Minutes of HSPS P&C 17 May 2017 1. Date Wednesday 17 May 2017 Location Staff room - Hamilton South Public School Time: Start: 7:07pm Finish: 8:47pm Present: Shaun Mahony, Clint Marquet, Sam Burns, Kristen Klimpsch, Holly Foot, Sue Estens, Anna Rayward, Melanie Rao, Sarah Breusch, Craig Sutton Apologies Fiona Olds, Alison Pepper 2. Minutes of March Meeting Moved: Kristen Klimpsch Seconded: Sam Burns . 3. Action items No. Description Responsibility May 16.5 P&C Cloud Account for continuity of people changing roles within the P&C July - contacted federation: already available through them and will set up shortly August -Clint to follow up with the federation. September Accounts partially organised and will be set up soon November – Clint unable to attend meeting so to be held over until next meeting. February – ready to be set up but not yet done March – Clint has a staff member set it up and he will assist P&C to get started. May – Clint has organised but no-one has done their part yet Action Item 17.5.1: relevant P&C Committee members to follow-up setting up their cloud accounts. Clint Feb 17.1 Building Fund – Now has $800 in the account we need to agree on how to spend it. After investigating other options, it looks as though smart boards will not meet building fund criteria. February –Air-conditioners would meet the criteria. All air conditioners have to have solar and there is a 50% rebate Sarah Sue Cindy

Minutes of HSPS P&C 17 May 2017 1. Finish: …...Minutes of HSPS P&C 17 May 2017 1. Date Wednesday 17 May 2017 Location Staff room - Hamilton South Public School Time: Start: 7:07pm

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Page 1: Minutes of HSPS P&C 17 May 2017 1. Finish: …...Minutes of HSPS P&C 17 May 2017 1. Date Wednesday 17 May 2017 Location Staff room - Hamilton South Public School Time: Start: 7:07pm

Minutes of HSPS P&C 17 May 2017

1. Date Wednesday 17 May 2017 Location Staff room - Hamilton South Public School Time: Start: 7:07pm Finish: 8:47pm Present: Shaun Mahony, Clint Marquet, Sam Burns, Kristen Klimpsch, Holly Foot,

Sue Estens, Anna Rayward, Melanie Rao, Sarah Breusch, Craig Sutton

Apologies Fiona Olds, Alison Pepper

2. Minutes of March Meeting

Moved: Kristen Klimpsch Seconded: Sam Burns .

3. Action items No. Description Responsibility

May 16.5

P&C Cloud Account for continuity of people changing roles within the P&C July - contacted federation: already available through them and will set up shortly August -Clint to follow up with the federation. September – Accounts partially organised and will be set up soon November – Clint unable to attend meeting so to be held over until next meeting. February – ready to be set up but not yet done March – Clint has a staff member set it up and he will assist P&C to get started. May – Clint has organised but no-one has done their part yet Action Item 17.5.1: relevant P&C Committee members to follow-up setting up their cloud accounts.


Feb 17.1

Building Fund – Now has $800 in the account we need to agree on how to spend it. After investigating other options, it looks as though smart boards will not meet building fund criteria. February –Air-conditioners would meet the criteria. All air conditioners have to have solar and there is a 50% rebate

Sarah Sue Cindy

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Mar 17.1

on the solar component. Dept. of Education will get all the quotes, assess the power requirements and loading. Discussion surrounding aiming to target fundraising through building fund for air conditioners and solar panels but leaving the fete fund raising to cover other resources for the school since it is the major contributor over the 3 year fund raising cycle. Sarah and Sue to advertise in the newsletter next week and follow- up with a letter home (Sarah) in a few weeks (when everyone has recovered from paying school fees) that air con is the new building fund target. March - $408 in the Building Fund now. Not yet enough funds to ask the department for extra funds, although we don’t know what that figure is. Cindy will discuss with Sue to see if she can get a ballpark figure as a target. May – See Principal’s report

Feb 17.2

Australia Post Community Grants Australia Post give community grants, around $5000 -$10,000, to P&C’s (open Feb 2017) including digital capability and marginalised groups. Perhaps the Special Ed unit and digital technology (e.g., speaking and typing technology) might qualify in some way. Sue to investigate March: Not sure when this closes and Sue is away so we will discuss next meeting. May – Hard to meet the guidelines. Not an option this year. Look again next year. Item closed However, in the past it was discussed that we could develop a Grants Calendar but nothing came of this. Possibly there is a grant finder website Action Item 17.5.2: Sarah to look into a Grant Finder website


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Feb 17.4 Mar 17.2

Skills Survey Sue to send out Skills Survey to new parents and chase up Cindy to see if there was any feedback from last year’s new parents. March: Cindy was unaware of this action item. Cindy will send out another online skills survey May – Cindy has sent it for review. It seems thorough. Decided to add MYOB skills specifically. Action Item 17.5.3: Can now be sent out.

Sue Cindy

4. Treasurer’s report

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Now have $25, 000 available in the cash reserve. Discussion around spending this money on blinds and smartboards? The classrooms which were a priority now have blinds. Quote needed for the remaining classroom blinds for future reference. New smartboards cost about $8000. Agreed to allocate $16,000 on 2 x smartboards.

5. Principal’s report What’s Been Happening? New Enrolments - New Class - New Teacher This term we have welcomed 10 new students and their families to our school community. These increased enrolments have meant that an additional teacher has been appointed to the school. We welcome Mrs Kylie Deters to Hamilton South

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Public School. Mrs Deters has significant experience teaching Stage 1. Mrs Deters will be team teaching with Year 1 and Year 2 class teachers, as well as working with small groups of students in her classroom (demountable near canteen). As it is the start of Term 2, taking out students from the existing Stage 1 classes to form a new class would be extremely disruptive to students and their families. The model we have chosen to implement will enhance students’ learning and support teaching programs. Sport There has been a lot of sport and matches this term. The PSSA team sporting competitions takes place this term. Thank you to the parents who have been providing transport to and from the events. Anzac Day Hamilton South Public School has been participating in the Hamilton RSL Anzac Dawn Service since 2013. It was at this time that local schools were invited and encouraged to become more involved in the Hamilton service. To see the number of people in attendance yesterday morning, along with the number of school students marching and being part of the service, was wonderful. Coming into the park the smell of the smoking ceremony set the sense of place, and along with the sounds of the birds, the solemnity of the occasion continued throughout the service. Students and their families support this very important occasion through their attendance. Star Struck – Shine On This is a significant commitment from the school and school community to be part of Star Struck. It is also a very memorable one for the students involved. We have a drama group (Years 4-6), Choir (Year 5) and Dance (Year 6). Rehearsals are well underway and the excitement is rising? Debating Our school debating program has stared this term. Students in Year 5 and Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in this program. Other • Installing air-conditioners

o Support for the installation of air conditioners in four rooms has been given. This will be dependent on the electricity supply.

o An audit conducted by an electrical engineer need to be done. The process for this has started.

o All approvals need to be done through AMU. Sue Estens Principal 17 May 2017

Air Conditioning – Dept. of Education replied to an email saying that air conditioning can happen. Need an electrical audit which will cost over $2000. End of financial year coming up and it would be good to get a flyer out in time for tax deductable donations. May send home a letter in envelope to make it

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clear and obvious. Holly to ask Emma Van E about possibly creating flyer. Also asking older aged kids to create a flyer. Solar panels are not mandatory but highly desirable. Julian to work out cost/benefit of having solar panels. Sue presented a potential photography fundraiser. Will be left for Fundraising committee.

6. Correspondence

Correspondence in: various emails from the P&C Federation including surveys and media releases.

Correspondence out: Audited financial statement to P&C Federation

7. Fundraising activities

Easter raffle made nearly $5000 and Mothers’ day stall made $3155 Trivia night coming up in June.

8. Subcommittee reports

9. School grounds I would like to again thank Caroline H who continues to work tirelessly on the grounds. The infants’ playground is looking well-loved currently and I am pleased to report that 1B are using the planter boxes to grow veggies for a unit of work. We had a good response to the Grounds Committee note asking for volunteers to go onto a mailing list. We now have 16 people/families on an email/SMS list who would like to be involved in ground projects as they feel able. We are having our first morning tidy up on Friday and it will be great to meet these new volunteers. Another goal is to resolve the issue of “sand creep” onto the asphalt next to the infant COLA. I have delivered one possible solution to this issue as has Bill (maintenance) to Mrs Estens and I am waiting for her to discuss these options with Ms Conroy. Hopefully this will be resolved soon as we were hoping to have a weekend working bee this term to deliver on this as it has been flagged as a safety concern for over 12 months. We continue to welcome and encourage the involvement of any interested parents/carers in any of these processes. Kristen Klimpsch.

10. Canteen committee

• Canteen Secretary (Annie Fullerton) appointed due to Caroline stepping down

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• Volunteer Roster going well • We need volunteers for the winter Solstice breakfast (21st June) • Coffee cart has been booked for the Athletics carnival and Winter Solstice

breakfast • Term based specials are doing well but not as popular as sushi • Clint to take of payment of canteen accounts Shaun to approve and manage

reporting • Athletics carnival food decision has been made due to public holiday and

state of the council canteen

11. Band committee Report of the Hamilton South Band Committee to the P&C May 2017.

1. Disco Fundraiser Our second ‘band run’ school disco was a great success, bringing in a profit of $2,818.66. We sold 314 tickets but our profit was lower than last year as we reduced the price of the disco ticket for each child to balance out the cancellation of the ‘family’ ticket. We learned a few things about order forms and will reduce confusion next year by having a combined food and disco package, or disco only ticket! The band community, were again, outstanding in their support of the disco fund raiser! We had roughly 156 cartons of juice, 72 bottles water, 260 packets of chips, 300 chocolates, enough lollies for 300 lolly bags, and 32 litres of ice cream donated, and at least 30 helpers on the night, cooking and serving food and drinks and packing up at the end. We learned that we need to quarantine food packs ordered by the senior kids and separate the junior and senior disco items for sale to ensure both groups have equal access. We are also aware that the junk food loading is a bit intense and will tone down lolly sales next year! We have ended up with quite a number of lollies left over.. We would like to thank our Band Leaders, Aela Streetfield and Henry Dowzer for their excellent assistance both in organization and ticket sales and on the night. Nadine Bell was tireless in her enthusiasm and support for the committee and volunteered again this year as a shop runner when we had a ‘sausage shortage emergency’ for the senior disco. We are so grateful to Sue Estens for this excellent fundraising opportunity and also for the additional funds she has provided to assist us to buy new instruments for the band.

2. New Instruments We have funds available from the disco ($2818) and the annual donation by the School ($2000). We would like to purchase the following instruments with these funds and seek permission from the P&C to do so:

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From school funds: • Percussion: Istanbul Cymbals and mallets - $824 (The Drum Shop) • Trombone: $1095 (Musos Corner)

Total: $1919

From band funds: • Manhassett Regal Stand- $220 • Bass Clarinet (second hand)- $1000

o Neck strap $19.76 • Armstrong Clarinet (second hand)- $240 • B flat Clarinet -$695 • Flute- $725

Total: $ 2899.76

3. Band stats and organization We currently have 35 children in training band and 40 in concert band for a total of 75 band members. This is consistent with previous years but we had thought we would have a higher number this year and were surprised by a significant drop out at the beginning of 2017. We are going to survey parents of children who left this year regarding their reasons for leaving. We are also planning to look at our statement of purpose and review and perhaps communicate with the whole school via the newsletter regarding the benefits of band membership and musical tuition to boost enthusiasm and numbers for our band. We will continue to run our pizza days as a reward but feel there may be more we can do to improve the culture around membership of the band. We are advertising for a volunteer for band librarian – Malini is due to finish up at the end of the year and we’d like someone on board asap to assist with Training band folders. Band dates Term 2

• Band link Tuesday 20/6 and Wednesday 21/6 • Band performance for whole school Wed 29/7 2pm

4. Band Fees Fiona Frangos has done an outstanding job on billing and chasing band fees this year. We have followed our fee protocol to the letter this year and currently have only 6 outstanding yearly fees, which have been forwarded to Nadine Bell for follow up. We don’t envisage any assistance will be required from Sue Estens in the collection of overdue fees this year! 5. Contractual relationships There has been some discussion regarding the contractual relationship we have with our conductor Susan Phillipa. Sean Mahoney (Treasurer) and Sue Estens have been reviewing the current structure and also the legal

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relationship the band has within the school structure. We are awaiting feedback regarding this. 6. Band Tutors feedback to parents It was raised that parents may not be getting regular feedback from tutors regarding students’ progress in their lessons. It was agreed that whilst comparative grading is not consistent with the philosophy of learning music within a band program, communication and feedback is a realistic requirement. Feedback regarding this is welcomed from band parents.

12. General business Next meeting: Wednesday 21 June 2017