Michael Jackson Unleashed "The Man Beyond the Mask"...Long Live the King.

Michael Jackson Unleashed

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Michael Jackson Unleashed

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Page 1: Michael Jackson Unleashed

Michael Jackson Unleashed

"The Man Beyond the Mask"...Long Live

the King.

Page 2: Michael Jackson Unleashed

by Terry Clark

Table of Content

1. A Brief Bio of Michael Jackson

2. A Different Michael Jackson

3. Childhood Stardom and Michael Jackson

4. Did Jackson Live a Lie?

5. Fans of Michael Jackson Continue to Fight

6. Investigating Michael Jackson‟s Vitiligo

7. Katherine Jackson - Mother and Friend

8. Learn to Moonwalk Like Michael Jackson

9. Little Known Details about Jackson

10. Long Live the King of Pop

11. Michael Jackson‟s Rise to Fame

12. Michael Jackson - A Legend Is Gone

Page 3: Michael Jackson Unleashed

13. Michael Jackson and His Career

14. Michael Jackson and His Plastic Surgery

15. Michael Jackson Changed the World of Pop Music

16. Michael Jackson Collectibles

17. Michael Jackson - King of Pop

18. Michael Jackson Lives Forever

19. Michael Jackson - The Icon That Still Sets Records

20. Michael Jackson - The Legend That Never Dies

21. Michael Jackson the Performer

22. Michael Jackson: The Tragic Hero

23. Michael Jackson Wacko or King of Pop

24. Michael Jackson Will Live Forever in Our Hearts

25. Michael Jackson‟s Awards and Recognitions

26. Michael Jackson‟s Debts

27. Michael Jackson‟s Hits

28. Michael Jackson's Midlife Crisis

29. The Little Known Facts about Michael Jackson

30. Michael Jackson‟s Saga of Success

31. Michael Jackson's Story - Just Blame It on the Boogie

32. Michael Jackson‟s Turbulent Later Years

33. Musical Legacies of Michael Jackson

34. Rampant Rumors about Michael Jackson

35. Remembering the King of Pop

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36. The Early Days of Michael Jackson

37. The History of Michael Jackson

38. The Never Ending Story of Michael Jackson

39. The Phenomenon of Michael Jackson

40. The Real Immortality of Michael Jackson

41. The Sad Michael Jackson

42. The Saddest Day in the World of Music

43. The Star of Michael Jackson

44. The World‟s Reaction to Michael Jackson‟s Death

45. Top Hits of Michael Jackson

46. Understanding Michael Jackson

47. Was Michael Jackson Gay?

48. We Still Miss Michael Jackson

49. What Caused The Death Of Michael Jackson?

50. When the World Lost Michael Jackson


A Brief Bio of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was born August 29, 1958, and he earned

himself the name of the King of Pop. He was the 7th child

of the Jackson family. At the age of 11, he and 4 of his

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other siblings formed the Jackson 5. Their father was the

manager and the band was a huge success. In 1971 Michael

moved on to solo fame topping charts for songs as well as

albums. He rapidly became one of the most famous artists

of all and eventually that he earned the name of the King

of Pop. He still is known as this to this day. Five of his

records have held the number one spot.

It was in the 1980s when his career really took off. He

became one of the most popular black artists to gain

prominence on MTV, and this was simply because of the large

budgets for his videos. Some of his record holding songs

include Billie Jean as well as Thriller, which in itself

had several hit singles. This further led him to become one

of the most popular music artists around. Thriller involved

his amazing dancing and choreography abilities, and this

is how he became known for his moonwalk. It was his shows

that really made him the big money.

Another dance move that really made his dancing big was the

robot. Between the two of these dance moves, Michael was

making big money at his shows and was becoming more and more

popular. There are now many other pop artists that use

Michael as inspiration including hip hop, rap, and r & b


Michael was good for donating and raising money for

charities. He donated millions of dollars to a variety of

charities ranging from helping sick children to fighting

hunger overseas. He donated to a total of 39 charities. Many

people oversee this point of Michael Jackson.

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His ever changing appearance really shocked a lot of his

fans but they continued to stick by his side. Michael had

undergone several plastic surgeries by the time he was 50

and passed away. Michael Jackson is a great idol to many

and many of his fans will never forget him. He will forever

be known as one of the most famous people in history for

his music and for the person he was. Michael Jackson had

a successful life, and had an impact on many people all over

the world.

A Different Michael Jackson

The personal life of Michael Jackson has been a topic of

discussion amongst many including music fans, medical

practitioners, anti-drug specialists, law makers and the

general public. His personal life was turbulent and was

marked by a number of issues. However, he never let his

personal life come in the way of his music career.

There were times when he was entrenched in problems and

there were people who wanted to literally ruin him for many

reasons. Michael Jackson remained impartial, however. His

short marriages in the 1990s were devastating for him and

he never had the happiness that he was looking for. He was

doing exceptionally well in music and getting all the praise

and glory that he had dreamt of, but on the personal front

he just couldn‟t find happiness.

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Michael Jackson had many girlfriends. The names that became

publicly known are Tatum O‟Neal, Brooke Shields, Lisa Marie

Presley (whom he married for a short period of time), Sheryl

Crow and Tatiana Thumbtzen. These actresses and singers had

no major influence in his life. Even though Lisa Presley

was the daughter of Elvis Presley, she could not have a

lasting relationship with Michael Jackson. Brooke Shields

broke up with him because he was cheating on her and was

seeing Lisa Presley. The reasons why Lisa and Michael broke

up are not known. Despite this, she has always claimed that

they had a beautiful relationship.

Michael Jackson had a special affection for children. He

has done a lot of philanthropic work for the sick and the

poor children during his lifetime. Even though he was

religious and practiced in evangelist activities, there was

a friction between him and the church elders because of his


The ban on his sister to be in the church was a turning point.

This made in him leave the religion formally in 1987. In

spite of this, he was generous and big-hearted, when it came

to children and the care for them. His Neverland Ranch was

open to children of all ages. He even went the extra mile

in sponsoring charity shows for children whenever he could.

All this goes to prove that he loved children and had a

special affection for them. This is something that his

critics point out as resultant from his own hard childhood


It is said that in the world of glamour and entertainment

you have to be perfect in every respect. Michael Jackson

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appeared to have taken this very seriously. He had multiple

nose related cosmetic surgeries over some years. He tried

his best to look the best in all performances and shows and

left no stone unturned in accomplishing this.

Childhood Stardom and Michael Jackson

The life of a childhood star is difficult at best, and for

Michael Jackson this was even more true than for many

others. The many difficulties that Jackson faced as a

child in the music business, however, all helped to lead

up to the stardom and success that he achieved over his


Michael never had that great a relationship with his father

due to the physical and mental/verbal abuse that he was put

through by his father as a child during the constant

rehearsals. However, Michael spoke openly on more than one

occasion about how he probably never would have been able

to achieve the level of success that he did in his career

if it weren't for the "discipline" that he had as a child.

Jackson was a member of the Jackson 5 from the 60's through

the 80's, and this is where his career started to bloom.

Starting out in the group as a tambourine player, he quickly

moved up the ranks so to speak to do backup vocals and

dancing and from there to sharing the lead vocals with his

older brother at the tender age of eight. After the groups

joining with Motown in 1968, Michael was quickly recognized

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by Rolling Stone as the lead singer and the main attraction

of the group. A few years later, Jackson began producing

solo albums with Motown.

Once the album sales of the Jackson 5 began to fall,

partially due to the lack of influence they were allowed

by Motown over their own music, the group left Motown in

75. From here they joined with Epic and changed the name

of the group to the Jacksons. This was also the point at

which Randy became an official member of the group and

Jermaine left the group in hopes of a solo career. Through

1984 Michael was the lead songwriter for the group, and

still maintained a separate solo career as well.

In 1979 Michael‟s Rhinoplasty and other following surgeries

got their start due to a broken nose obtained during a

slightly fudged dance routine. The first Rhinoplasty did

not go well at all and left Michael with severe breathing

problems that were having a huge impact on his career; this

is when he decided another Rhinoplasty was in order. After

the success of the second Rhinoplasty, and possibly due to

being told by his father that he had a fat nose as a child,

Michael opted for continuing surgeries to change his


Did Jackson Live a Lie?

There are chances that some of the secrets that surrounded

Michael Jackson will never be revealed now that he is dead.

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The secret behind Jackson‟s face is one that most of his

fans worldwide would want revealed. Michael Jackson is a

man that went from being black to white. How did that happen?

It seems nobody knows or nobody can tell.

In the 70‟s Michael Jackson was a very handsome brown skin

dude, everyone loved his music and he had so many things

going on for him. However, why he decided to change his look

is something that no one knows anything about. Although most

of his fans appreciated his new look after his many

surgeries, there are some who hated and condemned it because

they saw it as a denigration of the black race. Some black

scholars argued that it was an insult to the black race.

In their opinion, Jackson did undergo some sort of surgery

to alter his skin color because he felt being black was not

good enough for him.

The question of whether Jackson did undergo surgery has been

answered a long time ago because he admitted that he did

undergo a surgery. However, being a self righteous and

pretentious person that he is, Jackson claimed that he had

to undergo a multiple nasal surgery because he sustained

some injuries during one of his dances routines.

Nevertheless, even though this may have been partly true,

we all knew that Jackson had two nasal jobs because he wanted

to and not because he sustained some injuries.

The extent of Jackson‟s plastic surgery has widely been

debated, but still the truth has not surfaced. Although we

are not fools and would not want to denigrate a legend, it

is obvious that Jackson did error by failing to tell the

world the truth about his surgery before his sudden death.

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The full truth about Jackson‟s surgery is most probably

known to only a few.

Jackson finally admitted that he did get two nose jobs and

a dimple created in his cheeks. However there are millions

of Jackson fans out there who cared about him and would like

to have known that the skin of the pop king changed from

being black to white because he had vitiligo. And really,

it is absurd that while he was with us, nobody was bold

enough to walk up to him look him in the face and ask him,

why he was living a lie, rather than stating the simple


Fans of Michael Jackson Continue to Fight

There was an auditorium in an elementary school named after

Michael Jackson in the year 1989 in LA. Jackson attended

the school when he was younger and was rather successful,

therefore the faculty decided to make reference to him.

After he had faced accusations of child molestation, his

name was covered up so as to not offend any the parents of

any school students.

All throughout Michael‟s life, the name remained covered

even though he was later on found innocent of each of the

accused charges. There was a campaign held recently in hopes

of uncovering his name at the elementary school. Facebook

fans and many fan groups got involved in the effort, and

many of them decided to go to the LA school to uncover the

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King of Pop‟s name. There were many people who were not able

to attend but instead wrote different letters to the

campaign asking for his name to be revealed once again.

In October of 2010, his name was uncovered and there was

much celebration by both fans and his family. However, there

was a priest who was not happy with the unveiling and

explained it to be a slap in the face to all children who

had been abused mentally and physically by Michael Jackson

over the years. There are now fans as well as family members

who are wondering when these accusations are going to stop.

The accusations which took place in 1993 have many people

wondering if the payout had anything to do with the case

being closed and Jackson being innocent. Accusations were

made by Jordan Chandler and his family sued Michael himself.

They in turn accepted a large sum of money. But why would

a victim take a payout as opposed to seeing him behind bars?

There was no reason for that priest to make any comments

of any kind. The words that were brought forth by that priest

may have been out of shameless self promotion or as a way

to help increase the donations.

Many fans and people are upset about a lot of this and with

Michael being dead, he cannot prove himself innocent. Lord

knows that if Michael were here he would surely have made

some type of a large donation to someone somewhere. Fans

are emailing for a retraction of his accusations and it has

become a huge project to many friends, fans, and family.

Michael‟s fans are not going to give up the fight just yet.

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Investigating Michael Jackson‟s Vitiligo

Michael Jackson, who has also been known as the king of pop,

found out he had vitiligo, and during an interview with

Oprah, Michael Jackson for the first time ever told the

world of his condition and the fact that he was suffering

with some type of illnesses. He dismissed any of the

allegations that he had bleached his skin. Talking about

vitiligo helped to promote the awareness of this disease,

which at the time was not known to many.

Vitiligo can be a cause for the skin to become de-pigmented

in areas or certain patches. The skin‟s cells die or are

not able to work correctly.

When Jackson passed away, detectives did an investigation

and were able to find large doses of anesthetic and also

dozens of tubes of creams that were designed to whiten the

skin. They were discovered inside Jackson‟s home.

When detectives went to his home to do some searching, there

were 11 containers of propofol which is a rather strong

anesthetic, and some of these containers were empty. In

Jackson‟s home, there were also sedatives as well as other

medical things and these included blood pressure items.

Jackson passed away at the age of 50, and it was ruled out

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as a homicide due to the fact that of an overdose of pills

and propofol as well as several other sedatives had been

taken. Also during the search of Michael Jackson‟s home,

there was an amazing 19 containers of hydroquine as well

as 18 tubes of Benoquin. Both of these are well known for

treating skin conditions known as vitiligo. There are

certain types of creams that you can use to treat it which

help to lighten up the skin to allow it to look more even

in appearance.

Michel Jackson started out as a black boy and eventually

developed vitiligo, which led him to using skin creams and

whiteners to even to his skin tones. Many claim that he

simply didn‟t want to be black anymore, but there are

several answers. There is no one reason that he did it, or

if there is, nobody can get it figured out.

No matter what the reasoning is, Michael Jackson ended up

having a rather fair complexion. The King of Pop was a role

model to many regardless of his skin. While there are always

rumors of him and how he planned to bleach his skin, the

answer remains a mystery.

Katherine Jackson - Mother and Friend

While a lot has been said and written about Michael

Jackson‟s brothers and their famous Jackson 5, which was

founded by their father as a career launching pad for his

sons, there is very little known about the singer's mother.

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Katherine Jackson was born in Alabama. She devoted her life

to raising her children. She was extremely careful about

her children and raised them like any other loving mother

being possessive about them to a certain point. When Joseph

Jackson, Michael Jackson's father, founded the Jackson 5

with his sons, it was Katherine who designed all the suits

that they would be wearing at the various shows.

Katherine has been working as a mother all her life. Even

though she preferred living away from the limelight, she

continued to provide care to her children all the time. She

embraced Joh‟Vonnie Jackson as her daughter, even though

she was not her biological daughter. She was the child of

her husband Joseph and a woman named Cheryl Terrell, whom

he had a relationship with. The girl was born in 1974. In

spite of the mounting pressures on her to run the large

family, Katherine managed very well. She has always been

an extremely caring and loving mother to all the children

in the household.

In her biography “My Family” she shared the thoughts of her

children about her as a mother. In their words, it seems

that she has been their guardian angel all the time.

She was distressed by the visible pain and agony Michael

Jackson experienced in the final years of his life. She made

it her main job to be with him through his difficult years.

With the untimely death of Michael Jackson, she was

overwhelmed to such an extent that she could only attend

his memorial service 7 days after his death.

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Katherine Jackson embodies extremely high motherly values

that not every modern woman has. She has managed to go

through many difficulties in her life. What has always

mattered the most to her is the wellbeing and welfare of

her family. She has never been seen at any performance of

the singer. Despite this Michael Jackson immediately

responded to mother Katherine‟s request to record a song

with a shuffling rhythm. The 1987 song, “The way you make

me feel…” was an instant success. Michael Jackson held this

song close to his heart.

Katherine Jackson fought a legal battle for the

guardianship rights over Michael‟s children and after a

prolonged legal wrangle, she was granted the rights in

August 2009. Michael‟s three children, two sons and a

daughter, are now living with their grandmother.

Learn to Moonwalk Like Michael Jackson

One of Michael Jackson‟s signature dance moves was the

moonwalk. This move set him apart from any other music

artist alive. This made him a huge spectacle to watch on

the stage and during his shows. There are many people all

over the word who wish to learn this fascinating and famous

move, but it‟s hard to master this pop star‟s move to the


Simply put, the moon walk is an illusion of a person gliding

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backwards at the same time of appearing to be moving

forwards. This signature move of Michael‟s was first seen

in his video “Billie Jean” which was the video that led

Michael into stardom.

For those who desire learning the moonwalk, you need to

learn it before you do it. Here are a few things to consider

and remember when you are trying to learn the moonwalk.


In order to perform the moonwalk with little effort and with

ease, the right footwear will need to be worn. Also,

friction needs to be low between the feet and the floor.

For beginners, simply start with plain socks because this

makes friction negligible.


The correct surface of the floor is just as essential. Begin

on a smooth surface for the best results. Linoleum, vinyl

and wood flooring are ideal.

How to Moonwalk

Begin by standing with your feet close and have your left

foot a little ahead of the other one. Your right foot toes

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have to be aligned with half of the left foot. Bend your

right knee and then lift the heel on the left foot. Keep

your left leg completely straight and then begin to shift

your weight over the bent leg.

At the same time you keep the weight of your body on the

left leg and slide your left one backwards. Make sure your

left leg remains straight and that your foot remains on the

floor when you slide back. Once the left foot slides back

nearly a foot, lift the left heel while snapping your right

heel back to the floor. Continue to do a thousand of these

moves you will soon be moon walking! Learn Michael Jackson‟s

signature move and be dancing just as the King of Pop once


Michael Jackson was an idol to many and to this day, more

and more people are trying to do the moon walk just as

Michael did.

Little Known Details about Jackson

Michael Jackson was undoubtedly one of the greatest artists

during his lifetime. His musical legacies still lives on.

Jackson was a brother to many, a father to three kids, a

friend to many, and a musical legend to the world. Sadly,

Jackson spent a large chunk of his life in solitude, hence,

most of the things he did were shrouded in secrecy. Most

of his fans felt they knew him knew nothing about him.

Sincerely speaking, what most folks know about Jackson was

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strictly what the media was engineered to tell them. The

truth about Jackson‟s life would forever remain a secret

because like most other self-righteous persons, Jackson

sure knew how to mask his trails.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Jackson‟s life was

his marital life. His two marriages were short lived and

trailed with a lot of conflicting stories and

controversies. For starters, Jackson‟s first wife Lisa

Marie Presley said many nice things about him when they were

still together, but retracted her statements after they had

parted ways. Most of the stuff that she said about Jackson

after they parted was quite horrible.

Jackson had three kids, while he was alive; very few knew

that his three kids were born through artificial

insemination. His last son was the product of a surrogate

mother. Now the million-dollar question is this, why did

Jackson choose to have his last son through a surrogate

mother? What prompted such a decision? For an A-list

celebrity like Jackson, the girls and the cheques came easy.

Therefore, what prompted Jackson to take the decision of

fathering a child with a surrogate mother? According to

Jackson‟s kids, he was a great and loving father. As someone

who was accused of child molestation twice, one wonders if

Jackson was actually a good father - or if perhaps his kids

might have been manipulated to say he was a nice dad to the


After Jackson‟s death, his kids were quoted saying that he

was the best toast maker ever. However, some people may

wonder if that could be true because throughout Jackson‟s

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career, his life was all about hard work. He barely had time

to play and have fun like other kids. So now, would he have

had the time or effort to master the art of toast making?

Many regular people cannot even make a fair toast let alone

an A-list celebrity like Jackson.

Long Live the King of Pop

Do you all remember when Thriller hit the shelves and how

shocked we were to see that? Michael Jackson is still one

of the world‟s best entertainers in the history of the

world, but the Michael who recently died was not exactly

the one we remember.

Michael Jackson always isolated himself and hid away from

people and society. He had few outings and this many have

had to do with the mobs of media that would come and try

to tackle him down to the ground when he stepped foot

outside. From the times when he was accused of child

molestation to having the spotlight on him for other reason;

it took away from his music and put the focus other places.

In the 80s, he was a trailblazer and wore his sequin socks

as well as a single glove. He was always creating and

continued making music until the day he died. His music was

all different types and for many, his dying was a tragedy.

His last performance was planned and rehearsed before he

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died. It was going to be a world tour, and it is now a movie

called “This Is It”. This has his fans happy to see him in

one last show. The reviews of this movie have all been great,

and there are even critics who commented on the movie that

brought back memories of listening to him when they were

children. They remembered the famous Michael Jackson and

all the good stuff he put out.

Michael Jackson died at 50 years of age, and his video

spanned over 20 years of his life and shows him dancing

just as he did in real life. His famous moonwalk will always

be remembered. Michael Jackson touched the lives of so many

people while he was a alive, and he had a love for children

that while some think was weird, was truly good. He faced

years of accusations, and when he was finally vindicated,

the rumors still continued on.

Michael Jackson had several hits over his lifetime and had

several hit records that topped charts. Michael faced a

rough past few years especially when he went through all

of his plastic surgeries, and no one really understands why

he did it. Why would someone that people love so much need

to undergo these treatments? Michael Jackson will forever

be in our hearts and will always remain the King of Pop to

so many of his friends.

Michael Jackson‟s Rise to Fame

Michael Jackson is a legend in pop music. He developed pop

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music, grew with it and left it a fully developed genre.

He paved the road to fame and glory for many more singers

that are now stars. Pop became the most popular music genre

in the west thanks to Michael Jackson.

Born in a modest family and being the eighth child,

Michael‟s childhood was not particularly happy. He

witnessed the fight for social rights of the African

American community which it was desperately trying to gain

in the US. Even though the Jackson family was struggling

to make a living for themselves, they had a music talent

and found ways to show it.

The father, Joseph Jackson, was eager to see all his

children succeeding in showcasing their talent in every

show they performed at. Fortunately for them, they did get

to have quite a number of shows. Despite this, they were

not as successful as their father wanted them to be. For

this reason, he started organizing the shows.

He was also involved in keeping a track of their earnings.

He worked to arrange the travelling and to meet the daily

necessities of his children as well. The initial setbacks

suffered by Jackson 5 were a matter of concern for Joseph.

He used to become violent at times out of sheer frustration.

Still, the boys would continue to perform relentlessly,

often with a thin line of difference between day and night.

When the first solo project of the Jackson 5 failed to

produce the desired success, there was a change of strategy.

They started working for other music groups in the Rhythm

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and Blues, (R&B) genre. One of these R&B singers, Gladys

Knight, introduced the Jackson 5 to Motown a record label

signed them on after hearing about them in 1968. The owner

of Motown, Berry Gordy took in the Jackson 5 to work

exclusively for the Motown label.

Relocating to Los Angeles became necessary for their

career. The Jacksons were housed to live together with other

singers like Diana Ross. It was Diana who later went on to

introduce the Jacksons to the music industry through her

album “Diana presents the Jackson 5” where the single “I

want you back” by the Jackson brothers hit the number one

position of Billboard Hot in 1969. From then on there was

no looking back for the Jacksons. Their father was extremely

happy that he could see his sons succeed with their musical


Michael Jackson - A Legend Is Gone

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in a small

town in Indiana, USA. He was the seventh of nine children

in the family. Beside him, his family had three girls and

five boys. His father, a miner, encouraged his children to

sing. In 1965 Michael and his brothers formed the group "The

Jackson 5", later called "The Jacksons". In August 1969,

Michael signed his first contract and recorded the song "I

want you back". The success was staggering.

From 1971 to 1976, Michael Jackson made some 11 albums. In

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1978, he starred with Diana Ross in the movie "The wizz".

The following year he released his first solo album "Off

the wall". It has 16 million copies sold. Michael Jackson

won a Grammy Award in the category "Best R & B Artist". The

album "Thriller" is the best selling one in music history.

It allowed Michael to win eight Grammy Awards.

For this next project, Michael Jackson created the

so-called short film "Bad", directed by Martin Scorsese.

The short film lasts for 18 minutes. Another short that the

star created, "Liberian Girl", had some of the best actors

star in it. These included Whoopi Goldberg, John Travolta,

Olivia Newton-John and Rosanna Arquette. In 1985, he wrote

the song "We are the world" with Lionel Richie. This song

was performed by more than 50 celebrities and was dedicated

to the fight against hunger in Africa.

In 1992 Michael Jackson established the foundation Heal the

World, which helps children worldwide. He often said people

need peace, understanding, love and unity. "I would like

the world to sing this song with me" said Michael a week

after the terrorist attacks in New York in 2001, visibly

shaken by the tragedy.

Michael Jackson had 2 marriages. On May 26, 1994, he married

Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis. Two years later

they divorced. Their divorce became official on January

19th 1996. On 14th November of the same year, most

surprisingly, he married the nurse Debbie Rowe. They

divorced in October 1999. However, this marriage allowed

Michael to become a father.

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His children from this marriage are Prince Michael Junior,

born February 13th 1997, and Paris-Michael Catherine, born

April 3rd 1998. In June 2005 the singer was found not

guilty on charges of abuse of a minor. After the law suit,

in September he went to Bahrain, where he remained until

the end of 2005. In early 2006 he went to Italy. Michael

Jackson died on June 25, 2009, at age of 50 after a heart


Michael Jackson and His Career

The news of Michael Jackson dying shocked the nation and

the entire world. Fans all over the place were shocked and

could not believe what had just been announced. Michael

Jackson had the ability to create popularity among people

worldwide no matter what culture or age they were. He has

influenced several musicians including Michael Buble,

Usher, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Ne-Yo and many more.

While they all have some similarity, they in no way will

ever be Michael Jackson.

When you think of Michael Jackson, you think of words like

superstar or worldwide superstar. He is recognized all over

the world, and no matter where you go, he is well known as

one of the top musicians there. Michael Jackson has earned

the name King of Pop and to this day he will always remain

that. He was one of the greatest entertainers alive, and

he has vocal abilities that were in many cases underrated.

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Michael Jackson followed the footsteps of James Brown as

far as the soul and powerful dancing skills. Michael Jackson

had some of his own moves, and the moon walk became his

signature dance move. Michael Jackson had dancing moves

like James Brown, charm like Elvis, and crossover appeal

and so much more that made him one of the most successful

entertainers and musicians in the music world.

Mihael Jackson started at a young age in his own family group

known as the Jackson 5, and over the years he began to move

onto solo records and rapidly became the number one

entertainer in America. The one glove and sequin socks were

another Michael Jackson signature and now he is gone.

Michael Jackson worked hard for what he had, and he will

never be forgotten.

Michael Jackson faced many hurdles during his career, and

one of the most horrific was molestation charges. To this

day it‟s unsure on whether he did or did not, and yet he

remains to be an idol to some. He rehearsed a concert that

never got to be put on, and the “This is It” concert was

going to be the Final Curtain Call for Michael. He did not

live to perform for it, and the claimed cause of death was

cardiac arrest.

Michael Jackson was successful and was loved by many. He

won many Grammy Awards, and his albums topped the charts

and solos went through the roof.

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Michael Jackson will always be the King of Pop and he will

never be forgotten.

Michael Jackson and His Plastic Surgery

Michael Jackson will always be known as the King of Pop,

and while he did have a few different looks to him, he still

remained the same on the inside. For several years, Michal

Jackson‟s fans watched as his faced was transformed

dramatically from one look to the next. With all the changes

in his looks, Michael Jackson only admitted to getting a

total of 2 nose jobs and that was it. He also blamed the

fact that his skin was so pale to vitiligo.

A surgeon located in Los Angeles mentioned that the King

of Pop was a frequent visitor to the practice. He said that

Michael had had a few surgeries about every other month,

and over a span of 2 years, it was about 12 surgeries total.

It‟s been reported that Michael had a few nose jobs, a few

chin jobs, as well as cheek implants as well as a cleft chin

that was out in. Michael Jackson also had eye surgery and

a few other surgeries. However, he didn‟t want the public

to know about all of his plastic surgeries over the years

so he decided to do them in a clandestine fashion.

He had his surgeries in the evening so no one could see him

at all. Over time, you could notice that his nose was

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becoming smaller and smaller due to the multiple surgeries.

After a while, Jackson wanted to have his nose rebuilt and

this was done by using fillers. Michael was happy with how

the results turned out and was actually starting to look

like he had a normal nose once again.

Michael Jackson suffered with vitiligo which is a disease

of the skin that causes your skin to become unevenly

pigmented. Michael suffered a severe case of it and it was

bad on his face and hands. At one point, he had a sort of

speckled look.

Due to the severity of Michael Jackson‟s case, he had to

start using creams as an aid to hide the different tones.

This allowed him to even out his skin tone so that it would

be white and made the dark spots lighter. This is how come

Michael Jackson ended up being white in the end. Regardless

of all the surgeries Michael Jackson had, he was a man who

loved everyone. He is terribly missed and the King of Pop

will always be just that.

Michael Jackson Changed the World of Pop Music

The king of pop Michael Jackson died of a heart attack in

a hospital in Los Angeles. The 50-year-old singer died after

doctors fought for his life more than an hour. His family

had long been worried about his health, which was extremely

fragile after the numerous plastic surgeries that the star

went through.

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Jackson did not live to perform his great comeback to the

music scene, which was to be on 13th July 2010. He was

supposed to hold a series of spectacular concerts in London.

The unique blend of soul, funk and rock turned Jackson into

the biggest pop star in the world. He sold millions of albums

and broke many records. He started his successful career

back in 1968 when the group "Jackson 5" signed a contract

with the company 'Motown'.

He was 11 years old when the band released their first

single. Hits like "I Want You Back", "The Love You Save"

and "I'll Be There" were all number 1 in the U.S. In 1970,

the group Jackson 5 became the first in the history of pop

music, whose first four singles topped the charts. In the

mid 1970's Michael and his brothers slowly began to lose

their popularity.

The company "Motown" was no longer interested in the group

and they signed a deal with the label Epic. The music

producer and composer Quincy Jones, who had created hits

for Frank Sinatra and Aretha Franklin, discovered the

talent of Michael Jackson and turned him into a world star.

Their work produced the album "Off The Wall", which was

released in 1979. This is the first solo album from which

four singles topped the U.S. pop charts.

These were the title track and "Don't Stop Till You Get

Enough", "Rock with You" and "She's Out of My Life". Four

years later the album "Thriller" was released. This album

became a milestone in the career of Michael Jackson. It is

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a mix of disco, R&B and funk. "Thriller" gained huge success

and became the biggest selling album of all times.

Jackson's phenomenal career was at its peak in 1987, when

his third and final album produced by Quincy Jones - "Bad"

was released. Five songs became hits and conquered the

charts. In 1991, Michael Jackson released the album

"Dangerous". The songs "Heal the World" and "Black and

White" became hits despite the tabloid headlines and court

cases that threatened to tarnish the reputation of the


Michael Jackson Collectibles

Nowadays, no matter where you go, there are Michael Jackson

collectibles everywhere. There are loads of them that are

being offered for sale and at auction sites and houses all

over the place. For those looking for a piece of the

memorabilia, now is the ideal time as there is loads of it

out there. You can find the perfect piece to complete a

collection, or for those beginning one, it‟s perfect. You

can find some great things out there.

Since Michael Jackson‟s death, people have been on the prowl

looking for items of his. For those who have items to sell,

now is the time. Finding Jackson 5 as well as Michael Jackson

memorabilia is as easy as going to your consignment shop

around the corner. There is a selling frenzy going on making

it the perfect time to get your missing Michael Jackson

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items while you can. Here are a few of the most famous and

popular sought after items to look for:

Dolls and Figurines

Michael Jackson had a lot of dolls as well as figurines made

of himself as well as action figures. They were made in the

80‟s and there are several that are rather detailed and nice

as well. If you are lucky enough, you may find a rather rare

one and this is something that has value to it. Some people

fail to see the value in some things, but it turns out to

be your treasure.


No matter what you are collecting, there‟s a shirt for it,

and Michael Jackson is no different. He had several and many

different designs of shirts with himself featured on them.

Some people buy them to keep as a collectible, while others

buy them to wear. They can be a tribute to his death, or

added to a collection that someone is beginning or adding


Thriller Vinyl Album

This happens to be one of the all time best hits that sold,

and is rapidly becoming one of the most favored items to

collect. This album was created and developed during the

times that LP was dying. The specific album from 1982-1984

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was the edition that many people are after as it‟s a great

album and has a vinyl album cover to it as well. This item

has rapidly become one of the most desired Michael Jackson

collector items.

These are just a few of the many wanted and desired Michael

Jackson items out there nowadays. Looking for them can be

the hard art, but once you have them you will be glad you

went to all that trouble and effort to find them.

Michael Jackson - King of Pop

The King of Pop, Michael Jackson has left an imprint on

today‟s culture of music and has become one of the most loved

entertainers around. He was a role model to many and was

a success to all who loved him.

Michael Jackson had a few solo albums that included

“HIStory”, “Dangerous”, “Thriller”, “Off the Wall”, “Bad”,

and many other hit albums in his days. These are just some

of the top ones, and “Thriller”, to this day holds as one

of the distinct all time records with Epic Records.

“Thriller” has been one of the top selling records in the

world and has sold about 70 million copies. There are other

singles that became released from Thriller on that helped

it sell well over 100 million copies as well. This has been

another all time record.

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During his amazingly extraordinary career and success,

Michael Jackson has sold on average about 750 million

records all over the world, and he has released a total of

13 singles that were number 1. Michael Jackson became one

of the many singers that were inducted two times in the Rock

and Roll Hall of Fame. Another thing is that the famous

Guinness Book of Records has recognized Michael Jackson as

being one of the most successful entertainers of all time

and his bestselling album of all time has been “Thriller”.

Michael Jackson has overall won a total of 13 Grammy‟s and

has also received the American Music Award‟s Artist of the

Century. When he was 11, Michael Jackson made a debut into

the music industry with his brothers and was a member of

the famous and well known Jackson 5. In the years of the

80‟s, Jackson defined the art of music in a video that

included music videos including “Beat It” , “Thriller”, and

also “Billie Jean”.

Everything about Michael Jackson, from his style to his way

of music, has inspired so many people and artists nowadays.

His dance moves are like no other performer around and his

mix of it all has become an inspiration to many new age R&B,

pop, rap, and soul artists all over the world.

Michael Jackson will forever be an inspiration and role

model to many artists in today‟s music industry. Michael

made a lot of artists believe in their true potential and

to this day, he will always be the King of Pop.

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Michael Jackson Lives Forever

Michael Jackson‟s life ended at 50 years of age, which most

of us consider being half of a lifetime. He died on June

25, 2009, but to all his fans, Michael Jackson‟s great times

of glory and fame will live forever. To all of those people

that always followed MJ, his music will always remind them

of his success and his long journey that make him the person

they all loved, and at times criticized. Michael Jackson‟s

legacy with every song, every image, and every action will

never be erased in history.

Most people never take the opportunity to be great, to be

more than they can be, and most importantly to make a

difference in their own life and the life of others. Michael

Jackson did more than most people would do in their whole

lifetime, and the best thing was that all his fans knew that

his success story started from a very young age. But with

all success stories, there are always those bad times and

bad things that can happen to change the image in the fans

mind, from a great icon to a regular person that makes

mistakes like we all do.

To all of those Michael Jackson‟s loyal fans, his music

would take them back in time and make them feel his great

legacy, therefore his voice, his talent, and everything

else that made him the King of Pop will stay alive forever.

We all know that when people die, some want to be remembered

for their great achievements, as well as the many pleasures

they had in their lifetime. But others are unfortunately

remembered for the bad things they did and the mistakes they

made even after they have passed away.

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Michael Jackson, even with all his efforts, commitment to

good causes, and success in music, was still a person who

made mistakes throughout his lifetime that not only

affected himself, but also his family, his fans, and his

friends. But even with all of the problems that he was faced

with during his lifetime, he was still famous for his great

music, and his unique way of singing and moving. These

things still kept the support of his fans who believed in

the King of Pop. They did not judge him, but saw his goodness

that reminded them of his great life journey. He made

thousands of people happy and many were proud of his


Michael Jackson - The Icon That Still Sets Records

The death of Michael Jackson resulted in the release of over

a hundred unreleased demo-songs. Videos from the rehearsals

for the 50 concerts at London's O2 Arena and an unfinished

clip on a Dome Project, filmed in early June, were also

available for the public after the star's tragic death.

The huge interest in the last artistic performance of Jacko

was further fueled by the stories that he had been feeling

sick several times during the rehearsals. Joe Jackson, the

father with big ambitions, whose sons became pop stars with

the group "the Jackson 5" with lead singer, the then

eight-year-old Michael, announced that Ranch Records will

release previously unreleased recordings. Allegations that

Jackson Sr. once again benefits from the talent of his

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children came instantly. However, who would not be tempted

to sell recordings, which are believed to be enough for

producing at least ten albums?

Michael Jackson will most likely surpass the success of not

only the posthumous works of the rapper Tupac Shakur, six

posthumous discs, but that of Jimi Hendrix. The biggest

asset in the artistic and financial legacy of Michael

Jackson, apart from his own creativity, is the priceless

catalog of copyrights of 251 songs of The Beatles. He bought

the catalogue back in 1985 for 47.5 million dollars.

Ten years later, the star sold half of its catalogue to Sony

for $150 million. Experts believe the current value of the

archive is around 1 to 1.5 billion dollars. Ironically, this

huge asset is somewhat to blame for the financial problems

of the king of pop in recent years. Banks and private lenders

lent him more money than common sense allows, because the

star enjoyed such stellar catalog copyrights.

Paradoxically, the neighbors of Jackson, it seems, are the

only ones considered to have lost by the rediscovered cult.

Real estate brokers are absolutely confident that the

property prices in Los Olivos will fall. Los Olivos is a

Victorian town 150 km away from Los Angeles, where the rich

and famous people live.

The conversion of Neverland into the new Graceland (the

mansion museum of Elvis Presley) is the last thing that

anyone in the neighborhood wants. The days after the death

of the star were filled with squabbling for succession. This

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showed clearly what it was like to be the artist and

businessman Michael Jackson. And the matter is

controversial. In his lifetime and posthumously, he is a

money machine. At least for now, most of his assets will

go to his three children.

Michael Jackson - The Legend That Never Dies

Dozens of previously unreleased compositions of the late

Michael Jackson will be released. The first will come for

Christmas. The earnings from this release will help for the

financial wellbeing of the children of the King of Pop.

Jackson's relatives said they would release a series of

posthumous music albums of the King of pop music, the first

of which will appear as early as this winter.

Experts say the new songs of Jackson can bring to the family

more money in just 12 months compared to the earnings from

the star's albums for the last 10 years. The money from the

releases will cover the gigantic debts left after the death

of the singer. It will ensure the financial security of his

three children - 12-year-old Prince Michael Junior,

11-year-old Paris Michael and the seven year-old Prince

Michael II.

Among the outstanding compositions is the song-call, with

which the singer wanted to draw public attention on the

problem of global warming on Earth. Dipak Chopra, a close

friend of Jackson, has said that the singer called him and

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told him that he was working on one of his best songs from

the time of Billie Jean. He wanted Chopra to write the text

for the "green anthem". Several compositions, which were

initiated during the work of Michael Jackson on the album

Invincible released in 2001, remain unfinished as well.

Michael Jackson is one of the most successful artists in

music history and because of this he was named the King of

Pop. His album "Thriller" entered the book of Guinness World

Records as the biggest selling album of all times. During

the 1980's the star's media presence was constant, but only

thanks to his stellar career.

The plastic surgery operations he had were sensational

because they were believed to be a result from a

pathological condition. Starting with the originally

harmless operations of the nose, the pop idol began building

his new image with some catastrophic consequences. The

1990s showed us a much more mentally unstable Jackson,

devastated by the fact that he was born black.

We could see clearly many demonstrations that he was ready

to go to extremes for transforming his body. He deliberately

changed his appearance several times, undergoing

operations on the cheekbones, the chin and eyes. In

September 2001, Michael Jackson celebrated 30 years as a

solo performer. The event was marked by two spectacular

concerts in New York. Many famous artists such as Whitney

Houston, Destiny's Child, Shaggy and others were invited

to perform at the event.

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Michael Jackson the Performer

Michael Jackson is undoubtedly one of the greatest musical

influences of the century on planet earth. It is virtually

impossible to name one musical artist regardless of genre

that he has not influenced. Although regarded as a legend

and great music icon, Jackson was an exceptional musical

artist whose ambition was to put smiles on the face of

millions of people worldwide through his music.

From his humble beginnings, Jackson was an artist that loved

music, and he would have cherished being a musician even

if he were not as successful as he was. In terms of music,

Jackson stock in trade was pop rock and soul. He was a very

versatile artist who never restrained himself to just one

genre. His music and musical legacies would definitely

echoes through the walls of time.

Although Jackson had some of the greatest hit records and

sales in history, he was a very humble musical artist and

humane individual, his songs were uplifting, and his lyrics

were so clean and devoid of curse words or censored words.

Many who knew Michael Jackson knew him not only through his

music, but also for his dance moves and stagecraft. Michael

Jackson was not that sort of artist that you should expect

to sit and listen to if you were going to one of his concerts.

Jackson was the sort of artist that you needed to watch and

not listen to.

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His musical performances were all embracing. Most of his

concert and shows worldwide were quite entertaining and

remarkable not only for his spectacular performances but

for his ability to be humorous and accommodating.

Jackson was a great dancer and it might sound so cliché to

say so because everyone who knows Jackson probably knows

that already. Although he was a great dancer, his dance

moves were spectacular and bore no resemblance to that of

any other artist. His trademark moonwalk dance step one of

the dance steps that made Michael famous and it set him apart

from other artists who were equally good dancers.

Musically, almost all the songs that Jackson sang in the

course of his musical career were a hit. He had so many hits

and had many more fans worldwide. His fan base included

people from different racial and religious backgrounds.

Michael had very few critics because there were no artists

to compare him with. Sincerely speaking, musically, Michael

was an artist who was on a time zone that was different from

those of his contemporaries or even those who came after


Michael Jackson: The Tragic Hero

Michael Jackson has and always will be known as The King

of Pop, but sadly, due to unfortunate events, he died. He

had a successful career and a bright future ahead of him

and instead his life became full of unfortunate events

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leading to his death. Rather being known as The King of Pop,

he should be known as a tragic hero among our times.

Michael Jackson started out at the age of 11 in a band known

as the Jackson 5, and soon went solo and had several solo

albums that sold millions of copies. He has become an idol

to many in the music industry nowadays, and his dance moves

were what made him even more famous. Michael Jackson was

definitely a different kind of a human, and was loved by


As a child, Michael was abused both physically and mentally

whether his father was picking on him for the size nose he

had or whether people were poking at the color skin he had.

For young people, fame is not all it‟s cracked up to be,

and Michael began to see that at a very young age as he and

his brothers were the Jackson 5.

Over the years, Michael began facing many accusations of

molesting little boys in Neverland, and over the years

Michael had been involved in a number of dysfunctional

relationships. While these people were supposed to be on

his side and to look out for him, they were going against


Michael‟s childhood made him who he was in a way, and Michael

lived a rather weird adulthood undergoing many surgeries

and doing other extraordinary things. Michael did however,

reject any help that was offered to him in any way, shape,

or form. Michael was loved by many people all over the world,

and his tragic death has touched us all in one way or

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The world will never fully understand the many things

Michael did for people, and while many feel he was a horrible

person, Michael was one of those rare people who would do

anything for anyone. He loved people no matter who they

were, but the simple truth is that not one person could fully

help Michael deal with the issues and difficulties he faced

on a daily basis. If someone had been there for Michael,

maybe he would still be alive today. But the sad fact is

that he is not, and a tragic hero has been lost.

Michael Jackson Wacko or King of Pop

The 80s brought about a great time of fame for Michael

Jackson who would later be known as the King of Pop. Along

with stardom though, came the rumors of his own strange

behavior and bizarre ways. He was known as Wacko Jacko to

many British tabloids, as looking the part of a famous

musician began to really look more like an obsession to

alter his face and appearance with the help of plastic


But in spite of it all, he had fans who no matter what, stuck

by his side and that was until Michael Jackson was accused

of pedophilia, and this meant the King of Pop was up against

being put in jail. Michael was proven innocent and life went

on for him.

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His Childhood

Michael was one of nine brothers and was number 7 to be

exact. He was born in Indiana, and was a member of the

Jackson 5, which soon led him to going solo and having his

own hit albums and records. Michael could imitate moves just

like James Brown and was discovered at the age of 5.


In the year 1982, Quincy Jones yet again announced Thriller

as one of the biggest hits in history. It sold an amazing

53 million copies and also was a result of several hit

singles from the record itself. At the Grammy‟s that year,

Michael put on a 14 minute video that had a beginning,

middle, and end. Jackson ended up winning 8 Grammy awards

that night.

White Gloves and a Moonwalk

In the year 1982, on the showing of Motown, Michael did his

signature moonwalk dance along with his one glove of

sequence. This TV show had been on MTV and also showed MJ‟s

video over and over again. This is how Michael got started

in the big time business.

Looks Change

In the year 1987, Michael underwent some changes to his

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physical appearance. At the age of 30, he had the appearance

that he had cosmetic surgery or procedures done to change

his face to look younger. There was a difference in his jaw

line, cheeks, nose, and other facial features. By the time

he was 50, Michael had a few nose surgeries and

reconstruction to rebuild his nose, a few chin surgeries,

cheek implants and a few others.

Mainly for this reason Michael Jackson was seen as a

complete wacko to some, but in reality, Michael was the King

of Pop music and will always remain this way.

Michael Jackson Will Live Forever in Our Hearts

Immediately after the cardiac arrest of Michael Jackson,

witnesses said his immediate entourage yelled, "You've got

to save him!” His brother Jermaine Jackson, the official

spokesman of the family, said a team of cardiologists and

emergency doctors tried to resuscitate him for an hour, but

this did not give results. His death was pronounced at 14

h 30, on June 25th 2009.

"May our love is with you, Michael, always," said Jermaine

Jackson. In the afternoon, officers from the Los Angeles

Police Department came to the singer's residence to inspect

the premises and took away certain objects. "A normal

procedure in these circumstances," said Lt. Strenk of the

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).

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While the body of Michael Jackson was transported by

helicopter to a coroner (medical examiner) for an autopsy

to be performed Friday, June 26, the news about the cause

of death was mostly speculative, since only the statements

of relatives appeared in the media. Many people focused

their attention on the concert series, which was supposed

to begin in London, after twelve years of the singer's

absence from the scene. "He wanted to make a successful

comeback, maybe the stress killed him, that's what I think

"said immediately to BBC Uri Geller, a friend."Michael

Jackson looked back on the scene as his "final curtain

call," he said.

Apparently, the artist planned to say farewell to the stage.

He prepared extensively for this final series of concerts

with the choreographer Kenny Ortega. He even practiced on

Wednesday, the eve before his death, at the Staples Center,

a large theater in Los Angeles. Was Michael Jackson taking

drugs to get in shape for the busy series of concerts that

were to begin July 13?

After the postponement and cancellation of some concerts

originally announced, rumors circulated about the health

of the star. Hours after his death, Brian Oxman, the Jackson

family lawyer, said: "This is not something unexpected, due

to his medication," adding: "If you think there has been

abuse in the case of Anna Nicole Smith, it was nothing

compared to what we saw in the life of Michael Jackson. "Anna

Nicole Smith is a former starlet, who died in 2007 at the

age of 39 from an overdose of drugs.

For his part, former spokesman for Michael Jackson, Michael

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Levine, told AFP he was "not surprised by the tragic news."

The controversy and suspicion about the causes of death of

the star is just beginning. However, he will stay in our

hearts forever.

Michael Jackson‟s Awards and Recognitions

During his lifetime, Michael Jackson received innumerable

awards and honors. His first one was the Sixteen and Spec

Magazine Award for best solo performance for “I‟ll be

there…” which became a rocking hit immediately. This was

in the year 1970.

From then on there was virtually no turning back for Michael

Jackson. He was presented with a stream of awards and

special recognitions from various music institutions,

Government departments and even Congress. His rise to fame

and fortune saw him win many American Music Awards and

Grammy Awards. The Rollingstone Awards kept coming to him

at regular intervals. There was never a year in the latter

part of his career during which he had to hope for awards

from performances. Every performance was a roaring success

and he was richly awarded with special honors for these

performances. Every award carried not only recognition. It

also had an attractive monetary value attached to it which

helped Michael build up a fortune.

Of the numerous awards that he received in the 40 years of

his singing career, the ones that came to him rather

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frequently were the Grammy Awards, the MTV Awards, the

Rollingstone Awards, the Billboard Awards, Forbes Magazine

Awards, the British Phonographic Industry Awards and the

Guinness Book of World Records Awards.

These were the ones that Michael Jackson won frequently over

the years. In fact he was also the winner of the Grammy Hall

of Fame Award and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

This is something that is rare in the music world even today.

Apart from these distinguished awards and prizes, Michael

Jackson was individually honored in various shows and

performances. His hectic schedule required him to travel

and perform throughout America and the world. He was never

the person who would refuse an invitation. This was not

because he had a special liking for the awards, but mainly

because he respected his fans and he didn‟t want them to

wait on him for any reason.

He acknowledged openly that he was a success because his

fans wanted him to succeed and he never wanted to fail them.

In whichever country he went to, there would be one award

or another waiting for him. This made his list of

achievements even longer. From being the youngest vocalist,

the highest paid entertainer and the most successful pop

star in his family to being the Best International Solo

Artist, Michael Jackson was given almost any award you could

think of. He enjoyed fame and glory throughout his singing


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Michael Jackson‟s Debts

Along with his stellar musical legacy and millions of fans

worldwide, the King of Pop has left behind significant

debts. The sum, according to The Wall Street Journal,

amounted to about five hundred million U.S. dollars.

Michael Jackson has sold over 61 million albums and

"Thriller" is still the best-selling album of all times.

"Bad" boasts with 22 million copies sold. At the peak of

his career, Jackson bought the ATV Music Company for 47.5

million and this remains his best investment. ATV Music is

now worth over 1 billion.

In 1988, he began his most serious money wasting moves. He

bought the ranch Neverland, 100 acres of paradise land,

which became a symbol of Michael Jackson's influence. In

the mansion you can find a tennis court, swimming pools,

a huge house, an amusement park and even a zoo. In 1995,

Jackson signed an important deal with Sony ATV Music and

received in return 95 million dollars. In 2001, half of that

money went to cover loans for $200 million from Bank of


In March 2008, Jackson moved out of Neverland, as the

mortgage payments on the mansion were overdue. Moreover,

one of the sons of the King of Bahrain, Sheik Abdullah bin

Hamad Al Khalifa, accused Michael Jackson of another

overdue debt of 7 million dollars. Writing an

autobiographical book and releasing a new album were part

of the deal with the Sheik, but none of them ever appeared.

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In November of that year, the King of Pop was given 23

million dollars by the company Colony Capital. This sum

helped him to retain partial ownership of the ranch

Neverland. As part of the plan for repaying the huge debt,

Michael Jackson had to give a whole series of 50 consecutive

concerts at O2 Arena in London. Because if his untimely

death, his sponsors AEG Live suffered losses of about $40

million, according to speculation. The sum might be

smaller, in any case the insurers have covered at least part

of what the company has already spent preparing for the

event that should have taken place.

As hard as it sounds, however, the death of Michael Jackson

will bring huge profits for Sony Music Entertainment, the

holder of the rights over his music. It is expected from

the company to re-release special versions of his greatest

albums, which are likely to top the music charts in no time.

Jackson remains a powerful figure in the world show

business, even after he is gone.

Michael Jackson‟s Hits

Michael Jackson displayed his talents in many different

areas of media throughout his lifetime and is always going

to be idolized by many for his abilities to be versatile

enough to do so. As with any big name person, there were

things that happened in Michael Jackson's life that were

both good and bad - some rumor and some truth.

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For all he has ever been, Michael Jackson was always a great

artist first. From the music industry with songs such as

Beat It, Scream, and Black and White and albums like

Thriller and Bad to films such as The Wiz where he played

the scarecrow and Men in Black II in which he had a cameo

as Agent M; Michael Jackson always has made an impression

with his work. While at times some of the works by Jackson

have been controversial such as the song Black and White,

the heart that was put into the music by the man was

unmatched by many other pop singers.

Jackson is one of the few artists whose death will leave

just as big an impact on all aspects of media and society

as his life did. Whether through the impact that the music

itself makes on those who hear it or the numerous awards

and records that he holds, Michael will always remain one

who is looked up to by many that are in the music industry

and many to come.

There was much unfinished work that Michael was in the

process of completing at the time when the problems

immediately preceding his death came about, and those who

were working with him on the music that he was making have

been finishing it up for the release of the album that is

set to come out in his honor in December of 2010. The first

single from the honorary album set titled Breaking News has

already been released for radio broadcast as of November

8th 2010.

Aside from the Thriller album being the best selling album

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of all time and many other awards and titles that both

Jackson and his music have had, he was the best selling

artist of 2009 but unfortunately, due his untimely death,

he was unable to see this. One thing that Michael did manage

to see, and put to good use during his lifetime through

different charities and other organizations and Neverland

Ranch, was the estimated 500 million dollars that he earned

throughout his life.

Michael Jackson's Midlife Crisis

The unfortunate truth of the matter is that considering how

short Michaels life ended up being, his mid-life was in the

80's. The great part of this, however, is that what would

be considered to be Michael‟s mid-life crisis ended up doing

a lot of good for many different people. There are not too

many people in the world that can say that the time halfway

through their life was as productive as Michael‟s was.

After the album Off the Wall, released in 1979, had not done

as well as he had intended for it to, Michael was more

determined than ever to make sure that his next album

release performed to his high expectations. With 7 singles

from the album that ranked top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100

the Thriller release in 1982 managed to meet and exceed all

expectations that Michael had, no matter how high they might

have been. Not only was this album the best selling

worldwide for the year 1983, but it also ended up being the

best selling of all time in the United States and the

worldwide best selling of all time.

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The year 1984 was another bad time for Michael and

considering everything could be considered the time of his

mid-life crisis, even though the crisis was not in any way

caused by Michael himself. A pyrotechnics accident during

a performance managed to set Michaels hair ablaze and leave

him badly burned and scarred leading to more surgery to

attempt to cover the scarring, and it wasn't much later that

Michael had yet another Rhinoplasty to try to satisfy his

lacking confidence about his appearance.

Since this was all part of a Pepsi promotion, Michael sued

the company and all was settled out of court. The 1.5

million dollar settlement was used to create the "Michael

Jackson Burn Center" when he donated it in its entirety to

Brotman Medical Center in California. Jackson was also

involved with donating to several addictions charities

during this time and was awarded by President Reagan for

such. During 84 and 85 Michael did a lot of fund-raising

for charities from writing a single with Lionel Richie for

the purposes of charitable donation to donating all of the

funds raised from the Victory Tour to charities as well.

A busy year for Michael Jackson, 1984 was also the year that

Michael purchased ATV Music Publishing and began to expand

the business side of his career. Jackson‟s interest in this

side of the music industry was peaked by Paul McCartney at

a time when they were working together. Jackson‟s bid to

purchase ATV Music Publishing was raised from 46 million

to 47.5 million and then was accepted. Michael was

definitely a man with many accomplishments during the

middle of his lifetime.

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The Little Known Facts about Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson still lives on in the hearts of the music

fans today. The young man who was born in an African American

family rose to fame after he split from the Jackson 5, the

music group that was composed of his brothers and was

managed by their father Joseph Jackson. The initial

euphoria created by the group's performances brought into

light the full singing potential of Michael Jackson and he

decided to sing on his own from a very young age.

It was his exceptional talents, including song writing,

composing, scripting and singing, which gave him a head

start in the huge music industry. Here was the boy who had

everything in him to become a star performer who would have

all that he had ever dreamed of - glory, fame and fortune.

The initial years of his solo careers were indeed not easy

for him. Michael had to literally struggle to succeed in

the music industry. He was extremely hard working, taking

every pain to perfect his singing and his dancing style.

He did bring in a different wave of music style that

developed a revolution in the music world. It was nothing

but the sheer passion to succeed that made Michael rise to

extraordinary heights during his career spanning a little

over 40 years.

Michael Jackson had already made a name for himself before

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he started having solo pop music shows throughout America.

The euphoria that he produced was vivid and the effects on

the audiences were intoxicating. He stood out from the crowd

of musicians and was immediately proclaimed a star. He would

remain one for the rest of his life.

Soon the music genre that came into being because of his

excellent performances spread throughout Europe and many

Asian countries. He soon became a big hit among the masses

and he had a large fan group, consisting of young people,

in particular. Audiences across the world were delighted

to hear his songs, his music and the way he casted a magic

spell over them. There was nothing that was missing in him.

His love for music grew beyond all boundaries. In one word,

he was one of the rarest geniuses that ever came into being.

Nothing compares to success and it was none other than

Michael who understood this right from the day his first

song became a hits. Today Michael Jackson lives in the

hearts of his fans. There are numerous people still

listening to him with the same ecstatic euphoria that

existed some 20 years ago.

Michael Jackson‟s Saga of Success

During his lifetime, Michael Jackson had achieved what

normal mortals in the music world would find hard to

accomplish in centuries. He had performed for Queen

Elizabeth and the President of the United States of America

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at the time, Mr. Ronald Regan. He had met many amazing people

from various countries and continents. Even though not

everyone was a fan of his, he had a huge fan crowds in all

corners of the world. Even first-time audiences in some of

the Asian countries were extremely enthusiastic about his

performances in their respective countries.

He was praised by the media. It was the media that at one

point in time made him the most popular super star in the

world of music. Michael Jackson earned huge money out of

albums, live shows and concerts. He received huge

professional fees and he had enviable gifts from around the

world. His performances were always in packed halls and

stadiums. In turn, the people who organized the

performances were awash with cash from ticket sales and


Michael Jackson bought a big ranch and called it Neverland.

He did everything to live life on his own terms. He was a

big Disney fan and so he built a Disney World lookalike park

in his Neverland Ranch. Poor and abandoned children were

his special guests. He was often seen going around the ranch

with them. Irrespective of what has been said about his

relationships, it cannot be denied that he loved children.

He was ready to host special charity shows and programs for

them to help them live a better life anytime. This behavior

was later on examined by eminent psychologists. They found

out that this was a direct result from his childhood, which

was not as rosy as you might think.

In spite of his difficult childhood, he proved to the world

that hard work and devotion together with a generous stroke

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of luck have the magical power to remove every obstacle from

the path of success. As he was the only one from his family

with incredible vocal powers, he was considered a born

singer. He utilized this to the best of his abilities right

until his final days. Michael Jackson wrote his own songs

with passion and the desire to be at the top. Despite this,

some of his famous songs were written when he was in deep

emotional turmoil because of problems in his relationships

with women.

Michael Jackson's Story - Just Blame It on the Boogie

One single man made history with his music and gave

greatness a face and glory a voice for generations, past

and present. His name is Michael Jackson.

Born August 29th, 1958 in the working-class family of Joe

and Katherine Jackson, he was the eighth of ten children.

From a very young age he was under constant pressure to

rehearse and dedicate himself to his musical career. He had

a difficult childhood, having been maltreated by his


However, as Michael Jackson has said on numerous occasions,

it was his father's strict discipline that played a huge

role in his success. At the age of eight Michael started

sharing the lead vocals with his older brother Jermaine in

The Jackson 5, which marked the beginning of a great and

yet controversial life in the spotlight.

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In 1984 Michael Jackson, being the kind-hearted

philanthropist that he was, donated all his profits from

The Victory tour, totaling $8 million, to charity. Also,

he co-wrote "We are the world" alongside Lionel Richie in

1985, attempting to raise awareness of the poverty problems

in Africa and the USA. That single ended up winning four

Grammy awards in 1986 (the "Song of the Year" Award went

to M. Jackson). It turned into an anthem for charity

organizations around the world, raising millions to relieve

hunger and eradicate poverty.

It is clear that Michael Jackson was destined to become a

bright star in the music industry. From his very first songs

"ABC" and "Who's loving you" with The Jackson 5 to the

absolute hits "Black & White", "Billie Jean" and "Thriller"

as a solo artist, M.J. always managed to sound different,

yet still satisfy the expectations of the fans and set new

trends in pop music. He persevered after numerous

accusations of wrongdoing and was still able to get back

on his feet and continue his musical career.

June 25th 2009 was a sad day for all who had ever experienced

the magic that Michael Jackson brought to the world. It was

the day when the King of Pop died. It marked the end of an

era. The legacy of Michael Jackson is not only in his music,

but also in what he left in the hearts of his fans. From

the style he had to the lyrics he sang, the impact that he

had on so many lives is unmatched. And if you ever wonder

why... just blame it on the boogie!

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Michael Jackson‟s Turbulent Later Years

The dramatic turn of events in the life of Michael Jackson

in recent years caused the star huge agony and pain. He was

engaged in several law suits. There was a constant flow of

legal expenses that bothered him seriously. Michael Jackson

was a super star and he was a top rated pop singer in America

and in the world. He had never dreamt that he would be on

the wrong side of the law. Despite this, some of the

accusations that were made against him were later found to

be entirely unreasonable and untruthful. It now turns out

that they were made with a profound intent of causing malice

and mental agony to the superstar.

It was reported that at one point of time, Michael Jackson

had considered selling some of his most prized possessions

in a grand auction to raise the money necessary to pay his

legal expenses. The firm Julien‟s Auction House was

appointed to take care of the auctioning, but later the

distraught Michael had to literally stop the auction

through a law suit.

The auction had to include most of the Neverland Ranch and

some of his most important gifts including the pair of white

gloves decorated with Swarovski crystals which he used in

some of his most important shows. He was also given a number

of cars by his fans and he intended to sell them as well,

but the Rolls Royce that he received remained in his heart.

These were amongst the items that were put up for

auctioning. The Auction house later informed the press that

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Michael had discussed every detail with them about the

auction. They based the conducting of the auction on his

requirements. Hence, the law suit was certainly a big

setback for them. Michael Jackson later sold the Ranch


All this was because of the serious charges against him

related to child molestation. Michael Jackson was so

disturbed with these charges that he decided to spend the

rest of his life outside his home country that he loved the

most. He left America and moved to Bahrain in the Middle

East where he wanted to spend the rest of his life. He also

announced that he would be giving up live performance shows.

He was supposed to have the final 10 performances of his

career in London, England. These would have been his final

shows, as he had planned.

All this turmoil and humiliation was too much for a star

of his stature. Still, Michael Jackson had huge fan crowds

all over the world and most of his fans were with him during

his difficult times.

Musical Legacies of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is dead and gone, and although he is no

longer with us, many who knew the legend would tell you that

his memory still lives on. Michael Jackson was undoubtedly

one of the greatest musical influences of the century. He

was the sort of artist that so many artists wanted to be

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like or emulated. He was a very versatile musical artist

who majored in rock, pop, and soul.

Although it is surprising that he excelled in all three

genres, Michael Jackson was not just an artist who excelled

in music because he was an excellent singer. Being a good

dancer and being able to put up a spectacular performance

were the two major factors that defined Michael Jackson,

his career and success.

Dancing was what put Jackson on the map; his dance moves

were simply breathtaking and phenomenal. In the late 80‟s

Jackson was reputed as one of the greatest artistic and

musical influences because he had hit records like Beat It,

Billie Jean, and Wanna be Starting Something. Michael

Jackson did not just excel in producing great songs, or

putting up spectacular performances. Michael Jackson also

excelled in the area of video production.

Michael Jackson spared nothing and did not hold back when

it came to making his musical videos. Most of his musical

videos were just as spectacular and entertaining as his

performances. Most of Jackson‟s musical videos were the

most expensive during his time and the effect in most of

these videos is something that is worth mentioning. A video

such as Thriller had many cinematographic effects. Black

or White video is also one video where Jackson went wild

with props and costumes.

Musically, Michael would forever be remembered as an artist

who loved music and was loved by the people. The sort of

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energy that Michael Jackson gave out through his music was

quiet unique. Although Jackson still had so much to give

musically, we are all going to miss him dearly because he

died when the ovation was loudest. Millions of Jackson fans

worldwide were denied the joy of witnessing the “THIS IS

IT” concert.

However, even after Jackson‟s death, his album sales went

up because many of his fans worldwide wanted to relive the

memories that the music of Jackson brought. Unlike most

artists today, Michael Jackson was a master of his art. He

was a singer/song writer, dancer/performer who gave us a

reason to smile and stay glued to our TVs.

Rampant Rumors about Michael Jackson

The mid to late 1980's saw many untrue rumors about Michael

Jackson, some of them started by Michael himself. Amongst

these were skin bleaching, sleeping in a hyperbaric oxygen

chamber, and attempting to purchase the bones of the

"elephant man".

While the rumors of skin bleaching were untrue, Jackson‟s

skin was getting progressively lighter due to a medical

condition that Jackson later admitted to having, and was

proven true upon his autopsy, called vitiligo. This

condition causes uneven lightening of the skin which had

a huge impact on Michael who was already dissatisfied with

his appearance, therefore he often wore makeup that

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lightened the completion of the rest of his skin to match.

Of course, this made all of his skin appear to be lightening

over time. The associated stigmas with this condition often

lead to those who are afflicted suffering from mental health

disorders including depression. Possibly associated with

depression and continuing lack of satisfaction with his

appearance, Michael was presumed by many during the late

80's to be suffering from anorexia due to his weight loss

and the often occurring dizzy spells that were witnessed

by many. There were also several surgeons under the

presumption that Jackson had undergone more cosmetic

surgery than he was admitting to.

In 1988 Michael bought a large amount of property in

California and there he built the infamous Neverland Ranch.

Jackson continued to donate to several charities and even

founded his own. Through the Heal the World Foundation

created in 1992, Jackson brought children in need from all

over the world to Neverland Ranch for them to enjoy the

amusement park that he had created. During the early 1990's

Michael worked diligently to draw more attention to the need

for funding for AIDS and HIV research.

This was the time following the death of Ryan White, and

Michael was brave enough to speak to President Clinton on

the highly controversial subject at his inauguration. Part

of Jackson‟s HIV and AIDS charity work during this time

included traveling to Africa to help to draw attention to

the heart of the issue where education on the prevention

of AIDS and HIV was completely unheard of and medical

treatment was sparse at best. As thanks for this, the chief

of one of the tribes in Africa crowned Jackson king while

he was there.

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This was also an important time in Michael‟s musical career

since the early 90's saw the release of the Dangerous album

with the controversial track Black or White. The Dangerous

album was the worldwide bestselling album of 1992, and the

song from the album Black or White was 92's worldwide best

selling single. There were several songs from the album that

were chart toppers on the Billboard Hot 100. Another

highlight of Jackson's career in the early 1990's was his

amazing performance during half time at Super Bowl 27. This

was the first Super Bowl ever that the audience actually

increased during the half time show rather than decreasing.

Remembering the King of Pop

The story made news and headlines all over the world. As

soon as the media announced that Michael Jackson, also known

as the “King of Pop” had died, it seemed like the world stood

still. What shocking news it was, and now one of the world‟s

most loved entertainer would not be walking across the stage

ever again. The world of music itself would forever be

changed from that day on. Michael Jackson was an icon to

some, and a role model to many.

There were kids who wanted to be him whether it was getting

the red leather jacket similar to what he wore in

“Thriller”, or getting their hair done the same ways as

Michael did. Michael Jackson was more than a pop artist.

He loved children and as a matter of fact, had two of his

own. Thriller was the first video that debuted and was the

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start of black music artists playing videos on the


Jackson was number 7 in the Jackson family and became a

singer when he was a mere 11 years old. He began in the year

1969 and was a member of the Jackson 5 which was a band he

and his brothers created. In the year 1971, Jackson moved

on to solo records and singing and still remained in the

Jackson 5. Later on, he earned the name for himself as the

“King of Pop”.

In the year 1982, “Thriller” became a hit and was launched

and became one of the best selling albums of all. There were

also four other solo albums Michael created and included

the following:

• Off the Wall

• Bad

• Dangerous

• History

These were just a few of his hits and number one albums.

He became well known all over the world and became an icon

to some in the music industry. He worked hard to become

successful and soon had followers and fans following his

every move and soon was on the “White” MTV dominant show

in the year 1980 and further. A few of his most popular songs

made it onto the show and included “Thriller”, “Billie

Jean”, and “Beat It”. “Thriller” was what brought him to

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his fame and soon he developed a signature moonwalk dance

for himself.

Michael had a life full of controversy and also a changing

appearance. Through the years this appearance was not seen

as ideal and not accepted by many. Michael had to live with

hatred from some, but the love of his fans never went away.

Michael unfortunately died about 18 days before his debut

comeback with the concert “This Is It”.

Michael suffered from a cardiac arrest and now, the King

of Pop lays to rest at the age of 50. Michael not only gave

Thrill to all of us, but also touched many lives of people

all over the world. He will forever be loved.

The Early Days of Michael Jackson

The name of Michael Jackson is always associated with the

pop music genre, which made its debut in the nineteen

seventies. Before the introduction of this music genre, the

world was used to classical music genres with occasional

variations. There was no huge music culture change until

the advent of Pop Music. Musicians in the earlier days never

thought that they would ever be able to become a public

figure since their work was more important to them than

their public image.

This was changed by Michael Jackson whose work and persona

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were turned into a huge cult. He realized that musicians

had a larger impact on their fans than most realised and

which spreads fast like wild fire. In turn, there is a jump

in the popularity of the musician and a sustained growth

in demand for the musician‟s music. This allowed Michael

to produce more and more hits that became successes in the

coming years.

Michael, however, did not imagine his potential to succeed

when he was a child. He was born in a very modest family

and was the seventh child. With this large family it was

definitely more than a struggle for the father, sole

breadwinner to provide for the basic necessities. Michael‟s

father also had a great musical talent. Even though musical

talent ran in the family, Joseph Jackson, Michael‟s father,

had to give up music to earn a living by becoming a crane

operator. Despite this, his father played the role of a

manager and provided all the support to his children, so

that musical talent could still be developed in the family.

Michael began his career with his other brothers in a

musical band that went by the name of Jackson 5. He later

left the pop group and started his career as an individual

singer in 1970. His musical performances as a young black

artist became an immediate hit, so he was able to sell music

shows well.

This only inspired him to invent newer music compositions

and from then on there was virtually no turning back for

him. He performed in front of huge audiences within the US.

There was certainly an aura of charm in his young boyish

appearance. This eventually allowed him to join the group

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of the best and most powerful artists in the US. Michael

Jackson‟s success brought about the creation of the

television channel known by the name of MTV.

The History of Michael Jackson

While the most memorable news about Michael Jackson from

the mid to late 90's is probably the accusations of sexual

abuse to a child, there was much more that happened in

Michaels life in the 90's. Michael was married in the 90's,

twice as a matter of fact, and became a father not once but

twice as well.

Jackson's first marriage occurred in 1994 to Elvis

Presley's daughter Lisa Marie, while this marriage did not

lead to any children for the couple the friendship remained

strong even after the marriage was over. Throughout the

horrible allegations, Lisa Marie stood by Michael's side

the whole time. While the marriage ended after less than

2 years, Presley later told Oprah in an interview that she

and Jackson maintained an off and on relationship for the

4 years that followed the divorce.

Michael's second marriage didn't last much longer, but did

give him two children. During his world tour for HIStory,

he married Deborah Jeanne Rowe. Rowe was the nurse of

Jackson's dermatologist, both of whom he had befriended

through his on-going struggles with vitiligo. At the time

of their marriage, Rowe was already pregnant with Michael

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Joseph Jackson Jr. and just over a year after his birth she

gave birth to their daughter Paris-Michael Katherine

Jackson. Rowe and Jackson never actually intended to get

married, but eventually the persuasions of Michael's mother

won them both over. When they divorced in 99 Jackson was

given custody of the children.

This time in Michael's life also included more album

releases with HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book 1,

a two disc album with one disc being a greatest hits

collection and the second being full of new songs; and Blood

on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix, an album with 5

remixed songs from the HIStory: Past, Present and Future,

Book 1 as well as 5 new songs. As well, Michael saw another

best selling title for the album Blood on the Dance Floor:

HIStory in the Mix which was the best selling remix album

that was ever released, and an album of the year Grammy

nomination for the HIStory album. The song You are not

Alone also got Jackson the Guinness World Record for the

first song to debut at number one on the Billboard Hot 100.

The time in Michael's life from „93 to „99 saw many ups and

downs for him personally as well as his reputation in the

media and peoples‟ hearts.

The Never Ending Story of Michael Jackson

I want to tell you a story about a man known all over the

world. His name is Michael Jackson. You can be sure that

his music will live forever because he was The King. This

is a short story of his life and work.

Page 69: Michael Jackson Unleashed

Michael Jackson was a star, a bright one. He was born in

1958, as the seventh of nine children. In 1965 he and his

brothers formed a band called “Jacksons 5". Jacko was 11

years old when he became a star and when he was 20 he made

his first solo performance.

Michael played a role in the movie “Wizz" with Diana Ross

in 1985. His singles and albums were awarded many times,

but in 1993 he was awarded with the “Live Legend" reward

in front of 1.2 billion viewers. He was so innovative! His

dance step “moon walking" was unseen, till he showed it in

the “Billie Jean" video clip. He had extraordinary

performances, using many visual and special effects. They

were always surprising.

Michael Jackson was also the first one to create the so

called short-films. The one for the single "Bad" was 19

minutes long and directed by Martin Scorsese. Many famous

persons, such as John Travolta, Eddie Murphy and Naomi

Campbell participated actively in his video clips.

Jacko`s foundation “Heal the World" helped and continues

helping children all over the world. “We Are the World",

written together with Lionel Richie, was performed by more

than 50 artists supporting the campaign against hunger in

Africa. He made the song “What more can I do" also with a

charity purpose, a he was frightened of terroristic attacks

against the United States. Many of his colleagues, such as

Celine Dion, Ricky Martin, Beyonce, Mariah Carey and

Anastasia, participated in this project of his.

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Michael had two marriages (with Lisa Marie Presley and

Deborah Jeanne Rowe, a dermatology nurse) and three kids.

He was accused of child sexual abuse two times and there

was criminal investigation against him based on these

accusations. In 2003, Michael Jackson was arrested and

charged on nine counts. On June 13, 2005 he was acquitted

on all counts. After that there were reports about his

financial problems. He closed the Neverland ranch as a

cost-cutting measure.

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009. This caused grief

and shock worldwide. He died, but his music didn't. After

his death, Jackson became the best selling artist in 2009

in United States. What more can we can say - a singer, song

writer, dancer, composer, choreographer, actor.. but also

a person with emotions and problems like us.

The Phenomenon of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson‟s death has shaken a lot of people up and

has touched a lot of people in ways they never thought

imaginable. No matter the reason, whether it was his young

age or the fact that he was well known and loved all over

the world, no one could have expected this. At 50 years of

age, the King of Pop has passed away, and even though there

were some people that did not know him, he still touched

lives without even knowing it.

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Alicia Keyes said it perfectly when she talked about how

Jackson‟s music was the music of our memories, and the music

of our dreams. Many people grew up listening to him ever

since he was a part of the Jackson 5. This music became a

part of our everyday lives, and as he grew so did we and

we continue to listen to him. Now, there will never be

another concert or another album created.

There is a lot of talk and news in the media and all over

the Internet about the pop sensation and the phenomenon,

and it‟s both tragic and triumphant. There was a report that

referred to it as the ultimate dream and also coupled his

death with a Greek tragedy. Many wonder how someone so

successful, so famous and so well loved could die just like

that. He turned himself into a type of a caricature and what

caused it to happen? His behavior raised eyebrows all over

the world and it also got police investigations started

against him. How could someone so admired feel the need to

change everything about himself so often?

Michael Jackson was an amazing person and he was loved even

as a boy. We all loved the man who did the moonwalk across

the stage at concerts and other appearances. We loved the

boy who charmed America and the rest of the world at the

age of 11 when he began his singing career. The recent events

that have been taking place have shown that Michael Jackson

helped them to reflect on different things and helped to

touch their lives and make them better.

When it comes to the music industry, Michael Jackson touched

so many music artists and inspired them to be so much better

than what they were. Michael Jackson was a role model to

Page 72: Michael Jackson Unleashed

so many people and he will always be remembered as the King

of Pop.

The Real Immortality of Michael Jackson

The death of Michael Jackson was his ultimate return.

Without a song released in the last eight years, the

posthumous star topped the chart of Billboard magazine for

the sales of his singles and albums. iTunes even announced

that his hit Man in the Mirror was the most downloaded song

in the U.S. and Britain. This happened 20 years after its


"Honestly, he's probably worth more dead than alive," said

the newspaper Daily Telegraph. This is sad and cynical, but

also true. The online auction EBay was flooded by souvenir

plates and objects, which belonged to Michael Jackson.

Despite the abundant supply, their prices continue to go

up. Time Magazine even released a special edition. This was

something that had not happened since September 11, 2001.

But their competitors from the magazine OK! surpassed all

with the purchase of an exclusive photo of the lifeless body

of Michael Jackson in the hospital worth 500 thousand


Some commentators even directly stated that the huge demand

for the star's music after his tragic end was probably the

best that could happen to the entertainment industry during

the economic crisis. "In principle, any death of an artist

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should not be assessed as good for business, but the fact

is that it wakes up again the interest in his work,"

explained Professor Don Gordon, Dean of the Faculty of

Management at the prestigious Berklee College of Music.

According to him, Jackson had created a myth around himself,

which in turn resulted in numerous loyal fans. "He will

certainly become the new Elvis Presley," said Adriana

Gasof, owner of the agency organizing the festivities in

New York. She said that requests for imitators of the star

had exploded. "In fact, Michael Jackson never lost

popularity, although he hadn't had a real hit for almost

twenty years" said Gasof. Even during the trial for sexual

abuse of a minor in 2005, demand for his music didn't cease.

Gasof added, "At first I thought: this is the end, the

business will die, but the opposite happened. He will surely

become an icon of pop culture and multimillion-dollar

industry, rivaling Elvis. The king of rock had also become

a controversial figure at the end of his life, but now all

is well forgotten”. It is almost certain that Michael

Jackson will top the Forbes magazine list of the most

profitable dead people. It is now topped by Elvis Presley,

who earned 52 million dollars last year, more than Madonna

(40 million) and Justin Timberlake (44 million).

The Sad Michael Jackson

Those people who personally knew Michael Jackson and his

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most devoted fans firmly believe that it was the sexual

harassment lawsuit he was involved in that actually crushed

Michael's spirit. Even though he was found not guilty, the

star was emotionally devastated and didn't manage to go back

to the stage.

Actually, it doesn't really matter if he was acquitted or

not because the pain he went through was as great as if he

had actually been found guilty. The witness accounts were

so cruel, that a solitary man like Michael could hardly

recover after such a blow.

In fact, Michael Jackson started building up his music

career at the age of ten, an age at which most children play

with cars and dolls. Yet, to make up for his lost childhood

years, he later tried to become the modern Peter Pan and

built the infamous Neverland Ranch with all its amusements,

a zoo and green lawns.

With hindsight, buying Neverland in 1988 was the worst thing

in Michael's life. The ranch provided him with a secure and

isolated spot to retire and so he became even more

introverted. He abandoned his friends and family and

surrounded himself with children. He sank into his

imaginary world to such an extent that he never wanted to

deal with the real world. It seemed that he didn't want to

grow up and his managers encouraged his eccentricity

instead of offering a treatment. In the end, Michael Jackson

was alone with his problems and his debts.

When Michael Jackson's plastic surgeries began in the 80's,

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nobody cared to talk to him or warn him to think these over.

To communicate with him was a task close to the impossible.

He had already breached his contract with the world.

When in the beginning of the 1990's Jordan Chandler accused

him of sexual harassment, this was the end of the pop icon's

happy life. Ten years later, Gavin Arvizo blamed Jackson

for the same thing - sexual harassment on children in the

Neverland Ranch. This time the accusations led to a court


There have been dozens of witness accounts for the

specificity of Michael Jackson's relationship with

children. Some people claimed that he possessed

pornographic pictures of children, presumably copies of

which had been brought to court. Finally, he was found not

guilty, but his reputation and self-esteem had been ruined.

This meant the end of the career and probably the end of

the "normal" life of the King of Pop.

The Saddest Day in the World of Music

Michael Jackson, the inventor of the famous Moonwalk dance,

died an unnatural death. Even though it was reiterated by

his doctors that he died of cardiac arrest, there has been

a growing opposition to this claim. Conflicting versions

have come up from time to time claiming the death was caused

by other factors remotely connected to cardiac arrest.

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Michael Jackson was found unconscious in his home in Los

Angeles, California. His doctor Conrad Murray found him

unconscious, but he could feel a faint pulse. Michael

Jackson was immediately given cardiopulmonary

resuscitation, but this did not result in any noticeable

changes. He was taken for treatment to the Ronald Regan UCLA

Medical Center where he passed away.

Reports about his death spread like wildfire throughout the

world. The US was hit with the terrible news in a matter

of minutes. Large groups of fans took to the streets to mourn

his death. The music industry too went into mourning. The

star passed away too early as was said by several of his

fans and friends in the media.

His death was later investigated as it was believed that

he died because of an overdose of drugs, taken by him to

treat his insomniac condition. The drug found responsible

for the death of Michael Jackson was propofol, a mild

anesthetic used in varying doses and administered with

hypodermic injections.

Further investigation revealed that the doctor injecting

propofol in Michael Jackson was in fact only trying to keep

him away from the getting larger doses. For this purpose

he administered anti-anxiety medicines and antidepressants

to the star. The doctor was immediately arrested, but was

released on bail, when it was found that his action was not

with intent to kill Michael Jackson. Still, the

investigation of the star's sudden death is still in

progress. There are a number of lawsuits in pending status

against several companies, firms and the doctors involved

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in his treatment.

The Jackson family issued a statement expressing absolute

grief and shock of the passing away of Michael Jackson. They

preferred to mourn and grief in private. It is believed that

they will never come to terms with his sudden passing away.

It was indeed difficult for everyone in the family to

believe that Michael Jackson was no more amongst them.

Even after death, Michael Jackson continues to receive

awards and prizes for his songs and dance performances. He

has been posthumously recognized for some of his best songs

that remain hits even today.

The Star of Michael Jackson

The shock wave was universal. The announcement of the sudden

death of the singer Michael Jackson, who suffered a heart

attack at age 50 on Thursday, June 25th 2009 in Los Angeles

(California), caused immense grief throughout America. In

Los Angeles, where he lived, as well as in New York and in

other major cities, groups of fans gathered spontaneously

on the streets. People did not believe, they wondered and


Michael Jackson was one of the best-known singers in US and

around the world. His songs revolutionized the dance music.

His personality was also provocative. It was intriguing to

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some and revolting to others, with his face changing all

the time. He had bleached his skin, turned his house into

an amusement park and had been found not guilty for child

molestation in his reclusive life. His comeback was

supposed to begin with a series of concerts, the first to

be held in London on July 13th 2009. But these dreams were

crushed on the day of his death. The pain of losing a great

artist was the one thing that dominated the world.

From Madonna and filmmaker Steven Spielberg to the

California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, countless

celebrities and stars were overwhelmed by the news and

mourned Michael Jackson's death. The man who knew Michael

Jackson best, the producer Quincy Jones, with whom he made

the album "Thriller", the best selling in history, said:

"His music is heard all over the world, since he had

everything - flair, elegance and professionalism. I have

lost my loving brother today and my half soul is gone.

In the past few years, we only heard about the pop star in

a negative light. The bad news came with his trial for

pedophilia in 2005. Despite the fact that he was acquitted,

a series of bizarre personal behaviors accompanied by

serious legal and financial problems left a devastating

mark on the star's life. But his sudden death, which

reminded all of the death of Elvis Presley, who died of a

heart attack at the age of 42 in 1977, has deeply affected

Americans of all ages and the entire world. Everyone

remembers "Billy Jean", "We Are the World" and his marvelous

dance steps.

Paramedics were called at 12 h 21 to the star's residence

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in Holmby Hills, where he lived with his children. His

personal physician had tried to resuscitate Michael Jackson

who had apparently suffered a cardiac arrest. He was taken

urgently to the nearest hospital, the UCLA, where he arrived

at 13 h 14. He passed away shortly after this.

The World‟s Reaction to Michael Jackson‟s Death

The news of the sudden death of Michael Jackson was

announced by his brother Jermaine, who is the official

spokesman of the family. Without meeting any journalists

he read a text that said: "Our family asks the media to show

respect for our personal lives in this difficult period.

Allah be with you Michael, I will always love you!" Only

a few days afterwards, the King of Pop was supposed to have

made a comeback. On 13th July 2009 in London he would have

made his first concert for the past 10 years.

Hours after the death of Michael Jackson, information began

to appear about court battles for his inheritance. It had

to be determined how much of his wealth would be for his

children. It was still not clear who would take care of them.

The reactions of some of the most famous people in the world

who have been friends with the King of Pop came soon, after

the tragic news was announced. Musicians, actors,

producers, journalists and businessmen shared their grief

with the world as well as their memories of Michael Jackson.

The American actress Elizabeth Taylor was among his closest

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friends. He spent with her many of the worst moments in his

life. The Hollywood star said she was "too deeply

devastated" to publish a statement and that she would make

one after recovering from the news. The music producer

Quincy Jones, who had worked with Michael Jackson on three

of its best-selling albums, "Off the Wall", "Thriller" and

"Bad", said he was shattered by the tragic and unexpected

news. "He was an amazing showman and his contribution and

legacy will be felt around the world forever. I lost my

younger brother and part of my soul”.

Lisa Marie Presley, who was briefly married to Michael

Jackson, made a statement, too: "I'm so sad and confused.

My heart is broken for his children who were everything to

him and his family. This is such a huge loss on so many levels

that words are not enough”.

Celine Dion called Michael Jackson "the genius who will

never die." In an interview, the singer talked about how

she grew up with the songs of the King of Pop. She shared,

"He was an idol for me throughout my whole life. I remember

how much I loved listening to his songs when I was little.

I had his posters in my room. Michael Jackson was incredibly

talented, he was a genius”.

Top Hits of Michael Jackson

No matter whether you are checking the Grammy Award winners

or the Billboard Hot 100, you will find the name of Michael

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Jackson written in golden letters. The successes were

common in Michael‟s life and he never missed an opportunity

to make something innovative and creative that had never

been done before. His top 10 hits are a collector‟s pride

even today and the envy of those who cannot find them


Michael Jackson began the chart conquering with the hit

“Don‟t stop till you get enough” that came after almost 7

years of attempts to make a big name in the pop music world.

It worked like magic, as he decided to do a mix and match

with disco and some amount of R&B music. This produced the

first famous hit of his career.

Till the age of eleven, Michael Jackson was a part of a

family band that was named Jackson 5. The band members were

all his elder brothers who had special music talents duly

nurtured by their father who was a guitarist himself.

Michael Jackson‟s ability to make incredible stage

performances earned him a special place in the pop music

world. Additionally, he commanded enough respect to earn

him guaranteed work with any music performer that he would


After the blazing performance of “Don‟t stop till you get

enough” in early 1979, Michael Jackson went on to work on

another solo project this time with Rod Temperton‟s “Rock

with you”. It blew the minds of music fans and silenced his

critics. The disco era was coming to an end and Michael

Jackson gave the last finishing touches to the grand finale

with his exceptional version of “Rock with you” that became

a success immediately. 1979 was the year that saw Michael

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Jackson beginning his adult life with successive


“Billie Jean” released in 1983 brought the phenomenal

success of Michael Jackson as a solo artist. With the saga

of a personal incident interwoven in “Billie Jean”, Michael

Jackson put in all the ingredients necessary for an

outstanding hit and a major music success.

Moving on to “Say say say” with Paul McCartney, Michael

Jackson ensured that he ruled the audiences. He was at the

top because this was where he truly belonged. Michael sang

the song “Bad” and it was immediately accepted by the

audience. It became the first of a series of MJ phenomena.

MJ refers Michael Jackson. This term is often used by his


He went on to produce his other iconic masterpieces like

“The way you make me feel”, “Man in the mirror”, “Black or

white” and “You are not alone”.

Understanding Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is one of the most conflicting pop stars

of the 21st century. The reviews for him are contradictory,

so it would be difficult to classify him as a favorite of

the entire audience. While his supporters are many, the

people who condemn him as a person with serious

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psychological problems seem to be equally many.

Michael Jackson was born in 1958 in Gary, Indiana. He is

the seventh of nine children. Only 5 years old, he began

his musical career as the lead singer of the formation The

Jacksons, in which he participated along with his brothers.

His subsequent solo career was a logical consequence.

Until the late 80's, Michael was reaping considerably more

success than the band of his brothers. He participated in

the musical "The Wizard of Oz" in 1978, where he starred

with Diana Ross. The album "Off the Wall", produced by the

record company Epic Records, was a success worldwide. It

is the world's first album issuing 4 hit singles, which

topped the charts in the U.S.

In 1982 Michael Jackson released the best-selling album in

the world of all time - Thriller. From it, seven songs have

established themselves as top hits and as evergreens. They

still participate in world music charts. In 1984, Michael

Jackson won eight Grammy awards for only one night –

Thriller. In 1987 he released the album "Bad". This was the

year of his first world tour. In the late 80's he was named

Singer of the decade.

In 1991 he signed a contract with the record company Sony

and released his fourth album "Dangerous". In 1994,

Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the rock

legend Elvis Presley, but their marriage lasted only 19

months. In 1995 Michael issued his fifth album History,

which contained new songs and some of his already popular

old hits. In 1996, he got married for a second time to Debbie

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Rowe, a nurse whom the singer met during a treatment for

the imbalance in the pigmentation of his skin.

His children Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. and Paris Michael

Katherine Jackson were born in 1996th and 1997,

respectively. Michael Jackson's postmodern extravagance

and vanity most probably triggered his mental imbalance,

driven by the strong complex that he was black and not white.

So he remains in history as a brilliant creative pop singer

that scandalized the world with his appearance.

Was Michael Jackson Gay?

Living in isolation and solitude caused many to question

if Michael Jackson had anything to hide. Despite the fact

that Jackson had no private life because the paparazzi

constantly invaded his privacy, the life of Jackson is one

that was shrouded in much secrecy. Unlike most other

artists, Jackson was not very outspoken about his

sexuality. Sincerely speaking, why would a star like

Jackson who had 80 percent of the girls in the globe as fans

and admirers resort to have having a child with a surrogate


From having his second son Prince through artificial

insemination to inviting young boys over for sleepovers,

seem to be indications that Michael could be gay. Most fans

would have realised that Michael was never outspoken about

his sexuality; all he ever spoke of was his love for kids.

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Besides not being outspoken about his sexuality, it is on

record that Michael Jackson also admitted to using female

perfumes. Many people might wonder why any man in his right

senses would prefer to use female perfumes when there are

so many male perfumes to choose from out there that he can

afford. Others might say that it made no difference.

From his childhood days it was evident that Jackson was a

little different from other children. In some time past,

his mother was quoted saying that she was worried because

Jackson rarely went out with girls. Now if we are to analyze

this it is certain that a star such as Michael Jackson ought

to have had many romantic relationships. He had many

attractive ladies, stars and models alike falling heads

over hills in love with him. And throughout his lifetime

Jackson was never accused of molesting young innocent

girls; rather, he got into trouble several times for his

secret escapades with little boys. Of course, nothing was

ever proven.

The truth about Jackson sexuality is unknown to no one but

him. From the grapevine, most young ladies who were friends

with Jackson in his youthful days all complained that he

was so shy and loved been teased. Most of them also

complained that he was never interested in having sex with

them or taking them to bed. Throughout his life and career,

there was no time at all where any lady young or old openly

reported that she had sex with Michael Jackson. Nobody ever

reported or rumored that he saw Jackson making love to a

girl. But of course, he did have children with Lisa Marie.

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We Still Miss Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson‟s death was a tragedy for many people all

over the world and nowadays, many people remember him all

the time. No matter where you go, there are contributions

to the music sensation as well as the world itself that

adores him so much.

Michael loved people and had a great love for humanity which

was unparalleled. He was and will always be an icon for kids

of all ages as well as for some adults in the music industry

nowadays. Michael Jackson was a pop sensation, and earned

himself the name of the King of Pop. He touched so many

people all over the world and will never be forgotten.

Family, friends, and fans still miss him very dearly and

to them, Michael will always be alive. Michael will forever

be a great man in history.

Not many people understood Michael or his ways and

behaviors, but God knew that there was a reason that Michael

was born. Michael had a deep love for children of all ages

as well as the entire human race. He knew deep down inside

that children were precious souls and that they were gifts

from God. He gave his very best to this world and never gave

up on anything.

Many people feel that Michael dyed his skin to escape the

black, but this is not the case. In fact, Michael saw it

as a bridge that he stood between to let everyone know the

true meaning of love. Even though Michael is dead, so many

fans will continue to listen to his music for years to come.

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Michael touched so many lives and will continue on forever

as the King of Pop.

Michael was seen by many as weird, but this is not true.

He was a great guy who had a lot of love to give to others.

Michael loved children and everything he did was for them.

Take a look at Neverland, his home and theme park created

especially for children. Michael never did anything wrong,

and now the King of Pop is dead.

Many people were touched by him and the music industry will

never be the same with him gone. Many people remember

Michael for all the bad things he did and not the good

things. Michael deserves to be remembered for all the good

times and good things he did. He was a successful music

artist and that is how he should be remembered.

What Caused The Death Of Michael Jackson?

The death of the King of Pop may have shocked the world,

but those who knew him, seemed to show no surprise. Indeed,

there were signs that his health was too fragile. It is

argued that dependence on painkillers, which lasted for

years and the stress from the significant media pressure

about his long-awaited return to the stage are the root

causes of his death. In his last months, Michael Jackson

had difficulty rehearsing for the tour which was scheduled

to begin in July 2009 in England.

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According to people close to the family, he was never able

to fight his addiction to painkillers. Back pain was the

main reason why Jackson was taking medication. According

to most journalists, his dependence dates back to 1984,

following an incident that Michael suffered while filming

a Pepsi ad, in which his hair ignites. His addiction to

the drug called Demerol increased after an accident during

rehearsals for his tour in 1993. At that time he was already

addicted to Valium and Xanax and went into a rehabilitation

center. However, Michael Jackson did not overcome his


After the trial against him for abuse of children, the

health of the star significantly deteriorated. Another

issue that Michael was confronted with had to do with the

fact that had had many surgeries of his nose. It was

difficult for him to breathe. Jackson was too weak and it's

believed that he had serious eating problems. He was

extremely concerned with how the food we eat can affect the

aging of the body. He suffered from a phobia associated with

aging, which he never overcame.

The speculation that he was physically strong enough to make

a comeback was more hopeful than certain. But Michael

Jackson was in need of money because had a habit of giving

promises that couldn't meet. His last days were certainly

quite stressful for him. The AEG sponsors of the tour tried

hard to save their investment of 65 million pounds.

During the promotion of the tour, rumors leaked that Michael

suffered from skin cancer, but he and his agent Randy

Phillips denied them. But the truth is that Michael Jackson

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was physically and mentally shattered after the child

molestation trial in 2005. He spent most of the time in a

wheelchair. Although the charges against him were dropped,

some details of his life which became public changed him


Speculations about the singer's death are ongoing, despite

the fact that the causes of death were formally confirmed.

When the World Lost Michael Jackson

The world mourns for Michael Jackson. The King of Pop died

suddenly at the age of 50. The medics fought for his life

more than an hour, but could not save him. Hundreds of fans

surrounded the hospital in Los Angeles, where the singer

had been taken. Fans of the King of Pop were leaving flowers

and stuffed animals outside his home. Many international

celebrities expressed admiration for the talent of the most

popular singer of our time.

The official cause of death of Michael Jackson is cardiac

arrest. When doctors arrived at his house, the King of Pop

was no longer breathing. They fought for his life as he was

transported to the hospital of the University of California

in Los Angeles. There, the efforts continued, but without


Many news sites claim that the singer had died after

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receiving "a large dose of morphine that was injected by

his personal physician". However, to this date, the doctor

cannot be reached for comment. It is no secret that Michael

Jackson had serious health problems. According to some

information in the media, he had been diagnosed with skin

cancer. His disease was supposedly the consequence of the

series of plastic surgeries that he had had over the years.

Jackson's face was literally falling apart, as he had

changed his nose, cheeks and chin. Because of this he kept

a mask on his face. His skin problems caused him great pain,

for which he was taking multiple medications. According to

his friend and former producer Ben Ammar Taraclia, the

doctors treating Jacko, have always benefited from his

illness by prescribing him expensive drugs without any

reason. "These are criminals and charlatans who took

advantage of the fact that he was a hypochondriac," he


At the end of 2008, the biographer Ian Halparin

sensationally announced that Michael Jackson had died.

According to the writer, the King of Pop suffered from a

rare disease of the lungs, which required immediate lung

transplantation. According to Halparin, it could not be

made because the body of Jacko would not withstand the

operation. Information was strongly refuted by a spokesman

for Michael Jackson. Then he assured the fans of the artist

around the world that Jackson was feeling well and not

suffering from such a disease.

The end of the artist, however, as we saw, was nearer than

expected. Still, he remains one of the most popular music

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artists of all times.


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