Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT LARGE) Cannon Ball District Brandon Mauai Paul Archambault Long Soldier District Kory Mclaughlin Ira Taken Alive Vice Chairman Susan Agard Secretary Wayne Looking Back Wakpala District Charles Walker Delray Demery Kenel District Frank White Bull Joe White Mountain Jr. Bear Soldier District Courtney Yellow Fat December 18, 2017 Caroline Thompson Rock Creek District Dana Yellow Fat Verdell Bobtail Bear Running Antelope District Terrence Parks, Samuel B. Harrison Porcupine District Chief Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Services Division of Workforce Development 1849 (-Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20240 Dear Mr. Parks: The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Workforce Services- Pl 102-477 program is submitting the Narrative and Statistical reports for the reporting period October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. The SRST finance department is working on the financial report and will be complete by next week. If you have any questions, please contact the Workforce Services program director, Cheryl Keepseagle at 701-854-8520. Thank you. Respectfully, Mike Faith, Chairman Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Attachments

Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT

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Page 1: Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT

Mike Faith Chairman


(AT LARGE) Cannon Ball District

Brandon Mauai Paul Archambault Long Soldier District

Kory Mclaughlin Ira Taken Alive

Vice Chairman

Susan Agard


Wayne Looking Back Wakpala District

Charles Walker Delray Demery Kenel District

Frank White Bull Joe White Mountain Jr. Bear Soldier District

Courtney Yellow Fat December 18, 2017 Caroline Thompson Rock Creek District

Dana Yellow Fat Verdell Bobtail Bear Running Antelope District

Terrence Parks, Samuel B. Harrison Porcupine District

Chief Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Services Division of Workforce Development 1849 (-Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20240

Dear Mr. Parks:

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Workforce Services- Pl 102-477 program is submitting the Narrative and Statistical reports for the reporting period October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017.

The SRST finance department is working on the financial report and will be complete by next week. If you have any questions, please contact the Workforce Services program director, Cheryl Keepseagle at 701-854-8520. Thank you.


Mike Faith, Chairman Standing Rock Sioux Tribe


Page 2: Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT





Page 3: Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Workforce Services - PL 102-477 Program

FY '17 Annual Report

Table of Contents

Grantee lnformation------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------1

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Organization----------------------------------------------------------------2

History of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe----------------- -- ---------------------------------------------3

Reservation Map-------------------- - --------------------------------------- -------------4

Tribal Economy------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------5

Vision St ate men t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

M is s ion St ate men t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Workforce Service s-----------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Classroom Training------------------------------------------------------------------7

Work Experience----------------------------------------· ------------------------------------------7

Youth Services-- -----------· ---------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Sup po rt Services----------------------------- ------·----------· -----·------------------------------------ . 8

Barrie rs------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------9

Fut u re------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Stat i st i ca I Re po rt F o rm---------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------10

Federal Financial Report--------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Page 4: Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT



Program Name:

Contract Number:


Administering Agency:


Phone Numbers:

Fax Number:

Tribal Chairman

Program Director

Reporting Period

Workforce Services - PL 102-477 Program


Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Workforce Services - PL 102-477 Program Judicial Committee

Standing Rock Administrative Service Center Building 1 North Standing Rock Avenue Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538

701-854-8000 Main SRST Office 701-854-8520, 8521, 8522 Workforce Services

701-854-7507 Workforce Services

Mike Faith - [email protected]

Cheryl Keepseagle - [email protected]

October ist through September 30th


Page 5: Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Organization


Vice Chairman


Cannon Ball District Councilman

Porcupine District Councilman

Long Soldier District Councilman

Kenel District Councilman

Wakpala District Councilman

Running Antelope District Councilman

Rock Creek District Councilwoman

Bear Soldier District Councilman

At-Large Councilman

At-Large Councilman

At-Large Councilman

At-Large Councilman

At-Large Councilman

At-Large Councilman

Executive Director

Workforce Services Program Director

Workforce Services Career Counselor

Workforce Services Case Manager

Mike Faith

Ira Taken Alive

Susan Agard

John Pretty Bear

Ben Harrison

Brandon Mauai

Delray Demery

Wayne Looking Back

Verdell Bobtail Bear

Caroline Thompson

Joe White Mountain Jr.

Frank White Bull

Charles Walker

Kory Mclaughlin

Dana Yellow Fat

Courtney Yellow Fat

Paul Archambault

Janet Thomas

Cheryl Keepseagle

Roselyn Buffalo Boy

To be advertised


Page 6: Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT



FY '17-0CTOBER 1, 2016 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2017



The Standing Rock Sioux Reservation was originally established as part of the Great Sioux Reservation. Article 2 of the Treaty of Fort Laramie of April 29, 1868 described the boundaries of the Great Sioux Reservation, as commencing on the 46th parallel of north latitude to the east bank of the Missouri River, south along the east bank to the Nebraska line, then west to the 104th parallel of west longitude.

The Standing Rock Agency was established at Fort Yates in 1873. The Executive Order of March 16, 1875 extended the Reservation's northern boundary to the Cannon Ball River.

In the act of March 2, 1889, however, Congress further reduced the Great Sioux Reservation, dividing it into six separate reservations, including the Standing Rock Reservation. The Standing Rock Reservation boundaries, delineated in section 3 of the 1889 act, have remained intact since that time; the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is situated in North and South Dakota (see attached map).

The United States Government works on three levels: Federal, State and Tribal. The tribal reservations have a government-to-government relationship with the United States. The Great Sioux Nation signed treaties in 1851 and in 1868 with the United States which are binding documents that established our original boundaries and recognized our rights as a sovereign nation.

The lands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe were reduced to a reservation by the Act of March 2, 1889. The Tribal government maintains jurisdiction on all reservation lands, including all rights­of-way, waterways, watercourses and streams running through any part of the reservation and to such others lands as may hereafter be added to the reservation under the law of the United States. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe operates under a constitution approved on April 24, 1959 by the Tribal Council of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

The total land base of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is 2,300,000 acres of which 866,072 are Tribal Owned, 542,543 are Tribal Owned Allotted, 1,283,000 are Non-Indian Owned, the Reservoir Taken Area 55,993.

The Standing Rock Reservation is thirty-four (34) miles south of Mandan, North Dakota. The Cannon Ball River runs along the north side of the reservation and Ceder Creek in the northwest side. The reservation ends at the Perkins County and Adams County line in the west and the Missouri River on its east side. The southern line of Standing Rock ends with the Cheyenne River Reservation line. The total land area of the Standing Rock Reservation is 2.3 million acres


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Standing Rock Reservation

60 40 20 10 0


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and of that 1,408,061 million is tribally owned. The land is an important part of the Lakota/Dakota people's lives.

The Standing Rock Reservation consists of eight (8) districts as follows:

1. Bear Soldier - Population 1,430 2. Rock Creek - Population 1,205 3. Running Antelope - Population 560 4. Wakpala - Population 547 5. Kenel- Population 337 6. Long Soldier (Fort Yates) Population - 2,563 7. Cannon Ball - Population 947 8. Porcupine - Population 628

The population figures reflect the 2010 US Census outcome.

Tribal Economy

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's major economic occupation is cattle ranching and farming. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe established various industries for the Tribe on the reservation and plans to develop more enterprises.

In the area of economic development the Tribe currently operates the Prairie Knights Casino and Lodge, Prairie Knights Quik Mart, Grand River Casino, Standing Rock Farms, Standing Rock Telecommunications, Standing Rock Propane and Standing Rock Housing Authority.

Other area businesses are the White Buffalo Foods, Hagel's Service, Tim's Service, Rockin' Tacos, The Rock Pizza and Grill, My Aunties, Family Dollar in the Long Soldier (Fort Yates) District; in the Bear Soldier District, there is the Cenex Farmers Union Oil Co., Moser's Grocery; the district of Rock Creek has a store/gas station; in the Cannon Ball district there is a convenience/gas store; Running Antelope has a convenience store.

There are non-Indian owned businesses throughout the reservation, primarily in McIntosh and McLaughlin, South Dakota and Selfridge and Solen, North Dakota.

Vision Statement

"Standing Rock Tribal Government strives to be a more effective, efficient and visible government providing opportunities for our economy to grow through business development by educating our members, to enhance the health and wellness of the people of Standing Rock."


Page 9: Mike Faith Chairman TRIBAL COUNCIL John Pretty Bear (AT

Mission Statement

"The Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council is a governing body empowered by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Constitution committed to promoting an environment for the self­sufficiency of all tribal members."

Workforce Services

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Workforce Services - PL 102-477 program has integrated the following programs into its plan and serves eligible participants of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other tribes who reside within the two (2) county service area: Corson County, South Dakota and Sioux County, North Dakota:

• Department of Labor - Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act - Adult Services • Department of Labor - Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act - Youth Services • Department of Health & Human Services - Native Employment Works (NEW) • Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs - Job Placement Training Program

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Workforce Services program promotes self-sufficiency by removing barriers to employment. Our overall goal is to provide services to a participant that promotes self-sufficiency, to prepare the individual for the world of work and to further the economic and social development of our community. The program strives to:

• Strengthen our tribal institutions in providing an education and work-based learning service.

• Support tribal families in reaching their full potential in becoming motivated, productive and self-sufficient.

• Further the economic and social development of our communities in accordance with the values, traditions, and culture of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

• Maintain a "one-stop" and "one-application" system that allows the individual or family a more friendly system.

The program's overall service integration plan is under Public Law 102-477; under this plan the program is designed to combine these programs into a single system for delivery of tribal services. Utilizing one or more of the following components, participants were able to attain promotion of their individual level of self-sufficiency by removing barriers to employment: Classroom Training, Work Experience and Support Services. Through a single application, applicants identify interest in utilizing one or more of these program components.

The determination of eligibility incorporates all statutory authority and regulations for each perspective consolidated program under the approved 477 plan and is a continuous process, which encompasses all activities, related to a single application, from the applicant's intake process to the final disposition of the application.


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A case plan is developed with the assistance of the participant and is complete only when the participant and staff have signed and dated the document. The case plan is an outline or map the participant follows in order to attain self-sufficiency.

The program offers the following services:

Classroom Training

The Classroom Training component assists participants in completing their education and training goals. The majority of students attend classes at the local community college, Sitting Bull College or United Tribes Technical College located in Bismarck, North Dakota. The program addresses training needs of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and assists participants in obtaining their educational goals through classroom training stipends, payment of tuition, books, fees and support services.

The program works with the state social service agencies who refer TANF participants to our program for an employability plan, job readiness and GED referrals.

There were a total of seventy-six (76) participants who attended classes and GED in order to obtain their employment and training goals and objectives.

Work Experience

The program assisted One Hundred Forty One (141) participants who were placed in various worksites in order to gain meaningful work experience. The main goal is for the participant to obtain valuable and meaningful work experience so that they may be hired within their worksite or be able to apply for a position in which they can use that work experience to become self-sufficient. Some of the worksites that assisted the program are:

• SRST Maintenance Department

• SRST Land Management Program

• SRST Finance Department

• SRST Low Income Energy Assistance Program

• SRST Nutrition for the Elderly Program

• Standing Rock Housing Authority

• Long Soldier District

• Kenel District

• Running Antelope District

• Wakpala District

• Porcupine District

• Cannon Ball District

• Bear Soldier District


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• Rock Creek District

• Solen Public School

• Boys & Girls Club

• Teton Times

Youth Services

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe served seventy-eight (78) youth reservation-wide, the youth were placed in a worksite where they earned meaningful work experience, the importance of time and attendance, budgeting and earning a paycheck. Some of the worksites who assisted our youth were:

• Standing Rock Community School

• Cannon Ball Public School

• SRST Maintenance Department

• Standing Rock Housing Authority Kenel District •

• Wakpala District

• Wakpala Public School

• Sitting Bull School

• Rock Creek School

• Porcupine District

• Boys & Girls Club

• Rock Creek District

• Episcopal Church

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, along with other local Tribes and the USDA Forestry Service and Nemo Job Corps have an agreement in place each year to provide work experience in a variety of program areas such as timber, recreation, wildlife, heritage and range management for youth ages 16-24. The program sent two (2) youth to participate in this training. The youth resided at the Nemo Job Corps center and transportation and supervision were provided by the US Forest Service.

Support Services

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Workforce Services program assisted Seventy-Seven (77) participants with support services or cash assistance. These included participants who were seeking full-time, permanent employment and obtained a job; transportation assistance was provided to them in order from them to travel to and from the jobsite, until they received their first paycheck. Program participants who needed support services to fulfill their employment and training goals with the program were provided for childcare, work clothes, prescription glasses and transportation.


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The Standing Rock Reservation is situated rurally and some services that can be provided to our participants are not available locally. Most residents live in poverty and are faced with persistent high unemployment and severe underemployment is the norm here. The reservation is geographically large, remote and is a resource poor area. Employment opportunities are limited; Tribal Government, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service, K-12 School, Sitting Bull College, Prairie Knights Casino and Lodge and Grand River Casino are the dominant employers. The lack of employment opportunities and the nature of those that are available make becoming "self-sufficient" very difficult. The undocumented unemployment rate is estimated to be 80-90% here on Standing Rock Reservation. Workers frequently move from one job to another out of economic necessity and based on what is available at the time. There is no treatment center here for participants who are in need of in-patient care, though there is a treatment program that offers out-patient care for participants who ask for it. Another barrier that our participants face is having no valid driver's license, many participants do not have reliable transportation to even have a license; obtaining employment where a license is required is not an option for some of our participants. Relocation is an option for some of our participants, however the connection to the reservation and the desire to stay "home" is strong for those that have been raised here; those who have had to leave most of their extended family behind in such a move, is difficult for some.


The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe strives toward self-sufficiency for its people and its land. The Tribe has plans to develop its own bank. The Tribe encourages new business ideals for the Standing Rock Reservation. The Tribe has expanded Sitting Bull College to better serve students goals and objectives and has plans to further expand its services. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe wants to ensure that their people, culture, tradition and way of life continue into the future . The Tribe wants to ensure that their children carry on the knowledge of our traditional language and culture. The Elders pass tribal history to the youth which make them valuable resources and enable the Tribe to grow as a people with its own culture, history and way of life.


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0MB Control No. 1076-0135 (Version 2) Expiration Date 02/28/2018

Public Law 102-477 Statistical Re ort Tribal Nation Report Period

STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE From: 1 0 1 1 6 To: 0 9 3 0 1 7 I. Participants Served Adults Youth Cash Assistance Recipients

A. Total Participants 172 78 250 B. Total Terminees 9 78 217 C. Total Current Partici ants 33 0 33

Il. Terminee Outcomes Adult Youth Cash Assistance Recipients 63 78 1 41

ent 1 0 0 1 0 40 78 118 1 3 0 13

$ 7. 25_ B. Total with Educational/Trainin

0 42 0 34

2. Other Education Outcomes 05 0 05 3. Education Ob· ective Not Achieved 0 31

C. Misc. Ob· ective Achieved 08 0 08 D. Other (Non-Positive 06 0 06

Ill. Terminee Characteristics Adult Youth Cash Assistance Reci ients A. Female 85 47 132 B. Male 31 85 C. Education Level

25 1 0 35 74 61 135 30 06 36 10 01 11

0 0 0 Adult Youth Cash Assistance Reci ients 63 78 1 41 5 0 59 1 6 0 1 6

D. Other/Service Referral

V. Child Care and Develo ment Activities A. Families Receiving Child Care

01 Families


4. Child's Home

VI. Jobs Creation/Economic Develo ment A. Number

Phone Number Date

( 701 ) 854-8520 12/13/2017

C. Care Received-T e of Provider 1. Center Based