MISSIONS MINISTRY’S PRAYER BOOKLET Trinity Methodist Church 25 September 2010

MISSIONS MINISTRY’S PRAYER BOOKLET · Buddhist faith, partly because his wife is a staunch Buddhist. He often ... and repentance. There was a change in the worship atmosphere

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Page 1: MISSIONS MINISTRY’S PRAYER BOOKLET · Buddhist faith, partly because his wife is a staunch Buddhist. He often ... and repentance. There was a change in the worship atmosphere



Trinity Methodist Church

25 September 2010

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Chan Chong Hiok and Margaret Chan 3 - 4

Kevin and Claire Lowe 5 – 7

Jacob Cheng and Cheng Wai Cheng 8 - 9


Dr. Kwa Kiem Kiok 10 - 10


Takhmao Trinity Methodist Church 11 - 12


Care for Cambodia 13 - 14

Trans World Radio 15 - 15


Trinity Methodist Church 16 - 18

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- Thank God for the different teams that went on mission trips from

June to mid-August, bringing the Gospel to minority groups within

their Area as well as internationally.

- Pray for lasting fruit and disciples who will be good witnesses for


- Pray for the 12 being sent out as missionaries to closed countries

that they will be a blessing and powerful tools of ministry to the

people around them.


From left: Joel, Margaret, Joshua & Chong Hiok

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- Thank God for the fruitful Regional Conferences which were held in

August where all staff (from all the strategies in the region) were

able to connect with Him and with one another.

- Thank God for the good collaboration established with several local

church networks in the last few months.

- Pray for good partnership with the churches and other

organizations so that Christians can be mobilized to serve Him.

- Pray that the leaders, staff and volunteers will have wisdom and

strength to serve God in helping to reach many with the Gospel and

send out cross-cultural missionaries to the world.

- Pray that the people in the Area they are overseeing will hear and

understand the gospel and will respond positively to it.

- Pray for the 30 unreached people groups they are seeking to reach

in collaboration with various organizations. Pray that 100 couples

can be raised for the project.

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A Teacher from ‘The Learning Lab’.

Her father was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer and hepatitis B.

However he is unable to undergo treatment. In the last few weeks, he

has not been able to eat nor drink and the pain has been excruciating.

Her family believes in the Lord and is ready to release her father to His

Maker. Please pray for her mother whose health is not good either. Also

being the only one with a ‘proper job’, she is financially responsible for

three of her younger siblings who are studying. She got married 8

months ago, and due to an unfortunate circumstance, her husband lost his

job. These months have been trying for her. Pray that she will hold fast

her faith in God and have the supernatural strength to pull her through

this difficult time.

A Sister from ‘Cheeky Monkey’.

She has recently gone through an emotional turmoil. She just found out

that her boyfriend has been dishonest with her and has two other

‘girlfriends’. Over the last few months, because of the confusions and

frustrations over her BGR problems, many of her relationships with

church friends and colleagues have also been affected. Please pray that

the spirit of discontentment, grumbling and complaining will be bound and

released from her. Pray that she will seek the Lord’s comfort and

embrace the love and care that certain people are trying to give her, and

through these, it will melt all the bitterness away. Pray that she will

quickly come onto the road of emotional and spiritual recovery.

Another Sister from ‘Cheeky Monkey’

Four weeks ago, her brother died of electric shock. Two weeks ago, her

grandfather died. Her mother is emotionally and mentally distressed.

Pray that she will be a beacon of light and strength for her family.

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From left: Titus, Kevin, Tabitha & Claire Lowe

(Faith, the youngest daughter of Kevin & Claire, is not in the picture)

A Brother from ‘Forever Living’

He has a low self-esteem. All his life he feels he has been looked down by

his friends and family. However, after getting to know him, he is creative

and musically talented. He has a very winsome character and truly child-

like faith. He loves the Lord dearly. He has been slowly but surely

growing in stature, learning the ropes of his work and excelling in it. Pray

that he will continue to grow steadily and be a living testimony of

transformation from a person with no hope and future to one who is

successful and able to extend help to others.

A Sister from Promised People Church

She is recovering from a near-death experience. She had hemorrhoids

but the doctor gave her some medication that caused her to go into

shock – her eyes rolled backwards; was gasping for breath; and her

heartbeat pounding rapidly. She was very shaken by this experience. She

is a young but very pious Christian. Pray for her as she recovers

physically and spiritually.

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A Pastor; One of Kevin’s Disciples

He recently had his second kid. He is a good pastor and committed to his

sheep. He doubled the church congregation within a year and a half. He

seeks to better himself and is undertaking studies at night. However,

ministry demands, studies, and the two children are taking a toll on his

relationship with his wife. Just in the last week, he shared with Kevin

that there has been increasing tension between them. Suspecting that

she might be having post-natal depression, he is trying to take it all in.

Pray for perseverance, courage, peace and strength as he struggles to

bear his cross.

A Friend of Kevin’s

He is a son of a government official. He is undergoing financial

difficulties as he has been cheated by others. His ‘unofficial marriage’ is

on the rocks. Kevin has shared the Gospel with him but he remains

unsure and uncommitted. Pray that the Holy Spirit will miraculously open

his eyes and heart to realise that he needs God, and open his mouth to

cry to Him for help and experience Him in a personal way.

A Client and Friend of Kevin’s

He is super rich! His family owns a diamond business; his wife a shipping

business. When he was young, he lived with a Christian family while

studying in the United States. Through them he came to know the Lord.

However, he was disappointed by some Christians and has returned to the

Buddhist faith, partly because his wife is a staunch Buddhist. He often

hangs out with Kevin and asks very profound questions. Pray that he will

find The Way, The Truth and The Life and that he and his household will

come to the Lord.

One of Kevin’s Clients

She unloads all her frustrations to Kevin. She goes to his office often

and complains to him for hours! Kevin comes home drained just by

listening to her. Claire has shared about God with her but she is very

steep in her beliefs (seems like a cultic sect of Buddhism; in her younger

years she was heavily involved in medium practices). Pray that she will

somehow stop hounding Kevin. Pray that all spiritual bondages be crushed

and that she will come to the saving knowledge of our good Lord.

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Tent Making:

For the next few months, the Khmer brothers and sisters working in

Harvest Inn will be going through a very challenging and busy season.

There will be teams coming from schools and churches. The staff at the

Inn is coordinating their programs and logistics. This will be a good time

of training for everyone. Harvest Inn is not able to accommodate some of

these teams, and arrangements have been made for another guesthouse

to take them in. Jacob and Wai Cheng are praying for expansion in the

near future.


From left: Coen, Jacob, Wai Cheng & Creda

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- Pray that the Khmer brothers and sisters will have a greater desire

for God and will obey and serve Him faithfully.

- Pray that everyone in the ministry will be able to exercise faith in

their work - trusting in His providence and have the courage to

follow where the Lord leads them.

- Pray that the key leaders will have the joy to serve, and have the

humility to be used by God to be servants among the people. Pray

that they will not be easily discouraged, but will be good examples

and love the people under their care.

- Pray that the staff will be able to learn and master the skills well;

that they will provide quality services and products.

- Pray that the Lord will touch the hearts and lives of the guests as

they stay in Harvest Inn.

- Harvest Inn also has many non-Christian guests. Pray that they will

experience the reality of the presence of God.

- Pray for Jacob and Wai Cheng as they live and learn with the Khmer

brothers and sisters; that they will have the wisdom to help them

grow in the Lord and be His disciples.

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- Praise God for His sustaining grace these past few months. It was

the beginning of a new academic year and she had new

responsibilities. Kiem Kiok prays that her actions have been in

response to God's guidance and prompting.

Tan Family

From left: Ivan & Kiem Kiok

- East Asia School of Theology has begun a process of curriculum

review. They are looking at what kinds of graduates they would like

to produce who would be good ministers for the Kingdom of God and

the way to go about that. The whole process of review and

implementing change could take up to 3 years. Pray for God's

wisdom for the staff in this process that they would know how He

is leading them.

- Pray for grace as Kiem Kiok mentors a group of 6 ladies. She asks

for sensitivity to hear their deep concerns and the discernment to

be able to encourage and guide them.

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- Pray for the Relocation Project of TTMC as Pastors Chamnap and

Socheat, leaders of TTMC and Jacob go through the final round of

checking the premise and legal document of the new location.

- Pray that the members of TTMC will be united and ready for the

move, and to embark on the ministries led by the Lord.

- Thank God for the Youth Camp. There was a time of seeking Him

and repentance. There was a change in the worship atmosphere.

There was also a time of seeking God for sanctification and healing.

From left: Pastors Bun Socheat & Nhoek Chamnap

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- Thank God for the anointing upon Pastor Chamnap. He was ordained

last month. After the camp, the Lord is leading him to minister in

greater faith.

- Pray that the Lord will sustain Pastor Chamnap and that he will

continue to fan the flame for Him.

- Pray for the Children’s Ministry that they will be keen to learn more

about God and love Him. Pray for empowerment for the teachers

(Sina and Wai Cheng) to have the strength and wisdom in teaching

the children. Pray that the children will learn to serve the Lord.

The New Property TTMC is Acquiring

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- Pray for the 48 CfC children and teenagers (41 orphans) to grow

strong in faith and in their knowledge of their Lord Jesus Christ.

- Pray for an 8-year old girl, whose parents have separated and

abandoned her and her two older sisters in a faraway village. The

grandmother wants to keep the older girls to help earn a living, but

cannot look after the youngest because she is too small and often

has high fevers leading to convulsions. CfC has been asked to

consider taking this child in. Please pray for wisdom and God’s best

for her life.

- Pray for the older teenagers who have left CfC recently. The

oldest, David, has started an intensive English course in preparation

for a four-year Business Management Degree. Benjamin is taking

English conversation classes and working for Café Eden as a

security guard and motorbike driver. Ravy and Isaiah are living

100km to the southeast of Phnom Penh, clearing and farming new

land recently purchased by the Teece family. Both boys will

continue their education in this new development area. Lydia is

working at Café Eden, really enjoying herself in learning and helping

to prepare food and make cakes. Only Lili has not yet made a good

transition into outside society; she left the Christian

accommodation in which she was placed in. CfC has now found a

sewing course for her, and is waiting for her decision as to whether

she wants to return to Phnom Penh or not.

- Pray for the remaining CfC’s 10 older teenagers in Years 10, 11 and

12. CfC is looking for an English language school for them to attend

part-time tuition classes. Also, pray for God’s wisdom and leading

for those who will be finishing school next year. All these teenagers

need to move out of CfC and begin to live in society as salt and

light, making decisions and finding ways of earning a living.

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- Praise God for the provision of two new Christian caregivers, but

now one lady is planning to leave because an overseas relative has

bought her a small shop outlet near one of the big markets. Please

pray for a replacement caregiver, and also for new teachers

especially for the middle and younger children in the children’s


Teece Family

Norman (extreme left) & Fi (second from right)

- Please pray for Norman, Sokhim, Srey Rohm and the other young

people who are establishing Café Eden - café and craft workshop.

Eden has been opened for a month now and most days there are

quite a few customers. It’s a learning situation for everyone,

especially the organization of getting different food orders to the

table at the same time.

- Continue to pray also for CFC’s 56 village projects, their leaders,

teachers and the 2500 children and teenagers who are being taught

and discipled daily. Pray for the distribution of school packs to

1313 village children, that all may see and receive the blessings of

God, and in His time come to know Him as Lord and Saviour.

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Trinity Methodist Church is partnering TWR in the area of discipling the

Khmer Christians especially in the provinces through radio broadcast.

Speaking fluently in more than 200 languages and dialects, TWR exists to

reach the world for Jesus Christ. Their global media outreach engages

millions in 160 countries with biblical truth. Since 1954, God has enabled

TWR to help lead people from doubt to decision to discipleship.

Together with international partners, local churches and other

ministries, TWR provides relevant programming, discipleship resources

and dedicated workers to spread hope to individuals and communities

around the globe. Whether using high-powered radio to reach people in

the Middle East and Latin America, streaming content to internet users

in Asia and Europe or visiting face-to-face with listeners in Africa, TWR

leaves a lasting spiritual footprint.

- Pray for the listeners to be able to get the signal clearly from the

FM station; that the Word of God through the program will help to

encourage them every day.

- Pray for God’s blessings and grace to be upon the staff and their

family as some of them are sick.

- Pray for God’s wisdom, strength and discernment to be upon TWR-

Cambodia and all the partners in the field, as they are currently

working on the possibility of a project for women and girls in need.

- Pray for TWR Ministry personnel:

Andrew Sundar- South East Asia Director

Veasna Uk - Ministry Leader of TWR Cambodia

Charia - Leader for Cambodia Children's ministry

Blossom Phillips - Asia Children Ministry Coordinator

Serene Yang - Asia Women's Ministry Coordinator

Aaron Low - TWR Singapore Ministry Leader

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1) Mission Teams

- pray for the two mission teams from the Children’s and Youth

Ministries that as they prepare for their trips in December,

God will lead and guide them accordingly.

- pray for protection upon the members of the teams that God

will keep them safe physically, emotionally, mentally and


- pray for unity in the teams that every one will be able to work

closely with one another and to encourage one another when

the going gets tough.

- pray for the Children’s Ministry Team (Chew Kim Ling,

Deborah Kew & Cho Mei Chan) that as they explore new

ministry grounds with Trans World Radio and Care for

Cambodia that God will provide for them accordingly and grant

them discernment in their decision-making.

- pray for the Youth Ministry team (Ang Hern Shung – Team

Leader, Tan Min Qhee – Assistant Team Leader, Goh Chui Mei

– Adviser, Vernetta Chai, Audrey Chia, Clara Chua, Clara Tay,

Nicole Gan, Tay Jia Eenn, Jacelyn Lau, Timothy Tan, Jonathan

Lau, Eugene Goh, Gabriel Woo and Andy Chew - Adviser) that

God will guide them as they minister to the children and

youths in The Learning Lab, Care for Cambodia and Takhmao

Trinity Methodist Church.

- pray for those in the team who are studying for their

examinations that God will help them to be diligent in their

revisions and that they will continue to give their best to

glorify God and honour their parents.

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3) Missions Awareness and Participation

- pray for every member and friend to be bold and courageous

in living out their faith in the marketplace.

4) Missions Committee

- pray for the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental well-being

of the Missions Committee (David Lim, Lee Park Ming, Norman

Ng, Anthony Woo, Damein Cheong, Jared Koh, Violet Khor, Lydia

Han, Veronica Sim, Esther Ho and Andy Chew).

- pray for the Committee members to have discernment and

obedience as they look into all missions matters in the church.

- pray for a close working relationship with the missionaries, local

field worker and missions organisations that every one will be able

to spur one another on towards love and good deeds.

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- pray for directions as the Committee seeks God in the area of

discipleship especially in the lives of the Khmers of Cambodia whom

TMC has adopted as a “unreached people group.”

- pray for the Committee as they work with the pastor and leaders of

TTMC in the Relocation Project that God will lead them throughout

the whole process.

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“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all

the saints.” Ephesians 6:18