162b The Boulevarde Miranda NSW 2229 Ph: (02)95246842 [email protected] Miranda North Public School Newsletter Term 2 Week 9 Our final newsletter for the term... There are very few terms in the school year that have ever looked like our Term 2, 2020! From starting with learning at home, to a partial return to school, followed by a fulltime return with restrictions, our students have shown such resilience and adaptability, skills of which we are very proud. Term 3 will see the return of some of the extra curricula activities and these have been outlined in the latest parent information Bulletin (available on the school app). Our newsletter will be emailed and published on every second Thursday, commencing in term 3. We hope you enjoy the read! Drop off and pick up will remain in place as it is currently organised. Thank you to our community for maintaining social distancing and refraining from entering classrooms or playgrounds. We look forward to holding parent-teacher interviews in term 3. A booking link will be sent home in early term 3, with details. It is likely that these will be phone interviews. Thank you to our community for their unwavering support over the last term. We hope you have a relaxing holiday time with your children and some beautiful opportunities to spend time doing the things you love! A reminder that Monday 20 July is a School Development Day for staff and the return of students for Term 3 is Tuesday 21 July, 2020. We look forward to a wonderful term ahead. Stay safe and take good care, Sue Orlovich Principal A final reminder: Opportunity Class dates for students in year 4 The applications procedure for OC class placement have been published. Important dates in the application process are as follows: Tuesday 9 June 2020: Online applications opens Friday 26 June 2020: Online applications closes (Parents and carers must apply by the due date.) Wednesday 16 September 2020: Opportunity Class Placement Test Parents and carers must apply online between Tuesday 9 June and Friday 26 June 2020 at: https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/selective-high-schools-and-opportunity-classes/year-5

Miranda North Public School Newsletter Term 2 Week 9...162b The Boulevarde Miranda NSW 2229 Ph: (02)95246842 [email protected] Miranda North Public School Newsletter

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Page 1: Miranda North Public School Newsletter Term 2 Week 9...162b The Boulevarde Miranda NSW 2229 Ph: (02)95246842 mirandanth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Miranda North Public School Newsletter

162b The Boulevarde Miranda NSW 2229 Ph: (02)95246842 [email protected]

Miranda North Public School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 9 Our final newsletter for the term...

There are very few terms in the school year that have ever looked like our Term 2, 2020!

From starting with learning at home, to a partial return to school, followed by a fulltime return

with restrictions, our students have shown such resilience and adaptability, skills of which we are

very proud. Term 3 will see the return of some of the extra curricula activities and these have

been outlined in the latest parent information Bulletin (available on the school app).

Our newsletter will be emailed and published on every second Thursday, commencing in term 3.

We hope you enjoy the read!

Drop off and pick up will remain in place as it is currently organised. Thank you to our community

for maintaining social distancing and refraining from entering classrooms or playgrounds.

We look forward to holding parent-teacher interviews in term 3. A booking link will be sent home

in early term 3, with details. It is likely that these will be phone interviews.

Thank you to our community for their unwavering support over the last term. We hope you have

a relaxing holiday time with your children and some beautiful opportunities to spend time doing

the things you love!

A reminder that Monday 20 July is a School Development Day for staff and the return of students

for Term 3 is Tuesday 21 July, 2020. We look forward to a wonderful term ahead.

Stay safe and take good care,

Sue Orlovich


A final reminder:

Opportunity Class dates for students in year 4

The applications procedure for OC class placement have been published.

Important dates in the application process are as follows:

Tuesday 9 June 2020: Online applications opens

Friday 26 June 2020: Online applications closes (Parents and carers must apply by the due date.)

Wednesday 16 September 2020: Opportunity Class Placement Test

Parents and carers must apply online between Tuesday 9 June and Friday 26 June 2020 at:


Page 2: Miranda North Public School Newsletter Term 2 Week 9...162b The Boulevarde Miranda NSW 2229 Ph: (02)95246842 mirandanth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Miranda North Public School Newsletter

A huge thank you to Renee from our P and C for opening the Uniform shop on a Wednesday

afternoon. If you have pre-loved school uniforms that are in good condition and no longer

needed, please wash and bag them and drop them at the office. The uniform shop will gladly

accept donations. Girls’ winter tunics are always in high demand.

Enrolments for Kindergarten in 2021 are warmly welcomed. If your child is starting school next

year, please see the office and collect an enrolment form.

Please note that 100 points of address identification is required for enrolment, in addition to your

child’s birth certificate or passport and immunisation documentation.

The school only accepts local enrolments. If your address is non-local, have a child who is

currently enrolled at Miranda North and wish to enrol a sibling, you are required to complete a

non-local application, outlining any extenuating circumstances for wishing to enrol at Miranda

North. The application is then considered by an enrolment panel and the outcome of the panel

is provided to you. If you are in this situation, ensure that you complete an enrolment application

as soon as possible so that the panel can consider the application.

Enrolment for kindergarten students for 2021

Pre-loved clothing needed for the Uniform shop

Raincoats for rainy days…

We’ve had some pretty steady rain over the last few weeks and our school

grounds are looking really green! We’d love every student to have a rain coat/

rain jacket or rain poncho for use on rainy days.

Students need to move around the school on wet days and it is important

that they remain dry and comfortable. Please label your child’s rainwear.

Safety is important -please do not send umbrellas with your child as they are

tricky to use in large numbers and enclosed spaces. If your child does not yet

have rainwear, please use the upcoming holiday break to source and label

the gear. Thank you in anticipation.

Page 3: Miranda North Public School Newsletter Term 2 Week 9...162b The Boulevarde Miranda NSW 2229 Ph: (02)95246842 mirandanth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Miranda North Public School Newsletter

Great things happening recently……. student learning around our school…. Take a look!

Miss O'Leary is super proud of KO and their number learning. Here they are during number activities where

they are learning about graphs, practising number facts and using the iPads to consolidate their skills.

Clever thinking, KO!

2C are learning the skills of effective listeners. They are alert to messaging of others, developing

confidence and aware to enable each voice in the group. Here they are sharing details of a special

place during their news time. Love your engagement, eye contact and focus, 2C!

1H are getting stronger with their number facts every day! Here they are working with a buddy and using

counters to help them solve number equations. Miss Henry just loves the jellybean table where she works

with small groups and individual students to target teaching to each student's area of need. Proud of your

learning, 1H!

5/6NK designed and made these snappy looking aeroplanes, took them for a test flight, then measured

and compared their flying distance. A fun way to spend a wet Friday afternoon!

Page 4: Miranda North Public School Newsletter Term 2 Week 9...162b The Boulevarde Miranda NSW 2229 Ph: (02)95246842 mirandanth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Miranda North Public School Newsletter