(5th to 8th April) Mission Report and Testimonies MISSION BOHOL 2018

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(5th to 8th April)Mission Report and Testimonies

Mission Bohol 2018


Greetings from Preacher Edsel Locot

In Baclayon, one of Bohol’s towns, the oldest Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines is located. Parents there don’t usually allow their children to come and join in Protestant gatherings for fear of persecution should the Roman Catholic leaders in the village take notice and report them to the priest. Conducting a DVBS in the village was nearly impossible for us. I confess that I was really worried that not all the children who signed up would come.

But all glory be to God! All these children did come, including others who did not sign up, along with some parents who came with their children as well. Indeed, the LORD is good. The mission team was thus able to minister to the children and also to the parents. I praise God for enabling the DVBS teachers to teach the children and for Pr Dennis to share the Gospel to the parents, without any hindrance or persecution. Truly, it is the working and leading of the Lord that a door had been opened for a possible ministry to the children in the village in the future.

I also want to thank the LORD for the mission team’s desire to visit the home of some church members in order to study the Word of God together and to have fellowship with one another. I am also thankful for

(Preacher Edsel with his mother and relatives)


A report by Elder Mah Chin Kwang

Mission Bohol 2018, a short 4-day trip, was yet another occasion where the mission team experienced God’s goodness as we ministered to unsaved souls and encouraged brethren in Tagbilaran City and Anda. We praise God for His grace and help in strengthening the 10-member team, together with Pr Edsel and the Bohol brethren, for all that was done for the Lord.

It was a long journey from Singapore to Bohol. The team decided to fly from Singapore, transiting for 6 hours in Manila and landing directly at Tagbilaran City Airport, Bohol. By the Lord’s grace, the team did not feel overly tired. After a quick dash to the nearby supermarket to stock up on ingredients needed for the preparation of all participants’ lunch for the following day’s DVBS, the team left to visit Bro Bucio and his family. For some in the team, it had been many years since our last visit and it was truly a blessed time to renew our friendship with him once again.

Friday, 6 April 2018, was a blessed and memorable day for all of us, both for the mission team and Pr Edsel and a few of his brethren. We not only had the joy of ministering to the children at Baclayon where none in the community comes to the mission church, but the brothers also had

“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

the opportunity to visit Bro Levi in the jail, where we could share the Gospel to many inmates. We praise God also for enabling Pr Dennis to preach God’s Word in our Worship Service on April 8, 2018. Thank God also for the mission team’s presentation of the special item in singing the mission theme song, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”, that really edified and encouraged us. I can truly testify that our members were all encouraged and edified. Praise God for the mission team’s love, kindness and generosity to the members of the mission church. We thank God also for the love gifts for the mission church, for the missionary and for the members.

I praise God for the great and mighty things He did in Bohol and we pray that the LORD will prosper the work in Bohol. All glory to God.


the opportunity to reach out to a large crowd of inmates at the local jail. The day ended with yet another blessed time of home fellowship and that evening, at the home of Bro Nestor, a long-time member of the mission church. Pr Dennis shared God’s Word to encourage him and the team. May the Lord be pleased to grant bountiful fruits from all these outreach efforts in due time, for His glory.

By the Lord’s providence, the aunt of Pr Edsel, who is the chief in the village of San Roque, allowed us to hold the DVBS at the San Roque Barangay Hall. We had anticipated only 30 children would come, but the Lord brought 42 children instead. It was a joy that with Pr Edsel’s quick trip to stock up some materials, coupled with the judicious redistribution of the art and craft materials, as well as the small gifts that we had brought, none of the children were left out.

The 5 sisters in the mission team, together with Sis Thelma Bucio who interpreted from English to Cebuano, reached out to the children joyfully in various areas. They led in singing, played the guitars, taught Bible lessons and memory verses, and worked with the children in the art and craft sessions; Sis Elizabeth taught a practical lesson on

oral hygiene. 20 of the children indicated their desire to accept the Lord and follow Him. May the Lord be pleased to truly save some young souls and preserve them for His glory.

During the morning session, Pr Dennis preached the Gospel in Cebuano to 12 parents who had brought the young children. In the afternoon, the brothers made their way to the local jail to visit Bro Levi, one of the members of the mission church, who is an inmate there. We praise the Lord for the joy of encouraging Bro Levi and also to spread the Gospel of Jesus to scores of inmates and (Mission Team in front of the church)


some of their visitors. Bro David Ng shared his testimony of his past and of how the Lord Jesus had changed him. His moving testimony fell upon attentive ears of many inmates who could relate to his past experience. By the Lord’s grace, I shared from the text Isaiah 30:18 – “And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.” Let us pray that some of these inmates will turn to the Lord as their Redeemer.

Early the next morning on Saturday, 7 April, the team set off for Anda, an estimated 3-hour journey to the south-eastern shore of Bohol to have the regular Bible study at the home of Sis Roscelle’s grandmother and her family. The family made beautiful name tags for each of the 15 members of the family and each of the visitors. It was good to accompany Pr Edsel’s in his weekly travel to Anda for the Bible study among a group of people hungering for God’s Word. He usually makes his way at 5 am and travels by the regular bus, only to arrive home at 4 pm. By the Lord’s help again, I led in the Bible study on Psalm 56. Let us pray that the Lord will send a faithful and well-trained servant to serve permanently in Anda, in His time.

Mission Bohol 2018 climaxed its work with the team participating in the Lord’s day worship service, together with the 14 local brethren, 5 children and several other visitors, including Sis Vicky, an active past member of our Filipino Service here in Singapore. Pr Dennis preached from the Mission theme verse, Hebrews 12:2, while Sis Kim Lei taught the children in a separate class. The lunch that followed gave us further opportunity to fellowship, after which we had to rush off to the hotel to check out and then made our way to the airport for the flight departing at 2.55 pm. After another transit of 6 hours at Manila Airport, our flight landed at Changi at 1.45 am on Monday, 9 April.

May the Lord be highly exalted in all that was done for Him, and may He be pleased to prosper the work in Bohol.

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I

please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11


Sis Elizabeth Poon

“And the lord said unto the servant. Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23).

There are so many blessings to recount from this Mission Trip. But I have to be brief.

It is by the Lord’s grace that I was given another opportunity to serve Him in the Bohol Mission. I am so thankful to the Lord to be part of the team that truly served with unity, love, energy and enthusiasm. Praise

Bro David Tan (L), Bro David Ng (R)

Bro David Tan“In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me” (Psalm 56:10-11). Indeed, we must praise God for all that He had done for us.

I would like to thank God for enabling me to serve Him in this mission trip and the opportunities to meet our brethren in Bohol. Through the home visitations, we came to know how our Bro Nestor and Bro Bucio face the persecutions in believing in our Lord Jesus Christ; even their own family members and fellow villagers despise them for being true Christians. I thank the Lord for sustaining their faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord continue to help them to be strong and have the courage to face all their fears. May He continue to bless and lead them in their Christian life.


God that our church was upholding and supporting the team in prayer. The Lord answered by providing and helping us in many areas.

Many of us fell ill just days before the trip. I, too,

was down with cough and sore throat. Being asthmatic, once the flu sets in, I often suffer long bouts of infection and cough. The Lord, however, was gracious to remove every trace of the flu bug in me. He is truly my Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. I thank the Lord for keeping us well so that we could go forth to serve among the people in Bohol.

Acts 2:39 reads, “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off. Even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” This is our hope.

The full-day DVBS was a blessed and joyous experience. Seeing the team managing the last-minute 50% increase in the number of children that came, the Lord’s provision of a sister to interpret from English to Cebuano for the little ones, the children’s excitement, happy singing, responding to questions during the Bible lessons and enjoying their handicraft sessions, complete my joy.

We had a blessed time of fellowship and meditation of the Word at the homes of 3 brethren, who steadfastly held onto the truth in a predominantly Roman Catholic community. May the Lord continue to keep them steadfast, clinging onto the promises of God in their walk.

I was touched by Pr Edsel Locot’s ministry, particularly his 3-hour journey, beginning at 5 am every Saturday morning to conduct Bible studies with a family in Anda. This has caused me to self-examine my own outreach effort in Singapore.

May the Lord be pleased to bless and multiply the work in Bohol. To God be the glory!

(Sis Elizabeth teaching the children oral hygiene)


(Sis Aileen teaching the children, with Sis Thelma interpreting to Cebuano)

Sis Aileen Tan

I praise the LORD for the 2018 Bohol Mission Trip during which I was richly blessed; and I rejoice with thanksgiving for them. There are many items of thanksgiving, but I would just share a few.

First, the visits to the homes of Bro Bucio, Bro Nestor and Aunty Manag (Sis Roscelle’s grandmother). I learned not only precious lessons from the exhortations of God’s Word by Pr Dennis and Eld Mah, but also lessons in life from these families and their simple lifestyles. All of them showed much eagerness to receive God’s Word, and demonstrated sincere and warm hospitality and joyful living in the midst of their humble surroundings. I was touched and humbled by these lasting impressions and was reminded that I ought to be quick to serve the Lord joyfully, regardless of my situation in life.

Second, I thank the Lord for everyone in the mission team as they all took their assigned roles seriously and zealously served God.

Third, I praise and thank the Lord for enabling me to revisit Bohol and be blessed with the joy of witnessing the steadfastness of brethren worshipping in Gethsemane B-P Mission Church of Bohol. I am reminded by 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

All glory be to God; and may the Lord give opportunity for other dearly beloved brethren in our Church to join in mission trips in the future.


I learned sometime in mid-2017 that our missionary-in-charge of Bohol, Pr Edsel Locot, had started a Bible study in the home of my grandmother in Anda. I was filled with joy and thanksgiving that my relatives now have the opportunity to hear God’s Word. I was led to pray that according to God’s grace, some may sincerely turn to the Lord. I was reminded of Matthew 4:16, “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.” May the Lord be pleased to save some of them.

When I heard that there would be a mission trip to Bohol, I naturally had a great desire to join the team. Thank God for making it possible for me to go.

Pr Edsel had written in his greetings to the mission team that our mission church in Tagbilaran City is known by other churches as a “lonely church” because our mission church does not participate in inter-denominational activities for our doctrinal stand. When I read his letter, I was all the more convicted of the importance of this mission trip to encourage our missionary and the small number of faithful brethren.

Being a small mission team of ten people, every member was assigned several tasks, which we all carried out with much joy. I thank the Lord for this. The mission theme song, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”, was a constant reminder and encouragement to me from the time of preparation to the end of the four-day mission trip.

As in most parts of the Philippines, most, if not all, of the church members in Bohol come from very poor homes. I thank God for sustaining their faith in the midst of their poverty.

Sis Roscelle Lim

(Sis Roscelle and her grandmother)


For me, the most blessed and memorable event of Mission Bohol 2018 was the visit to encourage Bro Levi, who is currently detained in Tagbilaran City Jail. In this jail, more than 400 prisoners are incarcerated and waiting for their cases to be brought before the courts to be charged for violent crimes and crimes related to drugs. Some may eventually be pardoned or given light sentences, while others may be given long or even life sentences. The uncertainty of their sentencing causes severe emotional problems for many. They are in desperate need to hear the Word of God and turn to the Lord for salvation and peace.

The mighty Hand of the Lord was at work that day. By the Lord’s providential Hand, the warden of the jail accorded us unusual courtesy. For example, we were exempted from the standard practice of undergoing a fully unclothed body search. Instead, we were only frisked before entering. On entering the holding area that doubled up as a little chapel with several rows of benches, we saw a smiling Bro Levi standing. We understood from him that we could not share the Word with the inmates in his cell as we had expected. The Lord however turned our disappointment around. He granted us an opportunity to hold a public meeting instead! We were able to reach out not only to the 18 attentive inmates from Bro Levi’s cell, but to other inmates, their visitors and to scores of other inmates gathered outside in the open ground. As we had come during their afternoon break, many were released from their cells. What a great joy it was for us as we urged them all to ‘turn [their] eyes upon Jesus’ in song. The voices of the seven of us in singing “Amazing Grace”, together with some of the inmates, went far and wide within the prison ground.

Bro David Ng

Over the four days, James 2:5 came to mind time and again, “Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?”

Let us continue to remember our missionary Pr Edsel Locot and the brethren in the church in prayer, that they may grow in faith and through them the Gospel of the Lord Jesus would spread far and wide, all over the province of Bohol.


I had the opportunity to share my testimony of my sinful past and how I had been in and out of prison 7 times, and how the Lord saved and delivered me. It must have touched some hearts because I saw that many were fully attentive. I praise the Lord for using me to encourage them.

I praise the Lord too for the opportunity given to Eld Mah in sharing the Word from Isaiah 30:18, regarding God’s love and patience in waiting for His people to come to Him in repentance, and also for His people to hope in God.

Praise God for the fruitfulness of the DVBS that as many as 40 children attended, about half of whom showed their desire to follow Christ. Thank God for the fellowship with like-minded brethren during home visitations, for the preaching of His Word as I was much blessed and edified; above all, I thank God for the joy of worshipping the Lord in the unity of Spirit and doctrine. May God’s grace and strength be upon Pr Edsel to preach His Word with all longsuffering. May all brethren in the mission church remain faithful to the Lord. And may the Lord also save some and send revival to true believers among the prisoners of Tagbilaran City Jail.

With excitement, I am looking forward to my fourth mission trip.

(Outside Tagbilaran City Jail)


Left: Bro Anthony helping the children with their art and craft

Above: Pr Dennis preaching to the parents of the children who came for the DVBS

Bro Anthony Lau

I thank God for the opportunity to participate in this mission trip. As I look back and reflect on the 4 days in Bohol, I recall many things to thank the Lord for. However, I would just highlight two events: one during and one after the trip.

During the trip, the brothers had the opportunity to visit the local prison. Just being within the prison compound (being my first experience in a prison ministry) and seeing the faces of some twenty men, young and old, as well as the terrible condition of the prison, I really wondered and even doubted if we could possibly encourage them. But God rebuked and reminded me that our mission was to be faithful as sowers of the Gospel seed and it is “… God that giveth the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:7). Thank God for the rebuke.

Shortly after I returned to work and was sitting at lunch with some colleagues, one of them asked about the trip and whether we had helped to build, paint and repair houses, or whether we had distributed money and food to the poor. Their idea of a ‘mission trip’ was doing such good deeds. I thank God for the window of opportunity and wisdom given to me to explain that while these charitable works may be noble, our main mission is to bring the Gospel to the people and villagers there -- telling others of the Good News of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ is what we ought to do, and not mere good works.

To God be the glory.


I am reminded of the blessed promise that God made when He said in Deuteronomy 31:8, “And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.” Truly, the Lord had gone before us in different ways in our mission trip to Bohol.

I was assigned the task of planning and preparing materials for the art and craft sessions for the two DVBS lessons and the Sunday Junior Worship class. Although we only expected 30 children for the DVBS and 4 children for the Junior Worship, fear suddenly gripped me as the mission trip drew nearer, and certain issues troubled me. The mission theme “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” became very relevant to me in reminding me to fix my eyes upon the Lord Jesus. I prayed continually to the Lord through all my difficulties and challenges. Praise the Lord for His help.

The Lord put the burden in my heart to prepare additional sets of stationary, as well as art and craft materials. Indeed the all-knowing God had gone before us, and brought 42 children to attend the DVBS. Praise God that the additional materials and the stationery were adequate to

Sis Kim Lei

(Sis Kim Lei leading the children in singing)


cater for the larger number of children. 20 of the older children indicated their desire to repent from their sins and to follow Jesus. It was a great joy to lead them in prayer. May the Lord be praised. Let us pray that these first fruits will be preserved by the almighty God.

I was very ill just days before the mission trip. I departed for Bohol with all my medications and in faith. Through faith in God, I persevered on and joyfully led in singspiration and taught during the DVBS and the Junior Worship, and did other tasks. I found much comfort and strength in Exodus 23:25, “And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.” May the Lord be highly glorified.

My heart was terribly pained when I interacted closely with a young girl during the DVBS. She was only 9 years old and yet I saw that she was able to draw much attention to herself using devious ways. I thank God for a practical lesson ‘Fill Envy with Contentment’ that taught the children to turn away from their sinful ways unto the Lord Jesus Christ.

This mission team was small in number and yet out of a common love for the Lord we could serve in unity and joyfully. All glory unto the Lord.

Sis Lean Choo

12 years ago, through Pr Edsel Locot upon his graduation from FEBC, God opened unto Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church a door of utterance to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Bohol. He returned to his island home, gathered a handful of family members and contacts, and started a mission church.

I thank God for enabling Pr Edsel to be faithful to his calling all these years, even though the work be arduous. I am reminded of Jesus’ parable of the sower – some hear the Word, (Sisters Roscelle, Lean Choo and Kim Lei with the children)


yet because of the cares of the world, trials and persecutions, they leave. Such is the case of the Bohol mission church – people come and go. But I thank God for granting Pr Edsel much perseverance, patience and a heart for souls under his care, and for souls lost in darkness. Truly this work is not for the faint-hearted nor weak in faith. Pr Edsel may be the lone voice from a “lonely church”, but he continues to be steadfast in the charge given by his Master. May all of us remember to uphold him in prayer regularly that Pr Edsel may be strong and of good courage (Joshua 1:6). Pray also for all members of the Bohol church that they may grow in faith, looking unto the God of all comfort and Giver of abundant grace.

I praise God for the Word that went forth that ministered to me too – devotions by Pr Dennis and Eld Mah during home visitations, lessons on faith and godliness during DVBS and the wonderful opportunity allowed to share the Gospel to the inmates of the local jail. By God’s providence, during the pre-worship Sunday School, Pr Edsel taught us to be prepared to take up the cross (Matthew 16:24) as partakers of the sufferings of Christ. Pr Dennis expounded on Christian living and encouraged all worshippers with the mission theme from Hebrews 12:2.

I am also thankful for God’s help to the team who discharged their assigned duties efficiently in the spirit of love, harmony and humility as children of our loving heavenly Father.

Galatians 6:9 says “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Above: Bible Study at Bro Bucio’s placeLeft: Bro Nestor

“Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy

truth’s sake.”

Psalm 115:1