ACADEMIC COUNCIL 23 JULY 2003 MINUTES Present: Assoc Prof Michael Borowitzka (President) Prof John Yovich (Vice Chancellor) Dr Parisa Bahri Prof Yianni Attikiouzel Ms Christina Ballantyne Mr Malcolm Bradley Mr Douglas Brewer Dr Pia Broderick Dr Phillip Clark Prof Jeff Gawthorne Ms Marian Kemp Prof Kateryna Longley Assoc Prof Lorraine Marshall Mrs Penhale Martin Prof Alec McHoul Dr Angela O’Brien-Malone Mr Shayne O’Neill Dr David Palmer Dr John Pluske Prof Jim Reynoldson Prof Ralph Simmonds (vice Prof Gary Martin) Ms Beth Strang Prof Jan Thomas Assoc Prof Bev Thiele Dr Andrew Turk Ms Barbara Whelan Mrs Jane Michell (Secretary) Observers : Prof David Andrich Mr Andrew Bain Ms Cheyrlie Doyle Ms Deb Hamblin Ms Kerry Hutchinson (for Item 6714) Ms Paula Langley (for Item 6714) Mr Darren Munday (also for Item 6714) Ms Jane Powell Apologies : Mr David Holloway Assoc Prof David Macey Prof Gary Martin Prof Andris Stelbovics Ms Suellen Tapsall Prior to commencement of the meeting the President welcomed the following newly elected members: Dr Parisa Bahri, Ms Marian Kemp, Dr David Palmer and Dr John Pluske. 6712. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2003 were confirmed subject to the following amendment: Pages with page numbering (i.e. other than the first page) should be numbered 1734 – 1744, rather than all numbered 1734. 6713 . FOUNDATION UNIT WORKING PARTY – FINAL REPORT

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Present: Assoc Prof Michael Borowitzka (President)Prof John Yovich (Vice Chancellor)Dr Parisa BahriProf Yianni AttikiouzelMs Christina BallantyneMr Malcolm BradleyMr Douglas BrewerDr Pia BroderickDr Phillip ClarkProf Jeff GawthorneMs Marian KempProf Kateryna LongleyAssoc Prof Lorraine MarshallMrs Penhale Martin

Prof Alec McHoulDr Angela O’Brien-MaloneMr Shayne O’NeillDr David PalmerDr John PluskeProf Jim Reynoldson Prof Ralph Simmonds (vice Prof Gary Martin)Ms Beth StrangProf Jan ThomasAssoc Prof Bev ThieleDr Andrew TurkMs Barbara Whelan

Mrs Jane Michell (Secretary)

Observers: Prof David AndrichMr Andrew Bain Ms Cheyrlie DoyleMs Deb Hamblin

Ms Kerry Hutchinson (for Item 6714)Ms Paula Langley (for Item 6714)Mr Darren Munday (also for Item 6714)Ms Jane Powell

Apologies: Mr David HollowayAssoc Prof David MaceyProf Gary Martin

Prof Andris StelbovicsMs Suellen Tapsall

Prior to commencement of the meeting the President welcomed the following newly elected members: Dr Parisa Bahri, Ms Marian Kemp, Dr David Palmer and Dr John Pluske.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2003 were confirmed subject to the following amendment:

Pages with page numbering (i.e. other than the first page) should be numbered 1734 – 1744, rather than all numbered 1734.


Members considered the final report from the Foundation Unit Working Party established AC/6/2003 (29 January 2003). The Chair of the Working Party noted that the recommendations were unchanged from the draft report. He thanked all members of the Working Party for their contributions, as well as Mrs Jane Michell for redesigning the checklist template. During discussion of this item, the following points were noted:

Rather than being a separately identified item, plagiarism and collusion would be addressed through development of an understanding of the processes and ethics of academic debate.

The numbered list was not meant to imply any priority ranking. The Foundation Unit Committee should develop a policy regarding the introduction

and discontinuation of Foundation Units. It was noted that Council had set limits on the total number of Foundation Units. It was suggested that this might possibly be reduced in the future, following the move to common aims and learning outcomes.

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The Foundation Unit Committee might also review whether it is appropriate to grant exemptions from Foundation Units based on previous university study, when it was likely very few other universities offered similar units.

The curricula of all Foundation Units would require further review to bring them into line with the new aims and learning outcomes. The Foundation Unit Committee should also consider how this might be resourced.


(i) to adopt the five recommendations in the Final Report from the Foundation Unit Working Party:

…. Pink

1. To adopt the attached Aims and Learning Outcomes for all Foundation Units effective 2005.

…. Lilac

2. To approve the use of the attached ‘Foundation Unit Design Checklist’ Template as a planning (and thus a self-evaluation) tool and as a reporting form for use by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) working with the recommended Foundation Unit Committee.

…. Yellow

3. To approve the use of the attached ‘Foundation Unit Survey’ form, with the form to be trialled in Semester 2, 2003 in on-line form; and subject to the results of that trial to be used with the current versions of Foundation Units in 2004 in order to establish a baseline against which to assess all the recommended changes.

4. That the Foundation Unit Committee develop additional feedback arrangements so that the Foundation Units model best practice in the development of a culture of feedback at Murdoch. Such arrangements might include identifying particular members of the class to communicate at regular intervals with the Co-ordinator on how the unit is going, feedback from students when they complete the LITE exercise (week 4), Web mediated feedback; and communication to the previous year’s class of what changes were made to the Unit in response to their feedback.

…. Buff

5. To approve the attached governance structure for Foundation Units, including that [with the Foundation Unit Committee reporting to the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) instead of a Foundation Unit Convenor].

(ii) to rescind Resolutions AC/62/1995 (b) and AC/69/1995;

(iii) to approve a further Review of Foundation Units in five years (July 2008);

(iv) to request the President of Academic Council to develop standard Terms of Reference for Foundation Unit Reviews and to bring these to the September meeting of Council; and

(v) to delegate authority to the President of Academic Council to approve the wording of the consequential changes required to Bachelor Degree Regulation 16 (3).

The President thanked members of the Working Party for their outstanding efforts and clear and concise report.

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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[Secretary’s Note: The President has approved the recommendation to Senate of the following amendment to Bachelor Degree Regulation 16 (3) [additions in bold, deletions struck through]:16.(3) The unit coordinator(s) of each unit shall be appointed by

Tthe Head of the School offering the unit shall appoint one or more unit coordinators who, or, in the case of Foundation Units, by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) on the joint recommendation of the Executive Deans. Unit coordinators normally shall be members of the University's full-time or fractional full-time academic staff. The proposed appointment of any other person as a unit coordinator shall be in accordance with guidelines approved by the Academic Council.]


At its meeting on 18 June 2003, Council considered two reports from SSMIA regarding the delivery of the various off-campus student service functional outcomes [specified in Resolution AC/139/2002 (iii)] to all students by a single Student Services Centre (SSC). In response to Resolution AC/92/2003, SSMIA had submitted a further report discussing delivery of these outcomes via the horizontal and vertical split, and recommended Terms of Reference for a Working Party to identify KPIs to measure best practice performance.

It was noted that while the report clearly detailed how SSMIA wished to proceed, the arguments contained within the document did not entirely reflect the history of external studies at Murdoch. Council’s main desire was to improve the quality of services provided to external students and it was agreed that this would best be monitored via a KPI process. To this end, it was agreed to add a further Term of Reference to recommend an appropriate reporting period to report on performance against the KPIs identified by the Working Party.


(i) to note the ‘Report on Delivery of Services to Off-Campus Students’ as attached to the agenda;

(ii) to support Off-Campus Students by delivering the functional outcomes specified in Resolution AC/139/2002 (iii) by a single Student Service Centre, rather than a discrete Off-campus Student Service Centre as approved AC/139/2002 (i);

(iii) to establish a Working Party to determine KPIs for the delivery of services to Off-Campus Students with the following Terms of Reference:1. To determine service outcomes to Off-Campus

students.2. To determine a set of indicators to measure success in

these outcomes.3. To identify appropriate academic and administrative

responsible for meeting these indicators.4. To recommend on an appropriate reporting period to

report on performance against the KPIs.

(iv) to request the President of Academic Council to bring forward nominations for membership of the Working Party and a reporting timeline to the September meeting of Council.

Mr Mal Bradley, Mrs Penhale Martin and Ms Barbara Whelan abstained from the vote.

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At its meeting on 21 May 2003, Council recommended (AC/78/2003) to the Vice Chancellor that he establish a consultative working party to review the Murdoch Funding Model with the working party to submit an initial report to Academic Council on 23 July 2003. The President of Academic Council had been appointed chair of this Working Party and presented its initial report to Council.

The President noted that the budget process is not simple, reflecting the diverse nature of the organisation and various funding sources, many of which the University has no control over. The Deputy Vice Chancellor had spent several meetings explaining the budget process to the Working Party, which now had a much better, though not total, understanding of what was involved. The Working Party had been formed following concerns expressed about the impact of decreased funding on students and staff. It was recognised that this was largely a result of the long term under-funding of universities [increases in funding had not kept pace with inflation for a considerable time].

The President gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the budget process, concentrating in particular on the DEST income, what proportion was allocated to central overheads and what flowed to Divisions. Details of these allocations and all cluster weightings are provided in the Description of the Operating Budget 2003. It was noted that the University had little control over many of its overheads such as power, insurance, maintenance, etc. At the Divisional level, each Division has its own overheads and funding model. Divisional overheads average 14 percent. The Working Party had not investigated what happens at the School level, although it was recognised that each School would also have its own overheads.

It was noted that since the Working Party had been established, several changes had already been made to the budget parameters for 2004: Reclassification of several units within the Murdoch Funding Model to reflect

changes in content and teaching practices. No budget to actual adjustment in March of the following year thus providing

greater budget certainty to Schools. The Vice Chancellor’s commitment to increase the $/EFTSU provided to

academic Divisions, relative to the 2003 budget. This can only be achieved by decreasing administrative overheads.

Further, from 2005, there will be several changes to the funding environment as a result of the ‘Crossroads’ review of higher education that are relevant to the Working Party’s discussion: The base grant will be based on actual units and load taught. A new financial model will be used to fund ten clusters of course units. Increases in funding will be tied to workplace and governance reforms. Universities will be authorised to determine student HECS contributions up to

30% above the existing levels.

Internal modelling indicated that Murdoch would receive less income under this new model and this has been confirmed by Commonwealth figures. Assurances have been given that the shortfall will be made up from transition funds in the short term. An important factor in determining future internal allocations is the actual costs of delivering units. The Course Costing Model was currently being revised into a Unit Costing Model and it was anticipated that this would be available in October or November this year. However, any associated results will not be available until early-mid 2004. This information is needed in order to decide how best to adjust to the changed funding environment. The outcome is anticipated to impact on the academic offerings at the University.Members were reminded that Academic Council had no formal role in the determination of the University’s budget and that the Working Party was advisory to the Vice Chancellor.

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The Working Party would recommend to the Vice Chancellor that it continue with revised Terms of Reference and report regularly on its progress to Academic Council (possibly every second meeting).

The following points were raised during discussion of this item: The proposed Nelson reforms had yet to be legislated. The impact on the 2005

budget and beyond could only be fully assessed at that time. The current budget model should still be investigated; for example it includes

various levels of relativities based on 1990’s information. The University has limited funds to redistribute. All universities are experiencing

problems with under-funding. The Unit Costing Model would not be available in time to inform the 2004 budget,

which has to be approved by Senate in 2003. The University should also consider how it wished to apply the HECS top-up

charges and how these aligned with the University’s vision and mission so such decisions can be factored into future budgets if and when appropriate.

Under the current funding provisions, no part of the University cross-subsidises any other part of the University. Nor is there any double-dipping.

Any returns on investments will be used for one-off items, not for recurrent expenses.

Given the limited scope to reduce costs, the University must find ways to increase its income.

It was agreed that the proposed revised Terms of Reference should be additional rather than replacement.


to note the interim report from the Vice Chancellor’s Consultative Working Party on the Murdoch Funding Model as attached to the agenda and the recommendation to the Vice Chancellor contained therein:

that the working party continue with the following additional terms of reference:(i) identify the key issues arising from the new funding arrangements

for Universities and the Murdoch Unit Costing Model(ii) advise the Vice-Chancellor on changes to the Murdoch Funding

Model required in light of the new federal funding system and the outcomes of the Murdoch Unit Costing Model.

(iii) advise the Vice Chancellor on strategies which would enable Murdoch University to maximize its DEST income under the new funding system and maintain high quality educational outcomes for Murdoch University.

with the Working Party to report to Academic Council on a regular basis.


At its meeting on 6 November 2002, Council (AC/175/2002) supported in principle the notion of the introduction of a triple alpha/triple numeric unit code system in 2004 and requested APC to develop principles to support this system and seek Divisional identification of codes.

Divisions will be responsible for assigning the approved new codes to existing units and approved by either the Divisional Board, or Executive Dean on behalf of the Divisional Board. It was noted that student transcripts will include the code that applied at the time a unit was studied.

As advised in the Supplementary Agenda, Principles 5 and 8 in Recommendation 1 were amended with VBS340 replaced by VET340.

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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In response to concerns that the codes no longer included the responsible AOU, it was noted that the issue had arisen because there were insufficient codes based on the existing system of using the responsible AOUs. Assurances had been provided that changes could be mapped for reporting purposes. Concerns were also expressed that by designating Foundation Units with the triple alpha “FOU”, they may no longer appear with other TLC units in the Handbook. Although members acknowledged there had been full consultation regarding the proposed triple alpha codes, now that the complete University list was available, it was suggested that some further amendments might be appropriate. It was therefore agreed to delegate authority to the President to make any further changes after the meeting.


to adopt the two recommendations in the APC Report to Council on Triple Alpha/Triple Numeric Unit Codes (as amended):

(i) to approve the following principles for the introduction of Triple Alpha/Triple Numeric unit codes:1. Unit codes should be selected with a view to long-term

stability of the code.2. Where possible, the triple alpha code should be aligned

with the general broad discipline area.3. Where the same alpha code is requested by more than one

Division, the President of Academic Council will decide on the final allocation.

4. New unit proposals should include the preferred triple alpha.

5. Where possible, existing unit numbers should be maintained. For example, V340 should become VET340.

6 Units co-ordinated by the Teaching and Learning Centre, A120 and A277, should have the code TLC120 and TLC277.

7. Foundation Units should have a triple alpha code of FOU.8. When the new triple alpha/triple numeric

codes are implemented, where changes to existing codes involve only a change to the alpha component (e.g. V340 to VET340) this will not be considered a change for academic planning purposes.

9. Enabling (bridging and supplementary) courses which do not carry credit into University level studies have a triple numeric code commencing with the numeral 0 (zero).

(ii) to approve the proposed triple alpha codes as listed below for introduction in 2004:AIS Australian Indigenous Studies AST Asian Studies BIO Biological Sciences and BiotechnologyBUS Business School Undergraduate unitsCHI Chiropractic CHN Chinese COD Community DevelopmentCOM Communication and CultureCUR Curtin UniversityECU Edith Cowan UniversityEDU EducationEGL EnglishEGR Engineering ENV Environmental Science

AC/107/2003 (cont’d)

EQU University Access CoursesEXM Extractive Metallurgy

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FOU Foundation Units GAR General ArtsHIS HistoryHKU Hong Kong UniversityICT Information Technology IND IndonesianJOU JournalismJPN JapaneseKAC Kulbardi unitsLAW Law Undergraduate unitsLEG Legal Studies unitsLLM Law Masters unitsMAS Mathematics and StatisticsMBS Business School Postgraduate unitsMED MediaMSC Mass CommunicationMUL Multimedia PHL PhilosophyNUR NursingOTH Other UniversitiesPEC Physics, Energy Studies and ChemistryPOL Politics and International StudiesPSY PsychologyRAD RadioSAB Study Abroad SCR Screen StudiesSOC SociologySTP Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy THE TheologyTLC Teaching and Learning Centre UnitsTOU TourismUWA University of Western AustraliaVET Veterinary and Biomedical ScienceWOM Women’s StudiesWKP355 Workplace Learning CommerceWKP356 Workplace Learning Information TechnologyWKP350 Workplace Learning Social Inquiry

(iii) to delegate authority to the President to approve changes to any of the above codes after appropriate consultation.

[Secretary’s Note: Following consultation with the Executive Deans, the President has approved the following changes to the above codes:

EGR Engineering to be replaced by ENG Engineering.

ENV Environmental Science to be replaced by EVR Environmental Science.

MED Media to now include Media, Radio and Screen Studies, with the separate codes for Radio and Screen Studies (RAD and SCR) to be deleted.

The Chair, APC and President of Academic Council have agreed to the addition of a further code of TAF for TAFE units.

There have been associated requests to also amend the triple numerics for some Theology and Tourism units. As this is outside Principle 8 approved above, these and associated course structure amendments will be considered by the President as late academic planning amendments and a report provided on any such approvals at the next meeting of Council.]

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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At its meeting on 21 May 2003, Council heard concerns from the Murdoch Guild of Students that the continued decrease in Commonwealth funding was affecting teaching methods and outcomes across the University, in particular the Division of Arts, pointing to anecdotal feedback from students in the briefing paper in support of this statement. Tutorials were specifically highlighted.

The University Secretary subsequently advised the following Council resolutions in relation to tutorial sizes:

AC/124/1990to adopt the following guidelines concerning teaching standards:

(iii) (a) that the normal number of students in tutorials,workshops, laboratory classes and any other forms of small group teaching sessions be no greater than 15;

(b) that when particular teaching methods utilise larger class sizes the reasons should be explained to the Education Sub-Committee*.

* Since replaced by the Academic Policy Committee.

AC/83/1997 (h)that 15 students be the planned size of tutorial classes in all foundation units.

Consequently, the President of Academic Council requested the Executive Deans to provide information on any units in contravention of the above resolutions, and the reasons for larger class sizes being used. The feedback received shows that a number of tutorials, workshops, practical classes and other forms of small group teaching currently operate with student numbers in excess of 15. The reasons for this given by the Divisions are varied, but can be classified into two major groupings: (a) where larger class sizes are the preferred option based on clear educational arguments, and (b) where ongoing resource constraints have led to a gradual increase in class sizes to about 20 rather than 15 students.

During discussion the following points were noted: Any concerns regarding teaching space should be directed to the Classroom

Management Group, which is chaired by the President of Academic Council. This issue would not be considered separately by the Academic Quality Audit

Committee. In relation to quality if was noted that the AUQA process oversees the University’s mechanisms and processes to review all its activities.

It was agreed that the existing guidelines should be reviewed in the light of pedagogical changes and that the matter be referred to APC, with a view to the educational aspects of small group teaching being considered. It was suggested that any Working Party include a student representative from each Division and a representative from the TLC.

It was agreed to amend paragraph (ii) of the resolution by adding “if required”.


to request Academic Policy Committee to review the existing Guidelines for tutorials, workshops, laboratory classes and other forms of small group teaching.

This review should examine current practices at Murdoch University and the educational justifications for these and should develop a revised set of guidelines, if required.

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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Council noted the Vice Chancellor’s written reports. In relation to the Commonwealth Grant Scheme Funding, it was noted that the Senior Executive Group was assessing the implications of each initiative and investigating strategies to access new places for Peel.

Following consideration of the University’s Strategic Plan 2003 – 2007, Senate had requested further consultation occur relating to the Mission, Vision, Values, Defining Themes and Goals. In order to provide a revised draft Plan to the August meeting of Senate, the Vice Chancellor recommended that Council establish a Working Party to review and recommend to Senate on the University’s Strategic Plan 2003 – 2007 in accordance with a timetable included in the Supplementary Report.


(i) to establish a Strategic Plan Working Party with the following Term of Reference and membership:Term of Reference1. To review the revised University’s Strategic Plan 2003 –

2007 on behalf of Council.

MembershipAssoc Prof Michael Borowitzka (Chair)Dr Phillip ClarkAssoc Prof Bev ThieleMs Christina BallantyneMr Mal BradleyDr Andrew TurkDr Parisa Bahri

(ii) to delegate authority to the Working Party to report to Senate on behalf of Council.


On the recommendation of Divisional Boards and the Research and Development Board, Council



to approve the award of the degrees, diplomas and certificates on the attached list.

6720. 2004 MEETING DATES


to approve the following meeting dates for Academic Council for 2004:28 January17 March14 April19 May16 June21 July15 September3 November

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The membership of the Honorary Awards and Ceremonial Committee includes two Professors/Associate Professors appointed by Academic Council. [The number of members appointed by Academic Council was reduced from three to two (S/5/2003), effective July 2003]. Appointments are normally for three years.

The members so appointed are Professors Ian James (DSE), Michael Pendleton (DA) and Simone Volet (DA). The terms of office of Professors Ian James and Michael Pendleton expire at the commencement of second semester 2003.


to appoint Professor Tom Lyons to the Honorary Awards and Ceremonial Committee, with his term of office expiring at the commencement of second semester in 2006.


The membership of the Academic Policy Committee includes the appointment of: Four academic staff appointed by Council from among the elected members of

Academic Council, with two appointees from the Division of Arts, one from the Division of Health Sciences and one from the Division of Science and Engineering. At least one must be male and at least one female.

Four academic staff appointed by Council, with two appointees from the Division of Arts, one from the Division of Health Sciences and one from the Division of Science and Engineering. At least one must be male and at least one female.

Dr Giles Hardy was a member of the academic staff appointed by Council from among the elected members of Academic Council. However, when his membership on Council lapsed, his membership on APC also lapsed. Dr Hardy had been appointed until the commencement of second semester in 2005. The other members so appointed include Dr Phillip Clark (Health Sciences), Dr Andrew Turk (Arts) and Ms Suellen Tapsall (Arts). Appointments are normally for three years.

Dr Una Ryan was a member of academic staff appointed by Council from the Division of Health Sciences. Dr Ryan has resigned her position. Dr Bob Bennett was formerly a representative from the Division of SSHE. However, following the Divisional restructure, he is now a member of the Division of Health Sciences and therefore his membership on APC lapsed as a representative of SSHE. The other members so appointed are Dr Graham O’Hara (DSE) and Mr Archie Zariski (Arts). Therefore in appointing replacements for Drs Bennett and Ryan, one nominee should be from Arts and one from Health Sciences, and one of these should be female.

The President had liaised with Executive Deans regarding the nominations.


to appoint the following persons to the Academic Policy Committee, with their term of office expiring at the commencement of second semester in the year indicated:

Appointee Category Term ExpiresDr Parisa Bahri Council Member 2005Dr Bob Bennett Divisional Appointee 2004Dr Peta Bowden Divisional Appointee 2004

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At its meeting on 6 November 2002, Council approved (AC/164/2002) that the official attendees at Academic Council with speaking rights be:

1. University Secretary2. Director, Office of Policy and Planning3. Director, Office of Student Services4. Chair, Academic Policy Committee5. Chair, Committee on University Entrance6. Immediate past President of Academic Council (for one year after relinquishing


Following the amalgamation of OSS into SSMIA, the position of Director, OSS no longer exists. The Managing Director, SSMIA had recommended that the Business Manager, SSMIA be invited instead.


to amend the list of official invitees at Academic Council with speaking rights by replacing the Director, Office of Student Services with Business Manager, SSMIA.


In accordance with Standing Order 9 (2), Mr David Holloway had requested leave of absence from 1 July 2003 to 31 January 2004.


to approve a leave of absence from Academic Council for Mr David Holloway from 1 July 2003 to 31 January 2004.


The Collaborative Postgraduate Courses policy provides that MOUs for collaborative courses are reviewed by APC and CUE, and approved by the Vice Chancellor, on the recommendation of Academic Council, and following checking of its adherence to these policies by the University Secretary. The Chairs of APC, CUE and President of Academic Council were all consulted about each version of the MOU.



to ratify the actions of the President of Academic Council to recommend to the Vice Chancellor for approval the attached Master of Medical Engineering Memorandum of Understanding.


Council noted the report on further 2003 academic planning amendments approved by the President.


to note the revised structure for the Creative Writing minor as attached to the agenda, superseding that noted AC/156/2002 (ii).


6727.1 2004 Summer Semester Dates for the School of Business

In accordance with the Summer Teaching policy, Council



to approve the attached 2004 Summer Semester dates for the School of Business.

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6727.2 New Course


(i) to approve the introduction in 2004 of the Postgraduate Diploma in Games Technology with the structure as attached to the agenda and located within the Division of Arts;

(ii) to RECOMMEND to Senate to amend Diploma Regulation 1 (c) as indicated below [additions in bold]:Insert: Games Technology (PgDipGamesTech)

6727.3 New Major


(i) to approve the introduction in 2004 of the Games Technology major with the structure as attached to the agenda and located within the Division of Arts;

(ii) to approve prescribing 15 Part I points in the Games Technology major

Part I Points Part II Points Total Points15 points 28 points 72 points

6727.4 Teaching Minors

These structures are still being finalised. In order to meet the 2004 Handbook deadline, Council


to delegate authority to the President of Academic Council to consider the proposed teaching minors on behalf of Council so that if approved, they can be included in the 2004 Handbook.

[Secretary’s Note: The Division has subsequently withdrawn these minors form the 2004 academic planning round.]

6727.5 Amended Course

The amended course structure for the Graduate Diploma in Tourism was previously omitted from the Report on Phase III planning while clarification was sought about the non-availability of a core unit. The Division had advised informally that, on the grounds of staff teaching load and low enrolments in the course, the course structure will be amended to include an alternative of an ISC approved by the Program Chair.


subject to receipt of a formal request from the Division of Arts to include an alternative of an ISC in the Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Indigenous Tourism), to note the amended structure for the Graduate Diploma in Tourism as attached to the agenda for introduction in 2004 and located in the Division of Arts.

[Secretary’s Note: A formal request to this effect has now been provided by the Division.]

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6727.6 Change in Course Title

At its meeting on 21 May 2003, Council approved [AC/73/2003 (i)] a change in title of the Telecommunications Management major to Internetworking and Security. Although not included in the Divisional Phase III Summary or course comparison form provided to Council, the Division had separately requested that this title change further include a change from a Bachelor of Commerce to Bachelor of Science.


further to Resolution AC/73/2003 (i), to approve the offering of the Internetworking and Security major as a Bachelor of Science, rather than as a Bachelor of Commerce.


At its meeting on 21 May 2003, Council received a report on 2004 Phase III academic planning. In this report it was noted that the structure of the Biological Psychology minor had been referred back to the Division of Health Sciences for clarification. The President had subsequently approved a request to discontinue this minor with effect from 2004.


to note discontinuation of the Biological Psychology minor with effect from 2004.


The approval of new postgraduate research courses presently does not require that proposals be considered by APC. During discussion of feedback on the 2003 academic planning round a request was received to consider formalising a process whereby feedback is obtained from APC in the consideration of new postgraduate research degrees and professional doctorates. The PVC (A) and PVC (R) agreed that all proposals should initially be sent to APC before being forwarded to the Research and Development Board (R&DB). APC has recommended a consequential amendment to the Postgraduate Research Degrees Regulations. There is presently no similar recommendation to amend the Professional Doctorate Regulations as the PVC(R) is pursuing with the R&DB whether it needs to be involved in decisions about Professional Doctorates.


to RECOMMEND to Senate to amend Postgraduate Research Degree Regulation 1B as indicated below [additions in bold]:1B The introduction of a new degree requires the approval of

Academic Council, after consideration of a submission from the Research and Development Board following comments from the Academic Policy Committee.

[Secretary’s Note: Following a suggestion from the Legislation Committee, the President has approved that the above proposed change be reworded as follows [additions in bold, deletions struck through]:

1B The introduction of a new degree requires the approval of Academic Council,. Council shall give such approval only after consideration of a submission from the Research and Development Board, made after the Board has considered the comments of Academic Policy Committee.]

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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At its meeting on 6 October 1997, Senate approved (S/76/1997) establishment of the Centre for Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship (CEDE).

The Executive Dean, Arts has advised that this was a Professional Centre located in BITL and that the Centre has been defunct for the last three years. In consultation with the Head of the Murdoch Business School and Acting Pro Vice Chancellor (Research), the Executive Dean has recommended that the Centre be disestablished.


to RECOMMEND to the Vice Chancellor to disestablish the Centre for Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship (CEDE).


Council noted the various outstanding assessment-related issues as detailed in the Agenda and Supplementary Agenda.

A member suggested the Working Party also review the effectiveness of the new Advisory Guidelines on Penalties for Dishonesty in Assessment. However, this was considered to be too big a task for the Working Party.

It was agreed to amend the proposed Terms of Reference to include all the dot points in the Agenda, the further Term of Reference proposed in the Supplementary Agenda and an additional Term of Reference regarding equivalence of assignments between the different modes of units. It was noted that the limits on enrolment overloads related to semester workloads and that the issue had arisen following an Ombudsman recommendation.


(i) to reconvene the Assessment Code Working Party with a revised membership and the following Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference1. Per AC/50/2002, to consider how the ‘Advisory

Guidelines on Penalties for Dishonesty in Assessment’ might be amended to cover cases of dishonesty in research-based assessment.

2. Per AC/75/2002, to review whether the recent case heard by the Board of Discipline warrants changes to Regulations, Guidelines and Policies. Inter alia, this includes consideration of:

Limits on enrolment overloads [in a given semester or trimester].

The approval process for cross-institutional enrolments.

Recording and accessing the findings of misconduct in relation to plagiarism and cheating.

Gradation of penalties for misconduct.

How to ensure academic staff are aware of what they must do when dishonesty in assessment has been identified.

3. To consider APC’s recommendation on re-marking procedures.

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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AC/127/2003 (cont’d)

4. To clarify the term “higher level units” in section 5.3.

5. To consider the use of notional grading (section 5.4) and whether the use of alternative percentage ranges should be reflected on academic transcripts.

6. To consider the appropriateness of scaling of marks and whether scaled marks should be reflected on academic transcripts.

7. To consider the requirement to have supervised assessment comprising at least 30% of the final mark (Section 3.2) in relation to external/off-campus students.

8. To consider the issue of equivalence of assignments between the various modes of offering a particular unit.

9. To consider the grades/final marks to be recorded on transcripts for Supplementary Assessment.

(ii) that the President of Academic Council bring forward nominations for membership of the Working Party and a reporting timeline to the September meeting of Council.


The policy DEST Enabling Courses, Continuing Education Courses and Award Transition Units provides 3.4.1 that “In the case of A120, Introduction to University Learning, and A277, From University to Workplace, which are offered for credit by the TLC (and are therefore not subject to a Divisional Board), assessment results will be reported to the Board of Examiners of SSHE [AC/94/2002 (5)].

SSHE has subsequently been amalgamated into the Division of Arts. However, there is no longer a Divisional Board of Examiners. This function has been delegated to a number of separate Boards of Examiners [as permitted by Bachelor Degree Regulation 47 (1)].

The Division sought Council’s advice as to where these assessment results should now be reported. The President has liaised with the Executive Deans regarding this matter and it was proposed that the results for these units now be reported to the DSE Board of Examiners.


(i) to approve the reporting of assessment results for A120, Introduction to University Learning, and A277, From University to Workplace to the Division of Science and Engineering Board of Examiners; and

(ii) to amend Clause 3.4.1 of the policy ‘DEST Enabling Courses, Continuing Education Courses and Award Transition Units’ accordingly.

…. Pink

[Secretary’s Note: The revised policy is attached.]

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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6733. 2002 SQIP REPORTS

The revised timetable for SQIP Reports as approved AC/80/2003 provides that the written reports from the Executive Deans, Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) and Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) be circulated with the agenda papers for this meeting, with verbal presentations to be given at the September and November meetings.

The verbal presentations will remain in accordance with the previously agreed schedule:

September meeting of Council: PVC(A), Executive Dean, ArtsNovember meeting of Council: PVC(R), Executive Deans, Science & Engineering, and Health Sciences

However, the deadline for submission of the written reports has been extended to Thursday 7 August 2003. The reports will be circulated to members in the following week.

The theme for the 2002 reports as approved AC/53/2002 is “Improvement of Graduate Employment and Employability”.

Any questions on notice for the PVC (A) or Executive Dean, Arts should be submitted in writing to the Secretary to Council by Wednesday 27 August 2003.

Any questions on notice for the PVC(R) or Executive Deans, Health Sciences and Science & Engineering should be submitted in writing to the Secretary to Council by Wednesday 15 October 2003.


At its meeting on 29 January 2003, Council recommended (AC/15/2003) a number of amendments to the Statute to reflect the changes to membership arising from the Council Review. The changes to the Academic Council Statute were approved by Exco on 10 June and came into effect when gazetted on 27 June 2003.

This means that the Pro Vice Chancellor (Resource Management) and University Librarian are no longer members; the number of elected academics on Council will gradually reduce from 15 to 12; the number of elected general staff is reduced from 3 to 2 (already taken effect), and of elected students from 4 to 3.

Council now includes an elected academic staff member from the regional campuses (the recent elections included such a position).


At its meeting on 6 November 2002, Council established [AC/167/2002 (3)] a Graduate Attributes Working Party and approved its Terms of Reference. At the March 2003 meeting Council subsequently approved (AC/44/2003), the membership and reporting timeline, with the final report to be submitted to this meeting. The President has approved an extension for submission of the final report, which will be submitted to the September meeting of Council.

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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Divisions were invited to indicate which majors and courses should be subject to quota next year, for inclusion in the Handbook.


to approve that the following majors and courses are subject to quota in 2004:

Undergraduate 2nd Bachelor DegreesAnalytical Chemistry (BTech) Energy Studies (BAppSc)BA or BSc/B.Ed SecondaryBEd (Initial) Primary

Environmental Science (BAppSc)

Biological SciencesBiomedical Science DiplomasBiotechnology (BSc)Biotechnology/Commerce

BA or BSc + concurrent Grad Dip

Chiropractic Ed (Primary)Commerce (All Majors)Conservation Biology

BA or BSc + concurrent Grad Dip Ed (Secondary)

Engineering Grad Dip Ed (Primary)Engineering Science Grad Dip Ed (Secondary)Engineering/Science (Joint Degree) Grad Dip JournalismEngineering Technology (BTech)Environmental RestorationEnvironmental Science Environmental Technology MastersForensic Biology and Toxicology Master of Applied PsychologyLaw Master of Veterinary StudiesMarine ScienceMarketing & the MediaMolecular Biology Multimedia DoctorateNetwork & Software Systems

(BTech)Doctor of Psychology

Psychology Veterinary Biology


The outstanding academic planning caveats listed in Item 6703 of the minutes of the 18 June 2003 meeting of Council have yet to be addressed.


At its meeting on 21 May 2003, Council approved (AC/84/2003) the membership of the Working Party on Not For Degree Points, which included the President, Student Guild or nominee. The President’s nominee is Ms Barbara Whelan.

Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)


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6739. SENATE

At its meeting on 7 July 2003, Senate approved the following recommendations from Academic Council:

21 May 2003 Meeting

* Amendment of Bachelor Degree Regulation 18 - definition of a minor [as redrafted by the Legislative Committee and approved by the President of Academic Council}

* Amendment of Diploma Regulation 1 (c) – new qualification

The amendment of Master by Coursework Degree Regulations 1 (1) and 2 (1) was previously recommended by the March meeting of Council and approved at the April Senate:

Council also recommended [AC/78/2003 (ii)] “that other sources of funding teaching be explored within the entire University’s budget, including receiving extra funds from the commercial development budget for one-off expenses”. This recommendation will be considered by Resources Committee at its next meeting, and its advice provided to the August meeting of Senate.

18 June 2003 Meeting

* Amendment of Certificate Regulation 1 (d) – new qualification* Amendment of Diploma Regulation 1 (c) – new qualification* Amendment of Master by Coursework Degree Regulations 1 (1) and 2 (1) – new

qualification* Amendment of Bachelor Degree Regulation 42 (2) - Cross-Institutional Grades

The meeting ended at 4.15 p.m.


Wednesday 17 September 2003 Friday 5 September 2003

Wednesday 5 November 2003 Friday 24 October 2003


Academic Council Minutes – 23 July 2003 (Meeting No. 6)