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Minerals. Minerals are the spark of life, and without them we simply wouldn’t function. Minerals are the basic components of all matter. They are built into key enzymes and hormones, and are part of cells, tissue, bone, blood and body fluids. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Minerals


Page 2: Minerals

Minerals are the spark of life, and without them we simply wouldn’t function.

Page 3: Minerals

Minerals are the basic components of all matter. They are built into key enzymes and hormones, and are part

of cells, tissue, bone, blood and body fluids.

Page 4: Minerals

Although we Americans have greater abundance, and perhaps a more balanced diet than most of our

primitive forebears, our intake of vital, life sustaining minerals is woefully inadequate. The people of the United States are the best fed, nutritionally starved

people in the world…

Page 5: Minerals

Most people today, especially those living in North America, are severely deficient in essential minerals. A number of experts in mineral science, cell physiology,

soil science and cellular biochemistry have linked mineral deficiencies to virtually every illness and

disease known to man.

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Through a process called transmutation the human body can produce vitamins, but it cannot produce minerals. Minerals must be consumed, whether

through food or proper supplementation since they are the building blocks the cells utilize to manufacture

vitamins at the cell level.

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The very word vitamin is basically an antonym constructed from the first three letters of two other

words - Vital and Mineral.

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Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than

upon calories or vitamins, or upon the preciseproportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates

we consume!

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Every reaction and interaction of

organic molecules requires inorganic mineral catalysts and cofactors to


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They also assist in every aspect of life

from the production of hormones and

energy, digestion, nerve transmission

and muscle contraction, to the regulation of pH,

metabolism, cholesterol, and

blood sugar.

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Without these mineral catalysts and cofactors, biochemical reactions can’t reach their end point.

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Macro-minerals and trace-minerals supply neither energy nor fuel to the body but are instrumental in

their production and use.

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All the vitamins in the world do us little good without minerals.

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Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.

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Minerals are sometimes called “co-enzyme factors” --because enzymes are basically mineral combinations

in their most basic structures.

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Same with amino acids which are hydrogen chains produced by cellular interactions with mineral

TRANSMUTATIONS within the cells themselves.

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There are more than 100 mineral elements found on earth. Four of these, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and

nitrogen, make up 96% of our body.

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The remaining 4% of our body is basically made

up, in part, of the other minerals, which are

available to us, and these vary somewhat,

depending on where we live.

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Our daily mineral intake is about 1.5 grams–our total intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are about

500 grams.

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Thus our mineral intake represents only about 0.3% of our total intake of nutrients, yet minerals are so potent

and so important that without them we wouldn’t be able to utilize the other 99.7% of foodstuffs and would

quickly perish.

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More important than mineral’s role in balancing pH levels, however, is proper cellular hydration. No amount

of minerals can balance pH if the cells are chronically de-hydrated.

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There is a huge gap in knowledge regarding the understanding as to why proper hydration is important

for health, and for competitive success as well.

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Humans are water beings. We form during 9 months in a water-filled environment called a womb. Our blood is water based, as is our brains. Without water, minerals

are worthless and vice verse.

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There are seven major minerals. They are calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium and chlorine. Our bodies should contain significant amounts

of each!

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Trace minerals, on the other hand, are present in the body in very small amounts. Each makes up less than

one-hundredth of one percent of our body weight.

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Rocks are the parent material for soil which is the main source of nutrition for plants, animals and ultimately


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The health and survival of all plants, domestic or wild, depends on the health of the soil and its ability to

provide a constant supply of minerals.

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Vitamins, enzymes, hormones, every sub-cellular and chemical reaction, every metabolic cycle requires

mineral cofactors and catalysts, even oxygen itself can not be utilized without mineral cofactors.

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According to science, millions of years ago the soil near the earth’s surface, where our plants are grown, was

saturated with dozens of minerals. At least 84 minerals were available nearly everywhere and some areas of the

planet contained 100 minerals.

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When humans began to till the soil, wind and rain erosion began to take its toll along with continuous cropping, which gradually strip-mined the nutrients

from the soil.

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Years ago, humans used to burn wood for cooking and heating.

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Ashes contain all the minerals that the tree brought out of the earth through it’s roots.

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People would then deposit the ashes onto the garden.

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When they would grow food, it would contain all the minerals that were added to the soil from the burned

wood from trees.

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When we stopped burning wood and started using coal and electricity, the mineral content of the food

started diminishing and has continued to today.

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Soil tests from all over the world have revealed that our soils are severely lacking in minerals, leaving us

with mineral-deficient plants with very little food value.

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Most farmers never put back more than 6 minerals. Animals require at least 60 minerals, creating a deficit

of 54 minerals.

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Soil depletion is the only reason today’s plants contain no more than 16 minerals, on average, in most of the

food available today.

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Man-made, chemical fertilizers, introduced in 1908, upset the delicate balance of minerals and organisms in humus-rich soil by killing off the beneficial bacteria.

Lacking in the naturally occurring minerals, they are less available to plants.

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Farmers add 46 billion tons of synthetic fertilizer to their crops annually in an attempt to compensate for the

useless soil.

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The more chemical fertilizers are used, the weaker the plants become, the more insects attack, and the more

insecticides have to be used.

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Chemical fertilizers also saturate plant roots with too much of one nutrient, making it difficult for plants or crops to pick up and absorb other minerals they need

so much.

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Most of the mineral supplement formulations available today contain no more than 10 to 15 minerals because

most are derived from the earth, from ancient sea beds, clay or ground up rock and soil.

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This type of mineral is known as a metallic hydrophobic mineral!

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Minerals must be fully assimilated at the cellular level before they can deliver positive benefits to the human


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Whether it is a blood cell, a muscle tissue cell, or an organ tissue cell, the mineral MUST eventually

penetrate the cell wall/membrane for the particular mineral to be of any value and to enhance cellular


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In order for a mineral ion to effectively penetrate the membrane, the mineral must be attached to a pure

hydrogen and oxygen molecule (be completely water soluble) and thus enter the cell via the process of


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The type of mineral which comes from a plant has been assimilated or digested by the plant and is known as a

water soluble, plant derived, hydrophilic mineral.

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The human body is not designed to absorb or assimilate and use metallic or elemental minerals.

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No more than 5% to 8% of metallic minerals are actually assimilated by the human body.

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Some people have healthy hydrochloric acid pH levels in their stomachs that allow them to correctly break

down minerals in tablet form. But most Americans do not have healthy HCL stomach acid levels. (They are

chronically de-hydrated).

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Therefore, they do not have healthy digestive enzyme levels which are needed to further break down the

mineral chelates into angstrom-sized individual ions for complete cellular ingestion and homeostasis.

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If there is insufficient digestive acid in the stomach, even plant-derived minerals are poorly assimilated and

deficiencies may develop quite rapidly.

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When the hydrochloric acid in our stomach isn't strong enough to dissolve these metals during the short 15 to

21 hour digestive cycle,

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the balance, or up to 92%, merely passes through the waste system without benefit.

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The people who need minerals the most are typically the people who cannot efficiently digest minerals in any

other form - and a vicious, cruel cycle often results in chronic, often debilitating illness and the victim is

convinced that they must take pharmaceutical chemical drugs for life to help with the symptoms.

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You could not live on soil or ground up rock, because it is not alive or enzymatically active like plant derived

minerals from raw plants.

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Chelated minerals were developed in the laboratory. This process involves wrapping amino acids or protein around metallic minerals to help the body metabolize


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But, this form of minerals has at best only a 40% assimilation. Chelated or not, they are still metallic


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It is best to add minerals to the soil, and eat the plants grown on it, rather than ingesting colloidal minerals in

their "raw" state.

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Microorganisms act as an interface at the plant roots, ingesting minerals and altering them to a form that plants can use, then plants bio-transmute them to a

form we can use.

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The Spark of Life

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Raw materials are required by all living organisms. The obvious raw materials to sustain life, maintain and

repair tissues and organs, support reproduction, and support longevity, are oxygen, water, and food. Food

is the variable.

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Boyd Odell, a professor in agricultural biochemistry, created spina bifida in laboratory animals in 1956 by feeding the pregnant mothers with diets deficient in

zinc, vitamin B12, and folic acid.

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We can prevent up to ninety-eight percent of the birth defects in animals by supplementing the female with

the proper nutrients prior to conception.

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In most instances, “genetic defects” are simple mineral deficiencies that leave a repeatable “fingerprint” on a

specific gene, in a specific location, on a specific chromosome.

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They are no more complicated in concept than a deficiency of zinc resulting in a cleft palate or spina

bifida in a farm animal.

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These minerals attached to the DNA molecule are known as “metallic fingers” and are essential to the

function and repeatability of DNA to RNA to structural or enzymatic protein.

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Mineral deficiencies are the root cause of most diseases mistakenly thought to be “genetically


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Minerals are a key component of lessening cellular stress, and balancing pH levels.

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Calcium deficiency alone can result in as many as 147 different diseases, ranging from osteoporosis,

osteoarthritis, osteomalacia, degenerative arthritis, Bell’s Palsy, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, and spinal

stenosis to name a few.

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Electrolytes begin as minerals—the inorganic, hard rock of our planet. Of the major types of nutrients—mineral,

carbohydrate, protein, and oil—minerals came first.

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They existed on Earth before plants or animals—before sugars or amino acids.

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These simple elements can’t be synthesized by plant, animal or human, but must be consumed from plants

that get them from the dust and stones in soil.

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There are no substitutes for these essential elemental nutrients.

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Biology turns stones into bones. Our human body is 99.5% hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen—only four light-weight


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The other 0.5% is 20 other elements, most of which form our hard, dense skeleton.

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We can’t live without minerals, which must be supplied continuously by


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Minerals are metallic elements, but most metals have so much charge, they are rarely found as pure elements.

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Instead, they readily react chemically with other atoms to form oxides, chlorides, sulfides, sulfates,

silicates, carbonates, etc. Thus, metal becomes mineral as the first step to becoming biology.

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The metal atoms in minerals are the centers of charge in large molecules that form cells and living tissues.

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The metal elements coordinate and direct the flow of electrons, reactions between atoms, strength of

membranes, and action of enzymes in biological life.

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An electric current is a stream of electrons through subatomic space. Copper is the conductor of choice for

electricity, although other metals will work, too.

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A spark is a burst of this electric fire made visible in a massive discharge of electrons in air—miniature


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Earth itself spins inside a huge electromagnetic field. Every living thing participates in this electromagnetic


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Some of that charge is transferred into our body when our naked skin touches moist Earth or bare rock.

Modern humans are missing this daily experience of being grounded in direct electrolytic link to moist soil.

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Atoms react chemically by exchanging electrons. How atoms share, pair, pass around, circulate, and store

electrons decides how ions form, atoms bond, molecules are made, carbons chain, cells sing, and hormones ring.

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An ion is an atom that gains or loses one or more electrons.

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Since such an atom then has an excess or shortage of electrons in outer orbitals circling around the nucleus, an ion has electric charge. This gives ions the essential

energy needed to power chemical reactions.

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Some elements—mostly metals—easily release electrons to have a positive charge: a cation (+).

Others capture extra electrons to acquire negative charge: an anion (-).

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For example, Sodium (Na), one of the lightest metals, easily gives up the single, unpaired electron in its

outer-most orbital to become a cation (Na+).

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But its positive charge is so strong that it rapidly reacts and bonds with other atoms.

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We seldom encounter sodium as pure metal, only as its mineral salts. So too, most metals react with

oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine, etc., to become minerals.

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These crystal chemicals become Earth’s bedrock, boulders, stone, soil, sand, silt, salt, clay, dirt, and dust.

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Salt of the Earth

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An electrolyte is an ionic substance which dissolves in water. These ions-in-solution are valuable for their

effects on water’s electrical properties.

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Most often, they increase water’s ability to pass an electric current, or store electric charge.

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Simple electrolytes can be three types: acid (+), base (-), or salt (+ and - or neutral).

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In this most fundamental reaction, acid and base unite to form salt and water.

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Acid and base are polar, with opposite ionic charge, but salt—with both cations and anions—is neutral.

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Salt is chemical fire. Its corrosive appetite is fed—not by wood or coal—but by metals, whose exchange of

electrons fuels chemical reactions.

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Every enzyme requires an electrolyte as its key component. Without this electric spark, there can be

no taste, or smell, or sight. No sensation, or motion, or light. And no life.

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Even slight alterations in concentrations of ionic chemicals in our body fluids will disturb vital cell


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For example, low potassium ions cause general muscle paralysis, while high levels create weak, irregular


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Therefore, our body has evolved with multiple methods to maintain stable, constant levels of electrolytes in

blood, lymph and all other body fluids.

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Biological Plasma

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A primary purpose of kidneys is to balance electrolytes in blood. This pair of organs filters blood to neutralize excess acid and alkali, then excrete them as salts and

water in urine.

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In essence, kidney function is electric, not merely chemical.

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Minerals are transformed into a special state by bacteria, and acquire an added energy force. If you try

to measure it, it’s not detectable.

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This force isn’t a mystery, but is subtle beyond man’s most sensitive instruments; it is measured as parts per million of H+ ions, and is rated on a 0-to-14 logarithmic

scale in which 7.0 is neutral.

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Minerals change form to become energized like plasma—living water, in complex, stable, yet changing states

of charge.

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The medical term for the fluid in blood is plasma. And in physics, plasma is the fourth state of matter—an

ionized, electrified state.

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Each cell is a tiny drop of water enclosed in a bubble of oily membrane. A cell membrane is a very thin film—a

double layer of lipids—of fatty acid hydrocarbons—reinforced by cholesterol, collagen and proteins.

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Lipids form a very minute, positively charged, barrier that insulates water inside a cell from waters all around


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The process of getting nutrients absorbed into cells—across the cell wall matrix—is termed biovection.

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This cell wall also blocks movement of electrons and ions. So a cell can store an electric charge.

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Each cell is a biological battery! The force between the inside and outside cell wall is a liquid pressure that’s

sustained by electrolytes.

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Minerals are needed to keep this battery in a cell going, and to enable cells to hold a charge.

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Without minerals—without the right electrolytes in correct ratios—cells can’t maintain this inner-outer

pressure, they weaken, become vulnerable to parasites—even die. The cell membrane is a key element in


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If our body was a car, electrolytes would be the battery and sparkplugs. A car won’t run without a battery and


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Without these living waters, we can’t be healthy. And if we don’t recharge our biological battery, we’re as

worthless as a car with a dead battery.

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Electrolytes supply the spark of life to cells. They aren’t fuel that is burned to provide power. Rather, like a spark in a car engine, they are the electric fire that

ignites every chemical reaction in a cell. They deliver electrons where needed for reactions, and store charge

between events.

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Electrolytes strengthen every cell, gland and organ, do many important things, and make everything work


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Electrolytes sustain the most critical chemical balance in the body: pH—the acid-base balance. This delicate

chemical condition determines how electrons are available for reactions.

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Too much positive charge from acids (+) creates an inability to circulate electrons. Excess anions (-) of an

alkaline state will overcharge a cell or organism.

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Life is a balancing act, so most biological processes need neutral—or slightly alkaline—pH to assure a

steady supply of electrons.

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Our blood remains very close to 6.45 pH, and if it changes by 0.1, we can die. Electrolytes not only help

restore neutral pH balance, they also act as buffers that resist any change in pH.

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The neutral factor means that if we eat something that’s too acid or too alkaline, our body can prevent a

change in pH. A healthy body with electrolytes will temporarily neutralize these extremes.

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Like trees dying on high mountain tops from acid rain, intestinal microflora wilt and weaken if the pH of their

environment changes. When the pH of cell water becomes too acid, proteins change their shape, and

many enzymes no longer function.

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Much modern illness is due to disturbed pH. Infections, yeasts, parasites, and worms all thrive in acid pH.

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Cancer and arthritis are two of many everyday diseases encouraged and aggravated, if not caused by inability to sustain stable, neutral pH, and thus cell membrane integrity. Chronic excess acids force our body to use

calcium stored in teeth and bones to neutralize acids.

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Our poor, depleted soils can’t supply minerals needed for electrolytes, while refining and processing remove

even more minerals, so we can’t generate the electromagnetic charge.

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No matter how much supplement we take, calcium can’t adhere to bone matrix without this

electromagnetic force.

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Cell Membranes

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A cell’s most critical chore is to maintain the integrity of the cell membrane—the inner-outer pressure balance

at a cell wall to separate cell from not-cell.

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This double-layer of lipids is in constant motion, fed by electrolytes.

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A strong membrane is a cell’s first line of defense—the frontline of the immune system. Without electrolytes,

this barrier can’t be sustained; it weakens, and an unwanted substance can invade the cell.

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Trace element electrolytes are key catalysts in thousands of enzymes needed by cells to make amino

acids, proteins, and other organic molecules.

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When electrolytes form, they generate more electro-chemical activity, attract more minerals, and capture

more charge.

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Charge control is the key to enzymes that allow biochemical reactions to occur rapidly, selectively, and


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Electrolytes are also critical to nerves—both individually, and for the collective coordination of the

entire nervous system.

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Nerve impulses are transmitted as an exchange of sodium and potassium ions at the nerve membrane.

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A nerve membrane is encased in long tendrils of protein with a calcium ion attached at the end of each

strand. Without this impulse of ion fire, there can be no taste, no smell, no sight, no sensation, and no


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Hormones, vitamins and enzymes, which activate, regulate and synchronize nerve action, all require a

mineral ion as a key element in their reactive structure, and for their synthesis.

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Electrolytes are the key to unlock energy flow in a cell. They strike the sparks of electric fire that make life


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Even the Bible says we are born out of the dust of the Earth—the minerals.

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Minerals are absorbed best when they are dissolved in water.

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Our body is around 75% water by weight, most of which is lymph fluid. Our organs and glands float in this

internal ocean, whose chemical composition and ion concentrations are carefully controlled.

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Water is the medium in which all biochemical reactions occur. Most nutrients are dissolved in water.

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Water liquefies food to carry nutrients through intestines where they are absorbed into the

bloodstream and lymph.

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Wastes from cells are dissolved in water and collected by blood to excrete as urine and sweat.

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Water regulates body temperature by absorbing heat released by cell metabolism. Skin secretes water as perspiration, and then heat transforms it to vapor,

cooling the body.

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Animals on starvation diets still survive, even after losing all stored fats and carbohydrates, and half their protein. But loss of 10% of their water is very serious,

and 20% loss usually results in death.

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So water must be consumed steadily to prevent dehydration, and maintain fluid, electrolyte and pH


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Sugar—the universal fuel of biology—is simply water and carbon dioxide: carbohydrate.

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Water is the routine by-product of biosynthesis, such as turning sugars into starch, amino acids into protein, or

fatty acids into lipid. All are acid-base reactions that yield salt and water.

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But most critical—and least understood—is water’s ability to transmit energy.

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In cells, energy is found, not only a current of electrons, but magnetic flux—and these properties are altered by


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Water isn’t merely a medium for electrolytes to dissolve and form. Water becomes part of the electrolytes themselves, held together by an

electromagnetic charge created by rock enzymes.

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Cell protoplasm—like the rest of the body—is mostly water, but not ordinary water. This water has certain

ions added in careful, precise amounts, and then electromagnetic charge is imparted.

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This force imposes definite yet subtle order to water molecules. Cell biology calls fluid inside a cell

membrane gelatinous—leaving this mystery murky and amorphous.

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Trace elements are the proverbial needle in a haystack. They are just as essential as carbohydrates and protein,

but needed in minute amounts.

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We need little more than a millionth of an ounce of iodine, but if it’s lacking, goiter develops from a

dysfunctional thyroid.

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A cell wall can’t have elasticity unless it has a bit of silica. As we get older, lack of silica causes skin to

harden and age rapidly. But with silica, people’s skin stays tougher, and looks younger.

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Water’s tiny electric dipoles give it remarkable power to dissolve other substances—especially ionic

substances—and to hold them in dynamic suspension, floating in fluid mobility.

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The electric poles of H2O molecules attract, attach and hold other ionic or polar chemicals, and, in their

constant motions, carry them off, thus disassembling them.

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In a solution, minerals—because of their higher mass and stronger electric charge—are the centers of

electromagnetic force. Other molecules gather around these focal points of force, and tend to form stable


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The mineral imposes a definite geometry and order to water. Even when fully dissolved, the crystalline

geometry of salt’s ionic charge imparts order to moving water molecules.

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The presence of mineral ions alters the angles of water’s lattice, warping and bending the water

molecules’ organization to accommodate the strong ionic charge.

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Such slight shifts in geometry can alter water’s physical properties, such as melting and boiling temperatures,

and chemical reactivity.

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Minerals provide strong electromagnetic charges to hold organic molecules in tight, stable association. This also boosts water’s capacity to conduct electric current.

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The bipolar geometry of water is not only electric, but magnetic. The outer electrons of the hydrogen-oxygen

bonds are in orbital spin, and a moving charge generates a magnetic field, just like the Earth.

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So this tiny dipole also has a minute magnetic field around it.

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This makes each water dipole a tiny magnet, and makes water very sensitive to magnetic-fields, especially when

it has minute amounts of trace elements added to it.

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So, when water whirls, its tiny dipole magnets tumble around each other.

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In a cell or your bloodstream—water generates an electromagnetic force.

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Spinning water in a vortex creates a kinetic energy—the energy of motion, or momentum. This energy

creates a special state of charge.

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Moving water has a detectable, if minuscule, energy field—especially if it contains the proper percent of

metal ions.

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Water’s energy of motion is captured by the molecules as increased electron spin. Water’s swirling kinetic

energy is absorbed and entrained as resonant atomic energy.

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This higher spin energy increases hydrogen-oxygen attractions between adjacent water molecules. This

causes water to hold more tightly together.

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Charging water alters the angle between the hydrogens in the molecule. The hydrogen-oxygen bond is slightly

flexible, and the angle can vary up to 10 degrees.

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As orbital electron spin increases, the hydrogens draw tighter, closer together and the angle between the

hydrogens decreases.

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The water inside a cell membrane is as orderly as possible.

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The water is still a freely flowing fluid, yet, like ice, has a stable, orderly molecular structure, but is still not

frozen in a rigid, hard solid state. It is a liquid crystal. Crystalloid is the actual form the electrolytes are in,

which is a very, very minute particle structure.

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Water molecules in a liquid crystal state move and dance around, yet retain an overall geometry and

synchrony in their motions. But unlike humans, water doesn’t dance in lines or squares, but in circles,

spinning spirals into 3-D lattice arrays.

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Water in this state is much more orderly than ordinary water. It has a capacity to hold a stable shape, even though individual water molecules dance in, out and about the pattern. Individual water molecules remain

in free motion, but their collective movement retains a fixed order.

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Living cells prefer this liquid crystal water to pack inside a cell membrane to make protoplasm. In this form,

water and minerals pass easily through cell membranes, and soft tissues.

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Physical chemistry is no longer sufficient to explain the workings of cell, body or brain. Today, a new

consciousness is awakening in the public, ready to accept the truth that health is founded on nutrition, and rooted in our soils, and depends on the dance of

fire and water.

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The Human Crystal

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Our physical structure can be seen as a series of synchronous, interacting crystal structures. Oscillating solid and liquid crystals form an overall energy pattern

for the total body, linking the body on this level.

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Each organ, gland, nerve system, cell and protein structure–even the tissue salts in the body–shows a

level of organization with some degree of crystalline-like function.

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The human energy field exists as an array of

oscillating energy points which have a layered

structure and a definite symmetry.

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These properties fulfill the definition of a normal crystal in material form.

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Our bone structure has long been recognized as a solid crystal structure with piezoelectric properties. A

piezoelectric effect is the creation of an electromagnetic field pulse when a crystalline structure is physically stressed or pushed out of its normal shape.

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As a solid crystal, it has the ability to convert vibrational energy, such as sound or light, into

magnetic and electric energy.

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Crystals can absorb, store, convert, amplify, transduce and transmit vibrational energies, which have

biological effects.

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When physical stress or an electromagnetic field is applied to a piezoelectric crystal, the crystal will change

shape and generate an EMF. Bone, quartz crystal and tourmaline are among the few crystal forms with

piezoelectric properties.

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The crystalline-like components of the extracellular matrix of bone, such as collagen and proteoglycans,

possess piezoelectric qualities.

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Mineralized tissue such as cartilage, dentin, teeth in general and relatively non-mineralized tissues such as keratin in skin, elastin, artery tissue, connective tissue (tendons and ligaments), and even some amino acid crystals (glysine, proline and hydroxyproline) all have

piezoelectric properties.

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The main forces, which create pulsed piezoelectric EMFs in bone, are the anti-gravity muscles, the

cardiovascular system, voluntary muscles, and impact with the environment.

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Projected EMFs have the ability to create a piezoelectric response in bone. These EMFs have

biological activity.

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These piezoelectric fields affect: cell nutrition, local pH control, enzyme activation and suppression, orientation of intra and extra cellular macromolecules, migratory and reproductive activity of cells, synthetic capacity

and specialized function of cells, contractility and permeability of cell membranes, and energy transfer.

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Another type of electric or electromagnetic field response is also found in bone structure, called

streaming potentials, an electrical field created by the flow of ions, charged solutes, and cells such as red blood cells, through the tissues, carried by extra

cellular fluids such as blood through the extra cellular matrix.

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When the bone is even subtly bent from pressure by such events as walking or even by the pulse of our

arteries, the extra cellular fluids are pumped through the bone. An electrical charge is created as a result of the electrostatic interaction of the electrically charged

fluids moving past the fixed charge in the crystalline bone structure.

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These electrical fluids can also interact with the piezoelectric fields of the bone.

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There are other forms of crystalline-like systems in the body, and one of the most important is the liquid


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A liquid crystal is technically defined as having form, liquid properties, stored information and a measurable

electromagnetic field. A liquid crystal can act simultaneously as liquid and crystal.

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The larger liquid crystal systems include fatty tissue, muscle and nerve tissue, the lymphatic system, white

blood cells, and the various pleural and peritoneal linings.

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Muscle and nerve tissue exist as liquid crystal systems held in shape by bone and skin systems.

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The muscles have also been shown to have some piezoelectric properties.

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On a cellular level, all cells and cell membranes are considered liquid crystals. These include the plasma membrane, mitochondrial membrane, smooth and

rough endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membranes and chloroplast membranes.

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Bodily fluids also have crystal qualities.

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A water molecule contains the potential forms of all crystals in its primary form of a tetrahedron. Water can bring all different forms of ions into a crystalline state

and hold them in solution.

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The more structured the water is, the higher concentration of ions it can hold.

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One of the most important ion solutions is the dissolved cell salts.

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When the body cells and tissues become diseased or cancerous, the crystalline protein structures no longer have the proper configuration to maintain the water in

a structured state.

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Ions and other solutes in the cell consequently become redistributed by the new pattern of unstructured


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If the water in the cell, extra cellular fluid or blood plasma becomes structured, it will then be able to

attract and hold more ions by virtue of its hydration shell patterns.

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Identical crystal resonant fields emanated by micronutrients are attracted to larger resonant fields

emanated by the organism’s larger crystalline and liquid crystalline patterns.

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This explains how micronutrients, homeopathic remedies, etc., through vibrating crystalline fields, are drawn to the appropriate resonating crystalline sites.

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