8 miM IS RAELIT E. _ _ -48?^ THE y ^**' with all her pretensions as the reli gion of love contempt upon the religion of their fathers, religion, the darkness, the falsehood , the super- ' ^^WV iLy&J. (tiMl!^** and charity must stand by to see her children while the mor* faithful had not the moral cour- stition , the degradation of humanity, which . .. . . ,<! ^^^^^^^M^^^y- ^ slaughtering one another as savagel y and mer- age to emanci pate themselves from the medias- they label religibn , and the horror springing ll^S^ ^^IR^flfelSfrj B^ TftSBSS^I cilessl jr M any unredeemed barbarians ever did. va i forms and formulas in which Judaism was from th ei r doctrines to suffering humanity. fur ' . ^S ^ ^V ^^^^-"^i^Jwft' . 'l Ye8 > afteT fifteen centuries of priestly power sabmerged. So , while on one han d , we had We must have a new school of humanitarian " ^ to f and unlimited authority over life and property, fashionable Jews without Judaism , who to educate—honest men ^ H •^r^^^ (j^r!Y^^'^:> p potentates and subjects , the Church proves a mocked and aped the fashions and passions , the "SON OF A CHRISTIAN DOG " , failure, so utterly and comp letel y a failure, follies and d rolleries of the day; we had on the " * ¦ JB. jff. MOOS , JEt > m>±SS> SZ OCS t that even those engaged in the* deadly combat other hand , ' mummies out of time and, arabeske P ickin 8 U P ia » street car an advertising 2>X. 2. M. WISE , SOL. F&IEVMa Ufy must see and feel it, that an institution which out 0f place. This period of transition from specimen of one of the New York periodical BLOCK 8? Co ,, PUB LISHERS , could not educate its children to behave them- the Ghetto into the world , lasted long and is weeklies , beginning a story by one Miss or Mrs. selves just so much as not to strangle, skin and not entirely overcome to-day. The reform Clara Perc y> otherwise unknown to us , we C INCINNATI , 0 FEBRUARY 3 , 187!. 8Cal P , one ¦«** . & a 'ar<» on a «TU9^ 0omin 8 from the authori ties of the Sy nagogue *"£ J^ f"5 ~t Jl' T^°" _ grand enough to be seen by everybody/ When th emselves , and books like those of Kreizenach, cratic engraving of a Jewess in love. At the Twtr^T ^T^ T »kt^ *r tTAO„, the Oecumenical Council met in Bbme, and Jost , Zunz , Hirch , Salvador ,, Geiger,Holdbeim , ri ght her Christian lover kneels, holding her J HEOLOGICAL AND pDITORIAL. other ^mctta met everywhere else, they die- accelerated the transition and regained thous- ri « ht h and daB P ed in his ' and at the left a : cussed and quarreled over doctrines and dog- an ds to the standard of Judaism. There we ragin& foaming, furious and monstrous old 8U B80KIBBBH BBOBiPTS. ma8 wn ich appear ridiculous to the uninitiated. etan d now in the midst of the combat, at home/ Jew Btands ' lookiDg somewhat like a grizzl y we wish ail onr subscribers to be more particular to The monntain labors and brings forth a mouse and without any decisive victories abroad. Jn- Var» who ia wppoaed to excl ai m, "Son of a ^T^aT?^ " characteristic of all ecelesiastical council,, , daiflm coald not h ave done much "for tW ***^ d<* ] this your gratitude for n. y time to nhloh payment has been made, if there any But did they ever or do they now say one sin- world's redemption .compassion to a starving wretch ?" The Ger- misteke we wIbh to be notified at once. Never wait more condemnation of war and blood - ' man Jew , Jacob Rosenberg, is a pawn broker , than three weeks for the date to be changed aft er par- B le wora ln conaemnauon 01 war anu mouu __ rakhi H rnmmit nreciaelv tha samo , Jt < . , ¦? ,. «, ' Bent I. made, M we shall , bere.fter , .end no other re- 8hed , of barbarism and despotism, of the false ° W ' "'"P* TOm * tl P J -7 j ml ° f C0UrSe ' and " ch M a JeW " We Conld "0* .onceptions of honor and j ustice, of privileges e r * 8 *• *"?* °J O*™**"* *°- Th y Mcertain whetW CJara ,p^ inteod ? d to ^ Notice to our Subscriber. . and civic duties which ruin the nations? No pr eacb "J e •^ 0B ° nnema8 » w » * ne **«*• produce Sh^eaiNW^i^j&lClaiiiberlaid'ta We hare had of late many complaint, from differen t not a word not an .iliisioii. Doctrines and opment of the ethical sentiments, the ennobling Jew, I^ssing' s Natha^imlage , or Hyman parts of the country about the various ratee of postage not a wota , DOT an allusion, jj -ocinnes aa q( ^ wmA tfa extra ction of 8olid ' , B ., m . £££$ A L i* «. charges on our pubiicattona , "The I8BAKWTE and Dk- dogmad are the main question , God and hu- , ¦ , . ' . , . l<evy, or whether she imerat-to .dep ict any sort ,oa^. " We would. theKefore . caUyour particuiar atten- manity > love and goodneaB are n o items of the 1 1^ /"^ V ^^ !" °f cLaraCt€r - We do« ^U to say that tion to the following Laws and Regulations, giving the """"V. » j8 womanhood , of godliness and humanity ; they writers of sensational fltori< i fl of that lnw otnn^ rates ofPoBtagewithin the umtedsute, : programme. Did the altar ever oppose ener- and amuse .rf^r^^i If •5* fc r tt^ JJ5SS5 SaVSiafla g^ 1 ^ the d^^g P^«? t "/« *• the audience , in the Dr. Jellenik style; or re- f "^ *Z f - ^ ^ U€8 ' once a Mwef t, oni. tmi «o nrfuai Bt^crftw* from a known ii D3 0f f ne Driest shall jruard knowledge , and r lL t . , , r . ,, n a^e no ngnt to imagine a monstrous or a ojfa tf piibhcation , ,haii f ice eenu f or thret months or "P 8 WI 7 " *" , * ,. , , , form—that is , how to make new forms in the mBrtr , 0 „; m „„ D r a ? " t , : . ¦ , , - iMii^iMi ^tthn um. . the law shall be sought from his mouth , for he Dr Dumnsqt stvle- or orthodotv—thai fc hnw magnanimous Jew contrary to his natural and From the above yon aee that by paying your po9tage h L d f Ho8te _ said the ut - "^^V /y 1 * ' °* . ° T £7 ^ t ^! trQe character , as that class of writers car* as m oiuanoe at your Post Office , the expense la but twenty « an 8Dgei Oi loe jj oeu oj nos w saia me to UpU0ld 0ld forma _10 the Hirsch , Lehman , ,. . t1 t , , ... . . v cents per annum or flvocentsfor three months , otkerwise prophet : but the modern priest is everywhere CT:1(1<1 , . m . , T .. +lia M . . , ., uttle ,or payenology and history as for sesthet- every paper wiu coat two cents. fhe humble servan t of the civil power and the H'idersheimer style. Like the priests of the ic8 and grammar . We do not daim the ^ AB O UT WAR unscrupulous mouthpiece of the domineering ?'^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^1 «^ hi P ^ the«» ^^» . <>^ the corrupt taste ABQUT WAR . ^ our cou ntry, during the late war , ^ J0S iu8 Tres teue te add 8 P ° f *°^ th ou g htleS9 - ma^ who are tickled by When , when will the time come for the ful- the churches were mere recruiting stations and ^ and T'l Z spirif' and " essencVTf ** Con S lomo ' ation , ° f W ? rd f withpUt actQal fillment of the prop hesy "And nation , shall not the priests were the tools of the war power , JadaigQ) Therefore , the pomp, shovv , preten- 1 T 9 " ' TT^ & ^ c anCa T v ° f a lift up agai n the sword against nation, and not preaching murder and in the name of hell s ion , and no earnest holiness; therefore , Juda- J 6 * ^ ' u w ' & w ^^ ° r Dnb ^ hever learn warfare again "? Think of the blood summoning the masses to bloodshd and bar. i(}m ^ ^ for ^ redemption ' of the fi gures in the ^ plot. We mean to say that the shed since the year 1848 in France, Germany, barism. . ' worl d wiU do nothi ^ ^ ha7e words son of a dog jut into he mouth of a Italy and Hungary, in the time of the revolu- In Germany, the priests were the slaves of nnma ' rtM?> fnmtmi on A „„, rtWk#ul A , rt Je * ' Prove t h e Pro f oaP d 'gnorance of Jewish « *ion , by Prussian s old iers in Germany, by Aus- the despotic powers , as they were in Italy, ome over our reformers and our orthodoxy to cWcter and phra8eology . ^ Jew ia ^ trians in Hungary and Italy, and by Russians France and S piiu , never discouraging violence , eteI]r , 1D ® 8a ^ r . ^"^ ot l8~ scion of an ancient civilization built u P on the in Hungary. Think of the blood shed in For and oppression; always upholding the power of rae1 ' Therefore you read in Jewish organs Bible. Notwithstanding all the corru pting and iand in the last quarter of a century, and th« the s*ord , never with the people, always with ¦J6**™' £L*S^"ES H, T7 dem Pr aliziD 8 inAnences . of priests, princes and •thousands of patriotic men and women con! the oppressors. Everybody preaches dogmas, «£ Ti^T^^S^ ^^^^^^^^ rn , avarice , limned to drag out the rest of their days in and dogmas again, and threatens the unbeliever J^^ riy^hrf^Uie^ ^ and fanaticism of the dark centuries , we say ABbterranean dungeons or in the dreary ice- with hell and damnation. Nobody preaches ,j~/f"* *J" r T w«^^ tK.l\ /^" notwithstanding the persecution , torture, sword fieldToTBibens^ TWnr of- the-eriniean wari human ity, veneration of virtue ^ respect of truth, 7 °™ , ' .. 7 . V . . ? **? and fire , the Jew preserved some prominent the Italian war, the Prussia-Austrian war , the submission to justice, charity, kindness , purity ^^ e ^b^ ; ™|^rKS caDtu red th ' ^^ ° f cW aCter ; flllch « F*ty, benevolence , Danish war and now the Franco-Prussian war , of heart , holiness of sentiments ; on the contrary, fltr0 h olda of de8pot^rn and destroved the merC7 ' chaati t ? and doine8tic P n n«7, which two Mexican wars and our own great rebellion: they condemn virtue , unless supported by their \. . P T . ;,. . y . demonstrate his extraction , which prove that think of the ten s of thouaands of innocent men pabular dog mas; and announce day after day Z»lTl 11^T *" U m°Dgrel and D ° «randchild of a ba ' - who slaughtered one another in blind obedi- the nugatory doctrine of the * remission of sins , '^ ^vJ ^^^f ^J ^f y T b " i&li ' Christian writers of fiction , however , ence to olcial command. War fa Morocco, in by which the harlot and the thief , the infant ^t^^ ^^ti t^ ** & ^ hnm ^ m ^ f 0 \ hich - India, war in China , mar au d murder in Cuba cide and fratricide become superior to the hon - ^Z .ZZ. dZloJ hnli hl V "" POt count e^ Fan^- %^ ^ the Jew -Great Heaven , is this nineteenth century the est wife and mother; the upright and candid ^n 1 T^^^Z^Jr *T "^^ "* ^ ^ "^ ^"^ Chri8tiaB epoch of m«rder , infamy and crime ? No chaPr man and citizen. These dogmas were so long £™ g ^^^^JST^* ,. 11 ^ ,£2, *£' " ^^L "?™' ' -TfT ^ "^/^ . ^ iD " te ' rin history is stained with more human gor, instilfod int o the minds of the masses , that the ^S^SZ^J ^ ^t^^ tZ^l^ ^^ SET and tears than the record of this presumptive popular ethics are perfectly ruinous ; the con- hu tcheri ^ ^of & ^^ ^ an, on his 1 ps They know nothing of the and arrogant century which considers itself the ceptions of right and wrong perverted , and {eT . Therefore, rabbis also rage and foam in *** ' ^: T " fl ^ r * 7' ! ? . ' mpst enUghtened. Could not man begoverned , pubUc op inion means pub ic passion ' their pulpits with th, excited Lltit U des , a nS ZESTlit^d^TT the human family be made happy, without the /it is not Christianity, it is the Church and m J^ b the dombeeri a ' B9ion ^^H^ ST™ rrvKP^ despotism and murderous tyranny of a few, the priests that have proved a failure ; to them , of the mas8eH. Canity has.nothing to ex- ?&£££ * Z S1Z anTrienS 1 dozen of rulers ? Must we wade in 1^ in a great measure, the b oodshed o the nine- pect ofthe pal pit aa it i9 in 7 charch or 8yL g0g„e. tnme anT " « ^d^ blood , to please the demi-gods on the throne, teenth cent^y is chargeable; not that they have ^ ^ ^ ; ft w& ^ ^ . ^on^u, ^S«f «d a^ t oa h of nations, and to gratify the false pride oj directly insfcga ed it but they have done not h time ^ for the fulfillment of the prop hecy, ^^^r^ Tl^^^ (blood Bhirsty captains? Must we be slaughtered^ m to prevent it; nothing to elevate the ethical , h u t Hft the «worH ? I / I P q 7 . , ' •by the tens ofthousands , crippled and maimed; man , to humanize and fraternize , and are all ^Sot-Sot to XL again ' *" ^T ^7 * " "V* ? * ^ Jsatisf y the perven notions' of historical righ^ th. time doing notbing for the real happines, of *^ ^ . J ool for ^^ ^^^^J^ 1 ^^ land historical wrongs, the false and dumabkf their fellow-men. » We say that is not Christi - teacher8 _ tMa ia onr anawer-wno know and 2 VZ 21 ! ! . 7 JT ¦ . i, ^concentions of honor and brutal pride? Th< anity ; and add that all the priests of all Ortho ^ ^ ^ the afflicfcion8 > ^ j^« *. » flb« any rf^- ^n .cpnscfence of the common man revolts agai J dox denominations , and all their Churches , man , and sympathize with thi hapl ess and for- ^TI^ILL ^5^T^ ^^ vthe barbarism of the century sanctioned by its sermons and dogmas, are no more Christian in 8aken ; who know and understand the unitv ^ T7 S^^^i^T^' .ulers, teachers and l eaders. Every fibre of the sense of the Apostles , than it would be con. and uniBOn of the homan J^ and C J^ jn °f a Chr Uan dog. Tta ^p hrase the heart , every spark of the understanding re- sidered Lamaism b y any learned reveren d he nd th at t he bod ^^ if a fi ' a "* . ^ken from ^ the 1 ips o r some Christian ruffian , monstrates against the bestial abuse of human ^ doetor of Thibet. a tooth thereof ache8< We mUflt ^ ft ^ *f V* on hand with^ ^ son of a »»— . " « nature, by the men in power. Humanity / We do not mean to maintain that Judaism school of humanitarian teachers , who give us J^^ especially not of a GeroaV jew ** h mourns and weeps oyer the dismal houses of/ has done better. Ever since the Church dom- a paradise on earth and banish hell and devil has no ' knowled ge at all of that English ' com ° - f uined families , over the graves of her bW inates Judaism was passive and suffering, hence from this sublunar world, leaving it to every pIImen t. This^expression from the pen of a -"" «d t^««ito of lo^ widp^ or|^nB/u would not do much for the redemption of individual to work out his or her salvation female writer sounds miserablo , unwomanly and childless mothers. A curse, a long, loud mankind . It guarded the sacred fire of truth hereafter; who teach how the way to heaven ^ unartistical. We will say no more. bitter and terrible curse, a curse and a cry of in Becluded ghettoes , and preserved the sp irit g0es through a world of happiness , made so by . woe over those who shape the destiny of nations of humanity , hid from the destructive eyes of our exertions, and the path to hell leads THE LIN COLN STATUE. ,in this century, echoes through the air ending the ever raging maititudes . It preserved in the throug h the regions of misery, made so b y our The distinguished artiste addresses us the with the fearful cadence, "No peace to the Jew that spirit of peace , conciliation , charity wickedness. We want no more theology and following n ote : wicked , saith my God. " and true humanity, which is averse to all wars no more dogmas , no more reform and no more Washington , Jan. 21 , 1871 , The people thus slaughtering each other are and every tumultuous violence . But it could orthodoxy, no more wit and no more witticism I would be p leased to have you witness the not Indians, Hindoos , Chi nese , Japanese, Po- do nothing for the world which excluded , per- of Hal ochah or Hagadah ; truth and charity for a ] al nnveiling of my Lincoln Siatue on lenesia D8or Negroes, nO o Sortof Heathens;they secuted and scorned it. Since the days of the love and goodness , freedom and progress , we W f™^ S" m yTudfo ^^oS^onve^ are all baptized , redeemed , regenerated and re : America n and French revolution s the Jew has want the God of Israel and the sublime ethics en ce. Respectfully, born Christians of all sorts of denominations been emanci pated ; but not Judaism , which was ©f Israel without any priestl y or rabbinical Vinnie Ream, No. 12 N. B. St. with their priests or pastors alongside , to preac h meanl y treated by the world , and by its own wisdom. We must have a new school of hu- Notwithstanding the deep interest we lake murder, to encourage barbarism , and to oon- votari es, who could not escape the prevailing manitarian teachers to redeem mankind of in art , and especiall y in this piece of scul pture , gob }sayages. j 'So mij ch about the influence of corruption. The world was used to look upon the curse loaded upon it b y the pseudo teach- we could not have been in Washington on the ¦ Christi anity <m JhexivilizatioH and humaniza- Judaism as antiquated and supe rannuated , the era of reli gion , the jealousy, the hatred , thejr e-. day named , but congratulate the lady artist to ti pn of the h^tt^fJNily* After fift een hun- reli g ion of a neglected clasn; and the Jews venge, the malice , the: infamy which. "!they her success—as the press saya this statue emi- dred years of ti^pratbed power the Church themselves , rising above the level , - looked with teach and preach and practice in tlw name of nen tl y is. ¦ >

miM ISRAELIT E.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/3608/TIS-1871... · 8 miM ISRAELIT E. __-48?^ THE y ^ **' with all her pretensions as the religion of love contempt

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  • 8 miM IS RAELIT E. __-48? ̂ THE y ^**' with all her pretensions as the religion of love contempt upon the religion of their fathers,

    religion, the darkness, the falsehood, the super-' ^^WV iLy&J. (tiMl!^** and

    charity must

    stand by to see her children while the mor* faithful had not the moral cour- stition, the degradation of humanity, which

    .... . ,

    htering one another as savagely and mer- age to emancipate themselves from the medias- they label religibn, and the horror springing

    ll^S^ ̂ ^IR^flfelSfrjB^ TftSBSS^I cilessljr M any unredeemed barbarians ever did. vai forms and formulas in which Judaism was from their doctrines to suffering humanity.

    fur '. ^S^^V^^^^-"^i^Jwft'.'l Ye8> afteT fifteen centuries of priestly power sabmerged. So, while on one hand, we had We must have a new school of humanitarian"" ^ tof and unlimited authority over life and property, fashionable Jews without Judaism, who to educate—honest men^H •̂ r^^ (̂j r̂!Y^^'̂ :> p potentates and subjects, the Church proves a mocked and aped the fashions and passions, the "SON OF A CHRISTIAN DOG "

    , failure, so utterly and completely a failure, follies and drolleries of the day; we had on the " * ¦JB. j f f . MOOS, JEt >m>±SS> SZOCSt that even those engaged in the* deadly combat other hand,'mummies out of time and, arabeske Pickin8 UP ia » street car an advertising2>X. 2. M. WISE, SOL. F&IEVMa Ufy must see and feel it, that an institution which out 0f place. This period of transition from specimen of one of the New York periodical

    BLOCK 8? Co,, PUB LISHERS, could not educate its children to behave them- the Ghetto into the world, lasted long and is weeklies, beginning a story by one Miss or Mrs.selves just so much as not to strangle, skin and not entirely overcome to-day. The reform Clara Percy> otherwise unknown to us, we

    CINCINNATI, 0 FEBRUARY 3, 187!. 8CalP, one ¦«**. & a 'ar ̂j ^«

    *» *.»flb«

    any r f^-

    ^» ^n

    .cpnscfence of the common man revolts agai J dox denominations, and all their Churches, man, and sympathize with thi hapless and for- ^TI^ILL ̂ 5^T ̂ ^^vthe barbarism of the century sanctioned by its sermons and dogmas, are no more Christian in 8aken ; who know and understand the unitv ̂T7 S^̂ ^î T̂ '.ulers, teachers and leaders. Every fibre of the sense of the Apostles, than it would be con. and uniBOn of the homan J ̂and CJ ^ jn °f a

    Chr Uan dog.

    Tta^ p

    hrase „the heart, every spark of the understanding re- sidered Lamaism by any learned reverend hend that the bod ^^ if a fi' a "* . ^ken from^the 1 ips o r some Christian ruffian ,monstrates against the bestial abuse of human̂ doetor of Thibet. a tooth thereof ache8< We mUflt ̂ft ̂

    *f V* on

    hand with^ ^ son of a »»—."«

    nature, by the men in power. Humanity / We do not mean to maintain that Judaism school of humanitarian teachers, who give us J^ ̂especially not of a GeroaVjew**

    hmourns and weeps oyer the dismal houses o f/has done better. Ever since the Church dom- a paradise on earth and banish hell and devil has no' knowledge at all of that English'com°-

    fuined families, over the graves of her bW inates Judaism was passive and suffering, hence from this sublunar world, leaving it to every pIIment. This^expression from the pen of a-""«d t^««ito

    of lo^ widp^ or|^nB/u


    not do much for the redemption of individual to work out his or her salvation female writer sounds miserablo, unwomanlyand childless mothers. A curse, a long, loud mankind . It guarded the sacred fire of truth hereafter; who teach how the way to heaven ̂unartistical. We will say no more.bitter and terrible curse, a curse and a cry of in Becluded ghettoes, and preserved the spirit g0es through a world of happiness, made so by .

    woe over those who shape the destiny of nations of humanity , hid from the destructive eyes of our exertions, and the path to hell leads THE LIN COLN STATUE.,in this century, echoes through the air ending the ever raging maititudes . It preserved in the through the regions of misery, made so by our The distinguished artiste addresses us thewith the fearful cadence, "No peace to the Jew that spirit of peace, conciliation, charity wickedness. We want no more theology and following note:wicked, saith my God." and true humanity, which is averse to all wars no more dogmas, no more reform and no more Washington, Jan. 21, 1871,The people thus slaughtering each other are and every tumultuous violence. But it could orthodoxy, no more wit and no more witticism I would be pleased to have you witness thenot Indians, Hindoos, Chinese, Japanese, Po- do nothing for the world which excluded , per- of Halochah or Hagadah; truth and charity for a]al nnveiling of my Lincoln Siatue onlenesiaD8or Negroes, nOo Sortof Heathens;they secuted and scorned it. Since the days of the love and goodness, freedom and progress, we

    W f™^ S"myTudfo ̂ ^oS^onve^are all baptized , redeemed, regenerated and re: American and French revolutions the Jew has want the God of Israel and the sublime ethics ence. Respectfully,born Christians of all sorts of denominations been emancipated ; but not Judaism, which was ©f Israel without any priestly or rabbinical Vinnie Ream, No. 12 N. B. St.with their priests or pastors alongside, to preach meanly treated by the world, and by its own wisdom. We must have a new school of hu- Notwithstanding the deep interest we lakemurder, to encourage barbarism, and to oon- votaries, who could not escape the prevailing manitarian teachers to redeem mankind of in art, and especially in this piece of sculpture,gob}sayages.j 'So mij ch about the influence of corruption. The world was used to look upon the curse loaded upon it by the pseudo teach- we could not have been in Washington on the¦Christianity

  • m&tsjMmtTn. . 'on"EAST ER N LWES OF RAIL ROADS. If a claim of two hnndred years standing is and snow and hail and torrents and orient I tion«? WftUear ne ̂men »o^S^WWe have lately travelled ever three lines of good, one two thousand years old must be Wwngs and floods bur sting out in $eJ)ot- splntion ofthis problem,? • '^In^S^M^'M'

    Bail Roads leading from Cincinnati to New equall y as good. If Eltace and Lor rame are S hfr**» solution rio|̂ ;ffjrnYork ; by Colutbus, Cleveland , Buffalo and the jn.«I y recla imed by Germany on the ground ofj ffl feE^ ̂ J^^te M TMew York Central ; by Columbus, 'Pittsburg having been Germ an* two centuries ago, then «&/** W ft* wild goats^^ pf

    the yoo^ inthe to learn i^«v^ r̂UxA»iSKSw

    -and the Pennsylvan ia* Central; by the Erie , our claim to Palestine ; must be acknowledged w^fd .̂°0,n ̂ problem is certa inly a fair one,̂ aadl hfcMjftia-

    J ,tfantic and/Great , Western! W* had n6 op- by the great pdWers. We propose to send » !be*\X^ ̂ h i«'ta --. x ^P '^ujacanity to travel over the Baltimore and deputaUon