Mindset Bingo: Fieldwork for Growth Mindsets Mount Vernon Presbyterian School, Atlanta, GA Level 1: Takes Two to Tango example: Free Level 2: Three Amigos example: Free Level 3: Treasure Map / Plus example: Free Level 4: The Whole Tamale! example: Free on your own partner up venture out l a n g u a g e Mindset Language Diary Keep a personal, language journal/diary for about a week to track the language you use re: praise, talent, fails, and mindsets. Accountability Partner Find an “accountability partner” and covisit each other’s classrooms. Observe and listen for mindset cues/clues. Debrief the observations with each other. Mindset Learning Walk Learning Walk with the specific objective of recording instances of growth mindset reinforcements and/or instances where we could develop better ones. c o m m u n i t y Creative Confidence Participate in OpenIDEO’s Challenge: How might we inspire young people to cultivate their creative confidence? FREE Enroll in a Mindset Book Study! Minority Report Attend a gathering where you are in the minority (religious, political, educational, etc. “Minority” could mean in any way.) Use a thinking routine (e.g., “connect, extend, challenge” or “I used to think, now I think”) to reflect. p e r s o n a l r i s k Archive Your Strive Practice something for 100 days and document your growth and mindset with others on GiveIt100.com Out On a Limb Together Teach in a different division/area for a full day. Create some kind of reflection… in any media or combination. “I coulda been a creator!” Write your own. After all, this is about developing a growth mindset. And we know a GM is closely related to creative confidence, the power of choice, taking risks, and exploring your passions.

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Mindset Bingo: Fieldwork for Growth Mindsets Mount Vernon Presbyterian School, Atlanta, GA  

Level 1:  Takes Two to Tango  example: 




Level 2:  Three Amigos  example: 




Level 3: Treasure Map / Plus  example: 




Level 4: The Whole Tamale!  example: 





  on your own  partner up  venture out 

l anguage 

Mindset Language Diary  Keep a personal, language journal/diary ­ for about a 

week ­ to track the language you use re: praise, talent, 

fails, and mindsets. 

Accountability Partner  

Find an “accountability partner” and co­visit each 

other’s classrooms. Observe and listen for 

mindset cues/clues. Debrief the observations with each 


Mindset Learning Walk  

Learning Walk with the specific objective of recording instances of 

growth mindset reinforcements and/or 

instances where we could develop better ones. 

communi ty 

Creative Confidence  

Participate in  OpenIDEO’s Challenge:  

How might we inspire young people to cultivate their creative confidence? 



Enroll in a Mindset Book Study!

Minority Report  

Attend a gathering where you are in the minority (religious, political, 

educational, etc. “Minority” could mean in any way.) 

Use a thinking routine (e.g., “connect, extend, challenge” or “I used to think, now I 

think”) to reflect. 

persona l  r i sk 

Archive Your Strive  Practice something for 100 days and document your growth and mindset with others on GiveIt100.com 


Out On a Limb ­ Together  

Teach in a different division/area for a full day. 

 Create some kind of 

reflection… in any media or combination. 

“I coulda been a creator!”  Write your own. After all, this is about developing a growth mindset. And we know a GM is closely related to creative confidence, the power of choice, taking risks, and exploring your passions.