Running Head: MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 & 3 1 [Millennium Development Goals 1 and 3] By [Author Name] [International Relations] [University Name] [Submission Date]

Millennium Development Goals 1 and 3

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For the international developmental objectives, United Nations Organization develop eight developmental objectives in the year of 2000. These goals were established following the millennium summit, and they were eight in number. These international developmental goals were termed as “Millennium Development Goals” and United Nations Millennium Declaration Adoption was followed by them. All of the countries, which are members of United Nations and 23 different multinational organizations decided to follow this plan and to help the UNO in order to meet with these goals till 2015.

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Running Head: MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 & 3 1[Millennium Development Goals 1 and 3]By[Author Name][International Relations][University Name][Sumission Date]MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 & 3 2ContentsIntroduction...........................................................................................3Background...........................................................................................6Literature Review.................................................................................11Case Study One An Indian Study.........................................................16Introduction.............................................................................................................. 16Methods and Results................................................................................................ 17Discussion................................................................................................................ 21Conclusion................................................................................................................ 24Case Study One An African Study........................................................!Introduction.............................................................................................................. 25Methods and Results................................................................................................ 26Discussion................................................................................................................ 30Conclusion................................................................................................................ 32Reco""endations and Overview...........................................................33Bi#$iogra%&y........................................................................................33MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 & 3 3IntroductionInternatina! Re!atin" i" ne # t$e "%ia! "%ien%e" &$i%$ i" %n"idered a" an e'ergingand de(e!)ing di"%i)!ine* T$ere $a(e +een t$e (ariu" &a," and di##erent 'et$d" # de#iningt$i" di(er"e and d,na'i% a%ade'i% di"%i)!ine and t$e t$eri"t &$ are %n"idered a" )ineer" int$i"#ie!d- $a(ede#inedit int$eir &a,* A%%rdingtt$eLndnS%$! #E%n'i%"andP!iti%a! S%ien%e- Internatina! Re!atin"i"a(i+rant di"%i)!inet$at in%!ude"t$e"tud,#aninternatina! ","te'* T$i" internatina! ","te'i" %')"ed # di##erent territria! "tate"a%.n&!edging n $ig$er and "u)erir aut$rit, #r t$e 'atter" t$at are %n"idered a" $a(inga(ita! intere"t* T$e nature # t$e internatina! re!atin" a" a di"%i)!ine i" a" "u%$ t$at it dea!" &it$t$e re!atin"$i)" +et&een nn/"tate and "tate at'" and #%u"e" n t$eir nature* 0e"ide" t$at- t$einternatina! re!atin" i" a!" de#ined a" a di"%i)!ine &$i%$ #%u"e" n t$e "tud, # #un%tining #di##erent t$ing" in%!uding internatina! 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