REVIEWS Open Access The plant-based immunomodulator curcumin as a potential candidate for the development of an adjunctive therapy for cerebral malaria Patrice N Mimche 1,2* , Donatella Taramelli 2 , Livia Vivas 1 Abstract The clinical manifestations of cerebral malaria (CM) are well correlated with underlying major pathophysiological events occurring during an acute malaria infection, the most important of which, is the adherence of parasitized erythrocytes to endothelial cells ultimately leading to sequestration and obstruction of brain capillaries. The consequent reduction in blood flow, leads to cerebral hypoxia, localized inflammation and release of neurotoxic molecules and inflammatory cytokines by the endothelium. The pharmacological regulation of these immunopathological processes by immunomodulatory molecules may potentially benefit the management of this severe complication. Adjunctive therapy of CM patients with an appropriate immunomodulatory compound possessing even moderate anti-malarial activity with the capacity to down regulate excess production of proinflammatory cytokines and expression of adhesion molecules, could potentially reverse cytoadherence, improve survival and prevent neurological sequelae. Current major drug discovery programmes are mainly focused on novel parasite targets and mechanisms of action. However, the discovery of compounds targeting the host remains a largely unexplored but attractive area of drug discovery research for the treatment of CM. This review discusses the properties of the plant immune-modifier curcumin and its potential as an adjunctive therapy for the management of this complication. Background Malaria, a disease caused by the Apicomplexan parasite of the genus Plasmodium, remains a serious public health threat in tropical and sub-tropical countries. It is the most important parasitic disease in humans with 300 to 500 mil- lion infected individuals every year. A proportion of these patients, mostly children under five, is at risk of developing severe anaemia or cerebral malaria (CM), which claims at least 1 million lives annually [1]. CM is a life-threatening complication of this infection which often occurs in non-immune individuals and those in which standard anti-malarial treatment has failed [2]. The effec- tiveness of anti-malarial treatment has been hampered by the emergence over the years of parasites resistant to almost all available anti-malarial drugs, including more lately the artemisinin class of drugs [3]. The reduced susceptibility to artemisinin derivatives recently identified in parasite isolates from SE Asia may compromise their efficacy for the treatment of CM, which currently relies on artesunate or quinine [4], and is a worrying sign, as resis- tance may spread quickly to other parts of the world. Treatment failure of uncomplicated cases will inevitably increase the number of patients susceptible to develop severe complications. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new anti-malarial drugs and drug combinations or alternative strategies that circumvent the development of parasite drug resistance with the final aim of reducing the burden of this disease. These approaches may involve the identification of immune-modifying compounds with the capacity of enhancing macrophages phagocytic activity, resulting in a reduction of the parasite biomass [5], down- regulating excessive pro-inflammatory type 1 response, and reducing the expression of adhesion molecules and subse- quent sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes (PE) (a hallmark of human CM) in the cerebral microvasculature, thus improving survival of CM patients. Targeting the host, using immunomodulatory compounds, might be a * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Department of Immunology and Infection, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel St, London WC1E 7HT, UK Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Mimche et al. Malaria Journal 2011, 10(Suppl 1):S10 http://www.malariajournal.com/content/10/S1/S10 © 2011 Mimche et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. SOURCE: http://www.science-truth.com www.science-truth.com

Mimche Malaria Journal 2011, 10(Suppl 1):S10  · 2017-07-06 · REVIEWS Open Access The plant-based immunomodulator curcumin as a potential candidate for the development of an adjunctive

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Page 1: Mimche Malaria Journal 2011, 10(Suppl 1):S10  · 2017-07-06 · REVIEWS Open Access The plant-based immunomodulator curcumin as a potential candidate for the development of an adjunctive

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The plant-based immunomodulator curcumin asa potential candidate for the development of anadjunctive therapy for cerebral malariaPatrice N Mimche1,2*, Donatella Taramelli2, Livia Vivas1


The clinical manifestations of cerebral malaria (CM) are well correlated with underlying major pathophysiologicalevents occurring during an acute malaria infection, the most important of which, is the adherence of parasitizederythrocytes to endothelial cells ultimately leading to sequestration and obstruction of brain capillaries. Theconsequent reduction in blood flow, leads to cerebral hypoxia, localized inflammation and release of neurotoxicmolecules and inflammatory cytokines by the endothelium. The pharmacological regulation of theseimmunopathological processes by immunomodulatory molecules may potentially benefit the management of thissevere complication. Adjunctive therapy of CM patients with an appropriate immunomodulatory compoundpossessing even moderate anti-malarial activity with the capacity to down regulate excess production ofproinflammatory cytokines and expression of adhesion molecules, could potentially reverse cytoadherence, improvesurvival and prevent neurological sequelae. Current major drug discovery programmes are mainly focused on novelparasite targets and mechanisms of action. However, the discovery of compounds targeting the host remains alargely unexplored but attractive area of drug discovery research for the treatment of CM. This review discusses theproperties of the plant immune-modifier curcumin and its potential as an adjunctive therapy for the managementof this complication.

BackgroundMalaria, a disease caused by the Apicomplexan parasite ofthe genus Plasmodium, remains a serious public healththreat in tropical and sub-tropical countries. It is the mostimportant parasitic disease in humans with 300 to 500 mil-lion infected individuals every year. A proportion ofthese patients, mostly children under five, is at risk ofdeveloping severe anaemia or cerebral malaria (CM),which claims at least 1 million lives annually [1]. CM is alife-threatening complication of this infection which oftenoccurs in non-immune individuals and those in whichstandard anti-malarial treatment has failed [2]. The effec-tiveness of anti-malarial treatment has been hampered bythe emergence over the years of parasites resistant toalmost all available anti-malarial drugs, including morelately the artemisinin class of drugs [3]. The reduced

susceptibility to artemisinin derivatives recently identifiedin parasite isolates from SE Asia may compromise theirefficacy for the treatment of CM, which currently relies onartesunate or quinine [4], and is a worrying sign, as resis-tance may spread quickly to other parts of the world.Treatment failure of uncomplicated cases will inevitablyincrease the number of patients susceptible to developsevere complications. Therefore, there is an urgent need todevelop new anti-malarial drugs and drug combinations oralternative strategies that circumvent the development ofparasite drug resistance with the final aim of reducingthe burden of this disease. These approaches may involvethe identification of immune-modifying compounds withthe capacity of enhancing macrophage’s phagocytic activity,resulting in a reduction of the parasite biomass [5], down-regulating excessive pro-inflammatory type 1 response, andreducing the expression of adhesion molecules and subse-quent sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes (PE) (ahallmark of human CM) in the cerebral microvasculature,thus improving survival of CM patients. Targeting thehost, using immunomodulatory compounds, might be a

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Department of Immunology andInfection, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel St,London WC1E 7HT, UKFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Mimche et al. Malaria Journal 2011, 10(Suppl 1):S10http://www.malariajournal.com/content/10/S1/S10

© 2011 Mimche et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

SOURCE: http://www.science-truth.com





Page 2: Mimche Malaria Journal 2011, 10(Suppl 1):S10  · 2017-07-06 · REVIEWS Open Access The plant-based immunomodulator curcumin as a potential candidate for the development of an adjunctive

useful strategy to complement the direct anti-parasiticactivity of standard anti-malarial drugs and, as such, pre-sent a valuable tool in the management of CM and limitthe emergence of resistant parasites. This review highlightsthe potential benefits that the plant-based natural productcurcumin may have as an immunomodulator and as anadjunctive therapy for CM.

Rationale for the use of immunomodulators for thetreatment of cerebral malariaCerebral malaria, one of the most severe complicationsof Plasmodium falciparum infections, is associated withvarious pathophysiological processes [6]. CM is mostlycharacterized by hyper-parasitaemia and by an excessiveproduction of type 1 pro-inflammatory cytokines fol-lowed by up-regulation of endothelial cell adhesionmolecule expression which contributes to the sequestra-tion of PE in the brain microvasculature [7]. Under-standing the molecular events implicated in the onset ofCM would pave the way for the development of adjunc-tive therapies that may reduce cerebral damage by mod-ulation of the pathological processes involved in itsdevelopment, and thus prevent subsequent mortalityand neurological sequalae. The association of immuno-modulators with anti-malarial drugs could prove to bebeneficial for the management of this condition [8].This approach has already been tested using a variety ofcompounds in animal models of experimental cerebralmalaria (ECM) [9-13] as well as in humans [14,15]. Oneof the strategies currently being investigated is to targetthe peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma(PPARg), a nuclear receptor involved in the regulationof the scavenger receptor CD36, which mediates non-opsonic phagocytosis of PE [16]. Pharmacological upre-gulation of CD36 in monocytes/macrophages by PPARgagonists increases CD36 dependant phagocytosis of PEin vitro [17]. In a murine model of malaria, administra-tion of the PPARg agonist rosiglitazone, to Plasmodiumchabaudi-infected mice, significantly decreased parasi-taemia levels in wild type compared to CD36 knock-outmice and improved survival in Plasmodium berghei-ANKA infected groups [12]. These findings warranted arandomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial toassess the efficacy of rosiglitazone, as an adjunctive ther-apy for the treatment of P. falciparum malaria. Thattrial showed a reduction in parasite clearance time andinflammatory markers in patients with uncomplicatedmalaria under a treatment regimen consisting of atova-quone + rosiglitazone compared to patients treated withatovaquone + placebo [18]. This evidence, togetherwith a recent genome-wide association study linking alocus containing PPARg with improved survival in arodent malaria model [19], led us to speculate that

pharmacologically targeting the signalling pathwaysinvolved in PPARg/CD36 expression during a malarialinfection might improve CM treatment outcome.Erythropoietin (Epo), a hormone produced by the kid-

neys which modulates the survival of developing ery-throid precursors and production of new erythrocytes inthe bone marrow, has been explored for the manage-ment of CM in animals and humans [9]. In the P. ber-ghei-ANKA murine model of ECM, injection of highdoses of Epo at the beginning of symptoms, significantlyreduced the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines(TNF and Interferon-g) and improved the survival ofmice with ECM compared to untreated mice [20].Furthermore, in the same murine model of ECM, thedoses of Epo were decreased six fold and its administra-tion combined with artesunate was delayed to the sixthday post-infection. The results indicated that the survi-val rate was higher in mice receiving the combinationEpo-artesunate than in mice treated with artesunatealone [21]. Clinical evidence for a neuroprotective roleof Epo in humans emerged from a study of Africanchildren with CM in which high plasma levels of Epowere associated with a 70% reduction of the risk ofbeing discharged with neurological sequelae [22]. Thesefindings provided preliminary evidence for a clinicaltrial assessing the safety of Epo as an adjunctive therapyfor children with CM in Mali. In this trial, the adminis-tration of high doses of Epo in CM children did notresult in any side effects when evaluated on a short-term basis, and no significant increase in the case fatal-ity rate of the combined Epo-quinine administrationwas observed [15].Activated charcoal is also being explored as a potential

adjunctive therapy for the treatment of CM. Oral acti-vated charcoal (oAC) is highly effective at adsorbing arange of endotoxin-induced cytokines from the blood-stream including TNF, IL-1 and IL6 [23,24]. It wasrecently found that oAC protected mice against ECMand more importantly did not interfere with the phar-macokinetics of parenteral artesunate in humans [10].The fact that oAC is a safe and well-tolerated com-pound already used in the clinic may accelerate itsdevelopment as an adjunctive therapy for CM. Alterna-tively, the Rho-Kinase inhibitor, Fasudil, a drugapproved for human use for cardio- and neuro-vasculardiseases, is being proposed as an adjunctive therapy forsevere malaria. Fasudil, which has anti-apoptogenicproperties, protects and restores in vitro, the damage tothe endothelial barrier resulting from PE adhesion[25,26]. It is worth mentioning that the adhesion of PEto human endothelial cells activates Rho Kinases andcaspases leading to apoptosis [27]. Furthermore, Fasudilalso modulates CM in P. berghei-ANKA infected mice

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[13]. PE-induced oxidative stress on endothelial cells isalso involved in the pathology of CM and supplementa-tion with anti-oxidant compounds protected endothelialcells in vitro[28]. In addition, treatment of P. berghei-infected mice with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine(NAC) or the iron chelator, deferoxamine, in combina-tion with chloroquine at the first signs of CM,prevented the development of persistent cognitive dys-function in infected mice [11]. However, a clinical trialof NAC in combination with artesunate as adjunct ther-apy failed to detect any benefit on outcome in patientswith severe P. falciparum malaria [14]. Although allthese treatment options for adjunctive therapies in CMseem promising (for a detailed review of adjunctivetherapies for malaria see [8, 29-30]), none of these com-pounds possess specific anti-malarial activity on theirown. Therefore, plant-based immunomodulators display-ing dual anti-malarial and immunodulatory mechanismsof action could become ideal candidates for anti-malarialdrug development. This strategy has been explored withthe natural product curcumin which shows immunomo-dulatory properties and has been found to prevent deathfrom CM in P. berghei infected mice [13].

Curcumin, a plant-based immunomodulatorFor thousands of years, some of the most effective anti-malarial drugs have been derived from plants. Quinineand artemisinin, the only two molecules of choice forthe treatment of severe malaria were isolated from thebark of the cinchona tree and the Chinese plant Artemi-sia annua, respectively. Although artemisinin and itsderivatives have had a major impact on treatment whengiven in combination with other anti-malarials, they arelimited by their short half-life, cost and safety concernsin pregnant women [31]. Poor distribution and access tothese drugs among the population living in malariaendemic areas, means that many still rely on numerousherbal preparations or diets from traditional healers forthe management of fever and malaria [32].The natural product curcumin (1,7-bis(4-hydroxy

3-methoxy phenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione) is apolyphenolic compound extracted from the rhizome ofCurcuma longa L. (family Zingiberaceae) (Figure 1)commonly used in the Asian sub-continent, especially inIndia, as a dietary spice to provide colour and flavour[33]. In traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda), curcu-min has been considered an effective drug for the

Curcuma longa Curcumin-based productsPhoto © Merlin Willcox





Figure 1 Chemical structure of curcumin. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is the active principle of the perennial herb Curcuma longa alsoknown as turmeric (A) and is extracted from its roots (B). Molecular structure of curcumin (C). Curcumin-based products are available as dietarysupplements (D). Curcuma longa photos © Merlin Willcox.

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treatment of various disorders, and recent studies havesubstantiated and provided scientific evidence regardingits prophylactic and therapeutic potential, unravellingthe anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-infec-tious activities of this natural product (Reviewed in[33-35]).

Curcumin for malaria therapy?Studies carried out both in vitro and in vivo indicatedthat curcumin possesses a moderate anti-malarial activ-ity with an IC50 ranging from 5-10µM in vitro[36,37],[38]. In order to expand its potential as anti-malarial,curcumin derivatives have been synthesized and someof them demonstrated an increased anti-malarial activityin vitro with an IC50 of ~400nM [39]. It was thendemonstrated that this compound inhibits histone acet-yltransferase (HAT) and increases the production ofreactive oxygen species (ROS) in the malaria parasite[36]. Despite its moderate anti-malarial activity, otherinvestigators suggested that the mechanism of action ofcurcumin might mirror that of artemisinin. In fact, arte-misinin derivatives seem to target the parasite mito-chondria and the flavin co-factors thus increasing theproduction of ROS. This reactivity is dependent on theendoperoxide bridge, which is essential for the anti-malarial activity of artemisinins [40,41]. Curcuminseems to be more effective in killing the malaria para-site at the trophozoite stage while artemisinins displaybroad activity against all stages of the intraerythrocyticdevelopment of the malaria parasite [38]. Moleculardocking experiments showed that curcumin can effi-ciently bind the malaria sarco-endoplasmic reticulumcalcium ATPase (SERCA-PfATPase6) [42,43] an ATPcoupled Ca2+ ion pump involved in metabolic arrestwhich was first thought to be the biological target ofartemisinin [44-46]. Interestingly, oral administration ofcurcumin followed by a single injection of the artemisi-nin derivative a-b-arteether to P. berghei-infected mice,prevented recrudescence usually associated with a-b-arteether monotherapy and ensured almost 100% survi-val of animals [47]. By contrast, a subsequent studyshowed that although curcumin had modest anti-malar-ial efficacy (delay in the peak parasitaemia) in mice, itwas not able to modify the course of infection, whenadministered with artemisinin nor to reverse a P. cha-baudi artemisinin-resistant phenotype [48]. The modestanti-malarial activity of curcumin in this model systemwas attributed to its immunomodulatory activities,which could be beneficial in delaying parasite growth.However, inherent differences between the two experi-mental murine models may help explain these contra-dicting results, since in contrast to P berghei -ANKA,P chabaudi causes a non lethal infection and does notlead to CM in CD1 mice [48].

Curcumin as an adjunctive therapy for severe/cerebralmalaria infectionCurcumin as a modulator of the innate immune responseto malaria infectionThe severity of malaria infections is often associatedwith a large parasite biomass which triggers defencemechanisms that hinder parasite multiplication andare, therefore, important contributing factors in hostsurvival [49]. A key feature of curcumin is that it pos-sesses both anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant activities[50,51]. Available evidence supporting a protective roleof ROS in malaria has emerged from animal andhuman studies. In humans, the elevated production ofoxygen radicals was associated with faster parasiteclearance in children with uncomplicated P. falciparummalaria [52]. Furthermore, in the athymic or scid/bgmouse model of malaria, a pro-oxidant vitamin E-defi-cient diet enriched with fish oil suppressed a lethalP. yoelii infection [53]. Although the actual molecularevents leading to protection from malaria in mice fedthis pro-oxidant diet were not elucidated, an enhancedpro-oxidant activity in these animals could have eitherdirectly killed the parasites or activated signalling path-ways that could have contributed to the killing of PEvia non-opsonic phagocytosis. In fact, ROS increasethe expression of the scavenger receptor CD36 inmonocytes/macrophages [54] and CD36 mediates non-opsonic phagocytosis of PE by macrophages [16,55].In addition to its specific anti-malarial activity, the

immunomodulatory properties of curcumin affect var-ious cell types of the immune system [Reviewed in [56]).When administered in vivo to mice, a significantincrease in macrophage phagocytic activity was observed[57]. Furthermore, curcumin increased non-inflamma-tory phagocytosis of latex beads in murine macrophagesin vitro[58]. From the same perspective, it was demon-strated that curcumin increased the surface expressionof CD36 on human monocytes/macrophages and CD36-dependent phagocytosis through a transient productionof ROS which was downregulated by the anti-oxidantNAC [38]. Thus, these findings partly support the viewthat CD36 can be seen as a marker of the enhancedmacrophage phagocytic activity observed in curcumin-treated animals [57]. CD36 expression is regulated eitherby activation of the nuclear receptor PPARg or by theredox-sensitive transcription factor nuclear related {ery-throid-derived 2} factor (Nrf2) [17,59]. Interestingly,these two transcription factors have been found to beactivated in curcumin-treated monocytes/macrophages[60,61], though experimental evidence suggested thatcurcumin is not a genuine PPARg agonist [62]. To sum-marize, it is likely that curcumin enhances discrete fac-tors implicated in the innate immune response tomalaria infection (e.g CD36) via a cascade of events

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involving transient production of ROS resulting inPPARg/Nrf2 activation and upregulation of monocytes/macrophages CD36 surface expression and enhancedphagocytosis of PE (Figure 2).Curcumin downregulates proinflammatory cytokineresponses and expression of adhesion molecules on humanendothelial cells in vitroCerebral malaria is the result of deleterious patholo-physiological processes that take place in a Plasmo-dium-infected host [6]. In human malaria, a consistenthistological finding in CM in both children and adultsis the presence of infected and non-infected erythro-cytes packed within cerebral microvessels [63]. Thissequestration of PE and non-infected erythrocytesreduces the microvascular flow thereby causing disrup-tion of blood brain barrier, cerebral oedema and tissuehypoxia [30, 63-64]. In addition, the release of neuro-toxic and inflammatory mediators that may leak acrossthe blood-brain barrier and cause more damage to the

microvascular endothelium also contribute to thispathology (reviewed in [6]). The sequestration processis the result of increased expression of cytoadhesionmolecules mainly ICAM1, VCAM1 and E-selectin onbrain endothelial cells stimulated by the overproduc-tion of inflammatory cytokines [65] or by the directadhesion of P. falciparum to endothelial cells [66]. Infact, adhesion of P. falciparum to human brainendothelial cells in vitro creates an inflammatory envir-onment via stimulation of NF-�B which in turn upre-gulates expression of ICAM1 [66,67]. Most of theadjunctive therapies for the management of CM havebeen tested in mice and careful precautions should betaken when extrapolating findings from animal modelsto human CM [68]. However, some of the key featuresof human CM can also be replicated in the P. bergheimodel as discussed by Riley at al [69], making it rea-sonably suitable for preliminary evaluation of potentialCM adjunctive therapies.


IL1 , TNF , IL6, IL12


Cytoprotective enzymes








Adhesion moleculesICAM1, VCAM1







Figure 2 Schematic diagram illustrating the main biological targets of curcumin that can be exploited in suppressingimmunopathological events associated with cerebral malaria. Upon exposure of cells to curcumin, a transient induction of reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) may occur. This potentially leads to activation of a signalling cascade involving the peroxisome proliferator activated receptorgamma (PPARg) and induction of the redox-sensitive factor Nrf2. Activated-Nrf2 and PPARg translocate in the nucleus, where they bind to theirtarget genes via their respective binding sites,the anti-oxidant response element (ARE) for Nrf2 and the peroxisome proliferator response element(PPRE) for PPARg. In monocytes/macrophages activation of Nrf2 or PPARg will lead to upregulation of the surface expression of CD36, increasingtheir phagocytic activity [55]. In other cell types such as endothelial cells, activation of Nrf2 and PPARg may lead to upregulation ofcytoprotective enzymes [haem oxygenase 1 (HO-1), NADPH quinine oxidoreductase-1 (NQ-1), gamma-glutamate cysteine ligase (g-GCL)],counteracting free radical-induced damage and exerting a neuroprotective effect [87]. On the other hand, PPARg (solid arrows) and perhaps Nrf2(dashed arrows) could exert their anti-inflammatory activities by inhibiting NF-�B activation, thereby downregulating proinflammatory cytokineresponses and adhesion molecule expression which are all implicated in the pathology of CM.

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Curcumin exhibits profound anti-inflammatory activ-ities due to inhibition of NF-�B activation [70]. This canexplain the rationale for the use of curcumin in Ayur-veda as a treatment for chronic inflammatory diseases[71]. This immunomodulatory property of curcuminmay be useful in protecting the brain endothelium fromthe damages caused by the sequestration of PE. Curcu-min administered in conjunction with the standardtreatment for CM, artesunate or quinine, might contri-bute to the reversal of parasite sequestration and infla-mamtion, reducing the risk of neurological sequaelae.Interestingly, administration of curcumin (50mg/kg,twice a day for 6 days post infection) to C57Bl/6 miceinfected with P. berghei-ANKA prevented CM anddelayed death by 10 days [13]. In addition, it has beenshown in vitro that curcumin reduces the production ofproinflammatory cytokines TNF, IL12p40 and IL6 inPBMC primed with trophozoites/schizonts stages ofP. falciparum and downregulated the expression ofICAM1, VCAM1 and E-selectin in TNF-activatedhuman endothelial cells [38]. The down regulation ofproinflammatory cytokines and adhesion moleculesobserved following PBMC exposure to curcuminin vitro, is perhaps the result of Nrf2 or PPARg activa-tion which exert anti-inflammatory actions by blockingNF-�B activation (Figure 2) [72]. In fact, in an animalmodel of traumatic brain injury it was observed thatNrf2 deficient mice have enhanced NF-�B activation,inflammatory cytokine production and increased ICAM-1 expression in the brain compared to their wild typecounterparts [73]. Furthermore, induction of haem oxy-genase 1 (HO-1) which is a downstream target of theNrf2 activation cascade (Figure 2) suppressed thepathology of ECM in mice [74] while activating Nrf2pathway was demonstrated to be a potential therapeutictarget in brain inflammation [75]. Curcumin inhibits theadhesion of thrombin-activated platelets to brain micro-vascular endothelial cells in vitro[76] which are thoughtto accumulate in the brain microvasculature in murineand paediatric CM patients [77]. Recent genome wideanalysis studies of inbred mouse lines confirming theimportant role that PPARg might have in malarial survi-val [19], support a therapeutic approach in which thetargeting of this transcription factor (using curcumin forexample) could be useful in the management of CM. Inaddition to PPARg, it might be worth investigating theeffect of targeted deletion of Nrf2 in brain microvascularendothelial cells in vitro as well as in vivo in order tovalidate the Nrf2 activation pathway as an additionaltherapeutic target for CM.In malaria endemic areas, both severe malaria and

sepsis may often occur together [78]. In an animalmodel of sepsis, disruption of Nrf2 was associated witha significant increase in proinflammatory cytokines and

mortality in response to endotoxin-induced septic shock[79]. Management of severe malaria and sepsis could besupported with anti-inflammatory agents that may targetNrf2, such as curcumin, in combination with potentartemisinin derivatives. In fact, artemisinins also possesssignificant anti-inflammatory activity suppressing TNFaand IL-6 in a murine model of sepsis [80]. Moreover,the artemether-lumefantrine combination has beenfound to decrease mortality from sepsis in Ugandanchildren without malaria [81]. In a recent multicentre,open label, randomised trial comparing artesunate ver-sus quinine (Aquamat Study) for the treatment of severeP. falciparum malaria in African children, intravenousartesunate has now been declared to be the most effec-tive treatment for severe malaria [4]. This gives supportto our view that if appropriately developed andapproved for human use, curcumin or more potent deri-vatives could potentially be used with artesunate in thefuture. An open-labelled study to evaluate the safety offuture curcumin formulations, combined with intrave-nous artesunate, examining as endpoints neurologicalsequelae or survival rate, should be carried out in future.Since treatment for CM is initiated after the onset ofcoma in most cases, it will be important to evaluatewhether curcumin can reverse or shorten the comatoseperiod and/or reduce the risk of neurological sequelae.We anticipate that due to its specific anti-malarial activ-ity, it is unlikely that curcumin will exacerbate the evo-lution of CM.

Limitations for the use of curcumin in the clinicAlthough the information discussed above suggests aplausible and beneficial use of curcumin in the manage-ment of CM, an important limitation hindering the clin-ical advancement of this promising molecule is its poorADME properties. Curcumin shows low oral bioavail-ability, high tissue distribution, rapid metabolism andelimination [57,82]. The low bioavailability of curcuminis in part due to its hydrophobic nature and when admi-nistered orally, curcumin undergoes conjugation leadingto the formation of curcumin glucuronide and sulfatesin the intestinal wall and the liver [35]. Numerous stra-tegies are currently being investigated to enhance curcu-min’s bioavailability. One of these approaches involvedthe use of a bioavailability enhancer such as piperinefrom black pepper. Piperine is an inhibitor of hepaticand intestinal glucuronidation which has enhanced thebioavailability of curcumin when administered in animaland human volunteers [83]. Other attempts to increasecurcumin’s bioavailability include liposomal curcumin[84], curcumin nanoparticles and curcumin-phospholi-pid complexes [85]. Thus, a successful enhancement ofcurcumin bioavailability that preserves its safety inhumans is likely to bring this promising natural product

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to the forefront of therapeutic agents for the treatmentof various conditions including malaria.

Concluding remarksCurcumin has a long history of therapeutic use in theAyurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine and multi-ple clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate its efficacy inthe management of various human disorders includingcancer, neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes [56] .Curcumin is considered a safe compound by the UnitedStates Food and Drug Administration and is commer-cially available as a dietary supplement (Figure 1).Curcumin is well-tolerated in humans and with respectto the management of CM might exert its therapeuticeffects by inhibiting NF-�B activation, followed bydownregulation of proinflammatory cytokine productionand expression of cytoadhesion molecules on endothelialcells. The fact that cytoadherence of the malaria parasitecontinues long after parasites have been killed by anti-malarial drugs, supports the development of adjunctivetherapies to reverse the pathophysiological consequencesof cytoadherence [86]. With extensive research effortsongoing to explore the clinical applications of curcuminin chronic inflammatory disorders, diabetes and cancer,the development of oral and parenteral curcuminformulations or curcumin analogues with improvedbioavailability while retaining their immunomodulatoryproperties and possibly more potent anti-malarial activ-ity deserves investigation. Drug discovery efforts focusedon molecules with dual, immunomodulatory and anti-parasitic action, may pave the way for their use as anadjunctive therapy for the management of uncompli-cated and severe malaria.

AcknowledgementsFinancial support: This work was supported by a grant from the EuropeanCommission Sixth Framework Programme FP6- IP-18834, AntiMal to DT fromthe University of Milan and LV from the London School of Hygiene andTropical Medicine. PNM is recipient of a studentship from the AntiMalInternational PhD programme, an EMBL collaborative training programme.The European Commission had no role in study design, data collection,analysis or interpretation, the writing of the manuscript, or the decision tosubmit the work for publication.This article has been published as part of Malaria Journal Volume 10Supplement 1, 2011: Natural products for the control of malaria. The fullcontents of the supplement are available online athttp://www.malariajournal.com/supplements/10/S1.

Author details1Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Department of Immunology andInfection, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel St,London WC1E 7HT, UK. 2Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica -Microbiologia-Virologia, Università di Milano, Via Carlo Pascal 36, 20133 Milano, Italy.

Authors’ contributionsPNM drafted the manuscript. DT and LV participated in the writing andmade corrections to the manuscript. All the authors read and approved thefinal version.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests related to thiswork.

Published: 15 March 2011

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