RATE SCHEDULES 32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346 508-947-1371

Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES

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Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES

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Page 1: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES

32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371

Page 2: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


Table of Contents

Residential Electric Rates

Residential Electric Service – Schedule R-1 & R-6 .............................................................. M.D.P.U. No. 161Residential General & Heating Service Elderly – Schedule R-10 & R-91 ......................... M.D.P.U. No. 162New York Power Authority (NYPA) – Schedule NYPA ...................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 163 Area lighting – Schedule SL - 60 ............................................................................................ M.D.P.U. No. 164

Commercial & Industrial Electric Rates

Commercial & Industrial General Service – Schedule C-2, C-3, I-4 & I-5 ...................... M.D.P.U. No. 165General Service Demand – Schedule C-41, I-41 .................................................................. M.D.P.U. No. 166Large General Service – Schedule C-40, I-40 ....................................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 167Load Retention Rate – LR ....................................................................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 159 Backup and Standby Service ................................................................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 153Firm Transmission Service – Schedule – FTS ...................................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 154Interruptible Transmission Service – Schedule – ITS ......................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 155Renewable Energy Buyback Rate ........................................................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 160

Residential Gas RatesResidential Gas Service – Schedule R-11, 19 & 70 ............................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 169Residential Gas Service – Elderly - Schedule R-88, 89 & 96 ............................................... M.D.P.U. No. 170Outdoor Gas Lighting Service - Schedule GL ...................................................................... M.D.P.U. No. 143

Commercial & Industrial Gas RatesCommercial & Industrial Gas General Service – Schedule C-12, I-14 ............................. M.D.P.U. No. 171Commercial & Industrial Gas Heating Service – Schedule C-13, I-15 ............................. M.D.P.U. No. 172Commercial & Industrial Gas Air-Conditioning Service – Schedule A/C-18 ................. M.D.P.U. No. 173

Fuel Adjustment Clauses

Purchased Power Adjustment (PPA) Clause – Schedule PPA ............................................ M.D.P.U. No. 168Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) Clause – Schedule PGA .............................................. M.D.P.U. No. 174

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371

M.D.P.U. No. 143 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 96)

Outdoor Gas Lighting Service —Schedule GL


Energy Charge: First 3 cubic feet per hour or less of rated capacity - per lamp - $6.97 Excess of 3 cubic feet per hour of rated capacity - per lamp - $2.87/cu. ft.


Availability: Service to all customers is available under this rate for outdoor gas lighting where a standard gas light is attached to the Town’s existing distribution system and when it is not feasible to meter gas for such lighting along with other gas used on the premises and bill the same under the rate in effect for all other service. All such installations shall be on private property.

Type of Service: The THERMAL CONTENT of gas supplied shall not be less than 1,000 B.T.U. per cubic foot.

Terms of Contract: The term of the contract under this schedule shall be for an initial period of one year and shall continue in effect thereafter until cancelled by either party on thirty (30) days written notice.

Special Provisions:

1. The customer shall own and maintain all equipment necessary for such lighting including any necessary additional piping. The customer shall replace, at his expense, any mantles from time to time. All original or replacement equipment shall be approved by the Middleborough Gas and Electric Department.

2. Gas is supplied on a continuous basis except when, in the opinion of the Department, a shortage of gas supply is sufficiently critical to warrant temporary discontinuation of this service. In this instance, the monthly rate will be adjusted to reflect credit for the number of days gas is not available for outdoor gas lighting.

Installation of this type has been discontinued after January 1, 1982.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1-1&1/2% per month; (annual rate - 18%).

Issue Date: July 1, 1990Effective Date: July 1, 1990

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Billing Period: Billing shall be done on a calendar month basis.

Customer Charge: The customer charge in Applicable General Service Rate.

Demand Rates: Standby Demand: $5.61 per kW of Firm Backup Contract Demand.

Firm Backup Demand: The demand rate in the Applicable General Service Rate minus the Standby Demand Rate per kW of Firm Backup Service.

Energy Rates: Backup Energy: The energy rate, including the Purchased Power Adjustment, in the Applicable General Service Rate per billing kWh.

Stranded Cost Charge: $0.04 per kWh of Metered Energy

The monthly charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Standby Demand Charge, the Firm Backup Demand Charge, the Backup Energy Charge and the Stranded Cost Charge.

A late payment charge of 1.5% per month, or any portion thereof, shall be added to the bill when all or any part of any prior bill remains unpaid for more than thirty (30) days after the date of the bill. The charge will be computed starting on the thirty first (31st) calendar day after the date of said bill.

Billing kW and kWh: The Billing kW shall be the greater of the maximum fifteen (15) minute metered kW demand during the Billing Period or 90% of the metered kilovolt amperes during the Billing Period.

Estimated Bills: When an actual meter reading cannot be taken on the normal meter reading schedule for the Billing Period, an estimated bill will be rendered based on usage data provided by the Customer or estimated by the MGED.


Availability: This rate shall be applied to all partial requirements general service Customers (the Customer). A partial requirements Customer is defined as one who normally generates all, or a portion of, the Customer’s electrical power and energy requirements. All electricity supplied shall be for the exclusive use of the Customer and shall not be resold. Service taken under this rate shall be electrically separated from the Customer’s generating facilities or provided with sufficient protective devices to prohibit such facilities from causing disturbances on the MGED’s system consistent with the MGED’s Terms and Conditions. The MGED reserves the right to refuse service to facilities where the MGED reasonably determines that the protection provided is inadequate.

All electricity supplied to the Customer by the MGED shall be measured through one meter, except that where the MGED deems it impractical to deliver electricity through one service, or where the MGED has installed more than one meter, then the measurement of electricity may be by two or more meters. When the Customer’s generating facilities are capable of operating in parallel with the MGED’s supply, the Customer shall furnish, at its expense, necessary facilities for metering equipment including a dedicated voice grade telephone circuit for remote reading whereby the MGED can meter the output of the Customer’s generating facilities.

M.D.P.U. No. 153

Backup and Standby Service(Page 1 of 2)

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M.D.P.U. No. 153Backup and Standby Service (Page 2 of 2)

Character of ServiceFirm Backup Service: Firm Backup Service is intended to provide the Customer with a firm supply of electric power and energy when the Customer’s generating facilities are not in operation or are operating at less than full rated capability or when the Customer’s load is greater than the capability of its generating facilities. To obtain service under this schedule, the Customer must specify in writing the maximum firm backup electric power demands (Firm Backup Contract Demand) that it plans to impose on the MGED under this schedule. The amount of Firm Backup Contract Demand may be changed only by written notification to the MGED at least six months prior to the effective date of such change. The MGED reserves the right to refuse any increase in the Firm Backup Contract Demand if, in the sole judgment of the MGED, such an increase would have an adverse impact on the reliability or cost of the provision of firm service to any of the MGED’s firm service customers.Standby Service: Standby Service is intended to reserve capacity on the MGED’s transmission and distribution system for the delivery of Firm Backup Service. Standby Service will be taken and paid for regardless of whether Firm Backup Service is taken in any month.

DefinitionsFirm Backup Contract Demand: the maximum firm backup electric power demand which the Customer shall impose on the MGED as specified by the Customer.Firm Backup Demand: the maximum metered billing demand occurring in the billing period or the Firm Backup Contract Demand, whichever is less.Metered Energy: the Customer’s actual electrical load without the application of the Customer’s generation.Billing Energy: the electrical load imposed on the MGED’s system.Backup Energy: the sum of the kWh of Billing Energy for the period.Metered Demand: the greatest actual electrical load during any 15 minute period without the application of the Customer’s generation.Billing Demand: the greatest 15 minute electrical load imposed on the MGED’s system during the billing period.Applicable General Service Rate: the rate under which the customer would be eligible to receive firm service from the MGED if the Customer did not generate any of its own electric power and energy requirements. All demands refer to fifteen (15) minute kW demands.

Power Factor AdjustmentThe MGED may, at its option, require the Customer to make such changes in equipment and/or operations as necessary to increase the Customer’s power factor to a minimum of 90% lagging.

Term of ContractUnless otherwise agreed in writing, service under this rate shall be for a period of not less than three years and thereafter may be discontinued only upon the MGED’s receipt of a 90-day written notice. Service is also subject to the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the MGED.

Issue Date: April 13, 1999Effective Date: May 1, 1999

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $100.00 per month

Demand Charge: $1.72 per KW of Billing Demand

Billing Demand shall be the contract demand as established by the Transmission Service Agreement. Use of the transmission system in excess of contract demand shall establish a new level of contract demand for a period of twelve (12) months.

Excess Use: Power taken by the customer in excess of power delivered to the Department’s system for the Customer’s use net of losses shall be billed at the otherwise applicable rate for demand charges as outlined in a separate service agreement.


Available to any wholesale customer qualifying for transmission service under the Federal Power Act and requiring the use of the Department’s facilities for the transmission of scheduled firm power at primary voltage.

Applicability• Executed written service agreement.• Minimum contract period is twelve (12) months.• All equipment or facilities required to provide service not normally provided shall be paid for by the customer.• Department’s obligation to provide service is limited to those periods where power is received for transmission.• Customer is responsible for all arrangements and scheduling of power with supplying parties and Department on

a daily basis or as mutually agreed to.

• Customer shall install at its expense any metering requirements which may be determined by the Department.

Adjustments to Billing Demand: Line Loss Adjustment shall be 3% of all deliveries.

Power Factor Requirement shall be maintained at 90%. Any Power Factor below 90% shall be adjusted to 90% by theDepartment as follows:

Adjusted Billing Demand = Billing Demand x 90%

Actual Power Factor (in percent)

The power factor calculation will be at the time of maximum demand or based on a monthly average, whichever is lower. The Department may also require the customer to install power factor correction equipment as a condition of service.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1% per month; (annual rate - 18%).

ISSUE DATE: May 1, 1999EFFECTIVE DATE: May 1, 1999

M.D.P.U. No. 154

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 135)

Firm Transmission Service — Schedule - FTS

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371

M.D.P.U. No. 155

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 136)

Interruptible Transmission Service —Schedule - ITS


Customer Charge: $50.00 per monthEnergy Charge: $0.003 per KW for all kWh delivered


Available to any wholesale customer qualifying for transmission service under the Federal Power Act and requiring the use of the Department’s facilities for the transmission of scheduled firm power at primary voltage.


• Executed written service agreement.

• All equipment or facilities required to provide service not normally provided shall be paid for by the customer.

• Department’s obligation to provide service is limited to those periods where power is received for transmission.

• Customer is responsible for all arrangements and scheduling of power with supplying parties and Department on a daily basis or as mutually agreed to.

• Department will provide service on a best efforts basis. Service can, however, be interrupted by the Department without notice.

• Customer shall install at its expense any metering requirements which may be determined by the Department.

Adjustments To Billing Demand:

Line Loss Adjustment shall be 3% of all deliveries.

Power Factor Requirement shall be maintained at 90%. Any Power Factor below 90% shall be adjusted to 90% by theDepartment as follows:

Adjusted Billing Demand = Billing Demand x 90%

Actual Power Factor (in percent)

The power factor calculation will be at the time of maximum demand or based on a monthly average, whichever is lower. The Department may also require the customer to install power factor correction equipment as a condition of service.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1% per month; (annual rate - 18%).

ISSUE DATE: May 1, 1999EFFECTIVE DATE: May 1, 1999

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Availability: Service under this rate is available for any current customer that meets the criteria set forth herein. Customers must have been receiving service under the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary Rate or predecessor rates for a period of at least two years. Service under this rate is not available for resale.

For a customer to receive service under this rate, the customer will be required to:

• supply evidence that the cost of electricity is a significant consideration in continued or expanded operation in the Department’s service territory; and

• supply detailed information regarding their operation and electrical demand and energy usage.

Billing Rates:

Basic Monthly Charge: The Basic Monthly Charge in any month will be $150.

Demand Charge: The demand charge in any month will be:

(a) the product of the lower of Metered Demand or the Base Demand times the demand rate set forth in the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary Rate, plus

(b) the product of the Billing Demand for the month times the Demand Rate as set forth below.

Energy Charge: The energy charge in any month will be:

(a) the product of the lower of Metered Energy or Base Energy times the energy rate set forth in the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary Rate (including Fuel Adjustment) plus

(b) the product of the Billing Energy times the Energy Rate as set forth below.

Demand Rate: The Demand Rate in any month shall be the sum of

a.) $3.75 per kW plus

b.) the Installed Capability Transition Rate as established by ISO New England for the month plus

c.) the average cost of Regional Network Service transmission paid by the Department to ISO-New England and National Grid for the month.

Energy Rate: The Energy Rate in any month will be the sum of

a.) the average on-peak Locational Marginal Price in the Day-Ahead market for the SEMASS Load Zone for the month, in cents per kWh, as established by ISO New England plus;

b.) the average cost of Real-Time Net Commitment Period Compensation paid by the Department to ISO-New England for the month, in cents per kWh. For purposes of this calculation on-peak hours shall include the hours beginning 8:00 a.m. and ending 11:00 p.m. on all non-holiday weekdays.

M.D.P.U. No. 159 (Cancels M.D.T.E. No. 156)

Load Retention Rate — LR(Page 1 of 3)

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Base Demand: The Base Demand will be the Base Percentage times the metered demand (in kilowatts) for the corresponding month in the Base Period.

Base Energy: The Base Energy will be the Base Percentage times the average metered energy (in kilowatt-hours) for the Base Period.

Base Percentage: The Base Percentage will be equal to 90% for those customers who take service under this rate without agreeing to a fixed term, and 80% for those customers who agree in writing to take service for five years. Customers who agree to a five year term shall be afforded the 80% percentage level thereafter until such time as service under this rate is terminated.

Billing Demand: The Billing Demand for any month will be the positive difference between the Metered Demand (in kilowatts) for that month and the Base Demand.

Billing Energy: The Billing Energy for any month will be the positive difference between the Metered Energy (in kilowatt-hours) for that month and the Base Energy.

Base Period: The 12 month period immediately preceding the first month that the customer receives service under this rate.

Metered Demand: The highest demand measured by the Department’s meters during the billing period for the purpose of rendering service under this rate schedule.

Metered Energy: The total kilowatt-hours measured by the Department’s meters during the billing period for the purpose of rendering service under this rate schedule.

Monthly Benefit: The positive difference between the amount actually billed to the customer in any month and the amount that the customer would have paid for the same quantities purchased under the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary or successor rate.

Cumulative Benefit: The total of the Monthly Benefit amounts from the commencement of service under this rate to the current date.

Purchased Power Adjustment Charge

As provided in the Department’s “Purchased Power Adjustment Clause,” applicable to the Base Energy purchased under this rate.

Sales Tax

Where applicable, Massachusetts’s sales tax on energy will be billed to the customer as determined by the gross monthly charges to the account. Customers with currently valid (annual) exemption certificates on file with the Department will be exempt from this charge, consistent with the provisions of law.

M.D.P.U. No. 159

(Cancels M.D.T.E. No. 156)

Load Retention Rate — LR (Page 2 of 3)

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Discount: A ten (10) percent discount is allowed on that portion of the customer’s bill subject to the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary Rate if payment is received at the Department’s billing office no later than ten (10) days from the billing date. No discount is allowed when arrears are due. Such discounts only apply to the Basic Monthly Charge, Base Demand and Base Energy portion of the bill.


The Department reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine eligibility for service under this rate. All terms and conditions of the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary Rate apply to this rate provided that they are not inconsistent with the specific provisions of this rate.

Once service has commenced under this rate it can only be terminated on 36 months notice by either party or by mutual agreement. In cases where the customer has agreed to a five year term (and associated 80% Base Percentage) notice can only be provided to be effective at the end of that term by either party. Notwithstanding the above, service under this rate will terminate on the effective date of retail choice for customers of the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary Rate or successor rates.

If at any time during the term of service under this rate the customer ceases to be the customer of record at the location served under this rate or if the service taken at that location no longer qualifies for service under the Department’s Large Power & Light Primary or successor rate, then the customer will be responsible for repayment of the Cumulative Benefit within 30 days of notification by the Department unless such termination of service has been caused by the Department as a result of the beginning of retail choice for customers of the Department’s Large Light & Power Primary Rate or successor rates.

Meter Consolidation

When multiple meters are located within the contiguous area of a customer location, the Department shall agree to consider the consolidation of meter readings. If time pulse data is available, each hour shall be combined to obtain the meter reading. Where time pulse data is not available, readings shall be combined using a coincidence factor of 95% of the summation of the two meter readings.

Effective: March 1, 2009for usage in February, 2009

M.D.P.U. No. 159

(Cancels M.D.T.E. No. 156)

Load Retention Rate — LR(Page 3 of 3)

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Availability: This rate shall be applied to all general service Customers (the Customer) who generate all, or a significant portion of, the Customer’s electrical power and energy requirements using renewable energy generation technologies. For purposes of this rate, renewable energy technologies shall include wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and hydroelectric. MGED reserves the right to determine if the generation technology utilized by the Customer meets the eligibility requirements of this rate.

Under this rate schedule the Customer shall purchase all of its electrical power and energy requirements from MGED under the applicable general service rate and MGED shall purchase all of the electrical power and energy produced by the Customer’s generating facilities at the rates set forth in this schedule.

All electricity supplied shall be for the exclusive use of the Customer and shall not be resold. Service taken under this rate shall be electrically separated from the Customer’s generating facilities or provided with sufficient protective devices to prohibit such facilities from causing disturbances on the MGED’s system consistent with the MGED’s Terms and Conditions. The MGED reserves the right to refuse service to facilities where the MGED reasonably determines that the protection provided is inadequate.

All electricity supplied to the Customer by the MGED shall be measured through one meter, except that where the MGED deems it impractical to deliver electricity through one service, or where the MGED has installed more than one meter, then the measurement of electricity may be by two or more meters. The Customer shall furnish, at its expense, necessary facilities for metering equipment including a dedicated voice grade telephone circuit for remote reading whereby the MGED can meter the output of the Customer’s generating facilities.

Any Customer receiving service under this rate will be required to execute a Service Agreement setting forth the specific provisions of service to that customer, including but not limited to the service location, generating facilities, metering installation, protection systems, term of agreement, and any upgrades required to the MGED distribution system to accommodate the Customer’s interconnection. All such upgrades will be at the sole discretion of MGED and at the sole cost of the Customer.

Character Of Service: All electricity consumed by the Customer shall be billed at the Applicable General Service Rate.

All electricity generated by the Customer’s generation equipment shall be purchased by MGED at the rates set forth in this Schedule.


Applicable General Service Rate: The rate under which the customer would be eligible to receive firm service from the MGED if the Customer did not generate any of its own electric power and energy requirements.

Capacity Payment Rate: The Forward Capacity Auction Price, in $/kilowatt-month, in effect during the billing month as determined by ISO New England.

M.D.P.U. No. 160

Renewable Energy Buyback RateExhibit 1(Page 1 of 2)

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Energy Buyback Rate: The average Real-Time Locational Marginal Price for energy for the Southeast Mass Load Zone for the billing month, as determined by ISO New England.

Generation Capacity: The amount of energy generated by the Customer’s generating equipment during the hour of the ISO New England peak demand for the most recently completed Power Year, expressed in kilowatt-hours per hour or kW. The ISO New England Power Year begins on June 1.

Generation Energy: The amount of energy, in kWh, produced by the Customer’s generating equipment during the billing month and metered at the interconnection point with the MGED system.

Transmission Capacity: The amount of energy generated by the Customer’s generating equipment during the hour of the MGED system peak demand for the billing month, expressed in kilowatt-hours per hour or kW.

Transmission Credit Rate: The total Regional Network Service (RNS) transmission rate, in $/kW-month, in effect during the billing month, as determined by ISO New England.

Billing Period: Billing shall be done on a calendar month basis.

Monthly Charges: The monthly charge shall be the General Service Charge, plus the Meter Charge, minus the sum of the Energy Credit, the Capacity Credit and the Transmission Credit.

The General Service Charge is the total charge for the Customer’s demand and energy usage, exclusive of any energy generated by the Customer’s generating equipment, under the Applicable General Service Rate.

Meter Charge: $40.00/month

The Energy Credit is equal to the product of the Generation Energy and the Energy Buyback Rate.

The Capacity Credit is equal to the product of the Generation Capacity and the Capacity Payment Rate.

The Transmission Credit is equal to the product of the Transmission Capacity and the Transmission Credit Rate.

A late payment charge of 1.5% per month, or any portion thereof, shall be added to the bill when all or any part of any prior bill remains unpaid for more than thirty (30) days after the date of the bill. The charge will be computed starting on the thirty first (31st) calendar day after the date of said bill.

Estimated Bills

When an actual meter reading cannot be taken on the normal meter reading schedule for the Billing Period, an estimated bill will be rendered based on usage data provided by the Customer or estimated by the MGED. Such estimated billing will be trued up when actual data becomes available.

Term Of Contract

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, service under this rate shall be for a period of not less than three years and thereafter may be discontinued upon 90-day written notice by either party. Service is also subject to the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the MGED.

ISSUE DATE: November 9, 2010 EFFECTIVE DATE: November 9, 2010

M.D.P.U. No. 160 Renewable Energy Buyback Rate

Exhibit 1(Page 2 of 2)

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M.D.P.U. No. 161 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 124)

Residential Electric Service — Schedules R-1 & R-6

32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $5.30 per month (minimum charge) per meter.*Distribution Energy Charge: $0.0400 per kWhPurchased Power Charge: $0.0930 per kWhPurchased Power Adjustment: (See below)NYPA Hydropower Credit: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Energy Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering electric power over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system. The Distribution Energy Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available for lighting, cooking, water heating and similar residential uses in a single dwelling or single apartment.

Purchased Power Charge: Recovers the cost of the electric power produced at power plants or purchased from the wholesale market and transported to the Department’s service territory. This charge covers the general categories of expenses including fuel or energy costs, transmission costs, capacity and ancillary services costs. The Purchase Power Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Purchased Power Adjustment – PPA: The Purchased Power Charge shall be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the cost of purchased power as provided in the Purchased Power Adjustment, M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 168. The Purchased Power Adjustment applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 15% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Power Charge, Purchased Power Adjustment or NYPA Hydropower Credit.

New York Power Authority (NYPA) - Hydropower Credit: As approved in the Department’s “NYPA Hydropower Credit” M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 163, applicable to the first 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) billed under this rate.

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371

M.D.P.U. No. 162 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 131)

Residential General & Heating Service Elderly — Schedule R-10 & R-91


Customer Charge: $5.30 per month (minimum charge) per meter*Distribution Energy Charge: $0.0340 per kWhPurchased Power Charge: $0.0930 per kWhPurchased Power Adjustment: (See below)NYPA Hydropower Credit: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Energy Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering electric power over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system. The Distribution Energy Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available to eligible senior citizens aged 60 or over (positive ID required) for lighting, cooking, water heating and similar residential uses in a single dwelling or single apartment.

Purchased Power Charge: Recovers the cost of the electric power produced at power plants or purchased from the wholesale market and transported to the Department’s service territory. This charge covers the general categories of expenses including fuel or energy costs, transmission costs, capacity and ancillary services costs. The Purchased Power Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Purchased Power Adjustment – PPA: The Purchased Power Charge shall be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the cost of purchased power as provided in the Purchased Power Adjustment, M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 168. The Purchased Power Adjustment applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 15% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Power Charge, Purchased Power Adjustment or NYPA Hydropower Credit.

New York Power Authority (NYPA) - Hydropower Credit: As approved in the Department’s “NYPA Hydropower Credit” M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 163, applicable to the first 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) billed under this rate.

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Each month a NYPA Hydropower Credit will be applied to the first 500 kWh billed under each residential rate schedule. The NYPA Hydropower Credit will be calculated periodically according to the following formula:

NYPA = [(A –B + C)/kWh]


NYPA = NYPA Hydropower Credit

A = Estimated cost of NYPA hydropower, including all capacity, energy, transmission and administrative costs associated with the purchase;

B = Estimated market value of the capacity and energy received in the Department’s ISO-NE settlement for the NYPA hydropower;

C = Adjustment for past differentials between actual savings received from the NYPA hydropower and NYPA Hydropower Credit revenues credited to residential customers;

kWh = forecast kWh sales subject to the NYPA Hydropower Credit


Prior to the start of each period, the Department will reconcile its actual hydropower savings, as defined above, with revenues credited under this adjustment clause, for all previous billing months.

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 163

New York Power Authority (NYPA) — Schedule NYPA

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371

RATE Monthly Type Nominal Lumens/Watts Annual kWh Charge*Incandescent 2,500 lumens/202 watts 808 $ 8.17 *Mercury Vapor 7,500 lumens/175 watts 804 $ 9.86*Mercury Vapor 11,000 lumens/250 watts 1,176 $ 15.62*Mercury Vapor 20,000 lumens/400 watts 1,728 $ 20.44High Pressure Sodium 9,000 lumens/100 watts 420 $ 9.86High Pressure Sodium 26,000 lumens/250 watts 1176 $ 15.62High Pressure Sodium 45,000 lumens/400 watts 1,884 $ 20.44

Purchased Power Charge: $0.05506 per kWh

Monthly Rental Charge: Recovers the cost of installing, owning, operating and maintaining the fixture and the local distribution system that delivers power to the fixture.

Purchased Power Charge: Recovers the cost of the electric power produced at power plants or purchased from the wholesale market and transported to the Department’s service territory. This charge covers the general categories of expenses including fuel or energy costs, transmission costs, capacity and ancillary services costs. The Purchased Power Charge will be based on the multiplication of one twelfth of the annual kWh.

Purchased Power Adjustment – PPA: The Purchased Power Charge shall be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the cost of purchased power as provided in the Purchased Power Adjustment, M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 168. The Purchased Power Adjustment will be based on the multiplication of one twelfth of the annual kWh.

*New installations of these types were discontinued after January 1, 1987.


Available to all customers of Middleborough Gas and Electric Department who desire area lighting not normally furnished by the Town(s) of Middleborough and Lakeville.

Hours of Operation: All lights shall be operated nightly from approximately one-half hour after sunset until approximately one-half hour before sunrise: a total of approximately 4,000 hours. No reduction in billing will be allowed for lamp outage.

Term of Contract: One (1) year and open order thereafter.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1.5% per month; (annual rate - 18%).

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 164 (Cancels M.D.P.U. 130)

Area lighting — Schedule SL– 60

Page 17: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $10.30 per month (minimum charge) per meter*Distribution Energy Charge: $0.0570 per kWhPurchased Power Charge: $0.0860 per kWhPurchased Power Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Energy Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering electric power over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system. The Distribution Energy Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available to customers whose average use does not exceed 6,000 kilowatt-hours per month. A new customer will begin service on this rate if the Department estimates that its average use will not exceed 6000 kilowatt-hours per month. A customer may be transferred from this rate at the Department’s option if the customer’s twelve (12) month average monthly usage exceeds 6,000 kilowatt-hours for three (3) consecutive months.

Purchased Power Charge: Recovers the cost of the electric power produced at power plants or purchased from the wholesale market and transported to the Department’s service territory. This charge covers the general categories of expenses including fuel or energy costs, transmission costs, capacity and ancillary services costs. The Purchased Power Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Purchased Power Adjustment – PPA: The Purchased Power Charge shall be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the cost of purchased power as provided in the Purchased Power Adjustment, M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 168. The Purchased Power Adjustment applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 15% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Power Charge or Purchased Power Adjustment.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1.5% per month, (annual rate - 18%).

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 165 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 148)

Commercial & Industrial General Service — Schedule C-2, C-3, I-4 & I-5

Page 18: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371

M.D.P.U. No. 166

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 157)

General Service Demand — Schedule C-41, I-41

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Customer Charge: $50.30 per month per meter*

Distribution Energy Charge: $0.0250 per kWh

Distribution Demand Charge: $8.75 per kW of billing demand

Purchased Power Charge: $0.0850 per kWh

Purchased Power Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Energy Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering electric power over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system. The Distribution Energy Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Distribution Demand Charge: The kW billing demand shall be the highest average 15 min. kW demand during the month.

Minimum Charge: The minimum charge shall be the Customer Charge plus the Distribution Demand Charge based on the Billing Demand.

Billing Demand Adjustment: The Department may adjust the Customer’s billing demand to correct for a customer power factor below 90% as follows:

Adjusted Billing Demand = Billing Demand x 90%

Actual Power Factor (in percent)

No reduction to measured demand shall be made for power factors greater than 90%. The power factor calculations will be at the time of maximum demand or based on a monthly average, whichever is lower.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Page 19: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


M.D.P.U. No. 166

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 157)

General Service Demand — Schedule C-41, I-41(Page 2 of 2)

TERMS OF CONTRACTAvailable to customers whose average use exceeds 6,000 kilowatt-hours per month and whose average demand does not exceed 200 kilowatts (kW). A new customer will begin service on this rate if the Department estimates that its average use will exceed 6,000 kilowatt-hours per month but its average demand will not exceed 200 kilowatts (kW). A customer may be transferred from this rate at the Department’s option if the customer’s twelve (12) month average monthly usage is less than 6,000 kilowatt-hours or the customer’s twelve (12) month average demand is greater than 200 kilowatts (kW) for three consecutive months.

Primary Metering: Where the service is metered at the Department’s primary voltage (primary side of transformer), the kilowatt-hour charge shall be reduced by 2%.

Purchased Power Charge: Recovers the cost of the electric power produced at power plants or purchased from the wholesale market and transported to the Department’s service territory. This charge covers the general categories of expenses including fuel or energy costs, transmission costs, capacity and ancillary services costs. The Purchased Power Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Purchased Power Adjustment - PPA: The Purchased Power Charge shall be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the cost of purchased power as provided in the Purchased Power Adjustment, M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 168. The Purchased Power Adjustment applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 15% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Power Charge or Purchased Power Adjustment.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1.5% per month (annual rate – 18%).

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $50.30 per month per meter.*Distribution Energy Charge: $0.0210 per kWhDistribution Demand Charge: $8.50 per kW of billing demand.Purchased Power Charge: $0.0800 per kWhPurchased Power Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Energy Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering electric power over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system. The Distribution Energy Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Distribution Demand Charge: The kW billing demand shall be the highest average 15 min. kW demand during the month.

Minimum Charge: The minimum charge shall be the Customer Charge plus the Distribution Demand Charge based on the Billing Demand.

Billing Demand Adjustment: The Department may adjust the Customer’s billing demand to correct for a customer power factor below 90% as follows:

Adjusted Billing Demand = Billing Demand x 90%

Actual Power Factor (in percent)

The power factor calculations will be at the time of maximum demand or based on a monthly average, whichever is lower.

(Actual bill lists the following rate classifications. Here are their descriptions:

Code 401 Large General Service No additional credits

Code 402 Large General Service Primary only – 2% additional credit

Code 403 Large General Service Transformer only – 2% additional credit

Code 404 Large General Service Primary & Transformer – 4% additional credit)

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.

M.D.P.U. No. 167 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 158)

Large General Service — Schedule C-40, I-40

(Page 1 of 2)

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M.D.P.U. No. 167 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 158)

Large General Service — Schedule C-40, I-40(Page 2 of 2)


Available to customers whose average demand exceeds 200 kilowatts (kW). A new customer will begin service on this rate if the Department estimates that its average demand will exceed 200 kilowatts (kW). A customer may be transferred from this rate at the Department’s option if the customer’s twelve (12) month average demand is less than 200 kilowatts (kW) for three consecutive months.

Primary Service: When a customer takes service at the Department’s available primary voltage and furnishes and maintains the necessary transforming, switching and protective equipment, a discount of 2% will apply to the monthly charge excluding Purchased Power Charge and Purchased Power Adjustment.

Where the service is metered at the Department’s primary voltage (primary side of transformer), the kilowatt-hour charge shall be reduced by 2%.

Purchased Power Charge: Recovers the cost of the electric power produced at power plants or purchased from the wholesale market and transported to the Department’s service territory. This charge covers the general categories of expenses including fuel or energy costs, transmission costs, capacity and ancillary services costs. The Purchased Power Charge applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Purchased Power Adjustment - PPA: The Purchased Power Charge shall be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the cost of purchased power as provided in the Purchased Power Adjustment, M.D.P.U. Schedule No. 168. The Purchased Power Adjustment applies to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 15% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Power Charge or Purchased Power Adjustment.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1.5% per month (annual rate – 18%).

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Each month, a Purchased Power Adjustment (PPA) will be applied to all kWh sold under applicable rate schedules. The PPA will be calculated periodically according to the following formula:

PPA = [(A - B + C + D)/kWh]


PPA = Purchased Power Adjustment

A= Estimated purchased power and transmission cost (Accounts 555, 556, 557 and 565) for the period;

B = Estimated revenue to be recovered through all Purchased Power Charges for the period;

C = Adjustment for past differentials between purchased power and transmission costs incurred and PPA revenues collected;

D = NYPA credit for the forecast will include projected savings due to the purchase of energy from NYPA which will be credited to the residential class, including adjustments for past differentials between actual and forecasted NYPA savings; and

kWh = Forecast kWh sales subject to the PPA


Prior to the start of each period, the Department will reconcile its actual purchased power and transmission costs, as defined above, with revenues collected under this adjustment clause, for all previous billing months.

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 168 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 151

Purchased Power Adjustment (PPA) Clause — Schedule PPA

Page 23: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $6.30 per month (minimum charge) per meter*

Distribution Charge: $0.9100 per CCF

Purchased Gas Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering gas over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system, interstate pipeline and supplier demand charges. The Distribution Charge applies to all CCF sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available for cooking, water heating, house heating and similar residential uses in a single dwelling or single apartment.

Type of service: The THERMAL CONTENT of gas supplied shall not be less than 1,000 B.T.U. per cubic foot.

Purchased Gas Adjustment – PGA - M.D.P.U. No. 174: The Purchased Gas Adjustment applies to all CCF sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 10% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Gas Adjustment.

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 169 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 139)

Residential Gas Service — Schedule R-11, 19 & 70

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $6.00 per month (minimum charge) per meter*Distribution Charge: $0.8800 per CCFPurchased Gas Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering gas over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system, interstate pipeline and supplier demand charges. The Distribution Charge applies to all CCF sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available to eligible senior citizens for cooking, water heating, house heating and similar residential uses in a single private dwelling or single apartment.

Type of Service: The THERMAL CONTENT of gas supplied shall not be less than 1,000 B.T.U. per cubic foot.

Purchased Gas Adjustment – PGA - M.D.P.U. No. 174: The Purchased Gas Adjustment applies to all CCF sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 10% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Gas Adjustment.

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 170

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 144)

Residential Gas Service Elderly — Schedule R-88, 89 & 96

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32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $10.30 per month (minimum charge) per meter*Distribution Charge: $0.8000 per CCFPurchased Gas Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering gas over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system, interstate pipeline and supplier’s demand charges. The Distribution Charge applies to all CCFs sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available for general commercial and industrial uses in single commercial or industrial establishments.

Type of service: The THERMAL CONTENT of gas supplied shall not be less than 1,000 B.T.U. per cubic foot.

Purchased Gas Adjustment – PGA - M.D.P.U. No. 174: The Purchased Gas Adjustment applies to all CCF sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 10% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Gas Adjustment.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1.5% per month; (annual rate - 18%).

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 171 (Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 140)

Commercial & Industrial Gas General Service — Schedule C-12, I-14

Page 26: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $15.30 per month (minimum charge) per meter*Distribution Charge: $0.8300 per CCFPurchased Gas Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering gas over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system, interstate pipeline and supplier’s demand charges. The Distribution Charge applies to all CCFs sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available for commercial and industrial uses in single commercial or industrial establishments.

Type of service: The THERMAL CONTENT of gas supplied shall not be less than 1,000 B.T.U. per cubic foot.

Purchased Gas Adjustment – PGA - M.D.P.U. No. 174: The Purchased Gas Adjustment applies to all CCF sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 10% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Gas Adjustment.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1.5% per month; (annual rate - 18%).

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 172

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 141)

Commercial & Industrial Gas Heating Service — Schedule C-13, I-15

Page 27: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371


Customer Charge: $15.30 per month (minimum charge) per meter*Distribution Charge: $0.7000 per CCFPurchased Gas Adjustment: (See below)

Customer Charge: A monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs.

Distribution Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering gas over the Department’s local distribution system to the customer’s location, including all costs of owning, operating, maintaining and administering the distribution system, interstate pipeline and supplier’s demand charges. The Distribution Charge applies to all CCFs sold under this rate.

*Includes state-mandated Energy Conservation Service Charge of $0.30.


Available for general commercial and industrial uses in single commercial or industrial establishments.

Type of service: The THERMAL CONTENT of gas supplied shall not be less than 1,000 B.T.U. per cubic foot.

Purchased Gas Adjustment – PGA - M.D.P.U. No. 174: The Purchased Gas Adjustment applies to all CCF sold under this rate.

Prompt Payment Discount: 10% discount, except on minimum bills, if payment is received by the due date. No discount allowed when arrears are due. No discount applied on the Purchased Gas Adjustment.

Late Payment Charge: Rate of 1.5% per month; (annual rate - 18%).

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014

M.D.P.U. No. 173

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 152)

Commercial & Industrial Gas Air-Conditioning Service —

Schedule A/C-18

Page 28: Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. - RATE SCHEDULES


32 S. Main St., Middleborough MA 02346508-947-1371

M.D.P.U. No. 174

(Cancels M.D.P.U. No. 138)

Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) Clause — Schedule PGA


Each month, a Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) will be applied to all CCF sold excluding interruptible sales. The PGA will be calculated periodically according to the following formula:

PGA = C - $0.1950 ± R


PGA = Purchased Gas Adjustment

C = Projected average gas cost for the period;

R = Adjustment for past differentials between purchased gas costs incurred and PGA revenues collected;


Prior to the start of each period, the Department will reconcile its actual purchased gas costs, as defined above, with revenues collected under this adjustment clause, for all previous billing months.

RATE FILED: October 16, 2014EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2014