MICKEY MOUSE The Computer Game TOADING INSTRUCTIONS cBM 64/a2a Cassette: Its.rr.asscttc itto cassette uflit, Press SlalFT ard RUN/STOPstrrltar.otslg. Pr.ss PLAYoa the cass.tte ulit. me rrcStum tuill loa.! a"r! tuh autonan.ally. D t sk, It se I t.li sk i a to dtit e. TVpeL() AD " * ".A,a atd press RETURN. Ir? pro:rar tuill loa.! dr.l tu, autonati.auV. SPECTRIJM 4AK Type L<)AD""a"d prcss ENTER. ?/ess PLAYoT frc .dssett. rccor.Iet. The p/og/dn tu il I lod.l dnd tun autona ti.a lly. SPECTRIIM 12aK/+2 Usc trc TAPE LOADERas ,ortri. SPECTRUM 12AK/-I3 Disk: us? rr. DrSK LOADERas rolral. A^,ISTRAL) Cassette:rrs.rt' cdss.lrr' i"to.ass.ttc urit, Pltss coNTRCtL (CTr{L) a\d the srntl ENTERtcys sinaltaneousl!, I+?ss PLA\ on th. .dss.tte utit n dth?"any kev. me progan.uill load nk.|n4 astonati&U!. Disk,Iisei the disk into the ilrite,lab.l side rp. TWe lCPMard //pss ENTER. Th. plogan uill load dnd tuI ATARI ST lnseft Disk 1. Tud.onputerot. Follo!, on-s.ree4i$ttu.tiofls. SCENARIO The ui(ked @it.hes ol th. No/rh, Sotth, Edst atd West hale stolei Me ifl\ naSit a,an.l ard gitea it to the aujlully otiblt Ogte Kin8. usifl( its po@./ the! will, b.tueen tztm, ruQ Disn.Vldnd! The Ogrc Kitghasrced th.toa ro.astasleepiry spcll ooet the land. He thek btuke the !,ard itto low ryfts tnd Saoc ca.h uit.h a pie.? to gtatd. Thewizere.l tuircheshau 'noted itto the lou/ tauesttou?tsof Disn.g.astl. ard baaishedaUolth. dtotus! Dis"ey chalacte/s. Thcy ale ca.h usiflg the pi.es of TDatr! th.y patul, aloflg uith tonc pn.hantd uat thcv also stolc trotu \t.rln. to hll thl Disfleylan.l's saloatior. Mctli" had ore bottle of uatcl hidd.a dh.l this he gat. to Mi.keV Molse to Be to delefld hinself as he lcsctes thc uand. Theua t?t ntst bz rserl spanngly ot it uti U Mickcy startshissearch lotthelra4d attheboftoft ol.d.h ol the lout tou.rc. The ollV uay to go is tp! Oi hisualt to the top Mi.kty uill etcowtel th. uit h3 $tu*on. gud/.lia"s, Squittitg sone norstc$ @ith th. cnchant d tuatd pisrol tuill ht m rhe m i h to pot i on bo I t les o / spe. i a I nogi. a I b oflu ses. Sone notstets, holoepeL only reqior.l to a shary tap oa thc heaa .oith Mi.keV's tubbe/ mallet, althorgh this oftefl .atses th.n to split into tuo snaller norste6! Il Mickey collid.s uith a ftedflV he los?s not ol his p/..ious uat./, but it can be rcplerishe.l bV coll.cti'g the Fotio" bottles. wher MickeVrca.hes the top ol the to.uethcuittlitd lircbatts being hurl.d dt hln by the uit.h.. IJ he .afl rc,|u.. the uit.h to a rile ol bores br throuins nallets dt her, h. .an coll..t th? pi e.. ol u a h d sh. u as g" atut iis. once a I I lout p ieee s a rc rctn eoetl Micke! has to fd.e the fiendkh, flVing ofribl. Ogre Kiig! Sqtntihg hih 15 tin.suith the pistol.leleats hin, but that's ,ot eas!. tl Mick.y lloesn't suc...d at fiBt, h..dn try, try dgain. Il he fails . thiltl tine the game is ov.t afl.t Mittuy uitt hao. to rcttm ro th? botton oJ louel ofle! THT CASTTE Y, -*-r ffi -j-:t; {.t t qs lifr. ilhN1 --Sit'' ffi WTAPONS 'I f IE WITCr l: trr. x'icka!uit hfou".l tt th. top of.rl' to ,./ (SI .hd AniSa THE OGRE KINC: Yer./,/ t{r'd, a Mi.kc! cat, i, the nai, tou\r, thoose lrch hoo tu.aFoas; a eatet tttol Jill.,l uith eftltnniitl tuat r atrl 4 14rye,tubber nall.t. Th. &atrol paIel shoa,s attuh is .uftently ih use. REN{EN'BER: Large rloflst,ts uhich arc all..t.d by the nollet uiq ofteh split ihto hlo,,rrll.r oI.s. BONUSTS wh.Ianea4! hasbeet sqtitte,lora\tllnp..l ituill disa'.dt leatirg behih.l a bohus.Mi.k?y h!. lvtod,oterbotusittns to.ollcet th.'t. The! shoultl b. tnlh\'ttd qui.kl! or ttuv u)ill WATER '. Ii,is &offr. .ortti t\ th. crchqflted uot.r thi.h h4.! nade th. norster. Colle.t it tr nhtuesupplgirMickey s l<Ev - Ktls ar.Icc.led to ot,or th. tloon dn.l ott the side rooms. mey arc essehtial to !\In\ry3 qucst. B<)MB - When this is coll..hrl all norsterc.unefltlV on '{1ft8'{ AiKS -n'is,nrsic item auous Miek ! to lty! we||, to behoaestitjqstsh,t'. .n falling. Fot th. duntio, ol this bohus Mi.key cah sttt, nll a bdl.ong and a\tlk alDund on <]LTJE - 7h. glue pot vill stick aU nohn!^ tu th? spot for SHIET-D l}lc stri.Irl /nuenls noflste^ lhti'1i'tS Mi.key's REPULsIvENESS Collectirg this hoLx\ ,nkes noi.t!ts tur auay fton Mi.keV. SL<)W Ir. nonsters slob dotua to hall t\1\lt,htt this Ll<;H_f NIN(; BOLTS -Wi th this hn"x. M i.k.v "rcoes hric! ds lan asNntal. Be carclul becaus. Itti..tt LLtt. things dilli.tlt ifl a ti9ltt spot. THT PANTT On the lelt of tht I''NI is a pi.ttre ol Mit^' is hntul ttnldi"g th. nall.t or the r\ttrr pistol lft. SPA( l ItAL .rd,f?s lrcn ore to the oth.t. Nelt is Mi.ke!'s s.otu folloa'..|by...... Ihe uat* hetet, Thit \|to1E hotu,nu.l' | 'tt is it t'tu rrtet pistol. Il the pistol tnnncs cnrty th! y)tt is o!.t! At the ight ol the I'nt'tl ts a pi.tut. ol rl, tt 1rr. The snqll liac ,t.xt to it i4dicat.s u,hr h, lJou o/c, THT SUB.GAMTS I^,',t','l t1**t,,',,,, t4"/"'Jt;i',, 1*,. t',J, ',. os thlee r.d bot.s at th..r!9. tt t srce,. TIIE PIJDDLE MAZII Mi*eV hds to dooi.! ot shoot trt ,'"ite/s c/cdted by tl'. .l/ippiflg taps. To .onplete th. 4M : , ktust lind at'd collect a hann?r, sone ffiils ard sone u\,, Ltse uiU I'e loutl lying ot th. floot a".l e"abl. him ti hr t up the doot. Also i' tht naze is d heatt uhich gix.s MnL, ,t honss life. A skull uill tak, a lif. ofi Micke!. The pou./ I'n i ttlors Mi.kev to btrct th? tudt r mo"ste6 uitho! t b.n'S h |' |, i nself. m. pou.t pa.k nakcs Miekey llicke/ untit its ellt\ | ntrsolf.rhespi4gmakcs Mi.k.g's ndllets bor"ce oll th. t it. ol the noze. Or.e the hrnne4 tails ar.l @oodhate bul , ltftred Mi.k?V.dn l.doe thc naze thrcugh the hole ia ttu lL ','t. TTIE BIJBBLE MACHINI Mi.k.! stands on a pl4tfom u'ttr 1' ,totes rardonly lelt afltl nght. Belou hin to the l4t is d rtt ' trbe fuU ol.nthantc.I uatet. This sloulV leoks ittto a yl', a'hieh drs adoss the botton ol the scrcea.At /e&tlat ttr.rls alohs this pipe arc nozles uhi.h ptodlce btbbles. M r'r, tt tf ust shoot the bubbles bg thlouing his hatunel tatil all rl th. z4atet has leaketl ott ol the tube. If a btbble rcaches ttr' t'tnt'fon it eats it aua! a little. Eoentualy th. bubbles rDitt |,tt r hole it the platlom uhi.hMi.keywill nee.ltojanp at^\',h.rnahaza listhe lod tinS 8h osts@ h i ch sl o@ ly fo I I oa' tt \ k. u atuun.l. P/olonge d cofltact uith it uill cost Mick.V t 14.. Hlttiag the ghost utith the dallet tuiU .lisposeolitbutatoth, tnae@ill soorappea/. THE PI'JI\4P ROOA4 A lonspipe srtkesftonthetop tight ol the scteer.lou, to th. botton tuherc Mi.keV appedrs. At s.letu| poiflts olong th6 pip. ate holes @ith colks ii. At the top right is a lalae noastel ope tihs a plflp uhi.h .rcotes little frohsterc. The little moflstercpanol tue pipe an,l nay prU ott .o*s ehi.h Mi.key has hamnered i". The tuall.t uiU .leal uith then. To .ompl.te this s.ften Mick.! ntst g.t Fast th, lorcz field uhich is plotecting the large nonstet. The lorce lield uiu be loeercd uh.n som. ol the co*s have bed hann ft.l ii. The .o*s Mi.key n.e,ls to hit arc ,liJI.rcnt ea.h tin.. To d.ld to Mi.key's problens, tuater drippiag ltod the .orks .ftates a floanng ghost @hen it hits the floo/. mis uiU sttl Mickey ot take a life fron TI{E DRIPPING TAPS Thue are lowdnppinstapsheleuhi.h"eed tobe tumed ollin a spe.ifi. oder. Th. tap hdh.llesspinotfldshto in.li.areuhi.h shoutd be tuded ofi reft. rhe floatirs thost is hete .sai, a,d is dtiftiflg atuuhd the s.rcen. Il it toKhes M[k V he uiu be stufled or tose tile. Motinx platofts hetp Mickev tlatet f/on tap to tap but he must b. carclrl "ot to b? squashe.l betueen a rtatfoft and the foot ot ceitins. CONTROTTING MICKTY SPFCTRIJM I" ad.litioh to Kehpstoi or Sih.lan loysti.ks, the lollouing ()-Up, A -Doua, RETU RN fire, K L.lt,R-Right, SPACE loggr.s ,efeeen hanher ord tuat t tistot. AN'STRAD I" additio" to d iolsti.k, the folloui"g keys haV be us..I: Q Up, A Do@r, RETURN -rtr., K-4.r1, L Rt8fu, SPACE - Idgafts l,.rlreca han,ael afld uat./ pisll , CBM 64 U<c d loy.ttrl n I'o 2. dnd thc {oltouin| r4v'. SPA.CE - To tog8lc betuec, hannet dnd adet pinol. RUN/STOP Pars.. ATARI ST U.c a jofai.^ in port t, ah.l th. tollooinx ^eqt: SPACE .. Io ro&gL bet&ed hanne/ and @ate/ pistol. P - Pause, S - Mtsi.tsolnd ?ffe.ts toggt.. MICKTY MOUST - HINTS AND TIPS It II vo, tui out ol uot.t, rry to rse yow hannt. TFIE GtsIOST: This finsf phaatou con't feel the nallct btt he does lea/ the THE SKELETC)N: ^ .rcepy HEDLEY: sttuitt tl'is ghostly hea.l. 2) 3) 7) 9) Do hot shoot too fdst. Eo.ry niss uastes uater. vou crt't bc hrtt @hile you are ot a laddel. Colle.tiflS AW borus giaes nole uater You eainot .arry more thai t@o keys. It is safer to light ofl a tarye ptatlom thah a bat.oflV. I I i s.l ilf i.u I t to li ght uh i le yo u a re stat.l i h I ih a,lootud !. 'th. Putklle Mozc is.ouFos.d ol16 lihked rcons. Try to fin.l d s.dt h pdtt.m uhich @ill copereachtuon ona onlV dn.l t ttfr Vou to the erit. Ih the Bubble Roon, try to nooe it the san. dirctioa as the platloffi.ThisdUousyou to noae fastet; yotuill also be headitg i, the san. diection as th. flooting ghost. 10) Whei liadntg the Og/e kiig take yort tine. The lout touerc get Frcgrcssioely tallelaad torghet. Ea.h lloo/ ol the totuetcodsistsola la/X. .n.ula/ /oon otetlooke.l btt h.o b.l.oflits. Mi.k.v nust ht,'t st,t.rtl.na or bal.oni.s ltt hro r.d!,'5; fnsttr h. nuLl rttt oltntn \\l"rtttt th.\'i. t..\tuttt i" uhich to aroi.l thc norstc/s. fdllirg oll. bdl.onlt stuns Mickey lo/ a little uhile alloeing the beasties to dtuin his mturghort the toue/ are doore uhi.h lea,l into si.le tuotus. Whil. ghosts d/. able ro ualk through uau' sone norsters ,.e.1 to use these .loo/s. AU ol the .loore aee,l to be boat.le.l ry before Mi.key uiu be auoue,l ott onto the bdttl.nents to fa.. th.lutrh. tn of.let to bodr.l tp a doorMickeynustlitstlird a ke! an,t .nt.t the rcon. tnslde uitt b. on. ol lou/ sub-ganes d"d il this is conpleted suc.csslullV he uill begiud a hahnel, ,ailsar.lsone planksai.luill hail th. .loor shur as h. l.ao.s (the sub-games ar. destibe.! bclotu). THT MIANITS T he lollouinsno'sterc |ppeat in aU oersiohsol the gan? sone xt6iohs hale extn nonst.rs! THE OGRE: Ir,tsgtart,uattyslob.di otty be alfect..l b! a gettle @allop uith the nalkt. Whet hit he oltei splits into hto l.; GVB trr-, NDl ".L4 dIrFrFd .4v*,e, H*'afEd$t- la)Thewalt Oi5n€y Cdpdny CREMLIN CR,{PHICS SONWARE LIMITED Alpha Hous.,10 Catud street, sh.ffiel.l Sr 4FS. @ 1988. All ilthts t.s.tu..l. Utauthois.d.opgi"g, Id.ling ol rcsalc by ary neans strictlV ptohibited.

Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game - Amstrad CPC …...Title Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game - Amstrad CPC - Manual - gamesdatabase.org Author gamesdatabase.org Subject Amstrad CPC game

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Page 1: Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game - Amstrad CPC …...Title Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game - Amstrad CPC - Manual - gamesdatabase.org Author gamesdatabase.org Subject Amstrad CPC game


cBM 64/a2aCassette: Its.rr.asscttc itto cassette uflit, Press SlalFTard RUN/STOPstrrltar.otslg. Pr.ss PLAYoa thecass.tte ulit. me rrcStum tuill loa.! a"r! tuh autonan.ally.

D t sk, It se I t.li sk i a to dtit e. TVpe L() AD " * ".A,a atd pre ssRETURN. Ir? pro:rar tuill loa.! dr.l tu, autonati.auV.

SPECTRIJM 4AKType L<)AD""a"d prcss ENTER. ?/ess PLAYoT frc.dssett. rccor.Iet. The p/og/dn tu il I lod.l dnd tun autona ti.a lly.

SPECTRIIM 12aK/+2Usc trc TAPE LOADERas ,ortri.

SPECTRUM 12AK/-I3Disk: us? rr. DrSK LOADERas rolral.

A^, ISTRAL)Cassette:rrs.rt' cdss.lrr' i"to.ass.ttc urit, PltsscoNTRCtL (CTr{L) a\d the srntl ENTERtcyssinaltaneousl!, I+?ss PLA\ on th. .dss.tte utit n dth?"anykev. me progan.uill load nk.|n4 astonati&U!.

Disk,Iisei the disk into the ilrite,lab.l side rp. TWelCPMard //pss ENTER. Th. plogan uill load dnd tuI

ATARI STlnseft Disk 1. Tud.onputerot. Follo!, on-s.ree4 i$ttu.tiofls.

SCENARIOThe ui(ked @it.hes ol th. No/rh, Sotth, Edst atd West halestolei Me ifl\ naSit a,an.l ard gitea it to the aujlully otibltOgte Kin8. usifl( its po@./ the! will, b.tueen tztm, ruQDisn.Vldnd! The Ogrc Kitghasrced th.toa ro.astasleepiryspcll ooet the land. He thek btuke the !,ard itto low ryfts tndSaoc ca.h uit.h a pie.? to gtatd.

The wizere.l tuirches hau 'noted

itto the lou/ tauesttou?tsofDisn.g.astl. ard baaished aUolth. dtotus! Dis"ey chalacte/s.Thcy ale ca.h usiflg the pi.es of TDatr! th.y patul, aloflg uithtonc pn.hantd uat thcv also stolc trotu \t.rln. to hll thl

Disfleylan.l's saloatior. Mctli" had ore bottle of uatcl hidd.adh.l this he gat. to Mi.keV Molse to Be to delefld hinself ashe lcsctes thc uand. The ua t?t ntst bz rserl spanngly ot it uti U

Mickcy startshissearch lotthelra4d attheboftoft ol.d.h olthe lout tou.rc. The ollV uay to go is tp! Oi hisualt to thetop Mi.kty uill etcowtel th. uit h3 $tu*on. gud/.lia"s,Squittitg sone norstc$ @ith th. cnchant d tuatd pisrol tuillht m rh e m i h to pot i on bo I t le s o / spe. i a I nogi. a I b ofl u ses. Sonenotstets, holoepeL only reqior.l to a shary tap oa thc heaa.oith Mi.keV's tubbe/ mallet, althorgh this oftefl .atses th.nto split into tuo snaller norste6! Il Mickey collid.s uith aftedflV he los?s not ol his p/..ious uat./, but it can bercplerishe.l bV coll.cti'g the Fotio" bottles.

wher MickeVrca.hes the top ol the to.uethcuittlitd lircbattsbeing hurl.d dt hln by the uit.h.. IJ he .afl rc,|u.. the uit.h toa rile ol bores br throuins nallets dt her, h. .an coll..t th?pi e.. ol u a h d sh. u as g" atut iis. once a I I lout p ie ee s a rc rc tn eoetlMicke! has to fd.e the fiendkh, flVing ofribl. Ogre Kiig!Sqtntihg hih 15 tin.suith the pistol.leleats hin, but that's,ot eas!. tl Mick.y lloesn't suc...d at fiBt, h..dn try, try dgain.Il he fails . thiltl tine the game is ov.t afl.t Mittuy uitt hao.to rcttm ro th? botton oJ louel ofle!


Y, -*-r


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'I f IE WITCr l: trr. x'icka!uit hfou".ltt th. top of.rl' to ,./ (SI .hd AniSa

THE OGRE KINC: Yer./,/ t{r'd, a

Mi.kc! cat, i, the nai, tou\r, thoose lrch hoo tu.aFoas; aeatet tttol Jill.,l uith eftltnniitl tuat r atrl 4 14rye, tubbernall.t. Th. &atrol paIel shoa,s attuh is .uftently ih use.

REN{EN'BER: Large rloflst,ts uhich arc all..t.d by thenollet uiq ofteh split ihto hlo,,rrll.r oI.s.

BONUSTSwh.Ianea4! hasbeet sqtitte,lora\tllnp..l ituill disa'.dtleatirg behih.l a bohus. Mi.k?y h!. lvtod,oterbotusittnsto.ollcet th.'t. The! shoultl b. tnlh\'ttd qui.kl! or ttuv u)ill

WATER '. Ii,is &offr. .ortti t\ th. crchqflted uot.r thi.hh4.! nade th. norster. Colle.t it tr nhtuesupplgirMickey s

l<Ev - Ktls ar.Icc.led to ot,or th. tloon dn.l ott the siderooms. mey arc essehtial to !\In\ry3 qucst.

B<)MB - When this is coll..hrl all norsterc.unefltlV on

'{1ft8'{ AiKS -n'is,nrsic item auous Miek ! to lty!we||, to be hoaestitjqstsh,t'. .n falling. Fot th. duntio, olthis bohus Mi.key cah sttt, nll a bdl.ong and a\tlk alDund on

<]LTJE - 7h. glue pot vill stick aU nohn!^ tu th? spot for

SHIET-D l}lc stri.Irl /nuenls noflste^ lhti'1i'tS Mi.key's

REPULsIvENESS Col lect i rg th is hoLx\ ,nkesnoi.t!ts tur auay fton Mi.keV.

SL<)W Ir. nonsters slob dotua to hall t\1\lt,htt this

Ll<;H_f NIN(; BOLTS -Wi th th is hn"x. M i .k.v "rcoeshric! ds lan asNntal. Be carclul becaus. Itti..tt LLtt. things

dilli.tlt ifl a ti9ltt spot.

THT PANTTOn the lelt of tht I''NI is a pi.ttre ol Mit^' is hntul ttnldi"gth. nall.t or the r\ttrr pistol lft. SPA( l ItAL .rd,f?s

lrcn ore to the oth.t.

Nelt is Mi.ke!'s s.otu folloa'..|by......

Ihe uat* hetet, Thit \|to1E hotu, nu.l' | 'tt is it t'tu rrtetpistol. Il the pistol tnnncs cnrty th! y)tt is o!.t!

At the ight ol the I'nt'tl ts a pi.tut. ol rl, tt 1 rr. The snqll liac,t.xt to it i4dicat.s u,hr h, lJou o/c,

THT SUB.GAMTSI^ , ' , t ' , ' l t1**t , , ' , , , , t4" /" 'J t ; i ' , , 1*, . t ' ,J ,

' , .os thlee r.d bot.s at th..r!9. tt t srce,.

TIIE PIJDDLE MAZIIMi*eV hds to dooi.! ot shoot trt ,'"ite/s c/cdted by tl'..l/ippiflg taps. To .onplete th. 4M : , ktust lind at'd collect ahann?r, sone ffiils ard sone u\,, Ltse uiU I'e loutl lyingot th. floot a".l e"abl. him ti hr t up the doot. Also i' thtnaze is d heatt uhich gix.s MnL, ,t honss life. A skull uilltak, a lif. ofi Micke!. The pou./ I'n i ttlors Mi.kev to btrctth? tudt r mo"ste6 uitho! t b.n'S h |' |, i nself. m. pou.t pa.knakcs Miekey llicke/ untit its ellt\ | ntrsolf.rhespi4gmakcsMi.k.g's ndllets bor"ce oll th. t it. ol the noze. Or.e thehrnne4 tails ar.l @ood hate bul , ltftred Mi.k?V.dn l.doethc naze thrcugh the hole ia ttu lL ','t.

TTIE BIJBBLE MACHINIMi.k.! stands on a pl4tfom u'ttr 1' ,totes rardonly lelt afltlnght. Belou hin to the l4t is d rtt ' trbe fuU ol.nthantc.Iuatet. This sloulV leoks ittto a yl', a'hieh drs adoss thebotton ol the scrcea. At /e&tlat ttr.rls alohs this pipe arcnozles uhi.h ptodlce btbbles. M r'r, tt tf ust shoot the bubblesbg thlouing his hatunel tatil all rl th. z4atet has leaketl ottol the tube. If a btbble rcaches ttr' t'tnt'fon it eats it aua! alittle. Eoentualy th. bubbles rDitt |,tt r hole it the platlomuhi.hMi.keywill nee.l tojanp at^\',h.rnahaza listhelod tinS 8h osts @ h i ch sl o@ ly fo I I oa' tt \ k. u atuun.l. P/olonge dcofltact uith it uill cost Mick.V t 14.. Hlttiag the ghost utiththe dallet tuiU .lispose olitbutatoth, tnae@ill soorappea/.

THE PI'JI\4P ROOA4A lonspipe srtkesftonthetop tight ol the scteer.lou, to th.botton tuherc Mi.keV appedrs. At s.letu| poiflts olong th6 pip.ate holes @ith colks ii. At the top right is a lalae noastelope tihs a plflp uhi.h .rcotes little frohsterc. The littlemoflsterc panol tue pipe an,l nay prU ott .o*s ehi.h Mi.keyhas hamnered i". The tuall.t uiU .leal uith then. To .ompl.tethis s.ften Mick.! ntst g.t Fast th, lorcz field uhich isplotecting the large nonstet. The lorce lield uiu be loeercduh.n som. ol the co*s have bed hann ft.l ii. The .o*sMi.key n.e,ls to hit arc ,liJI.rcnt ea.h tin.. To d.ld to Mi.key'sproblens, tuater drippiag ltod the .orks .ftates a floanng ghost@hen it hits the floo/. mis uiU sttl Mickey ot take a life fron

TI{E DRIPPING TAPSThue are lowdnppinstapsheleuhi.h"eed tobe tumed ollina spe.ifi. oder. Th. tap hdh.llesspinotfldshto in.li.areuhi.hshoutd be tuded ofi reft. rhe floatirs thost is hete .sai, a,dis dtiftiflg atuuhd the s.rcen. Il it toKhes M[k V he uiu bestufled or tose tile. Motinx platofts hetp Mickev tlatet f/ontap to tap but he must b. carclrl

"ot to b? squashe.l betueen a

rtatfoft and the foot ot ceitins.


SPFCTRIJMI" ad.litioh to Kehpstoi or Sih.lan loysti.ks, the lollouing

()-Up, A -Doua, RETU RN fire, K L.lt,R-Right,SPACE loggr.s ,efeeen hanher ord tuat t tistot.

AN'STRADI" additio" to d iolsti.k, the folloui"g keys haV be us..I:

Q Up, A Do@r, RETURN -rtr., K-4.r1, L Rt8fu,SPACE - Idgafts l,.rlreca han,ael afld uat./ pisll ,

CBM 64U<c d loy.ttrl n I'o 2. dnd thc {oltouin| r4v'.

SPA.CE - To tog8lc betuec, hannet dnd adet pinol.RUN/STOP Pars..

ATARI STU.c a jofai.^ in port t, ah.l th. tollooinx

^eqt:SPACE .. Io ro&gL bet&ed hanne/ and @ate/ pistol.P - Pause, S - Mtsi.tsolnd ?ffe.ts toggt..

MICKTY MOUST - HINTS AND TIPSIt II vo, tui out ol uot.t, rry to rse yow hannt.

TFIE GtsIOST: This finsf phaatoucon't feel the nallct btt he does lea/ the



HEDLEY: sttuitt tl'is ghostly hea.l.





Do hot shoot too fdst. Eo.ry niss uastes uater.

vou crt't bc hrtt @hile you are ot a laddel.

Colle.tiflS AW borus giaes nole uater

You eainot .arry more thai t@o keys.

It is safer to light ofl a tarye ptatlom thah a bat.oflV.

I I i s.l ilf i.u I t to li ght uh i le yo u a re stat.l i h I ih a,lootud !.

'th. Putklle Mozc is.ouFos.d ol16 lihked rcons. Try to

fin.l d s.dt h pdtt.m uhich @i ll coper each tuon ona onlVdn.l t ttfr Vou to the erit.

Ih the Bubble Roon, try to nooe it the san. dirctioa asthe platloffi.ThisdUousyou to noae fastet; yotuill alsobe headitg i, the san. diection as th. flooting ghost.

10) Whei liadntg the Og/e kiig take yort tine.

The lout touerc get Frcgrcssioely tallelaad torghet. Ea.h lloo/ol the totuetcodsistsola la/X. .n.ula/ /oon otetlooke.l btt h.ob.l.oflits. Mi.k.v nust ht,'t st,t.rtl.na or bal.oni.s ltt hror.d!,'5; fnsttr h. nuLl rttt oltntn \\l"rtttt th.\'i. t..\tuttti" uhich to aroi.l thc norstc/s. fdllirg oll. bdl.onlt stunsMickey lo/ a little uhile alloeing the beasties to dtuin his

mturghort the toue/ are doore uhi.h lea,l into si.le tuotus.Whil. ghosts d/. able ro ualk through uau' sone norsters,.e.1 to use these .loo/s. AU ol the .loore aee,l to be boat.le.l rybefore Mi.key uiu be auoue,l ott onto the bdttl.nents to fa..th.lutrh. tn of.let to bodr.l tp a doorMickeynustlitstlird ake! an,t .nt.t the rcon. tnslde uitt b. on. ol lou/ sub-ganesd"d il this is conpleted suc.csslullV he uill be giud a hahnel,,ailsar.lsone planksai.luill hail th. .loor shur as h. l.ao.s(the sub-games ar. destibe.! bclotu).


he lollouinsno'sterc |ppeat in aU oersiohsol the gan? sonext6iohs hale extn nonst.rs!

THE OGRE: Ir,tsgtart,uattyslob.di otty be alfect..l b! agettle @allop uith the nalkt. Whet hit he oltei splits into hto

l . ;

GVB trr-,NDl ".L4dIrFrFd .4v*,e,


la)Thewalt Oi5n€y CdpdnyCREMLIN CR,{PHICS SONWARE LIMITEDAlpha Hous.,10 Catud street, sh.ffiel.l Sr 4FS.

@ 1988. All ilthts t.s.tu..l. Utauthois.d.opgi"g, Id.ling olrcsalc by ary neans strictlV ptohibited.

Page 2: Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game - Amstrad CPC …...Title Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game - Amstrad CPC - Manual - gamesdatabase.org Author gamesdatabase.org Subject Amstrad CPC game

MICKEY MOUSELe logiciel de jeuINSTRUCTIONS DT CHARCEMENIcaM 6417,2aCassette, Intto.luirc Ia .assette .lars Ie nagnitophone.Appry.t sinultahamdt sw SFIIFT .f RUN/STOP/!/sla totche PL,Av. Le ploglanne la se charyet et .lahanel

Disqu€tte: Iatroduift la disquette. Tap.2 LOAD"*" ,a,7, et frappezRETlJlll.J. Le prognnne oa se chalgel et.linan r att otu at iqtenut,

SPECTRIJM 4AKT4pezLOA,D"" et ltupppz ENTERpris la rol.r.PLAYa, nagflitophoie. Le ptoganne va se chatgel er demancl


ut i I is.r k churyew. onn. d'habit,le.

SPECTRIJN4 +3Disque: Uailts.r L CITARGEUR .onne .l'hab t.!e.

AMSTRADCasseatet trtto.luie Ia .assette dofls le ndgratophore.Appuyet sinultaaimeat ssl CONTROL (CTRL) ef lapetite tordre ENTER. Puis etlonce/ la touche PL,AY .lunagditophotu et enstit. n'inpotte qu.ll. tot.he dt.laxi.t. L.prcganne aa se charAer et .lihater dutonatiqueneat.Disquette: Innodune h disqlett., atiquette lerc Ie hatt.Ta?ez iCPM et f/appez El.lTEIl. Le p/ognnne ea se.ha rye t e t .lend fr. r d t to tu d ti q u.m.n t,

ATARI STPtaccz le d^que da,s Ia l?ctaut. t ? FmYramn. .lpnan Hattomatiquenett et s. chatgeta ou. la nis. sous t hsioh,

scrNARroI r, rfu\ hi"tt..nrcilrusdu Notd, du Sud, d.l'Est.t.Ie I'Orestntt t nh ln b.!t/.tk htagiqre ,le Me it et l'ott .totrie dl' alln u * nu t h ofrib l. Roi.les Ogrcs. C ft ...a-soh pou! on e I ks

unlisa la bdgu.tte pout lar.e/ rt son sw Ie pals et I'en.lomnentiatement.Il a erstite.asse labasrctteen qratrcct., a donaul mor..au n .ha.ti de ses Eqldes.Les lildines so/.iires tottes ratdtina.s sont nlltt's .ldqs I.squatt. tou* Ies plus hattes d, chAk1r 11. Disn.! .t ort b.ritous ks tercorrages en.lonis .le Disfley. Chacric II'.t t. ttitistIt tri..au .le bagtette qt'elle garle dinsl qr. l'.at hl'hatti.

tu\,ttts o't agalen.nt oolie n Metlir, pout tumph k .hnkatt.

"r,'.tt?s hitl.w. L'eau est la cla .lc Ia libatotioh tl!

Irilrltldtd. Mc h auit.a.h, uie bouteille d'.au .t I dtditlnni n Mi.k.tt Mous ron q!'i l puisse se .IaJen.lrc lo/. tlc sorot'. lit t tu sauo.ta* dt Ia baStette naSiqw. L'.au .loit itleutiIisa. .onytc-go!tt.st o'rn? pds Ia84spiIIelettonbcr.fl

M itk.q ratt n h acherch. d. Ia ba|lerre a, bas.tc chacu"e.lesqwtt tt r/s. Ld seule tlajcctoir. est o.B Iehiut!En toutea.rsI4 sonuet!!.la totr, Mi.keV vo rcrcoitrct t.s infam.s Sanliensqui ttoudillett port lcs soniales. Eh aspelgeart les nonstftsar.. Ie pistolet n eau ndglque il les barclomela 4 bout.ittesd. totion nagiqle ou e, botus magiques spi.iltx. Certaiis,rrFt/cs, ce|en.Idat, tu ttagisselt qu'n t4 colp net sw Ia titare le naiUetencaoutchouc.l. Mi.key, bier qtececi lcslass.

F4ois a.ldt.r et se fiarslotu.t .r deB nohsies plus petits!si Mitk.g efltrc et .ollisioa orec u" hichaflt, il pe/.|plus.te sd

uta.icusc .au mdls il peut relairc Ie Flei" en rcnassant lesbout.illes,lc potiot.

Qudrd Mike! atteiado Ie sodn.t de la tort de sorciire I'iId4c.n tt.sboulesdefet'. S'il aftioc a raauirt td sorcerc enufltas d'os d lafleaflt son naillet sul.11., il pouftL obtein Iemoh.au.lc bagucttc qu'elkga tait. unp [oi' qu l auta tet upe4tB qutrc nor..drt Mi.ke! deon allrcttet l'horiht. .tdiaboliqtc Roi d.s Og/es t,olanrs! II peut Ie laitcr .nI asp.tAeait 15 lois ate. le Fistolet, nais .e h'est pas l4.ile. SiMi.k.!n'q anioe pasdu preniet coup, iltcttre.onner.er. S'ilaehoue un. boisian. fois la panie e.t teminae et Mieke! .l.uo/etoumer au bas .le Ia pftniart tott!



HEDLEY: Aspergez..t t, ttte fattoniqre.


LA MACHINE A BULLESMi.keVse ti.ntsutule plate-lotue qui bouse du h a.ad A Saucheot n ,lrcite. Sous lui se bouve u, tube de veft pleii d'ea,nagiqw. L'eau luit lehtemeht.ldhs uh tuVat qui nao.rs. l',.rdn.I I V a, a htetudlles ft&ulierc sut le tuya!, des becs qui ptuAuise.les buues. Mi.k.y soit lan..t soa Mdrteal sw les tu Ues jasql itce que toute I e& soit sonie dt trbe. Si ute bulle atteitt Iapldt.-Joffiee4e d nang.fl M dorcedu. Il afiteta M nomenton I.sbullesarroatp.rce tn tuou da"s la plate-fotue pdFrlessuslequel Mi.ke! dep/a satteL Les faatOnes llottatts qui suilentMickey lentenent /ep/tseatent M qttle .larger. Tout corta.tptulonga dte. ces.leniets cottera ue !i. a Mi.ke!. Mi.ke!peutsedabanasserd M fartone d lzfnppantab.cso, naill.tmais il e, dpparaitra aite ar attre,

LA SALLE DE LA POA,IPEUl lorg ttyqu seryette .le I'extremita srytnerte ,ltuite .le l'a.n

its.tu'eh bds on Mi.k.f apparait. A plusierts d.ltuits le loagdecetuyau, ily a des trcus aaec des borchons. E, haut At .lroiteil y a u aroffie nonstrc qai a.tioflne h. ponpe 4ui tie .lepetits nonstrcs. Les petits nohsnes pattotiU.ht l. Iohg de tuyau.t.nlaunt pa4ois les bor.hons qre Mi.key d erlotcis aunarteau. Le naillet ra s'occlpet d eut. Pour te itet.et eeraaMickey .{oit tltpasse/ le .hanp de force qui pturige Ie yah.lnoasb.. Le .honp.le forc. s.ra abaiss, quatd quelqlesusdesbou.hons autunt ak.afoacas at malt au. L.s bothons qwMi.key .!oit dloncer sont Aifftrenh achaque lois. Pos/asate/les problanes .le Mi.key, I'eal qti flit .l.s bourhohs .ti. lhfa 6tu. flottaat qtdn.l.U. att.int l. scl. c..i asson. Mitk.vou lui enQn.ra une oie.

LES ROBINETS FUYANTSI I y a ic i q u a t /e rcb inet s lryafl ts q r' i I lau t a na te /.|afl s w ce *aiflor,b.. Les poig"e.s .les tubitets tounent ou .ligflotatt Fottindiquet lequ.l rloit tte anlti et prcchait. Le faflt1ne est it,ouoeau i.i et il s. t'rcn?fl. stt l'a.rar. S'il tor.he Mi.k.V ilsett a sso n na ou pe/tl ta M t, i e. Les I I a tc- lo ffi e s nob i les a i.lefl tMi.k.V n se .lipla.et ,le tubinet e, rcbinet mais il doit fdircdtt ntion ntu pass.fan?acns.t.rtrcutcplate-lode etb sol

POUR CONTROTER MICKTYSPECTRUI\4Ea plus,les joysti.ks SF..t/un o/ Si^'tdit, h's tou.h!..ui !nrl{.petunt att utilisa?s:

Q - Haut, A - Aat RETURN Iit, P I'otst, K -Gauche, L - Droit , SP.\CE - vous lait pass.r du nart.ar

AMSTRADEn phs d'ur joystick, les tolches srioaIt s Feur.at ttrc

Q - Haur, A - Bds, RETURN - ttl, P - Palsa K -Gauche, L - Droite, SP,{CE - vous fqit passet du naneau

CBM 64

di;Acn : ponrbalsset itu n;;tua' ai piatoftt a, .o",RUN/STOP - Parsd

ATARI STItrilis.z lt joystick darc la sottie 1 et les tolches suita4trs:\l'/\a l - fow passet du na'taau au Fctoht a rar

\ tou, 4-! '

d? la nusqu? du\ tftut< tnnff'.


Les noflstres sliodit attanissent .lafls toutes les oerciofls dljeu. Qu.lql.s x.tsio6 ort d?s notstres supplemeltaires!

L'o<;R€: CeyosSatnt nouetplein.le letues ne peut er'eafiecti qre pat tfl tort p.titeoupdetuaillet.Quardilest toschiil se ,livise souteit d dew p.tits ogt s.

LE FA NTOME: Ce lanftne tout

fragilt r, r'htpas ledaiuetflaisil a peul

LE S('UELETTE: Ua tas .l'os qtiurs tlr' t.ta Ia chat de poule!

'ta\ +l \,',

'dC. -$ 'r*<+ . 1.i ;4,?.a' . : , \ ; '

4I\ ---^---r--l.{ ll r A soR( ll t<r ' t i i'cchadtc sorc iee

f 7*11 , tht rou' t roh. \ i : . r t - r ,nn?t

. tp.haqu.

" tNl tut t , t t t i t s?utPm.nt) .


ffi l,,i;,r.%..'J,i,,,1,*'*" s' B"'/k! e'el

Mi.^rv n I n tr,...n'tlnl,.lans Ia tt)' t",h i"tlr, de.hoisirentredrnt dht ' . r r l " . to l . t i easref l1t t i t ! l , nr , , .Si lketung/osnai lh l , t , n, ' r t , h, tL ' . Le tabL ar, t , . t t \ i l t s i "d ique laquel le

N'<)tr f f f f f / l '^S les pl ' i . tn[ t l , Dn'ast f ts qui sont. l l ( r | ' ' tn, t t r r t r I l t t d in iset I ' t t ,

" I o ' dtu! nonstres plus

BONUSIaissant ui boaus .letii/. Ir1. rt sullit a Mnk.! .!e pass.ra, .l.ssus.1.s bon6 efl .orntrt t,ow les /ahnss.t. Il laut uiteIes flflasset sinofl ils s1'ffu | nt t\'6t A petit.

wATtiR (l'eau)../rr.u 1o')t'eflt l'ear n'rtique qui aaait

t1tod, i t I. notstre. Ra'fln.rr. \'prralid."ttr lt pistolcta eau

r<EY (Cf€) L.s etas s t ,...'\,titcs pour otrnr l.s pottts.t .rtn\ ,ldfls les pia..! \\{'it,rt$. EUes solt itdisFeasabt.sa Id ln,tu d. Mi.k.y.

B()MR (Bofrlte) Qr,t tl rlh.st ra,nass,,tou! tesnoflstr.s, l t t \ ' taatucht sut l c . t t r , t r t , t " .ent ch | th. t ,Bl RD'S HEAD (Tatr , t '<t iseat l C.tobjetnagiqt?pnn.t n Mi.k.y .le !ol.r! | ttin, ttott dne pni, il I'enpechetlttt sittpbhetf.!e tohb.r. I t tt tn.c.bonts.luftMi.keyput.ijd'"bet u, bateoq et ndnl"

' 'tdis lcs airs.

GLI.' E (CoUe) L. pot a tnlt! lige les noflsttts stt t,ld.!p.tdadt ut .ou/t itstart.

SHIELD (Ecran de ptt,r!.tiont L'e.rar d. rot..tn lenpache les no"rtt.s de t 'r.t

l'uu "tdgiqu.

.1. Mi.k.tt.

REPULSMjNESS (t , , r .e rdpuls iwe) C/n. . n . .boaus les norstrc. s'enlti.nt n td ,u. tl. Mitkeq.

SLOT/V (Lenteur) L.s ,wsttus rtl.ntisst,r.nt lt ,r,itiiqudi.l re boa$ .st ttnass..

LICTITN| NC BOL'I ( [c la i r ) Atec c. hotus s.liplre dtutfois I'l15.ite qut tl\i.linairc. Fait.s att.ntrrt..t...i .o,flt,|iqucr h,s.hnses dnns n o"ttdit dilliilt.

tE TABTTAUII y a, a gau.h. tu tal,l.t| ufle inn\.,l. Id naii de MickeVtetart lc naillrt o! k t'i./,)/ct !i .dr. / d RARREI) 'ESPACEMI.rN f r . ts Jai t ,e5! \ .1. | ' ( f l d I 'astrc.

AcAta se nouu h s.otu l' \ti.keysti1,i nn....o"tl,t.trd eaLCe .letui.t i"diqn. ld qrrrtiri.l'.au rp it tt . .!.hs le Fistolet.Quat.l I.I'irfl'l.t .st rn, tt parti..st trrnl.!

A.lroita h tdbl4n il q n rn. inag. rlr Id hut. Ln tttiL.lighea.of t i , l iqr( lotn t r r t \ r t .


1) Si oous tonbez er paaae .!'.au, essdy.z .l'urilis?t rotrc

2) N. tue. pas ttup oite. Chaque .oup narqla ao6 faitgtsFiltu de I'.au.

i) Ot te peut pas tuts lairc .1. mal quar.l aors etes sut ute

4) TOUT bonrs nnassi poss.loafe ptus d'.du.

5) Vots ne pouoez pas a@it Flts de d.ux clas sul lous.

6) IIestnoins nsqua desebattreswun.pldt Joffie qlestl

7) Il est diffi.ile d. se battte dans I'enbtusur. d't". pottp.

6) La lab!/idthe de la flaqre est conrosi .!e 16 piic.s r.1i ts.Essayez.tc ttouuetun s.h,tua.le rc.h.rche qui conprcadn.haqrc piice una fois seulencrt et.ow tumeh.ra a ta.ottir'

9) Dars Ia piac. des btues. .ssdyez,le lous .laplacel daas teflifle se4. qte la plate-fom.. Cc.i lorc penet de l,orsdapla.et pfus oite; oous n.z Nssi da"s ld nan. .hettiohqrc Ie fa4t6ne llottart.

10) Qran.l oous dulez ,rclla le Roi ,les Oges, rrcte rok.

Les qratrc tolts,leoi.nnent petit A petit.le plus d plus haut.set lle plus d phs Ar.lues. Chdqu atds. .1. Ia totr coflsiste enue oaste piice. i rcu I a irc su /pl on bi e Fa r rle!, bo lcoas. M it ke !tloit fune sptcialetuent attertio, sut les balcons pot d.u!ttiso"s: prtuierenent, il pounait en tonber et dewiiftenentil y a noirs de place potr atitet les flonshes. S'il tonbe .ltbol.on il sen assonni pen,lqnt ut petit nonent pen.tant qleles noasbes apliseroflt ses ftserues .l'eau.

Tout au lohg .le Ia tott il y a rles poltes qui ma4enr d .l.s pia.essecordaies. Alors qle les ldnt6nes peuvett pdsset au tra!.rs.les nurc, quelqws tuoastcs ort besoin .l'utiliset ces pottes.Mickeq doir clouet des pldfthes er taverc .!e tostes 16 poltesaoa,t de pouroir dlfrohtet Ia sot iire sur les lanparts.

De fa|or it poutoil condamner une pone, Mick.y doit ,l'abot ltlouner t"e cla et .nn$ dahs Ia pia.e. A I'intunes/ il jouetu ua.des panies secon.laites et s'il raussit a la tetuitur, on lui .lofiefaua datteat, ,les .lous et quelques platches pou qu'it puisseconrlqntel la port aoant .!e pdrtir (les patties secon,laires sontc"liqt,4 ci .l.ssous).

Dars tha.tnt lr .t5 rd'tit!, Mi.k.v list'os. tl. t/ots atesr.ptas.tti.s t'.r tn'i5.dstt rouys da bonl l. h'.tun,

LE LAB\I ' IN' I I I I DE LA IJLAQUEMi.k.u doit lztittr tlr tir/ st/ les no'stt6.tits pnr l.s robih.ts

fayaits. I'otu runtur u. riaceil,loit trou!.tet nnasserMnarteau, qurlq'ui.l ts.t' tiu bois. ll l.s t/tuu/d pdrtel/e etils lui p.rhtttrort tu tntulan*tlo Fort., II11o igalenttt, dansld pia.., tn to.tt ttti .lonne n Micke! Me ltie supptinthtairc.U' cfine suppritu Mt u i. n Micke|. Le pdqult d'itetgie p?tu tit Mickey de lan! i.tatu l.s nonstt.s . I'eat sals se fune dcndl luimifle. L. ryqut d'ineryie lait clittot"t Mi.key jts.tt'nce qu'ilt'airplusd'.lftt. Le rcs6ortpeffi.t dt naillet deMick.y.le reboa.h coatrc lrs nuts tlu labytiath.. Uie lois qtc lcm afte a u, I es. I ou s c t I. boi s o, t a ti tun ass6, Mic key pett sort irdu ldbltihthe pot t,t ttDt ,lons Ie pldrchct.

OThe Wah Dislty CompanyGREMLIN GRAPHICS SOTIWARE LIMITEDAlpha House, 10 Cqrlrer S''eet, Sheffiel.l 51 4FS.

A 1988. Tous .ltuits ftseruis. Totte copi. ot fto.nte ou toutpftt pat.les noyens quel.onqws solt stictemcIt hte/.tits