153 mm 120 mm Ø62 mm 35 mm Ø56 mm 109 mm 30 mm 67-85 mm Building-in Depth 56 mm 183 mm 108 mm 660-680 mm 685 mm 65 mm 397 mm 185 mm 145 mm MIXER SHOWERS 30 MIRASHOWERS.CO.UK 31 MIRA ELEMENT BIR MIRA ELEMENT BIV MIRA ELEMENT Part Number: EV, Chrome: 1.1656.001 Part Number: BIV, Chrome: 1.1656.002 Part Number: BIR, Chrome: 1.1656.003 THE PERFECT FIT NO MATTER WHAT THE JOB FOR CUSTOMERS WHO WANT TO CONTROL FLOW SEE PAGE 32 HIGH PERFORMANCE Magni-Flo™ gives up to 3x more flow TEMPERATURE CONTROL Thermostatic temperature stability EASY TO FIT Quickly and easily fits onto reversed inlet supplies Adjustable slidebar fits over holes left by previous showerkit (400 mm-600 mm) EASY TO SERVICE Large, long-life filters and replaceable cartridge FOR YOUR CUSTOMER One control for on/off and temperature Approved to TMV2 – for the ultimate in comfortable showering 4 spray 9 cm showerhead with rub clean nozzles TECH DETAILS TEMPERATURE CONTROL Control type: Thermostatic INSTALLATION Water entry points: Rising, falling or rear Inlet connections: 15 mm compression (EV, BIV & BIR) Outlet connections: ½" BSP Flat Face (EV) or 15 mm compression (BIV & BIR) Reversed inlets supported: Yes SUPPLY CONDITIONS (hot and cold supplies to be at nominally equal pressure) Cold water range: Up to 25°C Hot water range: 50°C-85°C (operating); 55°C-65°C (recommended) Minimum maintained pressure: 0.1 bar (1 metre head) Maximum maintained pressure: 5.0 bar (50 metre head) Maximum static pressure: 10.0 bar (100 metre head) PERFORMANCE Flow rate (at handset): 13 l/min at 0.5 bar Temperature stability: ± 2°C SAFETY FEATURES Automatic shutdown: Shutdown to seepage in 2 seconds Factory set to safe max temp: Factory set to 41°C Adjustable maximum temperature for on-site conditions ACCESSORIES Wide range of accessories available at www.mirashowers-store.co.uk TECH DRAWINGS MIRA ELEMENT EV See Magni-Flo™ in action by scanning this QR code

MIRA eleM ent teCh DetAIls · 2014. 2. 17. · MIRA eleM ent Part n umber: e V, Chrome: 1.1656.001 Part n umber: BIV, Chrome: 1.1656.002 Part n umber: BIR, Chrome: 1.1656.003 THE

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Page 1: MIRA eleM ent teCh DetAIls · 2014. 2. 17. · MIRA eleM ent Part n umber: e V, Chrome: 1.1656.001 Part n umber: BIV, Chrome: 1.1656.002 Part n umber: BIR, Chrome: 1.1656.003 THE

153 mm

120 mm

Ø62 mm

35 mm

Ø56 mm

109 mm

30 mm

67-85 mmBuilding-in Depth

56 mm

183 mm

108 mm






65 mm

397 mm

185 mm







MIRA eleMentPart number: eV, Chrome: 1.1656.001Part number: BIV, Chrome: 1.1656.002 Part number: BIR, Chrome: 1.1656.003

THE pERfECT fIT NO MATTER WHAT THE jOBfoR CustoMeRs who wAnt to ContRol flow see PAge 32

hIgh PeRfoRMAnCeMagni-Flo™ gives up to 3x more flow

teMPeRAtuRe ContRolThermostatic temperature stability

eAsY to fIt Quickly and easily fits onto reversed inlet supplies

Adjustable slidebar fits over holes left by previous showerkit (400 mm-600 mm)

eAsY to seRVICeLarge, long-life filters and replaceable cartridge

foR YouR CustoMeROne control for on/off and temperature

Approved to TMV2 – for the ultimate in comfortable showering

4 spray 9 cm showerhead with rub clean nozzles

teCh DetAIlsteMPeRAtuRe ContRol

Control type: Thermostatic


Water entry points: Rising, falling or rear

Inlet connections: 15 mm compression (EV, BIV & BIR)

Outlet connections: ½" BSp flat face (EV) or 15 mm compression (BIV & BIR)

Reversed inlets supported: Yes

suPPlY ConDItIons (hot and cold supplies to be at nominally equal pressure)

Cold water range: Up to 25°C

Hot water range: 50°C-85°C (operating); 55°C-65°C (recommended)

Minimum maintained pressure: 0.1 bar (1 metre head)

Maximum maintained pressure: 5.0 bar (50 metre head)

Maximum static pressure: 10.0 bar (100 metre head)


flow rate (at handset): 13 l/min at 0.5 bar

Temperature stability: ± 2°C

sAfetY feAtuRes

Automatic shutdown: Shutdown to seepage in 2 seconds

factory set to safe max temp: factory set to 41°C

Adjustable maximum temperature for on-site conditions


Wide range of accessories available at www.mirashowers-store.co.uk

teCh DRAwIngs


see Magni-flo™ in action by scanning this QR code