The ongoing management, updaĕng, and expanding of company email systems is typically the single largest consumpĕon area of IT resources for most companies. Moving this IT workload from an on‐premises (a typical client/server model) to a cloud environment (Hosted Email) can provide companies with a number of benefits, including cost and management ĕme savings, the latest technologies, and a flexible technology soluĕon that results in improved producĕvity. Microso├ Hosted Exchange: Email Economics Who Can Benefit From Hosted Exchange? COMPANIES Start‐ups: 5‐25 Small Businesses: 5‐50 Medium Businesses: 50‐500 Upper Mid‐Market: 500+ ROLES CEO/Business Owner Business Decision Maker IT Pro Technology Influencer Spiraling costs caused by expanding email requirements and ongoing email management Increased burdens from requirements for storage, archiving, security, high availability, disaster recovery, and compliance The need to extend email access to any device, with access from anywhere Proliferaĕon of mobile devices such as laptops, smart phones, and tablets accessing email and the ability to synch all devices to a centralized inbox Typical Pain Point with On‐premises Email Systems Ongoing IT management burden Keeping servers updated with the latest security patches and updates, and overall keeping the system running at a high availability Outdated hardware and so├ware Speed and capabiliĕes are falling behind $ Evaluaĕng Your Email Infrastructure 1. How many employees use email? Do your staffing levels vary? 2. What is your current email system? Do you currently use Outlook? 3. How long have you had your current email system and hardware? Are you planning an upgrade? 4. How much do you spend on all the hardware and so├ware required to run your system and backup? 5. How much do you spend on staff ĕme (internal or contracted) managing your email system on an ongoing basis? 6. Do you have employees that need remote access to email, calendar and contacts or need access on their personal devices (tablets, smart phones)? 7. How do you protect your email system (backup, anĕ‐virus, anĕ‐spam, disaster recovery)? How long would it take to restore your email? 8. Do you have regulatory/compliance needs for your email? Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.com to learn more, or call us at 855.459.5121.

Microso├ Hosted Exchange: Email Economicsinfo.savvisdirect.com/.../files/How_Hosted_Exchange... · Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.com to learn more, or call us at

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Page 1: Microso├ Hosted Exchange: Email Economicsinfo.savvisdirect.com/.../files/How_Hosted_Exchange... · Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.com to learn more, or call us at

The ongoing management, updaĕng, and expanding of company email systems is typically the single largestconsumpĕon area of IT resources for most companies. Moving this IT workload from an on‐premises(a typical client/server model) to a cloud environment (Hosted Email) can provide companies with a numberof benefits, including cost and management ĕme savings, the latest technologies, and a flexibletechnology soluĕon that results in improved producĕvity.

Microso├ Hosted Exchange: Email Economics

Who Can Benefit From Hosted Exchange?

COMPANIESStart‐ups: 5‐25

Small Businesses: 5‐50

Medium Businesses: 50‐500

Upper Mid‐Market: 500+

ROLESCEO/Business OwnerBusiness Decision MakerIT Pro Technology Influencer

Spiraling costs caused by expandingemail requirements and ongoing emailmanagementIncreased burdens from requirementsfor storage, archiving, security, highavailability, disaster recovery, andcompliance

The need to extend email access toany device, with access from anywhereProliferaĕon of mobile devices suchas laptops, smart phones, and tabletsaccessing email and the ability to synchall devices to a centralized inbox

Typical Pain Point withOn‐premises Email Systems

Ongoing IT management burdenKeeping servers updated with the latestsecurity patches and updates, and overallkeeping the system running at a highavailability

Outdated hardware and so├wareSpeed and capabiliĕes are falling behind


Evaluaĕng Your Email Infrastructure1. How many employees use email? Do your

staffing levels vary?

2. What is your current email system? Do youcurrently use Outlook?

3. How long have you had your current emailsystem and hardware? Are you planning an upgrade?

4. How much do you spend on all the hardware andso├ware required to run your system and backup?

5. How much do you spend on staff ĕme (internalor contracted) managing your email systemon an ongoing basis?

6. Do you have employees that need remote accessto email, calendar and contacts or need access ontheir personal devices (tablets, smart phones)?

7. How do you protect your email system(backup, anĕ‐virus, anĕ‐spam, disaster recovery)?How long would it take to restore your email?

8. Do you have regulatory/compliance needsfor your email?

Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.comto learn more, or call us at 855.459.5121.

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The Benefits of Hosted Exchange EmailYou can reㄸ㠵re and/or supplement your on‐premises email server(s)and move to Microso㹂㐰 Hosted Exchange from CenturyLink.

Save Money and Move Off the Hardware Upgrade Cycle:

• No more server hardware to buy, update and support

• Lower licensing costs and predictable monthly expenses

Reduce IT Management and Support Needs:

• Outsource your ongoing IT support and server maintenance

• We’ll manage server updates, patches and maintenance so you don’t have to

• Uㄸ㠵lize your IT staff ㄸ㠵me and budget where it can be most effecㄸ㠵ve for your company

More Features and Improved Producㄸ㠵vity:

• Get anyㄸ㠵me, anywhere access to your email on your PC, laptop, smart phone and tablet

• Synchronize your email, calendars, and contacts across all of your devices

Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.comto learn more, or call us at 855.459.5121.

Hardware• Front‐end server

• Email server and backup

• Storage system

• Back‐up system

• Replace/upgrade hardwareevery 3‐5 years

So㹂㐰ware/Licenses• Windows Server Licenses + CALs

• Exchange Server Licenses + CALs

• Outlook licenses

• Anㄸ㠵‐spam

• Anㄸ㠵‐virus


IT & Admin Support• Exchange Administrator

• Installaㄸ㠵on of hardware & so㹂㐰ware

• Ongoing server maintenance,patching, updates

• Ongoing Exchange administraㄸ㠵on

• User support

Addiㄸ㠵onal Costs• Bandwidth

• Compliance/Archiving/eDiscovery

Typical On‐premises Email Set‐upA typical on‐premises email system set up will consist of the following components:

Page 3: Microso├ Hosted Exchange: Email Economicsinfo.savvisdirect.com/.../files/How_Hosted_Exchange... · Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.com to learn more, or call us at

Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.comto learn more, or call us at 855.459.5121.

Frequent Ques䴀�ons1. Is moving to the cloud/migra䴀�on/setup complicated?

ANSWER: At CenturyLink, we believe that ge䴀�ng to the cloud shouldn’t be a diffcult process. We offer theassistance you need, whether its setup, management, maintenance or training. Our FastForward Onboarding SM,Premium Support Services, and ongoing 24/7 technical support op䴀�ons simplify your onboarding and managementexperience so you can get the most out of your cloud services, quicker.

As a Microso䴀� Hosted Exchange customer, you’ll also have ongoing 24/7 access, via phone or chat,to our Cloud Support team for any technical challenges that you might encounter.

Learn more about our FastForward Onboarding services. Learn more about our Premium Support Services.

2. Can I keep my exis䴀�ng on‐premises systems and hardware, and then onboard new email usersonto the hosted email pla䴀�orm?

ANSWER: You can run a hybrid system with current users on your on‐premises server and add new users to thehosted environment saving the need to add addi䴀�onal storage and hardware as you increase users. Moving toHosted Exchange from CenturyLink can save you money on con䴀�nuous maintenance costs, 䴀�me spent patchingand upda䴀�ng servers, and provide automa䴀�c backups and disaster recovery systems. You’ll also get a predictablemonthly cost, and you won’t have to worry about IT staff turnover.

3. We’re currently using Exchange 2003, is Exchange 2010 worth the upgrade?

ANSWER: Exchange 2010 and Outlook provide a seamless email experience across your PC, phone and browser;providing be䴀�er access to remote users. The new features help you organize and priori䴀�ze the communica䴀�onsin your inbox more effciently. Hosted Exchange 2010 from CenturyLink can lower messaging costs by 50‐70%.

4. Is Hosted Email from CenturyLink secure?Will my data and employee informa䴀�on be safe?

ANSWER: CenturyLink is the third largest telecommunica䴀�ons company in the U.S. and a worldwideleader in cloud infrastructure and hosted IT solu䴀�ons for large enterprises. With SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 Type II‐compliant Data Centers, built to Tier 3 standards, two diverse internet backbones, a network that spans 224,000route miles; CenturyLink offers a fully redundant environment that provides self‐healing, recovery, and backup,with mul䴀�ple industry‐leading data security and virus protec䴀�on processes in place.

Physical data center 24/7 bio‐metric security, customer‐specific firewall protec䴀�on, monitoring, CyberSource’sPCI‐compliant credit card processing, and network and source code scans using mul䴀�ple security providers all addup to the peace of mind that your data is secure. CenturyLink is a member of the Cloud Security.Alliance, a nonpro䴀� organiza䴀�on that supports best prac䴀�ces for securing cloud compu䴀�ng.

5. In the unan䴀�cipated case of down䴀�me, how do we get our email?

ANSWER: We don’t just claim reliability when it comes to your applica䴀�ons. CenturyLink SLA guarantees 99.99%up䴀�me which beats the Microso䴀� Exchange industry standard SLA.

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Services  not available  everywhere . CenturyLink may change  or cance l se rvices  or subs titute  s imilar se rvices  at its  sole  discre tion without notice . ©2013 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights  Reserved.The  CenturyLink mark, savvisdirect mark, pathways  logo and certain CenturyLink and savvisdirect product names  are  the  property of CenturyLink, Inc. All other marks  are  the  property of the ir respective  owners .

Bringing Cloud toEvery Business Under the SunCenturyLink believes that allbusinesses should have accessto the simplicity, security,reliability and flexibility of cloudservices. That’s why we workhard to provide you the supportand service you need to makethe switch. And it’s all backedby the reputa�on of CenturyLink,a world‐leader in IT and cloudsolu�ons, and CenturyLink,the na�on’s third‐largestcommunica�ons provider.

At CenturyLink, you’ll get the helpyou need to do more for yourbusiness. Because this is morethan just cloud. It’s the bedrockof your business. Learn moreabout how cloud technologycan benefit your businessat apps.centurylink.com.

25 User

50 User

100 User
































So䀓 ware/Licenses

IT Admin & Support

Total 3 Year Cost



IT Admin & Support

Total 3 Year Cost


So䀓 ware/Licenses

IT Admin & Support

Total 3 Year Cost

You Save up to 69%

Compare technology costs over a three year span:

You Save up to 70%

You Save up to 57%

Visit CenturyLink online at apps.centurylink.comto learn more, or call us at 855.459.5121.

Services not available everywhere. CenturyLink may change or cancel services or subs�tute similar services at its sole discre�on without no�ce. ©2013 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved.The CenturyLink mark, pathways logo and certain CenturyLink product names are the property of CenturyLink, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respec�ve owners.