Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled

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  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Military Resistance: [email protected] 2.10.14 Print it out: color best. Pass it on.

    Military Resistance 12B5

    Just Over Half Of AmericansDisapprove Of The Presidents Job

    Performance Nearly Six In 10 Say They Are

    Uncertain, Worried Or Pessimistic

    About What He Will Do With TheRemainder Of His Presidency

    Disapproval For Congress, Too, Is NearIts All-Time High

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Jan. 28, 2014 By Neil King Jr. and Patrick OConnor, Wall Street Journal [Excerpts]

    Since the rise of modern polling in the 1930s, only George W. Bush has begun his sixthyear in the White House on rockier ground than Mr. Obama.

    Large majorities of respondents said they want the White House and lawmakers to focus

    on job creation and early-childhood education, and a slimmer majority favored increasingthe minimum wage.

    The survey found that just over half of Americans disapprove of the presidents jobperformance, with 43% approving, a trough that remains little changed since the earlysummer.

    Nearly six in 10 say they are uncertain, worried or pessimistic about what he will do withthe remainder of his presidency.

    Disapproval for Congress, too, is near its all-time high.


    Outreach To New York National Guard

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    From: Alan STo: Military Resistance NewsletterSent: February 07, 2014 \Subject: 2/6/14 Outreach to New York National Guard

    Yesterday at one of NYC's commuter terminals I encountered 4 soldiers and gave them

    each a Military Resistance Newsletter, Military Resistance intro card [see below] andDVDs of Authority & Expectations and Sir! No Sir! with the exception of one, a youngprivate, who already had the DVDs so he knew about Iraq vet Wray Harris's attack onpoliticians (among others) [] inAuthority& Expectations.

    We met not long ago at another terminal at which he was receptive to receipt of material.Also, he wanted to know how I felt about a 9/11 conspiracy. I told him anything waspossible but if U.S. government agents had indeed planned and/or executed such a plotand if it had gotten out the resulting debacle would have made other governmentscandals seem like child's play. After all, I reasoned, high treason isn't looked uponkindly here or anywhere else. He nodded thoughtfully.

    Yesterday, the private seemed glad to see me again and was very grateful to receive acopy of Soldiers in Revolt GI Resistance during the Vietnam War plus a Military LawTask Force Newsletter which delighted him even more.

    The private wishes to be as well informed as possible. He's a history buff you see.



    FROM YOU!An effective way to encourage others to support members of the armed forcesorganizing to resist the Imperial war is to report what you do.

    If youve carried out organized contact wi th troops on active duty, at base gates,airports, or anywhere else, send a report in to Mili tary Resistance for the ActionReports section.
  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Same for contact with National Guard and/or Reserve components.

    They dont have to be long. Just clear, and direct action reports about what workwas done and how.

    If there were favorable responses, say so.

    If there were unfavorable responses or problems, dont leave them out. Reportingwhat went wrong and/or got screwed up is especially important, so that othersmay learn from you what to expect, and how to avoid similar problems if possible.


    The Military Resistance OrganizationMission Statement:

    1. The mission of Military Resistance is to bring together in one organizationmembers of the armed forces and civil ians in order to give aid and comfor t tomembers of the armed forces who are organizing to end the war of empire in

    Afghanistan. The long term objective is to assist in eliminating all wars of empireby eliminating all empires.

    2. Military Resistance does not advocate individual disobedience to orders ordesertion from the armed forces. The most effective resistance is organized bymembers of the armed forces working together.

    However, Military Resistance respects and wi ll assist in the defense of troops who

    see indiv idual desertion or refusal of orders as the only course of action open tothem for reasons of conscience.

    3. Military Resistance stands for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of allU.S. and other occupation t roops f rom Afghanistan.

    Occupied nations have the right to independence and the right to resist Imperialinvasion and occupation by force of arms.

    4. Efforts to increase democratic righ ts in every society, organization, movement,and within the armed forces itself wil l receive encouragement and suppor t.

    Members of the armed forces, whether those of the United States or any othernation, have the right and duty to act against dictatorsh ips commanding theirservices, and to assist civil ian movements against dictatorship.

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    This applies whether a politi cal dictatorship is imposed by force of arms or apoliti cal dictatorship is imposed by those in command of the resources of societyusing their wealth to purchase the politi cal leadership.

    5. Military Resistance uses organizational democracy.

    This means cont rol of the organization by the membership, through electeddelegates to any coordinating bodies that may be formed, whether at local,regional, or national levels.

    Any member may run for any job in the organization. Al l persons elected aresubject to immediate recall, by majori ty vote of the membership.

    Coordinating bodies report their actions, decisions and votes to the membershipwho elected them, and may be overruled by a majority of the membership.

    6. It is not necessary for Military Resistance to be in poli tical agreement withother organizations in order to work together towards specific commonobjectives.

    It is productive for organizations working together on common projects to discussdifferences about the best way forward for the movement.

    Debate is necessary to arrive at the best course of action.

    Membership Requirements:

    7. It is a condition of membership that each member prioriti ze and partic ipate inorganized action to reach out to active duty armed forces, Reserve and/or NationalGuard units.

    8. Military Resistance or individual members may choose to support candidatesfor elective office who are for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan, but do notsupport a candidate opposed to immediate, unconditional withdrawal.

    9. Members may not be active duty or drilling reserve commissioned officers, oremployed in any capacity by any pol ice or intelligence agency, local, state, ornational.

    10. I understand and am in agreement with the above statement. I pledge todefend my brothers and sisters, and the democratic r ights of the citizens of theUnited States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.



  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    ----------------------------- (Application taken by)

    Military Resistance: Contact@mili taryproject.orgBox 126, 2576 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10025-5657



    You Can Take Action That Makes ADifference:

    Join The Military Resistance Organization:MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

    Name (please print): __________________________

    Armed Forces? (Branch) ____________

    Veteran? Years: ____________

    Union: ____________________

    Occupation: _________________________________________

    Mailing address: ______________________________________


    Phone (Landline):_______________________________________

    Phone (Cell):___________________________________________

    $ dues paid _________________________(See next: Calendar year basis.)

    Armed Forces Members @ Dues waivedCivilians @ $25Students/Unemployed @ $10Civilian/Military Prisoners @ Dues Waived


    NOTE: Civilian applicants will be interviewed, in person if possible, or by phone.

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Military Resistance: [email protected] 126, 2576 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10025-5657



    At a time like this, scorching irony, not convinc ing argument, is needed. Oh hadI the ability, and could reach the nations ear, I would, pour out a fiery st ream ofbiting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke.

    For it is not l ight that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder.

    We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.

    The limi ts of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom theyoppose.

    Frederick Douglass, 1852

    The past year every single day of it has had its consequences. In the obscuredepths of society, an imperceptible molecular process has been occurringirreversibly, like the flow of time, a process of accumulating discontent,bitterness, and revolutionary energy.-- Leon Trotsky, Up To The Ninth Of January

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    FYI: Military Resistance Website Visits:Top Ten Locations Of Visitors Ranked 1-10

    [January 2014]1 United States2 China3 Netherlands4 Germany5 Great Britain6 Canada7 Ukraine8 France9 Saudi Arabia10 Romania

    Readers from an additional 62 have also accessed.

    Source: AWStats

    How Will Members Of The ArmedForces Know That The RevolutionaryMovement Is So Determined To Win

    That It Makes Sense To RefuseOrders To Attack It And Instead ToDefend It?

    One Indication That The RevolutionaryMovement Is Determined Is If It UsesArms In Self Defense When It Makes

    Sense To Do So[Excerpt from: The History of the Russian Revolution By Leon Trotsky, VolumeOne: The Overthrow of Tzarism: February 23-27, 1917]


  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled



    The Vyborg section [revolutionaries] staged a meeting near the barracks of theMoscow regiment. The enterprise proved a failure.

    Is it diffi cult fo r some officer or sergeant major to work the handle of a machinegun? The workers were scattered by cruel fire.

    A similar attempt was made at the barracks of Reserve regiment. And there too:officers w ith machine gun interfered between the workers and soldiers.

    The leaders of the workers fumed, looked for firearms, demanded them from theparty.

    And the answer was: The soldiers have the firearms, go get them.

    Either the machine gun will wipe out the insurrection, or the insurrection wil lcapture the machine gun.

    But out of th is compl icated web of material and psychic forces one conclusionemerges with i rrefutable clarity: the more the soldiers in their mass are convincedthat the rebels are really rebelling that this is not a demonstration after whichthey will have to go back to the barracks and report, that this is a struggle to thedeath, that the people may win if they join them, and that this winning will not onlyguarantee impunity, but alleviate the lot of all the more they realize this, themore will ing they are to turn aside their bayonets, or go over wi th them to thepeople.

    In other words, the revolutionaries can create a break in the soldiers mood on ly ifthey themselves are actually ready to seize the victory at any price whatever, eventhe price of blood.

    And the highest determination never can, or wi ll , remain unarmed.

    YOURE INVITED:Comments, arguments, articles, and letters from servicemen and women, and veterans, are especially welcome.

    Write to Box 126, 2576 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10025-5657 or email [email protected]: Name, I.D.,withheld unless you request publication. Same addressto unsubscribe.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled



    Zionnist Forces Fire On PalestiniansProtresting Their Endless Occupation

    Of Palestine:30 Wounded By Live And Rubber-

    Coated Steel Bullets

    09/02/2014 Ma'an

    RAMALLAH -- Dozens of Palestinians were injured on Friday as protesters clashed withIsraeli military forces in villages across the West Bank.

    Demonstrations against the Israeli occupation took place in Kafr Qaddum, Beit Ummar,al-Jalazun, and Silwad on Friday afternoon.

    Israeli forces responded with force injuring more than 30 protesters with live and rubber-coated steel bullets as well as dozens more with excessive firing of tear gas.

    Five Israeli soldiers were also reported injured in the clashes after being struck by rocks.

    Kafr Qaddum

    In the Qalqiliya area village of Kafr Qaddum, four people, including a child, were injuredduring a weekly protest against the annexation of local land by Israel.

    Saqer Obeid, 58, was injured after being struck in the head by a tear gas canister andMahmoud Riyadh Eshtewi, 5, was struck with a tear gas canister in the leg.

    Kamil Barham, 23, and Nasser Hasan, 43, were shot with steel bullets in the hand andfoot, while dozens suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation.

    Murad Eshtewi, a local coordinator for a popular resistance committee, said the proteststarted after Friday prayers, with hundreds of villagers and activists marching through

    the village.

    Israeli soldiers and border police units raided the area and fired tear gas, stun grenadesand steel bullets at the protesters.

    An Israeli army spokesman said 40 Palestinians hurled rocks at Israeli security forces,who responded with riot dispersal means.

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    Protests are held every Friday in Kafr Qaddum against Israel's closure of a main roadlinking the village to its nearest city, Nablus. The road has been closed since 2000.

    Beit Ummar

    In Beit Ummar, two Palestinians were injured and one detained during clashes withIsraeli military forces.

    Israeli forces fi red tear gas at Palestinians congratulating a local man who hadbeen released from an Israeli jail after eight years.

    An Israeli soldier was hit by a rock, a local popular resistance committee member said.


    Meanwhile, 12 Palestinians were injured with live gunfire and two were struck in the

    head by tear gas canisters in the Ramallah refugee camp of al-Jalazun.

    Dozens of other people were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets and four Israelisoldiers were injured when youths threw back a tear canisters at them.

    An Israeli spokesman said 300 Palestinians were throwing rocks, firebombs andburning tires. Israeli forces responded with riot dispersal means.

    Live fire was used against main inst igators, he added.


    More than 10 Palestinian youths were injured by rubber bullets and nearly 50 sufferedfrom excesive tear gas inhalation during clashes with Israeli forces near the village ofSilwad north of Ramallah.

    Four Israeli soldiers were also injured during the clashes, according to military sources,and had to be evacuated by ambulance after being struck by rocks.

    Protests erupted after noon prayers on the outskirts of town, but turned intoclashes that continued into the center of town as large numbers of soldiers raidedand chased youths through the vil lage roads.

    The internationally recognized Palestinian territories of which the West Bank and EastJerusalem form a part have been occupied by the Israeli military since 1967.

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Zionists Military DestroysVillage In Occupied Palestine,

    As Usual: Between 200-250 Palestinians

    Were In The Vil lage At The Time Israeli Forces Attacked The

    Residents Of Ein Hijleh, Beating

    Them Up, Kicking Them And PushingThem To The Ground And Into TheFire

    Many Injured Taken To Jericho Hospital

    Palestinians in the in Ein Hijleh protest village, in the Jordan Valley, West Bank January31, 2014. Over 300 Palestinians participated in the action as part of the Melh Al-Ard(Salt of the Earth) campaign against the Israeli plan to annex the Jordan valley. (photo:Keren Manor/ at +972.)

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    Due to Israeli army roadblocks that do not allow cars to enter, Palestinians on horsebackhelp deliver food and supplies to the protest village of Ein Hijleh, Jordan Valley, WestBank, February 3, 2014. (photo: Ryan Rodrick Beiler/ at +972)

    7 February 2014 Palestinian Popular Struggle Coordination committee; Uruknet

    Hundreds of Israeli forces have raided Ein Hijleh village in the Jordan Valley andevicted all its residents violently around 1:30 am and declared the village a closedmil itary zone. And it is estimated that between 200-250 Palestinians were in thevillage at the time of eviction.

    32 Palestinians were injured and taken to Jericho hospital after the eviction.

    At the time of the raid Israeli forces fired large amounts of sound bombs to scatterthe crowd that gather at the center of the village while many women and childrenwere automatically evicted from homes and tents where they were asleep.

    Israeli forces have attacked the residents of Ein Hijleh by beating them up, kickingthem and pushing them to the ground and into the fire.

    The residents of the village were transferred after the eviction with Israeli occupationmilitary buses while being humiliated and mocked by the soldiers on the bus. Theresidents of Ein Hijleh where transferred to the entrance of Jericho and were received byPalestinian security forces and taken to the center of Jericho city.

    Israeli forces have also attacked journalists and medical teams in the vi llage at thetime of eviction inc luding a cameraman from Palestine TV who was pushed fromone of the rooftops to the ground and one of the medics from the medical reliefteam was hit wi th a riffle on his chest.

    Several Palestinians were arrested at the time of eviction and were later released at theentrance of Jericho.

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    The activist from the popular struggle committee in AlMasara Mahmoud Zawahreh saidthat the activists have managed to revive the village and although they were evictedfrom Ein Hijleh but the Israeli occupation failed to evict the village and the great workachieved from the hearts and minds of Ein Hijleh residents.

    Activist from the popular struggle from Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem Monther Amirasaid that the eviction will not end the work of the activists in the Jordan Valley, he addedwe will continue with our campaign Melh AlArd (Salt of the Earth), and the revival of thevillage was only the start to our work in the Jordan Valley, we will continue our work andwe will remain to be the salt to this earth working against Israeli policies in all ofPalestinian lands especially against the Judaization and annexation of the Jordan Valley.

    List of the injuries taken from Jericho hospital:

    1. Bade Dwaik 41 years2. Mohammad Musa Daajneh 25 years3. Mohammad AbdelKarim AlKhatib 25 years

    4. Abdel Majeed Omar 22 years5. Mohammad Naem Hasan 296. Maher Taher Samara 29 years7. Mohammad Saeed Abu Gharbieh 19 years8. Baha Jalal Tamimi 26 years9. Ziad Abu Ein 54 years10. Ramzi Mohammad Abu Sada 30 years11. Abdel Majeed Bassam Omar 22 years12. Maher Nayef Saleh 47 years13. Murad Mohammad Omar 25 years14. Sami Ahmad Dies 25 years15. Mahmoud Ahmad Ismail 29 years

    16. Marwa Jihad Samhan 23 years17. Waed Basem Tamimi 17 years18. Ashira Ali Ramadan 29 years19. Mahmoud Naser 21 years20. Nibal Mohamad Abd Rabu 24 years21. Fadi Methqal AlJayousi 34 years (Palestine TV cameraman)22. Suhaib Rafe Sawafta 22 years23. Maen Jamal Daraghmeh 25 years24. Ahmad Daraghmeh 21 years25. Mohannad Abdel Fatah 23 years26. Anas Mahmoud Zghaiar 18 years27. Karam Akram Zghaiar 23 years

    28. Ala Zghaiar 25 years29. Hasan Othman Faraj 33 years30. Hamza Hasan Jawabreh 20 years31. Osama Hasan Naamreh 20 years32. Islam Saleh Tamimi 18 years


  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Dr. Mustafa Barghouti Of ThePalestinian Parliament On The

    Destruction Of Ein Hijleh I Categorically Deny The Israeli ArmyClaims That There Was Any Stone

    Throwing Or Any Form Of Violence FromPeople Who Were Stationed Inside The


    February 07, 2014 The Palestine Monitor

    Dr. Barghouti was present at the site from the beginning of the project until the Israeliarmy invaded and forcibly evicted the occupants in the early morning hours of Friday 7February.

    I categorically deny the Israeli army claims that there was any stone throwing orany form of violence from people who were stationed inside the village,Barghouti said Friday afternoon.

    He affirmed that the people in the village received no warning that they shouldevacuate the site, contrary to claims by the Israeli mili tary.

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    In reality, he said, during the last eight days the Israeli army has been trying toprovoke violence in every possible way, and they failed completely because of thediscipline of the people in the village.

    According to Barghouti and dozens of witnesses, the Israeli invasion included violentbeatings and the use of sound bombs, leaving 42 peaceful volunteers injured. Barghouti

    was also assaulted during the attack and eviction.

    There is no justification whatsoever, Barghouti continued. And this aggression was aviolation of international law and human rights. And it showed that the Israeli side waspre-planning the evacuation for their unjust political aspirations of annexing the JordanValley and large parts of Area C.

    He also added that after the eviction the Israeli army declared the whole area, includingthe village site, a closed military zone. A convoy carrying essential construction material,including sewage latrine systems and other supplies, was stopped today at noon at anIsraeli checkpoint and refused entry.

    Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is a member of the Palestinian parliament and one of theorganizers of the Salt of the Earth campaign as well as the recently restored village ofEin Hijleh.


  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Panic Hits Ukraine Banking

    System:As Anti-Government Protests

    Continue, Government RestrictsAbility To Get Money Out Of The


    This Is Just A Sign Of Desperation Restrictions Would Disrupt Trade AndCould Create A Parallel Market In The

    Ukrainian Currency

    Feb. 7, 2014 Reuters. Reporting by Alastair Macdonald in Kiev and Sujata Rao inLondon; Editing by Andrew Heavens

    Ukraine's central bank said on Thursday it had introduced restrictions on certain

    types of foreign exchange purchase to help defend the stability of the bankingsystem at a time of volatility in the currency market.

    In measures it said followed efforts to stabilize the hryvnia in recent weeks - duringwhich political conflict in Ukraine has alarmed investors - the National Bank of Ukrainealso said it would be offering extraordinary tenders to support banking liquidity, withfunds available up to 360 days.

    The bank, which has used reserves in tervening in the market but has failed toprevent a 10-percent slide in the hryvnia since November, did not publish fulldetails of the measures in two news releases issued long after banks c losed forthe day.

    It said restrictions on foreign exchange purchases would not limit payments foreducation and healthcare abroad, transfers for people moving their country of residenceor the payment of salaries of non-residents in Ukraine.

    However, international bankers said such restrictions would disrupt t rade andcould create a parallel market in the Ukrainian currency, which the central bankhas been struggling to hold steady on a dollar peg.

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    The hryvnia fell below 9 per dollar on Wednesday for the first time in five years, though itsteadied on Thursday to be fixed at 8.9838 per dollar.

    Taking account of the volatility in the hryvnia exchange rate and tensions in thecurrency market, the National Bank of Ukraine has taken a range of measures in recentweeks to support its equilibrium, the central bank said.

    The restriction on currency purchases would, it said, facilitate the stability of the nationalbanking system.

    Timothy Ash o f Standard Bank said that if the central bank was trying to balance the market, then it's not really a market .

    This is just a sign of desperation and will fur ther the scarcity of FX, disrupt tradeand economic activity, and make an already diff icult situation that much worse.The danger is that this just creates a parallel market, he said.

    In a separate statement, the bank said it had, within the bounds of standard monetary

    procedures, created a mechanism for supporting bank liquidity that would maintainpublic confidence in the banking system in the event of a deterioration in marketexpectations and facilitate its stable operation.

    We want banks, and the people of Ukraine, to be confident that, whatever happens, thebanks are capable of fulfilling their obligations to citizens in a timely and completemanner.

    Such confidence would underpin stability in banking activities even if market turbulenceincreased, she said.

    Collateral for refinancing could include Ukrainian state debt or foreign currencies,

    including dollars, euros, British pounds, yen and Swiss francs.

    An Oppressed People Have TheRight To Organize And Rise Up,

    Regardless Of That GroupsComposition, And Regardless Of IfIt Mimics The Predominant ModelOf Armed Formations In Mexico

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    The Self-Defense Groups Should BeEvaluated On What They Are, Not

    What One Would Wish Them To BeOr What One Would Desire They Do And What They Are Is An Authentic

    Peoples Movement Organized AgainstAn Oppressive Force

    Photo: Juan Jos Estrada Serafn

    Feb 4, 2014 : By Scott Campbell, El Enemigo Comn

    By Scott Campbell

    Since mid-January, when armed self-defense groups launched an offensive against theKnights Templar cartel in the Tierra Caliente region of Michoacn, Mexico, much ink hasbeen spilled evaluating the pros and cons of the self-defense movement.

    Critiques and speculations have been leveled from the left and right, yet what has largelybeen absent is an appreciation for the events in situ.

    From the right (including the government and mass media), the self-defense groupshave been labelled as vigilantes, taking the law into their own hands, armed by anopposing cartel, and threatening to turn into paramilitary death squads a la the AUC inColombia.

    Such meritless talking points are not of concern here.

    What is of concern is the predominant response from the left, where the self-defensegroups have received a lukewarm reception at best.

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    Held at arms length, the self-defense movement is chastened for not being like theautonomous municipality of Chern in Michoacn or the CRAC community police inGuerrero.

    For not being indigenous, for not having a comprehensive platform, or forcooperating with the government. From behind computer screens, those who are

    dodging the bullets of the Knights Templar (and occasionally of the state) arepatronizingly told what they are not and what they should be doing.

    Fortunately for the self-defense groups, they did not wait for nor did they petitionthe support of the left.

    For years, communities in the Tierra Caliente have faced murder, rape,kidnapping, extortion and terror at the hands of the Knights Templar cartel, whichoperated with impuni ty in the region.

    Faced with s tate inaction, or complicity, toward the cartel, the communitiesdecided, via assemblies, to form self-defense groups. Emerging from these

    communi ty assemblies, they can only be considered legitimate manifestations o fthe peoples will.

    The inclusion of landowners and businesspeople in the self-defense groups doesnegate their popular or igin, as all members of the community were targets of thecartels actions.

    Similarly, the sole goal of ridding Michoacn of organized crime does not makethem unworthy of support. Perhaps they are not, as armed formations,environmentalist, anti-capitalist o r anti-authoritarian, though many among theirranks may be so.

    The focus on the cartels is clearly understandable, as it is the cartels who are themain impediment to a life with dignity for these communities.

    The focus on the Knights Templar specifically, as opposed to other cartels, is likewiseeasily comprehensible.

    Far from it meaning that the self-defense groups are armed and financed by rival cartels,it is simply the fact that it is the Knights Templar terrorizing the Tierra Caliente, sonaturally they would be the primary target of groups originating from the Tierra Caliente.In numerous interviews, self-defense spokespeople have indicated their groupsopposition to all organized crime operating in Michoacn and in Mexico.

    That the groups are not l ike Chern or the CRAC is also a misguided critique. Partof it i s based on the fact that the self-defense groups are not wholly indigenousand not wholly rural.

    Instead of embracing the emergence of urban, mestizo self-organization,somehow this is held up as a point of cr iticism.

    Such a perspective is indigenist in the extreme, and a denial of agency based onethnicity and locality.

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    An oppressed people have the right to organize and rise up, regardless of that groupscomposition, and regardless of if it mimics the predominant model of armed formationsin Mexico.

    Finally, many participants are indigenous, it is just not the primary focus of the


    Also held up as a dist inguishing factor is that the self-defense groups, unlikeChern or the CRAC, cooperate with the police and army.

    This is both true and false.

    Yes, the self-defense groups have agreed to be integrated into the states forces. At thesame time, the groups have previously shown their willingness to act in opposition to thestate, which is precisely what brought so much focus of the plight of the Tierra Calienteand pushed the state into acting against the Knights Templar.

    Some may cri tique the move as nave, but if the main goal is to r id the area oforganized cr ime, the groups remain empowered to do so, and remain armed.

    The agreement can be seen as a tactical move to achieve their goal.

    If it becomes a hindrance to doing so, there is no evidence that the groups wouldnot break with the state and pursue their objectives on their own yet again.

    Cooperation with state forces, no matter how objectionable, is common to the self-defense groups, Chern and the CRAC, blurring the lines of any criticism which usesstate cooperation as the standard for support or not.

    Chern has invited both the Federal Police and the military to set up bases near theircommunity to aid in fending off organized crime. The CRAC recently joined with a rivalorganization, UPOEG, and became a state-approved formation.

    Whether this is good or bad is another matter. The point is that the issue is not so cutand dry when it comes to the relationship of the state with self-organized armed groupsand communities in Mexico.

    The crux of the situation is that the self-defense groups should be evaluated on whatthey are, not what one would wish them to be or what one would desire they do.

    And what they are is an authentic peoples movement organized against an oppressive


    To hold them to a standard of purity not even existent among the movements they arecritiqued against and held up to is not only intellectually dishonest but alsounconstructive.

    Evaluated based on their own process of formation, their proposals and their actions, theself-defense groups have not given cause to merit recrimination.

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    Ultimately, they will act regardless of what those of us from afar say or write about them.The minimum they deserve is a disinterested, fair evaluation.


    Iraq Civil War -- BackgroundAnd Overview:

    Maliki Is Targeting Arab Sunnis InDifferent Provinces, With The Use

    Of Army Forces

    Therefore It Is The Right Of ThoseIndividuals To Defend Themselves InEvery Way Possible

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    The Problem The Government Has IsThat The Local Police Are Probably Not

    Going To Be Willing To Fight TheseTribal Revolutionaries

    7 February 2014 By Louise Redvers, IRIN [Excerpts]


    The violence in Anbar has been portrayed as a fight between the government of Iraq andal-Qaeda factions who have spilled into the country from across the border in Syria.

    But while militants from the jihadist outfit, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL),are certainly involved in western Iraqs Anbar, many analysts say this is only part of the


    Officially, the government says it is taking action against ISIL, which on 21December killed five senior Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) commanders.

    However, according to Toby Dodge of the International Institu te for StrategicStudies (IISS), the seeds of the current vio lence in Anbar date back to December2012, when the house of popular Finance Minister, Rafi al-Issawi, was raided andhis bodyguards were arrested.

    The problem the government has is that the local police are probably not going to bewilling to fight these tribal revolutionaries because they are part of the society to an

    extent, he said.

    From exile in Qatar, former Iraqi vice president Tariq al-Hashemi told Reuters hebelieved the violence could spread. Al-Hashemi was sentenced to death in absentiaafter being found guilty of running death squads - something he denies - in what wasseen by many to be a politicized decision by the courts.

    Many people have blamed the rise of ISIL in Syria, which shares a long andporous border with Anbar, through which weapons and fighters flow largelyunchecked, for the prov inces surge in violence.

    That is a view pushed by the Iraqi government, which has been count ing on the

    Wests fear of jihadist movements to solici t mili tary and weapons support.


    Iraq Civil War Reports:

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    Summary Of Events Of The IraqiPopular Revolution;

    Bulletin No. 86 Monday 3rd February,2014

    February 4, 2014 by Iraqi Spring Media Center, Uruknet

    The Bulletin of events that happened during the last 24 hours.


    -An ambulance car carries wounded and killed elements of S.W.A.T forces and S.W.A.Tforces in two cars terrify people and open fierce fire in front of Madinat Al Tib hospital.

    -The people of Amriya area, west of Baghdad organize a campaign to aid the displacedpeople from Anbar as a result of random bombing of Maliki forces .

    -Green Zone as a Hollywood in films producing: The ministry of Interior Affairsspokesman announces capturing of two cars bomb in Basrah booby trapped in thebesieged Fallujah.

    -Maliki forces launch a campaign of searching in Gazaliya in Baghdad after closing thearea completely.

    -Maliki forces and S.W.A.T militia make a raid on Al Hadeethi mosque in Gazaliya inBaghdad and seize all licensed weapons used to protect the mosque.

    -Killed and wounded in explosions hit Mahmoudiya , Baladiyat and Hurriya in Baghdad.

    -Notable deploying for the sectarian militias supported by Maliki forces in Latifiya , southof Baghdad.


    -Ayat Mohamad Fayadh -10 years injured by a splinter in head and all her familymembers killed as a result of random bombing for Maliki forces on civilians in Anbar


    -One of Maliki forces vehicle in Mala'ab area in Ramadi.


    -2 Hummers burned and 4 elements of the treacherous alliance killed in clashes with thetribal rebels in Albu Khaddo , northern east of Samarra .

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    -A car bomb explosion near a crowd of Maliki Awakening militias in Beiji resulting incausalities.

    -20 killed in a car bomb explosion at the home of commander of Awakening militia ,Ali AlHijab in Beiji.

    -Large Explosion shake Shirqat district, north of Tikrit in Salah Aldeen without details.

    -Explosion in Hay Al Qadisiya in Tikrit city in Salah Aldeen province without details.

    -4 explosions in Al Mustashfa Street in Tikrit in Salah Aldeen without details.

    -5 Hummers and 2 Bahbahan vehicles for Maliki army burned in Hafriyat in SuleimanBeg in Salah Al deen .


    -Joint force of Maliki army and districts police make a raid on Al Noowar ,Shlaka, Abdulla

    Al Sawan ,Tala, Al Fakhera ,Al Ulwiya , Al Hamran ,Al Hashmiya ,Tal Aleed , Jwalah, AlRash villages in Haweeja district .

    -3 roadside bombs then followed by clashes between the tribal rebels and police in SamiAl ood and Maftool villages in Riyadh district in Haweeja .

    -The commander of regiment 12 confesses of killing of 3 soldiers of Maliki forces andwounding of an officer in Kirkuk battles.

    -Killed and injured elements of the detachment2 regiment2 brigade 47 Maliki army- inan attack for the tribal rebels near Al Agoola village in Haweeja .

    -Maliki forces make a raid and search in Al Seeha village in Haweeja and arrest ArkanAhmed Shihab and Mohamed Ahmed Hummadi and three of their visitors.

    -3 Hummers destroyed and crew killed in a roadside bomb targets convoys of Malikarmy in Hawth 26 , Shlaga in Riyadh district and Khirbat Aziz village in Haweeja.

    -Maliki forces make a raid on Sheikh Hasan Al Khalaf home , Sheikh Al Ta'an tribe fromAbeed tribe ,in Riyadh district in Haweeja and arrest his son and take him to unknownplace.


    -Hummer for Maliki army destroyed and crew killed in clashes with the tribal rebels onMosul-Baghda road .

    - S.W.A.T militia make a raid on Hay Al Ulama'a yesterday night in the left side ofMosul and arrest two civilians from this neighborhood .


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    -An officer in army and policeman wounded with serious injuries in stick bomb attachedto their cars in Balad Rooz in Diyala .

    -Dozens of killed and wounded in bombing for Maliki forces on civilians in Makhyasah inDiyala ,including E'esa Omran, Abdul Jabbar Al Khamees,Misha'al Ibrahim Misha'al,Zaid Ismaeel ,Ali Shamsa and Zaid Al Juboori

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    A Report From The Battlefield InMosul:

    The Iraqi Revolt Is Not A RebellionTo Achieve Tribal Gains; It Is APopular Revolt To Restore The

    Homeland To The People It Is A Revolt To Expel Maliki And AllThose Who Sold Iraq To The United

    States And IranFebruary, 6, 2014 by Ibrahim Ebeid, Uruknet

    The Iraqi Revolt is not a rebellion to achieve tribal gains; it is a popular revolt to restorethe homeland to the people.

    It is a revolt to expel Maliki and all those who sold Iraq to the United States and Iran.

  • 8/13/2019 Military Resistance 12B5 Majorities Ruled


    The people realized that Iran is controlling Iraq and ripping it apart and dividing thepeople into sects in order to abolish and diminish Iraq to nothingness.

    For this reason the armed popular revolt is taking place.

    The rebellion is inflic ting heavy losses upon the mil itias and army of Maliki anddemoralizing them.

    Today, on all fronts, in Mosul, K irkuk, Salhuldin, Anbar, Fallujah, Ramadi and inthe outski rts of Baghdad, the rebels destroyed vehicles, tanks and captured arms,weapons, vehicles and soldiers.


    Forward Military Resistance along, or send us the email address if youwish and well send it regularly with your best wishes. Whether in

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