Minister’s/Bachelor’s Degree Course Study Modules VOLUME IV Modules: 37 - 48 Copyright ©1975. Copyright ©2014 by Dr. Paul Leon Masters. All rights reserved. Protected under International and U.S. Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, digitizing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission by the Board of Directors of the International Metaphysical Ministry. SP104-8/14

Minister s/Bachelor s Degree Course Study Modules · 2015. 7. 23. · MEDITATE DAILY Each day, take a few minutes to ENTER INTO YOUR OWN MIND FOR MEDITATION. Begin with Transcendental

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Page 1: Minister s/Bachelor s Degree Course Study Modules · 2015. 7. 23. · MEDITATE DAILY Each day, take a few minutes to ENTER INTO YOUR OWN MIND FOR MEDITATION. Begin with Transcendental

Minister’s/Bachelor’s Degree

Course Study Modules


Modules: 37 - 48

Copyright ©1975. Copyright ©2014 by Dr. Paul Leon Masters. All rights reserved. Protected under International and U.S. Federal Copyright

Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or

by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, digitizing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system

without express written permission by the Board of Directors of the International Metaphysical Ministry.


Page 2: Minister s/Bachelor s Degree Course Study Modules · 2015. 7. 23. · MEDITATE DAILY Each day, take a few minutes to ENTER INTO YOUR OWN MIND FOR MEDITATION. Begin with Transcendental

Table of Contents


No. Title

37 How to Live the Metaphysical Life Daily ………………………… 1

38 Prosperity ………………………………………………………………. 7

39 Projecting the Real You to Others …………………...……………. 11

40 Psychic Metaphysics ………………………………………………… 16

41 Establishing and Maintaining Control over Your Life ……….. 24

42 Moderation …………………………………………………………….. 31

43 Creative Thinking – or Finding the Intuitive Ideas

That Can Bring Success in Life ……………………………………. 36

44 Creating a New Self-Image for Successful Living …………….. 44

45 Metaphysical Principles of Achieving Success ……………….. 50

46 The Psychic-Mystical Secrets of Getting Prayer Answered .... 56

47 Developing a Prosperity Mentality ……………………………….. 63

48 Establishing and Accomplishing Your Goals …………………. 69


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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

etaphysics, while a philosophy, is a very spiritual approach to life. To aid in the application of spiritual principles, those who study and practice metaphysical techniques and methodologies should have a

recommended guideline they can follow.

► Ideally, this guideline should not be dogmatic or threaten “Divine Intervention” for our follies. Rather, it should seek only to suggest, based upon ways of living that have been applied and proven to work.

► Whether such a guideline is followed or not is, of course, solely up to the individual. In orthodox religion, as an example, we hear the term “good Catholic” – that is, one who practices the tenets of that dogma. In Metaphysics, we too have basic ideas about living, although we avoid being dogmatic about them.

► To that end, the following philosophies and applications have not only worked for the author, but for thousands of students under his instruction for many years.

► If you would like to be a “Practicing Metaphysician,” and thereby receive innumerable benefits and rewards in your life, it is recommended that you take this suggested guideline seriously, and begin to live by it!


How to Live the Metaphysical

Life Daily 37

A Spiritual Guide to Living the Metaphysical Life

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Each day, take a few minutes to ENTER INTO YOUR OWN MIND FOR MEDITATION. Begin with Transcendental Meditation or your oneness with the Universe and/or God, and conclude with Affirmative Meditation about your conscious life activities.


The expression, “CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS,” contains a great deal of truth. A body that is clean emits better vibrations. A body that is free of negative physical body odors also transmits a more pleasant vibration on a psychic level. In addition, it helps sensitize your mind to the fact that you have a reverence for life and the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT contained within your body.


YOUR SPOKEN WORDS EMIT VIBRATIONAL ENERGY. This energy, when spoken in words of blessing, literally enters the food you are going to eat on a psychic level and nullifies any negative vibrations within it. Blessed food, with its vibrations, is more readily digested and assimilated by your body.

DEDICATE EACH DAY TO GOD AND THE UNIVERSE When awakening each morning and upon retiring each night, take a few moments to DEDICATE THE HOURS OF THE DAY JUST BEGINNING OR ENDING TO THE GOD-SPIRIT OF LIFE WITHIN YOU. Whether you think it has been a good day or a difficult one, dedicate your efforts, and always bear in mind that it is by DIVINE GRACE that you have life at all.


AS NEGATIVE THOUGHTS SURFACE IN YOUR MIND DURING YOUR DAILY ACTIVITIES, TAKE A MOMENT TO NULLIFY THEM. Don’t allow bad vibrations to destroy the health of your physical body, while at the same time sending out negative psychic rays to others. Don’t build up an aura of negative psychic vibrations around you by letting negative thought energies accumulate around and in your mental atmosphere.


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It is psychically, spiritually and psychologically bad enough to think a negative thought, but worse still if it slips through your lips into the spoken word. Therefore, IF SOMETHING NEGATIVE DOES COME OUT IN YOUR SPEECH, TAKE A MOMENT TO NULLIFY WHAT YOU HAVE JUST SAID, either out loud or at least in your own mind. Don’t allow negative thought energy to be harnessed into negative physical energy as well.


ALWAYS TRY TO DETECT THE HIDDEN IDEAS MOTIVATING YOUR ACTIONS AND THOSE OF PEOPLE YOU ENCOUNTER. Become sensitive to piercing through to the heart of the matter. This will allow you to be more successful in coping with yourself, as well as with those who are directly or indirectly affecting you with their psychic mind vibrations.


In Hindu Metaphysics, “Maya” means illusion. Don’t let temporary illusions of lack, want or the meaning of your circumstances deter you from the inner truth that WITHIN YOU IS THE GOD-POWER TO RISE ABOVE ALL SEEMING PROBLEMS AND CONDITIONS IN YOUR LIFE. Don’t allow the collective cloud of negative news on television, radio, in the newspapers and on the Internet blind you to the fact that this is a DIVINE UNIVERSE that has only good, your own included, as its ULTIMATE PURPOSE.


ALL THAT COMES TO ANY OF US ULTIMATELY COMES FROM THE ONE DIVINE SOURCE. All of our metaphysical practices don’t make good things happen to us, but rather, allow the universe an open channel through which our good can come to us. We should never forget this, and should always give thanks to the DIVINE GOD-SOURCE for the good that enters our life. MAINTAIN AN ACCEPTING ATTITUDE

While ultimately all good in your life comes from the ONE SOURCE, in order for it to reach you, YOUR DAILY ATTITUDE SHOULD ALWAYS BE ONE OF ACCEPTANCE. In other words, be mentally ready to accept that good is a natural part of your life’s experience.

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As little as five minutes a day of READING SOMETHING SPIRITUALLY UPLIFTING CAN WORK WONDERS IN YOUR ATTITUDE and daily reaction to the events and conditions occurring in your life. Take the time with your morning coffee, at lunch, after dinner, or just before going to sleep. The effect of this practice can be the difference between happiness and despair. Have as much metaphysical reading material as possible at your disposal to suit your moods and needs at any particular time. You will find that your hands are Divinely guided to reach for the right item at the right time.


Each day that we live is really shared with GOD within us and HIS manifest body of the universe around us. IT IS GOD WITHIN THAT IS THE TRUE DOER OF GOOD THAT COMES OUR WAY. It is not you, but as Jesus said, “The Father which doeth these good works.” Dedicate the day to be, and the day just passed, to GOD within, each morning and evening, respectively.


ATTEMPT TO UNDERSTAND OTHER PEOPLE’S PRESSURES AND STRAINS. Realize that most people would prefer to do the right thing if they did not feel so pressured and stressed. With this understanding, make a conscious effort to forgive them immediately.


BE TRUE TO WHAT YOU ASPIRE TO BE AND WHAT YOU ALREADY ARE. LISTEN TO GOD WITHIN YOUR SOUL-MIND, and only to others who are in accord with it. Work with the flow of GOD within you, and bring it forth as an ocean into your daily life and activities.


Perhaps the people you work with may not have the ideals and realizations about life that you do, but the time you spend outside of work is your own. CULTIVATE FRIENDSHIPS WITH THOSE WHO THINK AND UNDERSTAND LIFE FROM A METAPHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE. If you don’t know many such people, participate in metaphysically oriented classes, meetings or services.

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At least once per week, ATTEND A SPIRITUAL / METAPHYSICAL GROUP OF YOUR CHOICE. Let your body rest in an atmosphere of good vibrations, where truth, beauty, the good life, and spiritual awareness permeate the ambiance. You will find that your life, on a daily basis, will be much more rewarding as a result.


BEING ATTUNED TO THE EVOLVEMENT OF OTHERS IS A SURE, INTUITIVE SENSING OF WHETHER THEY CAN AFFECT YOU FOR GOOD OR FOR ILL. Evolvement, remember, is not always gauged by a “goody-goody” type of self-righteous religious fanatic, but by an innate soul drive for good – to automatically be good and act for good. ASSOCIATE YOURSELF, WHENEVER POSSIBLE, WITH PEOPLE WHO YOU SENSE ARE MORE EVOLVED. Remember that some may never have formally studied metaphysics in this lifetime, but are nonetheless living as if they had, perhaps from lessons learned in previous lives. These, however, are a minority; therefore, be especially cautious in any dealings with people who do not have a metaphysical orientation or background.


KEEP YOUR PLANS AND DESIRES TO YOURSELF. Don’t dissipate your psychic and spiritual thought forces onto others. Speak about your goals only to those individuals to whom you really must. Don’t let the negative psychic vibrations of others influence your plans or form negative psychic blocks of resistance in the unseen psychic world of thought.


While common sense tells us that proper sleep is essential to good health, it is also true that SLEEP AFFORDS US TIME TO DREAM, AND THIS IS OF GREAT BENEFIT TO US from a metaphysical perspective. Within our dreams, if we ask for it before retiring, guidelines are often found that the DIVINE is trying to impart to us, to improve our waking circumstances. Even if we don’t consciously remember our dreams, a DIVINE seed has been planted in our subconscious mind which will appear to us as an inspiration during our waking moments.

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Cultivate the type of mind that can SEE GOOD IN EVEN THE DARKEST OF TEMPORARY CONDITIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES. For, if you can see some good in anything, you will psychically draw out the good or DIVINE LIGHT in that thing, to allow the darkness to fade away. Living in a rhythm of positive thoughts is like setting up a beautiful psychic melody that draws wonderful blessings to you in life.


You are a child of the Universe, with a right to be free of discord and negativity. You are a Divine heir to the riches of your Divine Father’s Universal Kingdom. The essence of your True Selfhood is One with God and Eternal Life.

Your true GOD-SELF is your reality – a reality that can give you the power and inspiration to lift you and keep you attuned to the life of good that is, in reality, yours.

You are a DIVINE heir to the riches of your DIVINE FATHER’S

UNIVERSAL KINGDOM. The essence of your True Selfhood is ONE with


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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

ROSPERITY – It is not so much what you hold in your hand, but far more the

treasure you hold in your heart.

PROSPERITY – What an illusion this is in the minds of so many people today! Yes, people all over this world are looking for prosperity – begging, praying, stealing, cheating and killing for it – and still not realizing the true significance of the word “prosperity.”

Man today thinks of prosperity as the greatest treasure on earth. This belief is due to the lack of knowledge and awareness at his present level of the evolution of his mind and consciousness.

Prosperity is the banner and flag of man, by which he hopes to live his life. This is what he seeks because he is insecure within himself.

This insecurity then leads him to the futile attempt of bolstering himself with the “symbols” of outside possessions, gathered from the earth about him.

If he succeeds, he believes himself to be prosperous; if he fails, he experiences a lack of prosperity.

Two thousand years ago, Christ uttered these words on the subject of prosperity: “Lay not up for yourself treasures of the earth, but seek ye the treasure of the heart, where thieves will not break in and steal.”


Prosperity 38

Two thousand years ago, Christ uttered these words on the subject of prosperity: “Lay not up for yourself treasures of the earth, but seek ye the treasure of the heart, where thieves will not break in and steal.”

True Prosperity Is in the Heart

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These words supplied the truest meaning of prosperity for humankind that have ever been spoken. For Christ defined prosperity as an inner quality. He also said that this “inner prosperity” is the only thing that cannot be stolen from you.

And so, today, we see it is the same. Whatever a man is within himself – that is his prosperity – his treasure.

If he is devoid of good within himself, then he does not possess the true treasure within himself.

If he has stored goodness, love, and forgiveness in his heart, these have become as “spiritual jewels.” In his heart is thus a treasure – a lasting treasure – and he can truly say and lay claim to the fact that he indeed is prosperous, that he is experiencing, in his life, the ultimate prosperity now.

Below are three categories of definitions related to Prosperity. Please note how little is required in the definition of Material Prosperity, how Mental Prosperity encompasses still more, and how Spiritual Prosperity, when found within oneself, is the highest level, the ultimate meaning of the word PROSPERITY.


It is not how much you have, but rather, how happy you are with what you have.

The feeling that although you may not possess all that your dreams can imagine, you are well satisfied with what you have.

Being thankful for what you already do possess, and not being annoyed by what you do not.

Having the basics to maintain life.

Possessing any degree of health, within the material that comprises your body.

It is not the quantity of what we possess; rather, it is the quality – a quality that can only be defined by the quality of what we are in OURSELVES, as we look out upon our possessions.

And so, today, we see it is the same. Whatever a man is within himself – that is his prosperity – his treasure.

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Having peace of mind in a world where it is possessed by so few.

Knowing the difference between the effects produced by positive vs. negative thinking, and thus, choosing to think positively.

Being able to distinguish self-delusion from reality in one’s own thinking.

Being able to forgive, and thus, receive the mental blessing of a clear mind not

darkened by hate, anger or revenge.

Possessing one’s own mind sufficiently to be able to control it and guide it for the betterment of one’s life.

Freedom from closed-mindedness or the inability to see all sides of an issue, as in all sides of the diversity of people’s races and creeds, and thus, through understanding, not begrudging any of God’s creations.


Knowing that God is as much within you as God is all about you.

Knowing that the true place of worship is The Church Within you.

Knowing that the True Church Within you is a church without walls or the confines of space and time – an eternal place in the ETERNAL DIMENSION OF MIND – (GOD).

Knowing how to be able to find the “straight and narrow gate” that leads your conscious, everyday mind past the spiritual gate in your own mind (mental state) into The Church Within yourself.

Entering into The Church Within, and therein receiving the Peace of God, the Blessing of God, the Love of God, Your Own Divinity, and the Reality that LIFE IS ETERNAL, beyond your physical life and body, and to thereby know that this is the greatest treasure, and thus the greatest prosperity, that man can possess.

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Knowing, and thus being grateful, that the place (dimension of your own mind) into which you enter when you enter The Church Within, will be the same place you will enter at the time of the physical phenomenon known as death.

Knowing and being able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven within you – now; seeing, according to your religion, the Gods of your religion therein; sensing and feeling in a way that surpasses ordinary awareness, the Presence of a Supreme Creator; feeling yourself in a Oneness of Consciousness with your God and Creator.

All of this – YES, all of this IS TRUE, and IS Spiritual Prosperity. It is not only

awaiting at the time we pass from this body, but, IF WE HAVE FAITH – RIGHT NOW.


Knowing and being able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven within you – now; seeing, according to your religion, the Gods of your religion therein; sensing and feeling in a way that surpasses ordinary awareness, the PRESENCE of a SUPREME CREATOR; feeling yourself in a Oneness of Consciousness With Your God and Creator.

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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

hatever is REAL is lasting – what is not, passes.

Whether this is in your career or your personal life, the PRINCIPLE is the same.

For something to be REAL, it must be built and based upon that which is REAL.

For a condition to be lasting in any area of your life, it must be constructed upon that which is REAL – that means what is REAL about you.

The Real You is what builds success and fulfillment. As all life is an integrated process, it means that our communications with others are critical – the greatest importance being that of communicating the Real You.

The Real You is the lasting you – or spiritually speaking, the Eternal You, and mystically speaking, the God You.

The false you is that which is formed by the outer suggestions of society around you.

In a society that is generally unevolved in terms of True Reality, such a false sense of identity builds up a false identity, and hence, false relationships or conditions which are, at best, temporary. Even if they should survive over a period of time, they will ultimately be unfulfilling.


The Real You is the lasting you – or spiritually speaking, the Eternal You, and mystically speaking, the God You.

Projecting the Real You to Others 39

Setting Aside the False for the Real You

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The false is built upon society’s general opinions of self-limitation and game-playing in communications with others, in order to achieve a desired goal.

The goal, however, even when achieved, is fleeting, because it is based upon communication from the false self.

The false self speaks from a base of manipulation and intellectual game-playing, whereas the True Self speaks spontaneously from the heart without premeditation.

Meditation maintains contact with the wisdom of the heart.

Without it, you can become too superficial in your thinking, and thus find yourself playing the game of the false you.

If you are meditating daily, you can be far more certain that your words will communicate the Real You.

Note the following suggestion for helping you to live from your God Center:

Each day, when you awaken in the morning, take a moment of thought time to remind

yourself that it will be the Real You, or your God Center, that will communicate to others as you go about your daily activities.

► In the midst of a conversation, catch yourself periodically, and mentally ask yourself if it is the false you or the Real You that is communicating.

► If you find that your mind is game-playing with the other person, immediately

say to yourself that you are setting aside the false, and are projecting the Real You to the other person.

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If you have a moment of mental time before speaking to another person, take that moment to tell yourself that it is not the false you, but the Real You that will be speaking.

The center of consciousness of the Real You is what you really feel; feel then that you are continually speaking from your heart.

The Real You will speak through you more effectively if the false you, feeling the need for defense against rejection, or attempting to find acceptance, is set aside. Always keep in mind that if a person accepts the Real You, you will have the best of all possible communications and relationships. If you gain acceptance through the false you, you only have a superficial communication, and hence a relationship that is fragile at its best moments.

Only by communicating the Real You can any real love be known between you and another person. Without such communication, a false relationship exists, and thus a false sense of love. Only when the Real You expresses itself, can any love relationship be what it is meant to be.

When you communicate with the Real You, your nervous system is more at ease and relaxed. If you care about your health, speak from the Real You, which sends energy vibrations of wholeness throughout your body.

When communicating, feel that the false you has stepped out of your body, and that only the Real You remains communicating itself to the other person. Try to form a visualization of this while talking.

As you speak, feel that you are drawing from the Intuitive and Creative Source inside you, which is the Presence of the Real You.

The false you is premeditated in its communications, while the Real You is spontaneous. Always keep this in mind to more closely discern whether it is the false you or the Real You that is doing the communicating.

GUIDELINE for Projecting the Real You to Others

Always keep in mind that if a person accepts the Real You, you will have the best of all possible communications and relationships. If you gain acceptance through the false you, you only have a superficial communication, and hence a relationship that is fragile at its best moments.

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As you communicate, feel that the Real You, having taken over your mind, is looking or seeing through your eyes as you speak to another person.

When touching another person physically, whether as a handshake in business or an affectionate touch in love, feel that it is the Energy and Presence of the Real You that is communicating through the physical gesture.

Give the following affirmations to yourself, while in an affirmative state of meditation, and/or copy them down on an index card to carry with you during your daily activities for periodic reference and reminders.

“It is not the false ‘I’, but the Real Me, one with God, that speaks through me in my communications to others.”

“The energy of my Real Self is felt by and reacted to in a positive manner as it is received in communications with others.”

“My Real Self is forever filled with the Love of God that communicates a feeling of love, and in turn draws love to me.”

“My Real Self always has confidence in communications, knowing always that it is poised and steady because of the Truth which issues forth from it.”

“Calm and peace exist within me, for I rest securely in the knowledge that my Real Self speaks with honesty.”

“I know always that in expressing my Real Self, it is the Wisdom of God that communicates through me.”

“I speak to them not in words of men, but in words of Spirit.” … Jesus Christ

AFFIRMATIONS for Projecting the Real You to Others

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Prayer Treatment

“Divine Father-Mother-God, who

dwells at the center of my mind and in

the midst of my heart, into Your Presence

within me I direct these words. You are

the truth of who and what I am – my

ultimate self-reality – my Real Self.

I set aside my false self in my

communications to others in order that

You, my Real Self, may project Your Spirit

of Good to others through the vehicle of

my communications.

Through You as my Real Self, all

that I need in life is drawn to me through

the spiritual magnetism of Your

Presence, which is all and controls all.

In this knowledge, I go forth into

life, embracing it with confidence, as it in

turn embraces me with love.

For this, I give thanks … I let it be so


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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

We are all familiar with the following biblical expression:

“Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.”

A follow-up statement might read:

“Live by the Truth and be free.”

central truth advocated in the New Testament is known as the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. It states that Heaven is not an after-death place, but refers to the Living Presence of Universal Light, Spirit, and Intelligence as the central core of

your being.

This Presence is the Reality of who and what you truly are. It is a Reality that is Absolute – an Absolute that is God.

This Living Presence is the Ultimate Source of Power that a man or woman may know – the God-Power within oneself. Through knowing this, and merging with this Presence within oneself during meditation, one can actually experience the Biblical Truth: “Peace that passeth all understanding.”


This Living Presence is the Ultimate Source of Power that a man or woman may know – the GOD-POWER within oneself. Through knowing this, and merging with this Presence within oneself during meditation, one can actually experience the Biblical Truth: “Peace that passeth all understanding.”

Psychic Metaphysics 40

Controlling the Psychic Vibrations in

Your Immediate Environment

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Whether you presently accept this Truth or not, because you have or have not experienced it in meditation, its Essence may nonetheless resonate with you.

There is more to it than just knowing it – it’s a matter of LIVING BY IT. To mystically know, or to intuitively sense the Truth within, is not enough.

While we may live each day knowing the Truth, our days will not be as fulfilling as when we are living each day by the Truth – in which case our lives are truly transformed.

he purpose of Psychic Metaphysics is to live each day by the Ultimate Truth within us.

The true “White Magic” of metaphysics is the application to our daily lives of the GOD-POWER of the LIGHT within us – the understanding that this ULTIMATE POWER can erase psychic causes to produce positive physical effects.

It is a fact of life that everything is first born as a cause on a level not detectable to our physical senses, or in what we call the psychic world.

Everything that is, every condition or circumstance that exists, first originated as an idea, thought or feeling in the realm of the unseen, or psychic.

The cause begins on a psychic level, with its effect manifesting on a physical level.

Then the effect on the physical level returns to the unseen psychic level as a thought form, energy or vibration.

There, whether in a person’s mind or in the thought atmosphere of a place or object, it awaits as a cause once again, to manifest its effect on the physical level.


While we may live each day knowing the Truth, our days will not be as fulfilling as when we are LIVING EACH DAY BY THE TRUTH – in which case our lives are truly transformed.

The Purpose of Psychic Metaphysics

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Thus, in understanding cause and effect from a psychic standpoint, one can see how an unending positive or negative cycle of circumstances and conditions perpetuates itself, once begun.

For this reason, he who has a positive psychic cause receives, while he who

dwells in the negative does not, and is the one most often heard lamenting, “When it rains, it pours.”

o live by the Truth and be free is to USE the GOD-POWER within us to control psychic causes before they become physical effects.

► Living by the Truth is to create Spiritual Light Causes in the psychic realm of the unseen mental atmosphere, to manifest positive physical effects.

► Living by the Truth is to neutralize negative causes on the psychic level, preferably before, rather than after, they have taken physical effect.

► Living by the Truth also means that if they are not caught in time, we can prevent negative causes from surfacing once again to our physical senses.

Positive psychic causes can be planted like psychic seeds within our environment – where we live, work or visit. And it is essential to understand that negative psychic causes can be removed.

► The Power to do this is within you as the GOD-POWER PRESENCE of CREATIVE LIGHT.

The Bible states that all things come forth from the First Light of the Universe.

► Thus, the First Light is the Ultimate Creative Force. ► It is the Ultimate Causal Power. ► All psychic causes are, therefore, subservient to it.


Controlling Psychic Causes

For this reason, he who has a positive psychic cause receives, while he who dwells in the negative does not, and is the one most often heard lamenting, “When it rains, it pours.”

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► If the Ultimate Unseen Cause is called upon, it has Ultimate Power over all the lesser unseen psychic causes that create either positive or negative effects in our physical lives.

► For this reason, when attempting to control the psychic causal condition of your immediate environment, you must utilize the Ultimate Causal Power.

► Whether you call upon It by affirmation alone, or in conjunction with a candle, incense, music and/or other means, the GOD-POWER LIGHT is the Cause which you are urged to use.

Every day of your life, whenever you sense that your environment needs more

SPIRITUAL LIGHT to create positive psychic causes, CALL ON IT!

Whenever you sense negative psychic causes, vibrations or thought forms in your immediate surroundings, CALL ON IT!

Wherever you may go each day, everything around you is filled with positive or negative psychic thought forms or causes, whether in a building, the psychic air within the building, or even the objects that people handle or touch, whether psychically or with their auric emanations.

Living the Truth is putting It to use wherever you may be.

If you move into a new residence and sense disturbing thought forms within the psychic atmosphere, take steps to remove them.

If you have had an argument with anyone, clear it up on a psychic cause level, or it will hover in the atmosphere and return.

If someone is vibrating negativity and handles or touches an object, or something with which you must have contact, immediately resolve it on a psychic level.

Affirmation practices are given for this purpose, and they do work!

GUIDE to Utilizing the Ultimate Causal


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It is emphasized that the removal of these disturbances must be addressed daily, or the positive effects will diminish.

Therefore, this module stresses that for your life to be freer as a result of knowing the Truth, you must live the Truth daily by using Its Power – the GOD-POWER WITHIN YOU.

Periodically re-read this module several times; this will remind you to always remain aware of the need to control the psychic causes that lie behind the physical effects in your life.

Faithfully apply the practices provided here. You will notice improvement and positive results from your diligent application of these exercises.

Above all, practice meditation, so that you are quoting the Letter of Truth in your affirmations and speaking from the Spirit of it within you.

Below are affirmations to use for clearing the air in various circumstances, to turn negative energies, conditions and psychic vibrations into positive ones.

Affirmation for Musical Practice

The purpose of this affirmation is to clear the psychic air of negative vibrational energies.

If the psychic air is filled with gloomy or depressing thought forms, play uplifting and inspiring music.

If the psychic air is filled with tension, anxiety, hateful or vengeful thought forms, play music that has a spiritual quality. Semi-classical or classical music are best.

As the music starts to play, use this affirmation:

“By the Truth of the GOD-POWER PRESENCE within me, let every beautiful musical chord be as a Spiritual Light, neutralizing all negative thought form energies in this place. FOR THIS I GIVE THANKS … AND SO IT IS!”

Periodically re-read this module several times; this will remind you to always remain aware of the need to control the PSYCHIC CAUSES that lie behind the PHYSICAL EFFECTS in your life.

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Affirmation Practice for Nullifying the Negative Words and Feelings of Another

Whenever you know that you are going to be in the company of a negative person, give yourself this affirmation a few moments before seeing that person, for a psychic … “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

“By the Truth of the GOD-POWER PRESENCE OF LIGHT within me, all feelings and words directed to me from ____________________________ are met by the Spiritual Light of my Being, which instantly neutralizes all negative energies. FOR THIS I GIVE THANKS … AND SO IT IS!”

Affirmation Practice for Spiritualizing the Environment of the Place You Live,

Work or Visit

“By the Truth of the GOD-POWER PRESENCE within me, every cubic foot of psychic air in this place is FILLED with the HIGHEST Spiritual LIGHT, as this same LIGHT encircles the building itself. FOR THIS I GIVE THANKS … AND SO IT IS!”

Guidelines for Psychic Metaphysics

Declare the LIGHT of the GOD-POWER within you.

Affirm that from the LIGHT of the GOD-POWER within you, it is already yours.

Seal your Absolute Faith by giving thanks that “SO IT IS.”

Meditate daily to keep yourself sensitized to the GOD-POWER within you.

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Practices for Controlling the Psychic Vibrations in Your Environment

Lighted Candle Practice

To purify and cleanse the psychic air of negative thought forms and vibrations, light a candle and leave it burning until you sense that the psychic air has been cleansed.

As you light the candle, use this affirmation:

“By the Truth of the GOD-POWER within me, let the psychic spiritual counterpart of this flame burn away and purify all negative psychic vibrations around me in this place. FOR THIS I GIVE THANKS … AND SO IT IS!”

Burning Incense Practice

To purify and cleanse the psychic air of negative thought forms and

vibrations, light incense and leave it burning until you sense that the psychic air has been cleansed.

As you light the incense, use this affirmation:

“By the Truth of the GOD-POWER within me, let the psychic

spiritual counterpart of this burning incense neutralize any disorder and/or negative psychic energies around me in this place. FOR THIS I GIVE THANKS … AND SO IT IS!”

If more than one room is involved, carry the incense with you from room

to room, spreading its essence and fragrance as you repeat the affirmation.

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General Affirmation Practice

To remove negative vibrations and psychic thought forms, use the following affirmation:

“By the Truth of the GOD-POWER within me, as I speak from that LIGHT, I nullify all negative psychic vibrations in this area. FOR THIS I GIVE THANKS … AND SO IT IS!”

Affirmation Practice for Handled or Touched Objects

Use the following affirmation:

“By the Truth of the GOD-POWER within me, let that LIGHT penetrate this object and nullify all negative vibrations and energies therein. FOR THIS I GIVE THANKS … AND SO IT IS!”

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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

n a world that is becoming more complex every day, it is easy to feel that one’s life is

out of control.

► The demands, pressures and responsibilities of modern living, for the average individual, can lead to a feeling that they have little control over what is taking place in their lives.

► On the other hand, students of meditation should experience a sense of control over their lives. This is accomplished by taking away the demands of life from the personal part of the mind, and turning over control of one’s life to one’s Higher, or God-Mind.

► By maintaining a positive mental attitude and meditating daily, students of meditation find that the Higher Power within them has taken charge of keeping their lives in order.

► The tension and unrest that come from feeling that one has to go it alone –

meaning the personal mind against the world – are replaced by the Universal Mind controlling the world, thereby allowing individuals to be in control of their lives.


Establishing and Maintaining

Control Over Your Life


Personal or Higher Control

By maintaining a positive mental attitude and meditating daily, students of meditation find that the Higher Power within them has taken charge of keeping their lives in order.

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Establishing and maintaining control over your life, its success and its happiness

means turning your personal mind over to the Controlling Universal Mind.

► To understand how this works and how to go about accomplishing it, carefully study, apply and practice the contents of this module.

THERE IS BUT ONE MIND IN THIS UNIVERSE that individualizes Itself as many minds, yet remains at the center of all minds.

The One Universal Mind or GOD HAS ULTIMATE CONTROL over the outcome of all things.

The One Universal Mind can be contacted through meditation, which OPENS CHANNELS OF HIGHER DIRECTION to surface into the personal conscious mind.

A positive mental attitude creates a mental atmosphere that aids meditation practice in bringing forth the DIRECTION OF THE HIGHER MIND.

THE HIGHER MIND GUIDES THE THOUGHT PROCESS OF THE PERSONAL MIND in establishing and maintaining control over your life.

THE THOUGHTS YOU THINK THEN RADIATE OUT into the psychic atmosphere, attracting to you conditions that give you control over your success and happiness.

At the same time, THE UNIVERSAL MIND DRAWS TO YOU PEOPLE AND CIRCUMSTANCES that give you further control.

As the Higher Mind is your Ultimate True Self, you are in Truth establishing and maintaining control over your life by understanding the Mystical Reality behind selfhood.

Establishing and maintaining control over your life, its success and its happiness means turning your personal mind over to the Controlling Universal Mind.

The Psychic-Mystical Principles Behind Establishing Control

As the Higher Mind is your Ultimate True Self, you are in Truth establishing and maintaining control over your life by understanding the Mystical Reality behind selfhood.

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ive the following affirmations to yourself, either while in a state of self-hypnosis or

in a light state of meditation, or jot them down on a small card, and carry them

with you to give to yourself during your daily activities.

“As the Universal Mind of God is in control of Itself, so this control is

individualized in me.”

“My every action, thought and response are controlled by the Universal Mind of God for my success and happiness.”

“As the planets travel perfectly within their orbits, so thoughts

travel perfectly through my mind under the control of the same Universal Mind.”

“The health of my body is under the control of the Perfect Mind of


“My finances are controlled and expanded by the Power and Wisdom of my Universal God-Mind.”

“In the midst of any negative situation, the Mind of God controls me,

and thus the positive solution of the condition.”

“My immediate response to anything or anyone in my life each and every day is God-Controlled and God-Directed.”


Programming Affirmations for Establishing

and Maintaining Control Over Your Life

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Prayer Treatment

"Divine Presence of Universal God-

Mind, I turn inward to Your Presence at

the center of my mind. Yours is the

Ultimate Control of all life universally.

Individualize such control over my life

and affairs each and every day. My

mind, body, soul and spirit are open to

Your Control in everything I do, think

and speak.

You are the True Self of my

existence, and so by my

acknowledgement, control now and

forever the body and personal mind

which my soul and spirit inhabit. Peace

and calm are established in me now

through knowledge that as I exist in

Your Universal Body, so You exist in my

physical body. In peace within myself, I

rest in confidence that as You control the

Universe, Your Power controls my life,

now and eternally.

For this, I give thanks … I let it be

so … AND SO IT IS!”

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◊ Go into a light state of meditation using any

technique that is comfortable to you. ◊ Place your right hand over the area of your heart.

Keeping your right hand in this position, bring the left hand to your right wrist and locate your pulse.

◊ In this position, relax quietly, feeling both your heart

beat and pulse beat for a minute or two, until you feel thoroughly concentrated on these inner workings of your body.

◊ Visualize in your imagination that the same Power

(the Mind of God at the center of your mind) CONTROLS the success and happiness of your life. Concentrate on this until you feel a sense of peace and control come over you.


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MEDITATE DAILY to maintain an open channel of intuitive self-direction from your Higher Mind to your conscious mind.

MAINTAIN A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE based on the fact that the Higher Power of your mind is directing you to success and happiness.

CONSIDER TEMPORARY REVERSALS AND ESTABLISHING A NEW COURSE OF DIRECTION or an opportunity to improve what you are already doing. With this in mind, nullify any negative or depressed thinking before it can take firm hold of your subconscious mind.

Upon awakening each morning and retiring each evening, affirm to yourself that your Higher God-Mind is in charge of your life, controlling it for your good.

MAINTAIN A SENSE OF PEACE AND CALM WITHIN YOU. If you feel yourself becoming nervous or tense about any condition in your life, catch yourself immediately. Go into a state of instantaneous meditation and restore a state of calmness. Calm vibrational energies vibrating through the nervous system are equivalent to the vibrations of a person who has control over their life.

TAKE CARE OF ANYTHING YOU’VE BEEN PUTTING OFF because of fear, uncertainty, or just laziness. Having all things taken care of gives you a positive set of vibrations that equate to vibrations of a person who has control over their life. If you have been avoiding anything because of self-doubt, tell yourself that your Higher Mind is in charge as you take care of that matter.


For Establishing and Maintaining Control Over Your Life

Upon awakening each morning and retiring each evening, AFFIRM TO YOURSELF THAT YOUR HIGHER GOD-MIND IS IN CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE, controlling it for your good.

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ASK YOUR HIGHER GOD-MIND TO GIVE YOU INTUITIVE SELF-DIRECTION as to how to better organize your time for the greatest success and happiness. Control of time in a world of time and space sets up vibrations equivalent to a person who is in control of their life. Do this continually throughout your life. Be directed as to how to accomplish more in less time, with greater results and success.

WHEN IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHERS, ACT, THINK AND VIBRATE AN AURA OF A PERSON WHO HAS CONTROL OVER THEIR LIFE. At first, it may seem like a performance, but soon those vibrations will be a natural part of you which will set into motion psychic energies. These energies will attract to you conditions through which you will have control over your life.

Listen to the opinions of others. Some may have been inwardly directed by your Higher Mind to help you. But ALWAYS TURN TO YOUR HIGHER MIND to ask whether such opinions are valid for your life. If you do this continuously, you will soon find that your Higher Mind is giving you instant answers. Following such answers will help you to control the success of your life.

RELY ON YOUR GOD-MIND for positive control of your life.

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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

ODERATION – The person who chooses to live within the principles of

moderation will seldom be faced with extreme situations of his own making.

► How badly do you want peace of mind?

► Do you want it badly enough to really change the way you are living your life?

► This of course must be genuinely true for you to actually make the change.

► If so, nothing – beyond God – will help you as much, on a practical level, as an understanding that MODERATION is the philosophy of those who possess greater peace of mind.

For example, do you crave excitement? Have you ever considered that what comes up must also go down – including your emotional zeal? A person who craves excitement will find it very difficult to experience peace of mind. This type of person must always have something exciting going on in his life, or he will feel depressed. On the other hand, do you close yourself off from the world, having created a little environment of your own in which, at least for the time being, you feel a sense of security? This too, is an extreme, and it is just as much an escape as is the world of the person seeking excitement. Both examples presented reflect those who choose extremes – because they find it difficult to look to themselves.


Moderation 42

Moderation vs. Extremes

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As I have taught extensively – and it always comes back to the same truth – if you want to look up to yourself, REALIZE THAT YOUR IDENTITY IS A ONENESS WITH GOD.

► This does not imply that you become an egotist, which would plunge you

into yet another extreme – one related to spiritual concepts.

► And it does not suggest that you withdraw from the world, as this in itself is also an extreme.

What is being said here is that – without making an issue of it to anyone but yourself – YOU HAVE A ONENESS OF IDENTITY WITH GOD.

► Then continue with your life, neither craving and chasing after any whim or fancy of enjoyment that may come along, nor withdrawing.

s you live in oneness with God, choose to live your life in moderation, always being

aware to avoid extremes.

By being moderate, you will avoid the wrenching emotional extremes that fill life with

constant turmoil, leaving little time for the peace of mind in which both love and God

can be enjoyed to the fullest.

Below are listed some examples and recommendations one can practice to live

within the Law of Moderation, and thus find deeper happiness through greater peace

of mind.


Live in Moderation – in ONENESS WITH GOD

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Don’t spend too much money or too little.

Don’t work too hard, but do work enough.

Don’t overeat, and don’t under-eat.

Don’t sleep too much and don’t get too little sleep.

Don’t judge anyone or anything as either totally good or totally bad.

Neither look totally down on yourself nor totally up to yourself. Instead, look to


Neither seek total dependence on another person, nor someone else to be totally dependent upon you.

Avoid taking an extreme view on most of the questions and issues you face.

Don’t continually cry out to someone for help – do so only when there is no other alternative.

Accept that nothing and no one is totally black or white in regard to what they appear to be.

Don’t accept that you are a failure. Merely accept that you have not yet accomplished what you wish, but that you are constantly moving toward your desired goals.

Live life at a steady, even pace, avoiding being emotionally very “high” one day and very “down” the next.


For Living the Law of Moderation

Neither look totally down on yourself nor totally up to


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Learn that people are neither above you nor below you, regardless of position or situation.

Choose neither to withdraw from life, nor to plunge into its activities too hastily.

Listen to the opinions of others, but make up your own mind, at the same time praying that you are guided by God.

Accept that human life is neither totally good nor totally bad – and emotionally, live accordingly.

Don’t have the feeling that you should be punished for something, and at the same time, don’t seek to punish or seek revenge on others.

Don’t live for love, but live to love.

Eliminate the need to prove yourself to anyone – including yourself.

Continually reevaluate yourself, but neither expect too much nor too little from yourself at the conclusion of your evaluation.

Attune your voice to moderation. Neither speak too high nor too low, neither too fast nor too slow.

Adjust your physical movements to a moderate pace and stance. Neither rush nor drag your physical movements or carriage as you walk.

Give yourself to nothing and no one completely except to God, and know that

God expects nothing from you.

Learn that people are neither above you nor below you, regardless of position or situation.

Give yourself to nothing and no one completely except to God, and know that God expects nothing from you.

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◊ Frequently refer to the above short list on how to adapt yourself to the peace-

giving Law of Moderation.

◊ Numerous items could be added, but I leave that to your own common sense,

knowing that if you will follow that intuition, moderation can more readily become

your natural way of life.

◊ Consider your own peace of mind as the reward for your moderation, and live

more happily – in God, within and about you.

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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

or many years, I have told people, “All it takes to change your life is one creative idea!” A tremendous education is not required for this, since the ideas come from the Mind of the Universe, or God.

Inside each human being today is an unseen, but very real link to Universal Mind, which contains all Wisdom within itself.

All that any human being will ever know or discover in the future exists already in the human mind. The evolution of the human mind is the discovering of what it already contains within itself in its mystical oneness with the Universal Mind.

nside of your mind right at this moment are ideas that can bring you life’s richest rewards. All it takes is one good creative idea to surface into your conscious mind, and

you are on your way to greatly improving your life.



All that any human being will ever know or discover in the future exists ALREADY in the human mind. The evolution of the human mind is the discovering of what it ALREADY CONTAINS within itself in its mystical oneness with the Universal Mind.

Creative Thinking – or Finding the Intuitive

Ideas that Can Bring Success in Life 43

What Is Creative Thinking?

You Possess Creative Ideas

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The only difference between the so-called “average” person today, and the most successful, is the ability to think creatively. For example:

► AN IDEA can start a new business or service that the public needs.

► AN IDEA can take an already existing, but floundering business and set it on its feet.

► AN IDEA, when presented to your boss, can potentially move you up the ladder in management.

► AN IDEA can start a new style in an art form.

► AN IDEA can bring forth a new product.

► AN IDEA can progress science.

ou already possess all such ideas inside of you. They are within you in the Universal

Part of Your Mind.

► Your own individual purpose for this life’s existence will determine to what

area they may be applied in your life.

► This, in turn, is based on the purpose the Universe and God gave for your life, which was inborn into you at the time of your birth.

► Constant meditation, at least once daily, in any form of inner contact, will bring you intuitively into line with YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL PURPOSE FOR BEING.

► Once that is established, then creative thinking, corresponding to your life’s purpose, will begin to emerge, particularly if you follow and use what is given to you in this module.


Your Own Individual Purpose For Being

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our purpose – and the creative thinking with which to accomplish it – may be in one

specialized area. It may also, however, be found in more than one endeavor;

numerous people have built vast empires by engaging in a multitude of pursuits.

As your mind has the capacity to constantly unfold new ideas, you could find yourself achieving a number of things successfully.

Always keep this in mind, and be sensitive to intuitive direction established in meditation, as to what you should do next in your life.

RIGHT IDEAS – not hard work – are what bring success and fulfillment. You can

work hard all your life and still never succeed, if you are not inspired by the right ideas.

The RIGHT IDEAS for YOU are within you right now. They will work for you if you will follow through by using and applying the suggestions and methods in this module.


Maintain the Realization that


The RIGHT IDEAS for YOU are within you RIGHT NOW. They will WORK FOR YOU if you will follow through by using and applying the suggestions and methods in this module.

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THE MOST IMPORTANT PRACTICE IS TO MEDITATE AT LEAST ONCE DAILY, for the sake of establishing and maintaining contact with Universal Mind – the SOURCE of creative thinking.

Every morning and throughout the day, constantly remind yourself that YOUR MIND IS OPEN TO BEING LED BY THE UNIVERSAL PART OF YOUR MIND, OR GOD.

If anything is negative or difficult in your life, maintain a mental attitude of one who knows that A CREATIVE IDEA EXISTS THAT WILL INSPIRE YOU TO A SOLUTION and method for removing the difficulty.

Think of reaching success and fulfillment as a matter of being SENSITIVE TO CREATIVE THOUGHTS.

THINK EACH DAY OF YOUR PERSONAL MIND’S ONENESS WITH UNIVERSAL MIND, and that you are one with the Mind that possesses all the ideas necessary for your success.

REALIZE THAT AS A RESULT OF YOUR DAILY MEDITATIONS, A CREATIVE THOUGHT COULD SURFACE to your mind at any moment of the day. Make a practice of always carrying a small notebook and pen with you, to quickly jot down the essence of all creative thoughts as they arise.

CREATIVE THOUGHTS CAN COME FORTH IN DREAM EPISODES. Pay closer attention to the content of your dreams, which can be your Higher Mind’s way of directing you.


For Bringing Forth Creative Thinking


INSPIRATION felt throughout your being. There is A FEELING OF

KNOWING that this is a thought on which you should follow up.

This is how to recognize a creative thought when it surfaces.

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A CREATIVE THOUGHT COMES TO YOU WITH SOME FORM OF INSPIRATION felt throughout your being. There is A FEELING OF KNOWING that this is a thought on which you should follow up. This is how to recognize a creative thought when it surfaces.

YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR POSITIVE THINKING, which will in turn create a mental atmosphere that is more conducive to creative thinking. This is because you are thus viewing yourself not only as a positive thinker, but also, a creative thinker. Begin building this added self-image immediately, and maintain it for the remainder of your life.

Each day, realize and remind yourself, “Life is what my thoughts make it, and my thinking is positive, creative and Universally inspired.”

REALIZE THAT IF THE UNIVERSE GIVES YOU A CREATIVE IDEA, IT WILL ALSO GUIDE YOU TO THE MEANS TO BRING THAT IDEA TO FRUITION IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD. Don’t limit yourself by telling yourself that the idea is good, but that you don’t have the means to do anything about it.

If the Universal Mind of God put the idea into your mind to begin with, it will intuitively guide you to the process by which to actualize that idea into physical reality.

LOVE – THAT’S RIGHT, LOVE – YOUR MIND AND ITS GOD-CENTER FOR WHAT IT CAN GIVE TO YOU. Love is a uniting force that in this case will further unite you with the Source of creative thinking.

If the Universal Mind of God put the idea into your mind to begin with, it will intuitively guide you to the process by which to actualize that idea into physical reality.

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Give the following affirmations to yourself, while either in a light state of

meditation or self-hypnosis:

“My mind is constantly open and receptive to an inflow of new

creative thinking daily.”

“I am intuitively led and guided in my thinking each day by the Universal Mind of God.”

“I am open to receive a creative idea to raise me above any

difficulty I am having in my life.” “Wherever I am, and whatever I may be doing, I am constantly

open to receive flashes of creative thought.” “I am one with the Creative Thought Presence of God within me.”


to Attune Your Mind to Creativity

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Prayer Treatment

"Divine Power and Presence of all

Creative Thought as the Presence of God

within me, this day and every day of my

life, I open myself to Your Creative

Presence within me.

My mind is open to receive Your

inspiration and direction.

My heart is open to Your


My life is inspired by Your

inspiration. As all ideas are contained

in Your Mind, and as my mind is

eternally One with Yours, my mind is a

receiver of Divine inspiration every day

of my life.

Let such ideas as are in accord

with my individual destiny in this life,

flow freely into my mind daily.

My mind is open, receptive, and

thankful … I therefore give thanks …


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◊ Go into a light state of meditation. Try to direct the meditation to establishing a point of contact or Presence with the Universal Mind of God.

◊ When you feel a mystical sensitivity to Higher Consciousness inside of yourself, proceed as follows.

◊ Imagine that your body is as a hollow throughout the upper half of

your torso. ◊ Imagine that in the hollow of your body at about the base of your

spine, new ideas are rising upward inside of your body toward your head area, which you think of as your conscious mind during this time.

◊ Imagine that the ideas are like streams or cloud-like forms rising

upward to your conscious mind. Image that they are rising upward in the midst of a golden hue that has filled the interior region of your body.

◊ Do this for about three minutes or until you intuitively feel that your

conscious mind has been impressed. In most cases, not all the creative thought that has been impressed will enter your conscious mind during your daily activities. Be alert to receive it.

Re-read this module every day, for the next seven days.

Creative Thought Sensitivity Meditation

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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

uccessful living is made up of numerous different components. Its essence, however, is realized or not, based on the true inner image we have of ourselves, and how well we actually live that image on a daily basis.

Most descriptions of one’s self-image that are found in popular literature are based only upon a psychological understanding of man.

They lack an appreciation of the deeper spiritual nature of one’s being. This module, however, takes that into account and places significant emphasis

upon it.

The psychological self-image is made up of very shallow substances in the mind. It is an identity that has its roots in experiences from the outer conditionings of a world whose state of evolvement tends to diminish, rather than build successful images.

The self-image is more than one’s thinking; rather, it is the Source of one’s thinking.

It is actually how we see and respond to what we really, deep down inside, believe we are. Christ referred to it when he said, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

In other words, even though a person may maintain a positive-thinking attitude, it will never bear all the fruit of a successful life if the self-image is in contradiction to it.

In fact, whenever I see a student struggling to maintain a positive conscious attitude, the conflict, upon closer examination, reveals itself to be a contradiction between positive thinking on one hand, and a low self-image on the other.


The self-image is more than one’s thinking; rather, it is the SOURCE of one’s thinking. It is actually how we see and respond to what we really, DEEP DOWN INSIDE, believe we are. Christ referred to it when he said, “As a man thinketh in his HEART, so is he.”

Creating a New Self-Image for

Successful Living 44

A Spiritually Based Self-Image

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The construction of a self-image for a successful life should have its roots within

spiritual soil.


The world of your true Divine Nature suggests unlimited power at your disposal.

The true reality of your Divine Self suggests and affirms that GOODNESS and BEAUTY are the true nature of life.

The Divine part of your nature tells you that YOU HAVE, and that to BELIEVE IT DEEP WITHIN YOURSELF, is to actualize its physical reality.

What a difference, then, there is between a psychological self-image and a spiritually-based self-image. One seems to block you, while the other unfolds your Divine capabilities. To build a positive, spiritually-based self-image is the object of this module.

To do this, however, the spiritual base must be like the hub of a wheel, around which certain attributes of mind, connected to the quality of one’s life, must be considered. These attributes revolve around the hub, or center, of the wheel. They are in the NATURE of the hub and therefore provide free-flowing outlets for the hub-center or God-Conscious part of your mind.

The world about you suggests limited


The world about you suggests that

man is perhaps evil by nature.

The world about you suggests the “have’s and have-not’s.”

Psychological vs. Spiritual Self-Image

What a difference, then, there is between a psychological self-

image and a spiritually-based self-image. One seems to block

you, while the other unfolds your Divine capabilities.

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We will consider each of these attributes within the form of a programming affirmation within the context of Spiritual Truth.

Apply The Positive Thought Programming Affirmations Below:


“My True Nature is a part of eternity, and I am unhurried in my daily activities, maintaining patience with myself and others.”


“As all others are actually an extension of the One Life of God, I know the inner Truth that to be honest with others is to be honest with other parts of myself represented before my physical senses as other people.”


“To find and know the reliability of God, I vibrate reliability in my dealings with others.”


“If I can be more sincere with others, I can have the power to be more sincere with myself about truly having a successful life.”


“I am loyal to the premise that God is the True Self of my life, and in that vibration express my loyalty to my friends and associates.”

Successful Self-Image

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“I am part of the unlimited expression of God coming forth from me, and thus I truly consider myself a person who is adaptable to that which life presents before me.”


“The God-Part of my mind can bring forth new ideas through my intuition to meet any new need in my life.”


“I am enthusiastic about my life, knowing that I am constantly being directed towards greater experiences from the God-Center of my mind.”


“As my conscious mind cooperates each day with my God-Mind, so a spirit of cooperation flows forth into my dealings with others.”


“My life is God-Ruled, God-Directed, God-Powered, and so I vibrate confidence from the very center of my being into every area of my life.”


“I forever stand in the calming and assuring Presence of the Infinite, Whose Presence within me gives me poise in any situation.”

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“While maintaining the peace of my God-Self, I am intent about following my God-Direction in the obtaining of my goals .”


“I am part of the integral activity of the Universe and am always aware to take action wherever and whenever needed.”


“I am always open to the intuitive promptings of my God-Mind to grasp opportunities as they arise.”


“I am constantly attuned to the God within me that my mind, body and soul are always in a healthy, positive condition to live a successful life.”


“Through the God-Directed Power of my being, I can achieve greatness in my own God-Inspired way in my life.”


“As God had the ambition to create this entire universe, I have the ambition to do the very best I can in life with God’s Ever-Present Creative Power within me.”

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Re-read this module every day for seven days, or longer if you feel the need. Give these positive programming suggestions to yourself in two ways:

1. On a conscious level without meditation. 2. In a state of meditation after you feel that you have reached the zenith of

consciousness in a meditation period.

The conscious use of these affirmations will affect your immediate conscious attitude during the day, making you more positive. At the same time, it will condition a subconscious acceptance of a new, successful you, which will make it easier for your God-Mind to channel through your subconscious the intuition and power you need to make your life successful.

The meditational use of these suggestions will make them a part of the very centermost part of your mind, where the very Presence and Power of your Infinite God-Selfhood resides. It is at this center where your true self-image resides.

After you have reached the zenith in a meditation period, open your eyes and give yourself the suggestions while still in a higher vibratory state of mind.

“Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind.”

… The New Testament

Points to Remember When Applying These Affirmations

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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

etaphysics is the application of common sense mingled with and led by a

Universal Sense.

In metaphysics, we use a combined approach of mystical teachings through the ages, along with psychology and philosophy.

Bringing together profound ideas of great thinkers and successful individuals, we formulate principles which can be used by any man or woman to achieve in life what their own souls dictate.

Following is a list and discussion of such principles. When applied to your own life on a daily basis, success – both material and personal – stands a far greater chance of materializing in your life.

◊ Make Good Use of Time

While we live in eternity as a soul, as human beings we are allotted only a certain amount of time on earth.

If you truly wish to be more successful in any area of your life, you cannot idle away precious time.

Your thought time is exceeding valuable, and thus should be spent in an openness and receptiveness to receiving success direction each day from your Higher God Mind. You should attune your mind daily to such direction through meditation practice and positive programming affirmations.


Metaphysical Principles of

Achieving Success


Application of Metaphysical Principles for Success

Your thought time is exceedingly valuable, and thus should be spent in an openness and receptiveness to receiving success direction each day from your Higher God Mind.

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◊ Be Open to Creative Thoughts or Inspirations

Remember our earlier statement: “All it takes is one creative idea to change your entire life.”

Your mind is part of One Vast Infinite Mind of Nature and God.

Regard your mind as a vessel into which can flow an unlimited number of wonderful creative ideas from the Universal part of your mind.

If at any time you get a “hunch” or inspiration, pay close attention to it. It might just be the creating idea you’ve been seeking.

◊ Depend On Your Feeling Nature More Than Your Intellect as to What to Do and Act Upon

The feeling nature of the student of meditation and metaphysics IS INTUITION.

Don’t disregard the facts accumulated in your intellect, but instead let your feeling or intuitive nature guide them, rather than letting the intellect guide itself.

◊ Turn Your Whole Life Over to Your God-Mind, and Live and Think in Your Own Mind Each Day as If You Have

By doing this, you invoke the Wisdom of your Universal Mind, from the depths of your unconscious to its surface.

Intuition and thus creative thinking thereby flow more smoothly into your consciousness.

For this to really occur, however, you must truly turn over your life. You must feel this in the very depths of your soul and being.

Christ expressed this Mystical Truth when he wisely said, “He who loses his life (personality-directed life), finds his life (God-Directed Life).”

If at any time you get a “hunch” or inspiration, pay close attention to it. It might just be the creative idea you’ve been seeking.

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◊ Have a Spiritual Self-Image

Feel that your True Identity is ONE with the productive Power of your Universal God-Mind in anything and everything that you do.

It is this type of feeling about oneself that harnesses the faith and confidence to be a self-starter, and take the initiative which is essential to being successful.

◊ Your Thoughts Are Telepathic and Can Affect Conditions in Your Life

When you start to let depression fill your mind, replace it with the thought of your God-Mind.

You will soon find that your mind is becoming peaceful, and at the same time optimistic, as the Presence of your Higher Intuition fills your consciousness and body.

◊ Good Communication With Others Is Important to Your Success

If someone constantly depresses you, form a shield of protective spiritual light around yourself whenever you are in their Presence.

Constantly forgive another person if they in any way irritate you. Without forgiving, you tend to build up a conscious or subconscious hostility toward the other person which they will feel psychically.

This is not to say that you should continue to take what the other person is giving forth to you. The best solution is to try to resolve your differences through a heart-to-heart conversation with that individual.

When you do, keep repeating to yourself that it is your Higher God-Mind speaking through you to the other person.

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◊ Don’t Let Others Get In Your Way

That does not mean to step on people or be insensitive to their feelings.

It does mean that if one or more people are continually saying or doing things that appear to negate your efforts to succeed, spend as little time with them as possible, or dissolve the relationship altogether.

◊ “God Helps Them That Help Themselves”

This is an old but very true statement. Prayer, meditation and other spiritual practices may open the doors of opportunities to you, but you must walk through those doors by taking action.

It is wonderful to dream great dreams, and this may be your God-Mind trying to direct you, but it is action that makes them realities.

◊ Most Successful People Fail Before They Succeed

The majority of successful people today, with few exceptions, will tell you that they failed numerous times before they eventually succeeded.

If you are meditating and really tuned in to the purpose of your soul, you may very well be on the right track as far as your goals in life are concerned.

Regard failure as jockeying into position to eventually be in the right place, at the right time, with the right idea.

Persistence, based upon confidence that is centered on the inner Power of your God-Self, will eventually bring you the success and the life you wish.

◊ Cultivate Self-Esteem by Cultivating the Presence of Your God-Self

If you can see little worth in yourself, others will see little worth in you.

People that are in a position to further your success will only respond to you if you see value in yourself.

The highest value you can place in yourself is that of declaring the Beauty and Presence of your God-Self.

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Give the following affirmations to yourself, either while in a state of self -hypnosis or in a light state of meditation. They may also be copied down on an index card, and carried with you to give to yourself at breaks during your daily routine.

“My God-Mind properly directs the use of my time each day, orchestrating my soul for success on the Universal Clock of Success.”

“My mind is open each and every day to receive creative success

thoughts from my God-Mind.” “Intuition from my God-Mind directs my intellect each and every

day.” “Each day I affirm within myself that my life is turned over to the

loving care of my God-Mind.” “The image that I have of myself is that my True Self is one eternally

with the power and majesty of my God-Self.” “The thought of the Power, Peace and Love of God within me replaces

any thought of depression that may enter my consciousness.”

“I communicate to others through the Presence of God at the center of my being.”

“If someone is interfering with my achieving success, I bless and release them with all good wishes for their good and spiritual growth, and proceed on my way.”

“As God helps me, I help myself through the Power of God, by taking action in every opportunity that life affords me.”

“Failure is a process of elimination which has brought me one step closer to success.”

“I am worthy in all ways because I carry the Presence of God’s Power, Wisdom and Love in the midst of me each and every day.”

Programming Affirmations for Success

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Prayer Treatment

“Divine Creator Who lives in the

midst of me, I speak forth into Your

Presence within me.

Prosperity is mine from the

unlimited supply of Your Universal

Being. I am an individualized

expression of Your Life.

The Power and Wisdom that

enabled you to create Universal Life

successfully lives within me every

moment through Your Presence.

I affirm this as the Ultimate

Source of success in my life, this

moment and always.

For Your Presence vibrating

success through me, I give thanks …


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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

any people who study Spiritual Science and Metaphysics may think that

prayer is outdated because of the variety of new methods of spiritual power

introduced in this study.

Numerous people outside this study may also believe that prayer is


Yet prayer, RIGHTLY PERFORMED, is just as much an essential tool in one’s spiritual practices as is any other method. The reason for this is that Spiritual Science prayer is different.

Spiritual Science Prayer is actually based on the Mystical Reality underscoring the practice of prayer, and that is what makes it different – and thus far more effective.

This module, then, teaches you how to pray according to the principles of numerous years of research – principles that have been uncovered, tried and proven through Spiritual Science.


The Psychic-Mystical Secrets of

Getting Prayer Answered 46

Prayer is a Valid Spiritual Power

Spiritual Science Prayer is actually based on the Mystical Reality underscoring the practice of prayer, and that is what makes it different – and thus far more effective.

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t is important to note the following points that distinguish Spiritual Science

Prayer from traditional prayer.

Spiritual Science Prayer Traditional Prayer

Affirmative Technique Petitioning Technique

Based on complete FAITH AND EXPECTATION Based on UNCERTAINTY that the prayer will be answered. that the prayer will be answered. Christ’s prayers were based on the People doubt that their expectation that his prayers would prayers will be heard and be heard and answered. answered. Anyone’s prayers can be as effective Christ is placed above the as Christ’s prayers. ordinary praying individual.

To discuss and elaborate on the above, note the following:

If Christ prayed, he had the expectation that his prayer would be heard and answered. Why, then, should others doubt that they too will be heard and answered?

The reason for this is that traditional religion places Christ above the ordinary

praying individual. This is an ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD foreseen by Christ, which is why he said, “All of you are equal unto me.” And again he said, “Greater things than these, YOU shall do.”

Once the myth of making Christ into a traditional hero symbol is dropped, and his real teaching and instruction are followed, then the whole attitude in approaching prayer changes.

One’s attitude about prayer is thus transformed into what we teach in Spiritual Science – that any man can pray with faith equal to what Christ had – that his prayer will unquestionably be answered.


Spiritual Science Prayer vs. Traditional Prayer

One’s attitude about prayer is thus transformed into what we teach in Spiritual Science – that any man can pray with FAITH EQUAL to what Christ had – that his prayer will unquestionably be answered.

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n the Bible we read, “Your Father knoweth you have need of these things before you

ask.” This is a great truth that underlies the ATTITUDE with which Spiritual Science

approaches prayer.

Attitude makes a critical difference in everything we do, and that is especially

applicable in the practice of prayer.

Thus, in Spiritual Science, the student recognizes that the All-Knowing God-Mind already KNOWS what the student is going to ask even before he does.

One might therefore inquire that if this is so, why should one bother to pray, if

God already knows the prayer. The reason is that the mind is a field of energy, translated into attitude on a psychological level.

The ATTITUDE opens the psychic energy factors on all levels of your mind to give

the God-Mind ACCESS to REACH YOU through answered prayer. Thus, when you pray, you are in truth working to ATTUNE YOUR MIND to the Mind of God.

What you are really doing when you pray is to open your mind so that God may work through it, directing you and intuitively positioning you so that you may receive what you pray for.

The Bible says, “It is your Father’s pleasure to give you these things.”

Prayer then, should be made more in the spirit of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that GOD KNOWS … HAS THE POWER TO GIVE … AND WISHES TO GIVE.


What you are really doing when you pray is to OPEN YOUR MIND so that God may work through it, directing you and intuitively positioning you so that you may receive what you pray for.

Prayer – A Cooperation with God

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t is senseless to pray one moment and doubt the next. A wise person once surmised

that, “Your every thought is a prayer.”

To pray ten minutes a day and then have lingering doubts for the remaining 23 hours

and fifty minutes is an exercise in religious futility.

Remember that prayer is opening your mind to God. Allowing doubt to be in your mind when you are not formally praying is closing your mind to God, which of course destroys, to some degree, what you have established through prayer.

rom what has been said, perhaps you can see that prayer is actually more of a

TREATMENT of your consciousness and mind to better allow God to get through to


This is why when we speak of prayer in Spiritual Science, we often exchange the word PRAYER with TREATMENT.

henever you pray to relieve yourself of a problem, you are actually LIFTING


Every problem in your mind has a psychic energy level with ties to the other people, conditions, and all factors involved in the situation.





Remember that PRAYER IS OPENING YOUR MIND TO GOD. Allowing doubt to be in your mind when you are not formally praying is CLOSING your mind to God, which of course destroys, to some degree, what you have established through prayer.

Daily Attitude Must Agree with Prayer

Prayer is a “Treatment” of Your Consciousness

The Very Act of Prayer PSYCHICALLY LIFTS

Your Consciousness Above Your Problem

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In the act of prayer then, immediate psychic and physiological relief are gained.

Taking pressure off your psycho-physical system in itself better allows the NATURAL HEALING AGENCY, OR GOD, to take hold of your entire system and mind, and thus be in a better position to answer your prayer.

Meditation is actually the highest form of prayer, for in meditation the object

is to thoroughly open our minds to the Mind of God.

What we think of as prayer is only a little less than that, inasmuch as the mind

is not totally open to Union with God, but rather CONVERSATION with God.

Therefore, people who are most effective in having their prayers answered

are those who take time to meditate each day for mystical contact apart from prayer.

As a result of being so open to God through the highest meditation, when

they then pray, mental contact, attunement and synthesis are more readily established.

Thus, prayer as a treatment of consciousness, to better allow God to

CHANNEL the answer to our prayer through us, is more readily realized.

Meditation is actually the highest form of prayer, for in meditation the object is to thoroughly open our minds to the Mind of God.

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Below are some guides for applying the Spiritual Science Technique of Prayer.

PRAYER CAN TAKE PLACE ANY TIME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, as the need arises. However, to experience prayer more effectively, as a contact with God, you should quiet yourself as much as possible before starting to pray.

ALWAYS DIRECT YOUR ATTENTION INWARD or locate God at the center of your mind before beginning to pray.

STATE YOUR PRAYER IN AN AFFIRMATIVE, POSITIVE MANNER that seems to say, “I know I am heard, and have no doubt that You are answering my prayer.”

STATE YOUR PRAYER IN A WAY THAT SAYS YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT YOU ARE ASKING FOR. This better opens the FAITH ENERGY of your mind to the Mind of God. This also acknowledges the Power of God to work through you, and opens your mental channels that God’s Mind may direct you. In addition, it negates the traditional indefinite or lingering time span before your prayer is answered. It allows God to speed up the psycho-mystical process involved in the answering of prayer.

END EACH PRAYER WITH THE WORDS, “For this I give THANKS, and SO IT IS!” Giving thanks AFFIRMS that God has already answered your prayer. The words, SO IT IS, place a final SEAL OF FAITH that your prayer is a spiritual reality which will soon be a physical reality.

AS PRAYER IS A “TREATMENT” OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS TO ALLOW GOD TO WORK THROUGH YOU, it should be made more in the form of a positive STATEMENT, rather than the traditional rambling petition.

Some students ask, “How do I know I am praying for the right thing, that this is really good for me, or right with the Wisdom and Purpose of Universal Mind or God?” If you ever feel this way, PRAY TO GOD FOR INTUITIONAL GUIDANCE AS TO WHERE YOU SHOULD DIRECT YOUR PRAYERS.


REPEATING A PRAYER IS NOT ASKING AGAIN AS IF YOU WERE NOT HEARD THE FIRST TIME as is the motivation in traditional prayer. Rather, it is a continuing treatment of your consciousness, keeping it open to the Power of God to answer your prayer.

The Spiritual Science Technique of Prayer

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For Love

“God within me … the perfect person for me exists already, and

I acknowledge through the power of Your Presence within me, that this person is already mine. For this I give thanks, AND SO IT IS!”

For Money

“God-Mind within me … I know, You know I have financial means, and so I affirm that what I need financially is ALREADY MINE through the Power of Your Presence working in me. For this I give thanks, AND SO IT IS!”

Repeating a prayer is not asking again as if you were not heard the first time, as is the motivation in traditional prayer. Rather, it is a continuing treatment of your consciousness, keeping it open to the Power of God to answer your prayer.

Examples of



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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

ystics through the ages have said that there is but One Life and Mind in this

Universe. Physics has told us that all life comes from one primal energy or first

cause. The student of Meditation and Spiritual Science comes to realize this

truth in regard to his or her prosperity.

This means that each of us, as a part of the One Life of the Universe, shares a Co-Ownership with everything that is.

The realization of this truth creates a mental atmosphere in the student that makes it easier to accept that prosperity or “having” or “owning” is the natural course of Universal Life, individualized as the human being.

Each day, it is suggested that you take a moment to remember this truth, whenever you are thinking about prosperity.

here is but One Source of All That Is, and that is the Universe Itself – a Universe that is

intelligent within itself as the Universal Mind of God.

All metaphysical laws that the student may study are like thought-wave

patterns within the Mind of the Infinite.



Developing a Prosperity Mentality 47

Co-Ownership with the Universe

This means that each of us, as a part of the One Life of the Universe, shares a Co-Ownership with EVERYTHING that is.

Acknowledging the Source of Prosperity

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These thought-wave patterns in the Universal Mind acknowledge ownership and possession.

If students are thinking in these terms, they attune their own thought-wave patterns to Universal Thought-Wave Patterns, and thus bring the Universal Power of God into the conscious part of their minds for the realization of prosperity.

The student realizes that the Source of prosperity is not to be found in clinging to one person or relationship for one’s supply. Rather, it is to regard God’s Universal Presence as one’s Source.

Because of the vastness from which students may draw regarding the Universe as their Source, their minds are kept open and receptive to all potential means by which supply and prosperity may reach them in their lives.

This is what we mean in Spiritual Science when we affirm that, “All channels are open to me now for the receiving of my prosperity.”

A state of mind that acknowledges that good and prosperity can reach you and be yours by multiple avenues is truly a prosperity mentality.

In this state of mind, new ways you might never have previously envisioned can be opened to you from your Source, if you will but acknowledge that all is open to you.

Each day, take hold of your mind, your thoughts, your mental attitude.

Nullify any thoughts of lack or limitation as they enter your mind.

Acknowledge and build upon thoughts that create or promote a state of mind within you that seems to say, “Prosperity is a natural course of

Universal Life, individualized in me.”

The student realizes that the SOURCE of prosperity is not to be found in clinging to one person or relationship for one’s supply. Rather, it is to regard God’s Universal Presence as one’s Source.

Prosperity Is a Way of Mental Life

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Each day VISUALIZE the type of prosperity you wish. SEE YOURSELF living it and enjoying it.

Affirm each day that PROSPERITY IS ALREADY YOURS. As your mind believes this, it sets up psychic energies in the Universal Mind of God, which opens channels for the receiving of it.

When you speak to others, SPEAK WITH A CONFIDENCE AND SELF-ASSURANCE of a person who has already achieved prosperity. You are not trying to put anything over on the other person when you do this, but rather are presenting a new image of yourself – one in which you truly believe. Don’t let yourself become maneuvered into conversation about tight money and hard times.

TO RECEIVE, GIVE. Promote a prosperity mentality within others as you converse with them. Talk about good times and the good that can come to anyone.

REMOVE FROM YOUR MIND ANY SENSE OF GUILT from the past that would make you seem unworthy to have prosperity. If you open your heart to God in meditation, God’s Heart will open itself to you, leaving you pure in mind, to feel worthy of any of life’s riches.

DON’T ENVY, BUT PRAISE the prosperity of anyone you know. Every person who has become prosperous proves that prosperity can be obtained. They, too, whether they know it or not, are part of the One Universal Life, and have claimed their part of it through a prosperity mentality in their own way.

WHENEVER YOU SPEND MONEY, THINK OF IT AS GOING FORTH AND PROSPERING OTHERS in a chain reaction that reaches around the world and eventually returns to you with greater power, and thus multiplied many times over.

THOSE WHO HAVE GIVE. Give a little more than usual to your favorite charity or other worthy cause or organization. As a student of meditation, as you prosper good causes, you will be prospered, but you must realize and accept this psychic law for it to work for you.


To a Prosperity Mentality

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Those who prosper know that “TIME IS INDEED MONEY.” There is no need to overwork – only the need to be sure you are not wasting valuable time that you could be utilizing in obtaining prosperity.

GIVE THANKS each day for any prosperity you may have achieved that day, as it happens, or for any prosperity in the past. This sets up positive energy vibrations in you that attract even more prosperity to you.

Each day realize that all prosperity, in the final analysis, comes from the All -Creating Power in the Universe, or God, and that the Source of your prosperity is the God-Mind within you.

“I am part of One Universal Mind that contains all within Itself, and I share in this vast wealth of the Universe.”

“My mind prospers me through the Universal Mind at its center.”

“All channels are open in my mind for Higher Guidance to that place and time where I may receive the prosperity that is already mine in my mind.”

“I accept and acknowledge that prosperity is a natural state and part of my mind and my life.”

“Any lack is a part of the past which I release this moment, opening my mind to prosperity now and in the future.”

Each day realize that all prosperity, in the final analysis, comes from the All-Creating Power in the Universe, or God, and that the SOURCE of your prosperity is the God-Mind within you.


For Developing a Prosperity Mentality

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Prayer Treatment

“I acknowledge the Presence of

my Source, Creator of all prosperity in

the midst of my mind and being.

I open my mind and thoughts to

intuitive self-direction to guide me in

the realization of prosperity, which I

claim as already mine in my mind and

thoughts this moment and every

moment of my life.

I am sensitive to the Unlimited

Presence and Power of my Universal

Selfhood in God at the center of my

mind every day.

From this Presence of All in all,

prosperity flows to me, as my mind

flows and is directed to it.

For this, I give thanks … I let it be

so … AND SO IT IS!”

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◊ As you engage in your normal routine each day, feel that your

body is emanating and is surrounded by prosperity vibrations.

◊ Feel energy discharges of positiveness coming forth from you

and filling the psychic atmosphere around you.

◊ Visualize that the people you come into contact with feel these

prosperity vibrations, and act and react to you in ways that help

you to achieve further prosperity.

◊ Each day give thanks to God for whatever prosperity you

receive as you receive it. This acknowledges your Source

constantly in your mind, and creates a mental atmosphere that

is open to receiving still more.

Prosperity Visualization Treatment

Acknowledge Through Thanks

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New Dimensions in Spiritual Understanding and Practice

o succeed in life in any area, certain goals must be established. Without goals,

the mind tends to wander and become distracted from accomplishing anything.

Without a sense of accomplishment, life can seem lifeless and meaningless.

Unhappiness really comes from a lack of fulfillment, and a lack of fulfillment has its

roots in a lack of achievement.

► Goals, therefore, are an essential part of life, whether they are connected with love, career, creativity, finances, or spiritual self-growth.

► From my observations, based on thousands of hours of counseling people on their personal problems, I can say that most people are unfulfilled in life because they are either uncertain of their goals, or they are failing to accomplish them.

When we get down to the real reason that people are having difficulty with their goals, I have found that it is because they really DON’T KNOW their TRUE GOALS.

► They are living in the fiction of someone else’s dreams.

► This could have been initiated in early childhood through the suggestions of their parents, and continued into adult life due to the influence of friends and associates.

► Most people, therefore, are living the thoughts of others, and not their own. We can say, in another sense, that most people are not living lives that nature, their souls, or God’s Purpose intended for them.


Establishing and Accomplishing

Your Goals


To Thine Own Self Be True –

Separating Fact From Fiction

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ulfillment, to me, is a sign of an accomplished life. When people are TRULY fulfilled,

they have found their place in life and, thus, CONTENTMENT WITHIN THEMSELVES.

Contentment within oneself is what separates fact from fiction when attempting to define whether one is truly fulfilled.

► As an example, we can find many individuals who have accomplished much in

the life of the world, yet within themselves, they are restless and discontented.

► While they have accomplished worldly aims, they have not achieved their true goals in life, and therefore still do not experience authentic happiness and contentment within themselves.

Thus, so many people lead lives of fiction and not personal reality.

If you yourself are truly to find and accomplish your real goals, you have to turn WITHIN. Your TRUE GOALS in life abide within the Higher, Spiritual and God Region of your mind.


Most people, therefore, are living the thoughts of others, and NOT THEIR

OWN. We can say, in another sense, that most people are not living the

lives that NATURE, THEIR SOULS, or GOD’S PURPOSE intended for them.

Once you find your TRUE GOALS, you will also find the additional Power to accomplish them. And because they are the goals of the Universe or God that are intended for you, the Mystical Power of God will be working for you in everything you do to realize them.

The Meaning of Fulfillment

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Answering the questions below is intended to reveal to you WHETHER YOU ARE


When you awaken in the morning, do you look forward to the day?

Are you glad to get away from the work you do when it is quitting time?

Do you constantly feel restless and tense?

Does your life seem useless and void of meaning?

Do you feel you should have been born in a different century?

Do you continually experience dissatisfaction in your relationships with others?

Have you felt that you are frustrated or have been in a rut over a long period of time?

Do you feel that the life you are now leading came about more from the advice of others than from your own choices?


Based on your self-image, do you feel unworthy of experiencing happiness and success?

Are guilt feelings of any kind causing you to punish yourself by failing to set and achieve goals?

Through past failures, have you grown to believe that failure is your lot in life?

Do you really like yourself?

Do you constantly blame others for your lack of accomplishment?

Are you generally negative about life and people?


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If you have answered YES to many of the preceding questions, you are not living a life

where True Goals are active, and thus, it is likely that you have a lower chance of

accomplishing the goals that you do have.

Inside of you – right at this moment – at the Center of your mind, is the All-Knowing

Mind of God and the Universe.

Within the Mind of God is a definite pattern for your place in the Universe that is

appropriate for every time period in your life.

Use the Meditation Techniques that follow to sensitize yourself to your True Purpose

and Goals.

By doing this, you will also be filled with new power – the MYSTICAL POWER of GOD –

to give you the intuitive, psychic guidance you need for the setting and accomplishing


◊ Place yourself in a state of meditation; only a light state, wherein you have access to your personal subconscious, is necessary.

◊ After achieving this state, open your eyes only halfway, so that you retain your meditation state.

◊ Program your mind with the following meditational suggestions.



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For Your Subconscious Mind

"My Self-Image is a ONENESS of my conscious mind and my God-Mind.”

“The God-Part of my mind has ALREADY forgiven me for any time I

have erred against myself or anyone else.” “All past failure patterns are removed from my mind, and only

positive patterns for future accomplishments remain.”

“The TRUE-ME is the GOD-ME which I admire and respect.” “The God-Part of my mind assumes full responsibility for setting

and realizing my goals.” “I am positive about myself and life because I accept the Positive

Power of my God-Mind working in my life now.”

For The Psychic, ESP, Telepathic Part of Your Mind

"My mind is radiating out Positive, GOD-POWERED THOUGHTS into the psychic atmosphere each and every day.”

“My mind is a psychic magnet which attracts back my positive

thoughts in the physical representation of accomplishment.”

"My mind is psychically sensitive to the True Reality of people and conditions concerning my goals.”

“The God-Part of my mind gives me a psychic sense of direction

each and every day.”

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◊ Start to enter into a deep state of meditation. Just before you feel yourself

letting go to the deepest state, plant the following thought in your


"While I meditate, my subconscious mind is open to receive

impressions from my God-Mind regarding my goals and how to accomplish them.”

◊ Just before ending your period of deep meditation and before opening your

eyes, say the following to yourself:

"The MYSTICAL POWER of GOD rules my goals and their realization.”

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