MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER IB World School Landscape Drive | East Doncaster Vic 3109 9842 7744 www.milgateps.vic.edu.au 2017 | Term 3 | Week 3 PRINCIPAL’S PERSPECTIVE This week our Year 3 and 4 students have been at camp. They went to the Anglesea Recreation Camp where they participated in a variety of activities such as: hiking, skateboarding, indoor rock climbing and an Estuary Discovery program learning about the sea animals and environment through activities at the beach. They were lucky with the weather as it was fine for most of the time. Thank you to all the school staff and parents who went on camp and assisted the students in activities. Many have challenged themselves participating in different activities and making new friends. We develop a love of learning DIARY DATES | Upcoming Mon - Fri YEARS 1 & 2 | Swimming Mon 7 Aug YR 3 | Incursion – Science Fri 11 Aug Foundation | Excursion - Heide Fri 11 Aug YR 4 | Excursion – Werribee Zoo Fri 11 Aug Storytime | 2-3pm Fri 22 Sep LAST DAY of Term 3 2.30pm Dismissal 2017 DATES Sun 27 Aug Working Bee | 9.30 – 11.30am Wed 20 & Thu 21 Sep School Musical | The Lion King Thu 14 Dec Carol’s Night | 7pm Fri 15 Dec End of Year Celebrations Tue 19 Dec Year 6 Graduation Thu 21 Dec Meet new Teacher / Class Fri 22 Dec LAST DAY of 2017 1.00pm Dismissal Full calendar details available in Compass. REMINDERS LATE ARRIVALS [after 9am bell] Students must report to the Office to be signed in by an Office staff member. EARLY DEPARTURES [before 3.30pm] Parents are required to have an Office staff member record the early departure BEFORE collecting your child from their classroom. Parents are still required to enter their approval into Compass afterwards. 9842 7744 [email protected] 2017 TERM DATES Term 1 30 January 31 March Term 2 18 April 30 June Term 3 17 July 22 September Term 4 9 October 22 December Balanced Caring Communicators Inquirers Knowledgeable Open-Minded Principled Reflective Risk-Takers Thinkers

MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER · Books By Andrew: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius Park Orchards Primary School Presents An Evening with • Building concentration & memory power, • Creative

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Page 1: MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER · Books By Andrew: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius Park Orchards Primary School Presents An Evening with • Building concentration & memory power, • Creative


IB World School

Landscape Drive | East Doncaster Vic 3109

9842 7744 www.milgateps.vic.edu.au

2017 | Term 3 | Week 3


This week our Year 3 and 4 students have been at camp. They went to the Anglesea Recreation Camp where they participated in a variety of activities such as: hiking, skateboarding, indoor rock climbing and an Estuary Discovery program learning about the sea animals and environment through activities at the beach. They were lucky with the weather as it was fine for most of the time. Thank you to all the school staff and parents who went on camp and assisted the students in activities. Many have challenged themselves participating in different activities and making new friends.

W e d e v e l o p a l o v e o f l e a r n i n g DIARY DATES | Upcoming Mon - Fri YEARS 1 & 2 | Swimming Mon 7 Aug YR 3 | Incursion – Science Fri 11 Aug Foundation | Excursion - Heide Fri 11 Aug YR 4 | Excursion – Werribee

Zoo Fri 11 Aug Storytime | 2-3pm Fri 22 Sep LAST DAY of Term 3

2.30pm Dismissal

2017 DATES

Sun 27 Aug Working Bee | 9.30 – 11.30am Wed 20 & Thu 21 Sep

School Musical | The Lion King

Thu 14 Dec Carol’s Night | 7pm Fri 15 Dec End of Year Celebrations Tue 19 Dec Year 6 Graduation Thu 21 Dec Meet new Teacher / Class Fri 22 Dec LAST DAY of 2017

1.00pm Dismissal Full calendar details available in Compass.


LATE ARRIVALS [after 9am bell] Students must report to the Office to be signed in by an Office staff member.

EARLY DEPARTURES [before 3.30pm] Parents are required to have an Office staff member record the early departure BEFORE collecting your child from their classroom.

Parents are still required to enter their approval into Compass afterwards.

9842 7744 [email protected]

2017 TERM DATES Term 1 30 January 31 March

Term 2 18 April 30 June

Term 3 17 July 22 September

Term 4 9 October 22 December











Page 2: MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER · Books By Andrew: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius Park Orchards Primary School Presents An Evening with • Building concentration & memory power, • Creative


IB World School

Landscape Drive | East Doncaster Vic 3109

9842 7744 www.milgateps.vic.edu.au

2017 | Term 3 | Week 3


Our Year 5 students went to Science works and the planetarium and enjoyed a variety of learning activities. This was linked into their current unit of inquiry - How the World Works - Earth is part of an immense system called the universe.

School Review

As part of the Department of Education Improvement Cycle, schools undertake a school review every four years. 2017 is the year of review for Milgate Primary School and staff are currently working on the school self-evaluation in preparation for the school review. This involves reviewing the goals in the current strategic plan (2014 – 2017) and analysing the student achievement data, targets and learning programs across the last 4 years. It is also a chance to celebrate the student achievements and the work of staff in continuing to develop and provide rich learning programs for the students.

School reviews provide an independent analysis of a school's performance against the goals and targets in their strategic plan. The formal review also evaluates the school's strengths and the impact of its improvement efforts. As a result of the school review, goals, targets and key improvement strategies are drafted for the school’s next Strategic Plan (2018 – 2021).

The school review draws on the expertise and experience of professionals to support schools to evaluate their performance outcomes and practice, and to plan for improved student outcomes. The actual review takes place over 2 days and involves a panel comprising an independent reviewer, school principal, the senior education improvement leader (SEIL), school council president (or nominee) and at least two challenge partners specifically chosen to provide expert input and professional challenge. During a planning and preparation day, the Panel co-constructs Terms of Reference for the review and a program for Panel Day. Following the Panel Day, the reviewer prepares a review report capturing the consensus view of the Panel.

As part of the review process we are interested to have feedback from parents in regard to the current school programs and for the future learning of students. To collect this feedback, an online survey will be available for parents to complete. Details in regard to accessing this, will be sent out via COMPASS in the next couple of weeks.

Yours sincerely,

Debbie Mierisch Principal

Karlie Gooding Assistant Principal

David Mander Assistant Principal [Acting]

Cookies to Beat Childhood Cancer

Thank you all for supporting Jett, Jayde, Sofi and Natalie's Cookies to beat Childhood Cancer. All cookies sold out within 10 minutes! Together we raised $344. If you would still like to donate, please go to:


Thank you so much for supporting Cookies to beat Childhood Cancer!

Page 3: MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER · Books By Andrew: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius Park Orchards Primary School Presents An Evening with • Building concentration & memory power, • Creative


IB World School

Landscape Drive | East Doncaster Vic 3109

9842 7744 www.milgateps.vic.edu.au

2017 | Term 3 | Week 3

YEAR 4 CAMP On Monday 31st July, Year 4 headed off to Anglesea Recreation Camp. We were there for three days and two nights. One of the favourite activities was skateboarding, where students and some adults got to test their balance skills and even accomplish some pretty cool skateboard tricks.

Activities such as orienteering and initiatives really challenged our teamwork skills, making us think about how we cooperate and work together within a group. Indoor rock climbing was another favourite activity where students gave themselves challenges by choice, setting their own goals as to how high they wanted to climb. The estuary discovery and mini hike allowed us to take advantage of our beautiful camp positioning right near some of Anglesea’s best beach spots.

Overall Anglesea camp was a great experience for everyone, giving us the chance to get to know each other that little bit more, as well as make some new friends within the Year Level!

PARENT OPINION SURVEY 2017 We want our parents to tell us what they think Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents at each school. It is designed to assist our school in gaining an understanding of parents’ perception of school climate, student engagement and relationships with our parent community. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. The survey will be conducted online by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd and only takes 15 minutes to complete. The survey can be accessed via desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile at any convenient time within the fieldwork period from Monday 7th August - Sunday 27th August. Approximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous. The online survey is available in English, Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha) and Hindi. Parent emails will be sent on Friday 4 August, to randomly selected families, with the link to complete the survey. The survey results will be reported back to our school at the end of September. For further information, please speak to you child’s teacher or visit: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/management/improvement/Pages/performsurveyparent.aspx

Woolworths Earn & Learn | Ends 19 Sep

We’re thrilled to announce that the Woolworths Earn & Learn program is back for 2017. Now anyone can

help our school earn amazing equipment by shopping at Woolworths from 26th July. All you need to do to help is shop at Woolworths during the promotional period, collect your stickers and send them to school. Ask grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends to collect the stickers too and we can earn even more fantastic equipment for our school.

Term 3 | Save The Date Father’s Day Stall - Thu 31 Aug & Fri 1 Sep Family Photoshoot - Sat 16 & Sun 17 Sep

Page 4: MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER · Books By Andrew: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius Park Orchards Primary School Presents An Evening with • Building concentration & memory power, • Creative


IB World School

Landscape Drive | East Doncaster Vic 3109

9842 7744 www.milgateps.vic.edu.au

2017 | Term 3 | Week 3

COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD This is now available on Compass so parents can access these items at any time and from anywhere. Once logged into Compass, just go to: Community | School Documentation | Community Noticeboard

Page 5: MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER · Books By Andrew: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius Park Orchards Primary School Presents An Evening with • Building concentration & memory power, • Creative

Books By


Unlocking Your

Child’s Genius

Park Orchards Primary School Presents

An Evening with

• Building concentration & memory power,

• Creative problem solving and ingenuity,

• Planning and anticipation skills,

• Sequencing and listening skills ,

• Increasing motivation and pleasure

in learning,

• Building self-esteem and dealing with

set backs,

• Developing a mindset for success,

• Overcoming anxiety and developing


Unlocking Your Child's Genius starts with the idea that every child has an

inner genius. Young children are like roosters up at dawn, making lots of

noise and asking questions. Then by about 7-8 years they often stop asking

questions and become anxious. Unlocking Your Child's Genius provides a

way for parents and grandparents to keep children's genius ignited.

9th August


• Unlocking Your Child’s


• Life: A Guide,

• Beating Bullies,

• Tricky Kids (Finch),

• Guerilla Tactics For Teachers,

• Raising Real People (Acer),

• From Surviving To Thriving (Acer),

Tickets:$15 (Earlybird) Group Discounts Available

Wednesday 9th August, 6.45pm – 8.30pm


BOOKINGS: www.trybooking.com/QVTY


Topics covered will include:

Andrew is a well-known Clinical Psychologist, Family Therapist,

Author and Fellow at the University of Melbourne. This seminar is

designed to help your child’s most important teacher- YOU-

develop the skills and ingredients of genius in your child.

Andrew Fuller

Page 6: MILGATE’S NEWSLETTER · Books By Andrew: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius Park Orchards Primary School Presents An Evening with • Building concentration & memory power, • Creative


Timetable | Term 3

LUNCHTIME OTHER Activity Location Year Levels Activity Location Year Levels | Time

MONDAY Jazz Dance Kelly Sports

Stadium Stadium

Foundation & Year 1 Foundation – Year 4

Code Club Young Engineers | Lego

Manuka Library

Years 3 – 6 | 3.45 - 4.45pm Years 4 – 6 | 3.45 – 5.00pm

TUESDAY Chinese Conversation Jazz Dance

LOTE Stadium

Foundation ONLY Years 2 – 6

Kelly Sports Outside F – Year 4 | 3.40 - 4.40pm

WEDNESDAY Lego Club Tennis

Library Stadium

Years 1 – 6 Foundation – Year 6

Art Club Art Room F – Year 1 | 3.45 – 5.15pm

THURSDAY Lego Club Library Years 1 – 6 [Girls Only]

Art Club Young Engineers | Lego

Art Room Library

Years 2 – 4 | 3.45 – 5.15pm Years 1 – 5 | 3.45 – 5.00pm


Jazz Dance Religious Instruction [Christianity]

Stadium Manuka

Years 1 - 2 Yrs 1 – 6 [1 - 1.25pm]

Art Club Art Room Years 4 – 6 | 3.45 – 5.15pm