MARCH M K , M I S S I O N A R Y A N D T H I R D - C U L T U R E A D V O C A T E 2011 In the two months since my last newsletter , ther e have been several notable events in my life. Please see Page T wo for a complete summary of the BIG ministry changes ahead for me and the sobering medical journey that has, once again, brought me face to face with cancer. COLORADO / CALIFORNIA: What a wonderful reprieve it was for me to be able to head to those two states to visit supporters, former students and some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. The trip came in the middle of my medical crisis, affording me some precious time to process and pray as I reconnected with special friends. Places like Balboa Island and Santa Barbara nourished my soul in a way I never expected. I’m so very grateful for the beauty and peace they provided. Gaining a ministry, losing some organs. LOS ANGELES, CA WITH SUNMIN ON THE BEACH COLORADO SPRINGS, CO MICHELE    S NEWS  

Michele's Newsletter March 11

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Ah, the thrill and trepidation of starting something new! With the Lord’s

unmistakable guidance and the full support of my mission and churches, I’m

moving to the US to expand my ministry’s scope and broaden its impact.

The sadness of leaving BFA is overwhelming at times, but I know I’ve been

strategically equipped to:

• Educate North American churches/missions about the needs of TCK

• Help TCKs to find multi-cultural wholeness

• Prepare missionary families for cross-cultural living and transition

• Develop new materials to aid in all these areas

As invitations to speak and consult at various conferences come in (one from a

globally recognized organization) and as I field requests to publish my series on“The Lies MKs Believe,” I am encouraged and inspired to press on!

As so many of you have pointed out, this is the logical next step in a lifetime

dedicated to MKs. It’s pioneering work and I know it won’t be easy, but I am so

very convinced of its importance! So... I’ll be heading to Germany in June to

pack up my things and say difficult goodbyes to my life overseas and to the

school and students that have been my joy and my passion for so many years.


In February, elevated cancer markers led to an ultrasound, then an MRI, then a

biopsy. Three possibly malignant uterine masses were found and, given my

cancer history, I’m opting for aggressive treatment. I will be having fairly major

surgery in April, followed by several weeks of recovery. Click the adjacent

link for personal reflections on this difficult news, posted just 3 days ago...

(Scroll down for brief prayer requests!)

"I will lead the blind by a road they do not know... I will turn the darknessbefore them into light, the rough places into level ground.” Isaiah 42:16


Click on the link beneath each

picture to be taken to the article.







Below, one of three new entriesfrom “The Lies MKs Believe” and

two musings on my current cancerscare and upcoming surgery. If youknow of anyone who would benefitfrom these, please pass them on!

Former student Fiona and her beautiful daughter, Olivia.

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Address: 301 E Liberty Dr., Wheaton, IL 60187 Phone: 331 625 9030

Email: [email protected] Website: www.michelephoenix.com

Giving: Global Outreach Mission, PO Box 2010, Buffalo NY 14231-2010