Mock ICT Exam Revision Materials 1 hr 30 mins

Mock ICT Exam Revision Materials 1 hr 30 mins. Hi meet Susan. Susan is 18 years old. She has just completed her A- Levels and is going to Durham University

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Mock ICT Exam Revision Materials1 hr 30 mins

Hi meet Susan. Susan is 18 years old. She has just completed her A-Levels and is going to Durham University to study Computer Science. Susan likes to make money by selling things on eBay and is quite conscious of saving money for the future.

Susan has an issue over an eBay sale. She needs to contact PayPal about the dispute. She uses webmail in order to contact them.

Susan has a strong password to log into PayPal. Her password is 8Uh6FD!@

Susan has received this email from PayPal. She is a little suspect due to the pressurising nature for her to take action quickly, that the email is not personalised to her and that the originating sender is not in the same time zone as her.

Susan knows from her A-Level course that if she receives emails like this she should delete them, mark them as spam and that she should block the sender.

Susan likes to use email as a communication tool as it is cheaper than sending things by post and it has environmental benefits as it saves paper. She can also attach files like media clips.

Susan feels she is privileged to use the Internet regularly and realises others are not in the same position. Social factors such as religion and gender, Cost i.e. low income from families and physical factors such as disabilities are reasons why others do not share the same computer exposure as Susan.

Susan is setting up a bank account for when she goes to University. She feels that ICT has a great benefit when it comes to using banking. Susan feels that she can have 24/7/365 access to look at her account. She has access to lots of ATMs to withdraw cash.

Susan is able to manage her accounts online with an Internet connection. She feels that security is good with the use of encryption on her account. Her mum and dad can send her money instantly using BACS and she is able to use telephone banking if ever she can not get access to the Internet.

Hi meet Jim. He is 37 years of age. Jim is into all of the latest technical gadgets and likes to be up to date with his home entertainment systems. Jim is a great lover of film and music.

Here is Jim at Richer Sounds. He has treated himself to a new home entertainment system. He prefers to go to a shop as he likes to pay by cash and sometimes he can negotiate a good price and he can take the product home straight away.

Here is the set up of the home entertainment system. Jim does not want to use wires so use wireless fidelity to allow the system to operate. Jim loves his music so chose the system which has the highest kbit/s.

Jim has many films on DVD and Blu-ray, the later allows for high quality so discs are bigger in storage size.

While Jim is in the shop he is able to look at reviews on his Smartphone of the product using 3G.

For Jim to use his product at home he sets it up to his Wi-Fi. He enters in the network key. This allows him access and prevents neighbours from using his broadband connection.

Jim has an I-Pad tablet and is able to listen to radio stations from Australia. This is where Jim was originally from. Jim has got rid of his normal radio as Internet radio is better audio quality and he can listen to catch up radio and control the playback.

Jim records music and radio stations so that he can listen later to them on his laptop. He can transfer the recordings using optical discs such as DVD-RW as well as Ethernet and Power line cables.

Jim would like to email the radio recording to his friend Chris but due to the Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1998) he is unable to do this.

Jim stores his music on his computer on his C: Drive (local storage) this is so that it is less likely to be hacked and is secure compared to online storage such as Drop Box. Also there is less restriction on file types and sizes compared to storing online.

Richer Sounds allows Jim to recycle his old system when he buys a new one. Richer Sounds can reuse this system and sell it as a refurbished system. It helps the reputation of Richer Sounds because it improves customer service and also it is company policy to be thinking of the environment.

Hi meet Sarah. Sarah is 16 years of age. She is in Year 11 at high school and is studying for her GCSEs.

Sarah enjoys her music and likes going out and socialising with her friends.

She is a keen enthusiast for digital devices and has a tablet, smart phone and laptop at her disposal.

Sarah has just bought this CD from HMV. This CD has a QR code on it. Sarah has been able to use her camera on her smart phone to input the information into her phone.

Sarah has an I Phone smart phone which has a very good Internet connection. This fast connection allows downloads of material to her phone to be faster and it is quite fast and quick when web pages are being opened.

Sarah needs to make sure that her data on her smart phone is secure. She can be open to threats such as spyware, cookies, theft and physical damage to the phone which will corrupt data.

Sarah is a member of a music forum where she rate peoples reviews of music albums. This encourages interaction with the site and allows a wide audience to moderate content.

A forum is one online community which Sarah is signed up to. She also uses video chat, VLE’s, wikis, social networks and blogs.

Sarah has signed up to MU-SIK.COM. By signing up she can access more features than just being a guest and she can personalise her experience of what she wants to see and receive. If she was just a guest she would not be able to post or comment on reviews. When Sarah signs up she has to provide a username, email address, password, image, date of birth and security question.

Sarah is able to purchase her CD using her smart phone using the facility of NFC. She uses this method as she can just scan her phone and there is no need to use a debit card or use a PIN. NFC is a wireless payment method. As well as her smart phone Sarah uses this method on her London underground oyster card.

Hi meet Peter and Fiona and their two sons William and Lawrence.

The family are keen users of technology and they use ICT devices for work, education and for socialising.

William and Lawrence like to use their fathers tablet rather than a PC to play games as it is lightweight and easy for them to handle and its more user friendly as it is app based (touch screen).

Peter allows his sons to use his tablet for playing games and going on the Internet. Peter is conscious of what his sons look at so he can limit internet access to sites by applying a filter.

Peter does not want his children to be accessing confidential information so he sets a password/PIN to prevent the children logging on to the tablet on their own.

Fiona only allows the children to use the tablet for a certain amount of hours each day. She does this because the children can get headaches looking at the screen for too long and too much inactivity can lead to a lack of fitness and obesity.

While tablets are fun, William also plays games on his PS3. This has more storage and games can be saved to the hard drive and the graphics are better which can allow for 3D gaming which gives a better gaming experience.

As a ‘gamer’, copyright laws benefit William because it encourages him to buy genuine games providing more money to companies who can invest in better games. It also prevents users from sharing games.

Peter buys games for his children off websites such as www.play.com and www.amazon.co.uk. These websites store Peters transactional data and often when Peter goes back onto these websites he sees recommendations for new games off the companies. As the companies keep a record of Peters purchasing history they are able to personalise and target products to Peters needs as they know his preferences and interests.

Peter and Fiona are very happy for their children to be using digital devices as they believe it has a positive impact on their child's education and free time.

Digital devices allows media to be watched on the move and places can be found more easily. Family and friends can be kept in touch with via email, VoIP and social networks and organising their time ‘on the move’ has become more flexible where arrangements can be altered as events change.

People are becoming more politically aware and are able to form relationships so there is a cultural and social benefit. Learning materials are available so people can access materials from anywhere with internet access.

Hi meet Steve. Steve is a friend of Jim and is also 37 years of age. Like Jim, he enjoys the latest technical gadgets and has liked the home entertainment system which Jim bought.

Steve has also decided to invest in a home entertainment system and has recently purchased one online.

Steve purchased these wireless speakers for his home entertainment system. Steve does not like wires hanging around the house so going wireless has helped any chance of Steve tripping over wires.

Steve has a BT Home Hub 3 router and uses the Wi-Fi to carry signals from his wireless speakers. Steve could have used Bluetooth but Wi-Fi is a stronger signal and can carry more bandwidth and produces less latency.

Steve's home entertainment system only has one of the ports shown on the left. In order to get more of these inputs into the home entertainment system, Steve has had to go and purchase a switch.

Steve's system allows him to watch high definition videos on www.youtube.com. He could also watch is standard definition in case he does not have enough bandwidth as HD uses more data and the video would run smoother if there is not sufficient bandwidth.

Steve has an external hard drive to back up videos. This helps maintain the storage size on his home entertainment system.

Steve has SKY TV and watches a lot of films. SKY TV can target a wide audience when customers download films using the Internet and they can promote films to Steve through his home entertainment system.

When data is transferred over the Internet between SKY TV and Steve's home entertainment system it uses http:// which stands for hypertext transfer protocol.

Steve has his own blog which he regularly adds video to. He has a Firewire cable to get the video from his video recorder to his laptop which he then uploads to his blog through his BT Homehub 3 router using ASDL.

GPS data is added to Steve's videos. This allows online social network users to identify where the video footage was taken so that other videos from the same area can also be seen. If GPS is added it will also help with marketing as businesses located near to where the video was taken can also be shown on social network sites.

When Steve obtains his video footage on his camcorder and transfers over to his laptop he likes to do some editing before he uploads to his blog. Steve likes to use a free online editing piece of software to do this. He enjoys the free updates which come automatically and it does not use a lot of his laptop system resources such as RAM. Steve knows that local storage software is probably better but is happy with the online equivalent. Paid for software such as Adobe Premier or Pinnacle Studio is more feature rich is usually more responsive to use and does not require an Internet connection to operate.