Caution Warning Attention Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr

Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr...Elevate Rotate Forward Backward Left Rotation Up Down Right Rotation Forward Backward 2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise

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Page 1: Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr...Elevate Rotate Forward Backward Left Rotation Up Down Right Rotation Forward Backward 2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise

Caut ion


Attent ion


Page 2: Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr...Elevate Rotate Forward Backward Left Rotation Up Down Right Rotation Forward Backward 2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise

Fly ing Pract iceCaut ion


Attent ion

1. This helicopter is operated by infrared technology. It is important to make sure you always use new or fully charged batteries. Do NOT allow the batteries to run low, or you could lose control of the helicopter.

2. Do NOT allow any of the electronic components to get wet as this may lead to electrical damage.

3. You should complete a successful range check of your radio equipment prior to flying the helicopter.

4. Do NOT use any solvents to clean the helicopter. Solvents wil l damage the plastic and composite parts.

5. Always turn on the transmitter before turning on the helicopter and be sure to turn off the unit before charging.

1. Check your surroundings before flying the helicopter.

2. Do NOT allow the helicopter to fly out of sight when operating.

3. Do NOT allow children under the recommended age to operate the helicopter.

4. Make other helicopters in the area are not on the same frequency channel.

D o N O T u s e a n a d a p t e r o t h e r t h a n t h o s e s u p p l i e d i n t h e b o x t o c h a r g e t h e u n i t .Using non-cert i f ied third party adapters to charge the internal battery may damage thebattery and potent ial ly cause f i re.

Do not operate the he l icopter in be low set t ings

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Page 3: Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr...Elevate Rotate Forward Backward Left Rotation Up Down Right Rotation Forward Backward 2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise

Remote Contro l Features

Remote Contro l Features

Remote Contro l Synchronizat ion

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**Remote Control Uses 6 x AA Batteries (Not Included)

Step 1–Turn on the remote control transmitter and select your channel. You should see a bl inking red light on the remote control.

Step 2– Turn on the helicopter using the power switch on the side.

Step 3 – Stand 3 to 5 feet back. Move the throttle stick to 100% throttle level and then back down to 0% throttle level within 2 seconds.

Step 4– Repeat Step 3 above and the light on the remote control should now stop blinking and show a solid red. This means the helicopter is synchronized and ready to fly.

1. The red indicator light will stay solid when the remote control has syncronized with the helicopter. The indicator light will flash when the controller is out of sync or if the helicopter or remote control are low on battery.

2. The green indicator light will illuminate when the helicopter is fully charged using the remote controls charging cable. Charging the helicopter using the remote control may take up to 20 minutes.

Do NOT use any other remote controls with charging features other than the one supplied in the box to charge the unit. Using non-certif ied third party devices to charge the internal battery may damage the battery and potentially cause fire.












Hover Left

Power Switch

Sync Indicator

Horizontal Lever

Frequency Number

Charging Indicator

Acceleration Mode


Steering Trim

Steering Lever

Hover Right

Infrared Transmitter

Page 4: Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr...Elevate Rotate Forward Backward Left Rotation Up Down Right Rotation Forward Backward 2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise

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Troubleshoot ing1. Gently push the throttle up to raise the helicopter about 5 to 7 feet off of the ground.

Step 4 – Landing Practice

Step 1 – Yaw PracticeSlowly raise the throttle/yaw stick until the helicopter hovers about 2 feet in the air. Next, slowly move thethrottle/yaw stick to the left and observe how the helicopter rotates to the left. Repeat this procedure, but rotate the helicopter to the right. If at any time the helicopter shows signs of tipping or you become disoriented, quickly lower the throttle/yaw stick to off. Crashing the helicopter straight down without power from this height is safer than crashing it while the engine is on and blades are still spinning.Step 2 – Hovering PracticeNow that you have learned some of the basics, draw a circle on the ground and practice hovering within the circle. Repeat this exercise while standing beside the helicopter, and then in front of it. If at any time the helicopter shows signs of tipping or you become disoriented, quickly lower the throttle/yaw stick to off.Step 3 – Practice PatternsNow that you’ve succeeded in hovering, try practicing flying in patterns. Start with a square pattern. Next, try a circular pattern, and finally, try a figure eight pattern. If at any time the helicopter showssigns of tipping or you become disoriented, quickly lower the throttle to off.









2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise (Pic 5), push and release the left trim button repeatedly until the turning stops and the helicopter flies straight (Pic 6).3. If the helicopter spirals counter-clockwise (Pic 7), or keeps turning counter-clockwise (Pic 8), push and release the right trim repeatedly until the turning stops and the helicopter flies straight (Pic 6)

(Pic4) (Pic5)




Spiral Clockwise

Spiral Counter-Clockwise

Looping Counter-Clockwise

Left Trim Right Trim


Page 5: Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr...Elevate Rotate Forward Backward Left Rotation Up Down Right Rotation Forward Backward 2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise

Fly ing Pract ice

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After practicing the previous procedures, you can attempt to follow the below flying patterns.

Revolve the helicopter arounda fixed point.

Go forward and turn left until you complete a rectangle.

Fly in a figure 8 pattern.Landing at a fixed point.

Page 6: Mit4cavhb/mit4cavhr...Elevate Rotate Forward Backward Left Rotation Up Down Right Rotation Forward Backward 2. If the helicopter spirals clockwise (Pic 4), or keeps turning clockwise

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Troubleshoot ing

Owners Responsib i l i t ies

1. Please play responsibly. As the owner of this helicopter, you have the responsibility to make sure that you do not cause injury to any person or property using this device.

2. When you adjust, assemble, and fly the helicopter, you must strictly operate it according to the instructions in this manual. Make sure your fingers and other parts of the body are away from the moving parts on the helicopter.

3. The user of this helicopter is completely responsible for the correct operation and usage of this product. The manufacturer and dealer of this product accept no liability for injury of any person, or damage to this product due to incorrect usage and operation.

4. Do NOT allow children under 14 years of age to operate this product.

1. The control distance and elevation will be limited when the helicopter is not fully charged.

2. Be sure to repair the helicopter if the unit is damaged before attempting to fly again. Do NOT fly the helicopter if the rotor or blades are damaged in order to prevent injury.

3. Remove all batteries from the transmitter if you plan to not fly the helicopter for an extended period of time. This will prevent battery leakage and damage to the product.

4. Do NOT drop the helicopter from high altitudes, or cause serious impacts as these actions will damage the helicopter and shorten the usage time.

PROBLEMRemote control does not power on

The indicator of transmitterdoes not turn on

Can not controlthe unit

PROBABLE CAUSE SOLUTIONBatteries are not installed properlyon the remote control

Ba t te r ies a re d ra ined o r a re no t i n s t a l l e d p r o p e r l y

H e l i c o p t e r i s n o t r e c e i v i n g t h et ransmi t te rs ’ s igna l

Rotor speed is too slow

Helicopter is not fully charged Fully charge your helicopter

Pushing up the left stick (throttle stick)

Infrared transmitter is not pointedto the unit or there is an obstructionin the way of the transmitterClear all obstructions and/or point the transmitter to the helicopter

Ins ta l l new ba t te r ies

Make sure the batteriespolarity is correct

Helicopter isnot flyinghigh enough

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Replacement PartsSold Separately

*Internal Battery: Li-Poly 3.7V 200mAh