MMaking aaking a DDifferenceifference - Copernicus … · MMaking aaking a DDifferenceifference ... Knights of Columbus Cardinal Wyszynski Council #9296 Marie Curie Sklodowska Associa-tion

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Making aMaking a






Our Our New New LookLook

Th is publication Making a Diff erence will be published an-nually by the Foundation and replaces the Gazette. It will focus on the status of our fund-raising eff orts, on our generous donors, and on areas where your donations have made and continue to make a diff erence at Copernicus Lodge. Th e past and current events at Copernicus Lodge, previously featured in the Gazette, will be addressed by the Board’s pub-lication, Th e Copernican, which will be published quarterly. This annual report will now list all of the donations received in the past year rather than cumulative life-time totals. Cumulative totals can be obtained from the Foundation Office. These changes are in keeping with our policy of reducing our administrative overhead. Th e Foundation Offi ce has been relocated to a more accessible location for donors (main fl oor, Long-term Care Facility, room 167A, opposite the elevators). You are very welcome to drop in and discuss your donations or provide us with feedback and suggestions. Our new offi ce hours are: Tuesday, Th ursday, and Saturday - 10 AM to 3:00 PM. We hope that you enjoy the new format of our report and we solicit your input and feed-back. Telephone: 416-536-7122, ext 252 email – [email protected].

*** Nowa publikacja, Making a Diff erence, będzie wydawana raz do roku i zastapi Gazette . W centrum uwagi nowej publikacji znajdą sie nasze starania o nowe fundusze oraz szlachetni dobroczyńcy. Przedstawimy także, w jaki sposób zebrane fundusze wpłynely na korzystne zmiany w Domu Ko-pernika. Natomiast aktualnościami i wydarzeniami z przeszłości, opisanymi wcześniej w Gazette, zajmie sie wydawany przez Radę Dyrektorów Th e Coper-nican. Roczne sprawozdanie zawierać bedzie listę zebranych funduszy z poprzedniego roku, a nie skumulowaną sumę z wszystkich lat.Tę informację będzie można uzyskać z Biura Fundacji. Powyższe zmiany zostały podyktowane redukcją profi lu administracyjnego. Biuro Fundacji zostało przeniesione w bardziej dostępne mie-jsce (główny parter budynku opieki dłgoterminowej, pokój 167A naprzeciw windy).Serdecznie zapraszamy do odwiedzenia nas, jestesmy zainteresowani wszelkimi sugestiami i komentarzami na temat przekazywanych funduszy i ich przeznaczenia. Biuro czynne: wtorek, czwartek i sobota w godz.10:00-15:00 Mamy nadzieje że nowy format naszego sprawozdania spodoba się Państwu. Nasz telefon: 416-536-7122 wew. 252: email – [email protected].

Board of Directors

Helen Hull- Honorary Director

Jesse Flis, M.Ed. is a former Canadian politician. He served in the House of Commons (1979-1984 and 1988-1997) during which time he served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport and to the Minister of Foreign Aff airs. He currently serves on four boards as well as the board at Copernicus Lodge.

Jesse Flis-Ex-offi cio

Tracy Kamino, B.A., is Executive Director of Copernicus Lodge re-sponsible for the overall management of Lodge operations. She is a Certifi ed Long Term Care Home Administrator with extensive experi-ence working with various populations in providing quality healthcare programs and services to seniors.

Tracy Kamino-Ex-offi cio

Emily Krula- Director

Andrew Papierz, MBA, is the Executive Managing Director of the Fi-nancial Products Group of BMO Nesbitt Burns in Toronto. He has 25 years of experience in the banking and investment sector and serves on two boards in addition to the Copernicus Lodge Foundation. Both his parents currently reside at Copernicus Lodge.

Andrew Papierz-Director

Dr. Ray Mathews- Secretary

Andrew Poprawa, CA, C. Dir., CGFM, is the President and CEO of the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario and has over 30 years of experience in fi nancial service. He has been a senior fi nancial services regulator with the federal and provincial governments. He is currently Chair of the International Credit Union Regulators Network.

Andrew Poprawa-Treasurer

Dr. Manny Radomski, PhD, is the former Director General of the Institute of Environmental Medicine in National Defence, Profes-sor emeritus at the University of Toronto, and the fi rst Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Copernicus Lodge. He has served as a director on various national Boards, and international committees.

Dr. Manny Radomski- Vice-President

Andrew Chomentowski, BA, is the owner of Image Profes-sional Photography. In addition, he is the Vice-Chair of the Roncesvalles Village Business Improvement Area (RVBIA) and chair of the Roncesvalles Polish Festival Committee in 2009.

Andrew Chomentowski- PresidentAndrew Chomentowski- President

Emily Krula is the owner of a family-run business. She has been a member of the Foundation Board and the Board of Directors since their inception. She was a founding member of the Copernicus Lodge Auxiliary and continues to be an active member.

Dr. Ray Mathews, MD, is a former Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto. He is also the former Director of Medical Faculty of Hillcrest Convalescent Hos-pital. He joined the Foundation Board in 2008 to ensure that the Lodge continues to build for the future.

Helen Hull is the wife of the late Murphy Hull who was one of the key founders and architects of Copernicus Lodge. Helen Hull, owner of Hullmark Developments Ltd., continues in the footsteps of her late husband, propagating the legacy left be-hind by Murphy. Annual Report compiled and written by Manny Radomski, Andrew Chomentowski, and

Michelle Duklas

President’s President’s MessageMessage


Andrew ChomentowskiPresident, Copernicus Lodge Foundation

Dear Friends, The Copernicus Lodge Foundation was incor-porated on February 11, 1983 as a charity. Our major goal is to raise and maintain funds solely and exclusively for the benefit and support of Copernicus Lodge. Twenty-six years later, the Foundation continues to evolve and thrive with the changing needs of Coperni-cus Lodge, new government regulations and the economic downturn. The year 2009 has proven to be a significant milestone in our history. The plunging economic environ-ment and its impact on our donors and supporters has caused us to re-evaluate our method of operation. Th e Foundation reached the inevitable conclusion that its overhead had to be slashed in keeping with reduced revenues, and a new agreement was negotiated with Coper-nicus Lodge for provision of services and space. Th ese chan-ges were instituted successfully with minimal impact on the day-to-day operations of the Foundation. We recruited two directors to the Foundation, Andrew Poprawa and Andrew Papierz, who come with a wealth of ex-perience in the fi nancial sector. We are also pleased that Helen Hull, wife of the late Murphy Hull, our original founder and builder, has agreed to join us as Honorary Director, thus propa-gating the legacy of Murphy Hull. We have completed the update of our donor wall and designated the Long Term Care facility as the ‘Helen and Murphy Hull Wing’ in recognition of their generous donations to Copernicus Lodge. In 2009, the Foundation received $290,932.00 in do-nations in addition to $32,695 in interest and dividends. Since virtually all of our assets were in cash in 2009, the Founda-tion’s capital was unaff ected by the economic downturn. Aft er completing the restructuring in 2010, we plan to insti-

tute new fundraising initiatives to meet the continuing needs of maintaining Copernicus Lodge as a world-class facility of caring.

Th ank you for supporting the Foundation.

New Foundation offi ce- Main Floor Long Term Care Facility Room 167A

44Construction is ongoing with the new entry from Marion St.

Your funds have contributed substantially to help build and equip our facilities. Here are just a few examples of what your support has made possible:

• 200 Independent living apartments (Phases 1 and 2)

• Long-term care facility housing 228 people (Phase 3)

• Library expansion and modernization – a continuing source of inspiration and intellectual stimulation for our residents

• Adult care program and facility providing interactive programs for 25 people living in the community with physical or mental challenges to provide much needed respite for their caregivers

• Retrofi tting of 60 independent living apartments

• Renovation of lobbies and hallways on all eleven fl oors of Phases 1 and 2

• Dining facilities – renovation and new dining room furniture

• Rehabilitation devices for long-term care to assist residents and staff in their daily activities

• Recladding of the exterior of Phase 1 and Phase 2 towers and window replacement – to provide increased thermal insulation and decrease utility costs

New Challenges Underway• Upgrade and repair of exterior stairs, ramp and patio

• Reconstruction of roadway entry and exit

• Landscaping as a result of city-imposed relocation of TTC platform in front of Copernicus Lodge

• Interior lobby/reception redesign and renovation

• Replacement of outdated/worn/soiled furniture

Your Donations at Work

DEDICATION OPPORTUNITIESRecognizing your gift to Th e Copernicus Lodge Foundation with a naming is our special way of thanking you for investing in our care facility.With a minimum gift or pledge of $25,000 you can honour a loved one, celebrate your family or demonstrate your company’s invest-ment in our community with a plaque prominently displayed in Copernicus Lodge. We will work with you to structure your gift in a way that is fi nancially comfortable to you.

Construction workers re-clad the outside of Phases One and Two.

Th e Donor Recognition Program acknowledges indi-viduals and organizations that donate funds, gift s, services, or property to the John Paul II Care Centre of Copernicus Lodge. It consists of two donor recognition walls which recognize and honour donors who have signifi cantly made an impact at Coper-nicus Lodge. One wall recognizes donors who have contributed a total of $1,000 to $24,999, and the second wall, “Shooting for the Stars”, recognizes major donors who have contributed more than a total of $25,000. Th e “stars” are progressively larger for larger contributions.

Th e categories of “stars” are:Grand Founder $1,000,000 and aboveGrand Benefactor $500,000 to $999,999Benefactor $100,000 to $499,999Patron $50,000 to $999,999Fellow $25,000 to $49,999

The second Donor Wall consists of three categories with names listed in alphabetical order on acrylic discs.Sponsor $10,000 to $24,999 Associate $5,000 to $9,999Friend $1,000 to $4,999Th e donor walls are updated annually by the Foundation.

Donor Recognition Program

Shooting Shooting for the for the StarsStars


Grand Founder ($1 Million Plus)Grand Founder ($1 Million Plus)Helen & Marian Hull

Grand Benefactor ($500,000 Plus)Grand Benefactor ($500,000 Plus)Copernicus Lodge AuxiliaryOblate Fathers of Assumption ProvinceTridel

Benefactor ($100,000 Plus)Benefactor ($100,000 Plus)Zdzislaw BanasiakCarlo Fidani FoundationAngelo Del Zotto-TridelElvio Del Zotto-TridelLeo Del Zotto-TridelFelician SistersRoman GrodzkiMaria GrodzkiSt. Stanislaus-St. Casimir’s Polish Parishes Credit UnionUniversal Worker’s Union- Local 183Estate of Halina Zaluski

Patron ($50,000 Plus)Patron ($50,000 Plus)W. BilmanMaria BonczukHarvey Fruitman-TridelJan & Irene GoreckiKnights of Columbus Cardinal Wyszynski Council #9296Marie Curie Sklodowska Associa-tionStanley PodkowaVictor SibinskiPhil Stefaniak

Fellow ($25,000 Plus)Fellow ($25,000 Plus)Anna AnuszewskiStella BajacBevel Stamping Co. Ltd.Walter & Adele BielaskaDr. Joseph BielawskiWalter CudnyZorzi Del ZottoKatarzyna DuplagaBen & Gladys GrysEmily KrulaZofi a LandowskaMieczyslaw LuszczMasters Insurance LimitedMediavisionMr. & Mrs. Richard Piatkowski Sr.Rafael + Bigauskas ArchitectsSigmund Soudack & AssociatesMr. & Mrs. Henry SlabyJoseph & Kazia SolarskiRichard & Gisela StykaTurner & Porter Funeral DirectorsMr. & Mrs. Oskar Wiorkowski

Our Our Generous Generous



During a turbulent economic year, we were inspired by the unfl ag-uring a turbulent economic year, we were inspired by the unfl ag-ging generosity of the donors who continued to give to Copernicus ging generosity of the donors who continued to give to Copernicus Lodge. Th ank you for your exceptional support! Th e listing of our Lodge. Th ank you for your exceptional support! Th e listing of our donors which follows refl ects gift s received from donors which follows refl ects gift s received from January to De-January to De-cember 2009. cember 2009. If you wish to know the total amount that you have If you wish to know the total amount that you have contributed to Copernicus Lodge, please call the Foundation of-contributed to Copernicus Lodge, please call the Foundation of-fi ce. We continue to actively raise funds for the upgrade of Coper-fi ce. We continue to actively raise funds for the upgrade of Coper-nicus Lodge for the benefit of our community and residents.nicus Lodge for the benefit of our community and residents.Th ank you to all of our generous supporters for your pivotal role Th ank you to all of our generous supporters for your pivotal role in moving us to new levels of excellence in care.in moving us to new levels of excellence in care.

$50,000 plus$50,000 plusCopernicus Lodge Auxiliary

$10,000 plus$10,000 plusDr. Joseph BielawskiMr. Victor SibinskiEstate of Martha SpyraJosie & Phil Stefaniak

$5,000 plus$5,000 plusMrs. Lucy JuszynskiMrs. Emily KrulaMr. & Mrs. Ed Uba

$2,500 plus$2,500 plusClassic Care PharmacyMr. & Mrs. Jesse FlisMr. Mieczyslaw LuszczMr. & Mrs. Andrew PapierzMr. Wiktor Patoka

$1,000 plus$1,000 plusAncan Construction Inc.Mrs. Maria BabijczukDr. & Mrs. Janusz BrzozowskiMr. Edward BucovyMr. & Mrs. Wieslaw Burghardt

Mr. & Mrs. Frank CiupakMr. Stan CzudekFuturemed Health Care Prods Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Andrew GawendaMr. Walter GlancMrs. Helena HomychRev. Edward KorowayMr. & Mrs. Steve KrasicMr. John W. KrzyszMr. & Mrs. Witold KukielMrs. Helena MisztalMotion SpecialtiesMr. John NieweglowskiMr. Joseph PaluchMrs. Christina PetersonMr. & Mrs. Mike & Frances PiorczynskiMrs. Wanda PlachtaMr. & Mrs. Dennis PlataMr. & Mrs. Tad PutyraQuality Life Service Inc.Helen & Jozef RajskiDr. & Mrs. Edward RzadkiMrs. Barbara SawaszkiewiczMrs. Irena SmiarowskaMr. & Mrs. Jan StaweckiDr. Richard StykaMr. & Mrs. Walter & Sophie Telewiak

Th e Hospitallers Sovereign Order of St. John of JerusalemMr. & Mrs. Gabriel & Yolande TsampalierosMs. Stella TylkowskiMrs. Maria WieczorekMs. Irene WilowskiMrs. Halina WojcikMrs. Wanda WyrzykowskaMr. Mitchell WywiorskiMr. Andrew ZarebskiMr. Jerzy Zralski

$500 plus$500 plusMrs. Stella BajacMr. Waldemar BiernackiMs. Th eresa BlazikCanada Brokerlink Financial Inc.Mrs. Anna CharenzaMr. & Mrs. Joseph CybulskiDesign Plan ServicesMr. & Mrs. Paul DubickiDyson Canada Inc.Eglinton Bayview PhysiotherapyMrs. Halina GarczynskiMr. Mark GarczynskiMrs. MaryAnne GugulaHalsall Associates LimitedMr. & Mrs. Gordon & Alina Healey

Mr. & Mrs. Kazimierz JozwinMr. & Mrs. Chester JustinMrs. Czeslawa KaminskiMr. & Mrs. Ted KarasMrs. Waleria KoszelaMs. Wanda Krawczyk-KraneMrs. Cecilia KrzyzanowskiMrs. Emilia KshanowskaMr. & Mrs. Stan KuligMr. Larry LagowkiMarie Curie Sklodowska AssociationDr. & Mrs. R.E. MathewsMathews, Dinsdale & ClarkMrs. Gigi MerekMs. Elizabeth MorganMrs. Stanislawa NowakMs. Wanda NowakowskaDrs. Elizabeth & Norbert PereraMr. Ted PiekarzMrs. Anna PiekutMr. & Mrs. Stan & Jennie PilatMr. & Mrs. Antoni RadwanMrs. Regina SadowskiMrs. Jean SamborskiMrs. Jadwiga SarnackiMr. & Mrs. Tadeusz SawiczMrs. Alicja SieciechowiczMr. & Mrs. Ralph SmialekStandard LifeMrs. Diane StefaniakMrs. B. Anna SwiatMrs. Janina SzafranskiMrs. Barbara SzwejkowskiTh e Restorer’s Group Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Edward WacykMr. & Mrs. John WakulatMrs. Irene WaskiewiczMrs. Irene WojcikMr. & Mrs. Leonard WojcikMr. Walter WolakMr. & Mrs. Mark WolnikJudge & Mrs. E.F. WrenMrs. Stanislawa Wysocki


Mr. Andrew ZarebskiMr. Zygmunt Zielinski

$250 plus$250 plusMrs. Mary AnikejewMr. & Mrs. Romuald AzginMrs. Kazimiera BieleckiMrs. Alina BienkowskiDr. & Mrs. Roman BladekMrs. Lois BorowyMr. Stan BurdzyMr. & Mrs. Nick CharnyMs. Wanda ChmielMr. Andrew ChomentowskiConsulate General of the Republic of PolandMrs. Jeanette DodsonMrs. Ann DwornikMrs. Anna DzieciolowskiF. Wallace Clancy & Son Ltd.Mr. & Mrs. Chester GajewskiMrs. Jean GranatMr. Juliusz GrygucMr. & Mrs. Ron HolowkaMrs. Irene JakubowskiMrs. Veronica JankiewiczMrs. Barbara JasinskiMrs. Mary KellerMr. Alfred KrolMrs. Irena LubczynskiMr. Henry MalecMrs. Regina MalkiewiczMr. & Mrs. Richard MarchutMrs. Stanislawa MasiewiczMrs. Alice PiotrowskiMrs. Kunigunde PomorskiDr. & Mrs. Manny RadomskiSCA Personal CareDr. & Mrs. Jack SimpsonMr. & Mrs. Ralph SmialekMr. & Mrs. John StreichMr. & Mrs. Leszek StruzikMr. & Mrs. John SwitzerMrs. Julia SzymaniukMr. Rob TurjanicaMrs. Irena WoloszczukMr. Mark Zaremba & Mrs. Beverley Vanstone$100 plus$100 plusMr. Edward AllardArtifi cial Intelligence in Medicine Inc.Atlantic WindowsMrs. Karolina AugustowskiMs. Lillian AugustowskiBader Landscaping & Snow RemovalMr. & Mrs. Edward & Lucy BadidaMr. & Mrs. Wieslaw BaginskiMs. Kazimiera BajdoMr. & Mrs. E. BardeckiMr. & Mrs. Jerry Barycki

Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Alexandra BaryloMrs. Christine BatesMr. & Mrs. John BaxterMs. Elizabeth BennettMrs. Adele BielaskaMr. Stanislaw BieniekMrs. Zofi a BieniekMr. William BlackMrs. Ewa BocekMr. & Mrs. Marvin & Mitzi BogaczMrs. Anna BorysMs. Teresa BorysewiczMs. Nancy BrodniewiczMrs. Helen BuchkowskyMrs. Jagwiga BuchnatMr. & Mrs. Jerzy BurskiMs. Sophie ChingMr. & Mrs. Ted CieciuraMr. & Mrs. Robert ClarkMr. Joseph CzajkaMr. & Mrs. Frank CzapranMs. Anna CzentoryckiMrs. Jozefa CzerwinskiMr. & Mrs. T. CzubakMr. & Mrs. Tom CzudecMrs. Janina CzuloMr. & Mrs. Zbigniew DabrowskiMr. Ian DaleMr. & Mrs. Andrzej DamieckiMrs. Michalina DanilukMrs. Regina DebickiMr. & Mrs. Eugeniusz DecMs. Grace DennyMr. & Mrs. Andrzej DerkowskiMr. Peter DidianoMichael DobrowolskiMr. & Mrs. Edward DoktorMrs. Augustina DomagalaMr. & Mrs. Gary DominickMr. & Mrs. Zenon DrapiewskiMr. Bohdan DubniakMr. & Mrs. James Duft onMr. & Mrs. Julian DuklasMrs. Maria DybczakEndress Hauser Canada Ltd.Mrs. Maria FiutowskiMr. & Mrs. Stan FranczakMr. & Mrs. Stan FutaMr. & Mrs. Richard GalasDr. Jerzy GanczarczykGenstar Development Co.Mrs. Stefania GertlerMrs. Anna GillMr. & Mrs. H. & T. GlowackiMrs. Maryla GondekMrs. Ludmila GontaMrs. Maria GornaMrs. Elma GrahamMr. & Mrs. Chris GrayMrs. Honorata GrelaMr. & Mrs. Walter GrotekMrs. Eugenia Grudzinski

Mr. & Mrs. Michal GrygatowiczMrs. Lily GurneyMr. & Mrs. Henry GuziewiczMrs. Diane HaagMrs. Natalie HaidaszMr. & Mrs. Mike HercunMr. Jan HolowkoMrs. Helen HristienkoMr. & Mrs. Ray HuntMrs. Stefania JacusMrs. Stefania JakubowskiMrs. Anna JankowskiMr. & Mrs. Ted JaremaMrs. Waleria JaworskiMr. Mike JozwikMrs. Wanda JuraszekMr. & Mrs. Boguslaw JurekMr. Th eodore JustynMr. John KaminskiMrs. Josephine KarpowiczMr. Kazimierz KarwowskiIsabelle and Wincenty KazanczukM. KazmierczakMrs. Marianne KellyMs. Terry KellyMrs. Zofi a H. KepinskiMr. & Mrs. Michael KinalMr. & Mrs. Jan KlawiterMrs. Krystyna KlemensowiczMrs. Wanda KlincewiczMr. & Mrs. Leonard KlochekMrs. Stella KmiecikMr. & Mrs. Marian Kobialko

Mrs. Ada KocinskaMr. Walter KolekMs. Irene KomorowskiDr. & Mrs. Stefan KopytekMr. & Mrs. Z. Korwin-KuczynskiMrs. Cecile KosMs. Ethel KosianMr. & Mrs. Bronislaw KosibaMs. Krystyna KoziarskaMr. & Mrs. Alex KrajicekMr. & Mrs. Joe KrasicMs. Lydia KrechowiczMr. & Mrs. Eugene KremblewskiMr. Z. KremblewskiMrs. Zina KretMs. Janine KrolewiczMs. Lily Krowiak and Mr. Lari KorkkaMrs. Aniela KucharskiMs. Sophia KuczykMrs. Alfreda KukielMrs. Helena KuligMr. & Mrs. Walter KuszelewskiMrs. Mary KuzanMr. & Mrs. Zbigniew KwadransMr. Jozef LabedzkiMr. & Mrs. Henry LachoskiMrs. Krystyna LahaieMr. Albert LampaMrs. Anna LapczynskiMr. & Mrs. Ted LewieckiMrs. Krystyna LierschMr. & Mrs. Jerzy Lis


Ms. Jenny LiuMrs. Helena LomnickiMrs. Mary LopatkoMs. Genia LorentowiczMr. & Mrs. Mike LukasikMr. & Mrs. Larry LychowydMs. Eva MahutMr. & Dr. Greg & Maryla Makow-ieckiMr. & Mrs. Edward MalecMrs. Helen MatichMr. & Mrs. Ray MatsallaMr. Pawel MiczajkaMrs. Barbara MilanMrs. Janina MilisiewiczMolson CanadaMrs. Iwona MooneyMrs. Stefania MoskwaMrs. Wanda MuchaMr. & Mrs. Jerzy MyszkowskiMr. Rick NaranowiczMs. Halina NawrockiMr. & Mrs. William NeelyMrs. Ksawera Neuff Mr. & Mrs. Stanislaw OgorekMr. & Mrs. Richard OlechMr. Stefan OliverMr. & Mrs. Jerzy Orlanski

Mr. & Mrs. Jerzy OrzechowskiMrs. Anna OstrowskiMr. Arthur PagelMr. & Mrs. Adam PanczakiewiczMrs. Sophie PapierzMrs. Helen PeardMr. & Mrs. Frank PetkoMs. Jean PhilchukMr. & Mrs. Casey PiekarzMr. & Mrs. Leszek & Anna PilacinskiMr. Henryk PiotrowskiMs. Kataryna PiotrowskiMr. & Mrs. Leonard PiworowiczMr. James PlanetaMs. Diane PogorzelskiMr. & Mrs. Joseph PogorzelskiMrs. Zofi a PokoraPolish Canadian Women’s Federa-tion—Branch 1Mrs. Alicja PoupaMs. Vivian PrusMrs. Halina PustjakMs. Elizabeth RejmanMrs. Janina RejmanMr. Michael RobinsonMr. Roman RogulskiMr. & Mrs. Leon RokickiMrs. Zofi a RosolMr. & Mrs. Richard RusekMr. Casey RzadkowskiMs. Sophie RzepkaMrs. Wanda SaczkowskiMr. & Mrs. Ed SadoProf. Chester M. SadowskiMr. Stanley SamulewskiSani ChuteMrs. Stanislawa SargaMrs. Genevieve SasowskiDr. Adolfi na SchmidtMrs. Johanna SchubertMrs. Jadwiga SedlarMr. John SeetoMrs. Mary Semanyshyn

Mr. & Mrs. Peter SklarMrs. Mary SkomraMr. Richard SkomraMr. Michael SkoraMrs. Anna SkowronekMr. Zbigniew SkroczynskiMr. & Mrs. Mikolaj SkroubaMrs. Stella SlabyMr. & Mrs. Ted SlavinMr. & Mrs. Stanislaw SliwinskiMrs. Halina SlomekMrs. Martha SmartSmile by DesignMrs. Christine SmithMr. & Mrs. Joseph SoburaMr. Josef SochaMrs. Maria SojaMr. Joseph Solarski IIIMr. & Mrs. Joseph SolarskiMr. & Mrs. Stan SolarskiMr. & Mrs. Christopher SoleckiLesena SteelStevans Sales & MarketingMr. & Mrs. Allan StewartMrs. Janina StolarskiMr. & Mrs. Edward StreichDr. & Mrs. Edward StrozSunnyside Medical PharmacyMr. & Mrs. Stanley SurmanMrs. Halina SzkolkaMr. & Mrs. Bronislaw SzolopiakMr. & Mrs. Walter SzpakMrs. Stanislawa SzudyMrs. Maria SzulikMrs. Kazimiera SzwedMr. Stanley SzydlikMrs. Leokadia Szylak

$50 Plus$50 PlusMrs. Halina AndreckaMr. George AnkowiczMrs. Sylvia AriasMr. Jerzy BandurskiMrs. Joanna BattistonMrs. Halina BazydloMs. Teofi la BednarskiMr. & Mrs. Norman BennIrma BialowasMr. Ron BielaskaDr. Iwona Bogorya-Buczkowska

Th e Polish Ursuline SistersMr. & Mrs. Albin TrellaTurner & Porter Funeral DirectorsMrs. Alvena TyralaUniversal Workers Union Local 183Mr. & Mrs. Tadeusz UranowskiMr. & Mrs. Alexander WaldeckMrs. Antonia WalickiMrs. Stefania WalochaMr. & Mrs. Leopold WasilewskiMr. & Mrs. Stanley WatrobaMrs. Genowefa WeglikMs. Juanita WeremiMr. & Mrs. Greg WillettMr. & Mrs. John WilsonMr. & Mrs. Zygmunt & Jean WnukMr. & Mrs. Edward & Helena WoodMr. Waclaw ZankowiczMrs. Joanna ZarebskiMr. & Mrs. Kazimierz ZawadzinskiMr. Larry ZdanMr. & Mrs. Henry Zelma Mrs. Filomena ZielinskiMiss Bernice Zub

Mrs. Maria BohdanowiczMr. George BoreckiMrs. Danuta BudzynaMr. & Mrs. Harold BugdahnCanada Life Assurance Co.Mrs. Pat CaraMr. Renato CaravaggioMrs. Mary CheckoMrs. Robin ClarkMr. & Mrs. Richard ColemanMr. & Mrs. Tom CooneyMrs. Bernarda CzarneckiMrs. Daniela DebowyMrs. Mary DlugoszMrs. Sabina DoboszRev. & Mrs. Michael DoderEd Gruscyk InsuranceMrs. Elizabeth EmanueleMr. & Mrs. Joseph FernandesMrs. Hanna FilarskaMr. & Mrs. Albert FlisMrs. Anna FlorczykMrs. Kazimiera FolcikMrs. Janina FrankiewiczMs. Wanda C. GalicaMrs. Helena GalusMr. Adam GardzinskiMr. & Mrs. Jozef & Barbara GdulaMr. & Mrs. Frank GemzaMrs. Marina GlistaMrs. Jadwiga GnieweckaMs. Wanda GolaMr. & Mrs. Bill GoldsmithMrs. Helen GoleMr. & Mrs. Michael Greene


Mr. & Mrs. George GrodeckiMrs. Marianne GrossMr. & Mrs. Henryk GrzywaczMr. & Mrs. Ed GucaMr. & Mrs. Andrzej GuzkowskiMr. & Mrs. Ernest HachbornMs. Karen HachbornMr. & Mrs. Stan HaliniakMrs. Antonina HaydarMrs. Betty HellwigHonorowe Kolo Przyjaciol Har-cerstwa #1Mr. & Mrs. Mladen HutererMrs. Edwarda IgnatkinInternational Data Technologies Corp.Mrs. Jean JablonskiMrs. Sophie JachymiakMrs. Janina JackiewiczMrs. Stephanie JemioloMs. Wanda JurashekMr. Lukasz JuszkiewiczMrs. Jeanne KalichMrs. Tracy KaminoMs. Czeslawa KaminskaMrs. Ewa KaminskaMr. & Mrs. Stefan KlaricMr. Andy KlemensowiczMr. Stan KondziolkaMr. Stefan KoniecznyMr. & Mrs. Chris Korwin-KuczynskiMr. & Mrs. Jerzy KoziolMrs. Sabina KozlowskiKrag TatryMr. & Mrs. Franjo KrasicMr. Jan KrasnodebskiMr. & Mrs. Roman KrygielMrs. Genowefa KukielMrs. Jean KularMr. & Mrs. Tadeusz KurysMrs. Maria KurzawaMrs. Aniela KuyanMs. Angie LachockiMrs. Anna LempickiMr. & Mrs. Walter LipiecMr. Stefan LipskiMrs. Wanda LisowskiMr. & Mrs. Henry LopinskiMr. & Mrs. Chester LukasikMr. & Mrs. Janusz MajerskiMrs. Wanda MakarewiczMrs. Bronislawa MalinowskaMr. & Mrs. Henryk MalinowskiMrs. Jozefa MalkowskiMrs. Agnes MasiukiewiczMr. & Mrs. Florian MatsallaMr. & Mrs. Henry MatyszczukMrs. Ilona MaziarczykMr. Joseph MedweckiMrs. Janina MetelskiMrs. Kazimiera Miazek

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew MichalskiMrs. Barbara MilanMrs. Alicja MirshakMr. & Mrs. Mieczyslaw & Eleonora MizerskiMrs. Anna MoldawaMs. Maria MonicaMrs. Helena NeterMrs. Helen NichollsMr. & Mrs. Feliks NogasMr. & Mrs. Mervyn NowakMr. Edward OchejMr. John OlubickMs. Jadwiga OrlowMr. & Mrs. Eryk OrszulikMr. Boleslaw OstrowskiMr. Zbigniew PankiewiczMr. & Mrs. John PastorDr. Anna PaudynMr. & Mrs. Blaz PerinMrs. Irene PiatasMr. Ludomir PiatkowskiMs. Renee PiatkowskiMrs. Norma PiraineMr. Janusz PodsiadloMr. & Mrs. Walter PopielatyMr. & Mrs. Duncan PrescottMr. & Mrs. Antoni PreszMr. & Mrs. Chester PsicaMrs. Barbara PtakMrs. Mary PuchalaRadix Market Research Inc.Mrs. Janina RozparzynskiMrs. Krystyna RytwinskiMr. & Mrs. Marian SalamonMs. Stanislawa SamilaP. Sanczenko and K. BudniakMr. & Mrs. Rudolph SchafronMr. & Mrs. J SchlathauService Canada—Communications Dept.Mrs. Janina SeydegartMr. & Mrs. Michel Sillato

Mr. & Mrs. Fred SitarskiMrs. Bronislawa SmedzikMr. Elio SmiciklasMr. & Mrs. Vincent & Lottie SpivakMr. & Mrs. Roman SroslakMr. Stanley StefaniakMrs. Waclawa StepienMr. & Mrs. Stanley StepniakMrs. Yolanda SternbergMs. Hanna Barbara StetkiewiczMrs. Anna StitskiMr. & Mrs. Gerry StraubMrs. Halina StrozMs. Marilyn SullivanMrs. Anastazia SzablowskiMr. Pawel SzawlinskiMrs. Helen SzczepanskiMr. & Mrs. Janusz & Helen Szczesniewski

Mrs. Wladyslawa SzmytkoMr. & Mrs. Stan SzostakMr. & Mrs. Miroslaw SztrajtMrs. Stefania SzwajkowskiMr. & Mrs. Edward SzwarcMrs. Janina TkaczukMr. & Mrs. John TolkunowMr. Stanislaw ToporowskiMr. & Mrs. Edward TosMr. & Mrs. Walter TosMrs. Helena TrafalskiMr. & Mrs. J. & Z. UrbanowiczMr. & Mrs. Marty ViiresMr. Stefan WadasMr. & Mrs. Michael WalskiMrs. Jennie WdowiakMr. Jan WejtkoMr. & Mrs. Henry WiecekMr. & Mrs. George Wilkins


Ms. Krystyna WiteckaMrs. Janina WlodarczykMs. Margaret WlosekMrs. Mary WolkowskiMr. & Mrs. Ted WoszczynskiMrs. Winnifred WyzykowskiMr. & Mrs. Andrew ZakrzewskiMrs. Jadwiga ZamojskiMr. & Mrs. Gary ZawerbnyMrs. Wanda ZdasiukMs. Teresa ZebrowskiMrs. Wladzia ZeglinskiMrs. Stanislawa ZiemnickiMrs. Joanne Zientara$25 Plus$25 PlusMr. & Mrs. Stan AdamMr. Tomir BalutMr. Alojzy BanikMr. & Mrs. Mel BattistonMrs. Millie BauerMrs. Joan BenacMrs. Regina BerskyMr. & Mrs. Glen BerthelotMrs. Catherine BianchiMs. Ewa BrelskaMrs. Maria BrozMrs. Helen BruckiMr. & Mrs. Roland BruzzeseMrs. Maria BulviciusMrs. Jean BurgessMr. & Mrs. Ken CalderMr. & Mrs. Philip CarrollMrs. Olga Chaban

Mrs. Diane ChernyMs. Emilia ChodzinskiMr. John CiesielskiMr. & Mrs. Frank ConiglioMrs. Emilia CybulskiMrs. Hanna CzumaMs. Kim De LalloMs. Irene DemskiMrs. Helen DerkowskiMrs. Violet DerusMr. Alexander DuninMrs. Maria DykMrs. Jozefa DziadekMr. & Mrs. John EllisMrs. Maria FedorakMs. Joanna FilipczykMr. & Mrs. Edward FlisMr. & Mrs. Janusz FoltynskiMrs. Jolanta GalazkaMrs. Irene GarkowskiMs. P. GlenwrightMrs. Helena GolebiowskiMr. John GorczakMs. Mary GordonMrs. Wanda GrygucMrs. Elizabeth GucmaMrs. Stanislawa HerodMs. Alice HodsonMr. Jeff rey HolickyMr. & Mrs. Mike HolowkaMrs. Jozefa HubaMr. & Mrs. Edward HumeniukMr. & Mrs. James Ieraci

Mrs. Seweryna IwankoMr. & Mrs. John JohnstonMr. & Mrs. Waclaw KaletaMrs. Helen KaphammelMr. Ryszard KasztelanMr. & Mrs. James KerrKing City Carriages Ltd.Mrs. Suzanna KlisHenryka KoczynskiMs. Irene KorsakMr. & Mrs. Wasyl KosiakMr. & Mrs. Edward KowalcykMr. & Mrs. Ivan KrasicMr. & Mrs. Marian KruczekMr. & Mrs. Stan KumorekMrs. Rose KupkaMrs. Josie KutcheraMr. Chester KuzmaMrs. Teresa LasiukMr. Bronislaw LaskowskiMs. Margaret LiubaviciusMr. & Mrs. Nick LobertoMr. & Mrs. Ted LukasikMr. Stefan MaciagMr. & Mrs. Edward MichtaMr. Stanislaw MiekusMr. & Mrs. Peter MielzynskiMr. Steve Miszuk & Mrs. Nancy BeattieMrs. Margaret MitchellMrs. Halina MitrowskiMr. & Mrs. E. ModrowskiMr. Frank ModrowskiMr. & Mrs. Jacek & Josephine MoszynskiMrs. Anna Nowak-EkMrs. J. OrsiniMr. & Mrs. Joe PaluchMr. Kazimierz PawlowskiMrs. Magdalena PekalaMr. Angelo PesceMrs. Martha PigulskiMrs. Th erese PisapioMr. Zbigniew PodhanjnyMrs. Helen Podsiadlo

Mrs. Albina PolatynskiMrs. Maria PolinkiewiczMr. Jerry PopiukMr. Stan RalcewiczMr. & Mrs. Richard ReedMs. Judy RiepmaMrs. Barbara RobakMr. & Mrs. Richard RosteickMrs. Irene RotheMr. Frank SachMrs. Henryka SajnaMs. K. SeydegartMr. & Mrs. Joseph SilinskiMr. Edward SitarskiMr. & Mrs. Jan SlowikMs. Sonia SolomonMrs. Oksana Solomon-FukeMrs. Helen SpandlickS. SpiczynskiMrs. Henryka StankiewiczMr. & Mrs. StarkiewiczMrs. Laura StephensonMrs. Janina StoklosaMr. & Mrs. John StoklosaMr. & Mrs. Peter & Mary StrambaMrs. Maria SwerdonMrs. Janina SzapuckoMrs. Weronika SzkolkaMrs. Janina SzlachtaMrs. Wanda SzumskiTh e Municipal Prosecutor’s Offi ceMrs. Krystyna TomasiewiczMr. Richard TomlinsonMrs. Elvira ToweyMrs. Monika TuzelMr. & Mrs. V. ValveMr. & Mrs. Carl VipavecMr. & Mrs. Ed WalkerMrs. Stanislawa WieczorekMrs. Wanda WiertelakMrs. Ludmila WojnilowiczMrs. Joanna Woloszczuk-DidurMrs. Eugenia WronskiMr. Waclaw WrzosekMr. & Mrs. Bill Zywot


Krystina ArmstrongJoseph BaszakAndrzej BohdanowiczGenowefa BoguckiWladyslawa BorysewiczLudomila BrenkPauline ChmielBarbara ChodorekChristine ConiglioJanina CzudekAdam GarsonJanina GoethelTed GugulaLily GurneyZenon GutkowskiStanley HaidaszMichal HercunGenowefa HulaszkoIrena JagerWladyslaw JankowskiTadeusz JaremaMarian KaczmarekVirginia KitaCzeslaw KobylanskiKlara KobzdejStanley KoczmaraWanda KornatowskiLucas KraskaWaclaw KucharskiJohn KukielMarion KularHalina KunzBronislawa Laskowski

IN HONOUR OF…IN HONOUR OF…Wanda & Edward Stroz on their 50th AnniversaryPeter Chikowski on his 90th BirthdayWanda & Frank Lisowski on their 60th Wedding AnniversaryKasia & Joseph Solarski on their 60th Wedding AnniversaryMarianna & Jerzy Orzechowski on their 60th Wedding AnniversaryMarianna Orzechowski on her BirthdayHelen & George Chwalka on their 60th Wedding AnniversarySophie & Jesse Flis on their 50th Wedding AnniversaryKazimier ZawadzinskiTom Jakubowski on his BirthdayHenryka & Ted KorowayDr. & Mrs. Jack & Adele SimpsonAnna Jakubowski

Klotylda LemkeFrank LisowskiMichael LopatkoNellie MatuszkiewiczLena MatysekWanda MedakiewiczEugenia MichalskiJan MieszkowskiLech MokrzyckiMr. & Mrs. A.A. NicponZofi a OrzechowskiAlina PassakasZofi a PatinaHelen PawlickAnna PawlowiczAdam PomorskiWanda PorterHelen RetzerLeo SamulewskiStanley SamulewskiAniela SerwatkoWieslaw SieciechowiczHenry SlabyJadwiga SulatyckiJadwiga SwiejkowskiBronislawa SwinarskiCecylia SzczurkoFr. SzwarcStefania SzychowskiJan TomasiewiczTeresa WeremiStella WojcikWlodzimierz WoloszczukJanina Wrobel


Our Corporate SponsorsADPAkzo NobelAlpha Oil Inc.ANCAN ConstructionArbornneBader LandscapingBayview VillageBloor West Village OrthoticsBMO Nesbitt BurnsBolton Motor Products Inc.Canada Brokerlink FinancialCanada First Brands Premium Meat ProductsClassic BowlClassic Care PharmacyComplete Purchasing ServicesCredit Union Insurance ServicesDMR Financial Services Group Dr. Generosity RestaurantEmerson CanadaEmerson Industrial AutomationEmpack Spraytech Inc.European Fine FoodsExpo Cruises & ToursFabriclandGlista & AssociatesGolf TownGranite Ridge Golf ClubHogle Funeral HomeHumberivew Insurance- Peter ChachuraImage Professional PhotographyInSPIRIT PortraitsISP CANADA Corp.JD Cockburn & AssociatedKatika Integrated Communica-tionsKnights of Columbus Council #13811Komandor Canada

Kowalczewski InsuranceMagnotta Winery Corp.Malicki & MalickiMaster Printing Inc.Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLPMAVC CommunicationsMedical MartModern WayMotion SpecialtiesNational Bank FinancialNova PrintingOMNI-TVOntario BreadOrlando CorporationPaveal LimitedPeter Mielzynski AgencyPiast Travel Inc.Polish Canadian GolfPolish Parishes Credit UnionPolish StudioPolmasterQuality Custom RenovationRBC Royal BankRoyal Lepage- Mike StitskiSanai / ChuteSouthwest Binding System Ltd.Standard LifeStarsky’sSweet TemptationsSysco CanadaTurner & Porter Funeral HomesTymek’sUrban FenceVenture LinkW.M. Jewellery ServicesWaterloo FlowersWD-40 Products (Canada) Ltd.White Eagle MarketingWhithey Addison LLPZanelli


Cash Gift sGift s of cash, whether paid by cheque, money order, credit card or cash itself, are the most common gift s to the Founda-tion. A cash gift may be a one-time gift or a long-term pledge broken down in pay-ments over a period of time. Th e Foun-dation issues a charitable donation tax receipt for each donation.

Gift s of Life InsuranceA gift of life insurance can provide a signifi cant future gift to the Foundation at a very modest, present cost to you. You may also give the death bene-fit of an existing policy by naming Copernicus Lodge Foundation as the beneficiary. When you make the Copernicus Lodge Foundation the owner and beneficiary of a policy, you receive a donation receipt for every premium you subsequently pay. At your death, the Foundation will receive the proceeds.

Gift s of SecuritySecurities include stocks, bonds and mutual fund units. Th e donor of the se-curities is entitled to a donation receipt for fair market value. Th is can result in signifi cant tax savings to the donor. In contrast, if the securities are sold by the donor and the cash is then donated, 50% of the capital gain is taxable.

Gift s-in-KindA gift in-kind is a donation of tan-gible property such as art, books or equipment. Tangible property must be appraised to determine fair mar-ket value. The donor will receive a charitable donation tax receipt for fair market value.

Gift s of Real EstateOccasionally, donors have presented gift s of property/real estate to Coper-nicus Lodge. Th e donor of real estate is entitled to a donation tax receipt for the fair market value as determined by a qualifi ed appraisal.

Tribute Gift sGift s In Memory With the support of local funeral homes, the Copernicus Lodge Foundation’s memorial giving program allows family and friends to commemorate the lives that have touched them. Gift s In Honour Showing people how much you care is a special part of life, yet fi nding just the right gift to express your feelings can sometimes be diffi cult. Every year, people make commemorative gift s to the Foundation that celebrate a momentous occasion in a loved one’s, friend’s or colleague’s life such as the birth of a child, a wedding, anniversary or special birthday.

Planned GivingPlanned Giving is a means of structur-ing your gift to maximize tax benefi ts and achieve personal fi nancial goals while giving vital support to a cause you believe in. Each year, Copernicus Lodge is grateful to receive bequests from the estates of people who really cared for this com-munity. By being included in a person’s will or estate plan, an individual is con-sidering us as a part of their family.


Th e Copernicus Lodge Foundation rec-ommends that you consult with your fi nancial advisor before initiating any type of donation. Th is will ensure that you receive advice that is tailored to your situation.

Can I designate my donation to a specifi c area of Copernicus Lodge?Can I designate my donation to a specifi c area of Copernicus Lodge?Yes. You may choose to keep your gift unrestricted, which means that Copernicus Lodge will be able to use it where the need is greatest or you may choose to focus your donation on a specifi c area of interest to you. When an in memory or in honour gift is made, is the amount of the donation disclosed?When an in memory or in honour gift is made, is the amount of the donation disclosed?No. Th is information is kept strictly confi dential unless the donor instructs otherwise. Will I receive a tax receipt for my donations?Will I receive a tax receipt for my donations?All donations are tax creditable. Monthly donors will receive one receipt per year. How can I update my donor information with you?How can I update my donor information with you?If you would like to update your name, address and phone number, you can contact the Foundation offi ce via phone, fax or e-mail.


Sposoby przekazywania darowiznDarowizny pieniężne

Darowizny pieniężne przekazane za pomocą czeku, przekazu pieniężnego, karty kredytowej lub gotówki, są najczęściej wykorzystywanym sposobem przekazy-wania darowizn dla Fundacji. Wśrod nich wyróżniamy jednorazowe darowizny i zobowiązania długoterminowe w post-aci wpłat okresowych. Każda darowizna zostanie potwierdzona przez Fundację wydaniem zaświadczenia do rozliczenia podatkowego o darowiźnie na cele do-broczynne.

Upominki w naturzeUpominki w naturze są darowiznami w postaci dóbr materialnych, takich jak: dzieła sztuki, książki czy przed-mioty użytkowe. Dobra materialne muszą być wycenione, aby okreslić ich wartość rynkową. Ofi arodawca otrzyma zaświadczenie do rozliczenia podatkowego na wartośc darowizny przekazanej na cele dobroczynne.

Darowizny PlanowaneDarowizny Planowane posiadają strukturę pozwalającą zmaksymalizować oszczędności w podatku dochodowym z jednoczesnym osiągnięciem planowa-nego celu, jakim jest wsparcie fi nansowe innych.Każdego roku Dom Kopernika jest bardzo wdzięczny za otrzymane zapisy spadkowe od ludzi, którzy dbają o naszą spoleczność. Traktujemy te dary bardzo poważnie, bo ponad wszystko bycie spadkobiercą cudzego majątku oznacza, że ktoś uważa nas za członka swojej ro-dziny. To jest dla nas wielki honor.

Dary w postaci NieruchomościCzasami, darczyńcy darują swój majątek/nieruchomość dla Domu Ko-pernika. Darczyńca nieruchomości ma prawo do odpisu podatkowego w wysokości wartości wolnorynkowej ustalonej poprzez fachową wycenę.

Dary w postaci Investycji Finansowych

Inwestycje Finansowe są to: akcje giełdowe, obligacje fi nansowe i fundusze zbiorowe. Osoba darująca takie papiery wartościowe jest uprawniona do ot-rzymania zaświadczenia o darowiźnie na wartość wolnorynkową darowizny. To daje znaczne oszczędności podat-kowe dla darczyńcy. W innym przypad-ku, gdy papiery wartościowe są najpierw sprzedane przez darczyńcę i gotówka jest darowana, wówczas musi być zapłacony podatek od wzrostu wartości papierów wartościowych w wysokości 50%.

Dary dla UhonorowaniaDary dla UczczeniaPrzy poparciu miejscowego domu pogrze-bowego, Fundacja Domu Kopernika prowadzi akcję dawania dla upamiętnienia pozwalającą rodzinom i przyjaciołom uczcić życie ludzi, które miało dla nich znaczenie.Dary dla UczczeniaPokazywanie ludziom, jak bardzo się o nich troszczymy, jest czymś specjal-nym w życiu, a znalezienie odpowied-niego podarunku dla wyrażenia uczuć może być trudne. Każdego roku ludzie składają podarunki na rzecz Fundacji, aby uczcić szczególne okazje w życiu bliskich, przyjaciół i kolegów, takie jak urodziny dziecka, śluby, rocznice lub szczególne urodziny.

Dary w postaci Polis Ubezpieczeniowych

Dar w postaci ubezpieczenia na życie jest znaczącym podarunkiem dla Fundacji na przyszłość przy małym koszcie dla Ciebie.Możesz także podarować już istniejacą polisę poprzez wymienienie Fundacji Domu Kopernika jako benefi cjenta.Gdy czynisz Fundację Domu Kopernika właścicielem nowej polisy, otrzymujesz zaświadczenie o dokonywanych wpłatach. Po śmierci Fundacja otrzymuje całą kwotę ubezpieczenia na życie

Fundacja Domu Kopernika radzi, aby skonsultować się z doradcą fi nan-sowym, zanim podejmie się decyzję o rodzaju darowizny. To zapewni, że ot-rzymasz poradę fachową uzależnioną od Twojej osobistej sytuacji fi nansowej.

Czy mogę zdecydować, na co zostaną Czy mogę zdecydować, na co zostaną wydane moje pieniadze w Domu Ko-wydane moje pieniadze w Domu Ko-pernika?pernika?Tak, możesz zdecydować, czyli zastrzec na co zostaną wydane pieniądze, czyli Dom Kopernika może je wydać tam, gdzie są największe potrzeby lub możesz zdecydować, żeby przekazać je na konkretny cel. Skontaktuj sie z Fundacją, aby przedyskutować, jakie są plany i projekty do sfi nansowania.Gdy dar jest dla upamiętnienia lub Gdy dar jest dla upamiętnienia lub uhonorowania, to czy jego wartość jest uhonorowania, to czy jego wartość jest opublikowana?opublikowana?Nie, taka informacja jest poufna, chy-ba że darczyńca życzy sobie inaczej.Czy otrzymam zwrot podatkowy za Czy otrzymam zwrot podatkowy za moje podarunki?moje podarunki?Wszystkie dary są uprawnione do zwro-tów podatkowych. Dotacje wpłacane miesięcznie są poświadczone na piśmie raz na rok.Jak mogę uaktualnic moje dane jako Jak mogę uaktualnic moje dane jako sponsora?sponsora?Dla uaktualnienia danych osobowych, takich jak nazwisko, adres, num-er telefonu lub karty kredytowej czy informacji bankowej dla darów miesięcznych, proszę skontaktowac się z biurem Fundacji telefonicznie, faksem lub przez e-mail.


RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN MAIL TO:Copernicus Lodge Foundation66 Roncesvalles Ave.Toronto, ON M6R 3A7

Sent to:


Toronto, 7 February 2010

To: Tracy Kamino, Executive Director, Board of Directors, Staff and Residents of Copernicus Lodge,

On behalf of my family and myself I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for your condolences, support and the beautiful flowers on the occasion of passing away of my mother, Janina Helena Mazur.

But it is more than that. It is your thoughtfulness that touched our hearts. Her passing away in her 108th year is great loss to us, but I am com-forted by the knowledge that in her last years she was given excellent and loving care, so personal and caring. She was always treated with dignity.

Thank you with all my heart.

-Grace Kopec

Please give to Copernicus Lodge Foundation:Please give to Copernicus Lodge Foundation:Telephone: (416) 536-7122 ext. 252 E-mail: [email protected]

In person: Rm 167A Long Term Care building