Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost Ana Mladenovič, Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije

Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

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Page 1: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Ana Mladenovič, Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije

Page 2: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Vsebina predstavitve


Rušenje objektov: vpliv na kakovost agregata

Nevarne snovi

Vrste in preiskave recikliranega agregata

Reciklirani agregati v betonu


Page 3: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.


Eden od osnovnih materialov v gradbeništvu.

Delež agregata:

80 % v betonu

90 % v asfaltu

100 % v nevezanih plasteh.

Svetovna poraba: 95 % naravnih in 5 % alternativnih.

Page 4: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.


Agregat je:

zrnat material, ki se uporablja pri gradnji.

Agregati so lahko:

• naravni

• umetni

• reciklirani

Page 5: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Naravni agregat: Agregat mineralnega izvora, ki je bil le mehansko predelan.

Page 6: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Naravni agregat

Page 7: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Umetni agregat: Agregat mineralnega izvora, pripravljen v industrijskem procesu, pod

vplivom toplotnih ali drugačnih sprememb.

8/11 mm

Proizvodnja agregata

Page 8: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Reciklirani agregat: Agregat, ki nastane s

predelavo neorganskega materiala, ki je bil pred tem že vgrajen.

Page 9: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Reciklirani agregat = agregat iz gradbenih ruševin

Page 10: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Vsebina predstavitve


Rušenje objektov: vpliv na kakovost agregata

Nevarne snovi

Vrste in preiskave recikliranega agregata

Reciklirani agregati v betonu


Page 11: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Kakršne ruševine - takšen agregat?

Načeloma da, ……

ampak …..

le do določene mere!

Page 12: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Kakršno rušenje - takšen agregat!

Nič komplicirati

Selektivno rušenje

Več pristopov

Page 13: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Nič komplicirati

Page 14: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Nič komplicirati

Page 15: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Pristop: nekaj vmes

Page 16: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Selektivno rušenje

Page 17: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Zakaj je selektivno rušenje nujno?

1. zaradi zdravja ljudi in okolja

2. zaradi boljše kakovosti materialov

Popis in evidentiranje materialov pred rušenjem!

Page 18: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Vsebina predstavitve


Rušenje objektov: vpliv na kakovost agregata

Nevarne snovi

Vrste in preiskave recikliranega agregata

Reciklirani agregati v betonu


Page 19: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

V stavbi so lahko nevarni materiali!

• Azbest (tudi druga vlakna)

• Policiklični aromatski ogljikovodiki (PAH), npr. katran

• Poliklorirani bifenili (PCB)

• Mineralna olja, Pb barve

• Onesnaženje zaradi preteklih aktivnosti.

Page 20: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Azbest – od magičnega do nevarnega materiala

Page 21: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Zakaj je azbest nevaren?

Ko vlakno zaide v pljuča, do konca življenja draži mesto, kjer je zapičeno. Telesna tekočina ga ne raztopi.

Page 22: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Lucy Deane piše leta 1898:

Page 23: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Lucy Deane piše leta 1898:

• Škodljivi učinek azbesta je bil raziskan s pomočjo mikroskopa. To je naredil medicinski inšpektor.

• Vidi se nazobčana, steklu podobna oblika vlaken, če so v zraku v kakršnikoli količini, je učinek škodljiv.

Page 24: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Azbest - prepoved 107 let po prvem opozorilu!

• Direktiva 1999/77/ES prepoveduje vsako uporabo azbesta od 1. januarja 2005.

• Direktiva 2003/18/ES1 prepoveduje pridobivanje azbesta ter proizvodnjo in predelavo azbestnih izdelkov.

• Problem izpostavljenosti azbestu ostaja pri postopkih odstranjevanja, rušenja in vzdrževanja.

Page 25: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.


• Uredba (Ur.l.RS, št. 49/2001) ukinja proizvodnjo, promet in uporabo azbesta in azbestnih izdelkov z začetkom leta 2003.

• Uporaba izdelkov, ki so bili na dan uveljavitve Uredbe (28.06.2001) že v uporabi, ni prepovedana!

• Rok za odstranitev azbesta ni določen!

Page 26: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Namen predstavljenih dejstev ni vzbujanje panike!

Potrebno se je zavedati, da je:

- azbest zdravju škodljv,

- še vedno prisoten v številnih zgradbah,

- izpostavljenosti delavcev azbestnemu prahu se je možno izogniti le z doslednim upoštevanjem varnostnih ukrepov,

- potrebno odgovorno ravnanje na vseh nivojih.

Page 27: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Praksa v Sloveniji

Page 28: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Asfaltni rezkanec s katranom (presežena vrednost PAH)

Page 29: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Onesnaženje zaradi preteklih aktivnosti

Page 30: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Vsebina predstavitve


Rušenje objektov: vpliv na kakovost agregata

Nevarne snovi

Vrste in preiskave recikliranega agregata

Reciklirani agregati v betonu


Page 31: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Zakaj je selektivno rušenje nujno?

1. zaradi zdravja ljudi in okolja

2. zaradi boljše kakovosti materialov

Page 32: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Predelava v agregat

Page 33: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Reciklirani agregat

Page 34: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Reciklirani agregat

Če je ob rušenju stavbe material pravilno selekcioniran in pravilno predelan v agregat, je ta enakovreden naravnemu agregatu.

Isti standardi in potrjevanje skladnosti kot za naravni agregat.

Page 35: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.


Direktiva o gradbenih proizvodih (CD 89/106/EEC): gradbeni proizvod je vsak proizvod, ki je na trajen način vgrajen v objekt. 8 harmoniziranih standardov za agregate Relevantni: • SIST EN 12620, Agregati za beton • SIST EN 13043, Agregati za bitumenske zmesi in površinske

prevleke za ceste, letališča in druge prometne površine • SIST EN 13242, Agregati za nevezane in hidravlično vezane

materiale za uporabo v inženirskih objektih in za gradnjo cest

Page 36: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

• Standardi ne podajajo zahtev za kakovost agregata!

• Preiskave samo omogočajo, da se pridobi informacija o tem, kakšen je določen proizvod.

Page 37: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Potrjevanje skladnosti agregata

Dva sistema potrjevanja skladnosti:

Sistem 2+, kadar so zahteve za varnost visoke

(Certifikat proizvodnje, Izjava o skladnosti,

Oznaka CE)

Sistem 4, kadar so zahteve za varnost nizke

(Izjava o skladnosti, Oznaka CE)

Page 38: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Oznaka CE

Oznaka CE je le informacija o tem, kakšne so lastnosti proizvoda.

Ni dokaz, da agregat ustreza za določen namen!

Kriterije podajajo npr. projekt ali tehnične specifikacije.

Page 39: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Zahteve za agregat

• odporen na atmosferske vplive in antropogeno onesnaževanje,

• odporen proti mehanskim obremenitvam,

• ustrezna zrnavost, ki mu zagotavlja dobre nosilne in filtrne lastnosti.

Page 40: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

• Reciklirani agregati so heterogeni po sestavi, kakovost zelo variira.

• Visokokakovostni, po meri narejeni kompoziti so redki.

• Tehnike, ki bi lahko izboljšale kakovost (npr. pranje, magneti, zračni curek,) se praktično ne uporabljajo.

Trenutna kakovost

Page 41: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Možna uporaba

• Enostavni, dinamično neobremenjeni nasipi/zasipi, kjer so nizke zahteve za varnost.

• Nevezane in hidravlično vezane plasti v cestogradnji

• Betoni

Page 42: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Recikliran betonski agregat vs. naravni agregat v cestni konstrukciji

Page 43: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Recikliran betonski agregat vs. naravni agregat v cestni konstrukciji

• Manjša občutljivost za vlago.

• Manjše deformacije plasti.

• Višji modul elastičnosti.

• Boljše dolgoročno obnašanje v danih pogojih okolja.

• Okoljska inertnost.

Page 44: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Dva razloga


Zrnavostna sestava omogoča uravnoteženo polnjenje praznin.

Struktura nevezane plasti je zato kompaktna in odporna na obremenitve.

Page 45: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.


Zaradi ostankov nehidratiziranega portlandskega klinkerja je v kompozitu vezivni potencial, ki se počasi sprošča.

Page 46: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Možna uporaba

• Enostavni, dinamično neobremenjeni nasipi/zasipi, kjer so nizke zahteve za varnost.

• Nevezane in hidravlično vezane plasti v cestogradnji

• Betoni

Page 47: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Page 48: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Beton - nekaj dejstev

• Največja poraba od vseh gradbenih materialov, takoj za vodo.

• Prednosti: nizka cena, visoka trdnost in trajnost, velika možnost obdelave.

• 1 kubični meter na prebivalca letno.

• Več kot 70 % prebivalstva živi v betonskih zgradbah.

• Ni videti, da bi se to v bližnji prihodnost spremenilo.

Page 49: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Problem je cement

Page 50: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Svetovna proizvodnja cementa:

• 3.6 milijard ton na leto • energijsko zahtevna • 1 tona cementa generira 1 tono CO2 • 7 % svetovnih emisij.

Page 51: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Eno mlado drevo lahko porabi na leto

samo 2 kg CO2

Page 52: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Izzivi/ perspektive Beton mora postati zelen!

Page 53: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Izzivi/ perspektive Beton mora postati zelen!

Modifikacija veziva:

- Alternativna veziva na osnovi odpadkov (pepeli, žlindre, mulji)

- Aplikacija nanodelcev v matrico (s tem se poveča trdnost, zmanjša potrebna masa).

Page 54: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Izzivi/ perspektive Beton mora postati zelen!

Alternativni agregati :

na osnovi odpadkov

Page 55: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Izzivi/ perspektive Beton mora postati zelen!

Zahteva: enaka funkcionalnost in trajnost kot konvencionalni

(ali boljša).

Page 56: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Isawijev Zakon o napredku


O poti k napredku: Bližnjica je najdaljša razdalja med dvema točkama.

Page 57: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Page 58: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Reciklirani betonski agregat

• Povečano vpijanje

• Manjša prostorninska masa (2000 – 2500 kg/m3)

• Manjša odpornost na abrazijo

• Nečistoče

• Dvojni stik (nižja zgodnja trdnost)

Page 59: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Reciklirani betonski agregat

Betonski kompozit

• Variacije v konsistenci (potrebno več vode)

• Nižja trdnost (dvojni stik)

• Nižji modul elastičnosti

• Večje krčenje

• Večja permeabilnost

• Manjša odpornost na zmrzovanje

Page 60: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Mofidifikacije sestave in tehnologije mešanja

Možno je proizvesti beton sprejemljive kakovosti.

• dve fazi mešanja

• uporaba superplastifikatorjev

Page 61: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Mikrotomografija - kakovost in stanje stika

Page 62: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Hidratacija veziva v betonu

Page 63: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Zeleni beton

Page 64: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Zeleni beton

Page 65: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Vsebina predstavitve


Rušenje objektov: vpliv na kakovost agregata

Nevarne snovi

Vrste in preiskave recikliranega agregata

Reciklirani agregati v betonu


Page 66: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Koncept trajnostnega razvoja v gradbeništvu

Sedanja generacija naj živi tako, da bodo tistim, ki prihajajo za nami, omogočene podobne življenjske razmere in da jim bomo zapustili minimalno degradirano okolje.

Odpadki so surovina.

Page 67: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Izvor/ime materiala ni pomembno!

Kar šteje, so lastnosti in rezultati!

Page 68: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Odpadek = surovina

Velik sinergističen efekt je možno doseči zlasti na področju gradbeništva: vezanih kompozitov!

Zakaj? Ker je možno porabiti velike količine odpadkov. Ker imajo novi kompoziti pogosto boljše lastnosti. Ker se strupene komponente trajno imobilizirajo.

Druge prednosti: nižje CO2 emisije, prihranek energije, ohranjanje naravnih virov, …

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Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Gradbeni odpadki

EU Direktiva o odpadkih 2008/98/EC zahteva bolj učinkovito recikliranje.

Eksplicitno za gradbene odpadke: 70 % do 2020.

Stopnja recikliranja v Sloveniji: 20 % ?

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Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Situacija v Sloveniji Stopnja recikliranja je nizka.

•Naravne surovine: v obilju, cenene.

•Deponije na razpolago, tudi nelegalno odlaganje.

• Pomanjkanje znanja in volje uporabljati odpadke.

•Administrativne procedure so komplicirane.

• Ljudje v resnici še niso pripoznali: odpadek je surovina.

• Ljudje ne sprejemajo strokovnih dejstev / raje imajo polresnice in domneve.

•Mediji poročajo katastrofično, senzacionalistično, manipulistično.

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Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Tehnični razlogi

Manjka holističen pristop v celotni verigi, od rušenja do končen uporabe!

•Predrušitvena ocena je slaba (detekcija nevarnih, kontaminiranih materialov, tudi predmetov, ki imajo “re-use” vrednost ).

•Rušenje je takšno, da ne daje kakovostnih materialov (prevelika heterogenost).

•Aplikacijo odpadkov v gradbenih kompozitih je potrebno validirati začetni stroški so višji stališče “to se ne izplača“.

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Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry. Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Kako intenzivirati uporabo?

• Izobraževanje odločevalcev in projektantov

• Pospeševanje v okviru zelenih javnih naročil.

• Sankcioniranje ilegalnega odlaganja in plenjenja naravnih virov.

• Dvig motivacije in zavedanja laične javnosti:

- uporaba odpadkov je priložnost in potreba,

- odpadki so odlična surovina za potrebe gradbeništva,

- ob korektni uporabi ne obremenjujejo okolja,

- zmanjša se potreba po energiji in naravnih surovinah.

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Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Kakovost Življenjska doba Funkcionalnost Reciklabilnost

Cena Izpusti CO2 Poraba energije

Ali znamo najti ravnotežje?

Page 74: Mladenovič A. – Reciklirani agregati – lastnosti in uporabnost

Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry.

Kdaj? Kako?


(not in my backyard)


(yes, in my backyard)