Minor Irrigation & Ground Water Development Department, (North) Zone, Vijyapur Annual Administration Report 2017-18 I. INTRODUCTION: The Geographical area of Karnataka State is 19.04 million hectare. The culturable area is 12.61 million hectares. Out of which, 55.00 lakh hectares area comes under Irrigation. It is estimated that, Irrigation potential of Minor Irrigation schemes are about 10.00 lakh hectares. All Ground water and Surface water Schemes (both flow & lift), having Cultivable Command Area (Atchkat) up to 2000 hectares individually are considered as Minor Irrigation Schemes. The Minor Irrigation Schemes provide the farmers with controlled and timely irrigation, augmenting increase in agricultural production, thereby, meeting the growing requirement of population to large extent. Earlier, from 1986-87, as per G.O.No.PWD 2 IFY 1987, Bangalore, dated 6-5-1987 Minor Irrigation Projects having less than 200 hectare atchkat was transferred to Zilla Panchayat coming under Rural Development & Panchayat Raj department. Later, in G.o. No.ID 2 IFY 87, Bangalore dated 6-8-1992, Minor Irrigation Projects having atchkat between 40 to 200 hectares were shifted from the control of Zilla Panchayat to Minor Irrigation department. Presently, the M.I. Projects under Surface Water Scheme having atchkat between 40 to 2000 hectares are dealt in this department. Ground Water schemes are dealt by the department Mines & Geology. The Minor Irrigation & Ground Water Development Department comprises Page 1

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Minor Irrigation & Ground WaterDevelopment Department, (North) Zone, Vijyapur

Annual Administration Report 2017-18I. INTRODUCTION:

The Geographical area of Karnataka State is 19.04 million hectare. The culturable area is 12.61 million hectares. Out of which, 55.00 lakh hectares area comes under Irrigation. It is estimated that, Irrigation potential of Minor Irrigation schemes are about 10.00 lakh hectares.

All Ground water and Surface water Schemes (both flow & lift), having Cultivable Command Area (Atchkat) up to 2000 hectares individually are considered as Minor Irrigation Schemes. The Minor Irrigation Schemes provide the farmers with controlled and timely irrigation, augmenting increase in agricultural production, thereby, meeting the growing requirement of population to large extent.

Earlier, from 1986-87, as per G.O.No.PWD 2 IFY 1987, Bangalore, dated 6-5-1987 Minor Irrigation Projects having less than 200 hectare atchkat was transferred to Zilla Panchayat coming under Rural Development & Panchayat Raj department. Later, in G.o. No.ID 2 IFY 87, Bangalore dated 6-8-1992, Minor Irrigation Projects having atchkat between 40 to 200 hectares were shifted from the control of Zilla Panchayat to Minor Irrigation department.

Presently, the M.I. Projects under Surface Water Scheme having atchkat between 40 to 2000 hectares are dealt in this department. Ground Water schemes are dealt by the department Mines & Geology. The Minor Irrigation & Ground Water Development Department comprisesof two Zones, one located at Bangalore, known as Minor Irrigation (South) and the other at Vijayapur, called Minor Irrigation (North), each headed by a Chief Engineer. Both these zones come under the Administrative control of the Secretary, Minor Irrigation and Ground Water Development Department.The Minor Irrigation (North) zone, has two Circle office, one located at Belgaum and the other at Kalburgi, which are headed by the Superintending Engineers. In Belgaum circle, there are four Minor Irrigation Divisions viz., Belgaum, Vijyapur, Dharwad and Haliyal and in Kalburgi Circle, there are four Minor Irrigation Divisions viz., Kalburgi, Bidar, Bellary and Koppal. Each Minor Irrigation Division is headed by an Executive Engineer. There is also one Quality Control Division at Dharwad, which has got four Quality Control Sub divisions under its control. These sub-divisions monitor the quality aspects of works of Minor Irrigation (North) zone, Vijyapur. Also there are 32 Minor Irrigation Sub-divisions under the control of Assistant Executive Engineers. The details regarding divisions / sub-divisions are furnished in Annexure-I.

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The above information is represented in the Organizational Chart.II. Objectives of the Department:

The main objective of the department is to bring more area under irrigation, by providing proper irrigation facilities to farmers and further to tackle situations at times of drought and flood. The responsibility of the department lies in implementing the following important activities.

1. To begin with, survey work will be conducted for any new project to be taken up. Based on survey results, estimates will be prepared, reviewed and the administrative approval and Technical sanction will be obtained from the appropriate authority.

2. Implementing the Rules under Karnataka Irrigation Act.3. Taking up construction of Minor Irrigation Schemes such as tanks, anicuts,

pickups & barrages, both under State funds and financial assistance received from Central Government and NABARD.

4. Restoration of underground water level through percolation tanks.5. Co-coordinating with Railways and other related departments for ensuring

safe protection to Railway lines by taking preventive measures concerning Railway affecting tanks.

6. River bank protection works7. Construction and maintenance of Lift irrigation schemes.8. Protection works to the agricultural land in coastal area to avoid salt water

erosion.9. Formation of Water Users Association for completed tanks and handing

over the tanks to them for the purpose of maintenance and repairs (community based scheme)

10.Joint inspection by the Irrigation and Revenue department for fixing of water rates periodically. Revenue Collection task is taken by the Revenue Department.

11.Maintenance of Statistics pertaining to M.I. works.12.Maintenance of general administration, inspection of the activities of the

subordinate offices.III. Acts & Rules adopted by the Department:

1. Public Works Department code Vol. I & II.2. Public Works Accounts code Vol. I & II. 3. Karnataka Irrigation Act 1973.4. Karnataka Irrigation (Levy of Water Rates) Rules 19655. Irrigation Manual 1974.6. Land Acquisition and Arbitration Act.7. Karnataka Civil Service Rules8. Karnataka Civil Service (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules 1957.9. Karnataka Civil Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 10. Karnataka Finance Code.11. Budget Manual12. Karnataka General Provident Fund Rules 1957.

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13. Manual of Contingency Expenditure.14. Stores Manual15. Arbitration rules 16. Karnataka Transparency Act. 17. Right to Information Act 2005.

IV. Details of Activities of the Department taken up during the year 2017-18

1. Based on the budget allocation, the annual programme of the department was adopted in such a way that, both the physical and financial targets could be achieved.

2. Regular MMR meetings were conducted at division, circle and zonal levels to review the progress of Minor Irrigation works.

3. Conducted inspection of works under execution and works implemented evaluation and social auditing of Minor Irrigation Schemes.

V. Administrative Setup:The Minor Irrigation department has six main wings functioning, which are as follows.

1. Administration2. Accounts3. Technical Section4. Designs Cell5. Statistical Cell.

The activities of these wings are described below.

1. Administration:

The Chief Engineer is the head of the Minor Irrigation (North) zone and has a supporting working staff of 605 as against the sanctioned strength of 931. Out of this, the number of Group A officers actually working were 47 under group B it was 100. under Group C officials were 340. and Group D it was 118.The Cadre wise strength according to sex and caste are presented in Annexure-II

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The Administration section is under the control of the Registrar, who deals

with all administrative aspects relating to service matters, insurance records

maintenance, transfers, purchase of stationeries, enquires, settlement of electricity

and water bills and contract appointments. The list of officers who worked in

Central Office during 2017-18 is furnished in Annexure-III

Further, office of the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation North zone is

considered as Public Authority under Right to Information Act, 2005. The

following officers are nominated as Public Information Officer, Assistant Public

Information Officer and Appellate Authority as per Sub-rule 5(1), 5(2) & 19(1) of

the Right to Information Act 2005, respectively.

Sl No. DepartmentPublic Information

Officer Section 5(1)Assistant Public

InformationOfficer Section 5(2)

Appealite Authority Section 19 (1)

1 2 3 4 5


Minor Irrigation & Ground Water Development

Department,NorthZone, Vijaypur

Sri I.A.Dhundsi(Incharge) Deputy Chief Engineer Minor

Irrigation (North), Vijaypur

Sri S.K.Bidanur, Registrar, Minor

Irrigation (North), Vijaypur

Sri A.N.Janwekar, Chief Engineer, Minor

Irrigation (North), Vijaypur

This information about the entire zone is down loaded in the internet of the National Information Centre.

During 2017-18 a total of 3182 applications were received & 1104 applications were settled under this Act. A sum of Rs. 7960/- is collected towards fee and credited to Government a/c. Periodical Progress Report such as monthly, quarterly and annual reports are submitted to Government as and when it falls due.2. Accounts:

The Accounts section is headed by an Accounts Officer, who deals with the following items of work.

1)Allocation of grants for both salary and maintenance.2) Preparation of pending bills.3) Finalization of C & AG reports based on inspection reports and draft paras.4)Reconciliation of Accounts of Central Office and sanctioning of Reserve

Stock Limits (RSL).5) Monitoring of grant and outlays and NABARD reimbursement schemes.6) Preparation of Annual Report.

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3. Technical wing:The Superintending Engineer (Designs) is overall incharge of technical

aspects of works of Minor Irrigation Department and is assisted by one Deputy Chief Engineer and 5 Technical Assistants in the rank of Assistant Executive Engineers.The main items of Technical works includes:

1. Technical scrutiny of proposals pertaining to Minor Irrigation work

2. Finalization of estimates and designs and Draft Tender Schedules.

3. The Estimates pertaining to the Minor Irrigation (North) Zone and costing

more than Rs. 50.00 lakhs and less than 200.00 lakhs have to be placed

before Zonal level Technical Advisory Committee, and got cleared. After

attending the remarks raised by TAC the estimates costing more than 200.00

lakhs have to be placed before the government level TAC. The estimates

have to be modified as per the technical guidelines of the TAC and finally

got to be cleared. To give administration approval, to the estimates costing

more than 50.00 lakhs and less than 200.00 lakhs (works approving in the

Appendix E) and to give technical sanction to all the estimates which are

administratively approved by the respective competent authority. (for works

appearing in the Appendix E).

4. ‘E’ procurement5. Monitoring progress of various schemes.6. Monitoring NABARD works under RIDF7. Preparation of MMR and KDP progress reports.8. Preparation of Annual and five year plans.9. Attending Estimate & Assurance Committee Meetings.

10.Answering Legislative Assembly & Council Questions11.Work out all details of works coming under Krishna basin, that are needed

for Inter State river water disputes12. Arrange for training to staff of Minor Irrigation Department.13. Attend to the matters relating to vehicles belonging to Minor Irrigation

(North) zone.14. Preparation of budget estimates for both Plan and Non-plan schemes.

4. Designs Cell:

The responsibility of Designs cell is to:

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1. Process and finalize design aspects of works pertaining to Minor Irrigation projects.

2. Finalize draft tender schedules after verification of the designs of pumping machineries.

3. Inspection of proposals for which designs are to be finalized. The details of Minor Irrigation works scrutinized by the Cell during the

year is given in Annexure-IV, page 27.5. Statistical Cell: The Statistical section is headed by an Assistant Statistical officer, who deals with the following items of work.

1.To prepare Statistical information regarding updated taluka wise, district wise and constituency wise of all types of Minor Irrigation schemes such as Tanks, Percolation Tanks, Lift Irrigation, Anicuts and Pickups, Barrages and SWED schemes.

2. To prepare taluka wise and district wise water rate reports furnishing season wise and crop wise area irrigated during the year and demand raised. 3. To prepare the Annual Administration Report for the year highlighting the activities performed in the entire zone during the year. and to submit the same to Government. 4. At the onset of Monsoon in the State, to prepare weekly and monthly reports on the status of M.I.Tanks, and submit the same to Government regularly. 5. To attend the other miscellaneous works such as replies to be submitted to the Government in respect of L.A and L.C. questions received during the session pertaining to Statistical Cell.

6.To prepare progress report of employment generation every month concerned information collected from account section.

7.Collecting of Tanks Registers & length of Ayakat Roads from all division. VI. Physical and Financial Achievements:

1. Grant and Outlay:For the year 2017-18, out of the total grant of Rs. 48171.42 lakhs, an

amount of Rs. 70781.18 lakhs was spent. Out of which, under plan scheme, the grant provided was Rs. 40502.17 lakhs, Rs. 63833.27 lakhs expenditure was incurred and under non plan scheme, as against Rs. 7669.25 lakhs grant, Rs 6947.92 lakhs was spent. The details of grant and outlay under different heads and according to divisions / districts are presented in Annexures V and VI respectively.

2. Construction of New Tanks During 2017-18, the Potential Created was 540.00 hectare as against the

target of 224.52 hectare, showing 221.31% achievement. The total grant

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provided was Rs. 431.41 lakh, out of which an expenditure of Rs 469.86 lakh was incurred, indicating 108.91% progress.

3. Construction of Lift Irrigation Schemes:The Potential Created under this scheme was 135.00 hectare, which is

4.62% of 2921.76 hectare of target fixed. The total grant provided was Rs. 1114.21 lakh, out of which an expenditure of Rs. 652.82 lakh was incurred, indicating 58.59% progress.4. Construction of Anicut, Pickup and Bandaras:

As against a target of 15218.84 hectare, the Potential Created 12782.36 hectare, showing 83.99% achievement. The total grant provided was Rs. 2744.21 lakh, out of which an expenditure of Rs. 2239.92 lakh was incurred, indicating 81.62% progress.5. Modernisation: As against a target of 6599 hectare, to be stablized 4242 hectares of potential was stabilised, showing 64.82% achievement. The financial target was Rs.5057.26 lakh, out of which Rs.4985.60 lakh was spent indicating about 98.58% progress.6. Maintenance of Medium Irrigation Projects:

In order to maintain 5 projects coming under the control of Minor Irrigation (North) zone, Rs. 54.00 was earmarked for 2017-18 and Rs. 39.84 lakh was spent.

The schemewise grant and expenditure of Medium Irrigation projects under the control of Minor Irrigation (North) Zone for the year 2017-18 are presented in the following table.

District Taluk Scheme Grant (Rs.in lakh) Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)

1.Vijyapur 1.Vijyapur Nagathan 3.92 3.92

2.B.Bagewadi Areshankar 11.59 11.59

2.Bagalkot 1.Bagalkot Kalaskopp 10.03 10.03

2.Hunagund Chittawadgi 7.15 7.15

3.Uttar Kannad

Mundagod Bachanaki (*) 16.00 3.97

Total 48.69 36.66

7. Physically completed works during 2017-18:

1. During the year 2017-18, the total number of physically completed Minor

irrigation works were 274 with a total of 13791.81 hectare of potential created. The schemewise works completed & their potential created are as follows.

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Sl. No.

District Taluka Name of the Scheme Irrigation Potential

reated (Ha)(A)-NEW TANKS

1 Kalaburgi Chittapur Alur-B Tank 400.00

2 Bagalkote Jamkhandi Gote .P.T. 60.00

3 Belgavi Savdatti Const.of P.T. near chadachi village 40.00

4 Vijaypura B.Bagewadi Const.of P.T. near Ivangi village 40.00

Total 540.00

SECTION – (B) Anicuts and Pickups, Barrages , Bandar and SWED/others

1 Bellary BellaryConst.of Chek dam near shankarbande/dhanlaxmi center


2 Bellary Bellary Const.of Chekdam near Yarangall village 39.03

3 Bellary BellaryConst.of Chekdam near Vanenur/Hagari center


4 Bellary BellaryConst.of chekdam near Kammarbedu village


5 Bellary BellaryConst.of chekdam Asundi/Tolmamidi center


6 Bellary Bellary Const.of chekdam Karekal/chitkunt center 42.12

7 Bellary Hospet Const.of chekdam near Gadignur village 50.60

8 Bellary Sandur Const.of pickup near S.R.S halli village 40.12

9 Bellary Kudalagi Const.of chekdam near Kurihatti village 55.83

10 Bellary Hadagli Const.of chekdam near Honnuru village at Hirru hall 34.32

11 Bellary Hadagli Const.of chekdam near Kaluvetanda village at Hirru hall


12 Bellary Hadagli Const.of chekdam near Hakkandi village at Hirru hall 48.00

13 Bellary Hadagli Const.of chekdam near Moregeri hall 39.25

14 Bellary H.B.Halli Const.of chekdam near Lokopan land at Hirru hall 50.52

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15 Bellary H.B.Halli Const.of chekdam near Mariyamanhalli tanda 50.52

16 Bidar Basavakalyan Const. of Ilyal Bandar 50.00

17 Bidar Bidar Const. of Chawadi Bandar 50.00

18 Bidar Bidar Const. of Gadagi Bandar 51.00

19 Bidar Humnabad Const. of Barrage at Manik sagar 70.00

20 Bidar Humnabad Const. of Hudagi Bandar 55.00

21 Bidar Humnabad Const. of Ghatborol Bandar 70.00

22 Bidar Humnabad Const. of Bedkhera Bandar 52.00

23 Bidar Aurad Const. of Bhandarkunta Bandar 58.00

24 Bidar Balaki Const. of Tugaon © B.C.B 130.00

25 Bidar Balaki Const. of Halasi tugaon- shrimadi Bandar


26 Bidar Balaki Const. of Nagur (k) Bandar 40.00

27 Bidar Balaki Const. of Dongapur Bandar 60.00

28 Kalaburgi Chincholi Const. of Anikut at korvitanda 50.00

29 Kalaburgi Chittapur Const. of Anikut atArankal Buguditand 90.00

30 Kalaburgi Chittapur Const. of Chekdam at Bedsur 40.00

31 Kalaburgi Kalaburgi Const. of Anikut at Sonnur 50.00

32 Kalaburgi Kalaburgi Const. of Anikut at swant 70.00

33 Kalaburgi Kalaburgi Const. of Anikut at Kalmud 50.00

34 Kalaburgi Kalaburgi Const. of Anikut at Melkunda 60.00

35 Kalaburgi Jewargi Const. of Anikut at Jewargi-k. 50.00

36 Kalaburgi Shedam Const. of Anikut at Ribbonpalli 75.00

37 Kalaburgi Aland Const. of B.C.B at Shirur 132.00

38 Kalaburgi Aland Const. of B.C.B at Gadlegaon 160.00

39 Kalaburgi Aland Const. of B.C.B at V.K.Salagar 100.00

40 Kalaburgi Chincholi Const. of Barrage at Shadipur 90.00

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41 Kalaburgi Chittapur Const. of B.C.B at Muchkeri 110.00

42 Kalaburagi Jewargi Const. of B.C.B at Nelogi kallur 110.0043 Kalaburagi Jewargi Const. of B.C.B at Aralgundagi Jambral 200.0044 Kalaburagi Sedam Const. of B.C.B at Kurkunta-2 100.0045 Yadageri Shahpur Const. of Anikut at Hurusgundagi 40.00

46 Yadageri Yadageri Const. of Anikut at Bedgera 80.00

47 Yadageri Yadageri Const. of Anikut at Kuntimari 70.00

48 Yadageri Surpur Const. of B.C.B at Surpur 80.00

49 Yadageri Shhapur Const. of B.C.B at Shahpur 80.00

50 Yadageri Yadageri Const. of B.C.B at Totlur 120.00

51 Yadageri Yadageri Const. of B.C.B at Bedgera 32.00

52 Belgavi Belgavi Const. of B.C.B at Hudali 52.00

53 Belgavi Hukkeri Const. of B.C.B at Sutgatti 50.00

54 Belgavi Hukkeri Const. of B.C.B at Honnehalli 55.00

55 Belgavi Hukkeri Const. of B.C.B near Kochari village 52.00

56 Belgavi Gokak Const. of B.C.B near Yogikol village across markamde river


57 Belgavi Gokak Const. of B.C.B near Hirenandi village across Yuri hall


58 Belgavi Gokak Const. of B.C.B near Nandikatti village across Hirehall


59 Belgavi Gokak Const. of B.C.B near Gujnal village across Bellary hall


60 Belgavi Gokak Const. of B.C.B near Hosayurgudri village across Timmapur hall


61 Belgavi Gokak Const. of B.C.B near Arbhavi village across Tumbu hall


62 Belgavi Gokak Const. of B.C.B near Shivapur (H) village across local hall 60.00

63 Belgavi Savadatti Const. of B.C.B near Inamhongal village across local hall


64 Belgavi Savadatti Const. of B.C.B near Hossur village across local hall


65 Belgavi Savadatti Const. of B.C.B near Huli village across local hall


66 Belgavi Savadatti Const. of B.C.B near Hirekombi village 65.00Page 10

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across Gudnal hall

67 Belgavi Ramdurg Const. of B.C.B near Salapur village across Gejje hall


68 Belgavi Ramdurg Const. of B.C.B near Aurad village across Malaprabha river


69 Belgavi Raibag Upperwadi village at sagare farmhouse 42.00

70 Belgavi RaibagConst.of Bandar Gadad bast at raibag village


71 Belgavi Raibag Const. of B.C.B near Palbhavi village (palbhavi-mugadkhed road)across nala


72 Belgavi Athani Const. of Barrage near Murgundi village 83.00

73 Belgavi Athani Const. of Barrage near Navnihal village across hall


74 Belgavi Athani Const.of Barrage near Naganur Village (Site-2) Across halla.


75 Belgavi Chikkodi Constn.of BCB at Kabbur Village 45.00

76 Belgavi Chikkodi Constn.of BCB Padalihal Jattrata Village 40.00

77 Belgavi Chikkodi Constn.of BCB Yadanawadi Village 40.00

78 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of Bandhara near Jambagi Site 2 across halla


79 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of Bandhara near Jambagi Site 1 across halla


80 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of Bandhara near Kanamadi across Bakhara halla


81 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of bandhara near Shivanagi Village site-1


82 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of bandhara near Shivanagi Village site-2


83 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of check dam/bandhara-1 near Takkalki-Dhannaragi village across nala


84 Vijayapur VijayapurConstn.of check dam/bandhara-2 near Jalageri Tanda-6 Lohagavai village across nala


85 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of check dam/bandhara-3 near Jalageri-Dokalawadi village across nala


86 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of check dam/bandhara-4 near Jalageri-Dokalawadi village across nala


87 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of check dam/bandhara-5 near Jalageri-LT Jalageri village across nala


88 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of check dam/bandhara-6 near 48.00Page 11

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Takkalaki LT Sy.No.36 –Takkalaki Village across nala

89 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of check dam/bandhara-7 near Yatnal village across nala


90 Vijayapur Vijayapur Constn.of check dam/bandhara-8 near Yatnal village across nala


91 Vijayapur B.Bagewadi Constn.of BCB near Nidagundi village across halla


92 Vijayapur B.Bagewadi Constn. of BCB near Bisanal -Satihal Village


93 Vijayapur B.Bagewadi Constn. of BCB near Beeraladinni village at Chattingarai Temple


94 Vijayapur B.Bagewadi Constn. of BCB near Masabinal village across halla


95 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of Bandhara near Pattepur village across halla


96 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of Bandhara near Banthanur village across halla


97 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of Bandhara near Gundakanal village across halla


98 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of Bandhara near Navadagi village across halla


99 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of BCB Near Vanahalli –Nadahalli near Sogali nala 90.00

100 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of BCB Near Handaral Vanahalli Joint road 90.00

101 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of BCB across halla Hossalli to Jalapur road 40.00

102 Vijayapur Muddebihal Constn.of BCB across halla Bommanahalli to Gadisomanal Road 90.00

103 Vijayapur Sindagi Constn.of Bandhara near Tamba-Satanal village across satanal halla 41.00

104 Vijayapur IndiConstn.of BCB near Shivapur –Golasar village


105 Vijayapur IndiConst.of Barrage near batkunki village across big halla


106 Vijayapur IndiConst.of Barrage near chawadihal village across big halla


107 Vijayapur IndiConst.of Barrage near Nimbal village at halla


108 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam -1 near Inchgeri village at across jagjeevangi halla


109 Vijayapur Indi Const.of chekdam -2 near Kanaknal 40.00

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village at across jagjeevangi halla

110 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam -3 near Kanaknal village at across jagjeevangi halla


111 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam -4 near Kanaknal village at across jagjeevangi halla


112 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam -5 near Kanaknal village at across jagjeevangi halla


113 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam -6 near Kanaknal village at across jagjeevangi halla


114 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam –(site no-1) near Tadwalga village at across mallihalla


115 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam –(site no-2) near Tadwalga village at across mallihalla


116 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam –(site no-3) near Tenehalli village at across mallihalla


117 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam –(site no-4) near Tenehalli village at across mallihalla


118 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam –(site no-5) near Tenehalli village at across mallihalla


119 Vijayapur IndiConst.of chekdam –(site no-6) near Gornal village at across mallihalla


120 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of Barrage near shirur village across palti halla


121 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of B.C.B.near kamatagi-Benkatti village at halla


122 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of B.C.B.near Ingalgi-Kadiwal village at halla


123 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of B.C.B.near Rampur-Manhalli village at halla


124 Bagalkot Badami Const.of Bandar (site-3) near Tegg village at hire halla 40.00

125 Bagalkot Badami Const.of Bandar near Tegunshi village at hire halla 40.00

126 Bagalkot Badami Const.of Bandar (site-3) near Tegunshi village at hire halla


127 Bagalkot Badami Const.of Bandar (site-4) near Tegunshi village at hire halla


128 Bagalkot BadamiConst.of Bandar (site-2) near Hirebudihal village 40.00

129 Bagalkot Badami Const.of Bandar near Hirebudihal village 40.00

130 Bagalkot Badami Const.of Bandar (site-3) near Murdi village at hire halla


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131 Bagalkot BadamiConst.of Bandar (site-4) near Murdi village at hire halla 40.00

132 Bagalkot BadamiConst.of Bandar (site-5) near Murdi village at hire halla 40.00

133 Bagalkot Bilagi Const.of BCB near Nagral village 42.00

134 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Dadnatti village at shri Balangaud Arjungaud Patil .s.no.77,189 across gujari halla


135 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Dadnatti village at shri Balangaud Arjungaud Patil .s.no.10 across gujari halla


136 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Dadnatti village at shri Venkappa Hanmappa Pujari .s.no.3 across gujari halla


137 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Dadnatti village at shrimati Kamalabai venkangaud Patil ‘ land near .s.no.55 across Mallapur halla


138 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Dadnatti village at shri Ramchandrappa Krishnagaud Patil ‘s land near .s.no.77 across Gujari nala


139 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at shri Chanappa panditappa Antapur ‘ land near .s.no.89,90 across Shirol halla


140 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at shirol halla shri Gurupadappa timannappa nilajagi land near .s.no.156


141 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at shirol halla shri Basappa Gurubasappa Gani ‘s land near .s.no.307


142 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at shirol halla shri Basappa Mallappa Valimard ‘s land near .s.no.173


143 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at shirol halla shri Vitthal Basappa Chinchali ‘s land near .s.no.315,316


144 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at shirol halla shri Ramappa sangapp Chicholi‘s land near .s.no.323


145 Bagalkot Mudhol Const.of Bandar near Shirol village at 23.70Page 14

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shirol halla shri Rachappa kolli ‘s land near .s.no.50/51

146 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at shirol halla shri Suresh Dhawleshwar ‘s land near .s.no.319


147 Bagalkot MudholConst.of Bandar near Shirol village at Rachappa Chanappa Hanchnal ‘s land near .s.no.307


148 Bagalkot Mudhol Const.of Bandar near Sanganatti village at halla 45.00

149 Bagalkot Mudhol Const.of B.C.B.near Budni p.m. village at halla(Dambal Hanamdevar)


150 Bagalkot Mudhol Const.of Bandar near Budni p.m village across damman halla (site-3) 41.00

151 Bagalkot Mudhol Const.of Bandar near Shirol village at halla (Yallappa Honnappa Walimard) 40.00

152 Bagalkot HungundConst.of Bandar near Kamatagi village Palti halla (site-1)


153 Bagalkot HungundConst.of Bandar near Kamatagi village Palti halla (site-3)


154 Bagalkot HungundConst.of Bandar near Kamatagi village Palti halla (site-4)


155 Bagalkot HungundConst.of Bandar near Kamatagi village Palti halla (site-5)


156 Bagalkot Hungund Const.of B.C.B near Hulginal village 45.00

157 Bagalkot HungundConst.of B.C.B near Nagur village at halla


158 Bagalkot HungundConst.of B.C.B near Gorebal-Tondihal village at hire halla 100.00

159 Bagalkot HungundConst.of B.C.B near Hovinhalli-Inchijinwari village at halla 182.00

160 Bagalkot HungundConst.of B.C.B near Ganjihal village at halla


161 Bagalkot HungundConst.of B.C.B near Ramwadagi-Binjwadagi village at halla


162 Bagalkot HungundConst.of Barrage near Rakasgi village at halla


163 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of chekdam-6 near shiror village across palate halla 25.00

164 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of chekdam-7 near shiror village 20.00Page 15

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across palate halla

165 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of chekdam-8 near shiror village across palate halla 25.00

166 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of chekdam-9 near shiror village across palate halla 20.00

167 Bagalkot Bagalkot Const.of chekdam-10 near shiror village across palate halla 20.00

168 Dharwad DharwadConst.of Bandar near Madanbhavi village at halla


169 Dharwad Dharwad Const.of B.C.B at Tupperi halla 120.00

170 Dharwad DharwadConst.of B.C.B at Yadawad-Kardigudd road


171 Dharwad DharwadConst.of B.C.B at Hossalli-Sanshi road across


172 Dharwad Dharwad Const.of Barrage at Daugi nala 27.00

173 Dharwad HubbaliConst.of Bandar near Byahatti village at halla


174 Dharwad Hubbali Const.of Bandar near Unkal village (site-3)


175 Dharwad Hubbali Const.of Bandar near Gokul village at halla


176 Dharwad KundgolConst.of B.C.B at Kundgal-shirur center hall


177 Dharwad Kundgol Const.of B.C.B near Jeglur village 50.00178 Dharwad Kundgol Const.of chekdam near sc public land 60.00179 Dharwad Kundgol Const.of chekdam at local halla 12.00180 Dharwad Hubbali Const.of chekdam at Karkihalli 30.00181 Dharwad Hubbali Const.of chekdam at local halla 32.00182 Dharwad Kalghatagi Const.of chekdam at local halla 16.00183 Dharwad Kalghatagi Const.of chekdam at local halla 30.00184 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar -3 at Aladkatti 28.00185 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Menshinhall 28.00186 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Menshinhall 30.00187 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Itagi 25.00

188 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Madhurainpur 30.00

189 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Nukapur 28.00

190 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Maidur 30.00

191 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Kusugur 33.00

192 Haveri Ranebennur Const.of Bandar at Veerapur 21.00

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193 Haveri Haveri Const.of Bandar at Hanumanhalli (site-1) 30.00

194 Haveri Haveri Const.of Bandar at Hanumanhalli (site-2) 30.00

195 Haveri Byadagi Const.of B.C.B at Siddhapur 35.00

196 Haveri Byadagi Const.of B.C.B at Badamalli 40.00

197 Haveri Byadagi Const.of Bandar at Timmanhalli 32.00

198 Haveri Hirekerur Const.of Barrage near Purpandikoppa village at nagar halla


199 Haveri Savanur Const.of Barrage near Mantaagani village across nala


200 Gadag Gadag Const.of Bandar near Madagnur village 38.00

201 Gadag GadagConst.of Bandar near Harti village (site no.2)


202 Gadag GadagConst.of Bandar near Kortkoti village (site no.2) 45.00

203 Gadag Gadag Const.of Bandar near Neelgund village 45.00

204 Gadag Gadag Const.of Bandar near Kalasapur village 45.00

205 Gadag GadagConst.of Bandar near Kortkoti village (site no.1) 45.00

206 Gadag GadagConst.of Bandar near Betgeri village (site no.5)


207 Gadag Gadag Const.of Bandar near Antur village 30.00

208 Gadag Gadag Const.of Bandar near Hosur village 25.00

209 Gadag GadagConst.of Bandar near Betgeri village (site no.4)


210 Gadag Gadag Const.of Bandar near Kortkoti village 30.00211 Gadag Gadag Const.of Bandar near Malasmudra village 28.00

212 Gadag Mundargi Const.of Bandar near Petalur village 35.00

213 Gadag Mundargi Const.of Bandar near Kadampur village 25.00

214 Gadag MundargiConst.of Bandar near Petalur village (site no.3)


215 Gadag Mundargi Const.of Bandar near Mandavad village 30.00

216 Gadag Shirahatti Const.of Bandar near Kadakole village 29.00

217Gadag Shirahatti Const.of Bandar near Haripur village 28.00

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218 Gadag Shirahatti Const.of Bandar near Jadigwari village 29.00

219 Gadag Shirahatti Const.of Bandar near Sherhatti village 48.00

220 Gadag Shirahatti Const.of Bandar near Bavnur &Bevabnur village 48.00

221 Gadag Shirahatti Const.of Bandar near Kokkargundi Budihal village 35.00

222 Gadag Shirahatti Const.of Bandar near Bagewadi Kalkeri village 35.00

223 Gadag Ron Const.of Bandar nearAbhigeri village 25.00

224 Gadag Ron Const.of Bandar near Arahonsi village 14.00

225 U.K. Joyeeda Const.of Bandar near Peeregad village 30.00226 U.K. Joyeeda Const.of Bandar near Ramnagar village 126.00

227 U.K. Joyeeda Const.of Bandar with setuve near Akhiti Panchayat Marsangal 40.50

228 U.K. JoyeedaConst.of B.C.B & kaluve lineing near Mansoli


229 U.K. JoyeedaConst.of B.C.B &Raw kaluve kankrit lineing near Payaswadi


230 U.K. Joyeeda Const.of Bandar near Adalli village 36.00

231 U.K. Haliyal Const.of Bandar near Alur village at Karka halla 48.00

232 U.K. Haliyal Const.of Bandar near Hosur Tatwangi village 42.51

233 U.K. Haliyal Const.of Bandar near B.K.Halli village 50.00

234 U.K. HaliyalConst.of Bandar near Muttalmuri village At Munwalli halla


235 U.K. MundgondConst.of Bandar near Bedasagaon Panchayat’s Atbail halla 20.00

236 U.K. Mundgond Const.of Bandar near Salgaon panchayat’s Donehall at Kardi haili road


237 U.K. MundgondConst.of Bandar near Atangi Panchayat across kempatgi halla 20.20

238 U.K. YallapurConst.of Bandar & kaluve Hasangi panchayat at Modangi halla


239 U.K. YallapurConst.of Bandar at doddaben Hemman Kumbri halla


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240 U.K. YallapurConst.of B.C.B at Compley pnchayat somnalli halla near halligadde


241 U.K. YallapurConst.of Bandar Hittalli panchayat at Kurikoppa halla


242 U.K. ShirshiConst.of Bandar Isalur panchayat near dmmanbail


243 U.K. Shirshi Const.of kindianekut near neggu panchayat Bommnalli


244 U.K. Shirshi Const.of Bandar & setuve at jamne panchayat banatekodlu halla


245 U.K. Shirshi Const.of B.C.B near Islur panchayat Bellur at halla


246 U.K. Shirshi Const.of Bandar at Unchali panchayat Terkanhalli & kabbu halla


247 U.K. Shirshi Const.of Bandar near Bisalkoppa panchayat hallikoppa at dharma river


248 U.K. Shirshi Const.of Bandar near Unchali panchayat Kalliwad village at koppa kogudu halla


249 U.K. Shirshi Const.of Bandar near Yaddalli panchayat at yaddalli holle


250 U.K. SiddhapurConst.of Bandar near Heggarni panchayat at Golikayi halla


251 U.K. Kumta Const.of.kindianekut at shashi hittal bali 45.00

252 U.K. KumtaConst.of.kindianekut near Mirjan panchayat at nuggekhan mudgod


253 U.K. KumtaConst. of kharland near Manki at Aghanashin river side


254 U.K. KumtaConst. of kharland near Hittalmakki village


255 U.K. KumtaConst. of kharland near Haraneer kadgadde keri


256 U.K. Kumta Const. of kharland near Kalbhag 40.00

257 U.K. KumtaSaftey works at upper murgi ghajani to lower ghajani


258 U.K. AnkolaConst. of kharland near chandumath kharland self running door


259 U.K. Ankola Const.of jantraddi near harwad panchayat at harwad halla


260 U.K. Ankola Const.of jantraddi near harwad panchayat at harwad halla


261 U.K. Bhatakal Nala repair from mandali Bandar to joshi 101.00

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262 U.K. BhatakalConst. of kharland near Shirali panchayat chowki house to tellu house


263 U.K. BhatakalConst. of kharland & slovis near sharabi river side bellani


264 U.K. HonnawarConst.of Bandar at sharawati hinneru balkoru at balkodi


265 U.K. HonnawarConst. of kharland near Doddahittalu keria


Total.(B) 13251.81© Lift Irrigation Scheme

1 Belgavi SavadattiPlanning works holi kere to malaprabha side from kaluve water filling


2 Belgavi SavadattiPlanning works holi kere to malaprabha side from kaluve water filling


3 Belgavi BelgaviWater filling plan to kadolli village minor irrigation tank from markande river


4 Belgavi BelgaviWater filling plan to Honga village minor irrigation tank from markande river


5 Belgavi BelgaviWater filling plan from markande river to basapur village minor irrigation tank


Total.(C) 0.004+265+5=274 Zonal Total (A+B+C) 13791.81

Details of Estimates approved by the Technical Section : In respect of Tenders and DTS approved and estimates administratively

and Technically sanctioned during the year 2017-18 of details are given division

wise as indicated below:Sl. No

Division No. of Approved No. of Estimates approvedAdministratively Technically D.T.S Tenders

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151 Belgaum 14 24 18 255 35 20 0 12 19 23 11 10 13

2 Vijyapur4 15 4 0 4 2 0 4 0 0 4 2 0

3 Dharwad153 17 51 85 6 34 85 2 0 111 2 7 111

4 Shirshi1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

5 Kalburgi10 14 5 75 11 4 2 3 6 6 3 4 6

6 Bidar1 10 25 2 10 25 2 3 7 27 3 7 27

7 Ballary0 10 98 196 10 98 196 0 8 182 0 6 123

8 Kushtagi42 9 45 42 9 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total225 99 246 655 86 228 285 25 40 349 23 36 280

VIII . ‘E Procurement’As in administration to bring about more transparency in tendering process

‘E’ procurement has been introduced. Thereby all the tendering process are done through online and contractors are able to participate without any constraints in the tender process.

All the works costing Rs.10.00 lakhs and above, are to be carried out through E-procurement system with effect from 1st December 2008 according to Government order No.DPAR 26 EGV 2003 (p-1) dated 12 th

November 2008. As a consequence to this order Centre for E-Governance department has supplied Desktop and UPS of 1 KVA capacity to all the subordinate offices of Minor Irrigation South Zone (Circle offices, Division & Sub division offices including Central Office). During 2009-10 all the technical staff of South Zone were imparted basic training and advance training and also issued Digital Signature Certificates. Therefore, it is intended to process all works through E-tendering process from 2010-11 onwards.

The contractor should pay prescribed fee in the E-governance office for supply registration. They will be allotted registration number and Digital Signature Certificates. Thereby contractors are able to participate in tendering procedure through ‘E’ procurement.

The action was taken to process all works through E-tendering process.IX . Details of District wise Inspection of tanks :

As regards the inspection of Minor Irrigation tanks during the pre/postPage 21

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monsoon period of 2017-18 as many as 1046 tanks having bund height less than 15 metre and 77 tanks having bund height 15 metre and above were inspected.

The district wise number of tanks inspected are presented in the table below.

District No. of tanks inspected with bund height

Less than 15 metre 15 metre and above

1 2 3

1. Belgaum 159 102. Vijyapur 133 223. Bagalkot 56 094. Dharwad 00 015. Gadag 0 026. Haveri 51 017. U.Kannad 85 068. Kalburgi 153 089. Yadagir 70 0210. Bidar 117 711. Ballary 77 0912. Raichur 66 0013. Koppal 79 00

Total 1046 77

X. Status of Machineries :

Out of 124 machineries like, Tippers, Tractors, Cars, ets., 28 are in

working condition 00 are sick 96 were reported, to be scrapped.

The status of machinery items according to their types are presented below.Sl Item of Machinery Total No. of

Out of Total No. of

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No Machinery Working Sick To be scrapped

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Jeeps 27 17 00 102 Cars 10 03 00 073 Tipper 10 00 00 104 Trucks 05 00 00 055 Diesel Road Roller 09 00 00 096 Air Compressor 02 00 00 027 Tractors with trailors 01 00 00 018 Concrete Vibrators 03 00 00 039 Water Tankers. 04 00 00 0410 Dewatering pump

sets 00 00 00 0011 Hand Operated

Mixtures. 10 00 00 1012 Sheep foot roller 02 00 00 0213 Others 41 08 00 33

Zone Total 124 28 00 96

ANNEXURE – IJurisdiction of Minor Irrigation Circle, Division & Sub-Division

as on 31-3-2018Circle / Division Sub Division Taluk covered

A. Belgaum Circle

I. Belgaum1. Belgaum 1. Belgaum ,2. Hukkeri ,3. Khanapur ,

4. Bailhongal

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2. Athani 1.Athani ,2.Chikkodi ,3.Raybag 3. Gokak 1. Gokak ,2. Ramdurga,3. Soudatti

II. Vijyapur

1. Vijyapur 1. Vijyapur ,2.B.Bagewadi ,3.Muddebihal

2. Mudhol 1. Mudhol, 2.Bilagi, 3.Jamakhandi

3. Bagalkot 1.Bagalkot ,2. Badami ,3. Hunagund4. Indi 1. Indi ,2. Sindagi

III. Dharwad

1. Dharwad 1.Dharawad, 2. Hubli 3. Kalghatagi , 4.Navalgund 5.Kundagol

2. Hanagal 1.Hanagal,2.Hirekerur 3.Shiggaon ,4.Savanur3.Ranebennur 1.Ranebennur ,2. Haveri ,3.Byadgi4.Gadag 1.Shirahatti,2.Gadag, 3.Ron

4.Naragund ,5. Mundargi

IV. Haliyal

1. Karawar 1.Karwar , 2.Ankol ,3.Kumata4.Honnawar,5. Bhatkal

2.Haliyal 1.Haliyal, 2.Joyda (Supa)3. Sirsi 1.Siddapur ,2. Sirsi

4.Mundagod 1.Yallapur , 2. Mundagod

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Page 25

B. Kalburgi Circle


1.Kalburgi 1. Kalburgi 2. Chittapur 3. Jevargi2.Afajalpur 1.Afzalpur 2. Aland

3.Yadagir 1.Yadagir 2. Shahapur 3.Surapur

4.Sedam 1.Sedam5.Chincholi 1.Chincholi

II. Bi1. Bidar 1.Bidar 2. Aurad 3.Humanabad

2. Basaw Kalyan 1.Basaw Kalyan

III. Ballary

1. Ballary 1.Ballary 2. Hospet 3.Shiraguppa2. Hadagli 1.Huvinahadgali 2. Hagari

Bommanahlli3. Kudlgi 1.Kudlgi 2.Sandur

IV. Koppal1.Raichur 1.Raichur 2.Manvi 3.Devadurg

2.Kushatgi. 1.Kushtagi 2.Lingasgur 3.Sindhanur

3.Koppal 1.Koppal 2.Gangavati 3.Yalburga

C. Quality Control, Dharwad

1.Dharwad 1.Dharawad 2.Uttar Kannada3.Gadag 4. Haveri

2.Belgaum 1.Belgaum 2. Vijyapur 3.Bagalkot

3.Ballary 1.Ballary 2.Raichur 3.Koppal

4. Kalburgi 1. Kalburgi 2. Bidar

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ANNEXURE IIStatement indicating cadrewise strength of the staff of Minor Irrigation

(North) as on 31.3.2018

Sl No

Designation of Posts

Sanctioned strength

Working strength

No of Vacancies

Number of persons working

Male Female Total(6+7)

SC ST Total(9+10)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Group ‘A’1 Chief

Engineer,1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Superintending Engineer

3 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 03 Executive

Engineer10 4 6 4 0 4 0 0 0

4 Asst. Ex. Engineer (Including T.A.)

48 41 7 38 3 41 4 1 5

5 Accounts Officer 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0Total 63 47 16 44 3 47 4 1 5

Group ‘B’1 Registrar 3 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 02 Asst.Engineers 187 98 89 83 15 98 27 1 283 Head Draft Man 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 191 100 91 85 15 100 27 1 28

Group ‘C’1 Jr.Engineer 103 71 32 66 5 71 4 1 52 Draftsman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Tracer 5 4 1 3 1 4 0 0 04 Account

Superintendent9 8 1 8 0 8 0 0 0

5 Ist.Dn.A/c.Assistant

19 16 3 15 1 16 1 1 26 IInd Dn.A/c.

Assistant20 4 16 2 2 4 2 0 2

7 Ist.Dn.Store Keeper

1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 08 Iind Dn.Store

Keeper0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 Superintendent 12 11 1 7 4 11 1 0 1

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10 First.Dn.Assistant

61 44 17 36 8 44 12 1 1311 Second Dn.

Assistant106 88 18 69 19 88 16 1 17

12 Stenographer 12 9 3 5 4 9 3 0 313 Typist. 68 36 32 28 8 36 8 0 814 Asst.Statistical

Officer3 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 0

15 Statistical Inspector

5 4 1 2 2 4 1 0 116 Driver 45 36 9 36 0 36 6 0 617 Blue Printer 3 3 0 3 0 3 1 0 118 Ist.Dn.Revenue

Surveyor29 2 27 2 0 2 0 0 0

19 IInd.Dn.Revenue Surveyor

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 502 340 162 286 54 340 55 4 59Group ‘D’

1 Attender 13 5 8 5 0 5 1 1 22 Cycle Orderly 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 03 Sweeper 3 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 14 Peons 116 87 29 64 23 87 11 4 155 Watchman 38 20 18 16 4 20 5 1 66 Dafedar 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 07 Jamadar 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 08 Cleaner 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total175 118 57 90 28 11

8 17 7 24

Grand Total(A+B+C+D) 931 605 326 505 100 60




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ANNEXURE IIIList indicating the tenure of officers worked in Central Office during


Sl No

Designation Name of the Officer



From To

1Chief Engineer 1) Shri. A.N. Janwekar

2) Shri.K.H.Raju (Incharge)

01-04-2017 To 31-8-2017

01-09-2017 To 31-3-2018

2 Superintending Engineer

1)shri.P.L.Garag 2)Shri.M.S.Nanjanawar(Incharge)3)Shri.C.V.Chavan.

1) 01-04-2017 To 31-05-20172) 01-06-2017 To 07-02-20183) 08-02-2018 To 31-03-2018

3 Dy. Chief Engineer

1) Shri.M.M.Bepari (Incharge) 01-04-2017 To 20-04-2017

2) Shri.M.S.Nanjanawar 21-04-2017 To 07-02-2018

3) Shri.I.A. Dhundasi (Incharge) 08-02-2018 To 31-03-2018

4 Technical Assistants

1) Shri.M.M.Bepari 01-04-2017 To 31-7-20172) Shri.S.N Awati 25-01-2018 To 31-04-2018

3) Shri.I.A. Dhundasi 01-04-2017 To 31-3-2018

4) Shri.V.H.Joshi 01-04-2017 To 31-3-20185) Shri.R.G.Byakod 01-04-2017 To 31-3-20185 Registrar Shri.S.K.Bidanur 01-04-2017 To 31-03-2018

6 Accounts Officer

1) Shri.M.M.Bepari (Incharge)2) Shri.I.A. Dhundasi ( In charge)3) Shri. P.B.Burli4) Shri.S.N Awati ( In charge)

1) 01-04-2017 To 31-07-20172) 01-08-2017 To 25-09-20173) 26-09-2017 To 31-03-2018

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Page 29: Minor Irrigation & Ground Waterminorirrigation.karnataka.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/... · Web viewof two Zones, one located at Bangalore, known as Minor Irrigation (South) and

ANNEXURE – IVDivision wise number of projects of Minor Irrigation Schemes scrutinised by the

Design Cell during 2017-18


Number Scrutinized

New Tanks

Modernization of M.I. Tanks

Construction and

Rejuvenation of LIS



Vented Dams Barrages

Flood Control



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91. Belgaum

0 26 21 0 0 23 0 70

2. Vijyapur 2 5 0 0 0 7 0 14

3. Bagalkot 0 2 4 0 0 5 0 11


Dharwad0 12 2 30 0 51 2 97

5. Gadag 2 7 0 10 0 45 0 64

6. Haveri 1 50 1 52 0 26 7 137


U.Kannada0 11 0 0 2 43 4 60

8. Kalburgi 0 4 0 0 3 22 0 29

9. Yadagir 0 1 2 0 2 15 0 20

10. Bidar 0 2 0 26 3 1 6 38

11. Ballary 0 6 21 0 0 0 0 27

12. Raichur 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6

13. Koppal 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12

Total 5 126 69 118 10 238 19 585

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ANNEXURE – VStatement of Grant & Expenditure according to different Heads of Account

under Plan and Non-plan during 2017-18 (Rs. in Lakh)Sl No Head of Account Grant Expenditure

A Plan 4702 NABARD1 Construction of new tanks 431.41 469.862 Modernization of tanks 922.9 571.363 Construction of Anicuts & Pickups 2744.21 2239.924 Lift Irrigation Schemes 1114.21 652.82

Nabard Total-1 5212.73 3933.96 Others

1 Construction of new tanks 930.48 988.172 Modernization 5057.26 4985.63 Construction of Anicut and Bandaras 4696.57 8818.794 Construction of Anicut and Bandaras (SCP) 163.27 128.915 Construction of Anicut and Bandaras (TSP) 387.19 268.556 Lift Irrigation Schemes 6016.79 9232.281 Special component plan 8722.47 10107.472 Girijana Kalyana 4476.95 4757.163 A.I.B.P. Works 1576.86 156.644 Land Acquisition charges 0 10638.555 S.D.P 3036.12 4511.146 13Th Finance 0 07 D.C.Fund 0 08 Survey 0 0

206.81 104.321 Flood control Civil- Works 18.67 20.552 Flood control NABARD 0 03 Maintenance of total grant for New Works 0 5181.17

Total (Plan)-2 35289.44 59899.30Total (Plan) (1+2) 40502.17 63833.26

1 Annual Maintenance & repairs 3214.02 2710.92 Lift Irrigation Scheme (Maintenance) 4376.77 3123.723 Machinery & Equipments

a) New supplies 19.50 25.79b) Repairs & carriages 0.00 92.05

4 Surveys 0.00 0.005 2701 Major & Medium Irrigation Projects 48.96 36.936 2711 – Maintenance of sea walk and spur 10.00 0.007 LIS Electricity bill 0.00 958.53

Total Non-plan(B) 7669.25 6947.92 Grand Total A + B 48171.42 70781.18

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ANNEXURE VIStatement of Grant & Expenditure according to Minor Irrigation Divisions for

the year 2017-18 (Rs. in Lakh)Division Plan Non-plan Total

Grant Expenditure Grant Expenditure Grant Expenditure

1. Belgaum6675.5

0 10697.50 1123.35 1343.36 7798.8

5 12040.86

2. Dharwad6675.5

0 9210.66 1370.00 1301.09 8045.5

0 10511.75

3. Haliyal2200.1

7 3632.88 522.17 470.01 2722.34 4102.89

4. Vijyapur6680.0

0 8883.68 1000.00 885.96 7680.0

0 9769.64

5. Kalburgi5300.0

0 9432.16 972.70 739.40 6272.70 10171.56

6. Bidar2350.0

0 3314.93 492.90 477.38 2842.90 3792.31

7 . Kushtagi7921.0

0 9823.62 947.59 799.31 8868.59 10622.93

8. Ballary 2700.00

3656.66 1152.08

861.02 3852.08

4517.689. Q.C.Divn 0.00 0.00 20.00 17.29 20.00 17.29

1 0. New supplies & other

0.00 0.00 19.50 16.17 19.50 16.17

11. Major & Medium Irrigation

0.00 0.00 48.96 36.93 48.96 36.93

12. Maintenance of total grant for New Works

0.00 5181.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 5181.17

Grand Total 40502.17



6947.92 48171.42


Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation & Ground Water

Development Department, North Zone, Vijyapur

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