•MMMMi . teit^wwmi uwiajaaigBiwwtiiBqMii^ A-***^*^**-.^! s^* : »»•». wm» I»I muni ii IW«WWWIP%W »w«M»«m*« ~»i Tiipipa *»; »> 2A- "^•irriri i J f wawgBWBW s m r wwa PLATTSBURGH Ptt&s* I M0KJJ.MT, »(JCBMBB» M, 1*M. CAjLL YOUR ATTENTION 1 0 THEIR NEW ANDOTTO-DATESTOCK OF PERSONAL ME m^mwmwm \<S-.- ^ « ; IfJf&» a&£ f~- Mf" 5. i '-;&- -" t "jp?isa®8§£« ••• * - ! »""»•»• • « * liOKX&x, &ECF:MR£:|5 / as coinpliet<{< as yon will find te the- coturty. No castoYOist that fads ibeen through die fire. J\>r"<th.& next ten days we yoiJ a JO per cent* dteeoant on all sales, for cash. If we ha? Ctejt or l^gdi it, we wiO / ago to m coin© in ajnd let us day night, the 21st, until January 2. et it for yen. Conre in and let as fit yoor Go* »ir of sleigh winners, W yon hasre net seen Chant ow you how they work. 0pr store open Mon- . CLOUGB & CO mam 0lfeci ors i St 1* Ii Clough, Licensed Embolmer* Assistant House 662-W &• '!£-•:. - -J^*' : ' ", !• 4Ss wwy«-fi>re. {$31 y«wr' & Section. from, |, ' „ ' M*m Seated Ijgjtii -J» lano Stok C» ';.-1 ' Wt icm- range tmijk] tic mm t.PROBES «»tf'' »o fS9.ed. Blanks I ConiC In a»d : H1 if Blankets tide famous Cortland Sleighs for -yo« to make *•*• Sjoriosr- €ntiere,i .SRagp Cattere, Old Comfort CSot* f «<$ if tts 1« fee £lie%l* Mm© w« fea*e it. ^W to fi«o,«e. Hire ysm win Uvtl the best line jjBSE! Sfe*JSKKB3 te *l»o county, .Robes for *10.<H)» ottjf|fa«»*f , '^P©BlK a»a ^ E J k M W ^ »L%BH*JSIS .tt»i& Mg- s4f3-i$l»a? aiad ^b& low prices tfe a**. ,,,,, ;i nijl ir i mi 1 II i I I i mmmmmmm^mmmimmammmmmmmmmm t-i|P W" - - ' —'—- ' " "— — * - " •HWiiwaiHnEiwe "?. « I o> 1.11 I C l t j BattaJmrgft, wko M* 'been Vij^Utgr •with h*i- j>*x*nt3 At I t liorrklttfe «faf*ek returned h«?mt fntQra»r. .J. P. Boytatt, 'gw»isal nauo&srer for iiie Mountain ft®m& Tel<»^aoiMi Co., «Sn,t»to New Sot* on official towtoftwr last nigftft, : ' Miss'a««li T FKtft, a Ulgh «mool »ta-' : dencfe ttv«iag vith Mm J. B. M«R4, . "on W«4noS&aay goes : to; *jSf*y •** ^i«s*- fa«t .affr.'and -Mr& ^«a»3te Anderson,, oi'' 'Troy f are Qnr'istata* visitor* in town, th^. gm€£^ ; of Mr, ' a n d M m <3N?orga Ar«!hasBiba.nlt w '6n -eomelia street* ifra- JUid««»>n i* a. ^jster oX M«k A*clK»n*' ibatriti . — *- Hloteard TPvnr&y rVla-rted yesterday from Wcsl&yan- C^l«gc to- sp«n4 t3i« 'Chrisinnas. .recess «wlth rela.fivesi h* tOWfSl. Luc&n h, Boek» cJas« JM 7, Ha?* vaad tJnaversltiy', retarm^; yesterday for *ao CttrJstmas^ vaucaftfen •wMjh he will «g?end trtfch hi* naretttSi Mr, s«5 At«s. t,. E. ftocK *n aoutA CoUieer-' tea We*% Annies fhamnson re*um«ed Sfetair- day »i«M fro^- W«sTo-yajn.. i Col1»>ite»' a«*a wJltsnecd 'Ite -h-pliday* -with "W« ^<ur«iKts» i 'B«fv. and M r i "SP* G. 'SKiomp- sottj on o*fc Street, Hu-hwrt Oflrard. ,of the tfedfooott «* w* tfhtt«etare nt tHe.' Cniv«r«lty of P#»- jti'syivanaa* « ato«j« for tho fatftt)*?** 'arrivtes yo««r«tay mornter. Er»£»t J-Krffl* cf «Kj tJnl*«wdty «f Vsspnwiw& .attitfA hom? yi»cpj?d'is» for the •Cnr^ttm.s JnciMayf, Anseng the 5xmn« w^n who aa-riiped J»on3KJ &os* eollege yeM»dj*y«» «ptxt$ <5ltrS*ta«i# wsetft. I r * S«irt«on» JTohn. Mct>cmmll r '3Prmxk TStntau Andtwr B*r- |Kss, J9*c I*o-tHJ«» of' th* Xownai ^school, left SAtarUa* for Iwr hom» »» 03de&s'bar% whtr« sflto isUJl iptn-l th« holidays. •3H«s Edna, S l ^ h t , of the Korm*3 &ti!tu#&i wi!J cnJyy'Ute ^.tintxam r# • «asst wH& relatives in. WhlurftaiXI^ jMK'irow fo.r'?rew Torts city whtre «h*i v4H ^ftad^he" winter, *h* i!»«»t «f %ho maoiy fdend»«ar.<8 aeawdntan"- *» .of Koss KH.a^r» »-who- wo». #e#io«*ly Injured «fcmn& w«e3is a s a l>y- t»*in4 strnck toy a n*oitor trw^k in _thi« «Ji.v» wlsi *c 'gleaRc-d lo katfw that hit r*» c«vfry t» sneH C a t in *tso»t *-w**k*« time ho will ^ <*lV to !«%'«, I3i# ehatto|*l$ln Talky Mospital nnd K » tnrn to JMU homo | in fhyxy. "At on« t'ime i t *to.Tn3ries'wcsHpth»«^t <<> 'h<s of &*&**«* .jfciSajsc * « d hte ; rw*oimlion to h& liinil^hi a , «onree,,of sr«ai Imjt- Mr* CI>t|tf» 3J.*wp4hr..W". 1$ fto9W Ins fi*w»fi«,hiy fiom &*r nte«*ft in|«ry K«»lain«d in at ta&t nnojn at afc^iwwiy'in hvrfeonSe*.II w*» fo^nd m *SP J*y* sifi^cwm^- 'l»osar«J*al aster a»- 'X^my -r*« Inihinotioxi; *fc#t *h#. hoaw <o€ the fool,' tsnftjieaiaieljs <tt»nr* .«J»c- »idtte> h»4 '&ec-n t»rokcn. After. wycr«l 43ty» tren.'t- iriMit »hp wis ?Mts t o iiv r**ttrn«Hl w fetrf home* t?h#ro eh* fe 'TeMS^.mm* t&rtssMy. ' *••"* , ,. i • E*s«rd ^fo«es wli«. ssmtaJimt ^st fci^Mi^iX Mknlt by mVom o«f * i**»tl«i To*% to Itoracfe Jtaymend SP*«C4F, n » t t ^ t u w 4 Wf. f^' and- to all l^e'r- » n « t n t e r e ^ in Id* *»ta*» of H«r- a«e A. fljpoaeiiv |ui« -of the texwa jof ^lewhoj^hr.-Cttfttoti -Cotintj-v &*CISM<- «4*a* <*W!to:a*- ij^sutee* next of fc,ia, or,. otherWisfe/sdid-jfree'-tin*; .. iron «nd «ach : 6c yon are heraoy' cited t* i | w oatnai nefore oar Sarro- £*te of th-.j CJonn^- ,of Clinton, ^ w 1 Yotk,-a.t his office- jlx} Pli5ft««)nrgh, o.rt lite ^Sth o«y of riekmliex, 1944*: W NOTTCBV- Xm nnwumce ot«» or««f <tf a**Nf» Vicr»oa F, BOlRft furrw* i « # Ksf c a n t o n fJouw^r Hwr•=--Twfc. -ttotl^'' i» hereby tiisin. »wordt»|t ; fe» h w to «ti per»on» hsiyinir ©la^wi «ffaio#t Addle £i*oiy latfc of PM^f- hnrth^ in *aid Cdnnty! of a^nton, de- ceased, to present m* «&we, -^Ph -th* yopcher* thereof, to tiie jmhiK!rih*r* at hit nlace .of tran«icti«* bwririe^i, at hl» horn* on "Soath Catherine itreefe in the City of FfcttfWxr*!*/ on or o*^ .fisro'.th* iStft day' «t ;Mfty* tm%* -' - / WITJOUiM DIXON JgWectttor. - A^t%ney, fo* Execntofc. .; - i. f nturfr ,n« I'I. . ni. ).i. »c ten•' o'oiofeJt. in th« |orenoo» of tppx day, .why * e -aocou** of ^eoirse'.- JE. Wood aijid. Horit^ % JfofanwJtw , m ese«utotti of t3a< ftabt will and te*qs* m*te o^f this aaUi idice«aed,«hotad.-i3iot be judielaity »e<tie|r and aUowed^ Andjif any of «3ae';ptr»Otts in**re#t- ed he'vndier tht a^e wf 2ri« they are reonlred t^app^r *>y th«irJB««»«K1 M " t <Tthl **whs«ifeer/*t ^ l B M they hum one, none, to ai.pear an^t anwyofor nne?to be appoint^; or,-ho th**v*»i of their 77. ""T * • T J near Eltertourirh Oenotg Clinton co*i»- MCtott or latlare 4 * » . a g u a r d i a n ^ ^ Y<# o a op fe ^ r4 m i m ^ y •'!' )' 3^-BOf »OT H i * * T0MA3SB- TS^- <@EB)S3BSSSSAS 1J3EPE, H>SA1* 'iC3aD83SraiCaS , « ISToa have isiWU. yoa t&is year «onte dear pne who may not i»0- 3«|re ». yiswr lience. aa»© ?detvti«sa.' wl% .may h»yo sewetty w*»t* ed these many years for a diamond, or it may ho « fine brooch, or a watch, perhaps It nsay- he_# sarin's of ©earls. Wha^ier Jt fe.yon : filiiB]^^ ! ©f we ^ai.-trj? «ftd .fteln ydn w«3tt* Soaae one yo>w Jtaaow Is ^mgln^f* for ss»io piece- -of bcautir«l. f t . . ' * * Elary. ,-' . • , •ret |esw : H; : «i im r y •In'. p-«rjm'ane» of-.an,.'order- o|" i*o«.' Victor : F. l?oir#, Sarrogate 'of mm? ton* County, - 3STe?w %orfc* nojtioe ; i» hereby given accordttf 0 law t \ att 'I*r*aajr haSin« •eJftim4' agaimst Jtohn Brodkii late of BttenhurjKl*, fnaaid oottrity oc Gliuttoft, d#ce»aed, to pre* a««t the 'aatnev #ith ';th* yo«&eh*re ~— In^ ivfer geol ^i«- jjia witii 'laige flowj piaee of jtrawwtctin* httslnee^ hl*t hAtn* tn th* town ot EHertbargh, will ho npiolnted ty the Surrogate |to repreew)* »na «*t- for then* in the p-ooecdin«, In .te#tiiwny Whereof, w*>-'"haVe .' : caused the »enl 'of oar * »a}a Sttrre«ttte'# Court ito be hereunto a&lxed, Wjit- iX*. A> ne«s, Horn Victor >".J r Bobcat ^urro5rat« w tm County of Clinton, at thf , |cfty af ' l>latf*hur«h,;.',!» -. laaid -eoitnty, 'the'il«rd da> , of Xovehtber, 1S1*. ' ti, U, ARdaAMBAUUt, ->_ , €l«rlt* »f the Surrotat«*» Coort, C, K. S f e u B , j Attorney for Ejicputora, of Way, *MS» . ' •. Jha^ntdr* A»ra«m ec SOGCIS, Attorney for JSxecntor.. ., Ktw tork Buprem* Couft, CUa^ ton ttrattferl j j Peter Hj Flooa.i aometime* eallcd -fittody, phimiff; atajnat Joaeph t, •Flood j and An^uatk jp,lood hla wifei <J«ettI«| J t o o d ^ J r i o o p , wife of "I*l«»n» ti?f{'Matiriea H* Jnteod and.Ella 3 Flood, ' fclif wife; Mary - Bearaea. Thomaa Floody ajnd KeW« FlCMBdy ;itf* wife:; JnKc« Wtfaon, wife of Wil- liam .Wilson; Oeerji* 0*Deli» St.i tt fleorfe J?ioekly #md|4«aeWn« Floody. hia wife, 'f^ffndanta, fa nureuWe* w -» 4 |udjpn*nt : of for*clb*«re|'and tape, msii# and *'»* tered - In' ti i* - »!*o , n s #r,tltl#d astltin. haarln* d»t# lire Mnth *!»y'«f.K , o* rember.' HU, I* the and«*ff*»d, referee in mid Indigent T«tm*4 r will •ell at.public anetlon at the from daor of t»a Holland Uonae, tn tide rillaare *t «o«*e* PhlM* CBnton county, 3S?#w- T#rM,' nm tha twanty- third day of t»ecemi»er^ lil't, at' three o'clock- in ilia afternoon of aald_dayr. ih» frtiloida* described premiaea: ^ Alt ..that eertaln irteiNs or ptoml.'M, Und and' iliiig* i.>t» aituat* ia tlw iJlaj» .««• Ronse* Point, ^OwMhr- «| Clinton iui4: Stat** <-f Sfaw' ifnr** *3tel -bfiJajt-lot'h|«»l»** ijixty li»l,- altaili* oa tiie aouro Ktd«r of State atreet, -as laid oat and mapped by En-fax H*at» on, 'and hoanded *ln it»f>, aa £$1T lowai"'- - "' ."•". ^- ' '. ' Oik ! 0te mtih -bf) «tat» ateattj 3 »»' *fc* ««tt. %r .lot;*C Ja»e* 'J^ayj' «» the aouth by land- of -ISatid WWt*. attd flit th4 "?*•* **| »«lawai#":i«rei#ts' and balBf the priemiaea where the WMJE: m ?f& wmh wmM xor, le M& ParsWl Co TBCTWOTHjBI" rdain Valley iHogps^I, l»'im»«!*l»f ; '^|; aa% mf&^ m tow 'betk^otS t» ;i* t»» -thi read t o jtt«J»vcKyi - .1 ft-apimel 3SUoy S» otj^scted hom«| lEram Vnkn C4tege t^inorrow te s^eaifi tim? 'holidays vAtb ht$- p»r*»t*i- Hori, stnd ^Jra Jfa&ii B. TE^llef at fhtlii home on Brdad &tre*t : ' ] ( apw*. ana 'ami sa; c*sy.KRt»-wiH! e»4oy a pbrtit* of tite ^hiiati»i» nalt- r ,day»-tft' K»w ¥«?*? -.city,- im-tinir ae^i Smttiky,. •-. ' t -. ; | J- . atfjiss Frej^iat :A, Sftsawsiv *f Hatt»»i |hnHg!h Hlfh ^**40l-feacatts?', leaireaTfor •h*r-j»ni© in aw^tn^a Sh^w^rwiw*© *1MK *?iU Dj!M»»d .^Si ehriKftttiaw' y » a » iSeiu* ' • ' ' ' ' . . - • . ' • : ' jvaae -Sarah' M* . t o t , # vtumhet H I wfW £pe«d' th* holiday* a* her f?ion»'e : m a&w£a noyioton, w« ". : •• '.':-.' ' Mfer- JEJor-alfe: 1 '. sumo, .da«*ht«r ! ' of *&•»: sma Mm, "jr* JH* JPoote, of tlHa «^y, r^4»rne# "JSatftrday '-frean' Htm: $*&%, «Jfe'* -whipre'- sg*e j£» tsakini'-n ,i?OMSse ^.sSn^RSf, apd-wlU *pej3,d- thss «t CKatttivmp wv«ral d w » ' ^ and j^5^J^%I!?i»£?JK iS?' wKtt.'V 1 ^ ! *? ^ ^ ^ r . - t f i d nt«rtM«a waa-^wn in **tuMcjr t •iD«t*d Hj|i««nh«rjftfc« JIM4». flattahurfh, .:-!!<!*' Tnr*»; No, :{|« OU»t«i|a •mreat,; «4 BEAtlflFUL ii.- •! 15^7 *raafs;--jysFi> FI^ 1 ^ (CIB2S ; IB. •holiday with tor fares** «« 0on^» isrespt, , . •'• ^ - : Jfeha ,4. Sfcft3oon, of: Xee»i!\<U* # '*p? «mnasf th© !>w*]nea«i- caltet» In •th«s «Cit| r '^t«i!d43f» .• -ft J. ( 33.tt$, -of $aj*Ea« # waal * irlaSt* OT m town SatnrSayi ' W&fMaxim'-k, Whftaion, -of- *jt<s 3PIatjt*UjKr«h 33Sg^ Scjhooi-- f&cplty, w*» *p#jj|d 'tUff hdtdaya "*f h^r .honj* ' 'Ift Mhw '2>oro'thy ''fim^t^i^.isf .the- fa- ewlty of tbe ^latbftnh)^ -ih%h-«chool, will «a3oy t&e- Chy|t«an«ia -rereaa -With -her»paire»ts #t-,&%m%m.oi& •.*• I* p^ifattLl'df'^nfe-'Bift^id, %va» »«;£»,£ -Sfttar^-v ^^Sors JJI' fowp.. M, I,. 3^»i3i«betki, Uf l l t o n a , tx«.tM(i> awaeifi 'bn^nem, ta 4iwm-._tm aaturdayi, ' H , jr. ajEaeoanfefsr* ,4f 'W#scJme«a WJS^ snwsgr *3ife -co.^^'^iew-tn.thlit.ftit^ SfetoiStecyi j." s - .' !'--. •?., ; '-ijetry ^im*»r J^ asjjatefcsd 'Jiower 'tP* morrfl*' 'ffflan- -C^me^i Ilaf>^reity"'t4 ^pwjd'^«i hfeliday* ,wi-th' rej»*sv«fc. • : Fyof. W,; &• $dd^. fnwtpjctssr- of : 4eien«e# at tine; «|«tebnr i g'h- fti^ti 1 3K*ooi> -^J»*»Jpy.th«:' ; <^ri8*jftds-¥a!c^* : «on in 4d6a»y.;*i«d J^ew Tcirk,-" ''.,'' ,- A, M. pecora* ul'-Ai^na*. 'sipsi^t. SatasKSay jn'towa -on &%mmnimtTiti:, -.' Qm BxOJsHi victory tfest -mnst not i to' overlooked -ia rep03rte4 -jfrom &on~ [Kidney JPIUs,' for pa-ina -In. -sid«« and; deoa,'"Where' ' W mwmsef -P| *-pon r .;l .' K01SfGE«;*1WllWd, -Cltannney |»» -In ppreoanci ojf aa- oraer'of HOKr,- Vffe t 0 H F«,B<jlB'1&.sdrreiat#,- of <|ftfci -ton.-Ceantk.' ^*w 'tcsrk. aotioa' ia hire by jgyen -ansrerdinir -So law to-aW'nar* tona }>iJrtnt citiroa n«aintt Chaysoey ft, fUawd ; 4ilfc« #f-CSiy ;Of;jW«ttahni^iife: in: aatd- eottnty of <3liptorf- -deoea#*d,; lo ittMiiiBt-tii* iKittfi mm tfta m$m* \ .er^'tliafaofc/lo-tii* aabp«r}ber«*'-at'ai*ir place of tranaactinj buKineaa, at the |«!$ta>--«i .A^l^iw •al1d! , . Aimew, K©*f* Clinton atrefiit,- Flattaibikrefh, St, Y*' Pit :jar "feefora 'tt^a 14th fay> of »#c*m!i#r: til*, lit, mmem, AtSNS#4k.A|t»J8fl!ir.' ,| •' 1 Attornaya- IW Exttnpra; Neck Pieces & Muffs KICE8 NEVER Wf LOW ;Wdel YoarCSii Fors to iookiifceNew sk You To Visit bar Store [Mim f S J S . Cat «a-t tbJs-f&a&ki, rfe^nnmtten, pft6«wsbe y Wd siip^ enelossse a^$.eent«' to. Foigy &'--C^^., *ey a«d. bMddfer silm^atie anof ISoiay • C&lcftgo, 13., m&t'mg your'naopa-aatd. i; 0a.ttertie-^'felefs, a 'uph^leMqixn* -> #nd refrarn a.iree trial pa<*&3!e .eesststo'"•'peeiaUy «<Mnforth>9 J» stotji. psrsopf, tag: JFoley : 's for. congh^ wis* 'hsstet ha*, iejhapg^ Ma name frepj- Kkfewr- to- iQ^t'al*^- - ^ ' ^ e w York' Borld, buainesa, at ^hanki a t ET KDYIcaH-in. pnra*- of ' j 2lloto:» b r k ^ ; »ottsai- s 'jpi I jl&erjsbjr Aooordin* ;ti> : j law-/ t|» « i ; ;peri!oJns h|i.«|ay «*»|mi -iaraingt jlnlletta -tSiibfrt- •h^tt' -of f3ka*y In aatt;^fepni|«ar -of €3i|n- trm, deooafloil, to psesent the sam2, with i|ift-y©n.<!&#re- thsrenf^to ihe-:a^b- ae^ihar, ;«t *iia>pla-eB-|!-bfv ^tra^aa^tW*'. tha tat" i lay bf mtmm temumvsm-. ige* a|^'.Tw* vw . • .A'ttorn#y--f<:rl' ia bts- liaHy. IKftAPR! ! - Y<nt # m Aa.:»# aomejthlnif $o. rewrent- Hoaey and fop ComiM.i|ft(3 For. sale in your tow» by _tfa4y "Ssms ber <3hrlttn3aa h y j f -pQ® r|!«*w.yoyr ,.&%&& tmft- .c?4«P.; Foley;Co* •.'..-•' : .gj^«cr|pi|p-tt .to- thoyeSreiiav "M)0ia<a©--i*tti Phrawapol «f-«i^rd[«r -of- BOir; ¥10rote ?! |.|sCS»m!'Snrr|a; gatp of •Giintdii,-C|o«aiS , J -notice iahere-, by.'islreni'-acebfdint-fci! law. tb all p4r« «en^" ha-yinj*.: ^a|ma ..' ^t^dnat 'either ^hajpipine (6t 'Chart pis^ntj ,'^*fa| jot thaiCity of -Hp.t&knren!in laid Sonn^r- of felintGn\d*aeaaed, : j-i;b- -pre»eafc_ iiie «ad0 witb' thB»''+ono ; Mrii-\'t&are0i,, !.to •thb *«hacri.ber,.-ai hef jplacb of-trap.-. sacting "htuffnew!, '-at irie reaiaepoe of «tid;ese«ntri3t, *t.H«j,|-5f- Ruf»y : .irtr^at fn tije. CSty of -or' Ibefora - tb* 'Wt$* IT>A '<tOJKB-0|W, ISsecatribp.; .: Atiorttty fey •^^cttir^. PWtabnr#li. , i2Sfi",Y*. Citation for Judicial Settlement, •EBB PBOFiB OP T^K 8*A«£ Or* 'mm- YORK; |ro- Miaa awn-'lto* ley, Pecatpnioa, Bliaoiaj Mra. Caddie Meftlmm, Facatoniea; lllinoia, Mra. Ifar»»re« Clark, PlattaboriJh. H. Y*s J^r«t« Harry Brown, formerly of Piatt* bnr*hi N» Y« and of Rpxbnry and of Boston. Ma««., formerly totown-.aa. thie wife of the deceaaed Ijfemee Farley, and tn all peraoaa lntereated i» |he eatata of Jame* Parley,.late of Phttiis- burgh, Clinton County, deceased, ae creditam legatee*, uetxt of TU», or ntherwlae, Send Creetiag: » v . ' Yo» and #ach of yod ara hereby cited and required personally to be «nd appear befora our .Surrogate of ;th* Coanty c* CHnton, Kew York, at hia atflca In Flattabttrgh, on the lltli das? of »ecetnheri fit*, at l« ,o*clock in the forenoon : cf .that day. then and there to a.tt,*nd the Indicia! settlement of tfca acconnb» of Cory- don S. jtohnaon and Mra. Catherine F*rJey admlnletratora of thb aaid -yantea Farley deceaaed. And- If any of tble peraona interest- .ltd - ha wpder tha a s e ' nf .tw*nty»one yaarav t*>^y are required' -to appaay by their jruirdian, if tliay liave sat, or if they h a w nonr-, t o a u p e a r knd, *a"« ply for ona to be appointed; or, in'Kh» %v,mt of j' their' »e.flect. or' failore o »fo- ao, a i«»ar«Ian will be appointed by tfta .#awrojrate t« t#pre«»t .*nd i«t for;.'then| in'.tha proeeadtn*. ^ In Toatimony Wheredf; w e .Jsame ,ea»a«d.\ tlj[« acal k *f -oar. i8nriroga*a t # iC*pnrt to- b# herennto-afftked. - '•''. Wlteiwi' Vt03K>H -p. - BOHflE .. -. ^nrroKate, of' th* ! Connty 41 €?tfnt*jft, M4Zm Cl.ty of w ^ * : $£» -S.)**'biar*h; in a«id «e«nty* ther- i .'-. . 'tftfc day bf Nofetebtr^ i>*# -1 VlfSPQB JPl B0J»l^ : 8«irref*t«*-. , Afti5Briii ; ;f. ^rostriEi,'. • ..Attorney t&r A^mfclatratora, . "••!. • S O U t E r V > ?». ,p»«a«a»e* to, an-,^rder of lion, Victor F* jpbire, aurro«ate .of. ©linton county,-Sfew Y#rJc, -aottcife-«'*ere».» *djte»« according tb law to $ft pereewa- h»y|n« «Utlm* a^aioat iiar;*m Bajj- aatt- Brown, late of Weal CJhisw, . in 3 Id- ; -eo«aty of C3itttt*n, d«4e«#ed-, to; ***«t fttft *aw#,; JHFStit .th*. 'ypnehets areofe,to'th^ anhaerJber*; at 'hta niikc^ "nf trabasacstlnf bwsgineaa, « t ' t h » reWd««!Be»f tManhserlber/at.Nbw w$.- W ^ikefhdte' aiareet - in tits - 1 ' -cl^; ' of l^attabwrtlti, Wi Y., «n -«r ftafore -the ^at.day of Jhaa*» IMS,.., ' r . .... . JJA^3C»-tctsQ jce; *f anojrder iOtefit' •ftarep* Johnty, ' Hew ^-*- :«i^en of i>r,-- A» w«- f Yti-T-ott'oy if* 1 tay, l i j i , ; • j.-. 'pPAIRBAHKi! Hx'eoutora. / Attorney' for 35sec«tosr, J^attabun^it. .Hi Y* : w* \m Werwea^ # IN ""•."••-~ai.',g»=i* <* fi'» •i*;'i-i|i(Bri|.i K$ON 1 ' ] ,^f Head to Foot OutfIttert luiiiiniHiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiisaiii Housekeeping Helps $x^arA4yr«ci: -'^Q^eke' li^t^' SiiKviai^'ia^B^e^^ tim ssany otlier j>fease$ of lioiito^fM'; lieJ^ftj&eSaf, wM<& comes 3?tjr ft© s o M limdioaSj, for file emergency «a!3* fojr topraetit^i^dilf as^, 1fe$ ^kctiieal heat- 'mmf #emal featttres ^t^VsaSe^Q^aE^s^e^^ -tifeBsoai winch are i$#cia«ss ) -.ieeoa0»y ! , ««iisttcB^s^-Mis rf* .as- -. _ C^;-imft 'lii^eet-'Ofr-^f:#^'.li0atinf "-appli-'- fwacfes a&Ajg&t pricesfaefof-eiiir^idtsiag pis^wliere. 1 It^h Gas aiid Efepie (j OBO. M. COLB t M«ii«fr«>(' At * friend** ;m«.*l4n8rin.^Wlad# tlte other .day aev^rel "'•kpealrer*;' ex,jpree*ed'-regret that the? d^B^-ft«ii're : <3%-i«ifc«ar* .«jj§ech^ known m Mw "pW& lai ilEtwMsre,**- 'waa - ^t>in$. m -rapidly. owt -oi:- 1 ^*, % M wait' aaserted^tittat ,th« g* Jtfenitp that d-fafcto^JishM It made 1tt^*«peofa31y .d'ealrabje, an.d *ffec?t3bre. 'an I ^h.»t th.t Jnflnence of Eviepda waa .tp :,* ijpeaaurb- decreased-by ita abaa« -db:inient('"? "'.-' • ' •• , ' ' 3>onbtlas« thts-yi.ew is correct t h e 'QntOtbr speech;, adw m rarely he-ardi- : «as ^ ^ y * niwch ^lilted by people not; ;merni|ere'-of |he. '$ect '•becaaae-istt wap: *i«ftc^at*d-'''wjf-h 'nsbtauieaa ^nd''^r*tttJy; of .ipipRneri | Bpobjabiy thft- gereiaity-- .waJ 4"o#amy mot. dependent: m -the tenspi^e- «*edl, bnt was- a th##er. of 1 tema?eranj©nt.*ittd habit, bat'it deemed 1 ' im e^entfai- ..accoinpaisiinent ..jot the Ifeitio-.' "thee "-and 'thon** •' and; -other t peculiar' forms- of addreia. •Aas'naed, th.ii t-'»iaaker- speech., N^as .noC strlcMy- gran>nSatical'^**th«^"iS,''' for es|iajp3% : heUvg 'tipm to -bblectlori -if «ny erer" thijughl-of it in ii.<c^iticat way, lfey«r* theieal,- **thee;h«** had-ita'-oharimi-. : . , ' ,-ihe, basginf.bf the.-Qanker'co^tnnite' was; al.t;p-»pok?n~of'witb. mm* regrret, yet *h^e- w-ho-iamepted.Jts dfsapp.ear'* -an^ie y « r e n o t : i n ^ t e p t -oh. It|f ye* *dOpilbiR, .• Appa-rentiy -thsy ptfy ..po ; 'gayfr-itnd-'theplain .i&iifpja^e,. yet' there; nn*o«b|e4Jy" is one. ^he apeeoh is ,cxpfctea ; from wearere ^f-the.di^tip^--: Uii "fiostiWne»*-th«(- .utr^Ht'n"- fi$yey«; ®p^:na-«ttd the- ©Jose fl».n^. bpnneiH,; iconteat .frpin t h ^ Hpft lif:--ja. ift&m&m; mi }tmn itstefXep&Ygfiesta..'wStpn''-It| aryHyed'ia faBhioaabi^ attire* "\33x*\ cftmnpl Sn dresa Vas- wgeil by'; the | _ ..... yowar -f^pati^npf .Qutffcspj* "^n'.-t^.j Jpjattaljnrth,'.N.-'X.,-. ^n'-'j»!*«:• thtjt-. -.the: - -old- fashions* jpt'.fheai-] Jlth'.fay- stf Jirttja^rl-apart -frbin. thf^r n^shbor^p^w^r* : •a,, artdre,nee«- "Ptfehaps. they dKd.;#t.. tti««a- Ao. ^ye< W #*• ftiia*st. an^:ec%' ^tiiSo..fcnt^"dhnis©"wa# iMyitafcie,.] '1$ :d«e' ; : -noti-^eibftjr'^wl-ft' worldly-;drbsi.- Zxdianftpalia^Star* , ; . VJ p^^w^festatfe ,-r-J ARCTICS 4 Buckle 1. cs I Buckle 8 cts. toj frice%others fotom W^ef-proof anc ^of, We*ve all ^ good styles ] J :: AUStyte ^ at » Sale Price! mt, mm SHOE mmm 16 pridge: h-r wmmmm XYJI1 NO 10 ff 00$ of ^rery day ut eveiy mem E3«sctric Gri I an eatif^ saesl for t- tbirce «earsoas iigiat at 1 * 'jEfroils, boSs, fries, toas J Blectric E«« Cooker Ckx>k^ ^ » te Btosy wa; .Also pas St. food pan for p : porinir such dtshes as arc xizu Ell ctric Chafing Dish Jty dbtSy u^efulaess makes gl'*I»ofOf>ri8te gilt ailjsroite. Ttfi f M a ^ ©fMetrical giffe 3 et tw detaoilsttate files J. . look for «hb|m -i 32 Mai A w w of the Mai Sod hristii 'lBK^tAl*ASfi MB&. fc ^OSTBON§- OBaVJBBX « £ A ¥ S , g BABY PLtfftES <m3PS mm saxdfr CSKftEaEfeY -SKT«- IffA^ER SEt» , CfflBtKS»AtE Si:-T$ BXf? crps XfJE CBEAM SETS j; CK3SASIEBS J^" VASES' 3JOIBEa? SSTTS. I CHEJBSE. A yAHiir Myers i roceries.« rgaret St . Jiiii with this e period (tomes along. I •cys" v

•MMMMi »»•». wm» I»I muni ii IW«% m^mwmwmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-12-21/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · iriMit »hp wis ?Mts to iiv r**ttrn«Hl w fetrf home* t?h#ro

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• M M M M i . teit^wwmi uwiajaaigBiwwtiiBqMii A-***^*^**-.^! s ^ * :

»»•». wm» I»I muni ii IW«WWWIP%W »w«M»«m*« ~»i Ti ipipa *»; »>


"^•irriri i

J f wawgBWBW s m r wwa





m^mwmwm \<S-.-^ « ; IfJf&» a&£ f~- Mf" 5. i '-;&- -" t "jp?isa®8§£«

• • • * - !

»""»•»• • « * liOKX&x, &ECF:MR£:|5


as coinpliet<{< as yon will find te the- coturty. No castoYOist

that fads ibeen through die fire. J\>r"<th.& next ten days we

yoiJ a JO per cent* dteeoant on all sales, for cash. If we


Ctejt or

l^gd i it, we wiO /

ago to m

coin© in ajnd let us

day night, the 21st, until January 2.

et it for yen. Conre in and let a s fit yoor Go*

»ir of sleigh winners, W yon hasre net seen Chant

ow you how they work. 0pr store open Mon-

. CLOUGB & CO mam 0 l feci ors

i St

• 1* Ii Clough, Licensed Embolmer*

Assistant House 662-W

& •

'!£-•:. - -J *': '

", • !• 4Ss wwy«-fi>re. {$31 y«wr' & Section. from, | ,

' „ ' M*m Seated Ijgjtii -J» lano Stok C» ';.-1 ' Wt icm- range tmijk]

tic mm t.PROBES «»tf'' »o fS9.ed. Blanks

I ConiC In a»d




Blankets tide famous Cortland Sleighs for -yo« to make

• *•*•

Sjoriosr- €ntiere,i .SRagp Cattere, Old Comfort CSot* f «<$ if tts 1« fee £lie%l* Mm© w« fea*e it.

^ W to fi«o,«e. Hire ysm win Uvtl the best line jjBSE! Sfe*JSKKB3 te *l»o county, .Robes for *10.<H)»

ottjf|fa«»*f , '^P©BlK a»a ^EJkMW^ »L%BH*JSIS .tt»i& Mg- s4f3-i$l»a? aiad ^b& low prices tfe a** .

,,,,, ;i nij l ir i mi 1 II i — — I I i mmmmmmm^mmmimmammmmmmmmmm t-i|P W" - - ' —'—- • ' " "— — * - "

•HWiiwaiHnEiwe •

"?. «

I o> 1.11 I C l t j

BattaJmrgft, wko M* 'been Vij Utgr •with h*i- j>*x*nt3 At I t liorrklttfe «faf*ek

returned h«?mt fntQra»r. .J. P. Boytatt, 'gw»isal nauo&srer for

iiie Mountain ft®m& Tel<»^aoiMi Co., «Sn,t»to New Sot* on official towtoftwr last nigftft, : '

Miss'a««liTFKtft, a Ulgh «mool »ta-':

dencfe ttv«iag vith Mm J. B. M«R4, . "on W«4noS&aay goes :to; *jSf*y •** ^i«s*- fa«t

.affr.'and -Mr& ^«a»3te Anderson,, oi'' 'Troyf are Qnr'istata* visitor* in town, th^. gm€£^; of Mr, 'and Mm <3N?orga Ar«!hasBiba.nltw'6n -eomelia street* ifra-JUid««»>n i* a. ^jster oX M«k A*clK»n*' ibatriti . — *-

Hloteard TPvnr&y rVla-rted yesterday from Wcsl&yan- C^l«gc to- sp«n4 t3i« 'Chrisinnas. .recess «wlth rela.fivesi h* tOWfSl.

Luc&n h, Boek» cJas« JM 7, Ha?* vaad tJnaversltiy', retarm^; yesterday for *ao CttrJstmas^ vaucaftfen •wMjh he will «g?end trtfch hi* naretttSi Mr, s«5 At«s. t,. E. ftocK *n aoutA CoUieer-' tea We*%

Annies fhamnson re*um«ed Sfetair-day »i«M fro^- W«sTo-yajn..iCol1»>ite»' a«*a wJltsnecd 'Ite -h-pliday* -with "W« ^<ur«iKts»i'B«fv. and Mr i "SP* G. 'SKiomp-sottj on o*fc Street,

Hu-hwrt Oflrard. ,of the tfedfooott «* w* tfhtt«etare nt tHe.' Cniv«r«lty of P#»-jti'syivanaa* « ato«j« for tho fatftt)*?** 'arrivtes yo««r«tay mornter.

Er»£»t J-Krffl* cf «Kj tJnl*«wdty «f Vsspnwiw& .attitfA hom? yi»cpj?d'is» for the •Cnr^ttm.s JnciMayf,

Anseng the 5xmn« w^n who aa-riiped J»on3KJ &os* eollege yeM»dj*y«» «ptxt$ <5ltrS*ta«i# wsetft. I r * S«irt«on» JTohn. Mct>cmmllr'3Prmxk TStntau Andtwr B*r-

|Kss, J9*c I*o-tHJ«» of' th* Xownai ^school, left SAtarUa* for Iwr hom» »» 03de&s'bar% whtr« sflto isUJl iptn-l th« holidays.

•3H«s Edna, S l ^ h t , of the Korm*3 &ti!tu#&i wi!J cnJyy'Ute ^.tintxam r# • «asst wH& relatives in. WhlurftaiXI^

jMK'irow fo.r'?rew Torts city whtre «h*i v4H ^ftad^he" winter, *h* i!»«»t «f

%ho maoiy fdend»«ar.<8 aeawdntan"-*» .of Koss KH.a r» »-who- wo». #e#io«*ly Injured «fcmn& w«e3is asa l>y- t»*in4 strnck toy a n*oitor trw^k in _thi« «Ji.v» wlsi *c 'gleaRc-d lo katfw that hi t r*» c«vfry t» sneH C a t in *tso»t *-w**k*« time ho will ^ <*lV to !«%'«, I3i# ehatto|*l$ln Talky Mospital nnd K » tnrn to JMU homo | in fhyxy. "At on« t'ime i t * to.Tn3ries'wcsHp t h » « ^ t <<> 'h<s of &*&**«* .jfciSajsc *«d hte;rw*oimlion to h& li inil^hi a,«onree,,of sr«ai Imjt-

Mr* CI>t|tf» 3J.*wp4hr..W". 1$ fto9W Ins fi*w»fi«,hiy fiom &*r nte«*ft in|«ry K«»lain«d in at ta&t nnojn at afc^iwwiy'in hvr feonSe*. II w*» fo^nd m *SP J*y* sifi cwm - 'l»osar«J*al aster a»- 'X^my -r*« Inihinotioxi; *fc#t *h#. hoaw <o€ the fool,' tsnftjieaiaieljs <tt»nr* .«J»c- »idtte> h»4 '&ec-n t»rokcn. After. wycr«l 43ty» tren.'t-iriMit »hp wis ?Mts to iiv r**ttrn«Hl w fetrf home* t?h#ro eh* fe 'TeMS^.mm* t&rtssMy. ' *••"* , ,. i •

E*s«rd ^fo«es wli«. ssmtaJimt ^st fci^Mi^iX Mknlt by mVom o«f * i**»tl«i

To*% to Itoracfe Jtaymend SP*«C4F,

n » t t ^ t u w 4 Wf. f ' and- to all l^e'r-» n « t n t e r e ^ in Id* *»ta*» of H«r-a«e A. fljpoaeiiv |ui« -of the texwa jof ^lewhoj^hr.-Cttfttoti -Cotintj-v &*CISM<-«4*a* <*W!to:a*- ij^sutee* next of fc,ia, or,. otherWisfe/sdid-jfree'-tin*; .. iron «nd «ach :6c yon are heraoy' cited t* i | w oatnai nefore oar Sarro-£*te of th-.j CJonn^- ,of Clinton, ^ w 1

Yotk,-a.t his office- jlx} Pli5ft««)nrgh, o.rt lite ^Sth o«y of riekmliex, 1944*: W

NOTTCBV-Xm nnwumce o t « » or««f <tf a**Nf» Vicr»oa F , BOlRft furrw* i « # Ksf canton fJouw^r Hwr•=--Twfc. -ttotl^'' i» hereby tiisin. »wordt»|t ; fe» h w to «ti per»on» hsiyinir ©la^wi «ffaio#t Addle £i*oiy latfc of PM^f-hnrth^ in *aid Cdnnty! of a^nton, de­ceased, to present m* «&we, -^Ph -th* yopcher* thereof, to tiie jmhiK!rih*r* at hit nlace .of tran«icti«* bwririe^i, a t hl» horn* on "Soath Catherine itreefe in the City of FfcttfWxr*!*/ on or o*^ . fisro'. th* iStft day' «t ;Mfty* tm%* -' -

/ WITJOUiM DIXON JgWectttor.

- A^t%ney, fo* Execntofc. .; - i. • f n t u r f r ,n« I ' I . . ni. ).i. »c

ten•' o'oiofeJt. in th« |orenoo» of tppx day, .why * e -aocou** of ^eoirse'.- JE. Wood aijid. Hori t^ % JfofanwJtw , m ese«utotti of t3a< ftabt will and te*qs* m*te o f this aaUi idice«aed,«hotad.-i3iot be judielaity »e<tie|r and aUowed^

Andjif any of «3ae';ptr»Otts in**re#t-ed he'vndier th t a^e wf 2ri« they are reonlred t ^ a p p ^ r *>y th«irJB««»«K1 M " t <Tthl **whs«ifeer/*t ^ l B M they hum one, none, to ai.pear an^t anwyofor nne?to be appoint^; or,-ho th**v*»i of their 77 . ""T * • T J near Eltertourirh Oenotg Clinton co*i»-MCtott or latlare 4 * » . a g u a r d i a n ^ ^ Y<# o a o p fe^r4 m i m ^ y

• ' ! ' ) '

3 -BOf »OT H i * * T0MA3SB-

T S ^ - <@EB)S3BSSSSAS 1J3EPE, H>SA1* 'iC3aD83SraiCaS,«

ISToa have isiWU. yoa t&is year «onte dear pne who may not

i»0- 3«|re ». yiswr lience. aa»© ?detvti«sa.' wl% .may h»yo sewetty w*»t*

ed these many years for a diamond, or it may ho « fine brooch, or

a watch, perhaps It nsay- he_# sarin's of ©earls. Wha^ ie r Jt fe.yon :filiiB]^^!©f we ^ai.-trj? «ftd .fteln ydn w«3tt*

Soaae one yo>w Jtaaow Is ^mgln^f* for ss»io piece- -of bcautir«l. f t . . ' * *

Elary. ,-' . • ,




:«i im • r


•In'. p-«rjm'ane» of-.an,.'order- o|" i*o«.' Victor: F. l?oir#, Sarrogate 'of mm? ton* County, - 3STe?w %orfc* nojtioe ; i» hereby given accordttf 0 law t \ att

'I*r*aajr haSin« •eJftim4' agaimst Jtohn Brodkii late of BttenhurjKl*, fnaa id oottrity oc Gliuttoft, d#ce»aed, to pre* a««t the 'aatnev # i th ';th* yo«&eh*re


In ivfer geol ^ i « - jjia witii 'laige flowj

piaee of jtrawwtctin* httslnee^ hl*t hAtn* tn th* town ot EHertbargh,

will ho npiolnted t y the Surrogate |to repreew)* »na «*t- for then* in the p-ooecdin«,

In .te#tiiwny Whereof, w*>-'"haVe .' : caused the »enl 'of oar

* »a}a Sttrre«ttte'# Court ito be hereunto a&lxed, Wjit-

iX*. A> ne«s, Horn Victor >".J r Bobcat ^urro5rat« w tm

County of Clinton, at thf , |cfty af '• l>latf*hur«h,;.',!» -. laaid -eoitnty, 'the'il«rd da> , of Xovehtber, 1S1*.

' ti, U, ARdaAMBAUUt, ->_ , €l«rlt* »f the Surrotat«*» Coort,

C, K. S f e u B , j Attorney for Ejicputora,

of Way, *MS» .

' •. Jha^ntdr*

A»ra«m ec SOGCIS, Attorney for JSxecntor.. .,

Ktw t o r k Buprem* Couft, CUa^ ton ttrattferl j j

Peter Hj Flooa.i aometime* eallcd -fittody, phimiff; atajnat Joaeph t , •Flood j and An^uatk jp,lood hla wifei <J«ettI«| J tood^Jr ioop, wife of "I*l«»n» ti?f{'Matiriea H* Jnteod and.Ella 3 Flood, ' fclif wife; Mary - Bearaea. Thomaa Floody ajnd KeW« FlCMBdy ;itf* wife:; JnKc« Wtfaon, wife of Wil­liam .Wilson; Oeerji* 0*Deli» St.i tt fleorfe J?ioekly #md|4«aeWn« Floody. hia wife, 'f^ffndanta,

fa nureuWe* w -»4 |udjpn*nt :of for*clb*«re|'and tape, msii# and *'»* tered - In' ti i* - »!*o,n s • #r,tltl#d astltin. haarln* d»t# lire Mnth *!»y'«f.K,o* rember.' H U , I* the and«*ff*»d, referee in mid Indigent T«tm*4r will •ell at .public anetlon at the from daor of t»a Holland Uonae, tn tide rillaare * t «o«*e* PhlM* CBnton county, 3S?#w- T#rM,' nm tha twanty-third day of t»ecemi»er^ l i l ' t , at' three o'clock- in ilia afternoon of aald_dayr. ih» frtiloida* described premiaea: ^

Alt ..that eertaln irteiNs or ptoml.'M, Und and' i l i i ig* i.>t» aituat* ia tlw iJlaj» .««• Ronse* Point, ^OwMhr- « |

Clinton iui4: Stat** <-f Sfaw' ifnr** *3tel -bfiJajt-lot'h|«»l»** ijixty l i»l , - altaili* oa tiie aouro Ktd«r of State atreet, -as laid oat and mapped by En-fax H*at» on, 'and hoanded *ln it»f>, aa £$1T lowai"'--"' .."•". - ' '. ' Oik !0te mtih -bf) «tat» ateattj3»»'

*fc* ««tt. %r .lot;*C J a » e * 'J^ayj' «» the aouth by land- of -ISatid WWt*. attd flit th4 "?*•* **| »«lawai#":i«rei#ts' and balBf the priemiaea where the

WMJE: m ?f& wmh wmM xor,

le M& ParsWl Co TBCTWOTHjBI"

rdain Valley iHogps^I, l»'im»«!*l»f ; ' ^ | ; a a % mf&^ m tow 'betk^otS t» ;i* t»» -thi read to jtt«J»vcKyi - .1

ft-apimel 3SUoy S» otj^scted hom«| lEram Vnkn C4tege t^inorrow te s^eaifi tim? 'holidays vAtb ht$- p»r*»t*i-Hori, stnd ^Jra Jfa&ii B. TE llef at fhtlii home on Brdad &tre*t:' ]

( apw*. ana 'ami sa; c*sy.KRt»-wiH! e»4oy a pbrtit* of tite ^hiiati»i» nalt-r

,day»-tft' K»w ¥«?*? -.city,- im-tinir ae^ i Smttiky,. •-. ' t -. ; |

J- . atfjiss Frej^iat :A, Sftsawsiv *f Hatt»»i |hnHg!h Hlfh ^**40l-feacatts?', leaireaTfor •h*r-j»ni© in aw^tn^a Sh^w^rwiw*© *1MK *?iU Dj!M»»d .^Si ehriKftttiaw' y»a» iSeiu* ' • ' ' ' ' . . - • . ' • :

' jvaae -Sarah' M* . t o t , # vtumhet H I wfW £pe«d' th* holiday* a* her f?ion»'e : m a&w£a noyioton, w« ".: •• '.':-.'

' Mfer- JEJor-alfe:1'. sumo, .da«*ht«r!' of *&•»: sma Mm, "jr* JH* JPoote, of tlHa «^y, r^4»rne# "JSatftrday '-frean' Htm: $*&%, «Jfe'* -whipre'- sg*e j£» tsakini'-n ,i?OMSse .sSn^RSf, apd-wlU *pej3,d- thss

«t CKatttivmp wv«ral d w » ' ^ and j ^ 5 ^ J ^ % I ! ? i » £ ? J K iS? ' w K t t . ' V 1 ^ ! *? ^ ^ ^ r . - t f i d nt«rtM«a waa -^wn in **tuMcjrt

•iD«t*d Hj|i««nh«rjftfc« JIM4».

flattahurfh, .:-!!<!*' Tnr*»; No, :{|« • OU»t«i|a •mreat,;


BEAt l f lFUL

ii.- •!

1 5 ^ 7 *raafs;--jysFi> F I ^ 1 ^ (CIB2S;IB.

•holiday with tor fares** «« 0on^» isrespt, , . •'• ^ - :

Jfeha ,4. Sfcft3oon, of: Xee»i!\<U*# '*p? «mnasf th© !>w*]nea«i- caltet» In •th«s «Cit|r'^t«i!d43f» .• -ft J. (33.tt$, -of $aj*Ea«# waal * irlaSt* OT m town SatnrSayi ' W&fMaxim'-k, Whftaion, -of- *jt<s

3PIatjt*UjKr«h 33Sg^ Scjhooi-- f&cplty, w*» *p#jj|d 'tUff hdtdaya "*f h^r .honj* ' 'Ift

Mhw '2>oro'thy ''fim^t^i^.isf .the- fa-ewlty of tbe ^latbftnh)^ -ih%h-«chool, will «a3oy t&e- Chy|t«an«ia -rereaa -With -her»paire»ts #t-,&%m%m.oi& •.*• I* p^ifattLl'df'^nfe-'Bift^id, %va»

»«;£»,£ -Sfttar^-v ^^Sors JJI' fowp.. M, I,. 3^»i3i«betki, Uf l l tona, tx«.tM(i>

awaeifi 'bn^nem, ta 4iwm-._tm aaturdayi, ' H, jr. ajEaeoanfefsr* ,4f 'W#scJme«a WJS^

snwsgr *3ife -co.^^'^iew-tn.thlit .ftit^ SfetoiStecyi j . " s - .' !'--. • ? . , ;

'-ijetry ^im*»r J^ asjjatefcsd 'Jiower 'tP* morrfl*' 'ffflan- -C^me^i Ilaf>^reity"'t4 ^pwjd'^«i hfeliday* ,wi-th' rej»*sv«fc. •:

Fyof. W,; &• $dd^. fnwtpjctssr- of:

4eien«e# at tine; «|«tebnr ig'h- fti^ti1

3K*ooi> -^J»*»Jpy.th«:';<^ri8*jftds-¥a!c^* :«on in 4d6a»y.;*i«d J^ew Tcirk,-" ''.,'' ,- A, M. pecora* ul'-Ai^na*. 'sipsi^t. SatasKSay jn'towa -on &%mmnimtTiti:, -.'

Qm BxOJsHi victory tfest -mnst not i to' overlooked -ia rep03rte4 -jfrom &on~

[Kidney JPIUs,' for pa-ina -In. -sid«« and; deoa,'"Where' ' W mwmsef -P| *-ponr.;l

.' K01SfGE«;*1WllWd, -Cltannney |»» • -In ppreoanci ojf aa- oraer'of HOKr,- Vffe t 0 H F«,B<jlB'1&.sdrreiat#,- of <|ftfci -ton.-Ceantk.' *w 'tcsrk. aotioa' ia h i r e by jgyen -ansrerdinir -So law to-aW'nar* tona }>iJrtnt citiroa n«aintt Chaysoey ft, fUawd ;4ilfc« #f-CSiy ;Of;jW«ttahni iife: in: aatd- eottnty of <3liptorf- -deoea#*d,;

lo ittMiiiBt-tii* iKittfi mm tfta m$m* \ .er^'tliafaofc/lo-tii* aabp«r}ber«*'-at'ai*ir

place of tranaactinj buKineaa, at the |«!$ta>--«i .A^l^iw •al1d!,. Aimew, K©*f* Clinton atrefiit,- Flattaibikrefh, St, Y*' Pit :jar "feefora 'tt^a 14th fay> of »#c*m!i#r: t i l * ,

lit, mmem, AtSNS#4k.A|t»J8fl!ir.' , | •' 1 Attornaya- IW Exttnpra;

Neck Pieces & Muffs KICE8 NEVER Wf LOW ;Wdel YoarCSii Fors to iookiifceNew

sk You To Visit bar Store

[Mim fSJS . Cat «a-t tbJs-f&a&ki, rfe^nnmtten, pft6«wsbey Wd siip^ enelossse a^$.eent«' to. Foigy &'--C^ ., *ey a«d. bMddfer silm^atie anof ISoiay • C&lcftgo, 13., m&t'mg your'naopa-aatd. i;0a.ttertie-^'felefs, a 'uph leMqixn* -> #nd

refrarn a . i ree trial pa<*&3!e .eesststo'"•'peeiaUy «<Mnforth>9 J» stotji. psrsopf, tag: JFoley:'s for. congh^

wis* 'hsstet ha*, iejhapg^ Ma name frepj-Kkfewr- to- iQ^t'al*^- - ^ ' ^ e w York' Borld,

buainesa, at ^hanki a t

ET KDYIcaH-in. pnra*-

of 'j2lloto:» brk^; »ottsai-s 'jpi I jl&erjsbjr

Aooordin* ;ti>: j law-/ t|» • « i ; ;peri!oJns h|i.«|ay «*»|mi -iaraingt jlnlletta -tSiibfrt-•h tt' -of f3ka*y In aatt;^fepni|«ar -of €3i|n-trm, deooafloil, to psesent the sam2, with i|ift-y©n.<!&#re- thsrenf^to ihe-:a^b-ae^ihar, ;«t *iia>pla-eB-|!-bfv ^tra^aa^tW*'.

tha tat" i lay bf

mtmm temumvsm-. ige*

a|^'.Tw*vw. • .A'ttorn#y--f<:rl'

ia bts-liaHy.


! - •

Y<nt # m Aa.:»# aomejthlnif $o. rewrent-Hoaey and fop ComiM.i|ft(3 For. sale in your tow» by _tfa4y "Ssms • ber <3hrlttn3aa h y j f -pQ® r|!«*w.yoyr ,.&%&& tmft- .c?4«P.; Foley;Co* • . ' . . - • ' :.gj^«cr|pi|p-tt .to- thoyeSreiiav

"M)0ia<a©--i*tti Phrawapol «f-«i^rd[«r -of- BOir ; ¥10rote ?! |.|sCS»m!'Snrr|a; gatp of •Giintdii,-C|o«aiS,J -notice iahere-, by.'islreni'-acebfdint-fci! law. tb all p4r« «en^" ha-yinj*.: ^a|ma ..' t^dnat • 'ei ther ^hajpipine (6t 'Chart pis^ntj ,'^*fa| jot thaiCity of -Hp.t&knren!in laid Sonn^r-of felintGn\d*aeaaed,:j-i;b- -pre»eafc_ iiie «ad0 witb' thB»''+ono;Mrii-\'t&are0i,, !.to •thb *«hacri.ber,.-ai hef jplacb of-trap.-. sacting "htuffnew!, '-at irie reaiaepoe of «tid;ese«ntri3t, *t.H«j,|-5f- Ruf»y:.irtr^at f n tije. CSty of -or' Ibefora - tb* 'Wt$*

IT>A '<tOJKB-0|W, ISsecatribp.;

.: Atiorttty fey •^^ct t i r^ . PWtabnr#li.,i2Sfi",Y*.

Citation for Judicial Settlement, •EBB PBOFiB O P T ^ K 8*A«£

Or* 'mm- YORK; |ro- Miaa awn- ' l to* ley, Pecatpnioa, Bliaoiaj Mra. Caddie Meftlmm, Facatoniea; lllinoia, Mra. Ifar»»re« Clark, PlattaboriJh. H. Y*s J r«t« Harry Brown, formerly of Piat t* bnr*hi N» Y« and of Rpxbnry and of Boston. Ma««., formerly totown-.aa. thie wife of the deceaaed Ijfemee Farley, and tn all peraoaa lntereated i» |he eatata of Jame* Parley,.late of Phttiis-burgh, Clinton County, deceased, ae creditam legatee*, uetxt of TU», or ntherwlae, Send Creetiag: » v . '

Yo» and #ach of yod ara hereby cited and required personally to be «nd appear befora our .Surrogate of ;th* Coanty c* CHnton, Kew York, at hia atflca In Flattabttrgh, on the l l t l i das? of »ecetnheri fit*, at l« ,o*clock in the forenoon: cf .that day. then and there to a.tt,*nd the Indicia! settlement of tfca acconnb» of Cory-don S. jtohnaon and Mra. Catherine F*rJey admlnletratora of thb aaid -yantea Farley deceaaed.

And- If any of tble peraona interest-.ltd - ha wpder tha a s e ' nf .tw*nty»one yaarav t*> y are required' -to appaay by their jruirdian, if tliay liave sa t , or if they h a w nonr-, toaupear knd, *a"« ply for ona to be appointed; or, in'Kh» %v,mt of j' their ' »e.f lect. o r ' failore o »fo- ao, a i«»ar«Ian will be appointed by tfta .#awrojrate t« t#pre«»t .*nd i«t for;.'then| in'.tha proeeadtn*. ^ In Toatimony Wheredf; we .Jsame ,ea»a«d.\ tlj[« acal k*f -oar. i8nriroga*at# iC*pnrt to- b# herennto-afftked. -

'•''. Wlteiwi' Vt03K>H -p. - BOHflE .. -. ^nrroKate, of' th*! Connty 41

€?tfnt*jft, M4Zm Cl.ty of w ^ * :

$£» -S.)**'biar*h; in a«id «e«nty* ther-i .'-. . 'tftfc day bf Nofetebtr^ i>*#

-1 VlfSPQB JPl B0J»l^:8«irref*t«*-. , Afti5Briii; ;f. ^rostriEi,'. • ..Attorney t&r A^mfclatratora, .

"••!. • S O U t E r V > ?». ,p»«a«a»e* to, an-,^rder of lion, Victor F* jpbire, aurro«ate .of. ©linton county,-Sfew Y#rJc, -aottcife-«'*ere».» *djte»« according tb law to $ft pereewa-h»y|n« «Utlm* a^aioat iiar;*m Bajj-aatt- Brown, late of Weal CJhisw, . in

3Id- ;-eo«aty of C3itttt*n, d«4e«#ed-, to; ***«t fttft *aw#,; JHFStit .th*. 'ypnehets areofe,to'th^ anhaerJber*; a t 'hta

niikc^ "nf trabasacstlnf bwsgineaa, « t ' th» reWd««!Be»f tManhserlber/at.Nbw w$.-W ^ikefhdte' aiareet - in tits -1' -cl^; ' of l^attabwrtlti, Wi Y., «n -«r ftafore -the ^ a t . d a y of Jhaa*» IMS,.., ' r .

.... • . JJA^3C»-tctsQ

jce; *f anojrder iOtefit' •ftarep* Johnty, ' Hew

^-*- :«i^en

of i>r,-- A» w«-f Yti-T-ott'oy if*1

tay, l i j i , ; • j.-.

'pPAIRBAHKi! Hx'eoutora.


Attorney' for 35sec«tosr, J attabun it. .Hi Y* :


\m Werwea^ # IN

""•."••-~ai.',g»=i* <* fi'» •i*;'i-i|i(Bri|.i K $ O N

1' ] , f Head to Foot OutfIttert


Housekeeping Helps

$xarA4yr«ci: -' Q eke' li^t^' SiiKviai 'ia B e ^ tim ssany otlier j>fease$ of lioiito^fM'; lieJ ftj&eSaf, wM<& comes

3?tjr ft© s o M limdioaSj, for file emergency «a!3* fojr topraetit^i^dilf as^, 1fe$ ^kctiieal heat-

'mmf #emal featttres tVsaSe QaE s e ^ -tifeBsoai winch are i$#cia«ss)-.ieeoa0»y!, ««iisttcB^s^-Mis rf* .as-

-. _ C^;-imft 'lii^eet-'Ofr-^f:#^'.li0atinf "-appli-'-fwacfes a&Ajg&t prices faefof-e iiir^idtsiag pis^wliere. 1

It^h Gas aiid Efepie (j OBO. M. COLB t M«ii«fr«>('

At * friend** ;m«.*l4n8rin.^Wlad# tlte other .day aev^rel "'•kpealrer*;'

ex,jpree*ed'-regret that the? d^B^-ft«ii're:

<3%-i«ifc«ar* .«jj§ech^ known m Mw "pW& lai ilEtwMsre,**- 'waa - ^t>in$. m -rapidly. owt -oi:-1^*, %M wait' aaserted^tittat ,th« g* Jtfenitp that d-fafcto^JishM It made 1tt^*«peofa31y .d'ealrabje, an.d *ffec?t3bre. 'an I ^h.»t th.t Jnflnence of Eviepda waa .tp :,* ijpeaaurb- decreased-by ita abaa« -db:inient('"? "'.-' • ' •• , ' '

3>onbtlas« thts-yi.ew is correct t h e 'QntOtbr speech;, adw m rarely he-ardi-:

« a s ^ ^ y * niwch lilted by people not; ;merni|ere'-of |he. '$ect '•becaaae-istt wap: *i«ftc^at*d-'''wjf-h 'nsbtauieaa ^nd''^r*tttJy; of .ipipRneri | Bpobjabiy thft- gereiaity--.waJ 4"o#amy mot. dependent:m -the tenspi^e- «*edl, bnt was- a th##er. of1

tema?eranj©nt.*ittd habit, bat ' i t deemed1' im e^entfai- ..accoinpaisiinent ..jot the Ifeitio-.' "thee "-and 'thon** •' and; -othert peculiar' forms- of addreia. •Aas'naed, th.ii t-'»iaaker- speech., N^as .noC strlcMy-gran>nSatical'^**th«^"iS,''' for es|iajp3%:

heUvg 'tipm to -bblectlori -if «ny erer" thijughl-of i t in ii.<c^iticat way, lfey«r* theieal,- **thee;h«** had-ita'-oharimi-.:. , ' ,-ihe, basginf.bf the.-Qanker'co^tnnite' was; al.t;p-»pok?n~of'witb. mm* regrret, yet *h^e- w-ho-iamepted.Jts dfsapp.ear'* -an ie y« re not : i n ^ t e p t -oh. It|f ye* *dOpilbiR, .• Appa-rentiy -thsy ptfy ..po;

'gay fr-itnd-'the plain .i&iifpja^e,. yet' there; nn*o«b|e4Jy" is one. ^he apeeoh is ,cxpfctea;from wearere ^f-the.di^tip^--: Uii "fiostiWne»*-th«(- .utr^Ht'n"- fi$yey«; ®p^:na-«ttd the- ©Jose fl».n^. bpnneiH,; iconteat .frpin th^ Hpft lif:--ja. ift&m&m; mi }tmn its tefXep&Ygfiesta..' wStpn''-It| aryHyed'ia faBhioaabi^ attire* "\33x*\ cftmnpl Sn dresa Vas- wgeil by'; the |

_. . . . . yowar - f ^ p a t i ^ n p f .Qutffcspj* "^n'.-t^.j Jpjattaljnrth,'.N.-'X.,-. ^n'-'j»!*«:• thtjt-. -.the: - -old- fashions* jpt'.fheai-] Jlth'.fay- stf Jirttja^rl-apart -frbin. thf^r n ^ s h b o r ^ p ^ w ^ r * :

•a,, artdre,nee«- "Ptfehaps. they dKd.;#t.. tti««a- Ao. ^ye< W #*• ftiia*st. an^:ec%' ^tiiSo..fcnt^"dhnis©"wa# iMyitafcie,.] '1$ :d«e';: -noti-^eibftjr'^wl-ft' worldly-;drbsi.-

Zxdianftpalia^Star* , ; . V J


,-r-J ARCTICS 4 Buckle


cs I Buckle

8 cts.

toj f rice% others fotom W^ef-proof anc ^of , We*ve all good styles

] J::

AUStyte ^ at


Sale Price! mt, mm SHOE mmm

16 pridge:

h-r wmmmm



00$ of ^rery day ut eveiy mem

E3«sctric G r i I

an eatif^ saesl f or t-tbirce «earsoas iigiat at 1 * 'jEfroils, boSs, fries, toas

J B l e c t r i c E « « C o o k e r

Ckx>k^ ^ » te Btosy wa; .Also pas St. food pan for p:

porinir such dtshes as a r c xizu

Ell c t r i c C h a f i n g Dish

Jty dbtSy u^efulaess makes g l ' * I » o f O f > r i 8 t e g i l t f« ailjsroite.

T t f i f M a ^ ©fMetr ica l giffe 3 e t tw detaoilsttate files

J. . look for « h b | m


32 Mai

A w w of the Mai Sod

hristii ' lBK^tAl*ASfi MB&.



<m3PS mm saxdfr CSKftEaEfeY -SKT«-

IffA^ER SEt» , CfflBtKS»AtE Si:-T$

BXf? c r p s XfJE CBEAM SETS j ;



y A H i i r

Myers i

roceries.« rgaret St .

Jiiii with this

e period (tomes along.

I • c y s " v