Minimalistic Creative Writer

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How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

GoBloggingTips 2

Introduction Welcome to my first e-book on "How to

be a Minimalistic Creative Blog


Hey, what's up everybody? Here's Akshay Hallur

from GoBloggingTips.

This is my first e-book ever.

Hence, this is my first introduction. Initially I

didn't know how to start. Now the introduction is


It is going on…

Search engine optimization should not be the only

goal of the blogger. User interaction and readers

satisfaction also matters a lot.

Online readers tend to read blog posts that are

more creatively written. Generic writing has no

value now. You must and should impart some

creativity chunks to your piece of writing. This is

the only way to get your content read by your

audience or visitors.

How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

GoBloggingTips 3

This book is not only intended for bloggers, but

also for freelancers, book writers and article


The style of writing matters a lot today. Without a

unique style of writing, readers will hardly read

your articles or blog posts.

The phonetic and written language has merged


Writing the way you speak is of a great deal.

Well by looking at the title of the e-book you may

have thought that, I'm discussing about the other

sorts of creative writing like writing poetry,

rhymes, etc.

However, I'm not talking about that sorts of

creative writing; I'm talking about how to write

effectively by using your creative part.

Akshay HallurFounder of GoBloggingTips

How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

GoBloggingTips 4


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 2

Contents ................................................................................................................................ 4

Why do you write? ................................................................................................................ 5

Experiment experiment experiment yeah of course experiment…! .......................................... 7

Great titles and headlines .................................................................................................... 10

Some examples: _________________________________________________________________ 10

Write catchy intro ................................................................................................................ 12

Readability tips that you should not miss ............................................................................. 18

Keep paragraphs short… __________________________________________________________ 18

Use appropriate word, instead of a set of words _______________________________________ 18

Ditch filler words ________________________________________________________________ 19

Where to use Bold, Italics and Underlines? ___________________________________________ 20

Convert passive to active voice _____________________________________________________ 21

50 Blog Writing Tips ............................................................................................................ 22

Motivation and productivity tips for writing ........................................................................ 26

Read Success Stories _____________________________________________________________ 26

Take a Quick Break ______________________________________________________________ 26

Read other writings for inspiration __________________________________________________ 27

Know how to deal with backstabbers ________________________________________________ 27

Bye…Bye… ........................................................................................................................... 28

How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

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Why do you write? Why do you write? What's the purpose? Before

writing, ask yourself these questions.

Well, you can easily notice in the above quote that

many of the writers write because of the pleasure

that writing gives to them.

Pleasure may be due to typography, color or even

the typing sound!

Some of the writers even write to change

the way that people think or change the

How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

GoBloggingTips 6

world. The high influencing medias next to

movies and music are books and articles.

Some people are greatly influenced by

great books, by writing great books you

can easily leave your readers hypnotized.

Or even some people love writing as a

hobby, make money, or to establish

himself or herself as an authoritative writer

or blogger.

Whatever the purpose maybe, effective

and creative writing helps a lot.

If you're clear about the purpose of

your writing then you're ready to head

over to the next section of this e-book.

In the rest of the e-book, I would give you

some actionable strategies to make your

writing creative.

From writing great titles to typography.

Dived in…

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Experiment experiment

experiment yeah of course


I'm a great lover of experimentation as far as blog

writing and writing style is concerned.

I love experimentation.

Experimenting more often on your writing style

and testing what writing style your readers love

the most helps a lot.

Include quotes, keep your writing as conversa-

tion, ask questions for your readers.

Have you heard of great scientists? Even if they

discover or invent something they keep on exper-

imenting. Why?

This is because they are interested to improve the

stuff they invented. They want to plug in add-ons

to it. They want to make their stuff most wannabe

and desirable for the people. Or they want to in-

vent something.

Experimenting more often and often makes you a

perfectionist in all fields. Writing is not an excep-


How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

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Experiment with different styles of writing.

Start your writing with, current weather in your

locale. Start with the kickass question, quote, fact

or even a story.

Address your readers as fellas, guy, dude, Mr.

Awesome, Mr. Something. Be different, Think

Different and write different.

Include some words from different languages in

your writings. Arabic? French? Old English? Hindi?

Or even Chinese or Japanese.

Remember how Flickr invites you every time you

log into it (in different languages).

Experiment with your writing in every way that you

can ever think of. But remember to be polite to

your readers. Because without readers you're

no more a writer.

If an effective, experimentation does not work for

the first time? Not the second time? Then try it the

third time!

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Do not merely read the quotes! DO understand it,

interpret it, apply it in your life, take an example,

and be aware of the quote all the time.

If you don't fail once in life, you will never realize

the importance of success. Like, if you have a

thing you do not know the value, the value of that

thing will only be realized when it is lost.

That's what the life is. This quote applies for both

blogging and life. BAM!!

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Great titles and headlines Have you noticed that great titles drive readers

crazy? Even if you are a reader, recall that

moment when you were forcibly diven into the

content with the compelling headline.

Yeah, buddy. Compelling headlines cause

emotional intrigue for readers!

The majority of people skim through the content.

Great headings and texts attract them and they act

as speed breakers for speed readers.

Readers decide whether to enter the content or

blog post, by looking at the headline. This headline

is the one that makes make or break decision.

1.7 Ways to Succeed in [blank]

2.7 Myths About [blank]

3.7 Tricks to Make the Most Out of [blank]

4.Complete Idiot's Guide to [blank]

5.101 Ways to Fail in [blank]

6.7 Ways Not to Fail in [blank]

7.[blank] For Money - Complete Guide

Some examples:

1.Lessons Learned by Being Hit by Panda


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2.Case Study: How I made 1000$ overnight by

News Jacking?

3.You Will Never Make Money Blogging. If?

4.Top 7 Common Myths About Google+

5.Dumbest Mistakes To Make While Promoting

your Business.

6.Definitive Guide to Link Building.

7.Free EBook for Mastering SEO.

These kind of headings and titles helps to retain

your readers attention, and in case of blogs or

websites they attract readers for social shares and

increase click through rates of your blog.

Headlines or title should also convince your

readers of the quality or nature of the content.

The content should live up to the mark. Otherwise,

it's a great blunder to include magnetic headlines.

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Write catchy intro Do you know that 90% of the bloggers find

difficulty in starting up the blog post with a catchy

intro? If you are one of those 90%, read this blog


While writing any blog post, the main thing in

which bloggers are stuck up is the introduction.

However, once you learn how to write an effective,

catchy blog post intro, you and your blog readers

will get a head start. It will also help you to

develop further great ideas to write your blog post.

The readers, who visit your blog post without

introduction, feel like attending a party where

there are no acquaintances. Think of inviting

guests to a party, introducing them to others. How

they feel like? Better than the first case? Definitely

yes. So writing a blog post introduction is like

inviting the readers to your blog post, and

introducing them to the topic, so that they won’t

feel like a stranger.

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You now understand the importance of blog post

introduction. It’s important to make your boring

intros, awesome.

Here are some of the quick tips that help you to

write catchy intros for your blog posts:

Importance of effective blog post intros

The first impression is the best impression. If your

intro is not effective, then the reader will not

bother to read further. Next to the headline, the

thing that attracts visitors to become readers is an

effective introduction.

If your introduction makes your readers clear

about the content you are writing, you definitely

will not lose those readers

Tips for churning out irresistible intros:

How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

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Effective intro image

I heard a wise man saying – “Image speaks louder

than text”, I bet it’s true. Use an image that

signifies the purpose of the entire blog post.

Do not always look for exact images. Use images

that indirectly shows up what the blog post’s

purpose is or for what readers this blog post is


Recommended Read: How to Choose Perfect

Images for Blog Posts

Make it clear

Always read your blog post in the perspective of

the reader. Every reader, landing on your blog

post, expects something and is searching for

something. It is important to shout at them - "This

blog post contains what you are looking for."

For example, look at this very post’s introduction,

by reading this you will get a clear idea about what

is this blog post dealing with and what not it is.

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Share probable common views

You could easily determine the common views,

between you and your regular readers. Share

those common views in the introduction. This will

create a bond between you and your readers and

they tend to read and involve in the complete blog


In this case, readers after reading the introduction,

think that this author has the same mentality as

mine and has crafted the blog post accordingly.

Keep it conversational

Rather than merely writing an introduction, talk to

readers. Make your static text come alive and poke

your reader's mind. Appear as if the author has

casually had a conversation.

Blog posts that consist of static long form text is

an old practice, the modern trends in blogging are

dictating that the blog posts should be

conversational, so that readers involve completely.

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Start with an amazing fact

Do you know that 90% of bloggers find themselves

difficult in writing blog post intros? – This is the

fact that I started this blog post’s introduction


As soon as you start reading this blog post’s

introduction, your curiosity, of knowing whether

you are the one in 90% of those bloggers,

becomes the main driving force for you throughout

the blog post.

People love facts rather than tellings.

Start with a quote

Starting a blog post with a quote.

It’s a great idea.

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A single quote can be equivalent to a paragraph of

content. It delivers the message to your blog

readers effectively in only one line.

Readers believe great quotes from great people.

Great quotes keep visitors intact with your blog.

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Readability tips to become a minimalistic writer

Keep paragraphs short…

Paragraphs should not contain more than 4 to 5

sentences. Most of the readers skip the paragraphs

containing more sentences. You should craft your

blog post, by considering scanners and speed-


Short paragraphs are easy to read. You can even

include a single sentence in a paragraph.

The paragraph should include only one small idea.

Content should contain lots of blank space. It will

reduce the chances of readers skipping a line.

Use appropriate word, instead of a set of


This may be unclear to you now. Let me give some


I'm very much amazed - I'm astonished

It's very cold - It's freezing

I was very scared - I was terrified

Very good – Great

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These are called weak and strong adjectives.

Trying to make weak adjectives to a strong one

with words like "very, really" is a big writing


Including strong adjectives when necessary,

ELECTRIFIES your content.

Ditch filler words

The words that are unnecessary and lengthens

sentences are filler words.

Make use of this tool - Use this tool

Passion is the most important thing of all the

things in blogging- Passion wins over all the

things in blogging.

There are some things that you can't

avoid - You can't avoid some things.

There are some bloggers ignoring

SEO - Some bloggers ignore SEO

Make use of active voice instead of passive

voice - Use active voice over passive one.

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Where to use Bold, Italics and Underlines?

I bet many of you use text formatting tax debt

bold, italics and underlines tragically! Or many of

the new writers even don't use this text formatting


Bold or strong

1.Important sentences.

2.Highlighting keywords.

Bold is used to highlight the text and capture the

readers’ attention.

Italic or emphasis

1.Used to highlight phrases or thoughts.

2.Used to highlight names of books, blogs,

newspapers, etc.

3.Conversations, dialogs.

4.Imagination or story (One day I was walking…

blah… blah…).

Italics are used to represent the conversational

type of sentences, dialogs and names.


1.Definition (SEO stands for Search Engine

Optimization, is…)


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3.Highlighting keywords.

Underlines are used to denote, what we are talking


>>In detail about text formatting<<

Convert passive to active voice Things are not being done by someone. Someone

is doing a thing.

Sentences in active voice are active, direct, strong,


Whereas passive ones are passive, sounds indirect,

they are not appealing.

Sentences written in active voice are shorter.

Using active voice the best way to increase

readability score.

Passive voice is difficult to understand. You can

easily notice the difficulty in reading when the

sentence becomes longer and complex.

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50 Blog Writing Tips

1. Overcome procrastination, wake up and pick

up the stuff.

2. Blog in a distraction free environment. Switch

off mobiles or turn off the monitor and type.

3. Read other great blog posts.

4. Take quick breaks between blogging, split


5. Keep the mind and body fit.

6. Practice meditation and exercise daily.

7. Take a quick note on writing tips or ideas that

flash into your mind at any time.

8. Don't be too formal, use words like you and I.

9. Learn new words every day and improve your


10. Be consistent.

11. Don't take a long break from your writing.

12. Consider speech to text, as they speed up your

blogging and avoids grammatical mistakes.

13. While blogging do not too much worry about

typos and grammar mistakes, keep them for

proofreading session.

14. Start your blog posts with stories.

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15. Start your blog posts with facts, questions or


16. Prepare a skeletal structure (Write only main

points and later expand them) of the entire blog

post before writing in detail.

17. Headlines are starting point of your blog posts;

make sure that there are catchy.

18. Blog Post titles should be always plural.

19. Start with a great introduction**

20. Use personalistic or attractive strategy in


21. Don't overwrite.

22. Remember that at a time that is only one

reader reading your blog post so address your


23. Don't be too technical jargon, use simple


24. Write short sentences, chop long sentences to

several short sentences.

25. Always use active voice, avoid passive voice.

26. Always use positive sentences. I could have

used "Don't use negative sentences", but it would

be negative.

27. Use lists whenever possible.

28. Use shorter paragraphs.

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29. Questions for your readers.

30. Write what flashes into your mind.

31. Know your audience and their mentality.

32. Know the purpose of my audience visited and

started reading your blog posts.

33. Give a clue in your writings, and make your

readers explore themselves. (My favorite)

34. Be predictable, that means when the reader is

reading a sentence, then he may predict the next

sentence, if his predictions were true he will be

happy. Never disappoint that.

35. Occasionally be controversial.

36. Include cool, funky words.

37. Occasionally linkbait

38. Choose perfect images for your blog posts

39. The images should convey abstract messages

or ideas for your readers.

40. Experimenting new things in your style of

writing helps sometimes.

41. Make use of formatting tags effectively

42. After blog post for scanners, superficial


43. Swipe your smart phone keyboard when idle.

44. Mention fellow bloggers or readers in your blog


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45. Proof read articles against typos, grammatical

mistakes, complexity, etc.

46. If you use proofreading software, then again

proofread the blog post manually.

47. If your mother tongue is not English, then

speak English whenever possible.

48. Read newspapers, and other articles to train

your brain for latest writing trends.

49. Learn writing poems and other creative stuff.

50. Learn writing songs, preferably rap songs, and

tap the inner ideas that are buried under your


>>Read 101 Writing Tips here<<

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Motivation and productivity tips

for writing

Read Success Stories

Many people have achieved success writing. Some

of them also share their success stories, income

reports. Do read them occasionally it helps you to

motivate yourself.

If you have an example of a person, who achieved

success in your niche, you gain greater confidence

and more likely to achieve success.

Take a Quick Break Long hours of writing may sometimes be

disturbing. Taking quick breaks like; say 15

minutes exploring your outer world, oils up your

brain's piston.

Brain needs its own time in order to re-index the

information stored in it.

Most people have attention span higher in the task

they are passionate about.

If you are really passionate about the topic on

which are writing, you may have the attention

How to be a Minimalistic Creative Blog Writer

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span of 1 hour, which is great. However, stretching

your writing time, beyond your attention span,

may lead to cabin fever in case of typing.

Read other writings for inspiration Sometimes you need inspiration to write. You have

to examine the writings of other writers.

If you are new writer, you might also consider

imitating the style of authoritative writers.

Know how to deal with backstabbers

Backstabbers are so called because they are only

strong behind you. They always discourage, they

always point out the negatives in you, instead of

identifying positive ones.

Surrounding these kinds of negative people around

you leads to negativity in your life, negativity leads

to a loss in motivation and change in attitude and

mental setup.

Just don't pay a dime for the negative talks about

you or your profession.

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Bye…Bye… Writing style matters a lot. Readers are fed up with

a generic sort of writing styles and books.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this mini eBook, which

gave you tips to become a creative writer

If you have any doubts, feel free to ping me at

GoBloggingTips.com, tweet me at @AkshayHallur

or mail me at [email protected].

If you have any suggestions or even additions,

your feedback is welcome.

Other resources…

Ultimate Guide and Resources to Build a Blog

that Matters

Complete WordPress Security Guide

The Eminem Guide to Become an Effective

Blogger and Writer

Elements of a Perfect Blog Post: Post with


Thank you…

Akshay HallurFounder of GoBloggingTips