Office Memorandum (OM) no. 10/3/2012-PPC dated 30'h

March, 2012, issued by the Department of Expenditure, all Ministries

/ Departments of the Central Government, their attached and

subordinated offices need to commence e-Procurement in respect

of all procurements with estimated value of Rs. 10 lakhs or above, in

a phased manner, as per the schedule provided in the OM.

2. For facilitating User Ministries / Departments, NIC has developed an e-

Procurement application, wh i ch i s a c c e s s i b l e th r oug h the

Cen t r a l Pu b l i c P r o cu r emen t (C PP ) Po r t a l

(URL:http://eprocure.gov.in). Ministries/Departments, which do not

have a large volume of procurement or carry out procurements required

for day to day running of offices and also have not initiated e-

Procurement through any other solution provider, have been asked to

use the e-Procurement solution developed by NIC.

3. Ministries/Departments with large volume of procurement other than

of the nature mentioned above have been authorized to either use the e-

Procurement solution developed by NIC or engage any other service

provider. Defence Services qualify under this category. User organizations,

which are already carrying out e-Procurement through other service

providers or have developed e-Procurement solutions in house, may

continue to do so, ensuring the conditions/guidelines provided in the above

DoE OM are fulfilled.

4. Earlier, DoE vide its O.M No. 10/ 1 /2011 -PPC dated 30th November,

2011 had issued instructions for mandatory publication (e-Publishing) of

all tender enquiries, corrigenda thereto and details of contracts awarded

thereon on the CPP Portal by all Ministries/Departments, their attached

and subordinate offices, Central Public Sector Enterprises and

autonomous/statutory bodies from I" January 2012 in a phased manner.

5. The table below shows the key differences between e-Publishing

module and e-Procurement module of NIC accessible through the CPP


6. The paras below provide the pre-requisites and guidelines for using the

e-Procurement module of NIC.

7. Enrolment on e-Procurement module of NIC - To enroll, each User

Organization in Defence services should follow the steps listed below –

a. Acquire Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) - To carry out e-

Procurement using NIC's e-Procurement Module, the authorized

users of the User Organization as welt as the bidders will be required

to obtain valid DSCs. DSCs may be obtained from any authorized

agency registered with the Certifying Authority (CA) in India.

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Authorized users will be required to procure Class-If or Class-111 DSCS.

NIC CA provides DSCs to the government officials only. Please refer

to Encl-2 of these Guidelines for obtaining DSC from NIC CA. All

other users may obtain DSCs from any of the other registered CAs in


b. Selection/ Nomination of Nodal Officer - Nodal Officer Accounts already

created by Ministries/Departments for e-Publishing Module of

CPP Portal can also be used for NIC's c-Procurement Module.

User Organizations that have not enrolled on the e-Publishing

module or organizations who wish to nominate a different officer

as Nodal Officer for e-Procurement, should submit their request by

completing the Nodal Officer Account Creation form and sending it to

NIC. The first level Nodal Officers in User Organizations may

further create sub-Nodal Officers, and designate them the

responsibil ity of creating user accounts in the organization. For

further details, please refer Encl-1 of these guidelines.

c. Setting up of Organizational Hierarchy for mapping on the CPP

Portal - Every User Organization has to ensure that their

organizational structure is properly mapped in the e-Publishing

module of CPP Portal and for e-Procurement Module of NIC. he

User Organizations, whose organizational structure has already been

mapped in the e-Publishing module, need not recreate it for e-

Procurement, unless they wish to make a change to their existing

organizational structure. User Organizations that have not enrolled

on the e-Publishing module or organizations that wish to make a

change to their existing organizational structure mapping should

send an updated organizational structure to NIC. For further details,

please refer Encl-1 of these guidelines.

d. Creation of User Accounts for officials of the User Organization - The Nodal

Officer/ sub-Nodal Officer(s)of each User Organization will authorize

users within the organization for various roles such as Tender

Creator, Tender Publisher, Bid Opener and Bid Evaluator who would

use the e-Procurement module of NIC. For further details, please refer

Encl-1 of these guidelines.

e. Mapping of DSCs for all user accounts created in the User Organization -

On obtaining the DSCs, the authorized users will be required to login

and map their DSCs with their respective user profiles created by

the Nodal Officer on the e-Procurement module of NIC.

8. Training / Support on e-Procurement module of NIC - NIC has scheduled

several modes of training for User Organizations to assist them in

using their Procurement Module.

a. Half day awareness session for User Organizations - NIC will conduct a

half day awareness session for each User Organization, identified by

the DoE to implement e-Procurement during that month, in the

premises of the respective User Organization only in Delhi. This

training session may be attended by senior/middle level officials from

the User Organization and the core team responsible for e-Procurement.

b. 2-day hands-on Training of Trainers program for User Organizations -

NIC will conduct a 2-day hands-on "Training of Trainers" program

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on e-Procurement module for upto 4 nominated officials from each of

the User Organizations at NIC HQs New Delhi.

c. Half Day Training Session for key/ prospective bidders of User

Organizations - NIC will conduct a half day training session for the

key / prospective bidders of each User Organization for their

upcoming tenders. These training sessions will familiarize the bidders

on the use of e-Procurement module of NIC for submitting their bids.

9. On-site support by trained Facility Management Personnel (FMPs) - NIC

will train a pool of Facility Management support Personnel (FMPs) -

(hired from NICSI empanelled agencies) on the e-Procurement module

of NIC. User Organizations may utilize the services of these FMPs for

internal training, installation and mapping of DSCs, handholding support

for e-Procurement activities etc. up to a period of 1 week. For any support

from FMPs beyond the 1 week period, the User Organizations can

directly hire the services of the FMPs from NICSI empanelled agencies. Encl-3

of these guidelines provides more detailed information on the various

modes of training as well as support from FMPs.

10. Guidelines and user manuals providing step-by-step guide are

available on the CPP Portal. For any clarifications, please write to cpPP-

[email protected] and [email protected].




1. Selection / Nomination of Nodal Officer - Nodal Officer(s) can be

nominated by filling up the Nodal Officer Nomination Form (available

at http://eprocure.gov,in/cppp/sites/tiefault/files/eproc/ nodaldata

sheet–O.pdf) and sending to NIC at [email protected]. NIC will create the

Nodal Officer account, with the details provided in the form and the

password for the account will be automatically sent to the email address

of the nominated Nodal Officer. In case, a Nodal Officer account has

already been created for the User Organization under the e-Publishing

module of the CPP Portal, the same need not be re-created for the

purpose of e-Procurement. The User Organizations shall indicate such

preference over email. However, if the User Organization chooses to

nominate a different officer as Nodal Officer for e-Procurement, they

need to submit a new Nodal Officer request form to N[C at [email protected].

2. Setting up of Organizational Hierarchy for mapping in e-Publishing portal -

The Nodal Off icer(s) of each User Organizat ion must create a

mapping of its organizational structure / hierarchy in e-Publishing

module of CPP Portal and for e-Procurement Module of NIC as per

guidelines as mentioned below -

a. The organizational structure of a User Organization may be

provided (up to max 4 levels) in the following manner –

i. LEVEL 0 - Parent Ministry

ii. LEVEL I - Organization (Department / CPSE /

Autonomous/Statutory Body)

iii. LEVEL 2 - Functional/ Zonal/ Regional Offices etc.

iv. LEVEL 3 - Division/ District level offices etc.

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v. LEVEL 4 - Sub-Division/Block level offices etc.

b. The organization structure as per format depicted below is to be

sent via email to [email protected]. The User Organizations that

have already submitted their organizational structure for the e-

Publishing module on the CPP Portal need not reseed it, unless

they wish to make any changes.

3. Creation of User Accounts for officials of the User Organization –

a. The Nodal Officer / sub-Nodal Officer(s) of each User Organization

will authorize users within the organization to use the e-

Procurement module of NIC. The various roles defined for e-

Procurement module are –

i. Tender Creator - responsible for filling up and uploading the

details of a tender enquiry / corrigenda / award of contract.

ii. Tender Publisher - responsible for publishing the tender enquiry

/ corrigenda / award of contract created by the Tender Creator.

iii. Bid Opener - authorized to decrypt and download the bids

received from the bidders in response to a tender document.

iv. Bid Evaluator - authorized to upload the results of the various

stages of bid evaluation.

b. Please note that the Nodal Officer cannot perform any of the

above roles. The Nodal Officer should create the above users and

assign roles in the e-Procurement module of NIC for authorized

officials in the User Organization. Upon creation of user accounts,

the password will be automatically emailed to the respective

authorized users in their mail IDs.




1. All authorized department users are required to obtain a

Digital Signature Certificate to access the e-Procurement module.

2. Issue of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) to users - To avail

the DSC from NIC CA, the filled up NICCA DSC Request Form is to

be submitted to NICCA at NIC Head Quarters.

3. The payment of fees can be done by Demand Draft / RBI cheque in

favour of "Accounts Officer, NIC Delhi" payable at New Delhi.

4. For the latest detai ls on the DSC Request Form and Fee

detai ls, please refer to https://nicea.nic.in.

5. The DSC Request Form should be filled up carefully. Few of the

entries are indicated below –

a. Col (1) Category of Applicant: Government

b. Col (2) Class of Certificate: (Ctass2)

c. Col (3) Certificate Required: Individual (Signing) &

Encryption both to be ticked

d. Col (4) Certificate Validity (Max Two years): Two years

e. Col (5) Date of Superannuation: If less than two years, Col (4)

to be suitably modified

f. Cot Col (8) Email Id: Valid email-id to be given

g. Col (12) to be struck off

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h. Application form has to signed by the Head of Department before

submitting it to NIC

i. Copy of self-attested ID Proof and required fee in the form of

Demand Draft.

j. One passport size photograph

6. Further guidelines on how to use the DSC is available on the CD

provided along with DSC token issued by NIC CA

Encl - 3


1. NIC has scheduled several modes of training for User Organizations to

assist them for using e-Procurement module.

2. Half day awareness session for User Organizations

a. NIC will conduct a half day awareness session for each User

Organization, identified by the DoE to implement e-Procurement

during that month, in the premises of the respective User Organization

only in Delhi.

b. A core team of officials should be identified in each User Organization,

which would be responsible for driving the e-Procurement initiative.

Senior level officials may attend this training session from the User

Organization and the core team responsible for e-Procurement.

c. This training will broadly cover the preparedness of the User

Organizations and process realignment required to implement the e-

Procurement Module. Best practices will also be shared.

d. The User Organization would be expected to facilitate the training

session and make the requisite arrangements at their respective

premises in Delhi. The preferred date, place and time for the training

session should be communicated to NIC via an email request on

[email protected]. The request should be sent latest by the I" day of

the month in which the training is expected to be conducted.

3. 2-day hands-on Training of Trainers program for User Organizations

a. NIC will conduct a 2-day hands-on "Training of Trainers"

program on e-Procurement module for upto 4 nominated

officials from each of the User Organizations at N[C HQs New Delhi.

b. The training will be conducted in NIC Training Room, Room no 706, A

I B8 Wing, 7th floor, NIC Building, A-Block, CGO Complex, New Delhi.

To attend the training, the User Organizations should send an email

request to [email protected] with the preferred dates and names of

upto four nominated officials. The nominations for the next month

must reach NIC by 20'h day of the previous month. Attendance to

these sessions is only upon email confirmation from NIC.

c. The User Organizations are expected to nominate upto 4 officials who

will undergo the 2-day hands-on training session. To ensure an

effective training of their officials,, the User Organizations are requested

to nominate officials who are well versed in the procurement process of

their respective departments. These users would be expected to impart

training to other officials in their respective organizations.

d. All the officials nominated for the training must carry have a valid Class

11 or Class III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) to the training

program. If the nominated officials do not have a DSC at present, they

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can complete the DSC application forms and submit to NIC, at least t5

days prior to attending the training program.

e. The exact schedule of the training will be available on the CPP Portal.

4. Half Day Training Session for Key/ prospective bidders of User


a. Such half day training session will be undertaken at the premises

of the User Organizations in Delhi.

b. Each User Organization will be required to identify the key/ prospective

bidders for their forthcoming tenders.

c. Half day training and awareness session for the potential bidders of

each User Organization will be used to, make the key/ prospective

bidders aware of the various features and requirements of the e-

Procurement module; such as –

i. Acquiring DSC

ii. Process of registration on the e-Procurement Module

iii. Process of tracking tenders through the CPP Portal, raising pre-

bid queries, participating in pre-bid meetings etc.

iv. Process of submission of online bids

v. Other processes such as online presence at the time of bid

opening, availability of comparison charts etc.

d. The exact schedule for the training of bidders will be worked out in

coordination with the User Organizations, once they have undergone

the "Training of Trainers" session meant for their officials.

e. In case, the User Organization is unable to conduct the training of

bidders before floating the tender documents (on a pilot basis) on the e-

Procurement module, NIC could conduct the training of bidders

along with the pre-bid meeting for that particular tender.

5. On-site support by trained Facility Management Personnel


a. NIC will train a pool of Facility Management support Personnel

(FMPs)- (hired from NICSI empanelled agencies) on the e-

Procurement module. User Organizations may utilize the

services of these FMPs for internal training, installation and

mapping of DSCs, handholding support for e-Procurement

activities etc. up to a period of 1 week. Any request for availing the

services of a FMP should be sent via email to [email protected].

b. For any support from FMPs beyond the I week period, the User

Organizations can directly hire the services of the FMPs from NICSI

empanelled agencies.

c. It should be noted that FMPs are only expected to provide

technical assistance with regard to the features and

functionalities of the e-Procurement module. The authorized

users of the User Organizations will be responsible to ensure that

the information being published on the CPP Portal is accurate

and in compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations.

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Guidelines for Benchmarking Cost Estimates

1. Buyer should establish a benchmark and reasonableness of price in aninternal meeting before opening the Price bids. But what is a reasonable price?The word “reasonable price” means different things to Buyer and seller. TheBuyer tends to think on the low side, and the seller tends to think on higherside. The seller wants to make as much money as possible and the Buyerwants to save as much as possible. As price of an item depends on severalindependent and dependent variables and is uniquely decided by individualbidder, it is simply not possible to give a definition or a formula for definingreasonable price. However, as Buyer’s subsequent negotiation will dependupon the reasonable price determined beforehand, it is necessary to attemptthe internal benchmarking on established practices on cost estimationmethods being used widely by Govt Buyer and specifically Defence Buyersacross the world. This will atleast give Buyer a moral authority for justifyingtheir stand to L-1 bidder during negotiations and will also give them a morerealistic estimate of difference between what Govt ought to give (internalbenchmarking) and what Govt may have to give (negotiated cost).

2. Amongst the plethora of cost estimation techniques available in commercialworld, there are four main cost estimating techniques, which can be used byBuyer to develop benchmarking estimates for procurement cases - Analogy,Engineering Parametric and Market Intelligence. In deciding which techniqueto use, Buyer may have to consider several factors like –

(a) Availability of historical data(b) Level of detail required(c) Adequacy of system description(d) Time/Resource constraints

The cost estimate must be defensible with well-reasoned analysis. Adescription of the four cost estimating methodologies follows.

3. Analogy method - The analogy method is the simplest form of estimating.When historical information is available for a similar or same item(s) that hasalready been completed, that information can be used to estimate costs for theproposed items. In case of “similar” items, BUYER will additionally need tomake a subjective evaluation of the differences between the new item andhistorical items. In many cases, it may be necessary to compare componentsof the new item to components of several old items in order to make the mostaccurate comparisons. The Technical expert in BUYER may typically be askedto make a technical evaluation of the difference between the new system andthe old system. Based on his evaluation, the BUYER may assess the costimpact of the technical differences. When using this method, it is importantthat differences between the existing item and the proposed item (e.g.,software languages, development methodologies, complexity) are identifiedand their impacts estimated. However, in case of “same” items, suchadditional technical analysis may not be necessary and use of Price indiceswill suffice.

(a) Past records (LPP) - Prior to benchmarking, BUYER should review:The procurement history of the supplies and services; and a descriptionof the supplies, including, when necessary for adequate description, apicture, drawing, diagram, or other graphic representation. This will

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ensure that prior prices are considered in estimating the proper price ofthe current procurement. However, one must also remember thatinformation from Government historical price data bases provides apicture of what happened in the past. One must integrate thisinformation with information from other tools/methods to enhance theaccuracy of price estimate.

(b) Sources of Procurement Histories - Procurement histories can befound in many sources. Typically, the best sources are contract files,computerized data from Defence services IT systems and manual itemrecords. Usually, the best source of information on past pricing decisionsis the original file of the contract action as detailed information and therationale used to determine price reasonableness will be available in thefile. Computers provide immediate access to the data considered mostimportant to purchase decision making. While computer data files maynot be as complete as purchase files, they do provide key data in a formthat can be used by the Buyer in a timely fashion. Manual item recordstypically provide data similar to that contained in computerizedprocurement data files.

(c) Researching Historical Procurement Pricing Information -Historical prices are an excellent source of market information. Researchof historical market information can tell us a lot about the procurementsituation for the product at some point or points in the past. For thatinformation to be useful, we must be able to determine what the marketsituation was in the past and how it has changed since then. Thefollowing table presents issues that we should consider in ourexamination of historical procurement information and questions that weshould consider in our research.


Research element Questions to be asked

Trends in supply anddemand

When did past procurements take place?Is there any indication of prevailing Demand

market conditions at that time?

Pattern of Demand What quantities were solicited for Demandeach procurement?

What quantities were acquired?

Trends in prices What was the contract price?

How did the unsuccessful offers compare withthe successful offer?

Start-up costs and Pricingstrategy

Did the contract price include one-timeengineering, tooling, or other start-up costs?

Should future contracts include similar orrelated costs?

Were necessary start-up costs paid for in amanner separate from the price for the itemor service?

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Research element Questions to be asked

Sources of supplies orservices

How many sources were solicited for the priorprocurement?

What specific sources were solicited?How many sources offered bids or proposals?What specific sources offered bids or proposals?

Product characteristics Are there any significant differences betweenthe Government requirements documents forthe prior contract and the currentrequirement?

Delivery / Performanceterms

What was the delivery or performance period indays, weeks, months, or years?

In what month(s) were the supplies to bedelivered or the service to be performed?

Did the vendor meet the delivery targets? Whatwas the INCOTERM used?

Ownership costs What costs of ownership were associated withthe procurement?

Mode of tendering Whether it was Global, Limited, Single mode oftendering.

Contract termsconditions

and Are there any significant differences betweenterms

of the last contract (e.g., packing requirements,type of contract, and the like) and those

recommended for this procurement?

Problems What problems (if any) were encounteredduring contract performance?

Depending upon the answers to questions mentioned above, BUYER shouldadjust the past data suitably.

(d) Use of Price Indices - Once historical records have been established, thesame will need to be extrapolated to future years for accounting theescalation factor. The use of “Price indices” as mentioned in Appendix A maybe used. The delivery period mentioned in the present case needs to be takeninto account for extrapolating the historical records.

(e) Use of Learning curve – If the items are same as compared to pastpurchase, then theory of Learning curve, as mentioned in Appendix B, mayalso be considered for application.

(f) Situations to be used – Wherever Last Purchase Price (LPP) is available forsimilar or same items, this may be applied. Actual cost experience onprototype units, early engineering development hardware, and earlyproduction hardware for the items under consideration could also be used tothe maximum extent possible.

(g) Advantages - The analogy method is based on actual experience. It providesa valid tool to negotiate with L-1 bidder.

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(h) Disadvantages - In many instances, no truly similar items exist. Subjectiveevaluations may have to be made by the technical experts and BUYER whendetermining the cost impact of the differences between old and new systemsif the items are not same but similar. Current market conditions do not getreflected.

4. Engineering (POV) method - An engineering or "POV" estimate (ProfessionalOfficers’ Valuation as known in MoD) is a step-by-step , bottoms-updescription of task requirements and estimated resources for labour, materialand other direct costs, with descriptive rationale as to why resources arerequired and the considerations used by the engineer to develop the estimate.This technique involves associating costs to the lowest levels of a definablework within the Work Breakdown Structure. The direct labour hours requiredto complete the work are estimated from engineering drawings andspecifications, using general industry standards. The Technical experts alsoestimate raw materials and purchase parts requirements. The remaining costelements, such as tooling, quality control, other direct costs, and variousoverhead charges including systems engineering and project management arealso factored in.(a) Situations for use – When historical records are not available for an

item, then this method may be used, provided the user reps are familiarwith the item in question.

(b) Advantages - The Engineering method provides a detailed cost estimateand can be more accurate than other methods. It can be uniquely appliedto the specific items and manufacturer. It gives good insight into major costcontributors. It also allows easy transfer of results to other items.

(c) Disadvantages - Since detailed information is required, the Engineeringmethod tends to be time intensive. Historical data is not always available tosupport these estimates. It is also not flexible enough to answer what ifquestions. There is a tendency to rely extensively on judgment andassumptions being made by technical experts. The estimates made foritems like Material overheads, direct expenses, Training, Trials, Profit, etc.are most likely to vary from price bids as these items are priced uniquely byany bidder keeping in view their internal policies and approaches towardsbidding.

5. Parametric (Statistical) - The parametric, or statistical, cost estimatingmethod uses parametric models to derive cost data from key cost drivers suchas product weight, complexity, inputs/outputs, software code types, historicaldata, etc. This method assumes that there is a relationship between somesystem parameter (such as speed, weight, thrust, etc.) and cost.(a) The goal of parametric costing is to create a statistically valid costestimating relationship (CER) using historical data. The parametric CER canthen be used to estimate the cost of the new items by entering its specificcharacteristics into the parametric model. It is always essential to have anadequate number of relevant data points, and care must be taken tonormalize the dataset so that it is consistent and complete.(b) To develop a parametric CER, first the cost drivers that most influencecost ought to be determined. CER can be developed with a mathematicalexpression, which can range from a simple rule of thumb to a complexregression equation. Parametric cost estimates use regression analysis(branch of applied statistics) to attempt to quantify the relationship betweenvariables and then describe the accuracy of that relationship. Regressionanalysis has two parts: (1) quantifying the relationship between thevariables using a mathematical expression, and (2) describing the accuracy

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of the relationship by computation of various statistics that indicate howwell the mathematical expression describes the relationship between thevariables.(c) Example –

i. Table An example of Parametric Analysis CostingItems Attributes Calculation

A cost estimating relationship(CER) for site activation (SA)is a function of the number ofworkstations (NW)

SA = Rs 8,28,000 + (Rs 2,65,000 *NW)

Data range for the CER 7-47 workstations based on 11data points

Cost to site activate a items with40 workstations

Rs 8,28,000 + (Rs 2,65,000 * 40) =Rs 1,14,28,000

ii. In above table, the number of workstations is the cost driver. Theequation is linear but has both a fixed component (i.e. Rs 8,28,000) and avariable component (i.e. Rs 2,65,000 * NW). In addition, the range of data isfrom 7 to 47 work stations, so it would be inappropriate to use this CER forestimating the activation cost of a site with as few as 2 or as many as 200workstations.

(d) Situations for use - The parametric method is appropriate for those cases,where detailed design specifications are not available, but a database of likesystems, performance specifications and costs is available. This method oftenserves as a useful check of an estimate made using another method.

(e) Advantages - Parametric estimates are fast to use. Parametric estimatesare easy to change to do what if drills.

(f) Disadvantages - This method relies heavily on the timeliness and accuracy ofthe database. Parametric estimates must rely on correlations between cost &performance features/characteristics. Historical data is not always availableto support these estimates.

6. Market Intelligence method - Market intelligence method requires collectingandanalyzing information about capabilities and cost within the market to satisfyBuyer needs. Market research policies and procedures should be designed toarrive at the most suitable approach to ascertain cost of acquiring,distributing, and supporting supplies and services.

(a) Information for Market Research - When conducting market research,we should not request potential sources to submit more than the minimuminformation necessary. Most firms will gladly support Government marketresearch as long as the result will benefit the firm. Most will providecomplete information about how the products that they can provide will meetGovernment requirements. However, they are unlikely to provide informationabout problems with their products or about other products that couldbetter meet the Government's needs at a lower total cost. Generally,information on a particular product or industry is available from manysources other than potential bidders. These sources include –

i. The results of recent market research undertaken to meet similar oridentical requirements;ii. Government data bases that provide information relevant toprocurements. For ex – DGS&D websiteiii. Source lists of similar items obtained by other Govt agencies;

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iv. Catalogues and other generally available product literature publishedby manufacturers, distributors, and dealers or available on-line.v. Web sites of major vendors and OEMs dealing with the item in question.vi. Budgetary quotes of leading vendors.vii. Specialized Search engines on Internet.

(b) Factors to Consider in Researching the Market - Each time we conductmarket research, the process will be different because of differences inGovernment requirements, market conditions, and other factors. Thefollowing table identifies research factors and outlines the type of questionsthat we should be able to answer when we complete our market research.Not all of the questions identified in the table will be valid for everyprocurement. For some procurements, we will have many specializedquestions that are not covered in the following table. However, the issuesidentified and the related questions provide a basic framework for ourmarket research.

(c) TableIssues Questions to be asked

Pricing history What information is available concerning pastprices paid for the product and changes in theproduct or market since then?

Have there been historic differences between pricespaid by the Government vis-à-vis other Buyers?Why?


How many sellers are in the market?How many Buyers?

Current overalllevel of demand

What is the relationship of the Level of Demandquantity we intend to buy vis-à-vis the quantitiesthat others buy?

Will our volume justify a lower than market pricedue to the seller's increased economies of scale?

Will our volume be so large as to drive the sellers toor beyond full capacity, resulting inunanticipated inflation?

Trends in supplyand demand

Will demand be higher or lower at the Supply andtime of award than now?

Will supply capacity keep pace with demand?

Pattern of demand Is there a cyclical pattern to supply and demand?Would awarding six months from now result in

lower prices than an immediate award?Or would it be better to stock up now at today’s


Other marketforces expected toaffectcontract price

What forces might drive up prices in the nearfuture? Strikes? Labour shortages?Subcontractor bottlenecks? Energy shortages?Other raw material shortages?

What forces might lead us to expect lower prices inthe future?

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Pricing strategies What are the pricing strategies of firms in themarket? What are the implications forexpected prices?

Sources ofsupplies orservices

Which firms in the market are the most likely tosubmit offers to a Government solicitation?

Which are the least likely and why?


What features distinguish one product fromanother?

Which commercial products match most closelywith the RFP specs?

What is the apparent trade-off between featuresand price?

Delivery /Performance terms

What are the current distribution channels?What are current transportation costs (if available

and applicable)?What are the commercial lead-times?

Ownership costs What are the commercial warranty terms andconditions (if any)?

What are the historical repair costs for eachproduct?

What are the historical maintenance costs for eachproduct?

Contract termsand conditions

What terms and conditions are used in commercialtransactions?

What terms and conditions have been used in otherGovernment procurements?

What type of contract has been used in commercialtransactions & other Government procurements?

Problems What has been the historical default rate by firmsperforming similar contracts?

What performance problems have typically beenencountered?

Have similar procurements been characterized byclaims or cost overruns?

(d) Results obtained from Market research needs to be analyzed with caution.In particular, estimates obtained from potential bidders do not reflect theactual pricing likely to be achieved in bidding process. It would be necessaryto broad-base the market research as much as possible i.e. taking inputsfrom several sources, carefully analyze them to see the trends, discount themif necessary and then come to a proper estimate for benchmarking.

(e) Situations for use – When cost estimation cannot be done by any of thethree methods mentioned above, then Market Intelligence method remainsthe option to find a way out. Through this method, cost estimation can bedone either for whole project/case or parts of it depending on their marketavailability.

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(f) Advantages – As it reflects the current market reality, to that extent itprovides a more realistic estimate than Analogy method. It also provides toolsto buyer for better negotiation with L-1 bidder at later stage.

(g) Disadvantages – Market prices need not match the pricing approach ofa bidder in competitive environment.

7. Conclusion – The Cost estimation methods mentioned above need notbe exclusive. While Analogy method may provide linkage with past records,benchmarking in the same case may need to be supplemented with MarketIntelligence method for incorporating current market conditions. Similarly, inthe same case, some items may qualify for Engineering method or Parametricmethod, while others may require help of Analogy method or MarketIntelligence method. In fact, considering the complexity involved in Defenceprocurements, it is expected that all these methods will be used incombination with each other or exclusively for arriving at a most optimalreasonable cost for negotiation purposes. A simplified way to approach bench-marking through combination of these methods is given in Annexure C as amatter of illustration.

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Annexure - 6A

Price Index numbers

1. Price index numbers measure relative price changes from one time period to

another. They are so widely used that discussions related to index numbers

in contract pricing normally refers to price indexes. However, other index

numbers could be used in contract pricing, particularly indexes that measure

productivity. It is important for Buyer to know as to how to use price index

numbers to make the price adjustments necessary to analyze price and cost

information collected over time.

2. Type of Price Index numbers - Price index numbers can indicate price

changes for one or several related supplies or services over a period of time.

2.1. Simple index numbers calculate price changes for a single item over time.

Index numbers are more accurate if they are constructed using actual prices

paid for a single commodity, product or service rather than the more general

aggregated index.

2.2. Aggregate index numbers calculate price changes for a group of related

items over time. Aggregate indexes permit analysis of price changes for the

group of related products, such as price changes for apples, oranges,

plywood, or nails. An example of an aggregate price index is the Producer

Price Index) that provides information the changes in the wholesale price of

products sold in country over a given period of time.

3. How to use Price indices – One can use price index numbers to:

3.1. Inflate/deflate prices or costs for direct comparison. One can use price

index numbers to estimate/analyze product price/cost today using the

price/cost of the same or a similar product in the past.

3.2. Inflate/deflate prices or costs to facilitate trend analysis. One can use

index numbers to facilitate trend or time series analysis of prices/costs by

eliminating or reducing the effects of inflation so that the analysis can be

made in constant-year rupees(rupees free of changes related to


3.3. Estimate project price or cost over the period of contract performance.

Prices/costs of future performance are not certain. One effect that needs to

be considered is the changing value of the rupee. One can use index

numbers to estimate and negotiate future costs and prices.

3.4. Adjust contract price or cost for inflation/deflation. When price/cost

changes are particularly volatile, one may need to include an economic price

adjustment clause in the contract. The use of index numbers is one of the

most popular methods used to identify and define price changes for

economic price adjustment.

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4. Constructing Price Index Number - If our activity involves repeatedly

buying the same types of services or supplies, we may consider developing

our own price indices to track trends in price over time. The steps below

demonstrate the procedures for developing a simple price index. To develop

an aggregate index, one may follow the same basic steps using data from the

various products selected for index development. There are four steps to

developing a simple price index number-

4.1. Step 1. Collect data for each period.

4.2. Step 2. Select an appropriate base period.

4.3. Step 3. Divide each period price by the base-period price.

4.4. Step 4. Multiply by 100 to produce an index number.

5. Selecting A Price Index For Analysis – One needs to use published indexes

carefully, because a published index will usually not exactly fit the pattern of

price changes for the product or service that you are analyzing. The data are

usually not from a specific contractor or location, but represent national or

regional averages. Nevertheless, pre-constructed index numbers offer a

practical alternative to the costly and time-consuming task of developing

index numbers from basic cost data. When using published indexes, we need

to choose the index series that best fits our specific analysis effort. Usually,

the closer the chosen index series relates to the item that we are pricing, the

more useful the number will be in our analysis. If we are buying a finished

good, indices representing raw materials and purchased components may not

necessarily provide an accurate basis for projecting prices. The finished good

price may also be strongly influenced by trends in direct labour, cost of

capital, etc. Accuracy can be improved through use of a weighted average

index which represents changes in both labour and material elements of

price. Many contracting organizations develop weighted average indexes for

major products or major groups of products, which can be used.

6. Sources of Published Indexes - We may not have the time or data required

to construct the price indexes that we need for price or cost analysis.

Fortunately, there are many sources of previously constructed price indexes

that we can use to estimate price changes. These sources include:

6.1. Ministry of Labour, Bureau of Labour Statistics;

6.2. Ministry of Industry

6.3. Ministry of Finance

6.4. Other Government agencies;

6.5. Other Government contracting organizations, like DGS&D;

6.6. Commercial forecasting firms;

6.7. Industry or trade publications; and

6.8. Financial Newspapers.

7. Adjusting Price/Cost For Analysis -

7.1. Compensating for Inflation or Deflation. The changing value of the rupee

over time can complicate comparisons and other analysis using price or cost

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information collected over time. We can use price indexes to adjust

prices/costs to compensate for inflation or deflation to facilitate direct

comparisons and further analysis.

7.2. Calculating Relative Price Change Between Two Periods - Index numbers

indicate the percentage change in price relative to the base year. For

example, the table below shows that the average product price increased by

23.2 percent between 2004 and 2009.

Year Product Index2004 100.02005 105.32006 112.02007 116.52008 119.32009 123.2

To adjust prices for inflation or deflation, we must be able to do

more than determine how prices have changed relative to the base

year. We must be able to determine how prices changed between

any two time periods. To calculate the percentage price change

between any two time periods, we must follow the same procedure

that you would follow if you had actual price data; by division –

Index in 2009 123.2

----------------- = --------- = 1.10

Index in 2006 112.0

Based on the price index and this calculation, we could estimate

that product prices in 2009 were 1.10 times the prices in 2006 or

10.0 percent more than the prices in 2006.

7.3. Estimating Price/Cost Using Index Numbers - We can use index

numbers to adjust prices or costs from any time period for inflation or

deflation. For example, the calculation above demonstrated that product

prices increased 10.0 percent between 2006 and 2009. If we knew that the

price for an equipment item in 2006 was Rs 1,000, we could estimate that

the price should be 10.0 percent higher in 2009. That would result in a

price estimate of Rs 1,100 for 2009.

7.4. These calculations can be formalized into a simple equation using either

the Ratio Method or the Price Adjustment Formula Method described below.

7.4.1. The Ratio Method uses an equation in the form of a simple ratio to

make the price adjustment.

I2 P2

--- = ---

I1 P1

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I1 = Index in Time Period 1 -- the index for the period for which

we have historical cost/price information.

I2 = Index in Time Period 2 -- the index for the period for which

we are estimating.

P1 = Price/cost in Time Period 1 -- historical cost/price


P2 = Price/cost in Time Period 2 -- cost/price estimate.

7.4.2. Price Adjustment Formula Method. The Price Adjustment Formula is

a simplification of the Ratio Method described above.


P2 = ---- X P1


7.5. Adjustment Period Selection - When adjusting historical prices for

inflation, we need to take care in selecting the period of adjustment. There

are two basic methods that we can use in adjusting costs/prices –

7.5.1. Adjustment based on period between acquisition dates. This is the

method most commonly used to calculate the period of price adjustment,

because acquisition dates are readily available. For example: An item is

being acquired in January 2011 was last purchased in January 2010. Using

this method, the logical adjustment period would be January 2010 to

January 2011 -- a year of inflation or deflation. If delivery schedules are

similar, this method should be satisfactory. However, if delivery schedules

are significantly different, we may be over or under the adjustment required.

For example, if the Jan 2010 acquisition provided for delivery in Jan 2011

and the Jan 2011 acquisition also provided for delivery in Jan 2011,

allowing for a year of inflation or deflation would likely overestimate the

adjustment required. The pricing of the first acquisition should have already

considered the anticipated price changes between January 19X1 and

January 19X2. Why make a second adjustment for the same price changes?

7.5.2. Adjusting Adjustment based on period between delivery dates - This

method for determining the appropriate period of adjustment is probably

more accurate for the reasons described above. The problem with applying

this method is the collection of accurate information on delivery dates.

Application is further complicated by deliveries over an extended period of

time. For smaller value material purchases in periods of limited price

changes, the differences between acquisition date to acquisition data and

delivery date to delivery date adjustment may not be that significant.

However, as contract costs/prices increase or cost/price changes become

more volatile, selection of the proper adjustment period becomes more

important. In this method, labour rates should always be estimated for the

time period in which the work will be performed.

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8. Adjusting Price / Cost for Pricing comparisons – We can use price indexes

to develop benchmarking estimates of current price or cost based on

historical information. These benchmarking estimates can be used for a

variety of purposes including comparison with an offered price or cost as part

of an evaluation of reasonableness. Steps in Using Price Indexes to Analyze

Price/Cost Reasonableness are given below -

Step 1. Collect available price/cost data.

Step 2. Select price indexes for adjusting price/cost data.

Step 3. Adjust price/cost for inflation/deflation.

Step 4. Use adjusted price/cost for pricing comparisons.

Example of Using Price Indexes to Analyze Price/Cost Reasonableness.

Consider the problem of analyzing a contractor's proposed price of Rs 23

lakhs for a turret lathe to be delivered in 2012.

Step 1. Collect Available Price/Cost Data. A procurement history file

reveals that the same machine tool was purchased in 2007 at a price of Rs

18.50 lakhs. Determine whether the 2011 proposed price is reasonable.

Step 2. Select An Index Series For Adjusting Price/Cost Data. In this case,

we might select a Machinery and Equipment Index as a reasonable

indicator of price movement for a turret lathe. We could extract the data

from a Government publication (e.g., the PPI) or use a similar commercial


Year Machinery and Equipment Index2006 100.02007 103.32008 106.02009 110.82010 115.02011 121.9

Step 3 – Adjust Price/Cost for Inflation/Deflation. After we have selected

an index, we can adjust prices to a common dollar value level. In this

case, we would normally adjust the historical 2008 price to the 2012

rupee value level. To make the adjustment, we simply use one of the

methods already demonstrated. Using the Ratio Method,

I2 P2

---- = -----

I1 P1

121.9 Price Estimate for 2011

------- = ----------------------------

106.0 Rs 18.50 lakhs

121.9 x Rs 18.50 lakhs = 106.0 x P2

Rs 22,55,150 = 106.0 x P2

Rs 22,55,150

------------ = P2 Hence Rs 21,27,500 = P2


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Step 4. Make Direct Price Comparison. Once we have made the

adjustment for inflation/deflation, we can compare the offered and

historical prices in constant dollars. The offered price/cost is Rs

23,00,000, but the adjusted historical price/cost is only Rs 21,27,500.

Thus, the offered price/cost is Rs 1,72,500, or 8.1 percent higher than

what you would expect, given the historical data and available price

indexes. If we look at the percentage price/cost change between the two

acquisitions, the difference is even more pronounced. Using the price

indexes, we projected an increase from Rs 18,50,000 to Rs 21,27,500, or

about 15.0 percent. The offer increase was from Rs 18,50,000 to Rs

23,00,000, or about 24.3 percent. In this case, we might ask the bidder

why the price/cost rose at a rate 62 percent higher than anticipated (24.3

is 62 percent larger than 15.0).

9. We should not attempt to determine whether a price or cost is reasonable

based this type of analysis alone. We must consider the entire contracting

situation, including any differences in quantity, quality, delivery

requirements, or other contract terms that might significantly affect price.

Moreover, the vintage of data is also an issue to be seen. We may note that

the analysis above is based on 4-year old data. We should generally place less

reliance on a comparison based on 4-year old data than we place on a

comparison based on more current data.

10. Identifying Issues & Concerns and Questions to Consider in Analysis

- As we perform price/cost analysis, we may consider the issues and

concerns identified below, whenever our analysis is based on data collected

over time.

10.1. Were prices/costs collected over time adjusted for

inflation/deflation? Inflation/deflation can mask underlying price changes.

Price indexes should be used to compensate for the effect these general price


10.2. Is it reasonable to use the price index series selected? The price

index series selected for making the price/cost adjustment should be as

closely related to the item if considered as possible. For example, we should

not use the Consumer Price Index to adjust for changes in the price of

complex industrial / defence related equipment.

10.3. Are adjustments calculated correctly? Anyone can make a mistake

in calculation. We need to be assured that all adjustments are made


10.4. Is the time period for the adjustment reasonable? When adjusting

historical prices for inflation, we need to take care in selecting the period of

adjustment. There are two basic methods that are used in adjusting

costs/prices, period between acquisition dates and the period between

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delivery dates. The period between acquisition dates is most commonly used

because procurement dates are typically more readily available. However, we

need to be careful if delivery schedules are substantially different.

10.5. Is more than one adjustment made for the same inflation/

deflation? For example, it is common for bidders to adjust sub-vendors’

quotes to consider inflation/deflation between the time when the quote was

obtained and the date that the product will be required. This is acceptable

unless the sub-vendors already considered the inflation/deflation in making

the quote.

10.6. How far into the future can we forecast? We can forecast any period

into future as long as we have a reasonable index estimate. However, the

price forecast risk increases as the risk of developing a reasonable index

estimate increases. The farther into the future that we forecast, the greater

the risk that the economic factors affecting the index will change.

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Learning curve theory

1. Learning curve theory is a tool used when computing an estimate of

production costs that accounts for efficiencies in touch labour doing

repetitive tasks. The theory of learning curve states that as the quantity of a

product produced doubles, the recurring cost per unit decreases at a fixed

rate or constant percentage. The learning curve theory is best applied in

situations where the following conditions exist:

a. Uninterrupted serial production (i.e. no production breaks)

b. Consistent product design

2. These conditions should lead to the decline of unit cost with increased

production quantities due to -

a. Worker familiarization with the required tasks (learning) and thereby

more specialization and labour efficiency.

b. Process improvements resulting from experience with the tasks e.g.

more efficient layout of assembly line, simplification of method sheets,

reduction of re-work, repair, and scrap, improved parts bin

accessibility, new or improved tooling.

3. The learning curve technique is primarily used to analyze and estimate direct

labour hours, specifically manufacturing labour hours in contractor that are

labour-intensive. The learning curve theory states that each time cumulative

production doubles, the total manufacturing time and cost falls by a constant

and predictable amount. The focus here is on the constant reduction in time

required over successive doubled quantities of units produced, which is

called the rate of learning. The slope of the learning curve is the difference

between 100 % and rate of learning.

4. The learning curve technique is based on the results of empirical studies that

showed that the time required to perform a task decreases each time the task

is repeated, the amount of improvement decreases as more units are

produced, and the rate of improvement is consistent enough to allow it to be

used as a prediction tool.

5. Methods - The learning curve can be used in two different models – the

cumulative average cost curve and the unit curve. The cumulative average

cost curve plots cumulative units against the average cost or average hours

required per unit for all units produced. The unit cost curve plots cumulative

units produced against the actual hours required to produce each unit.

6. Example –

Table for Learning curve illustration


Labour hoursper unit as


Difference inlabour hoursper unit at

Rate oflearning


Slope oflearning


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quantities doubledquantities

1 100,0002 80,000 20,000 20 804 64,000 16,000 20 808 51,200 12,800 20 8016 40,960 10,240 20 8032 32,768 8,192 20 80

The first unit required 100,000 labour hours to produce. As the units

produced doubles, the number of labour hours required to produce that

doubled quantity is reduced by a constant rate, in this case 20%. Thus, the

rate of learning is 20 %, and the slope of learning curve is 80% (100% minus

rate of learning). It may be noted that although the amount of labour-hour

reduction between doubled quantities is constantly declining (20,000. Then

16,000, then 12,800, and so on), the rate of learning remains constant at


7. Situations for use – In several single Bidding cases, regular productions are

assured due to policy decisions taken in MoD to award contracts only to

those Sellers. There is continuity in production in such large-value cases.

They also generally happen to be labour-intensive. Learning curve technique

might be useful in such cases.

8. Questions to ask – Before conducting a cost analysis using the learning

curve method, some critical questions to be asked seeking confirmation of its

utility is mentioned below –

a. Is there a significant amount of manual labour involved in the

production process?

b. Is there an uninterrupted production process?

c. Does the production process involve complex items?

d. How extensive are major technological changes involved in the

production process?

e. Is there a continuous pressure to improve production efficiencies?

9. While Learning curve theory may be applied to the production of a system's

cost estimate, the challenge will be in determining the appropriate learning

curve to use for a particular system. Ultimately, the only way to know the

"true" learning curve for a particular system is to observe it after the fact.

Sometimes, estimates may be done by using historical data from other

similar type systems to estimate the new system's learning curve. However,

caution should be applied to the simple straightforward use of historical

learning curve data. The primary concern is how well the historical data

reflects the expected production condition for the new system. To the extent

that such production conditions differ from the past, we should attempt to

quantify the effects of the differences in the historical learning curve.

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Annexure - 6C

Simplified Illustration on Bench-marking

1. Following parameters may be considered for benchmarking -

1.1. The first step in benchmarking should be to ascertain element wise

breakup of cost. For e.g. the quote/selling price would generally

constitute elements such as material cost, labour cost, overhead cost

along with applicable warranty and profit.

1.2. The next step would be to ascertain the Last Procurement Price

(LPP) of similar item, supplied by the vendor recently to same service or

other sister services / organizations. If LPP is of an earlier period then

Price Level (PL) is required to be fixed as per last delivery of item and

applicable escalation to be given on that PL till year of delivery.

1.3. Escalation will have to be worked out on the basis of material

composition and analysis of raw materials used to make the item.

The movement of price indices of raw materials (year on year average),

wholesale price indices, consumer price indices, global metal indices such

as London metal indices, US indices, UK MM19 etc may be used to

assess the escalation rate.

1.4. Delivery period is to be ascertained and if the delivery is scheduled

for more than one year then midpoint of delivery period is to be

taken for deciding escalation. Month wise escalation from date of

LPP may be given or if it is yearly then seven months or more may be

considered for one additional year's escalation. For e.g. if item has to be

delivered in 2014-18 and LPP is for 2010, then the prices have to be

escalated from 2010 till 2016.

1.5. Budgetary Quote (BQ) obtained from one or more prospective sellers

may also form the basis of benchmarking cost. If there is huge variation

in BqQ, the aberrations have to be marginalized.

1.6. Prevailing market rates obtained through Market Survey (MS) or

prices available from open sources like internet etc may be taken for

benchmarking. However, these should be referenced in the CNC

regarding source & authenticity.

1.7. Labour cost has to be broken down into labour hours used and the

Man-Hour Rate (MHR). In case of procurement of major item the

apportionment of estimated hours required by the vendor and the

MHR of the vendor, where available, is to be used for working out the

labour cost. For e.g. for manufacturing an aircraft by HAL, many

Divisions would be involved over a period of 4-5 years. The total labour

hours of each HAL Division as per Detailed Project Report (DPR) after

factoring reduction in hours on account of learning curve is to be worked

out. Further the man hours have to be apportioned year-wise for each

Division and multiplied by MHR of respective years to arrive at the total

labour cost.

1.8. Professional Officers' Valuation (POV) may be considered in case no

other prices are available of that particular item.

1.9. Discounts may be factored-in while benchmarking viz, on account of

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Long Term Business Agreements (LTBA) with other OEMs or economies

of scale.

1.10. In case of Bought out Foreign items or indigenous items with

substantial import content, LPP plus Exchange Rate Variation (ERV)

since last purchase, if any, have to be factored-in benchmarking.

1.11. Factors such as obsolescence/ Redundancy, Freight &

Insurance, Profit & Warranty, etc may be factored in while arriving at

benchmark price.

1.12. Taxes and duties may not be factored while benchmarking.

However, for evaluation & comparison of quotes and in determining the

CFA, the cost should be inclusive of taxes, duties and levies.

1.13. In case of DPSUs, the parameters of cost as per Pricing Policy or

Govt. of India letters, if any, may be factored-in while arriving at

benchmark price.

2. An illustration on Break-down of elements of cost in benchmarking is given

below -

Break down of Elements of Cost



IMPORTED LPP + ERV + Esc (based on Global metalindices) up to midpoint of delivery period

INDEGENOUS LPP + Esc based on Metal & alloy indices

Total Material Cost

1.1 Add Freight & Insurance Charge Estimated / Fixed % as per Pricing policy /FoI letter for DPSUs

1.2 Add Material Redundancy Estimated / Fixed % as per Pricing Policy/GoI letter for DPSUs

MATERIAL COST (1) Total of 1+1.1+1.2


MAN HOURS Detailed Project Report/Estimated hoursapportioned year wise as per delivery periodafter reduction in hrs due to learning curve

MAN HOUR RATE MHR of respective years


Man hours*MHR


Estimated / Fixed as per Pricing Policy / GoIletter for DPSUs

4 TOTAL COST [1+2+3]

5 PROFIT Estimated / Fixed % as per Pricing Policy/GoI letter for DPSUs

6 WARRANTY Estimated / Fixed % as per Pricing Policy/GoI letter for DPSUs


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Format for Annual Plan targets of procurement cases


New Schemes (Revenue booking cases) - Under Delegated powers

Sl Proposal Stage AONcost

Quarter-wise expected cashoutgo

Total cashoutgo






New Schemes (CBRP cases) - Under Delegated powers

Sl Proposal Stage AONcost

Quarter-wise expected cashoutgo

Total cashoutgo






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Format for Physical progress monitoring of procurement cases

MIS on Quarter-wise Physical Progress of Procurement cases - Year -------

Revenue booking and Capital booking but Revenue route cases

Quarter 1Sl Case Amount Target AoN RFP TEC CST Negotiations Contract /

SO vettingEAS


Quarter 2Sl Case Amount Target AoN RFP TEC CST Negotiations Contract /

SO vettingEAS


Quarter 3Sl Case Amount Target AoN RFP TEC CST Negotiations Contract /

SO vettingEAS


Quarter 4Sl Case Amount Target AoN RFP TEC CST Negotiations Contract /

SO vettingEAS


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Format for Financial progress monitoring of procurement cases

MIS on Quarter-wise Financial Progress of Procurement cases - Year -------

Revenue booking and Capital booking but Revenue route cases


BE projection Quarter 1



New Schemes Committed Liabilities

Exp Prog Bal Exp Prog Bal


BE projection Quarter 2



New Schemes Committed Liabilities

Exp Prog Bal Exp Prog Bal


BE projection Quarter 3



New Schemes Committed Liabilities

Exp Prog Bal Exp Prog Bal


BE projection Quarter 4



New Schemes Committed Liabilities

Exp Prog Bal Exp Prog Bal

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Sl No. Macro Issues Target Month Responsibility of

1. Risk Control Framework May 2015 MoD (Fin) / CGDA

2. Internal Audit Structure June 2015 MoD (Fin) / CGDA

3. Strengthening of IFA System June 2015 MoD (Fin) / CGDA

4. Planning Process

Long Term Equipment SupportPlans, preferably throughIndigenization route

June 2015(Identification of MajorWeapon platforms / systems)

Service HQs

ARPP June 2015 Service HQs

5. Budgetary mechanism

Budget monitoring throughIT -based Financial and Budget

Management system

Army - March 2016Service HQs / CGDA

Navy - Aug 2015

Air Force - Oct 2015

Fully networked e-PaymentSystem linking Services withPayment authorities

March 2016 Service HQs / CGDA

6. Strengthening of Procurement Process / Activities

Computerized data base ofPrices, items, Sellers / Bidders, etc

Oct 2015 Service HQs

Guidelines on cost BenchmarkingTo be constantly updated MoD (Fin)

Updation of SOPs / Internal Manuals/ Checklists

Dec 2015 MoD (Fin) / CGDA /Service Hqs

e-Concurrence Air Force – June 2015Other Services - Mar 2016

MoD (Fin) /CGDA /Service Hqs

e-Procurement Service Hqs – Sep 2015Service HQ / CGDACommand Hqs – Sep 2015

Below Command level – Mar2016

7. MIS on outcomes of AnnualPlans

June 2015 MoD / Service HQs

8. MIS on Budget Monitoringand Expenditure

June 2015 MoD (Fin) / Service HQs

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

1.1. Transportation

DG OL & SM / GOC-in-C 1000

COS, Command / Corps Cdr / Area Cdr 500

Comdt Trg Ests (Lt Gen) / GOC Div / Sub Area 200

Comdt Trg Ests & Selection centre (Maj Gen) / ComdtIMTRADT / Comdt Emb HQs


ADG (Adm & Coord) / ADG OL (Strat Mov) / MG ASC /MGAOC / MGEME / CE Command


Bdr Cdr / Stn Cdr / Comdt Selection Centre / Comdt Trg Ests(Brig/Col) / Brig ASC Corps


Cdr / Comdt of Depots / Est holding Stores / Depots / Wksp ofOrd / ASC / EME / Engr Commanded by Brig


Comdt / COs of Depots / Units / Est holding Stores / Wksp ofOrd / ASC / EME / Engr Commanded by Col


OCs of ASC / Ord / EME / Eng / MF Units (Lt Col/Maj) 10

1. These powers will cover all types of transportation cases including as under –

a. Hiring of civil transport, when service transport is not adequate or not available.

b. Hiring of different kinds of specialized vehicles, material handling equipment,

mechanical transports, water transport, animal transport, etc, whatever is considered

essential by the organizations for performing their tasks.

c. Airlift / shipping of stores from & to abroad and within the country.

d. Dispatch of items through specialized courier / post office.

e. Technical storage charges and expenditure in connection with loading / unloading of


f. Incidental charges associated with transportation like insurance premium, handling

charges, etc.

2. Depending upon the need and convenience, it will be open for the organization / user to

decide on the mode of transport irrespective of it not being the cheapest mode.

3. For move of arms, ammunition and explosives only, the powers will be twice the powers

indicated above.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

2.1. Central Procurement – Military farms items

QMG 2000

DDG MF 500

2.2. Local Procurement - Military farms items

GOC-in-C 200

Corps / Area Cdr 100

Div Cdr / Sub Area Cdr 50

Dir MF 25

Asstt Dir MF 2

Dy Asstt Dir MF / Farm Officer / Manager 1

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

3.1. Dry items / Rations

QMG 10000

DGST 5000

ADGST 2000


1. Procurement to be done through APO. IFA Coverage to be given by IFA (Army/Q)

3.2. FOL, Hyg, Chemicals and related Equipment

QMG 10000

DGST 5000

ADGST 2000

DDG ST (FT) 500

DDG FI 100



3.3. ASC Contracts - Fresh Supplies including Milk, Dairy Products, Flour(Atta), derivatives of wheat and Special Rations

GOC-in-C Full powers

Corps Cdr / Cdr Area (Lt Gen) 1000

Div Cdr / Sub Area Cdr (Maj Gen) 500

Bde Cdr (Brig) / Stn Cmdr (Brig) 100

3.4. Local Procurement – ASC items

GOC-in-C 500

MG ASC 100

Brig ASC Corps / Area 50

ADST / CO ASC Bn / Comdt Supply Depot ASC 20

OC Sup Depot ASC (Lt Col / Maj) 5

3.5 Utilization of LPG Dealership Commission

ADGST (for IHQ Army cases) / MGASC 20

Brig ASC Corps / Area 10

ADST /CO ASC Bn / Comdt Supply Depot ASC 5

OC Sup / FOL Dep 1

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1. These powers can be used for following purposes –a. Repair of LPG appliancesb. Stationery and printing of forms as stipulated by Oil Coysc. Employment of Part time help, extra duty- pay run the agencyat Sup/FOL Dep&

LPG Cell at HQ Army/Commands/Areas/Corpsd. Inventory control/account, Registration/Issue of Transfer Voucher & Automation

of systems at Sup/FOL at HQ/Army/Commands/Areas/Corpse. Any other miscellaneous expenditure to improve the efficiency of dealership,

insurance cover & cooking appliances as approved2. Accounting of such expenditure will be done as per the existing guidelines.

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Sl. No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

4.1. Procurement of Animals

QMG 500

DG RVS 200


Comdt RVC Centre & College 20

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs


5.1. Central Procurement - Indigenous (Scaled) – A.O.C. stores

MGO 10000

DGOS 5000

ADG OS 2000

Comdt Central Depots (AOC) / Comdt Regional Depotsperforming role of Central Depot for specific range of stores,eqpt, spares, sub assy, etc - Class B stores only


5.2. Central Procurement - Foreign (Scaled) – A.O.C. stores

MGO 5000

ADG Proc 1000

5.3. Central Procurement - (Non Scale / NIV) – A.O.C. stores

VCOAS (Indigenous) 5000

MGO (Indigenous) 2000

VCOAS (Import) 2500

MGO (Import) 1000

5.4. Local Procurement - A.O.C. stores

GOC-in-C 500


Comdt all Ord Depots (Brig/Col) / Brig OS Corps 100

COs of Ord Units / Ord reps at Formation HQs (Col/Lt Col) 50

OCs Ord Units / Ord reps at Formation HQs (Lt Col/Maj) / Ordofficers of formation HQs


ADGEME / MGEME / Cdr Base WkspGp / Cdr Tech Group EME 50

Comdt MCEME / EME School / CME Pune / EME Centre 30

Comdt Army / Adv Base Workshop and Brig EME Corps / Area 20

CO/OC EME Bn Wksp/unit/Est /Flight/wksp coy (Col/Lt Col) 10

OC EME Wksp/unit/Est/ Flight/ Coy/Det (Maj/Cap) 5


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Comdt MCTE / CSO Comds / ADG Tac / ADG T / Cdr Sig Gps 50

CSO Corps / Area, Comdt Army HQ Sig Unit, Comdt Sig TrgCentres, Cdr ANC, DDSI(Zones), Dir CMO, CAFSO


OC Units incl Indep Coys upto rank of Maj and above and SubGroup Cdr Sig Gp


Note for Sl 5.1 to 5.4.

1. Procurement of MT/ Specialist vehicles under Sl 5.1 to 5.3 will be done only at IHQ(Army), which will be subject to latest austerity measures issued by MoF on thesubject and regulated in terms of MoD (Fin) instructions as issued from time to time.

2. Specialist vehicles will also include items like Nitrogen charger plants, Oxygencharger, Air jet starter, SAT, GPU, HST, Truck fork lifter, Refueller, Water tenderlorry, Heavy tractor, Light tractor, MM van, Station wagon, Water trailer, DFT, CFT,etc among other specialist vehicles.

3. Powers in Sl 5.4 also include for modification of specialist vehicles and associatedequipment to meet operational & technical needs but will be exercised only byCommand Hqs and Ord Depots.

4. Local procurement also includes the following –(a) Procurement of stores out of A- in -U Grants for Ordnance units.

(b) Grant of ULPO sanction.

5.5. Security System Developed Exclusively for Army

DCOAS (IS&T) 1000

SO-in-C 500

CSO Comds 200

CSO Corps/Area 100


1. These powers are to be exercised only in respect of security system developedexclusively for Army with approval of SAG by a Seller restricted from supplying the samesystem to any other org, subject to all existing conditions in MoD letter dated 15.10.2003.

5.6. Intelligence Stores/Equipment

DG MI 100

ADG MI / Comdt Mil Int Trg School and Depot 50

BGS (Int) Comds 10

COs Army HQ LU 5

OC Units 1

5.7. Urgent and Critical Stores/ Spares

MAs/DAs in Indian Embassies in Foreign Countries 50


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1. For such cases, procurement by Military Attache will be done only after AoN is accordedby appropriate CFA in IHQ (Army). IFA coverage to Air Attache will be given by Counsellor-coord in Indian embassy or any other authority nominated by Indian Ambassador in thatcountry.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR HEAD – 110 - D

Sl. No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

6.1. Veterinary Stores / Medicines

DG RVS 100

Brig RVS / Dir RVS / Comdts Remount Training School &Depots, Equine Breeding Studs, RVC Centre & College &Central Mil Veterinary Laboratory


OC RV Units (Col and below) 10


1. Financial powers of DG RVS, and Commandants RV Trg School and Centre shallbe utilized for procurement including local procurement and repair and for hiring oflabour and equipment and machinery for harvesting of crops.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

7.1. Central Procurement - Indigenous (Scaled) – Engineer stores

VCOAS 10000

E-in-C 5000

Comdt ESDs 500

7.2. Central Procurement - Foreign (Scaled) – Engineer stores

VCOAS 5000

E-in-C 2000

7.3. Central Procurement - (Non Scale / NIV) – Engineer stores

VCOAS (Indigenous) 5000

VCOAS (Import) 2500

E-in-C (Indigenous / Import) 1000

7.4. Local Procurement - Engineer stores

GOC-in-C 500

ADG ESP / ES / CE Command 200

Comdt Centres / CME 100

Cdr Eng Bde / Comdt ESDs 50

COs Engrs Units (Col) 10

CO, IWT Op Units / Engrs / Units holding boats (all type) 5

COs Engrs Units (Lt Col/Maj) 1

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR – 110 F

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

8.1. Central Procurement - Indigenous (Scaled) – Airframes and Engines

VCOAS 3000

MGO 2000

DGOS 1000

Comdt (CASD) 200

8.2. Central Procurement - Foreign (Scaled) – Airframes and Engines

VCOAS (Import) 2000

MGO (Import) 1000

Comdt (CASD) 100

8.3. Central Procurement - (Non Scale/NIV) – Airframes and Engines

VCOAS (Indigenous / Import) 1000

MGO (Indigenous / Import) 500

8.4. Local Procurement - Airframes and Engines

GOC-in-C 100


Comdt CASD / ROD 25

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR – 110 G

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority (CFA) Rs in Lakhs

9.1. Central Procurement - Indigenous (Scaled) – Aviation stores

VCOAS 3000

MGO 2000

DGOS 1000

Comdt (CASD) 200

9.2. Central Procurement - Foreign (Scaled) – Aviation stores

VCOAS 2000

MGO 1000

Comdt (CASD) 100

9.3. Central Procurement - (Non Scale/NIV) – Aviation stores

VCOAS (Indigenous / Import) 1000

MGO (Indigenous / Import) 500

9.4. Local Procurement - Aviation stores

GOC-in-C 100


Comdt CASD / ROD 25

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR - 110 H

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

10.1. Information Technology Items / Services

DCOAS (IS&T) / GOC-in-C 1000

DG Info Sys 500

COS Command / GOC Corps / Area / Cat A Ests(Commanded by Lt Gen)


GOC Div / Sub Area Cdr / Comdt Centres and Cat A & B EstsCommanded by Maj General / ADGIS / ADG (Adm & Coord)


Cdr Bde / Cdr Indep Bde / DDG Rtg / Comdt Centres &TrgEsts / Units commanded by Brig


All Indep units / Ests / Centres and Trg Centres commandedby Col and below


DG EME 500

MG EME / Cdr Tech Group / Cdr Base Wksp Group 100

CIME, HQ Tech Gp EME / Comdt Army / Advance Base Wksp 50

Brig EME 20

CO EME Bn / Wksp / Unit / Est / FRI / AWD / Flightcommanded by Col and below



1. These powers cover all kinds of IT procurement cases including as under -

a) IT / Systems Automation or any relevant IT related projects.

b) IT Main Hardware, IT Networking eqpts, IT peripherals / accessories.

c) IT / Systems / Application software (subject to AON by Command HQ / SHQ forunits under SHQ).

d) IT-related networks, Internet facility, media connectivity including associatedhardware and software and payment of networking/internet charges.

e) Software development and technical consultancy for IT projects (subject to AON byCommand HQ / SHQ for units under SHQ).

f) IT Stationary and consumables.

g) Spares, up-gradation, repair and maintenance of items mentioned above.

2. Any new technology / item / services in IT field can also be procured.

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10.2 Training related to Information Technology

DCOAS (I&T) / GOC-in-C 500

DG Info Sys / DG EME 200

COS Command / GOC Corps / GOC Area / Cat A Ests(Commanded by Lt Gen)


GOC Div / Sub Area Cdr / Comdt Centres and Cat A & B EstsCommanded by Maj General / MG EME


Cdr Bde / Cdr Indep Bde / DDG Rtg Comdt Centres / Trg EstsCommanded by Brig / Brig EME


All Indep units / Ests / Centres and Trg Centres commanded by Col/ Lt Col.


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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR – 110 I

Sl.No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

11.1 Research and Development through Private Sector


E-in-C / DGEME / SO-in-C 250

GOC-in-Cs other than GOC-in-C ARTRAC 100

Cdr Base Wksp Gp / Comdt SDD / Comdts Army Adv BaseWksp / DDG(Indigenization)



Research and Development through government/autonomous R&DOrganizations, In-House Defence agencies, professional / technicalinstitutions like IITs, etc on Proprietary basis


E-in-C / DGEME / SO-in-C 500

GOC-in-Cs other than GOC-in-C ARTRAC 200

Cdr Base Wksp Gp / Comdt SDD / Comdts Army Adv BaseWksp / DDG(Indigenization)


Note for 11.1. and 11.2

1. These powers also include Design and Development activities pertaining to ArmySpecial Vehicles, Platforms, Equipments and consultancy services and will also coverthe following activities -

a. Model test analysis.b. Software development and procurement for conducting tests.c. Weapon System Integration.d. Setting up of Software Engineering Environment / Procurement of Software tools.e. Other D&D activities of interest for Army.

2. Also includes expenditure on manufacture / fabrication, Procurement or issue of stores /spares / eqpt / other articles for experimental purposes / test & trials covering essentialapplied research which are of interest to or are in use in Army, or for expeditingproduction / developing indigenous source, etc.

3. Also includes offloading Design / Development activity to academic institutions /Research Labs.

4. GOC-in-C ARTRAC to exercise powers as Chairman of Army Technology Board &Army Management Studies Board also.

5. Expenditure should not overlap with DRDO Projects or Projects formed out of JointOperations with DRDO.

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Indigenization of Equipment / Simulators/ Training aids / Maintenance Stores& Spares, Development of modification Kits & Software / Development ofUpgrades / Technology Insertion for Legacy / imported Items / Equipment


E-in-C / DGEME / SO-in-C / GOC-in-Cs other than GOC-in-CARTRAC



CIME, HQ Tech Gp EME / Cdr Tech Group / Cdr Base WkspGp / Comdt SDD / Comdts Army Adv Base Wksp / Cdr TechGroup / DDG (Indigenization)


Brig EME20

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR – 110 J

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

12.1. Ordnance Stores

MGO 3000

DGOS 1000

12.2. Engineering Stores

VCOAS 2000

E-in-C 1000

12.3. Community Kitchen and food items (Consumable Items ), Shelter Stores(Cleaning Hygiene Kits)

QMG 1000

DGST 500

12.4 Communication Stores

DCOAS (IS&T) 200

SO-in-C 100


1. These powers are for replenishment / recouping / repairs of stores, forming part ofDisaster Management brick.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR – 110 K

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

13.1. Security Items / Services

QMG / GOC-in-C 1000

Corps Cdr / Area Cdr / Comdts of Trg Ests / Centres(commanded by Lt Gen)


GOC Div / Sub Area / Trg Ests / Centres (commanded by MajGen) / ADG (Adm & Coord) / MG ADM (Command)


Cdr Bde / Indep Bde / Indep Sub Area / Trg Ests / Centres /Units (commanded by Brig)


Comdt IHQ of MoD (Camp) 10

Comdt / CO / OC Units / Head of Trg Ests / Centres / Unitscommanded by Col/Lt Col


Comdts, Selection / Rtg / APS Centres / Cdr Tech Gp EME 5


1. Above power includes procurement of Security equipment/stores, security relatedcommunication and surveillance equipment and their repair, maintenance, up gradation,etc and anti sabotage measures. However, the list of equipments, which can be procuredby different CFAs, will be drawn and approved by Service HQs.

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Rs in Lakhs

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority AuthorizedWorks


14.1. Acceptance of Necessity and Adm Approval

COAS 5000 250

GOC-in-C / QMG 2000 100

Corps Commander / Area Cdr (Lt Gen) / ComdtCat 'A' Est (Lt Gen)

1000 50

Div Cdr / Ind Sub Area Cdr / CIF RR / Cdr IndepBde Gp / GOC Sub Area (Maj Gen)

500 25

Stn Cdr of rank of Brig / Bde / RR Sectors /Comdt Regimental Centres & Cat B Est

250 10

CO / OC unit below rank of Brig 50 2

14.2. Demolition of Buildings

COAS 1000

GOC-in-C 500


1. Powers mentioned in Defence Works Procedure stand amended to the extent mentionedabove.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR - 112

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

15.1 Misc and Contingent items / services

DGRR Full powers

RR Force 100

RR Sector 50

CO/OC of RR Bn of Rank of Col 20

CO/OC of RR of the rank of Lt Col 10

CO/OC of RR of the rank of Maj 5

15.2 Expenditure out of SAG and Adventure Activity Grant.

DGRR 1000

RR Force Cdrs 100

RR Sect 50

RR Bn Unit commanded by Col 20

RR Units commanded by Lt Col 10

RR Units commanded by Maj 5

15.3 Transportation cases

DG RR 500

Force Cdrs 100

Sector Cdr 50

CO units 25

15.4 Local Procurement

DG RR 100

Force Cdr 50

Sector Cdr 25

CO Units 10

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15.5 IT

DG RR 500

Force Cdr 100

Sector Cdr 50

CO units 5

Note for Sl 15.1 to 15.5.

1. Above powers will be used as per ‘Note’ given in respective Schedules of Army.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR - 800

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority (CFA) Rs in Lakhs

16.1. Misc and Contingent items / services

GOC-in-C Full Powers

Corps Cdr / Area Cdr (Lt Gen) / Comdts Trg Ests (Lt Gen) 500

GOC Div / Sub Area / Indep Sub Area / Comdts Ests includingTrg estab / Records / Centres (Commanded by Maj Gen) / MGAdm Command Hqs


Indep Bde / Bde / Trg Est (Commanded by Brig) / Emb Hqs

Comdt / CO / OC Units / OC Tps / Est Offr / Head of Ests inclTrg Ests / Records / Centres - (Brig rank)

Officers heading PMOs of rank of Brig

Comdt IHQ of MoD (Camp) / Cdr Signal Gp / Brig APS Comds /CE Zone / Cdr Tech Gp EME / Cdr Base Wksp Gp / Comdt EmbHQs / OC MC Gp / Dir RVS / Dir APS


Emb Hqs / Comdt / CO / OC Units / OC Tps / Est Offr / Head ofEsts incl Trg Ests / Records / Centres - (Col rank)

Officers heading PMOs of rank of Col


Comdt / CO / OC Units / OC Tps / Est Offr / Head of Ests inclTrg Ests / Records / Centres - (Lt Col rank)


Comdt / CO / OC Units / OC Tps / Est Offr / Head of Ests inclTrg Ests / Records / Centres - (Maj rank)


Comdt / CO / OC Units / OC Tps / Est Offr / Head of Ests inclTrg Ests / Records / Centres - (Lt/Capt of APS rank)


QMG / AG Full Powers

ADG Adm & Coord 100

DDG Adm & Coord 50


JS & CAO Full powers

Director / Dy CAO in CAO office 1

MS To President 20

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DDG HQ Rtg Zone 10

Rtg Office Commanded by Col 5

Rtg Office Commanded by Lt Col 2


1. The above powers includes all kinds of contingent expenditure including as under -a. Procurement of all kinds of office equipment and related consumables and any

other latest equipments required for day to day functioning of an officeb. All kinds of administrative support services related to office functioningc. Expenditure related to forms, printing, stationery, journals, legal fees, etc.d. Expenditure incurred in connection with all kinds of ceremonial events. Allocation

given to MoD (D-Cer) to cover expenditure will be spent under powers available toJS (Trg & CAO) / Director / Dy CAO in CAO office with concurrence of MoD (Fin).

e. Welfare and amenity measures that help in the well being and morale of officers /staff / troops.

f. Any item/equipment needed for running of establishmentg. Powers of AG are for ceremonial events only

16.2 Publicity and Advertisement

VCOAS through DAVP Full powers

VCOAS through sources other than DAVP 500

GOC-in-C 100


16.3 Misc Expenditure incurred while on tour



Note. 1. Subject to an overall annual ceiling of Rs 200 Lakhs.

2. These powers will be used to provide welfare measures and amenities fortroop comforts.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority (CFA) Rs in Lakhs

17.1 Sports and Adventure Items / Activities

DCOAS (IS&T) 2000

DGMT / GOC-in-C 1000

COS Command 500

Corps Cdrs / Area Cdrs 200

Div Cdrs / Sub Area Cdrs 100

Cdr Bde / Indep Bde / Indep Sub Area / Comn Zone Area 50

Trg Ests - Lt Gen 100

Trg Ests- Maj Gen 50

Trg Ests- Brig 20

Trg Ests- Col 10

Trg Ests- Lt Col/Maj 5

Comdt IHQ of MoD(Camp) 2

Units Commanded by Col 5

Units Commanded by Lt Col / Maj 2


1. It includes expenditure on sports and adventure activities, stores and equipmentincluding adventure Arms and ammunition, propagation of organized sports and adventureactivities etc.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority (CFA) Rs in Lakhs

18.1 Tele-Communication Items / Services

SO-in-C 1000

GOC-in-C 500

CSO Command 200

CSO Corps / Area / Comdt, Army HQ Signals (Brigadier) / CdrSignal Groups (Brigadier)


Sub Area / Station Commander / OiC - Brig level 20

CO / OiC / Director of Establishment - Col and below 10

18.2 Signal Works Service Grant

SO-in-C 100

Comdt MCTE 50

CSO Comd, ADG TT and ADG T 20

CSO Corps Comdt AHQ Sigs, Cdr ANC, Comdt STC, CSOArea, CAFSO, Dir CMO, Comdt Sig Gp


OC Units (Maj & above) and Sub Gp Cdr Sig Gp 5


1. The above powers are meant for procurement of all kinds of communication items /technology / services and will also include as under –

a) All categories of Telephony and communication network equipments, Radio AccessNetwork items, Telecom network / Telephone-related items, Media Secrecy Units,etc.

b) All kinds of payment related to Internet connectivity.c) Telecom consultancy (design, optimization and audit) & training, power supply,

environment control equipment, fire protection equipment, data centres, testequipment and tools etc.

d) Renting of circuits, INMARSAT, SATCOM and any other latest satellite -communication related items / services to meet operational requirements.

e) Any communication equipment / services necessitated due to improvements intechnology.

f) Renting of circuits will be sanctioned only at IHQ MoD (A) / Command HQs.Operational circuits for purpose of Exercises, Overseas deployments, POGs etc canalso be hired.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR - 800

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

19.1 Flight safety items / services

VCOAS / C-in-C 1000

COS / Corps Cdr 200

Div Cdrs / ADG (AD) 100

Stn Cdr / CO of Air Defence units 10


1. These powers cover procurement of all kinds of items / services for flight safetypurposes including as under -

i. Hiring of different kinds of mechanical transport / services to clear vegetation andenvironment control measures. Procurement of De-vegetation / vegetation controlequipment / manual vegetation clearance implements.

ii. All kinds of anti-rodent measures, anti-wild life measures, disposal of carcass.

iii. All kinds of animal / bird scaring measures including surveys / study / accident /incident analysis by specialist bodies, specialized equipments, audio-visualequipments.

iv. Specialized flight safety equipments like AAIB Kits, OHR (Operational HazardReport) Boxes, FOD (Foreign Object Damage) Bins etc for enhancing Flight Safety.

v. All kinds of Publicity measures and associated Audio-visual equipments.

vi. Contingent expenditure on BHCT and accident investigation personnel.

vii. All associated expenditure incurred on above mentioned items like their recurringmaintenance, consumables (including LPG/POL), electric eqpt, stationary items, etc.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority (CFA) Rs in Lakhs

20.1 Outsourcing of Services

QMG / GOC-in-C 1000

Corps Cdr / Area Cdr (Lt Gen) / Comdts Trg Ests (Lt Gen) 200

GOC Div / Sub Area / Indep Sub Area / Comdts Trg Ests(Commanded by Maj Gen) / MG Adm Command Hqs

Comdt / CO / OC Units / OC Tps / Est Offr / Head of Ests inclTrg Ests / Records / Centres - (Maj Gen rank)

ADG (Adm & Coord) / MG ADM (Command)


Indep Bde / Bde / Trg Est (Commanded by Brig)

Comdt / CO / OC Units / OC Tps / Est Offr / Head of Ests inclTrg Ests / Records / Centres - (Brig rank)

Officers heading PMOs of rank of Brig


CO/OC of Units/Ests 20


1. Provisions of GFR are to be followed and will be carried out as per extant orders of MoDon this subject.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

21.1 Organization of Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Training course inIndia

DCOAS (IS&T) / GOC-in-C Full Powers

DGMT 500

TrgEstt / Centre (Lt Gen) 200

COS / Corps Cdr / Area Cdr

Trg Estt / Records / Centre (Maj Gen)


GOC Div / Sub Area / Force Cdr (Maj Gen)

Trg Estt / Records / Centre (Brig)


Bde / Indep Bde Cdr / Stn Cdr (Brig) 20

CO / OC of units / establishments - Col / Lt Col 5


1. Powers to sanction expenditure for inviting Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers /experts for training courses will be as per DoPT rules.

2. TA/DA for Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers / experts will be done as per DoPTrules.

3. Includes procurement of training material for regular training and payment to guestfaculty for travel/ lecture/ honorarium.

4. Includes power to sanction expenditure towards Travel Fare, TA/DA andHonorarium to Non-Official / Civilian members of University Committees / Evaluationteams for visits to IAF Establishments for validation / re-validation ofAccreditation/Affiliation of courses.


Participation of Army personnel / Civil employees of Army in Short-termTraining courses, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, Annual Conventionsat Civil / Defence / Professional / Academic organizations and institutionsin India

DCOAS (IS&T) / GOC-in-CFull


DG MT 100

Comdts Trg Ests / Centres (Lt Gen) 50

COS / Corps Cdr / Area Cdr 20

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Trg Estt / Records / Centre (Maj Gen)

GOC Div / Sub Area / Force Cdr (Maj Gen)

Trg Estt / Records / Centre (Brig)


Bde / Indep Bde Cdr / Stn Cdr (Brig) 2


1. Training courses for 1 year and more will require approval of Govt.

21.3Expenditure out of ATG / TTEIG / FP&TG Grant / Education relatedservices including libraries

DCOAS (IS&T) / DCOAS (P&S) 2000

DG MT 1000

GOC-in-C / Comdt Trg Estt / Centres (Lt Gen) 500

COS / Corps Cdr / Area Cdr / Comdt Trg Estt / Centre (Maj Gen) 200

Div Cdr / Sub Area Cdr / RR Force Cdr / Comdt Trg Estt /Centres (Brig & below)


Brig Cdrs / Indep Brig Cdrs / Cdr RR Sector / CdrCommunication Zones


All units and Estts commanded by Brig 20

All units and Estts commanded by Col 10

All units and Estts commanded by Lt Col 5

All units and Estts commanded by Maj 2


1. This will cover all expenditure related to creation/maintenance of libraries/e-libraries/educational resource centres, printed/digital publications, examinations/evaluations, implementation of official language, conduct of educational activities,distance education, e-learning, opinion polls, language courses and skilldevelopment, including outsourcing of the above to private agencies.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2076, MINOR – 110 C & 800

Sl No Budget Head Rs in Lakhs

Special Fin Powers of GOC-in-C Northern & Eastern Commands

22.1. Major Head 2076, Minor Head 110 C - Procurement of stores of OrdOrigin


22.2. Major Head 2076,Minor Head 110 C - Sector Stores / Ex Import Stores 1000

22.3. Major Head 2076, Minor Head 800 - Misc and contingent Expenditure 100

Special Fin Powers of GOC-in-C Southern, Western, Central & SouthWestern Commands

22.4. Major Head 2076, Minor Head 110 C - Ordnance Stores - Powers forProcurement of stores / Sector stores of Ord Origin


22.5. Major Head 2076. Minor Head 800 - Miscellaneous and ContingentExpenditure.



1. The powers at ser No. 1 above are subject to Annual ceiling as under –GOC-in-C Northern Command – Rs 400 crGOC-in-C Eastern Command – Rs 200 crGOC-in-C Other Commands except ARTRAC – Rs 50 cr2. In addition to above, GOC-in-C Northern Command will also exercise the above

financial powers for meeting urgent / immediate requirements of RR CIF / Force / Bns /units upto a ceiling of Rs 100 crs per annum, to be allocated additionally out of the RRbudget under MH 112.

2. The powers at Sl 22.3 and 22.5 are subject to a limit of 10 % of Annual ceiling given atPara 1 above.

3. All procurement procedures as prescribed in Government orders and Serviceinstructions will be complied with in respect of procurement of ordnance and other items ofstores.

4. A tentative list of items, which have been approved for introduction in the Army, andwhich are to be procured in the ensuing financial year, will be forwarded by Command toMGO Budget Cell by 01 Jan. MGO Budget Cell will intimate the Commands by 01 Marwhich items in the tentative list may not be procured as they would be positively madeavailable through central procurement in a shorter time frame. The details of itemsprocured under these powers will be forwarded to MGO's Branch Budget Cell andOrdnance Directorate, Army HQ at the end of each financial year by 15 April for beingtaken into account as assets in the Annual Provision Review.5. Non standard pattern equipment / items and spares for specific operationalrequirements in need based quantities may also be procured.

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6. These powers are to be used for procuring items coming under Schedule-5 andSchedule-16 of this MoD Order.

7. The purpose of delegation is to facilitate the procurement of equipment / spares/ itemsto supplement the availability of these through central sources to obviate non availabilitybecoming a constraint, particularly in Defence of border areas / Counter InsurgencyOperations / Internal Security Duties / Aid to Civil Authorities during Natural Calamities andDisaster Relief Operations and other immediate operational requirements.

8. Drawl of FOL for eqpt / machinery / vehicles purchased out of ACSFP Funds, isauthorised from ASC Depots.

9. All equipment and stores will be properly accounted for by the designated Depots/Unitsand issued to the designated units under the orders of GOC-in-C as per existingprocedure. Non-Standard items procured under these powers will be treated as SectorStores, except those procured in limited quantities in lieu of standard equipment in case ofextreme urgency. All stores / equipment procured under these powers will be treated asOrd stores for purposes of condemnation and disposal.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

23.1 Emergency Procurement of all kinds of Stores / Eqpt / Veh, Hiring ofSpecialized services / manpower, Hiring of specialized machinery /equipment, all kinds of Transportation cases and any Misc / Contingentexpenditure connected with Exercises / Operations

GOC-in-C Full powers


1. These powers will be applicable in the case of urgent / Op Immediate militarynecessity relating to Military preparedness to meet the eventualities such as war orwar like situation, Natural Calamities, etc. The essence of delegating these powersis to expedite the procurement / repair of equipment / items / material / stores andprovisioning of various services, urgently required for the successful conduct of theoperation.

2. These powers will be exercised as and when Government notifies an event by wayof a Government order declaring War, Hostility, Natural Calamity / Disaster, etc orwhen Raksha Mantri declares and orders Military preparedness for Emergency /Op-Immediate Military necessity. It will also be applicable as and when a proposal,mooted by hand by Service Chiefs, is approved by Raksha Mantri for immediateaction to be taken in case of serious Accidents.

3. Once the approval of Raksha Mantri is given, SHQ will immediately convey theorder to concerned C-in-C (CFA) for taking procurement action. The order willcontain the essential requirements to be fulfilled by the C-in-C. Based on this, C-in-C will workout and approve the technical specifications, scope of work, quantityrequired for items, based on actual needs as deemed fit.

4. The procurement action will be taken by a 3-member Emergency EmpoweredCommittee (EEC), on behalf of the CFA, consisting of the Chief of Staff / equivalentas Chairman, the Command IFA and a Technical / Logistics Member of theCommand. The Chairman of EEC is empowered to co-opt any official / expert at hisdiscretion only to assist EEC and not act as member. EEC will be fully empoweredto take all decisions independently on all aspects at any stage of procurement (fromissue of RFP, conducting technical examination, holding commercial negotiations,preparing draft Supply order / Contract, etc). Full flexibility will be available to EECfor completing procurement cycle at shortest possible time. Potential Bidders can becontacted and their response bids can be received through fastest possible meansof communication like taking bids by hand or even by email / fax (if inescapable),shortening time for submission of bids to whatever is considered feasible for biddersto give their bids, etc. There will be no requirement for movement of files in EECand every decision will be taken in a collegiate manner by recording of minutes foreach stage of procurement i.e. issue of RFP, mode of bidding, technical evaluation,CST, commercial negotiation, draft Supply order / Contract, etc. In case ofdisagreement among the 3 members, directions will be sought from CFA and theEEC will act as per the decision of CFA. It is open for CFA to take oral / writtenclarifications from MoD / MoD (Fin) on any issue pertaining to procurement process/ stage.

5. The EEC will promptly prepare its report and the same will be signed by all 3

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members. The Report will be submitted by EEC to the CFA on file. CFA will accordExpenditure Angle Approval of the procurement without any reference to anyauthority unless he himself desires to do so. After procurement cycle is completed,CFA will send a report on procurement undertaken under these powers to MoDthrough staff channels for record.

6. Though the empowered committee is to follow all existing regulations as per existingGovt orders / DPM on procurement of Goods / services, there could be occasionsrequiring deviations from DPM. Such deviations from DPM would be promptly put upby EEC to CFA for approval with adequate justifications. If in view of CFA, any delayin case will not be in interests of state, then he can approve deviations from DPMand the case can be processed further. However, once the case is finalized andaction taken, a detailed report will be furnished by CFA to MoD giving detailedjustifications for deviations from DPM. This report will be put up through staffchannels to Raksha Mantri for his information.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial AuthorityRs in Lakhs /


24.1 Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles &MES Stores Not Due to Theft, Fraud, or Gross Neglect

VCOAS / / PSOs at Army HQ 50

GOC-in-C 35

Corps Cdr / Area Cdr / Comdts Trg Ests and Centres (Lt Gen) /MGO


GOC Div / Sub Area / Comdts Trg Ests and Centres / RR ForceCdr (Maj Gen)


CE / CSO / All MGs at Command 15

Brig ASC / AOC / EME / CWE / CSO at Corps 10

Comdt Emb HQs / OC MC Gp / Dir RVS / Dir APS / Dir MF 10

Heads of all Self Accounting Units headed by -

Maj Gen 15

Brig 10

Col 7

Lt Col 5

ADG Adm&Coord 15


Comdt IHQ of MoD (Camp) 5

24.2 Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles andMES Stores Due to Theft, Fraud or Gross Neglect

VCOAS / PSOs at Army HQ 10

GOC-in-C 7

Corps Cdr / Area Cdr / ComdtsTrg Ests (Lt Gen) 5

GOC Div / Sub Area / RR Force Cdr (Maj Gen)

CE / CSO / All MGs at Command / ADG Adm&Coord


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Note For Sl. No. 24.1& 24.2

1. The above powers include as follows –a. Irregularities connected with use of MT, Railway warrants and military Credit notes

e.g. Irregular issue of warrants / Military Credit notes, loss of auditable documents,irregularities with respect to MC Notes.

b. Non-production of receipted copies of issue voucher of stores and failure to tracecredits in the ledgers in respect of receipt vouchers.

c. Regularization of deficiencies of stores revealed at the time of stock-taking.d. Erroneous expenditure in respect of deployment of manpower.

2. To include Reserve/ Advanced / Forward Base Supply / Petroleum Depots and otherSupply and Petroleum installations / EME Units. These powers will also be exercised inrespect of Engineers Establishments not covered by MES Regulations including lossesof stores those in transit in respect of E-in-C’s stock. These powers may also beexercised in respect of DSC personnel attached to Army units.

24.3 Regularization of Audit Objections Arising Out of Breaches of Rules andRegulations when the Monetary Value of the Loss could be Assessed inConsultation with PCDA / CDA

MGO / QMG / AG / DCOAS (P&S) / DCOAS (IS&T) 10

GOC-in-C / Heads of Arms & Services at SHQ 5


1. In all cases of audit objections arising out of breaches of rules andregulations; efforts should be made to assess the loss / financial implication, ifany, involved in the irregularity where the loss to the state or the financialimplication involved can be computed the irregularity will be regularized inconsultation with the PCDA / CDA. An illustrated list of the type of objectionswhich may be regularized and this procedure is shown below -

(a) Irregularities connected with Railway Warrants and Military Credit Notese.g irregular issue of warrants military credit notes.

(b) Non-production of receipted copies of issue vouchers of stores. Failure totrace in the ledgers credit in respect of receipt voucher.

(c) Loss of auditable documents like car diaries, ration strength statementswhere the ceiling of the value of transaction involved can be assessed withreference to other connected accounts, e.g. with reference to the total value ofPOL issued or rations drawn during the period to which lost documents pertain.

(d) Irregularities connected with the use of M.T.

2. In the case of objections which involve loss to the state, efforts will be madeto assess the actual/approximate financial value of the loss on some. Thesepowers are to be exercised only if –

(a) The necessity for and the practicability of recovery has been consideredby the CFA

(b) The irregularity does not disclose a defect in the rules or regulations theamendment of which requires the sanction of the Government vide Rule 157 FRPart I Vol I.

(c) The authorities concerned (or their predecessors) are themselves notpersonally responsible for the loss / overpayment/ irregularity.

(d) Prior approval of the next higher financial authority shall be obtained inrespect of cases mentioned at (c) above.

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(e) Objections, which do not involve any loss to the State or when themonetary loss is not assessable, be referred to the respective AdministrativeAuthorities/Head of the Branch at IHQ, MoD (A) for establishments under thedirect administrative control of IHQ, MoD (A).

(f) Copies of sanctions issued for the settlement of audit objections shall alsobe endorsed to the statutory Audit Officers concerned.

(g) The financial powers contained in these orders are to be utilized forregularization of cases outstanding as on date of issue of these orders.

(h) PCDA / CDA will report to the Govt of India cases in which the intention ofthis rule has been misapplied.

24.4 Issue of items on loan to Sellers, within service and to sister Defenceservices / Para-military forces / DPSUs and other Central / State GovtAgencies


5 Years

DG OS / DG ST / E-in-C / DG EME 3 Years

MG OS / MG ASC / CE Command / Formation HQs (MajorGeneral and above)

2 Years

Station Commander , COs Estab (Brig level) 1 year


1. The cases of EW, Armament and Secret equipment will be exercised by VCOASonly. Issue of MT / Specialist Vehicles on Loan can be given by VCOAS / GOC-in-C.

2. Issue of Stores on Loan to Sellers can be done only against contracts for Designand Development by CFAs at Service HQs / C-in-C at Command Hqs.

3. The Rules / Procedure governing the loan issue shall be followed.

24.5 Issue of Technically Life Expired and Declared Obsolete Weapon Systems /Components / Items to Government and Private Organizations / Institutionsfor Display / Educational / CCD (Camouflage, Concealment and Deception)and Decoy Purposes.

COAS Full powers

24.6 Declaration of Surplus / Obsolete Stores

QMG / MGO / DCOAS (IS &T) / DCOAS (P&S) Full Powers


1. Powers are to be exercised only for declaration of surplus if item isa. Pre-mod or pre-upgradeb. Technically life expiredc. System to which it belong is rendered obsolete

24.7 Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Storesincluding Armament / Explosive Stores through Govt organizations / PSUs

MGO / QMG / E-in-C Full powers

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DGOS / DGST / DG EME / GOC-in-C 3000

COS 2000

Commandant Depots 1000

Station Commander 5

24.8 Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Storesincluding Armament / Explosive Stores through Private Sector

MGO / QMG / E-in-C Full powers

DGOS / DGST / DG EME / GOC-in-C 2000

COS 1000

Commandant Depots 500

Station Commander 2

24.9 Disposal of salvage

Station Commander / COs of units / establishments Full powers

24.10 Relaxation of RGP

MGO / QMG Beyond 50%*

DGs OS / ST / E-in-C 40%-50%

Comdt Depots / DDG MF 20%-40%

Sale Supervising Officer Upto 20%


1. Monetary ceiling for lotting for salvage stores only will be as under -(i) Gen Stores - 20 lakhs

(ii) B Vehicles - 100 lakhs

(iii) A & C Vehicles - 200 lakhs

24.11 Taking Surplus Stores on Charge Including UnserviceableStores

MGO / QMG 50

DGOS / DGST/ E-in-C 25

ADGs / MGAOC/ MGASC / CE Command 10

Comdt Depots 2

24.12 Condonation of Unlinked CRVs

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DGOS / ST/ E-in-C 10

ADGs / MGAOC / MGASC / CE Command 5

24.13 Advance for General Farms Works, Harvesting Operation, Fodder Supplies,Procurement of Cattle, Dairy Products and Stores


Dir MF 2

24.14 Casting & Culling of Live Stock

DDG MF Full Powers

Dir MF Full Powers

24.15 Cutting of Trees and Disposal of Wood and Other Usufructs from Farmland

QMG Full Powers

COS Command 20

Corps Cdr / Area Cdr 10


Dir MF 1

24.16 Extra Wharfage, Demurrage, container detention, Ground rent and othersuch charges for clearance of cargo

DGOL / C-in-C 100

COS / Corp Cdr / Area Cdr 25

GOC Div / Sub Area / Station Cdr (Brig level) 10


1. Payment will be made first by unit / Emb Hqs to the concerned port / air / railwayauthorities without taking concurrence/approval of IFA / CFA. The payment will beregularized by sending the case to the appropriate IFA / CFA for according ex-post-factoconcurrence / approval.

2. Efforts should be made to avoid demurrage payments to the to the maximum extentpossible.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

1.1 Transportation

VCNS / FOC-in-C 1000

COS / Flag Officers Naval Area / Fleet Cdrs 200

Commandant (INA / NWC) Ch Hydro / ASD / ASY / MS / NSD 100



COs of ships and COs / OiC / Directors of Establishment / CABS/ President NSB


1. These powers will cover all types of transportation cases including as under –

a. Hiring of civil transport, when service transport is not adequate or not available.

b. Hiring of different kinds of specialized vehicles, material handling equipment,

mechanical transports, water transport, animal transport, etc, whatever is considered

essential by the organizations for performing their tasks.

c. Airlift / shipping of stores from & to abroad and within the country.

d. Dispatch of items through specialized courier / post office.

e. Technical storage charges and expenditure in connection with loading / unloading of


f. Incidental charges associated with transportation like insurance premium, handling

charges, etc.

g. Port charges for berthing ships in ports.

2. Depending upon the need and convenience, it will be open for the organization / user to

decide on the mode of transport irrespective of it not being the cheapest mode.

1.2 Hiring of Vessels / Boats / Yard crafts and Associated Equipments

FOC-in-C 2000

COS 100

ASD 50

Flag Officer Naval Area / NOICs 20


1. Includes hiring for Harbor Patrols / Force protection / Coastal Security etc.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2077, MINOR HEAD – 106 A & B

Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

Offloading Repairs and Refits of I.N. Ships / Submarines/ Yard craft/Vessels/ Floating Dry Dock including their Machinery/ Equipment /Armament / Components

2.1. Through PSU / Port Trust Authority / Defence Organizations / Work Shops

VCNS 8000

COM 6000

FOC-in-C 4000

CSO (Tech) 2000

ASY / ASD 1200

Flag Officer Naval Area / FOSM / NOIC 1000

NSRY / GM (ND/ASY) / FMU / CO Eksila /COMCOS 400

Ch Hydro 100

Commandant INA 20

2.2 Through Private Sector

VCNS 7000

COM 5000

C-in-C 3000

CSO (Tech) 1500

Flag Officer Naval Area / FOSM / NOICs 500

ASY/ ASD 1000

COMCOS / NSRY / GM (ND/ASY) / CO Eksila / FMU 300

Ch Hydro 60

Commandant INA 10

2.3 Abroad when Ships / Submarines are in Foreign waters

VCNS 1000


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1. These powers are to be exercised only when capacity for repairs is not available withNavy's workshops and Dockyards / NSRY. While entrusting the work to private firmsprovisions of Regulations 4411 of Regulations (Navy) Part-I Non-statutory are to beadhered to. Powers to be utilized for refits as per Refit Plan promulgated by IHQ, MoD (N).

2. Off loading may be resorted to by the CFA of the AA under whose operational commandthe ship operates.

3. Para 2.2 will also include repairs through OEM abroad.

2.4 Dry Docking & Berthing of I.N. Ships / Submarines / Yard Craft / Vessel inCommercial Yards / Port Trust / PSUs

VCNS 2000

FOC-in-C 1000

CSO (Tech) 600

ASY / ASD 400

Fleet Cdr / Flag Officer Naval Area 200


GM (ND / ASY) 50

Ch Hydro 40


1. These powers are to be exercised only when capacity for repairs is not available withNavy's workshops and Dockyards / NSRY.

2. On each occasion of docking / berthing per ship.

3. To cover all expenditure of dry docking/ alongside berthing of a ship, bottom cleaning,painting and attendant charges for services supplied (i.e. electricity, water, drainage,removal of garbage, arranging of blocks, etc.) on each occasion dry docking and/oralongside berthing in commercial yards/ berths is to be authorized only when facilitiescannot be provided by the Navy at the ports concerned.

Emergency Repair of I.N. Ships / Submarines / Equipment / Vessels / Craft incases where Fighting or Seagoing Efficiency is Impaired

2.5 Through PSUs / Port Trust authorities / Private Sector

VCNS 2000

FOC-in-C 1000

Fleet Cdr / Flag Officers Naval Area / NOIC 400

ASD / ASY 600


GM (ND / ASY) 100

COs of Ships / Submarines 10

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2.6 Abroad when Ships / Submarines are in Foreign Waters.

VCNS 1000


1. These powers are to be exercised in cases of extreme operational exigency when thefighting / seagoing efficiency of the ship is seriously affected.

2. Para 2.5 will also include repairs through OEM abroad.

Alteration, Addition and Modification to Items affecting an individual I.N.Ship / Vessel / Craft and their Machinery / Eqpt / Armament includingDevelopment of Documentation, Software Validation and DiagnosticSoftware

2.7 Addition and Alterations (As & As)

VCNS 1000

COM / FOC-in-C 500

CSO (Tech) 100

Fleet Cdr / Flag Officer Naval Area / ASY / ASD 60


GM (ND/ASY) / CO Eksila 40

2.8 Modifications to Machinery / Equipment including Procurement of Mod Kits /Software Upgrades.

VCNS 1000

FOC-in-C 500

COM / Fleet Commander / Flag Officer Naval Area / ASY / ASD /NSRY / NAD


Commandant INA 5


1. All cases of As&A would be approved by IHQ MoD (Navy) as per extant orders.

2. The estimates of cost of additions and alterations should include the cost of labour andmaterial and over heads.

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Sl. No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

Offloading Survey, Repair and Overhaul of Aircraft, UAV, Drone, PTA, etc.Including their Engines, Equipment, Components

3.1 Through PSU / Civil Aviation Authority

DCNS / FOC-in-C 3000

COS / Flag Officer Naval Aviation / NAY / MS / NSD 800

Commandant INA 100

CO's of Naval Air Stations 50

3.2 Through Private Sector

DCNS / FOC-in-C 2000

COS / Flag Officer Naval Aviation / NAY 400

Commandant INA 100

CO's of Naval Air Stations 20

3.3 Abroad on operation / transit / ships in foreign waters

DCNS 1000

3.4 Pre Survey of Aircraft through PSU / Private Sector

DCNS 1000

FOC-in-C 500

COS / Flag Officer Naval Aviation 200

NAY 100

Commandant INA 40

COs of Naval Air Stations 30

3.5 Pre-Survey of Aircraft through Foreign Manufacturer

DCNS 200


1. These powers are to be exercised only when defective equipment and stores cannot berepaired in Naval Aircraft Yard/Base Support Facilities owing to limited capacity.

2. Powers of Commandant INA are for authorizing survey of micro light aircrafts andgliders.

3. Para 3.2 will also include repairs through OEM abroad.

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3.6 Alteration, Addition and Modification to Items affecting an individualAircraft, UAV, Drone, PTA etc. and their Equipment / Components.

DCNS 1000

FOC-in-C 500

Flag Officer Naval Aviation / NAY 100


1. All As&A shall be approved by IHQ MoD (Navy).

2. Includes development, modification for import substitution & trials of new equipment onaircraft.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

4.1 Items fitted / held in stock in Ships / Submarines, Shore establishments,Dockyards, Repair Yards / Organizations / Facilities / Units

VCNS 1000

COM / DCNS 700

FOC-in-C 500

ASD /ASY 200

Ch Hydro / Commandant (INA/NWC) / Flag Officers Naval Area/ Flag Officers Naval Aviation / COMNETCEN / CLOGO



COs of ships and CO s / OiC / Directors of Establishment /President NSB



1. These powers can be exercised provided it is not economical to get thestores/equipment repaired through the nearest Naval Repair Organization or owing tolimited capacity / expertise.

2. Repairs abroad to be undertaken only under IHQ MoD (N) powers.

3. Replacement of Yard Equipment is to be recommended by a Board of Officers andapproved by IHQ MoD (Navy) to enable maintenance of existing capacity level.

4. Yard Eqpt / facilities include Dry Docks with associated machinery including Dock gates,Flap gates, Caissons, Pontoons etc. Ship lifts System with associated machinery andsystems. Workshop Machinery such as Cranes, Forklifts, Lathes, Milling machines,Machining centres, MHEs, Electrical Transmission Eqpt, Test benches/CRETE/ATEs/StaticService installations including pipelines, cabling, hydrants, Switchboards, Junction boxes,etc. Other installations in Dockyards, Aircraft Yards, Workshops and RepairOrganizations/shore establishments which require periodical/regular maintenance.

4.2 Items for Yard Equipment

COM 500

COS 300

ASD / ASY / NSRY / NAY / MS 200

GM (ND/ASY) 20


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MAJOR HEAD – 2077, MINOR HEAD – 110 A, C, E & J

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

5.1 Central Procurement - Naval Stores / Spare Parts / EquipmentIndigenous

COL 3000

ACOL 2000

COS / CSO (P&A) - not below the rank of Rear Admiral 1200

MS / NSD 800

5.2 Central Procurement - Naval Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment - Foreign

COL 2500

ACOL 1200

COS / CSO (P&A) - not below the rank of Rear Admiral 800

MS / NSD 400

5.3 Local Procurement - Naval Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

FOC-in-C 100

CSO (P&A) / Commandant (INA / NWC) 50

Ch Hydro / Flag Officer Naval Area / FOSM / Fleet Cdr /NOIC


ASD / ASY 20

MS / NSD 30


COs of ships and COs/ OIC / Directors of Establishment /President NSB



1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by the competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to on indication of non-availability from the nearestStore Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots who can stock upto 6 monthsrequirements.

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5.4. Procurement of Urgent requirements through Defence Attache 50


1. For such cases, procurement by Defence Attache will be done only after AoN isaccorded by appropriate CFA in IHQ, MoD (N). IFA coverage to Defence Attache will begiven by Counsellor-coord in Indian embassy or any other authority nominated by IndianAmbassador in that country.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2077, MINOR HEAD – 110 B & D

Sl. No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

6.1 Galley equipment

COL / FOC-in-C 5000

Commandant (INA / NWC) 20

CSO (P & A) / Flag Officer Naval Area / NOIC 10

COs of Ships and COs/OIC/Director of Establishment 2

6.2 Victual stores

COL / FOC-in-C 10000

Flag Officer Naval Area / Fleet Cdr / CSO(P&A) / Commandant(INA / NWC)


CLOGO / NOIC / CO India / BVOs 50

Ch Hydro 20

COs of ships and COs / OiC / Director of establishment /President NSB



1. To Procure items authorized by scale and not supplied by Govt source of supply.

2. These will also include procurement at foreign ports and at such Indian ports/ stationswhere no IN organization exists.

3. Includes supply of fresh water to IN ships and establishments.

6.3 Provisions to BV Yards, Establishments and Outlying units

COL / FOC-in-C Full Powers

CSO (P & A) / Ch Hydro / Commandant INA 400

Flag Officer Naval Area / Commandant NWC / NOIC 200

BVO / CO India 100


1. For items authorized as per scale and not provided by source of supply

6.4 Sieving / Fumigation, Irradiation, Cleaning of infested stocks of MilledProducts, Cleaning of Rice, etc

COL / FOC-in-C Full Powers

Commandant (INA / NWC) / CLOGO / Flag Officer Naval Area /NOIC



COs of ships and COs / OIC / Director of establishment 1

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

7.1 Central Procurement - Armament Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Indigenous

VCNS 3000


NAD (CGM / GM) 1000

7.2 Central Procurement - Armament Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment - Foreign

VCNS 2500


NAD (CGM / GM) 500

7.3 Local Procurement - Armament Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

FOC-in-C 100

CSO (P&A) 50

ASD / ASY 20

Flag Officer Naval Area / FOSM / Fleet Cdr / NOIC / NAD/ WED / NSD / NAY / NSRY / FMU / NAI / GM (ND / ASY)


COs of ships and COs / OiC / Directors of Establishment 5


1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by the competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to on indication of non-availability from the nearestStore Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots who can stock upto 6 monthsrequirements.

7.4Procurement of Urgent requirements through DefenceAttache



1. For such cases, procurement by Defence Attache will be done only after AoN isaccorded by appropriate CFA in IHQ, MoD (N). IFA coverage to Defence Attache will begiven by Counsellor-coord in Indian embassy or any other authority nominated by IndianAmbassador in that country.

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Sl. No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

8.1 Central Procurement - Clothing stores including Mess Straps

COL 1000

ACOL 500

COS / CSO (P&A) - not below the rank of Rear Admiral 200

MS / NSD 100


1. IHQ, MoD (Navy) may promulgate guidelines to identify the list of items to be procuredby each MS.

8.2 Sewing of Uniforms, Clothing and initial addition / alteration, washing,repairing & re-stuffing troops, bedding, cobbler contracts, preservation ofequipment / stores / machinery

FOC-in-C Full powers

CSO (P & A) / Commandant (INA / NWC) / Flag Officer NavalArea / ASD / ASY


NOIC / Ch Hydro / CO India / BLOGO 20

BVO / COs of Ships and COs / OIC / Director ofEstablishment


AGM(P&A) of ND (MB / V) / NSRY 5

8.3 Local procurement of Clothing and Mess Straps

FOC-in-C 200

CSO (P & A) 100

Commandant (INA / NWC) / ASD / ASY / Flag Officer NavalArea / NOIC / Ch Hydro / CO India / BVO


MS / NSD / BLOGO / CO, Basic Training Est 10

GM / ND (MB / V) 2

CABS / COs of ships and COs / OIC / Director ofestablishment other than basic trg establishment



1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to only after obtaining non-availability certificate from

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the nearest Store Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots which may stock upto 6 monthsrequirement.

4. Rate contracts to include contracts for tailoring and washing for Comdt TrainingEstablishments.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

9.1 Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Indigenous

COL 1000

9.2 Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Foreign

COL 750

9.3 Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Indigenous /Foreign (New item)

VCNS 100


1. Procurement of MT/Specialist vehicles will be done only at IHQ MoD (N) which will besubject to latest austerity measures issued by MoF on the subject and regulated in terms ofMoD (Fin) instructions as issued from time to time.

2. Specialist vehicles will also include items like Nitrogen charger plants, Oxygen charger,Air jet starter, SAT, GPU, HST, Truck fork lifter, Refueller, Water tender lorry, Heavytractor, Light tractor, MM van, Station wagon, Water trailer, DFT, CFT, etc among otherspecialist vehicles.

9.4 Local Procurement – MT Stores

FOC-in-C 100

CSO (P&A) / Commandant (INA / NWC) / Flag Officer NavalArea




GM / ND (MB / V) 10

Oi/C Tpt wk shop / COs of Ships and CO / OiC / Directors ofEstb / President NSB



1. Powers also include for modification of specialist vehicles and associated equipment tomeet operational & technical needs but will be exercised only by Command Hqs.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

10.1 Central Procurement - Weapon Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Indigenous

COM 3000

ACOM (IT & S) 1500

WED 800

10.2 Central Procurement - Weapon Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Foreign

COM 2500

ACOM (IT &S) 1000

WED 500

10.3 Local Procurement - Weapon Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

FOC-in-C 100

CSO (P&A) / ASD / ASY 50

Flag Officer Naval Area / Fleet Cdr / NOIC / NAD / WED/ NSD / NAY / NSRY / FMU / NAI / GM (ND/ASY)


COs of ships and COs/ OIC/ Directors of Establishment 5


1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by the competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to on indication of non-availability from the nearestStore Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots who can stock upto 6 monthsrequirements.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

11.1Central Procurement - Aviation stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Indigenous

DCNS 3000

ACNS (Air/AM) 1500

FONA / COS 1000

MS / NSD 500

11.2 Central Procurement - Aviation stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Foreign

DCNS 2500

ACNS (Air/AM) 1000

FONA / COS 500

MS / NSD 250

11.3 Local Procurement - Aviation stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

FOC-in-C 100

MS / NSD 30

Commandant INA / Ch Hydro 20

Flag Officer Naval Area / FONA / Fleet Cdr / NAY 10

COs of ships / Aviation Units 5


1. Articles (Stores / Spare Parts / equipments) so procured shall be those authorizedfor use in the service and shall be for measures already sanctioned or approvedby competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to only after obtaining non-availabilitycertificate from the nearest Store Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and notfor stock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots which may stock upto 6months requirement.

11.4 Procurement of Urgent requirements through Defence Attache 50


1. For such cases, procurement by Defence Attache will be done only after AoN isaccorded by appropriate CFA in IHQ (N). IFA coverage to Defence Attache will be givenby Counsellor-coord in Indian embassy or any other authority nominated by IndianAmbassador in that country.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

12.1 Information Technology Items / Services

VCNS / FOC-in-C 1000

COL 500

COS / Commandant (INA / NWC) / Ch Hydro 200

ACOM (IT&S) / MS / NSD / Flag Officers Naval Area / FleetCommander / NOIC / CSO (P&A) / ASD / ASY / FOST / FOSM



COs of ships and COs / OiC / Dir of establishment / President NSB 20


1. These powers cover all kinds of IT procurement cases including as under -

a) IT / Systems Automation or any relevant IT related projects.

b) IT Main Hardware, IT Networking eqpts, IT peripherals / accessories.

c) IT / Systems / Application software (subject to AON by Command HQ / SHQ forunits under SHQ).

d) IT-related networks, Internet facility, media connectivity including associatedhardware and software and payment of networking/internet charges.

e) Software development and technical consultancy for IT projects (subject to AON byCommand HQ / SHQ for units under SHQ).

f) IT Stationary and consumables

g) Spares, up-gradation , repair and maintenance of items mentioned above.

2. Any new technology / item / services in IT field can also be procured.

12.2 Training related to Information Technology

VCNS / FOC-in-C 500

Commandant (INA / NWC) 100

ASD / Ch Hydro / ASY / Flag Officer Naval Area / Fleet Cdr / FOST/ FOSM / NOIC



COs of ships and Cos / OiC / Dir of Estb / President NSB 2

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MAJOR HEAD – 2077, MINOR HEAD – 110 P, Q & 800

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs


Indigenization of Equipment / Simulators / Training aids / MaintenanceStores & Spares, Development of Modification Kits & Software /Development of Upgrades / Technology Insertion for Legacy / importedItems / Equipment

VCNS / COM 1000

FOC-in-C 500

ASD / ASY 200

NAQAS / NASDO / NOIC / MS / NSD / NAD /WED / NAY / NSRY / NAI / CO Eksila, Shivaji,Tunir, Valsura, Kalinga / OiC NIC


13.2 Research and Development Activities through Private Sector

VCNS / COM 500


FOC-in-C 100

Commandant (INA / NWC) / CO (Valsura / Shivaji) 50

13.3Research and Development through Government / Autonomous R&DOrganizations, In-House Defence agencies, Professional / Technicalinstitutions like IITs, etc on Proprietary basis

VCNS / COM 1000


FOC-in-C 200

Commandant (INA / NWC) / CO (Valsura / Shivaji) 100


Manufacture, Fabrication, Procurement or issue of Stores / Spares / Eqpt /Clothing for experimental purposes or Proof of Concept or AppliedResearch which are of interest to or are in use in Navy, or for expeditingProduction / Developing Indigenous source, etc

VCNS 100

COM / COL / FOC-in-C 50

COS 20

Commandant (INA / NWC) 10



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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

13.5Design and Development activities related to Warship / Aircraft / Platforms

including consultancy services

VCNS 1000

DCNS / COM 200

Note for 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 and 13.5.

1. These powers include Design and Development activities pertaining to Warships,Aircrafts, Platforms and consultancy services and will also cover the following activities -

(a) Model test analysis.(b) Software development and procurement for conducting tests.(c) Weapon System Integration.(d) Setting up of Software Engineering Environment/ Procurement of

Software tools.(e) Other D&D activities of interest for Navy

2. Includes expenditure on manufacture / fabrication, Procurement or issue of stores /spares / eqpt / other articles for experimental purposes / test & trials covering essentialapplied research which are of interest to or are in use in the three services/ joint staff, or forexpediting production / developing indigenous source, etc.

3. To include offloading Design / Development activity to academic institutions/ ResearchLabs.

4. Expenditure should not overlap with DRDO Projects or Projects formed out of JointOperations with DRDO.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

14.1 Security Equipments / Items

DCNS / FOC-in-C 1000

Commandant INA / Ch Hydro 100

Commandant NWC / Flag Officers Naval Area / FleetCdr / NOIC / ASD / ASY


MS / NSRY / WED / NAY / NAD / NAI / BVO / NSD 25

COs of ships and COs / Oi/C / Director ofestablishment / President NSB



1. Above power includes procurement of all kinds of Security items, works, services, etc,which are considered essential for security of their respective area. However, the list ofitems, which can be procured by different CFAs, will be promulgated by each Service HQs.

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MAJOR HEAD – 2077, MINOR HEAD – 106, 110 & 800

Sl. No. Item Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

15.1 To replenish Disaster Management Bricks

COL 500


1. These powers are for replenishment / recouping / repairs of stores, forming part ofDisaster Management brick.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

16.1 Maintenance Dredging of Naval Area

FOC-in-C Full Powers

ASD / ASY / Flag Officer Naval Area / NOIC 500


1. To be based on Operational requirement.

2. To cover hire and use of dredging equipment to clear approaches to Naval areas oneach occasion.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

17.1 Miscellaneous and Contingent Expenditure

VCNS / FOC-in-C Full Powers

Commandant (INA / NWC) / Fleet Cdr / Flag Officer Naval Area /FOSM / ASD / ASY / Ch Hydro




COs of Ships / Units / Estt / Oi/C / Director of establishment -(Rank of Captain and above)

President NSB / AGM (P&A) / GM (ND / ASY)


COs of Ships / Units / Estt / OiC / Director of establishment -(Rank of Commander and below) 10


1. The above powers includes all kinds of contingent expenditure including as under -

h. Procurement of all kinds of office equipment and related consumables and anyother latest equipments required for day to day functioning of an office

i. All kinds of administrative support services related to office functioningj. Expenditure related to forms, printing, journals, stationery,legal fees, etc.k. Misc Expenditure incurred in connection with all kinds of ceremonial events.l. Welfare and amenity measures that help in the well being and morale of officers /

staff / troops.m. Any item / equipment needed for running of establishment.

17.2 Misc Expenditure while on Tour

CNS 20



1. Subject to an annual ceiling of Rs 100 Lakhs for combined powers of CNS andVCNS

2. These powers will be used to provide welfare measures and amenities for troopcomforts.

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17.3 Publicity and Advertisement

COP (through DAVP) Full powers

COP (through sources other than DAVP) 500

FOC-in-C 100

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

18.1 Outsourcing of Services

VCNS / FOC-in-C 1000

COS / Commandant INA / Ch Hydro 200

ASD / ASY / Commandant NWC / Flag Officer Naval Area 100



COs of ships and COs / OiC / Director of establishment/ President NSB



1. Provisions of GFR are to be followed and will be carried out as per extant orders of MoDon this subject.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

19.1 Organization of Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Training course in India

VCNS / FOC-in-C Full Powers

COP / Commandant INA 200

COS / Commandant NWC 100

Fleet Commander / Flag Officer Naval Area / FOST / FOGA /FOSM


ASD / ASY / Ch Hydro / NOIC / MS / NSRY / NAD / WED / NAY/ FMU / NAI


CABS / OiCs / COs Directors of establishments / COs of Trgships



1. Powers to sanction expenditure for inviting Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers /experts for training courses will be as per DoPT rules.

2. TA/DA for Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers / experts will be done as per DoPTrules.

3. Includes procurement of training material for regular training and payment to guestfaculty for travel/ lecture/ honorarium.

4. Includes power to sanction expenditure towards Travel Fare, TA/DA and Honorarium toNon-Official / Civilian members of University Committees / Evaluation teams for visits toIndian Naval Ships / Establishments for validation / re-validation of Accreditation/Affiliationof courses.


Participation of Navy personnel / Civil employees of Navy in Short-termTraining courses, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, Annual Conventions atCivil / Defence / Professional / Academic organizations and institutions inIndia

COP / FOC-in-C Full Powers

Commandant (INA / NWC) 50

COS / Flag Officer Naval Area / Fleet Cdr / Ch Hydro 20

ASD / OiCs and Directors of Trg Schools and establishments /CO, Eksila


ASY / MS / NSRY / NAD / WED / NAY / FMU / NAI / OiC / COs /CABS / NSD / President NSB / COs of Training ships



1. Training courses for 1 year and more will require approval of Govt.

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19.3 Annual Training Grant (ATG) and Technical Training Grant (TTG)

VCNS 1000

FOC-in-C 500

Commandant INA 200

Commandant NWC / CSO (P&A) 100

COs of Training Establishments (Commodore) 50

COs of Training ships and COs / OiC / Director of Training

Establishments (Captain & below)20

Flag Officer Naval Area / NOIC15

COs of Ships / Units / Shore Establishments (Commodore andabove)


COs of Ships / Units / Shore Establishments (Captain andbelow)



1. Existing MoD instructions on ATG & TTG are to be followed.

19.4 Education Related Services and Reference Library Grant

COP 1000

FOC-in-C 500

COS / ASD / ASY / Commandant (INA / NWC) 100

Fleet Cdr / Flag Officer Naval Area 5

COs of ships and COs / OiCs / Directors of establishments /NOIC


(a) All expenditure related to creation/ maintenance of libraries/ e-libraries/ educationalresource centres, printed/ digital publications, examinations/ evaluations, implementation ofofficial language, conduct of educational activities, distance education, e-learning, opinionpolls, language courses, and skill development, including outsourcing of the above toprivate agencies.

(b) Powers for creation of libraries shall be exercised only by COP with no fresh accretionof manpower.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

20.1 Reciprocal Hospitality during Foreign Naval ships visit to Indian Ports

FOC-in-C 2

COS / Flag Officer Naval Area / NOIC 0.50


1. Powers are per foreign naval ship per Indian port.

20.2 Gifts on Occasion of Foreign Naval Ships visit to Indian Ports

FOC-in-C 1

COS / Flag Officer Naval Area / NOIC 0.15


1. Powers are per foreign naval ship per Indian port.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

21.1 Sports and Adventure items / activities

VCNS 2000

FOC-in-C / CPS 1000

Commandant (INA / NWC) / COS 100

Fleet Commander / Flag Officer Naval Area 50



COs of Ships and COs / OiC / Directors of Establishments /President NSB



1. It includes expenditure on sports and adventure activities, stores and equipmentincluding adventure Arms and ammunition, propagation of organized sports and adventureactivities etc.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

22.1 Flight Safety Items / Services

DCNS / FOC-in-C 1000

COS 200

FONA / Fleet Cdr / Flag Officer Naval Area /ACNS (Air)


COs of Air Stations / Aircraft Carriers /Helicopter capable ships



1. These powers cover procurement of all kinds of items / services for flight safetypurposes including as under -

a. Hiring of different kinds of mechanical transport / services to clear vegetation and

environment control measures. Procurement of De-vegetation / vegetation control

equipment / manual vegetation clearance implements.

b. All kinds of anti-rodent measures, anti-wild life measures, disposal of carcass.

c. All kinds of animal / bird scaring measures including surveys / study / accident /

incident analysis by specialist bodies, specialized equipments, audio-visual


d. Specialized flight safety equipments like AAIB Kits, OHR (Operational Hazard

Report) Boxes, FOD (Foreign Object Damage) Bins etc for enhancing Flight Safety.

e. All kinds of Publicity measures and associated Audio-visual equipments.

f. Contingent expenditure on BHCT and accident investigation personnel.

g. All associated expenditure incurred on above mentioned items like their recurringmaintenance, consumables (including LPG/POL), electric eqpt, stationary items, etc.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

23.1 Tele-Communication Items / Services

VCNS 1000

FOC-in-C 500

COS 200

ACNS (CSNCO) / Fleet Cdr / ASD / ASY / Flag Officer NavalArea / NOIC / Commandant (INA / NWC)


COs of Ships and COs / OiC / Directors of Establishments 10


1. The above powers are meant for procurement of all kinds of communication items /technology / services and will also include as under –

a. All categories of Telephony and communication network equipments, Radio AccessNetwork items, Telecom network / Telephone-related items, Media Secrecy Units,etc.

b. All kinds of payment related to Internet connectivity.c. Telecom consultancy (design, optimization and audit) & training, power supply,

environment control equipment, fire protection equipment, data centres, testequipment and tools etc.

d. Renting of circuits, INMARSAT, SATCOM and any other latest satellite -communication related items / services to meet operational requirements.

e. Any communication equipment / services necessitated due to improvements intechnology.

2. Renting of circuits will be sanctioned only at IHQ MoD (N) / Command HQs.Operational circuits for purpose of Exercises, Overseas deployments, POGs etc canalso be hired.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

24.1 Authorized Works - Acceptance of Necessity and Administrative Approval

CNS 5000

FOC-in-C 2000

Commandant INA / Cat 'A' Training Establishment / ChHydro


Flag Officer Naval Area / Commandant NWC / ACNS (P&P) 500

NOIC / Station Commander / CO (Rank of Cmde) 250

Station Commander / CO / OC (Below rank of Cmde) 50

24.2 Special Works - Acceptance of Necessity and Administrative Approval

CNS 250

FOC-in-C 100

Commandant INA / Cat 'A' Training Establishment / ChHydro


Flag Officer Naval Area / Commandant NWC / ACNS (P&P) 25

NOIC / Station Commander / CO (Rank of Cmde) 10

Station Commander / CO / OC (Below rank of Cmde) 2

24.3 Demolition of Building

CNS 1000

FOC-in-C 500


1. Powers mentioned in Defence Works Procedure stand amended to the extent mentionedabove.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in lakhs

25.1 Emergency Procurement of all kinds of Stores / Eqpt / Veh, Hiring ofSpecialized services / manpower, Hiring of specialized machinery / equipment,all kinds of Transportation cases and any Misc / Contingent expenditureconnected with Exercises / Operations

FOC-in-C Full powers


1. These powers will be applicable in the case of urgent / Op Immediate militarynecessity relating to Military preparedness to meet the eventualities such as war orwar like situation, Natural Calamities, etc. The essence of delegating these powersis to expedite the procurement / repair of equipment / items / material / stores andprovisioning of various services, urgently required for the successful conduct of theoperation.

2. These powers will be exercised as and when Government notifies an event by wayof a Government order declaring War, Hostility, Natural Calamity / Disaster, etc orwhen Raksha Mantri declares and orders Military preparedness for Emergency /Op-Immediate Military necessity. It will also be applicable as and when a proposal,mooted by hand by Service Chiefs, is approved by Raksha Mantri for immediateaction to be taken in case of serious Accidents.

3. Once the approval of Raksha Mantri is given, SHQ will immediately convey theorder to concerned C-in-C (CFA) for taking procurement action. The order willcontain the essential requirements to be fulfilled by the C-in-C. Based on this, C-in-C will workout and approve the technical specifications, scope of work, quantityrequired for items, based on actual needs as deemed fit.

4. The procurement action will be taken by a 3-member Emergency EmpoweredCommittee (EEC), on behalf of the CFA, consisting of the Chief of Staff / equivalentas Chairman, the Command IFA and a Technical / Logistics Member of theCommand. The Chairman of EEC is empowered to co-opt any official / expert at hisdiscretion, only to assist EEC and not act as member. EEC will be fully empoweredto take all decisions independently on all aspects at any stage of procurement (fromissue of RFP, conducting technical examination, holding commercial negotiations,preparing draft Supply order / Contract, etc). Full flexibility will be available to EECfor completing procurement cycle at shortest possible time. Potential Bidders can becontacted and their response bids can be received through fastest possible meansof communication like taking bids by hand or even by email / fax (if inescapable),shortening time for submission of bids to whatever is considered feasible for biddersto give their bids, etc. There will be no requirement for movement of files in EECand every decision will be taken in a collegiate manner by recording of minutes foreach stage of procurement i.e. issue of RFP, mode of bidding, technical evaluation,CST, commercial negotiation, draft Supply order / Contract, etc. In case ofdisagreement among the 3 members, directions will be sought from CFA and the

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EEC will act as per the decision of CFA. It is open for CFA to take oral / writtenclarifications from MoD / MoD (Fin) on any issue pertaining to procurement process/ stage.

5. The EEC will promptly prepare its report and the same will be signed by all 3members. The Report will be submitted by EEC to the CFA on file. CFA will accordExpenditure Angle Approval of the procurement without any reference to anyauthority unless he himself desires to do so. After procurement cycle is completed,CFA will send a report on procurement undertaken under these powers to MoDthrough staff channels for record.

6. Though the empowered committee is to follow all existing regulations as per existingGovt orders / DPM on procurement of Goods / services, there could be occasionsrequiring deviations from DPM. Such deviations from DPM would be promptly put upby EEC to CFA for approval with adequate justifications. If in view of CFA, any delayin case will not be in interests of state, then he can approve deviations from DPMand the case can be processed further. However, once the case is finalized andaction taken, a detailed report will be furnished by CFA to MoD giving detailedjustifications for deviations from DPM. This report will be put up through staffchannels to Raksha Mantri for his information.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs /Period

26.1Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles andMES Stores Due to Theft, Fraud or Gross Neglect


FOC-in-C 7

Ch Hydro / Fleet Cdr / Flag Officer Naval Area / Flag OfficerNaval Aviation / ASD


26.2 Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles andMES Stores Not Due to Theft, Fraud or Gross Neglect


C-in-C 35

Ch Hydro / Commandant (INA / NWC) / Fleet Cdr / Flag OfficerNaval Area / ASD 20


COs of ships / Estab / Store Depot / Repair Yard / Inspectorate /Dir / OiC of Independent Units


Note For Sl. No. 24.1 & 24.2.

1. The above powers include as follows –a. Irregularities connected with use of MT, Railway warrants and military Credit notes

e.g. Irregular issue of warrants / Military Credit notes, loss of auditable documents,irregularities with respect to MC Notes.

b. Non-production of receipted copies of issue voucher of stores and failure to tracecredits in the ledgers in respect of receipt vouchers.

c. Regularization of deficiencies of stores revealed at the time of stock-taking.d. Erroneous expenditure in respect of deployment of manpower.

2. These powers may also be exercised in respect of DSC personnel attached to Navalunits.

26.3 Write Off of Losses due to Downgrading of Stores held in Depot / BVY InRespect of Attractive Stores, Viz. Clothing & Mess traps and other thanClothing and Mess traps

Not Due to Theft, Fraud orGross Neglect

Due to Theft, Fraud orGross Neglect

VCNS / COL 5 2.5

FOC-in-C 3 1.5

MS / BVO 2 1

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1. For stores held on charge of MOs / Depots / BVYs as serviceable are found to beRepairable / BER(C) / Scrap owing to deterioration while in stock, the change in conditionshall be adjusted by MOs / Depots / BVYs provided defects are due to fair wear and notdue to lack of suitable storage accommodation or failure to look after the articles properly instore. The change in condition to be certified by CTS / BVO or by his authorizedrepresentatives on the above lines.

2. In case value of total quantity to be downgraded of any single item is more than thefinancial limits prescribed for clothing & mess traps and other than clothing & mess trapsrespectively, regularization of the loss due to down- gradation will be sanctioned by CFAbased on the approved proceedings of Board of Officers constituted by AAs fordowngrading the condition of the stores.

26.4 Sanction and Pass Defect lists and Estimates on Account of Repairs andRefit of Ships, Submarines and Vessels and Yard Craft.

FOC-in-C Full Powers


1. As per approved refit plan by IHQ MoD(N).

26.5 Destruction of Category 'G' Foodstuffs.

VCNS / FOC-in-C Full Powers

COL 20

Commandant (INA / NWC) / Flag Officer Naval Area / Fleet Cdr/ NOIC / CLOGO


Ch Hydro / BVO 1

26.6 Regularize over Issue of Rations by Ships / Establishments

VCNS / FOC-in-C 5


Commandant (INA / NWC) 1

CLOGO / Flag Officer Naval Area / Fleet Cdr / Ch Hydro / NOIC 0.50

CABS / Cos / OIC / Director of Establishments/ President NSB /COs of Ships


26.7 Survey Contingency

Officer in-charge Detached Survey party from Survey Ships,Surveying Units & National Hydrographic School 1


1. These powers can be used for procurement of the following –

(a) Dry and fresh provisions and fuel.

(b) Expenditure on Jeep, i.e. POL Servicing and repairs etc.

(c) Hiring of transport both surface and sea borne

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(d) Telephone charges including STD calls.

(e) Hiring of photographic services/equipment, developing and printing.

(f) Clearing of survey sites, digging of snake pits around the field tents, hiring of coolie /labour.

(g) Consumable spares to meet immediate operational requirements.

(h) Hiring of office accommodation where available. Electricity, Water and rent charges,installation of temporary telephone connection etc.

(j) Charges for photocopying and blue printing.

(k) Clearing of helicopter landing sites.

(l) Charges for battery charging.

(m) Water carrier charges.

(n) Faxing/Speed Post/Courier service charges.

(p) Bank charges.

(q) Hiring of Survey/Processing equipment/services where not provided by parentships/units.

(r) Miscellaneous and contingent expenditure other than above.

(s) Provisioning of field Hydrographic/Trials software.

26.8 Declaration of Surplus / Obsolete Stores

VCNS / DCNS / COM / COL Full Powers


1. Powers are to be exercised only for declaration of surplus if item isa. Pre-mod or pre-upgradeb. Technically life expiredc. System to which it belong is rendered obsolete

26.9Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Storesincluding Armament / Explosive Stores through Govt organizations / PSUs

VCNS / COL / COM / DCNS Full Powers

FOC-in-C 2000

COS / ACOL / ACOM (IT&S) / ACNS (Air/AM) / DGONA 500

ASD / FONA / ASY / MS / OiC NSD 200

Commandant (INA / NWC) / Ch Hydro / PDOA 100

COs of Ships / Establishments 5

26.10Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Storesincluding Armament / Explosive Stores through Private Sector

VCNS / COL / COM / DCNS Full powers

FOC-in-C 1000


Commandant (INA / NWC) / Ch Hydro / PDOA 50

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COs of Ships / Establishments 2

Note for 26.9 & 26.10.

1. After fixing the reserve price in advance.

2. Provisions of Rule 196-201 of GFR to be adhered to.

3. Disposal should normally be done through authorized auctioneer. However where it isnot possible, reasons for the same to be recorded in writing. Reserve price to be fixed inadvance.

4. This includes disposal of Armament Stores by dumping in the sea.

5. Ch Hydro in respect of stocks held at NHO, Dehradun only.

6. Commandant INA / NWC for disposal of vessels, gliders and stores.

7. This includes stores declared unserviceable due to technical /safety reasons evenwithin shelf life.

26.11 Disposal of Salvage

COs of ships & CO / OiC / Dir establishments Full powers

26.12 Issue of Technically Life Expired and Declared Obsolete Weapon Systems/ Components / Items to Government and Private Organizations /Institutions for Display / Educational / CCD (Camouflage, Concealmentand Deception) and Decoy Purposes.

CNS Full Powers

26.13 Regularization of Audit Objections Arising Out of Breaches of Rules andRegulations when the Monetary Value of the Loss could be assessed inconsultation with PCDA / CDA


FOC-in-C 5


1. In all cases of audit objections arising out of breaches of rules and regulations; effortsshould be made to assess the loss/financial implication, if any, involved in the irregularitywhere the loss to the state or the financial implication involved can be computed theirregularity will be regularized in consultation with the PCDA / CDA. An illustrated list of thetype of objections which may be regularized and this procedure is shown below -

(a) Irregularities connected with Railway Warrants and Military Credit Notes e.g irregularissue of warrants military credit notes.

(b) Non-production of receipted copies of issue vouchers of stores. Failure to trace inthe ledgers credit in respect of receipt voucher.

(c) Loss of auditable documents like car diaries, ration strength statements where theceiling of the value of transaction involved can be assessed with reference to otherconnected accounts, e.g. with reference to the total value of POL issued or rations drawnduring the period to which lost documents pertain.

(d) Irregularities connected with the use of M.T.

2. In the case of objections which involve loss to the state, efforts will be made to assessthe actual/approximate financial value of the loss on some. These powers are to be

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exercised only if –

(a) The necessity for and the practicability of recovery has been considered by the CFA

(b) The irregularity does not disclose a defect in the rules or regulations the amendmentof which requires the sanction of the Government vide Rule 157 FR Part I Vol I.

(c) The authorities concerned (or their predecessors) are themselves not personallyresponsible for the loss / overpayment/ irregularity.

(d) Prior approval of the next higher financial authority shall be obtained in respect ofcases mentioned at (c) above.

(e) Objections, which do not involve any loss to the State or when the monetary loss isnot assessable, be referred to the respective Administrative Authorities/Head of the Branchat IHQ, MoD (N) for establishments under the direct administrative control of IHQ, MoD(N).

(f) Copies of sanctions issued for the settlement of audit objections shall also beendorsed to the statutory Audit Officers concerned.

(g) The financial powers contained in these orders are to be utilized for regularization ofcases outstanding as on date of issue of these orders.

(h) PCDA / CDA will report to the Govt of India cases in which the intention of this rulehas been misapplied.

26.14Issue of items on loan to Sellers, within service and to sister Defenceservices / Para-military forces / DPSUs and other Central / State GovtAgencies

VCNS / COM / FOC-in-C 5 Years

DCNS / COL 3 years

Commandant INA / NWC / CLOGO / Flag Officers Naval Area /Fleet Cdr / ASD / Ch Hydro / CSO (Tech)

2 Years

NOIC / MS / NSRY / NAD / NAY / FMU / FTSU / FTTT / NAY /NAQAS / NASDO / PDOI / Captain Technical Position / CO Eksila

1 Year


1. The cases of EW, Armament and Secret equipment will be exercised by VCNS only.Issue of MT / Specialist Vehicles on Loan can be given by VCNS / C-in-C.

2. Issue of Stores on Loan to Sellers can be done only against contracts for Designand Development by CFAs at Service HQs / C-in-C at Command Hqs.

3. The Rules / Procedure governing the loan issue shall be followed.

26.15Repairs of Damage to Hired Transport / Mobile Yard Equipment Hiredfor the use in Dockyard / Depots / Repair Yards Including NAY

FOC-in-C 10


Commandant (INA / NWC) 4



1. Where the liability of Government for damages incurred is not in question and thecircumstances are not of such a nature, as to require report, bills on this account may be

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sanctioned by these authorities in each case. In cases in which the cost of repairing thedamage is estimated to exceed Rs.50,000 and where there is the least doubt as to theliability of the Government, or where the circumstances in which the damage occurred areof an unusual character, however small the amount involved, a full report of the case withthe opinion of the transmitting authorities should be submitted for the orders of theGovernment of India.

26.16 Extra Wharfage, Demurrage, container detention, Ground rent andother such charges for clearance of cargo

COL / FOC-in-C 100

Ch Hydro / Flag Officer Naval Area / NOIC / ASD / ASY /CSO (P&A)


MS / WED / NAD / NAY / NSD / FMU / NAI 10


1. Payment will be made first by unit / Emb Hqs to the concerned port / air / railwayauthorities without taking concurrence/approval of IFA / CFA. The payment will beregularized by sending the case to the appropriate IFA / CFA for according ex-post-factoconcurrence / approval.

2. Efforts should be made to avoid demurrage payments to the to the maximum extentpossible.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

1.1 Transportation

AOM / AOC-in-C 1000

ACAS (Lgs) / SMSO / AOES / AOLM 200

Commandant (AFA / SDI / ASTE / CAW) 100

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting units) / MESDs / MCUs 10


1. These powers will cover all types of transportation cases including as under –

a. Hiring of civil transport, when service transport is not adequate or not available.

b. Hiring of different kinds of specialized vehicles, material handling equipment,

mechanical transports, water transport, animal transport, etc, whatever is considered

essential by the organizations for performing their tasks.

c. Airlift / shipping of stores from & to abroad and within the country.

d. Dispatch of items through specialized courier / post office.

e. Technical storage charges and expenditure in connection with loading / unloading of


f. Incidental charges associated with transportation like insurance premium, handling

charges, etc.

2. Depending upon the need and convenience, it will be open for the organization / user to

decide on the mode of transport irrespective of it not being the cheapest mode.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

2.1 Central Procurement - Airframe & Engines - Indigenous (Scaled)

AOM / AOC-in-C HQ, MC 5000

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) / SMSO(MC) 2500

AOC/StnCdr/CO/OC of self-accounting ED/ASP/BRD/402 AFStn/AFLE - Only to top Up SSF at self accounting EDs/BRDs andUE at ASPs


2.2 Central Procurement - Airframe & Engines - Foreign (Scaled)

AOM / AOC-in-C 3500

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) / SMSO(MC)2000

2.3Central Procurement - Airframe & Engines - Indigenous / Foreign(Non-scaled / New item)

VCAS 2000

AOM 1000

2.4 Local Procurement - Airframe & Engines

AOC-in-C 100

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) for units under Air Hqs 50

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 25

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 10


1. For foreign procurement under Sl 2.2, Expenditure Angle Approval powers are limited toCFAs at Air HQ only. Other CFAs to accord only AoN approval (applicable for decentralizedranges).

2. These powers also cover RMSOs and task orders against firm task placed on M/S HAL,where approved FPQ exist or pricing is carried as per approved pricing norms. Process ofaccording necessity and expenditure angle approvals would be combined in cases whereFPQ/Price List/Pricing norms are available/have been finalized. Powers of AFLE are only forplacing of RMSOs.

2.3. Procurement of AOG/PHU/MCM Items through Air Attaches. 50


1. For such cases, procurement by Air Attache will be done only after AoN is accorded byappropriate CFA in Air Hqs. IFA coverage to Air Attache will be given by Counsellor-coordin Indian embassy or any other authority nominated by Indian Ambassador in that country.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

3.1 Central Procurement - Aviation stores - Indigenous (Scaled)

AOM / AOC-in-C (MC) 5000

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) / SMSO(MC) 2500

AOC/StnCdr/CO/OC of self-accounting ED/ASP/BRD/402AF/AFLE Stn/ - Only to top Up SSF at self-accounting EDs/BRDsand UE at ASPs


3.2 Central Procurement - Aviation stores - Foreign (Scaled)

AOM /AOC-in-C (MC) 3500

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) / SMSO(MC) 2000

3.3Central Procurement - Aviation stores - Indigenous / Foreign(Non-scaled / New item)

VCAS 2000

AOM 1000

3.4 Local Procurement - Aviation stores

AOC-in-C 100

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) for units under Air Hqs 50

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 25

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 10

3.5 Meteorological stores - Scaled

VCAS 1000

DG Air (Ops) 500

3.6 Meteorological stores - Non-Scaled / New

VCAS 100

DG (Air Ops) 20


1. For foreign procurement under Sl 3.1.2, Expenditure Angle Sanction powers are limitedto CFAs at Air HQ only. Command CFAs to accord only AoN approval for decentralizedranges.

2. These powers also cover RMSOs and task orders against firm task placed on M/S HAL,

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where approved FPQ exist or pricing is carried as per approved pricing norms. Process ofaccording necessity and expenditure angle approvals would be combined in cases whereFPQ/Price List/Pricing norms are available/have been finalized. Powers of AFLE are onlyfor placing of RMSOs.

4. These powers also include maintenance of Aviation stores- TST, PSM, Tropo units(sources other than HAL)

3.7 Procurement of AOG/PHU/MCM Items through Air Attaches 50


1. For such cases, procurement by Air Attache will be done only after AoN is accorded byappropriate CFA in Air Hqs. IFA coverage to Air Attache will be given by Counsellor-coordin Indian embassy or any other authority nominated by Indian Ambassador in that country.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

4.1Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Indigenous


AOM 1000

4.2 Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Foreign (Scaled)

AOM 750

4.3Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Indigenous /

Foreign (Non Scaled / New item)

VCAS 100

4.4 Local Procurement – MT Stores

AOC-in-C 100

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) for units under Air Hqs 50

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 25

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 10


1. Procurement of MT/ Specialist vehicles will be done only at Air HQs, which will besubject to latest austerity measures issued by MoF on the subject and regulated interms of MoD (Fin) instructions as issued from time to time.

2. Specialist vehicles will also include items like Nitrogen charger plants, Oxygencharger, Air jet starter, SAT, GPU, HST, Truck fork lifter, Refueller, Water tenderlorry, Heavy tractor, Light tractor, MM van, Station wagon, Water trailer, DFT, CFT,etc among other specialist vehicles.

3. Powers in Sl 4.4 also include for modification of specialist vehicles and associatedequipment to meet operational & technical needs but will be exercised only byCommand Hqs. BRDs and EDs

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

5.1 Provisions, Coal, Firewood & LPG stores

AOC-in-C Full powers

SMSO / AOES or AOLM / ACAS (Lgs) for units under AirHqs


AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 25


1. Cost of items of Ration including fresh condiments as authorized in the scale of rationsand supplies issued by the ASC where authorized to be procured locally for code head744.

2. Cost of items of fuel (LPG, Wood kindling, steam coal and coke hard) as authorized inthe scale of rations and supplies issued by the ASC where authorized to be procuredlocally for code head 745

3. The above powers also relate to repair and maintenance of cooking equipment’sincluding steam cooking and LPG systems.

4. Cost of Ration commodities as per scale of rations when not available through ASC.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

6.1 Central Procurement - POL - Indigenous

AOM 10000

ACAS (Lgs) 2000

AOC/StnCdr/CO/OC of self-accounting ED/BRD/ASP - Only totop up at self accounting EDs/BRDs and UE at ASPs


6.2 Central Procurement - POL - Foreign

AOM 5000

ACAS (Lgs) 1000

6.3 Local Procurement - POL

AOC-in-C 500

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) for units under Air Hqs 100

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 25


1. This includes powers for indenting and payment of ATF, FOL (Fuel, Oils and Lubricants)also.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

7.1 Central Procurement - Ordnance stores - Indigenous (Scaled)

AOM 1000

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) 500


AOC/StnCdr/CO/OC of self-accounting ED/ASP/BRD - Only totop Up SSF at self-accounting EDs/BRDs and UE at ASPs


7.2 Central Procurement - Ordnance stores - Foreign (Scaled)

AOM 500

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) 200

7.3Central Procurement - Ordnance stores - Indigenous / Foreign (Non-scaled /New item)

VCAS 100

7.4 Local Procurement - Ordnance stores

AOC-in-C 100

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) for units under Air HQs 50

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 25

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 10

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

8.1 Central Procurement - Clothing stores - Indigenous (Scaled)

AOM 1000

AOC-in-C (MC) 500

ACAS (Lgs) / AOLM / AOES 300

AOC 23ED (Mother Depot) / Stn Cdr & CO of Self accountingASPs - To top up at self-accounting EDs/BRDs and UE at ASPs


8.2 Central Procurement - Clothing stores - Foreign (Scaled)

AOM 500

ACAS (Lgs) 200

8.3Central Procurement - Clothing stores - Indigenous / Foreign

(Non-scaled / New item)

VCAS 100

8.4 Local Procurement - Clothing stores

AOC-in-C 100

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) for units under Air Hqs 50

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 25

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 10

8.5 Stitching of clothing

AOES or AOLM / SMSO (Other Commands) / ACAS (Lgs) forunits under Air Hqs

Full powers

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 25

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

9.1 Central Procurement - Other Misc stores - Indigenous (Scaled)

AOM 1000

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) / SMSO (MC) 500


AOC/StnCdr/CO/OC of self-accounting ED/BRD/ASP - To topup at self-accounting EDs/BRDs and UE at ASPs


9.2 Central Procurement - Other Misc stores - Foreign (Scaled)

AOM 500

DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) 200

9.3Central Procurement - Other Misc stores - Indigenous / Foreign

(Non-scaled / New item)

VCAS 100

9.4 Local Procurement - Other Misc stores

AOC-in-C 100

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) for units under Air Hqs 50

AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) 25

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) 10

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

10.1 Research and Development through Private sector

VCAS / AOM / AOC-in-C (Hqs MC) 500

AOC of ASTE / Commandant SDI 250

AOC-in-Cs other than HQ MC 100

AOC / CO of BRD / 402 AF Stn 50


Research and Development through government / autonomous R&D

Organizations, In-House Defence agencies, professional / technical

institutions like IITs, etc on Proprietary basis

VCAS / AOM / AOC-in-C (Hqs MC) 1000

AOC of ASTE / Commandant SDI 500

AOC-in-Cs other than HQ MC 200

AOC / CO of BRD / 402 AF Stn 100


1. Expenditure should not overlap with DRDO Projects or Projects formed out of JointOperations with DRDO.

2. The above powers also include items as under -a. R&D of aircraft / weapon system oriented / experimental, trials, modification, trial of

eqpt for project including manufacture of special tools and eqpt for aircraft weaponsystem, radars, missiles, communication systems and all test ground eqpt (includinglife extension studies) including Indigenization / Indigenous development ofmaintenance stores

b. Test and trials for experimental and development purpose and indigenousdevelopment of eqpt undertaken by IAF and other agencies

c. Test and trials for experimental and development purpose and indigenousdevelopment of eqpt undertaken by IAF and other agencies.

3. These powers also include Design and Development activities pertaining to Aircrafts,Platforms and consultancy services and will also cover following activities -

a. Model test analysis.b. Software development and procurement for conducting tests.c. Weapons, Electronics and System Integration.d. Setting up of Software Engineering Environment / Procurement of Software tools

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Indigenization of Equipment / Simulators/ Training aids / Maintenance

Stores & Spares, Development of modification Kits &Software /

Development of Upgrades / Technology Insertion for Legacy / imported


VCAS / AOM / AOC-in-C (Hqs MC) 1000

AOC-in-Cs other than HQ MC 500

AOC of ASTE / Commandant SDI 200

AOC / CO of BRDs / 402 AF Stn 100

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

11.1 Information Technology items / services

VCAS / AOC-in-C 1000

DG (Air Ops) / SMSO(MC) / SASO / Comdt AFA 500

Comdt SDI, ASTE, CAW 200

ACAS (IT) / SMSO (Other Commands) / AOLM or AOES 100

AOC / Commandant (Self accounting Units) - Air Cmde level 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) – Below Air Cmdelevel



1. These powers cover all kinds of IT procurement cases including as under -

a) IT / Systems Automation or any relevant IT related projects.

b) IT Main Hardware, IT Networking eqpts, IT peripherals / accessories.

c) IT / Systems / Application software (subject to AON by Command HQ / SHQ forunits under SHQ).

d) IT-related networks, Internet facility, media connectivity including associatedhardware and software and payment of networking/internet charges.

e) Software development and technical consultancy for IT projects (subject to AON byCommand HQ / SHQ for units under SHQ).

f) IT Stationary and consumables.

g) Spares, up-gradation, repair and maintenance of items mentioned above.

2. Any new technology / item / services in IT field can also be procured.

11.2 Training related to Information Technology

VCAS / AOC-in-C 500

Comdt AFA 100

Comdt SDI, ASTE & CAW 50

AOC / Commandant (Self accounting Units) - Air Cmde level 10

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) - – Below Air Cmdelevel


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MAJOR HEAD 2078, MINOR HEAD – 110 M & 800 C

Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

12.1 Security Equipments / Items

AOA / AOC-in-C 1000

Commandant AFA 100

Commandant SDI, ASTE & CAW 50

AOC / Comdt (Self accounting Units) - Air Commodore level 25

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) - Group Captain andbelow



1. Above power includes procurement of all kinds of Security items, works, services, etc,which are considered essential for security of their respective area. However, the list ofitems, which can be procured by different CFAs, will be promulgated by each Service HQs.

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MAJOR HEAD 2078, MINOR HEAD – 800 A, D, E, I, J, K & L

Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

13.1 Misc and Contingent Expenditure

AOA / AOC-in C Full Powers

DG (Works & Cer), SOA / SAASO(MC) / Comdt AFA 200

Comdt SDI, ASTE & CAW 100

AOC / Commandant (Self accounting Units) at rank of AirCommodore / PD Org (Adm)


Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) (Group Captain) 25

Stn Cdr / CO /OC (Self Accounting Units) (Wing Cdr and below) 10


1. The above powers includes all kinds of contingent expenditure including as under -

a. Procurement of all kinds of office equipment and related consumables and any otherlatest equipments required for day to day functioning of an office

b. All kinds administrative support services related to office functioningc. Expenditure related to forms, printing, stationery, journals, legal fees, etc.d. Misc Expenditure incurred in connection with all kinds of ceremonial events.e. Welfare and amenity measures that help in the well being and morale of personnel.f. Any item/equipment needed for running of establishment.

13.2 Procurement of Dogs

AOA 100

CO, Air Force Dog School 20

13.3 Publicity and Advertisement

VCAS - through DAVP Full Powers

VCAS - through other Agencies 500

AOC-in-C 100

13.4 Misc Expenditure incurred while on tour

CAS 20



1. Subject to an annual ceiling of Rs 100 lakhs for combined powers of CAS and VCAS.

2. These powers will be used to provide welfare measures / amenities for troop comforts.

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13.5 Meteorological facilities provided by Civil Departments

DG Air (Ops) 100

ACAS (Met) / SASO / SAASO (MC) 50

AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit (Air Cmde) – Air Cmde level 10

StnCdr / CO / OC Self Accounting Unit – Below Air Cmde level 5


1. Payments made to the meteorological department mainly for the supply of weather

reports and other information and data relating to flying conditions.

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14.1 Outsourcing of Services

AOA / AOC-in-C 1000

Commandant AFA 200

SOA / SAASO(MC) / Commandant SDI, ASTE & CAW / ACAS(Org)


AOC / Commandant (Self accounting Units) - Air Cmde level 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) – Below Air Cmdelevel



1. Provisions of GFR are to be followed and will be carried out as per extant orders of MoDon this subject.

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MAJOR HEAD 2078, MINOR HEAD – 800 A (5)

Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

15.1 Flight Safety items / services

DG (I&S) / AOC-in-C 1000


AOC / Comdt (Self Accounting Units) – Air Cmde level andabove


Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Units) – Below AirCmde



1. These powers cover procurement of all kinds of items / services for flight safetypurposes including as under -

a. Hiring of different kinds of mechanical transport / services to clear vegetation andenvironment control measures. Procurement of De-vegetation / vegetation controlequipment / manual vegetation clearance implements.

b. All kinds of anti-rodent measures, anti-wild life measures, disposal of carcass.

c. All kinds of animal / bird scaring measures including surveys / study / accident /incident analysis by specialist bodies, specialized equipments, audio-visualequipments.

d. Specialized flight safety equipments like AAIB Kits, OHR (Operational HazardReport) Boxes, FOD (Foreign Object Damage) Bins etc for enhancing Flight Safety.

e. All kinds of Publicity measures and associated Audio-visual equipments.

f. Contingent expenditure on BHCT and accident investigation personnel.

g. All associated expenditure incurred on above mentioned items like their recurringmaintenance, consumables (including LPG/POL), electric eqpt, stationary items, etc.

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MAJOR HEAD 2078, MINOR HEAD – 110 & 800

Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

16.1 To replenish Disaster Management Bricks

AOM 500


1. These powers are for replenishment / recouping / repairs of stores, forming part ofDisaster Management brick.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

17.1 Tele-Communication Items / Services

VCAS 1000

AOC-in-C 500

DG (Air Ops) / SASO / SMSO (MC) 200

Commandant AFA / SDI / ASTE / CAW 100

AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit (Air Cmde) – Air Cmde level 20

Stn Cdr / CO / OC Self Accounting Unit – Below Air Cmde level10


1. The above powers are meant for procurement of all kinds of communication items /

technology / services and will also include as under –

a. All categories of Telephony and communication network equipments, Radio Access

Network items, Telecom network / Telephone-related items, Media Secrecy Units, etc.

b. All kinds of payment related to Internet connectivity.

c. Telecom consultancy (design, optimization and audit) & training, power supply,

environment control equipment, fire protection equipment, data centres, test

equipment and tools etc.

d. Renting of circuits, INMARSAT, SATCOM and any other latest satellite -

communication related items / services to meet operational requirements.

e. Any communication equipment / services necessitated due to improvements in


2. Renting of circuits will be sanctioned only at Air Hqs / Command HQs. Operational

circuits for purpose of Exercises, Overseas deployments, POGs etc can also be hired.

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Sl No Competent Financial AuthorityRs in Lakhs

18.1. ATG items

AOP / AOC-in–C 1000

SAASO / SASO / Comdt AFA / ACAS (Trg) 100

IAF Self Accounting Trg Establishment Commanded by AirCmde & above


IAF Self Accounting Trg Establishment commanded by Gp Capt& below


AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit – Air Cmde level 10

Stn Cdr / CO / OC Self Accounting Unit – Below Air Cmde level 5


1. Includes all items related to training.

18.2. ETG items

ACAS (Edn) / PSOs at Command HQ 500

AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit – Air Cmde level 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC Self Accounting Unit – Below Air Cmde level 25


1. Includes all items related to Educational training / Books / Journals, etc


Participation of Air Force personnel / Civil employees of IAF in Short-term

Training courses, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, Annual Conventions at

civil / defence / professional / academic organizations and institutions in


AOP / AOC-in-C Full Powers

Commandant AFA 50

ACAS (Trg) / ACAS (P&C) / SOA / SAASO(MC) /Commandant SDI / ASTE / CAW


AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit – Air Cmde level 10

Stn Cdr / CO /OC Self Accounting Unit – Below Air Cmdelevel 10

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1. Training courses for 1 year and more will require approval of Govt.

18.4 Organization of Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Training course in India

VCAS / AOC-in-C Full Powers

PSOs at Air HQ / Commandant AFA 200

PSOs at Command HQ / Commandant SDI / ASTE / CAW 100

AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit – Air Cmde level 20

Stn Cdr / CO / OC Self Accounting Unit – Below Air Cmdelevel 5


1. Powers to sanction expenditure for inviting Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers /experts for training courses will be as per DoPT rules.

2. TA/DA for Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers / experts will be done as per DoPTrules.

3. Includes procurement of training material for regular training and payment to guestfaculty for travel/ lecture/ honorarium.

4. Includes power to sanction expenditure towards Travel Fare, TA/DA andHonorarium to Non-Official / Civilian members of University Committees / Evaluationteams for visits to IAF Establishments for validation / re-validation ofAccreditation/Affiliation of courses.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

19.1. Sports and Adventure Items / Activities

AOA 2000

AOC-in-C 1000

DG (Wks&Cer) / SOA / SAASO (MC) / Commandant AFA, SDI,ASTE & CAW


AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit – Air Cmde level 10

Stn Cdr / CO / OC Self Accounting Unit – Below Air Cmdelevel



1. It includes expenditure on sports and adventure activities, stores and equipmentincluding adventure Arms and ammunition, propagation of organized sports and adventureactivities etc.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority

Rs in Lakhs



20.1. Acceptance of Necessity and Administrative Approval

CAS 5000 250

AOC-in-C 2000 100

Commandant AFA 1000 50

Commandant SDI / ASTE / CAW / ACAS (Works) 500 25

AOC / Comdt Self Accounting Unit – Air Cmde level 250 10

Stn Cdr / CO / OC Self Accounting Unit – Below AirCmde level

50 2

20.2. Demolition of Buildings

CAS 1000 Nil

AOC-in-C 500 Nil


1. Powers mentioned in Defence Works Procedure stand amended to the extent mentionedabove.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs


Emergency Procurement of all kinds of Stores / Eqpt / Veh, Hiring of

Specialized services / manpower, Hiring of specialized machinery /

equipment, all kinds of Transportation cases and any Misc / Contingent

expenditure connected with Exercises / Operations

AOC-in-C Full powers


1. These powers will be applicable in the case of urgent / Op Immediate militarynecessity relating to Military preparedness to meet the eventualities such as war orwar like situation, Natural Calamities, etc. The essence of delegating these powersis to expedite the procurement / repair of equipment / items / material / stores andprovisioning of various services, urgently required for the successful conduct of theoperation.

2. These powers will be exercised as and when Government notifies an event by wayof a Government order declaring War, Hostility, Natural Calamity / Disaster, etc orwhen Raksha Mantri declares and orders Military preparedness for Emergency /Op-Immediate Military necessity. It will also be applicable as and when a proposal,mooted by hand by Service Chiefs, is approved by Raksha Mantri for immediateaction to be taken in case of serious Accidents.

3. Once the approval of Raksha Mantri is given, SHQ will immediately convey theorder to concerned C-in-C (CFA) for taking procurement action. The order willcontain the essential requirements to be fulfilled by the C-in-C. Based on this, C-in-C will workout and approve the technical specifications, scope of work, quantityrequired for items, based on actual needs as deemed fit.

4. The procurement action will be taken by a 3-member Emergency EmpoweredCommittee (EEC), on behalf of the CFA, consisting of the Chief of Staff / equivalentas Chairman, the Command IFA and a Technical / Logistics Member of theCommand. The Chairman of EEC is empowered to co-opt any official / expert at hisdiscretion only to assist EEC and not act as member. EEC will be fully empoweredto take all decisions independently on all aspects at any stage of procurement (fromissue of RFP, conducting technical examination, holding commercial negotiations,preparing draft Supply order / Contract, etc). Full flexibility will be available to EECfor completing procurement cycle at shortest possible time. Potential Bidders can becontacted and their response bids can be received through fastest possible meansof communication like taking bids by hand or even by email / fax (if inescapable),shortening time for submission of bids to whatever is considered feasible for biddersto give their bids, etc. There will be no requirement for movement of files in EECand every decision will be taken in a collegiate manner by recording of minutes foreach stage of procurement i.e. issue of RFP, mode of bidding, technical evaluation,CST, commercial negotiation, draft Supply order / Contract, etc. In case ofdisagreement among the 3 members, directions will be sought from CFA and theEEC will act as per the decision of CFA. It is open for CFA to take oral / writtenclarifications from MoD / MoD (Fin) on any issue pertaining to procurement process/ stage.

5. The EEC will promptly prepare its report and the same will be signed by all 3

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members. The Report will be submitted by EEC to the CFA on file. CFA will accordExpenditure Angle Approval of the procurement without any reference to anyauthority unless he himself desires to do so. After procurement cycle is completed,CFA will send a report on procurement undertaken under these powers to MoDthrough staff channels for record.

6. Though the empowered committee is to follow all existing regulations as per existingGovt orders / DPM on procurement of Goods / services, there could be occasionsrequiring deviations from DPM. Such deviations from DPM would be promptly put upby EEC to CFA for approval with adequate justifications. If in view of CFA, any delayin case will not be in interests of state, then he can approve deviations from DPMand the case can be processed further. However, once the case is finalized andaction taken, a detailed report will be furnished by CFA to MoD giving detailedjustifications for deviations from DPM. This report will be put up through staffchannels to Raksha Mantri for his information.

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Sl No Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs / Period

22.1 Issue of Forecast Factor

VCAS / AOM Full powers

ACAS (Lgs) - For Non-Tech Store Full powers


1. To be done as per IAP 1541

22.2 Issue of Rate of Effort within Govt approved rates

VCAS Full powers

22.3 Issue of Repair Task to IAF BRDs, PSUs and Repair Agencies

AOM Full powers

AOC-in-C (decentralized ranges) Full powers


1. Includes task of repairs/overhauls for all government organizations (Other services likeArmy, Navy, Paramilitary forces and other government agencies) on book debit basis.

2. As per norms given in IAP 1541 leaflet 30 and 31.

22.4Decentralize indigenous Procurement normally undertaken centrally by Air

HQs / HQs MC

VCAS / AOC-in-C Hq MC 500

Note .

1. To be resorted to on grounds of Administrative necessity and / or if an IAF repair depotis the AHSP for the item. Procurement would be done by Depot on specific authorizationby Air HQs.

2. AOC-in-C (MC) to exercise power for decentralized ranges only.

22.5 AOG / PHU / MCM requisition on DPSUs

AOC / Stn Cdr / CO / OC self accounting ED / BRD / AFLE 200


1. Powers are in respect of only Indigenous stores.

2. Requisition is to be followed by an order within 30 days.

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22.6Extra Wharfage, Demurrage, container detention, Ground rent and other

such charges for clearance of cargo

VCAS / AOM / AOC-in-C 100

PSOs at Command Hqs / Commandant AFA, SDI, ASTE & CAW 50


1. Payment will be made first by unit / Emb Hqs to the concerned port / air / railwayauthorities without taking concurrence/approval of IFA / CFA. The payment will beregularized by sending the case to the appropriate IFA / CFA for according ex-post-factoconcurrence / approval.

2. Efforts should be made to avoid demurrage payments to the to the maximum extentpossible.


Issue of items on loan to Sellers / within service and to sister Defence

services / Para-military forces / DPSUs and other Central / State Govt


VCAS / AOM / AOC-in-C 5 Years

DG Air(Ops) / DG(Aircraft) / DG(System) 3 Years

SMSO / ACAS (Lgs) / AOES / AOLM 2 Years

AOC / Comdt / CO / OC of self accounting unit 1 Year


1. The cases of EW, Armament and Secret equipment will be exercised by VCAS only.Issue of MT / Specialist Vehicles on Loan can be given by VCAS / AOC-in-C.

2. Issue of Stores on Loan to Sellers can be done only against contracts for Design andDevelopment by CFAs at Service HQs / C-in-C at Command Hqs.

3. The Rules / Procedure governing the loan issue shall be followed as per IAP-1501.

22.8 Declaration of Surplus / Obsolete Stores

VCAS / AOM / AOC-in-C Full powers


1. Powers of C-in-C are for decentralized ranges.2. Powers are to be exercised only for declaration of surplus if item is

a. pre-mod or pre-upgradeb. Technically life expiredc. System to which it belong is rendered obsolete

3. As per guidelines in IAP 1541 leaflet 41 & AFO 19/2000

22.9 Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Stores

including Armament / Explosive Stores through Govt organizations / PSUs

VCAS / DCAS / AOM / DG(I&S) Full powers

AOC-in-C 2000

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AOC / Comdt of self accounting unit - Air Cmde and above 100

Stn Cdr / CO / OC of self accounting unit - Below Air Cmde 5

22.10 Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Stores

including Armament / Explosive Stores through Private Sector

VCAS / DCAS / AOM / DG(I&S) Full powers

AOC-in-C 1000


AOC / Comdt of self accounting unit - Air Cmde and above 50

Stn Cdr / CO / OC of self accounting unit - Below Air Cmde 2

22.11 Disposal of salvage

AOC / Stn Cdr / CO / OC (Self Accounting Unit) Full powers

22.12 Relaxation of MRP

AOC-in-C Beyond 50%

AOC/Cmdt/StnCdr/CO/OC (Self Accounting Units) upto 50%


1. MRP is to be fixed as per laid down Govt norms/orders


Issue of technically life expired and declared obsolete weapon systems /

components / items to government and private organizations / institutions for

display / educational / CCD (Camouflage, Concealment and Deception) and

decoy purposes.

Chief of the Air Staff Full powers


Regularization of Audit Objections Arising Out of Breaches of Rules and

Regulations when the Monetary Value of the Loss could be assessed in

consultation with PCDA / CDA

VCAS / DCAS / AOM / AOP / AOA / DG(I&S) 10

AOC-in-C 5


1. In all cases of audit objections arising out of breaches of rules and regulations; effortsshould be made to assess the loss/financial implication, if any, involved in the irregularitywhere the loss to the state or the financial implication involved can be computed theirregularity will be regularized in consultation with the PCDA/CDA. An illustrated list of thetype of objections which may be regularized and this procedure is shown below -

(a) Irregularities connected with Railway Warrants and Military Credit Notes e.g irregularissue of warrants military credit notes.

(b) Non-production of receipted copies of issue vouchers of stores. Failure to trace in theledgers credit in respect of receipt voucher.

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(c) Loss of auditable documents like car diaries, ration strength statements where the ceilingof the value of transaction involved can be assessed with reference to other connectedaccounts, e.g. with reference to the total value of POL issued or rations drawn during theperiod to which lost documents pertain.

(d) Irregularities connected with the use of M.T.

2. In the case of objections which involve loss to the state, efforts will be made to assessthe actual/approximate financial value of the loss on some. These powers are to beexercised only if –

(a) The necessity for and the practicability of recovery has been considered by the CFA

(b) The irregularity does not disclose a defect in the rules or regulations the amendment ofwhich requires the sanction of the Government vide Rule 157 FR Part I Vol I.

(c) The authorities concerned (or their predecessors) are themselves not personallyresponsible for the loss/ overpayment/ irregularity.

(d) Prior approval of the next higher financial authority shall be obtained in respect of casesmentioned at (c) above.

(e) Objections, which do not involve any loss to the State or when the monetary loss is notassessable, be referred to the respective Administrative Authorities/Head of the Branch at AirHQs for establishments under the direct administrative control of Air HQs.

(f) Copies of sanctions issued for the settlement of audit objections shall also be endorsed tothe statutory Audit Officers concerned.

(g) The financial powers contained in these orders are to be utilized for regularization ofcases outstanding as on date of issue of these orders.

(h) PCDA / CDA will report to the Govt of India cases in which the intention of this rule hasbeen misapplied


Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles and

MES Stores Due to Theft, Fraud or Gross Neglect

VCAS / DCAS / AOM / AOP / AOA / DG (I&S) 10

AOC-in-C 7

Commandant AFA / SDI / ASTE / CAW / SOA / SAASO / AOES orAOLM at Command Hqs / ACAS Lgs (For units under Air Hqs)

ACAS (Accts) - (for writing off debit balance of non-effective IRLA)


22.16Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles and

MES Stores Not Due to Theft, Fraud or Gross Neglect

VCAS / DCAS / AOM / AOP / AOA / DG(I&S) 50

AOC-in-C 35

Commandant AFA / SDI / ASTE / CAW / SOA / SAASO / AOESor AOLM at Command Hqs / ACAS Lgs (For units under Air Hqs)

ACAS (Accts) - (for writing off debit balance of non-effectiveIRLA)


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Self Accounting units (AOC/Comdt/CO/OC) Commanded by-

(a) Air Commodore

(b) Group Captain

(c)Wing Commander




Note For Sl. No. 22.15 & 22.16.

1. The above powers include as follows –a. Irregularities connected with use of MT, Railway warrants and military Credit notes e.g.

Irregular issue of warrants / Military Credit notes, loss of auditable documents,irregularities with respect to MC Notes.

b. Non-production of receipted copies of issue voucher of stores and failure to tracecredits in the ledgers in respect of receipt vouchers.

c. Regularization of deficiencies of stores revealed at the time of stock-taking.d. Erroneous expenditure in respect of deployment of manpower.

2. These powers may also be exercised in respect of DSC personnel attached to Air forceunits.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

Offloading Repairs and Refits of I.N. Ships / Submarines / Yard craft /Vessels / Floating Dry Dock including their Machinery / Equipment /Armament / Components

1.1 Through PSU / Port Trust Authority / Defence Organizations / Work Shops

CISC 8000

C-in-C 4000

NOIC 1000

NSRY 400

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs 20

1.2 Through Private Sector

CISC 7000

C-in-C 3000

NOIC 500

NSRY 300

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs 10

1.3 Abroad when Ships / Submarines are in Foreign waters

CISC 1000


1. These powers are to be exercised only when capacity for repairs is not available withNavy's workshops and Dockyards / NSRY. While entrusting the work to private firmsprovisions of Regulations 4411 of Regulations (Navy) Part-I Non-statutory are to beadhered to. Powers to be utilized for refits as promulgated by IHQ MoD (Navy).

2. Sl 1.2 will also include repairs by OEMs abroad.

1.4Dry Docking & Berthing of I.N. Ships / Submarines / Yard Craft / Vessel inCommercial Yards / Port Trust / PSUs

CISC 1500

C-in-C 1000

NSRY / CSY 100

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1. These powers are to be exercised only when capacity for repairs is notavailable with Navy’s / IDS’s Workshops and Dockyards / NSRY.

2. On each occasion of docking / berthing per ship.

3. To cover all expenditure of dry docking/ alongside berthing of a ship, bottomcleaning, painting and attendant charges for services supplied (ie electricity,water, drainage, removal of garbage, arranging of blocks, etc.) on each occasiondry docking and/or alongside berthing in commercial yards/ berths is to beauthorized only when facilities cannot be provided by the Navy at the portsconcerned.

Emergency repair of IN ships / submarines / equipment / vessels / craft incases where fighting or sea going efficiency is impaired

1.5 Through PSUs / Port Trust Authorities / Private Sector

CISC 1500

C-in-C 1000

NOIC 400

NSRY / CSY 200

COs of Ships/Submarines 10

1.6 Abroad when ships / submarines are in foreign waters

CISC 1000


1. These powers are to be exercised in cases of extreme operational exigency when thefighting / sea going efficiency of the ship is seriously affected.

1.7 Addition and Alterations (As&As)

CISC 1000

C-in-C 500


1.8 Modifications to Machinery / Equipment including Procurement of Mod Kits /Software Upgrades.

CISC 1000

C-in-C 500

NSRY / CSY 100


1. All cases of As&A would be approved by Hqs IDS after concurred by IHQ (Navy).2. The estimates of cost of additions and alterations should include the cost of labour andmaterial and over heads.

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Sl No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

Offloading Survey, Repair and Overhaul of Aircraft, UAV, Drone, PTA, etc.Including their Engines, Equipment, Components

2.1 Through PSU / Civil Aviation Authority

CISC / C-in-C 3000

COS or Dy C-in-C / MS 800

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs 100

COs of Air Stations (Army, Navy, Airforce) 50

2.2 Through Private Sector

CISC / C-in-C 2000

COS or Dy C-in-C / MS 400

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs 100

COs of Air Stations (Army, Navy, Airforce) 20

2.3 Abroad on operation / transit / ships in foreign waters

CISC 1000

2.4 Pre Survey of Aircraft through PSU / Private Sector

CISC 1000

C-in-C 500

NAY 100

COs of Air Stations 30

2.5 Pre-Survey of Aircraft through Foreign Manufacturer

CISC 200


1. These powers are to be exercised only when defective equipment and stores cannot berepaired in Aircraft Yard / Base Support Facilities owing to limited capacity.

2. In case the total amount of initial and supplementary sanction exceeds the power ofCFA, sanction of next higher CFA to be issued for the supplementary work.

3. Para 2.2 will also include repairs through OEM abroad.

2.6Alteration, Addition and Modification to Items affecting an individualAircraft, UAV, Drone, PTA etc. and their Equipment / Components

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CISC 1000

C-in-C 500

NAY 100


1. All As&A shall be approved by Hqs IDS after concurrence from respective services.

2. Includes development, modification for import substitution & trials of new equipment onaircraft.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

3.1 Items fitted / held in stock in Ships / Submarines, Shore establishments,Dockyards, Repair Yards / Organizations / Facilities / Units

CISC 1000

C-in-C 500

CLOGO / Budget Controller of Command / Cmdt TSIs / ISOs(Maj Gen and above)


COs Technical position & Technical Establishments, / ADGSI 30

NSRY / MS / WED / NAY / NAD / NAI / OC / CO's Wkshops /Depots / Coys / Repair Teams


COs of Ships/ Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / Establishment 5


1. These powers can be exercised provided it is not economical to get the stores /equipment repaired through the nearest Repair Organization or owing to limited capacity /expertise.

2. Repairs abroad to be undertaken only under Hqs IDS powers.

3. Replacement of Yard Equipment is to be recommended by a Board of Officers andconcurred by IHQ MoD (Navy) to enable maintenance of existing capacity level.

4. Yard Eqpt/facilities include Dry Docks with associated machinery including Dock gates,Flap gates, Caissons, Pontoons etc. Ship lifts System with associated machinery andsystems. Workshop Machinery such as Cranes, Forklifts, Lathes, Milling machines,Machining centres, MHEs, Electrical Transmission Eqpt, Test benches / CRETE / ATEs /Static Service installations including pipelines, cabling, hydrants, Switchboards, Junctionboxes, etc. Other installations in Dockyards, Aircraft Yards, Workshops and RepairOrganizations / shore establishments which require periodical / regular maintenance.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs In Lakhs

4.1 Miscellaneous and Contingent expenditure

CISC / C-in-C Full Powers

DGDIA / Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Lt Gen equivalent) 200

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent) / CLOGO / BudgetController of Command / MS / NOIC, Component Cdr Army /Navy / Air Force / AOC / Bde Cdr


DACIDS (Adm&Coord) / Cmdts TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent) /CSY / MS / NSRY / NAD / NAY / FMU / NAI / BVO / DDGSI /DSI Zones


COs of Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / Estt / OCs (Rankof Col and equivalent)


COs of Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / Estt / OCs (Rankof Lt Col and equivalent and below)



1. The above powers includes all kinds of contingent expenditure including as under -a. Procurement of all kinds of office equipment and related consumables and any

other latest equipments required for day to day functioning of an office.b. All kinds of administrative support services related to office functioning.c. Expenditure related to forms, printing, stationery, journals, legal fees, etc.d. Misc Expenditure incurred in connection with all kinds of ceremonial events.e. Welfare and amenity measures that help in the well being and morale of officers /

staff / troops.f. Any item / equipment needed for running of establishment.

4.2 Misc Expenditure while on tour



1. Subject to an Annual Ceiling of Rs 50 Lakhs.2. These powers will be used to provide welfare measures and amenities for troop


4.3 Publicity and Advertisement

CISC through DAVP Full Powers

CISC through sources other than DAVP 500

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C-in-C 100

4.4 Reciprocal Hospitality during Foreign Naval Ships Visit to Indian Ports

C-in-C 2

COS / NOIC / Component Cdr Army / Navy / Airforce 0.50

Note.1. Powers are per foreign naval ship per Indian port.

4.5 Gifts on occasion of Foreign Naval Ships visit to Indian Ports

C-in-C 1

COS / NOIC 0.15

Note.1. Powers are per foreign naval ship per Indian port.

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Sl No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

5.1 Tele-Communication Items / Services

CISC 1000

C-in-C 500

COS or Dy C-in-C 200

Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen & Above) / ADGSI / NOIC 100

Component Cdr (Navy/ Army/ Airforce), Bde Cdr / AOC / ComdtTSIs / ISOs (Brig and equivalent level) / DDGSI / DSI (Zones) /DACIDS (Adm&Coord)


CO's of Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / Establishment /Directors / Oi/Cs - Col and equivalent and below



1. The above powers are meant for procurement of all kinds of communication items /technology / services and will also include as under –

a. All categories of Telephony and communication network equipments, Radio AccessNetwork items, Telecom network / Telephone-related items, Media Secrecy Units, etc.

b. All kinds of payment related to Internet connectivity.c. Telecom consultancy (design, optimization and audit) & training, power supply,

environment control equipment, fire protection equipment, data centres, testequipment and tools etc.

d. Renting of circuits, INMARSAT, SATCOM and any other latest satellite -communication related items / services to meet operational requirements.

e. Any communication equipment / services necessitated due to improvements intechnology.

2. Renting of circuits will be sanctioned only at Hqs IDS / Command HQs. Operationalcircuits for purpose of Exercises, Overseas deployments, POGs etc can also be hired.

5.2 Intelligence stores / equipment



DDGSI / DSI (Zones) 10

OC Units 1

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

6.1 Outsourcing of services

CISC / C-in-C 1000

COS or Dy C-in-C / Cmdts TSIs / ISOs (Lt Gen equivalent) 200

Compo Cdr Air Force / Navy / Army / Bde Cdr NOIC / CmdtsTSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent)


MS / NSRY / CSY / NAY / NAI / OiC / Commandant TSIs / ISOs/ JSOs (Brig level)/ DDGSI / DSI (Zones)

COs Ships/ Units (Army, Navy, Airforce), Shore Establishment(Brig equivalent) / DACIDS (Adm&Coord)


COs Ships/ Units (Army, Navy, Airforce), Shore Establishment -(Col equivalent and below)



1.Provisions of GFR are to be followed and will be carried out as per extant orders of MoDon this subject.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

7.1 Security items / services

CISC / C-in-C 1000

DGDIA / Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Lt General equivalent) 100

Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Major General equivalent) 50

MS / NSRY / NAD / NAY / CSY / NAI / OiC / DDG SI / DSI(Zones) / BVO / Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Brigadier equivalent)


COs of ships, Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) and COs / Oi/C /Directors of establishment



1. Above power includes procurement of all kinds of Security items, works, services, etc,which are considered essential for security of their respective area. However, the list ofitems, which can be procured by different CFAs, will be promulgated by each Service HQs.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

8.1 Annual Training Grant / General Education Training Grant / Library Grant

DCIDS / C-in-C 1000

COS or Dy C-in-C / Comdt TSIs (Lt Gen equivalent) 200

ADGSI / Comdt TSIs (Maj Gen equivalent) 100

Comdt TSI (Brig equivalent) 50

NOIC / Component Cdrs (Army/Navy / Airforce) / AOC / BdeCdr


COs / OCs of Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / ShoreEstablishments – Brig equivalent and above


COs/OCs of Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / ShoreEstablishments - Col equivalent and below



1. It will include expenditure on training education services and libraries related items.

2. It will include expenditure related to creation/ maintenance of libraries/ e-libraries/educational resource centres, printed/ digital publications, examinations/ evaluations,implementation of official language, conduct of educational activities, distance education, e-learning, opinion polls, language courses, and skill development, including outsourcing ofthe above to private agencies.

3. Powers for creation of libraries shall be exercised only at Hqs IDS, with no freshaccretion of manpower.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

9.1 Sports and Adventure items and activities

CISC 2000

C-in-C 1000

COS or Dy C-in-C / Comdt TSIs & ISOs (Lt Gen equivalent) 100

Comdt TSIs & ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent) 50

Component Cdr (Army / Navy / IAF) / Bde Cdr / AOC / NOIC /MS / NSRY / Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig & below) / DDGSI / DSIZone / DACIDS (Adm&Coord)


CO Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / Estt Units / OiC /Directors of Trg Estab



1. It includes expenditure on sports and adventure activities, stores and equipmentincluding adventure Arms and ammunition, propagation of organized sports and adventureactivities etc.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

10.1 Flight safety items / services

CISC / C-in-C 1000

COS / Dy C-in-C 200

COs of Army Aviation Units / Naval Air Stations, AirforceStation, Aircraft Carriers / Helicopter capable Ships


1. These powers cover procurement of all kinds of items / services for flight safetypurposes including as under -

a. Hiring of different kinds of mechanical transport / services to clear vegetation and

environment control measures. Procurement of De-vegetation / vegetation control

equipment / manual vegetation clearance implements.

b. All kinds of anti-rodent measures, anti-wild life measures, disposal of carcass.

c. All kinds of animal / bird scaring measures including surveys / study / accident /

incident analysis by specialist bodies, specialized equipments, audio-visual


d. Specialized flight safety equipments like AAIB Kits, OHR (Operational Hazard

Report) Boxes, FOD (Foreign Object Damage) Bins etc for enhancing Flight Safety.

e. All kinds of Publicity measures and associated Audio-visual equipments.

f. Contingent expenditure on BHCT and accident investigation personnel.

g. All associated expenditure incurred on above mentioned items like their recurringmaintenance, consumables (including LPG/POL), electric eqpt, stationary items, etc.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

11.1 Indigenization of Equipment / Simulators / Training aids / MaintenanceStores & Spares, Development of modification Kits & Software /Development of Upgrades / Technology Insertion for Legacy / importedItems / Equipment

CISC 1000

DCIDS / C-in-C / DGDIA 500

NOIC / MS / NAD / WED / NAY / NSRY 100

11.2 Research and Development through Private sector

CISC 500

C-in-C 100

Comdt TSI / ISO (Maj Gen equivalent and above) 50

11.3 Research and Development through government / autonomous R&DOrganizations, In-House Defence agencies, professional / technicalinstitutions like IITs, etc on Proprietary basis

CISC 1000

C-in-C 200

Comdt TSI / ISO (Maj Gen equivalent and above) 100

Note for 11.2 & 11.3.

1. These powers include Design and Development activities pertaining to Warships,Aircrafts, Army Special Vehicle, Platforms and consultancy services and will also cover thefollowing activities - (a) Model test analysis, (b) Software development and procurement forconducting tests, (c) Weapon System Integration, (d) Setting up of Software EngineeringEnvironment / Procurement of Software tools and (e) Other D&D activities of interest for 3services /JSDs / ISOs

2. Includes expenditure on manufacture / fabrication, Procurement or issue of stores /spares / eqpt / other articles for experimental purposes/ test & trials covering essentialapplied research which are of interest to or are in use in the three services / joint staff, orfor expediting production / developing indigenous source, etc.

3. To include offloading Design / Development to academic institutions / Research Labs.

4. Expenditure should not overlap with DRDO Projects or Projects formed out of JointOperations with DRDO.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

12.1 Organization of Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Training course inIndia

CISC / C-in-C Full Powers

DCIDS / DGDIA / Cmdt Training Est (Lt Gen and equivalent) 200

COS / Dy C-in-C / Cmdt Training Est (Maj Gen and equivalent) 100

Non-training Organizations headed by Maj Gen and equivalent 50

MS / NSRY / NAD / WED / NAY / CSY / FMU / NAI / NOIC /Component Cdr Army / Navy / Air Force / AOC / Bde Cdr, CmdtTSIs / ISOs - Brig and equivalent


COs of training ships / Shore establishments / Units (Army,Navy, Airforce) / Air Sqn / Hospital ships



1. Powers to sanction expenditure for inviting Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers /experts for training courses will be as per DoPT rules.

2. TA/DA for Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers / experts will be done as per DoPT rules.

3. Includes procurement of training material for regular training and payment to guestfaculty for travel/ lecture/ honorarium.

4. Includes power to sanction expenditure towards Travel Fare, TA/DA and Honorarium toNon-Official / Civilian members of University Committees / Evaluation teams for visits to IDSships / Establishments for validation / re-validation of Accreditation/Affiliation of courses.

12.2 Participation of Service personnel / Civil employees of IDS in Short-termTraining courses, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, Annual Conventions atcivil / defence / professional / academic organizations and institutions inIndia

CISC / C-in-C Full Powers

DCIDS / DGDIA / Cmdt Training Est (Lt Gen and equivalent) 50

COS / Dy C-in-C / Cmdt Training Est (Maj Gen and equivalent) 20

Non-training Organizations headed by Maj Gen and equivalent 10

MS / NSRY / NAD / WED / NAY / CSY / FMU / NAI / NOIC /Component Cdr Army / Navy / Air Force / AOC / Bde Cdr, CmdtTSIs / ISOs - Brig and equivalent


Note. 1. Training courses for 1 year and more will require approval of Govt.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

13.1 Transportation

CISC / C-in-C 1000

COS / Dy C-in-C 200

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent and above ) 100

NOIC / NAD / NSRY / CSY / NAY / NSD, NAI / Component CdrArmy / Navy / Air Force / AOC / Bde Cdr / Cmdt TSIs / ISOsBrig equivalent / MS / DDGSI / DSI (Zones) / CLOGO / BudgetController of Command / DACIDS (Adm&Coord)


COs Ships / Shore Est / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) 10

1. These powers will cover all types of transportation cases including as under –

a. Hiring of civil transport, when service transport is not adequate or not available.

b. Hiring of different kinds of specialized vehicles, material handling equipment,

mechanical transports, water transport, animal transport, etc, whatever is considered

essential by the organizations for performing their tasks.

c. Airlift / shipping of stores from & to abroad and within the country.

d. Dispatch of items through specialized courier / post office.

e. Technical storage charges and expenditure in connection with loading / unloading of


f. Incidental charges associated with transportation like insurance premium, handling

charges, etc.

g. Port charges for berthing ships in ports.

2. Depending upon the need and convenience, it will be open for the organization / user to

decide on the mode of transport irrespective of it not being the cheapest mode.

13.2 Hiring of Vessels / Boats / Yard crafts and associated equipment

C-in-C 2000

COS / Dy C-in-C 100



1. Includes hiring for Harbour Patrols / Force protection / Coastal Security, etc.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

14.1 Galley Equipment

CISC / C-in-C 5000

Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs Maj Gen equivalent & above 20

CSO ((P&A) / LAP) / NOIC 10

COs of Ships and COs/OIC/Director of Establishment2

14.2 Victual Stores

CISC / C-in-C 10000

Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs Maj Gen equivalent & above / CSO ((P&A) /LAP)


CLOGO or Command Budget holder / BVO 50

COs of ships and COs/ OIC / Director of establishment 5


1. To procure those items authorized by scale and not supplied by Govt source ofsupply.

2. These will also include Procurements at foreign ports and at such Indian ports/stations where no Govt organization exists.

3. Includes supply of fresh water to ships and establishments.

14.3 Provisions to BV Yards / Establishments and Outlying units

CISC / C-in-C Full Powers

CSO (P&A) / LAP) 400

NOIC 200

BVO / Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs Maj Gen equivalent & above100


1. For items authorized as per scale and not provided by Govt source of supply.

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14.4 Sieving / Fumigation, Irradiation, Pest control, Cleaning of infested stocksof milled products, Cleaning of rice, etc.

CISC / C-in-C Full powers

Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs Maj Gen equivalent & above / CLOGO /Budget Controller of Command


Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs Brig equivalent / Compo Cdr Air Force,Army, Navy / AOC / Bde Cdr / NOIC / BVO


COs of Ships, Shore Estb, Units (Army, Air Force, Navy) /DDGSI / DSI Zones


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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

15.1 Central Procurement - Naval Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment - Indigenous

CISC 3000

COS / Dy C-in-C 1200

MS 800

15.2 Central Procurement - Naval Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment - Foreign

CISC 2500

COS / Dy C-in-C 800

MS 400

15.3 Local Procurement - Naval Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

C-in-C 100

CSO ((P&A) / LAP) 50

MS 30

Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent) / NAD / WED / NSD / NAY/ NSRY / NAY


COs Ships / Estt / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / OiC 5


1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by the competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to on indication of non-availability from the nearestStore Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots who can stock upto 6 monthsrequirements.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

16.1 Central Procurement - Armament Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Indigenous

CISC 3000

NAD 1000

16.2 Central Procurement - Armament Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Foreign

CISC 2500

NAD 500

16.3 Local Procurement - Armament Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

C-in-C 100

CSO ((P&A) / LAP) 50

NAD / WED / NSD / NAY / NSRY / NOIC / ComponentCdr Army / Air Force/ Navy / Brig Cdr / AOC / DSI Zones


COs Ships / Estt / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / OiC / Dirof establishments



1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by the competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to on indication of non-availability from the nearestStore Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots who can stock upto 6 monthsrequirements.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

7.1 Central Procurement - Clothing Stores including Mess Traps

CISC 1000

COS / Dy C-in-C 200

MS 100


1. Hqs IDS may promulgate guidelines to identify the list of items to be procured by each MS.

17.2 Local Procurement of Clothing including Mess Traps

C-in-C 200

CSO (P&A/LAP) 100

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent & above) / BVO / NOIC 50

MS / Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent) 10

COs of ships and COs (Army,Navy, Airforce) / OiC / Director ofestablishment


17.3 Sewing of Uniforms, Clothing and initial addition / alteration, washing,repairing & re-stuffing troops, bedding, cobbler contracts, preservation ofequipment / stores / machinery

C-in-C Full Powers

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen & above) / CSO (P&A/LAP) 200


BVO / COs of Ships and COs (Army,Navy, Airforce) / OiC /Director of Establishment




1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by competent authority.2. Local procurement will be resorted to only after obtaining non-availability certificate fromthe nearest Store Depot.3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots which may stock upto 6 monthsrequirement.4. Rate contracts to include contracts for tailoring and washing for Comdt TrainingEstablishments.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores

18.1 Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Indigenous(Scaled)

CISC 1000

18.2 Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores -Foreign (Scaled)

CISC 750

18.3 Central Procurement - MT / Specialist vehicles and stores - Indigenous /Foreign (Non Scaled / New item)

CISC 100


1. Procurement of MT/Specialist Vehicles will be done only at HQIDS which will besubject to latest austerity measures issued by MoF on the subject and regulated interms of MoD (Fin) instructions as issued from time to time.

2. Specialist vehicles will also include items like Nitrogen charger plants, Oxygencharger, Air jet starter, SAT, GPU, HST, Truck fork lifter, Refueller, Water tenderlorry, Heavy tractor, Light tractor, MM van, Station wagon, Water trailer, DFT, CFT,etc among other specialist vehicles.

18.4 Local Procurement – MT Stores

C-in-C 100

COS / Dy C-in-C / Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent &above)


CLOGO or Command Budget holder / NSRY / NAY / MS / WED /NAD / Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent)


OC EME Bn / CO / OC Repair Units / Workshops / Depots(Army, Navy, Airforce)


CO Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / Establishments 5


1. Powers also include for modification of Class A & C / specialist vehicles andassociated equipment to meet operational & technical needs but will be exercisedonly by Command Hqs.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

19.1 Central Procurement - Weapon Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Indigenous

CISC 3000

19.2 Central Procurement - Weapon Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Foreign

CISC 2500

19.3 Local Procurement - Weapon Stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

C-in-C 100

CSO ((P&A) / LAP) 50


COs of ships and units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / OIC /Directors of Establishment



1. Articles so procured shall be those authorized for use in the service and shall be formeasures already sanctioned or approved by the competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to on indication of non-availability from the nearestStore Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and not forstock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots who can stock upto 6 monthsrequirements.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

20.1 Central Procurement - Aviation stores / Spare Parts / Equipment -Indigenous

CISC 3000

COS / Dy C-in-C 1000

MS 500

20.2 Central Procurement - Aviation stores / Spare Parts / Equipment - Foreign

CISC 2500

COS / Dy C-in-C 500

MS 250

20.3 Local Procurement - Aviation stores / Spare Parts / Equipment

C-in-C 100

MS 30

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Lt Gen equivalent) 20

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent) / NAY 10

COs Ships / Station Cdr / COs of Aviation Units 5


1. Articles (Stores / Spare Parts / equipments) so procured shall be those authorizedfor use in the service and shall be for measures already sanctioned or approvedby competent authority.

2. Local procurement will be resorted to only after obtaining non-availabilitycertificate from the nearest Store Depot.

3. Local procurement is to be confined only to minimum urgent requirements and notfor stock purpose, except in the case of Store Depots which may stock upto 6months requirement.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

21.1 To Replenish Disaster Management Bricks

CISC 500


1. These powers are for replenishment / recouping / repairs of stores, forming part ofDisaster Management brick.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

22.1 Information Technology Items / Services

CISC / C-in-C 1000


COS or Dy C-in-C / Comdt TSIs (Lt Gen equivalent) 200

Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent)

CSO (P&A) / LAP / MS100


Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent)

Component Cdrs (Army/ Navy/Air Force) / AOC / Bde CdrDDGSI / DSI Zones

DACIDS (Adm & Coord)


CO's of Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / ShoreEstablishments / OiCs - Below Brig level



1. These powers cover all kinds of IT procurement cases including as under -

a) IT / Systems Automation or any relevant IT related projects.

b) IT Main Hardware, IT Networking eqpts, IT peripherals / accessories.

c) IT / Systems / Application software (subject to AON by Command HQ / SHQ forunits under SHQ).

d) IT-related networks, Internet facility, media connectivity including associatedhardware and software and payment of networking / internet charges.

e) Software development and technical consultancy for IT projects (subject to AON byCommand HQ / SHQ for units under SHQ).

f) IT Stationary and consumables

g) Spares, up-gradation, repair and maintenance of items mentioned above.

2. Any new technology / item / services in IT field can also be procured.

22.2 Training related to Information Technology

CISC / C-in-C 500

Comdt TSIs (Lt Gen equivalent) 100

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Comdt TSIs (Maj Gen equivalent) 50

Comdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent) / DDGSI / DSI Zones /Component Cdrs (Army/ Navy/Air Force) / AOC / Bde Cdr



CO's of Ships / COs / OiCs / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) /Director of Establishments


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Sl No Competent Financial Authority

Rs in Lakhs



23.1 Acceptance of Necessity and Administrative Approval

CISC 4000 200

C-in-C 2000 100

Cmdts TSIs / ISOs (Lt Gen equivalent) 1000 50

Cmdts TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent) /ACIDS (FP)

500 25

Component Cdr Army, Navy, Airforce Org /Estabs / Cmdts TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent)DDG SI / DSI (Zones) / NOIC / Cdr Sub Area/ Bde Cdr / AOC (Brig equivalent) / DACIDS(Adm&Coord)

250 10

Stn Cdr / CO of Army, Navy, Airforce Units(Below rank of Brig)

50 2

23.2 Demolition of Buildings

CISC 800 -

C-in-C 500 -


1. Powers mentioned in Defence Works Procedure stand amended to the extentmentioned above.

23.3 Maintenance Dredging of Sea / Port area

C-in-C Full Powers


1. To be based on Operational Requirement.

2. To cover hire and use of dredging equipment to clear approaches to Naval areas oneach occasion.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

Special Financial Powers of C-in-C SFC & ANC for procurement ofequipment and Stores and Carrying out modifications to equipment formeeting special operational requirements including those relating tocounter insurgency / Internal Security duties and AID to Civil Authorities

24.1 Stores / Sector Stores

C-in-C 1000

24.2 Miscellaneous and Contingent Expenditure

C-in-C 50


1. The powers given at Sl 24.1 and 24.2 are subject to overall Annual ceiling of Rs 50 cr.

2. The powers at Sl 24.2 are subject to a limit of 10 % of Annual ceiling given at Para 1above.

3. All procurement procedures as prescribed in Government orders and Serviceinstructions will be complied with in respect of procurement of of stores.

4. A tentative list of items, which have been approved for introduction in the Army, andwhich are to be procured in the ensuing financial year, will be forwarded by Command toHQs IDS by 01 Jan. HQs IDS will intimate the Commands by 01 Mar which items in thetentative list may not be procured as they would be positively made available throughcentral procurement in a shorter time frame. The details of items procured under thesepowers will be forwarded to Hqs IDS at the end of each financial year by 15 April for beingtaken into account as assets in the Annual Provision Review.5. Non standard pattern equipment / items and spares for specific operationalrequirements in need based quantities may also be procured.

6. These powers are to be used for procuring items coming under Minor Head 112 E and112 C.

7. The purpose of delegation is to facilitate the procurement of equipment / spares/ itemsto supplement the availability of these through central sources to obviate non availabilitybecoming a constraint, particularly in Defence of border areas / Counter InsurgencyOperations / Internal Security Duties / Aid to Civil Authorities during Natural Calamities andDisaster Relief Operations and other immediate operational requirements.

8. Drawl of FOL for eqpt / machinery / vehicles purchased out of ACSFP Funds, isauthorised from ASC Depots / MS.

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9. All equipment and stores will be properly accounted for by the designated Depots /Unitsand issued to the designated units under the orders of C-in-C as per existing procedure.Non-Standard items procured under these powers will be treated as Sector Stores, exceptthose procured in limited quantities in lieu of standard equipment in case of extremeurgency. All stores / equipment procured under these powers will be treated as Ord storesfor purposes of condemnation and disposal.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

25.1 Emergency Procurement of all kinds of Stores / Eqpt / Veh, Hiring ofSpecialized services / manpower, Hiring of specialized machinery /equipment, all kinds of Transportation cases and any Misc / Contingentexpenditure connected with Exercises / Operations

C-in-C Full Powers


1. These powers will be applicable in the case of urgent / Op Immediate militarynecessity relating to Military preparedness to meet the eventualities such as war orwar like situation, Natural Calamities, etc. The essence of delegating these powersis to expedite the procurement / repair of equipment / items / material / stores andprovisioning of various services, urgently required for the successful conduct of theoperation.

2. These powers will be exercised as and when Government notifies an event by wayof a Government order declaring War, Hostility, Natural Calamity / Disaster, etc orwhen Raksha Mantri declares and orders Military preparedness for Emergency /Op-Immediate Military necessity. It will also be applicable as and when a proposal,mooted by hand by Service Chiefs, is approved by Raksha Mantri for immediateaction to be taken in case of serious Accidents.

3. Once the approval of Raksha Mantri is given, SHQ will immediately convey theorder to concerned C-in-C (CFA) for taking procurement action. The order willcontain the essential requirements to be fulfilled by the C-in-C. Based on this, C-in-C will workout and approve the technical specifications, scope of work, quantityrequired for items, based on actual needs as deemed fit.

4. The procurement action will be taken by a 3-member Emergency EmpoweredCommittee (EEC), on behalf of the CFA, consisting of the Chief of Staff / equivalentas Chairman, the Command IFA and a Technical / Logistics Member of theCommand. The Chairman of EEC is empowered to co-opt any official / expert at hisdiscretion only to assist EEC and not act as member. EEC will be fully empoweredto take all decisions independently on all aspects at any stage of procurement (fromissue of RFP, conducting technical examination, holding commercial negotiations,preparing draft Supply order / Contract, etc). Full flexibility will be available to EECfor completing procurement cycle at shortest possible time. Potential Bidders can becontacted and their response bids can be received through fastest possible meansof communication like taking bids by hand or even by email / fax (if inescapable),shortening time for submission of bids to whatever is considered feasible for biddersto give their bids, etc. There will be no requirement for movement of files in EECand every decision will be taken in a collegiate manner by recording of minutes foreach stage of procurement i.e. issue of RFP, mode of bidding, technical evaluation,CST, commercial negotiation, draft Supply order / Contract, etc. In case ofdisagreement among the 3 members, directions will be sought from CFA and theEEC will act as per the decision of CFA. It is open for CFA to take oral / writtenclarifications from MoD / MoD (Fin) on any issue pertaining to procurement process/ stage.

5. The EEC will promptly prepare its report and the same will be signed by all 3

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members. The Report will be submitted by EEC to the CFA on file. CFA will accordExpenditure Angle Approval of the procurement without any reference to anyauthority unless he himself desires to do so. After procurement cycle is completed,CFA will send a report on procurement undertaken under these powers to MoDthrough staff channels for record.

6. Though the empowered committee is to follow all existing regulations as per existingGovt orders / DPM on procurement of Goods / services, there could be occasionsrequiring deviations from DPM. Such deviations from DPM would be promptly put upby EEC to CFA for approval with adequate justifications. If in view of CFA, any delayin case will not be in interests of state, then he can approve deviations from DPMand the case can be processed further. However, once the case is finalized andaction taken, a detailed report will be furnished by CFA to MoD giving detailedjustifications for deviations from DPM. This report will be put up through staffchannels to Raksha Mantri for his information.

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Sl No Competent Financial AuthorityRs in Lakhs /


26.1 Issue of items on loan to Sellers / within service and to sister Defenceservices / Para-miltary forces / DPSUs and other Central / State GovtAgencies

CISC / C-in-C 5 years

DCIDS 3 years

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent and above) / ADGSI /CSO ((P&A) / LAP)

2 years

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent) NOIC / Component Cdr(Army/ Navy/ Airforce), Bde Cdr / AOC MS / NSRY / NAY / CSY/ WED / NAD / Oi/Cs Technical Positions / DDGSI / DSI (Zones)

1 year


1. The cases of EW, Armament and Secret equipment will be exercised by CISC only.Issue of MT / Specialist Vehicles on Loan can be given by CISC / C-in-C.

2. Issue of Stores on Loan to Sellers can be done only against contracts for Designand Development by CFAs at Service HQs / C-in-C at Command Hqs.

3. The Rules / Procedure governing the loan issue shall be followed.

26.2 Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles andMES Stores Due to Theft, Fraud or Gross Neglect


C-in-C 7

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs Maj Gen equivalent & above 4

NAD / MS / NAY / CE / NOIC / Compo Cdr (Army / Navy / AirForce) / Brig Cdr

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent)


26.3 Write off of Losses of Public money and Stores Including MT Vehicles andMES Stores Not Due to Theft, Fraud or Gross Neglect


C-in-C 35

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs Maj Gen equivalent & above 20

MS / NAY / CSY / CE / BVO / NAD / NOIC / Compo Cdr (Army /Navy / Air Force) / Brig Cdr

AOC / Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent)


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COs of ships / Estt / OiC Store Depots / Repair Yards /Inspectorates / Dir / Oic of Independent Units



1. The above powers include as follows –a. Irregularities connected with use of MT, Railway warrants and military Credit notes e.g.

Irregular issue of warrants / Military Credit notes, loss of auditable documents,irregularities with respect to MC Notes.

b. Non-production of receipted copies of issue voucher of stores and failure to tracecredits in the ledgers in respect of receipt vouchers.

c. Regularization of deficiencies of stores revealed at the time of stock-taking.d. Erroneous expenditure in respect of deployment of manpower.

2. To include Reserve / Advanced / Forward Base Supply / Petroleum Depots and otherSupply and Petroleum installations / EME Units. These powers will also be exercised inrespect of Engineers Establishments not covered by MES Regulations including losses ofstores those in transit in respect of E-in-C’s stock. These powers may also be exercised inrespect of DSC personnel attached to units of Joint Staff.

26.4 Write Off of Losses due to Downgrading of Stores held in Depot / BVY InRespect of Attractive Stores, Viz. Clothing & Mess traps and other thanClothing and Mess traps

Not Due to Theft, Fraud orGross Neglect

Due to Theft, Fraud orGross Neglect

CISC 5 2.5

C-in-C 3 1.5

MS / BVO 2 1


1. For stores held on charge of MOs / Depots / BVYs as serviceable are found to beRepairable / BER(C) / Scrap owing to deterioration while in stock, the change in conditionshall be adjusted by MOs / Depots / BVYs provided defects are due to fair wear and notdue to lack of suitable storage accommodation or failure to look after the articles properly instore. The change in condition to be certified by CTS / BVO or by his authorizedrepresentatives on the above lines.

2. In case value of total quantity to be downgraded of any single item is more than thefinancial limits prescribed for clothing & mess traps and other than clothing & mess trapsrespectively, regularization of the loss due to down- gradation will be sanctioned by CFAbased on the approved proceedings of Board of Officers constituted by AAs fordowngrading the condition of the stores.

26.5 Regularization of Audit Objections Arising Out of Breaches of Rules andRegulations when the Monetary Value of the Loss could be assessed inconsultation with PCDA / CDA


C-in-C 5

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1. In all cases of audit objections arising out of breaches of rules and regulations; effortsshould be made to assess the loss/ financial implication, if any, involved in the irregularitywhere the loss to the state or the financial implication involved can be computed theirregularity will be regularized in consultation with the PCDA/CDA. An illustrated list of thetype of objections which may be regularized and this procedure is shown below -

(a) Irregularities connected with Railway Warrants and Military Credit Notes e.g. irregularissue of warrants military credit notes.

(b) Non-production of receipted copies of issue vouchers of stores. Failure to trace in theledgers credit in respect of receipt voucher.

(c) Loss of auditable documents like car diaries, ration strength statements where theceiling of the value of transaction involved can be assessed with reference to otherconnected accounts, e.g. with reference to the total value of POL issued or rations drawnduring the period to which lost documents pertain.

(d) Irregularities connected with the use of M.T.

2. These powers are to be exercised only if -

(a) The necessity for and the particularly of recovery has been considered by the CFA.

(b) The irregularly does not disclose a defect in the rules or regulations the amendment ofwhich requires the sanction of the Government vide Rule 157 FR Part-I Vol.I

(c) The authorities concerned (or their predecessors) are themselves not personallyresponsible for the loss/ overpayment/ irregularity.

(d) Prior approval of the next higher financial authority shall be obtained in respect ofcases mentioned at (c) above.

3. Objections, which do not involve any loss to the State or when the monetary loss is notassessable, be referred to the respective Administrative Authorities/ Head of the Branch atJoint Staff Head quarters for establishments under the direct administrative control of JointStaff HQs.

4. Copies of sanctions issued for the settlement of audit objections shall also be endorsedto the statutory Audit Officers concerned.

5. PCDA / CDA will report to the Govt of India cases in which the intention of this rule hasbeen misapplied.

6. In the case of objections which involve loss to the state, efforts will be made to assessthe actual / approximate financial value of the loss.

26.6 Extra Wharfage, Demurrage, container detention, Ground rent and othersuch charges for clearance of cargo

CISC / C-in-C 100

Cmdt TSIs / ISOs (Brig equivalent and above) / CSO ((P&A) /LAP)


MS / NAD / NAY / NAI 10


1. Payment will be made first by unit / Emb Hqs to the concerned port / air / railway

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authorities without taking concurrence/approval of IFA / CFA. The payment will beregularized by sending the case to the appropriate IFA / CFA for according ex-post-factoconcurrence / approval.

2. Efforts should be made to avoid demurrage payments to the to the maximum extentpossible.

26.7 Sanction and Pass Defect Lists and Estimates of Account of Repairs andRefit of Ships / Submarines, Vessels, Small Crafts and Floating Dry Dock

C-in-C Full Powers


1. As per Approved Refit Plan by IHQ, MoD(N) for Ships, Small crafts and Floating DryDock.

26.8 Destruction of category 'G' food stuffs.

CISC / C-in-C Full Powers

Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent & above) / CLOGO /Designated Logistic Officers of Comds / NOIC



26.9 Regularize over issue of rations by Ships / Units / Establishments / JSOrganizations

CISC / C-in-C 5

Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs (Lt Gen equivalent) 1

Cmdt of TSIs / ISOs (Maj Gen equivalent) / NOIC / CLOGO /Designated Logistic Officers of Comds


Compo Cdr Army /Air Force/ Navy / Brig Cdr / AOC / Cmdt of TSIs /ISOs Brig equivalent & below, DDGSI / DSI Zones / COs of Ships /Units (Army, Navy, Airforce) / Estt


26.10 Survey Contingency

Officer in-charge Detached Survey party from Survey Ships,Surveying Units, National Hydrographic School


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1. These powers can be used for following –

(a) Local purchase of dry and fresh provisions and fuel.

(b) Expenditure on Jeep, i.e. POL Servicing and repairs etc.

(c) Hiring of transport both surface and sea borne

(d) Telephone charges including STD calls.

(e) Hiring of photographic services/equipment, developing and printing.

(f) Clearing of survey sites, digging of snake pits around the field tents, hiring ofcoolie/labour.

(g) Purchase of consumable spares to meet immediate operational requirements.

(h) Hiring of office accommodation where available. Electricity, Water and rent charges,installation of temporary telephone connection etc.

(j) Charges for photocopying and blue printing.

(k) Clearing of helicopter landing sites.

(l) Charges for battery charging.

(m) Water carrier charges.

(n) Faxing/Speed Post/Courier service charges.

(p) Bank charges.

(q) Hiring of Survey/Processing equipment/services where not provided by parentships/units.

(r) Miscellaneous and contingent expenditure other than above.

(s) Provisioning of field Hydrographic/Trials software.

26.11 Declaration of Surplus / Obsolete Stores

CISC Full Powers


1. Powers are to be exercised only for declaration of surplus if item isa. Pre-mod or pre-upgradeb. Technically life expiredc. System to which it belong is rendered obsolete

26.12 Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Storesincluding Armament / Explosive Stores through Govt organizations / PSUs

CISC Full Powers

C-in-C 2000

COS or Dy C-in-C / DCIDS 500

MS / Cmdt TSI / ISO (Maj Gen equivalent and above) 100

Cmdt TSI / ISOs Brig equivalent & below / CO / OiCs of Depots(Col / Lt Col equivalents)


26.13 Disposal of Life Expired, Unserviceable, Surplus and obsolete Stores

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including Armament / Explosive Stores through Private Sector

CISC Full Powers

C-in-C 1000

COS or Dy C-in-C / DCIDS 200

MS / Cmdt TSI / ISO (Maj Gen equivalent and above) 50

Cmdt TSI / ISOs Brig equivalent & below / CO / OiC of Depots(Col / Lt Col equivalents)


Note for Sl 26.12 and 26.13.

1. After fixing the reserve price in advance.

2. Provisions of Rule 196-201 of GFR to be adhered to.

3. Disposal should normally be done through authorized auctioneer. However,where it is not possible, reasons for the same to be recorded in writing.

4. This includes disposal of Armament Stores by dumping in the sea.

5. Commandant TSIs/ ISOs for disposal of vessels, micro light gliders, gliders andstores.

6. This includes stores declared unserviceable due to technical /safety reasons evenwithin shelf life.

26.14 Disposal of salvage

COs of Ships / Units (Army, Navy, Airforce), Establishment / Depots /DDGSI / DSI Zones / DACIDS (Adm&Coord)

Full Powers

26.15Repairs of Damage to Hired Transport / Mobile Yard Equipment Hiredfor the use in Dockyard / Depots / Repair Yards Including NAY

C-in-C 10

Cmdt TSI (Maj Gen equivalent and above) 4



1. Where the liability of Government for damages incurred is not in question and thecircumstances are not of such a nature, as to require report, bills on this account may besanctioned by these authorities in each case. In cases in which the cost of repairing thedamage is estimated to exceed Rs.50,000 and where there is the least doubt as to theliability of the Government, or where the circumstances in which the damage occurred areof an unusual character, however small the amount involved, a full report of the case withthe opinion of the transmitting authorities should be submitted for the orders of theGovernment of India.

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MINOR HEAD – 2076/2077/2078, MINOR HEAD – 105/112E

Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

1.1. Transportation


DGMS (Army, Navy, Air force), DCIDS (Med) 50

Comdt AFMSDs (Lucknow, Delhi, Mumbai)

Heads of Medical branches at Comd / Formation HQs ofArmy / Navy / Air force / Joint Staff i.e. CMOs / PMOs

Hospitals - Maj Gen and equivalent & above



Hospitals - Brig and equivalent


Hospitals - Col and equivalent & below 5

1. These powers will cover all types of transportation cases including as under –

a. Hiring of civil transport, when service transport is not adequate or not available.

b. Hiring of different kinds of specialized vehicles, material handling equipment,

mechanical transports, water transport, animal transport, etc, whatever is

considered essential by the organizations for performing their tasks.

c. Airlift / shipping of stores from & to abroad and within the country.

d. Dispatch of items through specialized courier / post office.

e. Technical storage charges and expenditure in connection with loading / unloading

of goods.

f. Incidental charges associated with transportation like insurance premium,

handling charges, etc.

g. Port charges for berthing ships in ports.

2. Depending upon the need and convenience, it will be open for the organization /

user to decide on the mode of transport irrespective of it not being the cheapest mode.

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NAVY/IDS: MAJOR HEAD – 2077, MINOR HEAD – 110(H), 112(E)



Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

2.1. Central Procurement - Scaled / PVMS – Medical / Dental / Vet Stores(Expendable & Non-Expendable)


DGMS (Army/Navy/Air Force) / DCIDS (Med) / AddlDGAFMS (E&S)


DGDS 100

Comdts AFMSDs (Lucknow, Delhi, Mumbai) 25




1. DGDS will exercise the above powers only after obtaining Approval-In-Principle(AIP) from DGAFMS.

2.2. Central Procurement - NIV / Non Scaled – Medical / Dental / Vet Stores(Expendable & Non-Expendable)


DGMS (Army/Navy/Air Force) / DCIDS(Med) / Addl DGAFMS(E&S)



Addl DGAFMS (MR) 20

Comdts AFMSDs 10



1. DGDS will exercise the above powers only after obtaining Approval-In-Principle(AIP) from DGAFMS.

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2.3. Rate Contract – PVMS / NIV - Medical Stores (Expendable & Non-Expendable) / ECHS stores


Addl DGAFMS (E&S) 500


All DDOs can place direct orders on RC holding Seller in case of reqmt, incl for ECHSor other agency dependant on DGAFMS.

2.4. Local Procurement – PVMS / NIV - Medical / Dental / Vet Stores(Expendable & Non-Expendable) / ECHS stores including Price Agreement

Heads of Medical Branches at Fmn / Cmd HQ of Army / Navy /Air Force & Joint Staff incl CMOs of Navy & PMOs of Air Forceof the rank of Brig equivalent and above


Comdts AFMSDs (Lucknow, Delhi, Mumbai) 50


Comdt AMSDs & FMSDs / MESDs / Fleet Medical Store Depots 10

Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit / Est / AFC of Army / Navy / AirForce & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations & PMOs / FMOs or COs of Ships &equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Maj Gen and above 100

Brig 50

Col 25

Lt Col and below 10

Dental Units - Comdts / Dir / COs of Dental Units of Army / Navy / Air Force, ADC(R&R) / AFDC / CMDCs / MDCs / NIDS / AFIDS / Joint Staff of the rank and theirequivalent mentioned below -

Maj Gen 20

Brig 10

Col 5

Lt Col and below 2


1. Comdt AFMSDs will exercise these powers only for maintenance and repairs ofmedical eqpts.

2. The powers also include price agreements valid for one year for medical storesexcluding RC items concluded under Central Rate Contracts.

3. Hospitals may stock upto 60 days requirement as calculated by their MMF.

4. A Price Agreement may be concluded based on the value of annual drawl inrespect of item to fix the prices of each item. Supply orders can be placed for upto 4months’ requirement (4xMMF) against Price Agreement.

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2.5 Emergency powers to procure medical stores

Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit / Est /AFC of Army / Navy / Air Force & Joint Staff incl SMOs of AirForce stations & PMOs / FMOs or COs of Ships

Maximum upto30 days’requirement

Comdts / Dir / COs of Dental Units of Army / Navy / Air Force,ADC (R&R) / AFDC / CMDCs / MDCs / NIDS / AFIDS / JointStaff

Maximum upto15 days’requirement


1. These powers are to be used only in emergency situations when medical stores arenot available through normal channels or from stock and requirements are criticallyand immediately required by the hospitals to treat their patients. Head of hospital willcertify the emergency situation before these powers can be exercised.

2. Procurement will be done only for those medical stores, which are critically requiredto handle the particular case, due to which emergency situation has occurred.

3. These powers can be used only for placing Supply orders on existing RateContracts and Price Agreements.

4. In such emergency procurement cases, no prior concurrence / reference is requiredto be made by above mentioned authorities to their IFA or higher CFAs. However, afteremergency procurement is done, a MIS containing details of procurement will be sentto IFA / higher CFAs for their record and reference for future cases.

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NAVY/IDS: MAJOR HEAD – 2077, MINOR HEAD – 110(O), 112(E)


Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

3.1. Information Technology Items / Services


DGMS (Army / Navy / Air Force) / DCIDS(Med) 200

Comdt Cat A Est (AMC Centre & College, AFMC) / Comdt AH(R&R)


Med and Dental Units - Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit / Est / AFCof Army / Navy / Air Force / IDS & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations & PMOs /FMOs or COs of Ships & equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Maj Gen and above 50

Brig 30

Col & below 10


1. These powers cover all kinds of IT procurement cases including as under -

a) IT / Systems Automation or any relevant IT related projects.

b) IT Main Hardware, IT Networking eqpts, IT peripherals / accessories.

c) IT / Systems / Application software (subject to AON by DGAFMS).

d) IT-related networks, Internet facility, media connectivity including associatedhardware and software and payment of networking / internet charges.

e) Software development and technical consultancy for IT projects (subject to AON byDGAFMS).

f) IT Stationary and consumables.

g) Spares, up-gradation, repair and maintenance of items mentioned above.

2. Any new technology / item / services in IT field can also be procured.

3.2. Training related to Information Technology


DGMS (Army/Navy/Air Force) / DCIDS (Med) 100

DGDS / Comdt Cat A Est & AH (R&R) 50

Med and Dental Units - Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit / Est / AFC ofArmy / Navy / Air Force / IDS & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations & PMOs / FMOs Or

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COs of Ships & equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Maj Gen and above 20

Brig 10

Col & below 2

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

4.1. Research and Development through government / autonomous R&DOrganizations, In-House Defence agencies, professional / technicalinstitutions like IITs, etc on Proprietary basis


4.2 Research and Development through Private Sector


Note for 4.1 and 4.2 above.

1. Also includes expenditure on manufacture / fabrication, procurement or issue ofstores / spares / eqpt / other articles for experimental purposes / test & trialscovering essential applied research which are of interest to or are in use inMedical field, or for expediting production / developing alternative sources, etc.

2. Also includes offloading Development activity to academic institutions /Research Labs.

3. Also includes steps for Indigenization of medical stores / Equipment / Trainingaids / Maintenance Stores & Spares, Development of medical software /Development of Upgrades / Technology Insertion for Legacy / imported Items /Equipment.

4. Expenditure should not overlap with DRDO Projects or Projects formed out ofJoint Operations with DRDO.

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

5.1. Miscellaneous & Contingent Expenditure

DGAFMS Full Powers

DGMS (Army / Navy / Air force) / DCIDS (Med)

(For Hospitals / Units / Est)


DGDS, Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) 50

Addl DGAFMS (E&S) 20

Heads of Medical Branches at Cmd/Fmn HQ of Army/Navy/Air force/IDS of theequivalent rank mentioned below in respect of medical and dental units -

Maj Gen 20

Brig 10

Med and Dental Units - Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / FdHosp / Unit / Est /AFC of Army / Navy / Air Force / IDS & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations &PMOs / FMOs Or COs of Ships & equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Maj Gen and above 20

Brig 10

Col & below 5


1. The above powers includes all kinds of contingent expenditure including as under -a. Procurement of all kinds of office equipment and related consumables andany other latest equipments required for day to day functioning of an officeb. All kinds of administrative support services related to office functioningc. Expenditure related to forms, printing, stationery, journals, legal fees, etc.d. Expenditure incurred in connection with all kinds of ceremonial events.e. Welfare and amenity measures that help in the well being and morale ofofficers / staff / troops.f. Any item/equipment needed for running of establishment.

5.2. A-in-U Grant for upkeep of Store Houses & Office eqpt


Addl DGAFMS (E&S) 20

Comdts AFMSDs (Lucknow, Delhi, Mumbai) 10



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5.3. ATG

Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) 100

Med and Dental AFMS units - Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit /Est / AFC of Army / Navy / Air Force / IDS & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations& PMOs / FMOs Or COs of Ships & equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Lt Gen 50

Maj Gen 20

Brig 10

Col 5

Lt Col & below 2


1. This will also cover expenditure on sports and adventure activities bydesignated units and ests against funds allotted for sports and adventure activities.

5.4. TTIEG / FP / TG Grant / Library Grant / ETG and any other Training Grant


DGMS (Army/Navy/Air force) / DCIDS (Med) 50

DGDS, Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) and AH(R&R)


Heads of Medical Branches at Cmd / Fmn HQ of Army/Navy/Airforce/IDS of the equivalent rank mentioned below

Maj Gen 10

Brig 5

Col 2

Med and Dental Units - Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit / Est /AFC of Army / Navy / Air Force / IDS & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations &PMOs/FMOs Or COs of Ships & equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Maj Gen and above 10

Brig 5

Col 2

Lt Col & below 1

5.5 Participation of Medical personnel / Civil employees of Medical services in

Short-term Training courses, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, Annual

Conventions at civil / defence / professional / academic organizations and

institutions in India

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DGAFMS Full Powers

Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) 10


1. Training courses for 1 year and more will require approval of Govt.

2. Powers for registration / admission / delegate fee in respect of courses notintroduced in defence services. Expenditure is debitable to relevant head of defenceservices.

3. Powers cover cases in respect of offrs / civilian doctor / scientist in AMC, selected toattend professional conferences / seminars of associations / societies in approved list.Expdr is debitable to I&M grant of unit / est concerned.

4. DGAFMS powers may also be exercised in r/o civilians paid from Defence ServiceEstimates.

5.6 Tests / Trials and Experiments pertaining to AFMS

Comdt AFMC Pune 20

Comdt ALC 10

5.7 Investigations in civil / govt institutions

Countersignature of DGAFMS 5

Countersignature of DGsMS / DCIDS (Med) 3

DGDS / Comdts Maj Gen and above & equivalent 2

COs Brig / Col& equivalent 1

COs upto Lt Col& equivalent 0.5

5.8 Outsourcing of Services


DGMS (Army/Navy/Air Force) / DCIDS (Med) 500

DGDS, Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) & AH (R&R) 200

Med and Dental Units - Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit / Est /AFC of Army / Navy / Air Force / IDS & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations &PMOs/FMOs Or COs of Ships & equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Maj Gen and above 100

Brig 20

Col and below 10

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Note.1. Provisions of GFR are to be followed and will be carried out as per extant ordersof MoD on this subject.

2. Outsourcing of any personnel service required by the hospital / medicalestablishment / medical unit which cannot be made up by available / existingpersonnel.

5.9Organization of Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Training course in


DGAFMS Full powers

Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) 100


1. Powers to sanction expenditure for inviting Govt faculty / outside Guestspeakers / experts for training courses will be as per DoPT rules.

2. TA/DA for Govt faculty / outside Guest speakers / experts will be done as perDoPT rules.

3. Includes procurement of training material for regular training and payment toguest faculty for travel/ lecture/ honorarium.

4. Includes power to sanction expenditure towards Travel Fare, TA/DA andHonorarium to Non-Official / Civilian members of University Committees /Evaluation teams for visits to Indian Army Establishments for validation / re-validation of Accreditation/Affiliation of courses.

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ARMY: MAJOR HEAD – 4076, MINOR HEAD – 103(D) & 107(C)

NAVY/IDS: MAJOR HEAD – 4076-02, MINOR HEAD – 103(A)/104(A)



Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

6.1. Medical / Dental / Vet Stores / items of capital nature


Addl DGAFMS (E&S) 100

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Sl. No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in Lakhs

7.1. Regularization of Audit Objections Arising Out of Breaches of Rulesand Regulations when the Monetary Value of the Loss could beAssessed in Consultation with PCDA / CDA



1. In all cases of audit objections arising out of breaches of rules and regulations;efforts should be made to assess the loss / financial implication, if any, involved in theirregularity where the loss to the state or the financial implication involved can becomputed the irregularity will be regularized in consultation with the PCDA / CDA. Anillustrated list of the type of objections which may be regularized and this procedure isshown below -

(a) Irregularities connected with Railway Warrants and Military Credit Notes e.girregular issue of warrants military credit notes.

(b) Non-production of receipted copies of issue vouchers of stores. Failure to tracein the ledgers credit in respect of receipt voucher.

(c) Loss of auditable documents like car diaries, ration strength statements wherethe ceiling of the value of transaction involved can be assessed with reference to otherconnected accounts, e.g. with reference to the total value of POL issued or rationsdrawn during the period to which lost documents pertain.

(d) Irregularities connected with the use of M.T.

2. In the case of objections which involve loss to the state, efforts will be made toassess the actual/approximate financial value of the loss on some. These powers areto be exercised only if –

(a) The necessity for and the practicability of recovery has been considered by theCFA

(b) The irregularity does not disclose a defect in the rules or regulations theamendment of which requires the sanction of the Government vide Rule 157 FR Part IVol I.

(c) The authorities concerned (or their predecessors) are themselves notpersonally responsible for the loss / overpayment/ irregularity.

(d) Prior approval of the next higher financial authority shall be obtained in respectof cases mentioned at (c) above.

(e) Objections, which do not involve any loss to the State or when the monetaryloss is not assessable, be referred to the respective Administrative Authorities/Head ofthe Branch at IHQ, MoD (A) for establishments under the direct administrative controlof IHQ, MoD (A).

(f) Copies of sanctions issued for the settlement of audit objections shall also beendorsed to the statutory Audit Officers concerned.

(g) The financial powers contained in these orders are to be utilized forregularization of cases outstanding as on date of issue of these orders.

(h) PCDA / CDA will report to the Govt of India cases in which the intention of this

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rule has been misapplied.

7.2. Powers to auth the issue of stores to regularize previous issue ofstores in exceptional cases

DGAFMS Full powers

Comdt AMC C&C, AFMC (Cat A Ests) 50


1. The exercise of the above financial powers is subject to the followingconditions:-

(a) The expdr should be a legitimate charge against Public Funds.

(b) The canons of financial propriety should be observed.

(c) The authority exercising the powers should be satisfied that the sanctioning ofthe expdr is not contrary to any declared or known policy of Government.

2. Under this schedule, issues made in error and over issues from whatevercause, may also be regularized by the above authorities subject to the financial limitsspecified.

7.3. Loss regularization of Public Money

Not due to theft,fraud, or grossneglect

Due to theft, fraudor gross neglect

DGAFMS 50 10

Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) 20 4


1. Provisions of Rule 37 of Financial Regulations, Part I, Vol I and instructions forregulating enforcement of responsibility for losses etc, contained in Appendix I, Part I,Vol II of Financial Regulations will also be kept in view while processing and finalisingcases relating to writing off of losses.

2. The term Public Money is defined in Rule 164 of Financial Regulations, Part I,and in addition to cash proper includes items listed at Ser No (a) to (i) in the Rule.

7.4. Loss regularization of Govt Stores

Not due to theft,fraud or grossneglect

Due to theft, fraud orgross neglect

DGAFMS 50 10

DGMS (Army) / (Navy) / (Air Force) / DCIDS(Med)

35 7

DGDS / Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat AEsts) and AH (R&R) / MG (Med) & equivalentin Navy, Air Force & Joint Staff*

20 4

Brig (Med) & equivalent in Navy, Air Force & 10 Nil

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Joint Staff

Col (Med) & equivalent in Navy, Air Force &Joint Staff

5 Nil

Med and Dental Units - Comdts / COs / OsC / OsIC of Hosp / Fd Hosp / Unit / Est /AFC of Army / Navy / Air Force / IDS & Joint Staff incl SMOs of Air Force stations &PMOs / FMOs Or COs of Ships & equivalent of Navy of the rank mentioned below -

Maj Gen equivalent and above 20 4

Brig & equivalent 10 Nil

Col equivalent & below 5 Nil

Armed Forces Medical Stores Depots (AFMSDs)

DGAFMS 50 10

MG (Med) and equivalent 20 4

Comdts / COs of AFMSDs Mumbai,Lucknow, Delhi & Pune

10 Nil

COs AFTC / BTD / TC(EC) 5 Nil

Medical Stores Depots (MSDs)

DGMS (Army/Navy/Air force) / DCIDS 35 7

MG(Med) and equivalent 20 4

Offrs Commanding AMSDs / FMSDs 5 Nil


1. These powers will be exercised by above-mentioned authorities in respect of allmedical and dental units under their jurisdiction.

2. DGAFMS will also exercise powers for following -a. In respect of AFTC, AFMSDs and BTD.b. In respect of losses of imported Sera and Vaccine in AFMSDc. In respect of Books and other publications

3. DGMS (Army/Navy/Air force) / DCIDS will also exercise powers in respect oflosses of imported sera and vaccine in Hospitals/Medical units/Ests and BaseDepot, Medical Stores Depots, Medical Stores and Sub Depots Medical Stores

Sl No. Competent Financial Authority Rs in lakhs

7.5.Extra Wharfage, Demurrage, container detention, Ground rent and othersuch charges for clearance of cargo


DGMS (Army)/Navy/Air Force / DCIDS (Med) 50

DGDS, Comdt of AMC C&C / AFMC (Cat A Ests) & AH(R&R) 25


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1. Payment will be made first by unit / Emb HQs to the concerned port / air /railway authorities without taking concurrence/approval of IFA / CFA. Thepayment will be regularized by sending the case to the appropriate IFA/CFAas mentioned above.

2. Efforts should be made to avoid demurrage payments to the maximumextent possible.

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Emergency Procurement of all kinds of Medical Stores / Eqpt / Veh,

Hiring of Specialized services / manpower, all kinds of Transportation

cases and any Misc / Contingent expenditure connected with Exercises

/ Operations

DGAFMS Full powers


1. These powers will be applicable in the case of urgent / Op Immediate militarynecessity relating to Military preparedness to meet the eventualities such aswar or war like situation, Natural Calamities, etc. The essence of delegatingthese powers is to expedite the procurement / repair of equipment / items /material / stores and provisioning of various services, urgently required for thesuccessful conduct of the operation.

2. These powers will be exercised as and when Government notifies an event byway of a Government order declaring War, Hostility, Natural Calamity /Disaster, etc or when Raksha Mantri declares and orders Military preparednessfor Emergency / Op-Immediate Military necessity. It will also be applicable asand when a proposal, mooted by hand by Service Chiefs, is approved byRaksha Mantri for immediate action to be taken in case of serious Accidents.

3. Once the approval of Raksha Mantri is given, either MoD directly or comcernedSHQ will immediately convey the RM's order to DGAFMS (CFA) for takingprocurement action. The order will contain the essential requirements to befulfilled by the DGAFMS. Based on this, DGAFMS will workout and approve thetechnical specifications, scope of work, quantity required for items, based onactual needs as deemed fit.

4. The procurement action will be taken by a 3-member Emergency EmpoweredCommittee (EEC), on behalf of the CFA, consisting of the Major Generalequivalent as Chairman, the IFA to DGAFMS and a Technical / LogisticsMember of the Command. The Chairman of EEC is empowered to co-opt anyofficial / expert at his discretion only to assist EEC and not act as member. EECwill be fully empowered to take all decisions independently on all aspects at anystage of procurement (from issue of RFP, conducting technical examination,holding commercial negotiations, preparing draft Supply order / Contract, etc).Full flexibility will be available to EEC for completing procurement cycle atshortest possible time. Potential Bidders can be contacted and their responsebids can be received through fastest possible means of communication liketaking bids by hand or even by email / fax (if inescapable), shortening time forsubmission of bids to whatever is considered feasible for bidders to give theirbids, etc. There will be no requirement for movement of files in EEC and everydecision will be taken in a collegiate manner by recording of minutes for eachstage of procurement i.e. issue of RFP, mode of bidding, technical evaluation,CST, commercial negotiation, draft Supply order / Contract, etc. In case ofdisagreement among the 3 members, directions will be sought from CFA andthe EEC will act as per the decision of CFA. It is open for CFA to take oral /written clarifications from MoD / MoD (Fin) on any issue pertaining toprocurement process / stage.

5. The EEC will promptly prepare its report and the same will be signed by all 3members. The Report will be submitted by EEC to the CFA on file. CFA will

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accord Expenditure Angle Approval of the procurement without any referenceto any authority unless he himself desires to do so. After procurement cycle iscompleted, CFA will send a report on procurement undertaken under thesepowers to MoD through staff channels for record.

6. Though the EEC is to follow all existing regulations as per existing Govt orders /DPM on procurement of Goods / services, there could be occasions requiringdeviations from DPM. Such deviations from DPM would be promptly put up byEEC to CFA for approval with adequate justifications. If in view of CFA, anydelay in case will not be in interests of state, then he can approve deviationsfrom DPM and the case can be processed further. However, once the case isfinalized and action taken, a detailed report will be furnished by CFA to MoDgiving detailed justifications for deviations from DPM. This report will be put upthrough staff channels to Raksha Mantri for his information.