Environmental Research Letters LETTER • OPEN ACCESS Mistletoe, friend and foe: synthesizing ecosystem implications of mistletoe infection To cite this article: Anne Griebel et al 2017 Environ. Res. Lett. 12 115012 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Networks on Networks: Water transport in plants A G Hunt and S Manzoni - Impact of mountain pine beetle induced mortality on forest carbon and water fluxes David E Reed, Brent E Ewers and Elise Pendall - Will seasonally dry tropical forests be sensitive or resistant to future changes in rainfall regimes? Kara Allen, Juan Manuel Dupuy, Maria G Gei et al. - This content was downloaded from IP address on 11/01/2018 at 22:34

Mistletoe, friend and foe: synthesizing ecosystem …...mistletoe in communities and ecosystems (e.g. Wat-son2001,PressandPhoenix2005,Hatcheretal2012). A holistic view on mistletoe

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Environmental Research Letters


Mistletoe, friend and foe: synthesizing ecosystemimplications of mistletoe infectionTo cite this article: Anne Griebel et al 2017 Environ. Res. Lett. 12 115012


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Related contentNetworks on Networks: Water transport inplantsA G Hunt and S Manzoni


Impact of mountain pine beetle inducedmortality on forest carbon and water fluxesDavid E Reed, Brent E Ewers and ElisePendall


Will seasonally dry tropical forests besensitive or resistant to future changes inrainfall regimes?Kara Allen, Juan Manuel Dupuy, Maria GGei et al.


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Page 2: Mistletoe, friend and foe: synthesizing ecosystem …...mistletoe in communities and ecosystems (e.g. Wat-son2001,PressandPhoenix2005,Hatcheretal2012). A holistic view on mistletoe

Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 115012 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aa8fff


Mistletoe, friend and foe: synthesizing ecosystemimplications of mistletoe infection

Anne Griebel1,3 , David Watson2 and Elise Pendall1

1 Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW, Australia2 Institute for Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, PO box 789, Albury, NSW, Australia3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.



28 June 2017


12 September 2017


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Keywords: mistletoe, climate change, biodiversity, parasitic plants, tree mortality, forest disturbance

AbstractBiotic disturbances are affecting a wide range of tree species in all climates, and their occurrence iscontributing to increasing rates of tree mortality globally. Mistletoe is a widespread group of parasiticplants that establishes long-lasting relationships with a diverse range of host tree species. With climatechange, ecophysiological stress is increasing, potentially making trees more susceptible to mistletoeinfection, which in turn leads to higher forest mortality rates.

The perception of mistletoe presence in individual trees and forest stands is divided within thescientific community, leading to an ongoing debate regarding its impacts. Forest managers concernedabout stand health and carbon sequestration may view mistletoe as a foe that leads to reducedproductivity. In contrast, ecologists may see mistletoe as a friend, in light of the wildlife habitat,biodiversity and nutrient cycling it promotes. However, individual studies typically focus on isolatedeffects of mistletoe presence within their respective research area and lack a balanced, interdisciplinaryperspective of mistletoe disturbance.

With this conceptual paper we aim to bring together the positive and negative impacts of mistletoepresence on tree physiology, soil nutrient cycling as well as stand health and stand dynamics. Wefocus on the role of mistletoe-induced tree mortality in ecosystem succession and biodiversity. Inaddition, we present potential modifications of mistletoe presence on the energy budget and on forestvulnerability to climate change, which could feed back into stand dynamics and disturbance patterns.Lastly, we will identify the most pressing remaining knowledge gaps and highlight priorities for futureresearch on this widespread agent of biotic disturbance.

1. Introduction

1.1. Disturbance impacts on forest ecosystemsForest ecosystems contain 80% of aboveground car-bon and 40% of belowground carbon stocks globally(Watson et al 2000) along with the capacity of storingcarbon over centuries. Disturbances have the poten-tial to alter ecosystem processes and functioning, yetthey are part of the natural cycle of any ecosystem(Kulakowski et al2017). Climate induced disturbances,such as heatwaves and droughts, can significantly lowercarbon sequestration rates in forests (Reichstein et al2013, Yi et al 2015, Yuan et al 2016) and cause wide-ranging tree mortality (McDowell et al 2011, Kara et al2017). Similarly detrimental effects were reported fromexcessive wind-throw following storms and cyclones

and increasing wildfires as the climate changes (Hut-ley et al 2013, Schoennagel et al 2017). Furthermore,such climate induced disturbances can weaken ecosys-tem resilience and alter the occurrence and life-cycleof biotic disturbances (Dukes et al 2009, Johnsonet al 2010, Allen et al 2010, Scott and Mathiasen 2012),such as the recent bark beetle outbreaks that affectedvast areas across western North America (Edburget al 2012). Beetle-induced stand mortality cancompromise atmospheric carbon sequestration rates(Brown et al 2010), but this has not been found in allcases (Reed et al 2014), indicating uncertainty in effectsof biotic disturbance on carbon cycling.

While insect outbreaks and abiotic disturbanceslike drought, storm and fire often cause wide-spreadstand mortality, the presence of parasitic plants is more

© 2017 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

Page 3: Mistletoe, friend and foe: synthesizing ecosystem …...mistletoe in communities and ecosystems (e.g. Wat-son2001,PressandPhoenix2005,Hatcheretal2012). A holistic view on mistletoe

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Figure 1. Mistletoe being friend or foe lies in the eye of the beholder. Left: Areal view of a eucalypt stand that is infected with mistletoe(Amyema miquelii; mistletoe brooms are easily distinguished by their red colored leaves); center: Dead infected trees with the typicalestablishment of mistletoe brooms expanding from the club-shaped haustoria at the terminal branches; right: An immature boobookowl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) roosting in a mistletoe-infected Acacia on a hot (45 ◦C) day in southern Australia. With their high watercontent and densely-branched habit, mistletoe clumps represent a more moderate microclimate used by many animals seeking shelter.(Photographs left and center by Anne Griebel, right by Skye Wassens; used with permission).

subtle in modifying ecosystem processes and standdynamics. Unlike cyclones and wildfires, which arenot necessarily a threat in every climate region, par-asitic plants are globally distributed and an integralcomponent of most ecosystems (Mathiasen et al 2008).The relationship between the parasite and the host mayreflect mutualism, e.g. vascular epiphytes rely on thestructural support of a host plant and in return enhancenutrient cycling by fertilizing the soil with nutrient-enriched litter (March and Watson 2010, Bartels andChen 2012). The largest group of aerial parasitic plantsare mistletoes, which are widespread sap-feeding hemi-parasites (i.e. capable of photosynthesis) that portrayepiphytic behavior and belong to the order Santalales(Bell and Adams 2011). Over 1600 species of mistle-toes world-wide have developed a remarkable rangeof adaptations for mimicking various morphologicaltraits specific to their local hosts; at least 20 speciesare listed as endangered. Because mistletoes are longlived (exceeding 30 years) it can take decades to noticetheir damaging effect on the host (figure 1). The poten-tial positive effects of mistletoe infection arise at theecosystem scale, such as their ability to boost bio-diversity, which has sparked a debate about the roleof mistletoes as keystone species and ecosystem engi-neers (Press and Phoenix 2005, Hatcher et al 2012,Watson and Herring 2012).

1.2. Mistletoe amplifies tree mortalityMistletoe abundance has been increasing within exist-ing distributions (Dobbertin and Rigling 2006, Bowenet al 2009, Turner and Smith 2016), and exacerbationof climatic stress in the form of prolonged droughtshas amplified tree mortality rates in mistletoe infectedforests (Mathiasen et al 1990, Dobbertin and Rigling2006, Way 2011, Sanguesa-Barreda et al 2012, Kolbet al 2016, Mutlu et al 2016). Future climate change

is projected to increase the likelihood, frequency andduration of droughts in many ecosystems (Collins et al2013), so we must understand the physiological causes,the amplifying role of biotic agents on ecosystem pro-cesses and the resulting consequences of this trend(McDowell et al 2011). This is increasingly complexas parasitic infection on its own is rarely lethal; rather,a combination of multiple stress factors exaggeratesstand mortality rates.

Tree mortality after extreme droughts typicallyindicates that cavitation is the predominant processcausing mortality, but native trees in hot and arid cli-mates (such as Australia) are more adapted to droughtso that carbon starvation following stomatal regula-tion might contribute to tree death during prolongeddroughts. This is a long-standing debate (McDowellet al 2008, Sala et al 2010, Sevanto et al 2014), and theparasitic and unregulated water use of mistletoes willlikely contribute to both processes at its host: exaggerat-ing vessel cavitation might ultimately result in failure ofthe hydraulic transport system, as well as induce carbonstarvation by limiting carbon availability (see section2). Carbon limitation can be provoked on multiplepathways, such as (i) the acquisition of heterotrophiccarbon from the host, (ii) the restriction of photosyn-thetic carbongain through inducing increased stomatalregulation and (iii) through failures in the hydraulicsystem which might impair carbon transport from stor-age reserves. However, process-based research focusedpredominantly on the functional understanding ofparasite infection on the leaf-level scale (e.g. Mathi-asen et al 2008, Bell and Adams 2011), and we areincreasingly recognizing the multifunctional role ofmistletoe in communities and ecosystems (e.g. Wat-son 2001, Press and Phoenix 2005, Hatcher et al 2012).A holistic view on mistletoe infection is often miss-ing, as we are still limited in our ability of scaling


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Figure 2. Comparison between the modification of functional relationships of the parasite and a host and how these affect the nitrogen,carbon, water and energy cycles. Plus symbols (+) indicate increases and minus symbols (−) indicate decreases in pools or fluxes.Note that this figure is a simplification to conceptualize the process changes at the host (left side) and at the parasite (right side) of amoderately infected tree with ca. 50% parasite and 50% host foliage remaining, while in reality the mistletoe brooms will be mixedwithin the host’s canopy and increase over time. Abbreviations are as follows: NEP = Net ecosystem productivity, A = Assimilation,LA = Leaf area, gs = Stomatal conductance, RE = Ecosystem respiration, E = Evaporation, T = Transpiration, Ei=Interception loss,ET = Evapotranspiration, H = Sensible heat flux, LE = Latent heat flux, BR = Bowen ratio (BR = H/LE), CUE = Carbon use efficiency,WUE = Water use efficiency.

functional relationships to the ecosystem level and inunderstanding how changes in functional relationshipsare regulating biodiversity. Thus, the role of mistletoeas a friend or foe depends on the respective researchfocus, so we consider it necessary to reconcile mistletoeinfection in a holistic approach to assess ecosystem andbiodiversity consequences under a changing climate.

2. Process modification through mistletoeinfection

Mistletoes have been studied across a large range ofecosystems (see e.g. Mathiasen et al 2008, Bell andAdams 2011), and the process of host infection is sim-ilar for all mistletoe species: the mistletoe attaches to abranch, forming a haustorium, and taps into the xylemof the host tree. When mistletoes are well establishedthey can significantly modify the functional processesof the host tree; the links between the carbon, nutrient,water and energy cycles are conceptualized in figure 2.

2.1. Carbon and nutrient cyclingAmong the most obvious effects on mistletoe infectedstands are reductions in stand basal area and standvolume, which are the result of retarded growth ratesof infected trees (Reid et al 1994, Carnegie et al2009, Sanguesa-Barreda et al 2012). While mistletoeleaves are capable of photosynthesizing and producingbasic sugars, they typically have lower photosyn-thesis rates than their hosts, and many mistletoespecies acquire large amounts of heterotrophic car-bon from the host phloem sap to allow expansionof the mistletoe leaf area (Lamont 1983, Marshallet al 1994, Matsubara et al 2002, Mathiasen et al 2008).

This reduces carbon availability for the host tree, whichleads to reduced growth rates and reductions in hostleaf biomass (Meinzer et al 2004, Rigling et al 2010,Agne et al 2014, Raftoyannis et al 2015). Such degra-dations of the host canopy will further reduce carbonassimilation rates and deplete the non-structural car-bohydrate reserves of the host tree (Rigling et al 2010,Yan et al 2016).

Because of their fast growth rates and short leaflifespan (Reid and Stafford Smith 2000, March andWatson 2007), mistletoes also deprive the host ofits nutrients which accumulate in the parasite leaves(March and Watson 2010, Galiano et al 2011). How-ever, an increase in nutrient-rich mistletoe litterdeposition has a fertilization effect on the soil byenhancing decomposition rates through high-qualitysubstrate provision that increases microbial activityand microbial community size (March and Watson2007, Mellado et al 2016). This, in combination withincreased light penetration, increases soil carbon andnutrient cycling and may boost ecosystem productivityby increasing understory diversity (March and Wat-son 2007, Watson 2009). We speculate that mistletoeinfection may enhance microbial carbon use effi-ciency and lead to increases in soil respiration througheither increased light penetration (host) or increasedmicrobial activity (parasite; figure 2).

2.2. Water and energy cyclingIn order to acquire carbon, water and nutrients fromthe host, mistletoe leaves generally maintain lowerxylem water potentials than host leaves (Ehleringer et al1985, Pate 2001, Strong and Bannister 2002). Toachieve this mistletoes increase their stomatal con-ductance and maintain higher transpiration rates than


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Figure 3. Conceptual figure indicating the temporal dynamics of mistletoe infection from the branch to the ecosystem level with afocus on modifications of physiology, matter and energy fluxes, and floral and faunal diversity. Note that increases in the Bowen ratioindicate heating and decreases indicate cooling of the ecosystem. Abbreviations: MT = Mistletoe, NSC = Nonstructural carbohydrate.

the host leaves (Davidson et al 1989, Marshall et al1994, Canyon and Hill 1997, Cernusak et al 2004).Continuous sap-flow measurements in Pinus sylvestristrees revealed that the host trees compensate forthe additional water loss by reducing host transpi-ration rates via stomatal regulation (Zweifel et al2012). Thus, along with reduced photosynthetic ratesof the parasite, this results in a markedly decreasedwater use efficiency (WUE) of mistletoes comparedto their hosts (Davidson and Pate 1992, Kupperset al 1992, Miller et al 2003, Sanguesa-Barreda et al2013). Changes in transpiration rates will likely out-weigh changes in soil evaporation rates, which mayaccelerate with increasing light penetration, or decreasewith the built up of mistletoe leaf litter. Thus, evap-otranspiration is expected to increase with mistletoeinfection but to decrease from the host tree perspective(figure 2).

Furthermore, modifications in the water cycle withparasite infection will ultimately alter the energy bal-ance, since reductions in latent heat flux (LE) arecounteracted by increases in sensible heat flux (H).Thus, we anticipate that increases in LE with mistletoeinfection will decrease the Bowen ratio (BR = H/LE)due to the inherent and above-mentioned parasitictraits, and to increase it through modification of thefunctional processes of the host tree.

3. Temporal modifications of ecosystemprocesses through mistletoe infection

Mistletoe infection is a dynamic process that con-tinuously modifies stand dynamics over time withprogressively increasing infection rates, potentially

leading to increases in tree mortality. The processchanges during the parasitic life cycle and their impactsfrom branch to stand dynamics are summarized infigure 3.

At first the effects of parasite establishment are lim-ited to individual branches, where germination andearly growth of the mistletoe seedling increases branchleaf volume through the addition of mistletoe leaves.The mistletoe leaves increase the host’s branch conduc-tivity and lower their water potential to maintain hightranspiration rates and to accumulate water, carbonand nutrients from the host. The increase in branchtranspiration results in a marginal increase in latentheat flux, along with a marginal decrease in sensibleheat flux through increased shading from the mistletoeleaf area.

The parasitic life cycle is optimized for longevity.The mistletoe broom is well established and flower-ing about a year after infection, while diameters canexceed a meter within the first couple of years (Reidand Stafford Smith 2000, Carnegie et al 2009). Mistle-toe dispersers (typically birds, see biodiversity section)will distribute the seeds within the tree and to neighbor-ing trees (Ward and Paton 2007, MacRaild et al 2010).Increasing the mistletoe load on individual trees willstart to show notable effects on the host tree after a fewyears, as described in figure 2. These can be detrimentalfor young trees, which due to their small canopy vol-ume seem especially vulnerable to mistletoe infection(Carnegie et al 2009). At this early infection stage initialimpacts on biodiversity can be noted, as the mistle-toe brooms provide favorable nesting sites and foodresources for woodland dependent species (Watson2002, Cooney and Watson 2005, Barea 2008, Napieret al 2014).


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Within the next decade, seed dispersers spread theinfection from highly infected individuals across thestand (Ward and Paton 2007). At this time step highlyinfected trees lose vigor, as the canopies increasinglyshow signs of degradation (Meinzer et al 2004, Raftoy-annis et al 2015). The reduction in live canopy arealeads to a reduction in stand transpiration rates andan increase in soil evaporation through increased lightpenetration. Likewise, partitioning of available energytransitions from latent heat flux towards sensible heatflux. The increase innutrient cycling and light availabil-ity enhances floral biodiversity, while faunal diversity isenhanced through the increased availability of mistle-toe fruits and shelter (Cooney andWatson2005,Bowenet al 2009, Watson 2009).

On time scales of ten years or more, stands loseresilience and infection rates within localized pock-ets can reach high enough levels to increase individualtree and stand mortality rates if the unregulated wateruse during adverse climate conditions cause excessivewater stress on the host tree (Dobbertin and Rigling2006, Carnegie et al 2009, Scott and Mathiasen 2012,Zweifel et al 2012). Multiple tree deaths can potentiallymodify the water and energy balance to a point that suc-cessional and stand dynamics are affected. Mistletoesare predominantly present on dominant and codomi-nant trees (Worrall et al 2005, Agne et al 2014), whichinitiates highly localized gaps after affected trees die.However, these small gaps can decrease tree competi-tion through natural thinning in the long term (Millaret al 2007). In addition, an increase in gap distribu-tion typically has positive impacts on biodiversity, andin recent years the role of parasitic plants as ecosys-tem engineers is increasingly being acknowledged(Hatcher et al 2012).

4. Mistletoe increases biodiversity

Although representing a minor canopy constituent interms of abundance and biomass, mistletoe contributesdisproportionately to species richness, communitycomposition and overall ecosystem function. Theseeffects arise from augmented resource provision (nec-tar, fruit and foliage), increased structural complexity(associated with the growth habit of the mistletoe itselfand/or changes to morphology of infected hosts andcanopy architecture at tree and stand scales), and sub-sidies to food webs from increased rate of enrichedlitterfall and altered litter inputs from infected hosts atthe stand scale. Having synthesized recent work docu-menting these three classes of direct effects, we reviewadditional research quantifying interactive and indirecteffects of mistletoe on biodiversity emphasizing howthe influence of mistletoe may intersect with climatechange.

As semi-succulent plants with few structural andchemical defenses reliant on animal pollinators andseeddispersers,mistletoes are an important food source

for many animals (Watson 2001, Mathiasen et al2008). Like other parasitic plants, mistletoe tissuescharacteristically contain higher nitrogen, phospho-rus and potassium concentrations than their hosts(March and Watson 2010, Mellado et al 2016), and arepreferentially browsed by many herbivores (Canyonand Hill 1997, Shaw et al 2004). Browsing herbivoresmay constrain mistletoe abundance, either by nip-ping off growing stems or, in the case of elephantsand rhinoceros, removing entire plants (Watson 2001).Likewise, individual animals adjust their movements,diets, territories and breeding sites relative to mistletoeabundance and phenology, culminating in consistentlyclose relationships between mistletoe occurrence andfaunal diversity (Barea 2008, Bowen et al 2009, Watson2016). Heavily-infected hosts may be actively defended,both as a food resource (Barea and Watson 2007) andalso as a reliable source of water (Walsberg 1977),especially in arid areas where standing water may beunavailable seasonally. Although most research hasfocused on vertebrates, a large number of arthropodgroups have been found associating with mistletoe(Anderson and Braby 2009, Burns et al 2015), bothas pollinators and specialist herbivores, with one recentstudy (Fadini et al 2014) documenting a three wayinteraction of selective predation of mistletoe seedson one of several potential host species, resulting ina post-dispersal containment of the parasite.

Most mistletoe lineages have a densely-branchedgrowth habit (known as witches’ brooms), represent-ing distinct structural elements in forest canopies thatare used by many animals for shelter, roosting, nesting,hibernating or hiding from predators. This increasedstructural heterogeneity coupled with the high watercontent of mistletoe tissues generates a distinct micro-climate, and Cooney (2004) (see also Cooney andWatson 2005, Ndagurwa et al 2016) demonstratedwithin various locations of a woodland canopy thatmistletoes were consistently more humid and coolerthan comparable sites within Eucalypt foliage, dif-ferences in both temperate and humidity becominggreater as ambient temperatures increased. As well assafe places to raise young, nocturnal animals with lowertolerances to high temperatures seek out mistletoesand mistletoe infected trees for nesting (e.g. Rock-weit et al 2012) and shelter during hot weather (figure1). Even dead mistletoes represent important struc-tural elements for forest and woodland animals, withbranch mortality and eventual loss an important mech-anism for hollow development. In some systems wheremistletoe-induced host mortality drives successionalchange in even-age stands (Shaw et al 2004, Melladoet al 2016), ‘mistletoes constitute a disrupting force ofthe frequently assumed equilibrium dominating latestages of ecological succession, where the parasite fol-lows a different successional trajectory from that ofthe non-parasitized matrix, increasing landscape het-erogeneity in space and time’ (Mellado and Zamora,in press).


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As with other parasitic plants, mistletoe generatelarge amounts of nutrient-enriched litter, precipitatinga cascading series of facilitative interactions beneathinfected hosts. Convergent findings in Australian euca-lypt woodlands, African acacia savannah and Europeanpine forests suggest a generalized role of mistletoesas facilitators (reviewed by Watson 2016). In addi-tion to re-allocating nutrients from infected hosts andshedding litter over a longer duration, the addition ofmistletoe litter accelerates decomposition of recalci-trant host litter, thereby boosting nutrient availability.These effects have been noted in epigeic arthropods(Ndagurwa et al 2014), understorey plants (March andWatson 2010), seedling growth (Mellado and Zamora,in press), and fungal diversity (Mueller and Gehring2006).

While these above- and belowground interactionsare often studied in parallel, they interact at multi-ple scales to catalyze successional change and increasethe quality of forested habitats for a wide range ofbiota. The most clear-cut example of these effects isa patch-scale removal experiment that compared euca-lypt woodlands before and after all mistletoes wereremoved relative to a set of otherwise comparablewoodlands with either no mistletoe or representativemistletoe abundances (Watson and Herring 2012).Three years after mistletoes were removed from wood-land canopies, the richness and incidence of birdsdecreased by up to 36%, with treatment effects mostpronounced for ground-foraging insectivores (Wat-son 2015). While some of these losses arose fromlocal extirpations post removal, most of the experi-mental effect was due to interactions with a severedrought that coincided with the removal phase ofthe experiment. Once drought conditions ameliorated,those control woodlands (with mistletoe) rebounded,receiving more than twice the proportion of woodland-dependent species and ground foraging insectivoresthan treatment woodlands (with no mistletoe; Wat-son 2015). This complex interaction between mistletoeoccurrence and climatic variation provides direct sup-port for Watson’s (2001) hypothesis that mistletoebuffers the effects of drought and other stochas-tic events on biodiversity via provision of a suiteof limiting resources, thereby increasing communityresilience.

5. Priorities for future research

We synthesized how mistletoe infection typically mod-ifies the functional processes of its host tree andhow mistletoe infection affects stand dynamics, speciesoccurrence and animal behavior with time. We high-lighted recently established links between an increasein tree mortality rates following mistletoe infection andprolonged drought, which is anticipated to worsenin many ecosystems under the predicted changes inclimate. Nonetheless, parasite induced tree mortality

rarely damages the entire stand, but rather initiateslocalized gaps that have positive effects for floral andfaunal biodiversity, leading to a positive perception ofmistletoe parasites as ecosystem engineers. Next, wehighlight the most promising approaches to monitorand manage infected stands and conclude with sugges-tions for future research that examines the link betweenmistletoe infection and tree mortality.

5.1. Promising monitoring and managementapproachesMonitoring of mistletoe populations remains tediousand labor intensive, as it predominantly relies onmanual inventories (Carnegie et al 2009, MacRaildet al 2010, Turner and Smith 2016). Remote sensingtechniques such as combining hyperspectral imagingspectrometry with LiDAR or airborne surveys mightallow mapping of distributions on the landscape level,if mistletoe leaves differ notably in their propertiesfrom host leaves (Ancic et al 2013, Barbosa et al 2016,figure 1). However, these landscape-scale assessmentsof mistletoe abundance are still in development, andalthough these approaches are promising, they stillrequire testing across a larger range of ecosystems.Another approach might be the use of targeted mod-els that either predict the host range and distributionof mistletoe colonies or the distribution patterns ofseed dispersers. The prediction of future populationdynamics might then allow for planning and imple-menting of targeted and timely management strategiesto control the distribution of the mistletoe population(Watson et al 2017).

The contrasting perception of mistletoe as eitherfriend or foe is also reflected in highly contrastingmanagement approaches. Selective removal of mistle-toe clumps is still practiced in heavily infested stands,where a once-off removal can benefit stand produc-tivity for over a decade (Maffei et al 2016). Fungi canact as a successful biological control agent for mistle-toe (Reid and Shamoun 2009, Varga et al 2012), andprescribed burning or wildfires in Australia have beendemonstrated to reduce mistletoe abundance (Shawet al2004, Start 2011, 2013, 2015). However, the impor-tance of mistletoe as a keystone resource for wildlifeis widely acknowledged (Watson 2016 and referencestherein), with land managers increasingly retainingmistletoe to improve habitat quality for threatenedspecies or to enhance ecosystem function (Norton andReid 1997, Mellado et al 2016). Whether the goal isto suppress or promote mistletoe infection, attackingthe causes of over-proportional mistletoe distributionmight allow for longer-term solutions. This could beachieved through implementing environmental plan-ning strategies that reduce land degradation and thusincrease wildlife and natural enemies, or to identifyand plant infection-resistant host species in order tocontain the spatial distribution through seed dispersers(Norton and Reid 1997, MacRaild et al 2010).


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5.2. Remaining knowledge gapsThe general link between parasitic infection andincreased tree mortality rates is well established andthe modifications of host processes following mistletoeinfection are increasingly well understood. However,we are still limited in identifying the critical mecha-nisms that link parasite infection and tree mortality.This remains complex due to the combination of mul-tiple stress factors, since climate change and mistletoeinfection can exaggerate stand mortality rates indi-vidually and in combination. Within recent years, anumber of studies demonstrated a clear link betweenparasite infection and prolonged drought on increasingtree mortality rates, but it remains unresolved whetherhydraulic failure, carbon starvationor a combinationofboth processes are amplifying mortality rates. In addi-tion, mistletoe interacts with other biotic disturbances(such as insects, pathogens and herbivore browsing),which apart from potentially increasing biodiversityalso leads to increased tree mortality. Hence, it willbe essential to design targeted studies that focus ondeciphering and quantifying these processes and toidentify critical thresholds that cause trees to die asprojectionsof increasingclimatic stress onmost ecosys-tems will likely increase mortality rates of infectedstands. Finally, it will be critical to improve our capa-bilities of automated spatial mapping and ongoingmonitoring of stand health dynamics to enable tar-geted management strategies and to identify the onsetof potential large-scale mortality events as early aspossible.


The authors thank Victor Resco de Dios, Mathias Boer,Daniel Metzen, Chelsea Maier, Craig Barton and AlexisRenchon for insightful discussions. This work was par-tially supported by the AustralianTerrestrial EcosystemResearch Network (TERN) (www.tern.org.au).


Anne Griebel https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4476-8279


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