5 5S! 0k Mil Dlrcer OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. f he tmmt FISHBURN & SCHOMAKER Ost O. . I. ft MR Tali I.E. Albany dtntlou. . General Agents for IRON TRIBUNE AND BUCKEYE ENGINES. ft jSfrfeggoi FORGE PUMP Wftrke tftftUf tbrows ) n aluat- - Rtream. II b m I'orelHin al lluLlder ! easily set. In Che eheBpeet Bad tho beat Foree Panap Its the world lor deep er Mtt allow Thousands la as ia every part ol the In! ted Wtsttes. ever frees la the winter. dead lor ei rr f- ilar aad prlees. WOOD PUMPS. IIOSK 8A. Iways on nand ami furnished to order. PIPiM AND FITTINGS OF AM. Kl sfn ii u promi uy awenuea to oy eauresmng a s or centos; at oar place erbastoessoo ate Street, between Commercial snd Fronttaiesn, Oregon. JULIUS QRADWOHL Uaa fh only czelaaJte sleek ef CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHIRA WARE i Large Assortment of Bab; Carriages, 0 And a Choice Selecton of Ceffee, Tea and Sugar, ONE DOZEN CUPS AND 6AUCER8 81.00. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIH. TBE HIGHEST MARKET I1( E PAIB FOB EGS. Remember! What 1 8a; I lean. Sire le a CalL 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- - HO mi 4 PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS -- AND DRALKRM IN A rrtvft Is fftt Bfseeassrv, 7l MO Geary at,, Ban Traaouw 04 4 CC O and Surarawoa raeular srsUuates. Um m The Obtest saectallsts in tat r United atates, Ufe-Wn- g sapertenes, Jfj perfect atethud and pure medietas. insure stieedr aad tisnnsnsnl eures JK Df sU lTitmts, Chronic and Nervuus mm Pftsssss. asesUeatef the Meet, Kkin, Ksaneys, Hledder, Eruption, flows, OM Sores, Swelling ut the (itaiiUs, Mors Mouth. Throat Unns liviiuuernumenl'.v cunwl ami onull gated from the system tortus. M H IOI A IWbUlUr. Intputeticy, Beminsa umsbs. Sexual Decay, nee Wa lal and l'hsrcal Wsaknsas, Km ling Memory. Weak Ky us. Htunled Dv o vskmtttenWtmnedimsttU to Marriage Q u, tram excess or l toUlse, m or my cause, I saisly and privaiety eured. eC eaaa. Mtstslle-Ace-el ami ow art iiion. sua an wee neea meatau skui 2 aad experience, consult the aid 2 lureesaa hmu at eaea His opinion ewte nothing, and may ss.ee future mlssry and sbsmo. When imioaveruent to visit the etty for treaUuent. medicines can be seat siren where by . imn ohserratton. it is ssu-sviae- vnai ofldisss2sVudar rrea skill, sad physielsas through Ai Acnlt asses te the sldss spscialtsS. by whon srery Milutlnufl Irtm and uucnuai, V4sss .i.uk wm tailed in obtaiuiutf relief sate where esneo un. ibabd. Female diseases sueesssfully treated. in.; ZZ.r .ill r to forfsit LO0O for a case un rteAea7aot eared. Call or write. Moure, daily .from a. m. tot mm.. to I ISSSP Li,? ,... IS nl. aMu HW UW BWHUnW WWW W sent tree. Address as shove tt UKMC'ltl Weadcrfal Cerasaa la viXarair nraveatsall Uunatural Losses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the mueclse. eaecks the waete, invtgoratee tfas whole system, and restores the aSucteu to usaita ana nnptunesa. The reason so rosny oanaot get cored of Rereiaal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com- plication, called ProUtorrbea with Mypermethesta, which requires pecuUsr treatment. Dr. Liebuja the only positive cure for Prustatorrhea, with peculiar ireeUasut, used at the Usbig Dlipsnssn rSee aff lavtgarater, e. Case of tlx bottles $10. Rent to any address, covered securely from ob- servation . Most powerful electric belts free to patients. . IO prove wmm auaiieiw i v .'v. I A Wt sWttte tavern ar aeal Vrre. Oonealtetion free and private. Call or address UUtIC, DtttPKMRAsXT. sou Ueary Street, Rea Francisco, Cal. Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, tour bio. ks up Geary Street from Kearney. Main entrance through Pispensary Drug Store. DR. ALLEN'S rSUTATK set Kearny Mrwl, Cat.. EsTASuaaaa roa tea Scrmmnc sse RT ft as or Caaojnc, Hsavocs a Rractat THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, ALLEN, AS IS WELL KNOWN. IS A REO DR. gradaased rayatrisa, lianiliil at Bosrdota ano v. Diversity or Jttcmgan. ns nasaevmen to tee study er aau tsasaaeaiedgea to oe xpert etadeat ta has specialty on toe IV ciac Cos. en, who sre suffsring trom the 'years, nervous aad phystosTdettnty, I aversion to society, desssaatoae toes, lose of entr,- - and wnaiary. bag, ate, ggj smiilni ths Doctor has a Tsgstabls Ooav tha result of many veu vf saeetol nraettoe saa study, which under ale srwctol advtos has never tailed of soBcsm to the OTTS of Ut Manhood, proeta- - torrbaa, etc. MY Ha vine l.cea in charge of two lsading buepitai) s .ables me to iri all private troub with ezeeUeul resulU. 1 lah tt dtottoetiv BBSS Stood that I do u.,t v to perform uapaeatbittise, or to have miraculous or supernatural power, i essaa only to be a skillful sad successful Fbyeictoa aad argsaa, ksrsahly afanaassa say specialty BtSBAaBS MAM. Al Saafe tog to mc v.Ul receive my t.pn Isa of their 1 siinls mi sxsssraasaatos:. I I WlitgV antes a positive care to every ease 1 aadertaks, or forfeit tl. ooo. Ooasadtattoa uoStoser by lettor nee aad strictly private. Charges reesnaehls. Tberoeah emmtwattoa, tactadtoar ehsenicsl aad mlsrinmpltsl assdystsef artoe and advise, ga. Ofaee hours to S daily, to s svsniag. Seadiy 9 to 11. Call on or address CaL PATEKTS Obtained, and all other benfoees to the U. . Patent Oatosatteadsded to lor amderato fees. Our office is opposrt the U.S. Patsat Office, sad w can obtain Patents less time than those remote from Wssatogtoe. sad medfs or drawing'. We sdvto as to ability free of chargs ;and wemakeno thargs we rmsin patent. We rsfor here, to the Post timet si. the SopC of Money Order Div. aad to officials of theC. S Patent Offlec. For circular, ad wee, terms, aad efsreeete oacPBaleUaSjteto your own State or county, addreesi C, A. M'OW&COe OPpedte Patent Office, Washington, D . "HEALTH AND HOME." Fort Chester I. Y. CIRCULATION 63,000.: Edited by W. H. HALE, If, D This is large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining ta health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, bints en health, dietetics, and every realm ar modern science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy. Subscription Price 50 cts, Per Tear. Address DR. W. H. HALE, ' Health and Home." Port Cheater, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to everv subscriber f the Democrat who pays up or in advance. OF ANOTHER ACE. (.ruduallv Supplanted by a Better Article Certain Old Times are Boar Away. In the eeneral retention ,m i,f the Western Union Teles-rao- h buiidiuir on roadwav. New Yoik. are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru- ments of the toancy of the telegraph. They ars onij reiics wrw. store perfect machinery has super seded them. Yearn ago what is styled th old fashioned porous Plaster did some good service. There was then notb log better of the kind. Now all that has cheneed. Science and stuoy have gone deeper into the secrets of medicine ana nrodnmd KKNstiN'S capcnre par. OU8 PLASTER, which embodies all the excellencies wi us jar possible in an external remedy. Ths old plasters are slo- w- the Capcine is rapid ; they were uueevisan saw vapcrae is sure. Uheaper articles near similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some tnruty druggist does not deceive you. Price k cents. fcbury A Johnson, Chemist, Hew York. Quimty House. QUI1BY & HEESEY, Proprietors. Cor.4tb stssd C. Sts., I'ort land Or OF THE FINEST AND MOST ONE hotels in Oregon. Conduct ed Doth bj American and European plans ah tne moaern improvements, 140 nod rooms, well furnished, liaht, and wel ventlla ted. Firat-c- l s r t ltu a barber shp. An rrt',ti it latest ooo veal eno. A OB IHiStK FeB hl'BhCKl KEKM. To every subsoriber to the Democrat who pays rjp his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we wui have sent to him the "Health snd Homey one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eight page, forty column, monthly pap, and isfnll excellent reading matter. A copy may seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, ete. This affords our subscribers a chance to a good paper for nothing. Those de-airi- ng the paper sent to them will please Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, P . a Candies Nuts and Tropical Fruits. f AlUtlLKTS Master Im tho tlrao when the boos ire expected to cackle a round -d- eity. The Sultan of Morocco bss ft thous and wives. He has boon very heart- sick a great many times, but alwsys re-wi- ved. "Ob, my!" exclaimed little Edith, upon her first entranee Into the roller- - skating rink ; ''they're all on casters, ain't they?" "We've got to draw the line some where," remarks the chairman of the vigilantes as be tucked tho knot un der the horse-thie- f's left ear. When a(Ciothlng shop gets on fire some of the clerks spring over coat, and Bonve fall over coats, end nearly every one psn's wnen he gets out. A drinking man upon reading In a novel that the heroine's beautiful face "colored with pleasure," remarked : "Now I now what's the matter with my nose." James, who was trying to sew new button on his coat, murmured: "They i sayljhere's ft newjyackt that makes fifteen mites an hour, but this thread makes twenty knots a min- ute." "It la ground hog day again,! see," remarked tbe red-bead- ed boarder, casting his eye over the break fast-- ta bio. "Why, no It isn't," contradic ted a fly telegraph operator. "Then what Is tbat saussge doing there!' rejoined tbe rod-hea- ded boarder. "lfy aoo," remsrxed a father," what do you pay for those cigars? " 'Twelve dollars a box" the young man replied, "and they are cheap at that. Try onef "No," aald the old man, "I can't afford to smoke such expensive cigars. I am compelled to get along on two-for-flver- s." "I'm sorry.fsth-er,"th- e young hopeful responded, with some compassion, "but you tee you have mother and me to support." "Maroms," said a small boy, "do you believe everything papft asys?' "Of course my child, ' replied the mother, with wifely pride. "Everything mmame?" "Tee, deer everything. "WeB I don't." "Hush, you wicked bo ; yon mustn't talk so. What did your pa- pa everjsay that you couldn't believer "You know that widow on the next square, who alwsys looks so our at us boys?" "You meao tbat pretty Mrs. Bon-ton- ?" "Hbe's the one. I beard pape tell her yesterday that she was the sweet-ea- t woman In town, and then he gave her bunch of flowers, and It made me so ashamed to hear him tell ss)eh story tbat I ran away and wouldn't let him know I bsd caught bim In it." "Tbat will do, my child," aald the mother, with a peculiar look in her gentle face, "run out end play and I win tell your father when he comes In that be must be particular not to destroy his son's confidence In bis ver- acity." TfJB BBW YBBft UBsVS BBW TOT. The fan h loo able girl has a new toy She baa taken to live dolls, She plays with burrowed babies. She expresses the motherly Instinct quite abnormal. ly. If we concede that what she does Is spontaneous. Her areatest present delight Is to get possession of n pretty Infant and subject it to such extravagances of fondling and adorn ment as will serve the purpose of frivotty. When she-driv- es in a vil lage can mrougb Central park a nurse-ma- id sits beside her to hold tbe little pet. When he goes shopping the servant carries tbe baby from the carriage to atore nod back again. When called upon in her own resi dence, she Is found with tbe cttlld in her coddtingfjgrras. Nothiog in the freakish line of girlish diversion has ever taken a more sudden hold on passing fancy. Ot curse, pretty ba- bies are In urgent demand. Wherever one exists, thj family is disturbed by the competition between sisters, cous ins and aunts to get posesslon. And if no baby in blood relationship can "be procurred, tbe eager young mother by-bre-vet does not hesitate to procure one from among the offspring of some poor and obliging woman. The ward robes which accompany this indul gence in alive playthings.are wonders of beauty, taste end cost. . SB S.. A traveler In South America de- scribes a very unpleasant spider that lives there: When a person pasaea near one It starts up and gives chase, and will often follow for a distance of thirty or forty yards I came once very nearly being bitten by ono of these savage creatures. Hiding at an easy trot over the dry grass I sudden- ly observed o spider pursuing me, leaping wlftly along and keeping up with my beast. I aimed a blow with my whip, and the point of the lash struck tbe ground close to it, when it Instantly leaped upon and ran up the lash, and was actually within three or four luches of my hand when I flung the whip from me. P SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul. tivatlon. 10 acres slashed and sown to rass. Comfortable dwell lag, good eutheuses. Cheap. Inquire at tfaas F OR SALE, Good farm 12 mileii southeast of lahansa 160 sores. 60 seres timothy and dorer meadow. 60 wheat lead ia oaltirattise. We, watered, Call on W Id PhiJJipsen the'eiaee U. P. Church. -- PriqTr3r 8Ahbth, Rev, & Q. D at i 1 a. m., and 7mi by riae, P. D. Sabbath Sehooi at 5:80 r. M rayer meeting every Wstosesday evening. Evaso klical Causca Preaching on Sab-Wt- h at 11 a. and 7 ft. Sabbath School 12:16. Prayer masting every Thure. day evening. J. A. HoUeabaugh, pastor. iita rkuation at. Ch n rch. Services every Sabbath at 11 A it. and 8 Ml Sabbath School st Itallv Prayoc meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Chcrch, South. Servioee hold every second and fourth Sabbatha in each UJOta as os. nan m. m. vuui.u, iSoeth. at 11 a. M. Sabbath School at M M r. k. harp. Prayer meeting every Thure-da-y evenng. C. H. Canon, peetor. M. E. Cuuhcil Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 74 P. M. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School U 2.30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thnre-da-y eveniag. lie v. M. Judy, paator. Presbytkkiam Chukck. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in ChurcU cor. Broadalbiu and Path Ste. Sunday School at 2:30 u, iu. Prayer meeting every Thursday ov?ning, Mov. Isaac H. Gondii pastor. Ciuturtaft Church. Preaching every Sab-- oath at V. C. T. U. Hall.at 11 a. H. A 7:3H r M. Sunday School at half peat 2 o'clock r. m. Kev J T Floyd, pastoi. First Baptist Church. Preaching every flshhsth at 11 o'olocfe am.. at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveeinjz at 7:30 o'clock. T U Browuson, paator. Tfce areat streaafa teal C reatsdy ana nerve m ,i mc w UMtariUBMfts re-- o.uii of over trty ysars practical espsrtcaos, by imiMtllf at tuns, i istA tilt raiaicuLMet m Mine slehssr ssss h-c- oolktes la Kurope, rod cares wlU unteUIOK rani l"e.tanyr Servos im physical dsbUUjr, semi a - weaae t m poteaev rtbality, pre mature dechue anu loss manhood in all its compliest ions and from TTT eaase produced. It earicbss and portRss the Mood st rengtheas the aerrse, brain, maselee, dJaesnon, ortrsn and physical and mental any aaaataraL iiewllr,fag drain apoa the .Uteat ruogvoWry debihtaring dresjaal esminsJ leases with the urine, etc.. so sad body, It ki a sure eUsataator of all kidney aad bladder coserdstnls It ostiums no i.oirn. fMNSsm. To Utoassagwrinsrfrom the em effets of youthful irKliscrstioas, jsseesdy, Uwr. each aad pennaaeat oure is OUARAJKTKJIU, Mas I 250 per botUs, or five bottles la case. wttR roil aad advice, $10. Sent secure from obserra-sto-a to any address upon receipt of price, orCttC, to be bsd only of DR. C D. SALFIELD, tie Kearaey at, Saa FraacBee, at. Consultations strictly confidential by letter oral sfsW FRKE. For the convenience of patients aad in seder to Insure perfect secrecy I have sddoptsd a pri- vate address under which all packages ars lui asssTsa. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. to snow its merits, srtll be sent to any , one applying by letter, stating his symptoms and age. Commnntrations strictly oenfideatisl, Dr. SPIMEY, NO. U KEARNY ST. Treat all Chronic YOXJ1VQ- - MEN eSTctsof vecaafal tofflss er hukmetian. will o well to avail iheniesfwe of this, tltesrssluot booa ever hud at the altar ef ntlwlsa humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to fcrfsttgeiOffta every e Sasssaaia weakness or psivats diseasa of any ktad or earmcuir whk he anderiakss aad failg to cars. HlDBU-liE- S IE. Thar ars many a, ths age ef thirty-- . te sixty often accompanied by a tie and a vesAening of the e oatient cannot scoooaS Sue. extaaary deansite a ropy escmaeat wifl oftsa be sad eranetiaiee small particles of albumen will r the color will ta of a thin mfleish has, ssrsin caenf isr; to a dark aad torpid appearance. There are many saea who die of thts difficulty ignorant of the eaase, which is the seened stage of anrainal wesknsss Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect care in all each eases, aad beahhy restoration of the geedto-orum- ry ergmna. Omci Hocaa 10 to 4 aad to a. Soadaysfrosa 10 toll a. a. OuusaMsRaai lias Taareaga eamrsattor d advice. SB. For private flseaassaf short standing a full iiifii iin sufficient for a care, with all it ill be snt to any address on receipt of tlO 00. Csil ut addresa, ML SrUSBIst CO., 71 No. 11 Kearny St. 8sri Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DB, GIBBON'S Dispensary. f.)Q sULASfJfT ST., U40 eomer of Commer- - cnti-Suee- San Francisco. laSsblisfiiil to 18S4, for the tosatoseet.ef Sexsad and Stmisal diseases, sues Cleet, Atrictare,AypblIta in al f orme, laapoiearr Seaalauti Wcekaeaa, night losses by dreams, pirn pies oa the face and toss of manhood can positively as cared. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call open him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Earope, and inspected thoroughly the various noajaV tola there, obtainis? a giaat deal of valuable informa- tion, which he is competent to impart to those to ased of his service. DR. GDJIKMi will make no charge unless be effect a cure, fersons at a distance MAI BE Ct BED AT BOSE. All cot tnumcnaons trictiy oonfidentiaL You see no one bn the Dcetor. Send ten dollars tor a package ef medicine. Poisons writing to the Doctor will pteaae state the name of the paper they see this advertisement to. Charges e. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 19a7, ban Fnuicwco. The Doctor cures when othsrt fail. Try him. rUa43 The (ireal English Kerne-- never faiUutr curs for roue Debility, oetninal WEST . w aases, Kxhausted Vi-- r, HSk L. gggMBk Bpenastorrhcea, LesaT MAftMCtOB, lav jttucy, Faralysts, and all .trie effects of Hett-- I abcte.'yobthful fulliesaad cttt id MiSturer yesrs- - ss loss of Memory. iMRSXagglLas b tude, ICmission, Aver- - to Society. Dimness of ffggtogsasTl 'sgggMagggfiSS Vision, Noise in the Head; the vital fluid passing- imobservsd into the crins, ami many other diseases lsading to insanity ami death. SB. WIVTUE will agree to forfeit I ive U sued red Ballars for a case of this kind the Vital sTeslara UTeiunaer his pecial advice ard UssaamSe wo1 not ears or l'r anythinif impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases successfully wiinout mercury. uonsuitation tree. Thorousrh ex ami nation ami advice including anahsisof urine. Sn Price of Viud Keetortive,$l.50 a bottle, or four Times Uie quantity sent to any address open receipt of iHiix itks. j. u, secure trom oijservat.wn and In pst-va- te If desired, by DR. A. E. M1NT1K, 11 Kearney orce, ixui t rancisco, ual. Sample rx,ttle free. Sent on application by letter etettng symptom, sea and age. Communications Strictly conn Initial. Dr, Mintte's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, enres hi aiuu 01 Kiuncy ana oisauer cumplaints.g-ooorffla- , deet, leouchorrhoia. For sale by all druggists gl a some or six 'Kjttiea forgo. Dr. Mitit: f Danielion Pills are the best snd cheap- est Dyspe)su and Kilious cure in the maiket. For ate lv ail dnitrfists. for the working class nena 10 cents for postage. snl we will mail free, a roval valuable ho of temple goods that will put vou In the way of "mak- - iug m Dioney lu a lew daye ttian you ever th possible at any business. Capital not required will start you. You can work all the time or in wine omy. ine work is universally adopted to oom sexes, young ana old. You can easily tW cents to So every evening. That all who want wont may usst tne buisinesa.we make tbis unparapllel-e- d oJer ; to all who are not well satisfied we will end 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free, Fortunes will be made by tnewe who give their whole time to the work. Grat success absolutely luie. Don't delay. Bart now. Address Stiksom A Co., Portland, afaine. D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet of be SXJBSOBIPTI03ST get San ImtSm&k Patronise men who advsrtiss. They ars stive, Thsy msan business. They sppreclate the uswtpspsr. Thsy are the men te deal with. Following la a list of the Dsuotsat'i adrsrtlssrs this week, In Albany. Call on thriu ; General MereliandlseM K Younir. Montsitti Jk SetUnbat b, N U Alien, A 11 Moll wain . urooeriee Hoamait a .loseidi, frank iieati, linHompitU l'er A HUin. W 11 Ooltra, 8 S Younir. J t.radwohl. Hardwaiw-i- Vt rs A atcwart, J Otadwohl. Clutblmr - t, KUIsin. Drugs Fositay A Mason. KW Utnxdon end t!o. . Areblc I'rusltaw. levee end Tinware John Brlggs. KumUurs - n Woodiu, Urink and Don. Clialrs I. i'utnsm. MlltUierv Kiniu Mohubsrt. M iiti. AUL.m. Mattis KOster. Reds Works Ituffinm sod Joseph. Iron Work Chsrrv and Parkus. A K Cltsirv and - - w w on. Marble Work A Sulger, ti W II vrrla. flour- - Red Crown Mills, Magnolia Mills. Lumber-Alba- ny Raw Mill. Tobacco, Kttlvss, etc. -- Ram Cohsu. MeeUt 8 Roberts. Hotel-Rev- ere House. Heniaurant Jss Matiy . Polish It K st too. Hhavs or Hair Cut L Campcau, Jos. Webber. iuuury-ts- sn wa v tng. Legal Ad v toe K s Jt.powell nod lUtysU. J K ........ .. eatJMrferd. J i J Whltnsv. I 11 t Medical Advieo O W klsalea. J f Wallaos, M il Kilts, J W and Mary T Cole. FALL AND WINTER STYLES -- OF HATS, BONNETS, BT0., In all the great varieties ef designs, just from Hew York City. AT Mattie Allison's IJuat eaai of S. E. Yooox'a. If you would make your selections of millinery from a complete and first-ala- ss stock call on her, fflBaaaBBBai KHI "'aaevr''"'! JsT JH LgsflsaHsCBal m - ' wtUEHk Sea Lion Silver Polisb. This polish is manufactured from sab marine Tgsggtia subatancea and will not mark or scratch the softeat metal For cieanlnic aad noltohixur nam ntoiarl m jewelrv and glass, we cballenm the world ror its equal. Nam pie boxes sent b.v mall for 25 cento, liberal discount tr agents and wholesale dealers. Add H. KEIVTOTV, Albany, Orogts. 0 9 MADY'S V a 5 10 Lunch House Restaurant, 3 si Two doore Egtet ar 9Jd Fellow Temple, a.3 ALBANY, OREGON MEALS IT ILL I0CIS 1M9 St 42 ALL PRICES. aw Eatera, hfaoal water and 2 i aquiua Hay Oysters. s 1 A WAYS ON HAND a TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Trinmph of the Agel SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iss of aepstUc, Bewele costive, Pal. the heaa, with a stall aeaeatloa la gee etetf aart, Fala assler the shealder. araiiaeaa alter eattas. with ad " .r bear ersBtae, lrJitTUtIfm99t' Xjmm ealrtta, with a feellas ef harlag aesleeted aease 4a t r. WeariMSS, Olaztaeae, Ftatteriac at the Heart, Dote before the area, Hoaeaehe V?r, 'Uht eye, Reetleeeaeee, with fltfal dreams. Ulshly colored I riae, aad CONSTIPATION. TtTTT'M PIXX.9 are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of feel lag as to astonish the sufferer. aterBrriahed.and bythtirTonte Jetton oa HAIR OYE. Gbat Haib or Wbisxsrs changed to ft Oijossr Klaci by ft single application of thisDre. It imparts a natoraf eolor, acta instantaneonsly. Bold by Druggtou, or sent by express on receiptor !? 4 Office, 44 Murray St. , New York. Executor's Notice. Notice la hereby given that the under signed has this day been appointed Ex ecutor or the last will and testament of zeruan jb. opp, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon, by the County Court of said Linn county. All persons having i.iim againet saiu estate are nereoy no-s- ix tified te present the . same within ..ti Sft" a. s m iuuui.ua irom mis oate to the undersign ed a, uim ibiuuw) m oaeuus ouuion. nn county, Oregon or at the office of Weatn- - errora & iiiacktmrTi in Albany, Oregon. October 6th, 184. F, A. Watts, Executor, WKATHT5RFORD fc BLACK HUB IV, Atty's for Executor. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE -- AT- PALMER 8t REY'S ADVERTISING BUREAU! 405-- 7 Son some San Francisco. AND AT PALMER & REY'S Pacific States AdveiiMig Bureau! 46 Tribune Building, NEWYOEK. Where Aflvertisinpc Contracts can be made. apUTLERY. The best line of cutlery in the valley can be found at our store. It embraces pocket knives, table knives, forks and spoons. butcher knives, hunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors of all kinds. and the best line of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and see for your selves. Tbtf.oh a Stewart. lKr ART I HK Off THAU. sotfss seam. ALtlANf KXPnESS Dsnsrts st 6:t0 A. M rttKlOUT TRAINS um A. M KAIL TRAIN ' !i:4s A M itios r. m SSOgS BOUTS MAIL TllAIN 1 f.TJ".. 114- A. M ll:u P M. rHKKlJIT TRAIN S;W P. . AUIANT XXI'RBSS Arrlrss :M P. M. All Trslas dally, ascent Senear. Norton. On and after this date regulsr tickets will be sold at our ticket ofBos for following points on Colombia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, walla walla sua Ainsworth. Wtf,i n. Hicn, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A 0. R. C Co. Albany, June lath, IBS'. BOSTON ARB) RBW YOKIs. As tbe oar swung into Madison ave nue from Forty-seco- nd street two ladies got aboard. Ooe of them wore glaM snl lliat imt'll;otul cotitiMction of the eyebroes peculiar to tbe Isditrs of the Hub. With tbe true Boston instinct the began talking about books aid authors. "You bare read Jane Eyre of course V said ber companion. "Ob, yes," ssid tbe intellectual lady from Boston. "I have read all ber works snd like tbsm so much." Tbe other lady coughed behind her handkerchief and then asked, with twinkle in ber eye : "Have you ever read any ot Daniel Deronda's novels ?" "Yes, indeed," ssid tbe Boston lady, "sll of tbem. But do vou know I tbink be is almost too analytical ?" "How do j on like Adam Bede's writ ings f asked tbe New Yorker. "Ob, tbey are lovely. But don't you tbink tbey are a little shallow f ' "I have never read tbem," said tbe other, behind ber fan. Tbe lady from Boston cast a look of pity on ber illiterate companion aad tbe two got off tbe csr at Sixty-fir- st itraet. a I Lit BT SLOQI axes bill doing away with one-sid- ed cutters, by providing that all one-hor- se sleigbs and sleds used upon tbe public ways should have tbe animals directly in front and on a line with tbe centers thereof, was introduced in tbe New Jersey assembly by Mr. Itoas.of Sussex but Mr. Wildrick, of Warren, killed the measure with tbis sbort and forcible speeeb : "This ere thing hain't got no set. un. We don't want no secb bigh- - falntiit wsy o' bttcbin' a boss in War- - ran. If Sussex folks Want to hitch hossee tbst way, let 'en, but they hain't got no right to make os do it " ARDWARK OP ALL KINDS, H Axes, mattocks, brush books, picks ebovela,spaaee, forks, grindstones, wheel- barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything von want, can be bad cbeep (or cash at Peters A Stewart. Final Settlement. In tbe matter of the estate ) of Charles M.Tiodall, deceased 1 To oil whom U may concern : Nottrs, is hereby given that ths oader- - siftwsd exeeatrix of the last will and testa- - meat of Charles M Tiadall. deceased, has filed bar final soooent ia ssid matter in tbe Coonty Coort of Uaa twenty, Oregon, sad that said Coort has sppoiatsd Monday, Dec. 1st, 1884 st ths boor of 1 o c'.ook. p. m . of ssid dsy ss tbe time for hearing objections to such final aoooont aad tbe settlement thereof. Rtth Anxxia TisDAi.t,, Exeeatrix ef said estate. Dated tbis 31st, day of Oct. 1884. PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM "9 SAW MILL EN8INES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETt. At First SWII8 WELL KNOWN HOURS HAVE OPEJtKt) B s Braach OfBossad Soppijr Hooss st Cor, Front snS Taylor Strests. Partis nd. Or., wbsrs Umt wUI mm fa stock PvrUSts sad SsBllomry Saw Mills, Ports.bis Tisotioo sad HUUtonsry sarins "sad bottsrs. New Mass) lion" thrashers, horse powers, etc, ste.. write lor Illustrated oatsjofes ssut free searsss (asm ns this peper.) b vassal st Ca, Portland, Oregon. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNIN0 & CO., PROPR'S SSW PROCESS FLOOR SUPERIOR FOR FA MI LIE AJTD RAKERS USB, BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBAN YOR. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED OOETZ.) Will keep a fall supply of good m eats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. Chairs ! Chairs I Rawhide bottom chairs for both old and young, at bottom prloes at the factory of r PUTNAM, Albany, Oregon JpOR 8ALE. Good farm, one mile west of Brownsville oa the road leading to Halsey, containing 102 sores, oak ridge land, some fias oak groves, all enelesed, 76 seres in cultivation, a young orchard and shrubbery : good barn and fair house, two good wells with pumps, Price S zs00, one years time on one half amount if desied, with security on premises. Call at premieesor address D. A. Carter, Egan, Hrantoounty, Or. - pOR SALE, One half block in eastern part of tbe otty wltk fair house and barn will be sold I ohp' FRIDAY NOVKMBKH 14, 1684 Ml PACT BiMLVCI CUILBBM. In the first place, it need nut be ex- pected to give children a proper train- ing without paying particular attention to the subject, and taking considerable pains. It won't do to let children run their own course, and only take notice ot their faults when they do something particularly bad. However, this is about the extent of the training which many children receive. They are al lowed to rua on, undirected and un guarded, in whatever dgeotioo tbeir tendencies or circumstances lead them ; then when they become thoroughly sat urated with badness, and consequently troublesome, the parents begin the hopeless task of beating it out of them. When children have to bo whipped a groat deal, it is generally protty good evidence that the parents are to blame as well asathe children, nod sre really as deserving of punishment. It is ee-picia-lly true with regard to raking ohildrcrj, that "an ounce of prevention it worth pound of cure." It should be borne in mind that obU dren are altogether inospable of judg ing what is good for thorn, and what is not It is little lest then a miracle for ft child to grow np and have good dis- position, without any directing or re straining influence. Theryoung minds refoonstantty acquiring falsa impres- sions' snd toisLiken ideas. Their views of many things are just the opposite o what they would be if they wore older. They strive to becomeccompliahed in little vices of which ft few more years would make them acbamed. Most any ono can look back to bis youth and re call many of these mistaken notions ; and some of them there Is ao need to recall, as their consequences are still too plainly felt every day. Who does not look book with regret on some of these errors of youth, and wish over and over again be had known better, or that his parents at least bad known enough to teach bim better ? It is not much wonder that some children do not remember their parents with any too much love and affection, while con- stantly suffering from their neglect in training, and smarting from the effects of the vices they were allowed to ac- quire and were never warned against. It is t je duty of parents to root out these bad tendencies and falsa impres- sions, just as fast as they sptiog up. And the way to do this is to continual ly watch and study children, and as soon as a bad quality is observed, to try every means of banishing it. but bad tendencies will not bo removed by merely punishing ft child4 whenever it commits a wrong act. It should bo made to understand the kind of die. position the not indicates, and ovary time this .disposition Is displayed by an act the child should be reminded that it is its eld failing and the same thing or which it was corrected before. It will thus see some connection between tbefdiflerent corrections or punishments. It will also learn what its fault is, and become impressed with its wrongful- ness, and therefore likely te guard against it. But it is a matter of com- mon observation bow little effect any number of corrections have in over- coming bad disposition in children, without letting them know what the act-- t indicate and what the corrections ftre for. Some seem to be blind to their chil dren's faults by love, or if they do see thorn, are prevented from making them known on tbis account. Although such a way of doing mav be the result of groat love, the it I effects of such a course is snytbing but what should be aa as .a. a expected irom a loving parent, it is strange how some psrents will work for their children : how they will strive to give them an education and every ad- vantage for the purpose of making t bem suoceesiul, snd at the ssmo time so neglect their training, tbat all tbeydo for them does not begin to make up for the iil effects of tbeir neglect. It is to be hoped tbst a fuller realisa- tion of the importance of the early training of obildren will soon be reach- ed. That while other means of reform- ing mankind are receiving so much at- tention, this, the most important, will not be entirely overlooked. It may be that women have a right to vote, and assist in carrying on tbe affairs of the Government. It may be the? have as much at heart tbe good of the country as men, snd as much right to show tbeir loyalty. Yet it all sce.ns rather uncalled for, when it is considered what splendid opportunities for being of use to the country woman has in the Sphere of raising children, and how much room for improvement there is in tbis direc- tion. While woman has certainly shown herself capable of doing great good in managing temperance reforms and various philanthropic societies, the fact still remains that her greatest field for doing good is in the home. If mothers are desirous of bettering the condition of tbe humsn race, there is no wsy they can show it better, or ac- complish more to tbat end, than by ap plying their minds and all their super fluous energies to training tbeir chil- dren. It has well been said, that "tbe hand that rock the oradle rules tbe worJd." Thomas Burt, M. P., makes the statement that there are 300,000 people employed in public-hous- es (drinking saloons) on Sunday in England. ONE LwOR BELOW BA NDI it Baas la high Wind. btrong and Durable Will BOI w BdawaV gTai wasr ob bat ran IS TBI WIKD, Parties daatrintr anv artfola In our tin k JOSEPH, Oregon, JOHN BRIGG8' STORE. aeyi HAND AS FINE AM a no loinort. nd .., AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. AUSO. HE KEEPS as the public at prices, that deft nncu otKEET, ALBANY, OREGON. at reasonable figures. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FEOHT ST., - - PORTUNO, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS- SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. 0 CRKBBT. CB. filtll ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX. and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. Wa will manufacture steam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, aud all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. FA1TOBHS M4BB ! SBORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manoBve. ture tlie improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. fthap an Baker Sl-OS- tae a bueeer Yard. Albnny, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf Ol It AtEYTS, Following are the Democrat's duly au- thorized agents to receive subscriptions or money for the same : Lebanc n T L Wallace Harritihurg Sara May Browntiviiie O. P. Coshaw Halsey T. L, Porter Shedd'H F. A. Watts Scio W. E Kellv efferson & A. DeTaney disseminator. Published every Saturday Harrlsburg Oregon, SSTRAIN, Editor Proprietor. JOBCNT IB XLXC3-C3-- S AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET HAN ON aoowmjiKNT O" COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, A ar In the allr. He TIN, SHEET IRON OF EVERY DESCRI PTION IN STOCK. xi asxu, a ruu, ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. all of Which he offers to v,v, vai im Repair work done I3fa2& ALBANY B i BBBBS BsHbshI I MARBLE aj WORKS, STAIGER BROS. - Praprietors ALBANY, OREON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AHO HEADS rONES Executed in Italian or Vermont MarMe, Also, every variety of oemetery and other stone work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. 'All work warranted. 1 7:42 W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG- GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAT PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. Uute so at time of paying their subscript, ftion.

Ml Vt jSfrfeggoi Wao Baas la Ky - University of Oregon 5S! 0k Mil Dlrcer OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. fhe tmmt Ost O.. I. ft MR Tali I.E. FISHBURN & SCHOMAKER Albany dtntlou.. General Agents

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Page 1: Ml Vt jSfrfeggoi Wao Baas la Ky - University of Oregon 5S! 0k Mil Dlrcer OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. fhe tmmt Ost O.. I. ft MR Tali I.E. FISHBURN & SCHOMAKER Albany dtntlou.. General Agents

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0k Mil Dlrcer OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. fhe tmmt FISHBURN & SCHOMAKEROst O. . I. ft MR Tali I.E.Albany dtntlou.



PUMPWftrke tftftUftbrows ) n

aluat- - Rtream.II b m I'orelHinal lluLlder! easily set.In Che eheBpeetBad tho beatForee Panap Itsthe world lordeep er Mtt allow

Thousands laas ia every partol the In! tedWtsttes.ever freesla the winter.dead lor ei rr f-

ilar aad prlees.WOOD PUMPS. IIOSK8A.Iways on nand ami furnished to order.

PIPiM AND FITTINGS OF AM. Kl sfnii u promi uy awenuea to oy eauresmng a s or centos; at oar place erbastoessooate Street, between Commercial snd Fronttaiesn, Oregon.

JULIUS QRADWOHLUaa fh only czelaaJte sleek ef


i Large Assortment of Bab; Carriages,0

And a Choice Selecton of Ceffee, Tea and Sugar,



TBE HIGHEST MARKET I1( E PAIB FOB EGS.Remember! What 1 8a; I lean. Sire le a CalL


HOmi 4



A rrtvftIs


Bfseeassrv,7l MO Geary at,, Ban Traaouw 044CC

O and Surarawoa raeular srsUuates.Um mThe Obtest saectallsts in tatr United atates, Ufe-Wn- g sapertenes,Jfj perfect atethud and pure medietas.

insure stieedr aad tisnnsnsnl euresJK Df sU lTitmts, Chronic and Nervuus

mm Pftsssss. asesUeatef the Meet,Kkin, Ksaneys, Hledder, Eruption,flows, OM Sores, Swelling ut the(itaiiUs, Mors Mouth. Throat Unnsliviiuuernumenl'.v cunwl ami onullgated from the system tortus.

M H IOI A IWbUlUr. Intputeticy,Beminsa umsbs. Sexual Decay, neeWa lal and l'hsrcal Wsaknsas, Km lingMemory. Weak Ky us. Htunled Dvo vskmtttenWtmnedimsttU to Marriage

Q u, tram excess or l toUlse,m or my cause, I saisly and

privaiety eured.eC eaaa. Mtstslle-Ace-el ami owart iiion. sua an wee neea meatau skui2 aad experience, consult the aid

2 lureesaa hmu at eaea Hisopinion ewte nothing, and mayss.ee future mlssry and sbsmo.When imioaveruent to visit the etty

for treaUuent. medicines can be seat siren where by. imn ohserratton. it is ssu-sviae- vnai

ofldisss2sVudarrrea skill, sad physielsas through

Ai Acnlt asses te the sldss spscialtsS. by whon srery

Milutlnufl Irtm and uucnuai, V4sss.i.uk wm tailed in obtaiuiutf relief sate where esneoun. ibabd. Female diseases sueesssfully treated.in.; ZZ.r .ill r to forfsit LO0O for a case un

rteAea7aot eared. Call or write. Moure, daily .froma. m. tot mm.. to IISSSPLi,?,...IS nl. aMu HW UW BWHUnW WWW W

sent tree. Address as shove

tt UKMC'ltlWeadcrfal Cerasaa laviXarair

nraveatsall Uunatural Losses from thesystem, tones the nerves, strengthens the mueclse.eaecks the waete, invtgoratee tfas whole system, andrestores the aSucteu to usaita ana nnptunesa.

The reason so rosny oanaot get cored of RereiaalWeakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com-

plication, called ProUtorrbea with Mypermethesta,which requires pecuUsr treatment. Dr. Liebuja

the only positive cure for Prustatorrhea,with peculiar ireeUasut, used at the UsbigDlipsnssnrSee aff lavtgarater, e. Case of tlx bottles$10. Rent to any address, covered securely from ob-

servation .

Most powerful electric belts free to patients..IO prove wmm auaiieiw i v .'v.I A Wt sWttte tavern ar aeal Vrre.

Oonealtetion free and private.Call or address

UUtIC, DtttPKMRAsXT.sou Ueary Street, Rea Francisco, Cal.

Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, tour bio. ks upGeary Street from Kearney. Main entrance throughPispensary Drug Store.


set Kearny Mrwl, Cat..EsTASuaaaa roa tea Scrmmnc sse RT ft as

or Caaojnc, Hsavocs a Rractat


ALLEN, AS IS WELL KNOWN. IS A REODR. gradaased rayatrisa, lianiliil at Bosrdotaano v. Diversity or Jttcmgan. ns nasaevmen

to tee study er aau tsasaaeaiedgea to oexpert etadeat ta has specialty on toe IV

ciac Cos.

en, who sre suffsring trom the

'years, nervous aad phystosTdettnty, I

aversion to society, desssaatoaetoes, lose of entr,-- and wnaiary.bag, ate,

ggj smiilni ths Doctor has a Tsgstabls Ooavtha result of many veu vf saeetol nraettoe saa

study, which under ale srwctol advtos has nevertailed of soBcsm to the OTTS of Ut Manhood, proeta- -

torrbaa, etc.MY

Havine l.cea in charge of two lsadingbuepitai) s .ables me to iri all private troubwith ezeeUeul resulU. 1 lah tt dtottoetiv BBSS

Stood that I do u.,t v to perform uapaeatbittise, orto have miraculous or supernatural power, i essaaonly to be a skillful sad successful Fbyeictoa aadargsaa, ksrsahly afanaassa say specialty


Al Saafe tog to mc v.Ul receive my t.pn Isaof their 1 siinls mi sxsssraasaatos:. II WlitgVantes a positive care to every ease 1 aadertaks, orforfeit tl.ooo. Ooasadtattoa uoStoser by lettor neeaad strictly private. Charges reesnaehls. Tberoeahemmtwattoa, tactadtoar ehsenicsl aad mlsrinmpltslassdystsef artoe and advise, ga.Ofaee hours to S daily, to s svsniag. Seadiy 9 to11. Call on or address


PATEKTSObtained, and all other benfoees to the U. . PatentOatosatteadsded to lor amderato fees.

Our office is opposrt the U.S. Patsat Office, sadw can obtain Patents less time than those remotefrom Wssatogtoe.

sad medfs or drawing'. We sdvto as toability free of chargs ;and wemakeno thargswe rmsin patent.

We rsfor here, to the Post timet si. the SopC ofMoney Order Div. aad to officials of theC. S PatentOfflec. For circular, adwee, terms, aad efsreeeteoacPBaleUaSjteto your own State or county, addreesi

C, A. M'OW&COeOPpedte Patent Office, Washington, D .

"HEALTH AND HOME."Fort Chester I. Y.

CIRCULATION 63,000.:Edited by W. H. HALE, If, D

This is large eight page, forty column,monthly paper, and is devoted to everything pertaining ta health and home,marriage, social science, domestic medicine, science, literature, art, economy,cookery, bints en health, dietetics, andevery realm ar modern science that tendsto improve health, prevent disease, purifymorals, and make home happy.

Subscription Price 50 cts, Per Tear.

AddressDR. W. H. HALE,

' Health and Home."Port Cheater, N. Y.

The above paper will be sent to evervsubscriber f the Democrat who pays upor in advance.

OF ANOTHER ACE.(.ruduallv Supplanted by a Better Article

Certain Old Times are Boar Away.In the eeneral retention ,m i,f the Western

Union Teles-rao- h buiidiuir on roadwav. New Yoik.are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru-ments of the toancy of the telegraph. They arsonij reiics wrw. store perfect machinery has superseded them.

Yearn ago what is styled th old fashioned porousPlaster did some good service. There was then notblog better of the kind. Now all that has cheneed.Science and stuoy have gone deeper into the secretsof medicine ana nrodnmd KKNstiN'S capcnre par.OU8 PLASTER, which embodies all the excellencieswi us jar possible in an external remedy. Ths oldplasters are slo- w- the Capcine is rapid ; they wereuueevisan saw vapcrae is sure. Uheaper articlesnear similar names. Be careful, therefore, thatsome tnruty druggist does not deceive you. Pricek cents.

fcbury A Johnson, Chemist, Hew York.

Quimty House.QUI1BY & HEESEY, Proprietors.

Cor.4tb stssd C. Sts., I'ort land OrOF THE FINEST AND MOSTONE hotels in Oregon. Conduct

ed Doth bj American and European plansah tne moaern improvements, 140 nodrooms, well furnished, liaht, and welventlla ted. Firat-c- l s r t ltu abarber shp. An rrt',ti itlatest ooo veal eno.


To every subsoriber to the Democratwho pays rjp his subscription and continues his paper, or pays in advance, wewui have sent to him the "Health sndHomey one year, without additional cost.The above paper is a large eight page,forty column, monthly pap, and isfnll

excellent reading matter. A copy mayseen at this office. The paper treats of

health, marriage, social science, domesticmedicine, hints on health, cookery, ete.This affords our subscribers a chance to

a good paper for nothing. Those de-airi- ng

the paper sent to them will please

Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, P . a

Candies Nuts and Tropical Fruits.


Master Im tho tlrao when the boosire expected to cackle a round -d- eity.

The Sultan of Morocco bss ft thousand wives. He has boon very heart-sick a great many times, but alwsysre-wi- ved.

"Ob, my!" exclaimed little Edith,upon her first entranee Into the roller- -

skating rink ; ''they're all on casters,ain't they?"

"We've got to draw the line somewhere," remarks the chairman of thevigilantes as be tucked tho knot under the horse-thie- f's left ear.

When a(Ciothlng shop gets on firesome of the clerks spring over coat,and Bonve fall over coats, end nearlyevery one psn's wnen he gets out.

A drinking man upon reading In anovel that the heroine's beautiful face"colored with pleasure," remarked :

"Now I now what's the matter withmy nose."

James, who was trying to sewnew button on his coat, murmured:"They i sayljhere's ft newjyackt thatmakes fifteen mites an hour, but thisthread makes twenty knots a min-ute."

"It la ground hog day again,! see,"remarked tbe red-bead- ed boarder,casting his eye over the break fast--ta

bio. "Why, no It isn't," contradicted a fly telegraph operator. "Thenwhat Is tbat saussge doing there!'rejoined tbe rod-hea- ded boarder.

"lfy aoo," remsrxed a father," whatdo you pay for those cigars? " 'Twelvedollars a box" the young man replied,"and they are cheap at that. Tryonef "No," aald the old man, "Ican't afford to smoke such expensivecigars. I am compelled to get alongon two-for-flver- s." "I'm sorry.fsth-er,"th- e

young hopeful responded, withsome compassion, "but you tee youhave mother and me to support."

"Maroms," said a small boy, "doyou believe everything papft asys?'

"Of course my child, ' replied themother, with wifely pride.

"Everything mmame?""Tee, deer everything."WeB I don't.""Hush, you wicked bo ; yon

mustn't talk so. What did your pa-

pa everjsay that you couldn't believer"You know that widow on the

next square, who alwsys looks soour at us boys?"

"You meao tbat pretty Mrs. Bon-ton- ?"

"Hbe's the one. I beard pape tellher yesterday that she was the sweet-ea- t

woman In town, and then hegave her bunch of flowers, and Itmade me so ashamed to hear him tellss)eh story tbat I ran away andwouldn't let him know I bsd caughtbim In it."

"Tbat will do, my child," aald themother, with a peculiar look in hergentle face, "run out end play and Iwin tell your father when he comesIn that be must be particular not todestroy his son's confidence In bis ver-



The fanh looable girl has a new toyShe baa taken to live dolls, She playswith burrowed babies. She expressesthe motherly Instinct quite abnormal.ly. If we concede that what shedoes Is spontaneous. Her areatestpresent delight Is to get possession ofn pretty Infant and subject it to suchextravagances of fondling and adornment as will serve the purpose offrivotty. When she-driv-es in a village can mrougb Central park anurse-ma- id sits beside her to hold tbelittle pet. When he goes shoppingthe servant carries tbe baby from thecarriage to atore nod back again.When called upon in her own residence, she Is found with tbe cttlld inher coddtingfjgrras. Nothiog in thefreakish line of girlish diversion hasever taken a more sudden hold onpassing fancy. Ot curse, pretty ba-

bies are In urgent demand. Whereverone exists, thj family is disturbed bythe competition between sisters, cousins and aunts to get posesslon. Andif no baby in blood relationship can"be procurred, tbe eager young motherby-bre-vet does not hesitate to procureone from among the offspring of somepoor and obliging woman. The wardrobes which accompany this indulgence in alive playthings.are wondersof beauty, taste end cost.

.SB S..A traveler In South America de-

scribes a very unpleasant spider thatlives there: When a person pasaeanear one It starts up and gives chase,and will often follow for a distance ofthirty or forty yards I came oncevery nearly being bitten by ono ofthese savage creatures. Hiding at aneasy trot over the dry grass I sudden-

ly observed o spider pursuing me,leaping wlftly along and keeping upwith my beast. I aimed a blow withmy whip, and the point of the lashstruck tbe ground close to it, when itInstantly leaped upon and ran up thelash, and was actually within three orfour luches of my hand when I flungthe whip from me.


One hundred and forty acres, ninemiles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul.tivatlon. 10 acres slashed and sown torass. Comfortable dwell lag, goodeutheuses. Cheap. Inquire at tfaas


Good farm 12 mileii southeast of lahansa160 sores. 60 seres timothy and dorermeadow. 60 wheat lead ia oaltirattise. We,watered, Call on W Id PhiJJipsen the'eiaee

U. P. Church. --PriqTr3r 8Ahbth,Rev, & Q. Dat i 1 a. m., and 7mi by

riae, P. D. Sabbath Sehooi at 5:80 r. M

rayer meeting every Wstosesday evening.Evaso klical Causca Preaching on Sab-Wt-h

at 11 a. and 7 ft. SabbathSchool 12:16. Prayer masting every Thure.

day evening. J. A. HoUeabaugh, pastor.

iita rkuation at. Ch n rch. Services everySabbath at 11 A it. and 8 Ml SabbathSchool st Itallv Prayoc meeting on

Thursday evening of each week. J. W.Harris, pastor.

M. K. Chcrch, South. Servioee hold

every second and fourth Sabbatha in each

UJOta as os. nan m. m. vuui.u,iSoeth. at 11 a. M. Sabbath School at M Mr. k. harp. Prayer meeting every Thure-da-y

evenng. C. H. Canon, peetor.M. E. Cuuhcil Preaching every Sabbath

at 11 a. m. and 74 P. M. Song service inthe evening before sermon. Sabbath School

U 2.30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thnre-da-y

eveniag. lie v. M. Judy, paator.Presbytkkiam Chukck. Service every

Sabbath morning and evening in ChurcUcor. Broadalbiu and Path Ste. Sunday Schoolat 2:30 u, iu. Prayer meeting everyThursday ov?ning, Mov. Isaac H. Gondiipastor.

Ciuturtaft Church. Preaching every Sab--

oath at V. C. T. U. Hall.at 1 1 a. H. A 7:3H rM. Sunday School at half peat 2 o'clock r.m. Kev J T Floyd, pastoi.

First Baptist Church. Preaching everyflshhsth at 11 o'olocfe am.. at Church on 5thStreet. Sabbath School immediately aftermorning services. Prayer meeting everyThursday eveeinjz at 7:30 o'clock. T UBrowuson, paator.

Tfce areat streaafateal C reatsdy ana nervem ,i mc w UMtariUBMfts re--

o.uii of over trty ysarspractical espsrtcaos,

by imiMtllfat tuns, i istAtilt raiaicuLMetm Mine slehssr ssss

h-c- oolktes la Kurope,rod cares wlU unteUIOKrani l"e.tanyr Servos imphysical dsbUUjr, semia - weaae

t m poteaevrtbality, pre

mature dechue anu lossmanhood in all its compliest ions and from TTTeaase produced. It earicbss and portRss the Mood

st rengtheas the aerrse, brain, maselee, dJaesnon,ortrsn and physical and mental

any aaaataraL iiewllr,fag drain apoa the.Uteat ruogvoWry debihtaringdresjaal esminsJ leases with the urine, etc.. so

sad body, It ki a sure eUsataatorof all kidney aad bladder coserdstnls It ostiums noi.oirn. fMNSsm. To Utoassagwrinsrfrom theem effets of youthful irKliscrstioas, jsseesdy, Uwr.each aad pennaaeat oure is OUARAJKTKJIU, Mas I

250 per botUs, or five bottles la case. wttR roilaad advice, $10. Sent secure from obserra-sto-a

to any address upon receipt of price, orCttC,to be bsd only of

DR. C D. SALFIELD,tie Kearaey at, Saa FraacBee, at.

Consultations strictly confidential by letter oralsfsW FRKE. For the convenience of patients aad inseder to Insure perfect secrecy I have sddoptsd a pri-vate address under which all packages ars lui asssTsa.

TRIAL BOTTLE FREE.to snow its merits, srtll be sent to any , one

applying by letter, stating his symptoms and age.Commnntrations strictly oenfideatisl,


Treat all Chronic

YOXJ1VQ- - MENeSTctsof vecaafal tofflss er hukmetian. will

o well to avail iheniesfwe of this, tltesrssluot booaever hud at the altar ef ntlwlsa humanity. DR.SPINNEY will guarantee to fcrfsttgeiOffta every eSasssaaia weakness or psivats diseasa of any ktad orearmcuir whk he anderiakss aad failg to cars.

HlDBU-liE-S IE.Thar ars many a, ths age ef thirty--. te sixty

often accompanied by atie and a vesAening of the

e oatient cannot scoooaS Sue.extaaary deansite a ropy escmaeat wifl oftsa besad eranetiaiee small particles of albumen willr the color will ta of a thin mfleish has, ssrsin caenf

isr; to a dark aad torpid appearance. There are manysaea who die of thts difficulty ignorant of the eaase,which is the seened stage of anrainal wesknsss Da. 8.will guarantee a perfect care in all each eases, aadbeahhy restoration of the geedto-orum- ry ergmna.

Omci Hocaa 10 to 4 aad to a. Soadaysfrosa 10toll a. a. OuusaMsRaai lias Taareaga eamrsattor

d advice. SB.For private flseaassaf short standing a full

iiifii iin sufficient for a care, with all itill be snt to any address on receipt of tlO 00.

Csil ut addresa,ML SrUSBIst CO.,

71 No. 11 Kearny St. 8sri Francisco, Cal

To the Unfortunate!



f.)Q sULASfJfT ST.,U40 eomer of Commer- -cnti-Suee- San Francisco.laSsblisfiiil to 18S4, forthe tosatoseet.ef Sexsadand Stmisal diseases, sues

Cleet,Atrictare,AypblIta in al

f orme, laapoiearrSeaalauti Wcekaeaa, night losses by dreams, pirnpies oa the face and toss of manhood can positively ascared. The sick and afflicted should not fail to callopen him. The Doctor has traveled extensively inEarope, and inspected thoroughly the various noajaVtola there, obtainis? a giaat deal of valuable informa-tion, which he is competent to impart to those to asedof his service. DR. GDJIKMi will make no chargeunless be effect a cure, fersons at a distance MAIBE Ct BED AT BOSE. All cot tnumcnaonstrictiy oonfidentiaL You see no one bn the Dcetor.

Send ten dollars tor a package ef medicine. Poisonswriting to the Doctor will pteaae state the name of thepaper they see this advertisement to. Charges e.

Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON,Box 19a7, ban Fnuicwco. The Doctor cures whenothsrt fail. Try him. rUa43

The (ireal English Kerne--

never faiUutr curs forroue Debility, oetninal

WEST . w aases, Kxhausted Vi-- r,

HSk L. gggMBk Bpenastorrhcea,LesaT MAftMCtOB, lav

jttucy, Faralysts, and all.trie effects of Hett--

I abcte.'yobthful fulliesaadcttt id MiSturer yesrs- -

ss loss of Memory.iMRSXagglLas b tude, ICmission, Aver- -

to Society. Dimness offfggtogsasTl 'sgggMagggfiSS Vision, Noise in the Head;the vital fluid passing- imobservsd into the crins, amimany other diseases lsading to insanity ami death.SB. WIVTUE will agree to forfeit I ive U sued redBallars for a case of this kind the Vital sTeslaraUTeiunaer his pecial advice ard UssaamSe wo1 notears or l'r anythinif impure or injurious found init. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases successfullywiinout mercury. uonsuitation tree. Thorousrh exami nation ami advice including anahsisof urine. SnPrice of Viud Keetortive,$l.50 a bottle, or four TimesUie quantity sent to any address open receipt ofiHiix itks. j. u, secure trom oijservat.wn and In pst-va-te

If desired, by DR. A. E. M1NT1K, 11 Kearneyorce, ixui t rancisco, ual.

Sample rx,ttle free. Sent on application by letteretettng symptom, sea and age. CommunicationsStrictly conn Initial.

Dr, Mintte's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, enreshi aiuu 01 Kiuncy ana oisauer cumplaints.g-ooorffla-


deet, leouchorrhoia. For sale by all druggists gl asome or six 'Kjttiea forgo.Dr. Mitit: f Danielion Pills are the best snd cheap-est Dyspe)su and Kilious cure in the maiket. Forate lv ail dnitrfists.

for the working classnena 10 cents for

postage. snl we will mail free, a roval valuable hoof temple goods that will put vou In the way of "mak- -

iug m Dioney lu a lew daye ttian you ever thpossible at any business. Capital not requiredwill start you. You can work all the time or inwine omy. ine work is universally adopted tooom sexes, young ana old. You can easilytW cents to So every evening. That all who wantwont may usst tne buisinesa.we make tbis unparapllel-e- d

oJer ; to all who are not well satisfied we willend 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full

particulars, directions, etc., sent free, Fortunes willbe made by tnewe who give their whole time to thework. Grat success absolutely luie. Don't delay.

Bart now. Address Stiksom A Co., Portland, afaine.

D. BROWN,Judicious





San ImtSm&k

Patronise men who advsrtiss. They ars stive,Thsy msan business. They sppreclate the uswtpspsr.Thsy are the men te deal with. Following la a listof the Dsuotsat'i adrsrtlssrs this week, In Albany.Call on thriu ;

General MereliandlseM K Younir. Montsitti Jk

SetUnbat b, N U Alien, A 11 Moll wain .

urooeriee Hoamait a .loseidi, frank iieati,linHompitU l'er A HUin. W 11

Ooltra, 8 S Younir. J t.radwohl.Hardwaiw-i- Vt rs A atcwart, J Otadwohl.Clutblmr - t, KUIsin.Drugs Fositay A Mason. K W Utnxdon end t!o. .

Areblc I'rusltaw.levee end Tinware John Brlggs.

KumUurs - n Woodiu, Urink and Don.Clialrs I. i'utnsm.MlltUierv Kiniu Mohubsrt. M iiti. AUL.m. Mattis

KOster.Reds Works Ituffinm sod Joseph.Iron Work Chsrrv and Parkus. A K Cltsirv and- - w w

on.Marble Work A Sulger, ti W II vrrla.flour- - Red Crown Mills, Magnolia Mills.Lumber-Alba- ny Raw Mill.Tobacco, Kttlvss, etc. -- Ram Cohsu.MeeUt 8 Roberts.Hotel-Rev- ere House.Heniaurant Jss Matiy .

Polish It Kst too.Hhavs or Hair Cut L Campcau, Jos. Webber.iuuury-ts- sn wa v tng.Legal Ad vtoe K s Jt.powell nod lUtysU. J K

........ ..eatJMrferd. Ji J Whltnsv. I 11 t

Medical Advieo O W klsalea. J f Wallaos, M ilKilts, J W and Mary T Cole.




In all the great varieties ef designs,

just from Hew York City.


Mattie Allison'sIJuat eaai of S. E. Yooox'a.

If you would make your selections

of millinery from a complete

and first-ala- ss stock

call on her,


KHI "'aaevr''"'! JsT JHLgsflsaHsCBal m - ' wtUEHk

Sea Lion Silver Polisb.This polish is manufactured from sab

marine Tgsggtia subatancea and will notmark or scratch the softeat metal Forcieanlnic aad noltohixur nam ntoiarl mjewelrv and glass, we cballenm theworld ror its equal. Nampie boxes sentb.v mall for 25 cento, liberal discount tragents and wholesale dealers. Add

H. KEIVTOTV,Albany, Orogts.

09 MADY'SVa 5

10Lunch House Restaurant, 3

si Two doore Egtet ar 9JdFellow Temple,a.3ALBANY, OREGON


aw Eatera, hfaoal water and2 i aquiua Hay Oysters. s1 A WAYS ON HAND a


25 YEARS IN USE.Trinmph of the Agel


TORPID LIVER.Iss of aepstUc, Bewele costive, Pal.the heaa, with a stall aeaeatloa la geeetetf aart, Fala assler the shealder.araiiaeaa alter eattas. with ad" .r bear ersBtae,lrJitTUtIfm99t' Xjmm ealrtta, witha feellas ef harlag aesleeted aease 4a t r.

WeariMSS, Olaztaeae, Ftatteriac at theHeart, Dote before the area, HoaeaeheV?r, 'Uht eye, Reetleeeaeee, withfltfal dreams. Ulshly colored I riae, aad

CONSTIPATION.TtTTT'M PIXX.9 are especially adaptedto such cases, one dose effects such a

change of feel lagas toastonish the sufferer.

aterBrriahed.and bythtirTonte Jetton oa

HAIR OYE.Gbat Haib or Wbisxsrs changed to ft

Oijossr Klaci by ft single application ofthisDre. It imparts a natoraf eolor, actainstantaneonsly. Bold by Druggtou, orsent by express on receiptor !? 4

Office, 44 Murray St. , New York.

Executor's Notice.Notice la hereby given that the under

signed has this day been appointed Executor or the last will and testament ofzeruan jb. opp, deceased, late of Linncounty, Oregon, by the County Court ofsaid Linn county. All persons havingi.iim againet saiu estate are nereoy no-s- ix

tified te present the. same within..ti Sft" a. s m

iuuui.ua irom mis oate to the undersign eda, uim ibiuuw) m oaeuus ouuion. nn

county, Oregon or at the office of Weatn- -errora & iiiacktmrTi in Albany, Oregon.October 6th, 184.

F, A. Watts, Executor,WKATHT5RFORD fc BLACK HUB IV,

Atty's for Executor.



ADVERTISING BUREAU!405-- 7 Son some San Francisco.


PALMER & REY'SPacific States AdveiiMig Bureau!

46 Tribune Building,NEWYOEK.

Where Aflvertisinpc Contracts can be made.

apUTLERY.The best line of cutlery in the valley can

be found at our store. It embraces pocketknives, table knives, forks and spoons.butcher knives, hunting knives, paringknives, shears and scissors of all kinds.and the best line of razors ever broughtinto Albany. Come and see for yourselves.

Tbtf.oh a Stewart.

lKrART I HK Off THAU.sotfss seam.

ALtlANf KXPnESS Dsnsrts st 6:t0 A. MrttKlOUT TRAINS um A. M

KAIL TRAIN ' !i:4s A M

itios r. mSSOgS BOUTS

MAIL TllAIN 1 f.TJ".. 114- A. Mll:u P M.



All Trslas dally, ascent Senear.Norton. On and after this date regulsr

tickets will be sold at our ticket ofBos forfollowing points on Colombia river: UpperCascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula,walla walla sua Ainsworth.

Wtf,i n. Hicn,Freight and Ticket Agent

O. A 0. R. C Co.Albany, June lath, IBS'.


As tbe oar swung into Madison avenue from Forty-seco- nd street twoladies got aboard. Ooe of them wore

glaM snl lliat imt'll;otul cotitiMctionof the eyebroes peculiar to tbe Isditrs

of the Hub. With tbe true Bostoninstinct the began talking about books

aid authors."You bare read Jane Eyre of

course V said ber companion."Ob, yes," ssid tbe intellectual lady

from Boston. "I have read all berworks snd like tbsm so much."

Tbe other lady coughed behind herhandkerchief and then asked, withtwinkle in ber eye : "Have you everread any ot Daniel Deronda's novels ?"

"Yes, indeed," ssid tbe Boston lady,"sll of tbem. But do vou know I tbinkbe is almost too analytical ?"

"How do j on like Adam Bede's writings f asked tbe New Yorker.

"Ob, tbey are lovely. But don'tyou tbink tbey are a little shallow f '

"I have never read tbem," said tbeother, behind ber fan.

Tbe lady from Boston cast a look of

pity on ber illiterate companion aadtbe two got off tbe csr at Sixty-fir- st


a I Lit BT SLOQI axes

bill doing away with one-sid- ed

cutters, by providing that all one-hor- se

sleigbs and sleds used upon tbe publicways should have tbe animals directlyin front and on a line with tbe centersthereof, was introduced in tbe New

Jersey assembly by Mr. Itoas.of Sussexbut Mr. Wildrick, of Warren, killedthe measure with tbis sbort and forcible

speeeb : "This ere thing hain't got no

set. un. We don't want no secb bigh- -falntiit wsy o' bttcbin' a boss in War--ran. If Sussex folks Want to hitchhossee tbst way, let 'en, but theyhain't got no right to make os do it "

ARDWARK OP ALL KINDS,HAxes, mattocks, brush books, picks

ebovela,spaaee, forks, grindstones, wheel-barrows, wringers, ropes, and almosteverything von want, can be bad cbeep(or cash at Peters A Stewart.

Final Settlement.In tbe matter of the estate )

ofCharles M.Tiodall, deceased 1

To oil whom U may concern :

Nottrs, is hereby given that ths oader- -siftwsd exeeatrix of the last will and testa- -

meat of Charles M Tiadall. deceased, hasfiled bar final soooent ia ssid matter in tbeCoonty Coort of Uaa twenty, Oregon, sadthat said Coort has sppoiatsd Monday, Dec.1st, 1884 st ths boor of 1 o c'.ook. p. m . ofssid dsy ss tbe time for hearing objectionsto such final aoooont aad tbe settlementthereof.

Rtth Anxxia TisDAi.t,,Exeeatrix ef said estate.

Dated tbis 31st, day of Oct. 1884.



SWII8 WELL KNOWN HOURS HAVE OPEJtKt)B s Braach OfBossad Soppijr Hooss st Cor, Front

snS Taylor Strests. Partis nd. Or., wbsrs Umt wUImm fa stock PvrUSts sad SsBllomry Saw Mills,Ports.bis Tisotioo sad HUUtonsry sarins "sad bottsrs.

New Mass) lion" thrashers, horse powers, etc, ste..write lor Illustrated oatsjofes ssut free searsss (asmns this peper.)

bvassal st Ca,Portland, Oregon.

Red CrownMillsIS0M, LANNIN0 & CO., PROPR'S



Highest .Price in Cash forWheat


L S. ROBERTS,City Market.

(SUCCESSOR TO FRED OOETZ.)Will keep a fall supply of good m eats

at bottom prices.ALBANY, OREGON.

Chairs ! Chairs I

Rawhide bottom chairs for both old andyoung, at bottom prloes at the factory of

r PUTNAM,Albany, Oregon


Good farm, one mile west of Brownsvilleoa the road leading to Halsey, containing 102sores, oak ridge land, some fias oak groves,all enelesed, 76 seres in cultivation, a youngorchard and shrubbery : good barn and fairhouse, two good wells with pumps, PriceSzs00, one years time on one half amount ifdesied, with security on premises. Call atpremieesor address D. A. Carter, Egan,Hrantoounty, Or. -


One half block in eastern part of tbeotty wltk fair house and barn will be sold

I ohp'



In the first place, it need nut be ex-

pected to give children a proper train-

ing without paying particular attentionto the subject, and taking considerable

pains. It won't do to let children runtheir own course, and only take noticeot their faults when they do somethingparticularly bad. However, this is

about the extent of the training which

many children receive. They are allowed to rua on, undirected and un

guarded, in whatever dgeotioo tbeirtendencies or circumstances lead them ;

then when they become thoroughly saturated with badness, and consequentlytroublesome, the parents begin thehopeless task of beating it out of them.When children have to bo whipped a

groat deal, it is generally protty goodevidence that the parents are to blameas well asathe children, nod sre reallyas deserving of punishment. It is ee-picia-lly

true with regard to rakingohildrcrj, that "an ounce of preventionit worth pound of cure."

It should be borne in mind that obU

dren are altogether inospable of judging what is good for thorn, and what is

not It is little lest then a miracle for

ft child to grow np and have good dis-

position, without any directing or re

straining influence. Theryoung minds

refoonstantty acquiring falsa impres-sions' snd toisLiken ideas. Their viewsof many things are just the opposite o

what they would be if they wore older.

They strive to becomeccompliahed inlittle vices of which ft few more yearswould make them acbamed. Most anyono can look back to bis youth and recall many of these mistaken notions ;

and some of them there Is ao need torecall, as their consequences are stilltoo plainly felt every day. Who doesnot look book with regret on some ofthese errors of youth, and wish overand over again be had known better, orthat his parents at least bad known

enough to teach bim better ? It is notmuch wonder that some children do notremember their parents with any toomuch love and affection, while con-

stantly suffering from their neglect in

training, and smarting from the effectsof the vices they were allowed to ac-

quire and were never warned against.It is tje duty of parents to root out

these bad tendencies and falsa impres-sions, just as fast as they sptiog up.And the way to do this is to continual

ly watch and study children, and assoon as a bad quality is observed, to

try every means of banishing it. butbad tendencies will not bo removed by

merely punishing ft child4 whenever itcommits a wrong act. It should bomade to understand the kind of die.

position the not indicates, and ovarytime this .disposition Is displayed by anact the child should be reminded thatit is its eld failing and the same thingor which it was corrected before. Itwill thus see some connection between

tbefdiflerent corrections or punishments.It will also learn what its fault is, andbecome impressed with its wrongful-ness, and therefore likely te guardagainst it. But it is a matter of com-

mon observation bow little effect anynumber of corrections have in over-

coming bad disposition in children,without letting them know what theact-- t indicate and what the correctionsftre for.

Some seem to be blind to their children's faults by love, or if they do see

thorn, are prevented from making themknown on tbis account. Although such

a way of doing mav be the result of

groat love, the it I effects of such acourse is snytbing but what should be

a a as .a. a

expected irom a loving parent, it is

strange how some psrents will work fortheir children : how they will strive to

give them an education and every ad-

vantage for the purpose of making t bem

suoceesiul, snd at the ssmo time so

neglect their training, tbat all tbeydofor them does not begin to make up forthe iil effects of tbeir neglect.

It is to be hoped tbst a fuller realisa-

tion of the importance of the earlytraining of obildren will soon be reach-

ed. That while other means of reform-

ing mankind are receiving so much at-

tention, this, the most important, willnot be entirely overlooked. It may bethat women have a right to vote, andassist in carrying on tbe affairs of theGovernment. It may be the? have asmuch at heart tbe good of the countryas men, snd as much right to showtbeir loyalty. Yet it all sce.ns ratheruncalled for, when it is considered what

splendid opportunities for being of useto the country woman has in the Sphereof raising children, and how much roomfor improvement there is in tbis direc-

tion. While woman has certainlyshown herself capable of doing greatgood in managing temperance reformsand various philanthropic societies, thefact still remains that her greatest fieldfor doing good is in the home. Ifmothers are desirous of bettering thecondition of tbe humsn race, there isno wsy they can show it better, or ac-

complish more to tbat end, than by applying their minds and all their superfluous energies to training tbeir chil-

dren. It has well been said, that "tbehand that rock the oradle rules tbeworJd."

Thomas Burt, M. P., makes thestatement that there are 300,000 peopleemployed in public-hous- es (drinkingsaloons) on Sunday in England.


B A NDIitBaas la




Will BOIw BdawaV gTai

wasr ob

bat ran


Parties daatrintr anv artfola In our tin


Oregon,JOHN BRIGG8' STORE. aeyi


a no loinort. nd ..,AND COPPER WARE


the public at prices, that deftnncu otKEET, ALBANY, OREGON.

at reasonable figures.






IRON WORKS.CHERRY & PARSES,(Successors to C. C. Cherry.)

Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron


WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX.and are now prepared tohandle ail kinds of heavy work. Wa willmanufacture steam Engines. Grist and

Saw Mill Machinery, aud all kinds of Ironand Brass Castings.FA1TOBHS M4BB ! SBORT NOTICE.Special attention given to repairing allkinds of machinery. Will also manoBve.

ture tlie improved Cherry A White GrainSeparator.fthap an Baker Sl-OS- tae a bueeer Yard.

Albnny, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf


Following are the Democrat's duly au-

thorized agents to receive subscriptions ormoney for the same :

Lebanc n T L WallaceHarritihurg Sara MayBrowntiviiie O. P. CoshawHalsey T. L, PorterShedd'H F. A. WattsScio W. E Kellv

efferson & A. DeTaney

disseminator.Published every Saturday

Harrlsburg Oregon,SSTRAIN, Editor Proprietor.




A ar In the allr. He



GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE.all of Which he offers to

v,v, vai im

Repair work doneI3fa2&






HEADS rONESExecuted in Italian or Vermont MarMe,

Also, every variety of oemetery andother stone work done with neatness anddispatch.

Special attention given to orders fromall parts of this State and WashingtonTerritory.

'All work warranted. 1 7:42


Farm Machinery,WAGONS, HACKS, BUG-


Plows, Harrows,HAT PRESSES,

STEEL GOODS.Uute so at time of paying their subscript,ftion.