MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2

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  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2





    Information systems and organizations influence one another. Information systems are built

     by managers to serve the interests of the business firm. At the same time, the organization

    must be aware of and open to the influences of information systems to benefit from new

    technologies. The interaction between information technology and organizations is

    complex and is influenced by many mediating factors, including the organization’s

    structure, business processes, surrounding environment, management decisions, etc.

    (audon ! audon, "#$%, p. &%'

    In the context of a niversity an effective, digitally)enabled library system e*uipped with

    modern Information Technology is obligatory. Thus our report contemplates the ibrary

    +anagement ystem (+I' as utility for processing ,accessing and retrieving information

    to support library activities and decision)ma-ing process. It contents that without an

    organized approach to the +anagement of Information, in the context of information

    exploitation scenario, organizations would suffer from information accessibility and

    retrieval while the clientele may actually find it e*ually hard to access and ma-e decisions

     based on the right pac-aged information. The library +I is thus considered a utility in the

    management of -nowledge for access and exploitation. It is therefore argued that the

    library +I would provide the means and method to manage multimedia)computer based

    Information ystems to help gain useful, complete and timely information through its

    obective of satisfying scholarly, academic and administrative information needs of theniversity.

    /ur proect entitled 0Library Managemen Sy!em1 addresses aforementioned issues and

    focuses on the effective and efficient management of a ibrary ystem with the application

    of Information ystems. This report gives an overview of the concepts as bac-ground to


  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2


    the more detailed explanation and the technical information on the management of a

    university library. +oreover this report discusses how Information Technology can be used

    to handle the daily activities of a ibrary system in technically friendly and economically

    efficient way.


    Information system plays vital role in helping organizations -eep up with the dynamism of 

    the environment. The purpose (obectives' of our proect is to provide suitable Information

    ystem trategy for a library. The obectives of our report are listed below2

    i. 3eview of the niversity ibrary ystems using manual and +anagement

    Information ystem

    ii. 4iscuss how +I can be used to facilitate *uic- and efficient information

    generation processing and useiii. Analyze the impact of +I on library practice services

    iv. 4iscuss how digitally enabled ibrary ystem improves business value chain of the

    niversityv. +a-e appropriate recommendation to the niversity for adopting suitable ibrary

    system using Information Technology.


    /ur proect 0 Library Managemen Sy!em1 provides insight into how traditional

    library system can be digitally modified. The features or theme or agenda of our proect

    can be summarized as follows2

    i. 5urrent library system, its analysis and drawbac-s

    ii. 6roposed new system, its feasibility, benefits, implications and scopeiii. Information ystem and Information Technology re*uired for new proposed system

    iv. ocio)technical transitions introduced by new system

    v. 3ecommendations for continuous improvement of the new system


  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2




    ".1 'HAT IS A LIBRAR&(

    A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a

    defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to

    material, and may be a physical building or room, or a virtual space, or both. A library7s

    collection can include  boo-s,  periodicals, newspapers,  manuscripts, films, maps,  prints,

    documents, microform, 54s, cassettes, videotapes, 484s, 9lu)ray 4iscs, e)boo-s, audioboo-s,

    databases, and other formats. ibraries range in size from a few shelves of boo-s to severalmillion items.

    ibraries can be categorized into different types and classes based on their contents, usage and

     purpose. A library can be Academic ibrary, :ational ibrary, 3esearch ibrary, 6ublic

    ibrary, 3eference ibrary and so on.

     ibrary provides individuals as well as organizations re*uired information and materials for 

    their purpose. In addition to providing materials, libraries also provide the services of 

    librarians who are experts at finding and organizing information and at interpreting information

    needs. ibraries often provide *uiet areas for studying, and they also often offer common areas

    to facilitate group study and collaboration. ibraries often provide public facilities for access to

    their electronic resources and the Internet. +odern libraries are increasingly being redefined as

     places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources. They

    are extending services beyond the physical walls of a building, by providing material accessible

     by electronic means, and by providing the assistance of librarians in navigating and analyzing

    very large amounts of information with a variety of digital tools.



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    "." 'ORK STUD&

    /ur proect is based on the ibrary system of an Academic ibrary. ;or the convenience of our 

    research and proect we have selected ibrary of +ahendra +orang Aadarsh +ultiple 5ampus

    (++A+5'. ++A+5 is a public campus offering wide range of academic courses. ++A+5is an constituent member of Tribhuvan niversity (T'. ++A+5 offers courses for 9achelor 

    as well as +asters level. The maor courses of ++A+5 includes 9achelors in cience,

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    The library of ++A+ 5ampus, 9iratnagar is traditional in approach. Almost all activities of 

    library are handled manually. 5urrently there is no any use of Information Technology. There

    are permanent employees employed by Tribhuvan niversity to handle the activities of the


    The library consists of hard)cover boo-s only. The boo-s are -ept in boo- rac-s. ;or efficient

    way of searching and finding the particular boo-, all the boo-s are indexed using traditional

    method of indexing. There is no facility of e)boo-s and internet. /nly boo-s with physical

    existence can be obtained from the library.

    The library system is based on membership. A student has to be the member of the library in

    order to withdraw any boo-. ;or membership process one needs to deposit 3s. ?### as deposit

    along with tudent I4, " passport size photos along with extra 3s."##. After this process each

    member is given a library card which must be produced at the time of withdrawl of a boo-.


    The boo-s are -ept in boo- rac-s according to indexing basis. The indexing of boo- is done

    traditionally. ;irst of all the boo-s belonging to particular course are distinguished. Then,

    indexing is done alphabetically based on different attributes such as name of the boo-, name of 

    the author, name of the publisher, etc. The whole process is done manually and it is extremely

    time consuming, monotonous and uneconomical.

     For example: A book Foundations of Human Resource Management by Bhawani Shanker

     Acharya is indexed as follows:

    COURSE – A!A"EE!# 

     BOO$ – FU!%AE!#A&S OF 'UA! RESOURCE A!A"EE!# 


  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2


     AU#'OR – B'A(A!) S'A!$ER AC'AR*A

    According to this indexing method the boo- is -ept in the boo- rac- in management section

    under alphabet @;’.


    The process of boo- retrieval and *uery is done manually. henever a student has to withdraw

    a boo- heBshe must write the :ame of the 5ourse, :ame of the 9oo- and :ame of the author in

    a slip and submit it to the receptionist at the reception and en*uiry des- of the library along

    with the library card. Then heBshe is given a certain time window. This delay is due to the

    manual and complicated process of storage and retrieval of boo-. Thus, a student cannot

    withdraw any boo- instantaneously at any time of the day.


    The current system is manual, complicated and is extremely uneconomical. The existing system

    has more cons than pros. The system has maor flaws and problems which are listed below2

    i.  oss of files

    The current system is handled manually. o, file is always lost because of human

    environment. ometimes due to some human error there may be a loss of records.

    ii. 4amage of ;ilesnder current system there is always ris- of damage of files due to some accident

    li-e spilling of water by some member on file accidentally. 9esides some natural

    disaster li-e floods or fires may also damage the files.

    iii.  4ifficult to search record

    hen there is manual process of indexing and storing of boo-s there is always a

    difficulty in searching of boo-s if they are large in number.

    iv.  pace consumingAfter the number of records become large the space for physical storage of file and

    records also increases if no computerized system is implemented.

    v.  5ost consuming


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    The current system is manual and uneconomic which increases the extra expenses

    of the university.




    To overcome the flaws and problems of the existing system a new digitally enabled system

    sophisticated with Information ystem and information technology can be adopted. The best

    solution for effective and efficient handling of digital library system is an Inegrae+ Library

    Sy!em  (ILS', also -nown as a Library Managemen Sy!em  (LMS'. It is an  enterprise

    resource planning system for a library, used to trac- items owned, orders made, bills paid, and

     patrons who have borrowed.

    An I usually comprises a relational database, software to interact with that database, and two

    graphical user interfaces  (one for patrons, one for staff'. +ost Ies separate software

    functions into discrete programs called modules, each of them integrated with a unified

    interface. These modules include2

    $. ac*uisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials'". cataloging (classifying and indexing materials'

    %. circulation (lending materials to patrons and receiving them bac-'

    >. serials (trac-ing magazine and newspaper holdings'

    ?. the /6A5 (public interface for users'

  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2


    After computerized system is implemented less human force will be re*uired to

    maintain the library thus reducing the overall cost.

    iii.  ave time

    ibrarian is able to search record by using few clic-s of mouse and few search

    -eywords thus saving his valuable time.

    iv.  /ption of online :otice board

    ibrarian will be able to provide a detailed description of wor-shops going in the

    college as well as in nearby colleges

    v.  ecture :otes

    Teacher have a facility to upload lectures notes in a pdf file.

    *." S&STEM O$ER$IE'

    The new proposed system is based on enterprise application architecture. The system is

    interconnected with other departments of the niversity such as administration, 3esearch and

    4evelopment, practical labs, Accounting ection, etc.

    The system used in the library is 5lient)erver 5omputing ystem. A centralized dedicated

    server is used to store the data and the metadata. The resources can be shared from the

    centralized server by providing the users with smart terminals having certain degree of  processing power but restricted with security system.


     Fi+,re - En.erprise Sys.em Archi.ec.,re

  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2



    The above mentioned library system can be implemented by using Library Managemen

    Sy!em. ibrary +anagement ystem is an application which is used to manage the activities

    of generally small or medium size ibraries. It is used by librarian to manage the library using a

    computerized system where heBshe can record various transactions li-e issue of boo-s, return of 

     boo-s, addition of new boo-s, addition of new students etc.

    9oo-s and student maintenance modules are also included in this system which would -eep

    trac- of the students using the library and also a detailed description about the boo-s a library

    contains. ith this computerized system there will be no loss of boo- record or member record

    which generally happens when a non)computerized system is used.

    In addition, report module is also included in ibrary +anagement ystem. If user’s position is

    admin, the user is able to generate different -inds of reports li-e lists of students registered, list

    of boo-s, issue and return reports.

    All these modules are able to help librarian to manage the library with more convenience and in

    a more efficient way as compared to library systems which are not computerized.


    The system design shows how the system will achieve the desired obectives of the system. The

    design specifications are created for each component of the system which acts as the overall

     plan or model for the system. The system design shows how the system actually wor-s and the

    different components of the system functions as a single unit. The system design shows how

    data are actually stored, manipulated, accessed and distributed.


     Fi+,re / O0er0iew of .he Sys.em

  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2







     Fi+,re 1 En.i.y Rela.ionship %ia+ram

  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2








    Display status





    Handle details

    Command data

    mmand data


    Modiy!insertMaintain Student

    Student data






    Display statusStore details

      1( Boo) searc*



    Command data



    ,IBRR. S"//


     Fi+,re 2 %a.a Flow %ia+ram of .he sys.em


  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2


    /I$# S.S"#M


    BOOKSStudent recei%es

    Display ino

    S.S"#M DIS&,.


    ,IBRR. S"//

    Return oo)

    Issue oo)


    dd!delete ino

    Maintain reader ino

    ,irary mana2ement systemSearc* oo)


    Reser%e oo)



     Fi+,re 3 Con.ex. &e0el %ia+ram

  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2


    ,IBRR. M$3#M#$" S.S"#M



     $#4S &R



     5U#S"IO$ &RS







    S"UD#$" O"H#R "#CH#RO"H#



     Fi+,re 4 Sys.em S.r,c.,re Char. 

  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2



    To give the physical form of the above described system design various software and hardware

    are re*uired. In other words, the Information Technology infrastructure re*uired for the system

    is given below2

    $. 5omputer server for storing the centralized data, metadata and resources.

    ". 4ata base (+ Access or /racle or +y F'%. /perating system for the computers (indows, other'

    >. Internet


  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2


    facility available e)boo-s can be downloaded from various websites such as Amazon.com,

    9oo-boon.com, -indle65, etc. Teachers can upload lecture notes and students can read and

    download them. Also, Gindle App. 5an be installed in the computers of the library so that the

    students can read boo-s in the library from online

    /n the other hand a digitized library is not limited by space. An e)library has the following


    i. The user of a digital library need not to go to the library physicallyH users can gain

    access to the same information from anywhere

    ii. A maor advantage of digital libraries is that people can gain access ">BD to the

    information.iii. The same resources can be used simultaneously by a number of institutions and


    iv. The user is able to use any search term (word, phrase, title, name, subect' to search

    the entire collection. 4igital libraries can provide very user)friendly interfaces,

    giving clic- able access to its resources.v. hereas traditional libraries are limited by storage space, digital libraries have the

     potential to store much more information, simply because digital information

    re*uires very little physical space to contain them and media storage technologies

    are more affordable than ever before.

    vi. 5ertain characteristics of obects, primarily the *uality of images, may be

    improved. 4igitization can enhance legibility and remove visible flaws such as

    stains and discoloration.

    *.* HO' THE S&STEM 'ORKS

    The system can be connected with other systems of the niversity for better 5o)ordination and

    sharing of the information. The system is based on 4atabase +anagement ystem. The details

    about the boo-s are stored in the centralized server by the help of barcode readers and the

    system also -eeps trac- of the position of boo-s and their location.


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    The members of the library is given with a library card along with sername and 6assword for 

    online activities. Any student can read the boo- online and place the order for withdrawal.

    +oreover, students can be provided access to the centralized data so that they can find their 

    re*uired boo-s themselves. henever a student withdraws a boo- the system -eeps record of 

    the students profile and thus updates the system about who has withdrawn what boo-. This

    enables the system to -eep trac- of the boo-s.

    The order for the new boo-s can be made from the reports generated by the 49+ based on

    the order for the boo-s by the students. The internet connection enables user to read and

    download e)boo-s and students can submit their notes, reports, information, etc.

    To control the overall activities of the library the system allows a security mechanism. The

    students can only be granted the privilege of *uery while administrator controls the overall

    activities of the system.

    The integration of the system with other systems of the niversity adds value to the system.

    ;or example it can be integrated with the Accounting 4epartment. This enables to find the

    students who have deposited their library fess and who have not. Thus, if a student fails to

    deposit fine or fees it is automatically updated in the library system and his user account is

    deactivated. imilarly, it can be integrated with 3esearch and 4evelopment 4epartment so that

    the researchers can have direct access to the resources re*uired for their information.




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    After the design and analysis of the system it obligatory that it must pass the feasibility test.

    ;easibility test ensures that the system can be implemented in terms of costs, time, technology

    available, legal provisions, etc.0.1.1 TECHNICAL FEASIBILIT&

    The system re*uires many technological re*uirements such as computers, servers, internet,

     barcode readers, etc. All these technology can be easily available in the :epalese mar-et. Thus,

    the system is within reach from technical point of view.


    The system must be economical and within the budget of the university and besides it must add

    value to the university. The overall cost of the system can be summarized asCm2er Ser3er / P4er E+ge R516 !er3er7 NRs.292, 952.58

    C8ien Cm2er! 9 M%66: NCm2ing ;%/in/1 T!.?: @0.

    Bar-+e Rea+er! / Laer Bar-+e S-anner 'ire8e!! Sym-+e7 R! 1%:166

    Inerne 9 'r8+Lin> ;Ann2a8 a->age?

    • 6rice 2 R!. 1"666

    • Installation 5harge 2 Free• Turbo peed 2 0 Mb! 66GB  nlimited peed2 "0 Kb!

    • Total 6ac-age 6rice  2 R!. 1"666 

    A+mini!rain 9 Deen+! n 3ari2! =a-r = DBA r IT e-

  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2



    The existing and proposed system can be analyzed simultaneously and can be compared on

    many different aspects.


  • 8/16/2019 MIS Project Report,Group a , Part2


    teacher’s login where teachers can add lectures notes and also give necessary suggestion to

    library and also add info about wor-shops or events happening in the campus or nearby college

    in the online notice board.

    There is a future scope of this facility that many more features such as online lectures video

    tutorials can be added by teachers as well as online assignments submission facility, a feature

    of group chat where students can discuss various issues can be added to this proect thus

    ma-ing it more interactive, more user friendly and proect which fulfills each users need in the

     best way possible.
