MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014

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  • 8/13/2019 MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014


    Millar RichLocation

    5022 OLD HYDES









    MillarRich January 2014

  • 8/13/2019 MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014


    Monthly Health Challenge

    Lower Your Blood Pressure

    T e problem of hypertensionHypertension (high blood pressure) is becomingmore prevalent. One in 3 American adults (age 18and older) has hypertension. In people 60 years ofage or older, the rate of high blood pressure is 60%.Of those with known high blood pressure, only 31%have their blood pressure under good control (bloodpressure less than 140/90).T is trend is of majorconcern because high blood pressure increases therisk for heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, kidneydisease, and blindness.

    How high is high?Hypertension (high blood pressure) is de ned as 140/90 orhigher. Based on ongoing research, blood pressure as low as120/80 may in the long run still be too high! Starting with ablood pressure of 115/75, cardiovascular disease risk doubles

    with each increase of 20 systolic points (the number on thetop) and 10 diastolic points (the number on the bottom). Forexample, risk would double when your blood pressure went to135/85 and double again at 155/95.Pressures from 120/80 to 139/89 indicate increased risk.Someone with blood pressure in this range is said to bepre-hypertensive. If you fall into the prehypertension range,the probable rst step that your doctor will recommend ischanging your lifestyle behaviors.

    CHALLENGEIf your blood

    pressure is high,lower it at least

    5 points.

    Blood PressureCategory

    Systolic mm Hg(upper #)

    Diastolic mmHg (lower #)

    Normal less than 120 and less than 80

    Prehypertension 120 139 or 80 89

    High Blood Pressure(Hypertension) Stage 1 140 159 or 90 99

    High Blood Pressure(Hypertension) Stage 2 160 or higher or 100 or higher

    Hypertensive Crisis(Emergency careneeded)

    Higher than 180 or Higher than 110

    American Heart Associ ation. 2011.

    Steps to a healthy blood pressureLong-term studies have shown that there are things thatyou can do to help prevent or lower high blood pressure.Lifestyle changes are not always easy to make but theycan have a signi cant eff ect on reducing blood pressure.

    Whether your blood pressure is healthy or high, theselifestyle recommendations will help your overall health.1. Body weight. One of the most important

    things you can do to reduce your risk

    for hypertension is to maintain ahealth body weight or lose weightif you are overweight. Ask yourdoctor what a healthy weightrange is for you.

    Assess your weightat: www.nhlbi.nih.



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    Millar Rich NursesNotes

    MillarRich January 2014

  • 8/13/2019 MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014


    2. Salt intake. Salt is the majorsource of sodium. Reducingthe amount of sodiumthat you consume in

    your diet can help toprevent high bloodpressure especially forthose people who are salt-sensitive meaning a little bitof salt de nitely a ff ects their bloodpressure. Limit your sodiumintake to 1,500 mg (1.5 g)of sodium a day.

    3. Physical activity. If youarent physically active,get out there and startmoving! Regular physicalactivity is important for helping to prevent manychronic diseases that can shorten your life spansuch as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer,and diabetes. Aim for 30-60 minutes of moderateactivity on most, preferably all days of the week.

    An example of moderate activity would be walkingat a pace of 3-4 mph. You might not be able tomeet those goals initially, but you can work up tothem! Its important to get started at whatever levelof physical activity you can do.

    4. Alcohol. While many reports suggest the healthbene ts of a glass of wine at night, you have to becareful about the amount of alcohol you consume.More than 1 drink (for women) or 2 (for men)a day can actually increase your risk for variousdiseases.

    How much doyou know about

    the salt content of food?


    Learn about sodium infood: www.ext.colostate.


    Learn aboutpotassium in food:


    Read aboutthe DASH diet:


    5. Potassium. Getting enoughpotassium in your diet isimportant for maintaining ahealthy blood pressure. You

    should get about 4,700 mg ofpotassium a day to help preventhypertension.

    6. Food. Choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts,low-fat dairy products, and low-saturated fat foods.T is eating plan is called the DASH diet and is proveneff ective in lowering blood pressure.

    Aim for 8-10 servings of fruits andvegetables daily.

    7. Emotions. Anger and stresscan lead to high blood pressure.Learn to manage, reduce, anddiff use your anger and stress.

    8. Rest. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep dailyis a good health practice linked to a longer life. Its alsoimportant to take frequent breaks, and nd time torelax and unwind. Relaxation and recreation are goodfor your blood pressure and make life interesting andmore fun.

    9. Smoking. Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette,your blood vessels constrict and your blood pressurerises.T e only helpful approach is to avoid smoking andsmoke altogether.

    10. Medications. Ask your doctor if the prescription orover-the-counter medication you are taking may causea rise in your blood pressure. If it does, ask for analternative.

    If the above lifestyle changes are not sufficient, your doctormight prescribe medications to help.

    Check your blood pressure regularlyHigh blood pressure is called the silent killer because it often givesno warning signs or symptoms. Even if everyone seems healthy, besure you and your family have your blood pressure checked regularly.

    A single high reading does not necessarily mean that you have high blood pressure. You needto have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis using a reliable machine or by a healthprofessional. Machines used at the grocery store may be reliable, but they may also be totallyinaccurate. Ask your healthcare provider how often you should check your blood pressure.

    Sources:National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.National Institutes of Health.

    American Heart Association. Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA) 288(15):1882-1888. JAMA 289(19):2560-2571. JAMA 290(2):199-206.DRIs for Water, Potassium, and Sodium, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine (IOM)

    Watch a videothat explains

    blood pressure:


    MillarRich January 2014

  • 8/13/2019 MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014


    Birthday Potluck Lunch at MillarRich # Go ahead and mark you calendars for the next lunch: February 21st

    Mani/Pedi Fun, Franklin #Mid February Alahe & LaVerne are planning a mani/pedi outing and want to invite anyone interested tomake a group appointment with them. RSVP and well get you in touch.

    Sign-ups! Baseball League for Special Needs A baseball league geared specically for Special Needs -- everyone gets to bat and eld.One of our homes is participating again this year and we invite any interested individualsto check it out! Cost is $45, which includes hat, shirt, and trophy. The only additionalexpense is the purchase of white pants and socks. Practices begin in March and gamesare in April and May.

    Annual MillarRich Easter Picnic!Weds April 16th, 11am - 2pm

    Community opportunities

    Old School Farm will be kicking off their inaugural growing season will a fundraising eventon Sat. March 8th 7-10pm. Featuring live music, square dancing and a silent auction.Entry fee is $10 and food will be available for purchase. Visit formore info:)

    Volunteer opportunities Itching to discover some new outreach? Visit for a quick look at muchgoing on in the middle TN region.


    Email [email protected] to put your meet-up on this Activities Bulletin

    MillarRich January 2014

  • 8/13/2019 MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014


    Old School Farm

    Nestled within the heartof Bells Bend, tenminutes outside ofNashville, lies a new,unique non-profitdedicated to producingquality farm-to-table foodwhile providingemployment forindividuals that haveintellectual disabilities.

    Old School Farm wasfounded in 2013 on thebelief that creating asustainable farm canalso produce sustainable

    jobs for adults withintellectual disabilitieswhile giving back to thecommunity at large.

    It is our hope that OldSchool Farm willbecome a model sitewhere you will findindividuals of all abilitiesworking side by side.

    Community SupportedAgriculture (CSA) You can sign up toreceive a box of freshlyharvested produceeach week for 20weeks. The CSA boxseason will be the firstweek of June throughmid-October, grown

    right here at the Farmby our team. You can sign up for afull share at $500 forthe season (20Weeks). The amountof produce ranges from1/4 of a bushel to a 1/2bushel or more!

    A half share is alsoavailable: $300 for 1/8

    -1/4 of a bushel.We will have on-farmpick up(9am-5pm)Tuesdays,and at the West Nashvillefarmers market onSaturdays (9am-12pm). Farm fresh eggs will beavailable throughout theseason as an add-on toyour CSA box at adiscount.

    Job DevelopmentThrough Partnerships

    Old School Farm haspartnered with thesupportedemploymentdepartment atMillarRich.

    MillarRich specializes

    in creatingindependent lifestylesfor adults withintellectual disabilitiesthroughout MiddleTennessee.

    Individuals whochoose to work on thefarm are supportedwith a job coach whoteaches them theskills they need to

    become independentin the job.

    Ways You Can Help- Volunteer on the farm

    - Attend a fundraiser - Tell a friend about us!

    - Follow us on Facebook for all of the latesthappenings

    MillarRich January 2014

  • 8/13/2019 MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014


    Sign up for a CSA box this season!

    Hello there Old School Farm community. Were getting geared up for our first growing season, and a huge part of this is our Community Supported Agriculture program. You can sign up to receive a box of freshly harvested produce each week for 20 weeks, grown right

    here at the Farm by our team. Youll pay $500 for the whole season, and well promise youthat your summer and fall will be bursting with color, flavor, and taste. In addition, yourinvestment provides jobs for individuals with disabilities as well as opportunities for them andour community to volunteer, get outside, and learn about growing food.

    The CSA box season will be the first week of June through mid-October. Well have on-farm pick up hours Tuesdays, and at the West Nashville farmers market on Saturdays. You can signup for a full share (for ambitious cooks and veggie-lovers) at $500 for the season, or try ahalf-share at $300. There will also be opportunity to buy fresh eggs each week from our lovelyhens, at a CSA-member discount!

    To start out the season, youll find in your box a variety of salad greens, radishes, carrots,beets, and broccoli. As the summer goes on youll see tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, basil,beans, and fresh-cut flowers. By autumn, the potatoes, yams, winter squash, and fall greenswill be coming in. Weve got a varied and ambitious planting plan, so chances are if you havea favorite vegetable, well have it. And who knows, you may acquire a new favorite vegetableor two in the process!

    If youre interested in taking part in our program and/or have any questions, [email protected] by March 1st.

    MillarRich January 2014

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    MillarRich January 2014

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    Work From Home With Adults With Special Needs(Professional Salary) (Middle Tennessee)

    Earn A Professional Salary Working From Home With Adults With Special Needs.

    Attend Our Informational Presentation For More Details

    (February 25th 6pm - 8pm, February 26th 11am - 1pm)

    MillarRich is currently looking to ll a number of live-in care positions in the MiddleTennessee area. This position will require a caregiver who is willing to open up theirhome (or has the ability to relocate to a new home) and become the primary support for1-2 individuals with Special Needs.

    This position will result in a lifestyle similar to that of a foster family. The individual willlive in your home and you will provide care on a 24hr basis.

    This position is considered an Independent Contractor position and compensation isoffered on a Tax-Free basis.

    MillarRich will hold two informational seminars on February 25th (6pm - 8pm) andFebruary 26th (11am -1pm), followed by interviews for the open positions.

    Please RSVP to [email protected] to secure your place.

    MillarRich LLC5022 Old Hydes Ferry PikeNashville, TN 37218

    MillarRich January 2014

  • 8/13/2019 MillarRich January Newsletter - 2014


    Coachs CornerDonald and Robert tell us what they have been up to. Check out the video at this link

    Supported Employment Update

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    MillarRich January 2014