Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

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Page 1: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

iRobot Create library Referen e ManualGenerated by Doxygen 1.5.4Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008

Page 2: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed
Page 3: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

Contents1 iRobot Create library Main Page 11.1 Introdu tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 What if I do not want to use LibSerial? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 iRobot Create library Namespa e Index 72.1 iRobot Create library Namespa e List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 iRobot Create library Class Index 93.1 iRobot Create library Class List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 iRobot Create library File Index 114.1 iRobot Create library File List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 iRobot Create library Namespa e Do umentation 135.1 iRobot Namespa e Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135.2 LibSerial Namespa e Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation 176.1 Appli ation Stru t Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 iRobot Create library File Do umentation 1017.1 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /do .hh File Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017.2 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /do .hh File Referen e . . . . . . 1027.3 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. File Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037.4 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate- tl. File Referen e 106

Page 4: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

ii CONTENTS7.5 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh File Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097.6 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh File Referen e1107.7 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. File Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117.8 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate. File Referen e . 1147.9 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hh File Referen e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177.10 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate.hh File Referen e . 119

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Chapter 1iRobot Create library Main PageImportant: this library is not supported by iRobot (p. 13).1.1 Introdu tionThis library allows to ontrol easily the iRobot (p. 13) Create robot. It implements the OpenInterfa e version 2.Using this library also ensures that the ommands sent to the robot will be valid (if an un om-pleted ommand is sent, the robot will remain in a "waiting" state). It also prevents you fromsending invalid and malformed ommands (all arguments are he ked). Basi ally, if a ommand issu essfully sent (no ex eption has been thrown), you an be sure that the ommand is valid andwill be orre tly exe uted.The library also provides a set of types to avoid using "magi onstants" in your ode and makeit more readable.1.2 TutorialiRobot (p. 13) Create uses a spe i� proto ol whi h is implemented by this library. It is alledOpen Interfa e (OI) version 2. When instantiating the robot lass (iRobot::Create (p. 29)) youhave to indi ate whi h stream is used to ommuni ate with the robot.Typi ally you probably want to use a serial port devi e for the ommuni ation su h as:� /dev/ttySX (where X is the serial port number),� /dev/rf ommX (where X is the serial-over-bluetooth port number).The last solution requires the Bluetooth adapter module (BAM).To ommuni ate with the robot, you need the serial port support. To enable this, you have touse the libserial library (this library has to be installed on your omputer).Here is a omplete example using the LibSerial (p. 15) library:#in lude <SerialStream.h>#in lude <irobot- reate.hh>

Page 6: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

2 iRobot Create library Main Pageint main (int arg , har** argv){ using namespa e iRobot;using namespa e LibSerial;if (arg < 2)return 1;SerialStream stream (argv[1℄);try{ Create robot (stream);// Swith to full mode.robot.sendFullCommand ();// Let's stream some sensors.Create::sensorPa kets_t sensors;sensors.push_ba k (Create::SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS);sensors.push_ba k (Create::SENSOR_WALL);sensors.push_ba k (Create::SENSOR_BUTTONS);robot.sendStreamCommand (sensors);// Let's turn!int speed = 200;int ledColor = Create::LED_COLOR_GREEN;robot.sendDriveCommand (speed, Create::DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE);robot.sendLedCommand (Create::LED_PLAY, 0, 0);while (!robot.playButton ()){ if (robot.bumpLeft () || robot.bumpRight ())std:: out << "Bump !" << std::endl;if (robot.wall ())std:: out << "Wall !" << std::endl;if (robot.advan eButton ()){ speed = -1 * speed;ledColor += 10;if (ledColor > 255)ledColor = 0;robot.sendDriveCommand (speed, Create::DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE);if (speed < 0)robot.sendLedCommand (Create::LED_PLAY,ledColor,Create::LED_INTENSITY_FULL);elserobot.sendLedCommand (Create::LED_ADVANCE,ledColor,Create::LED_INTENSITY_FULL);}// You an add more ommands here.usleep(100 * 1000);}robot.sendDriveCommand (0, Create::DRIVE_STRAIGHT);} at h (InvalidArgument& e){ std:: err << e.what () << std::endl;return 3;} Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 7: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

1.3 What if I do not want to use LibSerial? 3 at h (CommandNotAvailable& e){ std:: err << e.what () << std::endl;return 4;}}The robot will start to turn lo kwise, then if you push the advan e button, it will hange itsdire tion. Ea h time you're pushing the button, the LEDs will also hange.1.3 What if I do not want to use LibSerial?You an onstru t the obje t with any kind of std::iostream, it means that it an ome fromanother serial library, it may be a std::stringstream or a std::fstream. However, do not use afstream to open a serial port devi e (see FAQ).Here is a simple example that displays on the standard output the binary ommand used to startthe " over" demo (warning: this will display non-as ii hara ters to your term if you do notredire t the standard output, you may want to use a tool like hexdump to see the result).#in lude <sstream>#in lude <irobot- reate.hh>int main (){ using namespa e iRobot;std::stringstream ss;Create robot (ss);robot.sendDemoCommand (Create::DEMO_COVER);std:: out << ss.str ();}1.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)1.4.1 Why is the program failing when I use serial port ommuni ation?If you try to use the serial port ommuni ation without having the LibSerial (p. 15) support,the onstru tor will fail and throw a LibSerialNotAvailable ex eption. It means that when the on�gure s ript has not dete ted the LibSerial (p. 15) library on your omputer. Che k your on�g.log, it should ontain something like that: onfigure:XXXXX: he king for main in -lserial[...℄ onfigure:XXXXX: result: yesIf the result is no, please spe ify the header and library path in CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS. Forinstan e, if you are using g (whi h is usually the ase), it should be something like that:./ onfigure CPPFLAGS=-I/my/path/to/libserial LDFLAGS=-L/my/path/to/libserialNote: if you have installed a pa kage to get this library, please ask the maintainer of the pa kagefor your distribution to enable the LibSerial (p. 15) support.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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4 iRobot Create library Main Page1.4.2 Why does the ommuni ation through the serial port not work?If you have opened the serial port through a std::fstream, it will not work. Always use theLibSerial (p. 15) library (or another 3rd party serial library). Failing to do so may lead torandom errors, wrong values for the sensors, et .1.4.3 The sensor I'm using is never updated, why?If you want an updated value of a sensor, you have to expli itly ask for an update. It an either bedone with the Create::sendSensorsCommand or the Create::sendQueryListCommand ommand.If you are using the sensors frequently, you probably want to use the Create::sendStreamCommandthat will ask the robot to send the sensor's value ea h 15ms. It is the only way to keep a sensorupdated automati ally. If you are using a onne tion with poor real-time hara teristi s (su h asa wireless network using the BAM for instan e), the solution re ommended by iRobot (p. 13) isto use the stream ommand.iRobot::Create robot (...);robot.wall (); // Always false, no update.// [...℄robot.wall (); // Always false, no update.Create::sensorPa kets_t sensors;sensors.push_ba k (Create::SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS);robot.sendQueryListCommand (robot);robot.wall (); // Updated value.robot.wall (); // *NO* update here.robot.wall (); // *NO* update here.// et .robot.sendStreamCommand (robot);robot.wall (); // Updated value.robot.wall (); // Updated value.robot.wall (); // Updated value.// et .1.4.4 How to use the Bluetooth adapter module (BAM)?To use the BAM with this library, you will need two tools:� h itool� rf ommBoth tools are provided by the "bluez" pa kage.Install the Bluetooth adapter module and start the robot. Then, exe ute the following ommand:$ h itool s anYou should see something that looks like that:Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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1.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 5S anning ...00:0A:3A:26:49:AF Element Serial[...℄The "Element Serial" is the iRobot (p. 13) Create. Remember the address as it will be requiredfor the next step. If it fails, he k that your kernel supports bluetooth ( he k your distribution'sdo umentation).Exe ute the following ommand:$ rf omm onne t 1 '00:0A:3A:26:49:AF'You should then see:Conne ted /dev/rf omm1 to 00:0A:3A:26:49:AF on hannel 1Press CTRL-C for hangupYou are now onne ted to the robot and you an read the /dev/rf omm1 �le to ommuni ate withit.If the onne tion fails, wait for a ouple of se onds and retry.1.4.5 How to use the Bluetooth adapter module (BAM)?Basi ally, if the library and the headers are installed in standard dire tories, you only have to linkagainst the library. If you are using GCC, you probably want:$ g++ myproje t. -lirobot- reateIf you have not installed the library in a standard dire tory, you have to indi ate the headerdire tory when ompiling and the library dire tory when linking. With GCC:$ g++ myproje t. -I/my/in lude/path -L/my/library/path -Wl,-R/my/library/path -lirobot- reateThe -Wl,-R/my/library/pat �ag adds the library dire tory to the list used to sear h dynami libraries at run-time (-L is only used at ompile-time).If you are using the Autotools, see the next se tion.1.4.6 How to integrate this library to my Autotools software?A m4 �le is provided with the ma ros required to he k for this library.Here is a sample on�gure.a that he k for the library:AC_INIT([test℄, [0.1℄)AM_INIT_AUTOMAKEAC_LANG([C++℄)AC_PROG_CXXGenerated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6 iRobot Create library Main PageLIBIROBOT_CREATE_ARG_WITHAC_CONFIG_HEADERS([ onfig.h℄)AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile℄)AC_OUTPUTIt also de�ne the boolean LIBIROBOT_CREATE that an be used in Automake �les.

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Chapter 2iRobot Create library Namespa eIndex2.1 iRobot Create library Namespa e ListHere is a list of all namespa es with brief des riptions:iRobot (Main namespa e ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13LibSerial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

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8 iRobot Create library Namespa e Index

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Chapter 3iRobot Create library Class Index3.1 iRobot Create library Class ListHere are the lasses, stru ts, unions and interfa es with brief des riptions:Appli ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18iRobot::Create (Robot ommuni ation lass, wraps Open Interfa e version 2 ) . . . . 29

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10 iRobot Create library Class Index

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Chapter 4iRobot Create library File Index4.1 iRobot Create library File ListHere is a list of all �les with brief des riptions:/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /do .hh . 101/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /do .hh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate- tl. . . . . . . . . . 106/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh . . . . . . . . 110/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate. . . . . . . . . . . . 114/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate.hh . . . . . . . . . . . 119

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12 iRobot Create library File Index

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Chapter 5iRobot Create library Namespa eDo umentation5.1 iRobot Namespa e Referen eMain namespa e.Classes� lass CreateRobot ommuni ation lass, wraps Open Interfa e version 2.Fun tions� IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (CommandNotAvailable,"This ommand is not avail-able in this mode.")Error thrown when the ommand is not valid in the urrent mode.� IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (InvalidArgument,"This argument is invalid.")Ex eption thrown when an argument's value is invalid. Typi ally, it means that an argument isout of bound.� IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (LibSerialNotAvailable,"Serial port support has notbeen ompiled.")Ex eption thrown if no serial port support is available but one tries to use the feature anyway.5.1.1 Detailed Des riptionMain namespa e.HAVE_LIBSERIAL.The namespa e gathers all the lasses of this library.

Page 18: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

14 iRobot Create library Namespa e Do umentation5.1.2 Fun tion Do umentation5.1.2.1 iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (LibSerialNotAvailable, "Serialport support has not been ompiled.")Ex eption thrown if no serial port support is available but one tries to use the feature anyway. iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (InvalidArgument, "Thisargument is invalid.")Ex eption thrown when an argument's value is invalid. Typi ally, it means that an argument isout of bound. iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (CommandNotAvailable, "This ommand is not available in this mode.")Error thrown when the ommand is not valid in the urrent mode.The Create (p. 29) lass never hanges the mode behind your ba k, so you have to make surethat the ommand you want to send is supported by the urrent mode.See also:Create::sendStartCommand (p. 89)Create::sendSafeCommand (p. 89)Create::sendFullCommand (p. 89)

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5.2 LibSerial Namespa e Referen e 155.2 LibSerial Namespa e Referen e

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16 iRobot Create library Namespa e Do umentation

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18 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationChapter 6iRobot Create library ClassDo umentation6.1 Appli ation Stru t Referen eCollaboration diagram for Appli ation:



std::queue< T >


std::vector< T >


std::basic_string< char >

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6.1 Appli ation Stru t Referen e 19Publi Member Fun tions� Appli ation (int arg , har ∗∗argv, std::iostream &stream)� Create::Op ode getMode ( onst std::string &m)� void help (int status=0)� void sendS ript (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void sendSong (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void sendQueryList (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void sendStream (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void showSensors ()� void usage ()� void version ()� Appli ation (int arg , har ∗∗argv, std::iostream &stream)� Create::Op ode getMode ( onst std::string &m)� void help (int status=0)� void sendS ript (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void sendSong (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void sendQueryList (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void sendStream (int arg , har ∗∗argv)� void showSensors ()� void usage ()� void version ()6.1.1 Constru tor & Destru tor Do umentation6.1.1.1 Appli ation::Appli ation (int arg , har ∗∗ argv, std::iostream & stream)[inline℄165 : binaryName_ (argv[0℄),166 mode_ (),167 robot_ (stream)168 {169 if (arg < 2)170 usage ();171 std::string argv1 = argv[1℄;172 if (argv1 == "--help"173 || argv1 == "-h"174 || argv1 == "help")175 help ();176 if (argv1 == "--version"177 || argv1 == "-v"178 || argv1 == "version")179 version ();180181 mode_ = getMode (argv[1℄);182183 try184 {185 if (mode_ == Create::OPCODE_START)186 return;187 robot_.sendSafeCommand ();188 swit h (mode_)189 {190 APPLY_ON_OPCODES (SEND_CMD)191 default:192 usage ();193 }194 }Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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20 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation195 at h (std::runtime_error& e)196 {197 std:: err << e.what () << std::endl;198 exit (2);199 }200 at h (...)201 {202 std:: err << "Unexpe ted error" << std::endl;203 exit (42);204 }205 } Appli ation::Appli ation (int arg , har ∗∗ argv, std::iostream & stream)[inline℄165 : binaryName_ (argv[0℄),166 mode_ (),167 robot_ (stream)168 {169 if (arg < 2)170 usage ();171 std::string argv1 = argv[1℄;172 if (argv1 == "--help"173 || argv1 == "-h"174 || argv1 == "help")175 help ();176 if (argv1 == "--version"177 || argv1 == "-v"178 || argv1 == "version")179 version ();180181 mode_ = getMode (argv[1℄);182183 try184 {185 if (mode_ == Create::OPCODE_START)186 return;187 robot_.sendSafeCommand ();188 swit h (mode_)189 {190 APPLY_ON_OPCODES (SEND_CMD)191 default:192 usage ();193 }194 }195 at h (std::runtime_error& e)196 {197 std:: err << e.what () << std::endl;198 exit (2);199 }200 at h (...)201 {202 std:: err << "Unexpe ted error" << std::endl;203 exit (42);204 }205 }6.1.2 Member Fun tion Do umentation6.1.2.1 Create::Op ode Appli ation::getMode ( onst std::string & m) [inline℄212 { Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.1 Appli ation Stru t Referen e 21213 APPLY_ON_OPCODES (STR_TO_OPCODE);214 return stati _ ast<Create::Op ode> (0);215 } void Appli ation::help (int status = 0) [inline℄221 {222 std:: out223 << "Usage: irobot- reate- tl <a tion> [options℄" << std::endl224 << std::endl225 << "Available a tions are:" << std::endl;226 APPLY_ON_OPCODES (PRINT_ACTIONS);227 std:: out << std::endl;228 std:: out << "Additional a tions are:" << std::endl229 << "\t" "help (this message)" << std::endl230 << "\t" "version" << std::endl;231232 std:: out233 << std::endl234 << "Display the spe ified a tion on the standard output using the"235 << std::endl236 << "Open Interfa e proto ol version 2. The stream an be redire ted"237 << std::endl238 << "to a devi e file to send the a tion to a real robot." << std::endl239 << std::endl240 << "Example (serial port): irobot- reate- tl safe > /dev/ttySO"241 << std::endl242 << "Example (bluetooth): irobot- reate- tl safe > /dev/rf omm0"243 << std::endl;244245 std:: out246 << std::endl247 << "Report bugs to <" << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << ">" << std::endl;248249 exit (status);250 } void Appli ation::sendS ript (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄253 {254 Create::op odes_t s ript;255256 for (int i = 2; i < arg ; ++i)257 s ript.push_ba k ( astArg<unsigned har> (argv[i℄));258 robot_.sendS riptCommand (s ript);259 } void Appli ation::sendSong (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄262 {263 Create::song_t song;264 if (arg % 2 == 0)265 usage ();266267 onst unsigned har sid = astArg<unsigned har> (argv[2℄);268 for (int i = 3; i + 1 < arg ; i += 2)269 song.push_ba k (std::make_pair ( astArg<unsigned har> (argv[i℄),270 astArg<unsigned har> (argv[i+1℄)));271 robot_.sendSongCommand (sid, song);272 }Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 26: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

22 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.1.2.5 void Appli ation::sendQueryList (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄281 {282 SENSOR_CMD (robot_.sendQueryListCommand (sensors));283 showSensors ();284 } void Appli ation::sendStream (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄287 {288 SENSOR_CMD (robot_.sendStreamCommand (sensors));289 showSensors ();290 } void Appli ation::showSensors () [inline℄293 {294 std:: err295 << "Wheeldrop: "296 << " aster: " << ((!!robot_.wheeldropCaster ()) ? "true" : "false")297 << " left wheel: " << ((!!robot_.wheeldropLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")298 << " right wheel: " << ((!!robot_.wheeldropRight ()) ? "true" : "false")299 << " bump left: " << ((!!robot_.bumpLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")300 << " bump right: " << ((!!robot_.bumpRight ()) ? "true" : "false")301 << std::endl;302303 std:: err304 << "Wall: " << ((!!robot_.wall ()) ? "true" : "false")305 << std::endl;306307 std:: err308 << "Cliff: "309 << " left: " << ((!!robot_. liffLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")310 << " front-left: " << ((!!robot_. liffFrontLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")311 << " front-right: " << ((!!robot_. liffFrontRight ()) ? "true" : "false")312 << " right: " << ((!!robot_. liffRight ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;313314 std:: err315 << "Digital pin status: "316 << " devi e dete t: " << ((!!robot_.devi eDete t ()) ? "true" : "false")317 << " 3: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput3 ()) ? "true" : "false")318 << " 2: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput2 ()) ? "true" : "false")319 << " 1: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput1 ()) ? "true" : "false")320 << " 0: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput0 ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;321322 std:: err323 << "Analog signal: " << robot_.analogSignal () << std::endl;324325 std:: err326 << "Chargers available? "327 << " home base: "328 << ((!!robot_.homeBaseChargerAvailable ()) ? "true" : "false")329 << " internal: "330 << ((!!robot_.internalChargerAvailable ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;331332 std:: err333 << "Virtual Wall: "334 << ((!!robot_.virtualWall ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;335336 std:: err337 << "Over urrent: "338 << " left wheel: "Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 27: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

6.1 Appli ation Stru t Referen e 23339 << ((!!robot_.leftWheelOver urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")340 << " right wheel: "341 << ((!!robot_.rightWheelOver urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")342 << " LD2: " << ((!!robot_.ld2Over urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")343 << " LD1: " << ((!!robot_.ld1Over urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")344 << " LD0: " << ((!!robot_.ld0Over urrent ()) ? "true" : "false");345346 std:: err347 << "IR: " << robot_.ir () << std::endl;348349 std:: err350 << "Buttons: "351 << " advan e: "<< ((!!robot_.advan eButton ()) ? "true" : "false")352 << " play: " << ((!!robot_.playButton ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;353354 std:: err355 << "Distan e: " << robot_.distan e () << std::endl;356357 std:: err358 << "Angle: " << robot_.angle () << std::endl;359360 std:: err361 << "Charging state: " << robot_. hargingState () << std::endl;362363 std:: err364 << "Battery voltage: " << robot_.batteryVoltage () << std::endl;365366 std:: err367 << "Battery urrent: " << robot_.batteryCurrent () << std::endl;368369 std:: err370 << "Battery temperature: " << robot_.batteryTemperature () << std::endl;371372 std:: err373 << "Battery harge: " << robot_.batteryCharge () << std::endl;374375 std:: err376 << "Battery apa ity: " << robot_.batteryCapa ity () << std::endl;377378 std:: err379 << "Wall signal: " << robot_.wallSignal () << std::endl;380381 std:: err382 << "Cliff left signal: "383 << robot_. liffLeftSignal () << std::endl;384385 std:: err386 << "Cliff front-left signal: "387 << robot_. liffFrontLeftSignal () << std::endl;388389 std:: err390 << "Cliff front-right signal: "391 << robot_. liffFrontRightSignal () << std::endl;392393 std:: err394 << "Cliff right signal: " << robot_. liffRightSignal () << std::endl;395396 std:: err397 << "Song number: " << stati _ ast<int> (robot_.songNumber ())398 << std::endl;399400 std:: err401 << "Song playing: "402 << ((!!robot_.songPlaying ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;403404 std:: err405 << "Streamed pa kets: " << robot_.streamPa kets () << std::endl;Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 28: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

24 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation406407 std:: err408 << "Requested velo ty: "409 << robot_.requestedVelo ity () << std::endl;410411 std:: err412 << "Request radius: "413 << robot_.requestedRadius () << std::endl;414415 std:: err416 << "Request left velo ity: "417 << robot_.requestedLeftVelo ity () << std::endl;418419 std:: err420 << "Request right velo ity: "421 << robot_.requestedRightVelo ity () << std::endl;422423 } void Appli ation::usage () [inline℄426 {427 help (1);428 } void Appli ation::version () [inline℄431 {432 std:: err433 << PACKAGE_STRING << std::endl434 << "Copyright (C) 2008 iLab."435 << std::endl436 << "This is free software; see the sour e for opying onditions."437 << std::endl438 << "There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A"439 << std::endl440 << "PARTICULAR PURPOSE." << std::endl;441 exit (0);442 } Create::Op ode Appli ation::getMode ( onst std::string & m) [inline℄212 {213 APPLY_ON_OPCODES (STR_TO_OPCODE);214 return stati _ ast<Create::Op ode> (0);215 } void Appli ation::help (int status = 0) [inline℄221 {222 std:: out223 << "Usage: irobot- reate- tl <a tion> [options℄" << std::endl224 << std::endl225 << "Available a tions are:" << std::endl;226 APPLY_ON_OPCODES (PRINT_ACTIONS);227 std:: out << std::endl;228 std:: out << "Additional a tions are:" << std::endlGenerated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 29: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

6.1 Appli ation Stru t Referen e 25229 << "\t" "help (this message)" << std::endl230 << "\t" "version" << std::endl;231232 std:: out233 << std::endl234 << "Display the spe ified a tion on the standard output using the"235 << std::endl236 << "Open Interfa e proto ol version 2. The stream an be redire ted"237 << std::endl238 << "to a devi e file to send the a tion to a real robot." << std::endl239 << std::endl240 << "Example (serial port): irobot- reate- tl safe > /dev/ttySO"241 << std::endl242 << "Example (bluetooth): irobot- reate- tl safe > /dev/rf omm0"243 << std::endl;244245 std:: out246 << std::endl247 << "Report bugs to <" << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << ">" << std::endl;248249 exit (status);250 } void Appli ation::sendS ript (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄253 {254 Create::op odes_t s ript;255256 for (int i = 2; i < arg ; ++i)257 s ript.push_ba k ( astArg<unsigned har> (argv[i℄));258 robot_.sendS riptCommand (s ript);259 } void Appli ation::sendSong (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄262 {263 Create::song_t song;264 if (arg % 2 == 0)265 usage ();266267 onst unsigned har sid = astArg<unsigned har> (argv[2℄);268 for (int i = 3; i + 1 < arg ; i += 2)269 song.push_ba k (std::make_pair ( astArg<unsigned har> (argv[i℄),270 astArg<unsigned har> (argv[i+1℄)));271 robot_.sendSongCommand (sid, song);272 } void Appli ation::sendQueryList (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄281 {282 SENSOR_CMD (robot_.sendQueryListCommand (sensors));283 showSensors ();284 } void Appli ation::sendStream (int arg , har ∗∗ argv) [inline℄287 {Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 30: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

26 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation288 SENSOR_CMD (robot_.sendStreamCommand (sensors));289 showSensors ();290 } void Appli ation::showSensors () [inline℄293 {294 std:: err295 << "Wheeldrop: "296 << " aster: " << ((!!robot_.wheeldropCaster ()) ? "true" : "false")297 << " left wheel: " << ((!!robot_.wheeldropLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")298 << " right wheel: " << ((!!robot_.wheeldropRight ()) ? "true" : "false")299 << " bump left: " << ((!!robot_.bumpLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")300 << " bump right: " << ((!!robot_.bumpRight ()) ? "true" : "false")301 << std::endl;302303 std:: err304 << "Wall: " << ((!!robot_.wall ()) ? "true" : "false")305 << std::endl;306307 std:: err308 << "Cliff: "309 << " left: " << ((!!robot_. liffLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")310 << " front-left: " << ((!!robot_. liffFrontLeft ()) ? "true" : "false")311 << " front-right: " << ((!!robot_. liffFrontRight ()) ? "true" : "false")312 << " right: " << ((!!robot_. liffRight ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;313314 std:: err315 << "Digital pin status: "316 << " devi e dete t: " << ((!!robot_.devi eDete t ()) ? "true" : "false")317 << " 3: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput3 ()) ? "true" : "false")318 << " 2: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput2 ()) ? "true" : "false")319 << " 1: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput1 ()) ? "true" : "false")320 << " 0: " << ((!!robot_.digitalInput0 ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;321322 std:: err323 << "Analog signal: " << robot_.analogSignal () << std::endl;324325 std:: err326 << "Chargers available? "327 << " home base: "328 << ((!!robot_.homeBaseChargerAvailable ()) ? "true" : "false")329 << " internal: "330 << ((!!robot_.internalChargerAvailable ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;331332 std:: err333 << "Virtual Wall: "334 << ((!!robot_.virtualWall ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;335336 std:: err337 << "Over urrent: "338 << " left wheel: "339 << ((!!robot_.leftWheelOver urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")340 << " right wheel: "341 << ((!!robot_.rightWheelOver urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")342 << " LD2: " << ((!!robot_.ld2Over urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")343 << " LD1: " << ((!!robot_.ld1Over urrent ()) ? "true" : "false")344 << " LD0: " << ((!!robot_.ld0Over urrent ()) ? "true" : "false");345346 std:: err347 << "IR: " << robot_.ir () << std::endl;348349 std:: err350 << "Buttons: "351 << " advan e: "<< ((!!robot_.advan eButton ()) ? "true" : "false")Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 31: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

6.1 Appli ation Stru t Referen e 27352 << " play: " << ((!!robot_.playButton ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;353354 std:: err355 << "Distan e: " << robot_.distan e () << std::endl;356357 std:: err358 << "Angle: " << robot_.angle () << std::endl;359360 std:: err361 << "Charging state: " << robot_. hargingState () << std::endl;362363 std:: err364 << "Battery voltage: " << robot_.batteryVoltage () << std::endl;365366 std:: err367 << "Battery urrent: " << robot_.batteryCurrent () << std::endl;368369 std:: err370 << "Battery temperature: " << robot_.batteryTemperature () << std::endl;371372 std:: err373 << "Battery harge: " << robot_.batteryCharge () << std::endl;374375 std:: err376 << "Battery apa ity: " << robot_.batteryCapa ity () << std::endl;377378 std:: err379 << "Wall signal: " << robot_.wallSignal () << std::endl;380381 std:: err382 << "Cliff left signal: "383 << robot_. liffLeftSignal () << std::endl;384385 std:: err386 << "Cliff front-left signal: "387 << robot_. liffFrontLeftSignal () << std::endl;388389 std:: err390 << "Cliff front-right signal: "391 << robot_. liffFrontRightSignal () << std::endl;392393 std:: err394 << "Cliff right signal: " << robot_. liffRightSignal () << std::endl;395396 std:: err397 << "Song number: " << stati _ ast<int> (robot_.songNumber ())398 << std::endl;399400 std:: err401 << "Song playing: "402 << ((!!robot_.songPlaying ()) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;403404 std:: err405 << "Streamed pa kets: " << robot_.streamPa kets () << std::endl;406407 std:: err408 << "Requested velo ty: "409 << robot_.requestedVelo ity () << std::endl;410411 std:: err412 << "Request radius: "413 << robot_.requestedRadius () << std::endl;414415 std:: err416 << "Request left velo ity: "417 << robot_.requestedLeftVelo ity () << std::endl;418Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 32: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

28 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation419 std:: err420 << "Request right velo ity: "421 << robot_.requestedRightVelo ity () << std::endl;422423 } void Appli ation::usage () [inline℄426 {427 help (1);428 } void Appli ation::version () [inline℄431 {432 std:: err433 << PACKAGE_STRING << std::endl434 << "Copyright (C) 2008 iLab."435 << std::endl436 << "This is free software; see the sour e for opying onditions."437 << std::endl438 << "There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A"439 << std::endl440 << "PARTICULAR PURPOSE." << std::endl;441 exit (0);442 }The do umentation for this stru t was generated from the following �les:� /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. � /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate- tl.

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 33: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 296.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen eRobot ommuni ation lass, wraps Open Interfa e version 2.#in lude <irobot- reate.hh>Collaboration diagram for iRobot::Create:iRobot::Create

+ LED_COLOR_GREEN+ LED_COLOR_RED+ LED_INTENSITY_OFF+ LED_INTENSITY_FULL+ LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MIN+ LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MAX+ VELOCITY_MIN+ VELOCITY_MAX+ RADIUS_MIN+ RADIUS_MAX+ SONG_MIN+ SONG_MAX+ SONG_MAX_SIZE+ NO_NOTE+ NOTE_MIN+ NOTE_MAX+ SCRIPT_MAX_SIZE+ STREAM_HEADER+ SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_CASTER+ SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_LEFT+ SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_RIGHT+ SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_LEFT+ SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_RIGHT+ SENSOR_BIT_LEFTWHEELOVERCURRENT+ SENSOR_BIT_RIGHTWHEELOVERCURRENT+ SENSOR_BIT_LD2OVERCURRENT+ SENSOR_BIT_LD1OVERCURRENT+ SENSOR_BIT_LD0OVERCURRENT+ SENSOR_BIT_ADVANCEBUTTON+ SENSOR_BIT_PLAYBUTTON+ SENSOR_BIT_DEVICEDETECT+ SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT3+ SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT2+ SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT1+ SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT0+ SENSOR_BIT_HOMEBASECHARGERAVAILABLE+ SENSOR_BIT_INTERNALCHARGERAVAILABLE- currentMode_- stream_- stream_- streamedSensors_- queriedSensors_- wheeldropCaster_- wheeldropLeft_- wheeldropRight_- bumpLeft_- bumpRight_- wall_- cliffLeft_- cliffFrontLeft_- cliffFrontRight_- cliffRight_- deviceDetect_- digitalInput3_- digitalInput2_- digitalInput1_- digitalInput0_- analogSignal_- homeBaseChargerAvailable_- internalChargerAvailable_- virtualWall_- leftWheelOvercurrent_- rightWheelOvercurrent_- ld2Overcurrent_- ld1Overcurrent_- ld0Overcurrent_- ir_- advanceButton_- playButton_- distance_- angle_- chargingState_- batteryVoltage_- batteryCurrent_- batteryTemperature_- batteryCharge_- batteryCapacity_- wallSignal_- cliffLeftSignal_- cliffFrontLeftSignal_- cliffFrontRightSignal_- cliffRightSignal_- songNumber_- songPlaying_- streamPackets_- requestedVelocity_- requestedRadius_- requestedLeftVelocity_- requestedRightVelocity_

+ Create()+ Create()+ ~Create()+ sendBaudCommand()+ sendStartCommand()+ sendSafeCommand()+ sendFullCommand()+ sendDemoCommand()+ sendDriveCommand()+ sendDriveCommand()+ sendDriveDirectCommand()+ sendLedCommand()+ sendDigitalOutputsCommand()+ sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand()+ sendLowSideDriversCommand()+ sendIrCommand()+ sendSongCommand()+ sendPlaySongCommand()+ sendSensorsCommand()+ sendQueryListCommand()+ sendStreamCommand()+ sendPauseStreamCommand()+ sendScriptCommand()+ sendPlayScriptCommand()+ sendShowScriptCommand()+ sendWaitTimeCommand()+ sendWaitDistanceCommand()+ sendWaitAngleCommand()+ sendWaitEventCommand()+ updateSensors()+ readStream()+ mode()+ wheeldropCaster()+ wheeldropLeft()+ wheeldropRight()+ bumpLeft()+ bumpRight()+ wall()+ cliffLeft()+ cliffFrontLeft()+ cliffFrontRight()+ cliffRight()+ deviceDetect()+ digitalInput3()+ digitalInput2()+ digitalInput1()+ digitalInput0()+ analogSignal()+ homeBaseChargerAvailable()+ internalChargerAvailable()+ virtualWall()+ leftWheelOvercurrent()+ rightWheelOvercurrent()+ ld2Overcurrent()+ ld1Overcurrent()+ ld0Overcurrent()+ ir()+ advanceButton()+ playButton()+ distance()+ angle()+ chargingState()+ batteryVoltage()+ batteryCurrent()+ batteryTemperature()+ batteryCharge()+ batteryCapacity()+ wallSignal()+ cliffLeftSignal()+ cliffFrontLeftSignal()+ cliffFrontRightSignal()+ cliffRightSignal()+ songNumber()+ songPlaying()+ streamPackets()+ requestedVelocity()+ requestedRadius()+ requestedLeftVelocity()+ requestedRightVelocity()+ Create()+ Create()+ ~Create()+ sendBaudCommand()+ sendStartCommand()+ sendSafeCommand()+ sendFullCommand()+ sendDemoCommand()+ sendDriveCommand()+ sendDriveCommand()+ sendDriveDirectCommand()+ sendLedCommand()+ sendDigitalOutputsCommand()+ sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand()+ sendLowSideDriversCommand()+ sendIrCommand()+ sendSongCommand()+ sendPlaySongCommand()+ sendSensorsCommand()+ sendQueryListCommand()+ sendStreamCommand()+ sendPauseStreamCommand()+ sendScriptCommand()+ sendPlayScriptCommand()+ sendShowScriptCommand()+ sendWaitTimeCommand()+ sendWaitDistanceCommand()+ sendWaitAngleCommand()+ sendWaitEventCommand()+ updateSensors()+ readStream()+ mode()+ wheeldropCaster()+ wheeldropLeft()+ wheeldropRight()+ bumpLeft()+ bumpRight()+ wall()+ cliffLeft()+ cliffFrontLeft()+ cliffFrontRight()+ cliffRight()+ deviceDetect()+ digitalInput3()+ digitalInput2()+ digitalInput1()+ digitalInput0()+ analogSignal()+ homeBaseChargerAvailable()+ internalChargerAvailable()+ virtualWall()+ leftWheelOvercurrent()+ rightWheelOvercurrent()+ ld2Overcurrent()+ ld1Overcurrent()+ ld0Overcurrent()+ ir()+ advanceButton()+ playButton()+ distance()+ angle()+ chargingState()+ batteryVoltage()+ batteryCurrent()+ batteryTemperature()+ batteryCharge()+ batteryCapacity()+ wallSignal()+ cliffLeftSignal()+ cliffFrontLeftSignal()+ cliffFrontRightSignal()+ cliffRightSignal()+ songNumber()+ songPlaying()+ streamPackets()+ requestedVelocity()+ requestedRadius()+ requestedLeftVelocity()+ requestedRightVelocity()# readSensorPacket()# readSensorPacket()# readSensorPacket()# readSensorPacket()- init()- init()* streamedSensors_* queriedSensors_* wheeldropCaster_* wheeldropLeft_* wheeldropRight_* bumpLeft_* bumpRight_* wall_* cliffLeft_* cliffFrontLeft_* cliffFrontRight_* cliffRight_* deviceDetect_* digitalInput3_* digitalInput2_* digitalInput1_* digitalInput0_* analogSignal_* homeBaseChargerAvailable_* internalChargerAvailable_* virtualWall_* leftWheelOvercurrent_* rightWheelOvercurrent_* ld2Overcurrent_* ld1Overcurrent_* ld0Overcurrent_* ir_* advanceButton_* playButton_* distance_* angle_* chargingState_* batteryVoltage_* batteryCurrent_* batteryTemperature_* batteryCharge_* batteryCapacity_* wallSignal_* cliffLeftSignal_* cliffFrontLeftSignal_* cliffFrontRightSignal_* cliffRightSignal_* songNumber_* songPlaying_* streamPackets_* requestedVelocity_* requestedRadius_* requestedLeftVelocity_* requestedRightVelocity_* Create()* Create()* ~Create()* sendBaudCommand()* sendStartCommand()* sendSafeCommand()* sendFullCommand()* sendDemoCommand()* sendDriveCommand()* sendDriveCommand()* sendDriveDirectCommand()* sendLedCommand()* sendDigitalOutputsCommand()* sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand()* sendLowSideDriversCommand()* sendIrCommand()* sendSongCommand()* sendPlaySongCommand()* sendSensorsCommand()* sendQueryListCommand()* sendStreamCommand()* sendPauseStreamCommand()* sendScriptCommand()* sendPlayScriptCommand()* sendShowScriptCommand()* sendWaitTimeCommand()* sendWaitDistanceCommand()* sendWaitAngleCommand()* sendWaitEventCommand()* updateSensors()* readStream()* mode()* wheeldropCaster()* wheeldropLeft()* wheeldropRight()* bumpLeft()* bumpRight()* wall()* cliffLeft()* cliffFrontLeft()* cliffFrontRight()* cliffRight()* deviceDetect()* digitalInput3()* digitalInput2()* digitalInput1()* digitalInput0()* analogSignal()* homeBaseChargerAvailable()* internalChargerAvailable()* virtualWall()* leftWheelOvercurrent()* rightWheelOvercurrent()* ld2Overcurrent()* ld1Overcurrent()* ld0Overcurrent()* ir()* advanceButton()* playButton()* distance()* angle()* chargingState()* batteryVoltage()* batteryCurrent()* batteryTemperature()* batteryCharge()* batteryCapacity()* wallSignal()* cliffLeftSignal()* cliffFrontLeftSignal()* cliffFrontRightSignal()* cliffRightSignal()* songNumber()* songPlaying()* streamPackets()* requestedVelocity()* requestedRadius()* requestedLeftVelocity()* requestedRightVelocity()* Create()* Create()* ~Create()* sendBaudCommand()* sendStartCommand()* sendSafeCommand()* sendFullCommand()* sendDemoCommand()* sendDriveCommand()* sendDriveCommand()* sendDriveDirectCommand()* sendLedCommand()* sendDigitalOutputsCommand()* sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand()* sendLowSideDriversCommand()* sendIrCommand()* sendSongCommand()* sendPlaySongCommand()* sendSensorsCommand()* sendQueryListCommand()* sendStreamCommand()* sendPauseStreamCommand()* sendScriptCommand()* sendPlayScriptCommand()* sendShowScriptCommand()* sendWaitTimeCommand()* sendWaitDistanceCommand()* sendWaitAngleCommand()* sendWaitEventCommand()* updateSensors()* readStream()* mode()* wheeldropCaster()* wheeldropLeft()* wheeldropRight()* bumpLeft()* bumpRight()* wall()* cliffLeft()* cliffFrontLeft()* cliffFrontRight()* cliffRight()* deviceDetect()* digitalInput3()* digitalInput2()* digitalInput1()* digitalInput0()* analogSignal()* homeBaseChargerAvailable()* internalChargerAvailable()* virtualWall()* leftWheelOvercurrent()* rightWheelOvercurrent()* ld2Overcurrent()* ld1Overcurrent()* ld0Overcurrent()* ir()* advanceButton()* playButton()* distance()* angle()* chargingState()* batteryVoltage()* batteryCurrent()* batteryTemperature()* batteryCharge()* batteryCapacity()* wallSignal()* cliffLeftSignal()* cliffFrontLeftSignal()* cliffFrontRightSignal()* cliffRightSignal()* songNumber()* songPlaying()* streamPackets()* requestedVelocity()* requestedRadius()* requestedLeftVelocity()* requestedRightVelocity()

std::queue< T >


std::vector< T >


Publi Types� enum Mode {IROBOT_CREATE_OFF, IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE, IROBOT_-CREATE_SAFE, IROBOT_CREATE_FULL,IROBOT_CREATE_OFF, IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE, IROBOT_-CREATE_SAFE, IROBOT_CREATE_FULL }iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) modes The mode de�nes whi h ommands are available and howthe robot behaves when some events happens like wheel drop or if a li� is dete ted.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 34: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

30 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation� enum Baud {BAUD_300 = 0, BAUD_600 = 1, BAUD_1200 = 2, BAUD_2400 = 3,BAUD_4800 = 4, BAUD_9600 = 5, BAUD_14400 = 6, BAUD_19200 = 7,BAUD_28800 = 8, BAUD_38400 = 9, BAUD_57600 = 10, BAUD_115200 = 11,BAUD_300 = 0, BAUD_600 = 1, BAUD_1200 = 2, BAUD_2400 = 3,BAUD_4800 = 4, BAUD_9600 = 5, BAUD_14400 = 6, BAUD_19200 = 7,BAUD_28800 = 8, BAUD_38400 = 9, BAUD_57600 = 10, BAUD_115200 = 11} Enumerate all possible ommuni ation speeds.� enum Demo {DEMO_COVER = 0, DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK = 1, DEMO_SPOT_-COVER = 2, DEMO_MOUSE = 3,DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT = 4, DEMO_WIMP = 5, DEMO_HOME= 6, DEMO_TAG = 7,DEMO_PACHELBEL = 8, DEMO_BANJO = 9, DEMO_ABORT = 255,DEMO_COVER = 0,DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK = 1, DEMO_SPOT_COVER = 2, DEMO_-MOUSE = 3, DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT = 4,DEMO_WIMP = 5, DEMO_HOME = 6, DEMO_TAG = 7, DEMO_-PACHELBEL = 8,DEMO_BANJO = 9, DEMO_ABORT = 255 }Enumerate built-in demos.� enum DriveCommand {DRIVE_STRAIGHT, DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE, DRIVE_-INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE, DRIVE_STRAIGHT,DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE, DRIVE_INPLACE_-COUNTERCLOCKWISE }Enumerates spe ial driving ommands.� enum Led {LED_NONE = 0, LED_PLAY = 2, LED_ADVANCE = 8, LED_ALL = LED_-PLAY | LED_ADVANCE,LED_NONE = 0, LED_PLAY = 2, LED_ADVANCE = 8, LED_ALL = LED_-PLAY | LED_ADVANCE }Enumerate available leds (and ombinations). The power led is not in this list be ause it ishandled di�erently (as its olor is not �xed).� enum StreamState { STREAM_STATE_OFF = 0, STREAM_STATE_ON = 1,STREAM_STATE_OFF = 0, STREAM_STATE_ON = 1 }A tivate or disable sensor streaming.� enum ChargingState {CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGING = 0, CHARGING_STATE_-RECONDITIONING_CHARGING = 1, CHARGING_STATE_FULL_-CHARGING = 2, CHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGING = 3,Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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34 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationBAUD_28800 = 8, BAUD_38400 = 9, BAUD_57600 = 10, BAUD_115200 = 11} Enumerate all possible ommuni ation speeds.� enum Demo {DEMO_COVER = 0, DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK = 1, DEMO_SPOT_-COVER = 2, DEMO_MOUSE = 3,DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT = 4, DEMO_WIMP = 5, DEMO_HOME= 6, DEMO_TAG = 7,DEMO_PACHELBEL = 8, DEMO_BANJO = 9, DEMO_ABORT = 255,DEMO_COVER = 0,DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK = 1, DEMO_SPOT_COVER = 2, DEMO_-MOUSE = 3, DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT = 4,DEMO_WIMP = 5, DEMO_HOME = 6, DEMO_TAG = 7, DEMO_-PACHELBEL = 8,DEMO_BANJO = 9, DEMO_ABORT = 255 }Enumerate built-in demos.� enum DriveCommand {DRIVE_STRAIGHT, DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE, DRIVE_-INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE, DRIVE_STRAIGHT,DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE, DRIVE_INPLACE_-COUNTERCLOCKWISE }Enumerates spe ial driving ommands.� enum Led {LED_NONE = 0, LED_PLAY = 2, LED_ADVANCE = 8, LED_ALL = LED_-PLAY | LED_ADVANCE,LED_NONE = 0, LED_PLAY = 2, LED_ADVANCE = 8, LED_ALL = LED_-PLAY | LED_ADVANCE }Enumerate available leds (and ombinations). The power led is not in this list be ause it ishandled di�erently (as its olor is not �xed).� enum StreamState { STREAM_STATE_OFF = 0, STREAM_STATE_ON = 1,STREAM_STATE_OFF = 0, STREAM_STATE_ON = 1 }A tivate or disable sensor streaming.� enum ChargingState {CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGING = 0, CHARGING_STATE_-RECONDITIONING_CHARGING = 1, CHARGING_STATE_FULL_-CHARGING = 2, CHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGING = 3,CHARGING_STATE_WAITING = 4, CHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_-FAULT_CONDITION = 5, CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGING = 0,CHARGING_STATE_RECONDITIONING_CHARGING = 1,CHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGING = 2, CHARGING_STATE_-TRICKLE_CHARGING = 3, CHARGING_STATE_WAITING = 4,CHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_FAULT_CONDITION = 5 }Enumerate possible harging states.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 37SENSOR_GROUP_3 = 3, SENSOR_GROUP_4 = 4, SENSOR_GROUP_5 =5, SENSOR_GROUP_6 = 6,SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS = 7, SENSOR_WALL = 8, SENSOR_-CLIFF_LEFT = 9, SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT = 10,SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT = 11, SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT = 12,SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL = 13, SENSOR_OVERCURRENTS = 14,SENSOR_IR = 17, SENSOR_BUTTONS = 18, SENSOR_DISTANCE = 19,SENSOR_ANGLE = 20,SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE = 21, SENSOR_VOLTAGE = 22, SENSOR_-CURRENT = 23, SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE = 24,SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE = 25, SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY =26, SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL = 27, SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL = 28,SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL = 29, SENSOR_CLIFF_-FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL = 30, SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL = 31,SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT = 32,SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL = 33, SENSOR_-CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE = 34, SENSOR_OI_MODE = 35,SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER = 36,SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING = 37, SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_-PACKETS = 38, SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY = 39, SENSOR_-REQUESTED_RADIUS = 40,SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY = 41, SENSOR_-REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY = 42 }Enumerate available sensor pa kets.� typedef std::pair< unsigned har, unsigned har > note_tDe�ne a song note (frequen y, duration).� typedef std::ve tor< note_t > song_tDe�ne a song (a list of notes).� typedef std::ve tor< unsigned har > op odes_tDe�ne a ve tor of op odes and arguments (a s ript).� typedef std::ve tor< SensorPa ket > sensorPa kets_tDe�ne a ve tor of sensor pa kets.� typedef std::queue< SensorPa ket > queriedPa kets_t� typedef std::pair< unsigned har, unsigned har > note_tDe�ne a song note (frequen y, duration).� typedef std::ve tor< note_t > song_tDe�ne a song (a list of notes).� typedef std::ve tor< unsigned har > op odes_tDe�ne a ve tor of op odes and arguments (a s ript).� typedef std::ve tor< SensorPa ket > sensorPa kets_tDe�ne a ve tor of sensor pa kets.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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38 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation� typedef std::queue< SensorPa ket > queriedPa kets_tPubli Member Fun tions� Create (std::iostream &stream) throw (InvalidArgument)Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29).� Create (LibSerial::SerialStream &stream) throw (InvalidArgument, LibSerialNotAvail-able)Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29) using serial port ommuni ation.� ∼Create () throw ()Destroy an instan e of Create (p. 29).� void sendBaudCommand (Baud speed) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgu-ment)Change the ommuni ation speed. After hanging the ommuni ation speed, it is required towait at least 100ms.� void sendStartCommand ()Swit h to passive mode. Automati ally done when the lass is instan iated.� void sendSafeCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to safe mode.� void sendFullCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to full mode.� void sendDemoCommand (Demo demo) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgu-ment)Run a built-in demo.� void sendDriveCommand (short v, short r) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidAr-gument)Drive the robot.� void sendDriveCommand (short v, DriveCommand d ) throw (CommandNotAvail-able, InvalidArgument)Drive the robot using a spe ial drigin mode.� void sendDriveDire tCommand (short vr, short vl) throw (CommandNotAvailable,InvalidArgument)Drive the two wheels separately.� void sendLedCommand (Led l, unsigned har , unsigned har i) throw (Command-NotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Change led status.� void sendDigitalOutputsCommand (bool d1, bool d2, bool d3) throw (CommandNo-tAvailable)Change the digital output values.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 39� void sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand (unsigned har lsd1, unsigned har lsd2,unsigned har lsd3) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive low side drivers with variable power.� void sendLowSideDriversCommand (bool lsd1, bool lsd2, bool lsd3) throw (Com-mandNotAvailable)Swit h on/o� low side drivers.� void sendIrCommand (unsigned har v) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Send an IR ommand on low side driver 1. The data will be en oded using the iRobot's Create(p. 29) re eiver format.� void sendSongCommand (unsigned har sid, onst song_t &song) throw (Command-NotAvailable, InvalidArgument)De�ne a song.� void sendPlaySongCommand (unsigned har sid) throw (CommandNotAvailable, In-validArgument)Play a song.� void sendSensorsCommand (SensorPa ket sp) throw (CommandNotAvailable, Inval-idArgument)Request the robot to send a parti ular sensor pa ket.� void sendQueryListCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t &lsp) throw (CommandNo-tAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to send a list of sensor pa kets.� void sendStreamCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t &lsp) throw (CommandNo-tAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to start streaming some sensor pa kets. After the streaming is started, therequested values will be sent every 15ms.� void sendPauseStreamCommand (StreamState st) throw (CommandNotAvailable,InvalidArgument)Pause or resume sensor streaming.� void sendS riptCommand ( onst op odes_t &s ript) throw (CommandNotAvailable,InvalidArgument)Send a s ript.� void sendPlayS riptCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Play the urrent stored s ript.� void sendShowS riptCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Show the stored s ript.� void sendWaitTimeCommand (unsigned har t) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait for a spe i� amount of time.� void sendWaitDistan eCommand (short d) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait until it travelled a ertain distan e.� void sendWaitAngleCommand (short a) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait until it has rotated enough.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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40 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation� void sendWaitEventCommand (Event e, EventState es=EVENT_OCCURRING)throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Make the robot wait for a spe i� event.� void updateSensors ()Read the stream to update sensors values. This handles both streamed data and spe i� queriesthrough querylist or sensors ommands.� void readStream ()Read streamed sensors and update sensors values.� Mode mode () throw ()� bool wheeldropCaster ()� bool wheeldropLeft ()� bool wheeldropRight ()� bool bumpLeft ()� bool bumpRight ()� bool wall ()Get wall sensor value.� bool li�Left ()� bool li�FrontLeft ()� bool li�FrontRight ()� bool li�Right ()� bool devi eDete t ()� bool digitalInput3 ()� bool digitalInput2 ()� bool digitalInput1 ()� bool digitalInput0 ()� short analogSignal ()� bool homeBaseChargerAvailable ()� bool internalChargerAvailable ()� bool virtualWall ()� bool leftWheelOver urrent ()� bool rightWheelOver urrent ()� bool ld2Over urrent ()� bool ld1Over urrent ()� bool ld0Over urrent ()� unsigned har ir ()� bool advan eButton ()� bool playButton ()� short distan e ()� short angle ()� ChargingState hargingState ()� short batteryVoltage ()� short batteryCurrent ()� short batteryTemperature ()� short batteryCharge ()� short batteryCapa ity ()� short wallSignal ()� short li�LeftSignal ()� short li�FrontLeftSignal ()� short li�FrontRightSignal ()� short li�RightSignal ()Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 41� unsigned har songNumber ()� bool songPlaying ()� unsigned har streamPa kets ()� short requestedVelo ity ()� short requestedRadius ()� short requestedLeftVelo ity ()� short requestedRightVelo ity ()� Create (std::iostream &stream) throw (InvalidArgument)Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29).� Create (LibSerial::SerialStream &stream) throw (InvalidArgument, LibSerialNotAvail-able)Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29) using serial port ommuni ation.� ∼Create () throw ()Destroy an instan e of Create (p. 29).� void sendBaudCommand (Baud speed) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgu-ment)Change the ommuni ation speed. After hanging the ommuni ation speed, it is required towait at least 100ms.� void sendStartCommand ()Swit h to passive mode. Automati ally done when the lass is instan iated.� void sendSafeCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to safe mode.� void sendFullCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to full mode.� void sendDemoCommand (Demo demo) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgu-ment)Run a built-in demo.� void sendDriveCommand (short v, short r) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidAr-gument)Drive the robot.� void sendDriveCommand (short v, DriveCommand d ) throw (CommandNotAvail-able, InvalidArgument)Drive the robot using a spe ial drigin mode.� void sendDriveDire tCommand (short vr, short vl) throw (CommandNotAvailable,InvalidArgument)Drive the two wheels separately.� void sendLedCommand (Led l, unsigned har , unsigned har i) throw (Command-NotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Change led status.� void sendDigitalOutputsCommand (bool d1, bool d2, bool d3) throw (CommandNo-tAvailable)Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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42 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationChange the digital output values.� void sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand (unsigned har lsd1, unsigned har lsd2,unsigned har lsd3) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive low side drivers with variable power.� void sendLowSideDriversCommand (bool lsd1, bool lsd2, bool lsd3) throw (Com-mandNotAvailable)Swit h on/o� low side drivers.� void sendIrCommand (unsigned har v) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Send an IR ommand on low side driver 1. The data will be en oded using the iRobot's Create(p. 29) re eiver format.� void sendSongCommand (unsigned har sid, onst song_t &song) throw (Command-NotAvailable, InvalidArgument)De�ne a song.� void sendPlaySongCommand (unsigned har sid) throw (CommandNotAvailable, In-validArgument)Play a song.� void sendSensorsCommand (SensorPa ket sp) throw (CommandNotAvailable, Inval-idArgument)Request the robot to send a parti ular sensor pa ket.� void sendQueryListCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t &lsp) throw (CommandNo-tAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to send a list of sensor pa kets.� void sendStreamCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t &lsp) throw (CommandNo-tAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to start streaming some sensor pa kets. After the streaming is started, therequested values will be sent every 15ms.� void sendPauseStreamCommand (StreamState st) throw (CommandNotAvailable,InvalidArgument)Pause or resume sensor streaming.� void sendS riptCommand ( onst op odes_t &s ript) throw (CommandNotAvailable,InvalidArgument)Send a s ript.� void sendPlayS riptCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Play the urrent stored s ript.� void sendShowS riptCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Show the stored s ript.� void sendWaitTimeCommand (unsigned har t) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait for a spe i� amount of time.� void sendWaitDistan eCommand (short d) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait until it travelled a ertain distan e.� void sendWaitAngleCommand (short a) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 43Make the robot wait until it has rotated enough.� void sendWaitEventCommand (Event e, EventState es=EVENT_OCCURRING)throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Make the robot wait for a spe i� event.� void updateSensors ()Read the stream to update sensors values. This handles both streamed data and spe i� queriesthrough querylist or sensors ommands.� void readStream ()Read streamed sensors and update sensors values.� Mode mode () throw ()� bool wheeldropCaster ()� bool wheeldropLeft ()� bool wheeldropRight ()� bool bumpLeft ()� bool bumpRight ()� bool wall ()Get wall sensor value.� bool li�Left ()� bool li�FrontLeft ()� bool li�FrontRight ()� bool li�Right ()� bool devi eDete t ()� bool digitalInput3 ()� bool digitalInput2 ()� bool digitalInput1 ()� bool digitalInput0 ()� short analogSignal ()� bool homeBaseChargerAvailable ()� bool internalChargerAvailable ()� bool virtualWall ()� bool leftWheelOver urrent ()� bool rightWheelOver urrent ()� bool ld2Over urrent ()� bool ld1Over urrent ()� bool ld0Over urrent ()� unsigned har ir ()� bool advan eButton ()� bool playButton ()� short distan e ()� short angle ()� ChargingState hargingState ()� short batteryVoltage ()� short batteryCurrent ()� short batteryTemperature ()� short batteryCharge ()� short batteryCapa ity ()� short wallSignal ()� short li�LeftSignal ()� short li�FrontLeftSignal ()� short li�FrontRightSignal ()Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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44 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation� short li�RightSignal ()� unsigned har songNumber ()� bool songPlaying ()� unsigned har streamPa kets ()� short requestedVelo ity ()� short requestedRadius ()� short requestedLeftVelo ity ()� short requestedRightVelo ity ()Stati Publi Attributes� stati onst unsigned har LED_COLOR_GREEN = 0De�ne the green olor for power led.� stati onst unsigned har LED_COLOR_RED = 255De�ne the red olor for power led.� stati onst unsigned har LED_INTENSITY_OFF = 0De�ne minimum intensity for power led (o�).� stati onst unsigned har LED_INTENSITY_FULL = 255De�ne full intensity for power led.� stati onst unsigned har LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MIN = 0De�ne minimum velo ity for low side drivers.� stati onst unsigned har LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MAX = 128De�ne maximum velo ity for low side drivers.� stati onst int VELOCITY_MIN = -500De�ne minimum velo ity for robot wheels motors.� stati onst int VELOCITY_MAX = 500De�ne maximum velo ity for robot wheels motors.� stati onst int RADIUS_MIN = -2000De�ne minimum radius turn of the robot.� stati onst int RADIUS_MAX = 2000De�ne maximum radius turn of the robot.� stati onst unsigned har SONG_MIN = 0De�ne minimum song id.� stati onst unsigned har SONG_MAX = 15De�ne maximum song id.� stati onst unsigned har SONG_MAX_SIZE = 16De�ne song maximum size.� stati onst unsigned har NO_NOTE = 30Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 45De�ne the value for a rest node (no sound).� stati onst unsigned har NOTE_MIN = 31De�ne the minimum note (G).� stati onst unsigned har NOTE_MAX = 127De�ne the maximum note (G).� stati onst unsigned har SCRIPT_MAX_SIZE = 100De�ne maximum s ript size.� stati onst unsigned har STREAM_HEADER = 19Stream header �magi value�.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_CASTER = 4Bit used to retrieve the wheeldrop aster status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_LEFT = 3Bit used to retrieve the wheeldrop aster status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_RIGHT = 2Bit used to retrieve the wheeldrop aster status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_LEFT = 1Bit used to retrieve the bump left status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_RIGHT = 0Bit used to retrieve the bump right status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_LEFTWHEELOVERCURRENT = 4Bit used to retrieve the left wheel over urrent status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_RIGHTWHEELOVERCURRENT= 3Bit used to retrieve the right wheel over urrent status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_LD2OVERCURRENT = 2Bit used to retrieve the LD2 over urrent status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_LD1OVERCURRENT = 1Bit used to retrieve the LD1 over urrent status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_LD0OVERCURRENT = 0Bit used to retrieve the LD0 over urrent status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_ADVANCEBUTTON = 2Bit used to retrieve the advan e button status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_PLAYBUTTON = 0Bit used to retrieve the play button status.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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46 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_DEVICEDETECT = 4Bit used to retrieve the devi e dete t pin status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT3 = 3Bit used to retrieve the digital input 3 pin status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT2 = 2Bit used to retrieve the digital input 2 pin status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT1 = 1Bit used to retrieve the digital input 1 pin status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT0 = 0Bit used to retrieve the digital input 0 pin status.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_HOMEBASECHARGERAVAILABLE= 1Bit used to retrieve whether the home base harger is available or not.� stati onst unsigned har SENSOR_BIT_INTERNALCHARGERAVAILABLE =0 Bit used to retrieve whether the internal harger is available or not.Prote ted Member Fun tions� bool readSensorPa ket ()Read a spe i� sensor pa ket and update sensors values. The next expe ted sensor pa ket will beread.� bool readSensorPa ket (SensorPa ket, std::istream &)Read sensor pa ket on a spe i�ed stream, update sensor values.� bool readSensorPa ket ()Read a spe i� sensor pa ket and update sensors values. The next expe ted sensor pa ket will beread.� bool readSensorPa ket (SensorPa ket, std::istream &)Read sensor pa ket on a spe i�ed stream, update sensor values.6.2.1 Detailed Des riptionRobot ommuni ation lass, wraps Open Interfa e version 2.This lass allows easy and safe ommuni ation with an iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) robot.When this lass is instan iated, the spe i�ed std::iostream will be used for the ommuni ation.After being initialized, the obje t automati ally set the robot into the passive mode.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 476.2.2 Member Typedef Do umentation6.2.2.1 typedef std::pair<unsigned har, unsigned har> iRobot::Create::note_tDe�ne a song note (frequen y, duration). typedef std::ve tor<note_t> iRobot::Create::song_tDe�ne a song (a list of notes).See also:note_t (p. 47) typedef std::ve tor<unsigned har> iRobot::Create::op odes_tDe�ne a ve tor of op odes and arguments (a s ript).See also:Op ode (p. 67) typedef std::ve tor<SensorPa ket> iRobot::Create::sensorPa kets_tDe�ne a ve tor of sensor pa kets.See also:sendQueryListCommand (p. 92)sendStreamCommand (p. 92) typedef std::queue<SensorPa ket> iRobot::Create::queriedPa kets_t6.2.2.6 typedef std::pair<unsigned har, unsigned har> iRobot::Create::note_tDe�ne a song note (frequen y, duration). typedef std::ve tor<note_t> iRobot::Create::song_tDe�ne a song (a list of notes).See also:note_t (p. 47)Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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48 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.2.2.8 typedef std::ve tor<unsigned har> iRobot::Create::op odes_tDe�ne a ve tor of op odes and arguments (a s ript).See also:Op ode (p. 67) typedef std::ve tor<SensorPa ket> iRobot::Create::sensorPa kets_tDe�ne a ve tor of sensor pa kets.See also:sendQueryListCommand (p. 92)sendStreamCommand (p. 92) typedef std::queue<SensorPa ket> iRobot::Create::queriedPa kets_t6.2.3 Member Enumeration Do umentation6.2.3.1 enum iRobot::Create::ModeiRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) modes The mode de�nes whi h ommands are available and howthe robot behaves when some events happens like wheel drop or if a li� is dete ted.Enumerator:IROBOT_CREATE_OFF Start-up mode, no ommand an be sent ex ept start.See also:Create::sendStartCommand (p. 89)IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE Passive mode, a tuators an not be ontrolled.IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE Safe mode, all ommands are available. iRobot (p. 13)Create (p. 29) will stop if the wheels are dropped, if a li� is dete ted or if the hargeris plugged in and powered.IROBOT_CREATE_FULL Full mode, all ommands are available. No safety he k isdone in this mode. The robot may fall from li�s and will keep running if the wheels aredropped.IROBOT_CREATE_OFF Start-up mode, no ommand an be sent ex ept start.See also:Create::sendStartCommand (p. 89)IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE Passive mode, a tuators an not be ontrolled.IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE Safe mode, all ommands are available. iRobot (p. 13)Create (p. 29) will stop if the wheels are dropped, if a li� is dete ted or if the hargeris plugged in and powered.IROBOT_CREATE_FULL Full mode, all ommands are available. No safety he k isdone in this mode. The robot may fall from li�s and will keep running if the wheels aredropped. Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 49100 {103 IROBOT_CREATE_OFF,105 IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE,110 IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE,115 IROBOT_CREATE_FULL116 }; enum iRobot::Create::BaudEnumerate all possible ommuni ation speeds.Enumerator:BAUD_300 Communi ate at 300 bauds per se ond.BAUD_600 Communi ate at 600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_1200 Communi ate at 1200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_2400 Communi ate at 2400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_4800 Communi ate at 4800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_9600 Communi ate at 9600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_14400 Communi ate at 14400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_19200 Communi ate at 19200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_28800 Communi ate at 28800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_38400 Communi ate at 38400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_57600 Communi ate at 57600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_115200 Communi ate at 115200 bauds per se ond. In this mode, be sure to keepat least 15 µs between ea h ommand.BAUD_300 Communi ate at 300 bauds per se ond.BAUD_600 Communi ate at 600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_1200 Communi ate at 1200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_2400 Communi ate at 2400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_4800 Communi ate at 4800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_9600 Communi ate at 9600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_14400 Communi ate at 14400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_19200 Communi ate at 19200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_28800 Communi ate at 28800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_38400 Communi ate at 38400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_57600 Communi ate at 57600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_115200 Communi ate at 115200 bauds per se ond. In this mode, be sure to keepat least 15 µs between ea h ommand.120 {122 BAUD_300 = 0,124 BAUD_600 = 1,126 BAUD_1200 = 2,128 BAUD_2400 = 3,130 BAUD_4800 = 4,132 BAUD_9600 = 5,134 BAUD_14400 = 6,Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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50 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation136 BAUD_19200 = 7,138 BAUD_28800 = 8,140 BAUD_38400 = 9,142 BAUD_57600 = 10,145 BAUD_115200 = 11146 }; enum iRobot::Create::DemoEnumerate built-in demos.Enumerator:DEMO_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) overs an entire room using a ombina-tion of behaviors,su h as boun ing o� of walls, following walls, and spiraling.DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK Identi al to the Cover demo, with one ex eption; ifiRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) sees the Home Base's∗ infrared signals, it uses these tomove towards the Home Base and do k with it.DEMO_SPOT_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) spirals outward, then inward,to over an area around its starting position.DEMO_MOUSE iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) tries to follow around the edges of aroom using its wall sensor and bumper.DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) ontinuouslydrives in a �gure 8 pattern.DEMO_WIMP iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives forward when pushed from behind.If iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) hits an obsta le while driving, it drives away from theobsta le.DEMO_HOME iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives toward a Virtual Wall when theba k and sides of its Omnidire tional IR Re eiver are overed with bla k ele tri al tape.When it tou hes the Virtual Wall or another obsta le, it stops.DEMO_TAG Identi al to the Home demo, ex ept iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) goesba k and forth between multiple Virtual Walls by bumping into one, turning around,driving to the next Virtual Wall, bumping into it and turning around to bump into thenext Virtual Wall.DEMO_PACHELBEL iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) plays the notes of Pa helbel'sCanon in sequen e when its li� sensors are a tivated.DEMO_BANJO iRobot (p. 13) Create's four li� sensors play the notes of a hord,depending on how the bumper is pressed: No bumper: G major Right or left bumper:D major7 Both bumpers ( enter): C majorDEMO_ABORT Abort urrent running demo.DEMO_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) overs an entire room using a ombina-tion of behaviors,su h as boun ing o� of walls, following walls, and spiraling.DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK Identi al to the Cover demo, with one ex eption; ifiRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) sees the Home Base's∗ infrared signals, it uses these tomove towards the Home Base and do k with it.DEMO_SPOT_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) spirals outward, then inward,to over an area around its starting position.DEMO_MOUSE iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) tries to follow around the edges of aroom using its wall sensor and bumper.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 51DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) ontinuouslydrives in a �gure 8 pattern.DEMO_WIMP iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives forward when pushed from behind.If iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) hits an obsta le while driving, it drives away from theobsta le.DEMO_HOME iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives toward a Virtual Wall when theba k and sides of its Omnidire tional IR Re eiver are overed with bla k ele tri al tape.When it tou hes the Virtual Wall or another obsta le, it stops.DEMO_TAG Identi al to the Home demo, ex ept iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) goesba k and forth between multiple Virtual Walls by bumping into one, turning around,driving to the next Virtual Wall, bumping into it and turning around to bump into thenext Virtual Wall.DEMO_PACHELBEL iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) plays the notes of Pa helbel'sCanon in sequen e when its li� sensors are a tivated.DEMO_BANJO iRobot (p. 13) Create's four li� sensors play the notes of a hord,depending on how the bumper is pressed: No bumper: G major Right or left bumper:D major7 Both bumpers ( enter): C majorDEMO_ABORT Abort urrent running demo.150 {154 DEMO_COVER = 0,155159 DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK = 1,160163 DEMO_SPOT_COVER = 2,164167 DEMO_MOUSE = 3,168170 DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT = 4,171175 DEMO_WIMP = 5,176181 DEMO_HOME = 6,182187 DEMO_TAG = 7,188191 DEMO_PACHELBEL = 8,192198 DEMO_BANJO = 9,199201 DEMO_ABORT = 255202 }; enum iRobot::Create::DriveCommandEnumerates spe ial driving ommands.Enumerator:DRIVE_STRAIGHT Drive straight.DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE Turn in pla e lo kwise.DRIVE_INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE Turn in pla e ounter- lo kwise.DRIVE_STRAIGHT Drive straight.DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE Turn in pla e lo kwise.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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52 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationDRIVE_INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE Turn in pla e ounter- lo kwise.206 {208 DRIVE_STRAIGHT,210 DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE,212 DRIVE_INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE213 }; enum iRobot::Create::LedEnumerate available leds (and ombinations). The power led is not in this list be ause it is handleddi�erently (as its olor is not �xed).Enumerator:LED_NONE No led.LED_PLAY Play led only.LED_ADVANCE Advan e led only.LED_ALL All leds.LED_NONE No led.LED_PLAY Play led only.LED_ADVANCE Advan e led only.LED_ALL All leds.219 {221 LED_NONE = 0,223 LED_PLAY = 2,225 LED_ADVANCE = 8,227 LED_ALL = LED_PLAY | LED_ADVANCE228 }; enum iRobot::Create::StreamStateA tivate or disable sensor streaming.Enumerator:STREAM_STATE_OFF Disable sensor streaming.STREAM_STATE_ON A tivate sensor streaming.STREAM_STATE_OFF Disable sensor streaming.STREAM_STATE_ON A tivate sensor streaming.232 {234 STREAM_STATE_OFF = 0,236 STREAM_STATE_ON = 1237 }; Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 536.2.3.7 enum iRobot::Create::ChargingStateEnumerate possible harging states.Enumerator:CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_RECONDITIONING_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_WAITINGCHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_FAULT_CONDITIONCHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_RECONDITIONING_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_WAITINGCHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_FAULT_CONDITION241 {242 CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGING = 0,243 CHARGING_STATE_RECONDITIONING_CHARGING = 1,244 CHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGING = 2,245 CHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGING = 3,246 CHARGING_STATE_WAITING = 4,247 CHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_FAULT_CONDITION = 5248249 }; enum iRobot::Create::EventEnumerate available events.Enumerator:EVENT_WHEEL_DROP A wheel is dropped.EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROP Front wheel is dropped.EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROP Left wheel is dropped.EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROP Right wheel is dropped.EVENT_BUMP Front part has bumped.EVENT_LEFT_BUMP Left part has bumped.EVENT_RIGHT_BUMP Right part has bumped.EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALL A virtual wall has been dete ted.EVENT_WALL A wall has been dete ted.EVENT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted.EVENT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (left).EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front left).EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front right).Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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54 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationEVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (right).EVENT_HOME_BASE Home base has been dete ted.EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTON Advan e button has been pushed.EVENT_PLAY_BUTTON Play button has been pushed.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0 Digital input 0 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1 Digital input 1 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2 Digital input 2 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3 Digital input 3 has hanged.EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE Robot has swit hed to passive mode.EVENT_WHEEL_DROP A wheel is dropped.EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROP Front wheel is dropped.EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROP Left wheel is dropped.EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROP Right wheel is dropped.EVENT_BUMP Front part has bumped.EVENT_LEFT_BUMP Left part has bumped.EVENT_RIGHT_BUMP Right part has bumped.EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALL A virtual wall has been dete ted.EVENT_WALL A wall has been dete ted.EVENT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted.EVENT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (left).EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front left).EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front right).EVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (right).EVENT_HOME_BASE Home base has been dete ted.EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTON Advan e button has been pushed.EVENT_PLAY_BUTTON Play button has been pushed.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0 Digital input 0 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1 Digital input 1 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2 Digital input 2 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3 Digital input 3 has hanged.EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE Robot has swit hed to passive mode.253 {255 EVENT_WHEEL_DROP = 1,257 EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROP = 2,259 EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROP = 3,261 EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROP = 4,263 EVENT_BUMP = 5,265 EVENT_LEFT_BUMP = 6,267 EVENT_RIGHT_BUMP = 7,269 EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALL = 8,271 EVENT_WALL = 9,273 EVENT_CLIFF = 10,275 EVENT_LEFT_CLIFF = 11,277 EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFF = 12,279 EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFF = 13,281 EVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF = 14,Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 55283 EVENT_HOME_BASE = 15,285 EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTON = 16,287 EVENT_PLAY_BUTTON = 17,289 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0 = 18,291 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1 = 19,293 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2 = 20,295 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3 = 21,297 EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE = 22298 }; enum iRobot::Create::EventStateIndi ate an event state.Enumerator:EVENT_OCCURRING The event is happening urrently.EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING The event is not happening urrently.EVENT_OCCURRING The event is happening urrently.EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING The event is not happening urrently.302 {304 EVENT_OCCURRING,306 EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING307 }; enum iRobot::Create::Op odeEnumerate available op odes. Op ode are the basi s instru tions that the proto ol support. This lass wraps them to avoid using them dire tly. The only ase where you have to use them is whenyou want to send an Open Interfa e s ript.Enumerator:OPCODE_START Start ommand.OPCODE_BAUD Baud ommand.OPCODE_CONTROL Control ommand (equivalent to safe).OPCODE_SAFE Safe ommand.OPCODE_FULL Full ommand.OPCODE_SPOT Spot demo ommand.OPCODE_COVER Cover demo ommand.OPCODE_DEMO Demo ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE Driver ommand.OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_LEDS Leds ommand.OPCODE_SONG Song ommand.OPCODE_PLAY Play song ommand.OPCODE_SENSORS Sensors ommand.OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCK Cover and do k demo ommand.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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56 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationOPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Pwm low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT Driver dire t ommand.OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS Digital ouputs ommand.OPCODE_STREAM Stream ommand.OPCODE_QUERY_LIST Query list ommand.OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAM Pause/resume stream ommand.OPCODE_SEND_IR Send IR ommand.OPCODE_SCRIPT S ript ommand.OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT Play s ript ommand.OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT Show s ript ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_TIME Wait time ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE Wait distan e ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE Wait angle ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT Wait event ommand.OPCODE_START Start ommand.OPCODE_BAUD Baud ommand.OPCODE_CONTROL Control ommand (equivalent to safe).OPCODE_SAFE Safe ommand.OPCODE_FULL Full ommand.OPCODE_SPOT Spot demo ommand.OPCODE_COVER Cover demo ommand.OPCODE_DEMO Demo ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE Driver ommand.OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_LEDS Leds ommand.OPCODE_SONG Song ommand.OPCODE_PLAY Play song ommand.OPCODE_SENSORS Sensors ommand.OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCK Cover and do k demo ommand.OPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Pwm low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT Driver dire t ommand.OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS Digital ouputs ommand.OPCODE_STREAM Stream ommand.OPCODE_QUERY_LIST Query list ommand.OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAM Pause/resume stream ommand.OPCODE_SEND_IR Send IR ommand.OPCODE_SCRIPT S ript ommand.OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT Play s ript ommand.OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT Show s ript ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_TIME Wait time ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE Wait distan e ommand.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 57OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE Wait angle ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT Wait event ommand.315 {317 OPCODE_START = 128,319 OPCODE_BAUD = 129,321 OPCODE_CONTROL = 130,323 OPCODE_SAFE = 131,325 OPCODE_FULL = 132,327 OPCODE_SPOT = 134,329 OPCODE_COVER = 135,331 OPCODE_DEMO = 136,333 OPCODE_DRIVE = 137,335 OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS = 138,337 OPCODE_LEDS = 139,339 OPCODE_SONG = 140,341 OPCODE_PLAY = 141,343 OPCODE_SENSORS = 142,345 OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCK = 143,347 OPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS = 144,349 OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT = 145,351 OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS = 147,353 OPCODE_STREAM = 148,355 OPCODE_QUERY_LIST = 149,357 OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAM = 150,359 OPCODE_SEND_IR = 151,361 OPCODE_SCRIPT = 152,363 OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT = 153,365 OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT = 154,367 OPCODE_WAIT_TIME = 155,369 OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE = 156,371 OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE = 157,373 OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT = 158374 }; enum iRobot::Create::SensorPa ketEnumerate available sensor pa kets.Enumerator:SENSOR_GROUP_0 Groups pa kets 7 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_1 Groups pa kets 7 to 16.SENSOR_GROUP_2 Groups pa kets 17 to 20.SENSOR_GROUP_3 Groups pa kets 21 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_4 Groups pa kets 27 to 34.SENSOR_GROUP_5 Groups pa kets 35 to 42.SENSOR_GROUP_6 Groups pa kets 7 to 42.SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS Wheel and bumper states.SENSOR_WALL Wall sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT Left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT Front left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT Front right li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT Right li� sensor state.SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL Virtual wall sensor state.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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58 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationSENSOR_OVERCURRENTS Over urrent sensors states.SENSOR_IR IR bytes re eived.SENSOR_BUTTONS Buttons states.SENSOR_DISTANCE Traveled distan e sin e last read.SENSOR_ANGLE Turned angle sin e last read.SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE Charging state.SENSOR_VOLTAGE Battery voltage.SENSOR_CURRENT Batty urrent.SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE Battery temperature.SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE Battery harge in milliamp-hours (mAh).SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY Battery harge apa ity in milliamp-hours(mAh).SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL Wall's sensor signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL Left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL Front left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL Front right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL Right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT Cargo Bay digital input strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL Cargo Bay analog input strength.SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE Available harging sour es.SENSOR_OI_MODE Current Open Interfa e mode.SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER Current sele ted song.SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING Indi ates whether or not a song is being played.SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETS List of streamed pa kets.SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY Requested velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS Requested radius.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY Requested right velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY Requested left velo ity.SENSOR_GROUP_0 Groups pa kets 7 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_1 Groups pa kets 7 to 16.SENSOR_GROUP_2 Groups pa kets 17 to 20.SENSOR_GROUP_3 Groups pa kets 21 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_4 Groups pa kets 27 to 34.SENSOR_GROUP_5 Groups pa kets 35 to 42.SENSOR_GROUP_6 Groups pa kets 7 to 42.SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS Wheel and bumper states.SENSOR_WALL Wall sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT Left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT Front left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT Front right li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT Right li� sensor state.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 59SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL Virtual wall sensor state.SENSOR_OVERCURRENTS Over urrent sensors states.SENSOR_IR IR bytes re eived.SENSOR_BUTTONS Buttons states.SENSOR_DISTANCE Traveled distan e sin e last read.SENSOR_ANGLE Turned angle sin e last read.SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE Charging state.SENSOR_VOLTAGE Battery voltage.SENSOR_CURRENT Batty urrent.SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE Battery temperature.SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE Battery harge in milliamp-hours (mAh).SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY Battery harge apa ity in milliamp-hours(mAh).SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL Wall's sensor signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL Left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL Front left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL Front right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL Right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT Cargo Bay digital input strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL Cargo Bay analog input strength.SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE Available harging sour es.SENSOR_OI_MODE Current Open Interfa e mode.SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER Current sele ted song.SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING Indi ates whether or not a song is being played.SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETS List of streamed pa kets.SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY Requested velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS Requested radius.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY Requested right velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY Requested left velo ity.378 {380 SENSOR_GROUP_0 = 0,382 SENSOR_GROUP_1 = 1,384 SENSOR_GROUP_2 = 2,386 SENSOR_GROUP_3 = 3,388 SENSOR_GROUP_4 = 4,390 SENSOR_GROUP_5 = 5,392 SENSOR_GROUP_6 = 6,394 SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS = 7,396 SENSOR_WALL = 8,398 SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT = 9,400 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT = 10,402 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT = 11,404 SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT = 12,406 SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL = 13,408 SENSOR_OVERCURRENTS = 14,410 SENSOR_IR = 17,412 SENSOR_BUTTONS = 18,414 SENSOR_DISTANCE = 19,Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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60 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation416 SENSOR_ANGLE = 20,418 SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE = 21,420 SENSOR_VOLTAGE = 22,422 SENSOR_CURRENT = 23,424 SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE = 24,426 SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE = 25,428 SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY = 26,430 SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL = 27,432 SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL = 28,434 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL = 29,436 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL = 30,438 SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL = 31,440 SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT = 32,442 SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL = 33,444 SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE = 34,446 SENSOR_OI_MODE = 35,448 SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER = 36,450 SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING = 37,452 SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETS = 38,454 SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY = 39,456 SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS = 40,458 SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY = 41,460 SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY = 42461 }; enum iRobot::Create::ModeiRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) modes The mode de�nes whi h ommands are available and howthe robot behaves when some events happens like wheel drop or if a li� is dete ted.Enumerator:IROBOT_CREATE_OFF Start-up mode, no ommand an be sent ex ept start.See also:Create::sendStartCommand (p. 89)IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE Passive mode, a tuators an not be ontrolled.IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE Safe mode, all ommands are available. iRobot (p. 13)Create (p. 29) will stop if the wheels are dropped, if a li� is dete ted or if the hargeris plugged in and powered.IROBOT_CREATE_FULL Full mode, all ommands are available. No safety he k isdone in this mode. The robot may fall from li�s and will keep running if the wheels aredropped.IROBOT_CREATE_OFF Start-up mode, no ommand an be sent ex ept start.See also:Create::sendStartCommand (p. 89)IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE Passive mode, a tuators an not be ontrolled.IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE Safe mode, all ommands are available. iRobot (p. 13)Create (p. 29) will stop if the wheels are dropped, if a li� is dete ted or if the hargeris plugged in and powered.IROBOT_CREATE_FULL Full mode, all ommands are available. No safety he k isdone in this mode. The robot may fall from li�s and will keep running if the wheels aredropped. Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 61100 {103 IROBOT_CREATE_OFF,105 IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE,110 IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE,115 IROBOT_CREATE_FULL116 }; enum iRobot::Create::BaudEnumerate all possible ommuni ation speeds.Enumerator:BAUD_300 Communi ate at 300 bauds per se ond.BAUD_600 Communi ate at 600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_1200 Communi ate at 1200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_2400 Communi ate at 2400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_4800 Communi ate at 4800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_9600 Communi ate at 9600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_14400 Communi ate at 14400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_19200 Communi ate at 19200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_28800 Communi ate at 28800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_38400 Communi ate at 38400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_57600 Communi ate at 57600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_115200 Communi ate at 115200 bauds per se ond. In this mode, be sure to keepat least 15 µs between ea h ommand.BAUD_300 Communi ate at 300 bauds per se ond.BAUD_600 Communi ate at 600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_1200 Communi ate at 1200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_2400 Communi ate at 2400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_4800 Communi ate at 4800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_9600 Communi ate at 9600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_14400 Communi ate at 14400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_19200 Communi ate at 19200 bauds per se ond.BAUD_28800 Communi ate at 28800 bauds per se ond.BAUD_38400 Communi ate at 38400 bauds per se ond.BAUD_57600 Communi ate at 57600 bauds per se ond.BAUD_115200 Communi ate at 115200 bauds per se ond. In this mode, be sure to keepat least 15 µs between ea h ommand.120 {122 BAUD_300 = 0,124 BAUD_600 = 1,126 BAUD_1200 = 2,128 BAUD_2400 = 3,130 BAUD_4800 = 4,132 BAUD_9600 = 5,134 BAUD_14400 = 6,Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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62 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation136 BAUD_19200 = 7,138 BAUD_28800 = 8,140 BAUD_38400 = 9,142 BAUD_57600 = 10,145 BAUD_115200 = 11146 }; enum iRobot::Create::DemoEnumerate built-in demos.Enumerator:DEMO_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) overs an entire room using a ombina-tion of behaviors,su h as boun ing o� of walls, following walls, and spiraling.DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK Identi al to the Cover demo, with one ex eption; ifiRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) sees the Home Base's∗ infrared signals, it uses these tomove towards the Home Base and do k with it.DEMO_SPOT_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) spirals outward, then inward,to over an area around its starting position.DEMO_MOUSE iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) tries to follow around the edges of aroom using its wall sensor and bumper.DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) ontinuouslydrives in a �gure 8 pattern.DEMO_WIMP iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives forward when pushed from behind.If iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) hits an obsta le while driving, it drives away from theobsta le.DEMO_HOME iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives toward a Virtual Wall when theba k and sides of its Omnidire tional IR Re eiver are overed with bla k ele tri al tape.When it tou hes the Virtual Wall or another obsta le, it stops.DEMO_TAG Identi al to the Home demo, ex ept iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) goesba k and forth between multiple Virtual Walls by bumping into one, turning around,driving to the next Virtual Wall, bumping into it and turning around to bump into thenext Virtual Wall.DEMO_PACHELBEL iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) plays the notes of Pa helbel'sCanon in sequen e when its li� sensors are a tivated.DEMO_BANJO iRobot (p. 13) Create's four li� sensors play the notes of a hord,depending on how the bumper is pressed: No bumper: G major Right or left bumper:D major7 Both bumpers ( enter): C majorDEMO_ABORT Abort urrent running demo.DEMO_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) overs an entire room using a ombina-tion of behaviors,su h as boun ing o� of walls, following walls, and spiraling.DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK Identi al to the Cover demo, with one ex eption; ifiRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) sees the Home Base's∗ infrared signals, it uses these tomove towards the Home Base and do k with it.DEMO_SPOT_COVER iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) spirals outward, then inward,to over an area around its starting position.DEMO_MOUSE iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) tries to follow around the edges of aroom using its wall sensor and bumper.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 63DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) ontinuouslydrives in a �gure 8 pattern.DEMO_WIMP iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives forward when pushed from behind.If iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) hits an obsta le while driving, it drives away from theobsta le.DEMO_HOME iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) drives toward a Virtual Wall when theba k and sides of its Omnidire tional IR Re eiver are overed with bla k ele tri al tape.When it tou hes the Virtual Wall or another obsta le, it stops.DEMO_TAG Identi al to the Home demo, ex ept iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) goesba k and forth between multiple Virtual Walls by bumping into one, turning around,driving to the next Virtual Wall, bumping into it and turning around to bump into thenext Virtual Wall.DEMO_PACHELBEL iRobot (p. 13) Create (p. 29) plays the notes of Pa helbel'sCanon in sequen e when its li� sensors are a tivated.DEMO_BANJO iRobot (p. 13) Create's four li� sensors play the notes of a hord,depending on how the bumper is pressed: No bumper: G major Right or left bumper:D major7 Both bumpers ( enter): C majorDEMO_ABORT Abort urrent running demo.150 {154 DEMO_COVER = 0,155159 DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK = 1,160163 DEMO_SPOT_COVER = 2,164167 DEMO_MOUSE = 3,168170 DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT = 4,171175 DEMO_WIMP = 5,176181 DEMO_HOME = 6,182187 DEMO_TAG = 7,188191 DEMO_PACHELBEL = 8,192198 DEMO_BANJO = 9,199201 DEMO_ABORT = 255202 }; enum iRobot::Create::DriveCommandEnumerates spe ial driving ommands.Enumerator:DRIVE_STRAIGHT Drive straight.DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE Turn in pla e lo kwise.DRIVE_INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE Turn in pla e ounter- lo kwise.DRIVE_STRAIGHT Drive straight.DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE Turn in pla e lo kwise.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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64 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationDRIVE_INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE Turn in pla e ounter- lo kwise.206 {208 DRIVE_STRAIGHT,210 DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE,212 DRIVE_INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE213 }; enum iRobot::Create::LedEnumerate available leds (and ombinations). The power led is not in this list be ause it is handleddi�erently (as its olor is not �xed).Enumerator:LED_NONE No led.LED_PLAY Play led only.LED_ADVANCE Advan e led only.LED_ALL All leds.LED_NONE No led.LED_PLAY Play led only.LED_ADVANCE Advan e led only.LED_ALL All leds.219 {221 LED_NONE = 0,223 LED_PLAY = 2,225 LED_ADVANCE = 8,227 LED_ALL = LED_PLAY | LED_ADVANCE228 }; enum iRobot::Create::StreamStateA tivate or disable sensor streaming.Enumerator:STREAM_STATE_OFF Disable sensor streaming.STREAM_STATE_ON A tivate sensor streaming.STREAM_STATE_OFF Disable sensor streaming.STREAM_STATE_ON A tivate sensor streaming.232 {234 STREAM_STATE_OFF = 0,236 STREAM_STATE_ON = 1237 }; Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 656.2.3.18 enum iRobot::Create::ChargingStateEnumerate possible harging states.Enumerator:CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_RECONDITIONING_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_WAITINGCHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_FAULT_CONDITIONCHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_RECONDITIONING_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGINGCHARGING_STATE_WAITINGCHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_FAULT_CONDITION241 {242 CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGING = 0,243 CHARGING_STATE_RECONDITIONING_CHARGING = 1,244 CHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGING = 2,245 CHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_CHARGING = 3,246 CHARGING_STATE_WAITING = 4,247 CHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_FAULT_CONDITION = 5248249 }; enum iRobot::Create::EventEnumerate available events.Enumerator:EVENT_WHEEL_DROP A wheel is dropped.EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROP Front wheel is dropped.EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROP Left wheel is dropped.EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROP Right wheel is dropped.EVENT_BUMP Front part has bumped.EVENT_LEFT_BUMP Left part has bumped.EVENT_RIGHT_BUMP Right part has bumped.EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALL A virtual wall has been dete ted.EVENT_WALL A wall has been dete ted.EVENT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted.EVENT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (left).EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front left).EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front right).Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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66 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationEVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (right).EVENT_HOME_BASE Home base has been dete ted.EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTON Advan e button has been pushed.EVENT_PLAY_BUTTON Play button has been pushed.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0 Digital input 0 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1 Digital input 1 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2 Digital input 2 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3 Digital input 3 has hanged.EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE Robot has swit hed to passive mode.EVENT_WHEEL_DROP A wheel is dropped.EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROP Front wheel is dropped.EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROP Left wheel is dropped.EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROP Right wheel is dropped.EVENT_BUMP Front part has bumped.EVENT_LEFT_BUMP Left part has bumped.EVENT_RIGHT_BUMP Right part has bumped.EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALL A virtual wall has been dete ted.EVENT_WALL A wall has been dete ted.EVENT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted.EVENT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (left).EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front left).EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (front right).EVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF A li� has been dete ted (right).EVENT_HOME_BASE Home base has been dete ted.EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTON Advan e button has been pushed.EVENT_PLAY_BUTTON Play button has been pushed.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0 Digital input 0 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1 Digital input 1 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2 Digital input 2 has hanged.EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3 Digital input 3 has hanged.EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE Robot has swit hed to passive mode.253 {255 EVENT_WHEEL_DROP = 1,257 EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROP = 2,259 EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROP = 3,261 EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROP = 4,263 EVENT_BUMP = 5,265 EVENT_LEFT_BUMP = 6,267 EVENT_RIGHT_BUMP = 7,269 EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALL = 8,271 EVENT_WALL = 9,273 EVENT_CLIFF = 10,275 EVENT_LEFT_CLIFF = 11,277 EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFF = 12,279 EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFF = 13,281 EVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF = 14,Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 67283 EVENT_HOME_BASE = 15,285 EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTON = 16,287 EVENT_PLAY_BUTTON = 17,289 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0 = 18,291 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1 = 19,293 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2 = 20,295 EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3 = 21,297 EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE = 22298 }; enum iRobot::Create::EventStateIndi ate an event state.Enumerator:EVENT_OCCURRING The event is happening urrently.EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING The event is not happening urrently.EVENT_OCCURRING The event is happening urrently.EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING The event is not happening urrently.302 {304 EVENT_OCCURRING,306 EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING307 }; enum iRobot::Create::Op odeEnumerate available op odes. Op ode are the basi s instru tions that the proto ol support. This lass wraps them to avoid using them dire tly. The only ase where you have to use them is whenyou want to send an Open Interfa e s ript.Enumerator:OPCODE_START Start ommand.OPCODE_BAUD Baud ommand.OPCODE_CONTROL Control ommand (equivalent to safe).OPCODE_SAFE Safe ommand.OPCODE_FULL Full ommand.OPCODE_SPOT Spot demo ommand.OPCODE_COVER Cover demo ommand.OPCODE_DEMO Demo ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE Driver ommand.OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_LEDS Leds ommand.OPCODE_SONG Song ommand.OPCODE_PLAY Play song ommand.OPCODE_SENSORS Sensors ommand.OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCK Cover and do k demo ommand.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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68 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationOPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Pwm low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT Driver dire t ommand.OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS Digital ouputs ommand.OPCODE_STREAM Stream ommand.OPCODE_QUERY_LIST Query list ommand.OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAM Pause/resume stream ommand.OPCODE_SEND_IR Send IR ommand.OPCODE_SCRIPT S ript ommand.OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT Play s ript ommand.OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT Show s ript ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_TIME Wait time ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE Wait distan e ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE Wait angle ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT Wait event ommand.OPCODE_START Start ommand.OPCODE_BAUD Baud ommand.OPCODE_CONTROL Control ommand (equivalent to safe).OPCODE_SAFE Safe ommand.OPCODE_FULL Full ommand.OPCODE_SPOT Spot demo ommand.OPCODE_COVER Cover demo ommand.OPCODE_DEMO Demo ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE Driver ommand.OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_LEDS Leds ommand.OPCODE_SONG Song ommand.OPCODE_PLAY Play song ommand.OPCODE_SENSORS Sensors ommand.OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCK Cover and do k demo ommand.OPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS Pwm low side drivers ommand.OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT Driver dire t ommand.OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS Digital ouputs ommand.OPCODE_STREAM Stream ommand.OPCODE_QUERY_LIST Query list ommand.OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAM Pause/resume stream ommand.OPCODE_SEND_IR Send IR ommand.OPCODE_SCRIPT S ript ommand.OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT Play s ript ommand.OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT Show s ript ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_TIME Wait time ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE Wait distan e ommand.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 69OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE Wait angle ommand.OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT Wait event ommand.315 {317 OPCODE_START = 128,319 OPCODE_BAUD = 129,321 OPCODE_CONTROL = 130,323 OPCODE_SAFE = 131,325 OPCODE_FULL = 132,327 OPCODE_SPOT = 134,329 OPCODE_COVER = 135,331 OPCODE_DEMO = 136,333 OPCODE_DRIVE = 137,335 OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS = 138,337 OPCODE_LEDS = 139,339 OPCODE_SONG = 140,341 OPCODE_PLAY = 141,343 OPCODE_SENSORS = 142,345 OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCK = 143,347 OPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS = 144,349 OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT = 145,351 OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS = 147,353 OPCODE_STREAM = 148,355 OPCODE_QUERY_LIST = 149,357 OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAM = 150,359 OPCODE_SEND_IR = 151,361 OPCODE_SCRIPT = 152,363 OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT = 153,365 OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT = 154,367 OPCODE_WAIT_TIME = 155,369 OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE = 156,371 OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE = 157,373 OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT = 158374 }; enum iRobot::Create::SensorPa ketEnumerate available sensor pa kets.Enumerator:SENSOR_GROUP_0 Groups pa kets 7 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_1 Groups pa kets 7 to 16.SENSOR_GROUP_2 Groups pa kets 17 to 20.SENSOR_GROUP_3 Groups pa kets 21 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_4 Groups pa kets 27 to 34.SENSOR_GROUP_5 Groups pa kets 35 to 42.SENSOR_GROUP_6 Groups pa kets 7 to 42.SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS Wheel and bumper states.SENSOR_WALL Wall sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT Left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT Front left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT Front right li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT Right li� sensor state.SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL Virtual wall sensor state.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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70 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationSENSOR_OVERCURRENTS Over urrent sensors states.SENSOR_IR IR bytes re eived.SENSOR_BUTTONS Buttons states.SENSOR_DISTANCE Traveled distan e sin e last read.SENSOR_ANGLE Turned angle sin e last read.SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE Charging state.SENSOR_VOLTAGE Battery voltage.SENSOR_CURRENT Batty urrent.SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE Battery temperature.SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE Battery harge in milliamp-hours (mAh).SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY Battery harge apa ity in milliamp-hours(mAh).SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL Wall's sensor signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL Left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL Front left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL Front right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL Right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT Cargo Bay digital input strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL Cargo Bay analog input strength.SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE Available harging sour es.SENSOR_OI_MODE Current Open Interfa e mode.SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER Current sele ted song.SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING Indi ates whether or not a song is being played.SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETS List of streamed pa kets.SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY Requested velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS Requested radius.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY Requested right velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY Requested left velo ity.SENSOR_GROUP_0 Groups pa kets 7 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_1 Groups pa kets 7 to 16.SENSOR_GROUP_2 Groups pa kets 17 to 20.SENSOR_GROUP_3 Groups pa kets 21 to 26.SENSOR_GROUP_4 Groups pa kets 27 to 34.SENSOR_GROUP_5 Groups pa kets 35 to 42.SENSOR_GROUP_6 Groups pa kets 7 to 42.SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS Wheel and bumper states.SENSOR_WALL Wall sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT Left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT Front left li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT Front right li� sensor state.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT Right li� sensor state.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 71SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL Virtual wall sensor state.SENSOR_OVERCURRENTS Over urrent sensors states.SENSOR_IR IR bytes re eived.SENSOR_BUTTONS Buttons states.SENSOR_DISTANCE Traveled distan e sin e last read.SENSOR_ANGLE Turned angle sin e last read.SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE Charging state.SENSOR_VOLTAGE Battery voltage.SENSOR_CURRENT Batty urrent.SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE Battery temperature.SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE Battery harge in milliamp-hours (mAh).SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY Battery harge apa ity in milliamp-hours(mAh).SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL Wall's sensor signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL Left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL Front left li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL Front right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL Right li� signal strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT Cargo Bay digital input strength.SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL Cargo Bay analog input strength.SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE Available harging sour es.SENSOR_OI_MODE Current Open Interfa e mode.SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER Current sele ted song.SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING Indi ates whether or not a song is being played.SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETS List of streamed pa kets.SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY Requested velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS Requested radius.SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY Requested right velo ity.SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY Requested left velo ity.378 {380 SENSOR_GROUP_0 = 0,382 SENSOR_GROUP_1 = 1,384 SENSOR_GROUP_2 = 2,386 SENSOR_GROUP_3 = 3,388 SENSOR_GROUP_4 = 4,390 SENSOR_GROUP_5 = 5,392 SENSOR_GROUP_6 = 6,394 SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS = 7,396 SENSOR_WALL = 8,398 SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT = 9,400 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT = 10,402 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT = 11,404 SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT = 12,406 SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL = 13,408 SENSOR_OVERCURRENTS = 14,410 SENSOR_IR = 17,412 SENSOR_BUTTONS = 18,414 SENSOR_DISTANCE = 19,Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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72 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation416 SENSOR_ANGLE = 20,418 SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE = 21,420 SENSOR_VOLTAGE = 22,422 SENSOR_CURRENT = 23,424 SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE = 24,426 SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE = 25,428 SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY = 26,430 SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL = 27,432 SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL = 28,434 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL = 29,436 SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL = 30,438 SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL = 31,440 SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT = 32,442 SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL = 33,444 SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE = 34,446 SENSOR_OI_MODE = 35,448 SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER = 36,450 SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING = 37,452 SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETS = 38,454 SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY = 39,456 SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS = 40,458 SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY = 41,460 SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY = 42461 };6.2.4 Constru tor & Destru tor Do umentation6.2.4.1 iRobot::Create::Create (std::iostream & stream) throw (InvalidArgument)[expli it℄Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29).Parameters:stream Stream used for ommuni ation.192 : urrentMode_ (IROBOT_CREATE_OFF),193 stream_ (stream),194 INITIALIZE_SENSORS ()195 {196 init ();197 } iRobot::Create::Create (LibSerial::SerialStream & stream) throw(InvalidArgument, LibSerialNotAvailable) [expli it℄Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29) using serial port ommuni ation.Parameters:stream Stream used for ommuni ation.220 : stream_ ((std::iostream&)stream)221 {222 throw LibSerialNotAvailable ();223 assert (0);224 } Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 736.2.4.3 iRobot::Create::∼Create () throw ()Destroy an instan e of Create (p. 29).249 {} iRobot::Create::Create (std::iostream & stream) throw (InvalidArgument)[expli it℄Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29).Parameters:stream Stream used for ommuni ation. iRobot::Create::Create (LibSerial::SerialStream & stream) throw(InvalidArgument, LibSerialNotAvailable) [expli it℄Constru t an instan e of Create (p. 29) using serial port ommuni ation.Parameters:stream Stream used for ommuni ation. iRobot::Create::∼Create () throw ()Destroy an instan e of Create (p. 29).6.2.5 Member Fun tion Do umentation6.2.5.1 void iRobot::Create::sendBaudCommand (Baud speed) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Change the ommuni ation speed. After hanging the ommuni ation speed, it is required to waitat least 100ms.Parameters:speed New ommuni ation speed.HAVE_LIBSERIAL254 {255 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)256 throw CommandNotAvailable ();257 if (baud < 0 || baud > BAUD_115200)258 throw InvalidArgument ();259 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_BAUD;260 onst unsigned har b = baud;261 stream_ << op << b;262 stream_.flush ();Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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74 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation263264 #ifdef HAVE_LIBSERIAL265 {266 LibSerial::SerialStream* stream =267 dynami _ ast<LibSerial::SerialStream*> (&stream_);268 if (!!stream)269 stream->SetBaudRate (toLibSerialBaud (baud));270 }271 #endif272273 usleep (100 * 1000);274 } void iRobot::Create::sendStartCommand ()Swit h to passive mode. Automati ally done when the lass is instan iated.278 {279 if ( urrentMode_ != IROBOT_CREATE_OFF)280 return;281 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_START;282283 stream_ << op;284 stream_.flush ();285 urrentMode_ = IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE;286 } void iRobot::Create::sendSafeCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to safe mode.291 {292 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)293 throw CommandNotAvailable ();294 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_SAFE;295 stream_ << op;296 stream_.flush ();297 urrentMode_ = IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE;298 } void iRobot::Create::sendFullCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to full mode.303 {304 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)305 throw CommandNotAvailable ();306 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_FULL;307 stream_ << op;308 stream_.flush ();309 urrentMode_ = IROBOT_CREATE_FULL;310 } Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 756.2.5.5 void iRobot::Create::sendDemoCommand (Demo demo) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Run a built-in demo.Parameters:demo Demo id.315 {316 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)317 throw CommandNotAvailable ();318 if (demo != DEMO_ABORT && (demo < 0 || demo > DEMO_BANJO))319 throw InvalidArgument ();320 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_DEMO;321 onst unsigned har d = demo;322 stream_ << op << d;323 stream_.flush ();324 urrentMode_ = IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE;325 } void iRobot::Create::sendDriveCommand (short v, short r) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive the robot.Parameters:v Robot's velo ity.r Robot's turning radius.See also:sendDriveDire tCommand (p. 90)330 {331 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)332 throw CommandNotAvailable ();333 if (velo ity < VELOCITY_MIN || velo ity > VELOCITY_MAX)334 throw InvalidArgument ();335 if (radius < RADIUS_MIN || radius > RADIUS_MAX)336 throw InvalidArgument ();337338 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_DRIVE;339340 stream_ << op;341 sendInt16 (stream_, velo ity);342 sendInt16 (stream_, radius);343 stream_.flush ();344 } void iRobot::Create::sendDriveCommand (short v, DriveCommand d )throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive the robot using a spe ial drigin mode.Parameters:v Robot's velo ity.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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76 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationd Spe ial driving mode.349 {350 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)351 throw CommandNotAvailable ();352 if (velo ity < VELOCITY_MIN || velo ity > VELOCITY_MAX)353 throw InvalidArgument ();354355 int arg = 0;356 swit h ( md)357 {358 ase DRIVE_STRAIGHT:359 arg = 0x8000;360 break;361 ase DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE:362 arg = 0xFFFF;363 break;364 ase DRIVE_INPLACE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE:365 arg = 0x0001;366 break;367 default:368 throw InvalidArgument ();369 }370371 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_DRIVE;372 stream_ << op;373 sendInt16 (stream_, velo ity);374 sendInt16 (stream_, arg);375 stream_.flush ();376 } void iRobot::Create::sendDriveDire tCommand (short vr, short vl) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive the two wheels separately.Parameters:vr Right wheel's velo ity.vl Left wheel's velo ity.381 {382 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)383 throw CommandNotAvailable ();384 if (velo ityL < VELOCITY_MIN || velo ityL > VELOCITY_MAX)385 throw InvalidArgument ();386 if (velo ityR < VELOCITY_MIN || velo ityR > VELOCITY_MAX)387 throw InvalidArgument ();388389 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT;390 stream_ << op;391 sendInt16 (stream_, velo ityR);392 sendInt16 (stream_, velo ityL);393 stream_.flush ();394 } void iRobot::Create::sendLedCommand (Led l, unsigned har , unsigned har i) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Change led status. Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 77Parameters:l Swit h on/o� advan e or play leds. Power led olor.i Power led light intensity.401 {402 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)403 throw CommandNotAvailable ();404 if (ledBits < LED_NONE || ledBits > LED_ALL)405 throw InvalidArgument ();406407 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_LEDS;408 onst unsigned har b = ledBits;409 stream_ << op << b << powerColor << powerIntensity;410 stream_.flush ();411 } void iRobot::Create::sendDigitalOutputsCommand (bool d1, bool d2, boold3) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Change the digital output values.Parameters:d1 Swit h on/o� �rst digital output.d2 Swit h on/o� se ond digital output.d3 Swit h on/o� third digital output.416 {417 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)418 throw CommandNotAvailable ();419420 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS;421 onst unsigned har v = d0 + d1 * 2 + d2 * 4;422 stream_ << op << v;423 stream_.flush ();424 } void iRobot::Create::sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand (unsigned har lsd1, unsigned har lsd2, unsigned har lsd3) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive low side drivers with variable power.Parameters:lsd1 Low side driver 1 power.lsd2 Low side driver 2 power.lsd3 Low side driver 3 power.431 {432 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)433 throw CommandNotAvailable ();434 if (d1 > LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MAXGenerated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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78 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation435 || d2 > LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MAX436 || d3 > LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MAX)437 throw InvalidArgument ();438439 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS;440 stream_ << op << d1 << d2 << d3;441 stream_.flush ();442 } void iRobot::Create::sendLowSideDriversCommand (bool lsd1, bool lsd2,bool lsd3) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h on/o� low side drivers.Parameters:lsd1 Swit h on/o� low side driver 1.lsd2 Swit h on/o� low side driver 2.lsd3 Swit h on/o� low side driver 3.See also:sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand (p. 91)447 {448 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)449 throw CommandNotAvailable ();450451 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS;452 onst unsigned har v = ld0 + ld1 * 2 + sd * 4;453 stream_ << op << v;454 stream_.flush ();455 } void iRobot::Create::sendIrCommand (unsigned har v) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Send an IR ommand on low side driver 1. The data will be en oded using the iRobot's Create(p. 29) re eiver format.Parameters:v Sent value.460 {461 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)462 throw CommandNotAvailable ();463464 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_SEND_IR;465 stream_ << op << v;466 stream_.flush ();467 } Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 796.2.5.14 void iRobot::Create::sendSongCommand (unsigned har sid, onst song_t& song) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)De�ne a song.Parameters:sid Song id.song Song to send.472 {473 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)474 throw CommandNotAvailable ();475 if (songN > SONG_MAX)476 throw InvalidArgument ();477 if (song.size () > SONG_MAX_SIZE)478 throw InvalidArgument ();479480 std::stringstream ss;481 for (song_t:: onst_iterator it = song.begin (); it != song.end (); ++it)482 {483 if (it->first < NO_NOTE || it->first > NOTE_MAX)484 throw InvalidArgument ();485 ss << it->first << it->se ond;486 }487 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_SONG;488 onst unsigned har size = song.size ();489 stream_ << op << songN << size << ss.str ();490 stream_.flush ();491 } void iRobot::Create::sendPlaySongCommand (unsigned har sid) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Play a song.Parameters:sid Sond id to play.497 {498 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE)499 throw CommandNotAvailable ();500 if (v > SONG_MAX)501 throw InvalidArgument ();502503 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_PLAY;504 stream_ << op << v;505 stream_.flush ();506 } void iRobot::Create::sendSensorsCommand (SensorPa ket sp) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to send a parti ular sensor pa ket.Parameters:sp Sensor pa ket to send.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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80 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation513 {514 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)515 throw CommandNotAvailable ();516 if (pa ket < SENSOR_GROUP_0517 || pa ket > SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY)518 throw InvalidArgument ();519520 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_SENSORS;521 onst unsigned har p = pa ket;522 stream_ << op << p;523524 queriedSensors_.push (pa ket);525 stream_.flush ();526 } void iRobot::Create::sendQueryListCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t &lsp) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to send a list of sensor pa kets.Parameters:lsp List of sensor pa kets to send557 {558 MAKE_SENSOR_CMD (OPCODE_QUERY_LIST,559 queriedSensors_.push (*it));560 } void iRobot::Create::sendStreamCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t & lsp)throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to start streaming some sensor pa kets. After the streaming is started, therequested values will be sent every 15ms.Parameters:lsp List of sensor pa kets to stream.566 {567 MAKE_SENSOR_CMD (OPCODE_STREAM,568 streamedSensors_.push_ba k (*it));569 } void iRobot::Create::sendPauseStreamCommand (StreamState st) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Pause or resume sensor streaming.Parameters:st Stream state to set.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 81576 {577 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)578 throw CommandNotAvailable ();579 if (state < 0 || state > STREAM_STATE_ON)580 throw InvalidArgument ();581582 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAM;583 onst unsigned har st = state;584 stream_ << op << st;585 stream_.flush ();586 } void iRobot::Create::sendS riptCommand ( onst op odes_t & s ript)throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Send a s ript.Parameters:s ript S ript to send.591 {592 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)593 throw CommandNotAvailable ();594 if (op odes.size () > SCRIPT_MAX_SIZE)595 throw InvalidArgument ();596597 std::stringstream ss;598 for (op odes_t:: onst_iterator it = op odes.begin ();599 it != op odes.end (); ++it)600 {601 if (*it < OPCODE_START602 || *it > OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT)603 throw InvalidArgument ();604 onst unsigned har op ode = *it;605 ss << op ode;606 }607608 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_SCRIPT;609 onst unsigned har size = op odes.size ();610 stream_ << op << size << ss.str ();611 stream_.flush ();612 } void iRobot::Create::sendPlayS riptCommand () throw(CommandNotAvailable)Play the urrent stored s ript.617 {618 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)619 throw CommandNotAvailable ();620621 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT;622 stream_ << op;623 stream_.flush ();624 }Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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82 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.2.5.22 void iRobot::Create::sendShowS riptCommand () throw(CommandNotAvailable)Show the stored s ript.629 {630 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)631 throw CommandNotAvailable ();632633 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT;634 stream_ << op;635 stream_.flush ();636 } void iRobot::Create::sendWaitTimeCommand (unsigned har t) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait for a spe i� amount of time.Parameters:t Time to wait in tenth of a se ond (resolution of 15 ms).641 {642 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)643 throw CommandNotAvailable ();644645 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_WAIT_TIME;646 stream_ << op << t;647 stream_.flush ();648 } void iRobot::Create::sendWaitDistan eCommand (short d) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait until it travelled a ertain distan e.Parameters:d Distan e to travel653 {654 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)655 throw CommandNotAvailable ();656657 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE;658 stream_ << op;659 sendInt16 (stream_, d);660 stream_.flush ();661 } void iRobot::Create::sendWaitAngleCommand (short a) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait until it has rotated enough.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 83Parameters:a Angle (in degrees)666 {667 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)668 throw CommandNotAvailable ();669670 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE;671 stream_ << op;672 sendInt16 (stream_, a);673 stream_.flush ();674 } void iRobot::Create::sendWaitEventCommand (Event e, EventState es =EVENT_OCCURRING) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Make the robot wait for a spe i� event.Parameters:e Wait for this event.es Wait for this event state.679 {680 if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE)681 throw CommandNotAvailable ();682 if (event < EVENT_WHEEL_DROP || event > EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE)683 throw InvalidArgument ();684 if (state < EVENT_OCCURRING || state > EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING)685 throw InvalidArgument ();686687 onst unsigned har op = OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT;688 onst har e = (state == EVENT_OCCURRING) ? event : -event;689 stream_ << op << e;690 stream_.flush ();691 } void iRobot::Create::updateSensors ()Read the stream to update sensors values. This handles both streamed data and spe i� queriesthrough querylist or sensors ommands.695 {696 while (!!stream_.good () && !queriedSensors_.empty ())697 {698 if (!!stream_.good () && safePeek (stream_) == STREAM_HEADER)699 readStream ();700 if (!readSensorPa ket ())701 if (stream_.rdbuf ()->in_avail () > 0)702 stream_.ignore ();703 else704 break;705 }706707 while (!!stream_.good () && stream_.rdbuf ()->in_avail () > 0)708 {709 if (safePeek (stream_) == STREAM_HEADER)710 readStream ();Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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84 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation711 else712 stream_.ignore ();713 }714 } void iRobot::Create::readStream ()Read streamed sensors and update sensors values.913 {914 if (!stream_.good ())915 return;916 if (safePeek (stream_) != STREAM_HEADER)917 return;918919 // Ignore header.920 stream_.ignore ();921922 std::stringstream ss;923 unsigned har he ksum = STREAM_HEADER;924 unsigned har size = 0;925926 stream_ >> size;927 he ksum += size;928 for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)929 {930 unsigned har ;931 stream_ >> ;932 ss << ;933 he ksum += ;934 }935936 unsigned har sentChe ksum = 0;937 stream_ >> sentChe ksum;938939 if ( he ksum + sentChe ksum != 256)940 return;941942 for (sensorPa kets_t:: onst_iterator it = streamedSensors_.begin ();943 it != streamedSensors_.end (); ++it)944 {945 unsigned har pa ket = 0;946 ss >> pa ket;947 if (pa ket != *it)948 return;949 if (!readSensorPa ket (*it, ss))950 return;951 }952 } Create::Mode iRobot::Create::mode () throw ()1012 {1013 return urrentMode_;1014 } Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 856.2.5.30 bool iRobot::Create::wheeldropCaster () bool iRobot::Create::wheeldropLeft () bool iRobot::Create::wheeldropRight () bool iRobot::Create::bumpLeft () bool iRobot::Create::bumpRight () bool iRobot::Create::wall ()Get wall sensor value.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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86 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.2.5.36 bool iRobot::Create:: li�Left () bool iRobot::Create:: li�FrontLeft () bool iRobot::Create:: li�FrontRight () bool iRobot::Create:: li�Right () bool iRobot::Create::devi eDete t () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput3 () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput2 () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput1 () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput0 () short iRobot::Create::analogSignal () bool iRobot::Create::homeBaseChargerAvailable () bool iRobot::Create::internalChargerAvailable () bool iRobot::Create::virtualWall () bool iRobot::Create::leftWheelOver urrent () bool iRobot::Create::rightWheelOver urrent () bool iRobot::Create::ld2Over urrent () bool iRobot::Create::ld1Over urrent () bool iRobot::Create::ld0Over urrent () unsigned har iRobot::Create::ir () bool iRobot::Create::advan eButton () bool iRobot::Create::playButton () short iRobot::Create::distan e () short iRobot::Create::angle () ChargingState iRobot::Create:: hargingState () short iRobot::Create::batteryVoltage () short iRobot::Create::batteryCurrent () short iRobot::Create::batteryTemperature () short iRobot::Create::batteryCharge () short iRobot::Create::batteryCapa ity () short iRobot::Create::wallSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�LeftSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�FrontLeftSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�FrontRightSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�RightSignal () unsigned har iRobot::Create::songNumber () bool iRobot::Create::songPlaying () unsigned har iRobot::Create::streamPa kets () short iRobot::Create::requestedVelo ity () short iRobot::Create::requestedRadius () short iRobot::Create::requestedLeftVelo ity () short iRobot::Create::requestedRightVelo ity () bool iRobot::Create::readSensorPa ket () [prote ted℄Read a spe i� sensor pa ket and update sensors values. The next expe ted sensor pa ket will beread.

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 87718 {719 if (!!queriedSensors_.empty ())720 return false;721 if (!!readSensorPa ket (queriedSensors_.front (), stream_))722 {723 queriedSensors_.pop ();724 return true;725 }726 return false;727 } bool iRobot::Create::readSensorPa ket (SensorPa ket sensor, std::istream& stream) [prote ted℄Read sensor pa ket on a spe i�ed stream, update sensor values.768 {769 if (!stream.good ())770 return false;771 if (safePeek (stream) == STREAM_HEADER)772 return false;773774 swit h (sensor)775 {776 GROUP_SENSOR(SENSOR_GROUP_0, 7, 26);777 GROUP_SENSOR(SENSOR_GROUP_1, 7, 16);778 GROUP_SENSOR(SENSOR_GROUP_2, 17, 20);779 GROUP_SENSOR(SENSOR_GROUP_3, 21, 26);780 GROUP_SENSOR(SENSOR_GROUP_4, 27, 34);781 GROUP_SENSOR(SENSOR_GROUP_5, 35, 42);782 GROUP_SENSOR(SENSOR_GROUP_6, 7, 42);783784 ase SENSOR_BUMPS_WHEELS_DROPS:785 {786 std::bitset<8> v = 0;787 unsigned har tmp = 0;788 if (!safeGet (stream, tmp))789 return false;790 v = tmp;791 wheeldropCaster_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_CASTER);792 wheeldropLeft_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_LEFT);793 wheeldropRight_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_WHEELDROP_RIGHT);794 bumpLeft_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_LEFT);795 bumpRight_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_RIGHT);796 break;797 }798799 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_WALL, wall_);800 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT, liffLeft_);801 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT, liffFrontLeft_);802 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT, liffFrontRight_);803 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT, liffRight_);804 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL, virtualWall_);805806 ase SENSOR_OVERCURRENTS:807 {808 std::bitset<8> v = 0;809 unsigned har tmp = 0;810 if (!safeGet (stream, tmp))811 return false;812 v = tmp;813 leftWheelOver urrent_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_LEFTWHEELOVERCURRENT);814 rightWheelOver urrent_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_RIGHTWHEELOVERCURRENT);815 ld2Over urrent_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_LD2OVERCURRENT);Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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88 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation816 ld1Over urrent_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_LD1OVERCURRENT);817 ld0Over urrent_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_LD0OVERCURRENT);818 break;819 }820821 // Unused.822 ase 15:823 ase 16:824 {825 unsigned har tmp = 0;826 if (!safeGet (stream, tmp))827 return false;828 break;829 }830831 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_IR, ir_);832833 ase SENSOR_BUTTONS:834 {835 std::bitset<8> v = 0;836 unsigned har tmp = 0;837 if (!safeGet (stream, tmp))838 return false;839 v = tmp;840 advan eButton_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_ADVANCEBUTTON);841 playButton_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_PLAYBUTTON);842 break;843 }844845 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_DISTANCE, distan e_);846 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_ANGLE, angle_);847848 GEN_SENSOR (SENSOR_CHARGING_STATE, hargingState_, ChargingState);849850 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_VOLTAGE, batteryVoltage_);851 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_CURRENT, batteryCurrent_);852 CHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE, batteryTemperature_);853 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE, batteryCharge_);854 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY, batteryCapa ity_);855 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL, wallSignal_);856 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNAL, liffLeftSignal_);857 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNAL, liffFrontLeftSignal_);858 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_SIGNAL, liffFrontRightSignal_);859 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNAL, liffRightSignal_);860861 ase SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUT:862 {863 std::bitset<8> v = 0;864 unsigned har tmp = 0;865 if (!safeGet (stream, tmp))866 return false;867 v = tmp;868 devi eDete t_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_DEVICEDETECT);869 digitalInput3_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT3);870 digitalInput2_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT2);871 digitalInput1_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT1);872 digitalInput0_ = v.test (SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT0);873 break;874 }875876 INT_SENSOR(SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_ANALOG_SIGNAL, analogSignal_);877878 ase SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_AVAILABLE:879 {880 std::bitset<8> v = 0;881 unsigned har tmp = 0;882 if (!safeGet (stream, tmp))Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 89883 return false;884 v = tmp;885 homeBaseChargerAvailable_ =886 v.test (SENSOR_BIT_HOMEBASECHARGERAVAILABLE);887 internalChargerAvailable_ =888 v.test (SENSOR_BIT_INTERNALCHARGERAVAILABLE);889 break;890 }891892 //FIXME: trigger a warning if not orresponding to urrent value?893 GEN_SENSOR (SENSOR_OI_MODE, urrentMode_, Mode);894895 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER, songNumber_);896 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING, songPlaying_);897 UCHAR_SENSOR (SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETS, streamPa kets_);898899 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY, requestedVelo ity_);900 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS, requestedRadius_);901 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY, requestedLeftVelo ity_);902 INT_SENSOR (SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_VELOCITY, requestedRightVelo ity_);903904 default:905 break;906 }907 return true;908 } void iRobot::Create::sendBaudCommand (Baud speed) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Change the ommuni ation speed. After hanging the ommuni ation speed, it is required to waitat least 100ms.Parameters:speed New ommuni ation speed. void iRobot::Create::sendStartCommand ()Swit h to passive mode. Automati ally done when the lass is instan iated. void iRobot::Create::sendSafeCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to safe mode. void iRobot::Create::sendFullCommand () throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h to full mode. void iRobot::Create::sendDemoCommand (Demo demo) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Run a built-in demo.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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90 iRobot Create library Class Do umentationParameters:demo Demo id. void iRobot::Create::sendDriveCommand (short v, short r) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive the robot.Parameters:v Robot's velo ity.r Robot's turning radius.See also:sendDriveDire tCommand (p. 90) void iRobot::Create::sendDriveCommand (short v, DriveCommand d )throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive the robot using a spe ial drigin mode.Parameters:v Robot's velo ity.d Spe ial driving mode. void iRobot::Create::sendDriveDire tCommand (short vr, short vl) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive the two wheels separately.Parameters:vr Right wheel's velo ity.vl Left wheel's velo ity. void iRobot::Create::sendLedCommand (Led l, unsigned har , unsigned har i) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Change led status.Parameters:l Swit h on/o� advan e or play leds. Power led olor.i Power led light intensity.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 916.2.5.88 void iRobot::Create::sendDigitalOutputsCommand (bool d1, bool d2, boold3) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Change the digital output values.Parameters:d1 Swit h on/o� �rst digital output.d2 Swit h on/o� se ond digital output.d3 Swit h on/o� third digital output. void iRobot::Create::sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand (unsigned har lsd1, unsigned har lsd2, unsigned har lsd3) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Drive low side drivers with variable power.Parameters:lsd1 Low side driver 1 power.lsd2 Low side driver 2 power.lsd3 Low side driver 3 power. void iRobot::Create::sendLowSideDriversCommand (bool lsd1, bool lsd2,bool lsd3) throw (CommandNotAvailable)Swit h on/o� low side drivers.Parameters:lsd1 Swit h on/o� low side driver 1.lsd2 Swit h on/o� low side driver 2.lsd3 Swit h on/o� low side driver 3.See also:sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand (p. 91) void iRobot::Create::sendIrCommand (unsigned har v) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Send an IR ommand on low side driver 1. The data will be en oded using the iRobot's Create(p. 29) re eiver format.Parameters:v Sent value.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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92 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.2.5.92 void iRobot::Create::sendSongCommand (unsigned har sid, onst song_t& song) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)De�ne a song.Parameters:sid Song id.song Song to send. void iRobot::Create::sendPlaySongCommand (unsigned har sid) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Play a song.Parameters:sid Sond id to play. void iRobot::Create::sendSensorsCommand (SensorPa ket sp) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to send a parti ular sensor pa ket.Parameters:sp Sensor pa ket to send. void iRobot::Create::sendQueryListCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t &lsp) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to send a list of sensor pa kets.Parameters:lsp List of sensor pa kets to send6.2.5.96 void iRobot::Create::sendStreamCommand ( onst sensorPa kets_t & lsp)throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Request the robot to start streaming some sensor pa kets. After the streaming is started, therequested values will be sent every 15ms.Parameters:lsp List of sensor pa kets to stream.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 936.2.5.97 void iRobot::Create::sendPauseStreamCommand (StreamState st) throw(CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Pause or resume sensor streaming.Parameters:st Stream state to set. void iRobot::Create::sendS riptCommand ( onst op odes_t & s ript)throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Send a s ript.Parameters:s ript S ript to send. void iRobot::Create::sendPlayS riptCommand () throw(CommandNotAvailable)Play the urrent stored s ript. void iRobot::Create::sendShowS riptCommand () throw(CommandNotAvailable)Show the stored s ript. void iRobot::Create::sendWaitTimeCommand (unsigned har t) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait for a spe i� amount of time.Parameters:t Time to wait in tenth of a se ond (resolution of 15 ms). void iRobot::Create::sendWaitDistan eCommand (short d) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait until it travelled a ertain distan e.Parameters:d Distan e to travelGenerated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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94 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.2.5.103 void iRobot::Create::sendWaitAngleCommand (short a) throw(CommandNotAvailable)Make the robot wait until it has rotated enough.Parameters:a Angle (in degrees) void iRobot::Create::sendWaitEventCommand (Event e, EventState es =EVENT_OCCURRING) throw (CommandNotAvailable, InvalidArgument)Make the robot wait for a spe i� event.Parameters:e Wait for this event.es Wait for this event state. void iRobot::Create::updateSensors ()Read the stream to update sensors values. This handles both streamed data and spe i� queriesthrough querylist or sensors ommands. void iRobot::Create::readStream ()Read streamed sensors and update sensors values. Mode iRobot::Create::mode () throw () bool iRobot::Create::wheeldropCaster () bool iRobot::Create::wheeldropLeft () bool iRobot::Create::wheeldropRight () bool iRobot::Create::bumpLeft () bool iRobot::Create::bumpRight () bool iRobot::Create::wall ()Get wall sensor value. Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 956.2.5.114 bool iRobot::Create:: li�Left () bool iRobot::Create:: li�FrontLeft () bool iRobot::Create:: li�FrontRight () bool iRobot::Create:: li�Right () bool iRobot::Create::devi eDete t () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput3 () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput2 () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput1 () bool iRobot::Create::digitalInput0 () short iRobot::Create::analogSignal () bool iRobot::Create::homeBaseChargerAvailable () bool iRobot::Create::internalChargerAvailable () bool iRobot::Create::virtualWall () bool iRobot::Create::leftWheelOver urrent () bool iRobot::Create::rightWheelOver urrent () bool iRobot::Create::ld2Over urrent () bool iRobot::Create::ld1Over urrent () bool iRobot::Create::ld0Over urrent () unsigned har iRobot::Create::ir () bool iRobot::Create::advan eButton () bool iRobot::Create::playButton () short iRobot::Create::distan e () short iRobot::Create::angle () ChargingState iRobot::Create:: hargingState () short iRobot::Create::batteryVoltage () short iRobot::Create::batteryCurrent () short iRobot::Create::batteryTemperature () short iRobot::Create::batteryCharge () short iRobot::Create::batteryCapa ity () short iRobot::Create::wallSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�LeftSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�FrontLeftSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�FrontRightSignal () short iRobot::Create:: li�RightSignal () unsigned har iRobot::Create::songNumber () bool iRobot::Create::songPlaying () unsigned har iRobot::Create::streamPa kets () short iRobot::Create::requestedVelo ity () short iRobot::Create::requestedRadius () short iRobot::Create::requestedLeftVelo ity () short iRobot::Create::requestedRightVelo ity () bool iRobot::Create::readSensorPa ket () [prote ted℄Read a spe i� sensor pa ket and update sensors values. The next expe ted sensor pa ket will beread.

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96 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.2.5.156 bool iRobot::Create::readSensorPa ket (SensorPa ket, std::istream &)[prote ted℄Read sensor pa ket on a spe i�ed stream, update sensor values.6.2.6 Member Data Do umentation6.2.6.1 stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::LED_COLOR_GREEN = 0[stati ℄De�ne the green olor for power led. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::LED_COLOR_RED = 255[stati ℄De�ne the red olor for power led. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::LED_INTENSITY_OFF = 0[stati ℄De�ne minimum intensity for power led (o�). stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::LED_INTENSITY_FULL =255 [stati ℄De�ne full intensity for power led. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MIN= 0 [stati ℄De�ne minimum velo ity for low side drivers. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_-MAX = 128 [stati ℄De�ne maximum velo ity for low side drivers. stati onst int iRobot::Create::VELOCITY_MIN = -500 [stati ℄De�ne minimum velo ity for robot wheels motors. stati onst int iRobot::Create::VELOCITY_MAX = 500 [stati ℄De�ne maximum velo ity for robot wheels motors. stati onst int iRobot::Create::RADIUS_MIN = -2000 [stati ℄De�ne minimum radius turn of the robot.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 976.2.6.10 stati onst int iRobot::Create::RADIUS_MAX = 2000 [stati ℄De�ne maximum radius turn of the robot. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SONG_MIN = 0 [stati ℄De�ne minimum song id. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SONG_MAX = 15 [stati ℄De�ne maximum song id. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SONG_MAX_SIZE = 16[stati ℄De�ne song maximum size. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::NO_NOTE = 30 [stati ℄De�ne the value for a rest node (no sound). stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::NOTE_MIN = 31 [stati ℄De�ne the minimum note (G). stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::NOTE_MAX = 127 [stati ℄De�ne the maximum note (G). stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SCRIPT_MAX_SIZE = 100[stati ℄De�ne maximum s ript size. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::STREAM_HEADER = 19[stati ℄Stream header �magi value�. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-WHEELDROP_CASTER = 4 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the wheeldrop aster status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-WHEELDROP_LEFT = 3 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the wheeldrop aster status.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 102: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

98 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation6.2.6.21 stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-WHEELDROP_RIGHT = 2 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the wheeldrop aster status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_LEFT= 1 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the bump left status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_-RIGHT = 0 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the bump right status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-LEFTWHEELOVERCURRENT = 4 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the left wheel over urrent status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-RIGHTWHEELOVERCURRENT = 3 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the right wheel over urrent status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-LD2OVERCURRENT = 2 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the LD2 over urrent status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-LD1OVERCURRENT = 1 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the LD1 over urrent status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-LD0OVERCURRENT = 0 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the LD0 over urrent status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-ADVANCEBUTTON = 2 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the advan e button status.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 103: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

6.2 iRobot::Create Class Referen e 996.2.6.30 stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-PLAYBUTTON = 0 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the play button status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-DEVICEDETECT = 4 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the devi e dete t pin status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-DIGITALINPUT3 = 3 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the digital input 3 pin status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-DIGITALINPUT2 = 2 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the digital input 2 pin status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-DIGITALINPUT1 = 1 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the digital input 1 pin status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-DIGITALINPUT0 = 0 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve the digital input 0 pin status. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-HOMEBASECHARGERAVAILABLE = 1 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve whether the home base harger is available or not. stati onst unsigned har iRobot::Create::SENSOR_BIT_-INTERNALCHARGERAVAILABLE = 0 [stati ℄Bit used to retrieve whether the internal harger is available or not.The do umentation for this lass was generated from the following �les:� /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hh� /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate.hh� /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. � /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate. Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 104: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

100 iRobot Create library Class Do umentation

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 105: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

Chapter 7iRobot Create library FileDo umentation7.1 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_-build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /do .hh File Referen eNamespa es� namespa e iRobot

Page 106: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

102 iRobot Create library File Do umentation7.2 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /do .hh File Referen eNamespa es� namespa e iRobot

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 107: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.3 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. FileReferen e 1037.3 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_-build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. FileReferen e#in lude <sstream>#in lude <string>#in lude <irobot- reate.hh>#in lude " onfig.h"In lude dependen y graph for irobot- reate- tl. :/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create-ctl.cc

sstream string irobot-create.hh config.h

iostream queue stdexcept utility vector irobot-create-fwd.hhClasses� stru t Appli ationDe�nes� #de�ne APPLY_ON_OPCODES(Ma ro)� #de�ne CASTARG_ENUM(ENUM_TYPE)� #de�ne SEND_CMD(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN, NARGMAX,CODE)� #de�ne STR_TO_OPCODE(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN,NARGMAX, CODE)� #de�ne PRINT_ACTIONS(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN, NARGMAX,CODE) std:: out << "\t" << OPCODE_STRING << std::endl� #de�ne SENSOR_CMD(CALL)Fun tions� template<typename T>T astArg ( onst har ∗)� CASTARG_ENUM (bool)� CASTARG_ENUM (int)� CASTARG_ENUM (unsigned har)� int main (int arg , har ∗∗argv)Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 108: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

104 iRobot Create library File Do umentation7.3.1 De�ne Do umentation7.3.1.1 #de�ne APPLY_ON_OPCODES(Ma ro) #de�ne CASTARG_ENUM(ENUM_TYPE)Value:template <> \ENUM_TYPE astArg ( onst har* arg) \{ \std::istringstream i (arg); \int res = 0; \if (!(i >> res)) \res = 0; \return stati _ ast<ENUM_TYPE> (res); \} #de�ne PRINT_ACTIONS(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN,NARGMAX, CODE) std:: out << "\t" << OPCODE_STRING <<std::endl7.3.1.4 #de�ne SEND_CMD(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN,NARGMAX, CODE)Value: ase OPCODE: \if (arg < (NARGMIN) + 2) \usage (); \if (arg > (NARGMAX) + 2) \usage (); \CODE; \break7.3.1.5 #de�ne SENSOR_CMD(CALL)Value:Create::sensorPa kets_t sensors; \for (int i = 2; i < arg ; ++i) \sensors.push_ba k ( astArg<Create::SensorPa ket> (argv[i℄)); \CALL7.3.1.6 #de�ne STR_TO_OPCODE(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING,NARGMIN, NARGMAX, CODE)Value:if (m == OPCODE_STRING) \return stati _ ast<Create::Op ode> (OPCODE)Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 109: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.3 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. FileReferen e 1057.3.2 Fun tion Do umentation7.3.2.1 template<typename T> T astArg ( onst har ∗) [inline℄146 {147 std:: err << "Invalid onversion." << std::endl;148 exit (-1);149 } CASTARG_ENUM (unsigned har) CASTARG_ENUM (int) CASTARG_ENUM (bool) int main (int arg , har ∗∗ argv)451 {452 std::stringstream stream;453 Appli ation app (arg , argv, stream);454 std:: out << stream.str ();455 }

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 110: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

106 iRobot Create library File Do umentation7.4 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate- tl. File Referen e#in lude <sstream>#in lude <string>#in lude <irobot- reate.hh>#in lude " onfig.h"In lude dependen y graph for irobot- reate- tl. :/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create-ctl.cc

sstream string irobot-create.hh config.h

iostream queue stdexcept utility vector irobot-create-fwd.hhClasses� stru t Appli ationDe�nes� #de�ne APPLY_ON_OPCODES(Ma ro)� #de�ne CASTARG_ENUM(ENUM_TYPE)� #de�ne SEND_CMD(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN, NARGMAX,CODE)� #de�ne STR_TO_OPCODE(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN,NARGMAX, CODE)� #de�ne PRINT_ACTIONS(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN, NARGMAX,CODE) std:: out << "\t" << OPCODE_STRING << std::endl� #de�ne SENSOR_CMD(CALL)Fun tions� template<typename T>T astArg ( onst har ∗)� CASTARG_ENUM (bool)� CASTARG_ENUM (int)� CASTARG_ENUM (unsigned har)� int main (int arg , har ∗∗argv)Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 111: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.4 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate- tl. FileReferen e 1077.4.1 De�ne Do umentation7.4.1.1 #de�ne APPLY_ON_OPCODES(Ma ro) #de�ne CASTARG_ENUM(ENUM_TYPE)Value:template <> \ENUM_TYPE astArg ( onst har* arg) \{ \std::istringstream i (arg); \int res = 0; \if (!(i >> res)) \res = 0; \return stati _ ast<ENUM_TYPE> (res); \} #de�ne PRINT_ACTIONS(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN,NARGMAX, CODE) std:: out << "\t" << OPCODE_STRING <<std::endl7.4.1.4 #de�ne SEND_CMD(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING, NARGMIN,NARGMAX, CODE)Value: ase OPCODE: \if (arg < (NARGMIN) + 2) \usage (); \if (arg > (NARGMAX) + 2) \usage (); \CODE; \break7.4.1.5 #de�ne SENSOR_CMD(CALL)Value:Create::sensorPa kets_t sensors; \for (int i = 2; i < arg ; ++i) \sensors.push_ba k ( astArg<Create::SensorPa ket> (argv[i℄)); \CALL7.4.1.6 #de�ne STR_TO_OPCODE(OPCODE, OPCODE_STRING,NARGMIN, NARGMAX, CODE)Value:if (m == OPCODE_STRING) \return stati _ ast<Create::Op ode> (OPCODE)Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 112: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

108 iRobot Create library File Do umentation7.4.2 Fun tion Do umentation7.4.2.1 template<typename T> T astArg ( onst har ∗) [inline℄ CASTARG_ENUM (unsigned har) CASTARG_ENUM (int) CASTARG_ENUM (bool) int main (int arg , har ∗∗ argv)451 {452 std::stringstream stream;453 Appli ation app (arg , argv, stream);454 std:: out << stream.str ();455 }

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 113: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.5 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh FileReferen e 1097.5 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_-build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh FileReferen eNamespa es� namespa e iRobot� namespa e LibSerial

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 114: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

110 iRobot Create library File Do umentation7.6 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh File Referen eThis graph shows whi h �les dire tly or indire tly in lude this �le:/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create-fwd.hh

/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create.hh /home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create.hh

/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create.cc /home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create-ctl.cc /home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create-ctl.cc /home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create.ccNamespa es� namespa e iRobot� namespa e LibSerial

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 115: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.7 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. FileReferen e 1117.7 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_-build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. File Ref-eren e#in lude " onfig.h"#in lude <bitset>#in lude < assert>#in lude <sstream>#in lude <unistd.h>#in lude "irobot- reate.hh"In lude dependen y graph for irobot- reate. :/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create.cc

config.h bitset cassert sstream unistd.h irobot-create.hh

iostream queue stdexcept utility vector irobot-create-fwd.hhNamespa es� namespa e iRobotDe�nes� #de�ne INITIALIZE_SENSORS()� #de�ne MAKE_SENSOR_CMD(OP, CMD)Internal ma ro.� #de�ne GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, TYPE)� #de�ne CHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR (PACKET, SENSOR, har)� #de�ne UCHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR (PACKET, SEN-SOR, unsigned har)� #de�ne INT_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR)� #de�ne GROUP_SENSOR(PACKET, MIN, MAX)� #de�ne MK_SENSOR_GETTER(TYPE, NAME)7.7.1 De�ne Do umentation7.7.1.1 #de�ne CHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, har) #de�ne GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, TYPE)Value:Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 116: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

112 iRobot Create library File Do umentation ase PACKET: \{ \unsigned har v = 0; \if (!safeGet (stream, v)) \return false; \SENSOR = stati _ ast<TYPE> (v); \} \break7.7.1.3 #de�ne GROUP_SENSOR(PACKET, MIN, MAX)Value:{ \ ase PACKET: \bool res = true; \for (SensorPa ket sensor = stati _ ast<SensorPa ket> (MIN); \sensor < stati _ ast<SensorPa ket> (MAX); \sensor = stati _ ast<SensorPa ket> (sensor + 1)) \res = res && readSensorPa ket (sensor, stream); \if (!res) \return false; \} \break7.7.1.4 #de�ne INITIALIZE_SENSORS() #de�ne INT_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR)Value: ase PACKET: \{ \SENSOR = re eiveInt16 (stream); \} \break7.7.1.6 #de�ne MAKE_SENSOR_CMD(OP, CMD)Value:if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE) \throw CommandNotAvailable (); \if (pa kets.size () > 255) \throw InvalidArgument (); \\std::stringstream ss; \for (sensorPa kets_t:: onst_iterator it = pa kets.begin (); \it != pa kets.end (); ++it) \{ \if (*it < SENSOR_GROUP_0 \|| *it > SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY) \throw InvalidArgument (); \ onst unsigned har p = *it; \ss << p; \CMD; \} \Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 117: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.7 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. FileReferen e 113\ onst unsigned har op = (OP); \ onst unsigned har size = pa kets.size (); \stream_ << op << size << ss.str (); \stream_.flush ()Internal ma ro. #de�ne MK_SENSOR_GETTER(TYPE, NAME)Value:TYPE \Create::NAME () \{ \updateSensors (); \return NAME##_; \} #de�ne UCHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, unsigned har)

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 118: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

114 iRobot Create library File Do umentation7.8 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate. File Referen e#in lude " onfig.h"#in lude <bitset>#in lude < assert>#in lude <sstream>#in lude <unistd.h>#in lude "irobot- reate.hh"In lude dependen y graph for irobot- reate. :/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create.cc

config.h bitset cassert sstream unistd.h irobot-create.hh

iostream queue stdexcept utility vector irobot-create-fwd.hhNamespa es� namespa e iRobotDe�nes� #de�ne INITIALIZE_SENSORS()� #de�ne MAKE_SENSOR_CMD(OP, CMD)Internal ma ro.� #de�ne GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, TYPE)� #de�ne CHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR (PACKET, SENSOR, har)� #de�ne UCHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR (PACKET, SEN-SOR, unsigned har)� #de�ne INT_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR)� #de�ne GROUP_SENSOR(PACKET, MIN, MAX)� #de�ne MK_SENSOR_GETTER(TYPE, NAME)7.8.1 De�ne Do umentation7.8.1.1 #de�ne CHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, har) #de�ne GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, TYPE)Value: Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 119: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.8 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate. File Referen e115 ase PACKET: \{ \unsigned har v = 0; \if (!safeGet (stream, v)) \return false; \SENSOR = stati _ ast<TYPE> (v); \} \break7.8.1.3 #de�ne GROUP_SENSOR(PACKET, MIN, MAX)Value:{ \ ase PACKET: \bool res = true; \for (SensorPa ket sensor = stati _ ast<SensorPa ket> (MIN); \sensor < stati _ ast<SensorPa ket> (MAX); \sensor = stati _ ast<SensorPa ket> (sensor + 1)) \res = res && readSensorPa ket (sensor, stream); \if (!res) \return false; \} \break7.8.1.4 #de�ne INITIALIZE_SENSORS() #de�ne INT_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR)Value: ase PACKET: \{ \SENSOR = re eiveInt16 (stream); \} \break7.8.1.6 #de�ne MAKE_SENSOR_CMD(OP, CMD)Value:if ( urrentMode_ < IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE) \throw CommandNotAvailable (); \if (pa kets.size () > 255) \throw InvalidArgument (); \\std::stringstream ss; \for (sensorPa kets_t:: onst_iterator it = pa kets.begin (); \it != pa kets.end (); ++it) \{ \if (*it < SENSOR_GROUP_0 \|| *it > SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_VELOCITY) \throw InvalidArgument (); \ onst unsigned har p = *it; \ss << p; \CMD; \} \Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 120: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

116 iRobot Create library File Do umentation\ onst unsigned har op = (OP); \ onst unsigned har size = pa kets.size (); \stream_ << op << size << ss.str (); \stream_.flush ()Internal ma ro. #de�ne MK_SENSOR_GETTER(TYPE, NAME)Value:TYPE \Create::NAME () \{ \updateSensors (); \return NAME##_; \} #de�ne UCHAR_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR) GEN_SENSOR(PACKET, SENSOR, unsigned har)

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 121: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.9 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hh FileReferen e 1177.9 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_-build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hh File Ref-eren e#in lude <iostream>#in lude <queue>#in lude <stdex ept>#in lude <utility>#in lude <ve tor>#in lude <irobot- reate-fwd.hh>In lude dependen y graph for irobot- reate.hh:/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create.hh

iostream queue stdexcept utility vector irobot-create-fwd.hhThis graph shows whi h �les dire tly or indire tly in lude this �le:/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create.hh

/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create.ccNamespa es� namespa e iRobotClasses� lass iRobot::CreateRobot ommuni ation lass, wraps Open Interfa e version 2.De�nes� #de�ne IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION(NAME, DESCRIPTION)Create an ex eption lass whi h inherits from std::runtime_error.Fun tions� iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (CommandNotAvailable,"This ommand isnot available in this mode.")Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 122: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

118 iRobot Create library File Do umentationError thrown when the ommand is not valid in the urrent mode.� iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (InvalidArgument,"This argument is in-valid.")Ex eption thrown when an argument's value is invalid. Typi ally, it means that an argument isout of bound.� iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (LibSerialNotAvailable,"Serial port sup-port has not been ompiled.")Ex eption thrown if no serial port support is available but one tries to use the feature anyway.7.9.1 De�ne Do umentation7.9.1.1 #de�ne IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION(NAME, DESCRIPTION)Value:stru t NAME : publi std::runtime_error \{ \expli it NAME () \: std::runtime_error (DESCRIPTION) \{} \expli it NAME ( onst std::string& what) \: std::runtime_error (what) \{} \}Create an ex eption lass whi h inherits from std::runtime_error.The lass inherits from std::runtime_error and is default onstru tible. The default error messageis set by the DESCRIPTION parameter, a spe i� error message an also be set by passing astring to the onstru tor.Parameters:NAME Name of the generated ex eption lass.DESCRIPTION Default error message.

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 123: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

7.10 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate.hh FileReferen e 1197.10 /home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate.hh File Referen e#in lude <iostream>#in lude <queue>#in lude <stdex ept>#in lude <utility>#in lude <ve tor>#in lude <irobot- reate-fwd.hh>In lude dependen y graph for irobot- reate.hh:/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create.hh

iostream queue stdexcept utility vector irobot-create-fwd.hhThis graph shows whi h �les dire tly or indire tly in lude this �le:/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create.hh

/home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/_build/libirobot-create-0.1/src/irobot-create-ctl.cc /home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create-ctl.cc /home/thomas/projects/usc/libirobot-create/src/irobot-create.ccNamespa es� namespa e iRobotClasses� lass iRobot::CreateRobot ommuni ation lass, wraps Open Interfa e version 2.De�nes� #de�ne IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION(NAME, DESCRIPTION)Create an ex eption lass whi h inherits from std::runtime_error.Fun tions� iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (CommandNotAvailable,"This ommand isnot available in this mode.")Error thrown when the ommand is not valid in the urrent mode.Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

Page 124: Con · adapter mo dule (BAM). T o comm unicate with the rob ot, y ou need serial p ort supp ort. enable this, ha v e to use the libserial library (this has to b e installed

120 iRobot Create library File Do umentation� iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (InvalidArgument,"This argument is in-valid.")Ex eption thrown when an argument's value is invalid. Typi ally, it means that an argument isout of bound.� iRobot::IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION (LibSerialNotAvailable,"Serial port sup-port has not been ompiled.")Ex eption thrown if no serial port support is available but one tries to use the feature anyway.7.10.1 De�ne Do umentation7.10.1.1 #de�ne IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION(NAME, DESCRIPTION)Value:stru t NAME : publi std::runtime_error \{ \expli it NAME () \: std::runtime_error (DESCRIPTION) \{} \expli it NAME ( onst std::string& what) \: std::runtime_error (what) \{} \}Create an ex eption lass whi h inherits from std::runtime_error.The lass inherits from std::runtime_error and is default onstru tible. The default error messageis set by the DESCRIPTION parameter, a spe i� error message an also be set by passing astring to the onstru tor.Parameters:NAME Name of the generated ex eption lass.DESCRIPTION Default error message.

Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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Index∼CreateiRobot::Create, 72, 73/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /do .hh, 101/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 103/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh, 109/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 111/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hh, 117/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /do .hh, 102/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 106/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate-fwd.hh,110/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate. , 114/home/thomas/proje ts/us /libirobot- reate/sr /irobot- reate.hh, 119_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. APPLY_ON_OPCODES, 104 astArg, 105CASTARG_ENUM, 104, 105main, 105PRINT_ACTIONS, 104SEND_CMD, 104SENSOR_CMD, 104STR_TO_OPCODE, 104_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. CHAR_SENSOR, 111GEN_SENSOR, 111GROUP_SENSOR, 112INITIALIZE_SENSORS, 112INT_SENSOR, 112

MAKE_SENSOR_CMD, 112MK_SENSOR_GETTER, 113UCHAR_SENSOR, 113_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hhIROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION, 118advan eButtoniRobot::Create, 86, 95analogSignaliRobot::Create, 86, 95angleiRobot::Create, 86, 95Appli ation, 18Appli ation, 19, 20getMode, 20, 24help, 21, 24sendQueryList, 21, 25sendS ript, 21, 25sendSong, 21, 25sendStream, 22, 25showSensors, 22, 26usage, 24, 28version, 24, 28APPLY_ON_OPCODES_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 104sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 107batteryCapa ityiRobot::Create, 86, 95batteryChargeiRobot::Create, 86, 95batteryCurrentiRobot::Create, 86, 95batteryTemperatureiRobot::Create, 86, 95batteryVoltageiRobot::Create, 86, 95BaudiRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_115200iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_1200iRobot::Create, 49, 61

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122 INDEXBAUD_14400iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_19200iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_2400iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_28800iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_300iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_38400iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_4800iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_57600iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_600iRobot::Create, 49, 61BAUD_9600iRobot::Create, 49, 61bumpLeftiRobot::Create, 85, 94bumpRightiRobot::Create, 85, 94 astArg_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 105sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 108CASTARG_ENUM_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 104, 105sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 107, 108CHAR_SENSOR_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 111sr /irobot- reate. , 114CHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_-FAULT_CONDITIONiRobot::Create, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_FULL_CHARGINGiRobot::Create, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_NOT_CHARGINGiRobot::Create, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_-RECONDITIONING_CHARGINGiRobot::Create, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_-CHARGINGiRobot::Create, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_WAITINGiRobot::Create, 53, 65ChargingStateiRobot::Create, 52, 64

hargingStateiRobot::Create, 86, 95 li�FrontLeftiRobot::Create, 86, 95 li�FrontLeftSignaliRobot::Create, 86, 95 li�FrontRightiRobot::Create, 86, 95 li�FrontRightSignaliRobot::Create, 86, 95 li�LeftiRobot::Create, 85, 94 li�LeftSignaliRobot::Create, 86, 95 li�RightiRobot::Create, 86, 95 li�RightSignaliRobot::Create, 86, 95CreateiRobot::Create, 72, 73DemoiRobot::Create, 50, 62DEMO_ABORTiRobot::Create, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_BANJOiRobot::Create, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_COVERiRobot::Create, 50, 62DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCKiRobot::Create, 50, 62DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHTiRobot::Create, 50, 62DEMO_HOMEiRobot::Create, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_MOUSEiRobot::Create, 50, 62DEMO_PACHELBELiRobot::Create, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_SPOT_COVERiRobot::Create, 50, 62DEMO_TAGiRobot::Create, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_WIMPiRobot::Create, 50, 51, 62, 63devi eDete tiRobot::Create, 86, 95digitalInput0iRobot::Create, 86, 95digitalInput1iRobot::Create, 86, 95digitalInput2iRobot::Create, 86, 95digitalInput3Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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INDEX 123iRobot::Create, 86, 95distan eiRobot::Create, 86, 95DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISEiRobot::Create, 51, 63DRIVE_INPLACE_-COUNTERCLOCKWISEiRobot::Create, 51, 63DRIVE_STRAIGHTiRobot::Create, 51, 63DriveCommandiRobot::Create, 51, 63EventiRobot::Create, 53, 65EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTONiRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_BUMPiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_CLIFFiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0iRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1iRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2iRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3iRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFFiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFFiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROPiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_HOME_BASEiRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_LEFT_BUMPiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_LEFT_CLIFFiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROPiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_NOT_OCCURRINGiRobot::Create, 55, 67EVENT_OCCURRINGiRobot::Create, 55, 67EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVEiRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_PLAY_BUTTONiRobot::Create, 54, 66EVENT_RIGHT_BUMPiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF

iRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROPiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALLiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_WALLiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_WHEEL_DROPiRobot::Create, 53, 54, 65, 66EventStateiRobot::Create, 55, 67GEN_SENSOR_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 111sr /irobot- reate. , 114getModeAppli ation, 20, 24GROUP_SENSOR_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 112sr /irobot- reate. , 115helpAppli ation, 21, 24homeBaseChargerAvailableiRobot::Create, 86, 95INITIALIZE_SENSORS_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 112sr /irobot- reate. , 115INT_SENSOR_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 112sr /irobot- reate. , 115internalChargerAvailableiRobot::Create, 86, 95ir iRobot::Create, 86, 95iRobot, 13IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION, 14iRobot::Create, 29∼Create, 72, 73advan eButton, 86, 95analogSignal, 86, 95angle, 86, 95batteryCapa ity, 86, 95batteryCharge, 86, 95batteryCurrent, 86, 95batteryTemperature, 86, 95batteryVoltage, 86, 95Baud, 49, 61BAUD_115200, 49, 61Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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124 INDEXBAUD_1200, 49, 61BAUD_14400, 49, 61BAUD_19200, 49, 61BAUD_2400, 49, 61BAUD_28800, 49, 61BAUD_300, 49, 61BAUD_38400, 49, 61BAUD_4800, 49, 61BAUD_57600, 49, 61BAUD_600, 49, 61BAUD_9600, 49, 61bumpLeft, 85, 94bumpRight, 85, 94CHARGING_STATE_CHARGING_-FAULT_CONDITION, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_FULL_-CHARGING, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_NOT_-CHARGING, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_-RECONDITIONING_CHARGING,53, 65CHARGING_STATE_TRICKLE_-CHARGING, 53, 65CHARGING_STATE_WAITING, 53, 65ChargingState, 52, 64 hargingState, 86, 95 li�FrontLeft, 86, 95 li�FrontLeftSignal, 86, 95 li�FrontRight, 86, 95 li�FrontRightSignal, 86, 95 li�Left, 85, 94 li�LeftSignal, 86, 95 li�Right, 86, 95 li�RightSignal, 86, 95Create, 72, 73Demo, 50, 62DEMO_ABORT, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_BANJO, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_COVER, 50, 62DEMO_COVER_AND_DOCK, 50, 62DEMO_DRIVE_FIGURE_EIGHT, 50,62DEMO_HOME, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_MOUSE, 50, 62DEMO_PACHELBEL, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_SPOT_COVER, 50, 62DEMO_TAG, 50, 51, 62, 63DEMO_WIMP, 50, 51, 62, 63devi eDete t, 86, 95digitalInput0, 86, 95digitalInput1, 86, 95digitalInput2, 86, 95digitalInput3, 86, 95

distan e, 86, 95DRIVE_INPLACE_CLOCKWISE, 51, 63DRIVE_INPLACE_-COUNTERCLOCKWISE, 51, 63DRIVE_STRAIGHT, 51, 63DriveCommand, 51, 63Event, 53, 65EVENT_ADVANCE_BUTTON, 54, 66EVENT_BUMP, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_CLIFF, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_0, 54, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_1, 54, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_2, 54, 66EVENT_DIGITAL_INPUT_3, 54, 66EVENT_FRONT_LEFT_CLIFF, 53, 54,65, 66EVENT_FRONT_RIGHT_CLIFF, 53,54, 65, 66EVENT_FRONT_WHEEL_DROP, 53,54, 65, 66EVENT_HOME_BASE, 54, 66EVENT_LEFT_BUMP, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_LEFT_CLIFF, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_LEFT_WHEEL_DROP, 53, 54,65, 66EVENT_NOT_OCCURRING, 55, 67EVENT_OCCURRING, 55, 67EVENT_OI_MODE_PASSIVE, 54, 66EVENT_PLAY_BUTTON, 54, 66EVENT_RIGHT_BUMP, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_RIGHT_CLIFF, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_RIGHT_WHEEL_DROP, 53,54, 65, 66EVENT_VIRTUAL_WALL, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_WALL, 53, 54, 65, 66EVENT_WHEEL_DROP, 53, 54, 65, 66EventState, 55, 67homeBaseChargerAvailable, 86, 95internalChargerAvailable, 86, 95ir, 86, 95IROBOT_CREATE_FULL, 48, 60IROBOT_CREATE_OFF, 48, 60IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVE, 48, 60IROBOT_CREATE_SAFE, 48, 60ld0Over urrent, 86, 95ld1Over urrent, 86, 95ld2Over urrent, 86, 95Led, 52, 64LED_ADVANCE, 52, 64LED_ALL, 52, 64LED_COLOR_GREEN, 96LED_COLOR_RED, 96LED_INTENSITY_FULL, 96LED_INTENSITY_OFF, 96Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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INDEX 125LED_NONE, 52, 64LED_PLAY, 52, 64leftWheelOver urrent, 86, 95LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MAX, 96LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MIN, 96Mode, 48, 60mode, 84, 94NO_NOTE, 97NOTE_MAX, 97NOTE_MIN, 97note_t, 47Op ode, 55, 67OPCODE_BAUD, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_CONTROL, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_COVER, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCK, 55,56, 67, 68OPCODE_DEMO, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS, 56, 68OPCODE_DRIVE, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECT, 56, 68OPCODE_FULL, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_LEDS, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERS, 55,56, 67, 68OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_-STREAM, 56, 68OPCODE_PLAY, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPT, 56, 68OPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_-DRIVERS, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_QUERY_LIST, 56, 68OPCODE_SAFE, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_SCRIPT, 56, 68OPCODE_SEND_IR, 56, 68OPCODE_SENSORS, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPT, 56, 68OPCODE_SONG, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_SPOT, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_START, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_STREAM, 56, 68OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLE, 56, 68OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCE, 56, 68OPCODE_WAIT_EVENT, 56, 57, 68, 69OPCODE_WAIT_TIME, 56, 68op odes_t, 47playButton, 86, 95queriedPa kets_t, 47, 48RADIUS_MAX, 96RADIUS_MIN, 96readSensorPa ket, 86, 87, 95readStream, 84, 94requestedLeftVelo ity, 86, 95requestedRadius, 86, 95

requestedRightVelo ity, 86, 95requestedVelo ity, 86, 95rightWheelOver urrent, 86, 95SCRIPT_MAX_SIZE, 97sendBaudCommand, 73, 89sendDemoCommand, 74, 89sendDigitalOutputsCommand, 77, 90sendDriveCommand, 75, 90sendDriveDire tCommand, 76, 90sendFullCommand, 74, 89sendIrCommand, 78, 91sendLedCommand, 76, 90sendLowSideDriversCommand, 78, 91sendPauseStreamCommand, 80, 92sendPlayS riptCommand, 81, 93sendPlaySongCommand, 79, 92sendPwmLowSideDriversCommand, 77, 91sendQueryListCommand, 80, 92sendSafeCommand, 74, 89sendS riptCommand, 81, 93sendSensorsCommand, 79, 92sendShowS riptCommand, 81, 93sendSongCommand, 78, 91sendStartCommand, 74, 89sendStreamCommand, 80, 92sendWaitAngleCommand, 82, 93sendWaitDistan eCommand, 82, 93sendWaitEventCommand, 83, 94sendWaitTimeCommand, 82, 93SENSOR_ANGLE, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_BATTERY_CAPACITY, 58,59, 70, 71SENSOR_BATTERY_CHARGE, 58, 59,70, 71SENSOR_BATTERY_-TEMPERATURE, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_BIT_ADVANCEBUTTON, 98SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_LEFT, 98SENSOR_BIT_BUMP_RIGHT, 98SENSOR_BIT_DEVICEDETECT, 99SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT0, 99SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT1, 99SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT2, 99SENSOR_BIT_DIGITALINPUT3, 99SENSOR_BIT_-HOMEBASECHARGERAVAILABLE,99SENSOR_BIT_-INTERNALCHARGERAVAILABLE,99SENSOR_BIT_LD0OVERCURRENT,98SENSOR_BIT_LD1OVERCURRENT,98Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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SENSOR_OVERCURRENTS, 57, 59, 69,71SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_-VELOCITY, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUS, 58,59, 70, 71SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_-VELOCITY, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITY,58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_SONG_NUMBER, 58, 59, 70,71SENSOR_SONG_PLAYING, 58, 59, 70,71SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALL, 57, 58, 69,70SENSOR_VOLTAGE, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_WALL, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_WALL_SIGNAL, 58, 59, 70, 71SensorPa ket, 57, 69sensorPa kets_t, 47, 48SONG_MAX, 97SONG_MAX_SIZE, 97SONG_MIN, 97song_t, 47songNumber, 86, 95songPlaying, 86, 95STREAM_HEADER, 97STREAM_STATE_OFF, 52, 64STREAM_STATE_ON, 52, 64streamPa kets, 86, 95StreamState, 52, 64updateSensors, 83, 94VELOCITY_MAX, 96VELOCITY_MIN, 96virtualWall, 86, 95wall, 85, 94wallSignal, 86, 95wheeldropCaster, 84, 94wheeldropLeft, 85, 94wheeldropRight, 85, 94IROBOT_CREATE_FULLiRobot::Create, 48, 60IROBOT_CREATE_OFFiRobot::Create, 48, 60IROBOT_CREATE_PASSIVEiRobot::Create, 48, 60IROBOT_CREATE_SAFEiRobot::Create, 48, 60IROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate.hh, 118iRobot, 14sr /irobot- reate.hh, 120Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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INDEX 127ld0Over urrentiRobot::Create, 86, 95ld1Over urrentiRobot::Create, 86, 95ld2Over urrentiRobot::Create, 86, 95Led iRobot::Create, 52, 64LED_ADVANCEiRobot::Create, 52, 64LED_ALLiRobot::Create, 52, 64LED_COLOR_GREENiRobot::Create, 96LED_COLOR_REDiRobot::Create, 96LED_INTENSITY_FULLiRobot::Create, 96LED_INTENSITY_OFFiRobot::Create, 96LED_NONEiRobot::Create, 52, 64LED_PLAYiRobot::Create, 52, 64leftWheelOver urrentiRobot::Create, 86, 95LibSerial, 15LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MAXiRobot::Create, 96LOW_SIDE_VELOCITY_MINiRobot::Create, 96main_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 105sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 108MAKE_SENSOR_CMD_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 112sr /irobot- reate. , 115MK_SENSOR_GETTER_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 113sr /irobot- reate. , 116ModeiRobot::Create, 48, 60modeiRobot::Create, 84, 94NO_NOTEiRobot::Create, 97NOTE_MAXiRobot::Create, 97NOTE_MIN

iRobot::Create, 97note_tiRobot::Create, 47Op odeiRobot::Create, 55, 67OPCODE_BAUDiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_CONTROLiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_COVERiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_COVER_AND_DOCKiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_DEMOiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_DIGITAL_OUTPUTSiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_DRIVEiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_DRIVE_DIRECTiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_FULLiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_LEDSiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERSiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_PAUSE_RESUME_STREAMiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_PLAYiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_PLAY_SCRIPTiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_PWM_LOW_SIDE_DRIVERSiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_QUERY_LISTiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_SAFEiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_SCRIPTiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_SEND_IRiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_SENSORSiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_SHOW_SCRIPTiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_SONGiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_SPOTiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68OPCODE_STARTiRobot::Create, 55, 56, 67, 68Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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128 INDEXOPCODE_STREAMiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_WAIT_ANGLEiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_WAIT_DISTANCEiRobot::Create, 56, 68OPCODE_WAIT_EVENTiRobot::Create, 56, 57, 68, 69OPCODE_WAIT_TIMEiRobot::Create, 56, 68op odes_tiRobot::Create, 47playButtoniRobot::Create, 86, 95PRINT_ACTIONS_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 104sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 107queriedPa kets_tiRobot::Create, 47, 48RADIUS_MAXiRobot::Create, 96RADIUS_MINiRobot::Create, 96readSensorPa ketiRobot::Create, 86, 87, 95readStreamiRobot::Create, 84, 94requestedLeftVelo ityiRobot::Create, 86, 95requestedRadiusiRobot::Create, 86, 95requestedRightVelo ityiRobot::Create, 86, 95requestedVelo ityiRobot::Create, 86, 95rightWheelOver urrentiRobot::Create, 86, 95SCRIPT_MAX_SIZEiRobot::Create, 97SEND_CMD_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 104sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 107sendBaudCommandiRobot::Create, 73, 89sendDemoCommandiRobot::Create, 74, 89sendDigitalOutputsCommandiRobot::Create, 77, 90

sendDriveCommandiRobot::Create, 75, 90sendDriveDire tCommandiRobot::Create, 76, 90sendFullCommandiRobot::Create, 74, 89sendIrCommandiRobot::Create, 78, 91sendLedCommandiRobot::Create, 76, 90sendLowSideDriversCommandiRobot::Create, 78, 91sendPauseStreamCommandiRobot::Create, 80, 92sendPlayS riptCommandiRobot::Create, 81, 93sendPlaySongCommandiRobot::Create, 79, 92sendPwmLowSideDriversCommandiRobot::Create, 77, 91sendQueryListAppli ation, 21, 25sendQueryListCommandiRobot::Create, 80, 92sendSafeCommandiRobot::Create, 74, 89sendS riptAppli ation, 21, 25sendS riptCommandiRobot::Create, 81, 93sendSensorsCommandiRobot::Create, 79, 92sendShowS riptCommandiRobot::Create, 81, 93sendSongAppli ation, 21, 25sendSongCommandiRobot::Create, 78, 91sendStartCommandiRobot::Create, 74, 89sendStreamAppli ation, 22, 25sendStreamCommandiRobot::Create, 80, 92sendWaitAngleCommandiRobot::Create, 82, 93sendWaitDistan eCommandiRobot::Create, 82, 93sendWaitEventCommandiRobot::Create, 83, 94sendWaitTimeCommandiRobot::Create, 82, 93SENSOR_ANGLEiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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iRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CARGO_BAY_DIGITAL_INPUTiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CHARGING_SOURCES_-AVAILABLEiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CHARGING_STATEiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFTiRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_LEFT_SIGNALiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHTiRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_CLIFF_FRONT_RIGHT_-SIGNALiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFTiRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_CLIFF_LEFT_SIGNALiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHTiRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_CLIFF_RIGHT_SIGNALiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_CMD_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 104sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 107SENSOR_CURRENTiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_DISTANCEiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_GROUP_0iRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_GROUP_1iRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_GROUP_2iRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_GROUP_3iRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_GROUP_4iRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_GROUP_5iRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_GROUP_6iRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_IRiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_NUMBER_STREAM_PACKETSiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_OI_MODEiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_OVERCURRENTSGenerated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen

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130 INDEXiRobot::Create, 57, 59, 69, 71SENSOR_REQUESTED_LEFT_-VELOCITYiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_REQUESTED_RADIUSiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_REQUESTED_RIGHT_-VELOCITYiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_REQUESTED_VELOCITYiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_SONG_NUMBERiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_SONG_PLAYINGiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_VIRTUAL_WALLiRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_VOLTAGEiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SENSOR_WALLiRobot::Create, 57, 58, 69, 70SENSOR_WALL_SIGNALiRobot::Create, 58, 59, 70, 71SensorPa ketiRobot::Create, 57, 69sensorPa kets_tiRobot::Create, 47, 48showSensorsAppli ation, 22, 26SONG_MAXiRobot::Create, 97SONG_MAX_SIZEiRobot::Create, 97SONG_MINiRobot::Create, 97song_tiRobot::Create, 47songNumberiRobot::Create, 86, 95songPlayingiRobot::Create, 86, 95sr /irobot- reate- tl. APPLY_ON_OPCODES, 107 astArg, 108CASTARG_ENUM, 107, 108main, 108PRINT_ACTIONS, 107SEND_CMD, 107SENSOR_CMD, 107STR_TO_OPCODE, 107sr /irobot- reate. CHAR_SENSOR, 114GEN_SENSOR, 114GROUP_SENSOR, 115

INITIALIZE_SENSORS, 115INT_SENSOR, 115MAKE_SENSOR_CMD, 115MK_SENSOR_GETTER, 116UCHAR_SENSOR, 116sr /irobot- reate.hhIROBOT_MAKE_EXCEPTION, 120STR_TO_OPCODE_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 104sr /irobot- reate- tl. , 107STREAM_HEADERiRobot::Create, 97STREAM_STATE_OFFiRobot::Create, 52, 64STREAM_STATE_ONiRobot::Create, 52, 64streamPa ketsiRobot::Create, 86, 95StreamStateiRobot::Create, 52, 64UCHAR_SENSOR_build/libirobot- reate-0.1/sr /irobot- reate. , 113sr /irobot- reate. , 116updateSensorsiRobot::Create, 83, 94usageAppli ation, 24, 28VELOCITY_MAXiRobot::Create, 96VELOCITY_MINiRobot::Create, 96versionAppli ation, 24, 28virtualWalliRobot::Create, 86, 95wall iRobot::Create, 85, 94wallSignaliRobot::Create, 86, 95wheeldropCasteriRobot::Create, 84, 94wheeldropLeftiRobot::Create, 85, 94wheeldropRightiRobot::Create, 85, 94Generated on Thu Aug 28 13:54:20 2008 for iRobot Create library by Doxygen