Theology of Ordered Ministry Mike Pascual R220 IPM – Liturgy and Sacraments Session 7

Mike Pascual R220 IPM – Liturgy and Sacraments Session 7

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Theology of Ordered Ministry

Mike PascualR220 IPM – Liturgy and SacramentsSession 7


Understanding the Ordained Priesthood under a coherent theology of ministry In other words, how do we make sense

of the priesthood? Answer is to make sense of how we

understand ministry.


Defining our terms… Vatican II Identify some general obstacles in

our experience (theology has a sociology)

Systematic Theology… Or analogy of faith


Literally means “service”

In our use, any service rendered in the Church to assist in the fulfillment of its mission

Our understanding of Church can affect how we look at the role of service…

Vatican II

Prior to Vatican II, the Church was seen as an Institution

The Documents of Vatican II shifted the stress of understanding the Church away from institution

The People of God

While there was no specific model that replaced Institution, the documents of Vatican II specifically highlighted the concept of the Church as the People of God.

The One Priesthood

This highlight acknowledged the baptized participating in some way in the one priesthood of Christ and in mission of the Church itself (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 11, 30, 31) Source of Common Priesthood is


Leading us to the question…

How do we understand the relationship of the laity and the ordained priesthood?

Why an issue? What we pray is what we believe… And therefore how we live.

Obstacles to our theology (understanding)?

Caste system?


Dividing Line Model…

What does this say?








The laity are described as “not the priesthood.”

“second-class” citizens? Encourages “clericalism” How is ministry seen in this model?

Understanding of Ministry?

How does the understanding of ministry (the Church at service) operate?

All ministry is of the priest? And the laity?

Understanding of God?

Priest = persona Christi capitis

The Lay leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit.





Corrective…the Trinity

“The basic understanding that the Trinitarian God is not an abstract reality of three persons, but rather a God of love and relationship.” (Hahnenberg 84) Edward Hahnenberg, Ministries: A Relational Approach (New York, NY:

Crossword Publishing Company, 2003),

The Trinity as 3 Persons

Greek: Hypostasis (relation…) Latin: Persona English: Person

In essence, the three persons are three relationships…

3 Persons (relationships) God the Father as the Divine Source…

God the Son is distinguished as God the Son because of His relationship(hypostasis)… Jesus as the begotten Son of the Father

God the Spirit is distinguished as God the Spirit because of His relationship (hypostasis) … The Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

Trinitarian worldview

The belief of this theology of the Trinity necessarily implies a relational understanding of all reality…

All of reality is relational…

You can apply to ministry…

Trinitarian Ministry

This theology of relation can be applied to ministry by recognizing that an “individualistic conception of the minister is impossible to maintain.” (Hahnenberg, 95.)

From this account, the minister is not “the person apart.”

Trinitarian Ministry (cont)

The Minister serves as a member of the Church, in relation to God, both “local and universal; these horizontal relationships with other human beings flow from the relationship to God through Christ in the Spirit.”

Trinitarian is Relational

The leader needs the people in order to be the leader.

Similarly…the priest needs the laity to be the priest…

Therefore, it is from this relationship with the community that their ministry is a reality.

Instead of a dividing live…Concentric Circle Model…




Helps us see the integrative work between Christ and the Spirit in the life of the Church

Dividing line model suggests contrast (if not conflict) of Christ and the Spirit

The Minister…

Hence, a particular ministry does not exhaust the Church’s reality, but participates in it. The charism of community leadership

within an individual supports a community head who recapitulates the community.

Minister of the community

The Minister stands in place of the community on behalf of the community. Example Priest is Person of Christ , Head

of the Church (Body of Christ)

The Ministerial Priest as ministry of synthesis

The priest is a minister of unity, calls attention to the other members of

the body, to the variety of gifts and services raised up by the Holy Spirit.

Ministry catalyst

This suggests that the head minister (the priest) ought to be a ministry of synthesis, not a synthesis of ministry.

He should not take in the ministries as his own to do,

BUT BE THE CATALYST Dynamic Christ and Spirit movement… Person of Christ and Charism of the

Spirit… Pentecost parallels?

Ordered Ministry

In the world of Roman civic institutions, the word ordo suggested a well-defined social group or class, usually distinct from the general populace, such as the ordo of senators or the ordo of knights.

Thomas O’Meara imagines different degrees of ministry to articulate our experience of the diversity of ministries within the people of God. (Hahnenberg 126)

Theological Ideal





Ecclesial positioning

One’s “Church position” is determined by 1. the minister’s commitment to ministry 2. the significance and public nature of

the ministry itself 3. the recognition accorded by the

community of its leaders (page 131)

Ecclesial Position Requirements



A more detailed process… a personal call, ecclesial discernment and recognition of a

genuine charism formation appropriate to the demands of

ministry, some authorization by community leadership,

and some ritualization as a prayer for the assistance

of the Holy Spirit and a sending forth on behalf of the community.” Richard Gaillardetz, “The Ecclesiological Foundations

of Ministry within an Ordered Communion” 36.

Ontological Change?

Ontology means “nature of being” Is the minister who is “ordered”

(ordained in the loosest understanding of the word) changed ontologically?

Based off of this understanding of Ordered Ministry, there is a change in their relational ontology.

Relational Change

The change of being is their relational being within the church. This is the change in ecclesial


To summarize

Theology of Ministry stems from an understanding of: The Trinity (Relationality) The Church (Ordered Communion)

In other words

This understanding of Ministry is based off a Trinitarian world-view of relationship and an understanding of Church as ordered communion.


This situates the Sacrament of Orders within a wider understanding of Orders and Ministry Similar to what we did with the word

Sacraments We can now appreciate the role and

understanding of the Sacrament of Orders and Matrimony as Sacraments of Ministry