Testing SIP Applications with Arquillian and SipUnit Annual Mobicents Community Summit Rio de Janeiro, October 3-8, 2012 George Vagenas CDI Telco Framework & SIP Testing project lead

Mobicents Summit 2012 - George Vagenas - Testing SIP Applications with Arquillian and SipUnit

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Testing SIP Applications with Arquillian and SipUnit

Annual Mobicents Community Summit

Rio de Janeiro, October 3-8, 2012

George VagenasCDI Telco Framework & SIP Testing project lead

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● Introduction

○ SipServlets applications testing

○ Arquillian extension for SipServlets

○ SipUnit

● Arquillian Extension for SipServlets○ Features

○ MSS Tomcat 6 & Tomcat 7 containers

● SipUnit

○ Features

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Past year achievements

● Arquillian Extension for SipServlets 1.0.0.ALPHA1

● Telestax took over leadership of SipUnit● SipUnit 2.0.0

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SipServlets applications testing

Requirements:● Manage SipServlets enabled container● Manage test archive● Integration with a testing framework (JUnit

or TestNG) ● SIP Client (UAC/UAS) to interact with the

SipServlet application

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Arquillian Extension for SipServletsArquillian testing framework, seeks to minimize the burden on the developer to author integration tests by handling all aspects of test execution, including:● managing the lifecycle of the container (start/stop),● bundling the test class with dependent classes and

resources into a deployable archive,● enhancing the test class (e.g., resolving @Inject, @EJB

and @Resource injections),● deploying the archive to test (deploy/undeploy) and

capturing results and failures.

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Arquillian Extension for SipServletsMobicents brings the Sip Servlets Arquillian container for testing converged applications.

Container is based on:● Tomcat 6.x● Tomcat 7.x

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Arquillian Extension for SipServletsExtras● Annotations

○ @ContextParam○ @ContextParamMap○ @ConcurrencyControlMode

● Helper classes○ ContextParamTool○ SipStackTool

● Lifecycle extension to provide finer grained control over container's and test's lifecycle

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Arquillian Extension for SipServlets● Finer grained control over the test's lifecycle

and the container's lifecycle● Override container configuration as needed● The integration is completely transparent,

which means you can launch the tests and get the test results using existing IDE, Ant and Maven test plugins without any add-ons.

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Arquillian Extension for SipServlets● CTF can be optionally enabled in order to

enrich the test or the test archive.● On the same test we can have

○ Multiple test archives○ Multiple container configuration

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Arquillian Extension for SipServlets

<container qualifier="mss-tomcat-embedded-6" default="true" mode="manual">

<configuration><property name="tomcatHome">target/mss-tomcat-embedded-

6</property><property name="workDir">work</property><property name="bindHttpPort">8888</property><property name="unpackArchive">true</property><property name="sipConnectors">:5070,:5070/TCP</property><property name="bindAddress"></property><property name="sipApplicationRouterProviderClassName">org.



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Arquillian Extension for SipServlets@RunWith(Arquillian.class)public class ShootistSipServletTest extends SipTestCase {@Deployment(name="simpleArchive", managed=false)

public static WebArchive createTestArchive(){WebArchive webArchive = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class,"shootistsipservlet.war");webArchive.addClasses(ShootistSipServlet.class);webArchive.addAsWebInfResource("in-container-sip.xml", "sip.xml");return webArchive;}

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Arquillian Extension for SipServlets

@Test @ContextParam(name="cancel", value="true")public void testShootist() throws Exception {

SipStackTool sipStackTool = new SipStackTool();receiver = sipStackTool.initializeSipStack(SipStack.PROTOCOL_UDP,

"", "5080", "");sipPhone = receiver.createSipPhone("", SipStack.

PROTOCOL_UDP, 5070, "sip:[email protected]");sipCall = sipPhone.createSipCall();sipCall.listenForIncomingCall();deployer.deploy("simpleArchive");assertTrue(sipCall.waitForIncomingCall(timeout));assertTrue(sipCall.sendIncomingCallResponse(Response.TRYING,"

Trying", timeout));

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Arquillian Extension for SipServlets

What comes next:● Mobicents Sip Servlets AS7 container

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SipUnit provides a test environment geared toward unit testing SIP applications.

The primary goal of SipUnit is to abstract the details of SIP messaging/call handling and facilitate free-flowing, sequential test code so that a test target can be exercised quickly and painlessly

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SipUnit features

● Maven artifacts● Junit 4 support● TLS support● SIP UAC & UAS● uses the JAIN-SIP reference implementation as its

underlying SIP stack/engine● JUnit-like test development and execution environment

with SIP-specific assertions added ● Different levels of SIP handling abstraction depending

on test case needs. If you don't care how a setup call gets established, use the highest level - SipPhone.makeCall().

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SipUnit features

● Support for registration and call handling with or without authentication

● Support for presence subscription handling (SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY)

● CANCEL handling● Support for MESSAGE● REFER and associated subscription handling● Support for NAT traversal (STUN)● Support for testcase-specified timeouts● A test can act as more than one network element - ie, it

can act as both the caller and callee endpoints to test a network element between the two.

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SipUnit example


a.initiateOutgoingCall("sip:[email protected]", null);


b.sendIncomingCallResponse(Response.RINGING, "Ringing", 0);


b.sendIncomingCallResponse(Response.OK, "Answer - Hello world", 0);



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SipUnit download

● Binary: http://code.google.com/p/commtesting/downloads/list

● Maven artifact <dependency> <groupId>org.cafesip.sipunit</groupId> <artifactId>sipunit</artifactId> <version>2.0.0</version></dependency><repository>

<id>mobicents-public-repository-group</id><name>Mobicens Public Maven Repository Group</name><url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public</url><layout>default</layout><releases>





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SipServletes Commtesting links

● Project site: http://code.google.com/p/commtesting/

● SipServlets Arquillian Extension Documentation: https://mobicents.ci.cloudbees.com/view/SIP%20Testing/job/sipservlets.arquillian/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/documentation/html_single/index.html

● SipUnit Documentation: https://mobicents.ci.cloudbees.com/job/SipUnit/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/sipunit/docs/jdocbook-mobicents/target/docbook/publish/en-US/html_single/index.html

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George [email protected]

Thank you