Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program Mitigating Conflict between Potential Wind Turbines and Migratory Birds on the North Shore Anna Peterson, Heidi Seeland, and Dr. Gerald J. Niemi Natural Resources Research Institute University of Minnesota Duluth, MN 218-720-4294 and Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Duluth MN 218-428-6209 February 2010 Project No. 306-12-10 Contract No. B17943 This project was funded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program.

Mitigating Conflict between Potential Wind Turbines and Migratory Birds on the North Shore (306-12-10)

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The Lake Superior coastal region along the North Shore is one of the premier migratory routes for raptors and passerines in the Midwest. Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in Duluth has the longest record of consistent counting of raptors (averaging 94,000 per year from 1972 to present).

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Page 1: Mitigating Conflict between Potential Wind Turbines and Migratory Birds on the North Shore (306-12-10)

Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program

Mitigating Conflict between Potential Wind Turbines and Migratory Birds on the North Shore

Anna Peterson, Heidi Seeland, and Dr. Gerald J. Niemi Natural Resources Research Institute University of Minnesota Duluth, MN

218-720-4294 and

Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Duluth MN 218-428-6209

February 2010

Project No. 306-12-10

Contract No. B17943 This project was funded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program.

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Acknowledgements - We would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions to this project: Dr. Ron Regal (Statistics, UMD), Janelle Long (HRBO), Jan Green (HRBO), and Paul Dolan-Linne for all their work on the project. We would also like to thank the Minnesota Coastal Zone’s Pat Collins and MNDNR’s Maya Hamady for project support. Finally, we would like to thank the many community and individual cooperators for survey site access and project support. This project was funded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program. We would like to thank the Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota for matching project funds. Introduction - The Lake Superior coastal region along the North Shore is one of the premier migratory routes for raptors and passerines in the Midwest. Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in Duluth has the longest record of consistent counting of raptors (averaging 94,000 per year from 1972 to present). More recently hundreds of thousands of passerines have been systematically counted as well. These data indicate a massive movement of raptors and passerines within the coastal region; one that has been previously underestimated. Our estimates of the total number of birds ranges from hundreds of thousands to the millions. A substantial number of these birds are declining in population and are identified as species of greatest conservation need in the region and state (Rich et al. 2004, MNDNR 2006, Niemi et al. 2009). There is currently a strong interest and plan to develop wind energy within the Lake Superior coastal region (Mageau et al. 2008, Boyd pers. comm.). Wind energy development as well as increasing urban and exurban development pressure (MNDNR 2006) directly threatens the survivorship of birds migrating through the region and the viability of the region as a major migratory corridor (NRC 2007). Conservation strategies aimed at the protection of migratory birds are incomplete without the focus on migratory bird flyways (Petit 2000). To develop conservation strategies to protect en route migratory birds within this region, there is a need to understand the cues by which migrants choose migratory flight paths (Buler et al. 2007, Bonter et al. 2009) and identify specific concentration areas. The goal of this study was to assess the magnitude of the bird migration and gain insight on flight paths used by migratory birds along the North Shore, beyond Hawk Ridge in Duluth. These data collected, combined with weather, topography and wind data, will aid in the future development of a comprehensive conservation plan for the region. Our goal is to develop this conservation plan to eliminate or minimize wind turbine-bird interactions if wind turbines are placed in this migration corridor. The aim of this study was to assess bird migratory pathways along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Primary objectives were to develop the foundation (methodology and experimental design) to determine the effects of weather, temporal, and landscape factors on raptor migratory pathways over a large landscape as well as gain insight into this migration event in the context of future wind development. We approached these objectives by addressing the following questions:

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1. Does the magnitude and composition of the migration change northeastward along the shore between Duluth and Grand Portage, MN? 2. Does the magnitude and composition of the migration change between the shoreline and inland areas? 3. What flight heights are utilized by migrating birds? 4. How do weather and temporal variables affect the flights migrating birds? The results and conclusion provide preliminary answers to these questions as well as identify key issues surrounding the development of this migration corridor. This report reflects the first of a three-year North Shore migration project. Funding has been secured from the US FWS to gather data during the fall of 2010. Work Completed – The goal of this project was to assess the magnitude of the bird migration within the Lake Superior coastal region beyond Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory. It was also our goal to identify specific areas of bird concentration (flight paths) within this migration corridor. To obtain migratory bird data, twenty-four survey points (organized in eight transects, three points per transect) were established between Duluth and Grand Portage, Minnesota (Table 1, Figure 1). During the fall migration (September – November 2008) bird surveys were conducted 3-4 times at each transect simultaneously by three researchers. Survey points were established at locations with optimum views of the surrounding landscape at three locations defined by distance to the Lake Superior shoreline (approximately 2, 5, 10 km; site a, b, c respectively). These survey locations included natural overlooks (e.g. Tofte Peak, Wolf Rock on the SHT, Appendix B), clearings with the aid of a tree-stand (gravel pits, clearcuts), and fire towers (Finland, Grand Portage). Birds actively migrating were recorded for 7 hours beginning at 1-1.5 hours after sunrise. Each bird was identified to the lowest taxonomic group possible, assigned a flight height, flight direction, and recorded at the point on the landscape where first detected. All bird locations and data were entered into a geographic information system (GIS) to identify patterns and were compared to Hawk Ridge migratory bird data as a baseline data source to further assess possible magnitude and sampling discrepancies. Table 1. Survey site transect number and corresponding site name. Names reflect a near-by city, town, or landmark.

Transect Number Transect Name 1 Knife River 2 Encampment 3 Silver Bay 4 Finland 5 Tofte 6 Grand Marais 7 Hovland 8 Grand Portage

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Figure 1. Migratory bird survey transect and point locations along the North Shore. Transects are numbered in a sequence moving away from Duluth, MN (Table 1).

This project marks the completion of the first year of a three year North Shore migration study. The majority of the analyses for this project focus on migrating raptors although nonraptor data were also collected. Results – A total of 4,303 raptors and 16,383 nonraptors (mainly songbirds) were observed migrating within the coastal region during the fall of 2008 (Appendix A). The highest numbers of raptors observed for an individual species were Bald Eagles, followed by Sharp-shinned Hawks, Broad-winged Hawks, and Red-tailed Hawks. A combined total of 1881 individuals were identified in the genus Buteo, representing the majority of raptors observed. Accipiter species comprised 772 of the total raptors observed fall 2008. The highest numbers of nonraptors observed for identified species were American Crow, Pine Siskin, and White-winged Crossbill. However, unidentified passerine birds (7462 total) were the highest recorded group (Appendix A). Since migration data was not collected continuously throughout the season, and only as 3-4 day samples along the North Shore, bird data was analyzed as birds recorded per hour of observation. By reporting data in birds per hour, we minimized the variability associated with time spent observing at each site. For many analyses, raptors and nonraptors were separated. We focus on raptors for this project as nonraptors will be the focus of future projects. Raptors were analyzed in two groups according to flight style, Buteos and Accipiters, to examine any differences in the pathways used by these two groups. Buteos included those species that rely primarily on soaring flight, including Red-tailed, Broad-winged, and Rough-legged Hawks, and Bald and Golden Eagles. Any unknown Buteos or eagles were also included in the Buteos group. Accipiters included Sharp-shined Hawks, Cooper’s Hawks, Northern Goshawks, and any unknown Accipiters. These species rely on flapping flight with

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intermittent glides as opposed to soaring. A third overall group included all raptors observed. Distance from Hawk Ridge. The most raptors observed per hour along the North Shore occurred at transect 1, and then showed a decreasing trend northeastward along the shore away from Hawk Ridge (Figure 2a). When raptors were grouped into Buteos and Accipiters, a decreasing trend northeastward was not observed (Figure 3). The Buteos were variable, with the most observed from transect 1, followed by transects 6 and 3. Accipiters were observed in the highest numbers mid-way between Duluth and Grand Portage, MN at transects 3, 4, and 5. The number of nonraptors observed per hour was also highly variable with no apparent northeastward decreasing trend in numbers. The highest numbers of nonraptors per hour recorded occurred at transects 5 and 6 (Figure 2b). Figure 2a and b. Overall raptors and nonraptors observed per hour at Hawk Ridge and North Shore transects during the fall migration 2008. 2a.


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Figure 3. Buteo and Accipiter raptor groups observed per hour at each of the eight study sites along the North Shore.

Distance inland from Shore. - Within each transect, the most raptors were consistently observed from one of the two sites located closest to shore (sites a or b, Figure 4). The most raptors were observed from site a in each transect, with the exception of transects 3 and 8, in which the most were observed from site b. A similar pattern was observed in the Buteo group, however differences in the number of birds observed from each site were less pronounced. Within transects 4, 5, and 6, the number of birds was more evenly distributed between the three sites as compared to the other groups. The highest numbers remained at site a, with the exception of transect 4 where a slightly higher proportion of Buteos were observed from site c. At transect 7, equal proportions of Buteos were observed at sites a and b. The Accipiter group followed the same pattern as total raptors, with the most observed at site a in each transect, with the exception of transects 3 and 8. The highest proportion of nonraptors were observed near the shore (site a) at all transects except transects 2, 5, and 7 (Figure 5). This observation does not mirror raptor proportions. At transects 2, 5, and7, a larger proportion of nonraptors were observed at inland sites, most pronounced at transect 5.

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Figure 4. Proportion of raptors recorded at each site within each transect along the North Shore. Site a was located within 2km of the shoreline, site b ~ 5km from the shoreline, site c ~ 10km from the shoreline.

Figure 5. Proportion of nonraptors recorded at each site within each transect along the North Shore. Site a was located within 2km of the shoreline, site b ~ 5km from the shoreline, site c ~ 10km from the shoreline.

Flight Height. – The majority of all migratory birds were observed flying between the tree canopy and 100m above the canopy (Figure 6). When raptors are separated out, the most raptors were observed from 100 to 500m and beyond 500m above the tree canopy (Figure 7). Raptors were rarely observed flying below the tree canopy in all groups, with

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the exception of the Accipiter group at transect 7. Accipiters were more often observed flying at lower altitudes as compared to Buteos. This was particularly evident at the canopy to 100m above canopy range. Approximately 30% or more Accipiters were observed between the canopy to 100m above compared to Buteos. The highest numbers of Buteos were observed beyond 100m above the canopy. Figure 6. Flight heights for all active migrants, raptors and nonraptors, recorded during the North Shore migration surveys 2008.

Figure 7. Proportions of raptors observed at each flight height category out of the total observed at each transect.

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Weather and Temporal Factors (raptors only) - When winds were from the Northwest (3150) and Southwest (2250), greater than 12 raptors per hour were observed for raptors overall (Figure 8a). Less than 5 raptors per hour were observed overall when winds were from the Northeast (450), Southeast (1350), and South (1800). The Buteos followed the same pattern, with the most observed with winds from the Northwest and fewest with winds from the Northeast, Southeast, and South. Differences in the number of Accipiters observed per hour between each wind direction were less apparent. The most were observed when winds were from the Southwest, and nearly zero observed with winds from the other directions. Daily raptor counts were highest mid-day (hours 3-5 after observation start) for all three groups. The number of raptors observed increased through the third hour of observation, corresponding to late morning, and then slowly decreased throughout the remainder of the day (Figure 8b). Figure 8a and b. Raptors per hour observed with daily prominent wind directions and per hour of observation. Hours of observation were recorded as hours after the start of daily observations beginning 1-1.5 hours after sunrise.

Additional comparisons to Hawk Ridge (raptors only) - North Shore data were compared to raptor data collected at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory to address questions of raptor proportions, passage timing, and sampling discrepancies. Proportions of raptor groups observed at Hawk Ridge and on the North Shore show similar numbers except for Buteos and Eagles (Table 2). Buteos made up 70% of the total birds recorded at Hawk Ridge while only 37% of birds recorded on the North Shore were Buteos. Eagle species made up over one quarter of the birds observed on the North Shore while only 5% of the total at Hawk Ridge. Passage dates that correspond to the highest number of birds observed were also examined for patterns in bird movement (Table 3).

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Table 2. Proportions of bird groups observed during the 2008 fall migration season.

Accipiters Buteos Falcons Eagles Vultures

Hawk Ridge 21% 70% 2% 5% 2% North Shore 26% 37% 5% 28% 4%

Table 3. Dates that correspond with highest passage numbers for selected raptor species.

Species North Shore Hawk Ridge American Kestrel 9/17, 9/25 9/16 Bald Eagle 10/27 10/31 Broad-winged Hawk 9/15, 9/17 9/15 Golden Eagle 10/27 10/31 Merlin 9/17, 10/8, 10/16 9/20, 10/9, 10/15 Osprey 9/6 9/6 Rough-legged Hawk 10/27, 11/1 10/31, 11/1 Red-tailed Hawk 10/20, 10/27 10/20

Future deliverables - With the increased interest in wind power development within the Lake Superior coastal region, an area also known as a major bird migration corridor, it is essential to understand the magnitude and cues by which migrants choose flyways to minimize impacts through the proper siting of wind turbines. The MLSCP provided the means to build the foundation of this long-term study of the bird migration along the North Shore. The goal of this project was to establish the foundation necessary to complete a three year study of the North Shore migration to ultimately develop a comprehensive conservation plan for the region. This conservation plan will directly address appropriate siting of structures such as wind turbines within the region to minimize impacts on migrating birds. We anticipate the delivery of this conservation plan in early 2012. Partnerships – Partners contributing to this overall project include: 1) Mr. Patrick Collins, MN DNR, Two Harbors, MN, 218-834-1553, 2) Dr. Michael Mageau, Geography, UMD – 218-726-7098, 3) Dr. Ron Regal, Statistics, UMD - 218-726-7558, 4) Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Janelle Long, executive director, 218-428-6209 and Janet C. Green, board of directors, 218-525-5654, and 6) many communities in the North Shore coastal region (Grand Portage, Seth Moore, [email protected], Grand Marais CCLEP, Jim Boyd, 218-387-2466 and Lutsen Mountains, Tom Rider, 218-663-7281). Leveraged Dollars ‐ None for this grant period. Conclusions – Distance from Hawk Ridge and Distance from Shore. - Data collected during fall 2008 confirmed that thousands of raptors and tens of thousands of nonraptors migrate within the Lake Superior coastal region. For all raptors combined, a slight decreasing trend was

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observed in the number of migrating raptors northeastward along the shore. This was likely due to the funneling effect toward Hawk Ridge, where birds from the East traveling along the shore in addition to those from the North and West congregate (Hofslund 1966). However, consistent decreases were not observed as expected in specific groups of raptors or in nonraptors. The unpronounced funneling affect on all birds may be the result of the spatial scale of this study, or more likely the sample size of only one migration season. Although a northeastward trend was not evident when examining the corridor as a whole, migrating raptors and nonraptors were often observed from the sites located closest to Lake Superior, with similar or higher numbers occasionally occurring at inland sites. These birds migrate in a broad front from their breeding grounds in the north prior to encountering barriers such as Lake Superior that concentrate them into distinct migratory pathways (Bildstein 2006). Lake Superior is the first major barrier encountered by migrating birds traveling south from northern Minnesota and Canada during the fall. As a result, birds were expected to congregate at the water’s edge (Mueller and Berger 1961). Additional seasons of data collection are needed to properly establish if this trend indeed exists. Flight Height. - The majority of birds flew within 100m (330ft) of the forest canopy, an area that directly corresponds to tower or wind turbine heights. Among the raptors, the most noticeable pattern in flight height was between the Accipiter and Buteo groups, with higher proportions of Accipiters observed flying between the canopy and 100m above versus Buteos. Niles et al. (1996) found that raptors fly lower over habitats they occupy during the remainder of the year, perhaps for foraging purposes while on migration. The majority of the landscape along the North Shore is forested, and as many nonraptors fly at this height, it is likely that Accipiters take advantage of these prey opportunities while migrating through the region. Buteos, on the other hand, are built to soar and are often observed either gaining altitude on thermals or gliding from high altitudes between thermals (Kerlinger and Gauthreaux 1985). As many nonraptors (mainly songbirds) are not built to utilize thermals, the majority of these birds also migrate at low flight heights observed as flights just above the canopy. Influence of Wind Direction and Daily Timing. - Raptors tend to migrate in the highest numbers when winds have a westerly component, consistent with observations from Hawk Ridge (http://www.hawkridge.org). Raptors are strongly influenced by the passage of cold fronts, with the most birds observed just after the passage of a front when winds have a westerly component (Mueller and Berger 1967). The North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota is oriented from southwest to northeast. With winds out of the west or northwest, migrating birds are pushed toward the lake as a result of wind drift, at which point they follow the shore around its western end (Hofslund 1966; Mueller and Berger 1967b). When winds are from the South or East, birds are pushed away from the lakeshore, leading to fewer observations near the shore (Mueller and Berger 1961). Also consistent with Hawk Ridge was the timing of daily peak flights, with the most raptors observed during the middle part of the day (http://www.hawkcount.org/month_summary.php?rsite=288). Red-tailed, Rough-legged, and Broad-winged Hawks, Bald and Golden Eagles, and Turkey Vultures all rely heavily

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on thermals and updrafts for soaring flight, which are strongest around midday (Kerlinger and Gauthreaux 1985). The high number of Turkey vultures in addition to Buteo species and Eagles included in the overall group were a likely contributor to the higher numbers observed midday. Mueller and Berger (1973) noted Accipiters migrating along Lake Michigan tended to be seen more often in the morning compared to Buteos and Falcons. The tendency of this group to fly earlier in the day may have led to the lack of a distinct midday peak as compared to Buteos and total raptors. Comparisons to Hawk Ridge - Buteos made up a much larger proportion of the total birds recorded at Hawk Ridge than in the North Shore study. These proportions likely reflect the abundance of Broad-winged Hawks recorded at Hawk Ridge and the lack of these birds seen during sampling on the North Shore. It is likely that numbers of Broad-winged Hawks were not recorded on the North Shore due to disbursed sampling days. Peak passage for all species at both Hawk Ridge and along the North Shore fell within several days of each other indicating researchers on the North Shore gathered an appropriate range of samples. These dates also reveal possible raptor travel lag-time between North Shore transects and Hawk Ridge. For example, high passage dates for Bald and Golden Eagles, Rough-legged Hawks, and Sharp-shinned Hawks indicate a 2-3 day passage lag occurred depending on where on the North Shore observations were made. This information will be utilized for future magnitude extrapolation analyses. Applications/Future Needs. - Visual methods of studying migratory movements are useful where detailed observations or large sample sizes are limited using other methods, as is the case along the North Shore of Lake Superior. The topography of the region limits the use of radar, since the many ridgelines block radar beams. Low resolution makes it difficult to estimate the exact location of migrating birds. Radar also has limited capabilities in detecting low flying birds, which is of concern with Accipiter species and many nonraptor species. The methods utilized for this study can be tailored to any region where a more detailed understanding of the migratory pathways is desired. A series of vantage points with a wide view of landscape are required, and can be obtained by using towers and other structures as well as the existing terrain. This method was not intended to determine the total number of migrating birds, but rather to determine where the most birds were flying relative to other locations they could be using within the coastal region. Through the utilization of this method for consecutive years, heavily used areas can be identified regardless of concentrations of birds outside the region under study. This can be especially useful in siting new tower and wind power developments. Several sets of guidelines on the construction of new wind power developments have been developed to minimize impacts on birds. A common thread among these guidelines is the importance of identifying potential conflicts, and to avoid placing developments in areas highly important to birds, including migratory pathways (USFS). The results of this and future studies will hopefully be used alongside these guidelines. Using the methods described here, regional maps of migratory pathways can be produced and used to identify the areas that may be the most sensitive to development. With the increasing popularity of wind power, the cumulative impacts on birds are of immediate conservation concern, considering direct mortality resulting from collisions has been documented at wind farms (Smallwood and Thelander 2008). It is vital that migratory pathways be

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identified in detail over large regions to avoid cumulative negative effects on migrating birds. This survey approach has proven to be exceptionally productive because of the topography along Lake Superior, so a large proportion of the shoreline could be sampled. With only one season of data collection, it is reckless to state that reported trends, or lack thereof, represent a typical migration season and typical migratory bird behavior. The conclusions reported here represent one season’s worth of data and preliminary results for the project as a whole. Conclusive results will be available after several years of migration data collection seasons. Although preliminary, these results are the foundation and very first look into the North Shore migration corridor. Our largest surprise thus far is the sheer magnitude of birds migrating within this migration corridor. We expected to see a more substantial decrease in birds moving northeastward along the shore. The abundance of both raptors and nonraptors along the shoreline in its entirety indicate that the movement of birds during the migration is much higher than expected. We were also surprised to observe that although Lake Superior acts as a barrier to day-time migrating birds, these birds were not most concentrated on the shoreline. When we considered the topography of the region, it appears that at least for migration raptors, the first two major ridgelines along the shore act as lead lines, concentrating these birds along these ridgelines and as well as along the shore. Wind energy feasibility studies have identified such ridgelines as having a potential for wind turbine development. In this context, it is crucial that we understand the magnitude and flight behaviors of the birds that migrate along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Proper wind turbine and tower siting within this migration corridor will help to preserve one of the largest migrations in the Midwest and likely in the Nation. Performance Indicators Checklist ‐ Appendix C. Future Plans – Results show that it is possible to sample a large area like the Lake Superior coastal region and gain insights on the magnitude of migration and migratory bird behavior (flight patterns). With additional years of data, analyses including all weather and landscape factors will provide a detailed understanding of migratory pathways along the North Shore of Lake Superior. We are also studying migratory bird habitat use within the coastal region in an attempt to understand the cues by which these birds make stopover habitat choices. We have secured funding to continue this migration project through the fall migration of 2010. Funding for the 2008 and 2009 field seasons was provided by the MN DNR Lake Superior Coastal Program (2009 Project No. 306-13-11) and funding from the US Fish and Wildlife Service GLFWRA is secured and the MNDNR State Wildlife Grand Program is anticipated for the 2010 field season. There is a need to compile and synthesize the available data into the development of a regional conservation plan. A proposal to pursue this conservation planning has been submitted to the Lake Superior Coastal Program.

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Literature Cited - Bildstein, K.L. 2006. Migrating Raptors of the World: their ecology and conservation.

CornellUniv. Press, Ithica, NY U.S.A. Bonter, D.N., Gauthreaux, S.A., Donovan, T.M. 2009. Characteristics of important

stopover locations for migrating birds: Remote sensing with radar in the Great Lakes basin. Conservation Biology 23:440-448.

Boyd, J. 2009. Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP), Grand Marais, Minnesota.

[email protected]. Buler, J.J., Moore, F.R., Woltmann, S. 2007. A multi-scale examination of stopover

habitat use by birds. Ecology 88:1789-1802. Hofslund, P.B. 1966. Hawk migration over the western tip of Lake Superior. Willson Bull. 78:79-

87. Kerlinger and Gauthreaux 1985. Flight behavior of raptors during spring migration in

South Texas studied with radar and visual observations. J. Field Ornithol. 56:394-402.

Mageau, M., B. Sunderland, S. Stark. 2008. Wind Resource Development in the

Minnesota Coastal Zone. MNDNR Coastal Program. Pp 24. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR). 2006. Tomorrow’s Habitat for

the Wild and Rare: An Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife. Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. Division of Ecological Services, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Mueller, H.C. and D.D. Berger. 1961. Weather and fall migration of hawks at Cedar

Grove, Wisconsin. Wilson Bull. 73:171-192. ------ and ------. 1967. Fall migration of Sharp-shinned Hawks. Wilson Bull. 79:397-415. ------ and ------. 1973. The daily rhythm of hawk migration at Cedar Grove, Wisconsin.

Auk. 90:591-596. National Research Council (NRC). 2007. Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy

Projects. The National Academies Press, Washington DC. Pp 376. Niemi, G.J., N.P. Danz, and P.D. Dolan-Linne. 2009. Breeding bird monitoring in Great

Lakes National Forests 1991-2008. NRRI Technical Report NRRI/TR-2009, University of Minnesota Duluth, MN. Available online: www.nrri.umn.edu/mnbirds.

Niles, L.J., J. Burger, and K.E. Clark. 1996. The influence of weather, geography, and

habitat on migrating raptors on Cape May Peninsula. Condor 98:382-394.

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Petit, D. R. 2000. Habitat Use by Landbirds Along Nearactic-Neotropical Migration

Routes: Implications for Conservation of Stopover Habitats. Studies in Avian Biology 20:15-33.

Rich, T.D., C.J. Beardmore, H. Berlanga, P.J. Blancher, M.S. W. Bradstreet, G. S.

Butcher, D. W. Demarest, E.H. Dunn, W.C. Hunter, E. E. Inigo-Elias, J.A. Kennedy, A.M. Martell, A.O. Panjabi, D.N. Pashley, K.V. Rosenberg, C.M. Rustay, J.S. Wendt, T.C. Will. 2004. Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan. Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Ithaca, NY.

Smallwood, K.S. and C. Thelander. 2008. Bird mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource

Area, California. J. Wildl. Manage. 72:215-223. US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2003. Interim Guidelines to Avoid and

Minimize Wildlife Impacts from Wind Turbines. Available online: http://www.fws.gov/habitatconservation/wind.pdf

Appendices – Appendix A. Bird species recorded as active migrants during the fall of 2008 along the North Shore of Lake Superior.

Species Taxonomic Name Total American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos 2643 American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis 54 American Kestrel Falco sparverius 87 American Pipit Anthus rubescens 2 American Robin Turdus migratorius 623 Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus 822 Belted Kingfisher Ceryle alcyon 1 Black-backed Woodpecker Picoides dorsalis 2 Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata 283 Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus 375 Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater 16 Canada Goose Branta canadensis 524 Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum 307 Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula 11 Common Loon Gavia immer 5 Common Merganser Mergus merganser 1 Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor 4 Common Raven Corvus corax 199 Common Redpoll Carduelis flammea 850 Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 6

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Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis 99 Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus 5 Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis 1 European Starling Sturnus vulgaris 3 Evening Grosbeak Coccothraustes vespertinus 2 Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos 24 Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias 4 Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris 66 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 3 Merlin Falco columbarius 19 Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis 23 Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus 22 Osprey Pandion haliaetus 24 Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrines 9 Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator 2 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 1234 Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra 7 Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 370 Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus 50 Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis 1 Rough-legged Hawk Buteo lagopus 160 Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus 2 Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis 15 Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 539 Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis 85 Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor 6 Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura 107 White-winged Crossbill Loxia leucoptera 1179 Unknown Accipiter


Unknown Buteo

976 Unknown Eagle


Unknown Falcon

16 Unknown Raptor


Unknown Passerine

7462 Unknown


Total Birds


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Appendix B. Photos of survey points and observers.

Image by John Green. Researcher Heidi Seeland observing migrating birds at Knife River Wayside, August 2008.

Image by Anna Peterson. Researcher Anna Peterson observing migrating birds at Tofte Peak, October 2008.

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Image by Anonymous. Researcher Heidi Seeland observing migrating birds at Wolf Rock on the Superior Hiking Trail, September 2008. Appendix C. Performance Indicators Checklist. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CHECKLIST Government Coordinator and Decision-Making (DCDM): NO Public Access: NO Coastal Habitat (CH): NO Water Quality (WQ): NO Coastal Hazards: NO Coastal Dependent Uses & Community Development: NO