Miss Susie's Summer Travels 2012 FINAL FINAL *

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  • 7/31/2019 Miss Susie's Summer Travels 2012 FINAL FINAL *



    Sicily, Italy

    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

    Miss Susies



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  • 7/31/2019 Miss Susie's Summer Travels 2012 FINAL FINAL *


    PLACES I VISITED:HAWAII, (Honolulu)CROATIA(Dubrovnik, Split, Plitvice Lakes, Havar, Zagreb) BOSNIA(Border)TURKEY(Istanbul, Kusadasi)GREECE(Santorini, Athens)MALTAITALY(Sicily,Sorrento, Sardinia)CONTINENTS:(Europe and Asia(Istanbul)Not-to-Mention the spiritual places your mind and heart visit and miles of growthattained when traveling...

    Hello Friends,Many of you have kept up with my adventures through Social Media and such

    but I am recapping my summer in this note in case youd like a look.

    STAR-DATE: END-OF-SCHOOL May 25, 2012

    I am NOT good with endings. I get attached very fast to most things that I aminvolved in and especially to students that I teach 6 hours a day for 175 or so (depending on furloughs!) days a year. Not to mention their incredible parentsand families.

    It is always evident to me that the best part of my job is forming bonds withkids and their families. There is nothing better t han being around 4, 5 and 6 year-olds!

    It was an especially difficult transition because while I will see most of my formerKindergartners in the grades to come, I was also saying goodbye somewhatmore permanently to the 5th-grade class at Yick Wo with whom I had becomeparticularly close---since that was the class that EXPERIENCED my PRICE IS RIGHTDebut and having snack with then Mayor Gavin Newsom in our classroom.We bonded and the parents in that class were some I will miss terribly.

    So after my Kindergarten Graduation which was very emotional to me, Ibasically crashed for 2 weeks straight. I just couldnt move...

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    heartsick? SICK? Tired? filled with the dread of cleaning my classroom out forsummer school....probably a mix of all of the above.

    It is common for me by the last days of the school year just to feel like the bloodhas been sucked out of my body that I have given all that I could give. I am sortof like that with most things I am passionate about. I receive so much more thanI possibly give but nevertheless I was WIPED!!!

    My theme for this years graduation in my classroom was Mama Casss MakeYour Own Kind of Music. I want the kids to know that adults and others maypressure them to be a part of the machine or the pack but sometimes theyneed to go against the grain to do what they believe in....we all sang thistogether(families and kids)


    I love that. Youtube it.

    STAR DATE: About June 9 or so, I felt more like Susie again and the transition fromMiss Susie to Susie had begun!

    It is amazing how stressful work can get and sometimes I cant see straight then Iget a few weeks, let alone MONTHS off and I am like: This is the BEST JOB ONEARTH---especially when I get SO MUCH TIME OFF!

    I think about most jobs where one is lucky to get 2 weeks off. Even when that isthe case while one is away business is still open so he/she still has to worry insome respects. In teaching, typically the kids are off for summer and there is atrue respite before it starts up again.

    So I am well aware of my good fortune, really I am.

    STAR DATE: June 10 or SoSummer cleaning! It felt good to have lots of time to get rid...I spent time

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    giving bags to Goodwill, Selling a few things and realizing if I can live out of abackpack and be happy for 6 weeks, why do I have so much stuff I am notusing? Felt good to commence my travels with a purge.

    STAR DATE June 16- June 302 Weeks back in Hawaii! I liked Hawaii the moment I set foot in Maui many yearsago and felt a special bond with it having run my first and ONLY full marathonthere in 2005--- one of the best days of my life was the day I ran thatmarathon(just a few months after the worst day of my life when my dad died)Having been back to Hawaii (Maui, Kauai) a few times after that, I had neverdone the whole Honolulu, WAIKIK I thing until March when I went there on myspring break.

    I LOVED the hustle and bustle of Waikiki. My kind of place where you can be in aremote area or a sea of blue gentle waters and in 5 minutes be fixing youriPhone at the Apple store. I find the climate ideal and the casual carefreepace my style. I also appreciate that its people are very diverse and come fromall over the world. People are generally relaxed and friendly.(Whats there to beupset about with that gorgeous blue sea, sunshine skies and Maitais thatabound?!)

    I returned for 2 more weeks of absolute FUN IN THE SUN in June---Surfing, Hiking,Contemplating, Reading, Soul-searching, Mingling, Observing, Photographing,Singing, and my favorite thing to do--which was to float in the $3.99 inner-tubethat I bought at the ABC store. Anyone of you who has been in Hawaii knows

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    that ABC stores are on like every street and they have ANYTHING ANDEVERYTHING You could ever want for cheap. But you still have to go insideEVERY ONE just to see what you may have missed or what might be slightlydifferent than the last store.One of my favorite evenings in Hawaii was when I was walking down the streetand I heard some incredible singing of popular tunes--Billy Joel at that momentand I was like that is some powerful singing! I could hear it 2 blocks away...I wasdrawn to two boyssinging as werehundreds of passers-by.Turns out these kidswere sons of twomusicians who had

    been home-schooled becausethe principal andstaff said they weretoo smart even tobe in their school orsomething like that.You could tell theywere self-taught geniuses!They learned to play keyboard and harmonica. Both had beautiful voices butalso had a dynamic mix charisma, charm and kindness to add to their talent.The father could see I was quite taken with the whole thing and he told me thestory of how he met his wife singing at the Sheraton Waikiki some 20 years agoand who was in their gig as a baby? Bruno Mars! They have remained goodfriends with him and of course some of their songs are part of their repertoire.They dedicated a Beach Boys Song to me and I listened to them for hours. Iasked if they had auditioned for American Idol they had gotten pretty far...I told them that the next time that I would listen to them I am sure I will bepurchasing a concert ticket. AMAZING...There names are River and Tiger...look

    them up on YOUTUBE and you will see what I am talking about...I just have a hunch...

    Had My first Shave Ice

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    Hawaii is paradise to me in every way...oh andP.S. I had that sort of fairytaleesque Meg Ryan ONLY IN THEMOVIES thing going on there from the get-go that addedto my story... I was SMITTEN!

    STAR DATE July 8-July 18 CROATIAI had long wanted to go to Croatia and was excited to visit.Realized the night before I was leaving that I better get a plan. I was superimpressed that I whipped up a plan which ended up working out absolutely without a HITCH. Many people asked me who was my travel agent? I said, Thatwould be Miss Susie!

    I had read a book about letting the universe work out some of the things weworry about and it really does work if you keep an open attitude.

    I made a decision while traveling in 100 degree weather in the middle ofSUMMER TOURISM in EUROPE that I would incorporate the following randomguidelines for myself:

    1. Be Kind2. Be Understanding3. Be Patient4. Be Present

    It absolutely paid offPeople were SO accommodating, helpful and kind and I know most of it wasdue to keeping this open attitude.

    I knew my trip was off to a great start when I flew on Lufthansa and the planewas brand new! While I was in Economy Class it just had the feel of a plushplane. What a difference that makes---you could feel that the flight attendants

    were happy, thus that trickled to the passengers. Doesnt respect begetrespect? I also couldnt believe there were down pillows in Economy class.These touches make it all bearable...

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    Transfer in Frankfurt---had to go to a McCafe as it was all there was and eventhough it was owned by McDonalds I must admit it tasted like World-classCoffee!!! or was i just THAT Tired?

    On to Dubrovnik which is a walled city on the Adriatic Coast.I cant really tell you how amazing it was to see those ancient walls standingstrong over the BLUEST of waters---a deep blue very different than the turquoiseblues of Waikiki...

    I made a decision to stay a few minutes outside of Dubrovnik as I knew it wouldbe cheaper and less crowded...what a great choice! My view from the roomwas of the harbor and the boats and the pool and I had my own little oasis. Notto mention this town Lapad was gorgeous along the coastline!I especially enjoyed climbing up the hill jumping for a swim in the Adriatic and

    then having a drink in the CAVE BAR---like nothing I had ever been in.There arent a lot of sandy beaches around here, you just have to wear somewater shoes and go for it. The water is crystal clear blue, refreshing and dreamy.It really is so hot that swimming frequently is a must.

    Other Highlights Included:1. A 7.5 kilometer Kayaking trip around the walled city of Dubrovnik2. Eating Freshly caught fish3. Clean Clean Waters4. A cable Car ride above the whole city at dusk5. Walking on top of the walls 2 miles around the city6. Meeting friendly people7. Learning about the devastation of the war that was really only19 short years

    ago when Croatia was part of Yugoslavia

    OFF IT WAS TO SPLIT by bus along the coast with breathtaking views...

    There I stayed in another walled city but the difference was that instead of itbeing now filled only with tourists---it was an authentic village still filled with

    people going on with their every day lives among the ruins of what was once apalace built by a Roman Emperor Diocletian and it was called: DiocletiansPalace

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    There I actually slept in part of his palace!

    From Split I took a tour with a small group of people to a place called PlitviceLakes a National Forest located on the border of Croatia and Bosnia that is oneof the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life. It is an UNESCO WORLDHERITAGE SIGHT. The national park is world famous for its lakes arranged incascades. Currently, 16 lakes can be seen from the surface.

    Honestly from dawn until dusk I had one of the happiest days of my life.Mostly because of the natural beauty---LUSH GREEN TREES, BLUE DRAGON FLIES,Brisk Waterfalls, Glistening Green/Blue Lakes like no lake Ive ever seen, Tranquilpassages but also I was with an amazing group of people I had met. After ourhike through the forest we had an authentic dinner out in the country whichconsisted of Lamb or Chicken made on Spit barbecues---just sooo authentic

    and delicious.

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    I must remark how friendly and helpful people were in this area---The DalmationCoast. I had read somewhere that at first Croations may seem unfriendly but ifyou give them time to warm up, they are super friendly and I found that exactlythe case.

    I couldnt believe when I got back from Plitvice Lakes very late at night---someone had arrived to meet me from my hotel and said that they wanted towalk my suitcase and me over to my hotel because I might be too tired to find

    them.... Who does this? Actually looks for you after a trip and takes care of youlike that....AMAZING....

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    The whole area of Split felt like a small town, with small town niceties...

    On To a Catamaran Ride to the posh Island of Hvar ---I was captivated andmesmerized by the various views from every vantage point that I barely couldmove...really a STUNNING small town with gorgeous buildings on an islandsurrounded by BLUE BLUE waters in close proximity to many other little Islands.

    Thats the thing, I dont think you can go wrong no matter WHERE you choose togo in Croatia and there are hundreds of islands---

    Hvar though was one of those places that never sleeps(Sound like Miss Susieskind of place?!) anyway lots going on there and really it is becoming the placefor the jet-setters because of its beauty and feeling like you are on the French


    Hvar is also known for its acres of beautiful and fragrant lavender and also for itsdelicious olive oil which I found(with a little help from a native Croatian) thatit could help tame my wild frizzy summer curls!

    I took a short flight from Split to Zagreb...Zagreb is the capital of Croatia.Here is a random cool experience to share:I was getting ready early in the morning to leave my hotel and I decided towander to the top floor...It was a little dark and clearly not meant for guests tomeander around---looked like conference rooms were on the top floor but I gotoff and went in one of the rooms to get a picture of the view of the city.Suddenly, I see a man who decides he should take pictures, too.For some reason I decided to ask him why he was up there...(see you just NEVERknow)He said that he was a coach for the Tae-kwon do 2012 Olympic Team and thatmembers were on their way up to the conference room for breakfast shortly!!!!He told me that some of the team mates LOVE Croatia and that they wanted toacclimate themselves before reaching London and the Games by touring

    Croatia. I left him and went to eat breakfast.About an hour later, I was like, I am definitely going back up there.

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    I went up told them how excited and proud I was of them and how random itwas that I met them and could I get a picture! There they were representingAmerica as sweet as can be!!!! US Taekwondo Olympic Team!!!

    If Croatia was 9 days of on the go see all I can see keep on moving a delight ofall the senses...

    the next chapter was being pampered like a PRINCESS...

    STAR-DATE July 18Istanbul Turkey---Highlights Included:1. Turkish Baths2. Room with a View3. Turkish Coffee4. Turkish Delight Candy5. The Spice Market---aisles and miles of delicious spices...6. Lamb chops7. Incredible Architecture8. Wonderful People

    9. Being in Asia and Europe within 5 minutes by crossing the bridge!

    On to meeting my mom on a Cruise Ship!

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    I dont get to see my mom very often as she lives in Pennsylvania.My mom loves to travel and she and my dad saw so much of the world--in factmy mom used to be a travel agent. Now it is harder for her to be as mobile asshe once was so she likes to take a cruise and once in awhile I am the luckyrecipient of a cruise to go with her...

    We met in Turkey and went each day to a new port--This included:Greece(Santorini, Athens)

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    MaltaItaly(Sorrento, Sicily and Sardinia)

    Even though I have been to Italy and Greece before, I hadnt been to some ofthese parts of Italy and well, who could tire of Santorni--for sure it is one of themost beautiful places in the world.

    I studied Italian for a semester in college and while I am HORRIBLE at languages,I was SO glad to be surrounded by the beautiful language once again--not tomention the Gelato and Pizza :-)

    HIGHLIGHTS:1. Santorini and Oia2. Did I mention Santorni? Well it is just THAT gorgeous!

    3. Erice Sicily another Walled city with an authentic feel4. A looong Cable Car Ride up over the city and beautiful Mediterranean Sea of

    Trapani to get to Erice...I was SOOO scared so to calm myself down I put myiPhone on to PUCCINI---does it get better than that?

    5. The great big rainstorm in Erice when I decided not to worry about not havinga hat or umbrella---I just let the rain soak me and I recalled being with afriend years ago in Florence in the rain singing Mi manca Umbrella I missmy umbrella

    6. Well really I LOVED everything about Erice and it was another favorite day inmy life---

    7. Meeting the old lady bakers who made Nutella stuffed Genovese8. Pasta9. Eating a whole Pizza Margherita at Pizzeria Da Franco10. Eating Limon Gelato in Sorrento and seeing the 2 acres of lemon trees in a

    grove where the lemons are picked to make the gelato!--Everything is top ofthe line fresh in Italy! Aint no frozen food or may freezers!!!!!

    11. Did I mention Pizza?!12. Hitch Hiking with some locals and trying to remember my broken italian and

    feeling like I was back in college!!!!

    13. Going on some booring bus tour through GORGEOUS SARDINIA passinghomes of Denzel Washington, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell..etc anddeciding with a few others to bust off the bus and jump into the Mediterranean

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    practically in my clothes to swim at one of the most beautiful beaches Id everseen!!!

    14. The Warm, Fiery, Emotional, Friendly Welcoming Italian People15. Ordering Cappuccino and having it be an event instead of some fast quick

    Starbucks experience.16. Exercising, running, walking, whatever I could do so I could eat Gelato!17. Now to the BOAT--- served 4 course meals breakfast lunch and dinner on

    china plates and being served on every whim...high teas and steam roomsand 1000 count sheets and Down Duvets and cute and friendly and kind staffand learning about the Multitude of countries everyone was from.

    18. Spending lovely time with my mom.19. Meeting wonderful guests on the boat---favorites included a professor of

    Early Childhood, A man with his Doctorate in Social Media and a doctor ofholistic healing.

    20. Listening to the captain who happened to be Croatian, tell of his story ofhow in 2009 he saved his ship from Pirates off the coast of Somalia.

    21. Ernesto the most amazing guide in Plitivice Lakes22. The views that I captured in every city each morning---23. The view I came home to in San Francisco

    My Observations about the Europeans I encountered...

    There is no concept of Lines at all!!! You could get in what you think is a line andreally it is just a big MEATBALL of people!!!

    Whenever I would ask for directions ANYWHERE...Oh yeah, no problem it is only100 meters away. No matter what the distance---5 miles, 1 mile, 100 meters,everyone would say 100 meters!!

    I had this really vivid dream toward the end of my trip...that I had landed in aship right under the Statue of Liberty. Anyone whose been near it knows that it isreally breathtaking to be up close to it in New York City, well in the dream I wassuper excited to be there and when I awoke I assumed that it meant I was ready

    to go back to America....so weird because that very day out of the blue,someone says to me that the Granite used for the Statue of Liberty came fromSardina the very place I had arrived at while having that dream!

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    Overall, I must say I was very emotional and patriotic when I landed inPhiladelphia(en route to San Francisco) at the end of my trip.

    I became very aware that the immigration officials have a lot of Power---theydecide if you are to enter America or not... I couldnt help thinking ingeneral(must have been my weary jet-lagged self getting the best of me) that ina heartbeat you could be wrongly accused or falsely imprisoned or whateverand how HORRIBLE that is.

    I was almost hugging the immigration official when he said,Welcome to America!

    Traveling opens me up to SO much and I am sure it makes me a better person,and professional and no matter where I journey to, I have the honor of returning

    to San Francisco a place that has me hook line and sinker!

    P.S. I would like to say that my GEL nails lasted for 3 weeks straight!!!!!

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012

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    Miss Susies Summer Adventures...2012