The time period I chose to write about is the Middle Ages. The fact that I am a female and also a Christian played a factor in deciding which time period appealed to me most. Since the ancient Greeks did not think of women very highly and it was also B.C., I eliminated that time period fairly easily. I found both the Middle Ages and the Roman Empire very interesting. I ultimately decided on the Middle Ages because I feel as though there is a bit more religious freedom in regards to Christianity. The first thing I wanted to discuss is the Gothic style architecture. It is so different from the Classical styles that we had previously been learning about in class. The cathedrals are just awe inspiring with the tall their steeples and stained glass windows. Unfortunately I have never been inside any type of cathedral but I can only imagine what it would be like. To be able to go into a place like this as a normal part of everyday life sounds amazing. I feel like the way they are designed, especially with the very tall ceilings and windows would make me feel very small in comparison.

Middle Ages

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Page 1: Middle Ages

The time period I chose to write about is the Middle Ages. The fact that I am a female

and also a Christian played a factor in deciding which time period appealed to me most. Since

the ancient Greeks did not think of women very highly and it was also B.C., I eliminated that

time period fairly easily. I found both the Middle Ages and the Roman Empire very interesting. I

ultimately decided on the Middle Ages because I feel as though there is a bit more religious

freedom in regards to Christianity.

The first thing I wanted to discuss is the Gothic style architecture. It is so different from

the Classical styles that we had previously been learning about in class. The cathedrals are just

awe inspiring with the tall their steeples and stained glass windows. Unfortunately I have never

been inside any type of cathedral but I can only imagine what it would be like. To be able to go

into a place like this as a normal part of everyday life sounds amazing. I feel like the way they

are designed, especially with the very tall ceilings and windows would make me feel very small

in comparison.

I find it very interesting that the buildings themselves are almost like pieces of art. Today,

our churches seem to be very plain and simple, not drawing too much attention to the actual

architecture. I think it is very cool that they made sure to design the cathedrals in a vertical

manner to bring your attention to upwards towards Heaven.

I really enjoyed the art and sculptures from this time period as well. I like that everything

in this period is very symbolic of Christianity which is clearly seen in the artwork. Instead of

seeing nude bodies or mythology like the more ancient periods, the middle ages focused very

much on God and representing Him. I thought it was interesting that most painting had halos

surrounding the heads of the people that were being depicted.

Page 2: Middle Ages

These days art work seems to be much more personal depending on each person’s

opinions and unique tastes, which is not a bad thing. However I love the way that medieval art

takes away from the actual artist because the point of the artwork was to bring glory to God and

not themselves, as also seen in some of the architecture. It is very neat to me that the artists did

not sign their names because they felt it was not important, and only the subject matter of the

piece was.

The main reason I chose this time period was because of the religious aspect. I feel that I

would be most comfortable in this time because it was expected of you to have faith and it is not

something you would have been punished for like the previous periods. For some people, this

might not have been the most ideal situation if they did not believe in God or necessarily want to.

I do not exactly agree with all of the things that the Catholic Church believed in and enforced

though. I think it would be interesting to place myself in that time period and see if I would have

thought differently than I do now.

What I do not like is that they take things that are not biblical and force them upon the

people. One thing I do not see the point of is the need to go to a priest to confess your sins when

that is not something that was ever mentioned in the Bible. I feel like that takes the personal

aspect of Christianity away. However if that was all I ever knew living back then, it would not

have been so out of the ordinary for me so I probably would not have questioned it. I still would

much rather live in a place and time where I disagree with a few things in the church than living

in fear for my life in the Roman Empire, or not even having heard the gospel in Ancient Greek


Page 3: Middle Ages

For me, my faith is the most important thing in my entire life so that is what this time

period spoke to me greatest. Overall I feel like I would have been the happiest during the Middle

Ages and would have really enjoyed the style and atmosphere of that time.