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Chapter 11

1Database Model FundamentalsandNormalizationCS B3

Chapter 2001 Business & Information Systems 2/eSlide 1Review: Database Fundamentals23What is a Table?Is a two-dimensional representation of data consisting of one or more columns and zero or more rowsCourse CodeCourse DescriptionBSCSComputer ScienceBSITInformation TechnologyBSAAccountancyChapter 2001 Business & Information Systems 2/eSlide 34What is a Table?

Chapter 2001 Business & Information Systems 2/eSlide 45Database TerminologiesRelation a table with columns and rowsAlso called a fileAttribute named column of a relationAlso called a fieldTuple a row of a relation Also called a recordDomain set of allowable values for one or more attributesDegree number of attributes it containsCardinality number of tuples it containsChapter 2001 Business & Information Systems 2/eSlide 56An ExampleDegree number of attributes it containsCardinality number of tuples it containsCourse CodeCourse DescriptionBSCSComputer ScienceBSITInformation TechnologyBSAAccountancycardinalitytupledegreeattributeChapter 2001 Business & Information Systems 2/eSlide 67Primary KeyAn attribute that uniquely identifies a record in a table.

Foreign Keyis an attribute or set of attributes within one relation that matches the candidate key of some relation.Chapter 2001 Business & Information Systems 2/eSlide 78COURSECOURSECODECOURSEDESCRIPTIONBSCSBSITBSABSCCOMPUTER SCIENCEINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYACCOUNTANCYCOMMERCESTUDENTSTUDENTNUMBERSTUDENTNAME01020304HERBERTNICOLAIGENECARMELCOURSEBSCSBSCSBSABSITYEAR1244TUITION7,000.006,500.005,000.008,000.00CODEPKFKAn ExampleChapter 2001 Business & Information Systems 2/eSlide 8