Midterm 3 Review Biology 105- Napa Valley College Instructor: A. Ross

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  • Midterm 3 Review Biology 105- Napa Valley College Instructor: A. Ross
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  • Lectures included on MT #3 Skeletal Nervous 1, 2, and 3 Muscle Endocrine
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  • Skeletal Outline I.Overview of the skeletal system II.Function of bones III.Bone structure IV.Bone cells V.Cartilage VI.Tendons and Ligaments VII.Joints VIII.Bone development IX.Hormonal regulation of bone growth X.Homeostasis XI.Disorders of the skeletal system
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  • Nervous I Outline I.Nervous system function II.Central and peripheral nervous system III.Nervous system cells IV.Myelinated neurons V.Nerve signal transmission VI.Nerve Synapse
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  • Nervous II Outline I.Central Nervous System vs Peripheral Nervous System II.Peripheral Nervous System A.Autonomic Nervous Systems B.Somatic Nervous Systems III.Autonomic Nervous System A.Parasympathetic Nervous Systems B.Sympathetic Nervous Systems IV.Reflex Actions V.Central Nervous System A.Protection of CNS B.Spinal Cord C.Brain
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  • Nervous III Outline I.Senses II.Sensory receptors III.Touch IV.Vision V.Hearing and balance VI.Smell
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  • Muscle Outline I.Characteristics of muscles II.Three types of muscles III.Functions of muscles IV.Structure of skeletal muscles V.Mechanics of muscle contraction VI.Energy source for muscle contraction
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  • Endocrine Outline I.Function of Endocrine System II.Hormones and Neurotransmitters III.Types of Hormones and their actions IV.Endocrine glands/organs and hormones
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  • Skeletal Things To Know: Function of bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons Two layers of bone Compact and spongy Epiphysis, Diaphysis, Osteon and Periosteum Processes involved in growth, development and fracture repair Osteoblasts vs Osteoclasts Regulation of bone growth by hormones Regulation of bone calcium levels Role of cartilage Synovial joints, bursas and menisci Disorders of the skeletal system and their treatments
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  • Nervous System Things To Know: Functions of the two divisions of the nervous system (CNS and PNS) Cell types, parts of cells and their functions Neurons, neuroglia, microglia, Schwann cells, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes Cell body, axon, dendrite, synaptic terminals Afferent vs Efferent Interneurons Sensory neurons- function and location Motor neuron- function and location Function of myelin Action potentials and electrophysiology- ions involved etc.
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  • Nervous System Things To Know: Part 2 Autonomic vs Somatic- function and role in the body Where in body? How do they function? Sympathetic and Parasympathetic- functions Reflexes Reflex arc, why are reflexes important? Central nervous system Cerebrospinal fluid, Blood brain barrier, spinal cord, brain Parts of the brain and their functions Meninges 3 layers Diseases/ afflictions that affect meninges and rest of Nervous system
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  • Nervous System Things To Know: Part 3 How sensory transduction works for all senses Differences between types of sense receptors Where located, what do they sense, how are they activated, structure etc. Touch, vision, hearing, balance, smell and taste How are the senses routed to the brain? Sensory adaptation Different types of touch Which receptors are responsible? (6 different types of receptor in the skin) Visual system Structure of the eye and mechanics of visual transduction Rods and Cones
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  • Nervous Part 3 Continued Hearing Path of sound from external environment to brain. Structure and function of all parts of the outer, middle and inner ear Vestibular apparatus What does it do? How does it function? Smell and Taste Pathway of sensory nerves? (Smell is not through thalamus) Anatomy of smell and taste receptors
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  • Muscle Things To Know: Be able to state the entire process of skeletal muscle contraction Starting with the action potential in the motor neuron, ending with movement. Ions in AP? Neurotransmitter? Receptor? T-Tubules, Sacroplasmic reticulum, role of Calcium, actin, myosin, troponin, tropomyosin Insertion and Origin Structure/ anatomy of skeletal muscle Where is smooth muscle located? Differences between skeletal and smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Structure and function, gap junctions, intercalated disks.
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  • Endocrine Things To Know: Differences between hormones and neurotransmitters Local vs global, long vs short term etc. Which hormones can cross plasma membrane and blood brain barrier Where are hormones produced, how are they delivered? Pituitary and hypothalamus (how are they involved)? Some examples: ADH, Oxytocin, Testosterone, Estrogen, ACTH, Cortisol, TSH, FSH, LH, PRL, Growth Hormone, Insulin, T4 and T3, Calcitonin, Aldosterone, Disorders arising from aberrant hormonal function Adrenal glands- hormones released, function and disorders