I I ' I ' l ' ' I ' ' . ' .. ·MINUTES . OF THE MIDWAY. ·. ··. FREEWILL BAPTIST . ASSOCIATION · · Of Freewlll Baptists of Georgia Convened with . ' . Blakely Freewill Baptist Church . . Blakely, Georgia . . October 24th, 1970 ' ' . . ,' . . . . . . ' . - I ·: I ; I ' . ' ' . . I. ! ' i I . I . ' ! '. ' I . ' ' I ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' . ' . ' ' ! ' ' I ' ' ' ' ! i . I . I I ! /' I i : I ' I ' i I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! I ' i ' !I I I ' I . i ' I ; ' ' '


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. ' .. ·MINUTES .





· Of Freewlll Baptists of Georgia

Convened with

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. Blakely Freewill Baptist Church . .

Blakely, Georgia . .

October 24th, 1970 ' ' . . ,' .

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Moderator: Rev. Charles Hollingshead, (1972-(2) Albany, Ga. Vice-Moderator: Bro. Leorn Clower (1972-(2) Arlington, Ga. Clerk: William 0. Clower (1972- (2) ------------------------ Morgan, Ga. Assistant Clerk-: Hoyt Sheffield (1972- (2) ____________ Blakely, Ga. Treasurer: J. W. Clower, (1972-(2) _________________ Arlington, Ga. Assistant Treas.: Mrs. J. W. Clower (1972- (2) Arlington, Ga.

- MISSION BOARD -Alvin Day (1972- (2) ----------------------------------------------- Blakely, Ga. Willie J. Jackson ( 1972-(2) __________________________________ c_ Blakely, Ga. Rev. Kenneth Faison (1972-( ) ---------------------------- Colquitt, Ga. Robert Lisenby (1972- (2) ------------------------------------ Arlington, Ga. Martin Murkerson (1972-(2) ------------------------------------Blakely, Ga.

- ORDAINING BOARD -Rev. Billy Bevin (1972- (1) -------------------------------------- Blakely, Ga. Rev. Trellis Mayhall (1972- (2) --------------------------- Arlington, Ga. Rev. Dennis Irvin (1972-(2) --------------------------------- Albany, Ga. Rev. Jerry Banks (1972-(1) -------------------------------- Colquitt, Ga. Rev. J. W. Loyless (1972-(1) ---------------------------- Blakely, Ga.

- BUDGET AND FINANCE BOARD -J. W. Clower (1972- (2) ------------------------------------- Arlington, Ga. Bud Shiver (1972- (1) ---------------------------------------------- Leary, Ga. Bill Lofton ( 1972-( 1) --------------------------------------------- Albany, Ga.


Mission Board ------------------------------- Rev. Kenneth Faison (1973) Trustee Board -------------------------------------------------- Earl Tab (1971) Superannuation Board ---------------------------- Leron Clower (1971) Christian Education & Camping ________ Rev. Don Reed (1973) Budgeting Board -------------------------------------------- John Grant (1973


Rev. Don Reed Lewis Sheffield Edward Kimbrel

- CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE -William 0. Clower Myra White Eleanor Sheffield

-NOMINATING COMMITTEE -. Rev. Bobby Parker Earl Tabb Rev. Joe Murkerson


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Jan. 23, 1971 --~--------------------------------------------- New Enterprise April 24, 1971 ----------~--------------------------------- Travelers Rest July 24, 1971 ------------------------------------------------o------- Arlington


Oct. 23, 1971 -c----------------~--------,-------------------c ______________ · Albany


June 26, 1971 ------------------------------------------------ Patmos Church President --------------------------- ----------------------------- Leron Clower Recording Secretary ---------------------------- Mrs. Ralph Jenkins Corresponding Secretary ------------------------ Mrs. Myra White Treasurer ---------------------------------------- Mrs. Malcolm Freeman


Feb. 6, 1971 ________________ South Ga. Academy, Damascus, Ga. May: (date to be announced) ________ Kolomoki State Park Aug.: (date and place to be announced) . Committee of CTS Activities: Rev. & Mrs. Jerry Banks, Co-Chairman, Rochell May­hall, John Grant


June 7, 1971 ----------------------~-------,-~----------- Arlington Church President -----------------------------------------"------ .Hansford Cleveland Vice President ------------------------------------------------ Murry Haire Secretary and Treasurer ---------------------------------------- Don Holt


,_,_ . •-­---~---"

March (date to be announced) Workshop Bellview Church· Oct. 2, 1971 Annual Session -------------------- Travelers Rest President ------------------------------------------------ Mrs. Pauline Bush Recording Secretary ----------------~----------------- Wynelle Clower Personal Service Chairman ______________________ Shirley Kimbrel Treasurer _____ . .. ___________________ ·--------------------- Vaudine Moody

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Albany: Rev. Charles Hollingsheard 436-1973.-.Albany, Ga. Rev. Dennis Irvin 436-5258 Albany, Ga.

· Rev. H. L. Knighton 436-2502 Albany, Ga.

Arlington: Rev. Trellis Mayhall 725-4180 · Arlington, Ga.

Bainbridge: Rev. Mike Goss 246-4069 Bainbridge, Ga.

Bellview: Rev. Kenneth Faison 258-2641 Colquitt, Ga.

Blakely: Rev. Billy Bevan 723-5683 Blakely, Ga. Rev. Joe Murkerson Blakely, Ga.

Cedar Springs: Rev. David· Matthews ·

Damascus: . Rev. S. T. Shutes . 758-3188 · Colquitt, Ga.

Emmanuel: Rev. Bobby Parker 327-9046, 324-1741 Columbus, Ga .

Enterprise: Rev. Coy Watson 723-4743 Blakely, Ga.

Macedonia: Rev. Jerry C. Banks 758-2176 Colquitt, Ga.

. Mt. Zion·: Rev. Ralph Baker 687-5445 Eufaula, Ala.

New Light: Rev. Melvin Moody 849-2875 Morgan, Ga.

Oak Grove: Rev. C. R. Houston · 758-2106 Colquitt Ga. .

Patmos: · Rev. Donald Reed . 734~5095 Newton, Ga .. ·

' •

White Plains: Rev. C. C. White .

723-5103 Blakely,· Ga. .. .

Blakely, Ga. . Rev. J. W. Loy less 723-3004

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- Albany: Gleason Fowltr, Bill Lofton, Billy Parker, A. B. Paul, Lloyd Renfrow, Roy Wiard, Aaron Lovett.

.. Arlington: Leron Clower, J. W.Clower, Robert Lisenby.

Bainbridge: Willard S. Tedder, Joe L. McLendon, Harrison .Gordan.

Bellview: John A. Grant, Donald Brown,· Willis Pate, Rudy Clenney, Lamar Brooks, Felix Kimbrel Charles, Brown, Fred Brown, Peard Brown.

Blakely: Alvin Day,. Hansford Cleveland, Jack Henderson, Whit Mercer, Fred Middleton ..

Cedar.Springs: E. A. Reed, George Pyle, J. H. Radney, Davis · Pyle, Hoyt Sheffield, Vinson Evans.

Damascus: W. V. Peak, Doug Wright.

Donalsonville: Tom C. Cox, W. F. (Bill) Richardson, Wilford Tyler ..

Emanuel': Bennie Lovering, George Morris, Alva Brunson, Ed­ward Newman ..

Enterprise: T. W. Jenkins, Ralph Jenkins. A. L. Taylor.

Hammack Springs: Ira Barber, W. M. Barber, Robert Cun­ningham, Billy Grant, Bobby Nichols, Robert Williams.

Macedonia: Beach amp Houston, J. M. Craft, 0. B. Everson, ·Earl Tabb, Bill Thornton.

Mt. Zion: L .A. Wiley, C. G. Jordan, Edward Deal.

New Enterprise: J. R. Shores, Wyatt Brackin, H. Y. Sharber, E. B. Ard, A. C. Williams, Henry Barber.

New Light: W. L. Drinkwater, Charles R. Drinkwater, Thad Hawk, Flacom Turner, Perry Paul, Willie D. Beard, W. 0. Clower ..

·· Oak Grove: H. A. Harbin, S. F. Boyd, Cecil Houston, Douglas Worseley.

Patmos: M;' G. Shiver, C. C. Sheffield, Steve Bush, Herbert Woodard, .r. F. Grifffin, Austin Craft, Almer Hay.


South Side: Murry. ·Haire, Willie Jim Jackson. '

Travelers Rest: C. Rhodes; T. L. Edwards, Clinton Musgrove, · Willie Israel, Clarence Edwards.· · ,

• ' ' . • . I I

White Plains: Martin Murkerson, J. 0. Houston, S. A. White. · . ' ' . . ,,


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Minutes of the 1970 First Quarterly Session ·of the Mid­way Association of Free Will Baptist convening with Bellview Free Will Baptist Church Jan. 24, 1970. ·

The Session was opened with congregation ·singing, led by Bro. Rudy Clenney, with Sister Shirley Kimbrel at the piano. Rev. Donald Reed brought the morning devotion using Psalms 1 (whole chapter) as his text. Bro. Johnny Grant gave the welcome and Bro. Bill Lofton made the response . . .

. . The Session was called into official order by the clerk. He

introduced the Moderator, Rev. Charles Hollingshead.

A roll call of the delegates was made. M.S.C. to receive the report and seat the delegates. ·

• . .

Thirteen (13) ordained minjsters answered the roll call. They were: Rev. Charles Hollingshead, Rev. H. L. Knighton, Rev. Trellis Mayhall, Rev. Kenneth Faison, Rev. Milton Fields, Rev. Coy Watson, Rev. Jerry Johnson, Rev. Melvin Moody, Rev. C. R. Houston, Rev. Donald Redd, Rev. Ralph Baker, Rev. J. W. Loyless and Rev. Bobby Parker. Rev. Mike Goss was reported sick.

The following Brothers and Sisters were recognized . as visitors: Rev. and Sister Daniel Pelt, Rev. J. B. Lovering from the Paul Palmer Fellowship Conference; Rev. A. C. Truluck, South Ga. Association and Sister Ralph Ard, Martin Associa­tion .

M.S.C that we adopt the planned program for the day, with permission giving the Moderator to change as he deemed it necessary. in the interest of time.

·Letters from Rev. T. B. Calloway and Rev. Jerry John­son requesting letters of recommendation to other Associa­tions were read and referred to the Ordaining Council. These letters were granted and written br the Ordaining Council.

. Rev. A. C. Truluck, State Promotional Secretary, gave a

report on State Promotional work. M.S.C. that the report be received as information.

The business session was recessed for the worship hour.

The wor~ip hour was opened with the congregation singing "My Redeemer." Bro. Leron Clower gave the offertory .. prayer. An offering was taken. Special music was rendered -. by Sister Shirley Kimbrel, singing "All That Thrills My SoUl.".·



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The morning message was brought by Rev. Jerry John­son, using Neh. 8:1-3 as his text and "Why We Must Return to the Bible" as his subject.

Bro. Earl Tabb gave thanks for the noon meal and dis­missed us for the noon hour.

The host church served a wonderful meal in the church · recreation room. It was enjoyed by all as we fellowshipped with one another.

The afternoon session. was opened with the congregation singing '.'Praise the Lord". The devotion was by Rev. Bobby Parker, using Psalms 125:1-3 as scripture.

The Credential Report was read. M.S.C. to adopt the re­port (see report) M.S. C. that the finance report. be adopted as read. (see report) ·

A motion was made to place Rev. Bobby Parker on the Resolution Committee to fill the unexpired term of Rev. Jerry Johnson. He was elected by acclamation.

A report was given by the State Mission Board.

The balance of the session was used to. read and discuss the proposed Constitution and By-Laws, with some changes being made by the body. At Article 5, Section 1 a motion was made that we table the recommendation until the April ses­sion and adjourn. The motion was seconded and carried;

Rev. H. L. Knighton dismissed us in prayer. Rev. ·Charles Hollingshead, Mod. W. 0. Clower, Clerk

Credential report:

Letters received from 19 churches. Representative fees received from 11 churches. Total $301.00. Number of delegates present, 57. Number of Sunday Schools reporting, 19. Enrollment, 1,420. Av. Att., 1,062. . Number of C.T.S reporting, 19. Enrollment, 741. Av. Att., 583. . . . .. Number of Woman's Auxiliary, 15. Enrollment, 188. Av.

' Att., 141. -· . Number of Master's Men, 8. Enrollment, 66. Avg. Att~, 41. Numberof prayer meetings, 18. Average attendance, 4!9.


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Number of letters received, 3. Respectfully submitted: Mrs. Hoyle White Mrs. Eleanor ·Sheffield W. 0. Clower·

General treasurer's report: Amt. brought forward _____________________________ c _______ c~--- · $ Offering today --------------------------------------------------­

.Received from churches ------------------------------------ . ~otal -----~----------------------------~------------------- $

Disbursements: ' (

40% to Mission treas. ______________________ $218.50

· Moderator ------------------------------------------ 15.00 Clerk _ -------------------------------------------- 15.00 Mrs. J. L. Tedder ------~-------------~------- .· 20.00 · Mrs Ralph Bell -------------------------------- 20.00 Rev. E. C. Wiliams ------~-------"------------- 20.00

·Rev. H. L. Knighton ------------------------ 20.00 ' '

Love offering: Mrs. W. · T. Wiley ____________ ;_~~-~~~ 20.00 . . . .

·. Rev.· C. C. White ------------------------- 20.00 . Unified program ----~----------------~ . 100.00 Bible College ~--------------------------- _ · 50.00 Expansion program ---------------~-- 50.00

Balance in general treas. --~----------------- $ J. W. Clower J. M. Craft

Mission Treasurer:

., ..

45.34 160.25 386.00 591.59

568.50 23.09

Balance brought forward ------------------------------------ $ . 860.85 Received from Albany Church ---------------------- _ 40.00 Interest ·on bonds -------------------------------------------- 22.50 Received today · -----------'---~-·---------------------------- _ 218.50

1,141.85 · Paid State Association dues _______ : _______ ____ ~ _ . · ·.· 25.00

' '

Balance in Mission . treas. ________________ :- $1,116.85 In treasury to take care pf minutes $310.00

. Letters of recommendation for Rev. Kenneth Faison and the Bellview Church from the Martin Association were re~d.

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Minutes of the 1970 Second Quarterly Session of the Mid­way Association of Free Will Baptist convening with Bain-bridge Free Will Baptist Church. ·


The theme for the day was "Follow Christ." Brother Barry Clower led the congregation in singing "Deeper, Deep­er", accompanied by Sister Michele· Mayhall. The devotion was by Rev. Cecil Cooper, using scripture from St. Luke 6:46

·and 1st .. Corinthians.

Bro. W. S. Tedder gave the ministers, delegates and visi­tors a warm welcome. Bro. Martin Murkerson gave the re­sponse.

The session was called to order for the transaction of business by the clerk. The moderator, Rev. Charles Hollings­head•was presented. He gave a few timely remarks and prayer was offered by Rev. Daniel Pelt ..

The program prepared by the host church was adopted, giving the moderator privilege to change it if necessary in the interest of time.

A portion of the Credential Report· was given and a roll call of delegates was made. The moderator· asked all deacons to stand and be recognized. M.S.C. that the delegates be seated.

Ten (10) ordained ministers answered the roll call. They were: Rev. Charles Hollingshead, Rev. Dennis Irvin, Rev. H.

. L. Knighton, Rev. Trellis Mayhall, Rev. Kenneth Faison, Rev. Bobby Parker, Rev. Mike Goss, Rev. Melvin Moody, Rev. Ralph Baker and Rev. J. W. Loyless.


All visitors were recognized and a memorial prayer was ·offered for Rev. E. C. Williams.


A letter of resignation from all boards and committees and requesting a letter in good standing from our Association to another Association was read from Rev. ·Milton Fields. M.S.C. that his resignation be accepted and the letter· be granted. · ·

. M.S.C that Sister Eva Clenney be placed on the list of

superanannuates. · The business session was recessed forthe worship hour. ·.

The worship hour was opened ·with the congregation singing "Praise Him, Praise Him." The offeratory prayer was led by Rev. Kenneth Faison. An offering was taken. ·

' Special music was by Sister Mary Nell Lanier. . i


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. Rev. Ralph Baker brought the morning message, using Mat. 19:21 as a text and "Choose Ye, Whom You Will Serve", as his subject. ·

Brother Joe Murkerson dismissed us with prayer, giving thanks for the noon meal.

A delicious meal was served in the recreation room by the host church. .


The afternoon session was opened with the congregation singing "Send A Great Revival In My Soul."

Bro. Graham Bell gave the afternoon devotion, using Math. 26 :24 as scripture and What Shall It Profit A Man If He Gain The Whole World And Lose His Soul." It thrilled our hearts to see and hear a young man such as he, take a stand ·and witness to the wondrous name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

M.S.C that the Credential Report be adopted. (see report) M.S.C. to adopt the Nominating Committee's Report. (see

report) The Treasure's Report was read and adopted (see report)

· A rising vote of thanks was given to the host church for their fine hospitality and wonderful meal.. . ··

Beginning at Article 5, Section 1 the balance of the pro­posed new Constitution and By-Laws were read, discussed . and corrected. M.S.C that the Constitution and By Laws Com­mittee's report be received and in keeping with the Consti­tution and By-Laws of our Association that it be tabled until the July session. · ·

Being no further business it was M.S.C that we adjourn. We are dismissed in prayer by Bro. Jessie Griffin.

Rev. Charles Hollingshead, Moderator W. 0. Clower, clerk

Nominating Committee Report: •

. We recommend that Rev. Kenneth Faison be elected to the Ordaining Council to fill the unexpired term of Rev. Milton Fields· and that Rev. Donald Reed be elected to the Board of Christian Education.

Credentials ·Report:.:

Rev. J. W. Loyless Bro. Hoyle Sheffield

Letters received ·from 20 churches. Representative fees received by clerk from 10 churches,

. totaling $269.75: · '

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No. of delegates present, 54. No. of Sunday Schools reporting, 20. Enrollment, 1,452.

Avg. Att. 1,033. . No. of C. T. S. reporting, 19. Enrollwent, 752. Av. Att.,

512. No. of Woman's Auxiliaries reporting, 16. Enrollment,

179. Av. Att., 131. No. of Master's Men reporting, 7. Enrollment, 60. Av .

Att. 41 . .

No. of Prayer Meetings, 17. Average Attendance, 384. No. of letters received, 1.

Respectfully submitted, Sister Eleanor Sheffield W. 0. Clower

General Treasurer's Report: Balance brought forward ________________________ $ 23.09 Received from Churches·________________________ 451.00 Offering today --------------------------------------~5.65 Disbursements: . / · ·

$529.74 .

Moderator -------------------------------- $ 15.00 40% to Mission Treasury ______ · 202.66 Clerk ------------------------------------------ 15.00 · Mrs. J. S. Tedder ____________________ 20.00

· Mrs. Ralph Bell ___________________ c____ 20.00 Rev. H. L. Knighton·________________ 20.00 Sister B. W. Clenney ____________ 20.00 ·Love offering:

· Mrs. W. T. Wiley _______________ _ . Rev. C. C. White _______________ _

Reserved for minutes ___________ _ Children's Home ____________________ . Camp M t. Bethel __________________ _

2Q.OO 20.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

$502.66 $ 27.08 .

Received from Bainbridge Church ------------------------ . 12.50 Balance in Treasury ------------------------------------------------ $ 39.50

-Respectfully submitted, T. L. Edwards J. M. Craft J. W. Clower

Mission Treasure: r .-.. ··•.· .

· Balance brought forward from last session _____________ · $1,116.85 · · Received from Albany Church _ -----~---------------------~------ . 80.00 · Received- from this session ______ ----------------·-------~---: __ · 202.66 ·

Balance in Treasure _ ---------------~ -------~--------~ $1,399.51 In Treasury for minutes _________ ------------------------- $95~30.

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Minutes of 1970 Quarterly Session of the Midway Associa­tion of Free Will Baptist of Georgia meeting with. Cedar Springs Free Will Baptist Church, July 25, 1970.

Brother GeorgePyle, accompanied by Sister Martha Ever­son, led the congregation in singing "More Like The Master". Prayer was offered by Rev. J. W. Loyless. The congregation sang "Count ):our Blessings".

Rev. Jerry Banks gave the morning devotion. His scrip­ture was from Second Peter 1 :5-6. His· subject was "Building to Our Faith to Be Fruitful".

Rev. Larry Dykes gave the welcome and Bro. Martin Murkerson gave the response.


The morning session was called to order for the trans­action of business by the clerk. The moderator, Rev. Charles · Hollingshead was presented to preside over the session for the day. ·

M.S.C. that we adopt the plamied program for the day.

A roll call of the delegates was made by the Credential Committee and delegates were seated. Rev. Charles HoJHngs­head · advised all delegates of their rights.

Twelve ordained ministers answered the roll can of or­dained ministers. They were: Rev. Charles Hollingshead, Rev.

. Demiis Irvin, Rev .. H. L. Knight, Rev. Trellis Mayhall, Rev. · Kenneth Faison, Rev. Joe Murkerson, Rev. Larry Dykes, Rev. Mike Goss, Rev. Melvin Moody, Rev. C. R. Houston, Rev. Don­ald Reed and Rev. J. W. Loyless. Rev. S. T. Shutz reported by letter.

Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Truluck and son, Mike were recog­nized as visitors from the Union Association.


A letter was read from Macedonia Free wm· Baptist Church recommending Rev. Jerry C. Banks to the Ordaining Council to be placed on the list of ordained ministers of the Midway Associatiim:The letter was referred fo the Ordain in~

-Council ... ' . .

A letter was read from Northern Virginia . Conference ordaining council certifying that Rey. Billy Bevai1 is an or-· dained minister in· good standing ·in the Northern Virginia Conference and recommending. him to our fellowship. The

· letter was referred to the Ordaining Council. , . . . . . . - ..

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The morning session was recessed for the worship hour. The worship hour was opened with the congregation singing "Have Faith in God". Prayer was led by Rev. L. C. Houston. The congregation sang "I know the Bible Is True".

The offeratory prayer was led by Rev. H. L. Knighton.

The offering was taken while the congregation sang "He Keeps Me Singing". Special music was rendered by Miss

. Shirley Kimbrel. She sang "It Took a Miracle".

Rev. Kenneth Faison brought the morning message. His text was from Hebrew 2:9. His subject was "A Testimony About Jesus He Is My All and All".

· We were dismissed in prayer for the noon hour. A wonderful meal was served by the host church, with

everyone enjoying a real feast and fellowship with ·one an­other.

The afternoon session was opened with the congregation singing "Praise Him, Praise Htm" and "So · Precious · Is Jesus". The afternoon devotion was by Rev. Billy Bevan. His text was from Col. 1:27-28. His subject was: "Whom We Are To Preach ; How We Are To Preach ; What We Are To Preach". Special music was by George and Jane Pyle.

.. Rev. A. C. Truluck gave a report on the work of the State ·

Promotional Office. M.S.C. that we receive the report as in­formation.

M.S.C. that we adopt the Ordaining Council Report (See report).

M.S.C that the Credential Report be adopted. (See re-. port).

The Mission Board stated that they had not met since the April Quarterly Session, but offered any assistance that they could give.

An oral report on Camp Mt. Bethel was given by Rev. _Donald Reed. It· was discussed and received as information.

The following delegates were apointed to serve as a nomi­nating committee: Bro. Leron Clower, Sister Doris Sheffield, · ·Bro. George Pyle, Sister Faye Faison aand Sister Martha Eyer.:. . son. M.S.C. that we adopt the new Constitution and By-Laws. Permission was asked and granted that they may not be print~ ed in the minutes of this session, but be placed in our,Annual Session minutes. · ·

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M.S.C. that we give a rising vote of thanks to the Cedar Springs Church for their fine hospitality.·

M.S. C. that we accept the Financial Report. (See report). . '

Bro. 0. B. Everson gave a status report on $ for Scnolars ·. requesting each Sunday School to raise one dollar ($1.00) per scholar for~ the Bible College. . · •·

Being no further business, it was M.S.C. that we adjourn ..

Bro. Dennis Irvin dismissed us in prayer. · · · Rev. Charles Hollingshead, Moderator W. 0. Clower, Clerk ·


We the Ordaining Council recommend the following: . 1. Rev. Billy Bevan, from the Northern Virginia Conference, be accepted into the Midway Association of Free Will Baptist as an ordained minister, with all the rights and privileges of ordained ministers.

2. Rev. Jerry C. Banks, from the First Mission Association, Central of Oklahoma, be accepted into the. Midway Associa- ,

· tion of Free Will Baptist as an ordained minister with all the rights and privileges of ordained ministers on promise of a letter in good standing from his association. .


Rev. Kenneth Faison, Chairman Rev. Melvin Moody· Rev. Trellis Mayhall . Rev. H. L. Knighton

. Rev. Dennis 0. Irvin

GENERAL TREASURY REPORT: ' Balance brought forward ____________ $ 39.58

Received from churches ______________ . 427.50 · ·

Special Offering -------------------------- · 73.12 . TOTAL . ---------------------------------- $540.20 $540.20

I Disbursements: ·.··

I . 40% . Mission· Treasury ---------------------------,- 200.25

' . ' 15.00 Mod era tor . ------------------------------------"----------,----. .

. Clerk ----~----------------~--------------------------------------- . 15.00 . ' . .

· Mrs. J. L. Tedder. -------------------------------------·· 20.00 . ' . - . '

·Mrs. Ralph Bell -------------------------- ------------'---- . · 20.00 ·· .Rev. If. L. Knighton --'------------------·----,--------- · · 20.00. · ·

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Mrs. B. W. Clenney -----------------------------------­Love Offering: Mrs. W. T .. Wiley ------------. ..

Rev. C. C. White ___________ _ '

Set aside for minutes ---------------------------------Cooperative Program ---c--------~---------------c----­Bible College ----------------------------------------------. .

· · - Balance left in Treasury -------------------­Signed,

20.00 20.00 20.00 39.95 ..

75.00 75.-;00

· Bro. T. L. Edwards Bro. Jake Craft · Bro. J. W. Clower, Treas.


$540.20 -101-

Balance brought forward -------"---------------------------- $1,399.51 · Received since last Session ------------------------------- 60.00 (First Free Will Church, Albany)

Received today ---------------------------------------------------------------­Received from Bond Coupons ------------------------------~---- ·

Balance -----------------~-----------------------------------------


Balance brought forward ------------------c------------~---- $ Rec. from Sunday School Convention ---"-----------­Received -today ------------------------------------------------------

200.25 45.00


95.30 10.00 39.95

Total in_ Minute Treasury ---------------------------- $ 145.25


Letters received from 18 churches. Representatives fee received from 11 churches. Total $310.25. Number of delegates present, 51. Number of Sunday Schools reporting, 18. Enrollment, 1,310. ·

A v. Att., 918. . Number of C.T.S. reporting 16. Enrollment 672. Av. Att; 446. Number of Woman's Auxiliaries, 11. Enrollment, 126.

Av. Att., 92. - . .

Number of Master's Men, 6. Enrollment, 42. Av. Att., 22. . Number of Prayer Meetings, 15. Average Att., 320.

Respectfully 'Submitted, Sister Myra. White · Sister Eleanor Sheffield

· W. 0. Clower·


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' Minutes of the Seventy-Second Annual Session of the Mid-way Free Will Baptist Association of Free Will Baptist of Georgia convening with The First Free Will Baptist Church of Blakely, Ga. Oct. 24, 1970. The Theme was "Redeeming the Time, Because the Days are Evil."


The session opened with the congregation singing "I want to Be a Worker" and "Bring Them In." We were led by Rev. Billy Bevan with Sister Gloria Bevan at the piano. The open-ing prayer was by Rev. Kenneth Faison. ·

The morning devotion was by Rev. Cecil ·Cooper, using Heb. 2:1 and Rev. 22:12 as scripture.

Rev. Billy Bevan gave a warm welcome to the ministers, delegates and visitors. Bro. Leron Clower made the response.


The clerk called the session to order for the transaction of business. The Moderator, Rev. Charles Hollingshead was presented.

· M.S.C. that we adopt the program planned by the host church; giving the moderator the privilege of changing it in the interest of time, if needed.

The Credentials Committee called the roll of delegates. M.S.C1 that this portion of the Credential report be accepted and the delegates seated.

Fourteen Ordained Ministers answered the roll call of Or­dained Ministers. They were: Rev. Charles Hollingshead, Rev . Dennis Irvin, Rev. H. L. Knighton, Rev. Trellis Mayhall, Rev. Kenneth Faison, Rev. Billy Bevan, Rev. Joe Murkerson, Rev. Bobby Parker, Rev. Coy Watson, Rev. Jerry C. Banks, Rev. Melvin Moody; Rev. C. R. Houston, Rev. Donald Reed and Rev. J. W. Loyless. Rev. S. T. Schutes sent a report and was ex-cused. ·


The . following Bretheren were recognized as visitors : · ·Rev. James Usury and Rev. Gordan Ellis from the Martin As­sociation; Bro. John Edwards from The State Line Associa­tion; Rev. George Griffin and Rev. Arnold Woodleaf from the Salem Association. The following letter a'ld resolution was read: ·



. . For several years the number of youngpeople in this ,


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assoCiation has grown , rapidly. As a result of this growth we need to pay .SPECIAL attention to our very own youth. Realizing that many,, but not all, at-. tend our State· Youth Camp located in Ashburn, we want to see more of the young people participate in the camping activity. . . Therefore, we the below, ask of our association t<:> help us obtain, by rent, the camp site at Kolomokie State Park for one week next summer for a Midway Associational. Camp. This particular week will in no way interfere with our State Camp in Ashburn. Many of our very own young people cannot attenJ. Mt. Bethel because of lack of space, and lack of facilities to meet their needs. We appeal earnestly for your sup- . port . in trying to win and teach our young people about Christ in a more adequate surrounding.

Therefore, be it . resolved:

(1) That we authorize a one (1) week camp -next sum­mer at Kolomokie State· Park.

(2) That this camp be planned at a·tinie other than the dates the ·State Camp Sessions will meet. .

(3) That a committee be elected to direct this program.

(4) That the offering received at the Association during each session between now, this session, and the date of the· camp go into a special fund to finance this project.

Signed, Rev. and Mrs. Bobby Parker Rev. and Mrs. Jerry Banks Rev. and Mrs. Billy Bevan Rev.· and Mrs. Kenneth Faison Rev. and Mrs. Dori Reed Rev. Mike Goss

After much discusssion it was M.S.C that a three man committee be appointed to look into the expense and other

· details of such a project. The moderator appointed Rev. Ken­neth Faison, Rev, Billy Bevan and Rev. Bobby Parker to serve on this committee.

A· letter was read from South Main Free Will Baptist Church recommending that Rev. Cecil Cooper be received in­to our Association. with all· the rights and privileges. of an Ordained Minister. M.S.C. that the letter be referred to the, Ordaining Council. /

Rev. James Ursrey gave a feport from the State Promo::' I . • • . ;· "• ..


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tiona! Office for Rev. A. C. Truluck. Sixteen (16) of our twenty (20) churches received certificates of awards. Four (4) of these were Grand Honor Awards. M.S.C. that we receive the report as information.

• •

·. Bro. J. W. Clower gave an oral report on the Fee Will Baptist Orphan Home Harvest drive. Seventeen (17) churches cooperated, with a total cash and commodity offering of. $1,466.92.

A call was made for delegates who might have come in.· late. They were recognized and seated.


· The business session was recessed for the worship hour. "

Worship service was opened with the congregation sing­ing "Deeper, Deeper" .and "When We All Get to Heaven." A prayer for Mrs. Whit Mercer and the offeratory prayer was

. made by Rev. H. L. Knighton. The offering was taken.

Special music was beautifully rendered by the Midway Quartet; Mrs. Myra White, Rev. Bobby Parker, Rev. Billy Bevan and Rev. Kenneth F'aison. they sang "What a Savior".

Rev. Jerry Banks brought the morning message. His . subject was "Redeeming the Time,· Because the Days are .

Evil." Scripture from Eph. 5:16.

An invitation was given for profession of faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The congregation sang "Have Thine Own Way." We were dismissed in prayer, thanks be­ing given for the noon meal.

A real Southern meal was served by the host church. Every one enjoying the hospitality and fellowship.

The afternoon session was opened with the congregation singing "Love Lifted Me", "Sweet is the Promises" and "Where He Leads, I Will Follow." Rev .. Bobby Parker led the devotion. His ·scripture was from Joshua 24:15. His sub­ject was "Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye WiU Serve."

Special music was by the Midway Quartet. They sang "Do You Know My Jesus?" and "Jesus Paid It All."

· . M.S.C to accept the Obituary report. (See report). Bro. Jessie Griffin led in a memorial prayer for our departed Brothers and Sisters.

M.S.C to ·accept the Credentials report. (See report).

· M.S.C to accept t~e Ordaining. Council report. (See re-: port).

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M.S.C. to accept the Finance report as read.· (See report).

The Woman's Auxiliary and Sunday School reports were read. M.S. C. that they· be received as infonnation. (See re­ports).

No reports were received from the Master's Me'n, C.T.S. and Mission Board.

Rev. Don Reed gave an oral report on State Christian . Education. M.S.C. that we receive it as information.

A recommendation was made that we send a 'letter to the · Ga. State Association of Free Will Baptist, asking them to write letters to our Senators and Representatives in support

. of the Minority Report on obscenity and pornography. M.S.C. · (Note: This letter was written and 'sent to the Association by Rev. Billy Bevan).


The nominating Committee's report was·read. M.S.C. that we vote on each nominee one at a time. All officers and board members were elected as nominated except the Ordaining Council. When Rev. H. L. Knighton asked to be excused be­cause of health, the Moderator asked for nominations. from the floor. There were two nominations made. Then a vote was taken on each Ordaining Council nominee with the five nominees receiving the most votes being elected. (See report


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· for results.) .

The following Sisters were elected as delegates to the Ga. State Convention of Free Will Baptist: Sister Martha Ever­son, Sister Grace Houston, Sister Wynelle Clower, Sister Phil-.

.lis Parker, Sister B. W. Clenney and Sister Nancy Johnson. M.S.C that the moderator be given the privilege to appoint replacements if necessary.

M.S. C .. to accept the placement committee's report. (See report).

M.S.C. that Sister Hugh Kelly be place on the list of su-. ' ' .

perannuates. · ·

Being no further business it was M.S.C. that we adjorun .. We were dismissed in prayer by Rev. Arnold Woodleaf. ·

Rev. Charles ·Hollingshead, Moderator, . .. ._'

W. 0. Clower, Clerk ·, · . : ·, . . . . -..

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It was G<>d's devine will to call twenty'-seven (27) of_our beloved members to Himself since our last Annual Session. ·.

We all join their loved ones in mourning their departure.

Albany: No information given (1) '

Bainbridge: Bro. Emmitt Howard (1) .· .

Bell view: Bro. Emmet Lynn and Sister Huron Carter (2)

Blakely: Sister Nellie Wilson Tinsley (1)

. Damascus: · Sister Christine · Cheshire, no other name given (2) ·

·Donalsonville: Bro. Alto Roberts (1) ..

Enterprise: Sister Minnie Jenkins (1) . .

' Patmos: Bro. Wilmor Kimbrell (1)

. . ' . . .

Travelers Rest: Bro. Ray Carr, Bro. Bob be Tom Edwards, ·Bro. Hoke Edwards (3) ·

. . White Plains: Sister Ethel McClendon (1)

' ' .. .

Respectfully submitted, · .. Sister Nancy Johnson .· Sister Sallie Woodard .. - '

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· .. October, _·196~eptember, .1970 . ' .

. Numb~r of. chu"rches · reporting --~-----C---------·-----:----- , : . · 20 ·.··Number . of delegates :reporting, ~-'--~----------------c·------~----,-. · ·· 64 .

•·· Number. of full time. churches. --------~-~-----"----C-----~-~----~-----"- .·. 12 . '- . . -· - . .. ' . • . . . . ·.· - :. . . . . - . '

. 19 ' ' -. . .

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Church membership ------------------~----------~------------------------------ 2,217 Resident Members ---------------------------------------- 1,587 Non-resident members· -------~------------------------ 630 Received by baptism --------------------------------~-- 82 Received by statement of faith ________________ 1 Received by letter --~----------------------------------- 63 Dismissed-Excluded ----------------------------------- · · 44 Deceased .-----,------------------------------------------------- · 27 Dismissed by letter ------------------------------------ 35 Sunday School enrollment.--------~----------------- 1,435-

Average Attendance ---------------------------- 1,03~

C. T .S. enrollment ------------~------------~------------------------ 7 52 Average Attendance __________________________ 541

Woman's Auxiliary enrollment _________________ 156 Average Attendance ---------------------------- 117

Master's Men Enroll --------------------------------- · 64 .· Average Attendance -------------------------- 41

Churches having regular prayer meetings 16 Average Attendance ------------------------ . 370

Number of V .B.S. held ------------------------------ 7 · Average Attendance ----~----------------C------ 4 71

Number of deacons -------------------------------------- 98 Revivals held ----------------------------~------------------ · 29 Number of Ordained Ministers ________________ 19


Total offerings -------------------------------------------------- $161,116.82

Amounts paid: . Pastors -----------------c----------------- $ Evangelists --~---------------: __________ _ Buildings and repairs ___________ _ Literature ------C------------------------­Other church expense :~---------­Total local . expenses -c----------Cooperative plan ___________________ _ State Missions -----------------------­Children's Home --------------------- - . . .

S uperann ua bon ----------------------Other State expenses ___________ _ National Home Missions _______ _ F 'gn M' . ore I lSSIOnS __ ------------------Bible College --------------------------


56,307.28 5,952.25

20,610;14 7,703.17.

46,853.18 137,426.02

3,491.16 891.05

2,033.64 14.05 .·

1,264.25 ' 1,190.03· 3,276.85 2,865.68

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Executive Department __________ .00 Other expenses ------------------------ 667.3.0 Total spent outside causes ____ 15,694.01

· Total expenditures -~-------------- 153,220.03 Value of church property

and parsonages ______________ . 637,850.00

Respectfully submitted, Myra White Eleanor Sheffield , W. 0. Clower



· (1) That we receive Rev. C. C. Cooper, from the North Flori-da Association of· Free Will Baptist, pending a ·Jetter of good standing from such, with all the rights and privileges of Or­dained Ministers.

Kenneth Faison . H. L. Knighton Melvin Moody

·.Dennis 0. Irvin Trellis May nail


Balance brought forward ----------------------------------- $ . 1.00 Received from churches today -----~---~---~-----------"-- 481.75 Offering today· -~-----------------------------c----~----------------- · 78.15

Disbursements: . 40% Missions Treasury -------------------- $223.96 Mod era tor ----~--------~-~-------------------------- 15.00 (Jl~lrlc ------------------------------------------------------Mrs. J. L. Tedder ___ -------------------------Rev. H. L. Knighton -----------~-----------­Mrs. B. W. Clenney -----------------------­Love ·offerings :

' 15.00 20.00 20.00. 20.00

Mrs. W. T. Wiley ------------- ______ c ___ · 20.00 Rev. C. c. White -~-------"~-----~------- · 20.00

. Gas for trip-to Children's Horne . · 16.41 Reimburse Mission Treas. ________ 25.00


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$ 560.90'

. $. 395.37 $ .·165.53

· Balance brought· forward -------~- ______________ _ : ------ $1,704.76 R . .d . - I st . . . · · . · 40.00 ece1ve smce a sesswn. ------------------ ------------ .

. . Received today --"·----------~--------------~~----:~-----C---------~--- $1 ~~:~~

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• CW!K

I ~;~~ Charles ''1;~: Ragan _ Box 1 82A

lili ~ J Ga. )1705

. ~~~· No H. Clover

1 ;···;· ll · 1Box119

Gao 31?13

I Rev. M1ke Goss- . Nathan Cumtie

1172~._ Pla:;~rc!!•l!Z!Z. /Jl;J.!:'~. 131 ~a. 31717

Kenneth Faison ~~S Randy Clenney , Pine St. 11717 Ga. 31737

tr:· ;:"::~;~ s. J. A. "'uner ~~~:~ Springs Rd.

Ga. 31723 .

1;:~. Eleanor Shettlald Box 132 . r, Ga. 31723

Rev. ~~!· Shutes Rt; "~ 8 5 ..1!.lli.. Col Ga.

I:!; Margaret Daniel Ga. 3t7lt1 .

::~ ~!~~on Ellis ;;;~: Dr. ~ Fla.

lft~j Wilford_ Tyler

Itt. Ga. J1737

I ma mm! ;;;· ~~~f. ,"8;. ~~-~

I ~~;;.~~1~!': ~1m~ .... R. J. Reynolds Rt 1

fo Ga. """

Rev. George Griffin Rt.lt- Box 365B ~~·;~


~~;· Jerry c. Banks ,., Henley

". .. Ga. l~'-l '" Ga. 31737

i \'1'3 ·~:~~ ~~·r !!.t

~·:; Maur1n:a~1ncher

I ••!· ';_,~·G!'. l!<r: •• B. Ard Ga.

I p: Ralph Lightsey Oo !!ox 731

Ga • I!!<· c. R. tor


I •••.• w. F. McDutUe l~r.: ~?n ~·Ga. Ga.

I u~ '• Coll1na ~·l:aed ~

I ~~a· c·:~g:~~ ~ ~· R. ton I ~t 2

Ga, 31770 Ga.

RaY. J. W. Loyleaa


ii:' Barl P. JohnaDA Rto 4 Blakely, Ga, 31723 Ga. 31723

• . ,•





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l2~~n ~:;~::St. · .. 2_veda Tlaon ;: ''. ~~%~,: Mrs.

~~~. ''· 1702 ,., ,, Ga. u ...

Lisenby Mayhlll Lero

Lisenby Rt I , Ga. Ga. Ga •• I, Arl1

[;: ~:~~;-~ Mrs. Edna Tedder I~~~: ·~~-~ lliss

t 7'17 P. o. Box 2413 1103 Bainbridge, Ga. &in

~. 3Rudy Clenney Mta. Lanar Brooks '·" ~· Rt Rt 2 1Rt2 "' ·Ga. 31737 Colquitt, !la. ''· )17

~~;· Jack Henderson Mrs. Orl Lou "'" I~~=··'·: ,.~~~id ATeo · Mrs.

Ga. Blakely, Ga. Bla>

~~~1 Julian Houston Julian Houston ' ""' Xht Rt 1 I! ... Rt I

IJ~ .,;, , Ga. 31761 Blakel7 1 Ga. ,,, Blol

li~,e· watton, Jr.

'.. Ga. )1737 Mrs. l1argaret Daniel Da'llasc:us, Ga.

Gene Horne Mrs. Shirley Horne Horne Mrs. Rt. Rt 1 Rt_ 1

c •• 317 ' Rt •

Iron City, Ga. 31759 Iron City, 3a. 31759 Colt

Edward Newman R., ~:~is j 5'+21 Atkins Av~. None Listed Columbus, Ga. ''· Jl Jq "A~, .. ., Jenkins l\alPh. Jenklo.a _ A. L. !aylor RaJ

~~L Rtb

" Rt 1 " "" Rt

Ga. Bla· ._,.,,.r.. ••• Bla:

I ~b 3Jones !-irs. June Nlehols

~~~.·· ~: ..... !Irs

Ga. )17'o5 Rt 2 Box 161

~ M

Donalsonville, 3a. Don

Ray Henle7 Ella Phil Up• htsy Cox Gra

Rt .. ·• )I Rt 1 Rt ..

'•· )t: Rt

I;::, "' Ga. 737 Da.uscus 1 Ga. 31741 Col

I ~t~:?:t~:r Mr•

~ Svord• Mrs. Ann Svords ,,, 11] Ga. Albany, Ga. ""' .

I•. Y. Sharber Marsha Shores 1 ~·~ llnekl.n, 31 7/~ ""' Ga. Sr1nson 1 Ga. 3172S ''· Brl

Bobby Paul aDd • Joe Havk. Mrs. Iris P'tlul Thad Hawk Dar

Gao ~orga n, na. 31766 Morcu, ~a. :-101


.~~~·J:: Roger Wcrlley Colquitt, Ga. 31737

Stne Bush Lealie B.lsh Deborah Hay

i~t2 Rt 2 Rt 2 Ga. Ga. I.e•

Darrell Darley Roseo Rabon : 1

208 Soj 1Ma~ St. Bone L1ated . Rt 3 Blakely, Ga. 3 : I ~

Woodrow Parker ~~. Sarab ,. ~~~~

Rt 2 Rt 2 Rt Wevton, Ga. 31770 Hevton1 Ga •. ••

1 ~~ White Jiaay RaJ Loyl••• c.· &. HoustM Ha

:L Ga.~ Rt .. Rt lt • Rt Blakel7 1 Ga. 31723 Blalr.tlJ. Ga. J~~ Co

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~.2 Lolita •• ~k I

Anion ~;~~ .. . :~;;;. ' 2 Ga.

Clover lxrs. •· •· ~!.l. i I ~!,1 ""~.'~! . .l!1!l. Ga. 31713 11'' laekte IlatleJ ' ; ~~~Bethel Rd. If one

~Ga. 7

q ~·j John T. Clenner i !~~o.~obn ~~t""' ' ~ 31 7, Ga. 31737

I ~:t~:, L. Cl ... land "' Mrs. Harriet ~kerson Hill Dr. 2' Blakelr, Ga. 31723 Ga. 31723 • y Xlsa Debbie Ferry Mrs. Eleanor Sheffield

Rt ~ Rt ~ 2 Bl~kelJ, Ga. 31723 Ga.


' Mrs. Shlrler Horne Rt 1

7 Colquitt. Ca. 31759

' Mr1. Sue Ec!vardt ' 3615 Grier An.

"' ' ·coluabul, Ga.

r Ralpb J~ndns Rt 1

2 Blaka17t Ga. 31723

• ~ •• Bobby R!ehols I;:~. Ruth Grant ' ht2

,.; Donalson•llle; Ga.~11~5 Ga. 317~5

Grace Boustc.n Glorb Banter. ! Rt ~ Rt 3

7, Colquitt• Ga. 31717 Colquitt, Ga. 31737

' Mrs. Ann Baier Mrs. w .. o. Vblddon ; 113 Sunset Dr. Rt 2 ' Butala• Al.i. AJ'ltnc Ga. 31713 . ' ' Kant Shons ~ •• Grace Braetln

'2 Br1D1ont Ga. 31725 Br1D1on, Ga. 31725

l Mrs. Maud Clover I Dannie Drlnkvater P.·o. BM: 11

.6 ~oraan, Ga. 31766 Moraan, Ga. 31766

! ' • ' '

W• Mrs. Ste•• ll.lsh Rt 2

• Lear7 1 Gs. 31762 Leerr, ea. 31%2 '

' '

' '

' ' .. Wanda Allen

I •• 2 Mr1. Chrtstlna Cltnax Iewton, Ga. Iewton, Ga.,

1: .. Mr1. lMlta Ia so• Rt ~

12 Ga. Blakely, Ga. 31723

I i

' i ' •

• ' ' 1 I


·-~:~ .... -IHrw. I Rt ~ Lot "/4 I ?n< , ISIS ~-~;; Ga.

Mrs. Atlene Clower Rt 1 Box 119 J..rll.ngton, Ga.

Bone ..... ~ .. Uva Mason John ~rant Rt 3 Rt 3 Colquitt, Ca. 31?37 Colquitt, Ga. 31737

Mrs. Gloria BeTan 11? Perry AYe. Blakely, Ga. 31723

~ •• Inez Evans P.O. Box 2(6 Cedar Sn.rlngs, Ga. 31732

I ~~; Veha llev-un Atkins A••• Ga.

•Uey B. Jotmson 1t310 &al-,ood An. Colu•bust Ga.

I •· Roh~rt iillltn.s Robert 'lrlllltaas Rt 3 Rt 3

Ga. Dobals:~ndllet Ga.

Jean ta .. bert J.il. Clower 203 H. First St. Arlin& ton,· Ga. 31 Colquitt, Ga. 31737

I~~!' Flncher

Ga • 13

~: .. Ettlee &tll Ga. 31725'

Miss Ioree Taylor Mor&an, Ga. 31766

-~:2 Jaetla Reed Stan Bu.sb Rt 2

Ga. 31762 Lear7 1 Ga. 31762

Mrs. Lorece !dvards Rev-ton, Ga.

Mrs. Judy WUta Rt ~



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11 t~ AYe. 7nc- Pull The ua,

Full Ttu

Kone hll n.

J:.hn T. Clenne7 Rt 3 run nie Colquitt, Ga. 31737

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Edvard BeV'I&n 5lt21 Atkins A••· Full n. .. Coluabus, Ga.

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Ray Henley Rt ~ Full ft• Col;ultt, Ga. 31737

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Received from Association ------------------------------------ 25.00 Balance in cash C------------------~------------------ $1,993.72


Plus $9,000.00 interest bearing note.


Balance brought forward ------------------------------------ $ 145.25 Received none ---------------------------C--------------------------- · · · 0. 0 0

Balance -------------------------- ________________ $ 145.25 Bro. T. L. Edward Bro. Jake Craft J. · W. Clower, Treasurer

' -

The following is an Annual General Treasurers Report of receipts and disbursements for the year Oct. 25, 1969 to Oct. 24, 1970:



Oct. 25,.1969 to Oct. 24, 1970 ' -

Brought Forward --------~---~-------------------~------------------------ $ 107.83 . Received from Churches -------------~C"------------"--------------- 1,815.25 S • 1 ff' . ' .. pec1a o ermg --------------~---------c--------------~-~---------c------ 285.75 Tot11l ------------------------------------------------------------- _________ $2,208.83 P11id Out

40% to Mission Tre11s. ________________ $ -835.01 · Modemtor ---------------------------------------- 60.00 Clerk ------------------------------------------------ 60.00

Supemnnu11tes 1. Mrs. J. L. Tedder --------------------2. Mrs. Ralph Bell --------------------3. Mrs. B. W. Clenney ---------------- _ 4. Rev. H. L. Knighton _____________ _

Love Offerings

80.00 ' 8o·.oo

80,00 80.00

1.- Mrs. W. T. Wiley ------------------ 80.00 2. Rev. C. C. White -------------------- 80.00 Bible College ---------------------------------- 125.00

_ . G11s Expense to Children's Home 32.87 Cooperative Program _______ c____________ 175.00 Children's Home ______________________ c_____ 50.00 Camp Mt. Bethel -------------------------- .50.00 Set Aside_ for Minutes ________________ 289;95 Expansion Program ---------------------- 50.00

Total Disbursements -----------------------·· .. $2,207.83 $2,207.83 · Bal11nce --------------------------~-c----------------------------------------------- $ · • .. ; ~~00 ,~ .

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Brought forward ----------------------------------------------------------- $ 100.00 litE!C:E!i1<E!d -------------------~------~--------------------------------------------- :30!),!}!) -Total brought forward and rE!<:E!i1VE!d ------------------------ 40!).!)!)

Paid out for MinutE!s -------------------------------------------- . 264.70 Balanc:E! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ · -141>.21>


Brought forward ----~---------------------------------------------~--------- $!) ,627 .21> RE!<:E!i1<E!d from Albany -------~---------------------------------~-----~---- -240.00 RE!<:E!i1<E!d from Assodation ---------------------------~------------ 8:31>.01 In tE!rE!st on Bond ---·-------------------------------------------------~-- 67 .1>0 Total Brought Forward and RE!c:E!i1<ed ---------------~---- $10,76!).76 Disbursements ------------------------------------------------------------- _(none) Interest Bearing Bond -------------------------------------------------- $!),000.00 StatE! As soc:ia ti on Dues ------------------------------------------------- 2 5. 0 0 Cash on Hand -------·-------------------------------------------------------- $1,7 44.7 6

We, thE! Nominating CommittE!e of the Midway FrE!e Will Baptist Assodation mE!et in a c:alled meeting Odober 1!), 1!)70 at the Arlington Free Will Baptist Churc:h and do herE!by sub­mit the following slate of offic:ers:

OFFICERS: ModE!rator Re1<. Charles Hollingshead Vice- ModE!rator Leron Clower ClE!rk William ClowE!r Asst. Clerk Hoyt ShE!ffiE!ld · Treasurer J; W. Clower Asst. Treasurer Mrs. J. W. Clower

MISSION BOARD: Al1<in Day Willie J. Jac:kson Re1<. Kenneth Faison Robert Lisenby Martin Murkerson

ORDAINING BOARD: Re1<. Billy Be1<in Re1<. Trellis. Mayhall Re1<. Dennis -I;r1<in Re1<. Jerry Banks Re1<. J. W. Loyless


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BUDGET AND FINANCE BOARD: J. W. Clower ·Bud Shiver Bill Lofton


Mission· Board ________________________ Rev. Kenneth Faison 1973 Trustee Board ------------------------------------------ Earl • Tabb-1971 Superannuation Board ---------~-------------- Leron Clower 1971 Christian Education and Camping Rev. Don Reed ___ 1973 Budgeting Board ------------------------------------ John Grant 1973 . .


Rev. Don Reed Lewis Sheffield · Edward Kimbrel .


. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: ·William 0. Clower . · Myra White

Eleanor Sheffield .


·Earl Tabb Rev. Joe Murkerson ·


of the Midway District Association . , of Original Free Will Baptists of. the State of Georgia

PREAMBLE: We, the Midway District Association. of Origi-. nal Free Will Baptist of the State of Georgia, do ordain this Constitution for the purpose of advancing, promot­ing and increasing all phases of the cause of Christ.·


ARTICLE ONE: NAME · This organization shall be known as the Midway District As­

sociation of' Ori!iinal Free Will Baptist of the State of Georgia. . . .

. . ARTICLE TWO. MEMBERSHIP . . . This association shall be composed of such Free Will Baptists Churches as shall adopt this compact and agree to this consti-

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··.Section 1. The standing deleg;;ttion o(.this association shall .. '.,. -'

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consist of all ordained ministers, ordained deacons and officers of this Association in good standing with the Association. I

Section 2. Voting privileges shall be extended to all standing delegates and to I those duly elected delegates repre­senting the churches of this Association in good stand-ing with the Association. ·

· Section 3. Each church shall be entitled to two (2) delegates for the first fifty (50) members or fractional part thereof. and one delegate per eac;h additional twenty-five (25) members. , ·

ARTICLE FOUR: OFFICERS Section 1. The general officers of .this Association shall be

the moderator, vice moderator, clerk, assistant clerk, · treasurer and assistant treal')urer. These officers shall be elected on even years for the term of two years.

Section 2. There shall be a General Board composed of the officers_ of the Association and the chairmen of the various Boards which shall serve as the Association out of session ..

Section 3. The standing Boards of this Association shall be the Missions Board, Ordaining Board, Budget and Finance Board and the General Board.

ARTICLE FIVE: MEETINGS The meetings of this Association shall be the Saturdays be­fore the fourth Sundays in January, April, July and October.

ARTICLE SIX: AMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended or altered at any reegular session of the Association by a two-thirds (213) majority vote of the delegates present provided that the proposed amendment or alteration is presented in writing during one session, placed on the table and voted on in the· next session. Further, it shall. be understood that the proposed amend­ment or alteration be furnished in writing to each church at least thirty (30) days prior to the session during which the vote is to be taken.


of the Midway. District Association · · - of Original Free Will Baptists of the State of Georgia




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Section 1. All churches affiliated directly with this Associa­tion shall be required to adopt the Treatise of the Faith and Practice of the Original Free Will Baptists as adopted by the National Association of Original Free

. Will· Baptists. Application for membership must con­tain a statement to this effect.

' ' Section 2. Churches desiring to affiliate themselves with

this body must make application· by letter and repre­sentation to this Association while in session .

ARTICLE TWO: REPRESENTATION · Each church shall be requested to pay a minimum fee of twenty-five cents (25c) per member· per session.

ARTICLE THREE: FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICERS Section. 1. The duties of the moderator shall be to preside at.

all meetingss of the Association. He shall be empow­ered with the authority to appoint any committees not otherwise provided for by the constitution.

Section 2. The duties of the vice moderator shall be to preside at the request or in the absence of the moderator and assist him in such ways as are necessary and advisable.

Section 3. The duties of the clerk shall be to keep accurate minutes of the Association, to compile the minutes of the Boards ·and Auxiliaries, to · prepare · them and to publish them. It shall further be the duty of the. clerk to take care of all neccessary . correspondence.

Section 4. The duties of the assistant cclerk shall be to func­tion at the request of or in the· absence of the clerk and to assist him in any way necessary.

Section 5. The duties of the treasurer shall be to receive all Associational funds and to disburse them as ·directed by the Association.

Section 6. The duties of the assistant treasurer shall be to function at the requesst of or in the absence of the · treasurer and to assist him in any way necessary.


Section 1. The Missions Board shall be composed of five {5) members whose terms of offic·~ cshall be two years and who shall be re-elected or replaced on (!Ve!l years.;, •. ' The function of this Board shall be: · ·· · · · · · ··' · a. To supervise any and all missions~ programs of this . . Association and to co-ordinate · their efforts with

· · · our state and national agencies. . · . · ' .· · · .


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b. To be vested with the power of trusteeship.; to hold and convey titles of any property coming under the jurisdiction of the Missions Board through the Mid­way Association or as dealing with any or all of the property requiring trusteeship of the Midway··_ As­sociation.

c. To formulate and promote a live missionary program by the aiding of weak churches, the establishment of new churches and by an earnest effort to keep the spirit of revival ever present within our Association.

It shall not be the function of this Board to hold joint ownership of any church ..

Section 2. The Ordaining Board shall be composed of five min­isters who are members of our Association in good standing. Board members shall be elected on even years for the term of two years. Functions of this Board sshall be:


To examine all applicants for ordination to the ministry and· all previously ordained ministers seek-:

· ing membership in our Association. . ' .

To ordain or assist in the ordaination of deacons and ministers when requested to do so by the church of the candidate. (1) That all ministers wishing to become members

of the Midway Association be. reco!".mended . from the church of which they are members

. -- . (2) That all examinees be called upon to present

their credentials for examination and answer satisfactorily such quesstions as may be asked of them ..

(3) That all applications must be made at least six-ty (60) days before an Associational meetin~ to the chairman of the Ordainin~ Board. ·

·-(4) That a person who is presented for ordaination .

or to be recognized as ordained nw··· lw pastor­ing, be in a state- of retirement due to a~,, or health or have a justifiable cause pn'n'nting his pastoring. ._.

(5) That ministers desiring to bt'. ordainl'd must have been licensed for the period of one year

·_. · andhave-pastored for at least si~ month.s prior ·- to ordaination. Six months pastormg durmg th~

one year tenure of }il'l'llSing Will be accepted as a pre-requisite fot• ordaination. ·

• Section 3. The Budget and Finanl'e Board shall be composed

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of three (3) members, one ,of whom shall be the Treas­urer, and who shall serve as its chairman. These mem­bers shall be elected on even years for the period of two (2) years. - . It shall be their duty to:

a. Receive and disburse all Associational monies at the . request of the Association. ·


b. To receive all pleas for help and suggestions for disbursement.

-·c. To recommend to the Association the disbursement

of the monies received. . •

d. To keep a general oversight of the financial work of the Association and to keep the Association informed at all times of its financial condition.

' ARTICLE FIVE: COMMITrEES Section 1. The nomination committe~ shall be composed of

three (3) members to be elected at the October session and who shall serve for the period of one year. .

. Section 2. All committees not provided for by either the Consti-tution or its By-Laws may be ·appointed by the moderat­or as deemed necessary.

ARTICLE SIX: REPORTING Section 1. Each church is requested to mail its report to the

clerk fifteen (15) days before each session. Section 2. Each auxiliary of the Association shall give a re­

port to the Association which meets in October. It is requested that this report be mailed to the clerk (15) days before the session.

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Section 4. At the death of a minister, a page in that year's minutes shall be draped in black in his memory, giving all pertinent information concerning him and his min­istry.

Section 5. The general officers of the Association shall be.· elected on even years for the term of two (2) years.

. Section 6. No' person may be elected to more thanone elective

• office in the Midway Association at the same time and· may not succeed himself more than once .

Section 7. The. Constitution and By-Laws with any amend­ments and alterations shall be printed each year in the. minutes.

Section 8. A quorum shall consist ()fa majority of any Board or Committee.


These . By-Laws may be amended or altered at any regular session of the Association by a two-thirds (213) majority vote of.the membership present provided that the proposed amend­ment or alteration is presented in writing during one session, placed on the table and voted on in the next session; Further, it shall be understood that the proposed amendment or altera­tion be furnished in writing to each church at least thirty (30) days prior to the session during which the vote is to be taken .

Respectfully submitted,

Reverend S. T. Shutes Reverend ·Ken Faison Mr. Ear. Tabb Reverend Charles Hollingshead, Chairman · Reverend Milton Fields, Clerk

January 13, 1970




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Evan Columbus Williams, was born January 8th 1879 and died February 16th, 1970.

He was the son of the late Thomas Green Wil­liams and Sara Jane Lynn.

Reverend E. C. Williams lived ninty-one years, one month and eight days.

He preached his first sermon February 8th, 1911. His text was "He That Is Not With Me, Is Against Me."

He was a charter member of the· Midway As­sociation and a member of New Enterprise Free Will Baptist Church.

·He ministered for Sixty None years, however, his ministry was hindered due to the loss of his sight.

He pastored churches in the Martin Associa- · tion of Ga. and the Midway Association, and the State Line Association of Alabama.

. He never lost Faith in God, though handicapped by the loss of his sight. He did evangelistic and supplied for pastors where needed.

He recognized the need ·for education and at­tended the Cyrene Institute (co-educational) owned by the Georgia Baptist Convention, preparing him­self for the Ministry.

The New Enterprise Church ·keenly feels the loss of Reverend Williams but she also feels that the church, community and the world has been blessed by brother Williams' life.

This Earthly loss is Heaven's gain.

Humbly Submitted,

New Enterprise Church and Pastor


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Saturday, June 27, 1970

The Midway District Sunday School Rally met with the Macedonia Church on June 27, 1970. The meeti:ng began at . 10:00 A.M.

· Jimmy Loyless gave the devotional from Philippians 1.21, "For Me to Live Is Christ". · ··

ThePresident, Brothe:r Leron Clower, called the meeting to order and made a motion that the program for the day be adopted. Motion·carried. The theme of the program was "Where There Is Christ, There's Life".

Roll of Churche.s was called. There were eleven churches represented with 43 delegates, 6 preachers, and 38 visitors attending.

The President. appointed Rochelle Mayhall, Bro. Jessie Griffin and Mrs. Malcolm Freeman on the Finance Committee.


Rev. Billy Bevins, Jerry Banks, and Trellis Mayhall was appointed on the Placement Committee.

Bro. Martin Murkerson ·gave a report on his year's work as fieldman for the Sunday. School Rally. He traveled 213 miles, visited 13 churches, reported a total 1,058 persons en­rolled in these Sunday Schools. Bro. Murkerson asked to be relieved of his duties as fieldman because he felt the need to be at his own church on Sunday morning. No one else was ap­pointed to fill the job.

A Youth Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Jerry Banks, entertained with some beautiful singing. A group of young people presented a skit entitled "His Pal, Bud". They were Joy Henderson, Berry Clower, Sue Cleveland, Keith Hender­son and Rochelle Mayhall. It was touching and very well done.

A song by the congr~gation and an offering of $27.50 was taken. Special music was presented by Vernon Whaley, and the morning message by Jonathan Thigpen, both from the Bible College. After which, we adjourned for lunch. The host church served a delicious meal.

We gathered back in the church at 1:30 P.M. to hear some great singing and testimonies from the Gleaner's Trio from the Bible College.

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The President called the meeting back to. order. The con­gregation sang a song; after which, the minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. The Finance Committee gave their report. The Placement Committee reported that Patmos Church extended an invitation to meet with them next year, June 26, 1971.

A motion was made and carried that Patmos furnish their own song leader and pianist. .

Bro. Griffin made a motion that we give the church a rising vote of thanks .. There being no other business, we ad-journed. ·


Mrs Martha Jenkins, Secretary





1969-1970 Balance ---------------------------------------- $ 6.51 ·1970 Rally Dues from: Churches __

0 ______ c______ 110.00

1970 Rally Offering -------------------------------c---- . 27.50

Total ----------------------------------------· $144.01 $144.01

Expenses for 1970 Rally and Disbursements by Finance Committee:

Dollars for Scholars ----c--------------·------- $ 30.00

/ Printing of Minutes ---------------------------- 10.00 Gleaner's Trio ___________________________________ c__ 25.00 · ..

Children's Home -------------------------------- 20.00

Bible College (General Fund) -~---------- 25.00

Samn1y & Jane Wilkerson ----·--------------- .. 25.00 '

Total ---------------'---------------------- $135.00 . . "$135.00

Balance for 1971 Rally Use -----------------------~----------------~~-- $ 9.01 ' -

· Mrs. Malcolin Freeman. ' •

Treasurer · · · · · .• ·- .• ..... ._,.__:_- f ···-•.

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The Midway' District Woman"s Auxiliary Convention met with White Plains Church on Oct. 3 for the annual session with 76 registering. We were especially happy to have three · of our ministers present: Rev. Trellis Mayhall, Rev. Don Reed, Rev. J. W. Loyless. It makes us proud when we see our min­isters stand behind us. in our work. We had 12 auxiliaries rep­resented with delegates, but 15 sent reports. Namely: Arling­ton, Albany, Blakely, Patmos, Cedar Springs, Hammock

· Springs, Macedonia, Mt. Zion, New Enterprise, New Light, . Bellview, Traveler's Rest, Emmanuel, White Plains, Donal­


Emmanuel is a new auxiliary; we were proud to have them come into our convention.

The workshop was held last Spring at Patmos Church and Sammy and June Wilkinson and their family was in charge of the program for the day. This was truly one of the best . workshops we've ever held. It really proved a blessing to all who attended. We raised $122.70 for them that day.

Total offerings received for the year was $2,775.28. These · were applied toward State Missions, National Home Missions,

Foreign Missions, W.N.A.C. and Co-Laborer fund.

The State project for the year was to raise $3,000.00 to be divided equally for Georgia Missionaries. The Larry Powells and The Sammy Wilkinsons. Our district didn't quite reach her quota, but as a State group we will have gone over our quota it was reported at the convention.


We ask the members of the Midway Association to re~ member us in your prayers as we endeavor to work for Him through this, "The Missionary Service of the Church," and that more of our pastors would get behind us, encouraging all of the women of the various churches to become more ac­tive this year. Our theme this year was "A Time To Stand" from Phil. 1:27. As it was brought out in the message, truly it is time we, as Christians, should stand having our loins girt · about with truth and having on the. breastplate of righteous- · ness. ·

Respectfully submitted,

Pauline Bush, President

· · Wynelle Clower, Sec. '


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• • The Midway District Woman's Auxiliary Convention met

for the annual session with the theme: "A Time to Stand", Philippians 1:27. · _ · - · ·

Janice Banks led the congregation in sfnging of ·"Jesus Calls Us" and· "I Know Whom I Have Believed" with Jean Lambert at the piano. Invocation was prayed by Rev. Don Reed. The welcome was given by Myra White. Response by _ Jackie Reed.


The congregation was then led in singing "At Calvary". A very inspiring morning devotional was given by , Gloria Bevan with scripture from Eph. 5:16, Eph. 6:11-17 and Rev. 2:19 and closed with congregation standing to sing "Stand Up for Jesus" after which an offering was received.

President, Pauline Bush, then called the session to order for business.' A roll call of delegates was given, visitors, Min~ ministers were recognized. The report of the Credentials Committee was given by Vaudine Moody and the delegates were seated. (see report))

Committees were then appointed. (see committees)

Wynelle Clower gave an oral report of the four executive committee meetings held during the past year and was re­ceived as information.

Reports were given by the district officers, they called attention to postors which were on display.

Highlights of the WNAC in Fresno, Calif. was given by Laura Hollingshead. Mrs. Nancy Johnson shared a testimony from Japan with us.

Janice then led the congregation in singing "Send the Light". Janice brought a message in song "Fill My Cup Lord".

Doris Sheffield brought a most inspiring and timely mes­-sage -on the theme, "A Time to Stand" based upon scripture · from Phil. 1 :27 and Luke 19. She closed with a beautiful and heart-warming poem which she called her testimony. · ·

Announcements about lunch by Myra White after which ··Rev. J. W. Loy less prayed the closing_ prayer and asked the blessing on. the food. ·


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. We reconvened at 1:30 for the afternoon session. Opened with singing the hymn "We've A Story to Tell to the Nations" led by Janice. Special music was brought by three young la­dies from Patmos Church and Phyllis Parker: Mter which Phyllis brought an inspiring devotional based upon the scrip~ ·. ture John 14:23, 24 and Matt. 28:19-20. . ·

Dee Dee Lisenby gave a report of her· work in France last summer, after which a question and answer period was held. · · .

Reports were given Corresponding Secretary gave a re-port on the Standard of Achievement Charts. Macedonia and Traveler's Rest charts were graded "A" and they will be sent to the State W.A. Convention.

Treasurer's R~port was given by Vaudine .. M.S.C. to adopt as read.

The President called for nominations from the floor to fill the office of Personal Service Chairman. Shirley Kimbrel was elected to serve. ·

Committe reports were called for: All reports were adopt-" ed as read. (see report) ·


The committee to correlate .and revise the constitution was appointed by the President as: Mrs. Martha Everson, Mrs. Laura Hollingshead, Mrs. Wynelle Clower ..

' •

Nominating Committee was nominated from floor. (see reports)

Delegates to the State Convention in Savannah, Nov. 10, were as follows: 1. Mrs. Nancy Johnson 2. Voncille Musgrove 3. Phyllis Parker

5. Essie Lou Clower 6. Maude Clower 7. Euva Mason

· 4 .. Millicent ·Lisenby

. Mrs. Nancy Johnson was appointed to serve on the State· : Woman's Auxiliary Nominating Committee. ·

\ M.S. C. that Edith Shiver be given the authority to fill in 1 · . names for· the delegates from those who are attending the


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State meeting. · · Bell view invited the Spring workshop. Traveler's Rest in­

vited the annual convention the First Saturday in October,· ·1971.

Laura gave a report of the State W.A,. Executive Com­. mittee planning a State Worshop and woman s retreat at Camp




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Mt. Bethel in March, 1971.

M.S.C. that the date for the Midway District Spring Work­shop be set by the Executive Committee after the State Work-shop and Retreat is held. ·

The President recognized 7 state W.A. officers.

After announcements, the benediction was by Eleanor Sheffield.

Wynelle Clower, ·Secretary Pauline Bush, President

' (


REGISTRATION COMMIT'I'EE REPORT 12 Auxiliaries reporting

46 Delegates 3 Ministers

14 Visitors 12 Stat~ and District Officers 75 Total in Attendance


. .

We, your Credentials Committee have examined the re­ports from 15 auxiliaries. We· recommend Emmanuel to the body as a new auxiliary and that they be granted seats along · with the othet; auxiliaries making a total of · 14 eligible to seats in this convention. We find that Donalsonville auxiliary is inactive at this time. We find invitations to entertain the next convention from Bellview and Traveler's Rest.

1. Arlington 2. Bellview .· 3. Blakely· 4. Albany 5. 6. Macedonia 7. Mt. Zion

' .

. .


s. New Light . 9. New Enterprise 10. 11. Emmanuel·· 12. Donalsonville · 13. Patmos 14. Traveler's Rest

Maude Clower, Chairman ' .. · •.,,. '•. '

Vaudine Moody ·.· · · · - . - '

Wynelle Clower . · ··· · ·






Page 40: MIDWAY. - ONE Mag

1. That a committ€e be appointed to correlate our district constitution with the revised State and National Consti­tution and that this committee report to the next con-vention. · · ·

2. That a rising vote of thanks be extended to this Auxiliary and Church for the wonderful hospitality extended to us today.


Respectfully submitted, Martha Everson Jeanette Pyle Faye Faison Edith Shiver Judy White

Balance on Hand ------------------------------------- $ 18.58 Representation Fee --------------------------------- $187.50 Convention Offering ------------------------------- 49.94

'$256.02 Paid Out:


· State and WNAC Representation Fees ________________ $150.00 Balance on Hand --~------------------------------------------------ $106.02*


*Held in treasury earmarked for State Retreat in March.

Nominating Committee:

Jackie Reed Jeanette Pyle Nancy Mayhall.

Respectfully submitted, . Mrs. Vaudine Moody

Mrs. Essie Lou Clower Mrs. Carole Barnes Mrs Uva Mason Mrs. Betty Bently ·

Christine Wilson .

Faye Faison·. · .

Christine Wilson' was· elected 'to be chairman to wo:k up a slate of officers to present· during the 1970-1971 Sess10n.

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Oct. '69 Balance on hand ----------------------------------------- $ . 23.72 Oct. 3 Convention Offering ~-"-------------------------------------


40.68 $64.40

· October ~:--------------------------------------------~----------------------------- $ 70.00 November --------------------------------"-------------------------------------- 17 6.14 December --~-------------------------------------------------------------------- 239.56 Jranll~ ----------------------'----------------------------------------------------- 229.19 Febrllary ---------------------------------------------------------------~-------- 263.50 Workshop ----------------------------------------------------------------~------- . 122.70 · March -----------------------------------------------------~~----------------: 20 0. 61 April.---------------------------------"~-----------------------~~------------------- 3<16.50 May --'--------------------------------'---------------------------------------~----- 135.24

' '

Jr tine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 234.5 0 Jr llly ------------------~----------~------------------------.:...._ ___________ ~ ____ .:.____ 84.00 At1gt1st --------------------~-~---------------~----------------------~-'--~------- 228.64 September ---------------~-----------------------~----------------------~-~:,_____ 424.70

Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $2,775.28


Ga. State (lnclt1des $150 Rep; Fee) ----------------------- $2,575.28* M t. Zion ---------------------------------~------------------------------'---- 1. 50 Ida Newsletter _______________________ ----------------------------------- 29.00 Patmos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- . · · 2.00


Wilkinson's Accollnt ------------~--------------------~--------------' 72.70 Wilkinson Gash -------'--------------~---~--------------~~----~----- 50.00 Wilkinson Mileage --·-------------------------------------------------- 50.00

' . . Postage -------------------------------------------------------------~---------- · . 3.12 ·

T<>tal -----------------------------~---------~--------------: ______________ $2,783.60 • •

Balance on hand -------~------------"----------------------------------- · $ 64.40 ' . . 1 ' ' ' Received · __________________ · _____________________________________________ , ___ c_.. 2, 77 5.28

- ' , '' 1/ • '

. '

. Total· ------------~-----------------------------'-------------~-'----------- $21839.68 - . - .

. Paid Ollt ______________ , ______ : _______________________ ~----~-------------'-----· $2,7S3.60 · . ' ' . . '

Balance on hand --"---------------------------------------------,------'---: $ 56.08 .... • • •

' • 38' ·.


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September 29, 1970

Newsletter Funds received by Ida Tabb, Corresponding Secretary of Midway District Woman's Auxiliary:

October, 1969 · September, 1970 .

Amount of Balance (10-1-1969) received ____________________ $ 1.50

Newsletter Subscriptions received --------------------------------- 67.00 Mt. Zion ___________________ c _______________ . 6@ 50c 3.00

New Enterprise ----------------------- 6@ 50c 3.00 · Hammock Springs -----c-------------- 6@ 50c 3.00 White Plains ------------~-------------- 9@ 50c 4.50

· Dot Harvey -------------------------- 1.00 Patmos --------------------------------------- 11@ 50c 5.50. Albany ------------------------------~--------: 3@ 50c 1.50 Arlington ---------------------"----------- 8@ 50c 4.00 Macedonia ------------------------------- 14@ 50c 7.00 Bell view --------------------------------- 15@ 50c 7.50 Donalsonville ---"---------------------- .50 . Donalsonville ------------------------- 6@ 50c 3.00 · Albany No. 2 ---------------------------- 14@ 50c 7.00 Blakely ________________ c ___________________ c 7@ 50c 3.50

CedarSpringss ---------------------------- 13@ 50 6.50 Traveler's Rest ------------------------ 12@ 50c 6.00. Albany ---------------------------------~---- .50

Total Received ---------------------------------------------- $67.00 $68.50


Newsletter Postage ------------------------------- $38.75 Stencils and Ink ---------------------------------------- 18.34

T<>tal ------------------------------------------------------- $57.09 Balance in Newsletter funds of Corresponding Sec.

$68.50 -57.09


Paper used for Newsletter this year was paid for in 1969 year .. . . . .

Respectfully submitted,

Ida Tabb


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Me!D.bers Members Receive~ D1s:n1ssed Sunday CTS Women•s Master's

School Auxiliary Men -., I ... • ~ -

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ALBANY lst 517 506 9 35 30 .. 8 - 1 320 265 145 104 23 17 12 5 68 226 3 7

ARLINGTON 31 29 2 1 1 .. 1 - - 27 21 27 20 8 7 4 4 20 - 2 3 '

BAINBRIDGE 44 35 9 2 4 - 1 1 1 32 19 20 16 - - - - 8 - 1 3

BELLVIE'"' 191 119 72 5 2 - 4 - 2 118 101 58 50 17 13 12 7 41 66 2 9 • -

BLAKELY 1st 138 80 58 2 7 -- 5 - 1 104 61 53 36 13 7 - - 22 - 2 5

CEDAR SPRINGS 93 70 23 - - - 2 3 - 44 32 46 25 11 9 - - 15 - 1 6

DAMASCUS 30 20 10 1 1 - - - 2 49 35 - - - - - - 20 10 2 2

DONALSONVILLE 53 46 7 4 2 - 3 - 1 74 37 24 15 - - - - 20 - 1 3

EMANUEL 108 94 l't 12 2 - - - - 82 62 60 41 13 12 14 9 35 45 3 9

ENTERPRISE 46 34 12 - - - - 1 1 25 19 18 10 - - - - - - 1 3 --

HAMMOCK SPRINGS 47 36 11 1 2 - - - 2 40 33 25 19 4 4 4 4 - - 1 6 --

MACEDONIA 98 76 22 4 6 - 3 - 4 84 65 53 43 13 7 8 5 25 49 1 5

MT. ZION - 71 23 48 1 1 2 27 16 22 14 6 4 8 2 3 - - - - - --r 84 35 49 2 2 40 36 5 5 10 1 6 NEW ENTERPRISE - - - - 20 20 - - -


NEW LIGHT 241 107 134 - - - 2 - 4 104 60 31 18 12 8 - - 15 35 2 '7

OAK GROVE 79 35 44 - - - - - 1 24 17 - - - - - - - - 0 4

PATMOS 129 62 67 3 1 - 2 39 1 74 50 26 18 11 7 10 7 23 40 1 7

SOUTH MAIN-Blakely 47 43 4 9 5 - - - - 50 40 36 30 - - - - - - 1 2

TRAVELERS REST 99 68 31 - - - 1 - 3 50 40 36 35 11 10 - - 15 - 1 5

WHITE PLAINS 73 69 4 - - - 1 - 1 6? 29 58 2? 9 ? - - 25 - 1 3

TOTALS 221? 158? 630 82 63 1 35" 4"- 27 1435" 1038 75"2 5"41 15"6 117 64 41 370 471 29 98-- ,.

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