Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline

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  • 8/10/2019 Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline


    Mind Game: The Efects o Video Games Against Cognitive Decline

    Mind Games: The Efects o Video GamesAgainst Cognitive Decline

    Samira Sackietey

    Cornell University


  • 8/10/2019 Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline


    Mind Game: The Efects o Video Games Against Cognitive Decline

    In the world o cognitive development and neroscience! there have

    "een man# stdies that have greatl# in$enced or nderstanding o how

    we view the world arond s! and how or "rains process inormation% Mch

    o these discoveries are oten e&posed to the p"lic throgh mass media!

    which can sometimes present new inormation in a airl# accrate manner or!

    in some cases present highl# e&aggerated and inaccrate claims% Moreover!

    isses sch as the de"ate on whether '"rain training( games actall#

    improve ones cognition is now a hot topic discssed in "oth the science

    world and in the media toda#% )ne e&ample can "e ond in the *ew +or,

    Times article! 'Can Videos Games -end )f Mental Decline.( athor Clive

    Thompson ocses on the research done "# Adam Ga//ale# and ses "oth

    Ga//ael#0s ndings and other inormation gathered rom other scientist ali,e!

    to ofer readers a chance to nderstand how these games are designed to

    help while at same time presenting the var#ing views on this isse%

    The main ocs o this article was to showcase the research done "#

    Adam Ga//ale# and his colleages with the video game *ero2acer% In the

    scientic article! the main prpose o the std# was divided into two

    e&periments! the rst e&periment e&amined mltitas,ing a"ilities across the

    adlt lie span% *e&t! the second e&periment loo,ed at older adlts and tried

    to see i the mltitas,ing mode o game improved the mltitas,ing

    perormance on the game% In addition! researchers also want to ,now i the

    training dring the game was a ,e# mechanistic eatre in the training and

    nall# researchers also want to ,now i the game cold improve 'cognitive


  • 8/10/2019 Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline


    Mind Game: The Efects o Video Games Against Cognitive Decline

    control a"ilities(4Angera! 5% et al% 36178% To e&amine these 9estions!

    researchers e&amined adlts rom the ages o 36;< with thirt# people rom

    each decade! and had the participants ndergo training "# pla#ing

    *ero2acer on a laptop or an hor! or three da#s in a wee,! across a or

    wee, span% Also! researchers divided participants in to diferent grops

    where individals who were controls were assigned to pla# the game in a

    single tas, mode! while other participants were assigned to pla# the

    mltitas,ing mode% Ater the training period! participants were given a 1

    month posttraining assessment and then another ollow p = months later%

    Efects o the training were evalated "# sing electroencephalography. Afterwards,

    results showed that there was a significant increase in the multitasking performance for the

    participants assigned to the multitasking mode.This reslt spported the role o

    intererence while pla#ing the game as ,e# mechanism dring training%

    -inall#! rom the data ac9ired rom the EEG and post assessment tests

    researchers ond that the game did signicantl# improve the cognitive

    a"ilities o the older participants who completed the mltitas,ing game as

    opposed to those who onl# pla#ed in single tas, mode% To ensre that the

    nding were in act signicant! participants were "roght "ac, = months

    later or an assessment and perormed ver# well% In smmation researcher

    ond that their data was consistent with other reports and determined that

    *ero2acer had a airl# large 'transer o "enets( and seemed to improve

    cognitive a"ilities a great deal in older adlts%


  • 8/10/2019 Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline


    Mind Game: The Efects o Video Games Against Cognitive Decline

    In the article written "# Clive Thompson! he starts of with his own

    e&perience with the game >ro?ect: Evo! which is the clinical version o

    *ero2acer% @e "egins to descri"e the game and how the varios tas,s are

    hard to ollow even as someone who actall# pla#ed video games reglarl#%

    ith mltiple twist and trns! he goes on to descri"e the game as "eing

    apart the man# '"rain training(! games that are now a B1%7 "illion "siness

    Thompson 43618! and how the# are also lace with mch controvers#% Also he

    e&plains how man# in neroscience eld cite that there is not a great deal o

    evidence to spport theses games Thompson 43618% The article then goes

    on to e&plain that despite the criticism towards these games Adam

    Ga//ael#0s wor, has receive a great deal o respect and that his games are

    actall# shown to increase cognitive a"ilities% The article also descri"es the

    wor, that Ga//ale# has done in a airl# representational manner "#

    descri"ing the sample o participants ac9ired and the tas,s that the# were

    assigned to as descri"ed in the actal scientic paper% @e also mentions the

    paper on Ga//ael#0s! which was p"lished in *atre maga/ine or those who

    ma# want to read more on the topic% Thompson also gives the reader a airl#

    length# "ac,grond on the neroplasticit# movement that too, place dring

    the 1

  • 8/10/2019 Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline


    Mind Game: The Efects o Video Games Against Cognitive Decline

    and cognitive science to "etter ollow the topics "eing discssed% The article

    overall presents the ndings in an n"iased and none&aggerated manner "#

    voicing the concerns that man# in the eld have towards these games and

    their tre efects% Ga//ale# himsel even warns that the ndings o his std#

    will need more testing and that the data is onl# tentative Thompson 43618%

    It is also e&pressed throghot the article! that scientist are reall# nsre on

    whether there is a tre efect "etween these "rain games and cognitive

    nction! since there are so man# contradictor# ndings and diferent items

    "eing measred% -inall# the article presents some concerns that some

    scientists have a"ot the claims that are oten made a"ot games that can

    prevent certain cognitive disorders and diseases% Man# o these concerns

    inclde these claims were misleading and otright wrong! while other li,e

    Ga//ale# elt the "ac,lash wold hrt nding or research or theses games

    Thompson 43618%

    All in all! Thompsons article does a good ?o" presenting the data and

    providing accrate inormation that was ac9ired in Ga//ael#0s std#% Also

    the article represents an e&ample o how scientic discoveries shold "e

    presented in media and in doing so! the article manages to also address the

    h#pe and misrepresentation that is so oten ond in the media when

    discssing scientic discoveries% The article also! gives the readers a airl#

    well rond view and nderstanding o the isse o video games and cognitive

    decline% # doing that the reader is a"le to ta,e awa# a great deal o in

    ormation and orm their opinion on the isse%

  • 8/10/2019 Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline


    Mind Game: The Efects o Video Games Against Cognitive Decline

    ord Co!nt: "#$%$


    Ang!era# '(# )occan!so# '(# Ga**aley# A(# &into!l# '( # Al+,ashimi# -(#

    .ara/i# .(# ((( 'ohnston# E( 01$"23( Video game training enhances

    cognitive control in older ad!lts( 4at!re(

    Thom5son# C( 01$"63( Can Video Games .end -f Mental Decline7

    &etrieved 4ovem8er %# 1$"6# rom


  • 8/10/2019 Mind Games-Video Games Against Mental Decline


    Mind Game: The Efects o Video Games Against Cognitive Decline


