I'ahl’i AW wW i Cameni Choate ta FraMan Michigan Siale News Don’t Mite Seeing the 1M9 Union Opera ne 21 TUESDAY, JAN. 2M929 Nu UNION OPERA TO f*"* Lead Rotes WIDELY KNOWN Talks FRENCHMAN M L OPENATGLADMER nton °pera ...... DISCOVERY is the week we definitely find ist what that title “The Twelve | Limit*’ signifies. We have heard 1 of subtle remarks in connection THEATER FRIDAY Ummm I Skchi Sera (or “The "Twelve Nile LmM,” Ao- ■fefel Revae. FINAL REHEARSALS HELD r.. - ^ ¿¿i Final rehearsals for “The Twelve Mile the rum fleet and such things, but Limit” being stressed this week to add ill! feel we are in store for a our- the final touches to. the action of the No doubt the leads will have a ®h°w before the opening night perfor- romp.n, around « , th. h i* th. chorus must have found n r« of th« play to be In many rcpeeta lega by thla time. superior fo any prevloua performnnee ‘ I . Til« «eenery of the play It a Mt un- FOBMAL reprewntln* the cabin« and deck nlte at the ahn« mu h. .. *?e I,rtv,te «»'•>( of Dick Morton, nlte at the ahoor will be an- which Is taken by Robert draham, the; chance to get out the old tuxedo leading masculine role. A bufe most stiff shirt. Rumors In the post an<* ■ ' 1j«rt of the sail can be seen In« a formal nl«ht for the ?bo'’lL “ K ,™bln" A* the ship sails Onera have alarava me. Mlh en. ™ hlgh SPR!' aml the twelve mile oper« have always met with ap- ]lmlt the backntound Is slowly seen to but never with much success recede until nothing but blue wster re- year the more socially enclined mains in sight, men on the campus may feel ^ costumes for the play present a I that he will not be out of place , alattUw One o'clock hours for j WHITE s AI LOR MI DDIES. t eds and a donee at the union ¡BLACK B A L L E T slippers ! I following the performance have t BLACK MIDDY TIGS are needed! ling to--do with social plans for ! *or ooctumlng in the Union produc- J brening. Stton* Th<* Twelve Mile Limit.” Loan j * J of these articles would be very much i I appreciated by the management.4 MUSICIANS ARE'4' HERE THURSDAY Victor Kolar Conducts Orchestra' in Absence of Gabrilow- ; • — itscb. PRESS MAKES DEBUT Tivp iv t roit Symphony orchestra. Vtrtor Kolar conducted will give' a | ''n. rt in t 1m* Prudden auditorium tiunday. Jan 31 at 8 30 with Mich- 1 ad Pres* viohniM a* soloist The Detroit orchestra the youngest of >ie nation's great musical organize- non*, was founded 14 years ago It I ha* tome into national prominence rrtng th*» last nine year* under th e1 leadership of Ossip Oabrilowitsch. who i* on a leave of absence this . ‘•easotn. j The orchestra of 90 musician» plays I 104 concert* iir»m October to April About w •‘■«■vd- are given in cities MAKE ADDRESS AT CONVOCATION Pierre de Lan«, Officisl of the League of Nation« in France, 1« Speaker. FIRST CONVO THIS YEAR famed m- of the if Nations, i on Wed- e courtesy ment for m sored by club of Elisabeth Harden ALL OONR lerstand that all the $1.65 aeato t night have been bought out. that as another indication » Opera will be a big night. Those willing to aid in this manner! | may leave their name, address, and j S name of article to be loaned at the! j Union desk. I variety of color and a rather mixed I selection of drees due to the various un- SLOW usual situations of the characters. Some j Hfra. Amok w -A.-* 1,1 dTCSS. SOHM fkTt In af-I tinge ago Coach VanAlstyne temoon garb, and still others are In iiwd his team to a lady’s wrist sport clothes, or yachting attire. The Van said in hie comparison, costume* ior the choruses are still more minute you look at It and it’s co,orful ftnd varied Among the color- and the ne«i it on t » r-.» *.• ful lhorUfi effects Is a brilliant number ana tne next u im t la x Sat- „„„ wblU! f n t u l .lt1fI » the watch hadn't exactly atop- lame checkered tiattem and another ^ut It waa barely Ucklno Maybe in orange and black dreas. The moon- waa tired after the Notre ,a^ ln chorua. a sailor chorus, and. the bottle or maybe they had order. crî“ ¡T 'î l"iaale chorui are further song and dance numbers carried by the co-ed group. ~ The men's chorus appearing in white — _M l 88INO flannels and blue coats, make several SwaTui ureea 'was among the »W *winflM throughout the show. Be- ' last Saturdav night at the *ldt" thr rp« ul* r -supporting choruses n.l» r u,. ^ nvi 1 and helned in make >n .in . rtu thw* arr srvprml future numbers prr- 1Robirt. Graham of Harbor Spun mmke • " sentlng both song and comedy. Per- ■ crowd even more dead. The imps one of the most outstanding of the blare and boom and discord of letter kind is the rallorlr chorus of iwn band has a big effect on the Pl®**tngly plump girls, of the crowd They wet by their abernce ukB, ; Detroit Symphoi eri Thursday. Jan. : will be given in ! •on urn. Lansing, in* c-nstration liall as ■meed aient» will lie adnu' r./ ’ heir irreen “Cot U Single admis! I with tlie privilege :<»r 50 cents additi« e lecture by Lew s 'f 7 15 will be over le those who care tí rt to do so vevanee* are to be ! UTch immediately e lecture to quirkl •aho desire it t* idden f the ously prr-i I urse” ? : rketaj loi the* I * on hand ut* al the dose! ly transport » iie Pruddenî ■y The i I »étroit ’ M. Pierre dr lasst J-HOP TICKETS SELLING FAST Q urtcr of the Total Number Disposed of Yeslerdsy- Sales Continue. juartcr of the total number of tlck- > Vai table for the J-Hop had l>een yesterday, according to the report ty-Jennings, treasurer of the riass. has charge of the ticket sale. There still a very limited number of for members of the Junior will continue to lie un sale Parts office of the League its to *pt‘nk at a ronvoeatio j nesdav momlnit Through t of the Carpegie r:nd*e • Peare The talk i* belh« ‘| the International filiation Michigan State college The convocation, taking a. m in the gymnasium, one of tlie present school should arouse much ini ere Pierre do Lanux is a his aee. an editor, a wri volumes, a practical t executive, a linmnst. a speaker, and an inteniatlonallst of renown And i»e makes claim to Parts as his original home Hi.s accomplishments since then have been numerous The distinguished literary magazine “Nouvelle rtevue Française” was hi* ung man of of brilliant Thr t h< dose nf the undav aftcrn* vcn in « »rt fi» tuf 25 cent* to opular" iiJ ad* I s will lie plat glide senior* day and Frida er tlieri* will he sale for malnlng tlistHisal lm.se on :'k With V did on the is very doubt- many tickets pun Robert firaham have ffie leading Mile Limit” when It is presen*« week-end Both are talented v< studying under .scholarships gi Lout* Oraveure. widely known h nl department of the m ; » Butta tar- 1 tjegan it the s who 1 lian par- I pupil of : Kubelik ot it dialed lor tin thr party lien Mr and Mrs. Hay Higgs they would be unable to and Mrs Harry Klpke reception com- md Mr* James pt. und Mrs. .first big venture upon irompit•tlon of ili» c‘fluention, on which staff iie was sec retary. He waii a war correstmndeni in thie Balkan» in 1912. 1913 and 1914: he Violunteered in the FTench Am bu- In tire corps in 101«. wa<* sent on an officiar mission tr) tlie I.»nited State* later being made a men«ber Of the Frttu•h High Cornimission in tins coun- try, im charge of liaison with Czcchs, Poles. Jugoslavs »md Humanlains. He was «in the •» a fT ol’ Andre Tardieu dur- ! in« the Paris pence C-onlferen« In 1923 M de 1Lanux t argani:zed tlie Frr nith "Comite <1Action pour la So- cietie des Nation»i" and never ceased to Ik*a tireless wtirker lrir the l-Yench commlitter. A* ;a reward for his lull hrul Vvork he was in 1924 upiKti nted dlrector of the Paris information Office of. the tatagufe of Natlons. M de loinux Inas won constderable praise us an autl ior H;I.H Life «>f Henry IV" publish ied In 1Paris ;in 1927 was 1 in ilerl a* ont Of The most brll- liant biographies <nf the ycar Other volum es arc “JlUKOslttVla ." 'Young i C o n t i n ú e d on i«?tge 4» * with Mr t and Ci HTITNO I spite of all we have Just said ra- the slowness of the game and ,,,onf "Goodbye" is one ck of enthusiasm among the spec- s*x> ln. 1 production . there is one retrieving factor. It |the Hornets who got stung. YRA II ay evening while the cadet of- Harde omore at ampus. and Mr Robert ciraham as the leading man play* opiioslte Elizabeth Harden who stltute the i»art of Joyce Crosby, a mi .»* wealthy heiress These two leads have W li severa! solo number* during the play lhe campus comma here “ !? thl lr *?**. ‘n Uw *ln« ln« » ' «>• the Unlvprslty of Mirtu««, of the hl«h i,ad extensive exi»ertence Trieir song previously is the theme song of the entire play o rah am and runs throughout the ¡Tresentation Lyle Lyons, who has taken leading parts in several Union productions in the past, has a rich baritone voice which he uses in several unusual musi- . a.. cal ni*mbers He takes the part of the were still struggling into their father of Joyce Crosby, and the ob- i for the military bail, the Email- Jertln« parent to the match with two arc „ „ . ct, d j bMketb.ll boy. dre««<d -town . ymtn, Morton 1" I fOrand Rapid« Junior taaa to aPur,h|,r m,n'b*rl‘ ° ' «ho cu t Include notahii out if]tied '»U page 4» at the »n who lias upjimrr«] i principal in two IJ of M operas, will play the part of Dick Mo ton. in the Twelve Mile Limit Ml** Harden will enact the role Joyce Orofiby It is around the»’ » that the plot revolves The musical numbers.in Which minor The t he he* FARMERS WEEK TO BE UNIQUE EVENT VETERAN MEMBER .* OF FACULTY QUITS . . , ; . Prof. G. H. Cooni, Plant Patholo- (iit, Leave« for Waihin«- ton, D. C. Michigan Oou Im* field Feb with other f- according t<i I sociology depii Among rite nrtners rofesso rt mcnt ( 2$ defeat. Last week the Orand team defeated the Kalamasoo I that invaded our campus Batur- «ht. itmong rjietr song* nd of the first act. DR. M’CUNE STARTS NEW STUDY CUSS AT CHURCH of plant iccept a depart - Washington Picture Taking, Dressmaking Precede Annual Union Revue s just one day left for the young Junior to scrape to- the neeemary funds and invest [ ticket for the Hop. Rome boys ( to wish they could buy thetr diet, stagger through the on the installment plan, but dve-minute intervals, to The Union this week is a place of and bore it off in triumph for sudden alarums and excursions. Peo- lated manufacture of pink pie dressed bixarrely, to say the least, skirt* “ * Qkrrytog huge and unwieldy bun- Here * where the Home f« iQPOr *t come into their own. for pink , . . tRPenr up skirts arent ail that are beu. up buy« It'« tlie J-Hop and that anr hom-dnym im, ____ sewing maciune there the oumt day. There’s a .Spanish chorus or .von out ones a year. and was aU for leaving it at the main or other, »hat appear* m trim. I I 1 deek. And every once in a while, up- ior lace gown*, and those naw nufn. there’s a huge flash and a made Likewise a bndal xowr boom, and another group of poatng veil are being manufactured co-ode have had their pictures taken, tng perhaps the greatest joy Altogether, all the things that must when the lossy who is being fii before there can be a Union the veil is summoned i Of CLOSING ' it oamea time as we chance this our col- ’ to Dr MrCun# »i -r> People* church iew study class which I) 0 He <xpect » to leave f ington about May 1 or Waah- will meet <«t tier Wednesday night Dr Coons tin* been cottnected with at 7 # Tlve th«'me for study is 'Find- »tie botany department at M H 0. for •n. Clod in ’?•*- Beautiful " At differ- 18 year*, having been appoAnted in m t meeting* •tjc problem will be January. 1911 Not only has Dr Coon studied .*rom ‘.hi- angle* «J poetry tnu- hern of great' value to the : •c ■c I Me drama and art in ¡«ain’m r and college in plant pathology, but has al- -eulpt unr.j Thits las* i»as «ífeen dis- ways tiad new ideas and pia M Whirli «(1 Mon ied bv Dr McCune and fol - were of great value to the In)tany de- low* r»ut a iAxt\ i«*r tlve -.ear made b\ partment as » whole the University ■ if Oucogo A number «>f the more prominent The class i$ <njen 'o men and women younger plant pathologist* in the alike, bu: it i* sponwwd by ’tic Worn- country received t>art of thi*ir train- en s Bltie r ia«w wliich consists of m- ing under Dr Coon* inriudirig among vt rue* or» proftvm . and other cm - otfiers. Dr. Elmer Brande* <i-f the U ployed »omen Situdy outline* in which s department of agriculture. Dr. Rob- reference-« are uggested are «ibtaina (•rt (Joss of Mie University of! Nebra*- hie at 're1 rhurr h The first meeting. ka and Dr H P Doolittle of Madison. Wednesday Jan 23 trafed an enthusias- Wia. 3ic .disruuion n the croup of 28 pren- Dr. C<x»n* successor has not iieen ; ent named thn Michig pnrtmt pr*- read Of thru the ubili clu >h< id are apt »heir I afte Mas moon 1Blarney Clone. I take tide op- ®RRk Me happening, as is. of course, for on these occasion* my ta —^ a publie farewell. **** <Mld But **’■ unnerrtng particularly mad the the : Ills Mt of y,. (hlllJ . W f the spectators. All in all. by indications seen *nme w ¡n fact, it’s getting so one. can t en- lobby and on t he second floor to Oil this )oy a quiet siesta in the mam lobby Union during the week, it il b> without being preseed into ssrvite to an opera—if the sewing ma fur« tear up the back stairs and bring down ages to hold out til cvcnon* 1 someone rehearsing up there, who is, to her own pink shirt and all inevitably wanted on the telephone sary tucks have been taken And who la. just as inevitably, dreaeed wedding veil in a mlior suit and a rod striped hat. —— -— -------------- to the edification af the lobby loung- ers. when you troll her dawn. OMssse are all but dessrted this week, while the youth and beauty of the campus, n to speak, has Its pic- ture taken, ar tries <m Its costumes. Tickets sales for the annual Union |ON VENIBNT AMPUS 'ALINDAR vs at the Mi * session of the confer* "Tlie Byron Community," »iv oienn 'II Burt. Miperihtendent of srhf»oi* at Hvron Mich., will be »lie ilrst ; pri-si-nt^d Thi* will be followed by "A Comparative .Study ut »he Hura: Ufe <íf Two Townships in Clinton County," by The,ron Ingeritoli of'th e i*a»tmgill Junior high Hchool, I«ansing and "The Relation of Community Ac- tivities to High Hchool Achievements." by If D Douglas*, superintendent of. school*. Fowlervtllr* Mich Following »he reading of »he these* a c)t*ruH*ion period will »** lnd by W !» White. *u- perlnf^ndent «.I school*. Hartland Rev Scott I» MacDonald. po*tor of «he Hath M E church, and Albert D Aekley. teacher »>f agriculture. Hart- land The Tuesday morning vuion of thr- conference win include talks by Pro- fessor Mumford artd J F Ttiadcn of department, and a study of the Chira- the Michigan Htate « ollege .«x lulocv vo milk '-itnation by Dr Arthur K Holt _ of the Chicago Tlveologiral seminary. Frew»Russian vtolinist. and will beconducted by Victor Kolar. and Chicago The discussion will be led by soimdepartment of the the concert Is certain to be ofunusual Dr Ernest Burnham of Western Btate music lovers Teacher» college. Kalamazoo TICKET SALES FOR REVUE GOING FAST> SAYS RETTER Michael Press, Renowned Artist, to Appear With Detroit Symphony Michae. head of music l&sutute. appearing with the De- interest to «m t Hymphony orchewtra at the Prud- den auditorium Thursday, will be heard for the first time by the local public OS an artist. The conceit will be the sec- ond on the ortut srrtee being given by the institute in conjunction with the wtdeh nevar At. or learns now dance production to be staged at the fiiadmrr 1 d w * day theatre. February t and* 2. are »-xceed- on the second floor. ing oli expectations, according Ttuf Tschaakowvky concerto -there is only one few viobn« in B minor has been selected by p m » for presentation Ih* k«_ft ,« .w* ».■ tir«i n « m . irr..— r r 7 * •— - - — — , here. The program foUows Find thr * *r a * UM .*yU'. ‘“ 2 a *^ Retier, eti-lnm a of the ticket mmnut- „ Ih, - ^ 8uanm- - ---- '*•' nl« tol “ rxpected M b . « , W eif-Ferre, «rei the Stnra hr OB- r» y T „ roMpf * » - U - « « before the opening „ruin enko tn the orchretre; next n w «nd _______ r" y Ertdoy nl«ht. «ceordin« to Retter u » oeehe.tr. «iter wtach rame, th« " nunT prep ft « rewure«. ohi!» tht pimuMl. AU who hora fUad oppltratioru »nd mtermlaBon the whole Uwt holl id o,. ¡5 2 5 d Ä T L d w 2^JS5l^ ^ «»p«w«>« a™ * ••»**•*<** el trntm mn ~ ----- -------- ---------------- »«ora 'ire■ accp expres- ^ to coll at the Union desk before symphony. Thursday nicht at •:$• and procure the iu*t the us this time—not ndÉana<^iiM> *¡2fl6?MSTSS _____ «11 e« It Tiraradiy rdftit at and procure the jw t the umai T-.reo " ______ ___ «•■» •» the Ucket iale. »m be con- Mr.pimtralad.nikdarnrai UM* tafee« «8 Mknt fa n a* tho Hood eaotaatnlr to the box otTlce >t the . teacher brine at one time tieod ot rnmné j j » , rad «fe» rere I« O lo d te aliar that dala, tf ¡roar ap- the etehn department ot the M u m «te » te Ifeo Otehtete oateteMlao. pUaailra tew ate batel. Ollad hr that Omaan einn ot Matee, aa a I« will be mmmtrr to coll at the ««te «era aa a condacter. Ha should bo at ham. wan tho ncrhmlre. wbteh •» W W lW 'lt e * » ter Uhm whe bay tfea bate. HR W "™ If Number 44 IDED RIL 1909 C. Taylor, ’09, « Made AiMtiag d th.- M i-hit';, al -t at'* a n t i- « ' •• .f th.* c, donsin-r »flner : «led news Crmcd V fr trying Conisti«' :t Deeply ifttnet,* b< for ;ifi a ttie tuder tunning h «Sfate :is t he civ. the m ¡«»i fie new publi« ’ J O Lijn, in nn The Com- : LlM“ :ieed a im..- .thd rh existed s and lhe riitor urged on of the interesting ciet y mbllshed oi-weekJv if 1910 when week - ted With tip* ad- batter arrangement CXlM«n*ive coverage «a-» In 1912 a set Hon* wn* accepted y. At lius lime it ct H*e editor and li «lie end of the insiJtng three term*. W !«>r »he subsenn- «•d an-<<»«> iVerr.i-ci t t prewpr ClOt; WSJ* he llolrad form ljul /ear with nrk ¡n re hr eight puses ti Uláir the pape •weekly ,n !92( 1er of on dr«: tn> he «fe 1 tate Ne lethimr er w .i the ad- DEEK GETS IE TRYOUT of Detroit R»ai. Vaudeville Jod,ee. md -Spartan clown night in Detroit at tCtrrut Busan«-«* - lub Itfluse of a vaude- tlC Westert: Vaude- d other official» of •fllle associattorv. of mi to ;<u* ;odf- COi <mmn:zatton for A aaAoriatmn For- T of * he « town out - %rl*y spent their »Chicago making ar-. pbs special hearuuc # the trip to Detroit tiered bus m hope a behind the foot- AT THE UNION i UNION qntlltl ut keeping ! ’deck every w a - { get one of our , - «d e a May ts mad we ÊÈS toe boa candy ; FT the mom é d . 6 early Loemey's > fiflOC _____- rFwday. èC can save money j and) oa thaoM ÉP 6 » phhCa. ace Get Your Tleketi at lhe Union Doth Retore Thnrtdag nl 1:00 p. m. n fur “Tweit* M ile Limit*

Michigan Siale News - MSU Librariesarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1929/state_news... · 2014-11-14 · vcn in « »rt fi» tuf 25 cent* to opular" iiJ ad* I s will lie plat glide

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Page 1: Michigan Siale News - MSU Librariesarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1929/state_news... · 2014-11-14 · vcn in « »rt fi» tuf 25 cent* to opular" iiJ ad* I s will lie plat glide

I ' a h l ’ i A W w W

i Cameni Choa te ta FraMan Michigan Siale News Don’t Mite

Seeing the 1M9 Union Opera

ne 21 TUESDAY, JAN. 2M929Nu

UNION OPERA TO f * " * Lead Rotes WID E L Y KNOWN Talks FRENCHMAN M LOPENATGLADMER nton °pera. . . . . .


is the week we definitely find ist what that title “Th e Twelve

| Limit*’ signifies. W e have heard 1 o f subtle remarks in connection

THEATER FRIDAYUm m m I Sk c h i Sera (or “ The

"Tw elve N ile LmM,” Ao-

■fefel Revae.

FINAL REHEARSALS HELDr.. - ^ ¿¿i F inal rehearsals fo r “Th e Twelve Milethe rum fleet and such things, but Lim it” being stressed this week to add ill! feel we are in store for a our- the final touches to. the action o f the

N o doubt the leads w ill have a ®h°w before the opening night perfor- rom p.n, around « , th . h i *

th . chorus must have found n r « o f th « play to be In many rcpeetalega by thla time. superior fo any prevloua performnnee ‘

• • • I . T i l « «eenery o f the play It a M t un-FO BM AL reprewntln* the cabin« and deck

nlte at the ahn « m u h . . . *?e I,rtv,te « » '• > ( o f Dick Morton,nlte at the ahoor w ill be an- which Is taken by Robert draham , th e ;chance to get out the old tuxedo leading masculine role. A b u fe most

stiff shirt. Rumors In the post an<* ■' 1j«rt o f the sail can be seenIn « a formal n l«h t for the ?bo' ’lL “ K ,™bln" A* the ship sails

Onera have alarava me. M lh en . ™ hlgh SPR!' aml the twelve m ileo p e r « have always met with ap- ]lm lt the backntound Is slowly seen tobut never with much success recede until nothing but blue wster re-

year the more socially enclined mains in sight, men on the campus may feel ^ costumes for the play present a

I that he w ill not be out o f place ,

a la ttU w One o'clock hours fo r j W H IT E s A I L O R M I D D IE S . t eds and a donee a t the union ¡B L A C K B A L L E T s l i p p e r s !I follow ing the performance have t B LA C K M ID D Y TIG S are needed!

lin g to--do with social plans for ! *or ooctumlng in the Union produc- J brening. Stton* Th<* Twelve M ile Lim it.” Loan j* J o f these articles would be very much i

I appreciated by the management.4

M U S IC IA N S A R E '4 ' H E R E THURSDAYVictor Kolar Conducts O rchestra '

in Absence of Gabrilow- ; • — itscb.

PRESS MAKES DEBUTTivp i v t roit Symphony orchestra.

Vtrtor Kolar conducted will give' a | ''n. rt in t 1m* Prudden auditorium tiunday. Jan 31 at 8 30 with M ich- 1

a d Pres* viohniM a* soloist The Detroit orchestra the youngest

of >ie nation's great musical organize- non*, was founded 14 years ago It I ha* tom e into national prominence • rrtng th*» last nine year* under th e 1

leadership o f Ossip Oabrilowitsch. who i* on a leave o f absence this .‘•easotn. j

The orchestra o f 90 musician» plays I 104 concert* iir»m October to April About w •‘ ■«■vd- are given in cities

MAKE A D D R E S S A T CONVOCATIONPierre de L a n « , Officisl of the

League of Nation« in France,1« Speaker.


o f the if Nations, i on Wed- e courtesy ment for m sored by

club of

Elisabeth Harden

A L L O O NR lerstand that a ll the $1.65 aeato t night have been bought out. that as another indication

» Opera w ill be a big night.

Those w illing to aid in this manner! | may leave their name, address, and j S name o f article to be loaned a t th e ! j Union desk. I

variety o f color and a rather mixed I • • ♦ selection o f drees due to the various un-SLO W usual situations o f the characters. Some j

Hfra. Am ok w -A .-* 1,1 dTCSS. SOHM fkTt In a f- Itinge ago Coach VanAlstyne tem oon garb, and still others are In

iiwd his team to a lady’s wrist sport clothes, or yachting attire. TheVan said in hie comparison, costume* ior the choruses are still more

minute you look a t It and it ’s co,orful ftnd varied Among the color-and the n e « i it on t » r - . » * . • ful lhorUfi effects Is a brilliant number ana tne next u im t l a x Sat- „ „ „ wblU! fn tu l.lt1fI »the watch hadn't exactly atop- lame checkered tiattem and another

^u t It waa barely Ucklno Maybe in orange and black dreas. The moon- waa tired a fter the Notre ,a^ ln chorua. a sailor chorus, and. the

bottle or maybe they had order. crî“ ¡ T ' î l"iaale chorui are further song and dance numbers carried by the co-ed group.~ The men's chorus appearing in white

— _M l88IN O flannels and blue coats, make severalSwaTui ureea 'was among the »W *w in flM throughout the show. Be- 'last Saturdav night at the *ldt" thr rp« ul* r -supporting choruses n . l » r u , . ^ nvi 1

and helned in make >n . in . rtu thw* arr srvprml fu tu re numbers prr- 1Robirt. Graham o f Harbor Spunmmke • " sentlng both song and comedy. Per-

■ crowd even more dead. Th e imps one o f the most outstanding o f the blare and boom and discord o f letter kind is the rallorlr chorus of iwn band has a big e ffect on the Pl®**tngly plump girls, o f the crowd They wet by their abernce ukB,

; Detroit Symphoi eri Thursday. Jan. : will be given in ! •on urn. Lansing, in* c-nstration liall as ■meed

aient» w ill lie adnu' r./ ’ heir irreen “Cot U Single admis! I with tlie privilege :<»r 50 cents additi«

e lecture by Lew s ' f 7 15 w ill be over le those who care tí rt to do so vevanee* are to be

! UTch immediately e lecture to quirkl •a ho desire it t*

idden f the ously

p rr- i I urse” ? : rketaj

lo ithe*

I *

on hand ut* al the dose! ly transport » iie Pruddenî

■y The i I »étroit ’

M. Pierre d r la s s t


Q u r tc r of the Total Number Disposed of Y eslerdsy-

Sales Continue.

juartcr o f the total number o f tlck- > Vai table for the J-Hop had l>een yesterday, according to the report ty-Jennings, treasurer o f the riass. has charge o f the ticket sale. There still a very limited number o f

for members o f the Junior will continue to lie un sale

Parts office of the League its to *pt‘nk at a ronvoeatio j nesdav momlnit Through t o f the Carpegie r:nd*e

• Peare The talk i* belh« ‘| the International filiation Michigan State college

The convocation, taking a. m in the gymnasium, one o f tlie present school should arouse much ini ere

Pierre do Lanux is a his aee. an editor, a wri volumes, a practical t executive, a linmnst. a speaker, and an inteniatlonallst o f renown And i»e makes claim to Parts as his original home Hi.s accomplishments since then have been numerous

The distinguished literary magazine “ Nouvelle rtevue Française” was hi*

ung man o f ■ o f brilliant


t h< dose nf theundav aftcrn* vcn in « »rt fi» tuf 25 cent* to

opular" iiJ ad* I s will lie plat

glide senior* day and Frida

er t lieri* will he

sale for malnlng tlistHisal lm.se on :'k With

V did on the is very doubt- many tickets


Robert firaham

have ffie leading M ile L im it” when It is presen*« week-end Both are talented v< studying under .scholarships gi Lout* Oraveure. widely known h

nl department of the m ;

» Butta tar- 1 tjegan it

the s who 1

lian par-I pupil of :Kubelik

ot itdialed

lor tinthr

partylien Mr and Mrs. Hay Higgs

they would be unable to and Mrs Harry Klpke

reception com- md Mr* James pt. und Mrs.

.first big venture upon irompit•tlon ofili» c‘fluention, on which staff iie wassec re tary. He waii a war corres tmndeniin thie Balkan» in 1912. 1913 and 1914:he Violunteered in the FTench A m b u ­In tire corps in 101«. wa<* sent o n anofficiar mission tr) tlie I.»nited State*later being made a men«ber O f theFrttu•h H igh Cornimission in tins coun-try, im charge of liaison with Czcchs,Poles. Jugoslavs »md Humanlains. Hewas «in the • » a fT ol’ Andre Tardi eu dur-

! in « the Paris pence C-onlf e ren «In 1923 M de 1Lanux targani:zed tlie

F r r nith "Comite <1 Action pour la So-cietie des Nation»i" and never ceasedto Ik * a tireless wtirker lrir the l-Yenchcommlitter.

A* ;a reward for his lu l l hrul Vvork h ew a s i n 1924 upiK ti nted dl rector of theParis information O ffic e of. the tatagufeof Na tlons.

M de loinux Inas won constderablepraise us an autl ior H;I.H L ife «>fHenry IV " p u b lish ied In 1Paris ;in 1927was 1in ilerl a* o n t• Of The most b r l l-l ia n t biographies <nf the ycar Otherv o lu m es arc “JlUKOslttVla." 'Young

i C o n t in ú e d on i«?tge 4»

* with Mr t and Ci

HTITNOI spite o f all we have Just said ra­

the slowness o f the game and ,,,onf "Goodbye" is one ck o f enthusiasm among the spec- s*x> ln. 1 production . there is one retrieving factor. It

| the Hornets who got stung.

YR A I Iay evening while the cadet o f-

Harde omore at ampus.

and Mr

Robert ciraham as the leading man play* opiioslte Elizabeth Harden who stltute

the i»art o f Joyce Crosby, a m i .»* wealthy heiress These two leads have W l i severa! solo number* during the play lhe campus comma here “ !? thl lr *? ** . ‘n Uw *ln« ln« » ' «>• the Unlvprslty o f M irtu ««,

o f the h l«h i,ad extensive exi»ertence Trieir song previously

is the theme song of the entire play o rah amand runs throughout the ¡Tresentation

Lyle Lyons, who has taken leading parts in several Union productions in the past, has a rich baritone voice which he uses in several unusual musi-

. a.. cal ni*mbers He takes the part o f thewere still struggling into their father o f Joyce Crosby, and the ob-

i for the m ilitary bail, the Email- Jertln« parent to the match with two arc „ „ . ct, dj bM ketb.ll boy. d re ««<d -town . ymtn, Morton 1 " I ™fO ra n d Rapid« Junior ta a a to a Pur,h|,r m ,n' b* rl‘ ° ' «ho c u t Include notahii

out if]tied '»U page 4» a t the


who lias upjimrr«] i principal in two IJ o f M operas, will play the part o f Dick Mo ton. in the Twelve Mile Limit M l** Harden will enact the role Joyce Orofiby It is around th e » ’ » that the plot revolves

The musical numbers.in Which

minor The

t he he*


VETERAN MEMBER .*OF FACULTY QUITS . . , ; .Prof. G. H. Cooni, Plant Patholo-

( iit, Leave« for Waihin«- ton, D. C.

Michigan Oou Im* field Feb with other f- according t<i I sociology depii

Among rite

nrtners rofesso rt mcnt

( 2$ defeat. Last week the Orand team defeated the Kalamasoo

I that invaded our campus Batur- «h t .

itmong rjietr song* nd o f the first act.


of plant iccept a

depart - Washington

Picture Taking, Dressmaking Precede Annual Union Revue

s just one day le ft fo r the young Junior to scrape to-

the neeemary funds and invest [ ticket fo r the Hop. Rome boys ( to wish they could buy thetr diet, stagger through the

on the installment plan, but dve-m inute intervals, to

The Union this week is a place of and bore it off in triumph for sudden alarums and excursions. Peo- la ted manufacture o f pink pie dressed bixarrely, to say the least, skirt*“ * Qkrrytog huge and unwieldy bun- Here * where the Home f«

iQPOr *t come into their own. for pink , . . tRPenr up skirts aren t ail that are beu.

up buy« It '« tlie J-Hop and that anr h om -dnymim , ____ sewing maciune there the oum t day. There ’s a .Spanish chorus or .vonout ones a year. and was aU for leaving it at the main or other, »hat appear* m trim .

I I 1 deek. And every once in a while, up- ior lace gown*, and those nawn u fn . there’s a huge flash and a made Likewise a bndal xowrboom, and another group of poatng veil are being manufactured co-ode have had their pictures taken, tng perhaps the greatest joy

Altogether, all the things that must when the lossy who is being fii before there can be a Union the veil is summoned i

O f CLO SING ' i t oamea tim e as we chance

this our col-’ to

Dr MrCun# »i -r> People* church iew study class which

I ) 0 He < xpect » to leave f ington about May 1

or Waah-

will meet <«t tier Wednesday night Dr Coons tin* been cottnected withat 7 # Tlve th«'me for study is 'Find- »tie botany department at M H 0. for•n. Clod in ’ ?•*- Beautiful " At differ- 18 year*, having been appoAnted inm t meeting* •tjc problem will be January. 1911 Not only has Dr Coonstudied .*rom ‘.hi- angle* «J poetry tnu- hern of great' value to the :

•c ■ cI

Me drama and art in ¡«ain’ m r and college in plant pathology, but has a l­-eulpt u n r.j Thits las* i»as «ífeen dis- ways tiad new ideas and piaM Whirli«(1 Mon ied bv Dr McCune and fol - were of great value to the In)tany de­low* r»ut a iAxt\ i«*r tlve -.ear made b\ partment as » wholethe University ■if Oucogo A number «>f the more prominent

The class i$ <njen 'o men and women younger plant pathologist* in thealike, bu: it i* sponw w d by ’ tic Worn- country received t>art o f thi*ir train-en s B ltie r ia«w wliich consists of m- ing under Dr Coon* inriudirig amongvt rue* or» p ro ftvm . and other cm - otfiers. Dr. Elmer Brande* <i-f the Uployed »om en Situdy outline* in which s department of agriculture. Dr. Rob-reference-« are uggested are «ibtaina (•rt (Joss of Mie University of! Nebra*-hie at 're1 rhurr h The first meeting. ka and Dr H P Doolittle of Madison.Wednesday Jan 23 trafed an enthusias- Wia.3ic .disruuion n the croup of 28 pren- Dr. C<x»n* successor has not iieen ;ent named

thn Michig pnrtmt


read Of thru

the ubili clu>h<

id areapt »heir

I afteMas


1 Blarney Clone. I take tide op- ®RRk Me happening, as is. of course, for on these occasion* my ta — ^ a publie farewell. * * * * <Mld But **’■ unnerrtng particularly mad

the the :

Il ls M t o f

y , . (h lllJ . W f the spectators. A ll in all. by indications seen*nm e w ¡ n fact, it ’s getting so one. can t en- lobby and on t he second floor

to Oil this )oy a quiet siesta in the mam lobby Union during the week, it il b> without being p re seed in to ssrvite to an opera—if the sewing ma fur« tear up the back stairs and bring down ages to hold out til cvcnon * 1 someone rehearsing up there, who is, to her own pink shirt and all inevitably wanted on the telephone sary tucks have been taken And who la. just as inevitably, dreaeed wedding veilin a m l ior suit and a rod striped hat. —— -— --------------to the edification a f the lobby loung­ers. when you tro ll her dawn.

OMssse are all but dessrted this week, while the youth and beauty of the campus, n to speak, has Its p ic­ture taken, ar tries <m Its costumes. Tickets sales fo r the annual Union


v s at the Mi * session of the confer*

"T lie Byron Community," »iv oienn ' I I Burt. Miperihtendent of srhf»oi* at Hvron Mich., will be »lie ilrst

; pri-si-nt^d Th i* will be followed by "A Comparative .Study ut »he Hura: U fe <íf Two Townships in Clinton County," by The,ron Ingeritoli o f 'th e i*a»tm gill Junior high Hchool, I«ansing and "T h e Relation of Community A c­tivities to High Hchool Achievements." by If D Douglas*, superintendent of. school*. Fowlervtllr* Mich Following »he reading of »he these* a c)t*ruH*ion period will »** lnd by W ! » White. *u- perlnf^ndent «.I school*. Hartland Rev Scott I» MacDonald. po*tor of «he Hath M E church, and Albert D Aekley. teacher »>f agriculture. Hart­land

The Tuesday morning v u io n o f thr- conference win include talks by Pro­fessor Mumford artd J F Ttiadcn of department, and a study of the Chi ra ­the Michigan Htate « ollege .«x lulocv vo milk '-itnation by Dr Arthur K Holt

_ o f the Chicago Tlveologiral seminary.Frew» Russian vtolinist. and will be conducted by Victor Kolar. and Chicago The discussion will be led by

soim department of the the concert Is certain to be o f unusual Dr Ernest Burnham of Western Btatemusic lovers Teacher» college. Kalamazoo


Michael Press, Renowned Artist, to Appear With Detroit SymphonyMichae.

head o fmusic l&sutute. appearing with the De- interest to «m t Hymphony orchewtra at the Prud- den auditorium Thursday, will be heard for the first time by the local public OS an artist. The conceit w ill be the sec­ond on the ortu t srrtee being given by the institute in conjunction w ith the

wtdeh nevar At. o r learns now dance production to be staged at the fiiadm rr 1 d w * day theatre. February t and* 2. are »-xceed-

on the second floor. ing oli expectations, according

Ttuf Tschaakowvky concerto -there is only one few viobn« in B m inor has been selected by p m » fo r presentation

Ih * k«_ft , « .w * ».■ tir «i n « m . i r r . .— r r 7 * •— - - — — , here. The program foUows Find thr* * r a * UM .*yU'. ‘“ 2 a *^ Retier, e ti-ln m a o f the ticket mmnut- „ „ „ Ih, - ^ 8 u a n m -

- ---- '* • ' nl« tol “ rxpected M b . « , W e if-Ferre, «re i the S tn ra hr OB-r» y T „ roMpf * » - U - « « before the opening „ ru in enko tn the orchretre; next n w «nd

■_______ r " y Ertdoy nl«ht. «ceord in « to Retter u » oeehe.tr. « ite r wtach ram e, th«" n u n T prep f t « rewure«. oh i! » th t p im u M l. AU who hora fUad oppltratioru »nd mtermlaBon the whole Uwt holl id

o ,. ¡ 5 2 5 d Ä T L d w 2 ^ J S 5 l ^ ^ « » p « w « > « a ™ * • • » * * • * < * *el trntm mn ~

----- —-------- — ---------------- »«ora 'ire■accp expres- ^ to coll at the Union desk before symphony.

Thursday nicht at • :$ • and procure the iu*t the usthis time—not

n d É a n a < ^ i i M > * ¡2 f l6 ? M S T S S

_____ «11 e « ItT iraradiy rd ftit at and procure the jw t the umai T-.reo "

______ ___ « • ■ » • » the Ucket ia le . » m be con- M r . p i m t r a l a d . n i k d a r n r a iUM* tafee« « 8 Mknt fa n a* tho Hood eaotaatnlr to the box otTlce >t the . teacher brine at one time tieod ot rnmné j j » , rad «fe» rere I« O lo d t e aliar that dala, t f ¡roar ap- the etehn department ot the M u m

« t e » te Ifeo Otehtete oateteMlao. pUaailra tew ate batel. Ollad hr that Omaan einn ot Matee, aa aI« will be m m m trr to coll at the ««te « e r a aa a condacter. Ha should

bo at ham. wan tho ncrhmlre. wbteh

• » W W l W ' l t e * » te r Uh m whe bay tfea bate.


W " ™

I f Num ber 44


C. Taylor, ’09, « Made A iM t ia g

d th .- I» M i-h it '; ,

al -t at'* a n ti- « ' •• . f th .* c ,donsin-r

»flner : «led news Cr mcd V f r trying Conisti«' :t

Deeply ifttnet,* b<

for ;ifi a ttie tuder

tunning h «Sfate

:is t he civ. the

m ¡«»ifie new


’ J O Lijn, in nn

The Com- : LlM“ :ieed a im..- .thd

rh existed s and lhe riitor urged on o f the


ciet ymbllshed oi-weekJv i f 1910 when week - ted W ith tip * ad- batter arrangement CXlM«n*ive coverage

«a - » In 1912 a set Hon* wn* accepted y. At lius lime it ct H*e editor and l i «lie end o f the insiJtng three term*. W !«>r »he subsenn-

«•da n -<<»«>

iVerr.i-ci tt prewpr ClOt; WSJ*he llolrad form ljul


nrk¡n rehr

eight puses ti Uláir the pape

• weekly ,n !92(




he « f e 1tate Ne

lethimr er w .i



of Detroit R»ai. VaudevilleJod,ee.

md -Spartan clown night in Detroit at tCtrrut B u san «-«* - lu b Itfluse o f a v a u d e -tlC Westert: Vaude-

d other offic ia l» of • fllle associattorv. of m i to ;<u* ;o d f - COi <mmn:zatton for A a a A o r ia tm n For- T o f * he « town out - % rl*y spent their

»Ch icago making ar-. pbs special hearuuc

# the trip to Detroit tiered bus m hope a behind the foot-

AT THE UNION i UNIONq n t l l t l ut keeping ! ’d eck every w a - { get one o f our ,

- « d e aiß M ay ts mad we

ÊÈS toe boa candy ; FT the mom é d .6 early Loemey's >f if lO C _____-rFw day.

è C can sa ve money j and ) oa thaoM

É P 6» ph hC a. a c e

Get Your

Tleketi at lhe

Union Doth

Retore Thnrtdag

nl 1:00 p . m .n


“ Tweit* Mile Lim it*

Page 2: Michigan Siale News - MSU Librariesarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1929/state_news... · 2014-11-14 · vcn in « »rt fi» tuf 25 cent* to opular" iiJ ad* I s will lie plat glide

v a r s ity ; ’ pa r a m o u n tMOVIE, IS WITHDRAWN


CAM PU S INTERE STE D IN A m m m m O p m ia f • ( U rn *

SUSPENDED O K LA . G O VERNO R P m I «ad B ilK .rd , C «^

Princeton, N. J ~ < IP »—“ Varsity.” the moving picture made last summer on tin* Princeton rampus in an effort to depict accurately the undergraduate life at this university, is to be w ith­drawn from the screen by its producers. The Paramount Fnmous-Lasky com­pany, at the request o f President John fin e r Hibben.

Both- Princeton alumni and students opposed the showing o f the film after it was completed, although the entire university cooperated in its production.

Try Harvard“ was the suggestion made by the humorous columnist in t fir* PHncetonian Daily

in -Search for Light—8igma

College Oirls assembly is planning an exceptionally large term. The Sun­day programs w ill be taken charge of by individual groups, as follows:

Feb 7—Search for T ru th -AbbotHall.

Fell Kapp

Pet Ne\Feb March

RandallMarch 10 -A ll College Conclave.New ideas are being carried out in

thr first three programs especially. An election of officers for the next term will be held March 10 and 17.

it Mvstlcism and Rufus Jones hove well.

24 Joint meeting with men. Modern Drama —Professor

Much interest is found locally in the case o f the impeachment proceedings* being conducted in Oklahoma against Henry S. Johnston, suspended gover­nor. because o f his connections here.

Johnston is a brother of Prof. W. W. Johnston, head o f the English depart­ment and prominent in many move­ments on th ecampus. The Oklahoma house o f representatives is investigating the regime o f the suspended official.« who had been in office for three years.

Ray Riggs, business manager of Union, announces the opening of contests in the Union. There contests in straight rail, in gtnV billiards and in straight pool pjjj and students are invited to enter - contest. Prizes w ill be awarded t winners.

There will also be a checker chess tournament and everyone is* irited to participate. There j cent entrance fee.

The study o f forest taxation in M ich ­igan. which the Forestry department has been carrying on in cooperation with the federal government, is about, completed According to Karl Dressel. who lias been in Charge of this study for the college, the final report will be sent to the government within a short time.

Dr. R. I. SealbyDENTIST

*0'I Abbot RMff. Phone 2W03Ktrning* by Appointment

ajy W V W W W W W W W W W W ^ ^ W W W V W W W W W W W



F R ID A Y N ITE Waltz and Fox Trot Contest

Simial Plan (irntlrnn-n AO«-, Ladles 40r Dancing **-1 % M.

S A T U R D A Y N ITEDark H on I indrrH lii D am e

Black Cats Orchestra

/ \ l 'R portraits w ill surpass]„ anything you have e x p ec t- I jV ed because they are the prod-13| uct o f tim e and care, ty p ify in g “ - our high standard o f skill, en ergy and fa c ility .

LECLEAR STUDIO f iPB!Capital National Rank Bldg. f K :

Phone 5-2121.1 Ij im Ib i , M b h . j R |

m m a a m m m

What Do You Say?IK Y O C W IS H A GO O D VIKA I. C I IK A I ’ ; G E T A I. ARGE


19cW H IL E T H E Y LASTi f i i t v i i t i i i i v v i v i f n i i i f i i n u m m i


liti K. brunii Kivrr I2Ä Went DranH Hive 1

C a m p u s P h a r m a c yTO SENIORS

Walk.-Over10% to 50%


( IN O C R E N T IR E S T O C K O K M E N 'S A M » W O M E N 'S SH O E S. H O S IE R Y . A N O K l H IIE R F O O T W E A R

$1.95 Hose Now $1.49.21 pair for $i.(N)

150 Paiï8_ 200 Pairsaf Me«‘» Osforés of Women’a M M to I I« totUMl Mtgb Khan Mrapv PsmpM and Oxford*

$5.00 pair $4.95 pair9ÌM to M W Values Broken glare

S A L E E N D IN G SA T U R D A Y , FEB. 2nd

» * ' S O U T H W A S H IN G T O M A V 1 N U S

/cngtiriÿ. Çflfcchiyatj

Who are planning to enter the Business World

W h u l O th e r C u l l i c i ' M i l l M u i r I »«nit-

W ith K rcsge

G t i t h a t i n i I lo w ’ W - - .t r t n K e «v r v « U t t iy tu tv in I >21 rTwi •» huameee hlr With SO nits* Il.at I «S S t «ml I r nuns PTmI work I Wit my » Í rt*i>ie desk « --k .to.i Martel in ihr »• kroom. Thon

iN is ian t nwmigrr. sim I t , '.t «v r t tt>cn n v w o s i my I ^ c m i'M in is ioe . »n«i today ! »nt han» » l»\¿i*ad in sn e\ m otive p va f i» w ith uurvaard re«y*'i<

i ti».)! I ha.1 tV|«virr|

. to B S i> W'mleTAn M S 1017 A Fin Beta K .,va nun Ns «nr sn

«tunt, r otti i ¡ 1**20, lim, »««»nt kn<l 11, it..-« t.»r an I astern n,>nuU(luitr <v»ii 1**22 when itr entm\i the Krrsgt i (t.waiMfr to take thr t- -rung » ‘fw*

I . ... m* ‘ ukUy I- !.'*•! now I rvns*( a grwaivf in- cute than t.ir Ms. hers

in.inM>tal (tV|uainlantms4k*HM|ht - dnsrourag* ith' I >e n.i,.ing su. h a eie. ai i hang« ol oc» iijút». tt “

A Mwnni l ’nivmi» s* -¡nate' etvlhil MMti.ali) r, .airs i i ir k-ih »lüg:' In Ione oi i U t ju*t .her I had been Itisouitl * i(h n>y ran.1 itrwuied linei •s.v, a (ray itMnvl fr> two v> uh year* cd etpmrntfc Sard to t lue* what the future h- -!• tor vt i v. Viv-tul LrgrW or the we.U «. .t «en* d ..-«i* thv navt tew i» an» Take m> iJvii r and v e t s. nie I «<d a'miam.'Uym .«t tjtr Ivtk'Di and work your way to (lie I (•I IdUowni hw advice h «taritog m the e.vki-« m ol i Knew « et on Ukns 1er w N ilToday I am managing my 6rtt More, k«IV> tn >be thought that I ani en the road M N u m ."

* then thero com«4*AK IE R the year* oi college ► to m.tny men the most try in g peri

ol their careers. W hat place doe* the wo: have lor them? For uhat niche has their tra if * Iwwt suited them? W here do they lit?

H’hut O ther» Done

Yon Can D o

H u t i

It is to there ernior. who h.vp not yet fu lly

.hciJed on their future that this advertisement is ,uld reward.

I he S. S. K t f f r Company has an opportunity lor college men who are ambit khih enough and capable enough to reach the top — y, t who are w illing to start at the bottom. These men we train to he store manager* and to occupy other executive positions—-well paid positionsinvob in f a share in the Kresge profits. T h e men selected are given intensive preparation for their future executive jxisttions, they are instructtNl in every detail ol store management and t.h*-'. are advanced as rapidly as they become iamili.ir with the Krtrage policy and the K rc^e methods of merchandising. The"Wink is not easy hut the reward is not small — an executive position in the Kresge organ ization w hich operates Alt) ttofva with an annual volume of business vk»* to $1 50,000000.

A IVicknell CoiUxe graduate wntvw \lter graduating Imm college with ti •

dvcnw of B. S ami M A I accept* . a p> <en. n m Clwnuatry inmruct.>r in' ' -ma i c liter Alter two yesr* a? *e u. •if-.K t.'T | hvvamv anti Jw»d.-to vniPT the buwnrwi world.I hvv'amc acquaintvd with sn enthu« ««tic Krvscv managrr who gladly et plainvti thvir «vwvtn » 1 tramiBg mvn * hvrottMi st re iT.a>ia«tpr«. Shortly aber i! i »urtnl tn ihv ■.»»n.in, nntwd p» in<-tMsw ate* r !.ng to n.yr ahiley to e-r them, and aith.-n «h a tWccawUh rv mnae r 1 am m ling for vbll gh-ar'


t kn<>* o l X< » i t - man's * f ) -rtl « . , ! he I

.Tganuntion » h p batter irfiuU "■

V thv h. rr«ge C «'m (wf)>

II a cn c n rack « thow d n c h M here appe-l, to you. write our T W n h e l Department ,„ „ l ., K n u r reprewnt.tive w ill he rent to give you ., personal interview.

An alumnu« of the t'ruvvfauy of Mi. •gan clava of Id22 m« k **Ths tn.-v .. O'f’vnt pr-.tfdrtn'c.-nlrtrntaig tn« the ¡-*-r »enrart in m houl waa c nooat it ( : l<‘h that would bagtn when camp«»-, dava wvrv ovvr. To it Av the ngM mmr’ in the huamvsa world waa my a*, hit»*'*'1 i rnrd down ar>-mil soft anap i*. !«. t ‘ k nd that paid Lorly well to alart 1 * hrld i*»» futura, for a Motkfuum job w ; tin- KfHgr i Nsnpany «h iih pad Iwi ■ «tart hut olkml « dvlintte futuiS. 1 . hutrd m» ci ..m n with good Cisnnt tetiw and aitvr *|»piyinit myavif ddigvn'I w «a t qwi: pn.tm.'fad to go -tat fe*|* •Uùtica.f Ja» 1 am mvnagar ol* a good sue1 Mw, and glad;v woawwnd tha Knw«' Conqwny aa a means to a definite en.: providing you poavrae tha nccv«*«'■ quaitlicationa and a wboic haaftaddewntt) auccaad.“

P E R S O N N E L D E P A R T M E N T 1

S S KRESGE CO5 10 25c STORES • • - 25c TO $1.00 STORES


Page 3: Michigan Siale News - MSU Librariesarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1929/state_news... · 2014-11-14 · vcn in « »rt fi» tuf 25 cent* to opular" iiJ ad* I s will lie plat glide


» ■ I m o n o «

¡Military Ball Sets SocialSeason in Full Swing Here

(T h e past week-end has indeed been a busy one on the campus The social pson was set in fu ll swing when the M ilitary ball, one o f the most bril- pt parties on the social calendar, was given in Demonstration hall. The

r scheme was carried out in black and gold, the hall being very effective- ju iop ied with black and gold streamers. The programs also were very In a l in these colors. Favors were in the form o f minuatures o f cavalry irs and scabbards which m ak e*■ striking litte r openers. Satlcrlas Bruc, Fayerwealhers nrcheatra (ur- eatra p iw ldad music for tha danc- nto|wd th , Th . ™ .

V*at pre: slated o f Mr. and Mrs J H KoBs™„dbrauliful d^ atl™ l Mr and Mrs J M. DeHaan Satur-

S f f S S o T C lFthe moat successful affairs o f Its chestra played for about as coupulsM r and Mrs. R. C Huston acted aspatrons While M r and Mrs. *R. J. Daviswere entertained as honor guests.

Annually following the M ilitary ball the American Legion party was held this year in Demonstration hall Wal-

m»neral chair- Ue Bennetl 8 orchestra played for theJL.u. •nusii- dancing and the decorations consisted

rariet o f those previously enjoyed by thosewho attended the M ilitary ball

The Union party very fittingly cli­maxed a fu ll week. About 140 couples danced to the very peppvam uir fur'

he patrons tor the evening wer« nished by the Playboys Green andit. Col. and Mrs. T . L. Sherburne white formed the basic colors used irM ajor and Mrs. C. Thomas 8tahle. the decorations. Streamers m these honor guests included Oov. and colors were used as window draperies Fred W. Oreen. President and __________ ________

music, everyone av

fth eI that the local corps o f the R. O.

|C has yet sponsored, lapt. P. W. Hardie was the regular

by officer in charge, while J. W. pPutten served very efficiently as firman o f the decoration commltte i arrangements committee consisted ladet M ajor Losey

Cadet Captain Leavitt, music ht. Col. Stevens, programs gain Henderson, favors, and Cadet

Burris, invitations and eligibtl-

Robert S Shaw. Secretary and . H. H. Hallada.v M r and Mrs L ney Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. M. B terson. M r and Mrs. J. R. cCool.

• and Mrs. C. L. Brody. Mr. and I H. Dowd and Mr and Mrs. Fran- Btockman

Alpha Theta heldappa

Following a popular demand for a formal dance after the Union opera.

• Phil Olin. chairman o f the Union party {te rm form al party at Hotel Olds on committee, announces that a special urday evening. Their party was party will be given in the Union ball-

i t h e form o f a dinner-dance. Deco- room immediately following the even- were carried out in a color ing performance of "The Twelve Mile

£me o f yellow, the tables being laid L im it" at the Gladmer theater Friday yellow tapers and flowers. Bob night.’s "Cotton Pickers" from Detroit The party will be strictly formal,

for the dancing. The patrons according to the committee in charg • drd Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. K ipke and nt^stags will be allowed The

f Mr. and Mrs. M. W Casteel. Sec. "P lay Boys" have been engaged to fur* Mrs H. H. Halladay were the nish the music fo r the evening and




* Proceeds from the Y . W. C. A. car­nival which was held last Wednesday night in the old armory reached the $100 mark, according to the announce­ment made Tuesday by Beatrice Com­stock. president o f the local Y W C. A. The money will be used to cover the general expenses of the organiza­tion and to send two delegates to the Lake Geneva conference this summer

The Alpha Gamma Deltas were awarded the silver loving cup for hav­ing the best booth among the compet­ing sororities. Their concession fea- tuiod a mock police court where per­sons tagged in the audience were taken for trial and in most of th?* cases, heavily fined The Kappa Deltas were

■ adjudged to be the second best with a miniature golf course. The Themians won third place with a mock-heroic act The judges were Dean Elizabeth Conrad. Mrs Robert S Shaw and Miss Betty Humphrey.

The Playboys furnished the music for the jitney dance later in the even­ing. Jane Platt was the gen°ral chair­man o f arrangements, assisted by Gladys Morse.


numben on the cello, accompanied by ti by Handel: Fiatate by dKervelola: his wife. Sarabanda by d'Hervelola. Piar cello

Several o f the numbers o f the pro- and organ: Ave Verum by Moeart: mam for the evening are: For the Adagio by Locateli!; Evening Song by viola da gamba and orgnn: Verdi Pra- Schumann.


Second Floor

Gentlemen's Apparel

211 So. Washington

Ids o f honor fo r the evening.AeTheon formal, which was al-

eld on Saturday evening, was held {th e- W istaria room of the Hotel

Ronald W ilson's “ Vagabonds" pished music for about 40 couples

decorative theme was blue and The decorations in the ball-

very effectively suggested the color scheme while the tables

reflected these colors Favors in i form o f silver bedroom clocks deco-

wtth the fraternity seal were . Mr. and Mrs J T Caswell and

t and Mrs. J B Hasseiman acted as while among the guests were

aid Fleser and P L. Lonsbiiry of Rt. Harry Barrows and Grant Smith 3rand Rapids. Jerry Brabb o f Port

Lynn Workman o f - Grand Robert Hallo way o f Detroit.

Old Delbert o f Owosso. George Mac- i o f Detroit, and F L Zwlchey of

OttUnion IJterary society held an use Saturday evening for which

dancing will continue until l o'clock.With 1:30 privileges for ro-eds The admission to the dance is 50 cents


Mary Margaret H illyer of Detroit, former co-ed at Michigan State who was one of the stars o f the Union R e­vue o f . 1926. appeared as a featured dancer at the Michigan theater In De**, fessor, troit last week.

A fter leaving Michigan State. Miss H illyer started her stage career in the chorus of musical comedy productions, winning her wav to solo parts, and then was signed to dance with her prrsent company with a contract for 40 weeks she first studied danring in Detroit and then in New York studios



At Variety and G ift Shag

A Lady o f Choice." which was spon ­sored by the members o f W A A. in the State theater on Thursday and F ri­day evenings netted that organization the sum of $30 The proceeds will be

led for the W A A cabin which is •SHr,M

Wood«man-Pott Hat Groat Repu­tation aa Lecturer Through­

out Country.

HAS SPOKEN HERE BEFORELew Sarett, woodsman-poet, who

will appear at the Peoples church oi Thursday evening. Jan 31. on the Ait ists' course, has been characterized i> the editor of a great national nuuM ztne as "one of ti»* most unique hr erary figures of Alhertca." Hid* p »; soitality challenges classification

The lift* of Sarett is kaleldoscop He rose from obscurity to nation-w.o distinction as one of the most not»., poets of this generation- He is at oner

ranger, a daring woodsman, a p r o and an eminent (met Kesp*

*d in the field of letters. Sarett equally respected by the voyageufs ;*• lumberjacks, with whom Ills work • a woodsman has thrown him and ai by the Chippewa Indians who h. adopted him and given him the im of “ Lohe Caribou "

This poet-lecturer lias cohtftbut» to the Atlantic Monthly Hie Bookma the Poetry Magazine, the Century. Forum, and a dozen other magazhi' and lias won numerous ‘prizes with poems His most recent publican* •. "Slow Smoke, is an artistic arhie ment and has the distinction of •• ing a "best seller

On the theory that a loci i»e m a sense the flowering life, his experience, his i

Tfconv rr.ARsoN

f The one-legged gny will be glad to meet yon at

T e d d y ’s R e tre a twith a fall line of Cigars and

Candy, Magadan, Etc.

Jnat a step off Grand River on

nearing completion in the woods near Farm Lane Six girls were in charge of the sale of the tickets with Shirley Mixer acting as general chairman.


H t-

There will be' on British Guiana Wednesday night by G W Bradt of the geology depart ment Mr Bradt was in South Amer lea for three months and traveled ex tenaively while there

nula ted brings ‘to the pluilign

[orator and great personal His professorship at

university makes it possi ett to fill only a limited m gagements, and we tlïeref» pride in welcoming him t* for the second-'time

Particular attention is » . fact that sarett will begu

ist rated lecture at 7 15 promptly


Attention Students

[The Lansing CafeI sm lag’n Maat UpAo-Dole

: 9tS M W —blag! sa A v «

The second annual alum a group of the officers of t body and representative*

A co-ed mass meeting sponsored by alumni organizations, heldthe Women's Self Government assoria turn will be held next Wednesday a f­ternoon at 5 o clock in the ballroom o f the Union Special announcements are to be made and roll taken W S O A and 8phinx society have planned a social program for this term which will be announced at this time

'n ie Woman's Athletic association is planning to sponsor a concession booth in the Old Armory during Fanners' week, which is Feb. 4-i. All members who can help in the booth any time during the week are urged to either sign up on the chart in* the gym or call Shirley Mixer

Union Memorial building which problems of Hie «chi*

.cussed and the work of alt in securing new students f lege

State Vocational Directo cult lire E E Gallup wa* thi of the meeting President addressed the. group of 55. re 27 graduating claw***. on. tin of the college for the futim

P Hawley Capping, field of the University of Mlcltiga spoke on new ideas for alum Prof J W Crist of the coll culture department, was am speakers


S id '« F i n i


Y o u r C h a in o f A a y C a s t

• I

T w o - P u t S a l la

$22*50E x t r a P a a ta I ' m




j e w e l e r J

Harrison Marshall JM n n ■ K .T T H K * I



Naar Pw

M a c h u s R e s t a u r a n t

A Good Place to Eat

A reception which will Ik* the prece- leflt for future receptions Will lie given >v the members o f Mu Eta Omicron, ionorary music sorority, in the Peo- ilea church on Sat urday afternoon. The pleats will include member» o f the music department faciiTty. representa- tlves from the other various depart­ments ot the college ntid several mem­bers frotll each society. Music during •lie afternoon M i l be furni-shed h.v the Colonial Trio, which, is compo.iod*~pf Miss Frances Ayres. Mrs Zoiift Mur- linll and Mrs. La Dine Allen


Philipp Abbas, inátruc M 8 C and world reno' is apiienring.ln concert liureh, .Sunday. Feb. it vili play several mimbei fit tamba, which is an 1 . * ! » 1 formerly used onl¡ .iinbers for his privat the only instrument


pm m* > the k

i»utitr>’ and Mr. Abba.«in wit Is knbwlcdi¡..'amila differ*. fr<

lias s'weeter ¡11tot ten f rom ax ri

»ays Mr Abb«has a benutlfullad at the scrolltibit. urdike thos

•ello in pastel

0 delicate that ¡I anted by the piano óft est organ tones



Milton Sills in “T H E B A R K E R ”—SI N D AY—

Louise Fazenda and May M eAvoy in “ T i l K TK K ItO K "


Emil .Fanning! in “TH E PA T R IO T”— F R ID A Y AND SA TU R D A Y—


Nancy ( '«m i l l and ( ju r y ( ih i|h t in “ The Shnpwiirn A n «p l"


CH AR LES R A Y (IN PE R SO N )and 2 Other Acts









A Peppy Zippy plot Ocean* o f Comedy Hongs md Dance*

The Story Hha Mhpv Complicated Situations Whicfi Are Heeminglv fang led

Beyond flej>«ir But


tUrningn, H?I6—*2.7S, $2.10, $1.66, $1.10, 76c, 60c Saiurdag Matinee, 2 :M — $1.10, 60c

Friday Keening i » College \ tlr

Seat* Already Reserved Can Be Obtained Now at the Union Deak

Friday Evening ReaervaUon* on Sate at the Union Deak

Saturday Matinee and Evening Reservations on Hale at the Oladmer Box Office

Num ber 14


C. Taylor, *09, • Made A m sz iR f

d t h" bfffitiùÎRR M ic h iu a ii State al stftj?es as the enii-\v»*« k iy . the « Uhe etilb*(ft*.0Dn8id(*rft1il«* agita-

tffner in which the *$ed news concern- Denied that at that IP trying to create gnni.stie to the col- : Deeply resenting

itm etu the student for an all-college

tfie student* by the (I jo 1909, the first fa s published under- C Tqylor. mi. and

trsh.i) of j o . Lift,

• And the. old i f tiif

"om -need

k>n the aim.' andOhs which e xistedI f iiaiier* and Hit*be new editor urgedpublication <if the

* rather interesttngmore lit erar;v tna-

pet* has since! tiiut.*ary contribution*tin* issue liie* Ides•r the co-eds, clet v

, ath-

itlblishcd ul-vveeklv»f 11*10 when week -led W itli th is ad-better arrangicmentexpansive coirerage

»SWs In 1912 a setUótis was acceptedy. At this ti tne dct 'h e edftoir andit. tin* end a•f theineuing three icrms« for the subsenp-

Was levied tIV 'heR II-college e|#•ctioii.

Jfemeri the 1folcati• piesen» sy*ticm «itlion -whs mil latedtie ilólcad wo*i pub-form but u it h tlie

/ear s work n> waslie p «i»er in r<pguUureight pages Under

H Ulait the patterM in-weekly in 1920o f I.iw* Hain­r w;t*.

an State New odnv

s by

custom durtn K the•r nearly ever v ad-.dm » mething A l­m il p.tIKT WU- friedttinng *he pm*ark*fMw

KEEK GETS LE TRYOUTof Detroit Ruii-VaudevilleJ u d in .

»ml H{>artatt clown night in I Jet ron -¡«t XRroit BUsincu »tub fffffiNM* of a vatKle- h t Western VatKie-

d other official* of Wttle omoc isitoiu of 4 « t to {MU* judg- o «l organi/Aiton for «a afwvypition For- *P «»f Die t ¡own out • Atfley ^iienl their Chicago making ar- Itt ' *pkt tai hearing

• tlie trip to Detroit ftered bus in twpe• tie fund ’ he foot -

S UNIONMntatn it keeping 'Mock every even-

get one of our litte».4$ M ay 12 and we

( l a for box candy V the main desk. qF early. Lowney's (M r Co. rF n d a y .INF dan save money


« te m u u .

r e w r n iR .

Page 4: Michigan Siale News - MSU Librariesarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1929/state_news... · 2014-11-14 · vcn in « »rt fi» tuf 25 cent* to opular" iiJ ad* I s will lie plat glide

T ■ I M I C B V O A l f • t á V i «Iti

«É r■fet

State** brillìi ever the Uni ver

Uve, the Intel campus has risi tn r the possibili

team 1er this seasot





VaaAlstyae Uses Maay Sabstita- tioas ¡a View a f Coming East-

f ra Trip.

FELT STARTS GAMEMichigan State's basketball squad

easily defeated Kalafhazoo 30 to 22 here Saturday night in a slow and un­interesting game. Fourtf'cn Spartans got Into the contest while th? Hornets made no substitutions Perhaps the reason State's cagers did not extend themselves was that Conch VanAlstyne had In view the eastern trip the latter part of this week when his proteges will meet Colgate Friday night at Hamilton. N V . and Syracuse univer­sity the following evening at Syracuse

Carl Felt started at cpnter against the Hornets. It was his first appear­ance in the "State uniform this season Carl Nordberg and VanAntwerp. fo r­wards. and Russo and Prendergast were the others to start This combi­nation stayed in the game about nine minutes with only one substitution Rheathelm for Nordberg Coach Van- Alstyne then sent in his regulars in ­cluding Fred Den Herder who stay»d In the fracas a few minutes Totten took his place for the remainder of the first period The score stood even a t 12 points at the first gun.

Art Haga made two beautiful shots during the first period that sllpn**ri through the hoop without, touching the ring Burrows of Kalamazoo was high point man with 11 counters thr?? field goals and five free throws. Scott collected * points fo r State to be the Spartan high scorer, o f which 4 were from the floor and 4 from the penalty stripe.


Joseph H. Hlnwood as patrons for the evening.

Invitations were sent out last week to all patrons and guests o f honor. The complete list o f honor guests Includes Oov and Mrs Fred W Oreen; Pres and Mrs Robert S Shaw; Secretary and Mrs H H. Halladay; Hon and Mrs L. W hitney Watkins; Denn Eliza­beth Conrnd. Mr and Mrs Jack Hep- pinstall; Jack Hombeck. football cap­tain; Marvin Eggert. baseball captain; Carl Felt, basketball captain. Lyle Hen­son. trnek captain. W illiam Muller, senior, class president; Curtis Bow beer, sophomore class president; Kenneth Lafayette, freshman class president. Verne Pickeson. president o f the irtu- dent council. Ellen Farley, president of W. 8 O. A ; Herbert Place, cadet colonel. Harry Burris. Robert M flnnis. »•ditor of the State News; Warren Shook, business .manager o f the State News; Marian Woodworth, president of the Union. Helen Murdock, vice-presi­dent. o f the Junior elans anti Virginia Kaiser. Junior class secretary


The members o f the Ir*dependei:t Forum held their weekly r r .«* :r r in the Union building Last night. 2. dis­cussion of the evolution of ETectrteal Englnneering be:r.g the • o f ’ he evening.

J E Dean was chairman of v cussion with o T Brownell. Graham D R v — . and H F taking parr

A tentative, bowling team 7 formed at the meeting with F H Twiest H. O Kenney J B Dear. A H Laxton. A T Torango. H F Row • and L W. Price being named


Four R“*ion»tion». Six Appoint­

ments, One Advancement. and

One Transfer Made Known

Several important chaxup? ;r. •college stall were made kr.owr centjy including fotir r*xignaU' appointments, on* ad’ inc»*r one transfer

TTie following have rettdered r ~ . . nations Alvah R McLaughlin structor In phystoloev Leon Todd et- tension specialist ir, !< ■: •:• •. hard-rv. George Oirbach 1st In dairy husbandry L F I - vrv«- ston. extension special!.*? tural engineering

Ashlev BeiTtdge forme; » r, - * •Short course? at Mtchiga: •now a certiflerf potato at Greenville hhs l “-*' • i o f the potato expiennicnt lak e d t y Oennrr la ... * : . v been advanced to assistant prof dairy husbandry and I. W la m b hm beeh appointed an a a r t » m. dairy to succeed Mr Taylox

James A NcUson lia* been named

study is financed by W K K Rat»!'' Creek cereal mamifacfur M Jefferson ha- been employed

Th- State Frosh won their second victory this <^ason in a closely con­tested battle. 30 to 28. over Grand Raped« Junior rcilege at Grand Rap-

G x ttn and Prnnvo. . forwards. Boes- kofd center and Cuthbertson and Vsnderplow guards, started for the ir^h ir.tr. Green led the freshmen in scares with 9 points Neither team could get much advantage on the oth-er r. scores A* the end ol the lialfth? score stood 14 to 13 with Grand


Both Co-ed and Men's Team« Pre­pare far Seaton's Schedule.

W ith 25 men competingS io t posi- ■m the rifle the prospects•uccessful season ■ good, accord- Captain Hir.woo*: oach of the

The Rtatr team has a stiff> to fare this sea-on but un-int*rr-st has been taken in the ti? year arid a erewl showing is

ra! medals and prizes are a ward- 1 he v*«t ?hoo*'-r while service rs and r’ a r*. • :-•»• are given hi she t scorer? The men com- the team arf .1 Oranum. K.

•r J T**jchman C fUsley. L. ji. A ’ • S Rlater. H Loo-> Smiri«. T Corliss. M Hopkins, •be H - - v H Gleason. Oan L M Beardslee. Arsor. C I > • i. Fcherman. J. F W arm "; k K Shulhburg, G.

STATE T fflN O A D S 1« 1” ^ W O R K IN G DAILYMmjr V rten n i and Promising

Youngsters Greet Track Ceachet.

The Spartan thinclads. directed by Coach?- Young, Mason, and Casteel, are again in training for the indoor

The first call for varsity baseball men was issued by Coach Kobs last week. The initial practices consist of “ warming up" sessions for the bat­teries

A large army o f hurlers are out for the squad and will be m the best of condition fo r the annual southern trip which takes place during spring vaca­tion. At the present time eight games have been scheduled for the southern trip.

The entire squad of players w ill re- track season in which they hope to re- port for practice within the next few prat the same series o f victories that weeks. The men who are reporting have marked the season fo r the last daily in the new armory are: Pitch- thr-*. years. ersv O Byrne. Brown. Kahl. Callahan.

7 : spartan team will compete in Langdon. Olson. FOx. and Bullock,two ;al meets. with Marquette on the catchers. Pevic. Barnard. Hayden, anti ’ n ’ rack, and with Ohio Wesleyan K Byrne.♦ hen Last year State lost to Mar- qne’ te by four points in the dual meet a’ Milwaukee, and won the Ohio We?- lc 'fi: on teat with a margin of 30poin’ Ohio Wesleyan has an out-stan'ua? team which Is expected to furn:* -ome o f the stlffest competi-

eason when State meet




tion 0 the M< ride t eludes lece- rf

Delaware. Ohio— 'I P - —W hether or not there should be dating at Ohio

• on their owrn track Be- Wesleyan athletic contests is now a e dual meets, the schedule in- matter o f moment on this campus, he annual M ichigan State Col- I t is an age-old custom here that no a.v*. the Central Intercollegiate dating is had at games An article in

• won by Notr? Dame last the Transcript stirred up much senti- th Michigan 8tate four point:

r the girls' divided In- bers of the Ashley. V. ::n F K in- r haler. R • H Craae M ’W ange­minan. E.

E fitreet- a l'er nates.1 •‘■am. M

id* 1 B Ot- r. D. Roto- ai: “ mates.

Mr C onnell.

iihd for second plac s relays.'aplain Lyle Henson. Forrest Lang 1 W illiam Kroll will compete in the yard dash, this being their third ir of varsity competition Henson ng. Herbert Chickenng, and Harold rasue are on the 220-yard dash list

candidates for the 440-vard dash • Kroll. David Salmon John Wilson •tor Rossman. Ouilford Rothf.uss. than Ellis, and Kenneth Plank irence Passink. only veteran. Ferris wait, and Walter Ru.ssow will com- e in the hurdw event. The promls- ■ sophomores are: Arthur Voelker. r r’ Russell and Kenneth Yarger - Hackney. Elmer Roossien. and than Brewer, all in their second ir of varsity competition, lead the

the 880-yard run

ment on both sides o f the question, and and the Illi- the battle rages, w ith women seemingly

mostly in favor o f no dates, and the men most In favor o f them



Seattle. Wash.— ‘ I P )—Rev. Dr H H Oowen. University o f Washington, pro­fessor and rector o f the. St Samaba." Episcopal church on the campus, has left to conduct an Oriental art tour through Japan. China and the Philip­pines.


All freshmen who have not received picture appointments for the Wolverine.

Clark heads the list of mile please notify Mildred Everingham at relates he being the only veteran.

• vo-ralle list includes Lauren n Theodore Wlllmarth. Floyd

and Leonard Dowd, á very a sing sophomore who finished sec- ind riiird consistently in the cross- 1 rv rne**ts last fa ll Besides the »dates mentioned before, the fol- g sophomores and one junior, ird Maples, are seeking a place in of the distance events: Howardnrh Clark Chamberlain. Robcri in?, Stanley Frisbie. Loring Ful- n Ralph Ixkiniis Donald Price.Reid, and Harold Ruin.

he Alpha Chi Omega house this week This is important as this will be the last week that freshmen appointments will be considered.. Proofs already taken must be turned tn by Friday Classes are to be ex-

TANK TEAM MAD{ UP OF VETERANSCaptain Al ElKnfer Leads Sp,f.

tan Swimmers Through Heavy Schedule

W ith the first swimminir scheduled for Saturday at 2 p m p4 2 in the M ichigan State nata!on>m with Michigan State Normal college Ypsilanti. Frank Hoercher. Spat^ coach. Is rapidly rounding his squad into condition.

Captain A lvin Ellinger. Pa:; lard, and Carbine, free style and 'Red'- Cook, diver, are thr ans o f the 1927 squad whom Hoercher will use as a nucleus year’s team.

Horae? Craig, a product oí Northwestern high, will be depéni upon for manv points in meets tU »•inter He won high point honors'i the Interscholastic swimming meet > Northwestern university in 1928 an 1927 He also won national honors the. A A U. 880 yard swim at Ciruda nan in 1927. John Tate, a product c the same school, was Detroit champion in the 220 yard dash :»> Other outstanding free styler- at* Schicd. Carbine, and Schaubel. all iórs Long is also a possibility. F:>~ ¡and Smith, and Bjomseth .arc breaststrokcrs on the squad Hoercher will depend on Craig - b«M and Moore in the backstn*. who mad? an excellent record wv tc»m in 1927. is the outstanduv. Rasikas and Dernberger working out on the springboard

The Spartans meet Ypsi on F 'b 9 Grand Rapids Y.*M . C A here for a meet. Some ttnv rhc season State w ill meet Grand Rapids. Th e Univ.- • Michigan' will probably be op; - r • b 16. although this la still •• DcPauw and Northwestern w.:

n jh e season nps to the Buck- •370 are still pend


hero later menta for and to Ch

?nsed for taking o f pictures the excusing officer is infor mediately afterwards.

W A S H B U R N ’S« _ 1

Cigars jBilliards

College Ice CreamSM OKE SHO P

This Smoke Aids Artist

To Nab IdeasIndependence, Mo June 24. 1928.

Larus A Brnt her Co ,Richmond. Ya Dear Sir*:

IVrhapa you would like to know in -juat a word or m> how 1 am in partner* with Edgeworth in a iiuamewi way.'

My profewuon I am a cartoont*t, who you probably know 1* called upon to create new idea* While this i* ranked a* the hardest part of the pro- (eaaion, I have proved it may eibil» be mastered, if a (tersoti will but recline in any easy chair, light .a pij* , and live with imaginative |>er»o'>* m the aromatic atnoke .clouds that will •«on till the room Edgeworth ha? given me more ideas than any other brand of tobacco, so 1 “ married” my

tape to it quite a w hile ago. The reeult las been wonderful. The more you use'Edgeworth’, the ntorv you rn v T it not as a drug, hut as a wholesome

pleasureComplimenting the standard <<ual

ity (which tneana more than the words signify : of Edgeworth. 1 am a devoted and profound user.

Y ours vary respectfully,James W. Bright

work in the upper choegm to replace 1 f 1.1 cxten^mti sjv'Cialiri ;n agrt* glnceting

T)r C R Robin-':; »r .o a leave of absence from fin permit j*<»*-1 -t-rwd»,:*'*'- • •* chemlKtry at Harvard urn' been named head of rhe 7: tion ot the experiment Liinsin: Dr Roh:n *n ha-

Transfer of E osi t)un of Calh t> countv agrici

apra y -(de .as ied on a spe- iepart-

In a




France and New America d une Et tuque In?em*iti>nai contributed.' to vanous , throughout the United Sr.at«

Raru. London Bru O* York. Chicago Ptitjtburgh and Cleveland ar*- r. x cities ift which U n :n has besides hundred? of French

The information office or Of Nations m Faro 1-. a * n it iim of M de U n u v I

the league and the Fren keepme the French pe»>pie recardms' I he a « ' : . ;1.« national bort^

Following U onr of Lanu* tcrisl-ir Quotations I be'. Europe, which made wwr •>* therefore knows war «0 therefore hates tt much

.This is no paradox Thr Europe is like the mivuon . a formula tion 1»? peace ¡a * ing o f peace m arliinen a r* M-tilc peacefully ttu* conflict world Tiien he goes on *-• the great llttns to build I basis lor Europe s future ri* citing object to work for is of Anglo- Franc«.Germ an r>

I M O N o r » K% TO OTEN A TG l.lD M ft R I II» %T » K t K i l l «4

otson, third-year letter man. e only for the indoor season t of having competed for ms tn varsity outdoor, track list of shot-put candidates din and Rueben Dili are al-

.* for' the shot event TIUotson ha- piit the shot 45 1 1-4 inches, the Ion *•) shot ever recorded at this tn- V ■ mum Deland Davis tops the list ol candidates for the high jump, fo l­lowed by Charles Lish. Robert Rusaell and Fred Ludwig Davis is the only veteran; the others are sophomores

The outstanding poie vaulter is Har- -dd McAt.ee who has cleared 13 feet t 3-8 Inches, higher- than any other man in Michigan. The other candi­dates are Colburn Potter. Carl Nord- oerg. and Roger Grove. Nordberg and Grove arc pla>ing basketball now bw hev are expepcted to add considerable

strength to tli«' i» le - vault event The lists of candidates for all events are headed by letter men

Coach Young expres.se? considerable m xlety over the few freshmen track ar.didates 'As a rule from 60 to 75 -earlings start the season, but as vet only about 25 have reported Unless the frosh thinclads receive some rein*

i.m.tr, baseball candidates will ;orcement soon their representation in. i " tf»e'' lecture room in the the inter-class and Freah-Soph meets

cva.i.ai,.,»m on,Wednesday afternoon at ^ ill be very poor and the enviablea . *u Jam 30?.h Coach Kobs will record State has made in track and

*"*• ?he men and schedule card? field events during the last three ortrill be. arranged four, years will be m danger

Shatv Meets Objections to Size of Appropriations in Alumni Talk

B A R R A T T SH O E R E PA IR IN G ' Shine Laces

Basemen! fash ion Shop lo i E. Gram i Ko

um of





I ’rotniblv •ssor Dut I


E d g e w o r t hE x tr a H ig h C r u d e

S m o k in g T o b a c c o

(Contitiued from page 1>Marian Hawley as Vera V erm * monne actress who mysteriously t-unu* up m one of the stateroom.- after the vachi has set Margaret Triiard. a*Susan the maid of Vera Yerna; Esurt Berg as HtlUard CToaby » chauffeur. Margaret Hubbard who is ag«nn tafcmg the comedy iwot ha TiUxe Pi».l Oiui as Jolmson a lawyer Frank O u dsrtw s as captain of the yacht W iiu m Kane as the munster. Wtllu.m Montgomery in the role o f a lu rd - tw iM detective, and Margaret Clark and Florence H er­bert as guest* on board the yacht

-luderit R s Shaw in a talk *> the collece congress of cla.v? -j-. ie? and branch alumni offict-r? 1. evening in nt he Union Mem«' »uiidmg “lated tlvat during the 5* o» t ween iis)J and 1919 appropri» .1 lountmg U* $65.000 were ar«

: the ituysiruction of buildln - Michtsan State college camp . *

>.< n j:»*x»pje object to the requ** ¡oibqfe for further building ap- ta?uvn> and suggest that Michi >:ute college lia«« tiad Its ahure,'v*uld hold off.' they might b-

wt*d o f that fact." said President Between 1901 and 1919 the c«>i

rn rtvrd $fi.so«xt in appropriation.- »uikhiigs and !5Suoo of that w;i- ■piace ttie old Wells hall which kstroyed b> fireanug tlvat period, the civllege M ed a nulhon-dollar bu Idin

by n u n ! the money fro v• i.’ tv'cn for operating the msutu-

Ttus was done at a aacntV -taff, because it was necessarv to s v t ite amount paid out in ?al-

Pm odent Shaw in a concise stat< • mrnt of the financial plans of the' col- iege said that a 10-year building plan wa.: SAked by the « ta t« administrative board lari fa il and prepared by the noi'eee and the s ta ff board This will include an average of .0413.770 a year

or leas than the equivalent of a build: mg per year

The annual budget this year totals about 12.769.000. of which 67 3 per cent of the total income is derived from state funds, he declared The budget is fot operating expenses Rristdent Shaw further stated that bv next June the deficit w ill be wiped out. and the college books will show a d i­rect balance

Reorganization of courses is being -tudied by the facility at the present time, and will be effected by next fail, according tc Shaw who stated that bv uch a revision, an economic saving of

18 to 10 per cent would be pnmlhlr He wtd the music school has been atiark-

ud. because o f the suppoaad expendi­ture. but that ax a matter of fart th voile** spend* one-third as much on th? music department as on atjvletics

Dr J W Crtst. of the horticultural department, described the work of a special faculty committee on the ad­mission o f students whose high school record is below the requirement«

E E Oallup. a graduate of thr col­lege and supervisor o f vocational agri­cultural education in the state, was chairman a t the informal dinner which cooeUtuted the iecond annual College Con ti— T Hawley Tapping, aluimv field secretary o f the University of Michigan, discussed "New Ideas in Or- «aniard Alumni Work "

I TREADWELL’S JI M. S.C. RestaurantSHOES and R E P A IR IN G16-inch H IGHTOPS, $6.50 | I Open Day and Night

Laces, M U n , rise. Etc.Mt M. A. C. Anew

T N I >1 .1 1 r i O Y T 11 NUT TO fm iü n c f

e a

mf A S T I 4 N I I N L


i N G D O N


Imagine what lev­ine he gets when he wins a .war.


“Love Can N ever ¡Die”Live the glorious romance o f Lilac Time. One min­ute crooning a love song under moonlit trees. Nex' minute a miie high in the Heavepa riding the air, . . . . , ■ * ' . ............ * U U I l lg U ivianos or hen— leaping, .swooping, zooming throug rocket-reddened skits w ith the playboys o f dear:

' ............ “ 1 1 ' « n to earth until they’re SHOTwho don‘t com down

1 i C O L L I I NM o o r e

a* the ‘sweetheart-mother to seven young daredevils the sky. See what happt when all are ordered to “take off at dawn and don't com.'' down till you're ahot down.
